HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150225 Ver 1_Application_20150302PAT l�ICCRORS' GOV[RNOR ��.�� � ;rg.�� -¢��� STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTM�NT OF TRANSPORTATTON MTl'C�l 2, 2.�� 5 Ms. Lori Beck�vith, NCDOT Regnlatoiy Project Manager U.S. Army Coips of Engineers Aslteville Regulatoty Field Office I51 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Aslieville, NC 28801 ANTHONYJ.TATA Srcrzrrnkv SubjecL• Natiom��ide 14 Permit Application NC 294 — Safery Improvemeuts — Widening and Realignme�it Cherakee County TIP Pj•oject No. R-3622B State Project No.: WBS 38068.1.1 (DWQ Minoi• Permit Fee $240) Dear Ms. Beckwith: The Nordi Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to widen and realign NC 294 from SR 1130 (Sumiy Yoint Road) to SR 1312 (Upper Bear Paw Road). The purpose of tlie project is to improve safety aud driving conditions along NC 294 by intprovit�g lane ���idth, alig�wient, aud shoulder �>�idth. This project is part of rivo previous iuiprovement projects condacted along NC 294, which included the replacement of a fimctionally obsolete siugle lane bridge, (TIP Project No. R-3622AA — Actim� ID No. SAW-2008-1431; DWQ Project No. 20080762) and additional roadway improveme��ts (TIP Project No. R-3622AB — Action ID No. 5AW-2010-1877; DWQ Project No. 20080762V.2). The B-section lies to the northwest of tlie two Yormer projects and is approximately 2.19 miles in length. 1 aui attaching a PCN application, Rapauos Jurisdictional Determinatioti Forms, EEP Mitigation Acceptance Letter, permit drawings, plan sheets, vicinity map, photos aud USGS topograpl�ical map. A State EA/FONSI was prepared for this project in 2013. The project will not have a significant impact upon tlie natucal or human emiromneut The US Fisli and Wildlife Se�vice lists si� federally threatened and endangered species for Cherokee Cotutty; Bog tttrtle (Clemnrys nuJ�le��begri), Tan rifllesl�ell (Epioblasmn florenlina i>>olkei), Small wliorled pogonia (I.t�otrin �nerleoloides), Indiana bat (dlyotrs sodolis), Little-wing pearlymussel (Pegias fnbtdtr), and Cumberlaud bean (1�illosa h•abn/is). Suiveys were conducted Cor Yederally tlu•eatened aud endangered species. There will be "no effect° on bog turtle, tan rif�lesliell, small �vhorled pogonia, little-�ving pearlymussel aud Cuuiberland bean. A"Ma,y Affect, Not Likely to Adversely Affect" call was made on Indiaua bat due to potential impacts to iroostiug trees. To Pouhccn�h Divisiou ORice Telephone: (32R)>RC-2141 253 \Vehster Road. Srlvu, Nonh Carolinn 2877) Par. (82S) 586-40d3 Page 2 mitigate potential impacts to Indiana bat roosting habitat, the project area will be cleared between October 15��' and April 15°i. Tlie US Fish and Wildiife Service (USFWS) are consideri��g tlie listuig of the northern long- eared bat in the spring of 2015. Northern loug-eared bats are knowi� to use trees ���ith sloughing bark for swmuer roosts. Tl�erefore, �s prescribed by the USFWS, airy tree removal along tlie project coiridor will be conducted behveen October� 15 and April 15 (wiuter clearing) to preveut incidental i�upacts to roostiiig bats. There could be indirect effects due to renioval of potential roost trees, but the loss of such a small number of trees in a primarily forested la�idscape should be insiguificaut. The project wTS also reviewed and surveyed for compliauee witli Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and no sh�uctures or arcliaeological sites are eligible for tlie National Register; thereforc, this project �vill have "no effect" on NRHP properties. However, arcliaeological maiitoriug will be conducted during constriictiou activities iiear Site 31C�787 to ensure that uo grouud dishu�bing activities occtir within the fill �rea overlyiiig Site 310E787 (see attacl�ed SHPO fonns/letters). Iinpacts to Waters of the United States Tl�e unnamed tributary to Hickey Bi-�nch (DWR Class: C) is small; however, it lias a well- defined channel and is sho�vn on the topographic map as � perennial stream. The umi�ined h'ibutaiy flows appro�intately 1200 feet to Hickey Branch, which flows appro�imately 2325 feet into Persiuiuion Creek, which flows into Cfierol<ee Lake. Bearpaw Creek (DWR Cl�ss: C) l�as a well-defiued chaunel a��d is shown on tlie topographic map as a peremiial streani. All streams and tributaries in the project area flow into Hiwassee Lake (Hiwassee River). Tl�e Hiwassee River meets the detinition of a Traditional Navigable Water. For these reasons, we believe that the unnamed tributaiy to Hickey Branch and Bearpaw Creek are Relatively Permauent Waters and are uuder the jiirisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engiueers. In ordcr to make die safety improvements to NC 294, it tvill be necessary to impact waters of the Uttited States iu the Hiwassee River Basin (HUC 06020002). The proposed iuipacts are listed below. Permit Site No. �zisting Cmidition Proposed Condition Net Im �acts Site 1 Free Plowing Stream Channel Relocation — 90 Linear Feet 3' 93 Linear Feet Site ] A Irnpervious Dike and Free Flowing Stream Flo�v Diversion 150' Site 2 24" x 40' CMP 24" s 78' CMP 28' Site 2A Impervious Dike and Free Flowing Sh�e�m Flo�v Diversion 100' Site 3 60" x 30' CMP 2@ 8' W s 6' H s 68' L RCI3C 38' Site 3A Flaodpl�in Bench & Riprap Free Flowing Sti•eam Ba�ilc Stabilizatiou (Inlet) 35' Page 3 Site 3B Rip�rian Wetland �'etland Fill (635 sq. ft.) 0.014 Ac Por Road����y iill Site 3C Free Flowing Stre�m & Retaining Wall Tied into RCBC 55' Stone Retaiuiug Wall Por Bank aud Roadway Stabilization Site 3D Tmpeivious Dike and Free Plowing Stream Flow Diversion 175' Total Per�nanent Stream Impacts for Cl�aunel Relocation & Culvert �ateusions 69' Total Permaneut Stream Impacts foi• F'loodplain Beucit ai�d I3ank Stabilization 90' Total Permanent Wetland Impact fm• Bos Culvert and Roachvay Fi❑ 0.014 Acres Total Temporai�� Stream Lnpacts for Impei�-ious llikes and Tlow Diversions 425' Permits Requested NCDOT is hereby requesting authorization under Section 404 of the Clean WTter Act to proceed witli tl�e constrnciion project outlined above. By copy of this letter, l am asking Ms. Marla Chambers, Western Region NCDOT Coordinator of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) to conunent directly to you concerning the 404 Natioinvide Permit request. Also, by copy of tl�is letter, I am i•equestiiig anthorization under Sectioit 401 of the Cleaii Water Act flom the Noi�th Caroliva Depa�tmeut of En��iromneiit �nd Natural Resotirces (DENR), Division oY Water Resources (DWR). In �ddition, I am requestiug Ms. Cl�ambers and Mr. Ben DeWit, EI, Roadside Envirotunental Field Operations Engineer (NCDOT) to comnient directly to me concerning this permit request. Tl�ank you for your assistance �vith this project. If you have any questions of need additional information, please contact me �t (828) 586-21�}1 or eivail m�rl:da��is(�doLstate nc us. Sincerely, .� �'y✓ � Mark S. Davis ! i/!^✓�L--'' Divisiou 14 Euvironmental Program Supervisor Euclosures cc: Ms. Ainy Chapman, Division of Water Resources, DENR, Ralcigh Mr. Kevi�i Barnett, Divisio�i of Water Resoui•ces, DENR, Asheville Ms. Marla Chambers, Western Region NCDOT Coordivator, NCWRC, Albemarle Mr. Jason Mays, Biologist, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Aslieville Mr. Brian Biirch, PE, Division 14 Caistruction Engineer, NCDOT, Sylva Mr. Steve Williams, Division 14 Design Construct Engiueer, NCDOT, Sylva Mr. Ben DeWit, EI, Roadside Environuiental Field Operatious Eugiiieer, NCDOT o��F N1 ATE9QG r v� v > _� O -� Y �€. --r-v _-'i A Pre-Constructiou Noti�cation A. Applicant I��formation 1. Processing 1 T f I Office Use Only: Corps aclion ID no. DWQ project no. Forin Version 1.3 Dec 10 2008 �Nl Form a. ype(s) o approva sought from the Corps: � Section 404 Permit ❑ Section 10 Permit 1 b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: NW 14 or General Permit (GP) number: 1c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? � Yes ❑ No 1d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all lhat apply): � 401 Water Qualily Certifcation — Regular ❑ Non-404 Jurisdictional General Pennit ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification — Express ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization 1 e. Is this notification solely for the record For the record only for DWQ 401 For the record only for Corps Permit: because wrilten approval is not required? Certification: ❑ Yes � No ❑ Yes � No 1f. Is payrnent into a mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program proposed for mitigation � Yes ❑ No of impac[s? If so, alfach the acceptance letter from mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program. NCEEP 1 g. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties. If yes, answer 1 h ❑ Yes � No below. 1h. Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concem (AEC)? I❑ Yes � No 2. Project Information 2a. Name of project: NC 294 - Safety Improvements - Widening and Realignment from SR 1130 (Sunny Point Road) to SR 1312 (Upper Bear Paw Road) 2b. County: Cherokee 2c. Nearest municipalily / town: Murphy 2d. Subdivision name: N/A 2e. NCDOT only, T.I.P. or state TIP No. R-36226; State Project No. 38068.1.1 praject no: 3. Owner Information 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: Norlh Carolina Department of Transportation 3b. Deed Book and Page No. N/A 3c. Responsible Parly (for LLC if Mark S. Davis, Division 14 Environmenlal Su ervisor applicable): P 3d. Street address: 253 Webster Road 3e. City, state, zip: Sylva, NC 28779 3f. Telephone no.: 828-586-2141 3g. Fax no.: 828-586-4043 3h. Email address: markdavisna ncdot.aov Page 1 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version I 4. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 4a. Applicant is: ❑ Agent ❑ Other, specify: 4b. Name: N/A 4c. Business name N/A 4d. Streetaddress: N/A 4e. City, state, zip: N/A 4f. Telephone no.: N/A 4g. Fax no.: N/A 4h. Email address: N/A 5. AgenUConsultant Information (if applicable) 5a. Name: N/A 5b. Business name N/A (if applicable): 5c. Street address: N!A 5d. City, state, zip: N/A 5e. Telephone no.: N/A 5f. Fax no.: N/A 5g. Email address: N/A Page 2 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 Decernber 10, 2008 Version I B. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Property Identification 1a. Property identification no. (tax PIN or parcel ID): N/A 1 b. Site coordinates (in decimal degrees): Latitude: 35.05698 Lonyitude: - 84.18194 (DD.DDDDDD) (-DD.DDDDDD) 1c. Property size: N/A acres 2. Surface Waters 2a. Name of nearest body of water (stream, river, etc.) to UT to Hickey Branch, Persimmon Creek and Bearpaw proposed projeck Creek (Hiwasee Lake) 2b. Water Quality Classificafion of nearest receiving water: DWR Class: C 2c. River basin: Hiwassee (HUC 06020002) 3. Project Description 3a. Describe the existing condilions on lhe site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: Rural landscape is a mixture of forest and paslure with single family residences. 3b. List lhe lotal estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: —0.05 Acre 3c. List lhe total estimated linear feet of all existing streams (intermitlent and perennial) on the property: —7800' - UT lo Hickey Branch, Hickey Branch, and Bearpaw Creek are adjacent to the project. 3d. Explain the purpose of the proposed projecC Widen and realign a sec[ion of NC 294 to improve safery and meet current design standards for a primary regional route. 3e. Describe the overall project in detail, including the lype of equipment to be used: Widen and realign a substandard section of NC 294 which will require some minor filling of wetlands and stream impacts associated with culvert extensions. The project is 2.19 miles in length. Equipment includes: trackhoes, bulldozers, dumptrucks, graders, paving equipment, water pumps, diversion pipes, and various hanQ tools will be used to complete lhe work. 4. Jurisdictional Determinations 4a. Have jurisdictional wetland or stream determinations by lhe Corps or State been requested or obtained for this property / project (including all prior phases) in the past? � Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown Comments: A State EA/FONSI was completed for the R-3622B Project in August of 2013. 