HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWMU103_Plan_20080101FINAL Corrective Measures Implementation Plan for SWMU 103 Fort Bragg, North. Carolina m Submitted To: U.S. ARMY ENVIRONMENTAL COMMAND Submitted By: PARSONS RECE ED JUN 112008 January 2008 OENR . F.�s,-I-T �' :. _ ,Gr_'nf�lAt OF`10E _SONS PA 1700 Broadway, Suite 900 o Dan,�n. C-;forado 80290 z (303) 831.8100 3 Fa4:1302,; 831.9208 sr.; roar<ac s.cor 24 January 2008 Ms. Bridget Lyons US Army Environmental Command, IMAE-CDS/Bridgett Lyons 5179 Hoadley Road, Bldg E-4480 APGEA, MD 21010-5401 Subject: Submittal of the Final Corrective Measures Implementation Plan — SWMU 103, North Carolina (USAEC Contract W91ZLK-05OD-0016, Task Order 0001) Ms. Lyons, Please find enclosed one hard copy and two electronic copies of the Final Corrective Measures Implementation Plan — SWMU 103, Fort Bragg, North Carolina. This final document was prepared by Parsons Infrastructure & Technology Group, Inc. (Parsons) for the United States Army Environmental Command (USAEC) and the Fort Bragg Department of Public Works (DPW). Copies of this document were also submitted to the Fort Bragg DPW for their use as well as subsequent distribution to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR). Please. note that the underground injection permit application contained in Appendix B is currently in review by. NCDENR. Parsons will submit a final copy of the permit to you after it has been issued by NCDENR. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me (801) 572 5999 or at ross.miller@parsons.com. cc: Sincerely, PARSONS Ross Miller PhD, P.E. Project Manager Mr. Jason Adcock — Fort Bragg (5 copies) Ms. Angie Cook — Parsons Atlanta (1 copy) . Mr. Edward Heyse —Parsons Denver (1 copy) File (2 copies) EGERIE-0 JUN 112008 DENR - FAYErrEMLLE REG] OVAL OFRCE 103 CMIP FINAL cover letter.doc i FINAL Corrective Measures Implementation Plan for SWMU 103 Fort Bragg, North Carolina Submitted To: U.S. ARMY ENVIRONMENTAL COMMAND Submitted By. - PARSONS January 2008 This page intentionally left blank FINAL CORRECTIVE MEASURES IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR SWMU 103 FORT BRAGG, NORTH CAROLINA January 2008 Prepared for: UNITED STATES ARMY ENVIRONMENTAL COMMAND and FORT BRAGG l DIRECTORATE OF PUBLIC WORKS Y Ross filler PhDP:E. Project Manager Ca;iel' riffiths, C.P.G. Technical Director. • ,i'l8V1?31:�i�i�: Edward Heyse PhD, P.E. Technical Director 9 !ti 2132 p A 7 :`� .�f Sava Steve Saville, PG.� North Carolina Professional. t`r Geologist No. 2132 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ...................... SECTIONI - INTRODUCTION ............................................... ..................................... 1-1 1.0 Introduction..........................................................................................................1-1 1.1 Corrective action Objectives .......... .................................................. .................... 1-1 1.2 Document Organization.......................................................................................1-2 1.3 Facility Background..:.................:........................................................................1-2 1.4 Site History...............................................................:.......................................:.. 1-3 1.5 Geology and Hydrogeology.................................................................................1-3 1.5.1 Site Geology.............................................:...............................................1-3 1.5.2 Groundwater Hydrology..........................................................................1-4 1.5.3 Surface Water Hydrology .................... :.... ............................................... 1-6 1.6 Summary of Previous Site Investigations............................................................ 1-6 1.6.1 RCRA Facility Investigation at SWMUs 4 and 18..................................1-6 1.6.2 RCRA Facility Investigations at SWMU 103.......................................... 1-7 1.6.3 Supplemental Investigations for the Corrective Measures Study ............ 1-7 1.6.4 Surface Water Sampling by USACE in March 2006...............................1-7 1.6.5 Soil Gas Sampling in June 2006..................::..........................................1-7 1.6.6 Groundwater Sampling in June 2006.......................................................1-8 1.6.8 Corrective Measures Study...................:..................................................1-8 SECTION 2 - PROJECT ORGANIZATION, ROLES, AND RESPONSIBILITIES............................................................................. 2-1 2.1 Project Organization ............................................... :"*-........ .................................. 2-1 2.2 Responsibilities and Authorities..................................................:....:.................. 2-1 2.2.1 Project Manager....................................................................................... 2-1 2.2.2 Technical Director.............................................................................:..... 2-2 2.2.3 Site Manager............................................................................................ 2-2 2.2.4 . Site Health and Safety Officer.................................................................2-2 2.3 Site Safety............................................................................................................2-2 SECTION 3 - CORRECTIVE MEASURES IMPLEMENTATION .............................. 3-1 3.1 Corrective Measures Design Approach.............:................................................. 3-1 3.1.1 Groundwater............................................................................................ 3-1 3.1.2 Surface Water........................................................................................... 3-2 3.2 Permitting and Regulatory Compliance............................................................... 3-3 3.2.1 Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendment Permit ..................................... 3-3 3.2.2 Underground Injection Permit................................................................. 3-3 3.2.3 Clean Water Act Permit........................................................................... 3-4 3.2.4 Notifications.............................................................................................3-4 -1- SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page 3.2.5 Storm Water Pollution Prevention........................................................... 3-4 3.2.6 Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures.....................................3-4 3.3 Corrective Measures Construction Activities...................................................... 3-4 3.3.1 Monitoring Well Network........................................................................ 3-4 Mobilization............................................................................ 3-4 Monitoring Well Installation................................................... 3-5 Site Restoration....................................................................... 3-5 Final Site Survey.....................................................................3-5 3.3.2 Enhanced Bioremediation in Source Area ............................................... 3-6 Mobilization.............................................................................3-6 Organic Substrate Injection...........................................:......... 3-6 Substrate Injection Wells ........................................................ 3-7 Substrate Direct Injection Points ................... 3-8 Substrates..................................I..................... 3-8 Substrate Preparation and Emplacement................................................ 3-10 Site Restoration...................................................................... 3-12 Final Site Survey, ................................................................... 3-12 3.3.3 Surface Water Remedy.......................................................................... 3-12 Mobilization..........................................................................3-12 Aeration/Volatilization Systems Installation ..........:............. 3-13 Step 1 - Roughen Streambed ........................ 3-13 Step 2 - Drop Structures ............................... 3-14 Step 3 - Pilot Testing Active Aeration......... 3-15 Step 4 - Full Scale Active Aeration ............. 3-17 Site Restoration..................................................................... 3-17 Final Site Survey ....................... ............................................ 3-17 3.3.4 Fencing and Signs..................................................................................3-17 Mobilization.......................................................................... 3-17 Fencing..................................................................................3-18 Warning Signs.......................................................................3-18 Site Restoration.....................................................................3-19 Final Site Survey...................................................................3-19 3.4 Performance Monitoring.................................................................................... 3-19 3.4.1 Groundwater Monitoring Well Network, Frequency, and Parameters...............................:.............................................................. 3 -19 3.4.2 Soil Gas Monitoring............................................................................... 3-20 3.4.3 Surface Water Monitoring Locations, Frequency and Parameters ........ 3-20 3.4.4 Performance Evaluations....................................................................... 3-21 3.4.5 Performance Monitoring Program Optimization ................................... 3-23 3.5 Contingency Planning ............................. :........................................................... 3-23 3.5.1 Bioaugmentation Solution.Preparation and Injection............................3-24 3.5.2 Contingency Substrate Injection .............................. :............................. 3-25 3.6 Institutional Controls......................................................................................... 3-25 3.6.1 Ground Water......................................................................................... 3-25 -ii- SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page 3.6.2 Surface Water......................................................................................... 3-26 SECTION 4 - REPORTING AND DOCUMENTATION .............................................. 4-1 4.1 Corrective Measures Implementation Report ......................................................4-1 4.2 Performance Effectiveness Reports.....................................................................4-1 4.3 Periodic Remedy Reviews................................................................................... 4-2 SECTION5 - REFERENCES................................................................ LIST OF TABLES No. Title . 1-1 Recommended Remedial Levels for COCs in Groundwater and Surface Water at SWMU 103 1-2 Historical Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at SWMU 103 1-3 Historical Detections of Contaminants in Surface Water at SWMU 103 3-1 Injection Protocol Summary 3-2 Year One Effectiveness Monitoring Program LIST OF FIGURES No. Title 1-1 Site Map and Surface Topography of SWMU 103 1-2 Confining Clay Contour at SWMU 103 1-3 Potentiometric Surface Map for Shallow Groundwater at SWMU 103 1-4 Potentiometric Surface Map for Deep Groundwater at SWMU 103 1-5 Surface Water Drainage at Fort Bragg, North Carolina 3-1 Source Area Treatment 3-2 Direct Push Injection Points at Source Area 3-3 Substrate Mixing System 3-4 Substrate Injection System 3-5 Surface Water Corrective Measure Step 1 3-6 Surface Water Corrective Measure Step 2 3-7 Surface Water Corrective Measure Step 3 3-8 French Drain and Cistern Baffle Design 3-9 French Drain and Cistern Design 3-10 Surface Water Air Sparger Design 3-11 Surface Water Air Sparger Baffle Design 3-12 Fencing and Monitoring Network 3-13 Soil Gas Monitoring Well Network at Holbrook Elementary School . -iii- SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CM1P 5-1 LIST OF APPENDICES A - Substrate Injection Calculations B - Underground Injection Permit C - Section 404 Nationwide Permit Number 38 Preconstruction Notification D - Fence Specifications -iv- S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP 4 r LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS µg/L microgram(s) per liter 1,1,2,2-TeCA 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane AMSL above mean sea level bgs below ground surface BMP Base Master Plan cfin cubic feet per minute CMIR Corrective Measures Implementation Report CMS corrective measures study CAO corrective action objective COC contaminant of concern COR Commanding Officer's Representative CY calendar year DCE dichloroethene DERP Defense Environmental Restoration Program DO dissolved oxygen DoD Department of Defense DPT direct -push technology DPW Department of Public Works DS drop structure ft/day feet -per day 'ft/ft foot per foot fft/year feet per year gpm gallons per minute GPS global positioning system HDPE high -density polyethylene HSWA Hazardous and Solid Waste.Amendments ID inside diameter LUC land use controls mg/L milligram(s) per liter Mid -Atlantic Mid -Atlantic Associates, P.A. MNA monitored natural attenuation mV millivolts NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources OD outside diameter ORP oxidation-reduction potential OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSWER Office of Solid Waste and Environmental Response Parsons Parsons Infrastructure and Technology Group, Inc. POC point of contact psi pounds per square inch PVC, polyvinyl chloride QAPP Quality Assurance Program Plan QC quality control RCRA Resources Conservation and Recovery Act -v- SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWW-103\CM1P RFI RCRA facility investigation RGO remedial goal objective SAP Sampling Analysis Plan SCM site conceptual model SHARP Safety, Health; and Risk Program SPCC spill prevention, control, and countermeasure SWMU Solid Waste Management Unit TCE trichloroethene TEAP terminal electron accepting process TO task order TOC total organic carbon - USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers USAEC United States Army Environmental Command USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency USGS United States Geological Survey UST underground storage tank VC vinyl chloride VOC volatile organic compound -vi- SAES\itemed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP SECTION 2 PROJECT ORGANIZATION, ROLES, AND RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1 PROJECT ORGANIZATION This project is being conducted by Parsons under contract to the USAEC under contract number W91ZLK-050D-0016, task order 0001 in conjunction with the Fort Bragg DPW. The lead regulatory agency on this site is the NCDENR. 2.2 RESPONSIBILITIES AND AUTHORITIES Parsons will serve as the Contractor for all corrective action activities specified in this corrective measures implementation plan, and will be responsible for planning, implementing, and documenting of engineering and corrective action activities. Parsons will also be responsible for compliance with applicable quality control (QC), health and safety, and regulatory requirements during the work. Parsons will report directly to USAEC, through the Army's Contracting Officer's Representative (COR), and. may be supported during various activities by one or more subcontractors. Subcontractors will comply with all applicable Army and Parsons requirements. The following sections describe the responsibilities of key Parsons project personnel. 2.2.1 Project Manager The project manager's responsibilities will include: • The effective execution of the Task Order (TO)/project, • Serving as Army's and regulator's primary point of contact (POC) for the TO, • Assigning the necessary technical and support personnel to execute their project(s), • Cost, schedule, and quality conformance, • Preparing project status reports, • Preparing any TO modifications, and participating in TO negotiations, • Small business goal conformance, and • Project closeout 2-1 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP 2.2.2 Technical Director The technical director's responsibilities will include: • Reviewing technical submittals for the project, • Identifying technical expertise for project support • Performing monthly audits of field activities 2.2.3 Site Manager The site manager's responsibilities will include: • Coordination with Fort Bragg personnel for site access, utility clearances, and access to potable water from a nearby fire hydrant (if allowed under Fort Bragg water use restrictions), • Ensuring that this Corrective Measures Implementation Plan (CMIP) is implemented completely and properly, • Ensuring that all site activities are conducted safely, • Personnel coordination, and • Performing and documenting site audits. 2.2.4 Site Health and Safety Officer The site health and safety officer's responsibilities will include: • Site specific health and safety training for all Parsons employees, • Daily health and safety -meetings, • Daily site health and safety inspections, • Periodic site health and safety audits, • Maintenance of site health and safety (as well as Occupation Safety and Health Administration [OSHA]) records, and • Coordination of Parsons corporate health and safety audits as necessary. 2.3 ' SITE SAFETY Parsons has implemented a Corporate Safety, Health, and Risk Program (SHARP) which requires Project Managers to implement effective programs in these areas. Parsons' goal is zero accidents and zero injuries with work tasks designed_ to minimize or eliminate hazards to personnel, equipment, and the general public. 2-2 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg P13030010 SWMU-103\CMIP A SHARP compliant site specific health and safety plan has been developed for this project and is incorporated by reference (Parsons, 2007b) into this CMIP. r- 2-3 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP This page intentionally left blank SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION 1.0 INTRODUCTION Parsons Infrastructure and Technology Group, Inc. (hereafter referred to as Parsons) prepared this document for the United States Army Environmental Command (USAEC) and the Fort Bragg Directorate of Public Works (DPW) under contract number W91ZLK- 050D-0016, task order 0001.. This report presents the Corrective Measures Implementation Plan for Solid Waste Management Unit (SWMU) 103 at Fort Bragg following the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER) Directive 9902.3- 2A dated May 1994 "[Resource Conservation and Recovery Act] RCRA Corrective Action Plan". The purpose of this document is to present the implementation plan for corrective actions at SWMU 103. 1.1 CORRECTIVE ACTION OBJECTIVES Contaminants have been detected in groundwater and .surface water at concentrations exceeding North Carolina groundwater and surface water standards, indicating there is a potential risk to human health and the environment. The corrective action objectives for SWMU 103 are based on protection of human health and the environment. North Carolina has established groundwater and surface water criteria for the protection of human health and the environment (North Carolina 2L and IMAC standards and North Carolina surface water standards, respectively). Corrective Action Objectives (CAOs) have been developed for SWMU 103 based on the site related contaminants, physical conditions, identification of regulatory requirements, and the baseline risk assessment. These objectives are to: • Prevent use of groundwater until North Carolina 2L standards are met. • Reduce contaminants of concern (COCs) in groundwater to North Carolina 2L standards. • Reduce potential contact and ingestion of surface water. • Protect surface waters from discharge of COCs at concentrations that cause surface water to exceed North Carolina surface water standards. The selected corrective action will consist of the application of enhanced bioremediation technology to accelerate natural attenuation in the source area, engineered aeration and volatilization to treat contaminated surface water, institutional controls, and SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP rJ f monitoring. The application of these technologies will reduce contaminant concentrations in groundwater and surface water, and will achieve the best overall results with respect to such factors as effectiveness, implementability and cost. 1.2 DOCUMENT ORGANIZATION The report is divided into 5 sections and 4 appendices. • Section 1 presents the introduction, summarizes the CAOs, provides the purpose and organization of this report and provides background information on regulatory issues and previous investigations/actions conducted at the site. Section 1 also covers the environmental (physical) setting at the site_.and Fort Bragg in general, and summarizes the risk assessment -and potential impacts to human health. • Section 2 describes project organization, responsible and authoritative parties, as well as site, safety. • Section 3 describes the scope of the final design, including the corrective measures design approach,.and related construction activities and performance monitoring. • Section 4 describes project reporting and documentation requirements. • Section 5 provides references used in the preparation of this document. • 'Appendix A contains the Substrate Injection Calculations. • Appendix B contains a copy of the Underground Injection Permit Application. • Appendix C contains the Section 404 Nationwide Permit Number 38 Preconstruction Notification. • Appendix D contains the Fence Specifications. 1.3 FACILITY BACKGROUND Fort Bragg, North Carolina is regulated under a Hazardous Waste Facility Permit issued by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) in conjunction with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Region 4. One of the solid waste management units included under the permit is SWMU 103, the former Mallonee Village Gas Station, located near the intersection of Honeycutt Road and South Lucas Drive. The gas station was closed in 1998. Ten underground storage tanks (USTs) were removed from the gas station prior to 1998. One of the USTs contained waste solvents, and released chlorinated solvents into the soil and groundwater. This chlorinated solvent contamination is being addressed under the RCRA Permit under the designation SWMU 103. The former gas station also released petroleum contaminants, which are being addressed under North Carolina UST regulations. 1-2 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP L. 1.4 SITE HISTORY The Former Mallonee Village Gas Station (SWMU 103) closed in 1998, and was located near the corner of Honeycutt Road and South Lucas Drive (Figure 1-1). With NCDENR concurrence, the former gas station was formally designated as SWMU 103 in calendar year (CY) 2000. Currently, SWMU 103 is an asphalt parking lot, concrete pad, and gravel area with no trees and a few decorative shrubs. Therefore, with the concurrence of NCDENR, there is no significant surface soil habitat for ecological receptors at SWMU 103 proper. The reasonably anticipated future land use of the SWMU 103 area is not expected to change significantly from the current land use. The current land use for the area surrounding SWMU 103 includes residential, unoccupied commercial (currently paved areas), industrial (primarily outdoor storage and railroad), and wooded and vacant land. Holbrook Elementary School is within the boundary of the SWMU 103 groundwater plume. 1.5 GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY 1.5.1 Site Geology The following geology discussion is summarized from the RCRA Facility Investigation (RFI) Report for SWMUs 4 and 18 (United States Geologic Survey [USGS] ,:- 1998). As discussed previously, SWMU 103 is located approximately 1,000 feet east of . Beaver Creek and SWMUs 4 and 18; therefore, the geology would be expected to be similar. This information has been supplemented with site -specific information gathered from the installation of 8 soil borings for soil characterization and 53 soil borings for the installation of 50 monitoring wells and 3 injection wells during the field investigations performed from June 2000 to March 2005 at SWMU 103. Geologic units in the Fort Bragg area, ranging from oldest to youngest, include the Carolina Slate Belt rocks, which .comprise the basement rock, the Cape Fear Formation, and the Middendorf Formation. Carolina Slate Belt rocks, which underlie the younger sedimentary rocks, are of Precambrian and Cambrian age and are composed of metavolcanic, metasedimentary, and igneous rock (USGS 1998). In some areas, these rocks were exposed to weathering before the overlying sediments were deposited, creating a zone of porous saprolite at the top of the basement rock. The)elevation of the top of the basement rock ranges from 180 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) at Southern Pines, near the western edge of the Military Reservation, to 110 feet below sea level near the confluence of the Cape Fear River and Rockfish Creek (USGS, 1998). The Cape Fear and Middendorf Formations overlie the basement rock and saprolite. These formations are part of the generally southeastward -dipping and -thickening wedge of sediments that constitute the Atlantic Coastal Plain deposits. The Cape Fear Formation is composed primarily of clay interbedded with silt and silty sand. Water in the Cape Fear Aquifer is under confined conditions. The uppermost Cape Fear Formation consists of clay and sandy clay and ranges from 10 to 15 feet in thickness. Twenty-seven oUthe 50 monitoring wells and all 3 injection wells installed during the field activities for SWMU 103 were completed at the top of the Cape Fear i 1-3 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CM1P Formation. The top of the Cape Fear Formation was observed at approximately 43 feet below ground surface (bgs) [211.38 feet AMSL (MW-48)] to 65 feet bgs [191.5 feet AMSL (MW-6)] in the vicinity of the source area (Former Mallonee Village Gas Station) and 26 feet bgs [190.4 feet AMSL (MW-18)] to 36 feet bgs [179.5 feet AMSL (MW-2)] in the area immediately east of Beaver Creek. The Cape Fear Formation was also observed at 82 feet bgs [187.2 feet AMSL (MW-11)] upgradient of the source area. Figure 1-2 presents an update of the clay contour (surface of the top of the Cape Fear formation) below SWMU 103. The surface of the clay influences contaminant transport in groundwater at SWMU 103. The clay surface has a local high or ridge that trends from the northwest to the southeast across the site. The probable source area (Former Mallonee Village Gas Station) is located just up gradient of this ridge on the edge of a topographic low or trough in the clay surface. The location and size of the trough. is not well understood. It is believed to extend from north of Honeycutt Road (MW-11) to the south as far as the former gas station, then curve to the southeast toward Holbrook tributary (MW-15). Wells MW-9 and MW-12 are on the east side of the trough. The Middendorf Formation unconformably overlies the Cape Fear Formation and forms the land surface everywhere in the area, except where it has been .removed by erosion in the valley of Little River and its major tributaries and in part of Rockfish Creek Valley. SWMU 103 is underlain by an alternating succession of sands, silty sands, clayey sands, and clays of the Middendorf Formation. The Middendorf Formation at SWMU 103 ranges in thickness from approximately 20 feet (near Beaver Creek) to 80 feet (MW- 10/MW-11). Generally, the Middendorf Aquifer is unconfined at SWMU 103, although semiconfined conditions can occur locally. Soil types in the Fort Bragg cantonment area range from moderately well drained to excessively well drained soils in the highly dissected uplands and have brittle loamy or clayey subsoil. These soils are the weathered by-products of the unconsolidated sandy sediments of the Coastal Plain. Soils located in the upland areas are generally sandy, acidic, and low in organic matter and fertility. Soils in the lower elevations are heavier in texture, contain more organic and clay material, and are poorly drained and swampy when adjacent to natural waterways. Because much of the soils often have similar properties, the transition zones are not always apparent. Several soil types are present within the immediate vicinity of SWMU 103 ranging from loamy sand to sandy clay 1.5.2 Groundwater Hydrology The same three geologic formations that underlie Fort Bragg also form the three fresh- water aquifers in this area. The saprolite-basement rock aquifer is composed of the saprolite underlying the Cape Fear Formation and the fracture zones in the uppermost part of the metamorphic and crystalline Cambrian and Precambrian basement rock. This saprolite-basement . aquifer is generally assumed to yield little water, and there are no water supply wells known to tap solely into this aquifer. The Cape Fear aquifer is composed primarily of clays interbedded with silt and silty sands in the Fort Bragg area. The uppermost portion (5 to 10 feet) of the Cape Fear Formation is a compact, thick clay unit that serves as an aquitard which restricts the vertical movement of groundwater between the overlying sediments and the silty -sand 1-4 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP units of the Cape Fear Formation, creating confined aquifer conditions for the groundwater found in the Cape Fear units below. There are no potable water supply wells in the Fort Bragg cantonment area that tap into the Cape Fear Formation; however, east of Fort Bragg, the Cape Fear aquifer is used for both public and industrial water supply. The major water -bearing aquifer in the Fort Bragg area is the Middendorf aquifer, which consists primarily of coarse -to -fine-grained silty or clayey sands with interbedded light -gray to tan clay. Groundwater in the Middendorf aquifer is commonly under unconfined conditions. In some areas of Fort Bragg, a laterally extensive clay layer is present that separates the Middendorf aquifer into two water -bearing zones. The groundwater in the Upper Middendorf remains unconfined, whereas the groundwater in the lower zone is under confined or semi -confined conditions. The sandy soils of Fort Bragg are highly permeable leached beds of the Upper Middendorf Formation that allow a rapid infiltration of precipitation. Precipitation is the primary source of groundwater recharge for the Middendorf Formation. The depth to groundwater at SWMU 103 ranges from approximately 30 feet bgs in the SWMU 103 source area to near ground surface adjacent to Beaver Creek. The shallow and deep groundwater flow of SWMU 103 is toward Beaver Creek in a southerly to southwesterly direction. The shallow and deep potentiometric maps from the September 2003 field investigation are presented in Figures 1-3 and 1-4, respectively, and are consistent with previous investigations. The horizontal hydraulic gradients of the shallow and deep surficial water are approximately equal at an average of approximately 0.011 foot per foot (ft/ft) and do not fluctuate much seasonally. Vertical gradients at SWMU 103 generally follow expected patterns, with downward gradients in the higher topographic areas (i.e., above Honeycutt Road) and upward gradients in the lower topographic areas (i.e., near Beaver Creek). Variations from this pattern could be attributable to potential clay lenses producing localized semi -confined conditions or to transient hydraulic conditions (e.g., precipitation). Beaver Creek represents a groundwater divide between SWMU 103 and SWMUs 4 and 18, which are approximately 1,000 feet apart. SWMU 5 is .located approximately 500 feet to the southwest of SWMU 4, and groundwater flow beneath this landfill is more to the south. The horizontal hydraulic conductivity determined from slug tests performed for SWMUs 4 and 18 (east of Beaver Creek and the SWMU 103 area) during the RFI ranged, from 3.2 to 42 feet per day. The wide range correlates with varying clay content in the screened interval. The vertical hydraulic conductivity measured during the RFI for SWMUs 4 and 18 ranged from 2.8 X 10-5 to 5.1 X 10-5 feet per day (ft/day). Using a range of horizontal conductivities between 3.2 and 42 ft/day, an average effective porosity of 20 percent, and a horizontal hydraulic gradient of 0.011, the average horizontal linear groundwater velocity ranges between 0.176 to 2.3 ft/day (64 to 840 feet per year [ft/yr]). The hydraulic conductivities determined from the wells completed in the Lower Middendorf formation were higher overall than those from the wells completed in the Upper Middendorf. - 1-5 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PB030010 SWMU-103\CMIP 1.5.3 Surface Water Hydrology An east -west -trending ridge divides Fort Bragg into two drainage sub -basins (Figure 1-5). The northern sub -basin drains into tributaries of the Little River, while the southern sub -basin drains into tributaries of the Cape Fear River. Surface drainage at SWMU 103, which is in the southern sub -basin, drains into Beaver Creek and its tributaries. Beaver Creek flows into Little Rockfish Creek which in turn discharges into Rockfish Creek, a tributary of the Cape Fear River, which is east of Fort Bragg. Streams located on the Military Reservation generally are low gradient and in many areas have poorly defined channels that grade into swampy areas. Streambeds consist of unconsolidated materials, typically silt, sand, or clay. Several man-made impoundments are present at Fort Bragg and include Lake McArthur in the northwestern corner of the Military reservation, McKellar's Pond in the northeastern part of the Military Reservation, and Smith Lake in the southeastern part of the Military Reservation. There are no natural lakes at Fort Bragg. There are two prominent surface water features at SWMU 103: Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary (Figure 1-1). Beaver Creek, a perennial stream, runs north to south approximately 1,000 feet west of SWMU 103 and along.the eastern boundary of SWMUs 4 and 18. The natural slope of the topography on both the eastern and western sides is toward Beaver Creek; therefore, surface. runoff from both SWMU 103 and SWMUs 4 and 18 potentially migrates to Beaver Creek. The sources of potential runoff to Beaver Creek include SWMU 103 and SWMUs 4 and 18, the maintenance area that supports Fort Bragg housing, a 36-inch-diameter storm water pipe outfall that transverses the northern portion of SWMU 4 and receives storm water drainage from Knox Street, and residential housing. The Holbrook tributary is located east and south of SWMU 103 and receives storm water drainage from residential areas to the north, east, and south and from Holbrook Elementary School, the former Mallonee Village Shopping Center, and SWMU 103 to the north. The groundwater level near Beaver Creek is near ground surface, and Beaver Creek represents a groundwater divide between SWMU 103 and SWMUs 4 and 18, indicating that groundwater from both SWMU 103 and SWMUs 4 and 18 is potentially intercepting Beaver Creek. Groundwater from SWMU 103 is also intercepting the Holbrook tributary. 1.6 SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS SITE INVESTIGATIONS 1.6.1 . RCRA Facility Investigation at SWMUs 4 and 18 An RFI was conducted by USGS at SWMUs 4 and 18 between 1992 and 1997, and the results were reported in the RCRfl Faciliiylnvesligalion ofSolid #asleffanagemenl Unils 4 and I8 Fol-I Bragg Inslallalzon Resloralion Program, Fort Bragg, North Carolina (USGS, 1998). During the RFI, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane (1,1,2,2-TeCA) and trichloroethene (TCE) were detected in the groundwater from 4MWS1, a background monitoring well located east of. Beaver Creek. To assess the contamination found in . 4MWS 1 and surface water, in 1997 USGS conducted Geoprobe groundwater sampling at 14 locations east of Beaver Creek and surface water sampling at 3 locations from tributaries of Beaver Creek. The results led to the discovery of SWMU 103. 1-6r� S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP 1.6.2 RCRA Facility Investigations at SWMU 103 Five field investigations (June/July 2000, April/May 2001, March 2002, December 2002/January 2003, and September 2003) under the RFI at SWMU 103 were used to determine the nature and extent of contamination and refine the site conceptual model (SCM) for SWMU 103. All of the activities performed for field investigation at SWMU 103 through CY 2003 are summarized in the SCM Report (SAIC Engineering, 2004b). 1.6.3 Supplemental Investigations for the Corrective Measures Study The RFI for SWMU 103 (SAIC Engineering, 2004a) concluded that a corrective measures study (CMS) was required, and that supplemental investigations and bench - scale and in -situ pilot studies were required. The objectives for the additional field activities for CMS for SWMU 103 were based on recommendations made in the 2004 RFI; the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Savannah District scope of work dated August 10, 2004; and modification No.I to the USACE, Savannah District scope of work dated January 28, 2005. These objectives included: installation of sentinel wells, at Holbrook Elementary School; subsurface soil and groundwater around the former heating -oil UST at Building 6-9344-A; groundwater sampling of monitoring wells at SWMU 103; slug tests; bench -scale and in -situ pilot study to evaluate enhanced bioremediation using aerobic cometabolic mechanism. All i of the supplemental investigations performed at SWMU 103 are summarized in the CMS (Parsons, 2007a). 1.6.4 Surface Water Sampling by USACE in March 2006 Surface water samples were collected in Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary to update the nature and extent of groundwater contamination intercepting these surface water bodies. Four samples were collected in Beaver Creek and 10 were collected in the Holbrook Tributary. - The results of the surface water sampling performed by USACE as part of the supplemental sampling are discussed in Section 3.0 and Appendix F of the CMS (Parsons, 2007a). Previous to the March 2006.sampling event, eleven surface water samples were collected under the "I at SWMU 103 (four in June/July 2000, and seven in April/May 2001). The March 2006 USACE findings did not change the conclusions of the RFI. The most important finding was 1,1,2,2-TeCA exceeded North Carolina surface water standards for approximately 2,200 feet of Holbrook Tributary as well as in one sample from Beaver Creek just below the confluence of Beaver Creek and Holbrook Tributary. 1.6.5 Soil Gas Sampling in June 2006 A total of 18 soil gas piezometers were installed in June 2006 around the perimeter of the Holbrook Elementary School buildings and within open areas between separate school buildings. The results of the soil gas sampling performed as part of the supplemental sampling are discussed in Section 3.0 and Appendix F of the CMS (Parsons, 2007a). The most significant finding from the soil gas and- crawlspace air sampling was that the contaminants detected in these air samples (largely petroleum compounds, alcohols, and ketones) were generally not found in groundwater. The primary groundwater contaminants, 1,1,2,2-TeCA and TCE, were not detected in any of the air samples. Therefore vapor intrusion of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from 1-7 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CM1P groundwater into Holbrook Elementary School does not appear to be occurring to a measurable extent. 1.6.6 Groundwater Sampling in June 2006 Groundwater samples were collected from three monitoring well locations around Holbrook Elementary School and one location at the SWMU 103 source area to update current contaminant concentrations and to evaluate the potential for vapor intrusion at the school in conjunction with the soil gas sampling. The results of the groundwater sampling performed as part of the supplemental sampling in June 2006 are discussed in Section 3.0 and Appendix F of the CMS (Parsons, 2007a). The most significant finding from the 2006 groundwater sampling event was, that 1,1,2,2-TeCA and TCE concentrations are stable or decreasing. 1.6.8 Corrective Measures Study Building on risk analysis from the RFI (SAIL, 2004a), the risk analysis in CMS (Parsons, 2007a) used additional soil, groundwater, soil vapor and surface water samples collected in CY2005 and 2006 to update human health contaminants of potential concern for surface soil (CMS Section 3.5), -subsurface, soil (CMS Section 3.6), groundwater (CMS Section 3.7), vapor intrusion (CMS Section 3.8), and surface water and sediment (CMS Section 3.9), as well as ecological contaminants of potential concern (CMS Section 3.10). This risk analysis was combined with information about the nature and extent of contamination (CMS Sectios 3.11 and 3.12) to develop COCs . requiring corrective action (CMS Section 3.13). Remedial goal objectives (RGOs) were established from North Carolina 2L standards for groundwater and 213 standards for surface water. The SWMU 103 COCs and their RGOs are presented in Table 1-1. The COCs for groundwater are: 1,1,2,2-TeCA; chloroform; chloromethane; tetrachloroethene; and TCE. Only VOCs originating from groundwater migrating from SWMU 103 were considered as COCs in surface water. The only COC in surface water requiring corrective action is 1,1,2,2-TeCA. Historical detection of contaminants in groundwater and surface water are presented in Tables 1-2 and 1-3, respectively. The CMS evaluated and selected the following corrective measures to remediate volatile COCs in .groundwater and surface water at SWMU 103: • Enhanced bioremediation using anaerobic reductive dechlorination in groundwater in the source area, defined as the location of the former. Mallonee Village Gas Station. • Monitored natural attenuation (MNA) for remaining groundwater contamination. • A step -wise application of corrective meausures technologies for the engineered volatilization of COCs in surface water. • Institutional controls to prevent the use of groundwater and surface water. • Soil gas monitoring around Holbrook Elementary School. 1-8 SAES\Reme&745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP • Long-term surface water and groundwater monitoring. active portion of the corrective action approach will treat d bioremediation using anaerobic reductive dechlorination in th immediate area ofthe tormer Mallonee—Village Gas Station) with the goal to permanently reduce dissolved contaminant concentrations to less than 100 micrograms per liter (µg/L). MNA will be used to further reduce the remaining groundwater contaminants to the North Carolina 2L standards. Engineered, aeration systems to increase volatilization of chlorinated solvents in surface water within the footprint of the SWMU 103 groundwater plume will be installed using a step -wise approach until, surface water standards are met at the point of compliance. The selected corrective measures are protective of human health and environment because COCs will be treated to meet RGOs. RGOs are established by the State of North Carolina to protect human health and the environment. Until the corrective measures achieve RGOs for all contaminants in all contaminated media, the corrective measures are protective because they prevent contact with contaminated groundwater and surface water. 1-9 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PB030010 SWMU-103\CMIP This page intentionally left blank SECTION 2 PROJECT ORGANIZATION, ROLES, AND RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1 PROJECT ORGANIZATION This project is' being conducted by Parsons under contract to the USAEC under contract number W91ZLK-050D-0016, task order 0001 in conjunction with the Fort Bragg DPW. The lead regulatory agency on this site is the NCDENR. 2.2 RESPONSIBILITIES AND AUTHORITIES Parsons will serve as the Contractor for all corrective action activities specified in this corrective measures implementation plan, and will be responsible for planning, implementing, and documenting of engineering and corrective action activities. Parsons will also be responsible for compliance with applicable quality control (QC), health and safety, and regulatory requirements during the work. Parsons will report directly to USAEC, through the Army's Contracting Officer's Representative (COR), and- may be supported during various activities by one or more subcontractors. Subcontractors will comply with all applicable Army and Parsons requirements. The following sections describe the responsibilities of key Parsons project personnel. 2.2.1 Project Manager The project manager's responsibilities will include: The effective execution of the Task Order (TO)/project, Serving as. Army's and regulator's primary point of contact (POC) for the TO, Assigning the necessary technical and support personnel to execute their project(s), • Cost, schedule, and quality conformance, • Preparing project status reports, Preparing any TO mod if cations, and participating in TO negotiations, • . Small business goal conformance, and Project closeout 2-1 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CME? 1 2.2.2 Technical Director The technical director's responsibilities will include: • Reviewing technical submittals for the project, • Identifying technical expertise for project support • Performing monthly audits of field activities 2.2.3 Site Manager The site manager's responsibilities will include: • Coordination with Fort Bragg personnel for, site access, utility clearances, and access to potable water from a nearby fire hydrant (if allowed under Fort Bragg water use restrictions), • Ensuring that this Corrective Measures Implementation Plan (CMIP) is implemented completely and properly, • Ensuring that all site activities are conducted safely, • Personnel coordination, and • Performing and documenting site audits. 2.2.4 Site health and Safety Officer The site health and safety officer's responsibilities will include: • Site specific health and safety training for all Parsons employees, • Daily health and safety -meetings, • Daily site health and safety inspections, • Periodic site health and safety audits, • Maintenance of site health and safety (as well as Occupation Safety and Health Administration [OSHA]) records, and • Coordination of Parsons corporate health and safety audits as necessary. 2.3 SITE SAFETY Parsons has implemented a Corporate Safety, Health, and Risk Program (SHARP) which requires Project Managers to implement effective programs in these areas. Parsons' goal is zero accidents and zero injuries with work tasks designed, to minimize or eliminate hazards to personnel, equipment, and the general public. 2-2 SAES\Remed\745446 For[ Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP k A SHARP compliant site specific health and safety plan has been developed for this project and is incorporated by reference (Parsons, 2007b) into this CMIP. 2-3 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP This page intentionally left blank SECTION 3 CORRECTIVE MEASURES IMPLEMENTATION 3.1 CORRECTIVE MEASURES DESIGN APPROACH 3.1.1 Groundwater As selected in the CMS, the SWMU 103 groundwater corrective measures will involve: Source Treatment Using Enhanced Bioremediation. Enhanced anaerobic bioremediation will be applied to the SWMU 103. source area to reduce contaminant mass in the subsurface and reduce contaminant mass loading to surface water. ' After the first twelve months, of performance monitoring, the geochemical data and progress of 1,1,2,2-TeCA degradation in the source area will be reviewed for effectiveness. - . MNA of Remaining Groundwater Contamination. In addition to active bioremediation in the source area, MNA will be employed to reduce contaminant concentrations in the groundwater plume between the source area and Holbrook Tributary. The natural attenuation period has been estimated to take as long as 60 years (Parsons, 2007a). It is probable that the impact of source treatment and MNA will begin to reduce groundwater concentrations entering surface water within approximately 10 years. Surface water treatment and institutional controls to protect receptors from surface water contaminants will continue until. surface water meets clean-up standards. Institutional Controls. Institutional controls will include the restriction of groundwater use at SWMU 103. Restrictions on groundwater use for consumption and irrigation will be implemented until the RGOs are met. The administrative and groundwater -use restrictions are implemented through. restrictions. imposed by the Base Master Plan (BMP). Though groundwater is not currently used as a source of drinking water at the site, institutional controls prohibiting the use of groundwater in the future will protect human health from elevated levels of COCs in the groundwater. Groundwater Monitoring Network. One new monitoring well, MW-51, will be installed to complete the groundwater monitoring network to evaluate the performance of monitored natural attenuation. ` 3-1 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CM1P 1, Performance Groundwater Sampling. Groundwater at and near the source area will be sampled quarterly during the first year following carbon substrate injection to evaluate the performance of anaerobic reductive dechlorination. Should additional injections be required, source area wells will be sampled quarterly for one year as per the original injection. Thereafter, performance monitoring will be conducted annually. Performance groundwater monitoring for MNA will initially occur on an annual basis to evaluate the progress of the natural attenuation. The groundwater monitoring network and frequency will be periodically assessed for optimization, with the goal to eventually reduce sampling frequency to biennial. • Soil Gas Monitoring. To ensure that Holbrook Elementary School is not impacted by vapor intrusion in the future, soil gas monitoring .will be conducted for one year at all existing representative monitoring points in the vicinity of the school. If there is no indication of vapor intrusion, the soil gas monitoring program will be optimized. • Confirmatory Sampling. Confirmatory groundwater sampling will be conducted for two years after the completion of the natural attenuation period to ensure that the groundwater contamination has not rebounded. • Reporting. An annual report will be issued to coincide with the results of the sampling. If the monitoring frequency is reduced, progress reports will be issued to coincide with groundwater monitoring. 3.1.2 Surface Water As selected in the CMS, surface water corrective meausures will involve: Engineered AerationNolatilization of Surface Water. Surface water will be treated using aeration/volatilization to meet the North Carolina surface water standard at the point of compliance (Beaver Creek at Knox Street). The engineered aeration/volatilization systems will be implemented using a step -wise approach to meet surface water standards: — Step 1: Enhance the natural volatilization in the Holbrook Tributary using three stream bed "roughening" structures (i.e., boulders). Two of the segments will be placed within the natural stream bed, and the third will be placed within the base flow culvert under the railroad. Monitoring near .Knox Street and other locations over time will determine if Step 1 is adequate or if Step 2 is required. — Step 2: Up to five drop structures will be installed in reaches of the Holbrook Tributary to increase retention time, surface area, and volatilization. Water flowing over these structures will impinge on boulders and other stabilization structures to increase volatilization. Monitoring near Knox Street and other locations over time will determine if Step 2 is adequate or if Step 3 is required. 3-2 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWM1J-103\CMIP Step 3: Up to two active aeration systems will be pilot tested. In the first pilot test, base flow from the Holbrook Tributary will be pumped from the railroad culvert effluent to Beaver Pond. At Beaver Pond, the pumped water will be sprayed vertically to increase aeration and volatilization. If the first pilot test is unsuccessful, the second pilot test will be implemented. The second pilot test will be an air-sparging system that will be constructed within the Holbrook Tributary base flow culvert at the railroad right-of-way. Monitoring near Knox Street and other locations will determine' if the pilot systems are successful. - Step 4: Following Step 3, a full scale system based on pilot test data will be implemented. Consideration will be given to life -cycle .costs since the Army will be responsible for operations and maintenance costs long as these systems are in place, estimated to be at least 50 years. Only one of the alternatives described in Step 3 would be implemented at full scale. Surface Water Sampling. Monitoring will be required during the period that engineered aeration/volatilization system(s) are implemented. Monitoring will include sampling above and below treatment zones quarterly for at least one year (see section 3.4.3). Frequent sampling of the surface water will be necessary until the surface water corrective measure technology is demonstrated to be operating as designed.. Once that is accomplished, optimization of surface water sampling frequency and locations may be evaluated. i • Institutional Controls. Prevention of access to surface water at locations with Y elevated COCs will be achieved. with a combination of signage,and new and existing fencing. 3.2 PERMITTING AND REGULATORY COMPLIANCE 3.2.1 Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendment Permit A Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendment (HSWA) permit is currently in place at Fort Bragg. The Fort Bragg HSWA permit is due for renewal this year and the renewal application has been submitted to NCDENR for review. The permit renewal application briefly presents corrective measures planned at SWMU 103 with supporting detail provided in this document. As part of the Fort Bragg HSWA permit renewal, the SWMU 103 corrective measures are subject to a 30-day public comment period. 3.2.2 Underground Injection Permit A Groundwater Remediation Permit will be required for the injection activities at SWMU 103. The remediation permit will be obtained from the NCDENR Aquifer Protection Section through a formal application and review process. The Groundwater Remediation Permit application for injection activities at SWMU 103 is attached as Appendix B. 3-3 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP 3.2.3 Clean Water Act Permit A USACE Section 404 Nationwide Permit Number 38 (Cleanup of Hazardous and Toxic Waste), will be required for corrective measures in the streambed. This permit will authorize the specific activities required to treat COCs within Beaver Creek and the Holbrook Tributary. The Pre -Construction Notification Application for the streambed corrective measures at SWMU 103 is attached as Appendix D. 3.2.4 Notifications Fort Bragg DPW, NCDENR, and USAEC will be kept abreast of field schedule developments through regularly scheduled bi-weekly conference calls. The NCDENR Aquifer Protection Section will not typically attend the biweekly project conference calls. Therefore the NCDENR Aquifer Protection Section Representative (Qu Qi) will be updated periodically by Parsons or by the project NCDENR representative (Marti Morgan). 3.2.5 Storm Water Pollution Prevention It is anticipated that the ground surface and related vegetation at SWMU 103 will be disturbed only minimally during injection activities at the source area because drilling activities will be limited to direct push drilling and vehicle traffic off currently established roads will be minimal. Thus, a storm water pollution prevention plan is not required for this effort. 3.2.6 Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures Oils stored on -site (soybean oil) are subject to regulation under 40 CFR 112, Oil Pollution Prevention. The total volume of vegetable oil stored on site will be greater than the 1,320 gallon limit specified in the Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) regulations under 40 CFR 112 Subpart C. The emulsion product and pH buffer also planned for injection at SWMU 103 do not fall under this regulation as these products do not have similar physical properties as oil (e.g., solubility and density) and the volumes of these products stored on site will be relatively low (less than 1,320 gallons). A SPCC plan for both SWMU 69 and SWMU 103 will be developed and published under a separate cover. 3.3 CORRECTIVE MEASURES CONSTRUCTION'ACTIVITIES 3.3.1 Monitoring Well Network Mobilization Mobilization activities will commence upon acceptance of the final SWMU 103 CMIP and the receipt of all required permits and authorizations as discussed in Section 3.2. Mobilization activities will consist of the following tasks: 3-4 SAES\Remed\7454 6 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP • Coordination of utility clearances for all drilling locations. • Site access coordination with Fort Bragg. The intended drilling areas are not located in high security or limited access areas. However, facility coordination will be necessary for proper'sighting of equipment and materials. • Mobilization of a drilling contractor to support the hollow stem well installation activities. Monitoring Well Installation One new monitoring well, MW-51, will be installed to complete the groundwater monitoring network required to evaluate the performance of the natural attenuation alternative. The location of the new monitoring well is along Sharpe Drive between MW- 29 and MW-31, as presented in Figure 3-1. Monitoring well MW-51 will be installed using hollow stem auger drilling methods and will be constructed of two inch inside diameter (ID) polyvinyl chloride (PVC) well materials. The MW,51 boring will be advanced to the contact of the Middendorf Formation and the Upper Cape Fear Confining Unit (an estimated 45 feet bgs at MW-51) using 4-1/4 inch ID hollow stem augers. After -the augers reach termination depth the monitoring well.will be installed inside the auger, the augers will be withdrawn, and filter sand (#10-20) will be emplaced within the annular space,;between the outside of the PVC - ` t screen and the inside of the borehole to a level approximately 2 feet above the top of the 10-ft PVC screen. The remaining annular space .will be sealed with approximately 2 feet of bentonite chips immediately above the sand filter pack and concrete/bentonite grout, from the top of the bentonite chip seal :to approximately 2 feet below ground surface. The top of the casing will be finished with the installation of a water tight "J-plug" cap within a steel "stick-up" type surface completion set in a concrete collar. The installation of new permanent monitoring well MW-51 will be . conducted in accordance with North Carolina State regulations as specified in Subchapter 2C Section .0100of the North Carolina Administrative Code. Site Restoration After well installation is complete, any area that was disturbed by this activity will ,be returned to pre -mobilization condition. It is expected that site restoration activities will be limited to filling in ruts and planting grass seed. Major disturbances are not expected because there will be.no off -road vehicle usage. Final Site Survey The new permanent monitoring well location will be surveyed by a state licensed :land surveyor. . All new well location data will be presented in the Corrective Measures Implementation Report (CMIR). 3-5 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP 3.3.2 Enhanced Bioremediation in Source Area Mobilization Mobilization activities will commence upon acceptance of the final SWMU 103 CMIP and the receipt of all required permits and authorizations as discussed in Section. 3.2. Mobilization activities will consist of the following tasks: • Coordination of utility clearances for all drilling locations. • Site access coordination with Fort Bragg. The intended drilling and injection areas are not located in high security or limited access areas. However, facility coordination will be necessary for proper sighting of equipment and materials. Delivery of organic substrates and injection equipment. • Mobilization of a drilling contractor to support the direct push well installation and injection activities. Organic Substrate Injection The purpose of applying enhanced anaerobic bioremediation technology to the S WMU ,103 source area is to reduce contaminant mass present in the subsurface and thereby reduce long-term contaminant mass loading to Holbrook Tributary and Beaver Creek. An injection well network in the source area will consist of 36 direct push injection points and temporarysmall diameter injection wells. Based on the radial flow in the deep groundwater, this design should produce anaerobic conditions in a 10,900- square foot treatment area beneath and in the vicinity of the former solvent UST (Figure 3-2). Based on a review of available boring logs compiled in the SWMU103 source area the top -of -clay surface slopes downward toward the northeast and southwest from a high located in the vicinity of existing well MW-48. The .clay high at MW-48 is located at approximately 44 feet bgs and slopes downward to approximately 52 feet bgs at MW-50 and 56 feet bgs at MW-23. The water table in the source area is relatively consistently located at approximately 32 feet bgs. The difference between the depth to the water table and the depth to the underlying confining clay unit represents the unconfined Middendorf Aquifer and ranges in thickness from a minimum of 11 feet at MW=48 and a maximum of 24 feet at MW-23. Organic substrate will be injected throughout most of the Middendorf aquifer thickness such that a majority of the saturated thickness within the source area becomes an enhanced bioremediation treatment . cell. Organic substrate 'will be concentrated near the bottom of the saturated thickness of the Middendorf aquifer where the highest concentrations of 1,1,2,2-TeCA have historically been detected. After the first twelve months of performance monitoring, the geochemical data and progress of 1,1,2,2-TeCA in the source area will be reviewed. The goal of the organic substrate injection is to achieve less than 100 µg/L 1,1,2,2-TeCA concentration within the source area. A second injection of organic substrate may be applied to the SMWU 103 source area in the event that: 3-6 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP • concentrations of chlorinated VOCs remain or rebound above 100 µg/L, TOC concentrations decline to less than 20 mg/L, and data indicate that dechlorination has halted or is not occurring (e.g.; parent compound molar fraction increases to nearly 100% and daughter product molar fraction decreases to near 0%). The purpose of implementing the second injection is to provide additional carbon substrate if the original injection successfully enhances biodegradation but the target area becomes depleted of carbon substrate (see section 3.5). Substrate Injection Wells A total of 36 injection locations will be installed in the SWMU 103 source area. Eighteen of these points will be installed as temporary small diameter PVC wells. The temporary PVC injection wells will consist of 0.75-inch or 1-inch ID PVC injection wells installed using either a Parsons -owned direct push rig or a subcontracted direct push rig. Approximate locations and installation details of the temporary injection wells are addressed on Figure 3-1 and in Table 34. The location and depth of the injection points are designed to target the highest concentrations of 1,1,2,2-TeCA in the source area, found in the Middendorf aquifer near f the top of the Upper Cape Fear Confining Unit. To ensure adequate vertical distribution of substrate, the depth of each temporary injection well will vary based on field observations. Approximately one half of the temporary wells will be set on the top of the Upper Cape Fear Confining Unit. For the remainder of temporary injection wells, the bottom of the screened interval will be based five feet above the top of the Upper Cape Fear Confining Unit, within the Middendorf Formation. The temporary injection wells will be constructed with screen lengths of up to 10 feet. The direct -push technology (DPT) equipment will advance 2-1/8-inch outside diameter (OD) steel casing to the top of the Upper Cape Fear Confining Unit. The steel outer casing will be outfitted with an expendable tip. After the steel DPT casing has been advanced to approximately 1-foot below the bottom of the intended screen interval, the steel casing will be pulled back approximately 1-foot to dislodge the expendable steel point. After the expendable point has been dislodged, the well will be installed inside the DPT casing. The injection points will be constructed with screen lengths of approximately 10 feet. Each injection well will consist of 10 feet of 3/4-inch or 1-inch ID machine slotted Schedule 40 PVC screen flush threaded to the appropriate length of non -slotted riser pipe. The riser pipe will extend from the top of the screen interval to approximately 2-feet above ground surface. The entire well stick, consisting of PVC screen and casing will be installed inside the steel DPT casing and the steel casing will be withdrawn to allow the natural formation material to collapse around the injection well. After the steel DPT casing is withdrawn, the depth to natural collapse will be measured using a steel tape attached to a sounding weight. In the event that natural soils do not collapse around the s screened interval, a sandpack consisting of new, clean 20-40 silica sand will be installed t 3-7 S:\ES\Reme&745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP in the annular space around the screen. The remaining open annular space will be filled with a bentonite concrete sanitary seal from the top of either natural collapse or the installed sandpack to the ground surface. Once each well is installed, a threaded cap will be installed in the top of the well casing to seal the well. Each injection well will be completed with a temporary PVC surface casing to protect the injection well from potential damage. The temporary PVC surface casing will consist of a 5-foot section of 4" PVC schedule 40 pipe that will be installed around the injection well and buried in the ground to approximately 2-3 feet in depth. A bentonite surface sanitary seal will be installed at the bottom of the surface completion to keep surface water from infiltrating down the borehole. A threaded PVC cap will be installed at the top of the completion casing to seal the completion. Substrate Direct Injection Points Substrate will be injected into the subsurface directly through temporarily installed steel GeoprobeTM rods and screen point sampling tools at one half of the injection locations (18). The location and depth of the direct injection wells are designed. to target the highest concentrations of 1,1,2,2-TeCA in the source area, found near the top of the Upper Cape Fear Confining Unit. To ensure adequate vertical distribution of substrate, the depth of each injection point will vary based on field observations. Approximately one half of the injection points will be set in the Middendorf aquifer at the top of the Upper Cape Fear Confining Unit. For the remainder of points, the bottom of the screened interval will be based five feet above the top of the Upper Cape Fear Confining Unit, - .l within the Middendorf Formation. Substrate injection at these direct injection locations will be conducted in the same way as the injection wells except that the substrate will be , _f injected into the subsurface directly through the GeoprobeTM rods instead of through PVC well casings. The GeoprobeTM. rods and associated tool string will be removed after injection activities are complete at each point and thus will not remain in the ground for more than a few days. Substrates The injection fluid that will be deployed at SWMU 103 will consist of a four part emulsion. The injection fluid will consist of approximately 68,400 gallons of water, 5,060 gallons of neat soybean oil, 820 gallons of a pre -mixed soybean oil -in -water emulsion product (containing soybean oil and sodium lactate), and approximately 750 gallons of pH buffering product. The injection fluid was designed specifically for the source area at SWMU 103 by first calculating the geometric and hydraulic properties of the intended injection area such as the cross sectional area, the intended lateral dimensions, volume of pore water present during injection, and the volume of groundwater that will flow through the treatment zone during the intended life expectancy of 10 years. These properties were then used to calculate the hydrogen demand that must be met to deplete competing electron acceptors (e.g., dissolved oxygen [DO], nitrate, and carbon dioxide) as well as the hydrogen demand required to reductively dechlorinate the contaminant mass present at the injection area. A safety factor of 20X was then applied to develop a conservative hydrogen loading requirement that is sufficient to deplete all known electron acceptors as well as 3-8t 1' S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWM[J-103\CMIP any potential unknown or unquantifiable inefficiencies or electron consumers. The total hydrogen demand was than converted to substrate demand by dividing the hydrogen demand (in moles of molecular hydrogen) by the production capacity of the sum of the individual electron donors. The resulting substrate donor demand and the hydraulic characteristics of the injection area were then used to design the actual injection fluid for the injection area such that the intended treatment area is achieved. The design calculations for the injection area are presented in Appendix A and ,are summarized in Table 3-1. Neat.Soybean Oil Food -grade soybean oil and liquid lecithin will be obtained from a commercial supplier such as Solae, Inc. of Fort Wayne, Indiana. Vegetable oil and lecithin are food - grade materials extracted from soybeans and are used in the food industry for a wide variety of applications. A -soybean oil -lecithin mixture with a ratio of 10 pounds'soybean oil to 0.25 pound lecithin will be prepared by the vendor prior to shipment to Fort Bragg. Pure soybean oil/lecithin emulsion will be shipped in bulk tanker trailers (40,000 pound loads). Soybean oil is relatively insoluble in water, thus lecithin is added as an emulsification agent so that the soybean oil can be emulsified with water prior to injection. This emulsification step is taken to increase the injection volume (e.g., 1 part oil and 9 parts water) without increasing the vegetable oil volume. The result is that a relatively small r " 1 volume of vegetable oil (5,060 gallons) can be distributed into a relatively large volume of aquifer matrix (approximately 220,000 cubic feet). This will distribute vegetable oil such that the vegetable oil occupies only a small portion (7 percent) of the interstitial void spaces of the aquifer matrix. In this way, the distributed vegetable oil does not impede groundwater flow. After injection,. the vegetable oil -in -water emulsion will ultimately break and be distributed as small droplets of oil trapped within the aquifer matrix. This entrapped oil does not migrate with advective groundwater flow, rather it remains in place as a relatively immobile, slowly soluble, long-term source of organic carbon. Soybean Oil -in -Water Micro -Emulsion Product A portion of the soybean oil loading that will be injected at SWMU 103 will be added in the form of a soybean oil -in -water micro -emulsion product. This product will be shipped to Fort Bragg as a pre-processed micro -emulsion with an oil droplet size of less than one micron, which is considerably smaller than the 10 to 20 micron median droplet size of the field mixed emulsion discussed above. The extremely small droplet size of the micro -emulsion product allows the soybean oil associated with this product to travel short distances in the direction of groundwater flow after injection. The travel distance is typically on the order of 20 to 50 feet depending on the groundwater flow velocity and the mean pore throat size of the soil matrix. It is expected that the migration distance at SWMU 103 will be toward the lower end of that range due to the relatively low groundwater flow rates calculated for the SWMU 103 source area. The migration of the micro -emulsion product will result in the expansion of the enhanced bioremediation ti 3-9 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP treatment area, the extension. of the residence time in the treatment area, and increased treatment efficiency. pH Buffering Product A pH buffering product consisting of a mixture of proprietary, naturally occurring, and long lasting buffering agents, water, dispersants, and food grade preservatives will be injected into the subsurface at SWMU 103 along with the organic substrates. The pH buffering product will be added to support pH conditions in the neutral range by neutralizing naturally occurring acidic compounds as well as organic acids produced during the fermentation of the vegetable oil. pH conditions must be supported above approximately pH 6.0 in order for biotic reductive dechlorination to occur efficiently (Volkering and Pijis 2004). Injection Water Potable water will be used in conjunction with extracted site groundwater to dilute the organic substrates prior to injection. If possible, potable water will be obtained from a nearby fire hydrant. If Fort Bragg water use restrictions prohibit use of fire hydrant water, potable water will be purchased off -post, trucked to the site and stored in, a 20,000 gallon frac tank. The make-up water will be characterized to provide information on potential contaminants introduced into the subsurface from the injected water. Potable water and groundwater will serve as a dispersant for the soybean oil -in -water emulsion as well as a carrier for the pH product. Approximately 91 percent of the total fluid that will be injected at SWMU 103 will be water. The injection fluid will consist primarily of water in order to ensure adequate distribution of the organic substrates to avoid physically clogging soil pore throats with soybean oil or the development of excessive biofouling, which would cause an unacceptable decrease in site soil permeability and result in groundwater flow deflection. It is expected that approximately 50 percent of the makeup water for the injections will consist of potable -water with the remaining consisting of untreated groundwater. However, if groundwater cannot be extracted from existing SWMU 103 wells at a reasonable rate then a larger percentage of potable water may be used to maintain the project schedule. Substrate Preparation and Emplacement Substrate injection activities will begin with the delivery and staging of the or substrates and the setup of a portable injection system, at SWMU 103. The injection system will be shipped to Fort Bragg on one or two pallets and will be setup in a rental cargo van to protect the system from inclement weather. The injection system will be staged in the open area immediately east of the former Mallonee Village Gas Station area (west of South Lucas Drive) in close proximity to an existing fire hydrant. Potable water will be supplied to the injection system from a 20,000 gallon frac tank. The frac tank will be filled with potable water from either a nearby fire hydrant or with potable water trucked in from off -post, depending on Fort Bragg water use restrictions. If the fire hydrant is used, it will be connected to the frac tank with a temporary high density polyethylene (HDPE) line (Figure 3-3). The line will be connected to the fire hydrant only when the tank is being filled, and backflow will be prevented through the 3-10 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP use of an air gap that will be at least twice the diameter of the fill pipe as required by ASME Al12.1.2—1"1,Air Gaps In Plumbing Systems. The organic substrates and the pH amendment product will then be added to the potable water at the correct dosage rate inline through a series of dosimeters. A static high sheer in -line mixer will be used to emulsify the soybean oil -lecithin mixture and potable water to form an oil -in -water emulsion. This oil -in -water emulsion will then be pumped to the injection area with an air operated diaphragm pump through HDPE conveyance lines. The system that will be staged in the Former Mallonee Village Gas Station parking lot is depicted in Figures 3-3 and 3-4. Within the injection area, site groundwater will be extracted from existing groundwater monitoring wells for re -injection with the oil -in -water emulsion being piped from the parking lot staging area. Submersible pumps will be temporarily installed in one or two monitoring wells to supply site water for injection. The discharge lines from the submersible pumps will be tied in to the supply line coming from the injection system through a manifold consisting of valves and flow meters designed to measure flow from the groundwater extraction pumps and flow coming from the injection system (Figure 3- 4). The mixtures of site groundwater and potable water will depend on the rate at which groundwater can be extracted from the formation. However, the final mixture of organic substrate and water will conform to the design calculations summarized in Table 3-1 and presented in Appendix A. After, the oil -in -water emulsion from the injection system has been diluted with site groundwater pumped from nearby wells, the emulsion will be injected into a combination of temporary injection wells and injection points. It is expected that the total oil -in -water emulsion flow (20 gallons per minute [gpm]) will be split so that substrate can be injected into four to six injection locations at the same time (3 to 5 gpm per location). Substrate injection will start at each location at a relatively low rate for the first 5 to 10 minutes to ensure that all aspects of the system are in order. During that period, system pressures will be monitored and flow rate adjustments will be made as needed to avoid excessive pressure which could constitute a safety hazard. Removal of all air from the system will be ensured by checking the air release vents installed on each of the injection location risers. Once this initial volume of substrate is injected, the injection rate will be increased to the maximum rate possible without exceeding safe operating pressures. or the overburden pressure of the formation (<40 pounds per square inch [psi]). After the appropriate volume of the emulsion has been injected into the subsurface the emulsion flow will be stopped and system pressure will be reduced to zero prior to disconnecting any injection lines. Assuming the volumes of emulsion/water mixture presented in Table 3-1 can be successfully injected into the formation equally and radially along the entire length of each injection screen interval, and assuming 15 percent effective porosity in the subsurface, this should provide a column of substrate (evenly distributed as droplets throughout the aquifer material) approximately 11 to 12 feet. in diameter around each substrate injection well. The effective oil saturation in the subsurface after injection is complete is targeted at approximately 7 percent of the effective porosity. During the .' 3-11 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP course of injection, water samples from downgradient wells will be monitored with a clear bailer to check for emulsion breakthrough. After the process has been completed, the presence of phase -separated oil emulsion in the substrate injection wells and the impact on the groundwater table elevation will be measured with an oil -water interface probe. The presence of vegetable oil or vegetable oil emulsion in nearby wells will also be monitored visually by collecting samples with a clear polyethylene bailer. 3:3.2.3 Site Restoration After well installation and substrate injection activities are complete, any areas that were disturbed by these activities will be returned to their pre -mobilization state. It, is expected that site restoration activities will be limited to filling in ruts and planting grass seed. Major disturbances are not expected because off -road vehicle usage will be limited to a pickup truck mounted direct push drilling rig and potentially a small site support vehicle. Final Site Survey After well installation and substrate injection activities are complete all well locations will be surveyed. Injection well locations will be surveyed by Parsons using a global positioning system (GPS) or by taping from existing well locations. A Well Completion Record will be submitted to Fort Bragg for the permanent monitoring well MW-51 to be installed along Sharp Drive east of Holbrook Tributary. All new well location data will be presented in the CMIR. 3.3.3 Surface Water Remedy Mobilization Mobilization activities will commence upon acceptance of the final SWMU 103 CMIP and the receipt of all required permits and authorizations as discussed in Section 3.2. Mobilization activities will consist of the following tasks: • Coordination of utility clearances at all drop structures and other subsurface construction locations. • Coordination with Fort Bragg DPW for controlled brush burning as necessary to install and maintain fences. • Site access coordination with Fort Bragg. The intended surface water corrective measures areas are not located in high security or limited access areas. However, facility coordination will be necessary for proper siting of equipment and materials. Delivery of surface water corrective measures supplies and equipment. 