HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-00548_Well Construction - GW1_20230104 Jan. 29. 2018 10:58AM Env. Health : No. 6711 P: 1 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD L _1 Use Only: , 1.W t Cootracto Iuformatlo • r Kl Ulf )C i rreTSKujHfs. -��-� s= w •.r' — WtliCantrsetorName" frM TO =Crarr= - = --- t6 , a C�M MWellComac rC�ber Oft R tt I' r 6. �C OAMI kIEttG1iOS LYG: aimD 'E-te3�'OlrAH iI1E5 UPoaym 1.✓ 1 t Com &-,N✓ Sd mr,a O "�^�w.... V� a� f ?3 1� d =Teaslai uAnuaao� 2 INII Consiracdon permit#: / ` �' ( M 0 Rtmt UuoliappTiaoblexrllemauuerionpem�utlle.IIIt~Comiy.SSarxYarimue,uc)- h R. to. 3.Well Use(ebeekttell use): . n' fY. 1n. Wster5uppiyl ene Agrlcultardl ©Iy[fuficipaUPablie 0 p Ir. m Geatlu3mat(SeatinglCcnl'mgStlppty) Residential Waur Supply(single) rt R LtdustsiaUCommcrciol _ dResidedtial Water Supply(shattd) =t80 .�-��_�_-:�-:.-::::.-_„��,x„�_• �,;:•• bon Mal TO ,• ,MAIIMML ...- MM -.i t3D A 0 _ _ lldonitoriag - - -- - ❑Ret:ovety-�-- - 1R _- tt . I ectlon W 1: _ TUWM%= NAM _ Aqul(erRecharge OGmundwetarRemediation �MSM LA*iferTast mpin d8eeovery 0BalugLyBaear r 1liRTo MAAT R eL -= EMpyCIIutxrati�Hon -09twoviaterDraiaage(Closed Loop): n1'tacerXROM CoolingRemm Other laia uadcrd2l Remarlrs To otscattrrmx aron s�Wioit� rcx a o- it Y� '. 1 I ' is Cl 4.Date Wells)Comply ted:4 ? 6P,;4) WeR MN 5a WeBLocatiom 1W��,�►P,A. J?'��i7 add+• = n a. ,. . '' '� c :q Facr7irylOwnetN2me Fa�NID>f(ifoyyGmbb) r� tt. , `t,,its�:..' .a s-,•�,+ Cotuuy Peoe113eeti6dtiaaNa(P1N) j' ." ���el:r/ 56.Latitude And lotrgltade In degreeslmiuutWiecoads or dedmat degrees: (rfwaUgow.one lerltmtghsu6tcienr): 21.Cerlitlention: " p �j �a- f W AA W 9A L.J r T r �� etr�ed Well Comflin r Duo 6.NOW IbeaeUM10permen ent o Q empd my Byi paing phi:form I Adre6y�,d..dar rho odll(r)wn(kept)eouraueud.b aecmdneco %ro tills A repair to qa"Istingwa. OYes or Ma +ouh 1SANCdCO2C.0109m IM AVC 02C.0100 Will Connmrerrondraaaordr and thata • {/rait4arepai,JJWaul:ww�weRoomnuamarnfaraarmnatrderpladrr6ermlunojrhe �FYojrldsrocoidDreupmrdalrothandJownrr. r&pnirum&rfi21mwh shown ara,rho baekefrhurara,_ 23.Site diagram or adJifiaoat tiveli dctatls: •L For GeoprobdDff or Closed•Laop Geotbardral Wells hdving the same. You may use tho back of thin page to provide additional wtn sae details or welt- - em buctian,•o*I GI►1 is needed.Indicate TOTAL NUMBPR ofvzh conshuctiondetailL You may also attach Wtions!Qagba if ut eessary. d»lled G/ SUBMITTAL IM URItCTiONS 9.Total well depib belotrlandaorttices ` (It;) ym,For all WeUx Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well • FarmnuiptewenslirrarTdeprhrldf(fe�r(ematp►e.3®tOd�andi®!OP) cnnsttucdnntothefottowiag:J IL Static water level below top of casing: _ (tt) DiMen of Water Resoumm Inforrmrtton Processmg Un% JjwarerlavafttaboearnsFu&rtre+" 1617,1Zaitgetvlc6Cebter Raidgh NC27699-1617 11,Borehole diameter. (ta)" 2d6.For inlectton Welts: hi zddition w an&g tha farm•m the address in 24a it wen consttnNldd method: A4nor i { above,also submit one eopy'of this fhm within 30 days of completion of well (Er.auger.+US.eab►5 dares push.eta) constru�lonto�fopowing I, , Division otWater Resodreea�Ands tgrormd Injection Control&ogram. FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY- •18d Mail Service Centel•.RaIeigly NC27699--106 13a.Yield(rpm) For Water Sunnty&Injection Wilk; In addition to sending the form to the address(es)alai,aim submit one copy of this fomt vvi a 30 days of fib.Disinfection type Amount- completion of%ell eonstmcdort to ft county stealth depadiamt of the county whtaeconswcted. _ F"MGW 1 Ravitod2;M2016-