HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-00426_Well Construction - GW1_20230103 WELL CONSTRUCTION I21PC'ORD (rnV 1 For Internal iJsC Only: I.Well Contractor lilt'ornlalion: RANDY OWNBEY Well Cocuractor Name r14-NVATER ZONES'I'CT DIiSCHI P'1•IUN3214A 190 NC\Vol'CunlraClor Ccrtitientims Number ft ft.AIR DRILLING INC ER CASING I'ot ntniti-case((;wells)OR LINER(it'_ DIAaUTE.1 - THICI:N7i5S Company Name p rl, g� ft, g I Inc.-- PVC - -- 2022-9901 16.INNER CASING OR TUi31NG eothern at closed-loo ) ---— 2,Well Colshnctiou Pcrmitf/: r�RU11 fU' U1,\171iTRn_ Imc�;Nl:Ss �tnrrat,u_ List u!I applicable Well can.etvcuioll permiis(i.e.U/C,Caiutp,Srrcre-, Varirmec,cic.j fl - ff. --- in. --- '- 3.Well Use(elneel(ll'ell usC): fL fL in. - Water Supply Well; rSGR'O Ef�Agriculturall i I'0 ER SLOTSI•rr THICKNRSS A1,crrAUAl❑MunicipaUl ublic ft. ft.CJGcothernlal(heating/Cooling Supply) I'1ResidCrtial Water Supply(single) ft' ft. In. (=llndushial/Commercial ❑Residential WaterSupply(shared)1-11rrigalion UT ❑Wells> 100,000GPD ritosl 7o nLk_TE , UYIPLACI_a11:Y1':\i1STilOUsnnlouNr Non-Water Supply Well: 0 f'' 20 f'• GROUT POURED Clivlonitoring Glltecovery ft Injection Well: _ f_]Aquifer Recharge 001-01,11dwaler Renledintion It. ft. 11Aqui 1•er Storage and Recover 19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK if a))Iicublc) -- Y tJStllinityl3arricr f110mt —1`o alnrtaitlnl• enrrl.,uaausNr,yn•:rlu)u t_IAquilbr•fist Mtornlwatcr Drainage ft. -- 1-1Hxperinlental Technology CISubSidence Control ft. ft. — — ------- r(Geothermal(Closed Loop) ClTrncer 20.DRILLING LOG nttnch a(lditional sheets if necessary) I.IGeothermal(lieating/Cooling Return) :10ther(explain under#21 Rcmarks) 1 ROai ro oes(:IttPI ION(color,11,nm+ess,soiyrock iyLgrntn sire,ry_) p fl, 85 rt. DIRT _ 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 12-5-2022 Well IDII 85 r' 205 '' ROCK --- 5a.Well Location: -- DONALD LUNSFORD P;,uility/Owner Name Facility lDll(itspplicable) ft. IL JAB s - 120 PINE STATE RD, TROUTMAN,N.C. 28166 —ft- Physical Physical Address.City,and"Lip ft. fL 1f1;Gii c a� 4741138609 "%N'27QG IREDELL z1.REMARI<s — Cou"ty Parcel identification No.(PIN) 5b.Latitude and longitude ill degrees/milllrtes/seconds or decimal degrees: -- Orwell lield,one Ita/long is sufficient) 22.Certlt- on: — -i----- 350 41 .783 N 80- 52.787 12/5/2022 fi,IS(al•e)the We11(s): ClPermanent o- 1-71'emporary Signature ol'Ccrtifiud Wcll Contrnclor p;,ie ^-- 7.Is this a 1'L'p:lil'to an C4v signing thi.r•%w•rn,1 her eGP cerri/i diar ncu,rci!(sJ sruv(mere)Caran�o-led in urrarduncr+rich xistillg lyell: I]Yes of MNo 15.4 AICAC 02C'.ol oo or 15A AICAC:02C.0.?00 INe/Cunstrucviun Suuulardc roan clot a rapt //'this is it repair.Jill our lyt011,11 well construction ill rnluliwl runt!eeplain(he nature of th« a/'tl+ia recore/nuns been pror/ded to the melt uumw. repair under;12/reauarky Section or on the back(J'this forty. 23.Site(ling'-anl o•additional Well cletafls: S.For Geoprobe/DPT o•Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having tLC same You May use the back of this page to provide additional well construction info conslnlclion,Wily I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells (add'See Over'in Remarks Box).You may also attach additional pages if necessary drillcd:________ 24.SU131mi rTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9-Total Well depth below land surface: 205 (ft.) Fur ntdtiple wells list till depthsiJ'rlillcrent(eyuulple-3 rr)200'nnrll n,Jf)T) Submit this GW-1 within 30 days of hell completion per the following: 10.Static water level below top of casing: 40 (fl.) 24a. For All Wells: Original form to Division of Wa(Cl- Resources (DWR), Y'lraler lovol is whore Casing,use' t" fllfornintioll llroO CsSIng IIOit, 1617 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 i I1.Borehole diameter: 6 (in.) 24h. For]njcctio) Wells: Copy to DWIZ, Underground injection Control (IU(:) Program, 1636 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 12,Well construction method: (i.e.auger,routry,cable,direct push,etc.) 24e.For Water Su )I f ply and Open-Loo Geothermal Return Wells.Copy to the counly environmental health departlnCnl o llle County Where installed h( R WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 24d.For!Pater Mlefls producing over 100,000 GI'D: Copy to DWIZ,CCPCUA 13a.Yield(gplll) 25 M011od Of test: AI R Pernut Program, 1611 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1611 131).Disinfection type: HTH Amount: form UW-I North(:arulinu Dcparuncnl ol'Gnvironnlcnud Ouulily- Division of'Water Resources Revised 6-6- 015