3-12 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP Aeration/Volatilization Systems Installation Volatilization of VOCs occurs in the streams under ambient conditions. In -stream engineered aeration and volatilization technologies for removing VOCs in surface water are low -technology systems that facilitate gas transfer. Monitoring in April 2007 shows that 1,1,2,2-TeCA concentrations in Beaver Creek decrease (presumably through multiple processes including dilution, volatilization, and biodegradation) to meet North Carolina surface water standards somewhere between Knox Street and Gruber Road. Because 1,1,2,2-TeCA migrates beyond the known footprint of the groundwater plume at concentrations greater than the North Carolina. surface water standard, engineered aeration and volatilization at SWMU 103 is necessary to attain the surface water standard. The conceptual model for the hydrology and contaminant transport of 1,1,2,2-TeCA in the Holbrook tributary and Beaver Creek is that the majority of contaminated water flow appears to be in the Holbrook tributary. The combined base flow is relatively low at an estimated 150 to 180 gpm. The concentration of 1,1,2,2-TeCA in surface water where Beaver Creek flows under Knox Street is < 8.6 µg/L (relative to the surface water standard of 4 µg/L). Engineered in -stream aeration and volatilization is a .feasible approach to meet the surface water standard at this location. A step -wise approach will be taken toward implementation of engineered in -stream aeration and volatilization technologies. Step 1 - Roughen Streambed The surface water corrective action approach involves four steps of increasing corrective action to attain the surface water standard. The first step or surface water corrective action strategy is to "roughen" the stream bed. Three segments of the Holbrook Tributary stream bed will be roughened with boulders or paving stones to increase turbulence, surface mixing, and volatilization (Figure 3-5). The three..segments are areas with the greatest existing grade and generally experience higher flow velocities. The segments are: 207-foot section of Holbrook Tributary in the base flow (south -trending) culvert under the. railroad right-of-way (Stations 17+31 to 19+36). This section will be roughened by placing paving stones in a staggered pattern on the culvert bottom. • 42-foot section of Holbrook Tributary below South Lucas Drive, (Stations 20+56 to 20+98). This section will be roughened with one layer of Type 1 granite rip/rap (12"-16") as available from local quarry.. • 55-foot section of Holbrook Tributary above Sharp Drive (Stations 32+24 to 32+79). This section will be roughened with one layer of Type 1 granite rip/rap (12"-16") as available from local quarry... Three 12-inch paving stones will be needed for every four -feet of culvert (150 paving stones total). Twelve -inch boulders will be placed directly in the stream bed for the other two sections, totaling 97-feet of stream bed estimated at six feet wide by one -foot deep or 22 cubic yards of boulders for the two sections. Both segments will be approximately as 3-13 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP wide as the stream channel. The as -built volume of each segment will depend on the characteristics of the stream in the immediate vicinity. Local sources will supply and deliver the boulders and paving stones. The segments will be constructed by small backhoe and/or manual labor. Quarterly surface water monitoring at the compliance point (Knox Street) will continue for at least one year to determine if Step 1 is sufficient to reduce 1,1,2,2-TeCA to the surface water standard, or if Step 2 is required. Step 2 - Drop Structures If the surface water standard of 4 gg/L at Knox Street is not met by Step 1, the surface water corrective action approach will proceed to Step 2. Step 2 consists of installing sheet -pile drop structures (similar to those that already exist in Holbrook tributary) in reaches of the Holbrook Tributary that typically have low velocity flow. The drop structures will increase the retention time and surface area, and therefore volatilization, of upstream surface water, and may increase aeration and volatilization downstream. Rocks placed below each drop structure will increase volatilization as water impinges on the rocks after it crests the drop structure. Five potential locations for drop structures have been selected (Figure 3-6): • Drop structure (DS) 1 — Beaver Creek at Station 11+00 (100 feet upstream of Knox Street) • DS 2 — Holbrook Tributary at Station 20+56 (upstream of the railroad culvert) • DS 3 — Holbrook Tributary at Station 25+51 (raising existing weir behind Holbrook Elementary School) • DS 4 — Holbrook Tributary at Station 30+10 (downstream of Sharp Drive behind Holbrook Elementary School) • DS 5 — Holbrook Tributary at Station 32+79 (upstream of Sharp Drive) Construction of drop structures will proceed in phases to achieve the surface water standard. Initially, the two drop structures with the greatest chance of success (DS 1 and DS 5) will be installed. Surface water monitoring over time will determine if these two drop structures are sufficient to reduce 1,1,2,2-TeCA to the surface water standard. If the first two drop structures do not achieve the surface water standard, but are determined to be driving 1,1,2,2-TeCA concentrations toward the surface water standard, drop structures at the other three sites may be considered. The drop structures will be designed to focus the base flow discharge (less than 180 gpm) through one or more notches in sheet piling in order to measure surface water discharge and direct the flow onto boulders below the drop structure. The height of each drop will be less than 18 inches above stream grade to minimize effects of the retained surface water on the natural stream flow (e.g., excessive sedimentation, ponding), while still creating a significant drop to increase aeration. 3-14 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PB030010 SWMU-103\CMIP The drop structures will be constructed of sheet steel driven vertically into the stream bed perpendicular to flow, and will extend across the stream channel. Each section of sheet steel will be driven up to three feet below grade, and the width will be between the banks of the channel. One layer of Type 1 granite rip/rap (12"-16") as available from local quarry will be placed on the downstream side of each drop structure to reduce scour and to provide an impinging surface to increase volatilization. The as -built dimensions of each drop structure will depend on the characteristics of the stream in the immediate vicinity. Quarterly surface water monitoring at the compliance point (Knox Street) will continue for at least one year to determine if Step 2 is sufficient to reduce 1,1,2,2-TeCA to the surface water standard, or if Step 3 is necessary. Step 3 - Pilot Testing Active Aeration If Step 2 is not successful at reducing 1,1,2,2-TeCA concentrations to the' surface water standard at Knox Street, up to two active aeration systems will be pilot -tested (Figure 3-7). In the first pilot test, base flow from the Holbrook Tributary will be pumped from the railroad culvert to Beaver Pond. At Beaver Pond, the pumped water will be sprayed vertically to increase aeration and volatilization. If the first pilot test is not successful at reducing 1,1,2,2-TeCA, the second pilot test will be implemented, in which an air-sparging system will be constructed within the Holbrook Tributary base flow culvert at the railroad right-of-way. The pilot tests would be conducted sequentially over a period of months. Surface water monitoring at the compliance point (Knox Street) will determine the efficacy of each pilot test to reduce 1,1,2,2-TeCA to the surface water standard. Aeration of base flow at Beaver Pond The first pilot test will volatilize 1,1,2,2-TeCA by pumping base flow from the Holbrook Tributary to Beaver Pond (on Beaver Creek), then aerating the pumped discharge with a fountain at Beaver Pond. Beaver Pond is a 1.7 acre, perennial surface water feature of the Beaver Creek watershed. It is located within the project boundary approximately one quarter mile southwest of the source area. Base flow discharge of Holbrook Tributary is estimated at 150 to 180 gpm: The Holbrook Tributary stream channel widens downstream, and after passing under Sharp Drive, base flow meanders over stream bed deposits. Approximately 300 feet upstream of its confluence with Beaver Creek; the Holbrook Tributary (at Station 19+36) passes under the railroad right-of-way through three culverts, each four feet in diameter. The southernmost culvert has the lowest invert elevation and carries the Holbrook Tributary base flow south under the railroad, and continues south, to a confluence with Beaver Creek. The other two culverts have higher entrance .elevations and carry the flood flow west under the railroad, and continue west in a more direct path to a confluence with Beaver Creek. Plywood and sandbag baffles will be constructed across the entrances of two culverts to direct flow toward the pumping cistern. A baffle will be constructed across the entrance to the base flow culvert to a height of 0.83 feet above the invert. This baffle will 3-15 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP divert base flow from Holbrook Tributary into the northernmost culvert. A baffle will be constructed across the entrance to the northernmost culvert from 0.83' to 1.69'. The baffle on the northernmost culvert is designed. to accept up to four inches of water. If more than four inches of water are flowing in the Holbrook Tributary, the additional flow will be diverted to the middle and southern culverts. The middle culvert will not be baffled (Figure 3-8). The purpose of these baffles is to direct flow to the corrective measure system while protecting that system from damage due to high velocity flood waters. Should this step be necessary and selected as the final remedy, these baffles will be permanently constructed by anchoring steel plates to the concrete headwalls. A French drain and cistern will be installed near the downstream opening of the northernmost culvert. The cistern will be constructed from 4-feet diameter metal culvert, perforated so that water can enter through the sides. It will be approximately 4-feet deep, and will be installed such that its top surface will rise slightly above the streambed (Figure 3-9). The gravel pack (French drain), constructed of pea gravel, will be installed around the cistern so that the Holbrook Tributary base flow will infiltrate through gravel pack and screened walls of the cistern. A 150 gpm capacity submersible pump will be installed inside the cistern. The pump will be powered from an existing overhead power line at the railroad right-of-way. The pump will be controlled by a float switch; the pumping capacity will relate directly to the water level inside the cistern. The pump will shut down if an insufficient amount of water exists within the cistern. During periods of high flow, stream discharge in excess of 150 gpm will flow through the other two culverts and down their existing stream channels until the flow is high enough to overtop the baffle at the northern culvert. This design will protect the system while conserving the flood water carrying capacity of the three culverts. The captured base flow will be pumped approximately 600 feet from the cistern to Beaver Pond. Piping will be made of high density polyethylene, and will follow as direct path as possible to Beaver Pond. The pumped water will be sprayed vertically by fountain into Beaver Pond to increase aeration and volatilization. The hydraulic impact of this pilot test is that base flow from Holbrook Tributary will discharge into Beaver Creek about 700 feet upstream from its current confluence. Increased retention time within Beaver Pond will enhance volatilization and potentially biodegradation of 1,1,2,2- TeCA. Surface water monitoring at the compliance point (Knox Street) over time will determine if the pumping system is sufficient to reduce 1,1,2,2-TeCA to the surface water standard. Air-Sparging If necessary, the second system will pilot test the efficacy of an air sparger located within the base flow culvert where Holbrook Tributary passes under the railroad (Station 19 + 36). The second pilot test will only be conducted if the first pilot test is unsuccessful. The air-sparging system will cover about 100 feet of the base flow culvert length with two sections of nine sparging pipes (Figure 3-10). Each section will be controlled by a separate valve. Within each section, the sparging pipes will be constructed of 50 foot lengths of three-inch steel pipe offset two inches laterally, making the final dimension of 3-16 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP the air-sparging system 100 feet by 4 feet. Each sparging pipe will have 1/8-inch holes placed two inches apart. The system will be powered by a 2500 cubic foot per minute (cfin) blower located at the downstream opening of the base flow culvert. For the purposes of pilot testing, the blower will be powered using a portable generator capable of 440V. One week of pilot testing will determine the optimal air flow rate with respect to reducing 1,1,2,2-TeCA concentrations and power requirements. Should this step be necessary and selected as the final remedy, the blower will be powered from an existing overhead "power line at the railroad right-of-way. A plywood and sandbag baffle will be constructed at the entrance and exit of the base flow culvert. The entrance will.,be baffled from 0.38-feet to 1.5-feet from the bottom of the culvert, allowing a 0.38-feet interval for base flow to enter the culvert. The baffle at the exit will rise 1.4 feet from the base, and is designed -to pond water within the culvert and increase the residence time and depth of water for sparging (Figure, 3-11). The purpose of the baffle system is the same as described above. Should this step be . necessary and selected as the final remedy, these baffles "will be permanently constructed by anchoring steel plates to the concrete headwalls. Step 4 - Full Scale Active Aeration Following Step 3, the most efficient system based on pilot test data will be implemented at full-scale. Consideration will be given to life -cycle costs since the Army will be responsible for operation and maintenance costs as long as these systems are in place; estimated to be at least 50 years. Only one of the, alternatives described in Step 3 would, be implemented at full "scale. Pilot test equipment for the Step 3 alternative that is not implemented at full scale during Step 4"would be removed. Site Restoration After surface water corrective measure "activities are complete, any, areas that were disturbed by these activities will be returned to their pre -mobilization state. It is expected that site restoration activities will include filling in ruts, backfilling two short roads that will be constructed down to the stream bed, and planting grass seed. Final Site Survey The location of surface water corrective measure systems will be, surveyed after all activities are complete. All location data will be presented in the CMIR. 3:3.4 Fencing and Signs Mobilization Mobilization activities will commence upon acceptance of the final SVIW 103 CMIP and the receipt of all required permits and authorizations as discussed in Section 3.2. Mobilization activities will consist of the following tasks: � y 3-17 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP • Coordination of utility clearances at all fence construction locations. • Site access coordination with Fort Bragg. The intended fenced areas are not located in high security or limited access areas. However; facility coordination will be necessary for proper sighting of equipment and materials. Fencing Chain link fencing will be used to limit access to the Holbrook Tributary. Fencing already exists at the following locations (see Figure 3-12): • Along the southern bank of Holbrook Tributary between Sharp Drive and South Dougherty Avenue. • Both sides of Holbrook Tributary between Sharp Drive and South Lucas Drive. • Along the northern bank of Holbrook Tributary between South Lucas Drive and the railroad culvert. Existing fences will need to be inspected and repaired to limit access to Holbrook Tributary. New fencing will be installed in the following areas: Enclose the northern side of Holbrook Tributary between Sharp Drive and South Dougherty Avenue. Construction of new fencing will be necessary between the intersection of Sharp Drive and the Holbrook Tributary to the southwest corner of the intersection of Honeycutt Road and South Dougherty Avenue. Fencing will follow Honeycutt Road so that it can be easily accessed for maintenance (i.e., burning) by Fort Bragg. • Enclose the southern side of the Holbrook Tributary between South Lucas Drive to the railroad right-of-way. All fencing materials, dimensions, and construction methods will be in accordance to Unified Facilities Guidance Specifications (USACE, 2007) and the Fort Bragg Installation Design Guide. Two gates will be necessary to access surface water treatment systems and monitoring locations on the Holbrook Tributary. One double -swing gate will be constructed at or near the intersection of the Holbrook Tributary and Sharp Drive to access the enclosed area north of Sharp Drive. A second double -swing gate will be located at the intersection of the Holbrook Tributary and South Lucas Drive to access the. enclosed. area west of South Lucas Drive. All gates will be locked with padlocks and keys provided by Fort Bragg. Warning Signs Signs will be mounted onto the fencing to clearly communicate restrictions to the Holbrook Tributary. Signs will be placed to optimize exposure to the main vehicular and pedestrian paths adjacent to fenced areas. Signs will be placed at regular intervals where 3-18 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP not adjacent to public right of ways. The maximum distance between signs will be 200 feet. All signs will comply with the Fort Bragg Installation Design Guide for Type A3 Small Metal signs. Each sign will be an 18" by 24" metal panel colored brown with 1/2- inch white border and white reflective letters. The signs will display "KEEP OUT", "No Fishing" and "No Wading" in white Helvetica font, and will be mounted on metal "U- channel" posts attached to the fence. Site Restoration .. After fence construction activities are complete, any areas that were disturbed by these activities will be returned to their pre -mobilization state. It is expected that site restoration activities will be limited to filling in ruts and planting grass seed. Major disturbances are not expected because off -road vehicle usage will be limited to a pickup truck and potentially a small tracked vehicle (e.g., Bobcat) for fence construction. Final Site Survey The location of fencing will be surveyed after all activities are complete. All location data will be presented in the CMIR. 3.4 PERFORMANCE MONITORING 3.4.1 Groundwater Monitoring Well Network, Frequency, and Parameters Theinitial groundwater monitoring network will consist of 30 wells (Table 32 and Figure 342). The monitoring well network will be evaluated annually for optimization opportunities. The monitoring network focuses on the deeper wells (and eliminates some shallow wells) from the existing network because contamination' is primarily in the deeper wells. Groundwater near the source area will be sampled quarterly during the first year following carbon substrate injection to evaluate the performance of anaerobic_ reductive dechlorination. Should additional injections be 'necessary, quarterly performance monitoring will be conducted as with the initial injection. Thereafter, performance monitoring will be conducted' annually or biennially based on periodic evaluation of results. The current, naturally occurring geochemical conditions at SWMU '103 are aerobic. Thus, it is expected that it will take at least six months for the injected substrate to establish anaerobic conditions necessary for biotic reductive dechlorination to occur. After anaerobic conditions are established it typically takes at least 6 to 12 additional months to establish the proper -microbial population .necessary for biotic reductive dechlorination. During the first year following substrate injection groundwater from wells in the vicinity of the carbon substrate injection. areas will be sampled and analyzed for VOCs, total organic carbon (TOC), geochemical parameters and pH. In addition, several of the temporary injection wells will also be sampled to monitor geochemical and contaminant 3-19 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP conditions within the injection areas. Results of the groundwater sampling will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the enhanced anaerobic bioremediation application. Performance groundwater monitoring for MNA would occur on an annual or biennial basis to evaluate the progress of the natural attenuation. The location and sampling frequency of wells for performance sampling will be selected based on evaluation of the results of the previous year's performance sampling. Groundwater will be analyzed for VOCs and natural attenuation parameters. Groundwater sampling activities will be conducted in accordance with the final project sampling and analysis plan/quality assurance program -plan (SAP/QAPP). 3.4.2 Soil Gas Monitoring Crawlspace air and soil gas sampling has determined that VOCs are not currently impacting indoor air quality at Holbrook Elementary School. To ensure that the school is not impacted by vapor intrusion in the future, soil gas monitoring will be conducted at existing representative monitoring points. A total of 18 soil gas monitoring points surround the perimeter of the Holbrook Elementary School buildings and within open areas between separate school buildings (Figure 3-13). Soil gas sampling will be conducted from all 18 sampling points for one more year. Soil vapor samples will be collected in accordance with EPA Method TO-15 and analyzed for VOCs. If the 2006 soil gas sampling results are confirmed, and groundwater VOC concentrations do not increase, the sampling network will be optimized. Optimized sample locations and frequency will be determined based on evaluation of sample results. One possible optimized network includes monitoring points SG1, SG14, and SG16. If the new sampling results do not confirm the 2006 results, additional gas samples will be collected annually prior to the beginning of the school year., The results of the soil gas sampling will be evaluated relative to EPA vapor intrusion screening criteria to ensure that Holbrook Elementary School remains safe from vapor intrusion. 3.4.3 -Surface Water Monitoring Locations, Frequency and Parameters Seven surface water performance monitoring locations will be established on Holbrook Tributary and Beaver Creek (Figure 3-12). Surface water at these locations will be sampled quarterly for at least one year after construction of passive aeration structures. The locations are: i • S-1: Located at Station 9+10, where Beaver Creek flows under Knox Street. This location is the compliance point for surface water treatment. • S-2: Located at Station 17+29, where Holbrook Tributary exits the culvert under the railroad. Samples from this location will evaluate the performance of treatment systems in the culvert and in the lower portions of Holbrook Tributary (below South Lucas Drive). • 53:, Located at Station 23+48, where Holbrook Tributary exits the culvert under South Lucas Drive. Samples from this location will evaluate the performance of treatment systems just above South Lucas Drive. 3-20 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP • S4: Located at Station 29+52. This location has historically had the highest measured concentration of 1,1,2,2-TeCA in Holbrook Tributary surface water. Samples from this location will evaluate the performance of treatment systems near Sharp Drive. • S5: Located at Station 35+00, on Holbrook Tributary upstream of Sharp Drive. Samples from this location will track contaminant levels in surface water upgradient of the first passive treatment area. • S6: Located at Station 16+80, on Beaver Creek about 50 feet upstream of confluence with Holbrook Tributary. Samples from this location will evaluate contaminant levels in surface water released from Beaver Pond and groundwater discharge. • S7: Located at Station 23+20 on Beaver Creek at the outfall of Beaver" Pond. Samples from this location will evaluate contaminant levels in surface water released from Beaver Pond. Monitoring of surface water will be required to assess contaminant concentrations, and. 'ensure the protection of human health and the environment. Surface water sampling will be conducted during low flow conditions (worst case) at fixed locations. Samples will be collected after five (and preferably ten) days of no precipitation. Repeated sampling at fixed locations will allow thorough evaluation of the performance of an implemented -� corrective action across the seasons, and'more control over observations. Surface water sampling activities will be conducted in accordance with the final project SAP/QAPP. 3.4.4 Performance Evaluations The performance of the enhanced bioremediation application at SWMU 103 initially will be evaluated annually. If the long term monitoring program sampling frequency is reduced to less than annual, performance evaluations will be conducted on the same frequency as the sampling schedule. The performance evaluation at SWMU 103 will start with an assessment of contaminant concentrations over time. Contaminant concentration trends are the primary line of evidence for determining the effectiveness of the SWMU 103 application. If contaminant concentrations in groundwater decrease over time, the SWMU 103 corrective actions application can be considered to be successful. The. second .step in evaluating the effectiveness of an enhanced bioremediation application is to evaluate the concentrations of parent compounds (1,1,2,2-TeCA and TCE) and reductive dechlorination daughter products (cis-1,2-dichloroethene. [cis-1,2- DCE], vinyl chloride (VC), and ethene). If biotic reductive dechlorination is occurring, then the concentration and molar fraction of the parent compound will decrease while the concentrations and molar fractions of daughter products will increase. The presence and relative molar fractions of the individual daughter products will indicate whether partial or complete reductive dechlorination is occurring. During the first year after substrate injection it is expected that at least partial reductive dechlorination of 1,1,2,2-TeCA and - TCE to cis-1,2-13CE will occur. However, more complete reductive dechlorination to 3-21 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PB030010 SWMU-103\CMIP VC and ethene may not occur until up to 2 years after injection. The demonstration of partial reductive dechlorination, coupled with reduced 1,1,2,2-TeCA and TCE concentrations during year one will be interpreted to indicate that the SWMU 103 enhanced bioremediation application successfully induced reductive dechlorination. It should be noted that VC is extremely unstable under aerobic geochemical conditions (the natural geochemical conditions at SWMU 103) because VC is readily degraded through aerobic oxidation. Thus, while VC may be produced in the injection areas through biotic reductive dechlorination, the VC mass will be rapidly oxidized once it migrates outside of the anaerobic zone established around the injection area. The third step in evaluating an enhanced bioremediation application involves the evaluation of the geochemical data to determine what geochemical conditions are present at the site and whether sufficient organic substrate remains to support the anaerobic geochemical conditions necessary for biotic reductive dechlorination. TOC concentrations are evaluated to determine if sufficient organic carbon remains. TOC concentrations greater than 20 milligrams per liter (mg/L) have been interpreted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency to be necessary to support anaerobic geochemical conditions and reductive dechlorination (USEPA, 1998). In addition, DO, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), nitrate/nitrite, ferrous iron, methane, and manganese data will be reviewed to determine what terminal electron accepting processes (TEAPs) are actually occurring at SWMU 103. This data will help to determine how much of the organic substrate is being used to process other than reductive dechlorination and will lead to a determination of how long the substrate will actually last in the subsurface. The final step in evaluating the enhanced bioremediation at SWMU 103 will be to review the pH data. Biotic reductive dechlorination has been shown to occur most rapidly under pH neutral conditions (6.5 to 7.5). In addition, biotic reductive dechlorination does not occur at acid conditions (pH less than 6.0) due to the pH sensitivity of the microorganisms involved in the reductive dechlorination process (Volkering and Pijls, 2004). If pH conditions become more acidic than pH 6.0 during the course of this application (due to the depletion of natural and added buffering capacity) then complete reductive dechlorination may slow down until the buffering capacity is replaced. Surface water treatment will be evaluated through periodic monitoring at the surface water monitoring sites. Consistent monitoring locations are key to evaluating treatment performance. Since contaminant migration may be influenced by seasonal variations, surface water will be monitored for a year to evaluate the performance of each step in the surface water treatment strategy. The following conditions will indicate a successful remedy: • The TOC concentration in each injection area (as indicated by data collected from the temporary injection wells) is greater than 20 mg/L. • Declining 1,1,2,2-TeCA concentration trends and increasing daughter product concentrations in the injection area monitoring wells (e.g., MW-23, MW-48, MW- 3-22 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP 49, MW-50). Trends in these wells will have to be established some time after the injection event(s) to allow dilution water to migrate away from the source area. Convergence toward North Carolina surface water standard of 4µg/L for 1,1,2,2- TeCA at Knox Street, as well as trends from other surface water sampling locations indicating 1,1,2,2-TeCA volatilization. 3.4.5 Performance Monitoring Program Optimization The SWMU 103 performance monitoring program will be evaluated annually to determine if the program can ' be optimized such that only data that ,are of value and directly contribute to future decisions are. collected. Any proposed changes to the monitoring program will be discussed and approved by the Army and NCDENR prior to implementation. 3.5 CONTINGENCY PLANNING Two potential contingencies are planned for possible deployment at SWMU 103. In the event that the analytical data (VOCs' and geochemistry) indicate that anaerobic geochemical conditions appropriate for biotic reductive dechlorination have been established but that biotic reductive dechlorination 'is not .occurring, then a bioaugmentation culture maybe injected into the SWMU 103 injection area in an effort to emplace -a microbial population known to be capable of reductive dechlorination, �1 thereby inducing reductive dechlorination. This contingency will be deployed if all of the following conditions are met: • DO is consistently less than I mg/L over multiple sampling rounds. The bioaugmentation culture can only survive in an anaerobic' environment. • ORP is less than -100 millivolts (mV) (indicative of moderately to strongly reducing conditions) over multiple sampling rounds. The bioaugmentation culture can only survive in an anaerobic (reducing) environment. • TOC concentration is above 50 mg/L in the area being considered for bioaugmentation. Because the bioaugmentation culture can only survive in an anaerobic environment, there needs to be enough carbon present to maintain anaerobic conditions. • 1,1,2,2-TeCA concentration trends increase or remain stable over multiple sampling rounds beyond the first year of long term monitoring. If 1,1,2,2-TeCA concentrations do not decrease although geochemical conditions are favorable for reductive dechlorination, bioaugmentation may be able to initiate the process. • Daughter products (cis-1,2-DCE and/or VC and/or ethene) are not detected. The lack of daughter products is an indication that reductive dechlorination is not occurring even though conditions are favorable. The second contingency relates to the early depletion'of the injected organic substrate. If geochemical data indicates that the organic substrate emplaced during the first injection J 3-23 S:TS\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU- 103\CMIP I— is becoming depleted before contaminant concentrations are reduced in the source area, then additional organic substrate will be injected into the ' source area to extend the longevity of the enhanced bioremediation application. Substrate depletion will be signified by the reduction of TOC concentrations to below 20 mg/L and the return, of aerobic geochemical conditions in the injection area. If geochemical data indicates that the substrate is reaching depletion. 1,1,2,2-TeCA concentrations at the source area remain above 100µg/L, and reductive dechlorination daughter products are not being produced, then additional organic substrate will be injected. 3.5.1 Bioaugmentation Solution Preparation and Injection In' the event that bioaugmentation is deemed to be necessary, a bioaugmentation culture will be purchased from SIREM Laboratories and mobilized to the site in specially designed pressurized shipping containers. An injection system consisting of a groundwater extraction pump, a transfer pump, an injection pump, and an inline dosimeter as well as various valves, pressure gauges, and flow meters will also be mobilized to the field site. It is expected that less than one liter of bioaugmentation culture will be required for each injection well based on Parsons and Sirem Laboratories' prior experience at other sites. Sirem's general rule of thumb for calculating culture dosage is 1 part culture per 30,000 parts groundwater in the intended treatment area. The treatment volume for each injection well is approximately 2,098 gallons. Applying a 1:30,000 factor yields a calculated culture volume of approximately 0.25 liters per injection well. Thus, approximately 4.5 liters of bioaugmentation culture will be required for the injection area. Upon arrival, the injection system will be setup at the. source area. A groundwater extraction pump will be installed in a nearby monitoring well to supply makeup water for the bioaugmentation injection. The geochemistry of the groundwater to be extracted will be confirmed to be anaerobic (DO less than 1 mg/L) . prior to mixing with the bioaugmentation culture. After the groundwater geochemistry has been confirmed. The groundwater will be extracted, amended inline with culture through a closed system dosimeter, and re -injected into the previously installed small diameter injection wells. The bioaugmentation process will begin at each injection well by starting the extraction pump, pumping water through the entire injection system, and discharging to the injection well. During this initial phase the system will be bled of all air bubbles and pockets and all joints and couplings will be inspected for leaks. After the system has been started the dosimeter will be set to add bioaugmentation culture at a rate of 1 percent of the water flow. Previously extracted groundwater amended with one percent culture will continue to be injected until approximately 0.25 liters of culture have been added. At that point the dosimeter will be shutdown and un-amended groundwater will continue to be injected to improve the subsurface distribution of bioaugmentation culture. Ultimately each injection well will receive approximately 0.25 liters of culture and approximately 250 gallons of water. 3-24 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP 3.5.2 Contingency Substrate Injection Additional soybean oil and the injection system will be mobilized to the site in the event that a second substrate injection is deemed to be necessary. The contingency injection will be conducted in exactly the same way as the primary injection except that the contingency injection will be conducted through the previously installed small diameter injection wells only. The scope of the second injection and the substrate loading to be deployed will depend upon conditions present within the source area. However, for permitting purposes it is assumed that the contingency injection will be required and that it will involve the injection of approximately half. of the substrate volumes injected during the primary injection. 3.6 INSTITUTIONAL CONTROLS 3.6.1 Ground Water Current administrative controls and groundwater -use restrictions for the SWMU 103 groundwater plume footprint are incorporated in the BMP. SWMU 1.03 is part of a federal installation and is expected to be retained by the federal . government for the indefinite future. Existing groundwater -use restrictions currently prevent the use of the groundwater for potable water and irrigation. References to relevant corrective action documents for this SWMU are included in the BMP. The groundwater use restrictions will remain until North Carolina 21, standards are met, or until concentrations are at such levels to allow for unrestricted use and exposure. A survey plat for the SWMU has been included in the BMP. The survey plat indicates the location and dimensions of the SWMU 103 groundwater plume with respect to permanently surveyed benchmarks. The plat contains a directive that states Fort Bragg's obligation to prohibit use of the groundwater at SWMU 103 in accordance with this CMS. The previously surveyed groundwater monitoring wells that establish the present extent of groundwater contamination originating from SWMU 103 were used to establish the perimeter of the SWMU 103 groundwater plume. Institutional controls include the restriction of groundwater use at SWMU 103. Restrictions on groundwater use for consumption and irrigation will be implemented for the life of this corrective action alternative, estimated to be 20 to 60 years. The groundwater -use restrictions will be implemented during the period of ownership by DoD through the BMP. The BMP is an effective tool for prohibiting installation of drinking water or irrigation wells at the site while property is under DoD ownership. Groundwater is not currently used as a source of drinking water or irrigation at the site. Institutional controls prohibiting the use of groundwater in the future would be effective at protecting human health from the elevated levels of COCs in the groundwater. Current land use controls (LUCs) prohibit intrusive activities (e.g., excavation, digging, drilling) at SWMU 103 without an approved health and safety plan, use of proper personal protective equipment, and other necessary precautions. If soil is excavated from within the SWMU 103 plume area, it must be properly characterized, classified, and disposed of in accordance with Fort Bragg policy and applicable environmental regulations. i 3-25 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP A LUC Boundary for Indoor Air Concerns surrounds the SWMU 103 groundwater contaminant plume. LUCs for this area place limitations on construction of buildings within this boundary due to vapor intrusion concerns. If structures must be sited within this LUC boundary, building design must incorporate appropriate features to mitigate potential for human exposure to"chlorinated VOCs from groundwater. 3.6.2 Surface Water Current administrative controls and use restrictions for surface waters affected by SWMU 103 are incorporated into the BMP. The surface water in Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary is not used as a source of potable water, irrigation, and/or recreation primarily because the flows are too low. The streams are primarily used as a stormwater drainage conveyance for Fort Bragg. Surface water -use restrictions exist to prevent its use for drinking water, irrigation, or recreation. Fencing will be constructed at the Holbrook tributary to restrict contact with the surface water. Warning signs will also be placed at the Holbrook Tributary to inform persons of the potential contamination .in the surface water. Current surface water -use restrictions and the addition of fencing and warning signs will provide an effective, readily implementable, and cost-effective method for reducing human exposure to surface water at the site. The surface water use restrictions will remain until North Carolina standards are met, or until concentrations are at such levels to allow for unrestricted use and exposure. 3-26 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP SECTION 4 REPORTING AND DOCUMENTATION 4.1 CORRECTIVE MEASURES IMPLEMENTATION REPORT A CMIR will be issued at the completion of the substrate injection, fencing, and initial surface water remediation activities at SWMU 103. Since the surface water remedy will be implemented in several -steps over several years, construction of subsequent steps will be documented in performance effectiveness reports. The CMIR will present all field activities completed at- SWMU 103, any field data collected during the installation of the corrective action, and any deviations from the final SWMU 103 CMIP. The report will also include information about monitoring wells that are pumped to provide supplemental groundwater for injection, including which wells are used and groundwater extraction rates. j r , 4.2 PERFORMANCE EFFECTIVENESS REPORTS An annual performance effectiveness report will be issued to present the results of the sampling events collected during the previous calendar year. If the monitoring frequency is reduced, the frequency of progress reporting will be reduced as well to coincide with monitoring events. Performance effectiveness reports will present all data collected during the subject reporting period, an assessment of contaminant concentration trends at each performance monitoring well, an assessment of the effectiveness of the corrective action implemented at SWMU 103, and recommendations for any changes to the performance monitoring program for the following reporting period. Recommended elements of the evaluation report for this site.include: A summary of site activities. An evaluation of new data and comparisons with previous data and established performance criteria, which would' consist of presentation of the following: - Data in tabular format (proposed historical groundwater and surface water contaminant concentration data format are provided as Tables 1-2 and 1-3, respectively); - Graphs (e.g., contaminant concentration versus time for individual wells); - Figures (contaminant contours); and L. 4-1 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU- 103\CMIP - Progress towards achieving remediation goals. • An evaluation of need for implementation of additional corrective action phases and/or contingency plan. • Conclusions. • Recommendations. 4.3 PERIODIC REMEDY REVIEWS This site is managed by the Army under the Department of Defense (DoD) Defense Environmental Restoration Program (DERP). Paragraph 23.2 of the DoD DERP guidance specifies that periodic remedy reviews be conducted at least every five years to ensure that the selected remedy continues to protect human, health and the environment. Thus, the corrective action at SWMU 103 will be reviewed at least every five years. The first review will be conducted within .approximately five years of the selected remedy installation (estimated to be during the spring of 2013). 4-2 SAES\RemedV45446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\CMIP TABLES This page intentionally left blank Table 1-1 Recommended Remedial Levels for COCs in Groundwater and Surface Water at SWMU 103 Analyte Maximum Concentration Recommended Remedial Level Groundwater Volatile Organic Compounds ( ) Chloroform 82 70 Chloromethane 6.9 2.6 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 660 0.17 Tetrachloroethene 3.2 0.7 Trichloroethene 78 2.8 Surface Water Volatile Organic Com ounds ( ) 1 1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 59.6 4 COC = Constituent of concern. SWMU = Solid waste management unit. This page intentionally left blank cr) Kil Table 1-2: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at 9WMU 103 1,1,2,2-Tqft=hIoroedww 0.17 n/a 470 63 29 J 100 Trichtoroethene 2.8 5 66 10 14 J ND (50) Tetrachloroeltme 0.7 5 2.6 0.5 1 ND (1) ND (50) Chloroform 70 100 1.1 ND (1) ND (1) 82 Chloromethane 2.6 n/a ND (1) ND (3.5) ND (1) ND (50) T c 5 5 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (50) _D -Dichloroethene c 1 i hh ff1,1,2-Trichloroethane 100 70 ND (1) ND 2) ND (50) cis- 1,2-Dichloiroethene cis 70 70 ND (1) ND (1) trans-1,2-Dichlomethene 100 too ND (1) ND (1) 1,1-Dichloroethene. 7 -7 ND (1) ND (1) ND (I ND (50) Vinyl Chloride 0.015 2 ND (1) ND (2) ND 1 ND (50) Methylene Chloride 4.6 5. ND (1) ND (2) ND (1) ND (50) 2 of 33 Table 1-2: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at SWMU 103 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.17 n/a 434 660 420 340 Trichloroethene 2.8 5 46 69 22 50 Tetmehloroethene 0.7 — 5 1.6 2.3 ND 5) ND 10) Chloroform 70 100 1.1 1.2 5.5 17 Chloromethane 2.6 n/a ND 2.9) ND 1) ND 5) ND (10) IF : 1"' ,!� ,v,u_ 1 1,2-Trichloroethane 5 5 0.4 J ND 1) ND 5) ND 10) 1 2-Dichloradhene 100 70 ND 2 ND 5 ND 10) is-1,2-Dichlomethene 70 70 0.2 J ND 1 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 100 100 ND 1) ND 1) 1,1-Dichloroethene 7 7 ND (1) ND 1) ND 5 ND 10) Vin 1 Chloride 0.015 2 ND (2 ND 1 ND 5) ND (10) Meth lone Chloride 4.6 5 ND (2) ND 1) ND 5) 1 ND (10) 3 of 33 Table 1-2: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at SWMU 103 1,1 ,2-Tetmhloroethane 0.17 n/a 270 470 450 43 Trichloroethene 2.8 5 49 66 68 10 etrachkMxdWne 0.7 5 1.4 J 2.2 2.3 0.3 J hlomfonn 70 100 0.96 J . 1.9 1.7 ND 1) Chlommethane 2.6 n/a ND (2) ND 1) ND 1) 5.2 hlomethane - 5 5 0.73 J ND 1) ND 1) 2.1 oroethene 100 70 ND 2 0.48 J 0.47 J ichlomedm= 70 70 ND 2 0.4 J Dichleroethene p 100 too ND (2) 0.4 J omedw= 7 7 ND 2 ND 1 ND l ND 1oride 0.015 2 ND 2 ND 1 ND 1 ND 2) e Chloride 4.6 5 ND (2) ND 1) ND 1) ND (2 4 of 33 Table 1-2: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at SWMU 103 W* Laeatlon N.C. Groundwater Standard 21, Federal MCL In Plume In Plume In Plume In Plume Station MW-03 MW-03 MW-05 MW-05 sample ID 4203112 320311 420511 4205112 Date 5/7/2001 1/14/2003 7/18/2000 5/2/2001 De h of Seeened Interval ) 5 to 15 ft 5 to 15 ft 15 to 25 ft 15 to 25 ft 1,1,-Tetrachloroethane 017 n/a 33 22 143 179 Trichloroethene 2.8 5 7.8 6.9 21 22 Tetrachioroethene 0.7 5 0.2 J ND 1 0.8 J i J roform 70 100 ND 1 ND 1 0.6 J 0.9 J Chloromethane 2.6 n/a 2.9 ND 1) ND 1) ND 6.8) 5 5 4 ND 1 ND 1 0.2 J roethene 100 70 ND 2chtoroedme 70 70 0.4 J ND 1 ND 1 ND iiehloroethene Khloroethane 100 100 0.2 J ND 1 ND ! ND (1) roethene 7 7 ND 1 ND 1 ND 1 NDt oride 0.015 2 ND (2 ND 1 ND 2 ND Chloride 4-6 5 ND (2 ND 1) ND 2) ND 5 of 33 This page intentionally left blank J__ ------ 21 Table 1-2: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at SWMU 103 oc>iti0a N.C. Groundwater Standard 2L Federal MCL In Plume In Plume In Plume In Plume MW-05 MW-05 MW-09 MW-09 eiD 420521 320511 420911 4209112 5/2/2001 1/12/2003 7/18/2000 5/3/2001 of Sceened Interval 15 to 25 ft 15 to 25 ft 48 to 50 ft 48 to 50 ft M�Yr1Nfe:i%��i�AhlYaYl�'�i/lA��i�1 ..:.: r-.. ���...+... iFe ....'.:s... +. :.. <'.:. .r.-:_.. �c:.. ... a ... .. r... ..F:y _ �t. .. _.e n ... �... �. ..r. ... .- • - .... ...... ,.. - Tetracblomedum 0.17 n/a 166 220 34 23 2.8 5 22 26 3.6 2.5 pChloromethane 0.7 5 1.4 1.1 0.2 J ND 1olm 70 100 0.9 J 0.7 J 0.7 J 0.9 2.6 n/a ND (2.5) ND 1) ND 2.2) 3.6 1,1 2-Trichloroethane 5 5 ND 1) ND 1 ND 1 ND 1 1,2-Dichloroethene 100 70 ND 2) cis-1,2-Dichlowethene 70 70 ND 1 ND 1 ND 1 ND 1 trans-1 2-Dichioroethene 100 100 ND 1) ND 1) ND 1) ND (1) 1,1-Dichlowethene 7 7 ND 1 ND 1 ND 1 ND 1 Vin 1 Chloride 0.015 2 ND 2 ND 1 (2) ND 2 Meth ene Chloride 4.6 5 ND 2) ND 1F77M(2) ND (2 6 of 33 Table 1-2:-Historic Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at SWMU 103 1,1,?:a-TCft=hIOrOedU= 0.17 n/a 290 86 110 409 Trkhtomethene 2.8 5 15 22 14 50 Tebwhkwpe&= 0.7 5 0.53 J 0.6 J ND (1) 3.2 ChImoform 70 100 0.74 J 2.4 0.65 J 1.2 Chloronwthaw 2.6 n/a ND (0.96) ND (1) ND (1) ND 1.1) 1,1,2-Tfichloroethahe 5 5 ND (0.49) ND (1) ND (1) 0.3 J 1,2-Dichlomethene too 70 ND (0.63) ND (2 cis- 1,2-Dichtoroethem 70 70 ND (0.36) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) -1,2-Dichloroethene IMethylene 100 100 ND (0.27) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) IJ-DiMproodme 7 7 ND (0. 11) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) Vinyl Chloride 0.015 2 ND (0.26) ND (2) ND 1) E ND (2) Chloride 4.6 5 ND 0.21) ND (2) ND (1) ND (2) 7 of 33 Table 1-2: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at SWMU 103 1WdI Location In Plume In Plume in plume In Plume lion 0 MW-12 MW-12 MW-12 MW-15 mple, ID N.C. 321211 321221 321216 421511 Date ltmh4 Groundwater Federal 1/13/2003 1/13/2003 6/28/2006 5/2/2001 epth of Sceened Interval (bgs) Standard 2L MCL 43.8 to 53.8 ft 43.8 to 53.8 ft 418 to 53.8 ft 29.6 to 39.6 ft r �0,=,M 1,1,2,2-Tetrachlomedum 0.17 n/a 510 800 260 91 Trichlozoethene 2.8 S 41 56 40 9.7 Tetrachloveetimme 0.7 5 2.7 2.5 2.1 0.5 J Chloroform 70 100 0.911 0.96 J 0.83 J 0.7 J C"Itoromethane 2.6 n/a ND (1) ND (1) ND (2) ND (1.4) 5 5 ND (1) ND (1) ND (2) ND (1) 1,2-Dichkwoethene 100 70 ND (2) ND (2) ND (2) is-1,2-Dichloroethene 70 70 ND (1) ND (1) ND (2) ND (1) I1,1,2-TrieWWoefliane trans-1,2-13ichlomethene 100 100 ND (1) ND (1) ND (2) ND (1) I,I-Dichloroethene 7 7 ND (1) ND (1) NDf(2) ND (1) inyl Chloride 0.015 2 ND (1) ND (1) ND (2) ND (2) Meth Chloride 4.6 5 ND (1) ND (1) ND 2) ND (2) 8 of 33 Table 1-2: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at SWMU 103 1,1,2,2-Tetrachioroedww 017 n/a 95 125 160 121 richloroedv= 2.8 5 12 14 20 14 etsachloroedme 0.7 5 ND 1 0.7 J 0.77 J 0.7 J hMmOform 70 . 100 0.62 J 0.5 J i 0.58 J 11 hlowrnedww 2.6 n/a ND 1) ND 1) ND 1 ND (1 �M/[IIIXPM %� � I/%i4" /IP. ,. _.� ._.F.�. _, d iA. r.4T �., 5..._�J.i:.... t!cZ ::. ..K.._.Y3 ,. .4-...i.. _.. _F. ..'.:... ..' .n,. ... �_N.�,':r. -,1... .ix.:�>.,'_J ait -• 1 1,2-Trichlowethane 5 5 ND l 1.7 ND 1 1.8 1-Dichioroethene 100 70 ND 2 1 ND 2) cis-1,2-DichWwedw3w 70 70 ND 1 ND 1) ND 1 ND 1 Baas-l2-Dichlomcthene 100 100 ND(1) ND 1) ND 1) ND(1 1 1-Dichh wethene 7 7 ND (1) ND 1) ND 1) ND 1 Yin Chloride 0.015 2 ND 1- ND 2 ND 1 ND 2 methylene Chloride 4.6 5 ND (1) ND 2) ND 1) ND (2) 9 of 33 Table 1-2: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at SWMU 103 1,1,2,2-Tet=hIoroedume 0.17 n/a 200 140 150 71 Trichtwoethene 2.8 5. 28 17 16 8.6 Tetmchkwmflime 0.7 5 1 0.78 J 0.76 J 0.3 J Chlorofoim 70 100 11 ND (1) ND (1) 0.2 J Chloremedww 2.6 n/a ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (2) 5 5 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 1,2-Dichtoroethene 100 70 ND (2) 0.6 J ND (2) is-1,2-Dichtoreethene 70 70 ND (1) 0.58 1 0.68 J ND (1) I1,1,2-Trichlorpediane trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene 100 100 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) I,[-Dichloroethene 7 7 i ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) Vinyl Mad& 0.015 2 1 ND (1) ND (1) U-ND (1) ND (2) Meth lene Chloride 4.6 5 ND (1) ND (1) 1 ND (t) ND (2) 10 of 33 Table 1-2: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at SWMU 103 Statioa MW-02 MW-02 MW-17 MW-17 Sa!! ID N.C. 4202112 320211 421711 321711- Date Groundwater Federal 5/7/2001 9/12/2003 5/3/2001 1/14/2003 Depth of Sceened luterval s Standard 21, MCL 26.5 to 35.5 ft 26.5 to 35.5 ft 9.1 to 19.1 ft 9.1 to 19.1 ft Oprila inants,ofCorrcern'(u21 13,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.17 n/a 115 62 ND 1) 1.9 Trichloroethene 2.8 5 14 10 ND 1 ND 1 Tehachloroethene 0.7 5 0.7 J ND 1) ND 1 ND 1 Chloroform 70 100 0.7 J ND 1) 0.6 J ND l hioromethane 2.6 n/a 3.3 ND 1 ND 1) ND (1 112-Trichloroethane 5 5 ND 1 ND 1 ND 1) ND 1 1 2-Dichloroediene 100 70 ND 2 ND 2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 70 70 ND 1 ND 1 ND ! ND 1) tmas-1,2-Diehloroethene too 100 _ ND 1) ND 1) ND 1) ND (1 1,1-Dichloroethene 7 7 ND (1) ND 1) ND 1 ND 1 thin 1 Chloride 0.015 2 ND 2 ND 1 ND 2 ND 1 ethylene Chloride 4.6 5 ND (2) ND 1) ND 2) . ND (1) 11 of 33 Table 1-2: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at SWMU 103 Station N.C. Groundwater Standard 2L Federal MCL MW-20 MW-20 MW-26 I MW-26 !!E&ID 422011 322011, 322611 322621 Date 5/8/2001 1/14/2003 3/28/2002 3/28/2002. LIeptk of Sceened Interval (bp) 20.45 to 30.45 ft 20.45 to 30.45 ft 34.0 to 44.0 ft 34.0 to 44.0 ft n- /a 7 5.9 ND (1) 91 Trichloroethene 2.8 5 0.7 J 0.92 J 1.3 1.4 rChlo1,1,2,2-Teowhlrco-r,oedu'm""— Wh 0.7 5 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) tomfoun, h h im 70 100 1.2 2.2 1.8 1.8 roniedum JOIX 2.6 n/a ND (2.9) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 5 5 ND (1) ND (1). ND (1) ND (1) I 1,2-Dichloroethene 100 70 ND (2) C cis-1,2-Dichkwoedme i 70 70 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) IN1,1,24fichlomedum am-i,2-Dichloroethene trans-! too 100 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ,I-DichWmthene Iethylene 7 7 ND (1) ND (1) D ND (1) i Chloride 0.015 2 ND (2 ND (1) - J-EfND (1) ND (1) Chloride 4.6 5 ND (2) ND (1) . 2.9' 2.5 12 of 33 Table 1-2: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at SWMU 103 Station N.C. Groundwater Standard 21, Federal MCL MW-26 MW-26 MW-28. MW-28 ID 32AAI 1 322612 322811 322812 Date 1/14/2003 4/14/2005 3/29/2002 9/9/2003 Depth of Seemed Interval 34.0 to 44.0 ft 34.0 to 44.0 ft 28.0 to 38.0 ft 28-0 to 38.0 ft 13,2,2-Teftachloroeflune 0.17 n/a 5.6 5.1 2.6 2.2 J Trichkmxthene 2.8 5 0.811 0.6 J ND (1) ND (0.27 J) FChIplorm 0.7 5 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (0.22 J) 70 100 2.6 2.3 ND (1) ND (0.24 J) foronwdiane 10 M 2.6 n/a ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (0.96 J) 1,1,,2-Trichloroethane 5 5 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (0.49 J) 1,24)ichloroethene 100 70 ND (2) ND (1) ND (0.63) -1,2-Dichloroediene s S_l 70 70 ND (1) ND (1) ND (0.36 J) trans-1)ichloroedvew 100 100 ND (1) ND (1) ND (0.27 J) I 1,1_1 ,I-Dichlowediene 7 7 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (0. 11 J) Vinyl Chloride Vj 0.015 2 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (0.26 J) Methylene Chloride M! 4.6 1 5 ND (1) ND (1) 1 ND (4) 1 ND(O.21_J)__ 13oI33 1 Table 1-2: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at SWMU 103 jpa MW-31 MW-31 MW-33 MW-33 Ip N.C. 323111 —323112 323311 32BB11 pats GroundwaterFederal 3/29/2002 9/10/2003 3/29/2002 1/l4/2003 De th of Sceened Interval b ) Standard 2L MCL 19.0 to 29.0 ft 19.0 to 29.0 ft 11.0 to 21.0 ft 11.0 to 2.1.0 ft ,2-TetrachkWOefl=e 0.17 n/a ND 1) ND 0.59) ND 1) 5.2 hhueethene 2.8 5 ND 1 ND .27 ND 1) ND (1) hloroedwne f 0.7 5 ND 1 ND 0.22) ND 1) ND 1) mform 70 l00 3.1 2.3 1 1 romethane 2.6 n/a ND (1) ND 0.96) ND 1) ND (1) ,2-Trichloroethane 5 5 ND 1 ND 0.49. ND 1) ND 1 -Dichioroethene 100 70 ND 0.63 ND 2 -1,2-Dichloroedw= 70 70 ND 1 ND 0.36) ND 1 ND 1) ns-1 2-Dichloroethene IN1,11nethylene 100 100 ND 1) ND 0.27) . ND 1) ND 1 -Dichloroethene 7 7 ND (1 ND 0.11 ND 1) 1 Chloride 0.015 2 ND 1 ND 0.26) ND 1 ±NNDt(l)j Chloride 4.6 5 1.9 J ND 0.52) 2.8 14 of 33 f. Table 1-2: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at SWMU 103 Station 4MWSI 4MWSI 4MWSI 4MWSI Sam* ID N.C. 4MWSI-GWI 4MWSI-GW2 420011 423111 Daft Groundwater Federal 2/24/1993 3/4/1997 1 7/21/2000 5/7/2001 2epth of Sceened Interval (bas) Standard 2L MCL 20.5 to 30.5 ft 20.5 to 30.5 ft 20.5 to 30.5 ft 20.5 to 30.5 ft 1,1,2,2-Teftwhioroethane 11,2 0.17 n/a 31 20 22 25 Trichloreedu= 2.8 5 5 3 4.3 2.8 e h1oreedwn 0.7 5 5 1 ND (1) ND (1) r0form 70 100 5 0.57 0.5 1 0.6 J hIoromethane 2.6 n/a 14 1 3.6 ND (2.8) 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 5 5 S 1 ND (1) ND (1) 1,2-Dichkmethene 100 70 cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 70 70 ND (1) ND (1) trans-1,2-Dichloroediene too too 5 ND (1) ND (1) IJ-Dichloroethene 7 7 ND (1) ND (1) ND I ND (1 ) inyl Chloride I 0.015 2 11 ::E: - 1 ND (2) ±� 1 ND (2) Methylene Chloride 4.6 5 1 ND (2) ( ND (2) 15 of 33 t ' � � J Table 1-2: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at SWMU 103 sv,.fa i ..�ai..� ilxir,a�+fnr EInlf,r�vil-1'rlinni Hnflasrv�lr Srivenl - tiow 4MWS1 I MW-35 MW-35 MW-35 saawle ID N.C. 320411 323511 323512 323513 Data Groundwater Federal 1/14/2003 1/12/2003 9/13/2003 4/14/2005 De tb of Sceened Interval b Standard 2L MCL -20.5 to 30.5 ft 6 to 16 ft 6 to 16 ft 6 to 16 ft Vantaminawft I1,2,2-Tetraehloroethane 0.17 n/a 22 17_ 25 22 riehlemethene 2.8 5 4.7 2.3 3 2.2 Tetrachloroethene 0.7 5 ND 1) ND 1 ND 1) ND 1) lowform 70 100 0.57 J ND l 0.67 J 0.59 J Chloroomethane 2.6 n/a ND (1) ND 1) ND 1) ND 1) 1,2-Trichioroethane 5 5 ND 1 ND 1) ND 1) ND 1) 2-Dichlomethene 100 70 ND 2 ND 2 ND 2 ND 1) s-! 2-Dichlomethene 70 70, ND 1 ND 1 ND 1 ans-1,2-Dichloroedwne IMI 100 100 ND 1) ND 1 ND 1) 1-Dichloroethene 7 7 ND 1 ND 1) ND 1 ND 1) in Chloride &015 2 ND 1 ND 1 ND 1 ND 1) eth Methylene Chloride 4.6 5 ND 1) ND 1) ND 1) ND 1) 16 of 33 Table 1-2: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at SWMU 103 '"'no MW-35 MW-35 MW-35 MW-36 Sample ID N.C. 323514 323515 323521 323611 pate Groundwater Federal 8/4/2005 6/27/2006 6/27/2006 1/12/2003 Depth of Sceened Interval h s) Standard 2L MCL 6 to 16 ft 6 to 16 ft 6 to 16 ft 17.0 to 27.0 ft t'is»tiiwinn»lc.infl'�arom litaflsl .. .._ .,;.:;.. .. �F . ,>,, .. ..:;:. s 1 . ,. 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroedume 0.17 n/a is 2.9 3 34 Trichloruethene 2.8 5 1.4 0.59 J 0.62 J 4.4 ctmehloroethme 0.7 5 ND 1 ND 1 ND 1 ND (1 toroform 70 100 0.35 J ND 1 ND 1 0.84 J Chloromethane 2.6 n/a ND 1) ND (1) ND (1) ND 1) �Ibi�iohfni• 1?rnr/�urte.'Y�toLfJ'..... . 1;2-Trichloroedme 5 5 ND 1) ND 1) ND (1) ND 1 2-Dichloroethene 100 70 1 R ND 1 ND (1) ND 2 s-1,2-Dichloroethene 70 70 ND 1) ND 1 ND (1), trans-1,2-Dichloroedwne Ivul, 100 100 ND 1) ND 1 ND (1) I-Dichloroethene. 7 7 ND 1 1) ND (1) ND (1) ia 1 Chloride 0.015 2 ND 1) tND LE1 ND (1ND 1) eth lens Chloride 4.6 5 ND 1) 1) ND (1) ND (1) 17 of 33 j Table 1-2: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at SWMU 103 Statiwr MW-36 MW-36 MW-37 MW-37 Sample ID N.C. 323612 323613 323711 323712 Date Groundwater Federal 9/13/2003 4/14/2005 1/12/2003 9/13/2003 Depth of Sceened Interval b s) Standard 2L MCL 17.0 to 27.0 ft 17.0 to 27.0 ft 6 to 16 ft 6 to 16 ft 1,1,2,2-Tetrachbroethane 0.17 n/a 29 28 ND (1) 0.71 J Triehioroethene 2.8 5 3.7 3.1 ND (1) ND 1) Tetrachloraethene 0.7 5 ND 1) ND 1) ND 1 ND (1) Chlomfonn 70 100 0.76 J 0.76 J ND 1 ND 1 Chlommethane 2.6 n/a - ND 1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 1,1,24tichlomethane 5 5 ND(1) ND 1) ND (1) ND 1) 1-Dichloroethene 100 70 ND 2 ND 1 ND (2) ND 2 is-1 2-Diehioroethene 70 70 ND 1) ND 1 ND (1 hens-1,2-Dichloroethene 100 100 ND 1) ND (1 ND 1 1,1-Dichloroethene 7 7 ND 1) ND 1) ND 1) ND (1) Vinyl Chloride 0.015 2 ND 1) ND 1 ND (1) ND 1) methylene Chloride 4.6 5 ND 1) ND (1) ND (1.1) 0.95 J 18033 This page intentionally left blank Table 1-2: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at SWMU 103 Station MW-37 MW-37 MW-37 MW-37 Sample ID N.C. 323721 323713 323714 323715 Date Groundwater Federal 9/13/2003 4/12/2005 8/4/2005 6/27/2006 Depth of Sceened Interval (bgs) Standard 21, MCL 6 to 16 ft" 6 to 16 ft 6to16ft 6 to 16 ft . 1,1,2,2-Tetrachlorpedmw 0.17 n/a 0.72 J 0.98 J 1.3 0.5 1 Tdchloroethene 2.8 5 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) Tetrachlowedwne 0.7 5 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) Chloroform 70 100 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) Chloronwthane 2.6 1 n/a ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 1,1,2-Michloroethane 5 5 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 1,2-Dichloroethene 100 70 ND (2) ND (1) 1 R ND (1) is-1,2-Dichloroetimm C j 70 70 ND (1) ND (1) -1,2-Dichloroedow 100 ND (1) ND (1) 1 'I-DichWWhene ,1 7 7 ND (1) ND (1) N ND (1) VjVinyl Chloride 0.015 2 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) EE:::] ND (1) Methylene Chloride M! 4.6 5 1.8 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) - =1 19 of 33 Table 1-2: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at SWMU 103 well ]LAWAtion N.C. Groundwater Standard 21, Federal MCL Holbrook School Holbrook School Holbrook School Holbrook Sch(x ate MW-38 MW-38 MW-38 MW41 SaWle ID 323811 323812 323813 324111 Date 1/12/2003 9/13/2003 4/13/2005 4/12/2005 Dnepth of Sceened Interval (bgs) 17.0 to 27.0 ft 17.0 to 27.0 ft 17.0 to 27.0 ft 34.2 to 44.2 ft 1,1,2,2-Tebachloradhane 0.17 n/a 84 73 77 330 richloroethene 2.8 5 6.9 6.7 5.8 35 Tetrachloroethene Tcchloroniethane 0.7 5 ND (1) 0.59 J ND (2) -1.9 111010form 70 100 ND (1) ND (1) 1.4 J 1.5 C 2.6 n/a ND (1) ND (1) ND (2) ND (1) 1,1,2-Tnchloroethane 5 5 ND (1) ND (1) ND (2) 2.5 1,2-Dichloroethene 100 70 ND (2) ND (2) ND (2) 13 cis4,2-13ichloroethene 70 70 ND (1) ND (1) -1,2-Dichloroethene 100 too ND (1) ND (1) IJ-Dichloroethene 7 7 ND (2) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) Vi inyl Chloride rMethylene 0.015 2 ND (1) ND (1) ND (2) ND (1) Meth Chloride 4.6 5 ND (1) ND (1) ND (2) ND (1) 20 of 33 Table 1-2: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at SWMU 103 Lyon Lm ation Holbrook School Holbrook School Holbrook School other Sullen MW42 MW42 MW42 IW-1 gampLe ID N.C. 324211 324212 32421.6 350111 Date Groundwater Federal 4/14/2005 8/4/2005 6/28/2006 4/14/2005 -Depth of Sceened Interval s) Standard 2L MCL 26.7 to 36.7 ft 26.7 to 36.7 ft 26.7 to 36.7 ft 28.7 to 43.7 ft C'a»►m»iann�cnfl-'nacamaunLFs1 'i ...:... ._ . ,;,'.. �. ,o . ,z .. -:;_ .._ ,, .:• .;... ;.. _ .: _;. .. = ....._: .. _ 0.17 n/a 3 t0. 210 180 280 richlorocthene 2.8 5 29 18 25 40 etrachiowethene ITTChloromethane 0.7 5 2 1.7 1.5 J ND 10) hloroform 70 100 0.74 J 0.46 J 0.55 J 3.4 J 2.6 n/a ND 1) ND 1) ND (2) ND 10) 1 1,2-Trichloroethane 5 5 ND 1 ND 1 ND 2 ND 10 1 2-Dichloroethene 100 70 0.54 J l R ND (2 ND 10) cis-1,2-Dichioroethene 70 70 ND 2) trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 100 100 ' ND 2 1 1-Dichlorocthene 7 7' ND 2) ND 1) ND 10 ND 1) VinylChloride 0.015 2 ND 1 ND 1 ND 2 ND 10) Meth lene Chloride 4.6 5 ND 1) ND (1) ND (2) ND (10) 21 of 33. Table 1-2: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at SWMU 103 Sta" N.C. Groundwater 21, StandardI Federal MCL IW-2 IW-3 sample ID 350211 350311 420111 4201112 Date 4/13/2005 4/13/2005 7/20/2000 1 5/7/2001 Wh of Sceened Interval (bgs) 2e 28.8 to 43.8 ft 29.5 to 44.5 ft 5 to 15 ft 5to15ft. , 0.17 n/a 570 250 35 18 blomethene 2.8 5 78 34 4.3 1.4 Vl,2,2-TetmchIoroed=w T Tetrachloroedmw 0.7 5 2.6 1.4 0.2 J ND (1) toroform 70 100 1.4 0.91 j ND (1) ND (1) Chl'oronwthane 2.6 n1a ND (1) ND (1) ND (3.2) 3.4 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 2 5 5 ND (1) ND (1) 0.5 J ND (1). 1,2-Dichkwoethene 100 70 0.61 J 1.1 LI cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 70 70 ND (1) ND (1) -1,2-Dichloroethene 100 100 ND (1) ND (1) J-Dichloroethene 7 i 7 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) in Chloride 0.015 1 2 ND (1) ND (1) ND (2) # ND (2 Meth lane Chloride 4.6 ND 1) ( ND 1 () ND 2) ( ND (2 H 22 of 33 Table 1-2: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at SWMU 103 Station I N.C. lGroundwater Standard 2L 1 Federal MCL MW-01 I MW-04 MW-04 I MW-04 Sample ID 1 320111 420411 420421 4204112 Date 9/12/2003 7/19/2000 7/19/2000 5/6/2001 De tb of Sceened interval b s 5 to 15 ft 5 to 15 ft 5 to 15 ft 5 to 15 ft GanlQsultpnts ofurcern (Ms�) s 1,1,22-Tetrachloroeflum 0.17 n/a 7.1 ND 1) ND 1 1.7 cichloreethene 2.8 5 1.5 ND 1) ND 1) ND 1) Tetrachloroethene 0.7 5 ND 1) ND 1) ND 1) ND 1 Chloroform 70 100 ND (1) ND 1 ND 1) 0.4 J hloromethane 2.6 n/a ND (1) ND (5.9) ND 2.2 3.2 V—v A.nln: Z—Ar l - -.:._. ...:........: ... . . i . _ .. . _..I . _ ..-. z . I . . . . 1,2-Trichloroedme 5 5 ND 1) ND 1 ND 1) ND 1 2-Diehkmethene 100 70 ND 2 s-1,2-Diehloroethene 70 70 ND 1 ND 1 ND 1 ND 1 ans-1 2-Dichloroethene Ivul, 100 100 ND 1) ND 1) ND 1) ND (1 1-Dicblorocthene 7 7 ND 0.11 ND 1 ND (0.11 in 1 Chloride 0.015 2 ttj ND 2 ND 2 ND 2eth Methylene Chloride 4.6 5 ND 2) ND 2 ND (2) 23 of 33 Table 1-2: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at SWMU 103 Station MW-04 MW-04 MW-07 MW-07 Saar kID N.C. 320412 320421 420711 4207112 Date Groundwater Federal 9/12/2003 9/12/2003 7/19/2000 5/8/2001 b of Sceened Interval ) Standard 2L MCL 5 to 15 ft 5 to 15 ft 30 to 40 ft 30 to 40 ft L�i:..J.:.reNimJR e«nnnn»x �ien�/: �.. ..:•-..� ".-'....-,. - ^�'.. '. .. ! 1-Tetiachioroethane 0.17 n/a ND 1 ND 1) 11 26 ricbloreetbene 2.8 5 ND 1) ND 1 0.8 J 2.4 Tetracbtoroethene 0.7 5 ND 1 ND 1 ND 1) ND 1 Moroibrin 70 100 ND (1) ND 1. 0.6 J 0.6 J hloroutethane 2.6 n/a ND (1) ND (1) ND 1.2). ND 3.5) 1,2-Trichloroethane 5 5 ND 1 ND 1) ND 1) ND 1 2-Dichloroethene 100 70 ND 2 ND 2 -1,2-Dichloroethene 70 70 ND 1 ND 1) ND 1 ND 1 m-1,2-Dichloroethene INIliethylene 100 100 ND 1) ND 1) ND 1 ND (1 1-Dichloroethene 7 7 ND 1 ND 1 ND 1) ND 1 n 1 Chloride 0.015 2 ND (1 ND 1 ND 2 ND 2 Chloride 4.6 5 ND d) ND 1) ND 2) ND (2) 24 of 33 Table 1-2: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at SWMU 103 MW-07 MW-07 MW-08 MW-08 N.C. 320711 320712 420811 4208112 Gr:7 dwaterl Federal 1/13/2003 7/19/2000 5/3/2001 St dard 21, MCL 30 to 40 ft .4/12/2,005 30 to 40 ft 25.to 35 ft 25 to 35 ft 0.17 11/a 30 J 9.3 ND (1) ND (1) richbtodhene 2.8 5 ND (1) 1.2 ND (1) ND (1)' tFctrwhkwoeth= 0.7 5 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) L02Mfor—M 70 100 ND (1) 0.74 J 2.1 1.6 [ChWenwdiam 2.6 n/a ND (1) ND (1) ND (3.6) 4.7 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 5 5 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) 100 70 ND (2) ND (1) 11,2-Dichlomethene is-1 2-Dichloroethene 70 70 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ftans-1,2-Dich"oethene too- too ND (1) ND 1) ND I 1,1-Dichlomethene 7 7 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) hinyl Chlod& I ( 0A15 2 ND (I (I !ND t(I d ND (1) j ND (2) j ND (2) Meth ene Chloride 4.6 5 ND (1) ND 2) ND (2) 25 of 33 Table 1-2: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at SWMU 103 Statiw I I I MW-08 MW-10 MW-10 MW-13 Saimple ID I N.C. 1 1 320811 421011 321011 421311 Date lGroundwaterl Federal 1 9/9/2003 5/2/2001 9/10/2003 5/2/2001 Depth of Sceened Interval Standard 2L MCL 25 to 35 ft 26.8 to 36.8 ft 26.8 to 36.8 ft 20.8 to 30.8 ft Canlaminanls afCancern:luQ/Ll... 0.17 n/a ND (0.59 J) 2 ND 0.59) ND 1 oroethene 2.8 5 ND (0.27 J) ND 1) ND 0.27 ND 1) r-Tettwh1oroethm hloroethene 0.7 5 ND 0.22 J) ND 1) ND 0.22 ND (1) oform 70 100 1.5 J 1 J 1.9 0.7 J 2.6 n/a ND 0.96 J) ND (1.8) ND 0.96) ND 1.9) IlImpiphior PrwLinlr luo/la. . ! 1,2-Trichlomethane 5 5 ND 0.49 J) ND 1) ND 0.49 ND 1) 1 2-Dichloroedmw 100 70 ND 0.63) ND 0.63) cis-1,2-Dichioroethene 70 70 ND (0.36 J) ND 1) ND 0.36 ND 1) trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 100 100 ND (0.27 J) ND 1) ND 0.27 ND (1) I l-DichWrocdww 7 7 ND (2 ND 1) ND 1) ND (0.11 I1 Chloride 0.015 2 ND 0.26 J) ND 2) ND 0.26) ND( 2 methylene Chloride 4.6 5 ND (0.21 J) ND 2) ND 0.21) ND (2) 26 of 33 Table 1-2: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at SWMU 103 Station MW-13 I MW-14 I MW-14 I MW-14 Sample ID - N.C. 321311 421411 421421 321411 Date Groundwater Federal 1/14/2003 5/2/2001 5/2/2001 1/13/2003 Depth of Sceened intervalab)EjStandard2L MCL 20.8 to 30.8 ft 4.85 to 14.85 ft 4.85 to 14.85 ft 4.85 to 14.85 ft Contaminants ofCancernaur/L) loroedmine 0.17 n/a 2.9 0.9 J 1J 17 2.8 5 ND 1 ND 1) ND 1) 2.3 rse F 0.7 5 ND (1) ND 1 ND 1) ND 1 70 100 0.64 J 1 I l J 0.56 J 2.6. n/a ND (1) ND (1) ND 1) ND (1 �crauenrer•.rrnaucrs rueicr.,.. • - ...� :,;:. - .:. 1,1,2-Trichioroethane 5 5 ND 1) ND 1) ND 1 ND 1 1 2-Diehlonoethene 100 70 ND 2 ND 2 cis-i 2-Dichloroethene 70 70 ND 1 ND 1 ND 1 ND 1) trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 100 100 ND (1) ND 1) ND 1) ND (1 1 1-Dichloroethene 7 7 ND 2 ND 1 ND 0.11 ND (1 Vinyl Chloride 0.015 2 ND (1)' ND 2 ND 2 ND 1 Methylene Chloride 4.6 5 ND 1) ND 2) ND 2) ND (1) 27 of 33 Table 1-2: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at SWMU 103 MW-16 MW-21 MW-24 MW-24 N.C. 421611 422111 422411 422412 pate Groundwaterl Federal 1 5/3/2001 5/8/2001 5/4/2001 3/27 epth /2002 Dof Sceened Interval (bgs) Standard 2L MCL 3.6 to 13.6 ft 12.2 to 22.2 ft 18.5 to 28.5 ft 18.5 to 28.5 ft 0.17 n/a ND (1) 3.7 ND 1) ND (2) htoroethene 2.8 5 ND 1) 0.3 J ND 1) ND 2) V2-Tetrachloroedume achloroethene 0.7 5 ND (1) ND 1) ND 1) ND 2) oroform 70 100 0.6 J 2.1 0.5 J ND 2) Chloromethane 2.6 n/a 4.9 ND (2.8) ND 1.2 ND (2 ■/)mmRfnr (7r 7Ru./a./gym//._1 ._.. .. .._ .r.: ...::'. `' .... .. _ 1,12-Trichloroedum 5 5 ND 1 ND 1) ND 1 ND 2 12-Dichloroethene 100 70 cis-1 2-Dichloroethene 70 70 ND 1 ND 1) ND .1 ND 2 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 100 100 ND 1) ND 1) 1 ND 1 ND (2 i i-Dichloroethene 7 7 ND 0.11 ND 1) ND 1 ND(0.11 J) Vinyl Chloride 0.015 2 ND (2 ND 2 ND 2 ND (2 Methylene Chloride 4.6 5 ND (2) ND 2) ND (2) ND (5) 28 of 33 Table 1-2: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at SWMU 103 WON Location _ Other Other Other Other Station MW-24 MW-25 MW-25 MW-25 Sample ID N.C. 322411 422511 322511 422512 Date Groundwater Federal 9/11/2003 5/4/2001 9/11/2003 3/27/2002 Depth of Sceened Interval b ) Standard 2L MCL 18.5 to 28.5 ft 18.5 to 28.5 ft 18.5 to 28.5 ft 18.5 to 28.5 ft 1 1,2 2-Tetrachloroethane 0.17 n/a ND (1) ND 1) ND 0.59) ND 2) Trichloroethene 2.8 5 ND 1 ND 1) ND 0.27 ND 2) Tetrachloroethene 0.7 5 ND 1 ND 1) ND 0.22 ND 2) loroform 70 100 ND 1 1.5 ND 0.24 ND 2 Chloromethane 2.6 n/a ND (1) ND 1) ND 0.96) ND (2) I n"s.,-A.0a. *jj.s ,4.s-dv4,m/r I ...:;'-". , r.. ' ... Z - , ._.. :, ,-,: ' - - I . . 2-Trichloroethane 5 5 ND 1) ND 1 ND 0.49) ND 2 Dichioroethene 100 70 ND 2 ND 0.63 l 2-Dichloroethene 70 70 ND 1) ND 1) ND 0.36) ND 2s-1,2-Dichloroethene [12 100 100 ND 1) ND 1) ND 0.27) ND (2Dichloroethene 7 7 ND l ND 1) ND 1 ND 1 1 Chloride 0.015 2 ND (1 ND 2 0.5 J ND 2h lene Chloride 4.6 5 ND (1.6) ND 2) ND 0.21) ND (5) -uelGaistiluenls;arid;Qthers, /L _,..,: � ...: ..,. Benzene 1 5 ND 1 0.2 J ND 0.14 ND 2 Toluene 1000 1000 ND 1) ND 1.3) ND 0,18 ND 2 Eth %enzene 550 700 ND (1) 0.3 J ND 0.15) ND 2) Xylem, total 530 10000 ND 2 ND 3) ND 0.41) - ND (2 Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether MTBE 200 n/a ND (1) ND 0.49 Acetone 1 700 1 n/a ND (21 ND (1) ND (0.63) ND (2) 29 of 33 Table 1-2: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at SWMU 103 MW-29 MW-29 MW-30 MW-30 ID N.C. 322911 322912 323011 323012 Date Groundwate Federal 3/29/2002 9/11/2003 3/29/2002 9/10/2003 of Sceeaed Interval (bg) Standard 2L MCL 34.0 to 44.0 ft 34.0 to 44.0 ft 19.0 to 29.0 ft 19.0 to 29.0 ft 1,1,z2-TetMChtorOCdUUIe 0.17 n/a ND (1) 3 J ND (1) ND (0.59) Trichloaxthene 2.8 5 ND (1) ND (0.27) ND (1) ND (0.27) Tefischloroethene 0.7 5 ND (1) ND (0.22) ND (1) ND (0.22) Chloraforin 70 too ND (1) ND (0.24) ND (1) ND (0.24) -Chloronwthane 2.6 n/a I ND (1) ND (0.96) ND (1) ND (0.96) 1,1,2-Trichlorpedu =nc 5 5 ND (1) ND (0.49) ND (1) ND (0v49) 1,2-Dichloroedwne 100 70 ND (0.63) ND 0.63) is-1 2-Dichloroethene 70 70 ND (1) ND (0.36) ND 1) ND (0.36) trans-1,2-13ichtawethene 100 100 ND (1) ND (0.27) ND (I ND (0.27) 7 7 ND (100) 1 ND (1) ND 0.}1 ND (1) I1.1-Dichlorcedwne Vinyl Chloride 0.015 2 ND (1) ND (0.26) ND (1) N 0. 26 Methylene Chloride 4.6 5 2.1 ND (011) 1 2-8 0.94 J 30 of 33 Table 1-2: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at SWMU 103 Wen Locad" N.C. Groundwater Standard 2L Federal MCL Other Other Other Other Station MW-32 MW-34 MW-34 MW-43 Sample ID 323211 323411 323412 324311 Date 3/29/2002 1/15/2003 9/9/2003 4/13/2005 of Sceened 1�terval b ) 6.0 to 16.0 ft 55.0 to 65.0 ft 55.0 to 65.0 ft 43.7 to 53.7 ft •-*�---max.-�...�s� . _ .,r.::- _.,,._�.--.. .... ,.. .. 1 1,2 2-Tetrachlomethane ._:.�, ....,,,...._ 0.17 ... .. .,-._ n/a ND 1 79 84 66 richloroethene 2.8 5 ND 1 9.1 9.3 J 7.8 etrachloroethene 0.7 5 ND 1) ND 1) ND (0.22 J) 0.51 J Chloroform 70 100 1 0.75 J 0.76 J 0.97 J hloromethane 2.6 n/a ND (1) ND 1) ND 0.96 ] ND (1) hterProdacts' IL t .:.. 5 5 ND 1) ND 1 ND 0.49 J ND 1 oroethene 100 70 ND 2 ND 0.63 ND 1chloroethene 70 70 ND 1 ND 1 ND 0.36 JDichloroethene Vhloroethane 100 100 ND (1) ND 1) ND 0.27 Joroethene 7 7 ND (1) ND 1 ND 1) ND 1oride 0.015 2 ND (1 ND 1 ND 0.26 J ND 1s Chloride 4.6 5 3.5 ND 1 ND 0.21 l ND (1 31 of 33 Table 1-2: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at SWMU 103 Wall Location Wall N.C. Groundwater Standard 2L Federal MCL Other Other Other Other Station MW44 MW45 MW46 MW47 jp 324412 324511 324611 324711 Date 4/13/2005 -4/14/2005 4/15/2005 4/12/2005 Sceened Interval (W) 26.7 to 36.7 ft 26.7 to 36.7 ft 26.7 to 36.7 ft 26.8 to 36.8 ft 0.17 n/a 16 41 7.9 110 Trichloroethene 2.8 5 1.7 4.6 0.77 J ND (100) Teftwhlowethene 0.7 5 ND (1) 0.36 J ND (1) ND (tOO) Chlowform 70 100 0.731 0.81 1.8 ND (100) -Chlovainethane 2.6 n/a ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (100) �1,1,2-Trichloroethane 5 5 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (100) 1,2-Dichlomethene 100 70 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (100) cis- 1,2-MchlormM, 70 70 trans- 1,2-Mhlorocthene too, 100 1.1-Dichloroethene 7 7 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) Vinyl Chloride 0.01E 2 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (100) Methytene Chloride 4.6 1 5 ND (1) 1 ND (11 1 ND (1) ND (100) 32 of 33 Table 1-2: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Groundwater at SWMU 103 WeA N.C. Groundwater Standard 2L Federal MCL Other Other Other Other MW69344C MW69344C MW69344C MW69344C ID 324C11 324411 323113 323421 p 3/28/2002 9/10/2003 4/15/2005 4/15/2005 De t6 of Sceened Interval c 24 to 34 ft 24 to 34 ft 24 to 34 ft 24 to 34 ft 1 i-Tetrachloroethane 0.17 n/a 2 4.1 J ND 1 ND 1 doldonoethene 2.8 5 ND l ND 0.27) ND 1) ND 1 ittrachtaroeu 0.7 5 ND 1 ND 0.22 ND 1) ND 1 70 too ND 1 0.55 J 0.49 J 0.6 J thane 2.6 n/a ND (1) ND 0.96 ND 1 ND (1Rroductshtoroedme 5 5 ND 1 ND 0.49 ND !) ND !omethene 100 70 ND 0.63 ND 1 ND !chloroothen N 70 70 ND 1 ND 0.36Dichloroetttene 100 100 ND (1) ND 0.27) omethene 7 7 ND (1 ND 1 ND 2) ND 2loride 0.015 2 ND 1 ND 0.26) ND 1 ND (1e Chloride 4.6 5 2.1 0.63 J 0.98 J 0.64 J „~retCaitstituents;u»d:Qther ... . /L Benzene 1 5 2.9 2.6 0.98 J 10 J Toluene 1000. M000 2.2 4.3 1.8 2.1 Eth lbcnzene 550 700 23.6 14 18 20 lens, total 530 10000 211 141 130 140 MethylTertiary Butyl Ether MTBE 200 n/a ND (I ND 0.49) ND 1 ND (1) A 700 n/a ND 1) ND 0.63) ND 1 ND (1 0.41 100 ND (1) ND (0.34) ND (1) ND (1) bgs - below ground surface MCL - maximum contaminant level n/a - Federal MCL does not exist for given analyte. J - indicates an estimated value. ND - not detected; value in parenthesis is the method detection limit (MDL). R - indicates a rejected value. Empty cells indicate samples not analyzed for given analyte. 33 of 33 Table 1-3: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Surface Water at SWMU 103 Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Nrober 40 + 10 37 + 70 37 +.70 37 + 70 37 + 70 - 37 + 70 Smple Nane SWS05 BCI BCI BCI BCI SWSI sampleto N.C.Srrface 430511 BCI-SW1L BCI-SWIH BCI-SW2H BCI-SW2L 430111 Date Water Standard 5/3/2001 10/21/1992 1/8/1993 1/8/1993 2/19/1997 7/17/2000 -aitfaminant o ,.Concern: L ' I,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.17 ND 1 ND(7) ND 7) ND 7) ND 1) ND 1 1 12-Trichhumthane ND 1 ND 5 ND 5) ND 5 ND 1) ND 1 ridilavethene 2.5 ND 1 ND(5) ND 5 ND S ND 1 ND 1 trans-l2-Dechbmethene ND 1 ND(5) ND 5 ND 5 ND(1) ND 1 is-12-Dichlorocthene ND 1 ND(1) ND 1 1 1-Dichloroethem ND 2 ND 4 ND 4 ND 4 ND(1) ND 1 Vin I Chloride 0.025 ND 2 ND 11 ND 11 ND(I1) ND(1) ND 2 1 of 13 Table 1-3: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Surface Water at SWMU 103 N.C. Surface WsterStaadard Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Beaver Creek NwAm 37 + 70 32 + 60 30 + 80 29 + 80 23 + 20 19 + 50 Name SW-06 WSW SW-05 BC1A SWS07 BC1B an ID NDSACE-103SW-06 430611 NDSACE-103SW-05 BC1A-SWIL 430711 BCIB-SWIL Date 3/7/2006 5/3/2001 3/7/2006 2/19/1997 5/3/2001 2/19/1997 1,1 2-Tetrachlorccdwne 0:17 ND 2 1.4 1.05 J 1.5 2.4 4.8 1 1-Trlchloroethone ND 1 ND 1 ND 1 ricbiomethenc 2.5 ND 2 0.2 J ND 2 ND 1 - 0.3 J ND 1 f 2-Dichloroethew ND 1 ND 1 ND l ie-12-IIid�braelhene ND 1 ND f ND 1) 1 t.D ND 2) ND 1 ND 2 ND I Vin Chloride 0.025 ND 2)- " ND 1 ND 2) ND 1 2of13 This }gage intentionally left blank 1 Table 1-3: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Surface Water at SWMU 103 Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Beaver Creek NmAw 19+50 19+50 19+50 19+50 19+50 16+80 Name BCIB SWS3 SWS08 SWS08 SW-03 BEAVER CREEK N.C. Surface BCIB-SW2L 430311 430811 430821 NDSACE-103SW-03 20701200304 mID Date Water Standard 2/19/1997 7/17/2000 5/4/2001 5/4/2001 3/7/2006 1/18/2007 arrt .Cmicern. f,l ,2-Tetracbh�roetluvie 0.17 5.11 2.5 3.2 3.2 3.46 2.26 Ani�oirincllwv/�Na.�eo/Jj•:e...-: _:.� .. . ..:.....:. ... .. f-...::. ... ,.::.:i.. .:,-!:; :_.:.. C,..;. ..,.. ... ;: ::. ., ....:,... .- . _ _.- ... ... - _ ' i)-Trichiomethanc ND 1 ND 1 ND 1 ND 0.333) riebkwoethenc 2.5 ND l ND 1 0.5 J 0.6 J 0.57 J ND 0.702 12-Dichkwoelhcne ND 1 ND 1) ND 1 ND 0.374 is-1 2-Dichbroethene . ND 1 ND 1 ND 1 ND 0.292 Id-Dichloroethene ND 1 ND 2 ND 1 ND 0.205 1 0:025 M 1 ND 2 ND 2) ND 2 ND 0.383 3of13 Table 1-3: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Surface Water at SWMU 103 rt—.M. N.C. Surface Water Stshadard Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Beaver Cr4 Nsumber 16+20 15+00 13+00 10+00- 10+00 10+00 CONFLUENCE SW-01 BELOW SW -I BC2 BC2 2 BC2 ID rD= 20701200303 NDSACE-103SW-4M 20701200302 BC2-SWIL BC2-SWIH BC2-SW, 1/18/2 007 3n12006 1/1812007. 10/21/1992 1/8/1993 1/4/1991 , 1,1,2,2-Tchachloroethane 0.17 9.29 19 6.93 11 ND (7) 8.4 11.1.2-Trichkweethane ND (0.333) ND (0.333) ND (5) ND (5) ND (1) 2.5 0.979 F 1.32 J ND (0.702) ND (5) ND (5) ND (1) -I 2.pichloroethene ND (0.374) ND 0.374 ND (5) ND (5) ND (1) .2 ichipmedume ND (0.292) ND 0.2 2 '() ND 1) ( 14)ktIowc!=— . ND (0.205) ND (0.205) ND (4) ND (4) ND (1) in I Chloride 0.025 ND (0.383) ND (0.383) ND (11) ND (11) ND (1) 4 of 13 Table 1-3: Historic Detections of Contaminants in . . Surface Water at SWMU 103 N.C. Surface Water Standard Water Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Beaver Creek' Beaver Creek Number_ 10+00 10+00 10+00 9+10 9+10 9+10 ISmok Nmw BC2 SWS4 SWSIO Knox St. Knox St. Knox St. BC2-SW3L 430411 431011 20701200301 20702090901 20704261504 Dale 2119/1997 7/17/2000 5/6/2001 1/18/2007 2/7/2007 4/25/2007 0.17 I l 7.9 12 6.93 .11.5 8.55 ND (1) ND (1) ND (1) ND (0.333) ND (0.333) ND (8) 23 ND (1) ND (1) 0.6 J 0.717 F ND (0.702) ND (0. 123) 1,2-Dichlorwthenci ND (1) ND (1) ND I ND (0.374) ND (0.374) ND (0. 113) ET;rdchUTw'o"qth�ene' is-1 1. -DkhWwedwrw ,2 ND (1) 0.4 J 0.2 J ND (0.292) ND (0.292) ND (0. 154) I-D. ichl"pediew I I 14D ND (1) ND (0.205) ND (0.205) ND (0.226) n I Chloride i inyl 0.025 —7-9D —(I)- ND (2 ND (2 ND (0.383) ND (0.383) ND (0. 163) 5 of 13 This page intentionally left blank m Table 1-3: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Surface Water at SWMU 103 Beaver Creek Beaver Creek _ _ _ Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Beaver Creek 9� + It) 1 9 + 10 Downstream of Knox St. I Downstream of Knox St. I Downstream of Knox St. [S-amide Name Knox St. Knox St. WETLAND BEGINS Kenderburg St. Gniber Rd. ID N.C. Surface 20706042807 20710242702 20704261505 20706042804 20704261502 Date Water Standard 6/2/2007 10/23/2007 4/25/2007 6/2/2007 4/25/2007 orttamirtorie' Concerm G' .. 2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.17 7.27 11.2 J 1.83 ND 0.156 1.42 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.068 ND 0.068 J ND 0.06E ND 0.068) ND 0.068 richlomcthene 2.5. ND 0.123 ND 0.123 ND 0.123) ND CO.123 ND 0.123 trans-1 2-Dichloroethene ND 0.113 ND 0.113 J ND 0.113 ND 0.113 ND 0.113 is-1 2-Dichloroethene ND 0.154 ND 0.154 J) ND 0.154 ND 0.154 ND 0.154 1 1-Dichloroethene ND 0.226 ND 0.226 J) ND 0.226 ND 0.226 ND 0.226 IVinyI Chloride 0.025 1 ND 0.163 ND 0.163 J) ND 0.163 ND 0.163 ND 0.163 6oi13 Table 1-3: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Surface Water at SWMU 103 N.C. Surface Water Standard Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Holbrook Tribute Holbrook Tributary Downstream of Knox St. Downstream of Knox St. Downstream of Knox St. 50+70 48+70 Gruber Rd.