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GW1-2023-00447_Well Construction - GW1_20230109
L���merat:�PEaagoeaoat�ao� ' Aqua Dan, Inca . _ g� , � � � �, ....ff :,... ®as m G^.Well�onstsnet1ttwp'es�H$ �C��I�t�Cn7__ %6.hr�lll�B�A�ttS�IIB�9tf; Limo!lapplfmhiotcallaaoanrucafan 9 , & hs(�e t%!C Courage yeate,f/-mm mfej g.NNell glso(cttes&vve19 taeje � ,� � . Cleatltemtol(Kufteool&a S €3 lY) rRC1=aaW1AW3vpv1y(dra®) t((d11ChY�f[��IpoM1At - ffV; GL4 t8. E3 fttliatm WAWSnpply(sb on lttoaa=41I/etee•3np�ep�le98:. �e��s ,P. '� -'&••- � � anitoda fl 1 f, ala aiChon. e t Hemfr& fftG iti&rYteohet�e ��naucedevdteel��e9ietBa� • �" ?� AgLitaSttrcgCanaBllenvay �6 �eg1� E9 3fi�N®l��9PJ�L4"gtSC%S! a 0Ye gniferTot a �Stom�vat�l�itta� � � - �ednmml Talmolov Ge0111en4dl(Closed Loop) �r . � �l?Bi�P���g'v •IIlldlaip Geatbemtel(kIei tinpJCoolhtg ) thlter( 1oi9a ttsderl l fern 9 RZ aaa nos atcanr a, �.Wen Lamdoat FeailitylOnraarNolnc, 45a �- €asllitytDJ(et'appliea6te) ft. �KtY.P�•r�,�,k•?�r•'�E``(1 1YiC2`r1p .�{T+7 �ti g� � �;,•� __ •`�, r5�:°t'�• hyateat a�s's,Ciq/.000tZtp G� J�� i tr�:...a ii �� f2�aeflfdc-ataPt�toallo.(�t) ' �ltB,tiBdPpd®a®�1oag3tndetnalegseesl�aaQ¢�tlsee�a�o�e8eea�ttnEae�. inc �:�ai � =f q ila,:f (fEiveII6dd.oaefnNieoglssoiridenP) �2,Cte;tt�act0�¢s� '�.>"�;'�"" �Ils(aa+e?dhevicell(s Batt ®s n J-5 • e@'�iI¢tt 0ac�ee!v iDat� epdfis'!m tDm BysB�tfifsA-1 Iller4 mute dB8 AIR Udf(s) S�a4'dtt sf enttttva�rraRln art:+oodm�ee Rfilstas � 1f9 �gCfsS ®a' 13Y® tc7thJSiSNC�CQZ�.0E0Daal�F1NG?r02C.08mDSya!!Q:@a2aefon�latdatrfswtdfGGfe . /P.ftllautGttour:urllcmr�rttcltoaft+famtGfleoeRd�pPQGaatrewatme�ai4e �d'o�'alrLga..earl&c�bec�lrselYdsdeo!/c:cePlldutirer.' ielatrarr�araltlrorm�t��re�fd�safo,gym, - .FaP4aaopeo g '®a�los4d�a�e�eotttet�IWks 0.gleo�m�addi ea9 aPfl�eenSs: �,maly bQ3lY/l i$n�tdsal. theseatae 9�on aaa r arse die basic of this Pegg to lteovide additiosel evadl site&W IS oe well detl� Yntlit�T011'At.WNMoffevelis c uctdatadetallg• Yf©tt�yalsot�t�s6additioaal�ag�lt'�eessa�f... • �f'vfi BPtt�II®Pf'a ' 9.Totntwell 4pa below tagsasfracsc_' n�t] FormnitFple.mPtal�rtelddcpvas�dlBr��n fes�npPe��®2aD•r�ad2�1A89 g�j �9a as>L398 4Ffe39a: SuNig twig&M wiviia 30 dsys of camplegon of avail mshman 20 amemav ing: i, Y�t$flatit:eostee level tae!®w top ofasssi®g�-_ I F' (�j Y9ieaslgta of 41Pattet��esnaaeaa,Yaal'ostbta�eaa T�oce�4og QlnaB, �tarlerefrroBoreeas7ngust,'t;�°° IL Borehole diameter. 1617 fbIG18 Ruda cauta•s b�9alg6,t��7699�fl6t9 Q�D gD,tu. ® Fn6ee n t➢}➢t a• Y®edd68eoaa 4®5et�ing 41ee Ps�a io the adthess in 3Qa • fl�Well eoastmedon MemoaL above,also submit one copy of this fann evatwln 3 amimcdantotiefollovdag: 0 days of eaetpletian of®veil (>a >n+aalsr;sewa,�eeep b,e�) FOlBYAi� SIIPB+��d9iClZtVbYC �!vlsioatoP6Yfstra t�¢soaaaaes,flln8eeg�meoaHYa�¢a¢�eaa� l�eo�aam, i 186 mail�a�vles� ataeQRdalglyRTc127699166 '�.�tela{�gotj- K(� 1b%titdt®�o�ses�_f 'i��1-T,mn �� .® @AI�R�A'6°t�f9RTw.S�eytntaeaaonai47➢rdaPea . La at$diflion to s�atliatg the ftma to 93b.Y9ts7ai ctiaaaty�e; noneees__ II6C9Y The a aleest(esB ebasveb els®gaab�if eae COM of tbN&Pam evithlea 30 days of Eotapletioaa of%-A eoon9fimaon to tlae estw hultht a aftent of tiro homy wReeerotasteunta�l. I F'am6W t 1V®tih�3ieaBept>¢�tmtoffvdeaaE�taaS¢I r Qne:l���risiea®fft4a4erPtc�sgs�:ca L��82.�2ttY6