4b. If the Corps made the jurisdictional delermination, what type � Preliminary ❑ Final of determinalion was made? 4c. If yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Agency/Consultant Company: STV/Ralph Whitehead Name (if known): Brandon Fulton, LSS, PWS and Associates, Charlotte, NC 28208 Michael A. lagnocco, PWS Other: N/A 4d. If yes, list the dates of the Corps jurisdictional determinalions or State determinations and atlach documentalion. State EA/FONSI signed 8/28/2013. 5. Project History 5a. Have permits or certificalions been requested or obtained for � yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown lhis project (including all prior phases) in the past? 5b. If yes, explain in detail according to "help file" instruclions. R-3622AA - Replaced Bridge No. 50 on new location including approach work, General Permit (GP) 31 - Action ID No. SAW-2008-1431; DWQ Project No. 20080762. R-3622AB — NC 294 Improvements - Action ID No. SAW-2010-1877; DWQ Project No. 20080762V2. Page 3 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 6. Firture Project Plans 6a. Is lhis a phased project? � Yes ❑ No 6b. If yes, explain. The R-3622 Project is lhe improvement of NC 294 from US 64 to the Tennessee State Line. There could be other spot safety projects along sections of NC 294 where warrented. These improvements will depend upon available funding in ihe fulure. C. Proposed Impacts Invenlory 1 a. Which sections were completed below for your project (check all that apply): � Wetlands � Streams - lributaries ❑ Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Construction Page 4 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 2. Wetland Impacts If ihere are wetland impacts proposed on the site, then complete ihis question for each wetland area impacted. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. WeUand impact Type of jurisdiction number — Type of impact Type of wetland Forested (Corps - 404, 10 Area of impact Permanent (P) or (if known) DWq — non-404, other) (acres) Tem ora T W1 � P❑ T Wetland Fill Riparian ❑ Yes � Corps 0.014 Permit Site 3B (635 sq. ft.) � No � DWQ WZ � P� T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W3 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W4 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W5 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W6 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ 2g. Totnl �vetland impacfs —(�Vetland Fill 0.014 Acres for Culcert Consh�uction and Rondway Rill) 0.014 2h. Comments: Sce Attached Cover Letter and Impact Suuunary Table� — Mitigation ���ill not be requireU for this Minm� �Vetland Impact per coucersation �rith Lori Bedavith (USACL) 2-18-I5. 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including lemporary impacts) proposed on lhe site, then complete this question for all stream sites impacted. 3 a. 3 b. 3 c. 3 d. 3 e. 3 f. 3 g. Stream impact Type of impact Slream name Perennial Type of jurisdiction Average Impact number - (PER) or (Corps - 404, 10 stream lenglh Permanent (P) or intermittent Temporary (T) INT ? DWQ — non-404, width �leeear ( ) other) (feet) ) S1 � P❑ T Channel Relocation UT to Hickey � PER � Corps 3 3 (93' to 90') Branch ❑ INT � DWQ S1A ❑ P� T Impervious Dike UT to Hickey � PER � Corps 3 150 and Flow Diversion Branch ❑ INT � DWQ S2 � P❑ T Culvert UT to Bearpaw � PER � Corps 1 28 Replacement Creek ❑ INT � DWQ S 2A ❑ P� T Impervious Dike UT to Bearpaw � PER � Corps and Flow Diversion Creek ❑ INT � DWQ � 100 S3 � P❑ T Culvert gearpaw Creek � PER � Corps 5 38 Replacement ❑ INT � DWQ S3A � P❑ T Floodplain Bench - gearpaw Creek � PER � Cor s 5 35' P Bank Stabilization ❑ INT � DWQ S3C � P❑ T Retaining Wall - gearpaw Creek � PER � Corps 5 55' Bank Stabilization ❑ INT � DWQ S3D ❑ P� T Impervious Dike gearpaw Creek � PER � Corps 5 175' and Flow Diversion ❑ INT � DWQ 3h. Total Permanent Stream �nd Tributnrp Impacts for Channell2elocation Sc Culverf Cxtensions 69' Totel Perm�nent Sfream nnd Tribufnry Impacts fm• Floadpl;iin Bench and Bank Stabilization 90' Total Temporary Stre�m Impncts fm• Impervious Dil:es and �low Diversions 425' 3i. Comments: See Attached Cover Letter nnd Impact Summary T�ble Page 5 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, tributaries, sounds, the Atlantic Ocean, or any olher open water of the U.S. then individually list all open water impacts below. 4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4e. Open water Name of waterbody impact number— (if applicable) Type of impact Waterbody type Area of impact (acres) Permanent (P) or Tein ora T 01 ❑ P❑ T N/A N/A N/A N/A 02 ❑P❑T 03 ❑P�T 04 ❑P�T 4L Totnl open �ti•nter impacts N/p 4g. Comments: N/A 5. Pond or Lake Construction If ond or lake conslruction ro osed, then com lete lhe chart below. Sa. 5b. 5c. 5d. 5e. Wetland Impacts (acres) Stream Impacts (feet) Upland Pond ID Proposed use or purpose of (acres) number pond Flooded Filled Excavaled Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded P1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A P2 SP, Tots�l N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 5g. Comments: 5h. Is a dam high hazard permit required? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, permit ID no: 5i. Expected pond surface area (acres): N/A 5j. Size of pond watershed (acres): N/A 5k. Method of construclion: N/A 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWQ) If project will impact a protected riparian buffer, then complete the chart below. If yes, then individually list all buffer impacts below. If any impacts require mitigalion, then you MUST fill out Section D of this form. 6a. ❑ Neuse ❑ Tar-Pamlico ❑ Olher: Project is in which protected basin? ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleman 6b. 6c. 6d. 6e. 6f. 6g. Bufferimpact number— Reason Buffer Zone 1 impact Zone 2 impact Permanent (P) or for SUeam name mitigation (square feet) (square feet) Tem ora T im act re uired? B1 ❑ P❑ T N/A N/A O Nos N/A N/A 62 ❑P❑T ❑Yes ❑ No B3 ❑P�T ❑Yes ❑ No 61i. Total buffer impac�s N/A N/A 6i. Comments: N/A Page 6 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version D. Impact Justification and Mitic�ation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1 a. Speci(ically describe measures laken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing project. Alternate locations for the widening and realignment scenarios, as well as lhe "no build" altemative, were considered in lhe State EA/FONSI. Alternate locations considered would result in greater impacts to streams and wetlands. Project is basically constructed along existing alignment. 1b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or miniinize the proposed impacts lhrough constniction techniques. Appropriate BMP's will be implemented ancl maintained during the construction phase of the project. All stream work will be conducted in the "dry" to minimize impacts to downslream aquatic resources. 2. Compensatory Mitic�ation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does lhe project require Compensalory Mitigalion for � Yes ❑ No impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of lhe State? 26. If yes, mitigation is required by (cl�eck all that apply): ❑ DWQ � Co�ps ❑ Mitigation bank 2c. If yes, which mitigation option will be used for this projecl? � Payment to in-lieu fee prograrn (NCEEP) ❑ Permittee Responsible Mitigation 3. Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a. Name of Mitigation Bank: N/A 3b. Credits Purchased (attach receipt and letter) Type N/A Quantity N/A 3c. Comments: N/A 4. Complete if Making a Payment to In-lieu Fee Program 4a. Approval letter from in-lieu fee program is attached. � Yes 4b. Streain mitigation requested: 69 linear feet 4c. If using stream mitigation, stream temperaWre: ❑ warm ❑ cool �cold 4d. Buffer miligation reyuested (DWQ only): N/A square feet 4e. Riparian wetland miligalion requested: N/A acres 4f. Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested: N/A acres 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested: N/A acres 4h. Cammenls: N/A 5. Complete if Using a Penniltee Responsible Mitigation Plan Sa. If using a permiltee responsible mitigation plan, provide a description of the proposed mitigalion plan. N/A Page 7 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 6. Buffer Mitigation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) — required by DWQ 6a. Will the project result in an impact within a protected riparian buffer that requires ❑ Yes � No buffer mitigation? 6b. If yes, then identify lhe square feet of impact to each zone of the riparian buffer that requires mitigation. Calculate the amount of mitigation required. 6c. 6d. 6e. Zone Reason for impact Total impact Multiplier Required mi�igation (square feet) (square feet) Zone 1 N/A N/A 3(2 for Catawba) N/A Zone 2 1.5 6f. Total buffer mitigation required: N/A 6g. If buffer mitigation is required, discuss what type of miligation is proposed (e.g., payment to privale mitigation bank, permiltee responsible riparian buffer restoralion, payment into an approved in-lieu fee fund). N/A 6h. Comments: N/A Page 8 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version E. Stormwater Manac�ement and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWQ) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1 a. Does the projecl include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified � Yes � No within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? 1b. If yes, then is a diffuse Flow plan included? If no, explain why. Commenls: N/A ❑ Yes � No 2. Stormwater Mana ernent Plan 2a. Whal is lhe overall percent imperviousness of this project? N/A % 2b. Does this project require a Stonnwater Management Plan? � Yes ❑ No 2c. If this project DOES NOT require a Stormwaler Management Plan, explain why: 2d. If this project DOES require a Stormwater Management Plan, lhen provide a brief, narralive description of the plan: Project is covered by individual NPDES Permit No. NCS000250. ❑ Certified Local Government 2e. Who will be responsible for the review of the Stormwater Management Plan? ❑ DWQ Stormwater Program � DWQ 401 Unit 3. Certified Local Government Stormwater Review 3a. In which local government's jurisdiction is this project? N/A ❑ Phasell 3b. Which of the following locally-implemented stormwater management programs ❑ NSW apply (check all that apply): ❑ USMP ❑ Water Supply Watershed ❑ Olher: 3c Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been ❑ Yes ❑ No attached? 4. DWQ Stormwater Pro rarn Review ❑ Coastal counties ❑ HQW 4a. Which of the following state-implemented stormwater management programs apply � ORW (check all that apply): ❑ Session Law 2006-246 ❑ Other. 4b. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan wilh proof of approval been attached? N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No 5. DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review 5a. Does the Stormwater Management Plan meet the appropriate requirements? � yes ❑ No Sb. Have all of ihe 401 Unit submiltal requirements been met? ❑ Yes ❑ No Page 9 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version F. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Requirement) 1 a. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the � Yes use of public (federal/state) land? ❑ No 1 b. If you answered "yes" to lhe above, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or Slate � Yes ❑ No (North Carolina) Environmenlal Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? 1 c. If you answered "yes" to lhe above, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearing House? (If so, altach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA fnal approval lelter.) � Yes ❑ No Comments: N/A 2. Violations (DWq Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), DWQ Surface Water or Wetland Standards, ❑ Yes � No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 26 .0200)? 2b. Is this an after-the-fact permit application? ❑ Yes � No 2c. If you answered "yes" lo one or both of the above questions, provide an explanation of the violation(s): N/A 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWQ Requirement) 3a. Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in � Yes � No additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? 3b. If you answered "yes" to lhe above, submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. NC 294 is a rural major connector between North Carolina and Tennessee. The exis[ing lwo lane facility has a variable lane width of 9-10 feet with no usable shoulders and poor alignment. Safety improvements are warrented on many sections of NC 294 to meet current NCDOT design slandards for primary roads. