HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0001422_Industrial Stormwater Evaluation_20150302(� DUKE ENERGY. PROGRESS February 23, 2015 Mr. Bradley Bennett NCDEMLR- Stormwater Permitting Program 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1612 Subject: Duke Energy Progress, Inc. L. V. Sutton Energy Complex NPDES Industrial Stormwater Evaluation Dear Mr. Bennett: L. V. Sutton Energy Complex 801 Sutton Steam Plant Rd Wilmington, NC 28401 o: 910.341.4750 f: 910.341.4790 RECEIVEDIDENRIDWR MAR 0 2 2015 Water Quality Permitting Section This letter and the attached materials are provided in response to Tom Reeder's February 6th letter which indicated that the Department of Environment and Natural Resources is preparing draft NPDES permits for the L.V. Sutton Energy Complex (Sutton Plant). The draft would address NCDENR's November 5, 2014 notice letter reclassifying Sutton Cooling Pond as "Waters of the State ". Historically, Sutton Plant has not been required to obtain an individual industrial stormwater permit due to the fact that all stormwater flows were comingled with wastewater and properly authorized under the NPDES permit. Stormwater which was identified as being potentially influenced by industrial activity (or materials) was routed to the ash ponds for treatment before being discharged into the cooling pond. Other "exempt" stormwater flows were routed directly to the cooling pond, also comingled with wastewater, and monitored through the requirements of the NPDES permit prior to being discharged through outfall 001 to the Cape Fear River. NCDENR's intent to reclassify the cooling pond as "Waters of the State" necessitated a review of all point source stormwater discharges to the cooling pond. Duke Energy would then be required to apply for permit coverage for those distinct point - source outfalls to waters of the state. Enclosed, please find an assessment titled identification of Potential NPDES Permittable Discharge Points. This assessment is the result of an evaluation commissioned by Duke Energy to identify all potential point source discharges at the Sutton Plant. The evaluation considered existing site operations as well as planned and future activities such as coal removal and ash pond excavation. Although the assessment does identify several potential outfalls, those outfalls discharge to the Sutton Plant's effluent channel. Duke Energy has submitted an application to the Division of Water Resources to properly permit the effluent channel (which primarily consists of the site's recirculated water discharge) as a comingled waste stream. This waste stream would be regulated as a new NPDES outfall 008 discharging into Sutton Cooling Pond. Since all site stormwater is comingled with wastewater and will be authorized and regulated by the NPDES wastewater permit, there are no point source discharges of stormwater requiring an individual industrial stormwater permit. Therefore an application for an individual industrial stormwater permit will not be submitted. As described in the excavation plan submitted for the Sutton Plant, Duke Energy L V. Sullm Of - -'r P1MM NPW8 Partin NC0001422 Rup a @ b NCDENR Nola d IModNk@Vm PaP2d2 will implement stormwater hest management practices, as applicable, found in Table 2 of the EPA Sector "0" Industrial Stormwater Fact Sheet as an added measure of good faith. Duke Energy respectfully request that NCDENR review the enclosed evaluation and provide a written response as to your concurrence that no individual industrial storm water permit is required for existing activities or the movement of materials (i,e, residual coal and /or ash) In the drainage areas flowing to the wastewater effluent channel. Thank you, in advance for your consideration of the above - requested items. If there are any questions, please contact either: • ML Toya Ogallo, Environmental Specialist at our North Carolina Regional Headquarters, phone (919) 546.6647 or email Wjova.Oeailo48duke- enerev.com, or • Mr. Kent Tyndall, Environmental Professional for the L V. Sutton Energy Complex Plant; phone (910) 341 -4775 ore -mall Kent.Tvndal19Dduke- enerRvv.com. J certify, under penalty of law, that this docnnnent and