- POST BOUNDARY LEAVING POST SWS12 SW-14 K712j,2-T.UachlWwoethane 20706042805 20704261503 20706042806 331211 NDSACE-103SW-14 6/2/2007 4/25/2007 6/2/2007 3/29/2002 3/7/2006 0.17 ND 0.156 ND 0.156 ND 0.156 ND 2 ND 2) 1 l-Trichloroedgme ND 0.068 ND 0.068 ND 0,068 ND 2 ITIrichlomethene 2.5 ND 0,123 ND 0.123 ND 0.123 ND 2 ND 2 1 2-Dichlometbene ND ,113 ND 0.113 ND 0.113 ND 2 1 2-Diehloroethene ND 0.154 ND 0:154 ND 0.154 ND 2 1 1-fie ND fl.226 ND 0.22 ND (0.226). Vinyl Chloride 0.025 ND 0.163 ND 0.163 ND 0.163 ND 2 7of13 Table 1-3: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Surface Water at SWMU 103 1.1.2-Trichlorocthane ND' 2 2.5 ND 2 ND 2 ND 2 2.34 2.24 -1 2-Dichhxo dww ND 2 is-1-Dichloroediene ND 2 i 1-D hkwoethene Vinyl Chloride 0.025 ND 2 8of13 Table 1-3: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Surface Water at SWMU 103 Holbrook Tributary Holbrook Tributaty Holbrook Tributaty Holbrook Tributary Ho I Nor 36+30 32+65 31+70 30+00 MWple Nam SW-lo SHARP DOWN GRADIENT SW-09 SWS14 wo-nok ID N.C. Surface NDSACE-103SW-10 20710242706. NDSACE-103SW-09 331411 NDE Date Water Stauslard 3/7/2006 10/23/2007 3nn006 3/29/2002 ;ccocertrAMIJ 11,1,2,2-Teftachloroedum 0.17 28.9 56J 8.23 59.6 11.1.2-Tvicidoroedum ND (0.068 J) ND( ITIrkhtwoo6cne 2.3 ND (2) 6.42 J 1.38 J 5.9 3.29 1 241hchloroathwe ND (0. 113 A ND, (2) is-1 8-l' is i 1 '2.Dichkwocdmw ND(0.154J) ND (2) 11n4DichkwOcthene ND (0.226 J) i I in I Chloride 0.025 ND 0.163 J) ND (2) 90(13 Table 1-3: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Surface Water at SWMIJ 103 N.C. Surface Water Standard 27+30 25+00 24+03 23+48 22+84 N="w SWS1 I SW-07 LUCAS UPGRADIENT SwSis SW-04 JD 431111 NDSACE-103SW-07 20710242705 331511 NDSACE-103SW-04 Date 5/6/2001 3/7/2006 10/23/2007 3/29/2002 3/7/2006 ;z;wfVOnCivm (kelU,-'7. , -- -258 I 1 22T-Tch.cMoyneth= 0.17 37 22.9 29.2 J 23.9 ' 1,1,2-Tskhkwocth2= ND (1) ND (0.068 J) ND (2) Trichkwacdww 2.5 2.3 2.74 1.91 j 1.6 J 1.92 J trans-1,2-DichwMetheft ND (1) ND 0.113 J) ND (2) 1,2-DichWmethene ND (1) ND 0.154 J) ND (2) I,I-DichWwcdwae ND (0.226 A ,Vinyl Chloride 0.025 ND (2) ND 0.163 J) ND (2) 10 of 13 Table 1-3: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Surface Water at SWMU 183 1.acaiiaa Holbrook Tributary Holbrook Tributary Holbrook Tributary Holbrook Tributary Holbrook Tributary Nor 22+84 22+84 22+94 17+30 17+30 N.C. Surface Standard ABOVE WEIR BELOW WEIR WEIR RADIENT BC1D SYSTEM CULVERT FName {p 20701200306 20701200305 20702090902 BC1D-SWIL 20702090903 D=2te.Water 1/18/2007 1/18/2007 2/7/2007 2/21/1997 2/7/2007 . '-VNII•CI M•. 's f: af. ....n r:-...:. :....._:..ry. ,. :: w. a _J.:.. -.': _:-f..-.... .: �.'-:'. _rr_- _ 11-Tetrachloroetliane 0.17 7.56 6.79 30.8 27 29.2 } 1-Tr)chbray� ND 0,333 ND 0.333) ND 0.333 ND 0.333 ITrichlorog"ne 2.5 0.92 F 0.905 F 1.12F 1.3 0.955 F trans-1-Dichloroetheoe ND 0.374 ND 0.374 ND 0.374 ND 0.374 ND 0.292 ND 0.292 ND 0.292 ND 0.292hloroetbene ofti:K-Dichlowethew ND 0.205 ND (0.205 ND 0.205 ND (1 ND 0.226hloride 0.025 ND 0.383 ND (0.383) ND 0.383 ND (1) ND 0.383 11 of 13 Table 1-3: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Surface Water at SWMIJ 103 N.C. Surface Water Standard Holbrook Tributary Holbrook Tributary Holbrook Tributary Holbrook Tributary Holbrook • 17+30 17+30 17+30 17+30W 17+1 AlgaeNI w Holbrook Culvert Holbrook Culvert SYSTEM CULVERT BCIC SW 1, D 20704261506 20706042802 20710242703 BC1C-SW1L 430: Date 4/25/2007 6/2/2007 10/23/2007 2/19/1997 7/174 MaW4fC gw-OnP 11,12.2-Tetrachloroethane 0.17 18.3 18.1— 24 J 32 J ND ND (0.068) ND (0.068) ND (0.068 J) ND (1) IT,richloroethme 2.5 ND 0.123 0.987 J ND 0.123 JO 2.2 J ND (1) 8-1.2-DichloraWmic trans-1 ND (0. 113) ND (0. 113) ND (0. 113 J) 0.4 J i-1,2-Dichloroethew ND(0.154) ND (0. 154) ND (0. 154 J) 0.7 J 1l.-IDichloroethene ND (0.226) ND (0.226) ND (0.226 J) ND (1) inyl Chloride V Vi I 0.025 ND 0.163 ND 0.163 ND(O.163J) ND (1) 0.4 J o 12 of 13 Table 1-3: Historic Detections of Contaminants in Surface Water at SWMU 103 I..10dott N.C. Surface Waster Standard Holbrook Tributary Holbrook Tributaiy East Fork East Fork East Fork r 17 + 30 W 17 + 30 W 35 + 00 35 + 00 30 + 00 SWS09 SW-02 SWS16 SWS16 SWI-EASTFORK 430911 NDSACE-103SW-02 331611 331621 20710242704 MI. 5/4/2001 3/7/2006 3/29/2002 3/29/2002 10/23/2007 : L',onceJlJloroethaue .2 0.17 0.7 7 21.4 ND ND 2 2.58 J 1,1,2-Ttrichloraelhatic ND 1 ND 2 ND 2) ND 0.068 J) richkweedwat:. 2.5 ND 1 1.48 J ND 2 ND 2 ND 0.123 JO tram-1 2-Dichbraet WM ND 1 ND 2 ND 2) ND 0.113 is4 -Dices ND ! ND 2 ND 2 ND 0.154 t 1-Dic6locoetht ae ND -1 ND 0.226 J in I C6lacide 0.025 ND 2 ND 2 ND 2) ND 0.163 F - indicates analyte detected above the MDL but below the P.L. J - indicates an estimated value. ND - not detected; vatuc in parenthesis is the method detection limit (MDL). R - indicates a rejected value. Empty cells indicate samples not analyzed for given analyte. 13 of 13 TABLE 3-1 SOURCE AREA INJECTION PROTOCOL SUMU-103 FORT BRAGG, NORTH CAROLINA 1 hl.b Sabalr.1.1 M I Total V.t — 1.IeeM I.Jeetia Eatabi $Fred.$ 3�.Y adkd% M&A.P W.rr+ 1.4-5 tetanalSpl+V.lu. S-ybee.0o L. late Neal Ira OY A water Sabatrate Sbatmladream .t3� Flood FrreeM S.bamk by W*W 7.3% Finial Lactic, Add Ctra.tratirc N gnLmmM er ►ereea 011ky Vckaac le e��. 73% Frl hrem Water by W • 924W. FW ON C fR GIVE T"ATMENT ZONE CONCENTIIATIONS Dedp Uk(y—): IH Ladle AcM Treat eat Z.a Caetatratla (m/L): 119 Fat VeVebk00Coectsa.11ee(tq/L): IA" NUTM Sete♦ Lactate Freieel 1. Aawmn wifiClear sodium Ixmm product is 60 paceoe smftum lactate by weigh. I. Molecular w igh of s.,bm bctne (CHrMOH-COONs) - 11206. . MaKwar weigh of look Arid (CAo,) - 90.08. - 4. Spatifc gravity of WiUCkw Product - 1323 @ 20 dews Cebkm . Wdph of uclear Product - 11.0 pamda per pllun ttest per p0oo of lactic aeid ie prods -1323 x 8.33 Wgd Hr0 x 0.60 x (90.08/11206) - 531 �pL OTESiFaFnsfe-e Fr -dad 1. Aest®es Guctme produce is 80, f.aae sugar by weigh. OTEL V""Ab on E...Nm hadet 1. A -stores —kim proAat is 60, soybean oil by weigle. _ 2.Soybea oil n 7.8 ponuds Per palm . Aswmea ofetatiiaproduce is 0.96 and tbas euukim product is paccosodiurnhwr D— G.U— Taal Totes GRUM Total Emu4im Prod ct Pmubioo Product I 33 14.9 I 220 3.7 Ned Oil Nest Soybean Oil . 1 35 920 1 220 23.0 BuffaAaM BufferApea 1 33 13.5 1 220 3.4 TABLE 3-2 YEAR ONE EFFECTIVENESS MONITORING PROGRAM SWMU 103 ���a�aaaaaaa ®a����aaaaaaa ®�®��aaaaaaa ��■�a�iaaaaaaa ���a��aaaaaaa ®®����aaaaaaa ���a��aa�■aaa® ®�a�iaaaaaaa ��a��aa��aaaa ���a�''aa■�oaaa �®����aaa■sa�a�a ���s��aas��a■� o���®��aa�■��a� �����■��a®sans r�u� ®■i■� ®ate �� �� � ®�■� " Wells within the source area will be'sampled quarterly for the first year, then will be sampled annually. "' Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to include aromatic and chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons. d Well head analyses include dissolved oxygen, oxidation-reduction potential, pH, temperature, and conductivity. m Mobile lab analyses include carbon dioxide, allmlinity, ferrous iron, and manganese. FIGURES This page intentionally left blank J we -71. 5 i i 1239 9 ��`� / /' p !+t�•j_'JIlv�i � ' N: �O 1247 Z G�i � ^CCU^ p VVJ � 11391 SHONE.. 56... I FORMER HEONG. i CT, .ROAD - $WMU 103c OIL. us = j C PARKIhG\ N to P ING. ' 1 STORM WATER / cj357. m 1 g 50m O \OUTFACE 693448 / 6B9321rn o� co IVE ` B wq� /o o \n 5B p! �0,11 o \ \ ku s 9 ? A�0. C!'/0O .��'• BISHO q► °� n �^ °m TREE7 0? \O O'r�m�O 4q x• � spa ) 6¢'J46 6{S NOW S 4 °V cc 65 ,p. Sg 4 ATKINSO STREET Q ss 6 . _ 4 � �93u�36 654 1 LEGEND S• E NEER.DISTRICT U.. ARI[Y NGI �•A,: CORPS OF.:ENGINEERS' . ............................ . BUILDING SAVANNAH. GEORGIA ........................ ASPHALT ROAD UOOmi 06fR.1 .. — ............ ....:.... STREAM OR CSAwn REEK CORPS OF CNGNWtS SAVM&Wt'UOMA 225�. (5-FT INTERVALNDATUMLIISEMEAN SEA WITH ELEVATION . LEVEL SITE MAPANDSURFACE :.......................CONTOUR LINE TOP.OGRAWOF SWMU 163 BOUNDARY. AS IDENTIFIED IN 0. 200 400 FORT BRAGG; NORTH CAROU.NA ............ RFI; (USGS 1996a) FOR SWMU 5 " . DRAYH REY.NOJDATE: .. CAD FLE: - - SCALE.1" --400' R.BEELER I 0/11-17-05. /99004/DGN/BBD_103SITEr01 Fkam 1-1. Site Abp smdSurbc, e.Topogmphy-of SWMU 103. t� en20 (n}��`wkritc.TSS4acaTtata q �' a. �R5 18 GROId10. LOCATLOM) .M46,0. �p3 Wfi [✓DID' . OA�CKGROUND) • \ 19,5 � p C 1 ful CYtT ,�.tVI-1 . CS RT° S IAW N 13.. ,,i Y� //fjg ruura 9' 6 A5r0 .`�r�, f'H641 &p8 v 41B 't7' 1 . ✓PAI 0� PMp t O, tTdO n .'' ' •UItB].L� � .O❑ �j ',� r � 1C4'n :Ji AEiih1-9-. �' \�� �� ! � p • 1"/.' p� h, d o a �r 7 d- �✓ �. W_w y' 1 �' . ./ �. ��. � V � 'Si �f � , I-y. tl05.Gr � .8 l�Y�;�'• ' awu�ate j4�\ Iaj m ]5efnw to '. \ itf8S7 neoa)'i f, CP d 4 P CP d 185. f s6v0 5 + i" r, nryv 19 Q pb' �fj. sr.A .. 'Q \.Ly4 n 4 PlloiEllR� q � .LS�r'. ` �_ `B3'�51�' t•1"' ~� ,\ ) ..� O Q OQ . G7 o \. i .. "-- ` �; '�suas4i \ Itah Di � 'a,:O p 0 A-CJ p 9 4 d b c,�@ ' @ \ d e� �• --L' ���, i \ 9 s Q• p i3 p Q A d P O� .cl U y� 4: c. _0. 1 ). p O �helmn � n dl1 p R ij !3 p tl ', a•p • a p.y' uw y n ra.'a o Q (a A a '� 13 '= Q 'dim "��y'� AC4 j 4 is Al l,\ 6'm.47. Qq'�s if% "\J��. °� d� .U.•� " 17p LEGEND. AD SHALLOW: MONITORING -WELL LOCATION DEEPr1gf+9T0f, pjn 91EI.L Loco ON ,NOTES: It INTERMEDIATE• MONITORING WELL LOCATION MW1 - MW9 INSTALLED JUNE 2000. 5188.34). ELEVATION..OF. CLAY, FT AMSL• MW10 - MW25 INSTALLED ,APRIL. 2001. Q DEEP- SOIL BORING - TAW26 -: MW33: INS.TW_LED MARCH- 2002.' i?Fif'.";.rr SvAfi;.{;. pEA�TtJitk', - 4MWS6 - 4MWS111NSTALLED MARCH 2002.. tdW34 - MW40 INSTALLED. DECEMBER'.,002: --- REtIISED 80UNOAR'f OF SWMU'5 AS IOEi)TIFIED. IN PFI draw1745446 SWMU 103 Mao Fiaures.cdr ma 10112/07: Pa .1 a \L, � `216 t~`4ua5; 'I N t�l4 i 23 '� a]M"e <xI.,T Inr,Ri-g;i a.LJ �� ,o $ d [[11 �n�` otminz,rLGcnTltx(124� m � a.}I /Nr r ma+ I B 3r O 222. Y S e�s o S� 103 i"..a:•. uw 7 vzz O'� FD-QRISR HEATING- GYM &Gp?q G%, v.sw 5 0o r IL ,STs4H-z➢ 22�0, eL �Qa� 7 a � � , A• I3 .g �� a �� � .B o-- Al— I uM ro �xu G, ,� � � � ,Ta t9 a� �e,t�� Q-� ° v u®tea, ❑ Q a8 , u ,4:i 4 EI R ELTA �LENENTARY, SCHOOL q y�•- mfl p � �`i, � s a, �„ I L,y .i 0 0�2' •I' t 0� 'O A' Fp�L, � r 1ON --�. �,;i •"\. Ida:e. ` t. e o � cQ w✓aa�' m Q�C �%Q�',,�r r' f?� �im � i °,."291 SueR7 HAS at inn G' ao JQD m9 �'�' • 't% . - F) �: � 6 a i e .11: S d e'A A l?SV ,2 p I mc c n63 LEGEND "Z .SHALLOW MOfJfTORING WELL, LOCATION NOTES: DEEf-". NffitnTOkItJG 1',rE1.4 LOCKNOEJ NW1 - MW9 .INSTALLED JUNE, 2000. m INTERIJEDIATE'MONITCIRINGWELL LOCATION MW10 =. MW25 INSTALLED, APRIL' 2001. r,1W26'-,MW32 INSTALLED'MARCH 2002. --`UtTF iCE-S!ATEf1, t; GATUI?E. 41"IS6 - 4MWS11INSTALLED NIARCH 2O02., --E30UAf0,Vt}' 0F'.'3147dU 5, AS IDEJ;dTIt3"c0,u4 P.FI MW34 - NIW40 INSTALLED OECENBER 2002. " (U.SGS ' Q0) DIRECTION' or, GROUNDWATER FLOW 0SIYMI 103 ANO'FORMER HEATING -OIL UST LOCATIONS — — BOUNDARY OF SVU 4 dtaYA745446 SWMU 103 Map Fiaures.cdr ms 10112107, Pa 2 FIGURE 1-3 POTENTIOMETRIC SURFACE MAP N FOR SHALLOW GROUNDWATER FOR SWMU' 103; SWMUs 4 AND 18,. AND: VICINITY (September 2003) Fort Bragg, Norih. Carollna 0 300 600 SCALE: PARSONS. Denver,. Colorado Q.?�J `R ✓;'f 9om!v Ltrt,TUxO. ea. ­ ,r tuOun COCn)larr" rna:w r - rswlnl. 4 fe e2� rma m o / 1'I 9acx 1p1 ..- '%F• -322.4. - Q• 2 a97 08 �L „ c g Fr snF096EN HEATING cnC- �p �B vu sol oo 224eaitr /,,`2�,�W r254 'OIL' USTsr;3,,g (7 gI(R'�'�� e0 {1 0 ({`y^��'}. 0{�,�'� }{'gyp �' 4 omo •• "\�•. 2Ja7 FL IS m t$ 1i Cy �20 1V2f, U 149 . ,A� J n ¢ •iY J_4q .,em g [�F71, rAaoo HA13A 1• f'K 1 22065 U' 't.\. \]49 .• '�(t. Ey1; $�}j �. i1 l d o ' .2 f iin�"�rzuWmf REHA1 ... \ SIt11�r18t t. uFV 3-MN 37 �� 7 is .a 4t12W3\V v�l. �21]:f .2�656 dm dlsd �. vaaK. Qy -Pl , ��_ '. 2i8 •. . f~ i.,• v � \ se �fLN! 1,, '`r i`QYw. ;3.. NTA wu2u.zeELEMENTARY RY SCHOOL. C a •. q\nr\ 2ta f3 ` a9 a51a Y 1 �- 6. t q �iy y� m __ram t C O•bU.�f f9r wsr 1 2] m 6 a G pa Ga'o Q 'q' a o rm£c��� m� e \'20-.- 6. 6 R A(t d_ b 1q .c'. : �' _ 1 ��. 1f:a� �- G' op O�� •P � m W El ti:r., 5� 9YY5 20B •, m r Q .&q.G OqI, m9- 4 Qb owl/ co a. n b ty o� ' '�l4rcr roo � u �\D gdmd —•• m�� 9.� m C;c^m�f.7 ; d LEGEND' It ;SHALLOVY f,1CPIITORING; WELL. LOCATION �;). DE'GPA40"f-bRIN,G N/EliL,L0tATI6N ID . INTERMEDIATE -MONITORING WELL LOCATION --• SURFACE WER.'P+F,'t,TU+CG --60U1JflARY .PF uVIMU a 46 IDENTIFIED 31 RFI (Usr, :.10001 SWMU 103'AND-FORMER HEATIN07DIL UST LOCATIONS BOUNDARY OF SWMU 4 NOTES MWT- MW9 INSTALLED JUNE 2000. MWI0 - MW25'INSTALLED APRIL 2001. AIW26 - NIW32 INSTALLED MARCH 2O02. 4MWS6 - 4MWS111HSTALLED MARCH 2O02. MW34 - 1AW40 INSTALLED DECEMBER'2002. IJ 0 . 3�W�600 SCALE.. V = 600' draw1745446 SWMU 103 Map Figures.cdr ma 10/12/07 Pg 3 35° 15' 79' 15' 79° 00' Lidle River Llple River SWMU Pope 103 ,I{, Air Force •f�• 1t ro l]adoRher Base-N- 1 �C or nirn.rnm Cr. �� sr . Cr. `^.J r. birheRna • ■ .+�rr�..T . Dralna9e aia� r5mr •./ • Divide. ,r a• r� cr.. O Mammon wimioo. Drainage o-r /: asSao r • O" 1■ �M Cms NlrMhnn rrftm •+�• Cr. Cn Barter • 'XnmLmr LIuW Cr. Bml r Lys, PO Boo- h a' AfLnnu d Lowrr �` Cmn Br. Jr yPY • G4 Eefir River (C.Tr � - Broom Chn; Drorldah acik \ ` Rarh�rh 'nice / lbmt .Lya tr. Lokr Fort<Bragg Ilitary. Rese'rvatio, Boundary 35- 00'. G05-0250D 0: 5 10 15 Miles 0 5 10 15 Kilomefers —■■�■■� Drainage Divide ------- Fort Bragg MllltaryInstallation- Boundary River or stream FIGURE 1.! RAIN De draw1745446 SWMU 103 Man Fiqures.cdr ma E r p C4 g Pgc� •• v . 00 r' 2. lop a_ . eycutt kioneycti4l:Rd :,j_ SOURCE PREA: N ,ems n 1 . I - hacP Dc IVi1N-fit t� N\\X___'0*1P' I p� .tea h1D Legend 0 ` , S - Site Boundary 1 YG Street/Road Rail Road Stream $ /r 5� a 1 ® 0 Building 1 i ?.�'.'" NW I Wetlands Proposed Deep Monitoring Well c� 7 Fence ® Deep Monitoring Well I mj M 1,1,2,2-Tetractiloroe;hane SIP FIGURE 31" chi SWMU-103 + SOURCE AREA TREATMENT USING ENHANCED 61OREMEDIATION . AND ENGINEERED. AERATION/ VOLATILIZATION'OF SURFACE WATER. c� FortBragg NG PARSONS . r� 1 Denver; Colorado. 'SAE&GIS1FtBragg1S W MU 1121/08 agend Street/Road M Organic Substrate Treatment Area ED Injection Well (Radius of Influence) 0 Injection Point (Radius of Influence) Deep Monitoring Well (Depth (fi) to Top of Clay) Injection Well Q5 Shallow Monitoring Well (Depth (it) to Top of lay) Removed Underground Storage Tank J Direction of groundwater flow through the source area -MW-48n: (441 (>37 .-W-2 .(44.2-! MW-4' N (>37.') Coordinate System: North Carolina State Plane, NAD83, Feet Feet 30 Is 0 30 SWM.0 103 'PARSONS Fort Bragg North Carolina UJOSY: BT SWMU 103 Source Area LH PROJECTNUWFR KED BY: SCALE As Shown AK 745446.30020 FIGURE *UTED BY.' I — January 2008 NU&IBM. - JD FILE: XAGIS%fLbmggW1apsTg1-3.md 32 S:W-SXG[SIFtBragg%SWMU-103_Final _ProjectAreaLZoormffLxd [xh 12,1108 r .l .. �)oyoean Oil Emulsion Product Neat . pH.. Fire Soybean Buffer: 'Hydrant/ . . . Oil Product: Water Truck 20,000, gallon Froc Tani( : Flow Diaphrag In Line Mixer —�To Anjecti°sn; Meter .:Pump . From Mix! Flo+n System Mete jection Point rn Injection Point 0 Iniection:Point G 0 �c ,e.. 9�. o LEGEND ® BALL VALVE TITLE SWI V.1®3 CORRECTIVE MEASURES IMPLEMENTATION FLAN SUBSTRATE. INJEQTIO. N .SYSTEM PRESSURE GAGE LOCATION' FT. 3RAGG; NORTH.CAROLINA . . CHECKED BY D. GrlO the PARSONS DRAFTED BY MA 3.=4 FILE drawW45446 Sl S stenixdr . DATE:.,' ". 9104/W . draM745446 SWMU 103 Maps Figures.edr.ma 1123108 Pg 7 ��Ycutt R� d �J a t yodeyo4 i �d t Legend Site Boundary rr Street/Road Rail Road Stream 0 Building NWI Wetlands Sta 10 0 Roughen Streambed Proposed Surface Water Sampling Location Coordinate System: North Carolina State Plane, NAD83, Feed Feet 400 200 0 400. SWMU 103 PARSONS Fort Bragg p:. ' North Carolina GNEDe.: BT SWMU 103 BY: Surface Water Corrective Measure LH Ste 1- Rou hen-Streambed 'CI DBY: 6CJ1LE: As Shown PRCUEq NUMBER: 745446.30020 B„EDBY, D„£ January 2008 „ MBER: FlLE: X%GI511Lhre8giM8ps15g1-3.fmd 3-5 S:IESIGISIFIBraggISWMU-103 Fba IM_Riprap.rtuctl bch 1121108 . ionally left blank ionally left blank SAESIGIS\FtBraggISWMU-103_SourceAT_PilotTest.nixd Ixh 1121108 This page intentionally left blank base flow culvert over flow culvert over flow culvert upstream entrances to culverts ;�,-, ., jbelfle (plywood stabilized YAM sandbagging) Ficiures.cdr ma This page intentionally left blank I `J Plan View 150 gpm conduit --------- ---------- --- cover . ; W r �. T� y. low-water. �_. . . switch 1_ :level ... to •44'ERR. .l .l .1 ' e;pump _---submerse 0' r 10 corrugated metal: y .,rwy yus •®. �� Y GL culvert material 4M+ri s-'n)i iFhNh� h4W^4-ril+'S -y Mi h /' 1 ell S L i V i i fl ;}5 �r5. '�1 j�r'^�-f +ii7yy � � � �• i 7. � y t- y 1 � 5 r S� t"' +��5i .. .. '� slotted`screen ._.....,. �1.....- ........ �. Section View Egtavel .filter pack (pea gravel): draw1745446 SWMU 103 Map Figures.tdrma 10/17/07 :Pg 13 -1. This page intentionally left blank control valves steel piping with 118" holes at 2" seperation 25` 17' /er,.Colora2 draw1745446 SWMU 103 Map Flaures.cdr ma 10/12/07 'Pp 10 —. 0:38' 1.0' base flow calved over flow culvert overflow ctiverl upstream entrances to culverts IN downstream exit of base flow dulvert f I baffle (plywood stabifted with sandbagging). FIGURE 3-1.1 SURFACE WATER AIR.SPARGER.BAFFLE DESIGN Fort Bragg;. North Carolina PARSONS Denver, Colorado dravA745446 SWMU 103 Map Figures.cdr ma 10/12107 PO 11 This page intentionally left blank - -� N Feet 0 250. 500 S:IESIGIS1FtBragl Spea I� ��,�MIIN28 i N 00 Honon y SOURCE AREA eMW20� 0neyu►tt'Rd .. ®MW �t�J I'` NI 2_ W12 took. ®� M1tU22 ' 1 �'LQM t tl 1\f M'w-4U` 4PMA ♦ r. �1MW3. o �„ It;\�TW�39 MW® QMW31 a Legend W19 ; YG Site Boundary O Proposed Surface Water Sampling Location Street/Road t\� S6 S2 ; • Proposed Deep Monitoring Well Rail Road Stream ® Deep Monitoring Well 1 1 0 _Building � 1 a of NWI Wetlands ® Shallow Monitoring Well 1 u�r Fence r 1 �Oh 1 1 1 r 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane `�f I M 33 1 ` . " r New Fences and Gates ' D ;3 �. o FIGURE 3-12 [ \ FENCING -AND MONITORING NETWORK SWMU-103 Fort Bragg, NC O� i 1 PARSONS . Denver;"Colorado. _ JM etwork:mxd Ixh 1/21/08 i t I I SG1.,.' MW°355 i 10W. SG2 XSG3 ! t SG18® $G5 ®SG4 ESG7 SG17 HOLB000K SG16 ELEMENTARY : ®SG6 . ! CSC OOL SGS ®SG9 SGt4 .� ESGIO HS01 ■SG11 c n ®SG13 OKSG12 IdNd=37� _ - / J t FIGURE 3-13 LEGEND: SOIL GAS MONITORING 0........ ........... ..... BUILDING ........... ... ASPHALT ROAD NETWORK AROUN ..._.__ ................ SURFACE. WATER FEATURE HOLBROOK ELEMENTARY_ Q..............SHALLOW MONITORING WELL LOCATION (JUKE 2006.) SWMU.' ................. DEEP MONITORING WELL LOCATION ■ ..............SOIL GAS MONITORING WELL LOCATION ....................... CRAWLSPACE AR SAMPLE 0 50 100 Fort. Bragg, North Carolir ALE"I" = 100' PARSONS. Denver, •Colorado d,e.A7ASAGR CWMI 1 1n2 Man $:I,, ac edr and 101ndln7Pn 5 - . This page intentionally left blank APPENDIX A SUBSTRATE INJECTION CALCULATIONS w This page intentionally left blank J TABLE A-1 SOURCE AREA INJECTION PROTOCOL SWMU-103 FORT BRAGG, NORTH CAROLINA 1. Treatment Zone Physical Dimensions Width (Perpendicular to predominant groundwater flow direction) Length (Parallel to predominant groundwater flow) Saturated Thickness Treatment Zone Cross Sectional Area Treatment Zone Volume Treatment Zone Total Pore Volume (total volume x total porosity) Treatment Zone Effective Groundwater Volume (total volume x effective porosity) Design Period of Performance 2. Treatment Zone Hydrogeologic Properties Total Porosity Effective Porosity Average Aquifer Hydraulic Conductivity Average Hydraulic Gradient Average Groundwater Seepage Velocity through the Treatment Zone Average Groundwater Seepage Velocity through the Treatment Zone Average Groundwater Flux through the Treatment Zone Soil Bulk Density Soil Fraction Organic Carbon (foc) 3. Initial Treatment Cell Electron -Acceptor Demand, (one total pore volume) A. Aqueous -Phase Native Electron Acceptors Oxygen avg of 4 readings Nitrate Sulfate Carbon Dioxide (estimated as the amount of Methane produced) Soli B. Solid -Phase Native Electron Acceptors Manganese (IV) (estimated as the amount of Mn (II) produced) Iron (III) (estimated as the amount of Fe (II) produced) Solid -Pt C. Soluble Contaminant Electron Acceptors Tetrachloroelhene (PCE) Trichloroethene (TCE) Dichloroelhene (cis-DCE, trans-DCE, and 1,1-DCE) Vinyl Chloride (VC) Carbon Tetrachloride (CT) Trichloromelhene ( or chloroform) (CF) Dichloromethane (or methylene chloride) (MC) Chloromelhane Tetrachloroethane (1,1,1,2-PCA and 1,1,2,2-PCA) Trichloroethane (1,1,1-TCA and 1,1,2-TCA) Dichloroethane (1,1-DCA and 1,2-DCA) Chloroethane D: Sorbed Contaminant Electron Acceptors (Soil Concentration = Koc x foc x Cgw) Tetrachloroethene (PCE) Trichloroethene (TCE) Dichloroethene (cis-DCE, trans-DCE, and 1,1-DCE) Vinyl Chloride (VC) Carbon Tetrachloride (CT) Trichloromethane (or chloroform) (CF) Dichloromethane (or methylene chloride) (MC) Chloromethane Tetrachloroethane (1,1,1,2-PCA and 1,1,2,2-PCA) Trichloroethane (1,1,1-TCA and 1,1,2-TCA) Dichloroethane (1,1-DCA and 1,2-DCA) Chloroelhane Values Range Units 117 1-10,000 feet 93 1-1,000 feet 15 1-100 feet 1755 - ft2 163,2 55 - ft3 366,752 gallons 183,176 - gallons 10 .5 to 5 year 30 % .05-50 15 % .05-50 7 .01-1000 ft/day 0.008 0.1-0.0001 fl/ft 0.37 - ft/day 136.3 - ft/yr 268,396 - gallons/year 1.65 1.4-2.0 gm/cm' 0.0021 0.0001-0.1 Stoichiometric Hydrogen Electron Concentration Mass demand Demand Equivalents per (mg/L) (lb) (wt/wt h2) (lb) Mole 4.0 1 12.23 7.9 1.55 1 4 1.3 1 3.97 10.2 0.39 5 5 15.29 10.6 1.45 8 15.0 1 45.86 5.5 8.40 8 ble Competing Electron Acceptor Demand (lb.) 11.8 Stoichiometric Hydrogen Electron Concentration Mass demand Demand Equivalents per (mg/L) (lb) (wt/wt h2) (lb) Mole 1.0 1 3.06 1 27.5 1 0.11 1 5 15.29 55.9 0.27 1 ase Competing Electron Acceptor Demand (Ib.) 0.38 Stoichiometric Hydrogen Electron Concentration Mass demand Demand Equivalents per (mg/L) (lb) (wt/wt h2) (lb) Mole 0.000 0.00 20.6 0.00 8 0.000 0.00 21.7 0.00 6 0.000 0.00 24.0 0.00 4 0.000 0.00 31.0 0.00, 2 0.000 0.00 19.1 0.00 8 0.000 0.00 19.8 0.00 6 0.000 0.00 21.1 0.00 4 0.000 0.00 25.0 0.00 2 0.470 1.44 20.8 0.07 8 0.000 0.00 22.1 0.00 6 0.000 0.00 24.5 0.00 4 0.000 0.00 32.0 0.00 1 2 Total Soluble Contaminant Electron Acceptor Demand (lb.)I 0.07 - 1 Stoichiometric Hydrogen Electron Koc Soil Conc. Mass demand Demand Equivalents per (mug) (mg/kg) (lb) (wYwt h2) (lb) Mole 263 0.00 0.00 20.6 0.00 1 8 107 0.00 0.00 21.7 0.00 6 45 0.00 0.00 24.0 0.00 4 3.0 0.00 0.00 31.0 0.00 2 224 0.00 0.00 25.4 . 0.00 8 63 0.00 0.00 12.3 0.00 6 28 0.00 0.00 21.1 0.00 4 25 0.00 0.00 25.0 0.00 2 117 1 0.12 1.94 20.8 0.09 8 105 0.00 0.00 22.0 0.00 6 30 0.00 0.00 25.0 0.00 1 4 3 0.00 1 0.00 32.0 1 0.00 1 2 1 otal soroea t:ontammam tlectron Acceptor uemano til u.uy t (continued) A-1 103 CMIP App A injedtonxls 11 2008 4. Treatment Cell Electron -Acceptor Flux (per year) A. Soluble Native Electron Acceptors TABLE A-1 Concentration (mg/L) Mass (lb) Stoichiometric demand (wt/wt hz) Hydrogen Demand (Ib) Electron Equivalents per Mole 4.0 8.96 7.9 1.13 4 1.3 2.91 10.2 0.29 5 5 11.20 10.6 1.06 8 15.0 33.59 5.5 6.15 8 Oxygen Nitrate Sulfate Carbon Dioxide (estimated as the amount of Methane produced) Total Competing Electron Acceptor Demand Flux (Iblyr 8.6 B. Soluble Contaminant Electron Acceptors Tetrachloroethene (PCE) Trchloroethene (TCE) Dichloroethene (cis-DCE, trans-DCE, and 1,1-DCE) Vinyl Chloride (VC) Carbon Tetrachloride (CT) Trichloromethane ( or chloroform) (CF) Dichloromelhane (or methylene chloride) (MC) Chloromethane Tetrachloroethane (1,1,1,2-PCA and 1,1,2,2-PCA) Trichloroethane (1,1,1-TCA and 1,1,2-TCA) Dichloroethane (1,1-DCA and 1,2-DCA) Chloroethane Stoichiometric Hydrogen Electron Concentration Mass demand Demand Equivalents per (mg/L) (lb) (wt/wt hz) (Ib) Mole 0.000 0.00 20.6 0.00 8 0.000 0.00 21.7 0.00 6 0.000 0.00 24.0 0.00 4 0.000 0.00 31.0 0.00 2 0.000 0.00 19.1 0.00 8 0.000 0.00 19.8 0.00 6 0.000 0.00 21.1 0.00 4 0.000 0.00 25.0 0.00 2 0.470 1.05 20.8 0.05 8 0.000 1 0.00 22.1 0.00 6 0.000 0.00 24.5 0.00 4 0.000 1 0.00 32.0 1 0.00 2 Total Soluble Contaminant Electron Acceptor Demand Flux (Iblyrj 0.05 Initial Hydrogen Demand First Year (lb)l 21.01 Total Life -Cycle Hydrogen Demand (lb)l 99.16 5. Design Factors and Total Hydrogen Demand Microbial Efficiency Uncertainty Factor 2X - 5X Methane and Solid -Phase Electron Acceptor Uncertainly 2X - 5X Remedial Design Safety Factor (e.g., Substrate Leaving Reaction Zone) 1X - 2X SOLUBLE SUBSTRATE DESIGN FACTOR: 5.0 HRC DESIGN FACTOR: 0.0 SLOW RELEASE EDIBLE OIL DESIGN FACTOR: 20.0 A-2 103 CMIP App A injection.As 1232008 TABLE A-2 SOURCE AREA INJECTION PROTOCOL SWMU-103 FLIRT RRAL7L]- Naurr" CAIMIANA Substrate Molecular Formula Substrate Molecular weight mlmole Moles of Hydrogen Produced per Mole of Substrate Ratio of Hydrogen Produced to Substrata mf P&P Manual Appendix C Lactic Add (asslalling 100%) CA03 90.1 15 0.3357 2 Molasses (assuming 100% sucrose) C12H22011 342 15 0.0883 8 Fructose (assuming 100%) C61-11206 180 8 0.0895 4 Ethanol (assuming 100%) C21-1a0 46.1 2 0.0875 2 G39HW039 956, 24 0.0506 26 1.1nolsic Acid (Soybean Oil, Com ON, Cotton Oil) CI&I17202 281 12 0.0862 16 Table A-3 Estimated Substrate Requirements for Hydrogen Demand in Table 1, Area 1 r1^alnn I Ifa /umaretr 1a Substrate Design Factor Pure Substrate Mass Required to Fulfill Hydrogen Demand (pounds) Substrate Product Required to FuMH Hydrogen Demand Rds Substrate Mass Required to Fulfill Hydrogen Demand (milligrams) Effective Substrate Concentration m Lactic Add 0.0 0 0 0.00E+00 0 Sodium Lactats Product t solution) 6.0 1477 IA2 1.12E+09 97 Molasses 60% sucrose by weight) 0.0 0 0 0.00E+00 0 Fructose Product es 80% fructose by weight) 0.0 0 0 0.00E+00 0 Ethanol Product ass 80% ethanol by weight) 0.0 .0 0 0.00E+00 0 HR assumes 40% lactic add and 40% glyqW by weight) 0.0 0 0 O.00E+00 0 1-1ndeic Add (Soybean ON, Corn Oil, Cotton Oil 0.0 0 0 0.00E+00 0 CommaroW Voostable Off Emulsion Product 00% oil by weight) 20.0 22,996 38.326 1.74E+10 1 506 MOTES: Sodium Laoute rrOtluet 1. Assumes sodium lactate product is 60 percent sodium lactate by weight. 2. Molecular weight or sodium lactate (CFrCHOWCOONa) - 112.06. 3. Molecular weight of lactic Acid (CsHe03) = 90.08. 4. Therefore, sodium lactate product yields 48.4 (0.60 x (9o.08/112.06)) percent by weight lactic acid. 103 CMIP AVW A kj@dion.xls A - 3 U2=008 SOURCE AREA INJECTION PROTOCOL SWMU-103 FORT BRAGG, NORTH CAROLINA Injection Points I Subs Injection Injection Emulsion Product 50% oil by !!eight) Well Interval I Spacing Volume I Soybean OilLactate I Fv Total Volume Estimated Injection BuRering MakeupWater+ Injection ERetrive Radius of Time A enl Water Substrate Substrate Interval Porosity Influence at3gpm S I Final Percent Substrate by Weight: 7.5% Final Lactic Add Concentration: 03 grams/liter Percent Oil by Volume in Emulsion: 73% Final Percent Water by Weight: 92.5% Final Oil Concentration: 68.2 Zramstliter EFFECTIVE TREATMENT ZONE CONCENTRATIONS Design Life (years): 10 Lactic Add Treatment Zone Concentration (mg/L): 119 Final Vegetable Oil Concentration (mg/L): 1,679 Treatment Zone Volume+ Groundwater Flux Volume 3.050310 ealons NOTES: Sodium Lactate Product 1. Assumes WillClear sodium lactate product is 60 percent sodium lactate by weight. 2. Molecularweight of sodium Lactate (CH-CHOH-COONa) - 112.06. 3. Molecular weight of lactic Acid (WdOs)-90.08. 0. Specific gravity of WillClear Product = 1.323 @ 20 degrees Celsius. 5. Weight ofWWClear Product a 11.0 pounds per piton 6. Pounds per gallon of lactic acid in product = 1.323 x 8.331b/gal 40 x 0.60 x (90,081112.06) = 5.31 Wgal. NOTES: Frudme Product 1. Assumes fmctose product is 80 pc=rd fmctow sugar by weighL NOTES: Vegetable Oil Emulsion Product I. Assumes emulsion product is 60 percent soybean oil by weight. 2. Soybean oil is 7.8 pounds per gallon. 3. Assumes scpc.'c gravity of emubon Product is 0.96 and that emulsion product is 4 percent sodium lactate by wr Drum Gallons Total Totes Gallons Total Emulsion Product Emulsion Product 1 55 14.9 1 220 3.7 Neat Soybean Oil Neat So bean Oil l 55 92.0 1 220 23.0 BufferAgent Bu(ferA cm 1 55 13.5 1 220 3.4 103 CMIP App A injection.xls A - 4 123,2008 J APPENDIX B UNDERGROUND INJECTION PERMIT NOTE: The Underground Injection Permit is in preparation as of the publication of this report. Copies of the approved Underground Injection Permit will be distributed with the next version of this report or as an addendum. This page intentionally left blank ♦ _..e Rd c LF�ROJECTAREA 4 `� � 1 13. Legend Site Boundary — — Housing Boundary Fence Street/Road p. Rail Road o Stream Building _ Wetlands � Coordinate System: North Carolina State Plane, NAM, Feet Feet ri-t 400 200 0 400 GO- - Ur us SWMU 103 'PARSONS Fort Bragg North Carolina NED BY: ` N BT SWMU 103 Project Area BY -� I LH - 'IPROJECT NU (EDBY: ER: AK MB SGLE: As Shown 745446.3002 D BY: DATE. September 2007 FIGURE : FILE: 7CI3ISIR hra902ps1fig1-3.rtotd SIES{G!$IFtBra991s 1U-103 Final_ProjectArea.MWbdh 1011&07 l onally left blank finally left blank ( ) N A/ 11650 , i 0 n Ire C-Ln r-j CID - Legend Site Boundary Street/Road Rail Road Stream Building I§tq. 109 i Wetlands Roughen Streambed Proposed Surface Water Samping Location �4, Coordinate System: North Carolina State Plane, NAD83, Feet Feet 400 200 0 400 SWMU 103 Fort ort Bragg North Carolina IED BY. BT SWMU 103 Surface Water Remedy Step 1 - Roughen Streambed LH PROJECTNUMBER. BY.- s— As Shown 745446.30020 ?Aix DATE: FIGURE BY: September 2007 NUMBER: 4 JD orally left blank i i n . 3� FWf( i NN r �fjf1 j n t `j Legend `�- �i Site Boundary i V �. Street(Road Rail Road Stream Building �Y%ice Wetlands Sta 1, I I 1 ' oordinate System: North Carolina State Plane, NADB3, Feet Feet + l 400 _200� 0 _ 400 PARSONS Fort Bragg North Carolina 'SKJiiD BY: BT SWMU103 Surface Water Remedy wr,�HBr step 2 - Drop Sistattures LHvBwEaSuuBEe: As Shawn 745446.30020 ,iHEGI�D HY: BCFLE: .- K ''-_� - �• {�I�jDBIYTiIfD BYn D"�: September -2o07_ �� A: 5 " (, JD F2E: Xi6IB{fl�.cag�Hl8pSlbgl-3.rmD i i i S2 Air Spargir within Baseflow 0+ S1 -103_SourceAT­PilotTest.mxd lxh 10/15,/07 S4 Legend Site Boundary Street/Road AA Rail Road Stream P Building Wetlands (3) Proposed Surface Water Sarnping Location - Pilot Test A Pilot Test B FIGURE 6 SWMU 103 Surface Water Remedy Step 3 - Pilot Tests Fort Bragg, NC. . PARSONS� Denver, Colorado-... This page intentionally left blank base flow alved over flow culvert over flow calved upstream entrances to culverts v �baM a (plywood slabifted with soMbaggirKj) mat This page intentionally left blank Plan view Section view 'T • gravel filter pack (pea gravel) ma 150 gpm conduit cover low water level switch submersible pump corrugated metal culvert material slotted screen This page intentionally left blank control valves ---- steel piping with 118" holes at 2" seperation 103 Map Roures.cdr ma 10/15/07 Pp 10 base flow culvert over flow culvert over flow culvert upstream entrances to culverts downstream exit of base flow culvert F^ be01e (plywood stablized wllh sandbagging) ma 10/15/07 Pg 11 This page intentionally left blank APPENDIX C SECTION 404 NATIONWIDE PERMIT NUMBER 38 PRECONSTRUCTION NOTIFICATION OF Pre -Construction Notification (PCN) Application. Form For Section 404 and/or Section 10 Nationwide, Regional and General Permits, Section 401 General Water Quality Certifications, and.Riparian Buffer and Watershed Buffer Rules This form is to be used for projects qualifying for any of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' (USACE) Nationwide, Regional or' General Permits as required by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act, and for the North Carolina Division of Water Quality's (DWQ) associated General 401 Water Quality Certifications. This form is also to be used for any project requiring approval under any' Riparian Buffer Rules implemented by the N.C. Division of Water Quality. This form should not be used if you are requesting an Individual 404 Permit or Individual 401 Water Quality Certification. The USACE Individual Permit application form is available online at www.saw.usace.aKMy.mil/wetlands/Pennits.html. The USACE is the lead regulatory agency. To review the requirements for the use of Nationwide, Regional or General permits, and to determine which permit applies to your project, please go to the USACE website at www.saw.usace.army.mil/wetlands/index.html, or contact one of ,the field offices listed on page 3 of this application. The website also lists the responsible project manager for each county in North Carolina and provides additional information regarding the identification and regulation of wetlands and waters of the U.S. The DWQ issues a corresponding Certification (General or Individual), andcannot tell the applicant which 401 Certification will apply until the 404 Permit type has been determined by the USACE. Applicants are encouraged to visit DWQ's 401/Wetlands Unit. website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands to read about current requirements for the 401 Water Quality Certification Program and to determine whether or not Riparian Buffer Rules are applicable. The applicant is also advised to read the full text of the General Certification (GC) matching the specific 404 Permit requested. In some cases, written approval for General Certifications is not required, provided that the applicant adheres to all conditions of the GC. Applicants lacking access to the internet should contact DWQ's Central Office in Raleigh at (919) 733-1786. Trout Waters Coordination - Special coordination with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) is required , for projects occurring in any of North Carolina's twenty-five counties that contain trout waters. In such cases, the applicant should contact the appropriate NCWRC regional coordinator (listed by county on page 4 of this application) prior to submittal of the application. Page 1 of 12 Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) Coordination - If the project occurs in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal counties (listed on page 4) the applicant should contact the .North Carolina Division of Coastal Management (DCM). DCM will determine whether or not the project is within a designated Area of Environmental Concern, in which case DCM will act as the lead permitting agency. In such cases, DCM will require a CAMA Permit and will coordinate the 404/401 Permits. The applicant may also choose to coordinate with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to ensure that the proposed project will have no impact upon any endangered or threatened species or critical habitat as regulated by the Endangered Species Act, and the State Historic Preservation Office, North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources to ensure that the proposed project will have no impact upon any properties listed or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. Compliance with these regulations is required to be eligible for any Department of the Army permit. The addresses for both agencies are listed on page 3 of this application. USACE Permits - Submit one copy of this form, along with supporting narratives, maps, data forms, photos, etc. to the applicable USACE Regulatory Field Office. Upon receipt of an application, the USACE will determine if the application is complete as soon as possible, not to exceed 30 days. This PCN form is designed for the convenience of the applicant to address information needs for all USACE Nationwide, Regional or General permits, as well as information required for State authorizations, certifications, and coordination. Fully providing the information requested on this form will result in a complete application for any of the USACE Nationwide, Regional or General permits. To review the minimum amount of information that must be provided for a complete PCN for each USACE Nationwide permit, see Condition 13, 67 Fed. Reg. 2090 (Jan. 15, 2002), available at http://www.usace.army.mil/inet/functions/cw/cecwo/reg/2002nwps.pdf. Processing times vary by permit and begin once the application has been determined to be complete. Please contact the appropriate regulatory field office for specific answers to permit processing periods. 401 Water Quality Certification or Buffer Rules - All information is required unless otherwise stated as optional. Incomplete applications will be returned. Submit seven collated copies of all' USACE Permit materials to the Division of Water Quality, 401/Wetlands Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC, 27699-1650. If written approval is required or specifically requested for a 401 Certification, then a non-refundable application fee is required. In brief, if project impacts include less than one acre of cumulative wetland/water impacts and less than 150 feet cumulative impacts to streams, then a fee of $200 is required. If either of these thresholds is exceeded, then a fee of $475 is required. A check made out to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality, with the specific name of the project or applicant identified, should be stapled to .the front of the application package. For more information, see the DWQ website at http://h2o.ehnr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/fees.html. The fee must be attached with the application unless the applicant is a federal agency in which case the check may be issued from a separate office. In such cases, the project must be identifiable on the U.S. Treasury check so that it can be credited to the appropriate project. If written approval is sought solely for Buffer Rules, the application fee does not apply, and the applicant should clearly state (in a cover letter) that only Buffer Rule approval is sought in writing. Wetlands or waters of the U.S. may not be impacted prior to issuance or waiver of a Section 401 Water Quality Certification. Upon receipt of a complete application for a 401 Certification, the Division of Water Quality has 60 days to prepare a written response to the applicant. This may include a 401 Certification, an on -hold letter pending receipt of additional requested information, or denial. Page 2 of 12 US Army Corps Of Engineers Field Offices and County Coverage Asheville Regulatory Field Office Alexander Caldwell Haywood McDowell US Army Corps of Engineers Alleghany Catawba Henderson Mecklenburg 151 Patton Avenue Ashe Cherokee Iredell Mitchell Room 208 Avery Clay Jackson Polk Asheville, NC 28801-5006 Buncombe Cleveland Lincoln Rowan Telephone: (828) 271-7980 Burke Gaston Macon Rutherford Fax: (828) 281-8120 Cabarrus Graham Madison Stanley Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Alamance Franklin Nash Surry US Army Corps Of Engineers Caswell Forsyth Northampton Vance 6508 Falls of the Neuse Road Chatham Granville Orange Wake Suite 120 Davidson Guilford Person Warren Raleigh, NC 27615 Davie Halifax Randolph Wilkes Telephone: (919) 876-8441 Durham Johnston Rockingham Wilson Fax: (919) 876-5823 Edgecombe Lee Stokes Yadkin Washington Regulatory Field Office US Army Corps Of Engineers Post Office Box 1000 Washington, NC 27889-1000 , . Telephone: (252) 975-1616 Fax: (252) 975-1399 Wilmington Regulatory Field Office US Army Corps Of Engineers Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 Telephone: (910) 2514511 Fax: (910)251-4025 Division of Water Quality 401 Wetlands Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Telephone: (919) 733-1786 Fax: (919) 733-6893 Beaufort Currituck Jones Bertie Dare Lenoir Camden Gates Martin Carteret* Green Pamlico Chowan- Hertford Pasquotank Craven Hyde Perquimans Anson Duplin Onslow Bladen Harnett Pender Brunswick Hoke Richmond Carteret Montgomery Robeson Columbus Moore Sampson Cumberland New Hanover Scotland North Carolina State Agencies Division of Water Quality Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 Telephone: (919) 715-0476 Fax: (919) 715-2219 Pitt .. Tyrrell Washington Wayne Swain Transylvania Union Watauga Yancey *Croatan National Forest Only State Historic Preservation Office Department Of Cultural Resources 4617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-4617 Telephone: (919) 7334763 -Fax: (919) 715-2671 US Fish and Wildlife Service / National Marine Fisheries Service US Fish and Wildlife Service US Fish and Wildlife Service National Marine Fisheries Service Raleigh Field Office Asheville Field Office Habitat Conservation Division Post Office Box 33726 . 160 Zillicoa Street Pivers Island Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Asheville, NC 28801 Beaufort, NC 28516 Telephone: (919) 856-4520 Telephone: (828) 258-3939 Telephone: (252) 728-5090 Page 3 of 12 Division of Coastal Management 1638 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1638 Telephone: (919) 733-2293 Fax: (919) 733-1495 Western Piedmont Region Coordinator 3855 Idlewild Road Kernersville, NC 27284-9180 Telephone: (336) 769-9453 Mountain Region Coordinator 20830 Great Smoky Mtn. Expressway Waynesville, NC 28786 Telephone: (828) 452-2546 Fax: (828) 452-7772 CAMA and NC Coastal Counties Beaufort Chowan Hertford Pasquotank Bertie Craven Hyde Pender Brunswick Currituck New Hanover Perquimans Camden Dare Onslow Tyrrell Carteret Gates Pamlico Washington NCWRC and NC Trout Counties Alleghany Caldwell Ashe Mitchell Avery Stokes Burke Surry Buncombe Henderson Cherokee Jackson Clay Macon Graham Madison Haywood McDowell Watauga Wilkes Polk Rutherford Swain Transylvania Yancey - n APPLICATION FORM BEGINS ON PAGE 5. PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT PAGES 1 - 4. Page 4 of 12 Office Use Only: Form Version March 05 USACE Action ID No. DWQ No. (If any particular item is not applicable to this project, please enter "Not Applicable" or "N/A".) I. Processing 1. Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: X Section 404 Permit ❑ Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules ❑ Section 10 Permit ❑. Isolated Wetland Permit from DWQ ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification ❑ Express 401 Water Quality Certification 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: 38 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: ❑ 4. If payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts, attach the acceptance letter from NCEEP, complete section VIII, and check here: ❑ 5. If your project is located in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal counties (listed on page 4), and the project is within a North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Area of Environmental Concern (see the top of page 2 for further details), check here: ❑ II. Applicant Information 1. Owner/Applicant Information Name: Directorate of Public Works Mailing Address: ATTN: IMSE-BRG-PWE 2175 ReillyRoad. Sto,QA Fort Bragg, NC 28310 Telephone Number: 910-396-7432 Fax Number: 910-396-4188 E-mail Address: steven.harrissr(a,us.armymil _jason.adcockaus.army.mil 2. Agent/Consultant Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: Company Affiliation: Mailing Address: Telephone Number. Fax Number. E-mail Address: Page 5 of 12 III. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings; impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, -the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 11 by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name of project: Fort Bragg — SWMU 103 surface water remediation 2. T.I.P. Project Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): Not applicable 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIN): Not applicable; federal property 4. Location County: Cumberland Nearest Town: Fayetteville Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): Fort Bragg Directions to site (include road numbers/names, landmarks, etc.): Beaver Creek and Holbrook Tributary near Holbrook Elementary School, Fort Bragg. 5. Site coordinates (For linear projects, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) Decimal Degrees (6 digits minimum): 35.135553 ON 78.975561 °W 6. Property size (acres): 3000 ft of stream x 10 ft = 0.7 acres 7. Name of nearest receiving body of water: Little Rock Fish Creek / Rockfish Creek 8. River Basin: Cape Fear (Note — this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/admin/maps/.) 9. Describe the existing conditions on the site and general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: Site is entirely on Fort Bragg. Nearest land uses include residential (post housing) and undeveloped land. Page 6 of 12 10. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: Please see attached sheet. i 11. Explain the purpose of the proposed work: Chlorinated solvents have contaminated groundwater, which is upwelling into nearby streams. The puroose of this project is to reduce contaminant concentrations in surface water to meet North Carolina surface standards. IV. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and, describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules. None. V. Future Project Plans r Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application. Not applicable. VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to 'determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands,. open water, and, stream channels associated with the project. Each impact must be listed separately in the tables below (e.g., culvert installation should be listed separately from riprap dissipater pads). Be sure to indicate if an impact is temporary. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed, and must be labeled and clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) should be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as, appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIR below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. 1. Provide a written description of the proposed impacts: Please see attached description. Page 7 of 12 2. Individually list wetland impacts. Types of impacts include, but are not limited to mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, sep ely list impacts due to both structure and flooding. Wetland Impact Site Number (indicate on map) ! Type of Impact Type of Wetland (e.g., forested, marsh, herbaceous, bog, etc.) Located within 100-year Floodplain es/no Distance to Nearest Stream linear feet Area of Impact (acres) Total Wetland Impact (acres) 0 3. List the total acreage (estimated) of all existing wetlands on the property: None 4. Individually list all intermittent and perennial stream impacts. Be`sure to identify temporary impacts. Stream impacts include, but are not limited to placement of fill or culverts, dam construction, flooding, relocation, stabilization activities (e.g., cement walls, rip -rap, crib walls, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the- linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. To calculate acreage, multiply length X width, then divide by 43,560. Stream Impact Perennial Average Impact Area of Number Stream Name Type of Impact t? Intermittent. Stream Width Length Impact indicate on ma Before Impact linear feet acres I Holbrook Boulders in streambed 4 300 0.028 Tributary, Holbrook Flooding (<1.5 ft)" 2 Tributary and behind Drop Structures 4 1420 0.130 Beaver Creek Baseflow pumped to Holbrook Beaver Pond and 3 Tributary eliminated from culvert 4 307 0.028 and 100 ft of existing 4 Holbrook Air sparge (flooding in 4 200 0.018 Tributary culvert) Total Stream Impact (by length and acreage) 2227 0.204 5. Individually list all open water impacts (including lakes, ponds, estuaries, sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other water of the U.S.). Open water impacts include, but are not limited to fill, excavation, dredging, flooding, drainage, bulkheads, etc. Open Water Impact Site Number indicate on ma Name of Waterbody (if applicable) Type of Impact Type of Waterbody (lake, pond, estuary, sound, bay, ocean etc.) Area of Impact (acres Total Open Water Impact (acres) 0 Page 8 of 12 6. List the cumulative impact to all Waters of the U.S. resulting from the project: Stream Impact (acres): 0.204 Wetland Impact (acres): 0 Open Water Impact (acres): 0 Total Impact to Waters of the U.S. (acres) 0.204 Total Stream Impact linear feet): 2227 7. Isolated Waters Do any isolated waters exist on the property? ❑ Yes X No Describe all impacts to isolated waters, and include the type of water (wetland or stream) and the size of the proposed impact (acres or linear feet). Please note that this section only applies to waters that have specifically been determined to be isolated by the USACE. 8. Pond Creation If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ❑ uplands [� stream ❑ wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment,. excavation, installation of draw -down valve or spillway, etc.): Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): Current land use in the vicinity of the pond: Size of watershed draining to pond: Expected pond surface area: VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide information related to site constraints such as. topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower -impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. Please see attached justification. VIII. Mitigation DWQ • In accordance with 1 SA NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. Page 9 of 12 USACE — In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on January 15, 2002, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in. determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCEEP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at htti)://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/stn-nizide.html. 1. Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. No mitigation is planned. Actions are intended to restore quality of impacted streams. 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP). Please note it is the applicant's responsibility to contact the NCEEP at (919) 715-0476 to determine availability, and written approval from the NCEEP indicating that they are will to accept payment for the mitigation must be attached to this form. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCEEP, check the NCEEP website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/wrp/index.htm. If use of the NCEEP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page five and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): Not applicable Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): Not applicable Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Not applicable Amount of Non -riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Not applicable Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): Not applicable Page 10 of 12 IX. Environmental Documentation (required by DWQ) 1. Does the project involve an, expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land? Yes X No ❑ 2. If yes, does the -project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether a ` NEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ❑ No X 3. If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes ❑ No ❑ X. Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Buffers (required by DWQ)- It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above: All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional- Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the J applicant's discretion. 1. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (Meuse), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar -Pamlico), 15A NCAC 02B .0243 (Catawba) 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply -Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify, )? Yes ❑ No X 2. If "yes", identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the bu ffer multipliers. Zone' Impact ware feet Multiplier p Required Mitigation I 3 (2 for Catawba) 2 1.5 Total • Zone I extends out 30 feet perpendicular from the top of the near bank of channel; Zone 2 extends an additiona120 feet from the edge of Zone 1. 3. If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Riparian Buffer Restoration / Enhancement, or . Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 1 SA NCAC 2B .0242 or .0244, or .0260. Page 11 of 12 XI. Stormwater (required by DWQ) Describe impervious acreage (existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. If percent impervious surface exceeds 20%, please provide calculations demonstrating total proposed impervious level. No change in impervious acreage. XII. Sewage Disposal (required by DWQ) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non -discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. Not applicable. XIII. ,Violations (required by DWQ) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ❑ No X Is this an after -the -fact permit application? Yes ❑ No X XIV. Cumulative Impacts (required by DWQ) Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? Yes ❑ No X If yes, please submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent North Carolina Division of Water Quality policy posted on our website at htW://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands. If no, please provide a short narrative description: This proiect is intended to clean up contamination from Past releases. No changes to land -use or land development are expected from these proposed actions. XV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw -down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). l Applicant/Agent's Signature Date (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Page 12 of 12 / Additional Information to support PCN Application for Stream Remediation at SWMU 103, Fort Bragg, North Carolina. M. Project Information 10. Describe the overall project in detail,`including"the type of equipment to be used: The project area includes Beaver Creek - and Holbrook Tributary on Fort Bragg between Knox Street and Honeycutt Road. Figure 1 shows the project area as well as nearby surrounding wetlands. There are no designated wetlands within the project area. Figure 2 provides a more detailed view of the project area, and Figure 3 provides a plan - profile view of the impacted reaches of Beaver Creek and Holbrook Tributary in their current condition. This project is one element of clean-up of Fort Bragg Solid Waste Management Unit (SWMU) 103 under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The goal of the project is to use engineered aeration/volatilization systems to remove 1,1,2,2- tetrachloroethane (1,1,2,2-TeCA) from Holbrook Tributary and Beaver Creek so that the North Carolina surface water standard of 4 µg/L is met in Beaver Creek at the point that Beaver Creek flows under Knox Street. The need for clean-up, and the selection of the clean-up alternative are "detailed in the following reports: SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation) 2004a. Site Conceptual Model Report for the Former Mallonee Village Gas Station and -Vicinity that includes - SWMUs 4 and 18 and SWMU S at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. September 2004. SAIC 2004b. RCRA Facility Investigation for the Former Mallonee Village Gas Station SWMU 103 at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. September 2004. Parsons 2007. Final Corrective Measures Study for SWMU 103, Fort Bragg, North Carolina. August 2007 Engineered aeration systems may be passive systems such as "roughening" the stream bed with boulders or installing" weirs / drop structures to increase agitation and surface area to facilitate volatilization. More complicated active approaches include mechanical surface mixers, fountains, or air sparging systems. Active approaches require mechanical pumping of either surface water or air. Engineered aeration systems involve a number of technical, regulatory and safety constraints. These include: • Limited vertical relief. The change in elevation in the Holbrook tributary in the vicinity of the contaminant plume is 25 feet (Honeycutt Road to Beaver Creek). A majority of the elevation change occurs upstream of Sharp Drive. The limited amount of vertical relief will limit the number of possible drop structures or weirs, as well as the effectiveness of passive aeration systems in general. • Erosion concerns: Active aeration systems create erosion concerns. Surface mixers generate strong currents that would require construction of a large concrete basin, requiring substantial changes to the streambed. Other active systems (sprayers/fountains or- air sparging) must be also configured to prevent erosion, but solutions should be less costly. Page 1 of 7 Additional Information to support PCN Application for Stream Remediation at SWMU 103, Fort Bragg, North Carolina. USACE permitting: Preliminary discussions with the USACE Wilmington District revealed that a nationwide permit #38 will be required for minimal remediation in the streambed. If construction is extensive a more' comprehensive permit may be required. The goal of the USACE is for "minimal damage" to the surface water environment.. Safety, particularly for children: Some aeration/volatilization devices will attract the attention of children from the school and surrounding residential areas. Some of the technologies will increase .the depth of the water in certain areas, creating a safety hazard. Any aeration/volatilization approach other than installing boulders will likely require limiting access with fencing. An additional complicating factor is that most of the aeration/volatilization technologies will have to be pilot tested to ascertain their effectiveness. Both passive and active engineered aeration/volatilization approaches. are possible. However, given the constraints and concerns listed above, a step -wise approach is the most prudent course with each step being more difficult, potentially causing increased concern from a USACE perspective of "minimal damage" and each causing more potential safety hazards for small children. Step 1 Three segments of the Holbrook Tributary stream bed will be roughened with boulders or paving stones to increase turbulence, surface mixing, and volatilization (Figure 4). The segments are: 207-ft section of Holbrook Tributary in the base flow (south -trending) culvertunder the railroad right-of-way (Stations 17+31 to 19+36). This section will be roughened by placing paving stones in a staggered pattern on the culvert bottom. 42-ft section of Holbrook Tributary below South Lucas Drive (Stations 20+56 to 20+98). This section will be roughened with one layer of D50 12-inch boulders or recycled concrete. 55-ft section of Holbrook Tributary above Sharp Drive (Stations 32+24 to 32+79). This section will be roughened with one layer of D50 12-inch boulders or recycled concrete. The as -built volume of each segment will depend on the characteristics of the stream in the immediate vicinity. The segments will be constructed by small backhoe and/or manual labor. Surface water monitoring at the compliance point (Knox Street) for one year will determine if Step 1 is sufficient to reduce 1,1,2,2-TeCA to the surface water standard, or if Step 2 is required. - Step 2 If the surface water standard of 4 µg/L at Knox Street is not met by Step 1, the surface water remediation approach will proceed to Step 2. Step 2 consists of installing sheet - pile drop structures (similar to those that already exist in Holbrook tributary) in reaches of Beaver Creek the Holbrook Tributary that typically have low velocity flow. The drop structures will increase the retention time and surface area, and therefore volatilization, of Page 2 of 7 Additional Information to support PCN Application for Stream Remediation at SWMU 103, Fort Bragg, North Carolina. upstream surface water, and may increase aeration and volatilization downstream. Rocks placed below each drop structure will increase volatilization as water- impinges on the rocks after it crests the drop structure. Five potential locations for drop structures have bee selected (Figure 5): • Drop structure (DS) 1 — Beaver Creek at Station 11+00 (100 ft upstream of Knox Street) • DS 2 — Holbrook Tributary at Station 20+56 (upstream of the railroad culvert) • DS 3 — Holbrook Tributary at Station 25+51 (raising existing weir behind Holbrook Elementary School). • DS 4 — Holbrook Tributary at Station 30+10 (downstream of Sharp Drive behind Holbrook Elementary School). • DS 5 — Holbrook Tributary at Station 32+79 (upstream of Sharp.Drive). Initially, the two drop structures with the greatest chance of success (DS 1 and DS 5) will be installed. These two drop structures will be monitored for at least six months. If these two drop structures reduce the concentration of 1,1,2,2-TeCA in surface water, drop structures at the other three sites may be considered. The drop structures will be designed to focus the base flow discharge (less than 200 gpm) through one or more notches in sheet piling in order to measure surface water discharge and direct the flow onto boulders below the drop structure. The height of each drop will be less than 18 inches above stream grade to minimize effects of the retained surface water on the natural stream flow (e.g., excessive sedimentation, ponding), while still creating a significant drop to increase aeration. The drop structures will be constructed of sheet steel driven vertically into the stream bed perpendicular to flow, and will extend across the stream channel. Each section of sheet steel will be driven up to three feet below grade, and the width will be between the banks of the channel. The as -built dimensions of each weir will depend on the characteristics of the stream in the immediate vicinity. One layer of D50 124nch boulders (probably recycled concrete) will be placed on the downstream side of each drop structure to reduce scour and to provide an impinging surface to increase volatilization. Surface water monitoring at the compliance point (Knox Street) for one year will determine if Step 2 is sufficient to reduce 1,1,2,2-TeCA to the surface water standard, or if Step 3 is necessary. Step 3 If Step 2 is not successful at reducing 1,1,2,2-TeCA concentrations to the surface water standard at Knox Street, two active aeration systems will be pilot -tested (Figure 6). Page 3 of 7 Additional Information to support PCN Application for Stream Remediation at -- _ SWNW 103, Fort Bragg, North Carolina. i In the first pilot test, base flow from the Holbrook Tributary will be pumped from the railroad right-of-way to Beaver Pond. At Beaver Pond, the pumped water will be sprayed vertically to increase aeration and volatilization. In the second pilot test, an air-sparging system will be constructed within the Holbrook Tributary base flow culvert at the railroad right-of-way. The pilot tests would be conducted sequentially over a period of months. Monitoring near Knox Street over time will determine the effectiveness of the pilot tests. Aeration of base flow at Beaver Pond The first pilot test will volatilize 1,1,2,2-TeCA by pumping base flow from the Holbrook Tributary to Beaver Pond (on Beaver Creek), then aerating the pumped discharge with a fountain at Beaver Pond. There are three culverts under the railroad on Holbrook Tributary at Station 19+36. The southernmost culvert has the lowest invert elevation and carries Holbrook Tributary baseflow south under the railroad. The other two culverts have higher entrance elevations and carry flood flow west under the railroad. Plywood and sandbag baffles will be constructed across the entrances of two culverts to direct flow toward the pumping cistern. A baffle will be constructed across the entrance to the base flow culvert to a height of 0.83 ft above the invert. This baffle will divert base flow from Holbrook Tributary into the northernmost culvert. A baffle will be constructed across the entrance to the northernmost culvert from 0.83' to 1.69. The baffle on the northernmost culvert is designed to accept up to four inches of water. If more than four inches of water are flowing in the Holbrook Tributary, the additional. flow will be diverted to the middle and southern culverts (Figure 7). The middle culvert will not be baffled. The purpose of these baffles is to direct flow to the remediation system while protecting the system from damage due to high velocity flood waters. Should this step be necessary and selected as the final remedy, these baffles will be permanently constructed by anchoring steel plates to the concrete headwalls. A French drain and cistern will be installed near the downstream opening of the northernmost culvert (Figure 8). The cistern will be constructed from 4-fft diameter metal culvert, perforated so that water can enter through the sides. It will be approximately 4-ft deep, and will be installed such that its top surface will rise slightly above the streambed. The gravel pack (French drain), constructed of pea gravel, will be installed around the cistern so that Holbrook Tributary base flow will infiltrate through the gravel pack and screened walls of the cistern. A 150 gpm capacity submersible pump will be installed inside the cistern. Power will be controlled by a float switch; the pumping capacity will relate directly to the water level inside the cistern. The pump will shut down if an insufficient amount of water exists within the cistern. During periods of high flow, stream discharge in excess of 150 gpm will flow through the other two culverts and down their existing stream channels until flow is high enough to overtop the remediation culvert baffle: This design will protect the remediation system while conserving the flood water carrying capacity of the three existing culverts. Captured base flow will be pumped approximately 600 feet from the cistern to Beaver Pond. High density polyethylene piping will lay on the ground surface and will follow as direct path as possible to Beaver Pond. The pumped water will be sprayed j Page 4 of 7 Additional Information to support PCN Application for Stream Remediation at SWMU 103, Fort. Bragg, North Carolina. vertically by fountain into Beaver Pond to increase aeration and volatilization. The hydraulic impact of this pilot test is that base flow from Holbrook Tributary will discharge into Beaver Creek about 700 ft upstream from its current confluence. Increased retention time within Beaver Pond will enhance volatilization and potentially biodegradation of 1,1,2,2-TeCA. Surface water monitoring at the compliance point (Knox Street) over time will determine if the pumping system is sufficient to reduce 1,1,2,2- TeCA to the surface water standard. ' Air-Sparging The second system will pilot test the efficacy of an air sparger located within the base flow culvert of the Holbrook Tributary culvert at the railroad right-of-way. The second -pilot test will only be conducted if the first pilot test is unsuccessful. The air-sparging system will cover about 100 ft of the base flow culvert length with two sections of nine sparging pipes (Figure 9). Each section will be controlled by a separate valve. Within each section, the sparging pipes will be constructed of 50 feet lengths of three-inch steel pipe offset two inches laterally, making the final dimension of the air-sparging system 100 feet by 4 feet. Each sparging pipe will have 1/8-inch holes two inches apart. The system will be powered by a 2500-cubic foot per minute (cfin) blower located at the downstream opening of the base flow culvert. A plywood and sandbag baffle will be constructed at the entrance and exit of the base flow culvert. The entrance will be baffled from 0.38-ft to 1.5-ft from the bottom of the culvert, allowing a 0.3841 interval for base flow to enter the culvert. The baffle at the exit will rise 1.4 feet from the base, and is designed to pond water within the culvert and increase the residence time and depth of water for sparging while protecting the system from damage due to high velocity flood waters (Figure 10). Should this step be necessary and selected as the final remedy, these baffles will be permanently constructed by anchoring steel plates to the concrete headwalls. Step 4 J Following Step 3, the most efficient system based on pilot test data will be implemented. Consideration will be given to life -cycle costs since the Army will be responsible for operation and maintenance costs as long as these systems are in place, estimated to be at least 50 years. Only one of the alternatives described in Step 3 would be implemented at full scale. The Step 3 pilot test equipment for the alternative that is not implemented at full scale for Step 4 would be removed. VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State 1. Provide a written description of the proposed impacts: Note that the impact of each, step will only be realized if the previous step is unsuccessful at meeting surface water clean up goals. Each step will be operated for approximately one year before proceeding to the next step (if necessary). Step 1 Page 5 of 7 Additional Information to support PCN Application for Stream Remediation at SWMU 103, Fort Bragg, North Carolina. The emplacement of boulders or paving stones in the streambed will not negatively alter surface water flow. The boulders will be placed in a manner which will ensure their stability during periods of -high discharge. Step 2 Each drop structure would temporarily retain flow, increasing the surface area and depth of the Holbrook Tributary upstream. However, the flooded volume would be less than 1.5 ft in depth. Depending on location, each drop structure could back up flow for 100 to 529 ft upstream. Since the channel is relatively narrow and deep, the width of the flooded area will not increase much beyond the current stream bed; and will remain within the current stream channel. Because of the low relief of each drop structure, an insignificant amount of downstream scouring is expected. Boulders, similar to those used in Step 1, would be placed on the downstream side of the drop structures to dissipate energy and increase volatilization. These boulders will not negatively alter surface water flow. Step 3 The potential impact of Step 3 pilot tests would be temporary (no more than one year for each). • Pilot test of pumping to Beaver Pond: A rate of discharge equivalent to base flow within the Holbrook Tributary (-150 gpm) would be removed between the railroad culvert entrance to the confluence with Beaver Creek. During periods of discharge less than 150 gpm, surface water would be minimal across this segment. The water table would not be altered significantly by pumping, and it is expected that the streambed and its sediment would retain a significant volume of water. During periods of discharge greater than 150 gpm, the surface water volume would exceed the capacity of the submersible pump and the Holbrook Tributary would flow continuously. • Pilot test of air sparging: The exit of the Holbrook Tributary base flow culvert would be baffled to a height of 1.4-ft above grade.. This would increase the surface area and depth of the Holbrook Tributary in the culvert; however, the flooded volume would be less than 1.5-ft in depth. As this volume would be retained within the culvert, there would be no impact to the streambed. The grade of the culvert is such that the 16 inches vertical of retained surface water would not flood a large area of the culvert. During periods of high discharge, flow would be unimpeded across the top of the baffle. Air will be bubbled through the water from pipes laid in the bottom of the. culvert. VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) The Army is required to treat the contamination in Holbrook Tributary and Beaver Creek to meet North Carolina surface water standards. The Corrective Measures Study screened nine possible corrective action technologies to address surface water contamination at this site. Surface water technologies, along with groundwater technologies, were combined into three overall alternative approaches. (including two Page 6 of 7 Additional Information to support PCN Application for Stream Remediation at SWMU 103, Fort Bragg, North Carolina. different alternatives for surface water) that were subjected to a detailed evaluation according to RCRA criteria. The two alternatives, to address surface water were: • Engineered aeration and volatilization to remove contaminants from surface water. • Installing collection trenches to extract and treat contaminated groundwater prior to its natural discharge to. surface water. Treated groundwater would be discharged to the surface water channel. The groundwater pump -and -treat alternative was rejected for multiple reasons: based increased cost and potential exposure to hazardous chemicals; decreased short-term effectiveness; safety concerns for residents and children at nearby Holbrook Elementary School; and potential issues with long-term effectiveness and implementability due to increased complexity of the solution. Impacts to surface water for the chosen alternative, engineered aeration/volatilization, have been minimized through implementing remedial activities in a step -wise fashion. The lowest impact technology will be implemented first, and higher impact technologies will only be implemented if the initial steps are unable to achieve clean-up goals. Page 7 of 7 This page intentionally left blank APPENDIX D FENCE SPECIFICATIONS This page intentionally left blank USACE / NAVFAC/ AFCESA / NASA UFGS-32 3113.00 20 (July 2006) Preparing Activity: NAVFAC Superseding UFGS-32 3113.00 20 (April 2006) UNIFIED FACILITIES GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS Revised throughout - changes not indicated by CHG tags References are in agreement with UMRL dated 19 March 2007 SECTION TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 32 - EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS SECTION 32 31 13.00 20 CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES 07/06 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCES 1.2 DEFINITION 1.3 SUBMITTALS 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.5.1 Required Report Data PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 CHAIN -LINK FENCING AND ACCESSORIES 2.1.1 Fabric 2.1.2 Gates 2.1.3 Posts and Braces 2.1.4 Fencing Accessories 2.1.5 Concrete 2.1.6 Grout PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 SITE PREPARATION 3.1.1 Clearing and Grading 3.1.2 Excavation 3.2 FENCE INSTALLATION 3.2.1 Post Spacing 3.2.2 Post Setting Earth and Bedrock 3.2.3 Bracing 3.2.4 Top and Bottom Tension Wires 3.2.5 Fabric 3.3 ACCESSORIES INSTALLATION 3.3.1 Post Caps 3.3.2 Gates 3.4 GROUNDING 3.5 CLEANUP D-1 USACE / NAVFAC / AFCESA / NASA UFGS-32 31 13.00 20 (July 2006) Preparing Activity: NAVFAC Superseding UFGS-32 3113.00 20 (April 2006) UNIFIED FACILITIES GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS Revised throughout - changes not indicated by CHG tags References are in agreement with UMRL dated 19 March 2007 PART1 GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCES The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only. ASTM INTERNATIONAL (ASTM) ASTM C 94/C 94M (2006) Standard Specification for Ready -Mixed Concrete U.S. GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION (GSA) FS RR-F-191 (Rev K) Fencing, Wire and Post Metal (and Gates, Chain -Link Fence Fabric, and Accessories) FS RR-F-191/1 (Rev D) Fencing, Wire and Post, Metal (Chain - Link Fence Fabric) FS RR-F-191/2 (Rev D) Fencing, Wire and Post, Metal (Chain - Link Fence Gates) FS RR-F-191/3 (Rev D) Fencing, Wire and Post, Metal (Chain - Link Fence Posts, Top Rails and Braces) FS RR-F-191/4 (Rev D) Fencing, Wire and Post, Metal (Chain - Link Fence Accessories) 1.2 DEFINITION Year 2000 compliant - means computer controlled facility components that accurately process date and time data (including, but not limited to, calculating, comparing, and sequencing) from, into, and between the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, and the years 1999 and 2000 and leap year calculations. 1.3 SUBMITTALS Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation; submittals not having a "G" designation are for as information only. When used, a designation following the "G" designation identifies the office that will review the submittal for D-2 the Government. The following shall be submitted in accordance with Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: SD-03 Product Data Chain -link fencing components Accessories SD-07 Certificates Fabric Posts Braces Framing Tension wires Gates SD-08 Manufacturer's Instructions Fence 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Deliver materials to site in an undamaged condition. Store materials off the ground to provide protection against oxidation caused by ground contact. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.5.1 Required Report Data Submit reports of listing of chain -link fencing and accessories regarding weight in grams (ounces) for zinc coating. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 CHAIN -LINK FENCING AND ACCESSORIES FS RR-F-191 and detailed specifications as referenced and other requirements as specified. 2.1.1 Fabric FS RR-F-191/1; Type I, zinc -coated steel, 9 gage. Mesh size, 50 mm (2 inches). Provide selvage knuckled at both selvages. Height of fabric, as indicated. 2.1.2 Gates D-3 FS RR-F-191/2; Type II, double swing. Shape and size of gate frame, as indicated. Framing and bracing members, round of steel alloy. Steel member finish, zinc -coated. Gate frames and braces of minimum sizes listed in FS RR-F- 191/3 for each Class and Grade except that steel pipe frames shall be 48 mm (1.90 inches) od, 3 mm (0.120 inches) minimum wall. thickness and aluminum pipe frames and intermediate braces shall be 47.5 mm (1.869 inches) od, 1.4 kg per meter (0.940 lb/ft) of length. Gate fabric, as specified for fencing fabric. Coating for steel latches, stops, hinges, keepers, and accessories, galvanized. Gate latches, hinges, stops, keepers, rollers, and other hardware items shall be furnished as required for the operation of the gate. Special gate frames, as indicated. Gate leaves more than 2.4 m (8 feet) wide shall have intermediate members as necessary to provide rigid construction, free from sag or twist. Gate leaves less than 2.4 m (8 feet) wide shall have truss rods or intermediate braces. Attach gate fabric to gate frame in accordance with manufacturer's standards, except that welding will not be permitted. Arrange padlocking latches to be accessible from both sides of gate, regardless of latching arrangement. 2.1.3 Posts and Braces FS RR-F-191/3 line, end, corner, and pull posts; Class 1, steel pipe, Grade A. Braces; Class 1, steel pipe, Grade A, in minimum sizes listed in FS RR-F- 191/3 for each class and grade. 2.1.4 Fencing Accessories FS RR-F-191/4. Provide wire ties constructed of the same material as the fencing fabric. 2.1.5 Concrete ASTM C 94/C 94M, using 19 mm (3/4 inch) maximum -size aggregate, and having minimum compressive strength of 20 MPa (3000 psi) at 28 days. 2.1.6 Grout Provide grout of proportions one part portland cement to three parts clean, well -graded sand and a minimum amount of water to produce a workable mix. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 SITE PREPARATION 3.1.1 Clearing and Grading Clear fence line of trees, brush, and other obstacles to install fencing. Establish a graded, compacted fence line prior to fencing installation. Compact fill used to establish fence line. 3.1.2 Excavation Excavate to dimensions indicated for concrete -embedded items, except in bedrock. If bedrock is encountered, continue excavation to depth indicated or 450 mm (18 inches) into bedrock, whichever is less, with a diameter in bedrock a minimum of 50 mm (2 D-4 inches) larger than outside diameter of post. Clear post holes of loose material. Dispose of waste material, as directed. 3.2 FENCE INSTALLATION Install fence on prepared surfaces to line and grade indicated. Install fence in accordance with fence manufacturer's written installation instructions except as modified herein. 3.2.1 Post Spacing Provide line posts spaced equidistantly apart, not exceeding 3 in (10 feet) on center. Provide gate posts spaced as necessary for size of gate openings. Do not exceed 152 in(500 feet) on straight runs between braced posts. Provide corner or, pull posts, with bracing in both directions, for changes in direction of 0.26 rad (15 degrees) or more, or for abrupt changes in grade.,Provide drawings showing location of gate, corner, end, and pull posts. 3.2.2 Post Setting Set posts plumb: Allow concrete and grout to cure a minimum of 72 hours before performing other work on posts. Earth and Bedrock Provide concrete bases of dimensions indicated except in bedrock. Compact concrete to eliminate voids, and finish to a dome shape. In bedrock, set posts with a minimum of 25 mm (one inch) of grout around each post. Work grout into hole to eliminate voids, and finish to a dome shape. 3.2.3 Bracing Brace gate, corner, end, and pull posts to nearest post with a horizontal brace used as a compression member, placed at least 300 mm (12 inches) below top of fence, and a diagonal truss rod and truss tightener used as a tension member. 3.2.5 Top and Bottom Tension Wires Install top and bottom tension wires before installing chain -link fabric, and pull wires taut. Place top and bottom tension wires within 200 mm (8 inches) of respective fabric line. 3.2.6. Fabric Pull fabric taut and secure fabric to top wire and bottom wire, close to both sides of each post and at maximum intervals of 600 mm (24 inches) on center. Secure fabric to posts using stretcher bars, ties or clips spaced 375 mm (15 inches) on center, or by integrally weaving to integral fastening loops of end, corner, pull, and gate posts for full length of each post. Install fabric on opposite side of posts from area being secured. Install fabric so that bottom of fabric is 50 mm (2 inches) above ground level. D-5 3.3 ACCESSORIES INSTALLATION 3.3.1 Post Caps Install post caps as recommended by the manufacturer. 