HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190288 Ver 1_4th Qtr 2022 Monitoring Report_20230124 (3) Homewood, Sue From:Daniel Davis <bmus@townofbeechmountain.com> Sent:Tuesday, January 24, 2023 9:45 AM To:Homewood, Sue Cc:Benjie Thomas (bthomas@west-consultants.com); Bob Pudney; Buckeye Water Plant Subject:\[External\] 4th Qtr. 2022 Town of Beech Mtn. 401 Certification No. 1756 Quarterly Report Attachments:Annual Lake Discharge Report DS TOBM.xlsx Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Sue, th I have attached the continuing data set for the 4 quarter of 2022. We had 10 days within the period that were below the requirement of 1.26 CFS. The Pinnacle Well site has been contracted and is moving forward. Expectation of completion is by November of 2023. The Locust Ridge Well site has been closed due to inadequate flow. We are continuing to develop an additional site for testing this coming spring. The Lake Coffey project is moving forward now with acceptance by the Town of the recent permitting requirements and we are moving forward with that process as well. We are also continuing to replace water pipe through the next round of SRF improvements. We have engineered design for another 25,000 feet of main replacement to commence this fall. Also we have an additional funded project to replace an additional 400 service lines over the next 2 years. Upon completion, these projects will result in an estimated 15% of our water mains and 25% of our service lines for the entire system replaced from 2018 thru 2024. We are working hard to not only find supply but reduce loss. Daniel Davis Director of Utilities 108 Bark Park Way Beech Mtn, NC, 28604 BMUS@TownofBeechMountain.com Office 828-387-9282 Pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes, Chapter 132, Public Records, this e-mail and any attachments, as well as any e-mail messages(s) that may be sent in response to it, may be considered public records and therefore are subject to public records requests for review and copying. 1 Pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes, Chapter 132, Public Records, this e-mail and any attachments, as well as any e-mail messages(s) that may be sent in response to it, may be considered public records and therefore are subject to public records requests for review and copying. 2 Daily Mean Discharge, cubic feet per second JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAug DATE 20222022202220222022202220222022 P  P  P  P  P   15.80P  2.15P  6.62P   1.261.6715.50.102.35 P  P  P  P  P   25.31P  2.09P  4.82P   12.51.9712.00.081.82 P  P  P  P  P   34.86P  5.88P  4.04P P  P  P  P  P   44.41P  5.83P  3.18P   18.21127.450.361.05 P  P  P  P  P   55.93P  4.33P  2.45P   13.948. P  P  P  P  P   66.99P  7.89P  2.16P P  P  P  P  P   718.7P  18.9P  2.08P   8.8216.17.330.102.51 P  P  P  P  P   816.0P  23.1P  1.28P   7.1111.67.532.491.75 P  P  P  P  P   913.4P  18.1P  1.22P   14.78.8618.41.481.31 P  P  P  P  P   1011.6P  13.2P  0.84P   25.37.0717.82.521.82 P  P  P  P  P   1110.4P  9.70P  0.69P   17.45.7214.41.051.94 P  P  P  P  P   129.35P  7.52P  0.62P   12.74.8513.50.681.56 P  P  P  P  P   138.15P  6.27P  0.54P   9.914.2910.50.541.05 P  P  P  P  P   147.21P  5.24P  3.28P   7.713.649.660.631.00 P  P  P  P  P   155.99P  4.81P  0.83P   5.933.268.780.321.66 P  P  P  P  P   165.89P  4.06P  0.57P   5.913. P  P  P  P  P   174.84P  3.39P  0.52P   4.674. P  P  P  P  P   185.99P  3.07P  --- 4.1135. P  P  P  P  P   195.31P  2.72P  --- 3.8720.25.570.541.62 P  P  P  P  P   204.62P  2.42P  --- 