HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-00364_Well Construction - GW1_20230103 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Imcmd Use ONLY. This form can be used for single at multiple wcls' 1.Well.Contractor Information: °14-111ATER20NES Zach Thompson FROM I DtNCRIMON V►WIContrdctorName tt. fL 4478A NCWellCalamciorCcitifbotionNumbir SS:OtftERCeLSfA7G foram(fieise�ereRs10R111YER((fa'"tkabk j FROM TD D61.1tir:TER THICKNESS I 'MATERTAL SAEDACdo Inc 0- (L 40 (L 2" >a, SCH-40 PVC CanVartyNiutc ]GINNER CASING OR- HIND ilermidclascddoo FROM I TO D ETER.• I THICKNESS MAnWAL 2,Well Constmcdon['=lt List all apprlirable wd1 penhih Ox.County,Starr,Variaore.Ti1reC0�err..) 3.Well Use(chccictivcliuss): j ITSCRUN Water Supply Well: i PROM TO PrASTr.TM SMTSIM THJCKNESS MATP.RTAr. 40 ft. 60 R. .2n 11% .010 SCH-40 PVC mgriciiltu al Pm6icipaUPttb)ic Meothertual(HeafigjCooling Supply) ®Residemial IVater Supply(single)- DiildustriaUConartacial Mesiden"Water Supply.(slxiJed) is:GROUT FROM To. MAMMILL 13MPLAC'ENIOT METHOD&AhIOUNr ❑hTi Rt1011 � - (t. .. R. Non-Witter Supply Well: iitlMonitodpg .131tecol-cry ft. ft. Injection well: R• ft. CIIAt)HiferRecbargr f�GioundtslicrRcmcdiatian t9:SANDicRAVEL PACK Gr tillcaDBr)- �" THOM To HATFUM1. I RNIPLACF.NFNT MMHOn CJAquiter Storage aridRccoccty QiKilinityHartic( 38 R. 60 fr.' Filter Sand #z fJAqu_kfcr Tcst Mlommatcr Drainage R. tt: dZVcrimcatal Tvolmotogy Mubs!46cc 6iilrol, 20:DRILLING LOG(attach additions t.sti TtSs if a esun. 13Geodia ntai(ClosedLoop) OTracer FROM To DESCRiMON Mor.hardncn.wt%1mck d Ate,erat OGeotitemtal(Hearin Cooliu Retum) 1301her{explain under#21 Remarks) 1 0 ft. 60 (L. PATR/Sand R. fL 1 4.Detc-Wcll(s)C6mplcled: 11-17-22 WclIIDiPMW-6 ft, tL , dry Sa.Well iatcatlori: ft. i Vickers Village ft. It. Facility,UwnprNnx,c Facghy IDN 0fnpplicnbJc) R. ft. L 271 Jack Bennett,Rd. Chapel .Hill, NC,, 27517 ft.- rL ` ;y,t� r . '' n Pltysical.Ygdi City,and Zip 21.REM1i,IRILS' Chatham Bent6nite Seal from 36,1-38' county PWro rdcntiCu:.1tion No,(PIN) ab.I htitudeand Mugttudein dcgrcvs/minutWsc6nd3ordechiml41 toes: 32 CcrtifiradnR: 'F (itrieit field,orrc 1,1Ulonyit fufilckrd) 35.81888 A+ -79.07507 W /� ` r rw 12/4/2022 r5igmiurbofccitifJ�dWe�tar,; D= 6.I9(are)the well(sy DPerwanent or. .Memporary By signing 1kh fu m,•f herrby cerr fy Mar the irdl{a)rgmr(were)wormcmd to ur.evrd nce Weir M NOW 02C,0100 or ISAWAC 02C.,0I00 Well 4ousBnietim Sraryiards and rlxrr a 7.Iz this a repair to an existin;well.- hies or M . copy ethli recoirl hos"pmvir&d rbihi ur)l mrncr, if this is a repair,fill owl Anduvi well coru'tnrcrtoa brfoiraarlon-d a plabi the mrare of rbtr relmir mrclerAal remanU srri&n army the bask of fM fdrnr. I 23.Site diagrami or additional well detaffs: You way use the.back of this page to provide additional well site details or well S.Numberof wells constructed: 1 coustiuction deiaits: You nmy As&attach additional pages if.uecessary. Foe realtlple.IOT1la)l orrim-water supplyjg1ts ONLY mirk Mo.sameconstraetlar,Pit cirm I submitonofore.+. SiJBMi iA1,iNsTijen NS' 9.Totd well depth below land surface: 60 I 24a• For All Wells- Subinit dds,furin-within 30 days.gf compled6ti of well For mulrlple wells fist allrkprhsIfdiferwit(eample-3@26Waruf2@HV3 conitnlctionto the IbItal♦ing; f 10.Static linter level below tap of casing TO Divi$hm of Water R�ounces,Eifnrmation Frucessing Unit, If Valet level h irbove Mifig.Use"+" 1617 Afai7 Sent ee}v~entcr,Italcigfy INC27.6994617 l It.Borchot, diamctcr:6° (in.) 24b.For iniectlon WeRS ONLY: !Lt add"Hion to sending the fonu to the address in 24aabo►'e.also submit a copy of this fonu`vitldn 30'days'of completion of well 12,Wcl[constr actiob awthod: sonic. constmetiou to rite following. {ic.auger.rotary,cable,dirxt poslL etc :} Division of Water Resources,Underground Iujecdon Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Abil Serviceb'bler,Raleigh,NC 276994636 13a.Yield(gpm) Method of test: 24c.For Water Supply&lniectiod%Vc11s: Also submit one copy of this foiul within 30 days of completion of 1311.Disinfcctins type:-. Amount: well consiniction to the county hc.l It6 dcimFiment of the county tivWrc ' cottstluctcd. ' Form M11-1 Noah Camlhu M-parommi of Emironmem and Nanua]Resources—ML.loo of WhIerRe Imes Revised ALe st 2U13 I � i i