all aunts were prepared under my direction or supervision In accordance with a system designed to assure dot quagjled personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted Based an my Inquiry a¢ the person or persons who manage the system, or dwse persons &ecly respws9*f w gi g the Information, the Information subm tted is, to the best of my kwwfedge and belief, tare, accurate, and complete. l am aware that there are signifkant pernolties for submitting false information, Including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Sincerely, A-gvz--� Allen A. Clare Station Manager Enclosures A. AlIp A OF, amec foster wheeler February 20, 2015 Ms. Letoya Ogallo Duke Energy NPDES Permitting and Compliance NCRH 14 410 South Wilmington Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 Subject: Identification of Potential NPDES Permittable Discharge Points L.V. Sutton Energy Complex New Hanover County, North Carolina Dear Ms. Ogallo, As authorized by Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC (Duke Energy), Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. (Amec Foster Wheeler) completed the identification of potential National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permittable discharge points (both wastewater and industrial stormwater) at the L.V. Sutton Energy Complex. This work was based upon the new classification of the Cooling Pond as "Waters of the State ". The scope of work included Amec Foster Wheeler's identification site visit with Duke Energy personnel, review of data and information on the history and nature of each potential NPDES outfall, production of a new outfall map that identifies and locates each newly permittable outfall (Appendix A), and this letter report. Background Information On November 5, 2014, the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) submitted a letter to Duke Energy detailing the reclassification of Sutton Lake (Cooling Pond) as "waters" of the State, as defined in the North Carolina General Statute §143- 212(6). This reclassification necessitates a modification to the NPDES permit for the L.V. Sutton Energy Complex (NC0001422). There is one final permitted outfall and five internal outfalls that are identified in the current NPDES permit for the Sutton Plant. However, there are additional outfalls to the Cooling Pond, which may need to be permitted. Existing Outfall Identification Amec Foster Wheeler reviewed site reconnaissance data from archived design and as -built plans, performed a site specific walk- through with Duke Energy personnel on 12 February 2015, and used Graphic Information System (GIS) equipment to obtain the geodetic location of each potential NPDES permittable outfall. Correspondence: Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. 4021 Stirrup Creek Drive, Suite 100 Durham, North Carolina 27703 Tel (919) 381 -9900 Fax (919) 381 -9901 Lkensure: NC Engineering F -1253 NC Geology C -247 Duke Energy February 20, 2015 Page 2 L V. Sutton Energy Complex Amec Foster Wheeler identified the potential NPDES permittable outfalls (NPO) and presents them in Table -1 below. The outfalls are graphically shown in the attached photolog and in Appendix A. Table4: Potential NPDES (Wastewater and Industrial Stormwater) Pennittable Outfalls Outfall ID Outfall Description Existing NPDES Outfall for the Cooling Pond Sluice Structure Discharge into the 001 Cape Fear River. This outfall also includes a 12" HOPE gravity bypass discharge pipe from the 1984 Ash Pond Discharge Tower. Existing NPDES Internal Outfall for the 1971 Ash Pond Riser Structure into the 002 Cooling Pond. This outfall currently receives pumped stormwater from the former coal -fired generation site area. Existing NPDES Internal Outfall for the 1984 Ash Pond Discharge Tower into the 004 Cooling Pond. The 1984 Ash Pond is planned to receive pumped water from the 1971 Ash Pond and the 1984 Ash Pond during ash removal. Two 16 -inch Reinforced Concrete Pipes (RCP) outfalls that drain stormwater NPO -1 runoff from the temporary laydown area and parking lot into the Discharge Canal. The laydown area is covered under an existing ES &C Plan (Project ID: NEWHA- 2014 -013). 