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. N/A Page 10 of 11 PCN Forrn — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 5. Endangered Species and Desic�nated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or habitat? � Yes ❑ No 5b. Have you checked with lhe USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act impacts? � Yes ❑ No ❑ Raleigh Sc. If yes, indicate lhe USFWS Field OKce you have contacted. � Asheville Sd. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? Preparalion of State EA/FONSI; North Carolina Natural Heritage Database and onsite surveys. In addition, all tree clearing will be conducted between October 15'" and April 15`" lo minimize potential impacts to roosting bats. 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will ihis project occur in or near an area designated as essential (ish habital? ❑ Yes � No 6b. What data sources did you use to detennine whether your site would impact Essential Fish Habitat? N/A — There are no marine or estuarine communities wilhin the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province. 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservalion � No status (e.g., National Historic Trust designation or properties significant in � Yes North Carolina history and archaeology)? 7b. What data sources did you use to determine wheiher your site would impact historic or archeological resources? State EA/FONSI for R-36226 Project. Surveys were conducted by NCDOT's Human Environment Unit in 2012-13 with a detemiinalion of "no effecP' on historic properties and archaeology; however, archaeological monitoring will be conducted during constniclion near Site 31 CE787 to ensure that no ground disturbing activities affect lhis site (see altached SHPO forms/letters). 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA-designated 100-year floodplain? ❑ Yes � No 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: N/A 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the (loodplain determination? NC Floodplain Mapping Program Mark S. Davis Division 14 Eneiroiunental Supeivisor ���,� ��� �:�,/�/ ApplicanUAgenPs Signature Date ApplicaflVAgenYS P�int2d Name (AgenCs signature is valid only iF an authorization letter (rom the appticant is provided.) Page 11 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 Decernber 10, 2008 Version ��� NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Ecosysiem Fnhancement Program Governor Febmary 20, 2015 Mr. Mark S. Davis NCDOT Divisiou 14 Enviromnental Supervisor North Carolina Department of Transporta[ion 253 GVebster Road Sylva, North Caroliva 28779 Dear Mr. Dnvis: SubjecC EEP Mitigation Acceptance Le(ter. Donald R. van tler Vaart Secretary ���E� �,��� � FED 2 0 1U�;, �������� -,' �,z Division 14 Project, TIP R-3622B — Upgrade NC 294 benveen SR 1130 (Sunny Po'v�t Road) and SR 1312 (Bear P�w Road) near Hiwassee Da�u, Cherokee County; WBS Element 38068.1.1 Tl�e purpose of tl�is letter is to notify you diat the Ecosystem EtiliTUCement Program (EEP) will provide tlie canpensatory streaiu nilligation for ttie subject projecL Based ou the uifonuation received on February 18, 2015, the impacts are located 'u� CU 06020002 of the Hiwassee River basin in the SoutLem Mouutaius (SM) Eco-Region, and zre as follows: Hiwnssee 06020002 SM Impacts Stream Cold Cool 69.0 0 �Vetlands Wam� Ri arian Nou- P n:"__"_ Buffer Z011B 1 q. Pt.) Z0110 2 This impact ar�d associa[ed mitigation need were under projected by the NCDOT u� the 2015 impact data. EEP will emnmit to implement sufficiei�t ewnpensalory slream mitigatio� credifs to offset [he imp�ets associa[ed with tlus project as deternuned by Ilie regulatory agencies using the delivery timeline ]isted in Sectiou F.3.c.iii of ti�e N.C. Departmeut of Environment nnd Natural Resources' Ecosystem Enhancement Program In-Lieu Fee Instnunent dated July 28, 2010. If the above referenced impact amounts are revised, tlien this mitigation acceptance letter will no longer be valid and a new mitigTtiou accep�ance letter will be required &om EEP. If you have any questions or need additional infonnntion, please contact Ms. Beth Ha�mou at 919-707- 8420. Sincerely, � (.!I�Y'2� �"���V James . tau£ll EEP Asset M�uagement Supervisor ce: Ms. Lori Qeckwith, USACE — Asheville Regulatory Field Office bir. Steve Nilliams, P.E., NCDOT— Division 14 Design Constmction Enginecr Ms. Linda Pilzpalrick, NCDOT — PDEA File: NC 294 Improvemenis — Division 14 1652 Lfal! Sev!ce Cenler, Raleign, korth Cawllrs 2769J�1652 Phone: 919-707-897611n1emeC htlp:llpodal.n�enr.orglvreb/eep M Equd OppWUiity 1 Affiimative Ach'ai F�ry'oyer-l.Saie in part Gy recyded �ap¢r Labels Name: Permit Site 1 Coordinates: 035.0618466° N, 084.184£3656° W Name: Permit Site 2 Coordinates: 035.0757625° N, 084.1928925° W Name: Permit Site 3 3A, 36, 3C, 3D Coordinales: 035.0775191° N, 084.1943559° W Name: Begin Project Coordinates: 035.0569880° N, 084.1519403° W Name: End Project Coordinales: 035.0836844° N, 084.2005441° W \ 8�/ ` 200] �� o Ch,� i01iB. �cte n TrI�C111e5. �E� Vau91�3Nellon o �F�,�i'a,. o..�:wc�n er;r�,�. e�iae����eora Ashevllle� o �_����=�r e uoFmvio�c,na spormra��r� CONTRACTOR TO CONSTRUCT rrr�.nr oenvnrdc, 6'pAVED SHOULDER BETWEEN __ sr{r.er z or z] DETAIL 6 ou:u:[. �narG[ � e:m m s� �:1 6 c;��I �� tl r.� p ��,sr. �:__. e „�o=zon. r,.ct...i e�.o,. a= to vi. B= 10 it *rr: �iu�,,,- cwns e Fia vu e= sa w. fAV�.I ]IAC6�IOi0 SiAd6�90 � DETAIL 5 `� FusE w��,a E rm�n -? °� o,n:e- or�n ?,oi�.—�op zon '{"�.` �s— s-mm syr+ 4 P,cc�:*a o��.n SI�I �° 1 �DENOTES E%CAVATION W WETLANDS �DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS �DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER �DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE 14ATER SEE SHEET IS POR -L- PROFILE v N N � U a � * m � a o , *o w "� < N � N V WO ti U t� I �dn ��� m "O'� �' �pU m� ti�d ¢ J oa d � - w+ 4 ��O �W�N � i1 � � \ 4 �v0 o�NW N N4 0 ��� L�� � Np dJ0 V UN ¢� � <N �4ti W�N � mU ��d s ¢Y 'i � m o� �°w_� ��� �o� s 20°� oea o°w°w q�E ; �iui (T �- tt.� 11) 1. � u� 11� v% f (� > O� . 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'� �� � ���' w,���.�, se[ oer>u M1L cui DRCrv .—' "� � A /R— i� � I��VRIGHT F � � � � ll 35 � � /�; '�� E � �;�A .�� �K � R E o. ...,ie`rC' �. v r'n,. `�`�'\ I ry f':" .. _Ll;�.r _ ,� � av '.� 2@ 60 ��= �'x5' RC3C � � � 18"RCP POND � � 25 � 59�,� � wt;�� �J � � YcCOS ` i' J00.. �"1 4l � � � t"t:-..J Z..J�,� t- C . ^ "l [ r pt'ti � � j' 10 �I � �¢ � '�E PDE J ��� j 25 � e �: �„1:�;.,� 111��'s,,�.�. �0 ShEFT M[E wa(L yl� • rvz�OS/ ,.. ° � -� SrA 9>.Y0J9 �.$:.l•ir KRISTIE HaR81N �� OB 1203 PG 554 "° I V ,�'��.�� 1� '{���s. �.� rv'srorovn N xs',�., I '� �o.a: I eiP �lun I � DENOTES E%CAV IN WETL4ND5 �DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS �DENOTES TEMPC IMPACTS IN SUI L�LLL/J//I DENOTES IMPAQ SURFACE WATER IXIST PAVING TO SEE SHEET 19 FOR -L- PF SEE SHEET 22 FOR -Y4- I TIP Pj•oject No. R-3622B — NC 294 Litpj•ovements Cherokee Cowity e � �� �� � r �r� � i< � ,�t r � � ` F � � .,�, r �.q�i �t��i �;;.��- 3�r� I ��: Yeriuit Site L— Cl�annel Change — Lookii�g Upsh'eam �Rr ;v � � � • ; . �` , ,; ,� , % `"', �,i `. \t'��t � � ,`� . „%E� � !, i �� „t' � " a , . i:9 - ., � � �i�� ��� ,�G �'1l� � �. ..:�-f . �; i ' : , � . . . .. ..� � . � 7, , r �, � i � � 1 �..�� ��! . i, . s�,; �r 1 k f ^ f � � / .,.� � �� ( , � �� �, - / •g' '� . • � 1:��. � l ) � S t h s rl <y��j/r�' �e r;t` r /f/ I� � .� {. '( ! J ';. � '+ S�Il, y�s 1� !� i li ! ; t �,� i, ..� ! 3"� z �'ar,. w r � ia � � �� � � h �(�4 q � � � ' )" '-i •. � l � �� � /� � i ' �/ i � � i t � . ... r r i '� ( �.,( p Y I 4� 1� ! � � � ., 1 I ' � I ^� �� �� �, � +qf�`Si L:('J i � 1 4. �I '' �� i� -r i V i i ) t /y ""r S .�i,/y� � ��' ����� i� a A�� 1t�i /'.'��� N ri �� .��:�i7 �� ��i-� n h�' sF 1 tf � 't� �i ��. � � ,��� 1 +41 . . �� . � N �.•'� �, �✓�.�r i/ JI Ily� I ( � 4' ' �f' V �� I''���y� � l�j !'�� /Yf . . I . ;\`�I .�.�•�% '�� , � � ���� ,,. , ` - �� '�� ��� � �'' ��� �Tf i � � r .,.. ♦ 1 � � I j'ti{ .�����b�jl /'1���.E.1.i—� il4�l , ,1�i �I Permit Site 1— Chaimel Cl�auge — Looking Downstream I J 1 TIP Project No. R-3622B — NC 294 Improvemeuts Cliei•olcee Counh� /� A��. . � � i, Permit Site 2— Cubert Outlet j: - ' , , i�-. . � ��� r �,}„ � ��;� t �'�;. ��i' ��� ')�_ , � i „ ;. ,, �'''��r �, ` � , � ,� , ,: � i ' � �, r ; �� ����f � - +; �. � t� � �� �� Yi- _ n � � �� � 'k � i . . � - � .r- ; ', I '� I :I I'.�1 � ` 1 ` \ �.� y. , . 1 � ;� - �� ._r,,. �-._. , � _._ - I r r ��: '� � `a i.:� Pennit Site 2— Culvert Estension — Outlet End TIP Project No. R-3622B – NC 294 Improveuteuts Clie�•olcee Com�h� ... � nx � — � � � 4:..� � �, . � �.��� - ., � ,`� .I� y��,�r. . - 1 � ° i ; �C. , I � ��u��`'1 �'. . " �. `� �I �i�t�:�l!�� \ , � t .. i �' _ I . — „r' I � . , �:. 1��` .� � �„ .��,,r.,,�. -r�. ;. �i. _.� t � _ ,f - � f_ ' — >.,.�� - �. '=' � .r :; � -.. -e S�?;. r.� . 1's' J� . y '�' - -`°� _ �. wr � y r i � � , � , � °� le .��' .11`� � �.yiRL_ � � , I ' ' �� � '� � ilA�.i/ � - / y ' ' .':1�'����� i ' ,. . �'li. 'i�n � � Permit Site 3– Culvert Inlet I / � 4LY� �4 . '� i�'� �; � , f y� � , �,'-�.— , '- 's ' .1:- , 1;; , , , � - � 4. J<' . - ,�,�� N� .'%3"`-'°� ,' � � s;t� i � a �� '��- \ � 1'/r -'?' K' i' � � � .� ��,� � � � ' Yermit Site 3– Culvert Outlet TIP Project No. R-3622B — NC 294 Impro��ements CLerokee Cow�ty �*'�!, � . �*` . � ;� .,� � �_�� Perinit Si ��, ; �� �' .: �� �. �' ` + .,K; . `- .ti -i, F ��� ; t : r-i 3— Retaii�ing Wall (Bank Stabilization) I,eft Baiilc � � '- r �- �` � � 4 Permit Site 3— Lookiug Do�vnstream — Outlet (Right Bauk Retaining Wall will not be Disturbed) � r 'k. I I TIP Project No. R-3622B — NC 294 Improveinents Chcrolcee Cowit,y � '` �. � a ���� 7' ,, � µ+ii.�` � �i oTn �y � K I y� � ' �[ ; "' ;.��'` _ �����•. N� ���*� �� , � ��� � i G� -. ^n.�� .� , . . :3.1.�i'��:�.. � ; -�,, � , � f � -''� Perinit Site 3B — Wetland Fill at lnlet of RCBC � h'edernl�lid Nnmie �/Y tt R-36228 Co��nly: Cherokee CONCURR�NC� TORM TOR PROP�RTICS NOT �LIGII3Lr, TOR THC NATIONAL RF.GISTCR Or HISTORIC PLACCS Prajec� Descriplion: \4iden NC 294 from SR I 130 (Swmy Paint Rd) to SR 1312-A (Upper Bear Pa�v Rd) On I I/13/2012, representalives of ihe d�' Nor�h Carolina Depariment of Transpo�iation (NCD07) � Norlh C2rolina S�ate Historic Preservation Oftice (NGHPO) ❑ Pederal Agency ❑ Other Reviewed the subject project at histm�ic architecmral resources photograph revie�v session/consultalion and All parlies present ngrecd ❑ There are no propeiiies over fiCry years old wilhin the project's Area of Po[ential Gftecls (APE). � L► 7'here are no properties less Ihnn f fty years old which are considered lo meet Criteria Considera�ion G�vithin �he project's APE. There nre propeiiies over fifty years old �vithin the projecCs FlPG, bul bnsed on Ihe 1i��slorical information �vailable and the photographs of ench property, lhe properties ideNified as — B 10"I �re wnsiAered not eligible for the Nalional Register �iid no furlher evaluation of Ihem is necessary. P o�of ihese properlies Tre altached. � There �re no National Register-lis[ed or Study Lisled properties �vithin �he projecPs APG. ❑ All properties greater than 50 years of nge located in Ihe APE have been consiclered at Ihis consultation, and based upou the above concwrence, all compliance for historic architecture with Seclion 106 of Ihe Nalional Historic Preservalion Act and GS 121-12(T) has been completed for this project. �y' More inTommtian is requested on prope�ties �?�� � Signed: Representative, NC-HPO �A--^-$.�. /—i-�-e.ia-`�'`--r—C.— Represenlative, Federal Agency II 13 zolZ D�i� Da�e � %� D�te I( a survcy report is prepnred, a f nal copy of Ihis fomi vid Ihe , uached lisl will be includcd �yb� Srnit°� � �" - �' ,�,��''-'� �� � ,� �:.�.:� North Cacolina Department of Cultural Resources Statc Hisroric Presen�ation Office IL�mon.i AC R:taus, Administra[o� Gunmoc Pat \IcCmr� Sccrcnu�'tiusan Kluttz n�fap 9, 2013 i\I�nI0It11NDUnI TO: \Iacy Pope Fuic Oftice ot Human Tnviconment NCDOT llivision of High�va�•s OCGce u( rlcdiice,. ��nd His[u�. DepuR' Se<reuvy f:ecin Cheen' �))u 1 FROnI: Ramona AI. Bactos � , �, � ����� �� � �,"� �`�.