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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0029033_Wasteload Allocation_19820111•North Carolina Department of Natural Resources &Community Development James B. Hunt, Jr Governor Joseph W. Grimsley, Secretary Jr., W. Secretary Division of Environmental Management January 11, 1982 Mr. Gordon Ruggles Hazen and Sawyer Engineers P. 0. Box 30428 4505 Creedmoor Rd. Raleigh, NC 27622 Dear Mr. Ruggles: Attached please find a tabulation of effluent limits for the period December 1 to March 31 for the proposed expansion of Raleigh's Neuse River WWTP. The limits are maximum monthly mean values unless otherwise noted. The limits reflect current policies and methodologies in the State Continuing Planning Process and are part of the Neuse River Basin Plan. Also, we have attached a discussion and explanation of the effluent limits. One set of effluent limits applies to the discharge until the Falls of the Neuse Reservoir is officially operating and capable of augmenting river flow below the dam. This set of limits is based on the "winter" 7Q10 estimated by USGS for the point of discharge. Also, the design temperature has been adjusted to reflect the seasonal change. The other set of limits are based on the Corps of Engineers' plan to augment flow in the river below Falls Dam. As mentioned in the letter of December 14, 1981, these limits are based on an augmented flow of 184 cfs measured at Smithfield. These limits are valid only if the Corps implements their plan to augment the river flow at this level. If you have any questions concerning these limits, please contact Mr. Randy Williams of my staff. Attachment cc: R. W. Van Tilburg Randy Williams Louis Eckley Allen Wahab G. Smedes York Sincerely, Original dined By FORREST R. VIS T ALL Forrest R. Westall, Head Monitoring & Technical Services Branch P. O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N. C. 27611-7687 Form 1.7001 , '• #263 Facility Name: County: Wake Sub -basin: 01-04-07 Regional Office: Raleigh Requestor: Hazen & Sawyer Engineers Type of Wastewater: Industrial cv Domestic 100 If industrial, specify type(s) of industry: WASTE LOAT) ALLOCATION APPROVAL FORM Neuse River WWTP - City of Raleigh Receiving stream: Neuse River _ Class: C Other stream(s) affected: Neuse River Class: A -II 7Q10 flow at point of discharge: Regulated 30Q2 flow at point of discharge: Natural stream drainage area at discharge point: 1099 sq. mi. Recommended Effluent Limitations Parameter Monthly Averages Flow 30 MGD 40 MGD 50 MGD BOD5 (mg/1) 16 11 7 NH3-N (mg/1) 5 4 4 D.O. (mg/1) 5'' 5 5 TSS (mg/1) 30 30 30 pH (S.U.) ' 6-9 6-9 6-9 Fecal Coliform (#/100 ml) 1000 1000 1000 Note: These limits are based on a low flow of 254 cfs at Smithfield, This allocation is: / / for a proposed facility / / for a new (existing) facility based on flow augmenta- /X/ a revision of existing limitations tion, increased / / a confirmation of existing limitations wasteflows Recommended and reviewed y: / CN�(�%6 ✓ GVr�.1( B4gy teaLe Head, Techncial Service BranchAVed-,edG Date: Reviewed by: Regional Supervisor Date: /2 Permits Manager . ...�� / / Date: Approved by: Division Director Date: / 4/ Form #001 #263 WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION APPROVAL FORM Facility Name: Neuse River WWTP - City of Raleigh County: Wake Sub -basin: 03-04-02 Regional Office: Raleigh Requestor: Hazen and Sawyer Engineers Type of Wastewater: Industrial Domestic 100 If industrial, specify type(s) of industry: Receiving stream: Neuse River Other stream(s) affected: Neuse River 7Q10 flow at point of discharge: 70 cfs 30Q2 flow at point of discharge: Natural stream drainage area at discharge point: Class: Class: A -II 1099 sq mi Recommended Effluent Limitations Flow 30 MGD 40 MGD 50 MGD BOD5 (mg/1) 7 6 5 NH3-N (mg/1) 4 3 3 DO (mg/1) 5 5 5 TSS (mg/1) 30 30 30 pH (SU) 6-9 6-9 6-9 Fecal Coliform (#/100 ml) 1000 1000 1000 NOTE: These limits will apply until Falls Reservoir is officially operating and augmenting the low flow. This allocation is: / / for a proposed facility / / for a new (existing) facility /11V a revision of existing limitations / / a confirmation of existing limitations Recommended and reviewed by: 41n44 2f, Head, Techncial Serviges Branch Reviewed by: Regional Supervisor Permits Manager Approved by: Division Director Date: Jam?-/'/-gi Date: Date: .4 /Z 3��'f Date: ! FL Date: /,72. D /0 S i!L-!! trUQYi� L,v i f V7 1 ',,f,Yc_cztt5 _ea it • LJ maL • COLO 9ti r S n NI 30Vw 'OD li3SS3 'B 13ddf13N ,. U S3HJN1 01 X L.HONI 3H1 Ol 01 X 01. �"/1 • • lir mill 1m ME 111111111imii NIB II ilm n,11 , Iiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii illiiiiiiiiiii 11111111014mm lw 11111i i 1 ilillmll WIMMINMEMMEMMEMEMMINIMmmOWIMMEINNIMMTM 011111mOmMEMIUM I WAINMINIMMINIMOMMEMMINIMEMMOMMOMMEMMIMIMMOMMEMEMMEMMEMMEMEMMENWOMMEMENOMMEMMEMEME EMI" MI MEMMOMMOMMIM MMENMEMMEME C C11511111 .. . 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