3.3.2 Gates Install swing gates to swing through 3.14 rad (180 degrees) from closed to open. 3.4 GROUNDING Fences crossed by overhead powerlines in excess of 600 volts shall be grounded as specified in Section 26 41 01.00 10 LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEM. Fences shall be grounded on each side of all gates, at each corner, at the closest approach to each building located within 15 in (50 feet) of the fence, and where the fence alignment changes more than 15 degrees. Grounding locations shall not exceed 198 in (650 feet). Each gate panel shall be bonded with a flexible bond strap to its gate post. Fences crossed by powerlines of 600 volts or more shall be grounded at or near the point of crossing and at distances not exceeding 45 in (150 feet) on each side of crossing. Ground conductor shall consist of No. 8 AWG solid copper wire. Grounding electrodes shall be 19 mm (3/4 inch) by 3.05 m (10 foot) long copper -clad steel rod. Electrodes shall be driven into the earth so that the top of the electrode is at least 152 mm (6 inches) below the grade. Where driving is impracticable, electrodes shall be buried a minimum of 305 mm (12 inches) deep and radially from the fence. The top of the electrode shall be not less than 610 mm (2 feet) or more than 2.4 in (8 feet) from the fence. Ground conductor shall be clamped to the fence and electrodes with bronze grounding clamps to create electrical continuity between fence posts, fence fabric, and ground rods. After installation the total resistance of fence to ground shall not be greater than 25 ohms. 3.5 CLEANUP Remove waste fencing materials and other debris from the station. p FINAL Corrective Measures Study for SWMU 103 Fort- Bragg, North Carolina Submitted To: U.S. ARMY ENVIRONMENTAL COMMAND Submitted By., PARSONS JUN 11 2008 August 2007 � DENR-FAYEFEMLLEREGIONALURCE' RECOVER JUN 11 DENR-FAYETfMLE REGIONAL URCE TABLE OF CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVESUMMARY...........................................................................................ES-1 SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION....................................................................................1-1 1.1 Site Background...................................................................................................1-2 1.2 Regulatory Background.......................................................................................1-3 1.3 Scope of the Corrective Measures Study ....................................... :..................... 1-3 1.4 Corrective Measures Study Report Organization................................................1-4 SECTION 2 - SITE CHARACTERIZATION................................................................2-1 2.1 Site Overview....................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2 Topography, Physiography, and Climate.............................................................2-2 2.3 Water Supply....................................................................................................... 2-2 2.4 Site Geology......................................................................................................... 2-4 2.5 Hydrogeology...................................................................................................... 2-5 2.6 Surface Water Hydrology.................................................................................... 2-7 2.7 Site Ecology 2.8 Supplemental Investigations for the Corrective Measures Stud 2.8.1 Sentinel Wells at Holbrook Elementary School ............................ :.......... 2-9 2.8.2 Subsurface Soil and Groundwater Around the Former Heating -Oil UST atBuilding 6-9344-A............................................................................... 2-9 2.8.3 Groundwater Sampling of Monitoring Wells at SWMU 103................2-10 2.8.4 Slug Tests............................................................................................... 2-10 2.8.5 Bench -Scale and In -Situ Pilot Study Evaluating Enhanced Bioremediation Using Aerobic Cometabolic Mechanism ..................... 2-11 Bench -Scale Study................................................................ 2-11 In -Situ Pilot Study.................................................................2-12 2.9 Surface Water Sampling by USACE in March 2006.........................................2-15 2.10 Soil Gas Sampling in June 2006........................................................................ 2-16 2.11 Groundwater Sampling in June 2006.................................................................2-18 SECTION 3 - UPDATE OF NATURE AND EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION AND THE SITE CONCEPTUAL MODEL ........................................... 3-1 3.1 Source of Contaminants at SWMU 103............................................................... 3-1 3.2 Soils and Geology........................................................... ... 3-2 .................................. 3.3 Groundwater Hydrology...................................................................................... 3-2 3.4 Surface Water Hydrology.................................................................................... 3-3 3.5 Surface Soil.......................................................................................................... 3-3 3.6 Subsurface Soil.................................................................................................... 3-3 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 07O820.doc TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page 3.7 Groundwater........................................................................................................ 3-4 3.7.1 Volatile Organic Compounds.................................................................. 3-4 3.7.2 Semivolatile Organic Compounds........................................................... 3-6 3.7.3 Distribution of Groundwater Contaminants ............................................. 3-6 3.7.4 Potential Groundwater Contamination Upgradient of SWMU 103......... 3-8 3.7.5 Potential Contamination Migrating Under Beaver Creek ........................ 3-9 3.7.6 Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater ................ 3-9 3.8 Vapor Intrusion..................................................................................................3-10 3.8.1 Tier I Screen........................................................................................... 3-11 3.8.2 Tier II Screen......................................................................................... 3-11 3.9 Surface Water and Sediment.............................................................................. 3-12 3.9.1 Surface Water.........................................................................................3-12 3.9.2 Sediment................................................................................................ 3-13 3.10 Ecological Risk Assessment.............................................................................. 3-13 3.11 Fate and Transport ............................................................................................. 3-13 3.11.1 Soil Screening Level Evaluation............................................................ 3-14 3.11.2 Natural Attenuation Modeling............................................................... 3-14 3.12 Nature and Extent of Contamination and Human Health Constituents of PotentialConcern ................................................................................................ 3-17 3.13 Development of Remedial Goal Options........................................................... 3-17 3.13.1 Groundwater Remedial Goal Options .................................................... 3-18 Potable Use RGOs................................................................ 3-18 Uncertainty............................................................................3-18 3.13.2 Surface Water.........................................................................................3-19 SECTION 4 - JUSTIFICATION AND PURPOSE OF CORRECTIVE ACTION......... 4-1 4.1 Purpose.................................................................................................................4-1 4.2 Remedial Response Objectives............................................................................4-1 4.3 Identification of Remedial Levels........................................................................ 4-2 SECTION 5 - SCREENING OF CORRECTIVE ACTIONS ......................................... 5-1 5.1 Screening Criteria.................................................................................................5-1 5.1.1 Effectiveness............................................................................................ 5-1 5.1.2 Implementability...................................................................................... 5-2 5.1.3 Cost.......................................................................................................... 5-2 5.2 Evaluation of Corrective Action Technologies for Groundwater ........................ 5-2 5.2.1 No Action................................................................................................. 5-2 5.2.2 Institutional Controls............................................................................... 5-3 5.2.3 Monitored Natural Attenuation................................................................ 5-3 5.2.4 Phytoremediation..................................................................................... 5-4 5.2.5 Permeable Reactive Barrier..................................................................... 5-5 5.2.6 Groundwater'Pumping and Ex -situ Treatment of Groundwater .............. 5-6 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page 5.2.7 Air Sparging............................................................................................. 5-7 5.2.8 In -Situ Chemical Oxidation..................................................................... 5-7 5.2.9 Enhanced Bioremediation Using Anaerobic Reductive Dechlorination . 5-8 5.2.10 Enhanced Bioremediation Using Aerobic Cometabolic Mechanism ...... 5-9 5.2.11 Monitoring............................................................................................. 5-10 5.3 Evaluation of Corrective Action Technologies for Surface Water .................... 5-11 5.3.1 No Action............................................................................................... 5-11 5.3.2 Institutional Controls............................................................................. 5-11 5.3.3 Ex -situ Treatment Technologies and Process Options .......................... 5-12 5.3.4 In -situ Treatment Technologies and Process Options ........................... 5-13 Aeration/Volatilization..........................................................5-13 Constructed Wetlands...::...................................................... 5-15 Biological Mats.....:............................................................... 5-16 5.3.5 Stream Segregation................................................................................5-16 5.3.6 Monitoring ............................................................................................. 5-17 5.4 Corrective Action Alternatives.......................................................................... 5-17 5.4.1 Evaluation Factors................................................................................. 5-19 5.4.2 Evaluation of Corrective Action Alternatives ........................................ 5-22 Alternative 1: MNA, Institutional Controls, Engineered Aeration/Volatilization of Surface Water, and Monitoring.. 5-22 Alternative 2: Source Treatment using Enhanced Bioremediation, MNA, Engineered Aeration/Volatilization of Surface Water, Institutional Controls, and Monitoring......... 5-27 Alternative 3: Source Area Treatment using Enhanced Bioremediation, MNA, Pump -and -Treat Contaminated Groundwater to Protect Surface. Water, Institutional Controls, andMonitoring...................................................................... 5-34 SECTION 6 - COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES, CONCEPTUAL DESIGN, AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN ........... 6-1 6.1 Comparative Analysis of Corrective Actions ...................................................... 6-1 6.1.1 Protection of Human Health and the Environment .................................. 6-2 6.1.2 Attainment of Media Cleanup Standards ................................................. 6-3 6.1.3 Control of Source of Releases.................................................................. 6-3 6.1.4 Comply with Applicable Standards for Management of Waste .............. 6-3 6.1.5 Other Factors............................................................................................ 6-4 Long-term reliability and Effectiveness .................................. 6-4 Reduction in the Toxicity, Mobility, or Volume of Wastes.... 6-4 Short -Term effectiveness........................................................ 6-4 Implementability..................................................................... 6-5 . Costs........................................................................................6-5 6.1.4 Selected Alternative................................................................................. 6-5 " 6.2 Conceptual Design of Selected Alternative......................................................... 6-6 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 07O820.doc TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page 6.2.1 Establishment of Institutional Controls ................................................... 6-6 6.2.2 Engineered AerationNolatilization for Surface Water ............................ 6-6 6.2.3 Warning Signs and Fencing..................................................................... 6-7 6.2.4 Complete Groundwater Network ......................... :................................... 6-7 6.2.5 Enhanced Bioremediation in the Source Area ......................................... 6-7 6.2.6 Monitored Natural Attenuation................................................................ 6-8 6.2.7 Monitoring...........................................................................................:... 6-8 Soil Gas.................................................................................... 6-8 Groundwater.........................................................................:..6-9 Surface Water..........................................................................6-9 6.2.8 Investigation -Derived Waste................................................................... 6-9 6.2.9 Operation and Maintenance...................................................................6-10 6.2.10 Reporting................................................................................................6-10 Periodic Progress Reports ..................................................... 6-10 Corrective Action Completion Report .................................. 6-10 6.2.11 Monitoring Well and Soil Gas Monitoring Point Abandonment........... 6-10 6.3 Cost Estimate..................................................................................................... 6-10 6.4 Implementation Schedule................................................................................... 6-10 SECTION7 - REFERENCES......................................................................................... 7-1 APPENDICES A - Boring Logs B - Monitoring Well Construction Diagrams C - Laboratory Analytical Data and Chain -of -Custody D - Results of Slug Tests E - Results of In -Situ Pilot Study at SWMU 103 F - Supplemental Investigation for SWMU 103 Conducted in Calendar Years 2005 and 2006 G - Analytical Data Sets for Subsurface and Groundwater J - Laboratory Analytical Data and Chains -of -Custody for Sampling Conducted In Calendar Years 2005 And 2006 K - Fate and Transport Modeling -1V- SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) LIST OF TABLES No Title 2-1 Water Levels for April 2005, SWMU 103 2-2 Summary of Horizontal Gradients, SWMU 103 2-3 Summary of Vertical Hydraulic Gradients at Well Pairs, SWMU 103 24 Monitoring Well Construction Summary for March 2005, SWMU 103 2-5 Field Parameter Measurements during Groundwater Sampling, SWMU 103 2-6 Slug Test Results for Wells at SWMU 103 2-7 Summary of Results for Bench -Scale Studies Using CL-OutTM (April 2005)' SWMU 103 2-8 Summary of PermeOx®, CL-OutTM, and PoWater Injections Conducted during the SWMU 103 Pilot Study 2-9 Comparison of Critical Field Parameters Collected during In -Situ Pilot Study, SWMU 103 2-10 Summary of Results of Groundwater for Pilot Study (April — August 2005), SWMU 103 3-1 Summary Statistics of Analytes Detected in Subsurface Soil, SWMU 103 `` 3-2 Summary Statistics of VOCs Detected in Groundwater, SWMU 103 3-3 Summary Statistics of Semivolatile Organic Compounds Detected in Groundwater, SWMU 103 3-4 Historical groundwater VOC data support reductive dechlorination in the SWMU 103 source area 3-5 Vapor Intrusion Tier II Screening Summary 3-6 Screening to Determine HHCOPC in Beaver Creek and the Holbrook Tributary 3-7 Comparison of SRC in Subsurface Soil to North Carolina SSLs, SWMU 103 3-8 Natural Attenuation Time to Multiple Target Groundwater Concentrations at SWMU 103 3-9 HHCOPCs in Groundwater and Surface Water at SWMU 103 3-10 Recommended RGOs for Potable Use of Groundwater, SWMU 103 3-11 Determination of COCs and Recommended RGOs for Surface Water, SWMU 103 4-1 Recommended Remedial Levels for COCs in Groundwater and Surface Water at SWMU 103 5-1 Evaluation of Corrective Action Technologies/Process Options for Groundwater, SWMU 103 5-2 Evaluation of Corrective Action Technologies/Process Options for Surface Water, SWMU 103 5-3 Cost Comparision of Remedial Alternatives for SWMU 103 5-4 Comparison of Site -wide Corrective Action Alternatives for Groundwater and Surface Water by Evaluation Criteria " -v- C:\l. Parsons\l. August 2007\24Aug07\103 CMS\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) LIST OF FIGURES No. Title 1-1 Site Map and Surface Topography of SWMU 103 1-2 Locations of Former USTs and CLosure Activities at the Former Mallonee Gas Station, SWMU 103 (Source Area) 2-1 Site Location Map for Fort Bragg Military Reservation 2-2 SWMU 103 and Nearby Property Use 2-3 Locations of Water Supply Wells at Fort Bragg, North Carolina 2-4 Clay Contour Map for SWMU 103 2-5 Generalized Relation between Geologic and Hydrologic Units at SWMU 103 2-6 Potentiometric Surface Map for Shallow Groundwater for SWMU 103 and Vicinity (April 2005) 2-7 Potentiometric Surface Map for Deep Groundwater for SWMU 103 and vicinity (April 2005) 2-8 Surface Water Drainage 2-9 Sentinel Wells at Holbrook Elementary School, SWMU 103 2-10 Locations of DPT Soil Borings and Monitoring Wells Around the Former Heating -Oil USTs at SWMU 103 --� 2-11 Locations of Additional Monitoring and Injection wells for the Pilot Study at ; SWMU 103 2-12 Surface Water Locations Collected by USACE — Savannah District in March 2006 at SWMU 103 2-13 Soil Gas Monitoring Well Network Around Holbrook Elementary School (June 2006), SWMU 103 2-14 Locations of Additional Groundwater Sampling (June 2006) at SWMU 103 3-1 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane and Trichloroethene Concentrations in Deep Groundwater in the SWMU 103 Source Area 3-2 Chemical and Biological Degradation Pathways of Chlorinated Solvents at SWMU 103 3-3 Extent of Groundwater and Surface Water Contamination at SWMU 103 3-4 Generalized Site Conceptual Model for. SWMU 103 5-1 SWMU-103 Alternative 1 Remedy: Monitored Natural Alternation of Groundwater, Natural or Engineered Aeration/Volatilization of Surface Water 5-2 SWMU-103 Alternative 2 Remedy: Source Area Treatment Using Enhanced Bioremediation Natural or Engineered Aeration/Volatilization of Surface Water 5-3 SWMU-103 Alternative 3 Remedy: Source Area Treatment using Enhanced Bioremediation, Pump -and -Treat Contaminated Ground Water to Protect Surface Water 5-4 Ground Water Interception Trench Design CAL Parsons\l. August 2007\24Aug07\103 CMS\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS µg/L microgram(s) per liter AMSL above mean sea level AOC area of concern AT123D Analytical Transient 1-, 2-," 3-Dimensional bgs below ground surface BMP Base Master Plan BTEX benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes CMCOPC contaminant migration constituents of potential concern CMS correctivemeasures study cm/sec centimeters per second COC contaminant of concern COD chemical oxygen demand CVOC chlorinated volatile organic compounds CY calendar year DCE dichloroethene DNAPL dense nonaqueous-phase liquid DO dissolved oxygen DoD Department of Defense DPT direct -push technology DPW Department of Public Works r ECOPC Ecological COPCs r EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency OF degrees Fahrenheit F&T fate and transport ft/ft foot per foot gal gallon gpd gallons per day gpm gallons per minute HDPE high -density polyethylene HHCOPC human health constituents of potential concern HP horsepower HQ hazard quotient HSWA Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments IDW investigation -derived waste IMAC maximum acceptable concentration in inch(es) IRP Installation Restoration Program ISCO In -situ chemical oxidation kPa kilopascals L liter(s) LNAPL light nonaqueous-phase liquid M meter(s) mg/kg milligram(s) per kilogram mg/L milligram(s) per liter Mid -Atlantic Mid -Atlantic Associates, P.A. SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doe mm Hg t millimeters of mercury '- MNA monitored natural attenuation MODFLOW Modular Three -Dimensional Groundwater Flow Model mph miles per hour MTBE methyl tert-butyl ether NC North Carolina NCAC North Carolina Administrative Code NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System O&M operations and maintenance ORC oxygen -releasing compound ORP oxidation-reduction potential OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSWER Office of Solid Waste and Environmental Response OWS oil/water separator PAH polyaromatic hydrocarbon Parsons Parsons Infrastructure and Technology Group, Inc. PRB permeable reactive barriers PRG preliminary remediation goal PVC polyvinyl chloride RBCA Risk -Based Corrective Action RCRA Resources Conservation and Recovery Act RFI RCRA facility investigation RGO remedial goal option RRO remedial response objective SCM site conceptual model SESOIL SEasonal Flow and Transport Model for the Unsaturated SOIL Zone SRC site -related constituents SSL soil screening levels SVOC semivolatile organic compound SWMU Solid Waste Management Unit TCA trichloroethane TCE trichloroethene TOC total organic carbon UIC Underground Injection Control USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers USGS United States Geological Survey UST underground storage tank VOC volatile organic compound WS water supply SAEMemed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A corrective measures study (CMS) was performed for the former Mallonee Village Gas Station Solid Waste Management Unit (SWMU) 103 at the Fort Bragg Military Reservation, North Carolina, to evaluate potential corrective actions for addressing contaminants in groundwater and surface water. This report has been prepared by Parsons Infrastructure and Technology Group, Inc. (hereafter referred to as Parsons) for the Army Environmental Command under contract number W91ZLK-050D-0016, task order 0001. The former Mallonee Village Gas Station (Building 6-9650) site is located at the corner of Honeycutt Road and South Lucas Drive and during its operational life contained up to 10 underground storage tanks (USTs): one 13,500-gal diesel tank; one 10,000-gal gasoline tank; two 1,000-gal heating fuel tanks, two 10,000-gal gasoline tanks; one 6,000-gal tank; one 6,000- gal diesel tank, one waste oil tank, and one solvent tank. Closure reports were submitted for two UST removal actions; four USTs were removed in 1996 and four were removed in 1998. A records search at the time indicated that the waste oil and solvent tanks had been removed (date unknown) prior to the inception of current UST regulations. Chlorinated solvents are believed to have been released -from the solvent tank over 30 years ago and are the focus of SWMU 103. The site was formally closed in 1998 and designated as SWMU 103 in calendar year (CY) 2000. A Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) facility investigation (RFI) conducted from June 2000 through January 2003 determined the nature and extent of contamination and the site conceptual model (SCM) for SWMU 103. The RFI concluded that a CMS was required for SWMU 103 and supplemental investigations and bench -scale and in -situ pilot .studies were g g required. The supplemental investigation performed from :March through August 2005 included: (1) the installation of four sentinel wells downgradient of the SWMU 103 site and upgradient of Holbrook Elementary School located approximately 500 feet southeast of the SWMU 103 site, (2) collection of groundwater samples to update the nature and extent of groundwater contamination, (3) slug testing, and (4) performance of bench -scale treatability and in -situ pilot studies evaluating the injection of specialized bacteria and oxygen -releasing compound (ORC) for the treatment of contaminants in groundwater. The additional soil andgroundwater data were used to update the nature and extent of contamination and the SCM for SWMU 103. The bench - scale and in -situ pilot studies indicated that the specialized bacteria were effective at treating the primary contaminant in groundwater, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane. However, rebound of contaminant levels occurred in the treatment zones due to the limited nature of the pilot study and relatively high groundwater flow rates. Further supplemental investigations in June 2006 included soil gas and.crawlspace air samples around and under Holbrook Elementary School to screen for vapor intrusion, and additional groundwater monitoring in existing wells. The supplemental data collected in CY 2005 and CY 2006 did not change the conclusions of the RFI or SCM for SWMU 103. Low concentrations of chlorinated solvents and petroleum contaminants are present in groundwater originating from the former Mallonee Village Gas Station. The chlorinated solvents are associated with SWMU 103, while the petroleum compounds are associated with the petroleum USTs that are addressed under North Carolina UST regulations. No remaining soil source was identified at SWMU 103, but diffusion from Cape Fear clays under the former gas station is suspected to be the current continuing source of chlorinated VOCs in groundwater. 1,1,2.,2-Tetrachloroethane and trichloroethene (TCE) are ES-1 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc representative chemicals for chlorinated solvents. 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane has been detected at concentrations as high as 660 micrograms per liter (µg/L) and exceeds the North Carolina 2L standard in 47 of 53 site wells over approximately a 92 acre area. TCE was detected as high as 78 µg/L and exceeds its North Carolina 2L standard in 31 of 53 site wells over approximately a 74 acre area. The chlorinated solvent contamination permeates the entire groundwater column with the higher concentrations located in the deep surficial groundwater. Concentrations generally appear to be decreasing or stable with time. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in groundwater are being intercepted by Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary. The following media and chemicals were identified as being of concern and requiring evaluation of potential corrective actions in the CMS: Groundwater (Human Health): 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane; chloroform; chloromethane; tetrachloroethene; and TCE. Surface Water: 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane. The North Carolina 2L or interim maximum acceptable concentration standards were established as the remedial levels for the groundwater COCs. The North Carolina 2L standard of 0.17, µg/L was established as the groundwater remedial level for 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane. The North Carolina surface water standard of 4 µg/L was established as the remedial level for 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane in surface water. The following remedial response objectives were developed for the COCs identified in groundwater and surface water that are protective of human health and the environment: • Prevent potential use of groundwater. • Reduce concentrations of contaminants of concern (COCs) in groundwater to the North Carolina 2L standards. • Reduce potential contact and ingestion of surface water. • Prevent contaminants in groundwater from migrating to surface water at concentrations above the North Carolina surface water standards. No action and five categories of corrective action process options/technologies were identified as applicable for chlorinated solvent (primarily) and petroleum contamination in groundwater at SWMU 103: (1) institutional controls: land- and groundwater -use restrictions and physical barriers; (2) monitored natural attenuation (MNA); (3) ex -situ treatment technologies (i.e., pump and treat); (4) in -situ treatment technologies (e.g., enhanced bioremediation); and (5) monitoring (i.e., groundwater, surface water, and soil gas). No action and three categories of corrective action process options/technologies were identified as applicable for chlorinated solvent contamination in surface water at SWMU 103: (1) institutional controls (i.e., use restrictions and physical barriers), (2) in -stream technologies (i.e., aeratiori/volatilization), and (3) monitoring. The corrective action process options/technologies were screened with respect to effectiveness, implementability, and relative cost and those process options/technologies passing the screening were combined into the following three site -wide corrective actions for detailed analysis against U. S. Environmental Protection Agency criteria. ES-2 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc (t `5 -' Alternative 1: MNA, Engineered Aeration/Volatilization of Surface Water, Institutional Controls, and Monitoring • Institutional controls to prevent the use of groundwater and surface water. • Fencing and signs along the Holbrook tributary and Beaver Creek to reduce exposure to surface water where 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane exceeds surface water standards. • MNA of groundwater contamination. • Annual soil gas monitoring at Holbrook Elementary School. i • Engineered, volatilization of VOCs in surface water. • Surface water and groundwater monitoring to evaluate performance: This alternative would require a long-term monitoring program. Alternative 2: Source Area Treatment Using Enhanced Bioremediation, MNA, Engineered Aeration/Volatilization of Surface Water, Institutional Controls, and Monitoring • Institutional controls to prevent the use of groundwater and surface water. • Fencing and signs along the Holbrook tributary and Beaver Creek to reduce exposure to _.' surface water where 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane exceeds surface water standards. Enhanced bioremediation using anaerobic reductive dechlorination in groundwater in the source area, which was defined as the location of the former Mallonee Village Gas Station. • NINA for remaining groundwater contamination. • Engineered volatilization of VOCs in surface water. • Annual soil gas monitoring at Holbrook Elementary School. • Surface water and groundwater monitoring to evaluate performance. The active portion of the Alternative 2 would treat groundwater using enhanced bioremediation (i.e., anaerobic reductive dechlorination) in the source area, which was defined as the immediate area of the former Mallonee Village Gas Station, with the goal to reduce chlorinated solvent concentrations in treatment zone groundwater by approximately 90 percent. MNA would be used to further reduce the remaining groundwater contaminants to the North Carolina 2L standards. Alternative 3: Source Area Treatment Using Enhanced Bioremediation, MNA, Pump - and -Treat Contaminated Groundwater to Protect Surface Water, Institutional Controls, and Monitoring ES-3 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc • Institutional controls to prevent the use of groundwater and surface water. • Enhanced bioremediation using anaerobic reductive dechlorination in groundwater in the source area, which was defined as the location of the former' Mallonee Village Gas Station. • MNA for the remaining contaminated groundwater. • Pump -and -treat groundwater using subsurface drains and activated carbon adsorption treatment to prevent contaminated groundwater from discharging to surface water. • Annual soil gas monitoring at Holbrook Elementary School. • Long-term surface water and groundwater monitoring to evaluate performance. Alternative 3 would use enhanced bioremediation using anaerobic reductive dechlorination to treat groundwater in the source area as described above for Alternative 2. MNA would be used to further reduce the remaining groundwater contaminants to the North Carolina 2L standards. A series of subsurface drains would be used to extract enough groundwater to prevent migration of contaminants to surface water. Extracted groundwater would be treated with activated carbon and discharged to nearby surface water drainages. The pump -and -treat system would continue until the combined effects of enhanced bioremediation and MNA reduce the contaminant flux such that surface water quality will not exceed RGOs. A comparative analysis of the three site -wide alternatives resulted in the selection of Alternative 2, source area treatment using enhanced bioremediation and aeration/volatilization of contaminants in surface water, as the alternative that best balances reduction of contaminant mass and associated risks to human health and the environment and costs. All three alternatives are effective at protecting human health and the environment over the short and long term through a combination of passive and/or active measures. Alternatives 2 and 3 are superior to Alternative 1 in that they 1) provide enhanced control of the source of releases; 2) provide a greater reduction in toxicity, mobility and volume of waste; and 3) satisfy a statutory preference for active treatment. The enhanced bioremediation in the source area also reduces the uncertainty inherent in a purely MNA approach at a site where existing conditions are not conducive to natural biodegradation. Alternative 3 provides additional control of contaminant migration and discharge to surface water relative to Alternative 2, but at additional cost, decreased short-term effectiveness, and possibly decreased implementability due to considerably more complex O&M requirements. Given that surface water is not used for human consumption or contact, provides limited if any environmentally significant habitat, and contaminant migration can be controlled through engineered aeration/volatilization, Alternative 3 provides only marginal benefits relative to Alternative 2. Therefore, Alternative 2, source treatment, NINA, and engineered aeration/volatilization of surface water, offers the best balance against RCRA screening criteria and costs. The alternative is protective of human health and the environment and is both readily implementable and cost effective. Alternative 2 would use a combination of active and passive treatment technologies and institutional controls to provide protection of human health and the environment. Enhanced ES-4 SAES1Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBO30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS1Final VersionUO3 CMS Final Text 070820.doe bioremediation in the source zone would be used to reduce the contaminant flux from the clay layer to the surficial aquifer and eventually from the groundwater to surface water. MNA would be relied upon to further reduce contaminant concentrations throughout the plume and would require monitoring of contaminant levels to ensure that the mass of contamination in the groundwater is reducing with time. Aeration/volatilization would be used to reduce 1,1,2,2- tetrachloroethane concentrations to levels below surface water standards at a point within the footprint of the SWMU 103 groundwater plume' (currently understood to extend as far as the point where Beaver Creek flows under Knox Road). A combination of new and existing fencing would prevent human contact with surface water containing 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane concentrations above surface water standards. Institutional controls and soil gas, groundwater, and surface water monitoring would be used to ensure the protection of'tihuman health and the environment and to monitor performance over the implementation time required to meet remedial levels. Administrative and groundwater -use restrictions would be implemented during the period of ownership by the U. S. Department of Defense through restrictions imposed by the Base Master Plan (BMP) and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments permit. Use of groundwater within the plume boundaries for drinking water and irrigation would be prohibited. Warning signs would be installed along Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary to reduce contact with the contaminated surface water. Alternative 2 would be easily implementable and its implementation would not impact human health or the environment. .., Soil gas samples would be collected annually from three existing soil gas monitoring points located at Holbrook Elementary School to ensure that VOCs are not migrating from the groundwater into the overlying soil vapor at concentrations that represent a risk to human health. Performance groundwater sampling would be performed quarterly for the first year, then on an annual basis at 31 wells to monitor the progress of the remedial actions. Monitoring locations and frequency would be optimized over time pending monitoring results. Corf rmatory sampling would be performed two years after the last MNA performance sampling to ensure degradation and lack of contaminant rebound. Surface water samples would be collected annually at six locations until surface water meets 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane standards throughout its reach in the vicinity of SWMU 103. Groundwater and surface water will be analyzed for VOCs. Semivolatile organic compounds in groundwater will also be targeted for analysis at selected locations in the source area. The total time to implement Alternative 2 is estimated to be approximately 60 years. The total capital cost for Alternative 2 is $961,000. The operation and maintenance costs are $2,351,650. The total cost of Alternative 2 is $3,312,650. ES-5 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doe SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION This corrective measures study (CMS) for Solid Waste Management Unit (SWMU) 103 at the Fort Bragg Military Reservation, North Carolina, summarizes the results from the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) facility investigation (RFI) by SAIC Engineering of North Carolina (hereafter referred to as SAIC Engineering) and presents results of supplemental subsurface soil and groundwater sampling, and bench -scale and pilot studies performed in calendar year (CY) 2005. Remedial response objectives (RROs) that are protective of human health and the environment are developed for the contaminants of concern (COCs) identified in groundwater and surface water. Applicable corrective action process options and technologies are screened and combined into potential alternatives to meet RROs developed for SWMU 103. The corrective action alternatives are evaluated, one alternative is selected, and a detailed conceptual design is developed. This report has been prepared by Parsons Infrastructure and Technology Group (Parsons) for the Army Environmental Command under contract number W91ZLK-050D-0016, task order 0001. The former Mallonee Village Gas Station, hereafter referred to as SWMU 103, is located at the corner of Honeycutt Road and South Lucas Drive (Figure 1-1). The site was previously considered to be part of S WMUs 4 and 18; however, the results of a field investigation conducted, as reported in the Field Investigation Report for the Phase I RFI for SWMU 103 dated November 2000 (SAIC Engineering 2000a), and a records search performed June/July 2000 in the area east of Beaver Creek (SAIC Engineering 2000b), indicated that the probable source of the potential contamination east of Beaver Creek was removed underground storage tanks (USTs) located at Building 6-9650. The UST site was known as the Mallonee Village Gas Station (Figure 1-2) and contained up to 10 USTs during its operation, which included one 13,500-gallon (gal) diesel tank; one 10,000-gal gasoline tank; two 1,000-gal heating fuel tanks, two 10,000-gal gasoline tanks; one 6,000-gal tank; one 6,000-gal diesel tank, one waste oil tank, and one solvent tank. The site, which was formally closed in 1998, was formally identified as SWMU 103 in CY 2000. An observational approach was used for the RFI at SWMU 103 and vicinity, resulting in five separate field mobilizations beginning in June/July 2000 and culminating in September 2003. The individual field investigations under the RFI for SWMU 103 included supplemental . collection and analysis of media samples from SWMUs 4, 5, and 18, which are located (Figure 1-1) west and southwest of SWMU 103, respectively, to support the site -wide groundwater analysis. The results from these field investigations were evaluated in the Site Conceptual Model Report for the Former Mallonee Village Gas Station and Vicinity that includes SWMUs 4, 5, and 18 at Fort Bragg, North Carolina (SAIC 2004a). The RFI for the Former Mallonee Village Gas i SAES1Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc Station SWMU 103 at Fort Bragg, North Carolina (SAIC 2004b), which is a companion document to the site conceptual model (SCM), was issued in September 2004. This document concluded that the nature and extent of contamination had been determined at SWMU 103 and recommended that a CMS be developed. 1.1 SITE BACKGROUND SWMU 103 was discovered during the investigation of SWMUs 4 and 18 located west of SWMU 103 (Figure 1-1). SWMU 4 is an abandoned landfill covering an area of approximately 10 acres. SWMU 18 consists of two fire protection training pits, which overlie a northern section of SWMU 4. One oil/water separator (OWS) (#6-9273) and one heating -oil UST (#6-9273-A) are located at SWMU 18 as part of the fire protection training pits. The OWS was removed as part of the closure of SWMU 18. The heating -oil UST was removed and replaced with an aboveground storage tank for continued heating of the building. SWMU 18 is located entirely within the SWMU 4 boundary. SWMUs 4 and 18 are located in the central part of the Fort Bragg cantonment area, southeast of the intersection of Honeycutt Road and Knox Street, as shown on Figure 1-1. During the RFI conducted by the U. S. Geological Survey for SWMUs 4 and 18 (USGS 1998), groundwater contamination was discovered at 4MWS1, which was a background well located east of Beaver Creek and east of the boundary of SWMUs 4 and 18. The RFI concluded that this groundwater contamination could be the source of similar_ contaminants detected in Beaver Creek. The RFI also concluded that the groundwater contaminant plume east of Beaver { Creek was probably not related to the SWMUs 4 and 18 sites. A records search performed during June/July 2000 in the area east of Beaver Creek (SAIC Engineering 2000b) indicated that the probable source of the potential contamination east of Beaver Creek was removed USTs located at Building 6-9650. The UST site was known as the Mallonee Village Gas Station. Two UST removals have been documented by closure reports. The following four USTs located west of (i.e., behind) Building 6-9650 were removed in 1996: one 13,500-gal diesel tank, one 10,000-gal gasoline tank, and two 1,000-gal heating fuel tanks (Earth Tech 1996). The following four USTs were removed in 1998: two 10,000-gal gasoline tanks; one 6,000-gal tank; and one 6,000-gal diesel tank (Mid -Atlantic Associates, P.A. [Mid - Atlantic] 1998). Information obtained during the records search also indicated that one waste oil tank and one solvent tank had been removed before (date unknown) the inception of current UST regulations; therefore, no closure reports were available for review. With the concurrence of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), the area east of Beaver Creek received its own SWMU designation and is now identified as the former Mallonee Village Gas Station (SWMU 103). The location of the newly designated SWMU 103 is identified on Figure 1-1 and the RFI investigation separated it from the extended RFI for SWMUs 4 and 18. In addition, following designation of SWMU 103 with its own reference number, the Fort Bragg Department of Public Works (DPW), with the concurrence of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Savannah District and NCDENR, decided to evaluate groundwater at SWMUs 4 and 18; the former Mallonee Village Gas Station (SWMU 103); and adjacent SWMU 5, an abandoned landfill, as one unit (i.e., on an area- or site -wide basis) to identify any potential influences between the four SWMUs. SWMU 103 is directly east of Beaver Creek, which 1-2 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc �1 f borders the eastern side of SWMUs 4 and 18 (Figure 1-1). SWMU 5 is approximately 200 feet west of SWMUs 4 and 18 across Knox Street. 1.2 REGULATORY BACKGROUND Fort Bragg is a U. S. Department of Defense (DoD) facility in the Installation Restoration Program (IRP). Under the IRP, the* facility is required to work toward compliance with federal and state environmental laws and regulations. In 1988 a RCRA facility assessment of the Reservation was performed to identify areas of concern (AOCs) with respect to compliance with RCRA and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HS WA) (Kearney, Inc., and DPRA, Inc. 1988). Fort Bragg holds a RCRA permit issued by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 4 and NCDENR. An RFI was performed to address environmental conditions at 31 SWMUs and 7 AOCs at Fort Bragg in accordance with RCRA corrective action guidelines. The RFI included a field investigation of SWMUs 4 and 18 between 1992 and 1997 to determine the nature and extent of contamination in soil and groundwater and the potential for migration of contamination from the source areas. SWMU 103 was discovered during the investigation of SWMUs 4 and 18. The former Mallonee Village Gas Station was formally identified as SWMU 103 in CY 2000. The regulatory authority governing the action at SWMU 103 is RCRA, 40 Code of Federal Regulations 264; Title II, Subpart C, Section 3004 (42 United States Code 690 et seq.). Regulatory criteria and guidance for corrective actions at SWMU 103 include groundwater cleanup standards. The North Carolina Standards for Groundwater Protection [15A North - - Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) 2L and interim maximum acceptable concentrations (IMAC)] are criteria for cleanup for groundwater. The North Carolina action levels are - calculated values equivalent to a remedial goal option (RGO) protective of a 1E-06 excess cancer risk or a non-cancerhazard quotient (HQ) of 1.0. Surface water (i.e., Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary) was compared to North Carolina standards for all freshwater classifications (Class C) dated April 1, 2003 (NCDENR 2003). In the absence of a North Carolina standard for all freshwater classification values, the constituent was compared to the more stringent North Carolina water supply (WS) classes for surface water. North Carolina has five classifications for WS surface waters (WS-I through WS-V). In the absence of either a North Carolina Class C or WS value, the surface water result was compared to a federal 304a standard (EPA 1998). 1.3 SCOPE OF THE CORRECTIVE MEASURES STUDY The scope of this CMS contains two distinct elements. One focuses on the summary and evaluation of the supplemental subsurface soil and groundwater data collected in CY 2005 and CY 2006 to update the nature and extent of contamination in these media and the evaluation of bench -scale and in -situ pilot studies to evaluate potential remedial technologies for groundwater. The second involves the evaluation of applicable corrective actions and selection of an appropriate corrective action alternative that will be protective of human health and the environment (CMS activities). The scope of the CMS is presented below. • Summarize results of the soil, groundwater, and soil gas data collected at SWMU 103 in CY 2005 and CY 2006. • Summarize the results of the bench -scale and in -situ pilot studies performed in CY 2005. 1-3 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc • Update the nature.and.extent of subsurface soil and groundwater contamination.: - Develop RGOs and subsequent RROs for COCs that. are -protective of human :health: and the environment. • , Screen. applicable:.corrective; action technologies and, process: options and develop .site - wide corrective action alternatives that meet the RROs.. Select ,an, appropriate .site -wide corrective. action .alternative that is protective of human: health and-the.environment: and develop a conceptual design for the alternative. 1.4 CORRECTIVE MEASURES STUDY' REPORT ORGANIZATION This CMS report is divided into seven chapters. Chapter 1,;0, Introduction; presents, general background .information . on Fort : Bragg, , specific background -information, . on'the . project: and SWMU 103, and, regulatory background information; as . Well. as an:' explanati6n of the. scope. Chapter 2.0, Site Characterization, provides, an overview of SWMU 103; physical and - environmental - descriptions, and supplemental:investigations. performed in CY 2005'. Chapter . .0; Update of Nature and Extent and the SCM, presents a summary and , update .of nature ' and extent :of contamination, contaminant fate and: transport (F&T); and : SC1VI based on results from, the supplemental investigation performed in CY 2005. Chapter 4.0, Justification and Purpose:of Corrective :Action,, presents the purpose of the corrective action.: and .proposed remedial .levels. Chapter 5.0, Screening of.Corrective Actions,,' presents ari:evaluation of corrective actions and screens them against established objectives and balancing.- factors. Chapter'.6.0, Conceptual Design and. Implementation Plan; -identifies the: selected .corrective::actions for SWMU .103, ' presents; design ;and implementation, details, and .provides a cost estimate and-, schedule for .the . remedy. References are presented in Chapter 7.0. The following. appendices are, also included: • Appendix A, soil .boring logs; • Appendix B; monitoring and injection:well construction;diagrams; • Appendix C; laboratory analytical data and chain -of -custody for sampling conducted in CY.2005;. . Appendix D,.slug test results; Appendix E,: results of the in-situ.,pilot study; • Appendix- F; supplemental investigation; Appendix G, complete:data sets for subsurface soil a nd.grouridwater; Appendix J; laboratory analytical data and chains -of -custody for. samplingconducted. in CY 2006; and . Appendix K, the F&YmodeL . -4 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\l03 CMS Final Text 070820.doc SECTION 2 SITE CHARACTERIZATION The site characterization infonnation presented in Sections 2.1 through 2.7 has been summarized from the SCM Report for SWMU 103 at Fort Bragg, North Carolina (SAIC 2004a). The results from the field investigations conducted by SAIC Engineering in March through August 2005 are summarized in Sections 2.8 and 2.9. 2.1 SITE OVERVIEW Fort Bragg is situated in northwestern Cumberland County and northern Hoke County. Cumberland County occupies about 661 square miles and had a population of 302,000 in 2000 (U. S. Census Bureau 2000). Hoke County occupies about 414 square miles and had a population of 34,000 in 2000 (U. S. Census Bureau 2000). Fort Bragg had a combined military and civilian population of 29,000 according to the 2000 census (U. S. Census Bureau 2000). The principal population centers near Fort Bragg are the city of Fayetteville, 5 Miles to the southeast, and Spring Lake, adjacent to the northeastern boundary of Fort Bragg (see Figure 2-1). The populations of Fayetteville and Spring Lake in 2000 were 121,000 and 8,100, respectively (U. S. Census Bureau 2000). Property use in the vicinity of SWMU 103 is shown on Figure 2-2 and is.summarized below. Directly east across South Lucas Drive is a vacant, asphalt parking area, which used to be the location of the Mallonee Village Shopping Center. The Mallonee Village Shopping Center was demolished in CY 2004, An elementary school (Holbrook Elementary School) is also -located across South Luca's Drive but slightly southeast of SWMU 103. Directly south of SWMU 1103 along South Lucas Drive are a credit union and a Sprint telephone building. A maintenance area that supports Fort Bragg housing is located directly west of SWMU 103. Residential housing occupies the remaining property to the south, east, and north of SWMU 103. The Officer's Club Golf Course is northwest of the intersection of Knox Street and Honeycutt Road. Carolina Power and Light power transmission lines running north to south are located west of SWMU 103, between it and Beaver Creek. Several SWMUs (i.e., SWMUs 4 and 18, SWMU 5, SWMU 8, and SWMU 9, which are part of the Fort Bragg IRP) are located in the vicinity of SWMU 103. SWMUs 4 and 18 are located west of Beaver Creek and SWMU 103. SWMU 5 is located approximately 250 feet southwest of the southern portion of SWMU 4. The Knox Street railroad yard (Honeycutt Marshalling Yard) is located west of Beaver Creek and southwest of SWMU 103. The closest part of SWMU 8 is approximately 500 feet southwest of SWMUs 4 and 18, while SWMU 9 is approximately 2,000 feet southwest. 2-1 SAFS\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc 2.2 TOPOGRAPHY, PHYSIOGRAPHY, AND CLIMATE SWMU 103 is located on a gentle, sloping hill that decreases in elevation to the west and southwest toward Beaver Creek and to the south and east toward the Holbrook tributary. The topography continues to increase in elevation to the north. The elevation of the land surface at SWMU 103 is approximately 250 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) and decreases to an elevation of approximately 220 feet AMSL near Beaver Creek. Beaver Creek is the only surface water body at the site and flanks the western side of the SWMU 103 investigation area. The Holbrook tributary of Beaver'Creek is located east and south of SWMU 103. The topography of SWMU 103 and the adjacent area is presented on Figure 1-1. Fort Bragg is situated in the Sand Hills hydrologic zone of the North Carolina Coastal Plain. The Coastal Plain extends westward from the Atlantic Ocean to the Fall Line, a distance of about 130 miles. The Fall Line is the boundary between the Coastal Plain and Piedmont physiographic provinces. The Sand Hills area is characterized by deep, sandy soil and has the most variable topography and highest land -surface elevations in the Coastal Plain. The topography at Fort Bragg is characterized by gently to steeply sloping ridges; the highest ridges are in the central part of the Reservation. Elevations range from approximately 550 feet AMSL in the western part of the Reservation to approximately 150 feet AMSL in the northeastern part along Little River. The climate at Fort Bragg is classified as subtropical with long, hot summers and mild winters. From 1951 to 1980 the mean annual rainfall was 47.80 inches (in). From 1984 to 1993 the mean annual precipitation at Pope Air Force Base (which is adjacent to Fort Bragg), located approximately 2 miles north of SWMU 5, was 45.99 in. Intense rainstorms occur primarily during the summer months. During this period, relative humidity ranged from an average of 63% in April to 76% in August. From 1984 through 1993 the mean annual temperature was 62.4 degrees Fahrenheit (7). The prevailing wind direction at Fort Bragg is.from the southwest, with an average velocity of about 9 miles per hour (mph) (USGS 1996). Total evaporation data are available for a site operated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency in Hofmann Forest, Onslow County (NOAA 1984-1993). Evaporation rates at the Hofinann Forest site are considered- to be representative of the Sand Hills and southern Coastal Plain of North Carolina with which Fort Bragg is identified. From 1984 through 1993, the average annual evaporation at the Hofinann Forest site was 38.27 in. The highest mean monthly evaporation rate at Hofinann Forest was in June (6.74 in.), and the lowest was in December (1.64 in.) (USGS 1996). 2.3 WATER SUPPLY Drinking water supplies for Fort Bragg and surrounding areas are primarily obtained from surface water sources. One exception is that of the town of Spring Lake, which obtains most of its water supply from groundwater sources. Spring Lake is located northeast of Fort Bragg, north of the cantonment area. Water used at Fort Bragg for drinking water purposes is obtained from Little River, which has. a drainage area of about 348 square miles. The average rate of water use at Fort Bragg was 7.2 million gallons per day (gpd) in 1994 (USGS 1998). Water is impounded at two dams near *the water treatment plant. Two supplemental water supply reservoirs are maintained at Fort Bragg: Lake McArthur in the northwestern corner of the Military Reservation and McKellar's Pond at the northwestern side of the cantonment area. These two reservoirs, which drain into Little River, have storage capacities of 9.6 and 2.6 billion gal, respectively 2-2 , SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc � I - f (USGS 1998). As of 1994, withdrawal from these reservoirs to supplement the Fort Bragg water supply had not been necessary. Water supplies for the city of Fayetteville, which is southeast of .Fort Bragg,. are obtained from the Cape Fear River and impoundments along Cross Creek and Lower Cross Creek, which drain the southeastern part of Fort Bragg. The Middendorf Aquifer, the Cape Fear Aquifer, and the underlying saprolite-bedrock aquifer represent three potential sources of groundwater. There are 28 water supply wells at Fort Bragg used for purposes other than drinking water supply (Figure 2-3). Reported well depths range from 62 to 600 feet below ground surface '(bgs), with a median reported depth of 93 feet; reported yields range from 5 to 170,gallons per minute (gpm). Water levels in these 28 wells range in depth from 11.5 to 85 feet bgs. The depths of the screened intervals and the aquifers (Middendorf Aquifer, Cape Fear Aquifer, or underlying saprolite-bedrock aquifer) in which they are screened are unknown. Eleven of the 28 wells at Fort Bragg (wells 12 to 18 and 26 to 29) are located in the cantonment area. All of these wells are used to irrigate golf courses. Well 10, located approximately 3 miles east of SWMU 103 at the Smith Lake Bath House and which previously provided potable water, has been plugged and abandoned. Five of the 11 irrigation wells are located at the Ryder (Officer's Club) Golf Course (wells 12' to 16), northwest and upgradient of SWMUs 4 and 18, and are within the Beaver Creek drainage area. The bottoms of the well screens are estimated to be at elevations ranging from 150 to 220 feet AMSL, thus suggesting that these wells are screened in the Middendorf Aquifer and the underlying Cape Fear Aquifer. Based on the groundwater potentiometric surface, it does not appear that these irrigation wells influence groundwater flow or contaminant transport in the vicinity of SWMU 103 (see Section 2.5). Six of the 11 supply wells (wells 17 and 18 and 26!through 29) are located at the Stryker Golf Course, .southeast of SWMU 103. The depths of two of these wells range from 152 to 164 feet bgs; however, completion information on the remaining four water supply wells at the Stryker Golf Course is unavailable. The remaining wells at Fort.Bragg are outside the cantonment area and are used for various needs other than drinking water supply. Because groundwater from SWMU 103 flows directly to Beaver Creek, it is unlikely that potential contamination would affect water quality at the more distant potable supply wells. The municipal supply wells nearest SWMU 103 are in. Spring Lake. Approximately 25% of the water used by Spring Lake is supplied by the city of Fayetteville water system, and the remaining 75% is supplied by five municipal supply wells maintained by the Spring Lake Public Works_ Department (USGS 1998). Wells 8, 9, 10, and 12 are located 3.5 to 4.0 miles north of SWMU 103. The.: Spring Lake wells, with . the exception of one well designated 11A, are screened in the Cape Fear Aquifer. Well 1 IA is screened at the base of the Middendorf Aquifer. Reported well yields range from 90 to 180 gpm. Because these wells lie to the north of SWMU 103 and groundwater flow in the Middendorf Aquifer at SWMU 103 is to the southwest into Beaver Creek, these wells are not likely to be affected by contamination. LaGrange Waterworks, which supplies water to residential areas southwest of Fort Bragg and west of Fayetteville, has 39. wells ranging from 75 to 100 feet deep, with yields ranging from 35 to 150 gpm (USGS 1998). 2-3 SAMItemed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc 2.4 SITE GEOLOGY The following geology discussion is summarized from the RFI Report for SWMUs 4 and. 18 (USGS 1998). As discussed previously, SWMU 103 is located approximately 1,000 feet east of Beaver Creek and SWMUs 4 and 18; therefore, the geology would be expected to be similar. The information has been supplemented with site -specific information gathered from the installation of 8 soil borings for soil characterization and 53 soil borings for the installation of 50 monitoring wells and 3 injection wells during the field investigations performed from June/July 2000 to March 2005 at SWMU 103. The borings logs for borings installed for the installation of injection wells (IW1 through IW3) and monitoring wells (MW41 through MW50) and for soil sampling for the supplemental investigation for SWMU 103 are presented in Appendix A. Geologic units in the Fort Bragg area, ranging from oldest to youngest, include the Carolina Slate Belt rocks, which comprise the basement rock, the Cape Fear Formation, and the Middendorf Formation. Carolina Slate Belt rocks, which underlie the younger sedimentary rocks, are of Precambrian and Cambrian age and are composed of metavolcanic, metasedimentary, and igneous rock (USGS 1998). In some areas, these rocks were exposed to weathering before the overlying sediments were deposited, creating a .zone of porous saprolite at the top of the basement rock. The elevation of the top of the basement rock ranges from 180 feet AMSL at Southern Pines, near the western edge of the Military Reservation, to 110 feet below sea level near the confluence of the Cape Fear River and Rockfish Creek (USGS 1998). The Cape Fear and Middendorf Formations overlie the basement rock and saprolite. These formations are part - of the generally southeastward -dipping and -thickening wedge of sediments that constitute the Atlantic Coastal Plain deposits. The Cape Fear Formation is composed primarily of clay interbedded with silt and silty sand. Water in the Cape Fear Aquifer is under confined conditions. The uppermost Cape Fear Formation consists of clay and sandy clay and ranges from 10 to 15 feet in thickness. Twenty- seven of the 50 monitoring wells and all 3 injection wells installed during the field activities for SWMU 103 were completed at the top of the Cape Fear Formation. The top of the Cape Fear Formation was observed at approximately 43 feet bgs [211.38 feet AMSL (MW48)] to 65 feet bgs [191.5 feet AMSL (MW6)] in the vicinity of the source area (former Mallonee Village Gas Station) and 26 feet bgs [190.4 feet AMSL (MW18)] to 36 feet bgs [179.5 feet AMSL (MW2)] in the area immediately east of Beaver Creek. The Cape Fear Formation was also observed at 82 feet bgs [187.2 feet AMSL (MW11)] upgradient of the source area. Figure 2-4 presents an update of the clay contour (surface of the top of the Cape Fear formation) below SWMU 103. The surface of the clay influences contaminant transport in groundwater at SWMU 103. The clay surface has a local high or ridge that trends from the northwest to the southeast across the site. The probable source area (former Mallonee Village Gas Station) is located just upgradient of this ridge on the edge of a topographic low or trough in the clay surface. The trough extends from north of Honeycutt Road (MW11) to the south as far as the former gas station, then curves to the southeast toward Holbrook tributary (MW15). Wells MW9 and MW12 are on the east side of the trough. The impact of the clay surface on groundwater flow is described in Section 2.5. , As previously stated, the Middendorf Formation unconformably overlies the Cape Fear Formation and forms the land surface everywhere in the area, except where it has been removed by erosion in the valley of Little River and its major tributaries and in part of Rockfish Creek 2-4 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc Valley. SWMU 103 is underlain' by an alternating succession'of sands, silty sands, clayey sands, and clays of the Middendorf Formation. The Middendorf Formation at SWMU 103 ranges in thickness from approximately 20 feet (near Beaver Creek) to 80 feet (MW10/MW11). Generally, the Middendorf Aquifer is unconfined at SWMU 103, although semiconfined conditions can occur locally. 2.5 HYDROGEOLOGY The Fort.Bragg area is underlain by three freshwater aquifers: the saprolite-basement, Cape Fear, and Middendorf aquifers (Figure 2-5). The major water -bearing strata at Fort Bragg are in the Middendorf Formation, referred to as the Middendorf Aquifer. The saprolite-basement rock aquifer is below the Cape Fear Formation, and its depth ranges from 140 feet bgs in low-lying parts of the cantonment area to 300 feet or more bgs in the central and western parts of Fort Bragg. The saprolite-basement aquifer is generally assumed to yield little water, and no supply wells in this area are known to tap solely this aquifer. The Cape Fear Aquifer is composed of the Cape Fear Formation, which is primarily clay interbedded with silt and silty sand under confined conditions. The uppermost 5 to 10 feet of the Cape Fear Formation in the Fort Bragg area form the. Cape Fear confining unit. This confining unit restricts vertical movement of water between the overlying sediments and the.silty sand units of the Cape Fear Aquifer. East of Fort Bragg, the Cape Fear Aquifer is used for public and industrial water supplies (USGS 1998). The Middendorf Aquifer primarily consists of coarse- to fine-grained silty or clayey sands, with interbedded light gray to tan clays. The interbedded and discontinuous clay layers in this aquifer support local perched water zones. Perched water zones in the Fort Bragg area generally are within 20 feet of ground surface, and groundwater in these perched zones is under unconfined conditions and referred to as the surficial aquifer. The saturated thickness of the water table within a perched water zone is typically only a few feet. Many of the perched water zones dry out during the growing season and are not reliable sources of water supply (USGS 1998). Groundwater in the lower part of the Middendorf Aquifer is commonly under confined or semiconfined conditions, as determined by interbedded clay layers, whereas groundwater in the upper part of the Middendorf Aquifer is under unconfined conditions. The potentiometric' surface of the aquifer is as much as 80 feet bgs in upland areas of the Military Reservation and is near land surface along perennial streams (discharge areas for the Middendorf Aquifer). The sandy soil that covers most of Fort Bragg and the Middendorf Aquifer is leached beds of the Middendorf Formation. This sand is highly permeable and allows rapidinfiltration of precipitation, which is the primary source of groundwater recharge. Groundwater at SWMU 103 is evaluated on an area -wide basis across SWMU 103, SWMUs 4 and 18, and SWMU 5; therefore, water levels were measured from all wells installed at these SWMUs. A total of 50 monitoring wells (MW1 through MW50) and 3 injection wells were installed as part of field investigations specific to SWMU 103. Sixteen monitoring wells (AE14A4-1 through 4MWS1, 4MWS3, 4MWS4, 4MWS6 through 4MWS11) exist at SWMUs 4 and 18. Ten existing monitoring wells (5MWD1 5MWD2, and 5MWS1 through 5MWS8) make t 2-5 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc up the groundwater monitoring network around SWMU 5. Water levels collected in April 2005 from these wells were used to develop area -wide shallow and deep surficial groundwater maps. Monitoring wells screened across the water table were used to develop the shallow groundwater potentiometric maps. Water level measurements from the wells screened at the top of the Cape Fear confining unit were used to develop the deep groundwater potentiometric maps. Some wells at SWMUs 4 and 18 and SWMU 5 were installed to evaluate a specific screened interval and did not fit the specific shallow/deep identification. Water level measurements from wells identified as intermediate were not used in either the shallow or deep interpretation. Table 2-1 presents the water levels measured in April 2005 that were used to develop the shallow and deep site -wide groundwater potentiometric maps. The shallow and deep potentiometric maps for April 2005 are presented as Figures 2-6 and 2-7, respectively. Groundwater flow from the potential source area (former Building 6-9650) at SWMU 103 is primarily to the southwest. The average shallow and deep horizontal hydraulic gradients and predominant groundwater flow directions from the SWMU 103 source area from each field investigation are presented in Table 2-2. The 'horizontal hydraulic gradient was consistent between field investigations, with the shallow and deep horizontal hydraulic gradients ranging from 0.01 to 0.013 feet/feet. The groundwater flow on both sides of Beaver Creek generally follows the ground surface topography and is directed toward Beaver Creek. Although the shallow groundwater can flow southwest with the hydraulic gradients shown in Figure 2-6, the deep groundwater is prevented from doing so by the clay ridge (Figure 2-4). Deeper groundwater in the clay trough is either forced to flow southeast toward Holbrook tributary, or may be relatively stagnant during times of drought. At SWMU 103 there are 18 nested well pairs consisting of deep and shallow monitoring wells. The vertical hydraulic gradient for each well pair for each field investigation is presented in Table 2-3. Eight well pairs located along the northern, eastern, and southern boundaries (i.e., MW10/MW11, MW12/MW13, MW14/MW15, MW21/MW20, MW26/1\4W27, MW32/MW33, MW35/MW36, and MW41/MW42) of the SWMU all have downward vertical hydraulic gradients. That is, the groundwater elevation in the shallow well -is higher than the groundwater elevation in the deep well. The range of downward vertical hydraulic gradients is 0.011 to 0.21 foot/foot (ft/ft), with the average being 0.044 ft/ft. Six well pairs located near the source area and to the south near Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary (i.e., MW1/MW2, MW6/MW7, MW16/MW17, MW18/MW19, MW22/MW23, MW43/MW44, and MW49/MW50) have upward vertical hydraulic gradients. That is, the groundwater elevation in the deep well is higher than the groundwater elevation in the shallow well. The range of upward vertical hydraulic gradients is 0.0041 to 0.062 ft/ft, with the average being 0.028 ft/ft. In addition, two well pairs (MW8/MW9 and MW37/MW38) located to the east and south of the SWMU have exhibited reversals in direction of vertical hydraulic gradient. That is, the groundwater elevations in the deep well are sometimes higher and sometimes lower than the groundwater elevation in the paired shallow well. Although the vertical gradient at well pair MW8/MW9, which is located east of SWMU 103, indicated an upward gradient in May 2001, water levels measured in March 2001, January 2003, September 2003, and April 2005 at this well pair have indicated_ a downward gradient. The vertical gradients at this well pair have ranged from 0.0074 ft/ft upward to 0.034 ft/ft downward. The vertical gradients for the well pair MW37/MW38, which is located south of SWMU 103 at Holbrook Elementary School, have ranged from 0.085 ft/ft upward in January 2003 to 0.0046 ft/ft downward in September 2003 and April 2005. Water levels at the - 2-6 ;I S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc well pair MW47/1\4W48 located at SWMU 103 indicate no difference in water levels between the shallow and deep portions of the aquifer at this location. However, due to the shallow clay layer encountered at ,this location, the screened intervalsat this well pair actually overlap by approximately 3.5 feet and, thus, may not provide an accurate representation of potential differences between the upper and lower portions of the aquifer. A laboratory vertical hydraulic conductivity test was conducted on one undisturbed soil sample from monitoring well MW10 at SWMU 103. The soil sample was collected at20 to 22 feet bgs. The vertical hydraulic conductivity determined for this sample was 6.6E-04 centimeters per second (cm/sec). During drilling activities the lithology of this sample interval was observed to be sand. 2.6 SURFACE WATER HYDROLOGY An east -west -trending ridge divides Fort Bragg into two drainage sub_basins (Figure 2-8). The northern sub -basin drains into tributaries of the Little River, while the southern sub -basin drains into tributaries of the Cape Fear River. Surface drainage at SWMU 103, which is in the southern sub -basin, drains into Beaver Creek and its tributaries. Beaver Creek flows into Cumberland Creek (Figure 2-8), a tributary of the Cape Fear River, which is east of Fort Bragg. Streams located on the Military Reservation generally are low gradient and in many areas have poorly defined channels that grade into swampy areas. Streambeds consist of unconsolidated materials, typically silt, sand, or clay. Several man-made impoundments are present at Fort Bragg. and include Lake McArthur in the northwestern corner of the. Military. reservation, McKellar's Pond in the northeastern part of the _ Military Reservation, and Smith Lake in the southeastern part of the Military Reservation. There are no natural lakes at Fort Bragg. Beaver Creek runs north to south approximately 1,000 feet west of SWMU 103 and along the eastern boundary of SWMUs 4 and 18. The creek is heavily vegetated in the'area of SWMU 103 and SWMUs 4 and 18. The natural slope of the topography on both the eastern and western sides is toward the creek; therefore, surface runoff from both sides potentially, migrates to Beaver Creek (Figure 1-1). The sources of potential runoff in the area include SWMU 103 and SWMUs 4 and 18, the maintenance area that supports Fort Bragg housing, "and a 36-in.-diameter stormwater pipe outfall that transverses the northern portion of SWMU 4 and receives stormwater drainage from _ Knox Street (Figure 1-1). In addition, the Holbrook tributary of Beaver Creek' is .located east and south of SWMU 103. This tributary receives stormwater drainage from residential areas to the north, east, and south; Holbrook Elementary School to the north; and Mallonee Village and SWMU 103. 2.7 SITE ECOLOGY SWMU 103 comprises an asphalt parking lot, concrete pad, and gravel area with no trees and a few decorative shrubs.:A small grassy slope lies between the site and an adjacent parking lot. Based on the characteristics of the site, NCDENR (meeting at Fort Bragg on March 10, 2004) agreed that there is no habitat for ecological receptors at SWMU 103 proper. . Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary flow to the east and south/southeast of SWMU 103 (Figure 1-1). Beaver Creek originates north of SWMU 103 and drains a large area north, south, 2-7 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\] 03 CMS Final Text 070820.doe and west of the site. Beaver Creek receives runoff from numerous roads and residential properties. The Holbrook tributary drains a small area and originates to the east of SWMU 103. .Beaver Creek is a perennial stream that supports aquatic communities. Drainage from SWMU 103 primarily flows into the Holbrook tributary. Aquatic receptors in Beaver Creek, the tributaries that flow into the creek, and surrounding wetlands include invertebrates, plants, algae, amphibians, and fish. The native fish population in the perennial rivers, streams, and lakes at Fort Bragg includes blue gill, chain pickerel, grass pickerel, largemouth bass, redbreast,.red ear, warmouth, bowfish, bullhead catfish, carp, channel catfish, and gizzard shad. However, Beaver Creek and Holbrook tributary are too shallow (often one or two inches deep) to support larger fish. 2.8 SUPPLEMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS FOR THE CORRECTIVE MEASURES STUDY Five field investigations (June/July 2000, April/May 2001, March 2002, December 2002/January 2003, and September 2003) under'the RFI at SWMU 103 were used to determine the nature and extent of contamination and the SCM for SWMU 103 (SAIC 2004a). All of the activities performed for field investigation at SWMU 103 through CY 2003 were summarized in the SCM Report (SAIC 2004a). The RFl (SAIC 2004b) concluded that a CMS was required for SWMU 103 and supplemental investigations and. bench -scale and in -situ pilot studies were required (see Section 1.3). The objectives for the additional field activities for CMS for SWMU 103 at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, were. based on recommendations made in the RFI (SAIC Engineering 2002); the USAGE, Savannah District scope of work dated August 10, 2004; and modification No.1 to the USACE, Savannah District scope of work dated January 28, 2005, and include • defining the present characteristics of the groundwater in the source area at SWMU 103, • defining the extent of impacted soil and groundwater around the former heating -oil UST site located east of Building 6-9344-A (this former heating oil UST site has been removed from SWMU 103 and is being addressed under the North Carolina Risk Based Corrective Action [RBCA] program), • defining the present characteristics of the groundwater just upgradient of Holbrook Elementary School and downgradient of the SWMU 103 source area and former heating - oil USTs source area at Building 6-9344-A, • performing a bench -scale pilot study on groundwater from SWMU 103, and • performing in -situ pilot studies on groundwater in the SWMU 103 source area. The field activities to support this CMS were presented in the Addendum No. 6 to the Sampling and Analysis Plan for the Pilot Studies to Support the Corrective Measures Study for Mallonee Village Gas Station (SWMU 103) at Fort Bragg, North Carolina (SAIC Engineering 2005). The field activities and results are summarized in the following sections. 2-8!i SAMIkemedU45446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 076820.doc - 2.8.1 , Sentinel Wells at Holbrook Elementary School Two additional monitoring well pairs (each consisting of a shallow and a deep well) were installed (1) directly downgradient of the -SWMU 103 source area and just upgradient of Holbrook Elementary School, and (2) directly downgradient of the former.heating-oil USTs and just upgradient of Holbrook Elementary School. The locations of the sentinel wells. (MW41 through MW44) are presented on Figure 2-9. The wells were constructed of 2-in.-diameter polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and have flush -surface completions. The wells were installed using rotosonic drilling techniques. The shallow surficial groundwater wells were installed at the water table. The deep surficial groundwater wells were installed to the top of the underlying clay:layer. The monitoring well construction is summarized in Table 274.., Boring logs for the installation, of the monitoring wells are presented in Appendix A. The monitoring well construction diagrams are presented in Appendix B. One subsurface soil sample was collected from each boring and analyzed for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), and semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs). Groundwater samples were collected a minimum of 14 days after development using micropurge, low -flow techniques and analyzed for VOCs and MTBE. The shallow surficial groundwater. wells (MW41 and MW43) were also sampled and analyzed for SVOCs: The chain of custody and complete analytical results are presented in Appendix C. 2.8.2 Subsurface Soil and Groundwater Around the Former Heating -Oil UST at Building 6-9344-A Twelve soil borings (DPT-09 through DPT-20) were installed around the perimeter of the excavation to remove the former heating -oil USTs at Building 6-9344-A and at points outside those locations identified as contaminated based on previous investigations using -direct -push technology (DPT). The DPT, soil borings locations are shown on Figure 2-10. Two subsurface soil samples. and a groundwater sample were collected from each location. The soil and groundwater data from the.12 DPTs were used to site the locations of monitoring wells (MW45 and MW46) installed to monitor groundwater contamination over time. The monitoring wells were installed using rotosonic drilling techniques. The locations of the monitoring wells are presented on Figure 2=10. The monitoring wells were screened at the water table. The monitoring well construction is summarized in Table 2=4. Boring logs for the installation of the monitoring wells are presented in Appendix A. The monitoring well construction diagrams are presented in Appendix B. Two subsurface. soil samples and one groundwater sample were collected from each DPT boring and analyzed.for VOCs, MTBE; and SVOCs. Twenty-four- to 48-hr analytical results were requested from the analytical laboratory for the soil and groundwater samples from the DPT locations to. allow the siting, of the two monitoring wells (MW45 and MW46). One subsurface soil sample was collected from' -the soil borings for the installation of monitoring wells and analyzed for VOCs, MTBE, and SVOCs. Groundwater, samples were collected from the two monitoring wells (MW45 and MW46) a minimum of 14 days after development. In addition, groundwater was collected from existing well MW69344C. All groundwater samples were collected using micropurge, low -flow techniques and analyzed for VOCs, MTBE, and SVOCs. Total organic carbon (TOC) and 2-9 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc chemical oxygen demand (COD) samples also were collected from the new wells (MW45 and MW46). The chain of custody and complete analytical results are presented in Appendix C. Field parameters collected during the groundwater sampling are presented in Table 2-5. Since the performance of these. field activities, the former heating -oil UST site at Building 6-9344-A has been removed from under RCRA (i.e., the CMS for SWMU 103) and future remedial activities will be addressed under the North Carolina RBCA Program for USTs; therefore, -the results of the soil and groundwater sampling from these locations will not be further discussed in this CMS unless the data from these locations are pertinent to the investigation/CMS for SWMU 103. 