HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-00367_Well Construction - GW1_20230103 i WI+,I,I,CONS`I'RUC'1'ION ItI+,CORD GW-1 � ]nor)n1el'flol Use Only: I.1Vell Contractor 1111.01.nuition: CHAD HARTNESS Well Conutlutor Nnmc 14.WATER''/,ONES FROM 'I'0 OESCRII'TION 2901 A 95 11' 96 n, NC Well Contractor Certification Number 971 f6 972 ft. I i —ESS --- AIR DRILLING INC 15.OUTER CASING(formillti-cosediJelis)ORLINER ira ,licnhlc GRO\I TO DL1NIfiTCR1 TIIICKN �I,\TIsR1A1. Company Name 0 ft, 64 ff. 8 I Ian. GALV 2.Well Construction permit#; 16,INNER CASING OR TU11)NG cothermul closed-loo,) Lill FROM T'0 1)JAM R•1'ER' —THICKNESS \l:\'ITiRL\L till upplic'abh•weNe•onsntrcda,permits(l.c•.O/C,Cornay,Slnlc, Variance.etc•.) fL ft. in. 3.Well Use(check 11,e11 use): ft, ft. in, 11'alo Supply 1Vell: 17,SCREEN LlAgriculu°`tl MMunicipal/Public PRoJI TO prn.rrn.rl:u S1,o'rS1%6: THICKNESS riATr•.RiAi. L1Gcolhermal(Healing/Conlin g Supply) ❑Residential Water Supply sin'le ft. ft. in.. — I.Ilndusu•ial/Commercial Il• ft. in. ----- Ll Residential Water Supply(shared) ❑Irri)!alioit IS,GROUT ❑We]is> I00,000GPD rr(o�l I'o nlnr'ERL\t. t:rn'LAcl:anaNl'nn;TnonsAn)uuNT Non-1Vatcr Supph'Wcll: 0 f' 62 f'' GROUT POURED flMonitori°g ❑Recovery lnjectipn Well: —ft, 0Aquifer Recharge ❑Groundwater Rcmcdiation - EIAquifcr Storage and Recovery ❑Snlinity Barriel- 19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK if Lilicablc) moat ro mrrcrhltlnl. EMPLncP.�IrcN'rmu:ruon I"lAquifer'I'csl ❑Biota»vatcr Drainage ------ ❑Experin)eual'l'cclluol°gY ❑Subsidence Control E1GcOthemial(Closed Loop) ❑T raccr 20.DRILLING 1, attach additional sheets if necessary) ❑(Seothermal 0.1cating/Cooling Return) ❑Other(explain under#2l Remarks) 1711011 To DESCRIrTfON war,hanlffcss,seiuracir t ro,•rain sire,ea•.) f`' 54 f' DIRT 4.Ualc 1Ve11(s)Com 12-21-22 0 pleted: Well IM 54 fl• 1005 f' ROCK 5a.Well Location: ft. fl. IREDELL WATER ft. - Pacilily/OwnerNfmne Pacility11380fapplicable) It• ft, 482 NIXON RD,STATESVILLE,N.C. 28677 f1• ft. — Physical A(Idress,City,and Zip _ft. ft. --- IREDELL Infrril,2'•.a2­rl (-nr 21.REMARKS e1 v� (0001) 137 Parcel Identification No,(PIN) 51).Latilude and longitude in degreeshninuies/seconds o'decimal degrees: (il'u•cll licld,une Lnilunt;is suliicicnl) /� 35° 50.541 80° 62.419 22.{et'titljtin)t: u Cr.ISOM)the well(s): 1_IPern)anent of- ❑Temporary Signature of Cotiriccl Well Contractor 12/21/2022Date 7,Is this a repair to an existing well: l3ysign/ng ihi.sfar iol,/hereby cert/(i•dial the well(.$)wwas(were)colistrucred in accordhnlce with Oyes or nNo /5.4 A'G:•tC OlC.(//00 nr(Sat r\'G:dL'U3C,(1?(1(I IYe!!Conatrrrcr/nn S'tanr/nrrG'nnr/attar rr ropr Ifrhis lr a relmir. ill our known well c01INI"(W1/011 in%r•mation and evplaln the nature of the rf this record has been proMded h,the well owner,IT/Mir antler 112/remarks s ec tlnn ar on the hnc•k of this fru nr, 23.Site diagram or additional hell details: S.For Geoprohe/DPT 0r Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of*this page to provide additional \veil construction info Construction,only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL.NUMBER ol'wells (add'See Over'in Remarks Box).You stay also attach additional pages it'ceessafy. dri l led; - 1005 24,SUB51IT•I AL INSTRUCTIONS ').'1'olal well depth below land surface: (ft.) For nrulriple wells list all depd,s//'dvlbrclrr(rsanrpfe-3�?20(1'and l rr,/00') Subn)il this GW-I within 30 clays or well completion per the follolving: 10.Static water level below top of casing: 40 (ft) 24a. For All Wells: Original form to Division of Water Resources (DWIZ). /Jlvaler level is abort ra,rirrg,use ,f^ Information processing Unit, 1617 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter: 8 24b.For Injection Wells: Copy to D1VR, Underground lnjcction Control (IU(:) 12.11'ell construction method: Program, 1636 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 (i.e.auger,rouu•y,cable,direct push,etc.) 24e.For\Valet'Supply find 0 ell-Loop Geothermal Return Wells•Copy to the eouuly envu'onn)ental health(Icpulln'lent of the aunty lvticre installed FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 24d.For Water Wells producing over 100,000 GPD• Copy to DWR,C'CI'C'LJA 13a.Yield(gpm) 250 Method of test: AIR Permit Program, till I MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1611 131).Disinfection type: HTH Amount: l°tan(sVJ-I North Carolina Depimmeol of linvironmental Quality-Division of Watcr Resources Revised G-G;'01S