� �';�"� �,, . ',�. SUB�ECT: Historic �Arclutect��ml Resoucces SuiTep Repoi�t, AV�iden NC 294 fiom Sannp Poin[ Road (SR 1130) to Upper 13ear Pa�v Road (SR 1312-A), R-362213, Chcrokee Count��, ER 12-0188 Tha�il; you for pour letter of April 17, 2013, ttausuutUng tlie above tepoit. Por d�e pucposc of coinpliance �vid� Section 106 of tlie Natiooal Histotic PicsetTauon Act, �ve concur, banin� addiuonal ii�formatio� to the co��tcary�, that the fotlo�ving propecties are un! cligible foi� listing i� the National RegisteL: Hickey House (CE 0117); ���,%v� � Friendship Baptist Church and Cemetery (CE 0224); and, %�•:-- .� � The reinaini��� �toperties listed in tl�e Appendix. The abo�-e comments are made puLSU�c�[ to Secdon 106 oE tl�e National Historic Pceset��auon Act and tl�e rldeisoiy Coui�cil on Ilis[oric Pieseiration's Regulations tor Compliance ��atl� Sectioa 106 codifed at 3G CPR Part 800. Thanl� you foe pouc cooperatioci aod considecauon. If �oa l�a��e qaes[ions concei�ivag the above conmient, contact Renee Gledliill-1;acley, environmentail ievicR� coocdi�aroc, at 919-807-6579 or rcn�c��le�d6il1- ��dr� ln�n�ckr.�=oc. In all fiiR�ee communicatioa concerni��g dus project, �lease ci[e die above ceferenced tracking �umbei. Sii�cercl�, j�, ,�.�. '�?�);4,r'�,1,;!!.(�-`Zr,�<<�r,�� r �: � � ,'Ramona nI. ]3artos 'i ec: Clap Griffith, �eme Presetvation Set��ices, c�riFhtl� acme cdcmr�il com Ls�cotion:llUF_�isil����eeStmeqR�Jiiyh�'f_2ZG111 n7ailingAAdress:a617\I�IISenice(_�nmo.IlalcighNC27G97�G17 Telephme/Has:(919)S(q{57U/807.G599 �P deaSTAT('o� %y � }� �_( �qtl J�,�_le���{� .� �/ North Carolina Depactment of Cultural Resources State Histotic Pteservation Office l:amuna \I. Rarms, ,\Jminist�ator Paz D[cCmn', G� �� cmor Susan \CC I:lam, Suc¢��a�- Kecm Chrm�, Dcpuh' FemC��n� Fcbruar}� 7, 2013 IICD-IORr1NDUnI "I'O: lfatt \V�ilkei�so❑ FRO�I: SU13iLCT: Ofticc of Human Iznaironment NCDOT Division of �ligh�vaps ��d��� � ;� �t,�- i.. Ramo�aP�I.l3actos �r �(I.:���,"� ��;�.���. o( �) OIGcr ut d�dike. anJ i Iis[on' Dic'.iun uf7lism�iral Rckm¢cs Da� id Itmuk, Dimcmr \V'idcn and Upgrade NC 29-F from SR 1130 to SR 1312-�, R-3G23B, Cliecokec County, ER 12-0188 Thank you Yor }'oui let[cr oEDecembcr 20, 2012, tr�nsnutdng the aic�acological surrcp ceport foc tl�e abovc pcoject. lluring the couese ot the surve�, three sires wece locnted �vithi�� tlie piojec[ area. Foc purposes oY complianec �vitl� Section 106 oE tl�c Natio�al IIistoric Yreseit�ation r1ct, mc coc�cur t6nt the follo«ring site is cligible Eoi listii�gin tlie Natioi�al Rcgistec oE IIistoric Places under Ci�iterio� ll: 31CS787 31CP787 is a pcehistocic litluc scat[ec tl�at coald pco��idc substnntial data co��cerni�g tLie l:tte prelustocic peciod to Qualla phase occupauon oE the nrea. TRC iecominends diat further site deli��cation, surve}° of the uni���estigated �rea, and dnta recovei� be undeetaken at 31C1?787 iE duti site cannot be a�oided b�� constcuction activities. AV'e concur �tdtli thesc reconunendntions, and look Foilvacd to ccccipt of tlie data iecovery� plau. In additioi�, �vc coc�cur thnt arcl�aeolo�ical sites 310E786 and 31CT's788 are ��ot eligible kor lisung in tlie National Re�istec oL I Iistocic Places. Tl�ese sites do not retai�� sufhcient subsarface integrity� oc artitact density� to pield intorma[ion important to lustoiy� oc p�elustoi�•. Tl�e above conunents nre made ��ursuant to Section 106 of thc Nauoi�al Histocic Preseivauon Act and the tldaisor}' �.ouncil on Ilistoric Presem�[ion's Regulations Eoi Co�npGance �vith Secuon 106 codified at 36 CFR Pait 800. Tl�ank }-ou for youc coopeiadoi� nnd cousidecatioc�. IE you have questions conceening tlie abo�e conunent, please contact Renec Gledhill-L'nrlep, enviionmcntal ievie�v coordinator, at 919/807-6579. In all futuce conununicauon co��cenuag tliis project, please cite tlie above cefeLenecd teacl;ing ��umbec. cc: Paul \\'ebb, TKC LocatiomlU'IP:a�tl�nesS�moi,Ital.iyhNC27G111 nlailingAdJass:JGl7AInilSenic�Cenn-q11.il�ighNC;27G`)9�617 TelepLone/Fuc(9U).WO-65711/91�7-GS'J7 PA7 McCKUUv GovEannx f �i�S�ti[�� an ��\� ,�, � . .,� �� f. °'¢ ��_�� _.�� STATG OF NOR'17i C`.AROLINA D�;YAR'I�IVIENT OP TRANSPORTATION November 4, 2013 �ls. Rumona I3artos, lleputy Statc Histori� Presen�ation Oflicer Historic Preservation Office 4617 M�Ic Scn�ice Center Rafeigh, Vorth Carolina 37699-4617 AVTHO\Y1.TAT.4 1ECkETAR�' SUBJF.CT: Archaeologic�il �1uniluring uf Site 310E �87 along the NC 294 Improvemenl Corridor fram SR I 130 (Sunny Point Road.j to SR 1312-A (Upper Bear Paw Rd.). Cherokee County,'I'IPN, R-3622BB, NCDOT Aivision 14, 1VB5 38063.1.1, Elt 12-0188 Discussions werc hcld on "Phursday, Ocrober 3, 2013, 6etween NCDOT archaeologists Damon Jones, Malt �4'ilkerson. and Linda 1{�II ORicc of the Office of State Arciiaeolo� (OSA) to revic�v and discuss potential imp�c�s to archaeulugical site 310E787 during ihe improt�ement to NC 294 in Chcrokec Comny. Site 310E7S7 �v�s detennined eligible for the national Register of Flistoric Places (NRHP) under Criterion U during the archaeological survey and ev�luation for NC 294 in 2012. Based on the mapping and information providzd by d�e engineering consullants Vauglm anil blel�on, �he KkIIP cli�,ible portion ot Sile 310E737 uill not be affcctcd by the project. Design plans proposed th�t a po�iion of ilCG787 along NC 294 measurin� 160 feet (48.77 m) nurth�vest-southeast by 12 tcet (3.66 m) northeast from the current pavement edEc �vill be covered wi�h fill. :�rch:reoloaical munitoring will be conducted during construclion aclfvities at Site 310E787 lo ensure that nu gruund dis[urbing ac[ivities occur �ti�ithin the fill nrea ot�erlying 310E787. Should arehaeulogical resource(s) Jeeme<I eligible for Ihe NRI IP be discovered during ihe monitorine phose, then all wnrk will Ue halted within the limits of lhe NRI1P rzsource and the State Historic Presen•ation Office will be contacted. The SHPO will consull with the NCUOT Archaeology Group, on-site if necessary, in order to develop appropriate protection/mitigation measures for the resource(sj. Appropriate measures for thc resnurce(s) may include preserv�tion in plaee,photographing and mapping,and%oradditionalnrchaeologicnlexenvalions. 14e ask for your concurrence in these recommendations. !f you have any yuestions concernin� the accompanying infomiation, plcase contact me at (919j 707-6089 or Mr. Damon Jones, VCDOT Archaeologis�, at (919) 707-6076. Sincerely, � '��' . �tatt 1Vilkerson Archaeology Supen�isor Human Environment Unit V1TW/cdj MAILING AO�flESS: TE�F�HCx:E1 919�i07£000 LOCATION: NC 0=_cca-vs�t O: Te<v.'cczrar ov FFX� 019�212�579s Cer,uqrCENrEa Bw�D'.�.0 3 P�EA— H���1J1 ElIVIROIO/E•Q Sf �IID`• Y✓E&SI]E' 7000 8��4GH f21p(�E DRIVE 15591dCi.$E4'ACCC6MEa p�{p5//CONAECT.M1�-GOi.GOJiRE50L�RLeS£NYIRO/! � EIGYNC27610 �.��GrNC 27EB9-ta`58 4EAIA(/PAGeJC£FAq,TA$F:! I?nclosures (Design I'I.ins,'fopugraphic �1ap. Sito map�, Site fiitnt) cc: Su;an Paschal. S I V 2ecce Schulcr, Vaughn anci �leltrni \-fark I�a��is. I�F.O. Divisiun 14 I,inda lixll, OSA � x Q ._ z _ _ _. � � .�1 1s�a �'s z 00 I L-- -- -- —.-�:'--_ �i:'-:� �.h� .��,., io u av...o u� s��� x rra .i. F.onE Y[ M[1 }} (�p .�I.KJIE '�+�IZ40 'Cy � �. . �! �y t J )' �11 � _� �-�'i � �'� �� ` -. - J `�F R ) � � ` j ��', -�� � - � ( ` ` � � � . / : � .. ; ! i a �� �. J J r ��� ��il ( �l � 1�.¢�b�f//I .������ )��I`�^i ��\f �j` /'� / iu( � f �..� ',�, �_ � � � � `� �/� � �x��il � j i��A� /// �� e � �� ��y: ) .� f� / �'�. � il �� ��� ( e V I�i �� �I�.�i i i�./� � .ri � � �� �i e � % . L� i�l nk'� ��� � .%� l�� �..�� � ; , ,� ;: Area of�Potential Effects `l;r ,�� i, ,, ; � z4 � � � =,; � , ` :�� ;=; �. ; � ;�c �� , ; s, �`y6� ,� � , , ' - � 1 �', � ` _ ��� � � ' � , �-'>r,� �� �� , �, � �� � � � � � . , , r,, � _ )/� �l 1 � , � � �� � ���� �_ f � r� (iti '' � � 1 �:: � � I_ � -�_ � � �5� /�, u , — ) \ � � _ , �< < � I i ` � b,' , i� c—� i, . � �h�� �. ��i-� � i�ar_�eC {v�tn ��\ ��.r =. (�� . �� �'"o� � . � � � � S . - � ��� l _. (��J/(, �i F � i c e v� I.I�.� ) � .i� ��� � � � �( � . �� � �'-�� '.-� �.�1 l �•.� ���., � ��i� � ��� A � i .A� 5 ' �.� _` -' !'i �., � � _. - a i-�t �� �'� � .�Y �����'.,(� �I� e - 1' �' iA� ��\o / �� �� . .�' '- �lC����� ll . n r \� '�a�J :�'. ��,,.� '�!� � �� /, �,_ ' 310E787 ` '��°�r� �' / j �- ,� J +',' �,' +� ('' �y � i I�� � ' S �' �Il. ,l Jr � �. '� 1 i�, ���l��� l��\ . .`�t � / � -_.- ` � ied s � ` �. � � � �. . � ' 1 ��t t \�. � . , 4 � o � � i 1 r �� � �� ��'` � A � ���Pu�h ��� 1 _ � ��.� V "�3���AQ��� � , �I` /� �1,�� \ � ' !� '� _ �� /I�,a�t � � . � �1�-. T Kn, el i ,.. . A � ,�,�"=`� � � � �A _, . ��`�� �.� ' = i !� .� na� .;_•- �� :, V ��(�� �� •�il �. � , 1% ���, �'� i � � �7 .�� � ( / - � � �V � ill�`� � l . � ./ �� ����r �L �_ A l`,� ��� i r��� � i, l , " � � ; � ,�� n 1�'����i� ��' ��V��,,A f .� ' �� � � �. �r� � t— ) . : � � ) � � 'Q � � �" �`,A r' ", 1 �� 1 %�� , E, � , ,,���. � �� �� . � L �'� � , � , ��.; � � r r '!L' . Ll� ,.. )' � ' �, �' , � 9 � � _ � � � � ; , '�1 1 �_, ii \1 / rj�� ,� '� >):�- � . ��`o� � ...,� en��aez .� � � � �i << � !_ � i � � � ' S � �. ,s,� � � r l,'� , .��i/A�r � �`� ')� .. �i`i _ ,t.-'-_ ( / '; � � '�� �� � 1 �. i , � � � ✓ f� ��� � � � 1 � � ` i �� � � �e�'7m � ra y ��a p 1� �� � J. � ��� i �� ( i oA-0 n, �� /�It_Ai� %i�kZyi7 i; / A�' � ��-. ` BM�E�2 / L, i : � � � �� < � � � F1 / � � ' - 64A '✓ � � i � ) ' � � ,� � :A � ! l -, i __ ' . � / . . ) % � - �� I � � �_ �� � / ��i' f j�� i ,, � ( - ) i k� � r ; ` t 310E786 � � ,, � � . , �s �- —' G� '� � \� c ; Qht � ��� I �� � -� � / � , ` � ; }�l <� � .� - �i �i� 3 � , �� � r I` _ - � � ii� �� � j i � � i- � � I � f � � ` � � Ni <k � C3 V I � i �, / i I P � ( ! =; � � ; � i � . ,�o � - � � r � � ! , U > j � � � � �� �; � , ,<<,l - � - , �� � ,� �,1 � �� � _ �� U �� - �, .�� , �� ; ��l %� �v ���I��(�i���� ��� v �/�i���.i1��6 a � �r�������.1�v��( �A������p � � ) - . / � > I r 1 �� - � I � . - i; i � 1 • \ � Y �, �� �%�� / "�,���V�I�R� A � �r� �����N3 l.S���� � �.�� S� �. ', --, L�--i � ( \�~'�/�) ::; I � '���,� � `,\� l9 � ,. i � �� 7���1 � � -�yfl kFl ��� ,._i -_ (,. / l i �i'3� • ; .4„ q t+g � ri�3� � V . � -- IV �� / -� ��c-. , ` i� � i� .�� 1 _ L / UtSc�{� IC6 ! /�C� ' ` i��-.,��� '�'(�/��� �i e/.�� �' , � � f ���lY �- ` �� T � 1 , � ti �( r I G��i i-r i' � ° 55a��°i �4 � � � -�f ._, ` �1.rJ/1/�`� j— �,��._ ,� , S<,, ���j,�, ��,,:(i;��G - .-,.� n I(� )�'\ _ � 1\, -( /�/ 1 , ,� �� � -.1. �/1 � trl /f�=i ���,\` ��i ,� ��( S .�d/ iJ C;: ri._— . C� ,�'�ti6 ... -�'/6� / , � _=�/Ttio' . ._r� .(,��li�� n�J�- � r I % ^e i•;. V?-t � eti� , �a. ', _ C _. � l� , l. l t:rce;.;�t..c„n.1.:_ -:�i, rcrmmo�ewe.esc�iv: u I 11 �Idc II JIMIII ( — G.1 W E ..� ..� \ / J 11 �'[�1 ' � V S I�I���nlfrt! I'igure 1. USGS topographic map of NC 294 Section B project area showing APE aud iiewly ideutified �rchaeological resources. Site 31 CE787 is tlie northernmost site. � 0 ob , 7" 2 �„Q!`� ., �sm �O a` . ra f' S 7i / �...\��j2� �j! N �NN �� �� Fill .._ (Dashed Red) y `u ' , . °o `-i. p . . . �� �.�' �/ //'I�• �\ \ � `., � ary ?C�( -�. �,, J a . .z oi� \ ��� z y`��\`k l _ ��, - °o. �� o s 2 � � �'�. ' �. .\ . os �� 0 \ . N f ' r A ^ �� Site 310E%87 (Red) ��d; V ��,d; �S6 OS��c^ % x �j �. �� � � os; s �� 7 os" •� � . �� `�` �i9 . . ,� \w � 1� \ � ' \s� � Easement ,,.6-d�' `.7� (Purple) , 6tlx0 �}`J S�, � j O� t� �Y � � � � ay� 06 �• o°�' 7� o- OZ m �` . my , b� �ti�� 02 �� -�� � I�� C ! � - `�, � 100 N t � r l \������!� J���` �� i � `1J�}T ��ti..���i� Feet W�E ". �i�" 0 30 Cherokee County Me�e�s S Figarc 2. Aerial View Sitc 3 LCE787 witli design pla�is sliowing cxtent of easeinent and fill. -�. . I w��� i 1'\ 152 150 156 144 �154 �., 1 �. a � �''�. \\ . aI �o. 0 �� ias �� c> 1 , 179 '_ . 