2.8.3 Groundwater Sampling of Monitoring Wells at SWMU 103 Groundwater samples were collected from the following monitoring wells to update the nature and extent of contamination for the CMS and for baseline conditions prior to the SWMU Pilot Study: MW6, MW7, MW22, MW23, MW26 (shallow site -specific background location), MW27 (deep site -specific background location), MW35, MW36, MW37, and MW38. The locations of the wells are presented on Figures 2-9 and 2-11. The groundwater samples were collected using micropurge, low -flow techniques and analyzed for VOCs and MTBE. Samples for SVOCs were also collected and analyzed for groundwater from shallow surficial groundwater wells (MW7, MW22, MW27, MW35, and MW37). COD and TOC analyses were performed on samples from wells located in the source areas and background locations (MW22, MW23, MW26, and MW27). The chain of custody and complete analytical results are presented in Appendix C. Field parameters collected during the groundwater sampling are presented in Table 2-5. 2.8.4 Slug Tests Slug tests were performed in the source area of SWMU 103 and the former heating -oil USTs at Building 6-9344-A to determine the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer and support the evaluation of remedial technologies (e.g., injection technologies) in the CMS. The slug tests were conducted at monitoring well locations distributed across the shallow and deep surficial groundwater aquifer (shallow and deep monitoring wells) at both the SWMU 103 source area and the former heating -oil USTs. Because the purpose of the slug tests was to determine the hydraulic conductivity of the saturated zone adjacent to the well, the position of the static water level, either above the top of the screened interval or within, the screened interval, was used to determine the type of test conducted so that a temporary fall of the water level into the screened interval or a rise of the water level only in the screened interval was avoided. Only a rising head test (slug withdrawal) was conducted if either of these conditions occurred. Slug tests were conducted at 10 wells in the vicinity of SWMU 103, which included two well pairs and six individual wells. The slug test type was based on the available water level data. Slug tests were conducted by placing a transducer/data logger into the well and allowing the water level to equilibrate to static conditions. A slug that displaced a minimum of 1 foot of water was inserted into the well to provide an adequate response for data analysis. For wells where the water level was above the top of the screened interval, a falling head'test was conducted first by instantaneously placing the slug into the water column and continuously measuring the water level decline. The rising head tests were conducted following completion of the falling head test by rapidly removing the slug from the water column and continuously measuring the water level rise. The slug tests were continued until at least 85 to 90% of the initial water level measurement 2-10 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC90010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc 4i had been obtained. Data loggers were programmed to record data in a logarithmic mode with rapid. measurements at the beginning of the test and decreasing measurement intervals as the test proceeded. Data recorded by the data logger were transferred to a computer after completion of the tests. The data were analyzed using the AQTESOLVTM software program for well test analysis to determine hydraulic conductivity. The Bouwer and Rice method (1976, 1989), which -is applicable to unconfined aquifers, was used for analysis of the test data. The results of the slug tests are presented in Table 2-6. The wells tested, slug test type (rising head or falling head), and hydraulic conductivity results are. indicated in this table. The average and geometric mean of the hydraulic conductivities determined from the slug test data are both .approximately 10-3 cm/sec, which is consistent with the expected range, for silty to ,fine sand (Heath 1984). The complete AQTESOLVTM results and data logger reports are presented in Appendix D. 2.8.5 Bench -Scale and In -Situ Pilot Study Evaluating Enhanced Bioremediation Using Aerobic Cometabolic Mechanism Chlorinated hydrocarbons have been observed to be oxidized cometabolically by microbes under aerobic conditions (see: Section 5.2.10). The cometabolic process, involves the microbial breakdown of the chlorinated hydrocarbons where the chlorinated hydrocarbon is oxidized incidentally by an. enzyme or cofactor produced during microbial metabolism "of another compound being used as an electron donor. Electron donors that have been observed in aerobic oxidation include the following: dextrose, methane, ethene, ethane, propane, butane, aromatic hydrocarbons (such as toluene and phenol), and ammonia. Because of the naturally occurring aerobic conditions observed in the groundwater at SWMU 103, the following bench -scale and in - situ pilot studies were performed to evaluate potential bioremediation using aerobic cometabolic mechanism. A specialized_ microbial blend (CL-OutTM) developed for effectiveness' against chlorinated organic solvents manufactured by CL-Solutions and dextrose. were selected as the representative aerobic bacteria and electron donor, respectively, to evaluate bioremediation using aerobic cometabolic mechanism. CL-OutTM is comprised of nonpathogenic, naturally occurring bacterial strains (no artificial mutation or genetic engineering) specifically isolated for their ability to reduce trichloroethene (TCE) and its degradation products. The bacteria degrade chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs) through a cometabolic pathway that requires. a primary substrate (dextrose) :and an aerobic environment. Oxygenase enzymes oxidize TCE to form an epoxide; which is further reduced to 1,2-dihydroxy-TCE, that ultimately breaks down to fatty acids or alcohols and finally to carbon dioxide, chloride ions, and water. The results of the bench -scale study and in -situ pilot studies are presented in the following sections. Bench -scale study A bench -scale treatability study was performed to determine whether the addition of specialized bacteria would be effective for the groundwater at SWMU 103. A. sample of the groundwater was collected from MW23, the location of the highest 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane concentrations, and shipped to Osprey Biotechnics (Osprey). Table 2-7 presents the results of the bench -scale testing. 'The complete analytical results and chain of custody are presented in 2-11 SAES1Remed1745446 Fort Bragg PBC130010 SWMU-103\Final CMS1Final VersionU 03 CMS Final Text 070820.doc Appendix C. Osprey was sent four sets of duplicate samples (40-milliliter vials). Osprey performed four (A, B, C, and D) replicate bench -scale studies. One vial of each set was inoculated with 0.2 gram of CL-OutTM/nitrate/dextrose. The other vial of the set was maintained as a control. The bench -scale study (Table 2-7) indicated an average 16% percent removal of 1,1,2,2- tetrachloroethane. The removal of TCE was more sporadic, probably due to the lower initial concentration level and the fact that WE is produced from the breakdown of 1,1,2,2- tetrachloroethane. The average percent removal for TCE was 12.5%. According to Dr. Peter Vandenberg of Osprey, 10 to 20% reduction in contamination indicates success for the bench - scale testing. The bench -scale testing is a qualitative test to determine if the contaminant can be degraded by the specialized bacteria. The bench -scale test indicated that 1,1,2,2- tetrachloroethane was treatable with CL-OutTM and that the in -situ pilot study should be performed to develop site -specific criteria. In -situ pilot study The in -situ pilot study was performed based on the results of the bench -scale study and the results are presented in the following sections. Pilot Study Design and Injection Procedures. The SWMU 103 Pilot Study consisted of installation of three injection wells and four monitoring wells, injection of specialized bacteria during two injection events, and groundwater monitoring over a 2-month period to evaluate the performance of the injections. Three injection wells (IW1, IW2, and IW3) were installed in the vicinity of the SWMU 103 source area. Two additional shallow/deep well pairs (MW47/MW48 and MW49/MW50) were installed in the SWMU 103 source area to evaluate the groundwater treatment by specialized bacteria. These wells were located downgradient of the injection wells. Figure 2-11 presents the locations of the new monitoring and injection wells. The monitoring and injection wells were constructed of 2-in.-diameter PVC with flush -surface completions. The shallow monitoring well was screened across the water table. The deep surficial groundwater monitoring wells and injection wells were installed to the top of the clay -confining layer. Due to the shallow nature of the clay -confining unit encountered at the injection well locations, these wells were completed with a continuous 15-feet screened interval instead of the planned three separate screened intervals (2 to 5 feet below the water table, midway through the water column, and at the clay -confining layer). A field change request was submitted to USACE addressing this change. The wells were installed using rotosonic drilling techniques. The injection wells and associated monitoring wells were located to have an approximate 10-foot radius between the injection wells and the nearest downgradient well pair (MW47/MW48) and. an approximate 20- foot radius to the furthest downgradient well pair (MW49/MW50). The monitoring well construction is summarized in Table 2-4. Boring logs for the installation of the monitoring wells are presented in Appendix A. The monitoring and injection well construction diagrams are presented in Appendix B. The existing well pair MW22/MW23 is located in the source zone but upgradient of the pilot test and served to represent background conditions for the test. These wells are also shown on Figure 241. A microbial blend (CL-OutTM), combined with nutrients, specifically designed for treatment of chlorinated organic solvents, was injected into the three injection wells to biodegrade 1,1,2,2- tetrachloroethane and TCE during the SWMU 103 Pilot Study. The specialized bacteria were shipped from the supplier in freeze-dried, powdered form. The 55-gal Mylar bags, containing _ 2-12 ' SAES1Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-1037inal CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc approximately 1 gal of bacteria, were mixed with approximately 55 gal of clean, potable water to produce 55 gal of high -activity microbial. solution. The specialized bacteria were allowed to activate for 24 hr before injection into the subsurface. One 55-gal drum of CL-OutTM specialized bacteria solution comprised the initial dosage and was injected (by gravity or pump) into each injection well. Fifty pounds of dextrose were added to and dissolved in each 55-gal drum of CL- OutTM prior to injection. Supplemental oxygen was supplied to the subsurface using a solution of PermeOx®. Prior to injection of the CL-OutTM, a slurry of PermeOx® was prepared by mixing an appropriate amount of PermeOx® powder with approximately 5 gal of water. The PermeOx® was then placed in each injection well by gravity flow. This procedure was repeated until 15 to 20 lbs of PermeOx® was injected into each injection well. Following injection of the PermeOx®, each well was surged with a surge block designed for use in a 24n well to distribute the PermeOx&throughout the screened interval of the well and augment movement of the PermeOx® into the surrounding formation. To ensure the CL-OutTM was distributed throughout both the lower and upper portions of the aquifer, a straddle packer assembly was used in each injection well to isolate the lower and upper portions of the screened intervals during injection of the CL-OutTM. During injection into the lower portion of the aquifer, the packer assembly was equipped with a solid section of casing between the upper and lower packers, and was positioned so that the CL-OutTM could be injected into the lower 5 feet of the screened interval by placing the lower packer at approximately 10 feet below the top of the screen. The upper packer was positioned across the upper portion of the screen, which extended above the water level, to seal this portion of the screen and prevent movement of groundwater out of the unsaturated portion of the screen. For injection into the upper portion of the aquifer, the packers were positioned similar to the arrangement for injection into the lower portion of the aquifer, but the solid section of casing between the packers was replaced with a perforated section of casing to allow flow of the CL-OutTM out of this 5-foot interval. In this manner, the bottom 5 feet of the screened interval and the top of'the screened interval above the water level were sealed off and the CL-OutTM could be injected into the upper 5 feet of the aquifer. The injection of the CL-OutTM was conducted so that one-half of a 55-gal drum of the microbial solution was injected into the lower portion of the aquifer and the other half was injected into the upper portion of the aquifer at each injection well. Due to the lower hydraulic conductivity of the formation at the IW2 injection well, it was necessary to pump the CL-OutTM into the lower portion of the aquifer at this well. A bladder pump was used for pumping the CL- OutTM to avoid the high pressures and heat produced by other hydraulic pumps that could damage the microbes. After injection of the CL-OutTM, fresh, clean potable water was injected to provide hydraulic head to drive the CL-OutTM into the formation and to flush the screen. This process was repeated for the second injection, which was performed approximately 30 days after the initial injection. In addition to the slurry of PermeOx®, each injection well was equipped with a time -release diffuser containing PermeOx® following injection of the CL-OutTM solution. The diffusers were constructed of a 10-foot length of 1.5-in diameter PVC screen sealed with caps on, both ends. Approximately 5 lbs of PermeOx® powder was placed into fabric socks, which were placed inside the PVC screen section. The diffusers were lowered into each injection well until completely submerged and remained in the wells throughout the Pilot Study, with the exception 1 .;J 2-13 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc - 1, of sample collection periods. PermeOxg remained in the diffusers at the completion of the Pilot Study and was returned to the wells following completion of the last performance monitoring sampling event. Table 2-8 presents a summary of the quantities of PermeOx®, CL-OutTM, and potable water injected into each well during the two injections comprising the Pilot Study at SWMU 103. Table 2-9 presents a summary of field parameters collected during the Pilot Study. Pilot Study Performance Monitoring. Groundwater monitoring was conducted at SWMU 103 source area wells following injection of the microbial solution. Groundwater samples for performance monitoring were collected during four sampling events. These samples were collected at approximately 7 days following the first injection and at approximately 30 days following the first injection. Groundwater samples were also collected at approximately 7 days after the second injection and approximately 30 days after the second injection. The performance groundwater sampling included three source -area monitoring well pairs (MW22/MW23 [background], MW47/MW48, and MW49/MW50) and the three injection wells (IW1 through IW3). The locations of the performance monitoring wells are presented on Figure 2-11. The performance monitoring groundwater samples were collected using micropurge, low - flow techniques and analyzed for VOCs, chloride, nitrate, TOC, and microbial plate count. Samples for SVOCs were also collected and analyzed for groundwater from the shallow surficial groundwater wells (MW22, MW47, and MW49). Accura Analytical Laboratory, Inc. performed the chemical analyses and Osprey conducted the microbial plate count. The chain of custody and complete analytical results are presented in Appendix C. Field measurements obtained during the groundwater sampling activities for the in -situ pilot study are presented in Table 2-9. In -situ Pilot Study Results. The results of the in -situ pilot study are presented in Table 2-10. The baseline groundwater samples- were collected on April 13 and 14, 2005, and represent the concentration of contaminants prior to injection. As discussed in Section, PermeOx® and specialized bacteria were injected March 25 and 26, and June 28 through 30, 2005. Groundwater samples were collected approximately 7 days and 30 days after each injection to evaluate the performance of the treatment. Table 2-9 presents the critical field parameters, dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, and oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) collected during the Pilot Study. The data indicate that CL-OutTM will probably degrade 1,1,2,2-tetrachlorothane, though the test was probably too short duration and the dose possibly too low to impact contaminants beyond the injection wells. The three injection wells were located around MW47 and MW48, with MW49 and MW50 located to evaluate downgradient performance. 1,1,2,2-Tetrachlorothane concentrations decreased to essentially nondetect in the injection wells (IW1 through IW3) where contact with the bacteria, dextrose, and oxygen was assured. Sporadic decreases in concentrations of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane were observed in MW47 and MW48. 1,1,2,2- Tetrachlorethane was reduced from 110 µg/L to nondetect (< 1 µg/L) and from 340 to 250 µg/L in MW47 and MW48, respectively, after 7 days from injection. However, rebound occurred, as observed in the groundwater samples collected 30 days after the first injection, with concentrations of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane of 210 and 330 µg/L in MW47. and MW48, respectively. The pattern of removal is. repeated by the second injection with reductions in 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane of 210 to 90 µg/L at MW47 and 330 to <5 [tg/L at MW48, with a leveling off or rebounding again occurring 30 days after the second injection. It is possible there was some slight removal of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane in the deep downgradient well MW50; but 2-14 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\]03 CMS Final Text 070820.doe t. the changes in concentration were not much different than those observed in background wells MW22 and MW23. The influence of the bacteria and dextrose injections were considerably lower at the downgradient locations. The concentrations of TCE did not follow the removal patterns for 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane. In all of the injection wells, TCE concentrations initially increased while 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane decreased, likely because TCE is produced by the biological breakdown of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane. No significant changes in TCE concentrations were observed in any of the monitoring wells. The concentrations of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane; TCE; and TOC with time for each well are presented in Appendix E. Figures El through E9. The following summarizes the observations and conclusions of the in -situ pilot study. CL-OutTM effectively treats 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane in groundwater if sufficient oxygen, nutrients, and buffering are provided: Based on the aquifer flow field, the monitoring well pair MW47/MW48 is 10 feet downgradient- from IW1 and MW49/MW50 is 15 feet downgradient from IW2. The MW47/MVd48 well pair experienced changes in plate count, 1,1,2,2- tetrachloroethane decreases, and TOC increases within 7 days. The response in well pair MW49/MW50 was considerably less, but TOC increases were observed after 30 days. Thus, the 7-day effective downgradient radius of influence is at least 10 feet. The optimum CL-OutTM level, as indicated by pseudomonad plate counts of>1,000,000, was reached in MW47, MW48, and MW49 less than 7 days after the first injection, but was also observed in background well MW22 at the same time, suggesting a high background population. The target population was not maintained for 30 days, suggesting either continuous dilution by aquifer flow and mixing or due to die -off due to limiting factors, such as nutrients, oxygen, or competition. Along with the rapid rebound of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane in monitoring wells, these factors may indicate difficulties maintaining target clean-up levels with this technology. There appears to be good correlation between achieving the target-CL-OutTM population and the degradation of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane. TCE increases in the injection wells in which the 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane concentration decreases because TCE is a degradation product of the biological cometabolic degradation of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane. This may be the most convincing evidence of biodegradation observed in the pilot test. There does not appear to be a correlation between DO or Redox levels and microbial population levels. 2-Butanone was detected in injection wells and MW47. It increased during the pilot study in IW2. Increases in 2-butanone and acetone have been observed at some CL-OutTM treatment sites (email Mike Saul of CL-Solutions, 2005). These ketones may form as a transformation of organic acids produced by the breakdown of the solvents. 2.9 SURFACE WATER SAMPLING BY USACE IN MARCH 2O06 Surface water samples were collected in Beaver Creek and the.Holbrook tributary to.update the nature and extent of groundwater contamination intercepting these surface water bodies. Four samples were collected in Beaver Creek and 10 were collected in the Holbrook Tributary-. Figure 2-12 identifies the locations. USACE followed guidance from the EPA Region 4 Standard Operating Procedures for the collection of surface water samples (EPA 2001b). A clean scoop 2-15 SAES\RemedV45446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010.SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 07O820.doc with an extension handle was used to collect the surface water samples. Samples were collected -_ as close as possible to the center of either Beaver Creek or the Holbrook tributary. Efforts were made to minimize collecting sediment in the sample scoop. The sample was collected from the surface and poured into a laboratory -preserved bottle. A trip blank was included to check for cross -contamination during shipment. Duplicate samples were taken from the same scoop as the initial sample and an equipment blank was taken after collection of all the samples. The results of the surface water sampling performed by USACE as part of the supplemental sampling are discussed in Appendix F and have been incorporated into the updated site conceptual model discussion in Section 3.0. The USACE findings did not change the conclusions of the RFI. The most important finding was 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane exceeded North Carolina surface water standards for approximately 2,200 feet of Holbrook Tributary as well as in one sample from Beaver Creek just below the confluence of Beaver Creek and Holbrook Tributary. 2.10 SOIL GAS SAMPLING IN NNE 2006 A total of 18 soil gas piezometers were installed in June 2006 (Figure 2-13) around the perimeter of the Holbrook Elementary School buildings and within open areas between separate school buildings. The piezometers were installed as close to the school buildings as reasonably practicable with consideration of underground structures and utilities. All soil gas sampling was conducted in accordance with Addendum No. 7 to the Sampling and Analysis Plan to Support the CMS at the Mallonee Village Gas Station (SAIC 2006). The boreholes for installation of the soil gas piezometers were created using a Geoprobe® (DPT) truck -mounted rig to remove the soil from a 2.0- to 3.0-in.-diameter borehole. The boreholes were advanced to a depth of approximately 8.0 to 10.0 feet bgs. After completion of the boreholes, the well screen and casing were inserted into the boring so that — 1.0 foot of granular filter pack material was beneath the well plug. The casing, screen, and fitting materials for construction of the piezometer were 1.0-in.-diameter, Schedule 40 steel. Screen sections were commercially fabricated with slotted openings equal to 0.025 cm (0.010 in.). The length of screen for the piezometer was 2.0 feet. The top of the casing had a threaded, airtight cap that was fitted with a sample port sized to join to the inlet line of a 6-liter (L) SUMMA canister. After insertion of the piezometer screen and casing in the borehole, granular filter pack material was placed within the annular space around the screen to a depth of 1.0 feet above the top of the screen. Granular filter pack material was 20/40 grade sand. Bentonite was used to create an annular seal between the granular filter pack and an upper grout seal. Commercially available bentonite pellets were added to the annular space above the filter pack. A sufficient quantity of bentonite pellets was added to create a 2.0-feet-thick seal. After placement of the bentonite pellets, a small volume of VOC-free potable water was added to hydrate the seal material. Hydration time for thebentonite pellets was a minimum of 1.0 hr. After completion of the bentonite seal, the remaining annular space from the top of the bentonite seal was grouted to ground surface. A flush -mount, drive -over well cover was placed over the piezometer. A concrete collar, with minimum dimensions of 1.5 by 1.5 feet, was poured around the well cover. Table 2-11 presents a summary of the piezometer construction. The piezometer was purged approximately 48 hours after placement of the concrete collar to remove atmospheric air introduced during construction. Purging was accomplished by 2-16 i S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 07O820.doc r� M connecting a vacuum pump to the sampling port located on the piezometer's top cap using flexible Teflon® or stainless steel tubing. A flow -totalizing indicator was attached to the discharge line of the vacuum pump: Purging was continued until three well volumes of air were removed from the piezometer. Sampling system components were cleaned in accordance with Method TO-15 (EPA 1999) prior to assembly of the sampling system. The sampling systems for soil vapor were 6-L subatmospheric SUMMA canisters. For collection of the soil vapor samples, flow restriction was provided by a critical orifice set to charge the canisters to the desired end pressure over a 60-second sample collection period. The sampling system was assembled in accordance with Method TO-15. Sampling was conducted at least 72 hr after. initial purging of the soil gas monitoring well. Once the sampling 'system was located at the soil gas sampling station, connection to the sample port in the piezometer was made with Teflon® or stainless steel tubing fitted with a stainless steel vacuum valve. Temperature, pressure, and other relevant parameters specified by Method TO-15 were recorded. The soil gas sample was collected by opening the system's valving for the specified sample collection period of 60 seconds. Flow restriction was provided by a critical orifice set to charge the canister to the desired end pressure over this sample collection period. Upon collection of the samples, the final pressure was checked and recorded. The final system pressure was — 88 kiloPascals (kPa) (90 to 100 millimeters of mercury [mm Hg] of vacuum). Upon collection of the air samples, the SUMMA canister's valve was closed. The sampling line was disconnected from the canister and the canister removed from the sampling system. The SUMMA canister was ,labeled as required, by the Sampling and Analysis Plan. The canisters were shipped to the laboratory in a canister shipping case; as required by the manufacturer's r specifications. All equipment, including the sampling inlet line, used at each sampling station was dedicated; therefore, no decontamination was required. In addition to soil gas samples collected from the soil gas piezometers, one ambient air sample was collected from each of the two accessible crawl spaces beneath Holbrook Elementary. School. These air samples were also collected using a 6-L SUMMA canister. The canisters were placed in an appropriate location within the crawl space and were left for a minimum 8-hr period. The SUMMA canisters were equipped with a flow controller calibrated to obtain a time -integrated sample over an 8-hr period. Air samples were analyzed for VOCs using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analyses, as required by EPA Method TO-15. The results of the soil gas sampling performed as part to the supplemental sampling are presented in Appendix F and have been incorporated into the updated site conceptual model discussion in Section 3.0. The most significant finding from the soil gas and crawlspace air sampling was that the contaminants detected in these air samples (largely petroleum compounds, alcohols, and ketones) were generally notfound in groundwater. The primary groundwater contaminants, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and TCE, were not detected in any of the air samples. Therefore vapor intrusion of VOCs from groundwater into Holbrook Elementary School does not appear to be occurring to a measurable extent. 1 2=17 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doe 2.11 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING IN JUKE 2006 Groundwater samples were collected from three monitoring well locations (MW35, MW37, and MW42) around Holbrook Elementary School and one location (MW48) at the SWMU 103 source area to update current contaminant concentrations and to evaluate the potential for vapor intrusion at the school in conjunction with the soil gas sampling (Section 2.10). The locations of the wells are presented on Figure 2-14. All groundwater sampling was conducted in accordance with Addendum No. 7 to the Sampling and Analysis Plan to Support the CMS at Mallonee Village Gas Station (SAIC 2006). The collection of groundwater samples from the monitoring wells was accomplished using low -flow, non -dedicated bladder pumps. The groundwater samples were collected using micropurge, low -flow techniques and analyzed for VOCs. The results of the groundwater sampling performed as part to the supplemental sampling in June 2006 are discussed in Appendix F and have been incorporated into the updated site conceptual model discussion in Section 3.0. The most significant finding from the 2006 groundwater sampling event was that 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and TCE concentrations are stable or decreasing. 2-18 %) SAMItemed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103Tinal CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc SECTION 3 UPDATE OF NATURE AND EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION AND THE SITE CONCEPTUAL MODEL The update of the nature and extent of contamination and SCM is confined to SWMU 103. As directed by NCDENR and the Fort Bragg DPW, contaminants identified in the media associated with the former heating -oil UST will be evaluated and presented in a Comprehensive Site Assessment Report to. be written by USAGE, Savannah District following the North Carolina RBCA UST guidance and will not be discussed in the following discussion on the SCM for SWMU 103. The supplemental investigation conducted in CY 2005 to support the CMS did not significantly change the SCM for SWMU 103 described in the SCM Report (SAIC 2004a) because (1) no constituents of potential concern (COPCs) were identified in the additional subsurface soil samples collected in CY 2005 (Appendix F), and (2) concentrations. of COCS -"- detected in groundwater were similar or slightly lower than during the previous investigations (Appendix F). The SCM and the conclusion for each medium are briefly summarized in the following section to support the CMS. The only changes that are evident in the updated nature and extent of contamination and SCM involve .impacts from the removal of the contaminants originating around the former. heating -oil USTs located at Building 6-9344-C and the update of the natural attenuation evaluation. The nature and extent of contamination and SCM for SWMU 103 is summarized in the following sections to support the CMS. 3.1 SOURCE OF CONTANHNANTS AT SWMU 103 The source of the contamination originating from SWMU 103 is primarily chlorinated solvent products released from at least. one UST formerly located at the former Mallonee Village Gas Station. Through its operational life, the former Mallonee Village Gas Station had up to ten USTs containing the following petroleum products: waste oil, heating oil, solvents, gasoline, and diesel fuel (Figure 1-2). All of the USTs have been removed, and surface and subsurface soils have been excavated in the immediate areas of the USTs and piping. Free product and soil contamination were indicated during removal actions. Eight of the USTs were removed in 1996 and 1998 under North Carolina UST regulations, and closure reports were submitted for these USTs. One waste oil UST and one solvent UST were removed prior to the inception of the current North Carolina UST regulations. Contaminants associated with petroleum products (benzene and other aromatic VOC and SVOC hydrocarbons, and methyl-tert-butyl ether- [MTBE]) are believed to be the remnants of spills or leaks from the petroleum USTs removed under North Carolina UST regulations. Contaminants associated with the former heating oil UST at Building 6-9344 (Section 2.8.2) are being addressed under the North Carolina RBCA program for USTs. The SWMU 103 contaminants are chlorinated solvents, believed to have leaked from the solvent UST at the former gas station. 3-1 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 07O820.doc No other sources of chlorinated solvent contamination have been identified for SWMU 103. Relatively high levels of chlorinated solvents were also detected in wells to the east (MW-9 and MW-12) and south (MW-41 and MW-42) of the former gas station. Higher concentrations of solvents at these locations are likely due to groundwater transport from the former gas station source area as influenced by the clay "trough" and not due to separate sources of contamination. 3.2 SOILS AND GEOLOGY The soils beneath SWMU 103 are primarily sands (average of 82%) with intermittent, relatively thin clay lenses. The Cape Fear clay -confining unit is present at a depth of approximately 50 to 60 feet bgs. The indurated clay of this unit has low permeability (10-7 to 10-8 cm/sec) and acts as a barrier to any further vertical contaminant migration; therefore, potential soil and groundwater contaminants are confined to the Middendorf Formation above the Cape Fear confining unit. Contours (Figure 2-4) of the surface of the clay indicate a clay high just to south (downgradient) of the location of the former Mallonee Village Gas Station. The former gas station is located on the edge of a low trough in the clay that extends toward Holbrook tributary in the east as well as approximately 750 feet north (upgradient) of the former gas station where the clay elevation begins to increase around MW10/MW11. This clay trough likely influences groundwater flow and contaminant transport in the deeper groundwater to the north and east of the former gas station. 3.3 GROUNDWATER HYDROLOGY The depth to groundwater at SWMU 103 ranges from approximately 30 feet bgs in the area of the former Mallonee Village Gas Station area to near ground surface adjacent to Beaver Creek. The shallow and deep groundwater flow at SWMU 103 is toward Beaver Creek in a southerly to southwesterly direction. Shallow and deep potentiometric maps show a consistent groundwater flow direction (see Figures 2-6 and 2-7 for most current potentiometric maps [April 2005]) to the southwest from the SWMU 103 source area. However, groundwater flow is influenced by the surface of the Cape Fear clay (Figure 2-4). Shallow groundwater can flow over the clay ridge to the south of the former gas station. Deeper groundwater is prevented from flowing south or southwest by the clay ridge, and is likely diverted in the clay trough to the southeast toward Holbrook tributary. The horizontal hydraulic gradients of the shallow and deep surficial flow system are approximately equal with an average of approximately 0.01 ft/ft and do not fluctuate much seasonally. Vertical gradients at SWMU 103 generally follow expected patterns, with downward gradients in the higher topographic areas (i.e., above Honeycutt Road) and upward gradients in the lower topographic areas (i.e., near Beaver Creek). Variations from this pattern could be attributable to potential clay lenses producing localized semiconfined conditions or to transient hydraulic conditions (e.g., precipitation). Beaver Creek represents a groundwater divide between SWMU 103 and SWMUs 4.and 18, which are approximately 1,000 feet apart. 3-2 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU- I 03\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc 3.4 SURFACE WATER HYDROLOGY There are two prominent surface water features at SWMU 103: Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary (Figure 1-1). Beaver Creek, a perennial stream, runs north to south approximately 1,000 feet west of SWMU 103 and along the eastern boundary of SWMUs 4 and 18. The natural slope of the topography on both the eastern and western sides is toward Beaver Creek; therefore, surface runoff from both SWMU 103 and SWMUs 4 and 18 potentially migrates to Beaver Creek. The sources of potential runoff to Beaver Creek include SWMU 103 and SWMUs 4 and 18, the maintenance area that supports Fort Bragg housing, a 36-in.-diameter stormwater pipe outfall that transverses the northern portion of SWMU 4 and receives stormwater drainage from Knox Street, and residential housing. The Holbrook tributary is located east and south of SWMU 103 and receives stormwater drainage from residential areas to the north, east, and south and. from Holbrook Elementary School, the former Mallonee Village Shopping Center, and SWMU 103 to the north. The groundwater , level near Beaver Creek is near ground . surface, and Beaver Creek represents a groundwater divide between SWMU 103 and SWMUs 4 and 18, indicating that groundwater from both SWMU 103 and SWMUs 4 and 18 is intercepting Beaver Creek. Groundwater from SWMU 103 is also intercepting the Holbrook tributary. There is only a limited amount of information about surface water flows in Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary. It appears that the base flow is relatively low, usually less than 180 <' gallons per minute m most of which discharges from the Holbrook- tributary g p (gp ), g into Beaver Creek. During high rainfall events, such as thunderstorms (estimated to be 60 — 70 days per year), flows can be much greater. 3.5 SURFACE SOIL No additional soil samples were collected during the supplemental investigation for the CMS. Therefore, the conclusions from the RFI (SAIC 2004b) are still applicable. No VOCs were identified as human health constituents of potential concern (HHCOPCs) in surface soil. Four polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(ghi)perylene, dibenzo(ah)anthracene, and phenanthrene) were identified as HHCOPCs in surface soil. Of these, benzo(ghi)perylene .and phenanthrene were identified as HHCOPCs in surface soil by default because there. were no EPA Region 9 residential soil preliminary remediation goals (PRGs).(EPA 2003a). These SVOCs were detected along roads and parking areas, which were located outside the SWMU 103 source area. The RFI (SAIC 2004b) concluded the SVOCs in surface soil are the result of surface runoff from these parking areas and roads and not attributable to SWMU 103 and, do not require further investigation or development of corrective measures in the CMS. 3.6 SUBSURFACE SOIL Nine additional subsurface soil samples were collected from soil borings for the installation of monitoring wells at SWMU 103 for the supplemental investigation (CY 2005) for the CMS. The results from this supplemental investigation are discussed .in Appendix F. The subsurface soil data set for SWMU 103 was reevaluated by adding the nine additional subsurface soil samples r � - . f 3-3 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103Tinal CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc from the supplemental investigation for the CMS, removing data from subsurface soils associated with the former heating -oil UST, and updating to the most current EPA Region 9 residential PRGs (October 2004). The new screening values are presented in Table 3-1. The data making up this subsurface soil data set are presented in Appendix G, Table G-1. Only one VOC (total xylenes) was identified as an HHCOPC in subsurface soil. Total xylenes were detected in 6 of 33 subsurface soil samples with only 2 of the 6 slightly above the EPA Region 9 residential PRG (27 milligrams per kilogram [mg/kg]). Subsequent to the RFI, SWMU 103 was limited to the contaminant release from the solvent UST, -and petroleum contaminants are addressed under North Carolina UST regulations. The two detections of ethylbenzene above the EPA Region 9 residential PRG in subsurface soil occurred in the soil interval just above the water table (26 to 27 feet bgs at S138 and 28 to 30 feet bgs at 4PH40). Typically, only subsurface soil data down to 10 feet bgs (the approximate maximum depth of a foundation for a house) are evaluated to determine HHCOPCs for subsurface soil. The conclusions presented in the SCM Report (SAIC 2004a) and RFI (SAIC 2004b) are still applicable for subsurface soil associated with SWMU 103; HHCOPCs in the SWMU 103 source area are infrequently detected and are located in the interval just above the water table. The low level of contamination in subsurface soil at or below the water table at the SWMU 103 source area is addressed in the CMS along with potential groundwater treatment in this area; therefore, no separate corrective measures for the remediation of HHCOPCs in subsurface soil will be required in the SWMU 103' source area. 3.7 GROUNDWATER The groundwater dataset for SWMU 103 was updated by adding data from the supplemental investigation for the CMS and removing data that was specific to the former heating -oil UST area. This update included adding the VOC and SVOC results from groundwater collected in the SWMU 103 source area in April 2005 and around Holbrook Elementary School in April 2005, August 2005, and June 2006. VOC and SVOC data collected from well MW69344C were not included in the data set because free product continues to accumulate in this well. In addition, SVOC data from wells installed around the former heating -oil UST (MW41, MW42, MW43, MW443 MW45 and MW46) were not included in the groundwater data set because the former heating -oil USTs at Building 6-9344-A are the source of SVOCs (i.e., PAHs) in groundwater; however, VOC data from these wells were included because chlorinated solvents in the groundwater originate from the SWMU 103 site. In addition, groundwater samples (except for the baseline sampling) collected to evaluate the performance of the in -situ pilot study were not included because the samples were impacted by the injection of specialized bacteria, oxygen - releasing compounds (ORCs), and nutrients. Tables 3-2 and 3-3 present summary statistics for VOCs and SVOCs in groundwater, respectively, using the updated groundwater data set. The updated groundwater data set is presented in Appendix G, Table G-2. 3.7.1 Volatile Organic Compounds Twenty-one VOCs were detected in the groundwater. Using the criteria developed in the RFI, of the 21 VOCs, only 14 were detected above EPA Region 9 PRGs and/or the North Carolina 2L standards and identified as HHCOPCs for potable use of groundwater. The 14 VOCs are: 3-4 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 07O820.doc 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane; 1,1,2-trichloroethane (TCA);. 1,2-dichloroethene (DCE); acetone; benzene; chloroform; chloromethane; dibromochloromethane; ethylbenzene; MTBE; tetrachloroethene; toluene; TCE; and total xylenes. These 14 VOCs are HHCOPCs in groundwater at SWMU 103. Three VOCs (benzene, ethylbenzene, and TCE) were also detected ,above their respective maximum contaminant levels (MCLs). It should be noted that the only VOCs that were eliminated from the list of site -related constituents (SRCs) from the SCM and RFI were six VOCs detected once in groundwater collected from MW69344C, the monitoring well located at.the former heating -oil UST in which free product continues to accumulate. Of these 14 VOCs, four exceed the EPA Region 9 PRGs but are below the North Carolina 2L . standards or the federal drinking water MCL; 1,1,2-TCA, 1,2-DCE, dibromochloromethane, and toluene.. Since these contaminants do not exceed statutory groundwater or drinking water standards for potable use, they were eliminated' as HHCOPCs for potable use during the CMS process. Ten VOCs exceed a potable use standard in at least one sample at SWMU 103. Of these 10 VOCS: • Five are chlorinated compounds: 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane, TCE, chloroform, chloromethane, and tetrachloroethene. • Four are. associated with petroleum products: benzene, ethylbenzene, total xylenes, and MTBE. • One is non -chlorinated but not commonly associated with petroleum products: acetone. The four chemicals associated with petroleum products,are excluded as SWMU 103 HHCOPCs because they most likely resulted from releases from petroleum USTs that were removed under North Carolina UST regulations: SWMU 103 is defined by a solvent tank release. Therefore the contaminants associated with the petroleum USTs are addressed under North Carolina .UST regulations, not the SWMU 103 RCRA process. Acetone is a common laboratory contaminant and has a very short half-life in the environment. It was detected above the North Carolina 2L standard in only one well (MW-11), but was not detected in the subsequent sampling event. Acetone was therefore eliminated as an HHCOPC for SWMU 103. The primary contaminants in groundwater are chlorinated solvents. The highest concentrations of chlorinated solvents are still measured in the deep surficial groundwater. Although not regulated as part of SWMU 103, the highest concentrations of petroleum contaminants are located in the shallow surficial groundwater:. The concentrations of chlorinated solvents (and petroleum contaminants) exhibited a sporadic but slight decrease from previous results. In summary, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane; chloroform; chloromethane; tetrachloroethene; and TCE were retained as HHCOPCs in groundwater at SWMU 103 and evaluated of potential corrective actions in the CMS. 3-5 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc 3.7.2 Semivolatile Organic Compounds Eight SVOCs were detected in groundwater. Using the criteria developed in the RFI, of these eight SVOCs, only three [2-methylnaphthalene, naphthalene, and bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate] were detected above EPA .Region 9 tap water PRGs or the North Carolina 2L standards. 2- Methlynaphthalene.was detected in 4 of 58 groundwater samples at SWMU 103; all four of the detections exceed the EPA Region 9 tap water PRG, and three of the detections exceed the North Carolina 2L standards. Naphthalene was detected in groundwater in 3 of 58 groundwater samples with all three detections above the EPA Region 9 tap water PRG and the North Carolina 2L standard. All of the detections of naphthalene and three of the detections of 2-methylnaphthalene were at MW22, the shallow surficial groundwater well located in the area of the former Mallonee Village Gas Station (SWMU 103). The remaining 2-methylnaphthalene concentration (1.9J micrograms per liter [[tg/L]) was located at MW8, a shallow surficial groundwater well east of the SWMU 103 source area; this concentration is below the North Carolina 2L standard. The RFI concluded that 2-methylnaphthalene and naphthalene are contaminants associated with SWMU 103 and are only located in the surficial groundwater in the area of the former Mallonee Village Gas Station. However, these contaminants are associated with petroleum products, and therefore probably resulted from releases from the petroleum USTs at the former Mallonee Village Gas Station. The petroleum USTs were removed and remediated under North Carolina UST regulations, and SWMU 103 is limited to the solvent release. Therefore 2- methylnaphthalene and naphthalene were eliminated as SWMU 103 HHCOPCs in the CMS process. Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate was detected in 12 of 58 groundwater samples with one of the detected concentrations exceeding the EPA Region 9 tap water PRG and two exceeding the North Carolina 2L standard. Bis(2ethylhexyl)phthalate is a common contaminant associated with the manufacture of plastics and is a common laboratory contaminant. Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate is not associated with contamination originating from SWMU 103 but is more likely a common background contaminant. In summary, although 2-methylnaphthalene, naphthalene, and bis(2-ethylhexylphthalate) were detected above North Carolina 2L standards, these chemicals are not associated with SWMU 103 and therefore are not HHCOPCs in groundwater at SWMU 103. 3.7.3 Distribution of Groundwater Contaminants The highest concentrations of chlorinated solvents were detected in the deep portions (just above the clay -confining unit) of the surficial water -bearing zone, while the highest concentrations of petroleum -related constituents [benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX)] were detected in the shallow portion (at the water table) of the surficial water -bearing zone. The release of chlorinated solvents and petroleum products from the removed USTs at the former Mallonee Village Gas Station was the primary source of contaminants in groundwater at SWMU 103. The petroleum products were released from USTs that were removed and regulated under North Carolina UST regulations. The chlorinated solvents were released from a solvent UST that is the subject of the SWMU 103 CMS. No other sources have been identified for SWMU 103 contamination. It has been hypothesized that in the past, a light, nonaqueous-phase M S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 07O820.doc liquid (LNAPL) and a dense, nonaqueous-phase liquid (DNAPL) might have been present during the initial phase of the past release (more than 30 years ago); however, the concentrations of constituents detected to date have not indicated the existence of a free -phase LNAPL or DNAPL in the subsurface. Most VOCs associated with chlorinated solvents have migrated significantly beyond the SWMU 103 source area. Distribution of these VOCs was assessed relative to North Carolina 2L standards as a threshold: 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane is the chlorinated solvent detected most often and at the highest concentrations. It exceeded the North Carolina 2L standard in at least one sample in 47 of 53 wells. The highest concentrations (>250 µg/L) are generally deeper wells clustered around the former gas station source area (IW1, IW2, IW3, MW6, MW23, MW48, and MW50), but also include a few wells to.the east (MW9 and MW12) and south (MW41 and MW42). The higher levels of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane in MW9 and MW12 probably represents contaminant migration in the clay trough toward Holbrook tributary. The higher levels of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane in MW41 and MW42 (as well as detections at concentrations >100 µg/L in wells further south) likely represent migration around and over the clay ridge with the hydraulic gradient. • TCE is generally the next most widely distributed contaminant, and exceeds its North Carolina 2L .standard in 31 of 53 wells. Its concentrations are highly correlated .with, though lower than, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane (the TCE concentration is usually about 5% to 20% of the 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane concentration). This correlation is evidence of a r common source and migration pathways. • Tetrachloroethene was detected above its North Carolina 2L standard in 14 of 53 wells. It is also well correlated with 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane but at much lower concentrations (highest detection was 3.2 µg/I, in MW12). Although tetrachloroethene exceeds North Carolina 2L standards, it never exceeds its MCL.. The tetrachloroethene was likely released and migrated with 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and TCE.. • Chloromethane was detected above its North Carolina 2L standard in 9 of 53 wells. The highest concentration was 6.9 µg/L in MW6. Generally its detection locations correlate poorly with those of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane, TCE and PCE. It is more commonly found in shallow wells, often near Beaver Creek. It is not clear if chloromethane originated from the SWMU 103 solvent tank. • Chloroform was detected above its North Carolina 2L standard in only one sample from shallow source well MW22. Although chloroform exceeds North Carolina. 2L standards, it never exceeds its MCL. The distribution of VOC contaminants demonstrate that _1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethene, TCE, and PCE share a common source (the solvent UST at the former gas station) and common migration, pathways. It is possible but uncertain whether chloromethane and chloroform were also released from the solvent UST. 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane and TCE are the' most widespread contaminants and are present in concentrations several orders of magnitude above the North Carolina 2L standards, and therefore will have the greatest influence on the clean-up approach -r and time until standards are met. 1 7. I 3-7 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc To explain the higher concentrations of chlorinated solvents in deeper portions of the Middendorf aquifer, the RFI hypothesized that in the past (more than 30 years ago) a DNAPL (chlorinated solvent) might have been released from SWMU 103 that could have migrated to the top of the clay -confining unit and dispersed across the top of the clay, with a portion adsorbed to the surface of the clay, which acts as a continuous source by dissolution to the deep surficial groundwater. This hypothesis seems unlikely because contaminant concentrations are too low to indicate the presence of DNAPL. Also, subsurface soil samples of the clay from the Cape Fear confining layer indicated concentrations of chlorinated solvents (see Section 4.9.6 of the SCM Report), but groundwater modeling did not reproduce comparable groundwater concentrations. This argues against a historic DNAPL pool on the clay surface. The former Mallonee Village Gas Station was located just upgradient of an elevated high in the clay -confining unit (Cape Fear confining unit). Dissolved contaminants in the more shallow portions of the surficial groundwater could flow over the clay "ridge" so that dissolved contaminants could easily migrate with groundwater to the south (toward MW41 and MW42). However, dissolved contaminants in deeper .groundwater (in the trough) are prevented from migrating south by the clay high. Groundwater (and dissolved contaminants) may be relatively stagnant in the trough, or may be directed eastward toward the Holbrook tributary (and MW9 and MW12). Matrix diffusion theory supports the conceptual model that dissolved contaminants could diffuse and adsorb into the Cape Fear clay, and diffusion back out of this clay could support the higher concentrations of VOCs found in the deeper portions of the surficial groundwater, particularly if advective transport in this zone is relatively slow. Therefore, whether the original source material was DNAPL, or more likely dissolved -phase solvents, the underlying Cape Fear clay formation plays an important role in the conceptual site model. The concentrations of chlorinated solvents measured to date do not indicate the presence of free -phase DNAPL. The groundwater data for April 2005 and June 2006 indicate a possible decreasing trend since January 2003 at the SWMU 103 source area (former Mallonee Village Gas Station) due to natural attenuation and/or seasonal variations. Figure 3-1 illustrates that concentrations of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane show a decreasing trend in deep wells MW12, MW23 and MW48. Concentrations of TCE appear to be relatively stable. 3.7.4 Potential Groundwater Contamination Upgradient of SWMU 103 Low concentrations of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane; TCE; and chloroform have been detected to date in groundwater from site -specific background wells north of Honeycutt Road MW26 and MW27. MW26 and MW27 were installed because groundwater in the original background wells, MW10 and MWl1, also contained chlorinated solvents. In addition, low concentrations of four VOCs (1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane; .chloroform; toluene; and TCE) were detected at the water table, and six VOCs (1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane; 1,2-DCE; toluene; TCE; cis-1,2-DCE; and trans- 1,2-DCE) were detected in the deep groundwater samples (just above the clay) collected from temporary sampling locations in the residential area located north of SWMU 103 and Honeycutt Road (as far as approximately 2,800 feet north of SWMU 103). 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane was detected at concentrations above the North Carolina groundwater standards [15A NCAC 2L, NCDENR 2002] in wells MW26 and MW27. The chlorinated solvents in the groundwater north of Honeycutt Road are most likely from SWMU 103, because the relative proportion of solvent concentrations (particularly the ratio of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane to TCE) is the same (this is most clearly seen in MWl 1). 3-8 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC130010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc It is possible that deep groundwater in the clay trough (Figure 2-4) is relatively stagnant and that contaminants have traveled by diffusion or mixing northward in the trough from the former gas station. However, the residential area is north of the point at which the clay begins to increase in elevation as it approaches MW27, the site -specific deep background well. It seems unlikely that contaminants from SWMU 103 would be impacting groundwater this far upgradient of the SWMU 103 source area. However, low. levels of VOCs characteristic of SWMU 103 chlorinated solvents are present in groundwater upgradient of SWMU 103. 3.7.5 Potential Contamination Migrating Under Beaver Creek The groundwater results from SWMUs 4 and 18 do not indicate that the contamination present in groundwater located at SWMU 103 is migrating below Beaver Creek. Some common constituents (i.e., chlorinated solvents and their degradation products) are present both east and west of the creek; however, much higher levels would be detected west of Beaver Creek if significant levels of contaminants, specifically 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and TCE and their degradation products, were migrating beneath Beaver. Creek. The shallow and deep surficial groundwater flow from SWMU 103..is in a southwesterly direction toward Beaver Creek. In addition, there is a slight upward vertical gradient associated with the well pairs located along Beaver Creek (MW1/MW2 and MW18/1\4W19), suggesting that groundwater movement is upward toward the shallower portion of the aquifer, which is connected to the surface water of Beaver Creek. Tetrachloroethene; TCE; 1,1,2,2- tetrachloroethane; chloroform; chloromethane; and cis-1,2-DCE have been detected in surface water and sediment in Beaver Creek. Available information indicates that chlorinated solvent contaminants.and/or their degradation products in groundwater from SWMU 103 are intercepting- the surface water in Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary. 3.7.6 Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater Figure 3-2 presents the chemical and biological breakdown pathways for the predominant contaminants in groundwater at SWMU 103. Breakdown products of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and TCE such as cis-1,2-DCE, trans-1,2-DCE; and 1,1,2-TCA have historically been infrequently detected at low concentrations in the shallow source area groundwater, indicating that reductive dechlorination of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane may have occurred when the solvents and fuels were co -mingled after release. The lack of migration of these daughter products from the source area is noteworthy. Groundwater geochemical data collected during the course of site investigations at SWMU 103 indicate that natural conditions beneath the site are aerobic,, with DO concentrations ranging from 4 to 8 milligrams per liter (mg/L) and ORPs ranging from +100 to +350 millivolts. In addition, competing electron acceptors such as sulfate and nitrate are present at concentrations that will limit anaerobic dechlorination. However, these electron acceptors do not represent an obstacle to reductive dechlorination of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane when adequate carbon substrate is available. Review of SWMU 103 site data collected in the vicinity of the source area from monitoring well pairs MW22/23. and MW6/7 is instructive to assess past natural attenuation processes and the current distribution of contaminants.. At both well clusters high concentrations of fuel compounds have .been detected at the shallow wells (MW7 and MW22), but significant �) 3-9 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc concentrations of fuel compounds are absent at both deep wells (MW6 and MW23). It appears that the chlorinated solvents and fuels originally leaked from USTs and the solvents sank through the unsaturated and saturated zones as a DNAPL, possibly reaching the top of the Cape Fear Formation clay. Early in the spill history we can assume that 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane concentrations at the shallow wells (MW7 and MW22) were similar to or even greater than 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane concentrations at the deeper wells today (MW6 and MW23). A comparison of the chlorinated solvent concentrations present in the shallow and deep wells in recent years indicates the impact of fuel -related organic carbon on 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and TCE degradation. Solvent and fuel VOC data collected in January 2003 are summarized in Table 3-4. Groundwater analytical data collected from the deep wells (MW6 and MW23) indicate that 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and TCE are present at relatively high concentrations in the absence of BTEX. Conversely, BTEX compounds are present at relatively high concentrations at the shallow wells (MW7 and MW22) while 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane, PCE, and TCE are present at very low concentrations or are non -detect. These data clearly indicate that, in the presence of elevated concentrations of organic carbon sources (i.e., fuel hydrocarbons), 1,1,2,2- tetrachloroethane and TCE are anaerobically biodegraded without the sustained accumulation of daughter products cis 1,2-DCE and vinyl chloride. 3.8 VAPOR INTRUSION In addition to screening against potable use criteria (i.e., Region 9 PRGs and/or North Carolina 2L standards), chemicals detected in groundwater were evaluated for their potential to migrate to indoor air at Holbrook Elementary School. The vapor intrusion evaluation included in the SCM Report (SAIC 2004a) is based on EPA's Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER) Draft Guidance for Evaluating the Vapor Intrusion to Indoor Air Pathway from Groundwater and Soils (Subsurface Vapor Intrusion Guidance) (EPA 2002). Since the vapor intrusion evaluation in the SCM Report (SAIC 2004a) was completed, two actions have occurred: • New monitoring wells (MW41 and MW42) were installed near Holbrook Elementary School and additional data were collected from the new and existing monitoring wells in April 2005, August 2005 and June 2006. • Eighteen permanent soil gas monitoring points were installed around the perimeter and between the buildings comprising Holbrook Elementary School. Samples were collected from all soil gas monitoring points as well as two crawlspaces under the school in June 2006. The soil gas and crawlspace air sampling in June 2006 showed that VOCs are not migrating from groundwater to the school via, vapor intrusion to any measurable extent. Several contaminants (primarily alcohols, ketones, and petroleum contaminants) were detected in soil gas and crawlspace air samples, but most have not been detected in groundwater near Holbrook Elementary School. The primary contaminants in groundwater, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and TCE, were not detected in any of the air samples. There were only three contaminants, acetone, chloroform and tetrachloroethene, that were detected both in groundwater and soil gas/crawlspace air samples. However, if these contaminants were in the air samples due to volatilization and vapor transport from groundwater, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and TCE would 3-10 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc also have been present. Therefore, it was concluded that vapor intrusion of groundwater contaminants is an incomplete, or at least insignificant, pathway. The details of this analysis are in Appendix F. Nevertheless, the 2006 data were used to evaluate risk of vapor intrusion. The maximum concentrations of volatile constituents detected in groundwater in April 2005, August 2005, and June 2006 from shallow monitoring wells (MW35, MW37, and MW42) located closest to Holbrook Elementary School and results of crawl space and soil gas samples from Holbrook Elementary School in June 2006 (Figure 2-13) were evaluated using the EPA (2002) draft guidance, and the results are presented in the following'sections. 3.8.1 Tier I Screen The groundwater at SWMU 103 failed the Tier I screen because seven organic chemicals detected in shallow monitoring wells MW35, MW37, and/or MW42 (acetone, chloroform; dibromochloromethane; 1,2-DCE; 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane; tetrachloroethene; and TCE) meet the criteria of being sufficiently volatile and toxic. Therefore, 'a Tier II screen was performed. 3.8.2 Tier II Screen All of the VOCs identified in the Tier I screening were eliminated as potential vapor intrusion risks based on Tier II screening. A summary of the screening levels and monitoring results is presented in Table 3-5. Screening results for individual chemicals are described below. (l Of the seven VOCs detected in groundwater, only three, acetone, chloroform and PCE were detected. in any soil gas . or crawlspace air samples. Due .. to the incomplete pathway, dibromochloromethane, 1,2-DCE, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and, TCE were eliminated as potential vapor intrusion risks. Note .that dibromochloromethane and 1,2-DCE concentrations in groundwater were below the 10-6 risk level for vapor intrusion. Acetone was detected at low concentrations in crawlspace air samples (3 of 3), soil gas samples (18 of 20), and groundwater. samples (3 of 10). All detections were below target concentrations. Therefore, acetone is eliminated as a potential vapor intrusion problem at Holbrook Elementary School. Chloroform was detected at low concentrations in groundwater (5 of 10) samples, but concentrations were low enough 'to satisfy the 10-6 risk level for vapor intrusion. Chloroform was not detected in any crawlspace air samples, but was detected in 4 of.20 deep soil gas samples. Three of the four detections and all 16 non -detections were low enough to satisf6y the 10-6 risk level. Concentrations in only one of the 20. soil gas samples exceeded the 10- risk level; that exceedance satisfied the 10-5 risk level for chloroform. Therefore chloroform is not expected to be a vapor intrusion problem at Holbrook Elementary School. Tetrachloroethene was detected at low concentrations in crawlspace air samples (1 of 3), soil gas samples (4 of 20), and groundwater sam6ples (3 of 10). Concentrations in all groundwater and soil gas samples were below the 10- risk level targets. The concentrations in one crawlspace sample exceeded the 10-6 risk level, but satisfied the 10-5 risk level for tetrachloroethene. Therefore tetrachloroethene is not expected to be a vapor intrusion problem at Holbrook Elementary School. 3-11 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc In summary, results indicate that there is currently no threat of vapor intrusion from VOCs in groundwater into Holbrook Elementary School. Since only one round of soil gas monitoring has been conducted to date, continued monitoring at Holbrook Elementary School is prudent to ensure that there is no threat to human health. 3.9 SURFACE WATER AND SEDIMENT Surface water samples were collected in Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary in March 2006 to update the nature and extent of surface water contamination and to determine the extent of groundwater contamination intercepting these. surface water bodies. Four samples (SW1, SW3, SW5, and SW6) were collected in Beaver Creek and ten samples (SW2, SW4, SW7, SW8, S W9, S W 10, S W l 1, S W 12, S W 13, and S W 14) were collected in the Holbrook tributary. The results from this supplemental investigation of surface water are discussed in Appendix F. The results indicate that VOCs characteristic of the contaminants in groundwater at SWMU 103 continue to migrate to surface water in Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary at levels above the North Carolina surface water standards. The 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane concentrations in surface water in the Holbrook tributary continue to exceed the North Carolina surface water standards for this VOC. 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane concentrations in Beaver Creek exceed the North Carolina surface water standards downstream of where the Holbrook tributary discharges into it. The supplemental surface water data collected in March 2006 confirmed the conclusions of the SCM, as summarized below. The SCM (SAIL 2004a) determined that groundwater contamination originating from SWMU 103 and intercepting Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary is the source of chlorinated VOC contamination in surface water and sediment in Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary. Conversely, SVOCs identified as HHCOPCs in surface water and sediment were not attributed to SWMU 103. SVOCs were primarily detected at SW6, a surface water/sediment sampling location that is directly downstream of a 36-in.-diameter stormwater pipe outfall that traverses the northern portion of SWMU 4 and receives stormwater drainage from Knox Street. The stormwater outfall is the main contributing factor to the elevated levels of SVOCs detected at this location. The SVOCs in surface water and sediment are most likely from the asphalt of Knox Street and petroleum products leaking from automobiles traveling along the street. In addition, SVOCs were detected in sediment at the background locations in Beaver Creek, indicating that there is an upstream contribution to SVOC contaminants in sediment other than runoff from SWMU 103 into Beaver Creek. Table 3-6 presents the HHCOPC screening for VOC SRCs from the RFI. 3.9.1 Surface Water 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane was identified as the only HHCOPC in surface water in Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary. Several other VOCs were detected in surface water, but all were below North Carolina surface water standards. Acetone was also eliminated as a surface water HHCOPC at the CMS stage because it is not a groundwater HHCOPC. The VOC HHCOPC will require evaluation of potential corrective action in the CMS. Surface water base flow in Beaver Creek at Knox Street appears to be approximately 180 gpm. The concentration of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane in Beaver Creek at Knox Street during base flow conditions appears < 8.6 µg/L, which is just above its North Carolina surface water standard of 4 µg/L. 3-12 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU- 103\Final CMS\Final Version\l03 CMS Final Text 070820.doe 3.9.2 Sediment Eight sediment HHCOPCs were identified for Beaver Creek and three sediment HHCOPCs were identified for the.Holbrook tributary (all SVOCs) (SAIC 2004b). As discussed previously, the SVOCs were determined not to be originating from SWMU 103; therefore, there are no HHCOPCs in sediment. 3.10 ECOLOGICAL RISK ASSESSMENT SWMU 103 is comprised of an asphalt parking lot, concrete pad, and gravel area with no trees and a few decorative shrubs; therefore, with the concurrence of NCDENR, there is no significant surface soil habitat for ecological receptors at SWMU 103 proper. Ecological COPCs (ECOPCs) were identified in surface water and sediment as shown below. Surface Water. Toluene and bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate are ECOPCs in surface water. Sediment. Seven VOCs [..1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane; 2-butanone; 4-methyl-2-pentanone; acetone; toluene; TCE; and total xylenes] and 16 SVOCs [3+4-methylphenol, anthracene, benzo(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(ghi)perylene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzoic acid, bis(2ethylhexyl)phthalate, carbazole, chrysene, dibenzo(ah)anthracene, fluoranthene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, phenanthrene, and pyrene] are considered ECOPCs in sediment. Although all of these contaminants were included in the ecological risk analysis, it is noted ..N that only two, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and TCE, can specifically be attributed to the SWMU 103 solvent UST release. Groundwater contamination originating from SWMU 103 and intercepting Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary is the source of chlorinated solvent contamination in surface water and sediment in Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary. SWMU 103 is not the source of SVOC contamination in surface water and sediment. SVOCs were primarily detected at SWS6, a surface water/sediment location that is directly downstream of a 36-in.-diameter stormwater pipe outfall that traverses the northern portion of SWMU 4 and receives stormwater drainage from Knox Street. The stormwater outfall is the main contributing factor to the elevated levels of SVOCs detected at this location. The SVOCs in surface water and sediment are most likely. from the asphalt of Knox Street and petroleum products leaking from automobiles traveling along the street. In addition, SVOCs were detected in sediment at the background locations in Beaver Creek, indicating there is an upstream contribution to SVOC contaminants in sediment other than runoff from SWMU 103 into Beaver Creek. Only VOCs originating from groundwater migrating from SWMU 103 are ECOPCs in surface water and sediment. Corrective measures evaluated to remediate HHCOPCs in groundwater at SWMU 103 will reduce/eliminate constituents identified as ECOPCs in surface water and sediment; therefore, no specific corrective measures are evaluated in the CMS for ECOPCs. 3.11 FATE AND TRANSPORT A contaminant F&T analysis presented in the SCM Report (SAIC 2004a) assessed how representative compounds detected at SWMU 103 could be transported in' the environment and their potential fate. It also evaluated the potential for contaminants in subsurface soil to leach to 3-13 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Fina1 CMS\Final Version\103 CMS.Final Text 070820.doc groundwater by a comparison to the North Carolina soil screening levels (SSLs) to identify contaminant migration constituents of potential concern (CMCOPCs). The following F&T section updates the F&T analysis using the updated sampling and analysis conducted in 2005 and 2006. The previous contractor, SAIC, developed a numerical model that is presented in Appendix K. 3.11.1 Soil Screening Level Evaluation The contaminants detected (i.e., SRCs) in the updated subsurface soil data set (Table 3-1) for SWMU 103 were evaluated for their potential to migrate to groundwater by comparing the maximum concentrations in subsurface soil to North Carolina SSLs (Table 3-7). Five VOCs (1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane; benzene; chloroform; ethylbenzene; and total xylenes) exceeded their respective North Carolina SSLs (Table 3-7). 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane exceeded its North Carolina SSL in 2 of 2 detections out of 33 subsurface soil samples. Benzene exceeded its North Carolina SSL in 1 of 3 detections out of 33 subsurface soil samples. Chloroform exceeded its North Carolina SSL in 1 of 4 detections out of 33 subsurface soil samples. Ethylbenzene exceeded its North Carolina SSL in 2 of 5 detections out of 33 subsurface soil samples. Total xylenes exceeded its North Carolina SSL in 2 of 6 detections out of 33 subsurface soil samples. However, benzene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes are associated with petroleum products and not the solvent UST release that comprises SWMU 103. Therefore 1,1,2,2- tetrachloroethane; and chloroform are CMCOPCs in subsurface soil. All of the VOCs that exceeded their respective North Carolina SSL in .subsurface soil were indicated as SRCs in groundwater at SWMU 103. All of the VOC concentrations exceeding North Carolina SSLs were located at or within the immediate area of the former Mallonee Village Gas Station. Most of the VOCs exceeding the North Carolina SSL were located at or just above the water table (> 25 feet bgs). 