6 -inch Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP) outfall that discharges pumped stormwater runoff NPO -2 from the parking lot and Peaker Combustion Turbine (CT) area into the Discharge Canal. NPO -3 Two 16 -inch RCP outfalls that drain stormwater runoff from the parking lot area into the Discharge Canal. NPO-4 6 -inch DIP outfall that discharges pumped stormwater from the 115 Electrical Switchyard area. Heated water discharge flume for the Combined Cycle generation units. This NPO -5 outfall structure includes the discharge pipe from the south wet detention basin at the South of the Plant. The pipe size and location were not identified at the time of the inspection, due to the level of water within the discharge canal. NPO-6 Rip rap armored emergency spillway for the north infiltration basin that treats stormwater from a parking lot and surrounding areas. Future Outfall Identification Amec Foster Wheeler discussed and reviewed future construction and operation plans for the site with Duke Energy personnel on 12 February 2015. Amec Foster Wheeler discussed the potential construction of new rail road spurs within the site and a new loading yard at the Ash Pond sites. We also discussed potential groundwater management strategies and planned Correspondence: Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. 4021 Stirrup Creek Drive, Suite 100 Durham, North Carolina 27703 Tel (919) 381 -9900 Fax (919) 381 -9901 Licensure: NC Engineering F -1253 NC Geology C -247 Duke Energy L V �Y Complex Febru 2015 V. Sutbn En Page 3 points of discharge into the discharge canal. We understand that neither the rail line nor the groundwater management strategies have been designed. Based upon our understanding of the rail line construction and the future ash removal plans, Amec Foster Wheeler presents the future potential outfalls (FPO) that may need to be permitted in Table -2 below. Table -2: Future Potential NPDES Permittable Outfall Descriptions Outfall ID Outfall Description 12 -inch DIP existing stormwater force main from the West Detention Basin is planned to be rerouted to discharge flow directly into the discharge canal. In July FPO -1 2014, Duke Energy applied for this discharge to be included in the NPDES wastewater permit as internal outfall 007. This modification is currently in review with the NCDENR. 12 -inch DIP existing stormwater force main from the tank farm may be rerouted to discharge flow directly into the discharge canal. As disclosed in Duke FPO -2 Energy's July 2014 permit modification request, this re-route would occur after coal has been removed (coal pile runoff currently contributes to the tank farm force main) and the area re- graded in accordance with the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan. Construction of the potential rail loading yard during the ash removal may require stormwater collection and routing to either the discharge canal or one of the ash FPO -3 basins for storage. The location of the potential outfall(s) has not been determined and, based on review of preliminary design plans, no potential point sources have been identified. Conclusions Amec Foster Wheeler identified a total of nine potential NPDES permittable outfalls for the Sutton Plant based upon reclassification of Sutton Lake (Cooling Pond) as "waters" of the State. Outfalls 001, 002, and 004 are existing NPDES permit outfalls from permit NC0001422 and remain as permittable outfalls, based on the Sutton Lake reclassification. Outfalls NPO -1 through NPO-6 are existing outfalls into the discharge channel that could be considered permittable, based on the Sutton Lake reclassification. Each of these outfall locations is described in Table -1. Through discussions with Duke Energy staff, Amec Foster Wheeler identified three possible future permittable NPDES outfall locations. Future outfall FPO -1 is currently in review with the NCDENR and pending approval. Future outfall FPO -2 is related to decommissioning and outfalls FPO -3 is related to potential ash removal excavation and transportation activities. It is Amec Foster Wheeler's understanding that the design plans for the future rail spurs and the excavation plans have not been finalized or permitted. Correspondence: Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. 