5.1514.94.770.261.39 P  P  P  P  P   214.14P  2.72P  --- 4.4311. P  P  P  P  P   223.96P  2.51P  --- 3.7211.23.870.132.34 P  P  P  P  P   233.69P  23.9P  --- 3.2232. P  P  P  P  P   243.29P  28.4P  --- 3.0449.65.033.671.89 P  P  P  P  P   253.09P  18.5P  --- 2.8752.14.6310.31.90 P  P  P  P  P   263.17P  20.5P  --- 2.5433.84.362.911.78 P  P  P  P  P   272.72P  73.0P  --- 2.3427. P  P  P  P  P   282.47P  45.2P  --- 2.2020.43.651.881.13 P  P  P  P   292.33P  24.0P  --- 1.893.441.730.91 P  P  P  P   302.19P  14.2P  0.07P   1.833.251.511.61 P  P  P  P   319.40P   1.837.651.641.39 COUN 3129313031302531 T MAX25.311218.418.7736.6210.33.35 MIN1.261.673. SepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMay 202220222022202220212021202120212021 P  P  P   31.3P  1.14P  7.58P  21.2P  15.5P  15.5P   0.7632.13.59 P  P  P   19.4P  1.05P  7.37P  28.4P  12.7P  14.8P   0.5424.13.51 P  P  P   18.4P  1.02P  7.75P  23.1P  9.88P  13.9P   0.3117.43.67 P  P  P   14.6P  1.18P  6.96P  16.5P  7.88P  11.7P   0.3612.94.10 P  P  P   10.7P  3.33P  6.54P  12.8P  6.76P  9.40P   10.39.944.15 P  P  P   7.92P  4.10P  7.50P  9.24P  5.15P  7.64P   5.907.883.93 P  P  P   6.34P  2.89P  9.23P  7.31P  5.06P  6.30P   4.216.554.14 P  P  P   5.24P  2.80P  11.2P  6.73P  4.38P  5.60P   3.125.773.75 P  P  P   4.19P  2.79P  12.8P  5.02P  4.72P  4.91P   2.614.774.51 P  P  P   3.52P  3.36P  12.4P  4.37P  6.65P  4.43P   7.2119.47.99 P  P  P   2.96P  112P  e10.8P  4.03P  15.1P  3.93P   5.3529.36.65 P  P   6.69P  2.73P  76.9P  9.13P  3.65P  26.6P  3.62P   19.98.64 P  P   4.95P  2.24P  35.9P  7.78P  3.26P  57.3P  3.46P   13.87.83 P  P   3.62P  1.89P  22.5P  7.26P  3.14P  50.4P  2.95P   10.36.83 P  P   2.90P  1.81P  20.6P  13.9P  2.94P  34.2P  3.02P   8.685.88 P  P   2.31P  2.45P  20.4P  12.2P  2.54P  27.9P  2.90P   6.565.07 P  P   2.01P  5.12P  16.7P  11.0P  2.34P  19.7P  2.75P   5.414.44 P  P   1.60P  1.99P  12.9P  8.92P  2.33P  33.4P  11.3P   4.463.90 P  P   1.59P  1.79P  9.81P  7.46P  2.22P  31.8P  47.3P   4.243.35 P  P   1.31P  1.50P  7.69P  6.55P  2.10P  23.5P  31.8P   3.432.80 P  P   1.01P  1.49P  6.51P  5.66P  2.17P  17.0P  20.3P   3.082.33 P  P   0.99P  1.44P  5.60P  5.28P  1.91P  14.7P  14.4P   2.732.08 P  P   0.92P  1.25P  4.97P  4.48P  1.59P  11.3P  11.2P   2.421.75 P  P   0.58P  1.30P  4.24P  3.34P  1.57P  9.13P  9.01P   3.281.65 P  P   0.94P  1.34P  3.75P  3.00P  8.93P  7.58P  22.0P   3.972.26 P  P   1.08P  1.27P  3.18P  2.60P  24.9P  9.61P  48.8P   2.913.72 P  P   0.68P  1.25P  4.75P  1.93P  23.1P  10.0P  41.8P   2.721.84 P  P   0.52P  1.06P  3.86P  1.78P  20.4P  9.29P  65.1P   2.591.74 P  P   0.46P  1.02P  3.56P  1.75P  14.2P  55.5P   2.661.93 P  P   5.89P  1.02P  8.91P  3.33P  11.3P  35.6P   5.221.91 P   1.24P  4.05P  11.2P  37.6P   1.42 233130313128313031 1431.311213.928.457.365.132.18.64 JunJulAugSepOctNovDecJan DATE 20212021202120212021202120212020 P  P  AP  P   P   ---1 3.86 1.0720.80.0810.12.00 P  P  P  P  P   P   ---0.012 4.04 1.0845.018.78.551.76 P  P  P  A P  P   P   ---3 7.02 1.0616.412. P  P  P  A P  P   P   ---4 9.69 0.829.588.341.175.911.45 P  P  P  A  P  P   P   ---5 11.2 0.605.895.872.534.801.48 P  P  P  A  P  P   P   ---6 10.8 0.584.464.634.933.991.49 P  P  P  A  P  P   P   ---7 10.6 0.533.243.4754.43.381.24 P  P  A  P  P   P   ------8 8.61 2.922.6829.52.971.24 P  P  P  A  P  P   P   ---9 7.27 4.892.812.3018.92.561.06 P  P  P  A  P  P   P   ---10 6.96 3.962.101.7912.72.191.12 P  P  P  A  P  P   P   ---11 20.2 6.121.561.139.162.662.60 P  P  P  A  P  P   P   ---12 52.2 P  P  P  A  P  P   P   ---13 35.5 P  P  P  