146 � �� � 188 �. G l �� � w 18Zi� 1871\ � 145 � � i. �� � j �' rt 186 � 18 f 151 '�� \ 147 149 �;. � �� ; �� O 155�. � 184 178'"e, A � �\ l 53 159 � 1�� ❑ TU 1 157 � �82 G � � i 0 I5 I I ` =ivnre�i. 91C'F7R7 cifr man chmvina \, �� � \` ` � � hlaluel �� —�. • Y � �� , I NcgafiveSho��ellest �_ O Posi�ire Shocel Tes� (Prehis[oric) t, . � ❑ Tesl Uni� i Con�our (d tecQ ` `p � iislimafed Site 6oundary 30 � � �gelers ' " � Area ot Potenlial Tilleds (APE) � i I facl and facf nnif nlaramanf Office of State I. S'I'ATE SITF, NUMBER: 2. SITG NAME(S): 3. OTHER SITE NUMk3ER: 4. INSTI'1'U'I'ION ASSIGNING: 5. PROJECT SITE NUMBER: 6. SITC COMPONENT: 7. QUAD N(AP and CODE: R. UTMs: ZONE: 31C�787 of Arcl�ives & 41 rsaz 2- Prchistoric+Histm�ic, No Above-Ground Remains Pcrsimmon Q'eelc (P39) 17 NORTIIING: 3885107 EASTING: 755774 9. COlINT1': Clierolcec RECORDED F31': TRC 10. DATE RECOKDED: 8/1/12 PROJECT NA�1G: Intensire Archaeological Sw�rey & Bvaluation (m� Sectim� B of the NC 294 Luprovemenl Cm•ridor, "1'IP R-36226, Cherolcee Couuty, NC. 1 L RESUL"I' OF COMPLIANCC PI20JECT: 1-1'es 12. ER/CH/GRANT#: 13. CODING DATG: 12/12/12 CODED By; p{ichnel �elson 14-I R, OF/'ICE OF ST.I TE �1 RCHAEOLOG 3' USE OA�L 3' 14. Register Status: 14A. Registcr Criterion I UETER\11NEDHLIGBLB 5 RE\IOVEDPRObINRHP A SIGNIFlCANT-CRITf:RIO�A 2 PLACCD ON S'lUDy (+ NOl' ELIGIBLE B SIGNICICAt�I - CRITERIOA R 3 AFPROVEDPOR 7 UNASSLSSGD C SIGNIFICAAT-CRITEIZIOAC J LIS'f[U IN NRHP 8 NC ARCH REC PROC D SIGNIPICANT-CRITLRION D I5. Type of Ponn: 16. Recorder Status 11 SITE PORA1 VI I\'Ci�C \IE�16GR 4 OIHER 2 .1\IATGLIi 5 STUDG�1 3 UNKNOA4T 17. Ponn Reliability: 18. Locational Rcliability: I CODIICG COMPLETE 1 ACCURATf 4 UNKN0IV\' LOC. 2 CODING fhCOA1PLHTE 2V1'fLH W 100A7 RADIUS 5\5'/in 500�7 RADIUS 3 CODING UNR[LIAf3LE 3 UNIiEL1A6LE 6 11'/in IKbt RADILIS DIREC'I'lONS TO SITE: 31C�788 is locnted along thc Last side of NC 29d in Cherolcee County. F'ollow NC 29d froiu flwy 74/G4 to Frieudship Baptist Church/Fricndship Chw•cl� Rd. Contiuue north for approiimatcly 0.25 �nile to n siu�ll field ne�r a mnn-�unde pond on thc right, just south of a s�u�ll commcrcial building (real estntc ofi'ice/stm•age buildiug). Site is located along the ensth•ight side of NC 294 in open feld and across Be�r Paw Creelc in a residential Inwn soutli of the pond. Da❑ i1 TT�1 CF7 USGS 011 OTIIER 1)L'!'AILED SI "1'C A'lA]' �OO 19. RESEARCH POTENTIAL: Site could not be [horoughly delinen[ed or evaluntecl but is recommended NRHY eligible. 31CC787 appears to dnte prim�rly to the �iississippinn Period to Quall:� Phnse, and produced a sm:ill trinngulnr ppA< and subsfanli�l chert debitage. 20. POTENTIAL IbIPACTS ARTIFICIAL: 4- High Site is lil<cly to be negativcly impacfed by the proposed improvemenis to NC 294. 21. POTF,NTIAL IbSPACTS ENVIRONMENTAL: I- Nmte Appnrent 22. EXPLANATION OF IVIPACTS: Site is p�rflV �vithin nn open pashu•e (currently used fm' gro�ring hny) nnd h�s exisling plowzonc, so unlil<ely to bc fw�ther disGubecl by plowing; the pm'tion in Ihe resideutinl ynrd has hnd nn nrtificnl pond constructed, but Purther I;md alteralions there nre unlilcely. Ilowever, the site is lilcely to be impneted b�• Sile H: 31 planned rond improvements. 23. RECOMMF.NDATIONS: 8- Eligible Pm• Nntionnl Register 24. E\PLAIN RECOMMENDATIOI�S: The presence of substnntial nmowrts of chert debit�ge suggests thnt this site lilcely dnfes sometime from tlie �lississippinn period through tl�c Qu:illa phnse. Sites of 16is time period liave a high potentinl fo contnin cul[ur:il feahurs. 25. DATE ON REGISTE2: 26. G\CAVATION DATE: 8/15/12 27. INSTITUTION EXCAVA'PING: 2R. LXCAVATI01�' RESULTS: 29. PBRCHNT DESTROYED: 3 L CAUSF.S OF DES"I'RUC'I'ION: dl A fot�l of 2S shovel tests at 5-m iutervals & one ]sl m tcst unit o�cre escavated neross the site. 22 of tlie shovel tesls conl�ined culturnl artifacts Q701ithic nrtifncts) within the plo�vzone and Ilie Ap/I3 I�orizmi interface, while the single test w�it vicldeil an additioual 671ithic nrtifacts and Ihe two historic/modern glnss frngmenls. 30. DATL DESTROYED: 0- Unl<no�rn Site was lil<ely dislurbed by fhe conslruction of nn artiGcal pond at tl�e southeast corner of the site as �rell as by the caistruction ot NC 29d, but this is unluio�vn since Ihe �vesl side of NC 29d has yet to be lested to determiue iP the sile cmitinues in Ihat direction. ENViRONMENTAL INFORMATION 32. TOPOGRAPHIC SITUATfON: 6- lst Tcrr:�ce 33. ELEVA'I'ION: 1693 FT. AMSL 34. SLOPE PGRCBN'I': °/, 35. SLOPE FACE DIRECTION: 9- No Slope 36. SOIL COMPOSITIO�: 8- Silty Loam 37. SCS SOIL Tl'PE CODE: EeA SERIES NAME: �la ASSOCIATION: 3�. �10DERN VEGETATION: 3- Paslw�e 39. DISTANCE TO VVA'PE2: 14 (Nleteis) 40. IS (Yards) 41. TYPE OF NF.AREST PER�4ANENT �VATER: 2- River, Creek, Stream NAME: Bear P��v Creek 42. STREA\4 RANK: I[Strahler System - 1-6] 43. DRAINAGE BASIN: 6- Hi�vnssce SITG EVALUATION AND CONDITION 44. SITF. CDnDITION NATUI2AL: 7- Deposifion Site lilcely hns been subject fo occasionnl creek depositions. 45. SITE CONDIT[ON ARTIFICIAL: 3- Pasture Part of site is nlso in n residential la���n 46. GROUND VISIBILITY: 0°/a 4Z COLI.F..CTION MADG: 2- No 48. COLLECTION STRATBGY: 49. AREA COVE2ED SQ. METERS: 50. SUB SURFACE TEST W G: 51. TESTING METIIODS: 52. SUBSURFACF. TEST RESUL'PS: I - Yes 3- Shovel'1'est nnd test unit 28 ST escava[ed :it 5 m infervals ���ith 22 containing arfif�cts and one Izl NCAreL. Sile Forn� 1'/-- Pnge 2 Sile H: 3/ m test w�it A tolal oP 170 artif�cfs were collected from all subs�u�Gce tests. 53. SITE SIZE: 5- 60 L5000 sq. meters PREHISTORIC SITE INFORMATION 54. PREHISTORIC CDMPO�ENTS: 55. PREHISTORIC SI'I'E PUNCTION(S): 5(. MIUDEN: 2 - Abseu[ c - n���e��� DI - �lississippian T - Historic �4nerindian I - Limited Acticity Unlcnown 57. FAUNAL/ETHNOBOTANICAL REMAINS: 2- Abscnt SA. FEATU2E DESCRIPTION: 59. LITIIICS: � 1 HaRed Bifaces/Projectilc Pts. � 2 Bif:�ces ❑ 3 Uuifacial Tools ❑ 4 Othcr Unifacial Tools ❑ 5 Cores 59A. TOOL'I'YPES AND FREQUF.�CIES ❑ I - Clovis ❑ 2 - Hardaway Bl�dc ❑ 3 - Hardaway-Dalton ❑ 4 - Hardaway Sidc-Notched ❑ 5 - PaLucr Comcr Notched ❑ 6 - Kirk Corner-Notched ❑ 7- St Albaus Sidc Notched ❑ 8 - LeCroy Bifurcated Sfem ❑ 9 - Kauawh� Stcmmed ❑ 10 - Kirk Scn�ated ❑ 11 - Kirk Stcmmed ❑ 12 - Sf�nly Stemmed ❑ 13 - Monow Mtn. 1 Stemmed ❑ 14 - Moirow Mti�. 11 Stemmcd ❑ I S - Guilford Lanceol�tc ❑ I6 - Halifax Side-Notchcd ❑ 17 - Savaunah River Stcmmed ❑ 18 - Sm. Savaim�h R. Stemmed ❑ 19 - Gypsy Stemmed ❑ 20 - Swannauoa Stenmicd ❑ 21 - Badin Crude Triaiigular ❑ 22 - Yadkin Large Triaugul�r ❑ 23 - Roanoke Large'I'riangular ❑ 24 - Uwhanie Triangular ❑ 25 - Caraway Ti�iangular 60. PREHISTORIC - MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS/SAMPLES: ❑ l Human Bone Or Tectl� ❑ 2 Non-Humau Bone Or Tceth ❑ 3 Anticr ❑ 4 Uuworked Mariue/River Sl�cll ❑ 5 1Vorked Mnrine/River Sliell ❑ 6 '1'urtle Shcll ❑ 7 C-14 Sample(s) ❑ 8 Pollcu Sample(s) ❑ 6 Primary Debitage � 7 Secondary Debitage � 8 Tertia�y Debitage ❑ 9 Ground Or Pecked Sto��e � 99 Other Utilized ilal<es � 26 - Clarksville Small Triangular ] 27 - Pee Dee Pentagoual ❑ 28 - Randolph Stemmed ❑ 29 - PPt (Notched) ❑ 30 - PPk (Stemmed) ❑ 31 - PPL (Triangtdar) ❑ 32 - PPL Frag.(Notched/Stenuved) � 33 - PPI. Frag. (Triangular) ❑ 34 - PPt. I rag. Indeterminate) ❑ 35 - �nd Scraper (Type 1) ❑ 36 - End Scraper (1'ype II) ❑ 37 - End Scraper (1'ypc III) ❑ 38 - Side Scrapm� (Typc I) ❑ 39 - Sidc Scr�per (Type Il) ❑ 40 - Sidc Seraper (Type Ill) ❑ 41 - Pointcd Scraper ❑ 42 - Oval Scraper ❑ 43 - Pisgah Triangul�r ❑ 44 - IInywood Triangulnr ❑ 45 - G�rdcn Crcek Triangular ❑ 46 - Copcun Triangular ❑ 47 - Conncstce Trinngular ❑ 48 - Mndison ❑ 49 - Soulh Appnl�chi�n Peutagonal ❑ 50 - Transylvania Triangular � 99 - Olhcr possible re�vm1ced Morrow Mtn ppk � � � � � � /� � 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 99 Pliytolitl� Sample(s) T-L Samplc(S) Sed'uueut Sa�uple(s) W ood Piber Pabric Iire-Cracked Rock Other NCdreh. Sile Fnr��� Pl -- Pnge3 1 61. CERAMIC "fEMPER I: (2. SURFACE TIZHATMENT I (3. CBRAM[C TEMPER 2: 64. SUIiFACE TREATMEN'I' 2: 65. CF,RAM[C TEMPE23: 66.SURFACGTREATMENT3: fi5a. CEttt\�11C'PGMPER 4: 66a. SURFACE TREA'CMENT 4: 65b. CERAMIC TEMPER 5: 66b. SURFACG TREATMEA'T 5: 65a CERA�IIC TEMPER 6: 66c. SURFACG "I'REATb1ENT 6: 65d. CE2AMIC'I'GMPER 7: 66d. SURFACB'PREATMENT 7: Sile N: i/ HISTORIC SITE 1NFORMATION C7. PERIOD OF OCCUPATION BEGIN: (,3. PL'IiIOD OF OCCUPA'I'ION END: 69. REFINED DATE FRO\�t: 71. ]I[STORIC CULTURAL AFFIUATIONS: 72. 1-IISTORIC SITE DEPINITION: 73. HISI'ORICREMAINS DBSCRIPTION: 74. MAIN STRUCTURE FUNCT[01Q: 75. NUi\46GR OF OUTBUILDINGS: 76. OUTBUILDING DISTANCE(S): 77. OUTf3UILDING FUNCTIONS: 7R. OUTBUILDING DBSCRIPTION: 79. KITCHEN GROUP: 80. ARCHITECTURAL GROUP: 5 - 20th Cenlury 5 - 20th Cenhu�y 70. RBPWGD DATE TO: 0 - Unl<nown Site contnins just two pieces of smnll flnt glnss recovered frmn the single test uniL Bot6 are lilcely windo�v glnss Srngments, bu[ one piece is nqun in colm• aud mny aclually be a contnincr glnss frngntent rnther than window gl:�ss, but it is too small lo positively identif��. ❑ I - Ceramics ❑ 2 - Wiue Botdc ❑ 3 - C�se Bottle ❑ 4 - Tumbler ❑ 5 - Pharmaceutical Bottic � 1 - �i�indow Glass ❑ 2 - Nnils ❑ 3 - Spikes NC Ared. Si(e Form 1%— Pnge 4 ❑ 6 - Gl�ss�vnrc ❑ 7 - 'Tablcware ❑ 8 - Kitchenware � 9- Other Mnybe Container Glass ❑ 4 - Construction Hardware ❑ 5 - Door Lock Parts ❑ 9 - Other S I. AILbiS GROUP: R2. MILI'PARY OQJGCTS: 33. CLOTHING GROUP: S4. PERSONAI, GROUP: S5. TOBACCO PIPE GROUP: 86. ACTNITIES GROUP: 87. HISTORIC MISC 38. DATEABLE CERAMICS: ❑ I- Musket Balls, Shot, Sprue ❑ 2 - Gun Flints, Gunspalls ❑ 1 - Swords ❑ 2 - Insigni� ❑ 3 - Bayoncls ❑ I - Buckles ❑ 2 - Thimbles ❑ 3 - Buttons ❑ a - s���so� � ❑ s - su��gi,t ���,s ❑ i - co��,5 ❑ 2 - Keys ❑ I - Tobacco Pipe ❑ 2 - Shib-Stenuned Pipes ❑ I - Construction Tools ❑ 2 - Farm Tools ❑ 3 - Toys ❑ 4 - Fishing Gear ❑ 5 - Colonial-Indiai� Pottery ❑ I - Boue Fragmeut ❑ 2 - Furniture Hard�vare ❑ 3 - Button Manufacturiiig Blanks 2-No ❑3 ❑9 ❑ � ❑9 ❑6 ❑ � ❑ � ❑� ❑3 ❑9 ❑9 ❑6 ❑ � ❑ K ❑9 Sile #: 3/ Gan Parts, Ballet Molds Ofher Artillcry Shot & Slicll Olhcr Hook �C Eye Fasteners Bale Seals Glass Beads Otl�er Personal lteros Other Other Storage Items Cthnobo�anical Associated With Stable Or Barn Other ❑ 4 - Sih�ersmithii�g Debris ❑ 9 - Otl�er ADDITIONAL SITE INFORMATION 82 ARTIFACTINVENTORY: 90. CURA'PION PACILI7'Y: 9L ACCESSI01� NU�IBER(S): 92. ACCESSION DATE(S): 93. OTHER CURATION FACILITY: 94. O'I'IiGR ACCL'-SSION NUMBE2(S): 95. O\VNER/TE\ANT INFORMATfON: 96. BII3LIOGRAPIIIC REFERENCE #'S: z-n�o Artifacts nre cw•rently housed �t tl�e Chepel Hill TRC office �Vnyne �Vood Stanley (Inndo�cner �rho denied aceess to his propert}�) and Krisfie (�Vright) and Natl�nn Hnrbin 97. COMMENTS/NOTES: Site is moderntc density prchistm�ic lithic sca[ter (�rith a slight histm•ic occw•rence) IocnteA along the enst and o�est sidcs of I3ear Paw Creel<. As cw•rcntly defined tl�c si[e is located on the east side af NC 29d in n small hn}� field nnd a residcntinl yard. Duc to Inndo�vner issues �vith access the site was only partially dclinc,ited nnd investingted nt this timc. It is possiblc [hat the site cantinues on thc wcst side of NC 29d. See repm•t: Nelson, Diichael, and Pnul �Vebb, 2012, Infensire Archneological Sw�vey for Section B of the NC 294 Improvemenl Corridor, Cherolcee Counly, \C. NCArch. Sile Fonn 1'[ -- Pnge 5 .. . � .�,� icr-+ _ . n ?e�...� n _IC� . . . 59 iL SlE]ll 111 .icr,: s� ,� �ea � o. n_sraE.� s.,. rn . i e . ., si i:+ ., o-i m n ICF ir IC ic � . _IIE;_ �ll_0 �l n ICE ='� :�I'0 4 � nce::.. .� s n.� � ,i i e.. :rnn .. ie.__ :ri+or.� � ue.. srn=� _ I �91e! vi �ia mi,ori __ _,vani:s �i� ncr-,� �ice�n -oi � ncer�� n,oi*� uoi:s nin,r zicr.n � nces.n ncrn-r � , a s zice;n u vuai. „ zice:,r c � �i.s , �icrn c . �iss ncc,.a n � ., u ±ae.r u :ovn+ , u _ae;,r u vum.e .. ]I�Eii1 II i)1!OInS n �IiE i1 IJ ill`01.5 n � ) E a) I! :11! :I�! + IA I . I. 1 I IS 1 )I: I ICF I1 icr i icr i icr : i �ItE e] 11 •11+01�5 r ]I�Eie] li :•lI3nIS3 n �I�E%ei I€ :��Il�IF� n ]I�Ei�] I'1 :�113nIF� n JI3�IS5 Ein) ..II±n14! . !I �[E�n Y `1 �!I�! o . e-,� � w n r. � n� r., n ,: c,o �n IL E'!�! 111 � e,�� �n.ni IL l � '�iE'��� ' III.III ro�n.±e�� n•.v �n.ni I II III I II III n i.. ieo, e_.v �n.ni r iiw iiii ww n av.� n „ v,n n� � n+o r�n� sr u. srus ic, srus iv. n ur sriu sri%. �w ir. srir iv. sr u; iv, uin ��uv m.v iv� �ui� � iv. sru� axs iv. �rin ir, i v, risi iv, risi ir, susi ir, Si I51 J_J 1 f'z SII 1 Si I 1 STI� 1' Sil.� 1 � sri.� i: r. sri.s r. sri.� . I�x lie Stl� lie �tl�) lie STI�] � lie Sil�] �ir SfL�] �� IR . i S i, i i �i I3 r i i i �a �: i z-� I I-! ) i �-� I �..,�..,.� .��„ , r: _-..n, i.-, n•..:- V.-,..- r. i r i i.��-, c . .,e., n,� �--e � i i . -�.,i r �. i r i i r i r r -, � :.. f R -� I.- i r� r: - a. I h •.na e r - e. > . r..-,, a— �.ro� . o, rz e�.., n � -::i .._: . _ r:-' i - n.-_: a.� r � n�,- � � i �t�...� vo �e:. u;�.� v--� v ..��..a�v...�exr �. �: u. — ie.� LG'_ IXt¢. � � •� r �, unn. v:-s �' �^--' — ll 1' L`e ��V i -. ��,-._.. �_..a.. .. ..a��,r..,i.�.c:. o-:.,��... ,�.. i:.-. n..-:: o-��._ r - ' � - o i - n..,-- .. 1-� �. _...�i.. t= : �a��--\- P. � i-.: n-�:., co � �. v.c.... ��x n.=-_ o_n :, r � - o.•--. r r, i , n.",- u-,� .r...„��-:i �s r.,--�,;, it; n°-.., �, v:.��.-.,;, i�e aa 0.-.�-, - , ._.:� r,._...,��. �t�., u.•-_. a..,.,��: r":.�. ¢-: aa:- � . r,.-..n., �-" n:r�_ � a.� x � r. -..n, iw;: w°, � a^_..,�,., r: �,•�:: u.�: _� - r: . �-��: u:> __ e: r, :-:.,��: us, u: - � x r,._-.,,�., r-�, ur...;: ie... . .. �:r�i�u�s;�i �,.: n . . �r_��: ue:': x ..i. Li-._ P:�;� V�*+ !: fr`�'�n. . I..