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane; and chloroform are identified as CMCOPCs in subsurface soil at SWMU 103. These contaminants were infrequently detected and are located at or just above the water table; therefore, as concluded by the SCM (SAIC 2004a), these contaminants are not significantly contributing to the SWMU 103 source area groundwater contamination. The contaminants are not colocated with the highest concentrations of contaminants in groundwater, and modeling in the SCM Report indicated that the currently observed groundwater concentrations is not the result of measured contamination in the subsurface soil. The subsurface soil contamination at or just below the water table represents a depleted source. The low level of contamination in subsurface soil at or below the water table at the SWMU 103 source area will be addressed with potential groundwater treatment in this area in the CMS; therefore, no further evaluation is required for CMCOPCs in subsurface soil in the SWMU 103 source area. 3.11.2 Natural Attenuation Modeling This section presents the methods and results of the update of F&T modeling used to evaluate the migration of the primary COC (1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane) from SWMU 103. This work was conducted by the previous contractor, SAIC. F&T modeling was updated based on the supplemental investigation performed in CY 2005. Results from previous F&T modeling (SAIC 2004a) indicated that the maximum observed concentration in groundwater was approximately an order of magnitude higher than the 3-14 SAMlIemed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWW-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc maximum concentration that would result from leaching of the observed soil concentrations as predicted by SEasonal Flow and Transport Model for the Unsaturated SOIL Zone (SESOIL) and Analytical Transient 1-, 2-, 3-Dimensional (AT123D) modeling. Also, the supplemental investigation performed in CY 2005 did not identify a soil zone with higher concentrations than what was observed in the past. Therefore, the updated F&T analysis only involves the observed groundwater concentration, which is identified as the primary source of contamination at this site. The detailed numerical modeling approach, assumptions, and results are presented in Appendix K. A summary of the numerical model and the results is presented below. The numerical model was set up using a Modular Three -Dimensional Groundwater Flow Model (MODFLOW) . simulator at a scale corresponding -to a 100-foot grid spacing and populated with information from the SCM. The final values for the hydraulic conductivity, recharge, and constant -head boundary conditions were set through calibration to observed groundwater level data for April 2005, and are presented in Appendix K. The calibrated model can simulate average, steady-state conditions on a scale of approximately 100-foot grid spacing. The calibrated model was then used to simulate groundwater flow under average, steady-state conditions. The model was also used to predict natural attenuation of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane by coupling MODFLOW-simulated flow fields with the Modular Three -Dimensional Multi - Species Transport Model (MT3DMS). Flow simulations were conducted assuming current conditions. The initial condition of the plume was set by using the most recent observed concentrations. The groundwater was divided into two layers: one representing the shallow surficial groundwater (Layer 1) and one representing the deep surficial groundwater (Layer 2). Groundwater concentrations, tend to vary with depth with the higher concentrations of chlorinated solvents toward the deeper groundwater. To avoid overestimating the, mass of contamination at the site, an average concentration for each layer was determined from the most recent sampling results. The initial concentration for Layer 1 was an average of the shallow well concentrations and the calculated 'concentration at the Layer 1/Layer 2 interface. Similarly, the initial- concentration for Layer 2 was an average of the calculated concentration at the Layer 1/Layer 2 interface and the deep well concentrations (please see the discussion in Appendix K). The calibrated model encompasses an area of approximately 92 acres with a contaminant mass of approximately 77.56 kg of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane within the dissolved plume. The biological degradation half-life was assumed to be very conservative as described below (i.e., 7.9 years).and was consistent with previous modeling efforts for SWMU 103. The fate of the 1;1,2,2-tetrachloroethane (primary COC in groundwater) was simulated over a period of 100 years at target concentrations associated with specific receptors. These target concentrations and resulting mass removal required to achieve the target concentrations are presented in the following bullets: 5 µg/L: the groundwater concentration of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane identified in the site - specific background location (MW27), requiring a removal of approximately 77.18 kg of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane (99.5% removal). • 4 µg/L: remedial level for 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane in surface water, which is equal to the North Carolina surface water standard criterion for 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane identified to be protective of surface water, requiring a removal of approximately 77.29 kg of 1,1,2,2- tetrachloroethane (99.6% removal). 3-15 S:1ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc • I µg/L: the analytical reporting level for 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane, requiring a removal of approximately 17.53 kg of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane (99.96% removal). • 0.17 µg/L: remedial level for 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane in groundwater, which is. equal to the North Carolina 2L standard, requiring a removal of 77.56 kg of 1,1,2,2- tetrachloroethane (100% removal). Concentration -over -time plots at strategic receptor locations were developed. Receptor exposure points were selected at various distances downgradient from the source areas and at probable discharge points in Beaver Creek and/or the Holbrook tributary. These locations were selected based on the points of maximum detected concentrations in Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary, and selected downgradient groundwater locations. Time periods were estimated to achieve the various target levels (e.g., 5, 4, 1, and 0.17 µg/L) at the receptor exposure points. The natural attenuation time to achieve each target level is summarized in Table 3-8. The estimated natural attenuation period to achieve the North Carolina 2L standard (0.17 µg/L) for tetrachloroethane is 60 years from CY 2005, and the period to achieve the North Carolina surface water standard (4 µg/L) for 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane is 33 years from CY 2005. Contaminant is removed by advection, discharge to surface water, and the modeled decay function. While the modeling effort provides a useful estimate of the natural attenuation period, it is important to acknowledge the uncertainty associated with the estimate. There are several sources of uncertainty: The natural attenuation decay rate for 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane was chosen based on literature values, and in order to be conservative, a value toward the lower end of the range of suggested values was selected for use. Although the selected value (half life of 7.9 years) is considered to be conservative, the value is not validated for SWMU 103. Site wide, groundwater samples have only been analyzed from July 2000 through June 2006 (less than 6 years), and no single site well has been sampled for that entire period. This timeframe is too short to validate the decay rate. The model assumed that all contaminant mass is, present in the primary flow zones (Layers 1 and 2). However, the Site Conceptual Model speculates that diffusion out of the lower Cape Fear Formation clay layer is acting a continuing source of contamination. Sufficient data are not available to quantify a mass flux of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane from the clay into the overlying aquifer. If diffusion from clay is a significant source of contamination, the model may have underestimated the required natural attenuation period. • Although 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane is detected in the site -specific background location (5 µg/L in MW27), no upgradient flux of contamination is included in the model. The natural attenuation period required to achieve RGOs below the site -specific background concentration is uncertain. • The North Carolina 2L standard for 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane (0.17 µg/L) is below the analytical detection limit for that chemical. It will be difficult to determine if the North Carolina 2L standard is met. 3-16 . SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc S 3.12 NATURE AND EXTENT OF CONTANIINATION AND HUMAN HEALTH CONSTITUENTS OF POTENTIAL CONCERN Figure 3-3 presents the estimated horizontal extents of groundwater and surface water contamination based on the latest groundwater data from each well and surface water sampling point using 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and TCE as representative chemicals for chlorinated solvents. The areal extents of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and TCE contamination are approximately 92 and 74 acres, respectively. The chlorinated solvent contamination permeates the entire groundwater column with the higher concentrations located in the deep surficial groundwater. Contaminants in groundwater are being intercepted by Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary. Figure 3-4 summarizes the contaminants and the migration pathways and SCM for SWMU 103. Table 3-9 presents the final HHCOPCs in groundwater and surface water requiring development of RGOs and evaluation of potential corrective actions in a CMS. 3.13 DEVELOPMENT OF REMEDIAL GOAL OPTIONS The RFI (SAIC 2004b) and the supplemental investigation for the CMS identified COPCs for potable use (HHCOPCs) and vapor intrusion COPCs in groundwater and HHCOPCs in surface water requiring potential corrective action. Vapor intrusion COPCs have subsequently been eliminated as a result of the soil gas and crawlspace air monitoring in June 2006. Table 3-9 presents a summary of COPCs requiring the development of RGOs. RGOs were calculated to assist in risk management decisions and to establish a range of values from which site remedial levels could be established. RGOs were developed for HHCOPCs in groundwater and surface water. A summary of each medium is presented below. Surface Soil. Semivolatile HHCOPCs identified in surface soil were detected at spots along roads and parking areas that'were located outside the SWMU 103 source area. The SVOCs in surface soil are the result of surface runoff from these parking areas and roads and are not attributable to SWMU 103. Subsurface Soil. HHCOPCs and volatile CMCOPCs in the SWMU ' 103 source area are infrequently detected and are located just above the water table. The low level of contamination in subsurface soil at or below the water table in the SWMU 103 source area will be addressed with potential groundwater treatment in this area as evaluated in the CMS. Therefore, no separate corrective measures for the remediation of HHCOPCs or CMCOPCs in subsurface soil will be required in the SWMU* 103 source area. Groundwater. Volatile HHCOPCs are present in groundwater originating from the SWMU 103 solvent tank release, at the former Mallonee Village Gas Station and require potential action. HHCOPCs were identified as those chlorinated solvent contaminants whose maximum concentration exceeded either the North Carolina 2L or IMAC Standard. The HHCOPCs in groundwater requiring potential corrective action are: 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane; chloroform; chloromethane; tetrachloroethene; and TCE. Surface Water and Sediment. Only VOCs originating from groundwater migrating from SWMU 103 were considered as potential HHCOPCs in surface water. No VOCs. were indicated as HHCOPCs in sediment. The only HHCOPC in surface water requiring potential corrective action is 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane. J 3-17 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc Corrective measures evaluated to remediate volatile HHCOPCs in groundwater at SWMU 103 will reduce/eliminate constituents identified as HHCOPCs in surface water in Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary. 3.13.1 Groundwater Remedial Goal Options RGOs for the use of groundwater as a potable water supply were developed as described below. Potable Use RGOs The North Carolina groundwater standards (15A NCAC 2L) and North Carolina groundwater interim standards were chosen as the recommended RGOs for potable use of groundwater. Table 3-10 presents the recommended RGOs and final COCs identified in groundwater. 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane; chloroform; chloromethane; tetrachloroethene and TCE are COCs for potable use of groundwater. Uncertainty Important sources -of uncertainty associated with using RGOs in establishing remedial levels for groundwater at SWMU 103 are discussed below. Background VOC Concentrations As discussed in the SCM (Section 3.7.4), low levels of chlorinated solvent contamination are present upgradient of SWMU 103. Specifically, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane; TCE; and chloroform consistently are detected at -the deep surficial site -specific background location (MW26) and 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and chloroform continue to be detected in the shallow surficial site - specific background location (MW27). The most current groundwater data (CY 2005) indicate concentrations of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane; TCE; and chloroform of 5.1, 0.6J, and 2.3 µg/L, respectively, in the deep surficial background groundwater and concentrations of 1,1,2,2- tetrachloroethane and chloroform of 1.1 and 1.2 µg/L, respectively, in the shallow surficial background groundwater. 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane concentrations are above the North Carolina 2L standard. The upgradient groundwater will continue to impact groundwater at SWMU 103 and interfere with obtaining a remedial level below the concentration levels measured at the background locations. However, no sources of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane other than the former Mallonee Village gas station have been identified. The relative proportions of "background" VOC contamination are the same as those at the SWMU 103 source area (former gas station). Analytical Detection Level The North Carolina 2L standard for 1,1,2,2-tetracholoroethane is 0.17 µg/L. The analytical reporting level for 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane is 1 µg/L. Analysis to less than 1 µg/L represents an uncertainty because concentrations below this value would be indicated as estimated by the analytical laboratory. Therefore, remediation of COC concentrations to the North Carolina 2L standard would be difficult to measure. 3-18 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc 3.13.2 Surface Water The recommended RGOs for surface water are the North Carolina surface water standards. The RGOs were selected using a process similar to the HHCOPC screening performed in the RFI (SAIC 2004b). Beaver Creek has been designated as a Class C stream by NCDENR (NCAC 213.0300, - NCDENR 2003). Class C streams are to be protected to support aquatic -life propagation and survival, fishing, wildlife, secondary recreation, and agriculture. The surface water results from Beaver Creek were compared to North Carolina standards for all freshwater classifications (Class C) dated April 1, 2001. In the absence of a North Carolina standard for all freshwater classification values, the constituent's MDC was compared to the more stringent North Carolina WS classes for surface water. North Carolina has five classifications for WS surface waters (WS-1 through WS-V). In the absence of either a North Carolina Class C or WS value, the surface water MDC was compared to a federal 304a standard (EPA 1998). For both Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary, constituents with MDCs that were above any of the surface water screening values were retained as surface water HHCOPCs. Table 3-11 presents the recommended RGOs and final COCs identified in surface water. 1,1,2,2-Tetracholoroethane was .identified as a COC in surface water because the MDC was above the recommended RGO (i.e., the North Carolina surface water standard). 1,1,2,2- Tetra6holoroethane in surface water will require corrective action. 3-19 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\]03 CMS Final Text 070820.doc THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. SECTION 4 JUSTIFICATION AND PURPOSE OF CORRECTIVE ACTION 4.1 PURPOSE EPA has established that corrective action.reflect the major technical components that should be included in a selected remedy. The corrective_ action shall: (1) protect human health and the environment; .(2) attain media cleanup standards set by the implementing agency (i.e., NCDENR); (3) control the source of the releases so as to reduce or eliminate, to the extent practicable, further releases that might pose a threat to human health and the environment; (4) comply with any applicable standards for management of wastes; and (5) other factors. 4.2 REMEDIAL RESPONSE OBJECTIVES Contaminants have been detected in groundwater and surface water at concentrations exceeding North Carolina groundwater and surface water standards, respectively, at SWMU 103 indicating there is a potential risk to human health and the environment. Therefore, corrective action is warranted at SWMU 103. The remedial action objectives for SWMU 103 are based on the protection of human health and the environment. North Carolina has established groundwater and surface water criteria for the protection of human health and the environment (North Carolina 2L and IMAC standards and North Carolina surface water standards; respectively). The RROs for SWMU 103 are presented below: • Prevent use of groundwater. • Reduce COCs in groundwater to North Carolina 2L standards. • Reduce potential contact and ingestion of surface water. • Prevent surface water from exceeding North Carolina surface water standards due to discharge of groundwater contaminants into surface water. The selected corrective actions would provide the technology(ies) necessary to 'minimize exposure to contaminants in groundwater and surface water, reduce contaminant concentrations in groundwater and surface water to levels that are protective of human health and the environment, and achieve the best overall results with respect to such factors as effectiveness, implementability, and cost. µ.DJ 4-1 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc a 4.3 IDENTIFICATION OF REMEDIAL LEVELS The development of potential remedial goals was presented in Section 3.13. Five VOCs (1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane; chloroform; chloromethane; tetrachloroethene; and TCE) are considered HHCOCs in groundwater. The North Carolina 2L and IMAC groundwater standards are proposed as the remedial levels for HHCOCs in groundwater. One VOC, 1,1,2,2- tetrachloroethane is considered an HHCOC in surface water. The North Carolina surface water standard (4 µg/L) was recommended as the proposed remedial level for surface water. Table 4-1 presents the HHCOCs and recommended remedial levels for groundwater and surface water at SWMU 103. In addition to the five VOCs that currently exceed remedial goals, other VOCs are degradation daughter products of these contaminants (Figure 3-2). Although daughter products do not currently exceed North Carolina 2L standards, they may be produced in the future under natural conditions or certain remedial action technologies such as enhanced bioremediation. The overall monitoring program needs to include daughter products and consider their North Carolina 2L standard (if any). Relevant daughter products are 1,1,2-trichloroethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, chloroethane, cis 1,2-dichloroethene, trans 152-dichloroethene, 1,1-dichloroethene, and vinyl chloride. 4-2 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc SECTION 5 SCREENING OF CORRECTIVE ACTIONS This chapter identifies . corrective action process options/technologies applicable to groundwater and surface water at SWMU 103 and screens the process options/technologies with respect to effectiveness, implementability, and cost. The process options/technologies that are retained following the screening process are combined into site -wide corrective action alternatives that address various levels of protectiveness of human health and environment. The corrective action alternatives are then described and evaluated in more detail with respect to RCRA standards in accordance with EPA guidance (EPA 1994) consisting of protecting human health and the environment, attaining media cleanup standards, controlling the source of release, compliance with applicable standards, and other factors (long-term reliability and effectiveness, reduction in toxicity, mobility, or volume of wastes, implementability, and cost). Based on this evaluation, a site -wide alternative is selected for detailed conceptual design and evaluation. 5.1 SCREENING CRITERIA The first step in the development of corrective action alternatives involves the identification and screening of suitable remedial process options/technologies for meeting the stated RROs (Section 4.2). The process options/technologies were focused to chlorinated solvent contamination (i.e., VOCs) in groundwater and surface water. The technologies presented are evaluated for their general ability to protect and reduce the risk to human health for contaminants in groundwater and surface water. The technologies are discussed sufficiently to allow them to be compared using three general criteria: effectiveness, implementability, and cost. An explanation of each criterion is provided below. 5.1.1 Effectiveness This criterion evaluates the extent to which a corrective action process option/technology reduces overall risk to human health and the environment. It also considers the degree to which the remedial process option/technology provides sufficient long-term control and reliability to prevent exposures that exceed levels protective of human and environmental receptors. In addition; short-term effectiveness is: included, which is particularly important for the SWW 103 site considering the close proximity to Holbrook. Elementary School and residential housing. Short-term effectiveness evaluates the potential short-term impacts to human health and environment from the implementation of the process option/technology. Other factors considered include performance characteristics and expected durability. 54 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc 5.1.2 Implementability This criterion evaluates the technical and administrative factors affecting implementation of a corrective action and considers the availability of services and materials required during implementation. Technical factors assessed include ease and reliability of initiating construction and operations, prospects for implementing any additional future actions, and adequacy of monitoring systems to detect failures. The impact of a remedial alternative to post operations was considered, with the proximity of SWMU 103 to Holbrook Elementary School and residential housing and utilities as significant factors for evaluating the potential implementation of the process option/technology. Technical feasibility considers the performance history of the technologies in direct applications or the expected performance for similar applications. Uncertainties associated with construction, operation, and performance monitoring are also considered. Service and material considerations, include equipment and operator availability and applicability or development requirements for prospective technologies. The availability of services and materials is addressed by considering the material components of the proposed technologies and the locations and quantities of those materials. Administrative factors include ease of obtaining permits, enforcing restrictions, and maintaining long-term controlof the site. 5.1.3 Cost Relative screening level costs are included for each corrective action process option/technology. The cost estimates are generic and intended solely to facilitate evaluation and comparison among technologies. 5.2 EVALUATION OF CORRECTIVE ACTION TECHNOLOGIES FOR GROUNDWATER A no -action alternative and five categories of corrective action process options/technologies were identified as applicable for chlorinated solvent contamination in groundwater at SWMU 103: (1) institutional controls: land- and groundwater -use restrictions and physical barriers, (2) monitored natural attenuation (MNA), (3) ex -situ treatment technologies (i.e., pump and treat), (4) in -situ technologies (e.g., chemical oxidation, bioremediation, phytoremediation, etc.), and (5) monitoring (e.g., groundwater, surface water, soil gas, etc.). These corrective action technologies are described in Table 5-1. The technologies were evaluated using the screening criteria of effectiveness, implementability, and cost. Results of the screening are also shown in Table 5-1. 5.2.1 No Action The no -action option provides a baseline against which other process options/technologies can be compared. Under this option, no further action would be taken to mitigate risks posed by groundwater or surface water at SWMU 103. Risks to human health and the environment would remain the same. Groundwater at SWMU 103 is presently not used and no restrictions or controls would be placed on the use of groundwater. Future use of the groundwater is unlikely given the poor production characteristics in the surficial groundwater; however, this could not be ensured. Contaminants in groundwater would continue to migrate to surface water in Beaver Creek and Holbrook tributary where there is the potential for risk to human health and environment. Under no action, no groundwater monitoring would be performed to assess the future levels of contamination or potential migration. Groundwater and surface water 5-2i SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc contamination would continue to be present at unknown levels. No cost would be associated with the selection of this alternative. The acceptability of the no -action option is judged in relation to the assessment of known site risks and by comparison with other corrective action technologies. No action is not considered a viable option because it provides no reliable or effective method for protecting human health or the environment. Therefore, the no -action option has been eliminated from further evaluation. 5.2.2 Institutional Controls Institutional controls are actions taken to restrict access to contaminated areas or media through the establishment of land- or groundwater -use restrictions or by construction of physical barriers. Land- and groundwater -use restrictions include those implemented through the BMP. Groundwater -use restrictions would be implemented preventing its use for drinking water or irrigation. Land- and groundwater -use restrictions would be documented and implemented at Fort Bragg through the BMP. Currently; SWMU 103 is part of a federal installation and is expected to be retained by the federal government for the indefinite future. As such, land- and groundwater -use restrictions would be implemented as specified in the facility BMP. Existing fencing could be repaired/upgraded and new fencing could be installed to prevent contact with surface water. In addition, signs could be placed along Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary to inform persons of the potential contamination in surface water. Land -use restrictions and/or warning signs would provide an effective, readily implementable, and cost-effective method for reducing human exposure to surface water at the site. Groundwater -use restrictions would be effective at preventing exposure to the groundwater. Institutional controls will not be considered as a stand-alone technology but will be combined with other more active process j ? options/technologies to ensure their protectiveness during the corrective action period. The institutional controls alternative has been retained for further consideration. 5.2.3 Monitored Natural Attenuation Natural attenuation or intrinsic remediation is the reduction in the concentration and mass of a substance in groundwater due to naturally occurring physical, chemical, and biological processes without human intervention. These processes include, but are not limited to, dispersion, diffusion, sorption and retardation, and biodegradation. Many organic compounds are degraded in the subsurface environment by both biological and abiotic mechanisms. However, biological mechanisms tend to dominate in most groundwater systems and, -therefore, are the primary destructive attenuation mechanism. The primary process for natural biodegradation of the more highly chlorinated species is hydrogenolysis or reductive dechlorination. This involves the microbial transformations of chlorinated solvents under anaerobic conditions (without oxygen) using reductive reactions that involve either hydrogenolysis or dihaloelimination. Hydrogenolysis occurs when a chlorine atom is replaced by a hydrogen atom. Dihaloelimination involves removal of two adjacent chlorine atoms and formation of a carbon -to -carbon double bond. High DO concentrations and positive Redox readings were measured during groundwater sampling, indicating a highly aerobic and oxidizing (i.e., non -reducing) subsurface environment at SWMU 103. Aerobic conditions are conducive to the biological degradation of petroleum contaminants. These conditions are not conducive to anaerobic reductive dechlorination. Other biological natural attenuation processes for chlorinated compounds or solvents include cometabolic mechanisms in which the chlorinated solvent is biodegraded via co -metabolism; the degradation is catalyzed by an enzyme or cofactor 5-3 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PB030010 SWMU-103\Fina1 CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc that is produced by the microorganism for other purposes, typically the degradation of another chemical in the groundwater. Cometabolic mechanisms are aerobic, meaning they occur in the presence of oxygen. Modeling (Section 3.11.2) performed using the most current 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane concentrations and lowest (most conservative) literature -based biological degradation rate for chlorinated solvents in groundwater at SWMU 103 estimated that 60 years from CY 2005 would be required to'achieve the North Carolina 2L standards. 1,1,2;2-Tetrachloroethane was selected for modeling because it is the primary contaminant in groundwater and, therefore, is the limiting factor for the natural attenuation period. The other chlorinated solvents in groundwater. would be expected to achieve their respective remedial levels sooner than 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane. Some uncertainty is associated with any modeling, especially in predicting the .time required to achieve concentrations below analytical detection levels. The North Carolina 2L standard for 1,1,2,2- tetrachloroethane is 0.17 µg/L, which is below the analytical reporting level of 1 µg/L for 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane. Modeling estimated that the concentration of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane would be below the reporting limit in 44 years from CY ' 2005. MNA of groundwater would require the monitoring of contaminant levels to ensure that the mass of contamination in the groundwater is being reduced with time. Institutional controls (Section 5.2.2) and groundwater monitoring would be used in conjunction with MNA to ensure the protection of human health and the, environment over the typically longer implementation times required to meet remedial levels. In addition, MNA could be combined with more active technologies to meet the RROs for the site in a more reasonable timeframe. MNA is retained for further consideration. 5.2.4 Phytoremediation Phytoremediation is an emerging technology that uses plants and their associated rhizospheric microorganisms to remove, degrade, or contain chemical contaminants located in soil and groundwater. Phytoremediation is limited to the depths that the plants roots (plant dependent) will reach, which is approximately 20 to 25 feet bgs, though the technology is more successful with very shallow water tables (2 to 5 feet bgs). Phytoremediation could not be used for total treatment of the groundwater plume at SWMU 103 because of the depth of the groundwater contamination and land use at SWMU 103. Phytoremediation was considered for use in conjunction with other remedial technologies (e.g., NINA, etc.) as a barrier/polishing step to prevent contaminated groundwater from intercepting surface water at Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary. The groundwater along Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary is encountered at approximately 5 to 8 feet bgs and extends to approximately 25 feet bgs (clay - confining layer). For SWMU 103, phytoremediation would focus on 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethene in groundwater. Literature indicates that hybrid poplars or willows would be suited to the geographic location of SWMU 103. Phytoremediation using phreatophyte trees such as hybrid) poplars and willows has been proven effective for treating low concentrations of CVOCs. High hydraulic uptake rates from the hybrid poplars and willows would only begin after approximately 4 years of growth; however, very little hydraulic uptake would occur during the winter months when the plants were dormant. A typical phytoremediation system for CVOCs would consist of offset rows of hybrid poplar or willow trees placed approximately 10 feet apart. However, portions of SWMU 103 are already heavily wooded; the existing hardwood trees transpire water at approximately half the rate of hybrid poplar or willow trees. Fort Bragg DPW has indicated that willow trees are unacceptable for planting at Fort Bragg. That leaves only the use of poplar trees to supplement the 5-4 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 07O820.doc evapotranspiration of the existing hardwoods as the only potential implementable phyotoremediation option. Limitations of implementability and effectiveness .resulted in the elimination of phytoremediation from further analysis. 5.2.5 Permeable Reactive Barrier PRBs using reactive media such as zero-valent iron are a passive in -situ treatment technology that has been successful in treating chlorinated solvents contamination in groundwater. Permeable reactive walls are trenches excavated perpendicular to the groundwater flow. path that are backfilled with a reactive medium. The reactive wall can be designed and constructed to be permanently left in -place or can consist of cassettes of treatment medium that could be periodically replaced. As the contaminated groundwater flows through the wall, the contaminants are removed by physical and chemical processes including precipitation, sorption, oxidation/reduction, fixation, and/or degradation. Several methods have been developed for construction of permeable reactive walls to as deep as 100 feet bgs; however, typical construction techniques are applicable to shallow emplacements less than 45 feet in- depth. In the simplest case, a trench of the appropriate width can be excavated by a backhoe, tracked excavator, trencher, or similar equipment to intercept the flow of the contaminated groundwater. As discussed under,the SCM, the contaminant plume at SWMU 103 is large (approximately 90+ acres) and intercepts surface water at Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary. Contaminated groundwater at SWMU 103 also has migrated under Holbrook Elementary School. The PRB would be tied into the clay=confining layer located beneath the groundwater plume. The depths to the clay -confining layer are amenable (approximately 30. feet bgs) to a PRB along the perimeter of the plume, as well as upgradient of Holbrook Elementary School. A number of installation methods would be applicable for SWMU 103 including: sheet piling, biopolymer trench, continuous -pass trench, and uniform auger holes. The continuous -pass trench was selected as the representative process option for the installation method because of its low cost. The continuous -pass trencher can trench to depths of 25 to 30 feet bgs; the reactive material is placed in the trench and subsequently covered as the trencher advances forward. Potential issues regarding the effectiveness of reactive walls include the potential for biological growth and precipitation of metals that could compromise long-term performance. If reductive dehalogenation is incomplete, degradation products such as vinyl chloride might be produced. Two installations of a PRB were considered for SWMU 103. One design would confine the entire downgradient portion of the plume prior to the groundwater intercepting Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary, and the second limited design would be to install a PRB just upgradient . of Holbrook Elementary School to prevent groundwater from migrating beneath the school. The complete PRB would be installed along the perimeter of the plume upgradient (east) of Beaver Creek and upgradient (north and west) of the Holbrook tributary. Under this design, as 'the PRB nears Holbrook Elementary School; 'it would trend along the west and north sides of the school to remove contaminants in groundwater on the upgradient side. The total length would be approximately 3,875 feet. The depth to the clay -confining layer at this point would .be at the present limits of installation capabilities using standard excavation technologies. The second limited design would be to only install a PRB upgradient of Holbrook Elementary School to prevent contaminated water from migrating beneath the school. The PRB would encircle Holbrook Elementary School on the west, north, and northeast sides and be approximately 1,075 feet in length. Again, the depth of clay would have to be confirmed along the path of the PRB 5-5 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMM-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doe because present data indicate that the clay in some portions of this area may be at, or greater than, the maximum feasible depth for the installation of the PRB using typical construction techniques. High DO concentrations and positive ORP readings were measured during groundwater sampling at SWMU 103, thus indicating a highly aerobic and non -reducing subsurface environment. In addition, the nitrate and sulfate concentrations in groundwater ranged from 0.6 to 3.2 mg/L and 1.6 to 39.8 mg/L, respectively (SAIC 2004a). Under highly oxygenated conditions, dissolved iron may precipitate as ferric oxyhydroxide or ferric hydroxide, reducing the permeability of the PRB. The highly aerobic conditions and moderate nitrate and sulfate concentrations will necessitate use of a relatively large quantity of zero-valent iron to treat the relatively low concentrations of chlorinated solvents, and may result in premature failure and the need for replacement/rejuvenation of the'PRB. PRB designs only reduce or eliminate the migration of the contaminants in groundwater at SWMU 103. The PRBs would treat the groundwater at SWMU 103 prior to migration to a potential exposure point/receptor (surface water and/or Holbrook Elementary School). Unless coupled with an additional treatment alternative, the groundwater upgradient of the PRB would remain contaminated at SWMU 103. Both potential designs for a PRB were eliminated from further analysis because of implementation concerns and high costs. Implementation of a PRB at SWMU 103 would encounter difficulty due to underground utilities (e.g., fiberoptics to Sprint building, sewer, water, etc.) and interruption of the school. In addition, construction of a long PRB would be extremely "expensive. Installation of a continuous PRB only upgradient of Holbrook Elementary School would also have the same implementability concerns. The groundwater in the remaining areas of the plume would still be contaminated, thus requiring additional corrective action. In addition, implementation of either PRB design near Holbrook Elementary School would result in interruption of the school's operations. 5.2.6 Groundwater Pumping and Ex -situ Treatment of Groundwater Pump -and -treat technologies consist of the installation of a series of extraction wells or subsurface drains in the area of the plume that are manifolded together and connected to a pump. Groundwater is pumped/extracted from the aquifer to a treatment system. The treatment processes are specific to the contaminants in the groundwater. For the COCs at SWMU 103, various treatment systems ranging from ex -situ air stripping to activated carbon are applicable. Discharge of any treated groundwater from the treatment system would require a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit. A site -wide pump -and -treat approach was eliminated because the large size of the contaminated groundwater plume (more than 92 acres) would require an extensive number of extraction wells manifolded together and would generate large quantities of water requiring treatment. Site -wide implementability of an extensive network of manifolded extraction wells would be difficult given the locations of utilities and the proximity to residential areas. Pump -and -treat technology is more likely to be effective and implementable at SWMU 103 if goals are limited to intercepting, removing, and treating contaminated groundwater prior to its discharge to surface water. This objective could be implemented through a series of subsurface drains along Holbrook tributary and/or Beaver Creek. The drains can be located such that they will avoid major utilities as well as impact to the base mission and residents. Pumping rates can be adjusted to minimize discharge of contaminated groundwater to the surface water as well as minimize impact to the creek and tributary (i.e., not pump existing surface water from the creek bed). Contaminant concentrations 5-6 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PB030010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\] 03 CMS Final Text 07O820.doc } are sufficiently low in the target areas so the carbon adsorption is a cost competitive treatment technology. This treatment technology also has advantages in that it is clean (no air emissions), quiet, and low impact. The expected total pumping rate is 10 to 20 gpm. Costs of pump -and - treat approaches are generally high primarily due to the long period of time that the system would have to be operational. However, if pump -and -treat is implemented in conjunction with an approach to reduce the mass flux of the contaminant source, the operational life of the system could be limited. Once groundwater concentrations are reduced sufficiently that surface water is no longer threatened, pumping would be eliminated. Therefore pump -and -treat is retained for further analysis. 5.2.7' Air Sparging In -situ air sparging involves .the installation of injection wells or a trench into the saturated zone. Air is then injected, and the VOCs dissolved in the groundwater are volatilized/stripped from it into the overlying vadose zone where they eventually migrate out into the atmosphere or are captured via soil vapor extraction; hence, air sparging is typically used in conjunction with vacuum extraction systems. Depending on the contaminant concentration in the vapor stream, the extracted vapor can be released to the atmosphere or piped to a treatment system where the volatile contaminants are treated prior to being released to the atmosphere. The injected air travels through the saturated zone in 'the form of continuous air channels that are influenced by the pressure and flow rate of the injected air and the depth of injection; however, the structure and stratification of the saturated zone soil have the most predominant influence on the effectiveness of an air sparging system. Significant preferential channeling can be caused by relatively subtle permeability changes, reducing the effectiveness of the air sparging system. The subsurface geology (Section 2.3) at SWMU 103 is amenable to vapor extraction. The average hydraulic conductivity of the saturated zone based on slug testing at SWMU 103 is 4.8 feet/day, which is sufficiently high hydraulic conductivity for air sparging. However, air sparging could result in uncontrolled migration of vapors. Air sparging was eliminated from further consideration at SWMU 103 because of the uncertainty associated with the mobilization of vapors. Vapor intrusion has been a concern at Holbrook Elementary School and the adjacent residential housing. Air sparging would mobilize VOCs in groundwater and concentrations could increase vapor migration to buildings. In addition, the same implementability concerns associated with site -wide groundwater extraction are applicable.to air sparging. This includes an extensive network of extraction wells and a large manifold system. 5.2.8 In -Situ Chemical Oxidation In -situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) involves the injection of an oxidizing agent, and potentially a catalyst, to oxidize (degrade) the chlorinated solvents in groundwater. The primary chemical oxidation chemicals 'are hydrogen peroxide, permanganate, ozone, and Fenton's reagent (hydrogen peroxide and iron). The oxidant chemicals react with the contaminant producing innocuous substances such as carbon dioxide, water, and inorganic chloride. Classes of chemicals that, are amenable to treatment by ISCO include BTEX, chlorinated alkenes, PAHs, and many other organic compounds. Literature indicates that chemical oxidants are not effective against chlorinated alkanes such as TCA (Yin 1999). However, more recent investigations have indicated that chlorinated alkanes can be reduced using Fenton's reagent (Smith et al. 2004). The 5-7 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doe observed process is not an oxidative process, but is believed to use a co-reductant mechanism; therefore, the mechanism has lower removal efficiencies and requires larger quantities of oxidants to achieve the reductive conditions. The chemical oxidant is typically injected through a series of injection wells or temporary points. Chemical oxidation typically is more appropriate for contaminant plumes with higher contaminant concentrations and not the relatively large (more than 92 acres) and diffuse (i.e., low -concentration) contaminant plume at SWMU 103. Multiple injections would be required. The predominant contaminant in groundwater at SWMU 103 is 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane, a chlorinated alkane. ISCO was eliminated from further consideration for the following reasons: (1) the uncertainty associated with its performance on the primary COC (1,1,2,2- tetrachloroethane, a chlorinated alkane), (2) a highly -concentrated source area has not been identified at SWMU 103, and (3) the large dosage and longer reactive, time that would potentially be required to treat the primary COC. 5.2.9 Enhanced Bioremediation Using Anaerobic Reductive Dechlorination Reductive dechlorination is the most prominent mechanism by which CVOCs are biologically degraded and takes place under anaerobic (no oxygen) conditions. The degradation pathway for 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane; tetrachloroethene; and TCE is presented in Figure 3-2. Reductive dechlorination is a process in which anaerobic microorganisms substitute hydrogen for chlorine on the chlorinated solvent. There are a number of electron donors that have been injected into the subsurface at chlorinated solvent sites to facilitate reductive dechlorination biodegradation and their selection is based on site -specific conditions. These include both liquids (sodium lactate, molasses, and vegetable oil) and solids (hydrogen -releasing compound and chitin). Site -specific geochemistry conditions determine whether anaerobic reductive dechlorination. can be effectively initiated and maintained in the subsurface. High DO concentrations and positive ORPs were measured during groundwater sampling at SWMU 103, indicating a highly aerobic and oxidizing subsurface environment. These conditions are not conducive to promoting anaerobic reductive dechlorination; however, they can be overcome by adding sufficient organic substrate. The nitrate and sulfate concentrations in groundwater ranged from 0.6 to 3.2 mg/L and 1.6 to 39.8 mg/L, respectively (SAIC 2004a). Nitrate and sulfate concentrations less than 1 and 20 mg/L, respectively, are conducive for reductive dechlorination (AFCEE 2004). Although the upper range of nitrate and sulfate concentrations in SWMU 103 groundwater are above these thresholds, they do not preclude successful implementation of enhanced bioremediation. In addition, the total iron concentration in groundwater ranged from 0.09 to 5.9 mg/L. The 5.9 mg/L total iron concentration had a corresponding 0.5 mg/L of ferrous iron, indicating that the iron was primarily in groundwater as ferric iron. High levels of ferric iron inhibit microbial anaerobic dechlorination similar to other competing electron acceptors (AFCEE 2004). Elevated concentrations of competing electron acceptors do not preclude implementation of enhanced anaerobic reductive dechlorination at SWMU 103; however, they will put an additional demand on injected electron donors such that a higher quantity of electron donor would be required to attain and maintain the proper environment for anaerobic reductive dechlorination to be successful. Analysis of contaminant concentrations in the source area indicates that reductive dechlorination has occurred on site in the past due to commingling of chlorinated solvent and petroleum fuel contaminants (see Section 3.7.6). Chlorinated solvent concentrations are 5-8 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc relatively low in shallow groundwater, where BTEX is present, but much higher in deeper sections of the aquifer, where BTEX is absent. Daughter products of I,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and TCE are also present, though infrequently and at very low levels. This indicates that potentially more toxic daughter products, such as vinyl chloride, are not expected to accumulate but would biodegrade very quickly under ambient groundwater geochemistry. However, generation of some vinyl chloride in the treatment zone is expected, and therefore this process is not recommended in the immediate vicinity of inhabited buildings where vapor intrusion is a concern. Given the large plume size with relatively low concentrations of. chlorinated solvent contaminants, the high concentration of some competing electron receptors including DO, and lack of degradation products, SWMU 103 is not a good candidate.for application of anaerobic reductive dechlorination for complete plume treatment. However, anaerobic reductive dechlorination may be applicable for treatment of specific areas (e.g., source area) of the plume; therefore, anaerobic reductive/dechlorination biodegradation was retained for further consideration. A combination of soluble (e.g., high fructose corn syrup) and slow release (e.g., vegetable oil) carbon substrates is particularly well suited for the SWMU 103 source area. The soluble substrate will begin to biodegrade immediately, creating anaerobic conditions. The slow release substrate will help maintain these conditions over the longer term. It is particularly important to treat chlorinated solvent contaminants that are diffusing out of the Cape Fear clays (i.e., the probable source of continuing chlorinated solvent contamination). Organic substrate injected at the top of the confining clay unit will absorb into the clay surface and enhance biological .treatment for chlorinated solvent contaminant diffusing out of the clay. This treatment zone will be particularly long-lasting since there is no advective groundwater flow in the clay and therefore depleted electron acceptors will not be quickly replenished. A pH amendment product such as sodium bicarbonate would also be added to maintain neutral pH conditions that are optimal for chlorinated solvent biodegradation. Some of the injection points can be completed as small diameter wells so that supplemental carbon substrate, pH amendment, and if necessary, bioaugmentation culture can be, added in the future as appropriate. Generally, microorganisms capable of reductive dechlorination are ubiquitous in the environment, but may take time to generate a population sufficient to provide significant biodegradation. If this process is slow in developing, bioaugmentation with a commercial microbial culture can accelerate the process. Based on the above discussion, enhanced anaerobic bioremediation is retained for further evaluation. 5.2.10 Enhanced Bioremediation Using Aerobic Cometabolic Mechanism Chlorinated hydrocarbons have been observed to be oxidized cometabolically by microbes under aerobic conditions. The cometabolic. process involves the microbial breakdown of the chlorinated hydrocarbons where the chlorinated hydrocarbon is oxidized incidentally by an enzyme or cofactor produced during microbial metabolism of another compound being used as an electron donors. Electron donors that have been observed in aerobic oxidation include: dextrose, methane, ethene, ethane, propane, butane, aromatic hydrocarbons (such as toluene and phenol), and ammonia. Under aerobic conditions, a monoxygenase enzyme mediates the electron donation reaction, converting the chlorinated hydrocarbon into unstable epoxides that rapidly degrade in water to alcohols and fatty acids (EPA 2000). i 5-9 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc Because of the naturally occurring highly aerobic conditions observed in the groundwater at SWMU 103, 'bench -scale (Section and in -situ (Section pilot studies were performed to evaluate bioremediation using aerobic cometabolic mechanism. The results indicated that the addition of an electron donor (represented by dextrose) and aerobic bacteria did biodegrade 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and possibly also TCE. However, contaminant concentrations rapidly rebounded. Unfortunately, the carbon substrates for aerobic cometabolic bioremediation are gases or are highly soluble. This means that carbon substrate, as well as oxygen, would have to be injected continuously to support this biodegradation process, resulting in more infrastructure needed on site as well as'higher costs. It will also not be possible maintain enough carbon substrate and oxygen in the top layer of the Cape Fear clays to create a biodegradation zone that would effectively stop the diffusive flux of chlorinated solvent contamination into the aquifer. Therefore aerobic cometabolism can only be engineered to treat chlorinated solvents once they are in the aquifer, and will not impact the flux of contaminants from the lower confining clay. These factors combine to lower effectiveness and implementability and increase costs such that bioremediation by aerobic cometabolism is considerably less suited to SWMU 103 site conditions than is reductive dechlorination. Enhanced bioremediation using aerobic cometabolic mechanism was not retained for further consideration. 5.2.11 Monitoring Monitoring of groundwater, surface water, and soil gas may be required to periodically assess contaminant concentrations to ensure the protection of human health and the environment and to evaluate the performance of an implemented corrective action. The monitoring requirements (sample schedule, number of samples, locations, etc.) would be specific for the selected corrective action alternative, and optimized over time as trends become apparent and contaminant levels change in response to the corrective action. The description and purpose of the monitoring of each medium are discussed in the following sections. Groundwater monitoring would be performed in selected monitoring wells at SWMU 103 to evaluate the performance of an implemented corrective action. The groundwater would be sampled using low -flow or possibly passive sampling techniques to reduce the impact of turbidity on the groundwater samples. At a minimum, the groundwater samples would be analyzed for VOCs to evaluate the concentrations of presently identified contaminants and potential degradation products in groundwater. VOC analysis includes all those chlorinated solvents that currently exceed clean-up standards, as well as other chlorinated compounds that could be formed as products of biodegradation processes. In addition, field parameters such as turbidity, DO, temperature, ORP, and pH would be measured at each well where groundwater samples were collected. Water levels would be collected at the monitoring wells to develop groundwater potentiometric maps. Additional analysis may be performed on groundwater for the implementation of specific alternatives. For example, natural attenuation parameters would be collected for alternatives in which MNA was part of the alternative, or nutrients (nitrogen, phosphate, etc.) and bacteria plate count samples may be collected for in -situ bioaugmentation alternatives. Specific sample requirements for groundwater will be discussed as part of each site - wide alternative. Soil gas samples would be collected around Holbrook Elementary School to ensure that VOCs in groundwater have not migrated (i.e., vapor intrusion) into the soil under Holbrook Elementary School at levels that present a risk to human health in the school. Soil gas samples 5-10 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc would be collected from permanent soil gas probes installed around the school and analyzed for VOCs. It is anticipated that annual soil gas samples would be performed prior to the start of the school year. However, the soil gas sampling scope may be adjusted based on the, corrective action that has been implemented. Specific sample requirements for soil gas are discussed as part of each site -wide alternative. _ Surface water samples may be collected to evaluate .potential .contaminant migration from groundwater to this medium in Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary. At a minimum, the surface water samples would be analyzed for VOCs in groundwater migrating from SWMU 103. In addition, field parameter measurements similar to those collected for groundwater would be performed. Specific sample requirements for surface water are discussed as part of each site - wide alternative. 5.3 EVALUATION OF CORRECTIVE. ACTION TECHNOLOGIES FOR SURFACE. WATER A no -action alternative and five, categories of corrective action process options/technologies were identified as applicable for chlorinated solvent contamination in surface water at SWMU 103: (1) institutional controls (i.e., use restrictions and physical barriers), (2) ex -situ treatment technologies (i.e., air stripping, activated carbon, etc.); (3) in -stream. technologies (i.e., aeration/volatilization, constructed wetlands, etc.), (4) stream restoration/segregation, and (5) monitoring. These corrective action technologies are described in Table 5-2. The technologies were evaluated using the screening criteria of effectiveness, implementability, and cost. Results of the screening are also summarized in Table 5-2. 5.3.1 No Action The no -action option provides a baseline against which other process options/technologies can be compared. Under this option, no further action would be taken to mitigate risks posed by surface water at SWMU 103. Risks to human health and. the, environment would remain the same. Contaminants in groundwater would continue to migrate to surfacewater in Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary where there is the potential for risk to human health and the environment. Under no action, no surface water monitoring would be performed to assess the future levels of contamination or potential migration. Migration of contaminated surface water in Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary would continue at unknown levels. No cost would be associated with the selection of this alternative. The acceptability of the no -action option is judged in relation to the assessment of known site risks and by comparison with other corrective action 'technologies. No action- for surface water is not considered a viable option because it provides no reliable or effective method for, protecting human health or the environment. Therefore, the no -action option has been eliminated from further evaluation. 5.3.2 Institutional Controls Institutional controls are actions taken to restrict access to contaminated areas or media through the establishment of land-, or surface water -use restrictions or by construction of physical barriers. Surface water -use restrictions include those implemented through.the BMP. The surface water in Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary is not used as a source of potable water, irrigation, and/or recreation primarily because the flows are too low. The streams are primarily 5-11 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc used as a stormwater drainage conveyance for Fort Bragg. The ecological habitat was described in Section 2.7. Surface water -use restrictions would be. implemented, thus preventing its use, for drinking water, irrigation, or recreation. The surface water -use restrictions would be documented and implemented at Fort Bragg through the BMP. Currently,- SWMU 103 is part of a federal installation and is expected to be retained by the federal government for the indefinite future. As such, land- and groundwater -use restrictions would be implemented as specified in the facility BMP. Existing fencing could be repaired/upgraded and new fencing could be installed along Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary to restrict contact with the surface water. Warning signs would also be placed along Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary to inform persons of the potential contamination in the surface water. Surface water -use restrictions and/or warning signs would provide an effective, readily implementable, and cost-effective method for reducing human exposure to surface water at the site. Institutional controls for surface water will not be considered as a stand-alone technology, but will be combined with other more active process options/technologies to ensure their protectiveness during the corrective action period. The institutional controls alternative has been retained for further consideration. 5.3.3 Ex -situ Treatment Technologies and Process Options A variety of treatment technologies are available for treating VOCs in water and would be applicable to treating the surface water. The most common treatment technologies for VOCs are air stripping and activated carbon. Using ex -situ treatment, the surface water would be diverted and pumped to a low -profile air stripper or activated carbon system where it would be treated and then discharged back into the stream. The ex -situ system would have to be designed to accommodate or bypass stormwater flows in the Holbrook tributary. The facility would be located near where the Holbrook tributary discharges into Beaver Creek to ensure that all contamination migrating to the Holbrook tributary is treated prior to entering Beaver Creek. At present, the Holbrook tributary is the only contributor to the exceedances of VOCs in Beaver Creek because all of the concentrations above the North Carolina surface water standards have been downstream of where . the Holbrook tributary enters Beaver Creek. Electrical and communication (for remote operation) utilities would have to be run to the system. The unit would have to be fenced to prevent unauthorized access and trespassing. There would be O&M associated with the ex -situ systems. Ex -situ treatment was eliminated from further. consideration. Activated carbon treatment was eliminated as a process option for surface water because of the higher level of pretreatment that would be required for the surface water and the solid waste that would be created by the waste carbon. The activated carbon could easily clog from particulates in the surface water, especially during rainfall events. Therefore, pretreatment such as sedimentation and potential filtration would be required to pretreat the surface water. Further, total organic carbon concentrations in surface water were measured at 3.2 mg/L, which will consume activated carbon capacity and raise treatment costs. The activated carbon system would create solid waste from the spent carbon and sludge generated from the pretreatment sedimentation. Ex -situ air stripping was also eliminated from further consideration because of implementability requirements, O&M requirements, the uncertainty associated with the design (e.g., stormwater flows, pretreatment requirements, etc.), and relatively high cost.. 5-12 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\.30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Tent 070820.doc �ll -- 5.3.4 In -situ Treatment Technologies and Process Options In -situ treatment technologies for surface water include both physical systems to increase aeration/volatilization of VOCs in the surface water such as riprap or engineered cascades and biological systems such as constructed wetlands, which use a combination of abiotic and biotic processes to treat the VOCs in surface water. Aeration/Volatilization In -stream aeration/volatilization technologies for removing VOCs in surface water are low - technology systems that facilitate gas transfer. Volatilization of VOCs occurs in the streams under ambient conditions. Monitoring in. April 2007 shows that 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane concentrations in Beaver Creek decrease (presumably through volatilization) to meet. North Carolina surface water standards somewhere between Knox Street and Gruber Road. If compliance with surface water RGOs were attained through natural volatilization sufficiently near the confluence of Holbrook tributary and Beaver Creek, natural volatilization combined with institutional controls and monitoring may be an acceptable solution. However, since 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane migrates beyond theknown footprint of the groundwater plume (currently understood to extend to Knox Street) at concentrations greater than the North Carolina surface water standard, aeration/volatilization would have to be enhanced through engineered technologies. . The conceptual, model for the hydrology and contaminant transport of 1,1,2,2- tetrachloroethane in the Holbrook tributary and Beaver Creek is that the majority of water flow appears to be in the Holbrook tributary. The combined base flow is relatively low, estimated to be approximately 180 gpm. The concentration of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane in surface water where Beaver Creek flows under Knox Street is < 8.6 µg/L (relative to the surface water standard of 4 µg/L). Enhancing in -stream aeration/volatilization appears to be a feasible approach to meet the surface water standard at this location. Engineered aeration systems may be passive systems such as "roughening" the stream bed with boulders or installing weirs / drop structures to increase agitation and surface area to facilitate volatilization. More complicated active approaches include mechanical surface mixers, fountains, or air sparging systems, which are effectively low technology versions of air stripping (Section 5.3.3). Active approaches require mechanical pumping of either surface water or air and probably the formation of an in -stream collection pool to accumulate sufficient surface water to allow volatilization. Engineered aeration systems involve a number of technical, regulatory and safety constraints. These include: • Limited vertical relief. The change in elevation in the Holbrook tributary in the vicinity of' the contaminant plume is 25 feet (Honeycutt Road to Beaver Creek). A majority of the elevation change occurs before San Lucas Drive. The limited amount of vertical relief will limit the number of possible drop structures or weirs, as well as the effectiveness of passive aeration systems in general. • Erosion concerns: Active aeration systems create erosion concerns. Surface mixers generate strong currents that would require a construction of a large concrete basin, 5-13 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 07O820.doc requiring substantial changes to the streambed and potential difficulties obtaining the necessary permits. Other active systems (sprayers/fountains or air sparging) must be also configured to prevent erosion, but solutions should be less costly. • USACE permitting: Preliminary discussions with the USACE Wilmington District revealed that a nationwide permit #38 will be required for minimal remediation in the streambed. If construction is extensive a more time consuming permit may be required. The goal of the USACE is for "minimal damage" to the surface water environment. Fish and wildlife concerns: Certain aeration systems could pose a barrier to fish migration. Both the Holbrook tributary and Beaver Creek are too shallow for most of their reach to support . fish larger than small minnows. The impact of aeration/volatilization approaches on fish migration will need to be discussed with the Fish and Wildlife Service. • Safety, particularly for children: Some aeration/volatilization devices will attract the attention of children from the school and surrounding residential areas. Some of the technologies will increase the depth of the water in certain areas, creating a safety hazard. Any aeration/volatilization approach other than installing boulders will likely require limiting access with fencing. An additional complicating factor is that most of the aeration/Volatilization technologies will have to be pilot tested to ascertain their effectiveness. Both passive and active engineered aeration/volatilization approaches are retained for further evaluation. However, given the constraints and concerns listed above, a step -wise approach is the most prudent course with each step being more difficult, potentially causing more regulatory problems from a Fish and Wildlife perspective relative to hypothetical fish migration; a USACE perspective of "minimal- damage"; and each causing more potential safety hazards for small children. Step 1: Enhance the natural volatilization by roughening the stream bed. This would be accomplished by focusing on those portions of the stream that are ,flowing at the highest velocities. Boulders, and paving blocks (in Holbrook Culvert) would be strategically placed in the highest velocity areas in an attempt to agitate the water surface by developing eddies and small hydraulic. jumps that would increase volatilization over that currently occurring. Monitoring near Knox Street over a period of time will determine if Step 1 is adequate or if Step 2 is indicated. Issues with this approach are as follows: • COE Permit. Adding boulders (6-12 inches) should be viewed as an enhancement to the current stream system and may not require a permit. • Fish Migration: Placement of boulders and paving stones would be such that hypothetical fish migration would not be impacted. • Safety: The current depth of the stream would not be impacted. Therefore, no increase in hazard to children. 5-14 S: MIZemed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc Step 2: Assuming that 4 µg/L at a location near Knox Street is not achieved by the Step 1 approach alone, drop structures, in reaches of the stream that currently have slow velocities, would be installed. The current weir in the Holbrook tributary would be raised about one foot and at least one additional weir /drop structure would be placed just upstream of Knox Street. Additional drop structures could be installed if appropriate locations are identified. This would increase the retention time and surface area in the current slow velocity reaches of the stream and increase volatilization and potentially other attenuation mechanisms. Water flowing over these structures would impinge on hard surfaces to increase volatilization. Monitoring near Knox Street over a period of time will determine if Step 2 is adequate or if Step 3 is indicated. Issues with this approach are as follows: • COE Permit. Adding drop structures would most likely require a permit. • Fish migration: Drop structures will prevent any upstream fish migration. • Safety: Drop structures will increase stream depth and hazard to children. Step 3: Assuming Steps 1 and 2 are. not successful at meeting the 4 µg/L standard at a location near Knox Street, additional pilot tests will be conducted to determine the best."active" system to install. Consideration will be given to life -cycle costs since the Army will be responsible for O&M costs for up to 50 years. Step 4: Implement the most efficient system based on pilot test data. . Constructed Wetlands Constructed wetlands are capable of treating various contaminants in surface water and have been constructed to treat/polish stormwater and water from sewage treatment plants, acid mine drainage, landfill leachate, etc. Literature does not specifically indicate any constructed wetlands specifically for VOCs. Similar to phytoremediation, as discussed under groundwater treatment (Section 5.2.4), constructed wetlands use a combination of physical, chemical,. and biological processes to remove/degrade contaminants in the water. Many plants are _capable of removing VOCs through evapotranspiration and other processes occurring in the subsurface environment. Constructed wetlands can be constructed to be subsurface or surface flow and to accommodate stormwater events. A wetland or swampy area exists in the Beaver Creek drainage just downstream from SWMU 103 between Knox Street and Gruber Road. Monitoring in April 2007 indicated that 1,1,2,2- tetrachloroethane concentrations decrease to within North Carolina surface water standards prior to the water reaching Gruber Road. The processes that contribute to concentration decreases are undefined, but the wetlands/swamp ,in this area may be a contributing factor. Since this area is outside the currently. defined footprint of the SWMU 103 groundwater plume, this area, is currently _ unavailable to be incorporated into a natural attenuation remedy for surface water. However, the data indicate that'a constructed wetland is a potentially effective remedy. Conceptually, constructed wetlands would be installed in the Holbrook tributary near the confluence of the. Holbrook tributary and Beaver Creek. Some contouring/excavation would be necessary to install an influent structure to facilitate the distribution of the incoming water to allow maximum contact with the wetlands plants and to install a gravel bed to anchor the 5-15 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc wetland plants. Reeds, cattails, or other regional -appropriate wetland plants capable of removing VOCs would be planted in a gravel substrate bed. Unfortunately, there is no way to design a constructed wetland for this purpose (i.e., predict how large of a wetland is necessary to achieve the desired reduction in concentration). Railroad tracks are located in this area. In addition, Fort Bragg DPW indicated that the area surrounding the Holbrook tributary is leased to family housing and use of additional land for the constructed wetlands outside the boundaries of the existing Holbrook tributary would be prohibited. A constructed wetlands sized to accommodate stormwater flows would probably be prohibitive in this area; however, a constructed wetlands to accommodate the smaller flows that occur during most of the year might be implernentable. Stormwater flows would have to be allowed to bypass the wetlands because of the lack of available area to accommodate larger flows. Given the implementability concerns, particularly the limited available space, constructed wetlands are eliminated from further evaluation. Biological Mats At Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, biological mats were placed in a streambed to treat 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane-contaminated groundwater as it upwelled into surface water. The mats were bioaugmented with the WBC-2 culture, which is a consortium of bacteria developed by SERIM Laboratories and the US Geological Survey and known to biodegrade 1,1,2,2- tetrachloroethane. However, to be effective, these ]vats need to stay substantially submerged to maintain anaerobic conditions necessary for 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane biodegradation by WBC-2. Stream depths at SWMU 103 are too shallow (and sometimes may dry up entirely) to maintain the necessary anaerobic conditions. Also, to be effective, the mats must cover the entire reach of the stream where contaminated groundwater discharges. Placing mats in pools behind drop - structures is unlikely to cover enough of the gaining reaches of the stream to be effective. Given the effectiveness concerns, biological mats were eliminated from further evaluation. 5.3.5 Stream Segregation Contaminants in groundwater migrating to surface water in the Holbrook tributary represent a primary exposure pathway at SWMU 103. This pathway could be eliminated by either lining the Holbrook tributary with a low -permeability layer [e.g., clay or high -density polyethylene (HDPE)] that still facilitates stormwater flow to Beaver Creek or enclosing the impacted length of the Holbrook tributary in a pipe or box culvert, both of which would eliminate groundwater from migrating to surface water. No flow data are available for the Holbrook tributary or Beaver Creek in the area of SWMU 103. Based on a water resources map dated 1997, the Beaver Creek drainage area is approximately 3,356 acres; however, the Holbrook tributary is located only in the eastern portion of the drainage area and would not receive drainage from the entire 3,356 acres. The width of the groundwater plume would require a minimum of approximately 3,500 feet of the Holbrook tributary to be separated from groundwater. The groundwater flow model developed for SWMU 103 (Appendix K) indicates that the Holbrook streambed would continue 5-16 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc to act as preferential pathway for the transport of groundwater toward Beaver Creek because it is a natural topographic low that is sloped toward Beaver Creek. Unfortunately this means that groundwater water contamination would continue to migrate and ultimately discharge into Beaver Creek. Segregation of groundwater and Holbrook tributary would merely transfer the surface water contamination problem further downstream. Prior to the design of the stream restoration or encasement of the Holbrook tributary in a pipe or. box culvert, a topographic survey of the Holbrook tributary and the adjacent area would be required, as well as an evaluation of the potential stormwater flow in the Holbrook tributary. In - stream restoration would involve contouring and potentially raising the existing streambed of the Holbrook tributary by 'I to 2 feet between Dougherty Drive and Beaver Creek, which is approximately 4,018 linear feet. The stream bed would be raised .to ensure surface water is above the water table. The liner would consist of a gravel/sand bed, followed by a clay layer, and finally .a HDPE liner. A gravel bed followed by interlocking blocks (specifically used for streambeds/erosion control) would be placed on top of the HDPE liner. The interlocking blocks would ultimately fill up with sediment and provide a stable streambed for native habitat to take hold. The stream restoration would require annual maintenance. Encasing the Holbrook tributary in pipe or box culvert would require similar construction as the stream restoration. The 4,018 feet of the tributary would.require less contouring and grading prior to installation. The pipe or box culvert would be tied into the existing culvert at Dougherty Drive and sized to accommodate stormwater flow. Catch basins at ground surface would be located along the length of the pipe to collect surface runoff from adjacent land. Placing the Holbrook tributary underground would allow more land for. recreational purposes near the residential housing and would reduce maintenance in the area. An elliptical pipe or box culvert provides a lower profile for the water transport than a circular pipe. Box culverts tend to be installed where structural concerns exist and are more expensive than piping. Given the anticipated low effectiveness and high cost of these alternatives, stream restoration/segregation was not retained for further evaluation. 5.3.6 Monitoring Monitoring of surface water will be required to assess contaminant concentrations, ensure the protection of human health and the environment, and evaluate the performance of an implemented corrective action, and would be .required as part of any corrective action. Monitoring of impacted media, including surface water, is .discussed under Section 5.2.11. Monitoring is retained for further evaluation in combination with other alternatives. 5.4 'CORRECTIVE ACTION ALTERNATIVES .The process options/technologies retained following the screening step were. combined in. various ways to develop site -wide corrective action alternatives that would meet the RROs of protecting human health and environment (Section 4.2). All of the corrective actions would have. some level of institutional controls to ensure protection of human health during . the implementation period and monitoring to evaluate the performance of the alternative. The following three site -wide corrective action alternatives were identified to meet the RROS. 5-17 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 07O820.doc Alternative 1: MNA, Engineered Aeration/Volatilization of Surface Water, Institutional Controls, and Monitoring . • Institutional controls to prevent the use of groundwater and surface water. • Fencing and signs along the Holbrook tributary to reduce exposure to surface water. • MNA of the groundwater contamination. • Annual soil gas monitoring around Holbrook Elementary School. • Engineered volatilization of VOCs in surface water. • Surface water and groundwater monitoring to evaluate performance. This alternative would require a long-term monitoring program. Engineered aeration systems to increase volatilization of chlorinated solvents in surface water within the footprint of the SWMU 103 groundwater plume would be installed using a step -wise approach until surface water standards are met at the point of compliance. Alternative 2: Source Area Treatment Using Enhanced Bioremediation, MNA, Engineered Aeration/Volatilization of Surface Water, Institutional Controls, and Monitoring • Institutional controls to prevent the use of groundwater and surface water. • Enhanced bioremediation using anaerobic reductive dechlorination in groundwater in the source area, which was defined as the location of the former Mallonee Village Gas Station. • MNA for remaining groundwater contamination. • Engineered volatilization of VOCs in surface water. • Annual soil gas monitoring around Holbrook Elementary School. • Long-term surface water and groundwater monitoring. The active portion of the remedial alternative would treat groundwater by enhanced bioremediation using anaerobic reductive dechlorination in the source area, which was defined as the immediate area of the former Mallonee Village Gas Station, with the goal to permanently reduce dissolved contaminant concentrations by approximately 90 percent. MNA would be used to further reduce the remaining groundwater contaminants to the North Carolina 2L standards. Engineered aeration systems to increase volatilization of chlorinated solvents in surface water within the footprint of the SWMU 103 groundwater plume would be installed using a step -wise approach until surface water standards are met at the point of compliance. 