4021 Stirrup Creek Drive, Suite 100 Durham, North Carolina 27703 Tel (919) 381 -9900 Fax (919) 381 -9901 Licensure: NC Engineering F -1253 NC GeoIogy C -247 Duke Energy February 20, 2015 Page 4 Recommendations L V. Sutton Energy Complex Amec Foster Wheeler recommends an update of the NPDES permit (NC0001422) for the Sutton Combined Cycle Station to reflect the 10 newly pennittable outfalls (Outfalls 001, 002, 004, NPO -1 through NPO-6, and FPO-1) into the Cooling Pond. Until the design plans for the ash removal, rail spur extension and loading yard are completed and the specific location of the outfalls identified, future outfall FPO -2 and FPO -3 cannot be included in the NPDES permit update. The NPDES permit may need to be updated once the final locations for FPO -2 and FPO -3 are finalized. It should be noted that FPO -3 may not be needed if no point sources are identified with the rail loading yard. It is our understanding that NCDENR on 11 February 2015 has defined the discharge canal as an effluent channel that extends from the combined cycle power block to a location where the dredged channel ends at Sutton Lake. Therefore, the change in classification of the discharge canal to an effluent channel will likely eliminate the need for additional Stormwater NPDES coverage and only require an update to the existing NPDES permit. It would also allow additional flexibility for discharges during the decommissioning and ash removal projects at the site. Ames Foster Wheeler also suggests possible construction of a level weir to isolate the discharge channel from the Cooling Pond. While this would not provide additional storage for retention purposes, it would provide a mechanism to separate the "waters" of the State and provide a measure of outlet control during plant decommissioning activities and ash removal projects. Closing Amec Foster Wheeler appreciates the opportunity to offer our services on this project. If you have any questions concerning this response, please contact us. Sincerely, Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Jason Carmine, P.E. Brian Lowther, P.E. Senior Engineer Project Engineer IVX Ch E e,",}1l11111►/I ryl Attachments: Appendix A — NPDES Permittable Outfall Locations Map Appendix B — Photographic Log Corrsspondwoo: Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. 4021 Stirrup Creek Drive, Suite 100 Durham, North Carolina 27703 Tel (919) 381 -9900 Fax (919) 381 -9901 Licensure: NC Engineering F -1253 NC Geology C -247 amec a foster wheeler Appendix A NPDES Permittable Outfall Locations Map Correspondent.: Amec Foster VNheeler Em*onment & Infrastructure, Inc. 4021 Stirrup Creek Drive, Suite 100 Durham, North Carolina 27703 Tel (919) 381 -9900 Fax (919) 381 -9901 Uoensure: NC Engineering F -1253 NC Geology 0-247 i; - * ' is III oa PG EmeFgn& DIPALh" 4Y Irifilt(ati n 'orm i eh�rge Roy ^r / r P ma ;t yiBe Plaro NPO.6, I i eo�and Nobm '.s2 - "� LEGEND :aZ= New Permittable Stormwater Outfall Exsiting NPDES Outfall A Point of Interest NPR Approximate Drainage Areas r into FPO Future Potential Outfall Drainage Area Information NP41 :, Parking Lof/Laydown Yard NPC-2 i CT Units/Yard Drainage NPO 3 ( Parking Lot NPOA -t Switch Yard Area NP0.5 Combine Cycb Pleat NP46 Parking Lot Retired Coal Plant (punW to FP0­1 I West Detention Pond and then :to Outfal002) 1 Former Coal Storage FPO-2 iArea/Tank Farm (Pumped to Outfall 002) FPC-3 Potential Rail System in Amec Foster Wheeler reviewed site reconnaissance — data from archived design and as -built plans, perfor- med a site specific walk- through with Duke Energy personnel on 12 February 2015, and used GIS equip- ment to obtain the geodetic location of each new NPDES perrnittable outfall. NEW PERMITTABLE OUTFALL LOCATIONS DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS L.V. SUTTON ENERGY COMPLEX GWILMINGTON, NC Projection: NAD83 State Plane FIPS 3200 (US Feet) Vertical Datum: NAVD88 FIGURE: 001 I DATE: 02 -20 -15 Appendix B Photographic Log Com spoadence: AmecFosterWheeler'- 6tlt..i.. , .,,, ,hoc. 4021 Stirrup Creek Drive, Suite 100 Durham, North Carolina 27703 Tel (919) 381 -9900 