�.r..i .— CI_n �. �[�.L elliA!I E_;crt�-+7�R1A.i�l 1 I I C I 1 f f R 1 0 1 f f ( Y 1 L f R U - _.-.'..1 �r r � i cr : io r � i a : e r � n: e r L Le.s.lfLe tt:n LL�I...J OS L�_ 0.!:�� � tt.i P.�..aei�: L�. f%::�-a t�a'_� - .. L�•:_ U.!�.- � tt�i �: ' i N R.`-�m- L�'1 R�n 1 01 R.•., I.�... •1 R` '.n. 1�_ Q v '1 i n r < i I . :. i. nn��r:.� oi��:: nrn "� c o,.. u...,�c o:.i , a..���., u�.i. - n�_. e.�= . 1.sr.,n,. .oi u sru� � Sic, . i r c r: __ :oi i- nise �� inr i �_ n---- ira r _ai,�-s sns.� . ia, r� �-, n°E_ .. �1 _�ll�)I.5 > >� Si159 i-i 14i I_� II I`nn. L"� F�A.iti .. ��Ik__,LP' �I..P � �ICEia1 .�� �] silP Irv`5 In I C�i:=.ei�_ Lw. 1%Y:w�: Cl.n ncer,i .-or-r ni�o nv.� ir, r.-<..m: «- irx-u o.,� nce.i �r. > » ni.�� m;�� ir, i., r n.c:_..,� �. u...,.irw.c-n . � — �-:e�.:c�ri�;.,�-�. -:...� n.� v.��o. r... �_.�i1Tn, zfiA -. ill?91�3 ¢ - Si 1'1 � 1�� � R.i---`ic L. - Cta !: �il�u1.3 �� JI Sf I��� � IR Ol Ri:_cni: L�^� P". _� Vs� . .. � :il II.. • !. �Il:�i .]-rl lix I ��. 1 9 Ih.- :r'e L `� Hf�a>:e7�� V�v . ��.-.- .eFiP� fr:.t.�.J.AI!'_ '..i:� �t6��1 -r.}l�l �.t'_1 _ Y. ! _ :1 F-� ]I�Ei•] VI'_�ISS Rlc+ I �� . LG� Ct'c."- nie,r �oinizs ir, „s� no i .� �w o-.��. a� �ue:�r �>cor,� sr� iym un i -. ��; �..1:. a.n ei ncE:.r �,m�s sr.� iy4 un i . ��� �c _-: c.�a �ae.,; - o�emss - snas � ir, i - �e�.: ir.�, �. �ice,,; :��enr,s srrs � �r, i ��: ��rie-� v.m - .,-sa JILE�a� - �11'.ule� STIn! II'i I . L?. �CF VV �.zaJ tEa1 ll I._ . STlin I L`: C., Sil !IYS 51 51 IE� III1 h`'i� L q`-_ l � :01`i�l�c � Silei I�i R.-•.:�i.� L�..-: f4`-._: t:n JILEi] � .VI`�I�� o n Silnt +�9 IPi I in fr.`•.1ic fY_': 1\F'.- ��_n .! �i.�11F'�tzLn.�� L ='�] �ICIin] n !1 � li'e {Y�a�i. L�-�� U-Y'�-� -C�: _I �il.l�c r: Sc yIVIS 0.i5 I I I Arc�:�?a �c.t_�_ ,V� �..-.� u:tA�.n:��! .�-.-eeLS�� 1 ]I[�n] �I :JI�01-5 u .r illl 0._�� I 1 I 0_ A..�.�?. 41.. v_,.. G,� F_��.nJl-:.•e���v. ��..-. c.�� nrr,n n •niss ., �v� :�s �r. e,._;�: u�:-..: ncv,;; �i ., i;. r,._�:c, ca�:--:: . �. )ICf�:] ll !il_`UI[! n �) ILiI IYx Pr.- .n� L-`: [�`�_.-: � - R`)� _i-e„r n .�rm� „ �,� mi a,as irz i c e�:,.�: �_. u��i , p , i �.G,sm.i lo,, b:n ]ICEi.] � � 41 NI 0.?l] IIY I !_9 f�.`s - 1��:.- RR . �ICE%<] ]I n T�I 0.')! II'i �IP1 I'r.`so. 1��-: F�R 0`a� ��.1 IILEiat J]11n153 illl ]JSJ9 LziLZ R.;�....i L�"._ 111`i:. CF.n N .. !I�E�eI yl'_dl�� RII !>S.J9 IJ fi.,'�.-..i. L�•: bl�� . CF.n 1' _I E. �_ }]I'�ISS o [5 i1�1 ) �.t_. _ _ � It.i"....�i. L-: U` , R.•��`_ 1: �vl.�..-�J.� �'.:l vcr;,� ._ :acnixs o r_, n�i a,r , n__ �o n..�...,:, n - n - LG"e _., l-m . :�C...�rt�11E�LZ(_�i `�11�5 o il�l .� � I � Fl.`":.aw L--�� .I! � _1 i�5 ]Ilie C�I� I - R.-.r4 L fl.: - � �ICF.� 1_lil_� � t�l ]�Sn IX�O II I ]n M.-G� -. �. \_._. .. l!'_...II �IieL': I?\ )ICEi:t ) � . 1?-'�1 11 �Il�f1FPr� �p E�.i \�UIIiR`i _ICE _: __ �ll .. n ] Si .l .�1 I 13 I A�.k a� ... �.iL �... fx�� f .n UI_—�-.-�..l- E...� )ICEief . 41V 1 I 19 i�'.`�.a Cv� �- - t J i Jltk .i 7 `11 .IES o � Sili: J.IS Ih I p� [.��_..r� F�-: .'_ t..} . ca If:.�- - L'� LL.�'_a. C i N Guccmur Put Mdrup' Scc« tan' Su<nn IClutt>. Deceinbec 17, 2013 nIF_,DfORANDUIt TO: FRODI: SUBjECT: �.��� ��C;°��� �. �,, �-: �s' J,� �G��_�,=�%" North Cacolina Department of Cultural Resoucces State Histotic Preservatio�� Office Ramnn:i \I. Harfo., Adminiztrafor Ullice uf i\rchiccs and Hic[un Drpu[1' ��'crctan' hacin Ch<m' ����'�i�;��;���� � � nfattR'ilkc�son 1/�N U [i 201k Ofticc of Human ]?��ironment NCDOT Division of Hi�h�vaps ���„��,n n[. sn�r�s ��!��l'..I;;�. ('n,. �.��,.��. Il,�<,c��;��„ . ����;y���'��i4� ,�,�1• ) NC 294 \V/iden and Upgrade fcoin SR 1130 to SR 1312-A, R-3C22B, Cheiokcc County, rR 12-0188 Tl�ank pou Eoc ��oui letter of Noeembec 4, 2013, outliiung the pcoposed inonitoiing plans foc 310E787 in associatio�� «ntl� the above pioject �C�e concur mitl� tliese pcoposed ineasures and look foizvned to Fucthee consultation sliould sigiuficant tesoucces be iden[ificd during tl�e tnocutoring phase. Tl�e abo��e conunents ace made puisuai�t ro Section 106 of the National Histocic Pcesec��ation Act and the r1d��isoi�� Council on Histocic YLesei��atioc�'s Regulntions for Compliacice �vith Sec[ioci 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. T�ank �oa foc Soac cooperation and considec�tiou. IEpou heve qucstions co�cer�ing the above comment, please contact Reuee Gledhill-Earles, environtnental rc�ie�v coordinator, at 919/807-6579. In all Eutuce conununication conccrning this project, please cite tl�e aUove refecenced trackic�g numbcr. ��aeo�:io�F<<�„„�,s����,a�r�i,ucvao� nn,�c�geaa�.ss:��n�i,�is��..��.�en,�.��,rs,i���n�ez�����an Teiep�,one/a�.:�����am-es�n/am.�s�� APPROVGD JURISUIC'1'IONAL DPTER�IINATION PORnI US. Army Corps of Cngineers 'I�his fonn shoulA be completed by follo�sing the instructioos pro��ided in Seclion IV of �he ID Corm [nstructional Guidebook. SCCTIOY 1: 6ACKGROU�D INFORDIATION A. REPORT COnIPLETION DATC COR APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETGR\IINA7'ION (JD): B. DISTRICT O�fICP, fILC NAINC, AND NUDIBER: C. PROJECT LOCATION AND BACKGROUND ]NFOR�[A'1'ION: 'fIP No. R-3G22B -NC 294 improvements Stnle: NC County/pnrisl�/borough: Chcrokco City: Murphr Cenler coordinates of site QnUlong in degree decimnl formnt): LnL 35.05698° N, Long. -84.1819d° \1' Universal Trans��erse �lerwtor: Name of nearest �vaterbody: 1-lickey Brnnch and 13enrpnw Gcek Name of nearest Tnidi�ionnl Nnvignble AVater ('INVV) lnto �vhich the aquatic resource Flo���s: I li�vnssce River (Lake) Namz of �ratershed or I lydrologic Uni[ Code (HUC): 0G0200021800I0 � Check il map/diagram of rzview are� and/or poteo�ial I��risAic�ionnl nrens is/are available upon request. ❑ Check if o�hcr si�es (e.g.. otisite mi�igation sites, disposal siles, etc...) nre �ssocintcd wi�h Ihis action and nre recordeA on n diffcrent 7D foun. D. REVIC�V PGRCORDIED ROR SITE �VALUATION (CHECI<ALL TIIAT APPLI'): ❑ Ottice (Dcsk) Detcriuinalion. Date: � 1=icld Detcrminalion. Dnte(s): Julp 2012; USACE Preliminarq Delermin�tion May 7, 2013. SCCTION 11: SIIDI�IARI' OP FINDINGS A. ItHA SL;CTION 10 DGTERVIINATION OF JURISDICTIOn. Therz Pick List "nnvi,qa6/e irniers o% die U.S." �cithin Rivers nnd Hnrbors Act (RHA) jurisdic�ion (ns defined by 33 CP2 pan 329) in the rariew aren. �Reqr�irer!] ❑ 1Vaters sul�jec� to the ebb nnd Flo�v of the tiAc. ❑ Naters are presently used, or have been uszd in thz pnsl, or may be susceptible for use [o trnnspon interstate or foreign commerce. B�plain: R. C�VA SCCTION 40d DET�RDIINATION OF JURISDICTION. "I�here Aro "ira�ers q% Nie U.S." within Clenn AA'n�cr Act (CNA)jurisdiction (as- defined by 33 CPR part 328) in ihe revie�c aren. [Hegi�ire�l� I. \Vnters of tl�c U.S. n. Indicnte presence of �vaters of U.S. in revie�r nren (check nll thnt npply): � ❑ TN\Vs, including territorinl sens ❑ Netlands adjacent to TNNs � Relntively permnnent �vaters' (RPV1's) Ihnt Ylo�r directly or indirectly into "INNs ❑ Non-RP1Vs �hxt Flow direc�ly or indirecUy into TN\Vs � AVetlands direcUy abutting IiP1Vs Uiat Flo�v directl}� or indirectlp into TNNs ❑ \Vcllands adacem to but not directly abulting RPVVs Ihat Flo�v directlp or indirectlp into TNNs ❑ VVeU�nds adjnccn� to non-RPR's �hat flo�v dircctly or indirectly into TNIVs ❑ hnpoundments ofjurisdictional �cijlers ❑ Isola�ed (interstate or intrastate) wr�ters, including isolnted «�ctlnnds b. Identify (estimate) size of �raters o( the U.S. in the revicw �ren: Nom�vetland a�aters: d000 lineitr feeC 2-6' �vidth (ft) nnd/or ncres. �Vetlands: 0.05 acres. c. Limits (bomidarics) ofjw�isdicfion bnsed on: Pick Lisf Elevalion of established OH\VM (if kno�vn): . 2. Non-regulnted wnfershretlmids (check if npplicnble):' ❑ Poten�inllyjurisdietionnl �vnters and/or �eetlnnds �vero nssessed �vithin the rovie�r aren nnd de�ennined to be not jurisdictional. E�piain: ' L3oses checAeA belo�c shnll be supportzd 6}� completing Ihc appropciatz scctions in Sccliun III below. ' �ae purposes of lhis fonn, an RP\V is def neA ns n tributary [hn[ is no� n'I NN nnd that q-pically Oo�cs yzarvround or I�is cominuous �lo�c al Ie,isl °s'e;tionall�" (e.g, lypicall}� 3 monlhs). ' Suppohine documeNa�ion is przseNeA in Szction III.P. SECTION III: C�VA ANALYSIS A. TM\'s AND \1'ETLANDS ADJACEN7' TO TN\Vs Thc ngencies will assert jw�isdiction orer TN�Vs nud �retlands adjscent to TN\Vs. IP tlre nquntic resource is a TNR', complete Section III.A.1 nnd Secfion 111.0.1. only; if the nquntic resource is n wetlnnd ndjncent to n'1'NW, complete Sections III.A.1 and 2 nnd Section III.D.1.; otherwise, see Section III.6 below. 1. TN�V Identitp 7NVV: Summarize rntionale supporting determinnlion: 2. R'etlnndndjncentto'1'N1V Summarizc rationale supporting conclusion �hnt �vetland is "adjaccnf': B. CIIARACPERISTICS O� TRI6U'1'ARY (THAT IS NO'f A TN�V) AND ITS ADJACCNT R'BTLANDS (I� ANY): This section swmm�rizes informntion regarding characteristics oPthe tributnrr nnd its �dj�cent weflmids, iPnny, nnd it helps determine whetl�er or not the stnndnrds forjurisdiction estnblished under Rapanos hnve been met. The ngencies will nssert jw�isdiction over non-nm�igable tributnries oPTN\Vs whcre the tributnries nre `h�clntivciy permnnent �raters" (RP\�'s), i.e. tributaries tlmt tppically tlow yenr-rowid or hnve continuous flo�r nt lenst sensonnlly (e.g., typicnlly 3 months). A wetlnnd thnl directly nbuts an RPR' is niso jurisdic�ional. If the aquntic resom�ce is not a TN«', but hns yem�-round (perenninl) Oow, sl<ip to Section III.D.2. If the nquntic resource is a�vetlsnd directly nbutfing a tributary with perenninl Ilo�r, sl<ip [o Section III.D.J. A wetland thnt is ndjncent to but that does not directl,y abut an RPR' requires n significnnt ne�us evnluntion. Corps districfs and EPA regions will include in the record nny nvnilable inPa�mntion thnt documents the existence of n signiflc�nt ne�us behveen n relntively permnncnt tributnry tlmt is iwf perenninl (nnd its ndjncent wctlands if any) nnd a trndifionnl nnrignble �rnter, even though n significnnt nesus finding is not required ns n inatter of la���. If ihe wnterbody' is not nn RP�V, or � wetlnnd directl}' nbutting an RPR', n JD �vill require ndditionnl datn to determine if the wnterbody has n significnnt necus �vitl� a T\9V. If ihc h�ibutary has adjocent ���etlnnds, the significant nesus evahintimi nwst consider the iributnry in combination with nll ot its adjocent wetlnnds. This significant necus evnlimtion thnt combines, for nunlyticnl purposes, the tributnry nnd all of its adjncent wetlnnds is used whether the revicw nren identified in the JD requesf is the tribufnry, or its ndjncent wetlands, m� both. If the JU covers a tributnry with ndjncent weHands, complete Section III.B.1 for the tribufnry, Section III.B1 fm� anp onsite weHnnds, nnd Section III.6.3 tor all wetinnds ndjncenf to that tributary, both onsite and o(fsite.'fhe determinatim� ���hether n signi(icmrt nesus e�isis is defermined in Section IILC belo�r. 1. Chnrneteristics of non-TY\Vs that Oow directly or indirecfly into TM\' (i) Genernl Are� Conditions: Na�ershed size: Pick List Drainagc nren: Pick Lisl Arernge nnnual rainfall: inches Ave�age annual sno���fall: inchcs (ii) Plq�sic�l Characteristics: (a) Relationshiu �vith 7TVV: ❑ Tribu[np� flo�cs directly in�o "N\V. ❑'I'ributnry ilows �hroueh Piek List tributaries before entering "PNN. Prolecl �valers nre Pick List river miles from'I'NVV. Projecl �valers nre Pick List rivcr miles from RPIV. Projcet wn�ers are Piek List aeriel (straighQ milcs from 1N\V. Project �valers are Piek List nerinl (straight) milcs t}om RP\V. Project �vaters cross or serce as state boundnries. F.�plain: Idcntify Flo�v rowe ro TN\V`: Tributnry stream order, if kno�vn: ' No�e Ihat Ihe Inslruc�ional Guide600k coNains additional infomialion rzgardin� se�ales', dilches, a�ashes, nnA erosional �ea(ures generally and in the arid \Vcs(. ' Flo�c roule can be described by idenlifying, e.�., tribulary a, ���hieh flo�cs �hrough lhe revie�r area, Io Ilo�c iNO �eibWnq� b, �vhich lhen Oo�es into TN\\'. (b) Geneml TribWan� Chnracteristics (check nll thnt nouh�l: Tributnry is: ❑ Natural ❑ Artifcial (�unn-madc). F,�plain: ❑ n4anipulatcd (mnn-alterecl). E�plain: Tributary properties �ci�h respect lo lop otbmik (estiinnte): Average �vidih: fcet Average depth: feet Average side slopes: Piek List. Primary teibutnq� substrate composi�ion (check nll that apply): ❑ Silts ❑ Snnds ❑ Concrzte ❑ Cobbles ❑ Gracel ❑ Muck ❑ Bedrock ❑ Veee�a�ion. Type/%cover: ❑ Other. E�pinin: . Tributary condilion/stability �c.g., highly eroding. sloughing banks]. Gxpinin: Presence of rwdrillle/pool compleses. Esplain: . l'ributary geometry: Pick List Tribu�ary gradient (appinximate average slopc): % (c) Plow: Tribu�an- provides f'or: Picl< List Estimate averaga numbcr of Flo�v erents in revicw nren/yenr. Pick Lisl Describe flo�r regime: . Otlier infornmtion on duration and volume: . Sucfacc �lo�s is: Pick List Characteristics: Suhsurface Ilow: Piclz Lisf. Explain findings: ❑ Dya (or othcr) test perfornred: . 