A  P  P   P   ---14 27.6 17.40.690.844.116.641.79 P  A  P  P   P   ---------15 21.7 P  A  P  P   P   ---------16 20.6 P  A  P  P   P   ---------17 16.9 5.002.374.191.68 P  P  A  P  P   P   ------18 15.0 3.7428.52.133.701.83 P  P  P  P  P  P   P   ---19 13.2 2.853.6912.51.863.392.54 P  P  P  P  P   P   ------20 9.92 2.401.601.442.841.96 P  P  P  P  P  P   P   ---21 8.19 2.6029.91.351.522.621.92 P  P  P  P  P  P   P   ---22 6.95 7.4114.71.691.523.961.85 P  P  P  P  P  P   P   ---23 6.25 2.928.951.251.132.811.68 P  P  P  P  P   P   ------24 11.6 2.136.411.022.501.67 P  P  P  P  P   P   ------25 11.2 1.525.031.312.391.63 P  P  P  P  P   P   ------26 10.4 1.173.692.022.551.61 P  P  P  P  P   P   ------27 10.5 P  P  P  P  P   P   ------28 9.21 0.812.471.502.171.24 P  P  P  P   P   ---------29 8.19 1.948.462.021.23 P  P  P  P   P   ---------30 7.56 1.529.311.861.67 P  P  P   P   ------31 7.27 3.3610.81.24 COUN 2715131731303131 T 36.14529.920.854.413.42.6MAX52.2 0.530.691.520.8401.861.06MIN3.86 FebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNov 2020202020202020202020202020202020202020 P  P  P  P  P   17.4P 4.86P 2.19P 3.04P  21.0P   6.7310.38.8151.14.30 P  P  P  P  P   12.1P 3.93P 1.85P 2.68P  13.1P   6.169.787.5733.33.79 P  P  P  P  P   8.28P 36.6P 1.15P 2.49P  9.22P   6.4321.06.6322.63.19 P  P  P  P  P   5.84P 30.8P 0.99P 2.15P  6.93P   7.8022.86.0416.62.75 P  P  P  P  P   6.20P 17.2P 0.71P 1.81P  5.48P   14.519.65.5412.92.63 P  eP  P  P  P   3.98P 10.5P ---1.57P  4.52P   14515.15.0612.52.36 P  P  P  P  P   3.40P 7.68P ---0.99P  3.86P   11811.65.1910.81.84 P  P  P  P  P   3.22P 5.65P ---1.10P  3.32P   55.79.345.1010.51.55 P  P  P  P  P   2.44P 4.07P ---0.84P  2.89P   33.57.5721.710.71.36 P  P  P  P  P   1.90P 3.19P ---9.58P  2.80P   25.36.8515.69.161.68 P  P  P  P  P   1.63P 2.96P ---20.4P  13.2P   36.26.4912.88.411.54 P  P  P  P  P   1.16P 4.10P 1.53P 13.7P  61.0P   42.05.3515.77.001.04 P  P  P  eP  P   ---2.91P 1.68P 10.8P  36.7P   74.18.841736.320.84 P  P  P  P  P   0.28P 14.1P ---7.75P  21.3P   55.97.1355.65.454.17 P  P  P  P  P   ---18.6P 0.95P 6.23P  14.0P   34.77.3331.34.713.19 P  P  P  P  P   ---17.0P 0.75P 5.12P  9.83P   22.36.7919.84.222.74 P  P  P  P  P   ---11.6P 5.83P 3.99P  7.55P   15.47.4213.83.704.69 P  P  P  P  P   ---8.26P 4.43P 3.44P  5.71P   11.97.0417.44.005.15 P  P  P  P  P   ---5.89P 3.55P 2.97P  4.80P   10.17.1712.638.75.16 P  P  P  P  P   8.11P 4.71P 3.11P 2.57P  4.14P   8.3811.818.080.75.60 P  P  P  P  P   3.03P 4.11P 2.63P 2.00P  3.57P   6.8319.015.990.85.00 P  P  P  P  P   4.26P 3.94P 2.07P 1.92P  2.98P   6.0316.513.653.64.22 P  P  P  P  P   16.9P 2.94P 1.90P 1.69P  3.10P   5.9118.812.933.34.10 P  P  P  P  P   30.2P 2.24P 2.10P 1.67P  2.54P   7.8021.314.121.63.46 P  P  P  P  P   24.5P 2.16P 6.68P 1.68P  2.33P   15.748.913.321.46.10 P  P  P  P  P   20.3P 1.65P 3.40P 1.44P  2.14P   16.938.815.317.83.49 P  P  P  P  P   13.2P 1.58P 2.54P 1.26P  2.03P   17.925.316.613.43.28 P  P  P  P  P   8.59P 1.34P 2.30P 2.33P  1.68P   15.117.815.09.9825.4 P  P  P  P  P   5.86P 1.97P 4.48P 45.2P  1.78P   12.412.730.18.4423.1 P  P  P  P   5.60P 1.55P 4.18P 62.1P  3.74P   9.3785.47.1421.0 P  P   5.32P 1.77P 36.7P   8.595.38 29313031302531233130 14548.917390.825.430.236.66.6862.161 5.915.355.063.70.840.281.340.710.841.68 Dec 2020 2.83P   2.53P   2.60P   10.2P   28.9P   19.4P   13.8P   9.37P   7.37P   6.33P   5.45P   4.59P   4.31P   29.0P   25.7P   22.2P   17.7P   13.1P   10.1P   8.39P   7.21P   5.53P   4.32P   11.4P   12.4P   11.8P   10.4P   9.75P   9.85P   10.1P   12.2P   31 29 2.53