Fax (919) 381 -9901 Lime: NC En&mrin8 F -1253 NC OwkW C -247 -41 amec foster wheeler amec t foster wheeler Client Name: Duke Energy Photo No. 1 Date: 02/1212015 Description: NPO -1 - Two 16 -inch Reinforced Concrete Pipes (RCP) outfalls that drain stormwater runoff from the laydown area and parking lot into the Discharge Canal. Location: 34.28453° N 77.983638° W Photo No. 2 Description: Date: 02112/2015 Inlet to NPO -1 that drain stormwater from the laydown area and parking lot into the Discharge Canal. Location: 34.28453° N 77.983638° W PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Site Location: L.V. Sutton Energy Complex kkk - i•,j V. amec foster wheeler Client Name: Duke Energy Photo No. 3 Date: 02/12/2015 Description: NPO -2 - 6 -inch Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP) outfall that discharges pumped stormwater from the parking lot and Combustion Turbine (CT) Towers area into the Discharge Canal. Location: 34.284205° N 77.983721 ° W Photo No. 4 1 Date: 02/12/2015 Description: NPO -3 - Two 16 -inch RCP outfalls that drain stormwater runoff from the parking lot area into the Discharge Canal. Location: 34.283519° N 77.983732° W PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Site Location: L.V. Sutton Energy Complex 0 amec foster wheeler Client Name: Duke Energy Photo No. 5 Date: 02/12/2015 Description: NPO -4 - 6 -inch DIP outfall that discharges pumped stormwater from the 115 Electrical Switchyard area. Note: All oil containing areas of the switchyard go to an OWS for treatment. Location: 34.28282° N 77.983971' W Photo No. 6 Description: Date: 02/12/2015 View of 115 Electrical Switchyard area and lift station #10. PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Site Location: L.V. Sutton Energy Complex ..rte" amec foster wheeler Client Name: Duke Energy Photo No. 7 Date: I 02/12/2015 Description: 8 inch DIP discharge - source currently unknown. Capped and not in use. Location: 34.282565° N 77.984019° W Photo No. 8 1 Date: 02/12/2015 Description: View of capped 8 inch DIP Location: 34.282565° N 77.984019° W PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Site Location: L.V. Sutton Energy Complex amec foster wheeler Client Name: Duke Energy Photo No. 9 Date: 02/12/2015 Description: NPO -5 - Heated water discharge flume for the Sutton Combined Cycle Station. This outfall structure includes the discharge pipe from the stormwater pond at the South of the Plant. The pipe size and location were not identified at the time of the inspection due to the level of water within the discharge canal. Location: 34.282647° N 77.983456° W Photo No. 10 Description: Date: 02/1212015 NPO -6 - View of Rip rap armored emergency spillway for the North Infiltration Basin that treats stormwater from a parking lot and surrounding areas. Location: 34.282773° N 77.98333° W PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Site Location: L.V. Sutton Energy Complex amec i foster wheeler Client Name: Duke Energy Photo No. 11 1 Date: 02/12/2015 Description: View of 6 -inch PVC eductor pipe for back washing the inlet screen (Recirculation) Note: This pipe will be removed as part of demolition of the coal site. Location. 34.282024° N 77.986159° W Photo No. 12 Date: 02/12/2015 Description: Exisiting NPDES Outfall 001 Sampling Point. Location: 34.282617° N 77.988917° W Site Location: L.V. Sutton Energy Complex PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG �. 1� IT amec foster wheeler Client Name: Duke Energy Photo No. 13 Date: 02/12/2015 Description: 1984 Discharge Tower Diverter Structure Location: 34.298853° N 77.992441° W Photo No. 14 Date: _ 02/ 1212015 Description: 1984 Ash Pond Outlet Stucture - Outfall 004 PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Site Location: L.V. Sutton Energy Complex i ;� � r L amec foster wheeler Client Name: Duke Energy Photo No. 15 Date: 02/1212015 Description: 1971 Ash Pond Discharge Pipe Note: Approximate location (actually about 10 feet to the east) Location: 34.292545° N 77.993243° W Photo No. 16 1 Date: 02/12/2015 Description: 1971 Ash Pond Outlet Structure - Outfall 002 PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Site Location: L.V. Sutton Energy Complex