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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0029033_Wasteload Allocation_198212090 Facility Name: Existing Proposed E n N1PDESf ,WASTE LOAD/ALLOCATION r�`� 1 A) �J , P / 1 �► t E' t^) w.) - XG% I Date u, / 41)1.1 Permit No.: /VC DU ` C/O Pipe No.: UC / County: /ter %G( Design Capacity (MGD): 3 C) O 70,0 /2-/0-8Z #: W}r'i 5 /2//7 Industrial (% of Flow): C Domestic (% of Flow): //6G' Receiving Stream: Reference USGS Quadd*C/-Pe (Please Class: ( Sub -Basin: 03-0 -og, attach) Requestor- / Cam_ KJC'/ i r (Guideline limitations, if applicable, are to be listed on the back of this form.) Regional Office /-42/d Design Temp.: Drainage Area: Avg. Streamflow: 7Q10: 7OC�5 /,2$9cd �S..e1ge%W Winter 7Q10: 30Q2 Location of D.O.minimum (miles below outfall): Slope - Velocity (fps): O'7 K1 (base e, per day, 20°C): K2 (base e, per day, 20°C)• Ca wigGiou+ et -OS s°,... Lh Effluent Characteristics Monthly Average f »*J** Ail. Comments 0005- 7frat// i� / �►/Mb � yA*,�/1 Sxpiti i) 00 iP.// chdj /I 1 5 3o.4j// pf1 4-15 u. 1/l 4-9 sai. fern I //f01%ri /mD imeol /000//Q,M% Original Allocation Revised Allocation Prepared By: rr..,,ot W i1'Yti2.✓' Effluent Characteristics Monthly Average. tin.140, Comments gODs iap,,5/J as j i/ W )ne - L,»►„kS Nits N S 8 // bawd,, /gc, D. 0 , S-�� %I .S !/ c4S5.,%Q4 30 4,4/1 30 !/ TS.S PI4 4_95.v. 6- ,o, Fe -cal Ca1;Sofa, Am/gem' iorder,4 Date(s) of Revision(s) (Please attach previous allocation) Wild(4 Reviewed By: Date: la"/D" SR DIVISION OF ENVIROtNMENTAL MANAGEMENT August 27, 1982 Mr, Rod Butler Director of .Utilities City of Raleigh P. 0. Box 590 Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 Subject: haste Load Allocation. City of Raleigh Neuse River Wastewater. Treatment. Plant Wake County Dear Mr. Butler: Mr. -Gordon Ruggles of Hazen and Sawyer Engineers asked that I write you regarding; the waste load for the expanded."flow at the Meuse River:Plant after 1985. As you will recall, 1985 is the end of the Corps -of Engineers' present commitment for augmenting low river flows. Discussions by members of our Technical Services with Mr. Joe Lewis of the Corps have. determined that the Corps does not plan to make any decision on future flow augmentation until 1984 or 1985: They must maintain. at least the 7 day 10 year low flow but flow augmentation above the 7Q10 for the time after 1985 is not certain at this time. Based upon a 7Q10 low flow the waste load allocation. for Raleigh would be the same as those limits calculated for the plant prior to the Falls completion and augmenting of low flows. (See attached copies). Those limits wouldbe the most stringent for the period after 1985 assuming the forps made no augmentation above the 7Q10 level. Any augmentation above the 7Q10 level will result in effluent limits being less, stringent depending on the amount to which the Corps finally commits. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Mr. Randy Williams, Supervisor, Modeling Unit, 733-2930 or me at 733-5181. Sincerely, William C. Mills, Supervisor Permits and Engineering Group Attachment cc: Lars Godwin Gordon Ruggles Randy Williams Office to Coo a, 4-0 a, Facility Name: Existing Proposed NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION /u =I(SF ,81/ Iih9Date : eiz Vez® Permit No.: e 9D3S' Pipe No.: C/ County: 1?2,4XE Design Capacity (MGD): 40 Receiving Stream: / ett/se Industrial (% of Flow) : C' Domestic (% of Flow) : /6c) Class: Sub -Basin: Ate -as 02- Reference USGS Quad: G z=> t"J (Please attach) Requestor•. //E /J'¢"/'di) Regional Office %I?L (Guideline limitations, if applicable, are to be listed on the back of this form.) Design Temp.: Drainage Area: ' Avg. Streamflow: 7Q10: Winter 7Q10: 30Q2• Location of D.O.minimum (miles below outfall): Slope. Velocity (fps): K1 (base e, per day, 20°C): K2 (base e, per day, 20°C)• 0 41.0 (n as' CA 71. GA - ,4 rill- Nov l - I Mar3 Effluent Characteristics Monthly Average r" Ciat J IINJ Comments epos' (wiii) //- 6- vow-) i; 115 Ni+3 n) ( /fl 11' 9 6 Wft101 r DO j'55 t ,w. / 1' 30 36 e Ply E)4 ( u.) 6-9 6'1 teat, Coiikr d/ /) /eoz, W Original Allocation Revised Allocation n 11 1 — Nov /— J 31 Alges Effluent Characteristics Monthly Average /40?) ?)y Av..7 Comments e°195 ( I') ‘ / a 6 _J,iio ',%15 , 65crvdir . frilitszv /1.)14-3 5//) . 120 iI ) r s (min) 36 � 4- (s,v,) 6-? 4-7 P Co%lava►(// �f ) Roo >o2 Date(s) of Revision(s) (Please attach previous allocation) repared By: 4), 7- J al of z''i t X Reviewed By: Date: Y'v? S` -Z Form #001 ' WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION APPROVAL FORM Facility Name: Raleigh-Neuse River WWTP - Winter Li ,jAs ,-- County: Wake Sub -basin 03-04-02 Regional Office: Raleigh Requestor: Hazen & Sawyer Engineers Type of Wastewater: Industrial %._ Domestic 100 % ' If industrial, specify type(s) of industry: NCooeFo33 Receiving stream: Neuse River Other stream(s) affected: C1aa$G, Ca ss:• 7Q10 flow at point of discharge: Regulated 30Q2 flow at point of discharge: Natural stream drainage area at discharge point: 1099 sq. mi . Recommended Effluent Limitations Parameter Monthly Averages Flow 30 MGD 40 MGD 50 MG BOD5 (mg/1) 25 15 12 NH3-N (mg/1) 8 8 D.O. (mg/1) 5 5 TSS (mg/1) 30 30 3 pH (S.U.) 6-9 6-9 6-9 Fecal Coliform (#/100 ml) 1000 1000 100 These limits apply only for the period Dec. 1 - March 31. The limits are based on a low flow of 184 cfs at Smithfield. This allocation is: /_/ for a proposed facility / / for a new (existing) facility /-x/ Recommended and reviewed by: //�� _ /`!r.4 Head, Techncial Service Branch Reviewed by: Regional Supervisor Permits Manager Approved by: Division Director a revision of existing limitations based on proposed flow augmentation by Falls a confirmation of existing limitations Reservoir Date: /!le%L Date: //L//%Z Date: // a MUM ME IIIMEMMUMMEM MN i IMR PIM MIMMEMMEMOMMUMMEMMEMMEMM ME 111111 MIM MEM Mr MI IMO M III OM op p.prillikgpolupopipppomimilpmvaligivilliiiiill 'II II' "' ' "'II I I " """"' """19""11 I": 'II" -I'll " 1' "II"" Ill I "RI MIMMIVEM MAME IIIM MEM MMEMMIIMEMEmMEmm Ilm II Winm mmmEmillimM "1 mmEM WIMP' mlIMMIMPRIM IM Imo II pm IIIIIIIIIIIIii ii 1 lip mum Ili !prim emir - o� III f� III 1 IIIIIIIIIist illigl Illimprommilimill il ppm pow il IIIIIIIII1 mom mourn mommmomolommmommmL;:m moommommwmommmommmo • • mommimmimmo Ammmmomm mom mom mom III iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirillii919111111101111111111111111 II Fillip! pill "III IIIIIIII ■ Mr 1 MIN MUM NM MIME ;III II iii mmull.11 1. Illimmml limarillmammollail 1110 II" Ill ALI 1 1 11. 11 1 i Z8L0 917 Ys n NI 30Th 'OD 2i3SS3 S3H0N1 01 X L • HONI 3H1 01 01. X 01"rl