5-18 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc Alternative 3: Source Area Treatment Using Enhanced Bioremediation, MNA, Pump - and -Treat Contaminated Groundwater to Protect Surface Water, Institutional Controls, and Monitoring • Institutional controls. to prevent the use of groundwater and surface water. • Enhanced bioremediation using anaerobic reductive dechlorination in groundwater in the source area, which was defined as the location of the former Mallonee Village Gas Station. • MNA for the remaining contaminated groundwater. • Pump -and -treat groundwater using subsurface drains and activated carbon adsorption .treatment to prevent contaminated groundwater from discharging to surface water. • Annual soil gas monitoring around Holbrook Elementary School., • Long-term surface water and groundwater monitoring. The active portion of the' remedial alternative would treat groundwater by enhanced bioremediation using anaerobic reductive dechlorination in the source area, which was defined as the immediate area of the former Mallonee Village Gas Station, with the goal to permanently reduce dissolved contaminant concentrations by approximately 90 percent. MNA would be .used to further reduce the remaining groundwater contaminants to the North Carolina 2L standards. A series of subsurface drains would be used to extract enough groundwater to prevent migration of contaminants to surface water. Extracted groundwater will be treated with activated carbon and discharged to Beaver Creek and/or Holbrook tributary. Pump -and -treat would continue until enhanced bioremediation reduces the contaminant flux such that concentrations of VOCs in surface water will not exceed RGOs. 5.4.1 Evaluation Factors Based on the results of the technology screening, the retained technologies were combined into site -wide corrective action alternatives that are considered applicable to contaminants identified in groundwater and surface water at the SWMU 103 site. The alternatives are then evaluated against RCRA standards as established in the RCRA Corrective Action Plan Guidance (EPA 1994). These standards are listed below. Protection of Human Health and the Environment assesses whether the alternative can adequately protect human health and the environment, over both the short and long terms, from unacceptable risks posed by contaminants at the site. Overall protection of human health and the environment draws on other factors assessed under the evaluation criteria —specifically, short- term effectiveness, long-term effectiveness, and permanence —and on compliance with state and federal regulations. The criterion assesses how the source of contamination is to be reduced or controlled, how the site -related risks are to be reduced, and "whether target levels will be attained. Attain Media Cleanup Standards. The corrective action will be required to attain media cleanup standards. The cleanup standards established for groundwater and. surface water at 5-19 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-I03\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doe SWMU 103 are the North Carolina 2L or IMAC standards and North Carolina surface water standards, respectively. Control of Source of Releases. The corrective action must stop further environmental degradation by controlling or eliminating further releases that may pose a threat to human health and environment. No continuing source to groundwater was identified during the RFI at the SWMU 103 area. However, contaminated groundwater originating from past releases from the former Mallonee Village Gas Station (SWMU 103) intercepts surface water in Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary. Comply with Applicable Standards for Management of Waste. Each corrective action shall be in compliance with state and federal environmental laws regulations' (e.g., waste characterization and disposal, underground injection permitting, etc.). Other Factors Long -tern: i reliability and effectiveness assesses the reliability of the remedial action in meeting the RROs. The assessment of long-term effectiveness is made considering the factors described below. • The magnitude of the residual risk .to human health and environmental receptors remaining from untreated waste or treatment residues left at the conclusion of the remedial activities. The characteristics of the waste to be considered should include its volume, toxicity, mobility, and propensity to bioaccumulate. An assessment of the long-term reliability of engineering and institutional controls to provide continued protection from untreated waste or treatment residues, including an assessment of the type, degree, and adequacy of long-term management [including engineering controls, monitoring, and operations and maintenance (O&M)] required for untreated waste or treatment residues remaining at the site and the potential need for replacement of the action and the continuing need for repairs to maintain the performance of the remedy. . Reduction in the toxicity, mobility, or volume of wastes through treatment addresses the degree to which actions employ treatment technologies that permanently and significantly reduce the toxicity, mobility, or volume of the hazardous substances. The ability of an alternative to reduce toxicity, mobility, or volume is not considered under this criterion unless the alternative accomplishes the reduction through treatment. The following specific factors are considered: • treatment process; • amount of hazardous materials that would be treated; • degree of reduction in toxicity, mobility, or volume, including how the principal threat is addressed through treatment; • degree to which the treatment is irreversible; • type and quantity of treatment residuals that would remain following treatment; and 5-20 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc • degree to which the alternative satisfies the preference for treatment. Short-term effectiveness of an alternative is evaluated relative to its effect on human health and the environment during implementation of the corrective action. The short-term effectiveness assessment is based on four key factors: • short-term risks that might be posed to the community during implementation of an alternative, • potential for impacts on workers during construction and the effectiveness and reliability of protective measures, • potential environmental impacts of the action and the effectiveness and reliability of mitigative measures during implementation, and • time until objectives are achieved. Implementability refers to the ease or difficulty of deploying the alternatives. Specific factors used in assessing implementability include those listed below. . • Technical feasibility, including technical difficulties and unknowns associated with the construction and operation of a technology; reliability of the technology; ease of undertaking additional remedial actions, and ability to monitor the effectiveness of the remedy. Administrative feasibility, including activities needed to coordinate with other offices and l agencies and the ability and time required to obtain any necessary approvals and permits from other agencies (for,off--site actions). • Availability of services and materials, including the availability of adequate off -site treatment, storage capacity, and disposal capacity and services; necessary equipment and specialists and provisions :to ensure any necessary, additional resources; services and materials; and prospective technologies. Cost. The cost of an alternative reflects the capital and O&M. requirements and provides an estimate of its dollar cost. The costs estimated in this report are based on Parsons proposal costs to conduct each of the alternatives described, which in turn were based on quotes from suppliers, generic unit costs, vendor information, cost -estimating guides, prior experience, and other information. The primary methodology used is a quantity takeoff method in which costs are calculated based on a unit cost multiplied by a quantity. The cost estimates were developed using CY 2006 dollars, with no discount factors. The costs presented in the detailed description of alternatives are prepared for guidance in project evaluation and implementation and based on nondiscounted cost. They are believed to be accurate within a range between -30 and +50% of the actual costs, in accordance with EPA guidance. The actual costs for these actions could be higher than estimated because of unexpected site conditions and the potential for delays in taking the action. Correspondingly, costs could be lower if construction efficiencies are achieved. A summary of the nondiscounted cost estimate for each alternative is presented in Table 5-3. i 5-21 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 $WMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc 5.4.2 Evaluation of Corrective Action Alternatives The corrective action alternatives are summarized in Table 5-4, along with the associated levels of protection of human health and the costs. The paragraphs below summarize the evaluation of the corrective action alternatives with respect to the primary evaluation factors of protection of human health and cost. Alternative 1: MNA, institutional controls, engineered aeration/volatilization of surface water, and monitoring Alternative 1 would involve the implementation of institutional controls (fencing and signs), MNA, engineered aeration/volatilization of contaminated surface water, annual soil gas monitoring around Holbrook Elementary School, and groundwater and surface water monitoring. Figure 5-1 presents the general site layout of Alternative 1. MNA. MNA would require the monitoring of contaminant levels to ensure that the mass of contamination in the groundwater is reducing with time. Institutional controls and soil gas, groundwater, and surface water monitoring would be used in conjunction with MNA to ensure the protection of human health and the environment over the long implementation time required to meet remedial levels. The natural attenuation alternative was modeled using the calibrated numerical model discussed in Section 3.11.2. Modeling estimated that it would require 60 years from CY 2005 to reduce the concentration of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane in groundwater to less than the remedial level of 0.17 µg/L (the North Carolina 2L standard). Some uncertainty would be associated with achieving the groundwater cleanup because _the analytical reporting level of 1,1,2,2- tetrachloroethane is 1 µg/L. Modeling estimated that it would require approximately 44 years from CY 2005 to reduce the 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane concentration to 1 µg/L, 30 years to reach the background concentration of 5 µg/L, and 33 years to achieve the remedial level for surface water (4 µg/L). All of these time estimates are uncertain since (1) the model uses a potentially conservative but unvalidated decay rate, (2) contaminant flux from the Cape Fear clay was not incorporated as a source term for the model, and (3) contaminants are present in the upgradient site -specific background well at concentrations above North Carolina 2L standards. Institutional Controls. Institutional controls would include the restriction of groundwater use at SWMU 103. Restrictions on groundwater use for consumption and irrigation would be implemented for the life of this remedial alternative, estimated to be 62 years (2 additional years added for confirmatory sampling, reporting, and well abandonment). Access to Holbrook tributary surface water, where it exceeds surface water standards, will be achieved with a combination of new and existing fencing. New fencing will match the existing 6-foot-high vinyl -covered chain link. Signs would also be installed along Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary informing persons of the potential contamination in the surface water. Signs along the Holbrook tributary would be installed on either the new fence or the existing fence, while signs along Beaver Creek would be installed on metal posts. The administrative and groundwater -use restrictions would be implemented during the period of ownership by DoD through restrictions imposed by the BMP. The BMP would be an effective tool for prohibiting installation of potable water wells at the site while the property is under DoD ownership. Groundwater is not currently used as a source of drinking water at the site. Institutional controls prohibiting the use of 5-22 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Tex[ 070820.doc i groundwater in the future would be effective at protecting human health from the elevated levels of COCs.in the groundwater. Soil Gas Monitoring. Crawlspace air and soil gas sampling has determined that VOCs are not impacting indoor air quality at Holbrook Elementary School. To ensure that the school is not impacted by vapor intrusion in the future, soil gas monitoring would be conducted at existing representative monitoring points..A total of 18 soil gas monitoring points surround the perimeter of the Holbrook Elementary School buildings and within open areas between separate school buildings (Figure 2-13). The soil gas sampling would be conducted from all 18 sampling points for one more year. If the 2006 soil gas sampling results are confirmed, and groundwater VOC concentrations do not increase, the sampling network will be optimized. It is anticipated that three upgradient monitoring points (SG1, SG14, and SG16) will continue to be monitored annually. Soil vapor samples would be collected in accordance with EPAMethod TO-15 and analyzed for VOCs. Soil gas samples would be collected annually prior to the beginning of the school year. The results of the soil gas sampling would be evaluated relative to EPA vapor intrusion screening criteria to ensure that Holbrook Elementary School remains safe from vapor intrusion. Engineered Aeration/Volatilization of Surface Water. Surface water will treated using aeration/volatilization within the footprint of the groundwater plume to meet the North Carolina surface water standard (4 µg/L of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane). The most downstream extent of the groundwater plume (currently understood to be where Beaver Creek flows under Knox Street) would be the point -of -compliance to meet surface water standards. The engineered aeration/volatilization systems would be implemented using the step -wise approach outlined in } Section The step -wise process would begin with a simple passive aeration system (roughening the streambed with small boulders) and proceed to more complex aeration solutions until monitoring shows that the installed aeration/volatilization system is effective at meeting surface water standards at the point -of -compliance. Groundwater Monitoring Network. One new monitoring well (MW51) would be installed to complete the groundwater monitoring network to evaluate the performance of the natural attenuation alternative. The location of the. new monitoring well is along Sharpe Drive between MW-29 and MW-31. The initial groundwater monitoring network will consist of 31 wells. The monitoring well network will be evaluated annually for optimization opportunities. Some shallow wells can be eliminated from the existing network since contamination is primarily in the deeper wells. Performance Groundwater Sampling. Performance groundwater monitoring for MNA would be performed on an annual basis to evaluate the progress of . natural attenuation. The location and sampling frequency of wells for performance sampling would be selected based on evaluation of the results of the previous year's performance sampling. Over the first 10 years, it is anticipated that some of the interior wells may be moved to a biennial (every other year) sampling frequency. However, wells near the Holbrook Elementary School and residential areas would remain on an annual sampling frequency. Groundwater would be analyzed for VOCs and natural attenuation parameters. Surface Water Sampling. Effectiveness monitoring will be required during the period that engineered aeration/volatilization system(s) are implemented to establish whether the technologies in place are achieving the necessary contaminant reduction. The effectiveness 5-23 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc monitoring will include sampling above and below treatment zones, conducted on a frequent basis to provide sufficient data on which to make that determination. Once the successful technology for remediation of the surface waters is selected, as established through the effectiveness monitoring, a reduced monitoring schedule can be established. Surface water would be analyzed for VOCs. Confirmatory Sampling. Confirmatory groundwater sampling would be conducted for two years after the completion of the natural attenuation period to ensure that the groundwater contamination had not rebounded. Reporting. An annual report would be issued to coincide with the results of the sampling. If the monitoring frequency is reduced, progress reports would be issued to coincide with groundwater monitoring. A confirmation report would be issued at the completion of the confirmatory sampling. Protection of Human Health and the Environment Alternative 1 would be protective of human health and environment through a combination of passive treatment systems (natural attenuation for groundwater and engineered aeration/volatilization for surface water), institutional controls, and, if necessary, more active engineered aeration/volatilization (for surface water). Natural attenuation would be used to reduce contaminant concentrations in groundwater over time. Fencing along the Holbrook tributary would prevent exposure to surface water. Warning signs along Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary would reduce exposure to the surface water year round. The results of the soil gas sampling would determine if mitigative measures were necessary to prevent vapor intrusion at Holbrook Elementary School. These may include lining the crawl spaces and/or ventilating the crawl spaces or basements. The mitigative measures would be protective of human health to risk from vapor intrusion. Institutional controls preventing the use of groundwater for drinking or irrigation would be implemented to eliminate potential contact (i.e., risk) from the groundwater. This alternative would provide protection of human health through warning signs and placing and maintaining legal controls on the. use of groundwater. Institutional controls would be put in place and maintained by Fort Bragg through the BMP. The SWMU 103 area is expected to remain under the ownership of the federal government; therefore, sufficient confidence in their long-term effectiveness is assumed. Groundwater is presently not used for drinking water in the area. Monitoring of the soil gas, groundwater, and surface water would ensure that contamination is not migrating or increasing in concentration to an unacceptable degree. Attain Media Cleanup Standards Alternative 1 would comply with groundwater and surface water cleanup levels but not in a short timeframe. The concentration of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane in groundwater would remain above the North Carolina 2L standards until complete restoration of the aquifer had been achieved, estimated by modeling to be 60 years from CY 2005. However, modeling also has estimated that the groundwater concentration of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane will be below the reporting limit (<1 µg/L) in 44 years from CY 2005 and protective of surface water (4 µg/L) in 33 years from CY 2005. The modeling results did not account for contamination (e.g., 5.1 µg/L 5-24 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doe of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane) detected at the background locations (MW26 and MW27) at SWMU 103, which could continue to act as a small contaminant recharge area. Modeling results indicate that it will take 30 years to reach the background level. There is uncertainty associated with achieving cleanup levels below 5 µg/L due to the background concentration. Engineered aeration/volatilization will be applied in a step -wise approach until VOCs meet surface water standards at the point -of -compliance. Legal controls implemented under this alternative would prevent ingestion of contaminated drinking water, and long-term monitoring would demonstrate when the aquifer was restored to the North Carolina 21, standards. Control of Source of Releases The groundwater contamination originating from the former Mallonee Village Gas Station (SWMU 103) is from past releases to the subsurface from a leaking solvent UST that was removed. No current source is located at SWMU 103; therefore, there are no ongoing primary sources of contamination to groundwater to control. However, VOCs in the clay formation underlying the surficial water -bearing zone may represent a continuing secondary source of contamination: The groundwater is the source of the contamination in surface water. Natural attenuation will be used to reduce the VOC concentrations in groundwater to levels that will be below cleanup goals in surface water. Modeling indicated that this process could take 33 years. In the interim, engineered in -stream aeration/volatilization will remove VOCs in surface water. Comply.with Applicable Standards for Management of Waste Alternative 1 would comply with state and federal requirements. Investigation -derived waste (IDW) generated during the installation of -groundwater wells would be characterized to determine waste characteristics. Waste would be disposed of in accordance with all state and federal regulations. Other Factors Long -Term Reliability and Effectiveness. The long-term effectiveness and permanence of natural attenuation would be dependent on the establishment and maintenance of institutional controls and the decrease with time in contaminant concentrations as predicted by modeling. Institutional controls would be established- to eliminate the potential for exposure to humans and the environment, thereby reducing the potential risk. Some uncertainty is associated with the modeling of natural attenuation and'F&T of the contaminants. However, the model would be confirmed/updated as additional data are collected and analyzed. . Engineered in -stream aeration/volatilization. would be applied in a step -wise approach until they are effective for removal of VOCs in surface .water. Reduction in the Toxicity, Mobility, or Volume of. Wastes. Alternative 1 uses primarily passive treatment (natural attenuation and/or volatilization) to treat the contaminants in groundwater and surface water. A more active engineered aeration/volatilization system will be used to treat contaminants in surface water if passive volatilization is ineffective. Except for the engineered aeration/volatilization system for surface water, Alternative 1 does not meet the 5-25 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 07O820.doc statutory preference for employing treatment technologies that permanently reduce the toxicity, mobility, or volume of the contaminants. There would be immediate reduction in toxicity, mobility, or volume of the contaminants as a result of implementing this alternative in surface water only. Natural attenuation would require approximately 33 years before it would remove contaminants in groundwater to levels protective -of the surface water. Volatilization would reduce the toxicity of any remaining VOCs migrating to surface water. Groundwater concentrations have been decreasing since January 2003 and modeling has predicted that the aquifer will be restored to below the North Carolina 2L standards in 60 years from CY 2005. Annual groundwater monitoring would be used to confirm the continued decrease in toxicity in groundwater contaminants. Surface water sampling would be used to confirm that volatilization was removing contaminants and therefore reducing the toxicity. Short -Term Effectiveness. Short-term impacts would be minimal for Alternative 1. Impacts to the environment or community would not be expected to occur from implementation of any of the actions under this alternative. Workers and the community -would have limited exposure to contaminated groundwater during the installation of the monitoring well, engineered aeration system, and sampling (soil gas, groundwater, and surface water) activities resulting in the potential for few short-term risks. Health and safety controls in accordance with Occupational Safety and Health Agency (OSHA) requirements would be implemented to mitigate, prevent, and limit potential exposure of workers during these activities. The total time to implement this alternative is estimated to be 62 years. According to the modeling results, it would take approximately 60 years from CY 2005 to meet the North Carolina 2L standards (cleanup levels). Confirmatory sampling would be performed for two years after the completion of the natural attenuation period. Implementability. Alternative 1, MNA and in -stream aeration/volatilization, is readily implementable because no active remedial actions would be taken that would require extensive construction or permitting. A modest amount of construction and possibly a permit would be required for the in -stream aeration/volatilization system. Materials, equipment, and labor for installation of monitoring wells, the aeration/volatilization system, and sampling (soil gas, groundwater, and surface water) are readily available. Establishment of the groundwater -use restrictions will require additional time and effort for development, preparation, and processing of the necessary paperwork. Administrative provisions already exist to allow for incorporation of groundwater -use restrictions into the BMP. Collection of annual groundwater samples will require additional time and resources; however, subcontractors and laboratories needed to perform this work are readily available. Cost. The capital cost for the installation of the monitoring well, the in -stream aeration/volatilization system, fencing, and baseline sampling would be approximately $661,000. O&M costs were estimated for a 60-year period and would be approximately $2,639,150. O&M costs would include annual groundwater and surface water sampling for 60 years from CY 2005. Samples would be analyzed and validated. O&M costs would also include reports, a final review and confirmation report, and monitoring well abandonment. The total cost for Alternative 1 would be approximately $3,300,150. Detailed costs for this alternative are presented in Table 5- 3. 5-26 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc r Alternative 2: Source treatment using enhanced bioremediation, WiA, engineered aeration/volatilization of surface water, institutional controls, and monitoring Alternative 2 would use enhanced bioremediation via anaerobic reductive dechlorination to treat contamination in groundwater and saturated soil located in the source area, which was defined as the previous location of the former Mallonee Village Gas Station (Figure 5-2). The source area has concentrations of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane in groundwater ranging from approximately 250 to 660 µg/L, and the RFI indicated low levels of residual chlorinated solvents absorbed onto the surface of the clay at the confining layer located'at approximately 65 feet bgs. After treatment of the source area, natural attenuation would be used to treat the remaining dissolved concentrations in groundwater until the concentrations of 1,1,2,2-tetrachlorethane reach the North Carolina 2L standard (0.17 µg/L). Engineered aeration/volatilization would be used to treat VOCs in surface water in the same manner as described in Alternative 1. Institutional controls ,and soil gas, groundwater, and surface water monitoring would be used in conjunction with MNA to ensure the protection of human health and the environment over the long implementation time required to.meet final remedial levels in groundwater. As discussed in Chapter 4, Screening of Technologies, enhanced biodegradation using anaerobic reductive dechlorination has been successfully used to biologically degrade chlorinated solvents in saturated soil and groundwater. Analytical data from groundwater from the source area of SWMU 103 showed that anaerobic 'reductive dechlorination has likely occurred in the past due to commingling of fuel and chlorinated solvent contamination in the shallow groundwater. Source Treatment Using Enhanced Bioremediation. The purpose of applying enhanced anaerobic bioremediation technology to the SWMU 103 source area (former gas station) is to reduce contaminant mass present in the subsurface and thereby reduce long-term contaminant mass loading to Holbrook Tributary and Beaver Creek. The mixed substrate for this application will consist of a soluble substrate such as high fructose corn syrup to provide an immediate mass of bioavailable organic carbon to create anaerobic, reducing conditions, and vegetable oil to provide a slow release source of organic carbon to drive reductive dechlorination over the long. term. This mixture typically supports anaerobic biodegradation for 2 to 3 years. Organic substrate will be targeted for the lower 15 feet of the Middendorf aquifer where VOC concentrations are highest. Organic substrate will also absorb into the top of the confining clay unit (believed to be the primary source of continuing contamination) and enhance biodegradation of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and TCE diffusing. out of the clay. A pH amendment product such as sodium bicarbonate will also be added to maintain neutral pH conditions within each reaction area. Degradation . products (cis 1,2-DCE and vinyl chloride) are more rapidly degraded in neutral pH conditions, making pH buffering an important factor in successful enhanced bioremediation applications. The injection well network in the source area will consist of 42 direct push injection points installed in a grid orientation. The spacing between the injection points will be approximately 10 feet to ensure adequate substrate distribution. Each of the injection points will be advanced to. the top of the Cape Fear Formation Clay so that the substrate is injected in the bottom portion of the Middendorf Formation. Half of the injection points will be completed as temporary small diameter wells to allow for future injections of amendments and additional organic substrate if necessary. During the initial injection approximately 800 to 1,000 gallons of organic substrate mixture and pH amendment will be injected areach point. Based on the radial flow in the.deep 5-27 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc groundwater, this design should produce anaerobic conditions in at least a 10,000-square foot area beneath the former solvent UST area (Figure 5-2). After the first six months of performance monitoring, the geochemical data and progress of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and TCE degradation in the source area will be reviewed. If degradation is lagging and conditions are sufficiently anaerobic, a supplemental injection of approximately 300 to 500 gallons of dilute bioaugmentation culture and a pH amendment may be added into each of the small diameter wells. The bioaugmentation culture will consist of a non- pathogenic, naturally occurring combination of microbial strains known to be capable of complete dechlorination of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and its degradation products (cis 1,2-DCE and vinyl chloride). The bioaugmentation culture will be -provided by SIREM Laboratories, which has developed a bioaugmentation product called WBC-2 that was specifically developed for the degradation of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane in conjunction with the US Geological Survey. WBC-2 has been field tested at Aberdeen Proving Ground for the Army and has been shown to be very effective at completely degrading 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane. The application of WBC-2 at Aberdeen Proving Grounds was accomplished in biological mats that were placed in a streambed and promoted biodegradation of contaminated groundwater as it upwelled into the stream. The goal of the organic substrate injection is to achieve a 90-percent average 1,1,2,2- tetrachloroethane reduction within the source area. A second injection of organic substrate may be applied to the SMWU-103 source area in the event that concentrations of 1,1,2,2- tetrachloroethane rebound above 100 µg/L within the source area within 3 years of the initial injection. MNA of Remaining Groundwater Contamination. In addition to active bioremediation in the source area, MNA will be employed as described in Alternative 1. The calibrated numerical model discussed in Section 3.11.2 predicted 60 years for MNA alone to reach the North Carolina 2L standard (0.17 µg/L) and 33 years to reach the surface water remedial level (4 µg/L). These predictions may be optimistic since (1) the model uses a potentially conservative but. unvalidated decay rate, and (2) contaminant flux from the Cape Fear clay was not incorporated as source term for the model. However, a 90-percent source reduction in contaminant mass through enhanced bioremediation would eventually produce much lower VOC concentrations beneath Holbrook school and in surface water. Based on groundwater velocities of 200-500 feet per year at the site, the time for groundwater emanating from the source area to reach Holbrook Tributary behind the school (-1000 feet) is 2 to 5 years. Although 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane will move slower than groundwater flow due to the effects of retardation, it is probable that the impact of source treatment and NINA will begin to reduce groundwater concentrations entering surface water within 10 years. Treatment and institutional controls to protect surface water would continue until surface water meets clean-up standards, which will probably take substantially longer. Institutional Controls. Institutional controls would include the restriction of groundwater use at SWMU 103. Restrictions on groundwater use for consumption and irrigation ,would be implemented for the life of this remedial alternative, estimated to be nearly as Tong as for Alternative 1 (60 years). Prevention of access to surface water at locations where VOC levels exceed surface water standards in Holbrook Tributary will be achieved with a combination of new and existing fencing. New fencing will match the existing 6-foot vinyl -covered chain link. Signs would also be installed along Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary prohibiting access and contact with 5-28 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc l surface water. Groundwater treatment should begin to reduce the flux of contaminants to surface water standards within 10 years. Attainment of surface water standards will likely take considerably longer, at which time institutional controls could be removed. The administrative and groundwater -use restrictions would be implemented during the period of ownership by DoD through restrictions imposed by the BMP. The. BMP would be an effective tool for prohibiting installation of potable water wells at the site while the property is under DOD. ownership. Groundwater .is not currently used as a source of drinking water at the site. Institutional controls prohibiting the use of groundwater in the future would be effective at protecting human health from the elevated levels of COCs in the groundwater. Groundwater Monitoring Network. One new monitoring well (MW51), would be installed to complete the groundwater monitoring network to evaluate the performance of the natural attenuation alternative. The location of the new monitoring well is along Sharpe Drive between MW-29 and MW-31, as presented in Figure 5-2. The initial groundwater monitoring network will consist of 31 wells. The monitoring well network will be evaluated annually for optimization opportunities. Some shallow wells can be eliminated from the existing network since contamination is primarily in.the deeper wells. Performance Groundwater Sampling. Groundwater will be sampled quarterly during the first year following carbon substrate injection to evaluate the performance of anaerobic reductive dechlorination. Thereafter, performance monitoring will be conducted annually. Groundwater from wells in the vicinity of the carbon substrate injection would be sampled -and analyzed for VOCs, TOC, geochemical parameters and pH. Results of the groundwater sampling will be used to evaluate the effectiveness . of anaerobic reductive .dechlorination and develop plans for subsequent bioaugmentation and carbon substrate injections as necessary. Performance groundwater monitoring for MNA would occur on an annual basis to evaluate the progress of the natural attenuation. The location and sampling frequency of wells for performance sampling would be selected based on evaluation of the results of the previous year's performance sampling. Over the first 10 years, it is anticipated that. some of the interior wells may be moved to a biennial sampling frequency. However, wells near the Holbrook Elementary School and residential areas would remain on an annual sampling frequency. Groundwater would be analyzed for VOCs and natural attenuation parameters. Soil Gas Monitoring. Crawlspace air and soil gas sampling has determined that VOCs are not currently impacting indoor air quality at Holbrook Elementary School. To ensure that. the school is not impacted by vapor intrusion in the future, soil gas monitoring would be conducted at existing representative monitoring points. A total of 18 soil gas monitoring points surround the perimeter of the Holbrook Elementary School buildings and within open areas between separate school buildings (Figure 2-13). The soil gas sampling would be conducted from all 18 sampling points for one more year. If the 2006 soil gas sampling results are confirmed, and groundwater VOC concentrations do not increase, the sampling network will be optimized. It is anticipated that three upgradient monitoring points (SGI, SG14, and SG16) will continue, to be monitored annually. Soil vapor samples would be collected in accordance with EPA Method TO-15 and analyzed for VOCs. -Soil gas samples would be collected annually prior to the beginning of the school year. The results of the soil gas sampling would be evaluated relative to EPA vapor intrusion screening criteria to ensure that Holbrook Elementary School remains safe from vapor intrusion. 5-29 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PB030010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820:doc Engineered AerationNolatilization of Surface Water. Surface water will be treated using aeration/volatilization within the footprint of the groundwater plume to meet the North Carolina surface water standard (4 µg/L of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane). The most downstream extent of the groundwater plume (currently understood to be where Beaver Creek flows under Knox Street) would be the point -of -compliance to meet surface water standards. The engineered aeration/volatilization systems would be implemented using the step -wise approach outlined in Section The step -wise process would begin with a simple passive aeration system (roughening the streambed with small boulders) and proceed to more complex aeration solutions until monitoring shows that the installed aeration/volatilization system is effective at meeting surface water standards at the point -of -compliance. Surface Water Sampling. Effectiveness monitoring will be required during the period that engineered aeration/volatilization system(s) are implemented to establish whether the technologies in place are achieving the necessary contaminant reduction. The effectiveness monitoring will include sampling above and below treatment zones, conducted on a frequent basis to provide sufficient. data on which to make that determination. Once the successful technology for remediation of the surface waters is selected, as established through the effectiveness monitoring, a reduced monitoring schedule can be established. 'Surface water would be analyzed for VOCs. Confirmatory Sampling. Confirmatory groundwater sampling would be conducted for two years after the completion of the natural attenuation period to ensure that the groundwater contamination had not rebounded. Reporting. An annual report would be issued to coincide with the results of the sampling. If the monitoring frequency is reduced, progress reports would be issued to coincide with groundwater monitoring. A confirmation report would be issued at the completion of the confirmatory sampling. Protection of Human Health and the Environment Alternative 2, source treatment using anaerobic bioremediation followed by natural attenuation and treatment of contaminated surface water using engineered aeration/volatilization, uses a combination of active and passive treatments to be protective of human health and the environment. Active treatment using anaerobic reductive dechlorination in the source area would more rapidly reduce VOC concentrations dissolved in groundwater and reduce the flux of contaminants from the Cape Fear Formation clays to the groundwater. Active source area treatment should also result in a more rapid decrease in dissolved VOC concentrations downgradient of the source area and reduce the flux of contaminants to surface water, shortening the time that institutional controls and volatilization will be required to meet the North Carolina surface water criteria. After completion of the engineered treatment of the source area, natural attenuation would then be implemented to remove the remaining contaminants in groundwater to below remedial levels (North Carolina 2L or IMAC standards). Upon achieving groundwater remedial levels, contaminants would no longer pose a risk to potential receptors; therefore, the alternative would have long-term effectiveness. Because the active portion of the alternative is an in -situ process, there would be little disturbance of soil or groundwater over the short term that might result in an impact to human health or the environment. The active treatment alternative would also reduce the toxicity of the contaminants in groundwater and subsequent migration to 5-30 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doe r surface water. Source treatment would result in an overall reduction in the volume of contaminants in groundwater. The soil gas sampling would ensure that Holbrook Elementary School remains safe from vapor intrusion. Institutional controls preventing the use of groundwater for drinking or irrigation would be implemented to eliminate potential contact (i.e., risk) from the groundwater during the natural attenuation period. Therefore, the overall protection of human health and the environment during the natural attenuation period of this alternative is dependent upon the establishment and maintenance of institutional controls. Institutional controls would be instituted and maintained by Fort Bragg through the BMP. The SWMU 103 area is expected to remain under the ownership of the federal government; therefore, sufficient confidence in their long-term effectiveness is assumed. Maintaining the existing fencing, installing new fencing along the Holbrook tributary where surface water VOC concentrations exceed regulatory criteria, and installing warning signs along the Holbrook tributary and Beaver Creek would reduce the 'potential for exposure to contaminated surface water. Monitoring of the soil gas, groundwater, and surface water would confirm the performance of the active remediation and ensure that contamination is not migrating or increasing in concentration to an unacceptable degree. Attain Media Cleanup Standards Alternative 2 would reduce the groundwater contaminant flux to surface water, such that - surface water clean-up levels would be met and institutional controls and engineered volatilization could be discontinued. Based on estimates of travel times from the source area to Holbrook tributary, surface water should start to be impacted by lower contaminant loading within 10 years. Groundwater would eventually attain the North Carolina 2L or IMAC standards but not within a short timeframe. The concentrations in groundwater would remain above the North Carolina 2L standards until complete restoration of the aquifer is achieved, which will likely take decades. Engineered aeration/volatilization systems would be implemented in a step -wise approach until one or more technologies successfully remove VOCs from surface water so that surface water standards are met at the point -of -compliance. Legal controls implemented under this alternative would prevent ingestion of contaminated drinking water, and long-term monitoring would demonstrate when the aquifer was restored to the North Carolina 2L standards. Control of Source of Releases The groundwater contamination originating from the former Mallonee Village Gas Station (SWMU 103) results from past releases to the subsurface from leaking USTs that were removed. No current source has been identified at SWMU 103; however, the primary source of the groundwater contamination is hypothesized to be residual contamination adsorbed onto the soil 5-31 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doe matrix. Active source treatment is targeted for the area where contaminants diffuse from the confining clay layer into' the aquifer. Organic substrate will diffuse into the clay and create conditions that will result in biodegradation of contaminants as they migrate into the aquifer. The groundwater is the source of the contamination in surface water. The source area treatment will reduce the VOCs in groundwater to levels below cleanup goals (North Carolina surface water standards). Until the contaminant flux from groundwater to surface water is reduced, surface water quality criteria will be met by engineered aeration/volatilization. Comply with Applicable Standards for Management of Waste Alternative 2 will comply with state and federal requirements. An Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program Permit will be required prior to the injection of any substance into the subsurface. All of the representative injectants. evaluated in the conceptual design for anaerobic reductive dechlorination are approved substances for injection by the state of North Carolina. IDW generated during the installation of injection wells and groundwater monitoring wells will be characterized to determine waste characteristics. Waste will be disposed of in accordance with all state and federal regulations. To date, liquid and solid waste generated during the RFI have been characterized as non -hazardous. Other Factors Long -Term Reliability and Effectiveness. Alternative 2 achieves long-term reliability and effectiveness through a combination of active and passive treatment technologies. The active treatment in the source area biologically degrades contamination in groundwater in the source area. The treatment of contamination in the source area will reduce the contaminant flux from the Cape Fear Formation clay to the aquifer and eventually reduce the flux of contamination from groundwater to surface water. This will expedite the natural attenuation process. Engineered aeration/volatilization processes in Holbrook tributary and Beaver Creek will achieve North Carolina surface water criteria until the source area treatment can reduce the flux of contamination from groundwater to surface water. The source area treatment would be designed to maximize the chances of success. The geochemistry (i.e., high DO, positive ORP, nitrate, sulfate, etc.) of the subsurface at SWMU 103 is not naturally conducive to anaerobic reductive dechlorination. Therefore the injection of carbon substrate would be targeted for to a limited volume to provide enough substrate to maximize chance of creating the desired strongly reducing conditions. The injected volume will be the deeper portions of the surficial aquifer in the source area (former gas station) to allow contaminants to degrade as they migrate away from the source. After source treatment, the remaining contamination in groundwater would be allowed to naturally attenuate to below remedial levels (North Carolina 21, or IMAC standards). The timeframe is uncertain but removal of the contaminant source will expedite the attainment of remedial levels. The long-term effectiveness and permanence of natural attenuation depends on the establishment and maintenance of institutional controls, and the decrease with time in contaminant concentrations. Institutional controls would be established to minimize potential exposure to humans and the environment, thereby reducing the potential risk from groundwater and contact with surface water. Some uncertainty is associated with the modeling of natural 5-32 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc attenuation and F&T of the contaminants. However, the monitoring will evaluate the effectiveness of natural attenuation processes. Reduction in the Toxicity, Mobility, or Volume of Wastes. Alternative 2 uses active treatment to reduce the toxicity of the groundwater in the source area to levels protective of surface water. Therefore, Alternative 2 meets the statutory preference for employing treatment technologies that permanently reduce the toxicity, mobility, or volume of the contaminants. After active source area treatment is complete, Alternative 2 uses passive treatment to reduce the remaining low level of contaminants in groundwater until the concentrations reach the North Carolina 2L standard. Groundwater monitoring would be used to confirm the continued decrease in toxicity in groundwater contaminants. Surface water sampling would be used to confirm that engineered aeration/volatilization is effective at removing contaminants above surface water criteria until the flux of groundwater contaminants is sufficiently reduced that surface water treatment is no longer necessary. Short -Term Effectiveness. Short-term impacts would be minimal for Alternative 2; however, injections would be performed at the source area (at the former gas station that is located near Holbrook Elementary School and residential areas) for up to a three-year period. Negative impacts to the environment or community would not be expected to occur from implementation of any of the actions under this alternative. Workers would have limited exposure to contaminated groundwater during the installation of the monitoring well, injection of the substrate, and sampling (soil gas, groundwater, and surface water) activities, thus resulting in the potential for few short-term risks. There would be no exposure of the general community to contaminated media during performance. of these activities. The anaerobic bioremediation substrates and amendments selected for application are innocuous substances and have been approved for injection by the state of North Carolina. Health and safety controls in accordance with OSHA requirements would be implemented to mitigate, prevent, and limit potential exposure of workers during these activities. The intermediate degradation products (e.g., vinyl chloride) of anaerobic reductive dechlorination are relatively toxic and, therefore, potential migration would have to be monitored to ensure that the degradation products wore not causing an increased vapor intrusion risk in Holbrook Elementary School or degradation of surface water quality in the Holbrook tributary. These daughter products have likely been produced in the past due to commingling of fuel and chlorinated solvent plumes, but accumulation of daughter products has not been observed. The natural aerobic conditions of the aquifer are expected to rapidly degrade these daughter products prior to their migrating under Holbrook Elementary School or into the Holbrook tributary. However, daughter products will be produced in the immediate vicinity of the substrate injection, therefore substrate injections have not been recommended close to inhabited buildings such as Holbrook Elementary School. Without active treatment, natural attenuation alone may take 60 years or longer to achieve clean up criteria. Alternative 2 will shorten this timeframe, but reaching the very low North Carolina 2L standards (cleanup levels) across the entire site will still take decades. Implementability. Alternative 2 is readily implementable, but addition of substrate injection adds a (manageable) layer of complexity relative to Alternative 1. Materials, equipment, and 5-33 SAMRemed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc labor for installation of injection wells, monitoring wells, injection of additives to promote anaerobic reductive dechlorination, and sampling (soil gas, groundwater, and surface water) are readily available. The manufacturers of anaerobic reductive dechlorination injectants have sufficient capacity; however, coordination with vendors needs to occur so that sufficient quantities are available for each injection event and supplies will not be interrupted. The initial substrate injection task will likely take approximately 3-4 weeks to accomplish and will involve a two -person field crew, direct push rig, pumps, hoses, tanks, and mixers. IDW generation would be minimal. Disruptions to any site activities would be small-scale and very temporary. Implementability issues related to any required follow-on activities (i.e., bioaugmentation and second substrate injection) would be similar to, or less complex than, those related to the initial substrate injection. Establishment of groundwater -use restrictions will require additional time and effort for development, preparation, and processing of the necessary paperwork. Administrative provisions already exist to allow for incorporation of groundwater -use restrictions into the BMP. Collection of annual groundwater and surface water samples will require additional time and resources; however, subcontractors and laboratories needed to perform this work are readily available. Cost. The capital cost for the installation of injection wells and monitoring wells, substrate and other amendments for injection, and baseline sampling would be approximately $961,000. O&M costs were estimated for a 60-year period and would be approximately $2,524,150. O&M costs are estimated based on annual groundwater monitoring for 60 years and surface water monitoring for 25 years. Samples would be analyzed and data would be validated. O&M costs would also include reports, a final review and confirmation report, and monitoring well abandonment. The total cost for Alternative 2 would be approximately $3,485,150. Detailed costs for this alternative are presented in Table 5-3. Alternative 3: source area treatment using enhanced bioremediation, MNA, pump -and -treat contaminated groundwater to protect surface water, institutional controls, and monitoring Alternative 3 is the same as Alternative 2 except in the way that surface water is protected. Deep groundwater collection trenches will be installed in key locations upgradient of Holbrook Tributary and Beaver Creek to more quickly reduce contaminant discharge to surface water. Groundwater will be intercepted in deep, gravel -filled interception trenches and pumped from four sumps located at the downgradient end of each trench. Trenches will be located 70-300 feet upgradient of the creeks and pumping levels will be regulated to prevent drying up of the creeks. Collected groundwater will be pumped through a simple activated carbon system prior to discharge back to surface waters. Figure 5-3 illustrates source area treatment and trench locations for Alternative 3. Surface water criteria would be met along the entire reach of the streams in a short period of time, eliminating the need for institutional controls and aeration/volatilization treatment of surface water. The following conceptual design for Alternative 3 describes only the differences in design between Alternatives 2 and 3. Similar design features between Alternatives 2 and 3 are identified but their details are referenced. Source Treatment using Enhanced Bioremediation. Source treatment using enhanced bioremediation by anaerobic reductive dechlorination would be the same as described above for Alternative 2. Source treatment will reduce the flux of contaminants from the source area to 5-34 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc surface water, eventually eliminating the need for the pump -and -treat system. For purposes of this evaluation, source area treatment is estimated to reduce groundwater contamination so that the pump -and -treat system can be turned off in 25 years. Groundwater Interception Trench and Treatment System: In. order to more quickly achieve surface water standards, four deep groundwater interception trenches would be installed on the north side of Holbrook Tributary and East side of Beaver Creek to remove and treat 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane-contaminated groundwater before it enters surface waters. Groundwater entering Holbrook Tributary has a more significant impact, based on surface water exceedances of .the current 4 µg/L North Carolina surface water standard for 1,1,2,2- tetrachloroethane. For this reason, three of the four groundwater collection trenches would intercept and treat groundwater entering Holbrook Tributary. One trench will intercept groundwater before it reaches the school and avoids difficult and disruptive construction. near the primary school grounds. Using a continuous trenching machine, 1,350 feet of gravel -filled trench would be installed in four segments as shown on Figure 5-3. Segments Al and A2 will. be completed to the maximum 35-foot depth of the trencher. Although this is not deep enough to reach the Cape Fear clays, these partially penetrating trenches will be pumped to create upward flow of deeper groundwater into the trench. This trench design will create a significant cone of depression that will capture groundwater flowing from the source area under the Holbrook Elementary School. Based on 2005 utility drawings of this area, one storm sewer will need to be removed and repaired -to complete segment A2. The other trench segments have been sited to avoid known utilities in r these areas. Dig permits will be used to verify a clear path for the trencher. Segments 131 and B2 will be completed to a depth of 30 feet to contact the top of the Cape Fear clays. A 16-inch sewer force main will be left untouched between the B 1 and B2 segments. Interceptor trench locations were selected to avoid any trenching in sensitive habitats or near school buildings. As shown on Figure 5-4, each trench segment will include a 6-inch HDPE perforated pipe that drains to an 18-inch sump installed at the downgradient end of the segment. The trenching machine is fitted with special attachments to install the 6-inch piping and sumps. Water levels in the trench and sump will be controlled with a small 'h-horsepower (HP) pump. The pumping level in the trench will be set at a depth that is at or slightly below the elevation of the Holbrook Tributary. This level control will allow the trench to mimic the potentiometric surface of the stream and collect groundwater that would otherwise have discharged to surface water. Because the interception trench is located 100 to 200 feet upgradient of the creek, the very flat gradient created by the interception trench will not remove surface water from the creek or groundwater entering the Holbrook Tributary from the south bank. Figure 5-4 shows the April 2005 groundwater elevations along the path of the trench. Also shown are the proposed pumping elevations and the elevation of the creek at the downgradient end of the trench. The level of the pump can be adjusted to collect .contaminated groundwater without impacting water levels in the creek. Based on conservative flow modeling, the total groundwater discharge to Holbrook Tributary (from both sides of the creek) over this 2,000-foot stretch is 10 to 20 gpm. Each ''/Z-HP sump pump will be capable of pumping from 5 to 15 gpm. The Al and A2 segments will be pumped through a :prefilter and two 500-pound carbon canisters before discharging to Holbrook Tributary. A duplicate system will treat groundwater from the B 1 and B2 segments. A small building housing the carbon canisters will be located outside of the school playground. Power is 5-35 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc present on site at the segment Al and A2 sumps. Power will have to be brought into a small treatment building located outside the school fence near segments B1 and B2. The two sump covers and two 6-inch cleanouts will be flush mounted and will be the only visible parts of the trench system. Site restoration at segments Al and A2 will include asphalt repairs while segments B 1 and B2 will require regrading, replacement of topsoil, and reseeding. There are three important construction issues related to the interceptor trenches. First, the construction areas are near the school and neighborhoods and work must proceed quickly and fencing and warning signs must be in place to limit access to the work zone. The drain construction around the playground perimeter must take place when school is not in session. Second, excess trench spoils must be removed from the site at the end of each day. Approximately 200 cubic yards (10 tandem truck loads) of soil will be hauled from the site each day over a 14-day period. The first trench spoils pile will be sampled and 24-hour sample turnaround requested to confirm the non -hazardous nature of the soil. This sample can also be used to determine if spoils can be hauled to the Ft Bragg borrow area as general fill or if it needs to be taken to a RCRA D landfill as non -hazardous material. Third, the construction must minimize environmental damage and not impact the Army mission or personnel. Trench conceptual design has avoided the sensitive habitats near the stream and the selected trench locations will minimize inconvenience to installation residents. The interceptor trench and treatment system will operate until groundwater concentrations are sufficiently low that surface water will no longer be adversely impacted. Pump -and -treat operations are expected to be conducted for a period of 25 years. MNA of Remaining Groundwater Contamination. In addition to active bioremediation in the source area, NINA will be employed similar to that described above for Alternative 2. The calibrated numerical model discussed in Section 3.11.2 predicted 60 years for NINA alone to reach North Carolina 2L standard (0.17 µg/L) and 33 years to reach the surface water remedial level (4 µg/L). These predictions may be optimistic since (1) the model uses a potentially conservative but unvalidated decay rate, and (2) contaminant flux from the Cape Fear clay was not incorporated as source term for the model. However, a 90-percent source reduction in contaminant mass through enhanced bioremediation would eventually produce much lower VOC concentrations beneath Holbrook school and in surface water. Based on groundwater velocities of 100 feet per year at the site, the time for groundwater emanating from the source area to reach Holbrook Tributary behind the school (-1,000 feet) is 2 to 5 years. Although 1,1,2,2- tetrachloroethane will move slower than advective groundwater flow due to the effects of retardation, it is probable that the impact of source treatment and MNA will begin to reduce groundwater concentrations entering the interceptor trenches within 10 years. It will take considerably longer for the groundwater concentrations to reduce to the point that surface water will meet clean up standards without the operation of the interceptor trench and treatment system. Institutional Controls. Institutional controls' and soil gas, groundwater, and surface water monitoring would be similar to Alternative 2 and would include land- and groundwater -use restrictions at SWMU 103. However, institutional controls, fencing, warning signs and aeration/volatilization treatment systems for surface water would not be necessary. Restrictions on groundwater use for consumption and irrigation would be implemented for the life of this remedial alternative, which is estimated to be 60 years. 5-36 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc Groundwater Monitoring Network. One new monitoring well (MW51) would be installed to complete the groundwater monitoring network to evaluate the performance of the remedy. The location of the new monitoring well is along Sharpe Drive between MW-29 and MW-31, as presented on Figure 5-3. The initial groundwater monitoring network will consist of 31 wells. The monitoring well network will be evaluated annually for optimization opportunities. Some shallow wells can be eliminated from the existing network since contamination is primarily in the deeper wells. Performance Groundwater Sampling. The performance sampling for. source treatment and MNA will be the same as described under Alternative 2. Groundwater monitoring, including measurement of groundwater elevations, from the same network of wells will be used to evaluate the performance of the interceptor trenches. Influent and effluent sampling and analysis for VOCs would be conducted to evaluate performance of the carbon treatment systems. Soil Gas Monitoring. Annual soil gas monitoring would be similar to Alternative 2. Surface Water .Sampling. Annual surface water samples would be collected similar to Alternative 2 until it was demonstrated that the interceptor trenches were protecting the surface waters. Surface water samples would be collected again once the interceptor trenches were shut down. Confirmatory Groundwater Sampling. Confirmatory groundwater sampling would be the same as Alternative 2. Reporting. Reporting would be the same as described in Alternative 2. Protection of Human Health and the Environment The primary difference between Alternatives 3 and 2 is the installation of interceptor trenches to more actively prevent surface water contamination. Therefore, the differences in degree of protection of human health and the environment between Alternatives 3 and 2 are due only to this portion of the designs and are discussed below. Capturing and treating contaminated groundwater prior to its discharge to Holbrook tributary and Beaver Creek would eliminate the potential risks to human health and the environment posed by exposure to contaminated surface water. Given. the proximity of the Holbrook tributary to Holbrook Elementary School, residential areas, and open recreation areas, this represents a significant increase from Alternative 2 in the protection of human health. The Holbrook tributary does not have significant ecological habitat; however, elimination of contaminants in "a potential drinking water source for fauna present along this stretch would increase the protectiveness to ecological receptors. Source treatment using enhanced bioremediation followed by natural attenuation and collection and treatment of contaminated groundwater prior to discharge to surface water uses a combination of active and passive treatment to be protective of human health and the environment. Active treatment would degrade contaminants in the source area groundwater, facilitating more rapid improvement of downgradient groundwater quality. Eliminating surface water contamination would eliminate the need for institutional controls and aeration/volatilization treatment for surface water. Similarly with Alternative 2, treatment of the 5-37 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc source area will reduce the mass of contaminants migrating toward surface water; therefore, the alternative would have long-term effectiveness. There would be little disturbance of soil or groundwater associated with the source area treatment that might result in an impact to human health or the environment because the active portion of the alternative is an in -situ process. The installation of the interceptor trenches would be performed during the summer months when Holbrook Elementary School is not in session, reducing the chance for exposure to contaminated soils that are excavated. Temporary fencing would be installed around the active construction portion of the installation of the trenches to prevent trespassing. Because the MNA portion of Alternative -3 is the same. as Alternative 2, the same level of protection of human health and the environment would be achieved and maintained through institutional controls. The exposure to contaminated surface water would be eliminated. Land- and groundwater -use restrictions would be the same as for Alternative 2 during the natural attenuation period. Therefore, the overall protection of human health and the environment during the natural attenuation period of this alternative is dependent on the establishment and maintenance of institutional controls. Institutional controls would be instituted and maintained by Fort Bragg through the BMP. The SWMU 103 area is expected to remain under the ownership of the federal government; therefore, the long-term effectiveness of institutional controls is assumed. Monitoring of the soil gas, groundwater, and surface water would confirm the performance of the remedial alternative and ensure that contamination is not migrating or increasing in concentration to an unacceptable degree. Attain Media Cleanup Standards Alternative 3 would comply with surface water cleanup levels through the active interception and treatment of contaminated groundwater prior to its discharge to surface water. Surface water would meet clean up criteria in a few months. Modeling indicates that at least 25 years of pump - and -treat will be necessary before the source area treatment and natural attenuation processes reduce groundwater contaminants to concentrations below the North Carolina surface water criterion, at which time pump -and -treat operations could be discontinued. Groundwater would attain the North Carolina 2L or IMAC standards, but not in a short timeframe. Contaminant concentration's in groundwater would remain above North Carolina 2L standards until complete restoration of the aquifer had been achieved, which will likely take decades. Institutional controls (i.e., groundwater -use restrictions) implemented under this alternative would prevent the potential ingestion of contaminated drinking water, and long-term monitoring would demonstrate when the aquifer was restored to North Carolina 2L standards. Control of Source of Releases ►Q Alternative 3 would control releases from the source areas as described above for Alternative 5-38 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 07O820.doc Releases of contaminated groundwater to surface water would be eliminated. The interceptor trenches and treatment systems will- collect and treat contaminated groundwater prior to its discharge to surface water. Comply with Applicable Standards for Management of Waste Alternative 3 will comply with state and federal requirements. An UIC Program' Permit will be required prior to the injection of any substance into the subsurface. All of the representative injectants evaluated in the conceptual, design for enhanced bioremediation are approved substances for injection by the State of North Carolina. Alternative 3 may require a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit and associated monitoring to discharge treated groundwater to Holbrook Tributary. IDW generated during the installation of injection wells and groundwater monitoring wells will be characterized to determine waste characteristics. Waste will be disposed of in accordance with all state and federal regulations. Other Factors Long -Term Reliability and Effectiveness. Similarly to Alternative 2, Alternative 3 achieves long-term reliability and effectiveness through a combination of active and passive .treatment technologies. The active treatment in the source area would biologically degrade contamination in groundwater in the source area. The treatment of contamination in the source area will reduce the contaminant flux from the Cape Fear Formation clay to the aquifer and eventually reduce the ( flux of contamination from groundwater to surface water under non -pumping. conditions. Intercepting and treating contaminated groundwater prior to its discharge. to surface water provides long-term reliability and effectiveness in eliminating potential exposure to surface water. It also eliminates the need for institutional controls to limit potential exposure to surface water contaminants. The reliability of enhanced bioremediation and MNA are the same as Alternative 2. Institutional controls would be established to prevent exposure to contaminated groundwater. Reduction in the Toxicity, Mobility, or Volume of Wastes. -Similar to Alternative 2, Alternative 3_ uses active treatment to reduce the toxicity of the groundwater in the source area. Alternative 3 also uses active treatment to reduce the toxicity of. groundwater discharging to surface water. Alternative 3 does meet the statutory preference for employing treatment technologies that permanently reduce the toxicity, ' mobility, or volume of the contaminants. Alternative 3 uses active treatment to reduce the toxicity in groundwater in the -source area and in groundwater discharging to surface water. In addition to treatment of the source area and treatment of groundwater extracted from the interceptor trenches, natural attenuation processes will passively treat the remaining contaminants in groundwater. 5-39 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU- I 03\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc Groundwater monitoring would be used to confirm the continued decrease in toxicity of groundwater as a result of engineered remediation and natural attenuation. Surface water sampling would be used to confirm that active. treatment using the interceptor trench and activated carbon treatment was reducing the toxicity of groundwater entering surface water. Short -Term Effectiveness. Short-term impacts for Alternative 3 would be similar to Alternative 2 for the injection and MNA portions of this alternative because they are essentially the same. There would be increased short-term impacts from installing the interceptor trenches. These impacts could be somewhat mitigated by removing excavated material daily, and by constructing the interceptor trenches when school was not in session. The remedy would not have to rely on institutional controls to prevent exposure to contaminated surface water upstream of the aeration/volatilization systems employed in Alternative 2. The total time to implement Alternative 3 is the same as Alternative 2, approximately 60 years. Implementability. Alternative 3 is implementable. Materials, equipment, and labor for installation of injection wells, monitoring wells, injection of additives to promote anaerobic reductive dechlorination, and sampling (soil gas, groundwater, and surface water) are available as described under Alternative 2. However, from an implementability standpoint this alternative is the most complex and challenging of the three alternatives evaluated due to the addition of groundwater pumping, treatment, and discharge. Utility clearances would have to be obtained along the full length of the trenches, and substantial amounts of soil .IDW would be generated that require sampling, analysis, and disposal. Large volumes of clean backfill material would have to be imported and placed, electrical hookups to pumps would have to be established, and normal activities would be disrupted to a greater extent over.a larger area. The treatment system would have to be purchased and constructed; and water transmission pipelines from the trenches to the treatment systems -and then to the discharge locations would have to be constructed and buried. A NPDES permit would have to be obtained to permit discharge of treated water into the existing surface water drainages. Site restoration/demobilization activities would be more extensive and resource -intensive. Installation of the interceptor trenches would employ readily available technology. Similar 35-foot-deep trenches have been successfully installed at other locations, some up to a mile in length. The trenching machine is fitted with special attachments to install the 6-inch perforated piping and sumps. Groundwater treatment using activated carbon is a conventional, reliable, and cost-effective treatment technology. Establishment of groundwater institutional controls for Alternative 3 would be similar to Alternative 2. Surface water institutional controls would not be necessary. Cost. The capital cost for installing injection wells and monitoring wells, purchasing substrate for injection, performance of baseline sampling, and installing the interceptor trenches and treatment systems would be approximately $1,259,950. The O&M costs were estimated at approximately $2,524,150 for a 60-year period. For estimating purposes, O&M costs include 25 years of operation of the interceptor trench and treatment systems. The total cost for Alternative 3 would be approximately $3,784,100. Detailed costs for this alternative are presented in Table 5-3. 5-40 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc SECTION 6 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES, CONCEPTUAL DESIGN, AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN This chapter presents a conceptual design and plan for implementation of the selected corrective action alternative. A cost-effective corrective action has been selected that will adequately protect human health and the environment from groundwater and surface water contamination. 6.1 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF CORRECTIVE ACTIONS A screening of remedial process options and technologies applicable for chlorinated solvents in groundwater and surface water against site -specific conditions was performed in Sections 5.2 and 5.3, respectively, to identify applicable process options/technologies that would be effective and implementable at SWMU 103. The process options passing the screening were combined to form three site -wide corrective action alternatives for detailed description and analysis (Section - 5.4). The three corrective action alternatives selected provided a range of remedial options from r+ primarily passive treatment technologies (Alternative 1: MNA and engineered aeration/volatilization of surface water), to a more active treatment alternative (Alternative 3: enhanced bioremediation in the source zone and interception/treatment of contaminated groundwater prior to its discharge to surface water), and one intermediate alternative. Section 5.4 presented an analysis of the alternatives against RCRA evaluation criteria, as summarized in Table 5-4. All of the alternatives satisfy the RCRA criteria; however, the degree to which each site -wide alternative satisfies the RCRA criteria, and their estimated costs, are distinguishing factors. This section presents a comparative analysis of the alternatives against RCRA criteria, which allows for the selection of the alternative that best balances reduction of contaminant mass and associated risks to human health and the environment, and costs. It should be noted that the final alternative developed for SWMU 103 may be revised by the risk managers as additional site -specific information becomes available by either selecting a different combination of process options or by evaluating an additional process option that has been screened out. The following bullets summarize key aspects of SWMU 103 that were considered during the comparative analysis of alternatives and in the selection of the recommended alternative: Low-level groundwater plume consisting primarily of chlorinated solvents that encompasses approximately 92 acres. The primary COC is a chlorinated alkane, 1,1,2,2- tetrachloroethane. The maximum concentrations of this compound detected at the former, Mallonee Village Gas Station as of April 2005 ranged from 410 to 570 µg/L. The higher concentrations of chlorinated compounds are located in the deep surficial groundwater just above the clay -confining layer that is below the site. 6-1 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc r__ • The groundwater plume has migrated below Holbrook Elementary School. Monitoring k� 1 indicates that VOCs are not migrating from groundwater by the vapor pathway into the school. The source area is considered to be the former Mallonee Village Gas Station site because this is the location of the maximum groundwater concentrations; however, no "characteristic source area" containing high concentrations of soil and groundwater contamination has been identified at SWMU 103. The source theory that is most consistent with the historical record and current distribution of contaminants is that chlorinated VOC contaminants traveled vertically downward, possibly as DNAPL, and some remains in deeper groundwater in a clay "trough" that prevents migration with groundwater flow to the south. Some contaminants have likely diffused into the Cape Fear clay layer underneath the former gas station; VOCs are hypothesized to now be diffusing back out of that clay layer into the surficial aquifer. • Given the low concentrations of contaminants in groundwater across the approximate 92- acre area and the lack of a well-defined source area, the contaminant mass, as represented by 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane, is spread throughout the plume. The mass of contaminant in the groundwater and mass reductions necessary to achieve various target levels for protection of human health and the environment were presented in Section 3.11.2. • Concentrations of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane in groundwater are migrating to surface water in the Holbrook tributary at concentrations above the North Carolina surface water standard. Surface water in Beaver Creek is below the North Carolina surface water standard except where the Holbrook tributary discharges into it. 