'fributaq� has (clicck all that apply): ❑ Bcd nnd bnnks ❑ OHVl'bt� (check nll indicators tliat apply): ❑ clear, naturnl line impressed on �he bnnk ❑ ehnnges in the chacaeler of soil ❑ shelving ❑ vegctntion inalted do�vn, bent, or absent ❑ Ieaf litter disturbed or ���ashed mvny ❑ sediment deposition ❑ wa�crstnining ❑ other Qis�): ❑ Discontinuous OI I Wbl.' Explain: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ the presence of litter and debris destruction of tcrrestrial vcgctation thc presence of �vmck line sediment soding scour midtiplc observed or predicted Ilo�s even�s abrupl change in plant commm�iq, [t faelors other than Ihe OHIVNI ���ere used m detennine lateral estent of CAVA I�irisdiction (check all that apply): ❑ I Iigh "Pide Line indicnted by: ❑ Mean High �1'nter Mnrk indicnted by: ❑ oil or scum line along shore objec�s ❑ survey to nvuileible da�um; ❑ finc shell or debris deposi[s (forzshort) ❑ physical markings; ❑ physical nmrkings/chnrncteristics ❑ vegetation lines/chenges in vegelnlion types. ❑ lidnl gauges ❑ uther (list): (iii) Cheinicnl Characteristics: Characterize tributnq� (e.g., �+'ater color is clear, discolored, oily tilm: �ca�er quality: geneml �ri�ershed charac�ecisiics, e�c.). Esplain: Identify specille pollWnnts, if kno�en: . °A nntuml ac man-made discontinuity in �he OHR'\4 does not nccessnrily sererjurisdiclion (eg., whccc lhc slcemn tempocacily Flo��s underground, or �chere tlic OPfq'M h;u 6ccn remorzd bp develupment or ae�icul�ucal practices). \Vhzre Ihcrc is a brtuk in Ihe OI f\5h\4 thn[ is unrelated �o Ihe �cale�boJ}''s Ilo�r rzgime (e.g., Ilo�r over a rock outerop or through n culvert), the agencies �vill Iwk for indicn�ors of �o�c a6ovn and belo�c lhe brcak. 'Ibid. (iv) 6iologicnl Chm�ncteristics. Chmmcl supporfs (ched< nll thnt nppl}�): ❑ Riparinn corridoc Characteristics (type, average �vidth): . ❑ \Vctlnnd fringe. Charactcristics: . ❑ Habitn� for: ❑ Federally Listed specics. Faplain findings: . ❑ Fish/spa�vn arcns. 8�plain Flndings: . ❑ Other environmentally-sensitive spccies. E�plain findings: ❑ AquaticAvildlitc diversity. Esplain findings: . 2. Ch:iracferistics of wetlnnds ndjacent to non-TN\�' thnt flow directly m� indirectly into TM�' (i) Plp•sicnl Clwracteristics: (n) Genzral lVetland Characteristics: Properties: Wetlnnd size: acres Netland type. Esplt�in: . Nctlflnd quality. Esplain: . Project wetlands cross or sen�e as state boundarics. 8xpinin: (b) General Fluw 2elationship �citli Non-"ITR4 Flo�r is: Pick Lisf. E�plain� . Surfeice llo�v is: Pick List Characteristics: Subsurface Flo�v: Pick Lisl. Bspinin tindines: ❑ Dye (or othcr) test perfomied: . (c) R'etland Adjocencr Determination �vith Non-7TVV: ❑ Dirzclly abutting ❑ Noi dircc[ly abWiing ❑ Discre�e �cetland hydrologic eonnec�ion. Esplain: ❑ Ecological conncetion. Explain: . ❑ Sepnratcd by berm/barriec E�pinin: . (d) Proximi�v (Rcin�ionshipl �o "I �'lV Projec( �vetlands nn Pick List river miles from'fN\V. Project wnters ere Piek List acrinl (straight) miles tiom 7`NVV. Flo�v is from: Picl< List. Estimafe appro�imnte location of �cctinnd as within the Pick List floodpinin. (ii) Chemical Chnrncterisfics: Chnrac�erize wetland system (e.g., �vater color is clear, bro��m, oil lilm on surface; o�ater quality; general �vatershcd charneteristics: eic.). Espinin: . Iden[itq specific pollulants, if kno«�n: 1�/A. (iii) Biologicnl Chm�acterislics. �Vetlnnd supports (check nll ihnt npply): ❑ Riparinn bu0er. Characteristics (type, average �vidth): No ripnrian bu(ter al si�e. ❑ Vegetation type/percenl curer. Ezplain: Grasses. ❑ I labitat ['or: ❑ Pedcr�lly I,isted species. Gxpinin findings: . ❑ Fish/spa�cn areas. Bspinin findings: . ❑ Other environnrentally-sensitive species. Bsplxin findings: . ❑ Aqualid�vilAlifc diver,iq�. Esplain tindings: . 3. Chnrnctcristics of nll weUnnds ndjncent to the tribut�ry (if any) All �eetlnnd(s) being wnsidered in Ihe cumulatire nnnlysis: Picic List Approsima�ely ( ) nerzs in to�al arz being considered in the cumulative nnnlysis. P'or cnch ���e�land. specify thc follo���ing: Direclh• abuts? fY/Nl Size (in neresl Dircetiv abu�s? (1'Ml Size (in acres) Smnmariz_e o��erall biological, chemical and physical funclions beine perfornred: . C. SIGNIFICANT NEXUS UETERDIINATIO� A signific�nt nexus analysis �rill nssess the ilow chnrncteristics and Puncfions of the tributnry itself nud the fimctions perfm�med by nny wetlands adjncent to the h'ibutnry to determine if they significnntly nf(ect the elieroieal, physicnl, nnd biologicnl inlegrity of n TNN'. Ror ench of the follo�ring situntions, n significant nexus e�ists if �he tribufan�, in corobinntion with nll of its ndjncent �vetlnnds, has more thmi n speculnti��e or insubstantial e(Pect on �he chemicnl, physicnl nnd/ar biologicnl integrity of a TN�V. Considerntians when evalunting significnnt necus include, but nre not liiuited to the volume, durntion, and frequency of tlie Ilow of �rnter in the h'ibutnry nnd ifs p�roximity to n TN�V, nnd the fiinefions perPormed by the h'ibutnry nnd nll its ndjncent wetlnnds. It is not approprinte to determine significnnt neaus based solely on nnr specific threshold of distmice (e.g. behveen n tributnry and ils ndjncenf wetlnnd m� behveen n tribut:�ry and ihc TN\V). Similnrl,y, tl�e fact nn ndjncent wetland lies within or outside of n iloodpinin is not solely detcrminafive oPsignificnnt ne�us. Drnw connections bet�veen fhe fentw�es docwnented nnd the efPects on the TN�V, ns identified in the Rnpmms Guidnnce nnd discussed in the Lish�uctionnl Guidebook. �nctors to consider include, for eaample: • Does Ihe Iribut�ry, in combinntion �vi�h iis adjacem �ceUnnds (if any), have the capnciq� to cnrq� pollutan�s or Ilood �entzrs to TA'VVs; or to re�uce the amount ot pollutants or tlood walers rcaching a 7TN? • Does the �ributary, in comhination �vith its acljacent ���etlnnds (it nn��), provide hnbita� nnd lifecyele supporl funetions tor fish nnd other speeies, such ns feeding, nesling. sp�nvning or rcaring young for species Oiat ace preszn[ in the "I�N\V? . Does the tributnq�, in combina�ion �eith its adlncent �vetlands (if nny), have the capaciq� [o tcanster nutrients and organic earbon that support downstream food���ebs? • Does the tribWaq�, in eombination wiih its acijncent �cetlands (if nny), have o�her relationships ro the phvsienl, chemical, or biologicnl integrity of tl�e TNR'? Notr. the nbove list of cmisiderations is not inclusire and other fimctions obsen�ed m� kno�rn to occur should be documented belo�v: L Signilicnnt ne�us findings for na�-RPVV thnt has no ndjncenl wetlmids and ilows directly or indirectly into TNR's. Gxpinin findings of presence or absence ol si@nificnnt ne�us belo���, bnsed on the iributaq� i�solf, then go to Section IILD: . 2. Significnnt ne�us findings tor non-RP�V nnd its ndjncent wetlands, �vhere the non-RP\V ilows direcHy or indirec�ly into 'CNR's. Explain findings of presence or absenee of significnnt nesus belo�v, bnsed on the tribu�aq� in combination wi�h nll of its adacen[ wetlnnds, lhen go to Section III.D: . 3. Signifiesnt necus findings for wetlnnAs ndjacent to nu RPR' but thnt do not directly nbut the RP11'. E�plain lindings of presenec or nbsence of significnN nesus belo�s, bnsed on the tributaq� in eombinntion �vith all of its adjaeen� �cetlands, then go to Section IILD: . D. DETERIUINATIONS O� JURISDICTIONAL I'INDINGS. THE SUBJCCT R'A'PERS/R'ETLANDS ARC (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): 1. TNV1's and Adjncrnt �Vetlands. Check all Uiat apply and provide size estimntes in rcvic�v aren: ❑'N\Vs: linearize� �ridth(il).Or, acrzs. ❑ VVetlnnds aci.laceni m TNWs: acres. 2. RP\Vs thnf �ow direc[ly a� indirectly into TN�Vs. � Tcibatnries oFTNWs �vhere tribulnries typicnlly Flow year-round nrojurisdictionnl. Provi�e data and ea�ionale indicn�ing lhat tribulnq• is perennial: UT's to I Iickey Branch and 13eurpa�v Creek Lavc �vell defined channels anA are shown as perenninl s�ret�ms on the USGS topographic mnp. ❑ Tributarics of7T�\V where lributaries hnve continuous flo«° "seasonally" (e.g., typically three months each year) aro jurisdiclionnL Uam supporting this conclusion is provided at Section III.B. Provide rationale indicating that tribu�ap� Flo�vs seasonnlly: . Pro��ide eslimatcs forjurisdictional �vaters in thc rcview aren (check nll lhal apply): � Tribulary �vnters: 4000 linear feet 2-6 �cid�h (ft). ❑ Other non-�rctland �vnters: acres. ]dcntit}° type(s) of �cuters: . 3. Non-RPAVsa that (low directly or indirectly into TN�Vs. ❑VVn�erbody IhtH is no� a TNW or an RPAV, bul ilo�vs directlp or indirectlr into n'1TN, �nd il hns a significani nesus �ri�h a TN\5' is I��risdiclional. Daia supponing this condusion is provided at Section IILC. Provide eslimates lorjurisdictionnl �caters �vitliin the mvie�v aren (eheck oll thtri apply): ❑ Tributaq� ���nters: linear Ceet �vid�h (fl). ❑ Other non-�cetlend �vaters: acres. Idcntit�� type(s) of �vatera: . 4. R'etlnndsdirectly nbutfing an IiPR'tl�at Ilow direcfiy or indirectly into TY\Vs. �\Vetlands dirzclly abut RPP' and Ihus arejurisdie�ional �s adjncent �vetlands. � R'etlnnds Airectly nbuttine an RPN �vherc tribu�aries q�pically (lo�v year-round. Provide dnta nnd rt�tionale indicating �hat tributary is perenninl in Section I[I.D2, above. Provide rntionnle indicnting that �cetland is directly abut�ine an RPVV: The wetlnnd nren is contigimus �ri�h �he sh�enmbnnle of Benrpnw Creek. ❑ Netlnnds direetly abu�ting an RPN �ehere tributnries typically Ilo�r "seasonalip." Pro��ide da�n indicntiiig �ha� tribumry is sensonnl in Section I71.B and rntionnle in Section IILD2, a6ove Providc rntionnle indicating thai �re�land is direetly nbu�ting an RPR4 . Provide acreago csfimntes for jurisdictional �setlands in Uie review area: acres. 5. �Vetlnnds nAjacent to but not direcHy nbuUing nn RP�V that tlou� directly or indirectiy into TNVVs. ❑AVetlnnds �hnt do not directly abut nn RPA1', but �shen considered in combinntion ���ith the tributary to u�hich Oiey are ndj�ceiit and a�ith similady simateA ndjncent �retlands, have n sienifiennt ne�us �ri�h a"fN W arejurisidictimml. Dn�n supporting tliis conclusion is provided nt Section III.C. Provide ncreage estimates for jurisdictionnl �setlands in the rovic�r aren: ncrzs. 6. �Vetlands adjneent to non-RP�Vs that tlow directly or indirectl,y into'I'NVVs. ❑ lVetlands adjnecnt lo such �vaters, and have �chen eonsidered in combination �vith the Iributnry �o �ehich theti• ure adjacent and �vi�h similnrly situt�ted adacent ��°etlands, have n significant nexus �vith n 7NVV are I��risdiclionul. Data supporting this conclusion is proridcd at Section IILC. Provide estimates for I���isdiclional ���etlands in the revie�v aren: ncres. 7. Impoundmenfs ofjurisdictionol wnters.9 As a �enernl rule, the impoundmem of ajurisdictional tributary remains I��risdietional. ❑ Dcmonstrale Ihn� impoundment �cas crented from "�eaters of thc U.S.:' or ❑ Dzmonstrale �hai �mter mcets the criteria t'or one of tlie categories presented abo��e ( I-6), or ❑ Demonstra�e �h�� �cater is isolated �vith n nesus ro cominerce (see E belo�r). �. ISOLA7'ED �INTERSTATE OR IN'CRA-STATCJ �VA'CERS, INCLUDING ISOLATCD AVETLANDS, THC USE, DEGI2ADATION OR DES'1'RUCTIOY OP' \5'HICH COULD AT�CCT INTBRSTATC COAfDIERCE, INCLUDINC ANl' SUCH R'ATERS (CHECIt ALL TIIAT APPLI'):10 ❑�chich am or coidd be uszd by inlerstatc or foreign trevelers for recrenlionnl or other purposes. ❑ t?om which fish or shelllish are or could be laken and sold in interstnte or forei�n commerce. ❑«�hich arn or coulA be used for industrial purposes by industries in interstate commerec. ❑ Inters�a�c isolated ���aters. E�plain: . ❑ Olher factors. Espinin: . "See Poo�nole # 3. "To complete �he analysis nfzr ta the Aey in Seclion III.D.6 of tha Instmctional GuiJebook. 1° Prim� to nssrrtlng br �eclining C��'A jm�isdiclion bnsed solelc on this eategnrp, Corps Dislricls a�ill eleca(e Ihr aetion �o Cmps nnd F.PA HQ for reciew consistenl a�iih Ihe process dcscribed in Il�e Corps/4:P�\T/ema�nndn�u Regnrding Cllil Ac(Jurisdiclion Follmring Rnpmms. Identify wntcr body and smmm�rize rationalc suppa�fing determinntion: Provide es�imates for jurisdictional �snters in the review erea (chcck all (hnt apply): ❑ Tribut�ry ���a�ers: linear Ceet ���idth (ft). ❑ Olher non-�vetlmid ���aters: acres. Identity lype(s) of wntcrs: . ❑ \Vetlands: acres. NON-JURISDICTIONAL NATERS, INCLUDING AVE'CLANDS (CHECIC ALL THAT APPLl'): ❑ If potcn�ial �ceUands were assessed �vithin the review area, Ihcse areas did not meel the criteria in the 1987 Corps of F.ngincc�s \Vetlnnd Delineation D-0anual ancUor upproprinlc Regional Supplanents. ❑ Revie�c aren includzd isolated �ra�ers �vith no subs(nn�inl ne.�us to in�erstate (or foroign) cummeree. ❑ Prior to Ihe lan 2001 Supreme Court decision in "SfiiINCC,-" Ihe revie�v arca would hnve been rzgulated bnsed solel}, on Ihe "bligrntory Bird 2ule" (MBR). ❑V1'ntors do not meet the °Significnnt Nesus'� s�andard, �chere such a finding is required tor jurisdiction. Gsplain: . ❑ OUiec (c�plain. if not covered above): . Provide acrzage estimates for non-jurisdictiunnl �caters in the reeie�r nren, �rhere the sole potentinl b�sis ol'jurisdietion is the M8R fne[ors (i.e., prcsenee ot migrator}� birds, presence of endnngered species, use ol ���ater for irrigaled agricul[ure), using best protessioual ludgment (chcek all Ihnt �pply): ❑ Non-�retland ����ters (i.a. ri��ers, s�renms): linear fee� ���idth (ft). ❑ Lakes/ponds: ucres. ❑ Other non-�cetlnnd waters: acres. List iype of nqun�ic resource: . ❑ \4etlmids: acres. Provide acreage estimates for nonyurisdiciional �rater in the revie�v nrzn �hat do not mee� �he "Signifiennl Ne�ui' standard, �vhere such �i finding is required For I�irisdiction (check nll thnt apply): ❑ Non-���etlnnd waters (i.e., rivers, s�renms): linear feeL �vidlh (Il). ❑ Lake�/ponds ucres. ❑ O�her non-�cetland �vaten: neres. List lype of nquatic resource: . ❑ \Vetlands: acres. SGCTION IY: DATA SOURCGS. A. SUPPORTING UATA. Dnin revie�red for JD (cl�eel< all thnt npply - checked items shall be included in case tile nnd, �vhere checked and requested, nppropriately reference sources balow): � �4aps, pinns, plots or plut submitted by or on behnif of �he applicnnt/consultanC November 2014. ❑ Dnta sheels- prepnrcd/submitted by or on behalf of the applicant/consultnnt. ❑ Otiiec concurs �citli dnta sheets/delinention report. ❑ Oftice docs not concur �cith dnln sheets/dzlinea�ion report. ❑ Data shee�s prcpared by the Corps: . ❑ Corps navigable �vntcrs' study: . ❑ U.S. Geoloeical Survey I lydrologic Ailas: . ❑ USGS NI ID data. ❑ USGS 8 nnA 12 digit HUC innps. � U.S. Geological Survey nmp(s). Cite scale Li. quad name: L2d,000; Per,immon Creek. ❑ OSDA Nntural Resourees Conserration Service Soil Survey. Citntion: . ❑ Nntional �cetlnnds inren�oq� mnp(s). Cite name: . ❑ State/Local �retlnnd in��entory mnp(s): . ❑ rem�fvria�-i �»�,v5: ❑ 100-yenr floodplain Elevation is: (N���ionnl Gcodoctic Verticnl Datum of 1929) � Photographs: ❑ Aerial QVame S Dnte): . or � O�her (Name & Date): Permit Sites; Cul�•crl Inlel nnd Outle�s; Februnry 28, 2015. ❑ Pmvious detzrminntion(s). File no. and datc ofresponse letler: . ❑ Applicnblc/suppor�ing case law: . ❑ Applicable/supportingscienlificliter�ture: . ❑ O�her informntion (please specif}•): . [3. ADDITIONAL CO\I�IEN'PS TO SUPPORT JD: x h H l.) H N 0 M � � W � � � h Se2 Si�et 1-A For Index of Si�ets Qo. ���° SO MJ�QN� yJ`` `'�� VICINITY MAP ric 0 BEGIN TIP PROJECT R-3622B -L- STA. 11 +35.00 Hq NS��z � ��% 5 ������1��' �� ����_������ '����.����� �1���_��T���� ���' ���:����1�����y� CHEROKEE COUI�TY LOCATION: TIC 294 FROM SR 1130 (SUNIVY POINT ROAD) TO SR 13I2 (UPPER BEAR PAW ROAD) TYPE OF WORIC: GRADIIVG, DRAINAGE, PAVING, AND STRUCTURES Wh I I�,f�lC� /�f�ll=� �lJ��l��;I; W�I ��� IMC�/�C��� I��fZMl�l. CIEARING LIMIT SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD II � THIS PROJECT IS NOT WITHIN ANY MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES U GRAPHIC SCALSS DESIGN DAT.9 � 5�' �i'�5o ioo ADT = 6,000 � � DHV = °o � PLANS p = _ � Y � 50 25 0 50 100 T 3 % n � � ��� V = 50 MPH OPROFILE (HORIZONTAL) ' TTST 3% DUAL—% to 5 o t0 2o FUNC = MAIOR L-. J � .- � � CLASS COLLECTOR V �....- ooncuF �vcunren ✓rva�rcu�iivrv -Yl- STA.10+00.00 �. io+io.00 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION 1 CONSTRUCTION —Y4— STA. 10+00.00 - STA. 10+25.00 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION —DRS— STA. 10+00.00 o' �A e�'' 8 4Q _._.� �o� c!�OftiU� 9 - FoxUn , �:. � _ ,< 7 ��,��� y l, CONSTRUCTION � STA.12+65.97 c}9�� S�P� pS END CONSTRUCTION � y —Y2— STA.72+15.00 'O BEGIN CONSTRUCTION —DR7— STA. 10+50.00 CONSTRUQION � STA.72+00.00 PROJECT LGNGTH r�Ewr�a �� r� rnn�, �: LENGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT R-3622B = 2.194 MILES VAUGHN �' MELTON� IIYC. 318-F PAII0.1' dl'EA'UE d5HE1]LLE„\'C 1B906 PHO�\'E�8?8) 15)-2196 LENGTH STRUCTURE TIP PROJECT R-36226 = 0.001 MILES z�„sr.aau.wn srenr�carross TOTAL LENGTH OF TIP PROJEQ R-36228 = 2.195 MILES RlGHT OF II�3}' DATE: REECE SCHULER. P.E. MARCH 12, 2013 rxo�ccr c��cr.nccre LETTfNG DATE: NICK ASARO PLS 1UNE 16 2015 PRO�ccr nrsic�' rccrrrF° .�. R-3622B l � ..�a,�,., I .�.o. RIGHT OF WAY PLAIYS REVISED Z/102014 I PGRMIT DR/�WINCj I siii�i,r, or �� -L- STA.I27+25.00 11 ULICS ENGLYEER ROADII'A3' DESIGN ENG7NEER + 12 O��K � � i, � �QN , �?� 44¢2 J PRELIDIINARY PLANS D7I7SlON OF' H7GH11'AYS STATE OF NOATH CAROLLYA pf NOA�y /l� C�a /���� y`I r��o�/ °� ���r% �o NN � N NN (� O K� U U¢� ¢4 d� � h N� Mp �� 1- ¢ °- Q N �O N ��N �O � W W ^i �O` O�U x � Fie �h PO� � �N� � w r•ai � ��O 0 �n`� °w hM � a� E 0 � Q P aW0 N d4N OW:Y W �i N� 4 o m�nN 3 h J� N ,cwi� � N 4`� MN �W N p� �� � U �� M� ~W a� �� w n �^� �da� �'r' 4w Zawo � W �i �4 WL h Q�� °w � � �� , e �m �u i �, f. �n I I,� �l_f � � � �- � m � ._ �i � 111 � `}J v Q 5 i1 5 D i C I C rc- c � II esr .e ss ,�.v i s c or�y��,¢ `y z a � co =, o�� .� �l • . � \', � \ � •.�. C�.�lll—1 �z> �I- IILE LARfl�ABB �3 R4 PG N3 —QUE— eue . � `G — euE�` DETAIL 9 ` DETAIL 11 uiEOp� easE oircn NqD 83/ ` ranortoi .,., - ���. ;, ,, , NSRS 2007 � f e ,�F, �- 9A J5-:0 RL iS0!n Sln 4f+.V i0 Sin JS'.]] Li 1-$iA _e-f9 0.1 � �YI I m �p m. V I N �ll + � 11 � i�`:5) I t,i � aasrc i�r_ N — FUE U pE i. u' �;� vuE— -' PUE �[� i '} iue E �� ZEU � i o �� � ,i ' �- PUE �3, E� � : � 3r ���— e �" �- _ j ^ �'-' �y y! :r � � E, p +.,��E ✓ � � _ ����� � � � ., � _. S ' 1 r _/ l ' � f-� ` �J F / I � � ,5_J� �.�fS� � �- . i- A t... � 5 ��� F// J � ��"/�.r � �a� L �F � if . .. � eoo �� FS ��l ��P� o. ,� �� �� "_ (;� a-]�F�i T£FVl O �so�F:� $ GAIL M. STAtSELL na ssa Pc sr _L_ Pl5 Sia 3I+035�7 PI Sto 35+4U3 Pls Sto 39io5.48 es = r�� i3.ff o= 2s 2� so.v rtn es = r�� i3.a� Ls = I10.00' D= 3' l3' 07.9' Ls = llD./Y✓ LT = 73.34' L= 7B85d LT = 7334' ST = 36.67' i= F00.83' ST = 36b7' R = 1.780.00" Pls Sta S2+18J5 Pl Sto F3+o3J Pls Sia 45+0794 Bs = 2l0 360' � /' 57' 37.3' (RiJ Bs 2'l6' 36.C/' Ls = 120.0(Y D .5' �FI' 39fi' Ls 120.Od LT = 800Y L 20979' L7 80.OY 57 = 40.O1' T /OS.Oo ST 40A1' R l,5/O.Od Pls Sfo 47+�618 PI Sta 50+0378 Pls Sto 52+5077 6s = 0'35'33h' �_ ��21'IOi'fU) Bs = G'35'33B' Ls = 72(YJ' D= l' 3&' a7J' Cs = 727J0' L7 = 4B.00' L= 44059' LT = 48.00' ST = 24FJ0' i= 223fi0' S7 = 24.00' R = 3,980.00" � 1 EL J 5 so ST4�c 3 ��j�~ NOtE USF 0.0� S WG COI'J:ER00.5 Y( 51£EVE GASKEiS Ai ALL EtEO':IS CA!LOHSELL De EEB PC 51 U ti ES! 5 IG y � C��55 I I_ Y G y -e---�\�PUE� ���-. �'>11 y . et'ii FUE� � "�.��\ i _ 2UE O � � eo�� � PUE f UE � � r E E F� - /- R ,��i t lO \ \ �\. \ � ' /�F( . �Y FE"E C 10 HREN N.NOAti':OnS,¢I� �0 H59 PG 65J � \H �� o CM1o,b�}a. M! ^ii[I-` I}IdS. Yalu9i�bMN10n o V oxvl,'a c.,.,�.:n� c�.,r.._�� __ viaj�=��:no� Ashevllle, � E�^�'pp��� • �^e�a z��ir -' �. �a�m,�7cn9 CONTRACTOR TO CONSTRUCT 8'PAVEp SHOULUER BETWEEN -L- STA 47+30 TO AB+BO,L ° 4 12 ' aRU+ oear+ � --O`�•� �-fF- � HftSLEY rnc : �� � �[ OB i 5 Po ii x[ r ,_ E 11 4 esr � ;o =I� UE e,�. o'i c_ s a;-;%' � c .,..-.;-ti'ti: i.�sr.c� c•ii� E- , � p� � SI+C l � � 51- DU �PUE��—i ., ` .. � � Fl� � ~ � � � ,v-�2�_ �- ! OA � O �pyE������� _ - , —_ I i1a Up I � � .. . - ' 9� L�.. x � � � ,�� ,�, f.fr�r�r��2a' M� ��� ��.�� 5 C C .c' ' � � \ i\�°3, l � �er "'s C 0 � � c ���� i 0 2'.� a, \ — \ \n � � � �' � \� \� �'`, y � t` L � � ��' � • - � il ���}} � �� � i � u..5i n ( �s z� ` t � �i \ � \ \ i \' ' \\ 0 1�! U .nso�cr � \\\\. er \ � \\ �4CCIiTEL�L. M GB 1210 PG \g �V\ \ �eini Yo DETAIL 5 Crt+f:FFL .'._ nl-° � I lbrro Smid �� fALE SUap � n i.. �.:- . °� o :n_ o', n �„� ��z.� o � t r �rz�_ Fi ,: `o.� >o.t �- , e r n zo�` u..-.i �. r a o vi s ' ..� e zon. s-o.ms!�.+ Frs..�mwm� _ ... _.. . ._ b= 50 f�. PEP.h11i DkAYIING SHEET 2 OF 8 r Ill �1_1 �. � U� Lll � O b � v' � N ._Il I �� � � �J U _ �Q r � / SITE 1 �DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLANDS �DENOTES FILL IN \4ETLANDS �DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER �DENOTE$ IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER SEE SHEET IS FOR -L- PROFILE a N N � U a � � � Q ov m° 0 N Q N � I V- v Q N U WO 1� � N �CN N1�� 2 �m� �NU „� Q � � �d Q J 0 o z'n 4 W+ °w°8 ��� N�w �°° 0 m Nw N�� 0 w �;o �JO �UpN �QN W�N wo� � N�W q O d ��� � ¢t 3 o � °'�' �w� ��� Q3o� odd w °ww y �LL 0 po� � ^l Vl DEiAIL 1 roE �.orECrio:� i' _ i �..-a � ...,L��. F[O. � Aq 83-00 �l0 ffA fi9. 00 r�orn srw vu.so �o srn.ai.so � aH,eL LEE TAYLOft pe nl FG F] S 5� I !.'c Y. C'�1' ��!..�_f � 3i Ilf ���� ��� li� ,./y` c � e� r '"sV �; , .2 � [ '.c f o-� r � iii % M oa �oiEn �n t , �, i� { /b � � �,� t ro ICL cp Z€ '?. � I�'3F �` 4 • � ���'E-�� / � p �.: a Eici � �l IJ� 2�` i 3vp�� ] l �i � !tl � � . �Z�i 1 ,�/ � {� 0.I 5�� �1 �{ y �� c x F- � �r � i _ . i-cr.s � �;. �� � 0 25 — 50 Yi f3 � DETAIL 5 �' fAISF SU�P £IlF L 0 oz n — �� �F F.� 0 }0,� s � s o siF_ f e p. _i on:n� 4� 1EftRY M000. JATAU��AN00D�NR'�GHT � DB t22 PG 819 , z. c..r __ �j : � 10 :..�I___- I T� `5 f3 � � � � � 'rF� IID EfP STA 9l:] IL � 23 �' ralceY M000 nlliC4r DB f2E PG 0]9 ' �9 Rl0 PG i55 �s P i'J r ¢' � ����, . \\ � �{ � �"� \\�\ ¢��Ue 5. � ���c I �, � H.� /� 4rf ` ao.o ----o -_ �_ C �� �� \\� .c� -L- � � Pls Sto 88+85.47 Pl Sto 30+72Sf PIS Sta 92+58.89 Bs = l' lI' d47' [� = 7' 42' 28.ti' (LTl As = P lY 44.7' Ls =°o.7J' D=[ 24' 28.0' Ls = 9olXY SIT� 2 �r = s�+.o;r �= 3o9.sz �r = sa.ea ST = 3200' T= 15494' Si = 3200' R = 2,3CO.Cd _yq_ PI sto II+08.44 �= J57'00.1lRil D = lG' 00' OO.G' L = 5528' T = 277I' R = 31831' ROIE USE 0.0� 6 WG CONNEROPS 1¢6lEFVE Ga%Ei5 A1 NL HBO"�5 I fxoP.SFECVL cm SfE �R<IL < TAU.NY MOOD XRiCHT �B 121P: JSi U3 Ri0 PG l55 23 9 DETAIL 3 s�n �oeso e�.e or-n p �..� r�o � sra im . eo �- a� urv_ om o a� �na DETAIL 8 we>e� v onui _- ' l�}` e-,�o `,w �� in0!.1 SiA 95 - 53 LO SiT. 96 i 50 /3j ry � �� � S„ ^��9 •✓f�O�� �� % DEiA1L 4 srecut cur oncx � � ,.. o- �. f0.0'A SiA 91-55 i0 $iA 951W kI �� O �:T�<I,Utles �u Vau9Y�SMellon �^�*���_. c., e, c�,: � �.:'� .:' VIdP � rc AShBVI IB • u m �a- r :.. ,-' , ,,.> va�* rcur� qI �O NOiDISID�B i� WEfW:�S 6, I � � ' ��:� � �: , si c s 25 �:,�' � I03 r� �, TR 'M`�r`_ ,� r STAI E OOD JR. (/ 0o z� r. �v ?c `O ��% 'f e c E,�r o' �\ �L �l.. -`513 V �E r_ / E F E t E � ___ - � �- _____- - __�_ I c � u u�— �oe� aso . - �=s e1 —c, : _ —_ - - — � ��'� r- e. r,, r�. -L- N 49 � co u a o '� — �� �� — . .iL� i: -- _ 5Y eSP �<) F E p 1 P � �PDE <c � -o � m 5 on �;� � a c � T� \ .. ��'�2�j �_ ' .. ���� m n� �o x� G� ure=•i r oircrv s�E ce*.i� e i /� iI� � / , / , 'r/ ..'.��/�"� - I:.. ..� i� � �� � i-. ;i � �° � _ ._ � � i �' 1� E E E- � "i�(T I�i�Zj�'j �\ F F '__ _ �� _. . _R _--____ �= ` ) �'d �'Q� � _J F. � 0 2 ��>> GII LF II'xb' RC6C o ➢ �I 1 � �� 18"RCP SITF 3 .._ _..______ POIJD e�o �-r vu� � � 0 . 5 .. 9JS]O..J i� PEW.11T ORAWING SHEBi 4 OF 8 0 r— W �`f 1 �� fi � '�,��`- _ �. "15 ,�' �. ln �. -J i ) C . � 1 � � w F, W 5�6 i ����., � V � � E PDE� � ..��Er..-., v E .- RC__ ___-__m__ C °� _,___r_C___ O - - z� -rs L r._...,� .� e� ,,r•=rc =vo:. ioiz 5ra i 5_ N . . � 9J'W ' � ' �� - rv', r ' � �+i .' I-Q- O E N 101] f V i 25 oa � o o�sn � '' �i Eli fL E EP � sTa<<E� �a� � � v � , , J "+�sz F�sStWR � � �' 2 v<i: il!iz, W I $Y � lcili E� I / � � s+! � J '�' � , .6{ eYae ouo� zz ;"�, r t �fj;,� S ,:? o I- �F Q KRiSP° NAPBkI �i; ai �; � DB RO) PG S5q I ,9�1 ♦ }�s�� r.e.m�.�." I �� li I � DENOTES E%CAVATION IN Y/ETLANDS �DENOTES Flll IN Y/ETLANDS �DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER �DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER EXIST PAVING TO BE REMOVED SEE SHEET 19 FOR -L- PROFILE SEE SHEET 22 FOR -Y4- PROFILE