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane migration in surface water appears to be attenuated by volatilization. 1 • The contaminant concentrations in groundwater are decreasing with time, and natural attenuation appears to be occurring, primarily by abiotic processes. • The subsurface groundwater conditions at S WMU 103 are highly aerobic, as indicated by high DO concentrations measured during groundwater sampling. • 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane continues to be measured in the groundwater at the background well (MW27) at a concentration of approximately 5 µg/L. 6.1.1 Protection of Human Health and the Environment All three alternatives would be effective at protecting human health and the environment over the short- and long term through a combination of passive or active measures. Because all of the alternatives are effective at protecting human health, an evaluation of the estimated time required to reach remedial levels that are protective of human health is the driver in the evaluation. The timeframe for meeting remedial levels in groundwater that are protective of human health are essentially the same for all alternatives due to the widespread, diffuse nature of the plume and the reliance, in whole or in part, on natural attenuation processes. The primary difference between the alternatives is the timeframe and extent to which the alternatives are protective of human health and the environment in surface water. Alternative 1 relies in part on institutional controls for at least 33 years to be protective of surface water, Alternative 2 relies in part on 6-2 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doe r r institutional controls for at least 25 years to be protective, and Alternative 3 is protective almost immediately without any reliance on institutional controls. 6.1.2 Attainment of Media Cleanup Standards All of the alternatives would eventually attain the media cleanup standards of 0.17 µg/L for groundwater and 4 µg/L for surface water. AllAhree alternatives rely in wholly or in part on natural attenuation processes to meet groundwater cleanup standards. Because of the widespread and diffuse nature of the plume, the fate and transport modeling performed by SAIC indicated that there would be no significant difference between the alternatives in the timeframe to meet groundwater cleanup standards. Alternative 3 achieve media cleanup standards in surface water relatively quickly along the entire contaminated reaches of Holbrook Tributary and Beaver Creek through active treatment of the groundwater prior to discharge to surface water. Alternatives 1 and 2 attain media cleanup standards in surface water at a downstream location through aeration/volatilization, and control exposure to upstream, contaminated portions of the streams using institutional controls. It is estimated that these upstream portions of the streams will remain above media cleanup standards for at least 33 years for Alternative 1, and at least 25 years for Alternative 2. 1 6.1.3 Control,of Source of Releases The location of the source of the contamination that caused the low-level dissolved plume is the former Mallonee Village Gas Station. The current site conceptual model is that chlorinated VOCs are in deeper groundwater where flow is controlled by contours (a trough) in the lower 1, f Cape Fear clay layer. VOCs are probably diffusing from the Cape Fear clay layer under the former gas station. However, no elevated concentrations representing a significant, continuing source were discovered during the RFI. Indications are that contaminant concentrations in groundwater are decreasing with time across the plume. A low-level, diffuse, dissolved -phase plume encompasses 92 acres. Alternatives 2 and 3 incorporate active treatment (enhanced bioremediation) to treat the source of the dissolved plume, with the ultimate goal of reducing contaminant mass in groundwater and contaminant flux to surface water. Alternative 3 provides additional treatment for contaminated groundwater prior to its discharge to surface water. 6.1.4 Comply with Applicable Standards for Management of Waste All of the alternatives will comply with applicable standards of management of waste during their implementation and performance. None of the alternatives, including the active treatment portions of the alternatives, would generate IDW other than soil and groundwater. During the RFI activities, no soil or groundwater IDW was identified as hazardous; therefore, no hazardous waste is anticipated to be generated during the implementation of any of the site -wide alternatives. � 6-3 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc 6.1.5 Other Factors - Long-term reliability and effectiveness The long-term reliability and effectiveness of all three alternatives is dependent upon maintaining institutional controls and O&M activities (primarily monitoring) at the site over the relatively long periods required for MNA to reduce contaminant concentrations to below cleanup goals. Because the site is a government military installation with no change in ownership expected over the period of the implementation of the alternatives, there is a high degree of confidence in the long-term reliability and effectiveness of the three alternatives. With MNA for groundwater as a part of the remedial action for Alternatives 1, 2, and 3, the anticipated O&M scopes for groundwater are similar. However, the O&M associated with ensuring the long-term reliability and effectiveness of the protection of the surface water differs. Alternatives 1 and 2 use aeration/volatilization in the affected surface water reaches of the Holbrook tributary and Beaver Creek, while Alternative 3 requires collection and treatment of contaminated groundwater prior to its discharge to surface water, which is a considerably more complex and O&M -intensive effort to address surface water contamination. The aeration/volatilization and institutional controls of Alternatives 1 and 2 are judged to have higher long-term reliability and effectiveness than the interceptor trenches and above -ground treatment approach outlined in Alternative 3 (due to the complexity of the Alternative 3 approach and therefore its higher possibility of failure). Between Alternatives 1 and 2, Alternative 2 is determined to have higher long-term reliability and effectiveness due to the addition of source area treatment to reduce the contaminant mass migrating toward surface water. Reduction in the toxicity, mobility, or volume of wastes ' Alternatives 2 and 3 use a combination of active and passive remediation approaches to reduce the toxicity of groundwater, while Alternative 1 uses only passive remediation (i.e., MNA). Specifically, Alternatives 2 and 3 use enhanced in situ bioremediation to reduce the toxicity in the source area, which was defined as the former Mallonee Village Gas Station. Alternative 1 has the least rapid reduction in toxicity because it uses passive treatment (i.e., natural attenuation) to reduce the toxicity of groundwater. Site conditions at SWMU 103 are not conducive to natural anaerobic biodegradation, therefore MNA will rely primarily on abiotic processes. The interceptor trenches and ex situ treatment associated with Alternative 3 further reduce the toxicity of groundwater discharging to surface water. Short-term effectiveness The short-term effectiveness is high for all of the alternatives but varies with the level of implementation required for the individual alternative. Alternative 1 is the most effective in the short-term because it only involves installing fencing, signs, and an engineered aeration/volatilization system in for surface water. There is essentially no environmental or community impact from Alternative 1. Alternative 3 is the least effective in the short-term because of the construction associated with installing the interceptor trenches. The trenching will involve use of heavy machinery as well as the transportation and disposal of excavated material. Careful planning and logistics will minimize the potential for community and environmental impact. 6-4 SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\.30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\]03 CMS Final Text 070820.doe The source treatment using enhanced bioremediation for Alternatives 2 and 3 will have minimal environmental and community impact. All amendments scoped for injection have been approved for remediation use in North Carolina. The above -ground impacts will have a limited footprint and then only for a short time. Direct -push technology will be used for the injection points, which will not produce any IDW. Implementability All three alternatives are technically implementable; however, there are significant differences in the degree of implementability. For Alternative 1, MNA and engineered aeration/volatilization of surface water, a monitoring well network already exists and will only need to be supplemented with one additional groundwater monitoring well. Monitoring of site media (i.e., soil gas, surface water, and groundwater) was performed during the RFI for SWMU 103 without any implementation issues arising. Installation of an engineered aeration system in surface water is easily implementable. Alternative 1 will be the easiest alternative to implement and will cause the least disruption to the residential area and Holbrook Elementary School. The source treatment associated with Alternatives 2 and 3 adds a layer of complexity to Alternative 1 as described in Section 5.4, but is also readily implementable. Enhanced bioremediation using�carbon substrate has been implemented successfully at contaminated sites across the nation. The construction of interceptor trenches and operation of the pump -and -treat system to minimize migration of groundwater contamination to surface water is implementable using currently available trenching technology and conventional groundwater pump and treat approaches. However, from an implementability standpoint, this is the most complex and challenging task being considered as described in Section The trench::instaflation would be performed during the summer when Holbrook Elementary School is out of session to minimize potential impact to students and school operations. Costs The approximate total nondiscounted costs for the alternatives are summarized in Table 5-3. Alternative 1, MNA and natural or engineered aeration/volatilization of surface water, is the least expensive alternative. The capital and O&M costs for Alternative 1 are $ 0.7 million (M) and $2.6 M, respectively, for a total cost of $3.3 M. Alternative 2, source treatment, MNA, and natural or engineered aeration/volatilization of surface water, is the second most costly alternative. The capital and O&M costs for Alternative 2 are $1.0 M and $2.5 M, respectively, for a total cost of $3.5 M. Alternative 3, source treatment, MNA, and collection and treatment of contaminated groundwater prior to its discharge to surface water, is the most costly alternative. The capital and O&M costs for Alternative 3 are $1.3 M and $2.5 M, respectively, for a total cost of $3.8 M. 6.1.4 Selected Alternative All three alternatives are effective at protecting human health and the environment over the short and long terms through a combination of passive or active measures. Alternatives 2 and 3 } 6-5 S.\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc are superior to Alternative 1 in that they provide enhanced control of the source of releases, a greater reduction in toxicity, mobility and volume of waste, and satisfy a statutory preference for active treatment. The enhanced bioremediation in the source area also reduces the uncertainty inherent in a purely MNA approach at a site where existing conditions are not conducive to natural biodegradation. Alternative 3 provides additional control of contaminant migration in groundwater relative to Alternative 2, but at additional cost, decreased short-term effectiveness, and possibly decreased long-term effectiveness and implementability due to considerably more complex O&M requirements. Given that surface water is not used for human consumption or contact, provides limited if any ecologically significant habitat, and contaminant migration in surface water can be controlled through engineered aeration/volatilization, Alternative 3 provides only marginal benefits relative to Alternative 2. Therefore, Alternative 2, source treatment, MNA, and engineered aeration/volatilization of surface water, offers the best balance in terms of RCRA evaluation criteria and cost. The alternative is protective of human health and the environment and is both readily implementable and cost-effective. 6.2 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN OF SELECTED ALTERNATIVE During the period of DoD's ownership, administrative controls and groundwater -use restrictions will be recorded in the BMP to ensure implementation. To reduce potential exposure to contaminated surface water at SWMU 103, warning signs will be installed along the impacted length of Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary. 6.2.1 Establishment of Institutional Controls Administrative controls and groundwater -use restrictions for SWMU 103 will be incorporated into the BMP. Administrative restrictions would involve the installation of signs along Beaver Creek and the Holbrook tributary. Groundwater -use restrictions would be implemented through the BMP. Currently, SWMU 103 is part of a federal installation and is expected to be retained by the federal government for the indefinite future. Groundwater -use restrictions would be implemented to prevent the use of the groundwater for potable water and irrigation. References to relevant corrective action documents for this SWMU will also be included in the BMP. Appropriate implementing documents will detail the administrative controls and groundwater use restrictions. 6.2.2 Engineered Aeration/Volatilization for Surface Water Surface water will be treated using aeration/volatilization within the footprint of the groundwater plume to meet the North Carolina surface water standard (4 µg/L of 1,1,2,2- tetrachloroethane). The most downstream extent of the groundwater plume (currently understood to be where Beaver Creek flows under Knox Street) would be the point -of - compliance to meet surface water standards. The engineered aeration/volatilization systems would be implemented using the step -wise approach outlined in Section The step -wise process would begin with a simple passive aeration system (roughening the streambed with small boulders) and proceed to more complex aeration solutions until monitoring shows that the installed aeration/volatilization system is effective at meeting surface water standards at the point -of -compliance. 6-6 SAES\RemedV45446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doe 6.2.3 Warning Signs and Fencing Fencing presently exists along the Holbrook tributary behind Holbrook Elementary School between San Lucas Drive and Sharp Drive. Existing fencing will be repaired as necessary and new fencing will be installed to prevent contact with the surface water along Holbrook tributary where 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane concentrations exceed the surface water standard of 4 µg/L. The new fencing will be 6-foot vinyl -coated chain -link to match the existing fencing. Permanent warning signs will be installed along the fenced -areas of the Holbrook tributary. The warning signs will be used to deny access and discourage contact with surface water. Specifics of sign construction, content, and maintenance will be detailed in the implementing documents. 6.2.4 Complete Groundwater Network One new monitoring well (MW51) will be installed to complete the groundwater monitoring network to evaluate the performance of natural attenuation. The location of the new monitoring well is along Sharpe Drive between MW-29 and MW-31, as presented on Figure 5-2. The initial groundwater monitoring network will consist of 31 wells. The monitoring well network will be evaluated annually for optimization opportunities. Some shallow wells can be eliminated from the existing network since contamination is primarily in the deeper wells. 6.2.5 Enhanced Bioremediation in the Source Area The purpose of applying enhanced anaerobic bioremediation technology to the SWMU-103 source area is to reduce contaminant mass present in the subsurface and thereby reduce long- term contaminant mass loading to the Holbrook tributary and Beaver Creek. The mixed substrate for this application will consist of a soluble substrate such as high fructose corn syrup to provide an immediate mass of bioavailable organic carbon to drive,;geochemistry into anaerobic conditions, and food -grade vegetable oil to provide a slow release source of organic carbon to drive reductive dechlorination over the long term. This mixture typically supports anaerobic biodegradation for 2 to 3 years. Organic substrate will be targeted for the lower 15 feet of the Middendorf aquifer where VOC concentrations are highest. Organic substrate will also absorb into the top of the confining clay unit (believed to be the primary source of continuing contamination) and enhance biodegradation of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and TCE diffusing out of the clay. A pH amendment product such as sodium bicarbonate will also be added to maintain neutral pH conditions within each reaction area. Degradation products (cis 1,2-DCE and vinyl chloride) are more rapidly degraded in neutral pH conditions, making pH buffering an important factor in successful enhanced bioremediation applications. The injection well network in the source area will consist of 42 direct push injection points installed in a grid orientation. The spacing between the injection points will be approximately 10 feet to ensure adequate substrate distribution. Each of the injection points will be advanced to the top of the Cape Fear Formation Clay so that the substrate is injected in the bottom portion of the Middendorf Formation. Half of the injection points will be completed as temporary small diameter wells to allow for future injections of amendments and additional organic substrate if necessary. During the initial injection approximately 800 to 1,000 gallons of organic substrate mixture and pH amendment will be injected at each point. Based on the radial flow in the deep groundwater, this design will produce anaerobic conditions in at least a 10,000-square foot area beneath the former solvent UST area (Figure 5-2). ?' 6-7 i SAES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doe After the first six months of performance monitoring, the geochemical data and progress of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and TCE degradation in the source area will be reviewed. If degradation is lagging and conditions are sufficiently anaerobic, a supplemental volume of approximately 300 to 500 gallons of dilute bioaugmentation culture and a pH amendment may be injected into each of the small diameter wells. The bioaugmentation culture will consist of a non- pathogenic, naturally occurring microbial population of microbial strains known to be capable of complete dechlorination of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and its degradation products (cis 1,2-DCE and vinyl chloride). The bioaugmentation culture will be provided by SIREM Laboratories, which has developed a bioaugmentation product called WBC-2 that was specifically developed for the degradation of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane in conjunction with the U.S. Geological Survey. WBC-2 has been field tested at Aberdeen Proving Grounds for the Army and has been shown to be very effective at completely degrading 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane. The goal of the organic substrate injection is to achieve a 90-percent average 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane reduction within the source area. A second injection of organic substrate may be applied to the SMWU-103 source area in the event that concentrations of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane rebound above 100 µg/L within the source area within 3 years of the initial injection. 6.2.6 Monitored Natural Attenuation MNA will require the monitoring of contaminant levels to ensure that the mass of contamination in the groundwater is reducing with time. Institutional controls and soil gas, groundwater, and surface water monitoring will be used to ensure the protection of human health and the environment over the long implementation time required to meet remedial goals. The results of natural attenuation modeling performed as part of this CMS are summarized in Appendix K. Modeling estimated that it would require approximately 60 years from CY 2005 to ? reduce the concentration of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane to less than the remedial level of 0.17 µg/L -" if no source treatment is attempted. Even with source treatment, it will take decades to meet North Carolina 2L standards throughout the widespread plume at SWMU 103. .Periodic groundwater sampling (Section will be performed to track the progress of natural attenuation. Performance groundwater sampling will be performed on an annual basis at 31 wells to monitor the progress of the natural attenuation. If groundwater monitoring indicates a reduction in contaminant concentrations, then the groundwater sampling will be optimized, including a reduction in sampling frequency. Confirmatory sampling will be performed two years after the last MNA performance sampling. 6.2.7 Monitoring Soil gas Soil gas monitoring will be conducted around Holbrook Elementary School. The purpose of the soil gas monitoring would be to ensure that VOCs do not impact human health through vapor intrusion at the school in the future. Since only a single round of sampling has occurred from the 18 soil gas sampling points, an additional year of monitoring from the entire network will be conducted. If results confirm that VOCs in groundwater are not migrating by a vapor pathway into the buildings, and if groundwater concentrations do not increase, soil gas monitoring would be optimized. Optimized soil gas sampling would still be conducted annually, but would be limited to three existing upgradient monitoring points (SG1, SG14, and SG 16). Soil gas samples 6-8 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc will be collected in 6-L subatmospheric SUMMA canisters supplied by the analytical laboratory. Soil vapor samples will be collected in accordance with EPA Method TO-15 and analyzed for VOCs. Soil gas samples will be collected annually prior to the beginning of the school year. The results of the soil gas sampling will be evaluated relative to EPA vapor intrusion screening criteria to ensure that Holbrook Elementary School remains safe from vapor intrusion. Groundwater Performance Groundwater Sampling. Groundwater will be sampled quarterly during the first year following carbon substrate injection to evaluate performance of anaerobic reductive dechlorination. Thereafter, performance monitoring will be conducted annually. Groundwater from wells in the vicinity of the carbon substrate injection will be sampled and analyzed for VOCs, TOC, geochemical parameters and pH. Results of the groundwater sampling will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of anaerobic reductive dechlorination and develop plans for subsequent bioaugmentation and carbon substrate injection as necessary. Performance groundwater monitoring for MNA will be performed on an annual basis to evaluate the progress of the natural attenuation. The location and sampling frequency of wells for performance sampling will be selected based on evaluation of the results of the previous year's performance sampling. Over the first 10 years, it is anticipated that some of the interior wells may be moved to .a biennial sampling frequency. However, wells near the Holbrook Elementary School and residential areas would remain on an annual sampling frequency. Groundwater will be analyzed for VOCs and natural attenuation parameters. Confirmatory Sampling. Confirmatory groundwater sampling will be conducted for two � years after the completion of the natural attenuation period to ensure that the groundwater contamination does not rebound. 41 Surface water Effectiveness monitoring will be required during the period that engineered aeration/volatilization system(s) are implemented to establish whether the technologies in place are achieving the necessary contaminant reduction. The effectiveness monitoring will include sampling above and below treatment zones, conducted on a frequent basis to provide sufficient data on which to make that determination. Once the successful technology for remediation of the surface waters is selected, as established through the effectiveness monitoring, a reduced monitoring schedule can be established. Surface water would bd analyzed for VOCs. 6.2.8 Investigation -Derived Waste IDW will be generated from the installation of the new monitoring well. The IDW will consist of soil cuttings and wastewater (i.e., development water and decontamination water), and will be characterized for VOCs and SVOCs for determining disposal requirements. Historical knowledge of the waste characteristics of SWMU 103 indicates that other contaminants (e.g., metals, pesticides, etc.) are not a concern. It was assumed that the soil and groundwater IDW will be characterized as non -hazardous based on similar historical waste determinations. Wastewater will also be generated during groundwater sampling events, and will be characterized and disposed of as appropriate. j 6-9 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc 6.2.9 Operation and Maintenance The O&M and reporting requirements will be outlined in the Corrective Measures Implementation Plan developed under the remedial design for the implementation of the corrective action. The O&M requirements include site inspection, maintenance of the engineered aeration/volatilization system, monitoring/injection well replacement/reconditioning, soil gas monitoring, groundwater monitoring, and surface water monitoring. 6.2.10 Reporting Periodic Progress Reports An annual report will be issued to present the results of the annual sampling events. If the monitoring frequency is reduced, the frequency of progress reporting will be reduced as well to coincide with monitoring events. Corrective Action Completion Report A Corrective Action Completion Report will be issued at the completion of the confirmatory sampling. 6.2.11 Monitoring Well and Soil Gas Monitoring Point Abandonment Upon concurrence from NCDENR that the corrective action is complete, the monitoring wells and soil gas monitoring points will be abandoned. Abandonment will consist of removing the' ;-- - surface completions and grouting the monitoring well/point to ground surface. . 6.3 COST ESTIMATE 1 The cost estimate for implementation of Alternative 2 at SWMU 103 is provided in Table 5-3. The estimated 60-year cost is $3,485,150. This consists of capital costs of $961,000 and O&M costs of $2,524,150. 6.4 EVIPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE Implementation of the corrective actions will begin once approval of this CMS has been received from NCDENR. Enhanced bioremediation injections, engineered aeration system for Holbrook Tributary (if necessary) and fencing will be conducted as soon as all appropriate plans are developed. A detailed schedule will be developed as part of the O&M Plan developed for the remedial design for the implementation of the corrective action. rJ 6-10 SAF-S\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc SECTION 7 REFERENCES AFCEE (Air Force Center For Environmental Excellence) 2004. Principles and Practices of Enhanced Anaerobic Bioremediation of Chlorinated Solvents, August. Bouwer, H., and R. C. Rice 1976. "A Slug Test for Determining Hydraulic Conductivity of Unconfined Aquifers with Completely or Partially Penetrating Wells," Water Resources Research 12(3). Bouwer, H., and R. C. Rice 1989. "The Bouwer and Rice Slug Test — An Update," Groundwater 27(3). EarthTech 1996. UST Location 6-9650-A, B, C, D Tanks, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, closure report, Earth Tech Remediation Services. EPA 1994. Final RCRA Corrective Action Plan, Office of Waste Programs Enforcement, Office of Solid Waste, May. EPA 1998. "National Recommended Water QualityCriteria Notice Republication," Federal Register 63 (237):68354-68364, December 10. EPA 1999. Compendium of Methods for the Determination of Toxic Organic Compounds in Ambient Air, Second Edition, Compendium Method TO-15, Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) In Air Collected in Specially -Prepared Canisters and Analyzed by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS), EPA/625/R-96/010b, Center for Environmental Research Information, Office of Research and Development, Cincinnati, Ohio. EPA 2001. Environmental Investigations Standard Operating Procedures and Quality Assurance Manual, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 4, Atlanta, Georgia, November. The web site for the Region 4 Standard Operating Procedures is: http://www.epa.gov/region4/sesd/eisopqam/eisopqam.html. EPA 2003. Region 9 Preliminary Remediation Goals, available at <http://www.epa.gov/region09/waste/sfund/prg/index.htm>. EPA 2002. OSWER Draft Guidance for Evaluating the Vapor Intrusion to Indoor Air Pathway from Groundwater and Soils (Subsurface Vapor Intrusion Guidance). EPA530-D-02-004. November. Available at <http://www.epa.gov/correctiveaction/eis/vapor.htm> EPA 2004. EPA Region 9 Preliminary Remediation Goals, last updated October 2004, available at <http://www.epa.gov/region09/waste/sfund/prg/index.htm>. 1 } 7-1 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc Heath, R. C. 1984. "Basic Ground -Water Hydrology," U.S. Geological Survey Water -Supply Paper 2220. p. 13. Kearney, Inc., and DPRA, Inc. 1988. Interim Facility Assessment Report, Fort Bragg Military Reservation. Mid -Atlantic (Mid -Atlantic Associates, P.A.) 1998. Report of Environmental Services and Closure of Four Underground Storage Tanks, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, Tank Site No. 16 (6-9650), Contract No. DACA26-C-91-0159, Raleigh, North Carolina. - NCDENR (North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources) 2002: Groundwater Quality Standards, 15A NCAC 02L.0202, available at <http://gw.ehnr.state.ne.us/ADA—Webpage/Adobe/gwStandards.pdf>. NCDENR 2003. "Redbook" Surface Waters and Wetlands Standards, Division of Water Quality's Red Rule Book (15A NCAC 0213.0100, "Procedures for Assignment of Water Quality Standards"; 15A NCAC 02B.0200, "Classification and Water Quality Standards Applicable to Surface Waters and Wetlands of N.C."; and 15A NCAC 02B.0300, "Assignment of Stream Classifications"), effective April 1, 2003, available at <http://h2o.enr.state.ne.us/admin/rules/rbO40103.pdf >. NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) 1984-1993. Climatological data, annual summaries, North Carolina (published annually for 1984-1993, Volume 89-98, No. 13), Asheville, North Carolina, National Climatic Center. SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation) 2004a. Site Conceptual Model Report for the Former Mallonee Village Gas Station and Vicinity that includes SWMUs 4 and 18 and SWMU 5 at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. ' SAIC 2004b. RCRA Facility Investigation for the Former Mallonee Village Gas Station SWMU 103 at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, September. SAIC 2006. Addendum No. 7 to the Sampling and Analysis Plan to Support the CMS at the Mallonee Village Gas Station, Draft, May. SAIC Engineering (SAIC Engineering of North Carolina, Inc.) 2000a. Field Investigation Report for the Phase I RCRA Facility Investigation at Mallonee Village Gas Station (SWMU 103) at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, November. SAIC Engineering 2000b. Trip Report for Records Search for the RCRA Facility Investigation at Mallonee Village (SWMU 103) at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, September. SAIC Engineering 2002. Field Investigation Report for the Extended RCRA Facility Investigation at SWMUs 4 and 18 at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, January. SAIC Engineering 2005. Addendum No. 6 to the Sampling and Analysis Plan for the Pilot Studies to Support the Corrective Measures Study for Mallonee Village Gas Station (SWMU 103) at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. 7-2 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doe Smith, Brant A., Teel, Amy L., Watts, Richard J. 2004. Mechanism for the destruction of carbon tetrachloride and chloroform by Modified Fenton's Reagent Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, September. U. S. Census Bureau. 2000. U.S. Census Bureau State and County QuickFacts, available at <http://quickfact.census.gov/qfd/states/370".html>. USGS (U. S. Geological Survey) 1996. RCRA Facility Investigation SWMU 5, Fort Bragg Installation Restoration Program, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, Volumes I and II, August. USGS 1998. RCRA Facility Investigation at Solid Waste Management Units 4 and 18, Fort Bragg Installation Restoration Program, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, Water Resources Division, Raleigh, North Carolina. Yin, Yujun and Allen, Herbert E. 1999. Technology Evaluation Report: In Situ Chemical Treatment, prepared for the Groundwater Remediation Technologies Analysis Center (GWRTAC), July. 7-3 S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc TffiS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. TABLES S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. Table 2-1. Water Levels for April 2005, SWMU 103 Screened Elevation of Elevation of Screened Interval Depth to Top of Casing Potentiometric Interval (ft Water Measuring Point Surface Well Well Date ft BGS ANSLL jtkelow MP ft AMSL) (ft AMSL Cate o SWMU5 5MWD1 4/15/2005 70.0 to 200.38 to 49.72 272.88 223.16 Deep 80.0 190.38 5MWD2 4/15/2005 34.3 to 183.9 to 9.01 220.15 211.14 Deep 39.3 178.9 5MWS1 4/15/2005 31.7 to 201.9 to 14.95 235.15 220.2 Deep 41.7 191.9 5MWS2 4/15/2005 4.7 to 9.7 219.33 to 10.31 226.18 215.87 Shallow 214.33 5MWS3 4/15/2005 22.5 to 201.25 to 16.26 225.5 209.24 Deep 32.5 191.25 5MWS4 4/15/2005 14.0 to 204.45 to 14.18 221.45 207.27 Shallow 24.0 194.45 5MWS5 4/15/2005 22.0 to 195.05 to 11.84 219.05 207.21 Deep 32.0 185.05 5MWS6 4/15/2005 21.3 to 197.22 to 8.89 220.12 211.23 Deep 31.3 187.22 5MWS7 4/15/2005 12.3 to 205.68 to 8.92 220.28 211.36 Intermediateb 17.3 200.68 5MWS8 4/15/2005 2.8 to 7.8 215.19 to 9.58 220.79 211.21 Shallow 210.19 SWMU 103 MW 1 4/15/2005 5.0 to 209.9 to 8.06 217.21 209.15 Shallow 15.0 199.9 MW2 4/15/2005 26.0 to 189.5 to 7.98 217.66 209.68 Deep 36.0 179.5 MW3 4/15/2005 5.0 to 210.5 to 7.04 218.1 211.06 Shallow 15.0 200.5 MW4 4/15/2005 5.0 to 216.5 to 9.7 223.88 214.18 Shallow 15.0 206.5 MW5 4/15/2005 15.0 to 221 to 21.76 238.58 216.82 Shallow 25.0 211 MW6 4/14/2005 55.0 to 201.5 to 31.48 256.4 224.92 Deep 65.0 191.5 MW7 4/14/2005 30.0 to 226.6 to 33.12 256.48 223.36 Shallow 40.0 216.6 MW8 4/15/2005 25.0 to 228.4 to 27.58 255.98 228.4 Shallow 35.0 218.4 MW9 4/15/2005 48.0 to 205.4 to 27.99 255.97 227.98 Deep 58.0 195.4 MW10 4/15/2005 26.8 to 242.3 to 33.28 268.97 235.69 Shallow 36.8 232.3 MW 11 4/15/2005 71.7 to 197.2 to 33.15 268.64 235.49 Deep 81.7 187.2 MW12 4/15/2005 43.8 to 206.5 to 26.05 252.54 226.49 Deep 53.8 196.5 05-230(E)/052506 2-11 Table 2-1. Water Levels for April 2005, SWAM 103 (continued) _ Screened• Elevation of Elevation of Screened Interval Depth to Top of Casing Potentiometric Interval (ft Water Measuring Point Surface Well Well Date ft BGS AMSL ft below MP ft AMSL ft AMSL Cate o ° MW 13 4/15/2005 20.8 to 229.6 to 25.86 252.73 226.87 Shallow 30.8 219.6 MW14 4/15/2005 4.85 to 224.9 to 6.92 229.46 222.54 Shallow 14.85 214.9 MW 15 4/15/2005 29.6 to 199.0 to 7.10 228.14 221.04 Deep 39.6 1 189.0 MW16 4/15/2005 3.6 to 212.1 to 8.81 218.49 209.68 Shallow 13.6 202.1 MW 17 4/15/2005 9.1 to 206.6 to 7.03 217.04 210.01 Deep 19.1 196.6 MW 18 4/15/2005 16.4 to 200.4 to 8.45 216.75 208.3 Deep 26.4 190.4 MW19 4/15/2005 4.2 to 212.6 to 8.47 216.66 208.19 Shallow 14.2 202.6 MW20 4/15/2005 20.45 to 218.2 to 18.92 240.95 222.03 Deep 30.45 208.2 MW21 4/15/2005 12.2 to 226.2 to 18.70 240.92 222.22 Shallow 22.2 216.2 MW22 4/13/2005 26.8 to 227.6 to 32.2 254.03 221.83 Shallow 36.8 217.6 MW23 4/12/2005 47.2 to 207.2 to 31.74 254.14 222.4 Deep 57.2 197.2 MW24 4/15/2005 18.5 to 197.8 to 8.84 218.46 209.62 Deep 28.5 187.8 MW25 4/15/2005 18.5 to 197.6 to 9.21 218.64 209.43 Deep 28.5 187.6 MW26 4/13/2005 34.0 to 230.0 to 23.8 263.64 239.84 Deep 44.0 220.0 MW27 4/13/2005 20.0 to 244.1 to 21.32 263.89 242.57 Shallow 30.0 234.1 MW28 4/15/2005 28.0 to 230.0 to 28.28 261.01 232.73 Deep 38.0 220.0 MW29 4/15/2005 34.0 to 203.6 to 11.35 240.39 229.04 Deep 44.0 193.6 MW30 4/15/2005 19.0 to 210.8 to 9.98 232.87 222.89 Deep 29.0 200.8 MW31 4/15/2005 19.0 to 207.6 to 13.50 229.52 216.02 Deep 29.0 197.6 MW32 4/15/2005 6.0 to 207.9 to 10.64 216.78 206.14 Shallow 16.0 197.9 MW33 4/15/2005 11.0 to 202.8 to 10.66 216.61 205.95 Deep 21.0 192.8 MW34 4/15/2005 55.0 to N/A 30.54 253.97 223.43 Deep 65.0 MW35 4/14/2005 6.0 to 220.0 to 7.71 225.85 218.14 Shallow 16.0 210.0 MW36 4/14/2005 17.0 to 208.9 to 8.02 225.6 217.58 Deep 27.0 198.9 05-230(E)/052506 2-12 /rr i Table 2-1. Water Levels for April 2005, SWMU 103 (continued) Screened Elevation of Elevation of Screened Interval Depth to Top of Casing Potentiometric Interval (ft Water Measuring Point Surface Well Well Date ft BGS AMSL) (ft below MP ft AMSL ft AMSL gategorf MW37 4/11/2005 6.0 to 220.6 to 10.66, 226.47 215.81 Shallow 16.0 210.6 MW38 4/13/2005 17.0 to 209.7 to 10.68 226.44 215.76 Deep 27.0 199.7 MW39 4/15/2005 19.5 to 202.8 to 9.60 222.07 212.47 Deep 29.5 192.8 MW40 4/15/2005 16.0 to 205.1 to 8.19 220.94 212.75 Deep 26.0 195.1 MW41 4/12/2005 34.2 to 212:13 to 27.04 246.15 219.11 Deep 44.2 202.13 MW42 4/14/2005 26.7 to _ 219.34 to 26.71 245.93 219.22 Shallow 36.7 209.34 MW43 4/13/2005 43.7 to 210.56 to 31.00 254.14 223.14 Deep 53.7 200.56 MW44 4/13/2005 26.7 to 227.61 to 31.20 254.18 222.98 Shallow 36.7 217.61 MW45 4/14/2005 26.7 to 226.92 to 29.21 253.52 224.31 Shallow 36.7 216.92 MW46 4/14/2005 26.7 to 227.98 to 30.90 254.57 223.67 Shallow 36.7 217.98 MW47 4/12/2005 26.8 to 227.73 to 32.94 254.36 221.42 Shallow 36.8 217.73 MW48 4/12/2005 33.2 to 221.38 to 33.03 254.45 224 A2 Deep 43.2 211.38 MW49 4/12/2005 26.7 to 227.52 to 32.80 253.93 221.13 Shallow 36.7 217.52 MW50 4/13/2005 41.7 to 212.51 to 32.60 253.8 221.20 Deep 51.7 202.51 IWl 4/13/2005 28.7 to 225.83 to 32.63 254.28 221.65 Deep 43.7 210.83 IW2 4/13/2005 28.8 to 225.96 to 33.04 254.52 221.48 Deep 43.8 210.96 IW3 4/13/2005 29.5 to 224.76 to 32.77 254.08 221.31 Deep 44.5 209.76 MW69344C 4/15/2005 24 to 34 1 31.02 1 254.37 223.35 Shallow SWMUs 4 and 18 4MWS1 4/15/2005 20.5 to 201.3 to 10.75 223.43 212.68 Deep 30.5 191.3 4MWS3 4/15/2005 38.5 to 203 to 21.8 242.69 220.89 Deep 48.5 193 4MWS4 4/15/2005 14.0 to 202.3 to 4.72 217.49 212.77 Deep 24.0 192.3 4MWS5 4/15/2005 2.5 to 7.5 212.5 to 8.28 NA NA Shallow 207.5 4MWS6 4/15/2005 28.0 to 195.9 to 14.4 226.69 212.29 Deep 38.0 185.9 4MWS7 4/15/2005 13.0 to 211.0 to 13.98 226.96 212.98 Shallow 23.0 201.0 05-230(E)/052506 2-13 I Table 2-1. Water Levels for April 2005, SWMU 103 (continued) Screened Elevation of Elevation of Screened Interval Depth to Top of Casing Potentiometric Interval (ft Water Measuring Point Surface Well Well Date ft BGS AMSL ft below MP ft AMSL ft AMSL Cate o 4MWS8 4/15/2005 26.0 to 200.5 to 15.42 229.67 214.25 Deep 36.0 190.5 4MWS9 4/15/2005 30.0 to 198.3 to 13.74 231.39 217.65 Deep 40.0 - 188.3 4MWS10 4/15/2005 54.0 to 199.5 to 32.15 256.65 224.5 Deep 64.0 189.5 4MWS11 4/15/2005 19.0 to 202.6 to 7.65 224.47 216.82 Deep 29.0 192.6 AEHA4-1 4/15/2005 14.45 to 224.4 to 20.22 241.2 220.98 Shallow 23.45 215.4 AEHA4-2 4/15/2005 8.89 to 217.6 to 11.12 228.12 217 Shallow 17.89 208.6 AEHA4-3 4/15/2005 5.21 to 218.2 to 12.06 225.58 213.52 Shallow 24.21 199.2 AEHA4-4 4/15/2005 4.88 to 218.1 to 11.98 225.65 213.67 Shallow 23.88 199.2 AEHA4-5 4/15/2005 7.68 to 209.0 to 8.94 219.27 210.33 Shallow` 16.68 200.0 AEHA4-6 4/15/2005 8.98 to 207.2 to 9.03 218.39 209.36 Shallow` 17.98 198.2 SJ MU8 8AMWS1 4/15/2005 16.3 to 199.59 to 10.92 218.46 207.54 Deep 26.3 189.59 'Shallow wells were screened across the water table. Deep wells were screened at the clay -confining layer (Cape Fear). bThe water table is approximately 5 ft above the top of the screen. The screen elevation for 5MWS7 is between the screen elevations for 5MWS6 and 5MWS7, which form a well cluster. `The top of the screen is approximately 2 ft below the water table. There is no indication of clay in the boring log. It appears as though the well was intended to be screened across the water table. The water level above the screen may be due to seasonal fluctuations. AMSL = Above mean sea level. BGS = Below ground surface. MP = Measuring point (top of casing). SWMU = Solid waste management unit. 05-230(E)/052506 2-40 Table 2-2. Summary of Horizontal Gradients, SWAM 103 Field Investigation May 2001 March 2002 1 January 2003 1 September 2003 Aril 2005 Surficial aquifer Shallow Deep Shallow Deep Shallow Deep Shallow Deep Shallow Deep Predominant groundwater SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW direction Hydraulic gradient 0.013 0.013 0.01 0.01 0.013 0.012 0.012 0.01 0.01 0.018 (ftifi) SWMU = Solid waste management unit. SW = southwest. 2-18 Table 2-3. Summary of.Vertical Hydraulic Gradients at Well Pairs, SWMU 103 Well Pair Vertical Gradient (ft/ft) Vertical Gradient (ft/ft) Vertical Gradient (ft/ft) Vertical Gradient (ft/ft) Vertical Gradient (ft/ft) Flow Direction 5/2/01 3/25/02 1/15/03 9113103 MWl and MW2 -0.023 -0.025 -0.029 -0.029 -0.0260 Upward MW6 and MW7 -0.067 -0.059 -0.059 -0.054 -0.0622 Upward MW8 and MW9 -0.0074 0.027 0.027 0.034 0.0183 Reverses MW10 and MW11 0.0040 0.0 0.0011 0.0044 0.0044 Downward MW12 and MW13 0.017 0.017 0.016 0.017 0.0165 Downward MW14 and MW15 0.025 0.021 0.022 0.060 0.0579 Downward MW16 and MW17 -0.031 -0.049 -0.058 -0.062 -0.0600 Upward MW18 and MW19 -0.0082 -0.0090 -0.0041 -0.0090 -0.0090 U ward MW20 and MW21 0.034 0.055 0.044 0.033 0.0237 Downward MW22 and MW23 -0.026 -0.025 -0.027 -0.021 -0.0279 Upward MW26 and MW27 NA 0.20 0.21 0.19 0.1936 Downward MW32 and MW33 NA 0.0078 0.022 0.035 0.0373 Downward MW35 and MW36 NA NA 0.039 0.045 0.0505 Downward MW37 and MW38 NA NA 0.0046 -0.085 0.0046 Reverses MW41 and MW42 NA NA NA NA 0.0153 Downward MW43 and MW44 NA NA NA NA -0.0094 Upward MW47 and MW48 NA NA NA NA 0.0000 Equal MW49 and MW50 NA NA NA NA -0.0047 Upward Note: Negative sign indicates upward hydraulic gradient. NA = Not available. SWMU = Solid waste management unit. 2-19 Table 2=4..Monitoring Well Construction Summary for March 2005, SWMU 103 Total. ,: Screened . Top: of Filter. Top of Casing Date Size/ Depth . Interval : Pack Elevation Elevation 'Well No. Installed T i' ' .Coordinates ft ft.BGS : ft BGS . Monitot Wells MW41 3/19/05 2;in: PVC N 50502.43 47.0 34.2 to 44.2 324. 246.15 E 2 007,428:83 MW42 3/19/0 24n. PVC: N $05,863.65. 37.0 26.7.to 36.7 24.9. 245.93 E 2,007,436.56 MW43 3/17/051'.2-,in.. PVC N 506,159.8i. 57.0 43:7 to 53.7 41.9. 254.14 E 2,007,699.31 MW44 3/18/05 = 24n.'PVC 'N 506,160.13 37.0 26.7.to 36.7 25.0 254.18. E 2,007 692.77 MW45 3/18/05 24n. PVC. N:506,259.97' 37.0 26.7to36.7 24.8 - 25152- E 2,007,74235 MW46 3/18/05 : 14h. PVC N 506,250.90 37.0 26.7 to 363 24.6 254.57. E 2,007;626.49 MW47 3/16:05 ' 2-in: PVC :N 5.06,339,54 37.1 26:8.to 36.8 :24.0 254.36 E 2,007,110.33 MW48 3/16/0 . 2-in. PVC N`506;336.84 44.0 33.2 to 43.2 31.0 254.45 E 2,007,113.49 MW49 3/15/05 2-in. PVC N 506,322.39 37.5 267 to 36-3 24.5 253.93 E 2,007, T00.42 . MW50 3/15/05 24n.. PVC • .: N:506,318.84 52.4 41.7 to 51.7. 5214 253.8 E 2,007,105.02 Injection Wells. IWl 3/17/05, 2-in. PVC. : 'N:506;345.79 47.0 28.71to 43.7 26.8 .. ,_.: 254.28 E 1007,117.46 . IW2 3/17/05, . • 2-in: PVC N 506,329.54. .41.0 28:8't643.8 27.0`- 254.52 E 2,007,119.92 IW3 3/16/05 2-in.:PVC N 506,341.86 57.0 29.5 to 44.15 :: 28.6 1 .254.08. . E 2,007,100.83 Note: All elevations are National Geodetic Vertical Datum 1929. PVC = Polyvinyl chloride. 2-25 i Table 2-5. Field Parameter Measurements during Groundwater Sampling, SWMU 103 Field Re ding at Monitoring Well Location Date I Well I Type pH I S.U.(MS/cm) Conductivity Temperature Turbidity TUS) DO (m Redoz m April 11-15, 2005 Monitorin Wells MW6 4/13/05 Deep 1 4.53 0.050 19.47 8.9 7.31 147 MW7 4/12/05 Shallow 4.72 0.056 20.87 0.5 2.64 273 MW22 4/12/05 Shallow 5.10 0.040 20.10 10.4 7.16 222 MW23 4/11/05 Dee 4.81 0.043 19.43 17.8 7.80 247 MW26 4/14/05 Deep 4.37 0.061 17.86 14.1 6.79 26 MW27 4/14/05 Shallow 4.89 0.076 16.95 0.0 6.76 -95 MW35 4/14/05 Shallow 4.90 0.077 15.49 Clear 3.57 117 MW36 4/14/05 Shallow 4.20 0.062 15.93 Clear 5.51 217 MW37 4/11/05 Shallow 4.87 0.131 16.54 Clear 3.01 130 MW38 4/13/05 Shallow 4.53 0.060 17.27 Clear 0.29 192 MW41 4/12/05 Deep 6.04 0.079 19.22 Clear 1.01 -269 MW42 4/14/05 Shallow 4.88 0.059 18.75 0.0 5.00 -158 MW43 4/13/05 Dee 5.19 0.063 19.89 0.0 6.06 62 MW44 4/13/05 Shallow 4.82 0.066 19.92 0.0 6.38 71 MW45 4/14/05 Shallow 4.89 0.061 19.50 Clear 3.53 226 MW46 4/15/05 Shallow 5.84 0.106 16.99 Clear 3.21 -100 MW47 4/12/05 Shallow 6.32 0.171 18.98 Clear 1 0.78 2 MW48 4/12/05 Deep 5.27 0.049 19.63 Clear 4.14 165 MW49 4/12/05 Shallow 6.36 0.231 19.86 Clear 0.37 -52 MW50 4/13/05 Deep 4.59 0.041 18.06 Clear 5.65 125 In'ection Wells IWl 4/14/05 Deep 5.34 0.067 19.18 Slightly cloud 4.35 154 IW2 4/13/05 Deep 4.44 0.046 17.64 Clear 6.08 207 IW3 4/13/05 Dem 5.04 0.047 18.59 Clear 3.50 111 June 2-3 2005 Monitorin Wells MW22 6/2/05 Shallow 5.76 0.161 19.47 86.7 0.35 190 MW23 6/2/05 Deep 4.02 0.043 19.71 144.0 7.00 305 MW47 6/2/05 Shallow 5.73 0.201 19.73 24.5 0.79 -385 MW48 6/2/05 Deep 5.50 0.082 20.03 15.8 0.87 -344 MW49 6/2/05 Shallow 5.84 0.222 19.85 1.4 0.62 42 MW50 6/2/OS e 0.040 20.12 0.0 6.71 400 in* dion Wells IWl 6/3/05 Deep 11.59 2.590 20.35 54.0 4.48 -444 IW2 6/3/05 Deep 11.92 5.080 21.81 1 325.0 19.70 -45 IW3 6/2/05 Dee 11.53 2.140 19.98 193.0 6.67 -103 June 28-29 2005 Monitoring Wells MW22 6/29/05 Shallow 6.07 0.120 21.16 52.4 0.89 -43.5 MW23 6/29/05 Deep 4.50 0.042 20.85 46.0 6.89 405.3 MW47 6/28/05 Shallow 6.12 0.197 20.80 -2.9 0.25 -27.3 MW48 6/28/05 Deep 5.58 0.051 21.96 -1.8 4.66 148.5 05-230(E)/052506 2-27 Table 2-5. Field Parameter Measurements during Groundwater Sampling, SWMU 103 (continued) Field.Readin .at Monitorin .Well: Location Date Well T . e. pH : - §:u. Conductivity Temperature mS/cm = . °C • .. I Turbidity TUs I DO m Redo.x m MW49: 6/29/05• Shallow 6.0 0.278 1 21.18 f 18.0 : J . 0.32 1, .-29.8:. MW50 6/29/05.. .. Deep: " 4.79 0.042.:. 22.45. -5.5 6.38 1.88.9 In'ecdon Wells . . IWl 6/28/05.. :. Dee " : '- :. 12.11 . . , 4.376. 22.70 ' :. . 84.9.. 28.14 .-32.1 IW2 : 6/28/05 . Deep::.: 12.23 . • 8.162 22.82 : 483.0 ' : 15.14: .-73.4 . IW3. 6/28/05 -Deep 12.12. 5.114 21.99. • .. 263.3. ..12.31- - -65-5 Jul 6-7 2005 MonitoringWells MW22 7/06/05 Shallow. :::6.45 0.117 22.85. 8.2. 0.96 -13.7.. MW23 7/06/05 . 'Dee .4.53 0.042. 21.50• :• 6:8 . .. 7.76 409, MW47 7/07/05 Shallow. UL 0:257 • . 21:28 2.0 . 0.75 -305 MW.48. .: 7/07/05 Dee -5.18- _ 0.287 21'.46 ` .:..:: 102.4 0.22 54.1 MW49 7/06/05 : Shallow- : 6.35 0.216 21.39 :: - S 1.2 . 0.30 -42.7. MW50. 7/06/05 Deep 4.73- 0.041 23.08: -4.2 . 5.81 188.9 In'ection Wells IW1 7/06/05'?. : 11.19 4.451 23.1. .6457. 3.41. 0.3. . IW2 7/06/05 EDEee 11.92 7.57 28.82. 438.0 14.40 -29.6 .IW3 7/06/05 Deep: 12.43 2.927. . . 23.8: • 231.0 :. 12.42 . -8.1 Au ust 2-5 2005 . Monitorin Wells.:... :. MW22 .... 8/04/05., ',Shallow'. 6.04 • 0.140 23.20 ; . 116.0:. 0.48 _ -82 . MW23:: -.8/04/05....:.Dee . 4.59.. 0.044 22:04 .14.3 .-.8.00 213 MW35. 8/04/05 :Shallow: 5.08:. 0.094. 21.95: 89:0 `2.42: :21:. MW37 8/04/05. - - Shallow : 4.93 : 0.127 22.96.:. 142.0:. 2.99. -9.. . MW42 8/04/05: Shallow. 4.51 :. 0.065 22.M... 33.3 2.64 .45• MW47, 8/04/05 . Shallow . ". 6.10 0.212 21.02 .. 0.8 .: 0:12 =50. MW48 8/04/05 . Dee 5.76. 0.117 23:00: , : ' 2.8 . .2.09 . 89. . MW49 '. 8/05/05.' .. Shallow, `• .6.28 0.291 22.12 • . 53.4 :. 0.17 • ..-166..: MW50 8/04/05. Dmp 6.08.: 0.356. 21.57. 1.30, 4.28. 2...- In'ection Wells IWl 8/05/05 : " :..Dee : 12.07 6.29 21.17 307:::: 29.37 . -68:. IW2 8/05/05 ..•'Dee 12.05. 11.380 27.01.... 499 : .. .25A7 -155:: IW3 8/05/05 ..Deep,' 6.70 4.140.. 21.4a-, 658.0 • 0.98. -233 DO = Dissolved oxygen. NTU = Nephelometric turbidity unit. Redox = Oxidation-reduction potential. s.u. = Standard unit. SWMU = Solid waste management unit. 05-230(E)/052506 2-44 Table 2-6. Slug Test Results for Wells at SWMU 103 Well ED Test a Hydraulic Conductivity cm/sec Hydraulic Conductivity ft/da IWl Rising 4.70E-03 1.33E+01 IW2 Rising 4.04E-04 1.14E+00 IW3 Rising 1.47E-03 4.17E+00 MW6 Rising 2.21E-03 6.25E+00 Failing 4.21E-03 1.19E+01 MW7 Rising 1.96E-03 5.54E+00 MW9 Rising 6.21E-04 1.76E+00 Falling 4.23E-04 1.20E+00 MW22 Rising 3.59E-03 1.02E+01 MW23 Rising 1.13E-03 3.18E+00 Failing 8.01E-04 2.27E+00 MW34 Rising 3.21E-04 9.08E-01 Falling 3.69E-04 1.04E+00 MW45 Rising 1.52E-03 4.30E+00 Average: 1.69E-03 4.79E+00 Geometric mean: 1.16E-03 3.28E+00 Average for injection wells: 2.19E-03 6.20E+00 Geometric mean for injection wells: 1.41E-03 3.98E+00 SWMU = Solid waste management unit. 05-230(E)/052506 2-31 05-230(E)/052506 Table 2-7. Summary of Results for Bench -Scale Studies Using CL-OutTM (April 2005), SWMU 103 Test Sequence Test A Test A Test A Sample ID 32231A 32231A Test Type Control Inoculated % Removal 1 1 2 2-Tetrachloroethane 48.0,J° 410 J° 15 Acetone <50 UJ 57 J NA Chloroform <5 UJ <5.5 UJ NA Trichloroethene 21 J° 25 J° -19 X lenes, total <10 UJ <10 UJ NA Test Sequence Test B Test B Test B Sample ID 32231B 32231B Test Type Control Inoculated % Removal 1,1 2 2-Tetrachloroethane 520 J° 390 P 25 Acetone <50 UJ 36 J NA Chloroform <5.4 UJ <5 UJ NA Trichloroethene 27 J° 16 J° 41 X lenes total <10 UJ <10 UJ NA • I Test Sequence Test C Test C Test C Sample ID 32231C 32231C Test Tvve Control Inoculated % Removal 1 1 2,2-Tetrachloroethane 500 J° 430 J° 14 Acetone 4.8 J 44 J NA Chloroform <5 UJ <5 UJ NA Trichloroethene 19 J° 21 P -11 X lenes total <10 UJ <10 UJ NA Test Sequence Test D Test D Test D Sample ID 32231D 32231D Test Type Control Inoculated % Removal 1,1,2 2-Tetrachloroethane 510 J° 410 J° 20 Acetone <50 UJ 62 J NA Chloroform <5 UJ <5 UJ NA Trichloroethene 22 J° 15 J° 32 X lenes total 4.7 J <10 UJ NA ° Results exceed the screening criteria. SWMU = Solid waste management unit. 2-32 Table 2-8. Summary of Perme0x@, CL-OutTM, and Potable Water Injections u Conducted during the SWMU 103 Pilot Study Injection Well PermeOx@' bs CL-OutTm al Potable Water (gal) 05/25/05 1 06/28/05 05/25-05/26/05 06/29-06/30/05 05/26/05 6/29-06/30/05 IW-1 —206 —16 55 55 117 138 IW-2 —206 —16 55 55 45 52 IW-3 _20b —16 55 55 117 138 'Powdered form of Perme0x® was mixed with potable water to produce a slurry for injection. bApproximately 5 lbs placed into in -situ diffusers suspended in each well for additional time -release of Perme0x® 05-230(E)/052506 2-32 Table.2-9. Comparison -of Critical_ Field Parameters Collected during In -Situ Pilot- Study, SWMU 103 Location MW22 Shallow MW23(Dee Baseline Pert. #1 Perf. #2 - Perf. #3 • Perf. #4 Baseline Perf. #1. Perf: #2 Perf. #3 Perf #4 Parameter 04/12/05 1 06/62/05 " .06/29/05 07/06/05 .08/02/O5. .-64111105 .06/02/05. . 06/19/05 01/06/05- 08/02/05 DO 7.16. 0.35 0.89. 0.96. 0.48'.. 7.8 7. 6.89. 7.76. 18 H 51 1 5.76. 6.07 6.45 . 604. 4.81 4.02 4.5 4.53 4.59 Redox 222 190 ' -43.5 -13.7 -82 247... 305 405.3 . 409 . 213 Location MBV47. Shallow MW48. ee Baseline Pert. #1 Perf.-.#2 Perf #3 Perf.#4 Baseline Perf..#1 ' Perf.-#2 .. Perf.'.#3 - -Pert. #4 Parameter 04/12/05 06/02/05 -1 06/29/05 07/06/05 . 08/02/05 04/12/05 1 06/02/05 1 66/29/05 1 07/06/05 " 08/02/05 00'. 0.78 " 0:79 . 0.25 " . 035 -0.12 "- 4.14' 0.87 4.66 0.22 2.09 H ...6.32 533 6.12 6:0.1 . 6.1 . " " 5.27 ..' 5.5 5:58 .. 5.18 5.76" . Redox 2 -385 -21.3 -305" -50 165 -344 148.5. 54.1... 89 ,. Location: MW49. Shallow MW50 ee Baseline Perf. #1 1 Perf.' #2. 1 Perf. #3 Perf. #4. Baseline Perf.#1 Perf. #2 1, Perf..#3 Perf #4 Parameter 04/12/05 06/02/05 1 06/29/05 1 07/06/05 1 08/02/05 04/13/05 1 06/02/05 06/29/05 " . 07/06/05 08/02/05 DO 0:37 0.62 0.32 0.3 0.17 "5.65 6.71_ 638 5.81 4.28 H 6.36 5.84- 6.13 6.35 - 6.28 4.59- 4.67 4.79- 4.73 6.08 Redox -52 42 -29.8 -42.7 -166 125 400 188.9 188.9 2 Location IW1(Deep) IW2 ee Baseline . Perf #1 Perf #2 Perf. #3 Perf. #4.. Baseline Perf. #1.. Perf #2 1. Perf.' #3. Perf #4 Parameter 04/14/05 .1 06/03/05 1 06/29/05- . 07/06/05 08/02/05 . " Q4/13/05 1 06/03/05:. 06/29/05 1 07/66/05 ' 08/02/05 DO 4.35 4.48 28.14 " 3.41 .. .29.37 " 6.08 . " 19:7 .... .15.14 14.4 _ ." .25.41 " H 5.34 11.59 12.11 -11.19 12.07' 4.44 11.92 12.23 11.92 A2.05 " Redox 154 .-444 -32.1 -60.3 -68 207 -45 -73.4 -29.6 -155 Location . _ IWa(Deep). Baseline "Perf. #1 Perf: #2 Perf. #3 ::"Perf #4 Parameter 04/12/05 . 06/02/05. 06/29/05 07/06/05 " 08/02/O5 DO 3.5 6.67., 12.31 . 12.42. 0.98 .' = H 5.04. 1l'.53. 12.12.E 12.43 6.7 Redox 111 -403. -65.5: - 781 -233 DO = Dissolved oxygen. Redox = Oxidation;reduction potential. Table 2-M Summary of Results of Groundwater for. Pilot Study (April. =.August2005); SWMU_103 Station NC GW IW-1 ." IW-1 Iw-1 IW-1 IW-1 . IW-2 IW-2tlW-2:1W-2 Sam le ID Standard 2L 350111 350113. 350114 -350115 350116 350211 350213350215Date or IMAC 04/14/05 06/03/05 06/28/05 07/06/05 08/05/05 04/13/05 06/03/0507/06/O5 T e.of Sam fin durin Pilot Stud Baseline 1st Perform, 7 da s 2nd Perform, 30 da s 3rdPerform; 7 da s 4th Perform; 30 da s.Baseline 1st Perform,3rdPerform, 7 da s7 da s T e of Well Dee Dee Dee " Dee - Dee Dee Dee Dee Volatile Organics Compounds L 1,1 2;2-Tetrachloroethane 1 1 2-Trichloroethane 0.17 280 =*= . <10 U 1.5 =* <1 U <1 U'. <I U <1 U <1 U <1 U 2.2 =* _ 570 =* <I.U- <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U 1 1-Dichloroethene 7 <10 U <I UJ 0.54 J <l U 2.7 = <1 U <1 UJ <1 U <1 U 1 2-Dichloroethane 0.38 <10 U - <1 U <1 U, <1 U <I U <1 U <1 U .<I U <1 U" 1 2-Dichloroethene 100 <10 U R:C04,CO5 <1 UJ <1 UJ 4.7 = 0.61 J. R.-004 CO5 <1 UJ <1 UJ . 2-Butanone 4,200 1 <I00 U 86 J <200 UJ 110 = <290 U <10 U 32 = 35 = 260 J 2-Hezanone 280 <100 U. <10 U <10 U <10 U <10 U <I0 U- <10 U - <10 U - - <10 U 4-Meth 1-2- entanone <100 U <10 U <10 U 3.1 J <10 U : " <10 U. <10 U - 2.31. .9.5. J Acetone 700 <100 U <150 U <200 UJ 210 = <700 UJ <l0 U 160 = 3,800 =* 1,500 = % Benzene 1 20 =* 16 =* 24 =* 12 =* 21 =* <1 U 13 =* 1.9 =* 4.3 =* Bromodichloromethane 0.6 <10U <1 U <1 U ..<I U <1 U <1.U. <1 U <1 U 0.38"J* Bromoform 0.19 <10 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U .. <1 U <1-U <1 U . Chlorobenzene - 50 <10 U <l. U <1 U <l. U <1 U <1' U <1 U " <1 U- <1 U Chloroform 70 3.4 J* 5.3 =* 0.94 J* - 7.5 =* " 0.61 J* - 1.4 =* 5.7 =* 2 =* 10 =* Chloromethane 2:6 <10 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <I U Dibromochloromethane 0.41 <10 U <1 U <1 U <1 U 1.5 =*. <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U Eth lbenzene 550 180 =* 190 =* 210 J* - 170 =* 170 =*. <1 U 110 = 11 = 14 = Methyl tertiary butyl ether MTBE 200 <10 U 32 J* <1 U <1 U 39 =* 7 =* 34 J* 10 =* 17 J* Meth lene .Chloride 4.6 <10 U- <1 "U. <I. U <l U. <1 U . <1 U <1 U <1 U: <1 U Styrene 100" . <10 U. <1 U . <1 U <I U <l U. <1-U <1 U <1 U- <1 U . Tetrachloroethene 0.7 <10 U 1.1 =*". 0.96 J* <1 U. 0.92 J* 2.6 =* 0.63 J*" <1 U <1 U. Toluene 1 000 84 =* 110 =* 1907" 92 =* " <120 U <I U <68 U 8.3 = 15 _. Trichloroethene 2.8 40 =*. 140 =* 96 J* 34 =* 67.=* 78 =* 95 =* 9:3.=* 13 =" X lenes total 530 2;100 =* 1 700 =* 2 500 J* 1,400 =* . 770 =*.. 0.83 J 580 =* 67 =* 72 =* Anions /L) Chloride 250 000 5 400 = I 1 000 = 6,500 = 10,000 = 6,400 = 4;800 = 7,700 = 14,000 = 19;000 = Nitrate 10,000 1,000 = 151000 =* 500 = 21,000 =* 320 = 1 700 =*. 32,000 =* 14 000 =* 30 000 =* Miscellaneous ftlL Total Organic Carbon .1 410 J 2,130,000 = " 95,600 = 11,930,000 =1 69,700 = 1,350 J . 1,420,000 _ . 1 080 000 = 909,000. = Bacteria. L) Total Aerobic Plate Count. 160,000 7,000,000 - .800 000 . -1 400,000 . 300,000 60 000. I.3E8 10 000 . : 2 500 000 Total Pseudomonad Plate Count NA- 1,000,000 .. 100 000 100 000. 200,000. NA... 4 000,000 <10 000 1,000,000 Miscellaneous (' L Chemical Oxygen Demand 7,000 J NA .. NA NA NA 16,000 = NA NA" . NA Station . NC GW IIW-2 . IW-3. IW-3 . IW-3 IW-3 - IW-3 NM-22 MW-22 NM-22 Sam le ED Standard 2L. 350216 350311 ' 350313.. 350314 .350315 350316 322212 322214 322215. . Date. or IlVIAC 08/05/05 ' 04/13/05 06/02/05 06/28/05 07/06/05' . 08/05/05 04/12/05 . 06/02/05 . 06/27/05 . T e of Sam lin durin Pilot $tud 4th Perform, - 30 days Baseline 1st Perform, 7 da s . 2nd Perform, 30. days 3cd Perform; 7 days 4th.Perfor 30 days Baseline 1st Perform, 7 days 2nd Perform, 30.da s Type of Well . Dee6 Deep Dee Mep mDeep beep. Shallow Bk d. Shallow Ble d. Shallow Bk d. Volatile Or aiiics Com ourids /L 1,1,2 2-Tetrachloroethane 0:17 <1 U. 250.=* 17 =* . - <1 U 3.3 =* 32 =* 100.=*: 36 =* 5&=* 1,3,2-Trichloroethane <1 U <1 U <1 U : - - <IU <l U 4.S.J*. <SO U <1 U. <1 U 1 1-Dichloroethene_ ..7 0:69 J - <1 U <1 U <1.U. <I U <5.0 <50 U.. <1-U :. <1 U. 1 2-Diebloroethane 0.38 <1 U <1 U., <1.0 <1 U . <l U.- <5-U .'. <50 U <1 U: <I U 1 2-Dichloroethene 100 1.4 = 1.1'= <1 U <1 UJ <1 UJ <5 U <50 U, <l U <1 UJ 2-Butanone 4 200 2,400 J* .<I0 U ' . 29 = 110 J 230'J 3,500 J* • <500 U <10 U <10 U 2=Hexanorie. 280 11.=- <10 U <10 U <10 U <10 U <50 U... <500 U. <10 U.. <10 U . 4-Meth1-2- entanone <l0 U -. <10 U ' <10 U . 5.9 J <10 U <50 U .<500 U .<10.0 <l0 U Acetone 700. 5 900 P - <10,U . 180 .= 170 J <500.0 .7 000 J* <500 U <10 U <10 U Benzene 1 25 =* _ ..0.46J* 3.8 =* 14 =* 58 =* 130 =*. 66 =* 31, _*. 37.=* Bromodichloromethane . 0.6 <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <5 U <50 U. : <1 U . <I U Bromoform 0.19 <1,U. <I U <1.0 <1 U, <1 U <5 U <50 U <1 U <1 U Chlorobenzerie 50 <1.0 <1.0 <1 U <1 U <1 U <5 U <50 U <I U <1 U Chloroform .70. .0.91 J* 0.91 J* 3.6 =* 1.2 =* 8.1 =* <5 U 82 =* : ° <I U' <1 U Chloromethane 2.6 0.55 J <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <5 U <50 U <1 U 1.9 = Dibromochloromethane 0:41 <l U. <1 U <1-U <I-U <1 U <5•U <50 U <l U <1 U Eth lbenzene 550 95 J 12 = 69 = 96= 610 =* 1,200 =* 1200 =* 800 =* 510 =* Meth l .tertia butyl ether MTBE 200 140 J* <l U 2.2 = <I U 28 J* 80 = <50 U - . <I U. <t U Methylene Chloride '4.6 <1 U <1 U .<1 U <1-U <I U. <5 U <50 U - -<1 U .. <1 U Siyr6ne 100 <1.U- <1 U. - <l U <l U. <l U <5 U, <50.0 <1.0 : - <l .0 Tetrachloroethene 0.7 0:36 7* • 1.4 =* ' 0.92 J* 0.58 J* <1 U <5 U <50 U. 0.39 J* 0.51 P Toluene 1,000 <100 U 4 = 43 J 120 =* 700 =* 1,700 =* 490 =* Q90 U <180 U Trichloroethene 2.8 38 =*. 34 =* 93 _* . 31 =* 21.=* 25 =*. <50 U 7.6 =* 9.6.= X leries total 530 590 J* 83. _* . 210 =* 770 =* 3,100.=" : 7,200 J* 1 6,500 =*j 5,100 =* 3,500 =* Anions ( /L) - - Chloride 250 000: 1.7 000= 5 100 = -. 7,300 = 9,900 = .12,000 =... 9,100 = 6 900-=.... 4 900 =." .. 7 500 = Nitrate 10,000 15,000 =* 1,200 =* =17 000 =*. 2 800 =* 20,000 =* 1 400.=* <100.0 290.= <100 U Miscellaneous /L Total Organic Carbon 956,000 J I . 1 800 J 1,300 000 = - 400 000 = 1 760,000 =1 855,000 J 3,190 = 3,500 J 3,980 = Bacfe'vla /L) . . Total Aerobic Plate Count. 400 000 -. 30,000 - 1 7,000,000. : 1300 000 3.3E7 500,000 110,000 . IE7 . 250 000 . Total-Pseudomonad Plate. Count <I O 000 I NA .. 1. 1 000 000 - . - 200 000 I. 3.2E7 200,000 NA 1 1,000 000 -1 <10 000 Miscellaneous %L .. Chemical Oxygen Demand NA <10 000 U NA NA NA NA 21,000 = NA. NA. Table 2-10. Summary of Results of Groundwater for Pilot Study (April - August 2005), SWMU 103 (continued) Station NC GW NM-22 MW-22 MW-23 MW-23 MW-23 NM-23 NM-23 MW47 MW47 Sample ID Standard 2L 322216 322217 322312 322314 322315 322316 322317 324711 324713 Date or IMAC 07/06/05 08/04/05 04/12/05 06/02/05 06/27/05 07/06/05 08/04/05 04/12/05 06/02/05 Type of Sampling during Pilot Study 3rd Perform, 7 days 4th Perform, 30 days Baseline 1st Perform, 7 days 2nd Perform, 30 days 3rd Perform, 7 days 4th Perform, 30 days Baseline 1st Perform, 7 days Tvve of Well Shallow Bk d. Shallow Bk d. Deep Bkgd. Deep Bkgd.1 Deep Bkgd., Deep Bk d. Deep Bk d. Shallow Shallow Volatile Or anics Compounds /L 1 1 2 2-Tetrachloroethane 0.17 53 =* 59 =* 420 =* 1 460 =* 380 =* 440 =* 340 =* 110 =* <1 U 1 1 2-Trichloroethane <1 U <1 U <5 U 0.34 J* <1 U 0.32 J* <1 U <100 U <1 U 1 1-Dichloroethene 7 <1 U <1 U <5 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <100 U <1 U 1 2-Dichloroethane 0.38 <1 U <1 U <5 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <100 U <1 U 1 2-Dichloroethene 100 <1 UJ <1 UJ <5 U <1 U <1 UJ <1 UJ <1 UJ <]00 U <1 U 2-Butanone 4,200 <10 U <10 U <50 U <10 U <10 U <10 U <10 U <1000 U <10 U 2-Hexanone 280 <10 U <10 U <50 U <10 U <10 U <10 U <10 U <1000 U <10 U 4-Meth 1-2- entanone <10 U <10 U <50 U <10 U <10 U <10 U <10 U <1000 U <10 U Acetone 700 <10 U <10 UJ <50 U 0.87 J <10 U <10 U <10 UJ <1000 U <10 U Benzene 1 35 =* 39 J* <5 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U 140 =* 120 =* Bromodichloromethane 0.6 <1 U 2.5 J* <5 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <100 U <1 U Bromoform 0.19 <1 U <1 U <5 U <1 U <1 U <1 U 1.4 =* <100 U <1 U Chlorobenzene 50 <1 U <1 U <5 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <100 U <1 U Chloroform 70 <1 U <1 U 5.5 =* <1 U 0.9 J* 0.95 J* 0.87 J* <100 U <1 U Chloromethane 2.6 <1 U <1 U <5 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <100 U <1 U Dibromochloromethane 0.41 <1 U <1 U <5 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <100 U <1 U Eth Ibenzene 550 790 =* 760 =* <5 U <1 U <1 U 0.5 J <1 U 1,600 =* 1,700 =* Methyl tertiary butyl ether MTBE 200 <1 U <1 U <5 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U 150 =* 160 =* Methylene Chloride 4.6 <1 U <1 U <5 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <l U <100 U <1 U Styrene 100 <1 U <1 U <5 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <100 U <1 U Tetrachloroethene 0.7 0.53 J* 0.48 J* <5 U 2.6 =* 2.4 =* 2.8 =* 2.4 =* <100 U 0.44 J* Toluene 1,000 <270 U 290 =* I <5 U <1 U <I.1 U <1 U <1 U 940 =* 1 960 =* Trichloroethene 2.8 9.9 =* 9.6 J* 22 =* 61 J* 33 =* 51 J* 45 =* <100 U 15 =* X lenes total 530 4,900 =* 1,500 J* <10 U <2 U <2 U <3.8 U <2 UJ 10 000 =* 19,000 =* Anions L) Chloride 250,000 7,300 = 6,400 = 4 300 = 4,700 = 4,900 = 5,200 = 4,100 = 7.006 = 7,600 = Nitrate 10,000 <100 U <100 U 1 1 600 =* 2,300 =* 2,400 =* 2 300 =* 2,100 =* <100 U 1 100 =* Miscellaneous Total Organic Carbon 4 120 = 1 140 J 1 070 J <2 000 U 1 150 J 1 640 J <2 000 U 5 820 = 199 000 = Bacteria Total Aerobic Plate Count 1 600 000 600,000 60,000 3 000 000 200 000 200 000 900 000 380,000 IE7 Total Pseudomonad Plate Count <100 000 200,000 NA <100 000 100,000 <100 000 <10 000 NA 2,000,000 Miscellaneous Chemical Oxygen Demand NA NA <5 300 U NA NA NA NA 55 000 = NA y Table 2-10. Summary of Results of Groundwater for Pilot Study (April - August 2005), SWMU 103 (continued) Station NC GW MW47 MW47 MW47 MW48 MW48 MW48 MW48 MW48 MW49 Sample ID Standard 2L 324714 324715 324716 324811 324813 324814 324815 324816 324911 Date or IMAC 06/28/05 07/07/05 08/04/05 04/12/05 06/02/05 06/28/05 07/07/05 08/04/05 04/12/05 Type of Sampling during Pilot Study 2nd Perform, 30 days 3rd Perform, 7 days 4th Perform, 30 days Baseline 1st Perform, 7 days 2nd Perform, 30 days 3rd Perform, 7 days 4th Perform, 30 days Baseline Type of Well Shallow Shallow Shallow Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Shallow Volatile Or anics Compounds /L 1 1 2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.17 210 =* 90 =* 96 =* 340 =* 250 =* 330 =* <5 U 300 =* 86 =* 1 1 2-Trichloroethane <1 U <5 U <1 U <10 U .z <5 U 2.7 =* <5 U 11 =* <50 U 1,1-Dichloroethene 7 <1 U <5 U <1 U <IO U <5 U <1 U <5 U <1 U <50 U 1 2-Dichloroethane 0.38 <1 U <5 U <1 U <IO U <5 U <1 U <5 U <1 U <50 U 1,2-Dichloroethene 100 <1 UJ <5 UJ 0.35 J <10 U <5 U <1 UJ <5 UJ 3.1 J <50 U 2-Butanone 4,200 <10 U <50 U 40 = I <100 U <50 U <10 U <50 U <I O U <500 U 2-Hexanone 280 <10 U <50 U <10 U <100 U <50 U <I O U <50 U <I O U <500 U 4-Meth1-2- entanone <10 U <50 U <I O U <100 U <50 U <10 U <50 U <10 U <500 U Acetone 700 <10 U <50 U <10 UJ <100 U <50 U <I O U <50 U <100 U <500 U Benzene 1 61 J* 96 =* 100 =* 4.7 J* 7.6 =* <1 U 2.7 J* 1.8 =* 100 =* Bromodichloromethane 0.6 <1 U <5 U <1 U <10 U <5 U <1 U <5 U <1 U <50 U Bromoform 0.19 <1 U <5 U <1 U <10 U <5 U <1 U <5 U <1 U <50 U Chlorobenzene 50 <1 U <5 U <1 U <IO U <5 U <1 U <5 U <1 U <50 U Chloroform 70 <1 U <5 U <1 U 17 =* 3.3 J* 1.2 =* <5 U 0.62 J* <50 U Chloromethane 2.6 <1 U <5 U <1 U <10 U <5 U <1 U <5 U <1 U <50 U Dibromochloromethane 0.41 <1 U <5 U <1 U <I O U <5 U <1 U <5 U <1 U <50 U Eth ]benzene 550 1,100 =* 1,400 =* 1,300 =* 31 = 82 = 0.36 J 40 = 23 = 1,000 =* Methyl tertiary butyl ether MTBE 200 <1 U <5 U 110 =* 18 =* 15 =* <1 U 3 J 2.6 = 99 =* Methylene Chloride 4.6 <1 U <5 U <1 U <10 U <5 U <1 U <5 U <1 U <50 U Styrene 100 <1 U <5 U <1 U <I O U <5 U <1 U <5 U <1 U <50 U Tetrachloroethene 0.7 <1 U <5 U 0.49 J* <I0 U <5 U 2.1 =* 2.1 J* 2.2 =* <50 U Toluene 1,000 560 =* 710 =* 770 =* 32 = 51 = <l.l U 39 = 14 = 490 =* Trichloroethene 2.8 14 =* <5 U 14 =* 50 =* 39 =* 28 =* 42 =* 40 =* 17 J* X lenes, total 530 7,200 =* 8,300 J* 8,900 J* 420 =* 860 =* <3.1 U 310 =* 52 J* 6,000 =* Anions /L Chloride 250,000 7,600 = 7,600 = 6,700 = 5,200 = 6,000 = 5,600 = 6,800 = 4,700 = 6,700 = Nitrate 10,000 <100 U 610 = :. <100 U 1,200 =* 360 = 1,900 =* 1,600 =* 570 = <100 U Miscellaneous /L Total Organic Carbon 12,000 = 164,000 = 1 1,8,800 = 1,720 J 146,000 = 3,830 = 297,000 = 9,200 Bacteria /L) Total Aerobic Plate Count 120,000 600,000 ° 200,000 60,000 1.8E8 20,000 1,500,000 400,000 260,000 Total Pseudomonad Plate Count 100,000 200,000 a <10 000 NA 5E7 1,000 1,300,000 <10 000 NA Miscellaneous /L Chemical Oxygen Demand NA NAI NA 1 12,000 = NA NA NA NA 39,000 = Table 2-10. Summary of Results of Groundwater for Pilot Study (April - August 2005), SWMU 103 (continued) Station NC GW MW49 MW49 MW49 MW49 MW-50 MW-50 MW-50 NM-50 MW-50 Sample ID Standard 2L 324913 324914 324915 324916 325011 325013 325014 325015 325016 Date or 1MAC 06/02/05 06/29/05 07/06/05 08/05/05 04/13/05 06/02/05 06/29/05 07/06/05 08/04/05 Type of Sampling during Pilot Study 1st Perform, 7 days 2nd Perform, 30 days 3rd Perform, 7 days 4th Perform, 30 days Baseline 1st Perform, 7 days 2nd Perform, 30 days 3rd Perform, 7 days 4th Perform, 30 days Tvve of Well Shallow Shallow Shallow Shallow Deep Deep Deep Deep Dee Volatile Or anics Com ounds /L 1 1 2 2-Tetrachloroethane 0.17 71 =* 69 J* 69 =* 70 =* 470 =* 370 =* 350 =* 400 =* 360 =* 1 1 2-Trichloroethane <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U 0.36 J* <1 U 0.32 J* 11=* 1 1-Dichloroethene 7 <1 U <1 U 0.54 J <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U 2.8 J 1 2-Dichloroethane 0.38 <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U 2.1 J* 1 2-Dichloroethene 100 <1 U <1 UJ <1 UJ 3 J 0.48 J <1 U <1 UJ <1 UJ 8.3 J* 2-Butanone 4,200 <10 U <10 U <I O U <21 U <10 U <10 U <10 U <10 U <50 U 2-Hexanone 280 <10 U <10 U. <I O U <10 U <10 U <10 U <I O U <10 U <50 U 4-Meth 1-2- entanone <10 U <I O U <10 U <10 U <10 U <I O U <10 U <I O U <50 U Acetone 700 <10 U <10 U <10 U <270 UJ <10 U <10 U <10 U <10 U <72 U Benzene 1 83 =* 59 J* 66 =* 54 =* 0.42 J* <1 U <1 U <1 U <5 U Bromodichloromethane 0.6 <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <5 U Bromofonn 0.19 <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <5 U Chlorobenzene 50 <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <5 U Chloroform 70 <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U 1.9 =* 1.5 =* 1 =* 1.2 =* <5 U Chloromethane 2.6 <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <5 U Dibromochloromethane 0.41 <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <5 U Eth ]benzene 550 990 =* 490 =* 840 =* 730 =* 3.8 = <1 U 0.44 J 0.52 J 2.4 J Methyl tertiary butyl ether MTBE 200 67 =* <1 U <1 U 97 =* <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <5 U Methylene Chloride 4.6 <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U 0.31 J <1 U <5 U Styrene 100 <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <1 U <5 U Tetrachloroethene 0.7 0.5 J* 0.52 J* 0.49 J* 0.54 J* 2.2 =* 2.1 =* 2.3 =* 2.5 =* 2.4 J* Toluene 1,000 500 =* 330 J* 350 =* 320 =* 5 = <1 U <1 U <1 U <5 U Trichloroethene 2.8 12 =* 12 =* 1 12 =* 13 J* 66 =* 54 =* 27 =* 57 =* 1 53 =* X lens, total 530 10,000 =* 3,500 =* 1 5,300 =* 1,500 =* 30 =* 1.1 J 3.4 = <3.9 U <27 UJ Anions L) Chloride 250,000 7,30= 7,700 = 1 7,500 = 1 6,500 = 4.900 = 5,000 = 5,100 = 4,800 = 5,000 = Nitrate 10,000 <100 U <100 U I <100 U I <100 U 1,600 =* 2 300 =* 2 600 =* 2,600 =* 1,400 =* Miscellaneous Total Organic Carbon 4,710 J 9,610 = 5,920 = 5,510 = 1,250 J <1 450 U 1,700 J 1,750 J 27,200 = Bacteria /L Total Aerobic Plate Count 4E7 70,000 1,500,000 400,000 ° 40,000 NA 100,000 100,000 900,000 Total Pseudomonad Plate Count 1,000,000 <10 000 400,000 100,000 ° NA NA 10,000 <100 000 200,000 MiscellaneousftlL Chemical Oxygen Demand NA NA NA NA 7200 J NA NA NA NA Note: Bacteria results for April 12-14, 2005, were collected on May 23, 2005, prior to the first injection. ° Bacteria result from the duplicate sample. * Result exceeds screening criteria. * Indicates concentration above the screening criteria. t 9pn1611n'2_1 Cllmm9rc7 Ctatietirc nf-Annlvtac DpfiartPrl in Cnhcllrfnrp gnil_:-RVOMTA03 to . Results > . Detection Limit _ . Minimum Detect Maximum Detect Station at Maximum EPARegi on 9 Res. Soil PRG Max- Detect.LDeAnal >Res. PRG HHCOPC? Justification . Volatile Organics Coin ounds (m /k" ) 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 2/33 0.0029' 0.023 103SB-8 0.41 No 0/33 No Max Detect <Residential PRG 2-Butanorie 7/33 0.0017 ' 0.078 4PH41 . 2,200 : " No..0/33. No Max Detect < Residential PRG 4-Meth 1-2- entanone 5/33 0.0014 0.0027 4PH42 . -530 .". No 0/33 No Max Detect < Residential PRG. Acetone 17/33 0.0056 0.079 MW23 .. 1,400.. - No 0/33. No Max Detect < Residential PRG . . Benzene 3/33 . 0.0001 0.036 .4PH40 - . 0.64 :.. No . 0/33' -No:. • 'Max Detect <Residential PRG Carbon Disulfide 6/33 0.0019 0.0057 4PH43 36. No 0/33 No. Max Detect < Residential PRG - Chloroform. 4/33 0:00051 0.044 4PH41 " . 0.22 - No 0/33 No Max Detect :< Residential PRG Eth lbenzene 5/33 0.00034 11 103SB-8 190 No 0/33 No Max Detect < Residential PRG Methyl.Tertiary Butyl Ether 5/19 0.0014 0.014-, . IW2 17 No... 0/19 No. Max Detect .< Residential PRG Methylene Chloride 9/32 0.00067 ' 0.0016 . MW49 9.1_ No.. 0/32 No Max Detect <Residential PRG Styrene .1/33. 0.35 0.35 4PH40 440. No 0/33 No Max Detect <Residential PRG Toluene 8/33 0.0002 3.7 103S13-8 66 No 0/33 . No .Max Detect <Residential PRG Trichloroethene 2/33 0.002 0.0051 MW 11.: 0.053 No - 0/33 No Max Detect <Residential PRG X lenes; total 6/33 0.0006 69 103SB-8 27 Yes 2/33 Yes Max:Detect > Residential PRG Semivolatile Organics Cont ounds (m /k ) 2-Meth lna hthalene 3/33 0.59 2.1 4PH43 5:6 No 0/33 No Max Detect < Residential PRG Acena hthene 2/33 0.1 0.16 103SB-8 370 No 0/33 No Max Detect < Residential PRG Anthracene 1/32 0.12.: 0.12 .103SB-8 2,200 No 0/32 No Max Detect <Residential PRG Benz(a)anthracene 1/33 0.021 : 0.021 4PH40. 0.62 No. 0/33 No . -Max Detect <Residential PRG .. Benzo(a) 'rene 1/32 0.019 0.019 4PH40 0.062 No 0/32 No Max Detect < Residential PRG Berizo(b)fluoranthene 1/32 0.033 0.033 4PH40 0.62 No 0/32, No Max Detect < Residential 'PRG . Bis 2-eth ]hex 1 hthalate 6/33 0.031" 0.067 4PH46 35 ... No 0/33 No -Max Detect < Residential PRG Ch sene 1/33 _ 0.028 : - 0.028 4PH40. 62 - . - No 0/33 No G Max Detect <Residential PR.. . Di-N-bu 1 hthalate 3/33 . 0.021 0.048 MW36 610 No' 0/33 No Max Detect < Residential PRG. Dili6nzofuran 1/33 0.091 - ' 0.091 4PH43 .- 15 ... No, 0/33.• No Max Detect < Residential PRG Fluorarithene 1/33 0.048 0.048 4PH40. 230 ' .. No. 0/33.. No Max Detect < Residential PRG Fluorene 2/33 0:18 0.21 103SB-8 270 No. 0/33 No Max Detect <.Residential PRG Naphthalene 3/33 0.073 . 0.26. 4PH43 . - 5.6 No . 0/33. No Max Detect <.Residential PRG Phenarithrene 3/33- 0.031. 0.45- 103SB-8 230 No 0/33 . No' Max Detect <-ResidentialPRG- Pyrene 3/33 .. 0.038 0.062 103SB=8 230. No 0/33 .. No Max Detect <Residential PRG . . EPA = U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. FFW = Preliminary. remeoiation goal ritiwrL..= riuman neaim consatuem of Potenuat cu„ccm. o winU - uUuu waaLc. maiiagement,unit. TnhlP 3_2_ Rnmmnry Rtntictive nf.V(l(":c l)PtP.etP.d in Grneandwnter- 4;%ATWT 163. Analyte Results >Detection Limit :Minimum Detect Maximum Detect. . Average Result 95% UCL of Mean Station at Max EPA Region 9 Tap WaterYRG Detects >PRG. Federal MCL Detects >MCL NC Groundwater Standard 2L or IMAAC DdectO- NC GW COPC? Justification Volatile Organic Com ounds(Ao L) not associated with petroleum roducts Acetone 6/103 7.5 3130 59.2 1.12 MW11 550 2/103 No MCL 700 1/103 No Isolated high detection not repeated 2-Butanone 1/103 2.6 2.6 14.5 . 24.3 MW33 700 0/103- No MCL 4200 0/103 No Max Detect < Risk Criteria Carbon Disulfide 1/103 0.2. 0.2 1.53 2.5 - MW21 100 0/103 No MCL 700 0/103 No Max Detect < Risk Criteria Chlorobenzene 4/103 1 3 1.58 2.55 MW17 . 11 0/103 100 0/103 50 0/103 No Max Detect <Risk Criteria Chloroform 74/103 0.2 82 2.58 4.17 MW22 0.17 741103 . 100 0/103 70 1/103- Yes Max Detect- PRG/NC Chloromethane 10/103 2.9 6.9 2.09 3.06 MW6 16 0/103 No MCL 2.6 10/103 Yes Max Detect - NC Dibromochloromethane 1/103 0.38 0.38 1.54 2.51 MW35 0.13 1/103 100 0/103 0.41 0/103 No Max Detect <NC/MCL 1 2-Dichloroethene " 6/60 1 0.48 13. 2.77 4.44 MW41 6.1 1/60 70 0/60 100 0/60 No Max Detect < NC/MCL- cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 4/79 0.2 0.58- .. 0.458 -0.478 MW40 . 6.1 0/79 '. 70 0/79 70 0/79 No Max"Detect<Risk Criteria trans-1,2-Dichl6roethene 2/79 0.2 0.4 0.453 0.476 MW3 12 0/79 16o 0/79 70 0/79- No _ Max Detect z Risk Criteria Methylene Chloride . . 7/103 0.94 3.5: 1.83 - 2.8 MW32 " 4.3' 0/103 5 -0/103 4.6 0/103 No Max Detect < Risk Criteria 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 1/103 9.3 9.3 13.6 23.4 MW7 200 0/103 No MCL No NCGW No Max Detect < Risk Criteria Styrene 1/103 8.4 8.4" 1.61 2.59 MW22 160 0/103 100 0/103 100 0/103 No Max Detect <Risk Criteria Tetrachloroethane 85/103 0.71 660 101 126 MW23 0.055 85/103 No MCL . 0.17' 85/103 Yes Max Detect = PRG/NC Tetrachloroethene 35/103 0.2 3.2 1.78 2.75 MW12 0.1 35/103 1 5 0/103 0.7 20/103 Yes Max Detect -PRG/NC 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 11/103 0.2 4. 1.63 2.6 MW3 0.2 10/103' 5 0/103 NCGW NoNo Max Detect < MCL Trichloroethene 70/103 0.3 78 . 12.8 15.7 IW2 0.028 70/103 5 45/103 2.8 54/103 Yes Max Detect -PRG/MCL/NC " Volatile Organic Com ounds ( L associated with petroleum products Benzene 15/103 0.2 300 - 8 13.9 MW22 0.35 14/103 5, 8/103 1- 10/103. No VOCs associated with Eth (benzene .'. 14/103 0.3 1600 56.1 97 MW47 130 6/103 700 4/103 - 550 -. 4/103 ' No petroleum products are not MTBE 8/63 7 430 12.9 25.1 MW22 6.2 8/63 No MCL 200 1/63 No considered HHCOPCs for Toluene - 14/103 0.2 940 35.3 60.6 MW47 72' 6/103 1000 0/103 1000 0/103 No SWIVIU 103 because they are Xylenies, total 21/103 0.4 10000 361 618 MW47 21 11/103 10000 0/103 530 6/103 No regulated under NC UST regulations 1BOId indicates HHCOPC.. COPC = Constituent -of potential -concern._ EPA ,= U.S.. Environmental Protection Agency. GW = Groundwater.. HHCOPC = Human health constituent of potential concern. IMAC = Interim maximum acceptable concentration. MCL = Maximum contaminant level. MTBE = Methyl tert butyl ether. NC = North Carolina... PRG = Preliminary remediation goal. SWMU = Solid waste management unit. UCL = Upper confidence limit. = VOC =.Volatile organic compound. EPA Results Region NC GW > Station . 95% ". " 9 Tape.. Standard Detect:' Min. Max. at. Average" " UCL of, Water.' . Detects. Federal Detects " .2L or Detects> . . Anal te. Limit.- Detect. Detect Max: " Result . " Mean "' PRG . >PRG MCL... >MCL IMAC. NCGW COPC? Justification SendvolatileOrganics Conr ounds ( "YL) not associated with etroleuni roducts Bis(2-- 12/58 1" 5.6 MW.7 1.65 : " 1.97 4.8.6 .1/58 6 0/58 2.5 ... 2/58 No Common lab etliylhexyl)phthalate contaminant; isolated "high" detections. are not significant Diethyl phthalate 3/58 L4 ". 2.6 MW34 3.68 4.12 2900 nc 0/58 NOMCL 5000 0158 . No Max Detect < Risk.' Criteria. 2,4=Dirriethylphenol 1155 4.3 4.3 MW22 3:88 4.27. 73 nc 0/55 NoMCL 140 .0/55 No Max Detect < Risk Criteria . Di-n-butyl-phthalate 1/58. 1.1 1.1 MW 11 2:31 2.62 360'nc 0/58 NoMCL. 700 0/58 No Max Detect < Risk Criteria 3+4-Methylphenol 1150 1.5 1.5 - 'MW7 6.94.. . 7.97 18 ne,k 0150 NoMCL 3.5 0150 No Max Detect < Risk Criteria Sentivolatile Organics "Conr ounds /L associated withpetroleum prodircts 2-Meth Ina hthalene 4/58 1.9 76 MW22. 4.37 7.25 0'.62 nc _ 4/58 NoMCL . 14 3/58 " No SVOCs associated with petroleum product are not Naphthalene 3/58' 103.. 160 MW22 8.57 15.2 0.62 nc 3/58 NoMCL-: 21 _ 3/58 No Phenanthrene 2/58 0.7 1.6 MW 11 1.71 2.02 18 1 nc 0/58 NoMCL' 210 0/58 No Considered, HHCOPCs for SWMU 103 because they are regulated under NC UST regulations ADoes not include site -specific background wells (MW26 or MW27) or monitoring wells installed "around former heating -oil UST (MW69344C, MW43, MW44; MW45 or MW46). . Bold, indicates concentration above screening criteria: COPC = Constituent of potential concern. " EPA = U. S. "Environmental Protection"Agency. GW'= Groundwater. IMAC = Interim_ maximum acceptable concentration: MCL = Maximum contaminant level..'. NC = North Carolina: PRG"= Preliminary remediation -goal. SWMU = Solid waste management unit. ' UCL = Upper confidence limit. Table 3-4: Historical groundwater VOC data support reductive dechlorination in the SWMU 103 source area Compound Concentration /L MW7 Shallow Well MW6 Deep Well MW22 Shallow Well MW23 Deep Well 1,1,2,2-Tetrachlorethane 30J 390 29J 660 Tetrachlorethene ND 2.4 ND 2.3 Trichloroethene ND 55 14J 69 cis 1,2-dichloroethene ND ND ND ND Vinyl chloride ND ND ND ND BTEX 213 ND 10,880 ND Notes: ND = non -detect Table 3-5: Vapor Intrusion Tier II Screening Summary Target Groundwater Target Concentration Indoor. Air Target Deep (> 5 Corresponding to Concentratio ft bgs) Soil Gas Target Indoor Air n to Satisfy Concentration Concentration Where Both the Corresponding to Soil Gas to Indoor Prescribed Target Indoor Air Air Attenuation Risk Level Concentration Factor = 0.001 and and the Measured Where the Soil Partitioning Across Measured Target Crawlspace Air Gas to Indoor Air Measured Deep (8 — the Water Table Groundwater Hazard Index Concentration Attenuation 10 ft bgs) Soil Gas Obeys Henry's Law Concentratio Chemical Risk Level by by Factor = 0.01 Concentration by n R=10-5,HI=1 Acetone 6 R=10',HI=1 f 50 _< 5.88 15,000 5114 220,000 :546 R = 10"5, HI = 1 0.22 22 Chloroform ND <_ 5.78 80 <_ 0.74 R = 10 HI = 1 0.022 2.2 Dibromochloro- R = 10-5 HI = 1 0.12 12 32 methane ND ND 5 0.38 R = 10-6 HI = 1 0.012 1.2 3 2 Cis 1,2- R = 10, HI = 1 8.8 ND 880 ND 210 <_ 0.54 R = 10-6, HI = 1 Dichloroethene 1,1,2,2- R = 10-5 HI = 1 0..061 ND 6.1 ND 30 Trichloroethane (MDL = 0.034 (0.034 _< MDL <_ 0.34) < 310 — R = 10"6, HI = 1 0.0061 0.61 3.0 R = 10-5 HI = 1 1.2 120 11 Tetrachlorethene 0.192 _< 1.13 < 2 R = 10-6 HI = 1 0.12 12 5 R = 10-5, HI = 1 0.041 ND .1 4.1 ND 5 5 29 R = 10 6, HI = 1 0.0041 0.41 Note: bgs = below ground surface; ft.= feet; HI = Hazard Index; MDL = Minimum Detection Level; ND = Non -detect; ppbv = parts per billion (volume); R = Risk Level; µg/L = micrograms per liter Results 95%. Detect, Min._ Max.- Average ' 1(JCL of Station Anal to Limit Detect. Detect: Result Mean at Max: NC SWS . HIiCOPC?a Justification: Volatile Organic Compounds (µg/L) . . 1 1 -Tetrachloroethane 6/6 1.4- 12 4.9 8.2 SWS10. 4 Yes Max. detect. > NC. SWS Chloromethane - 3/6 0.6 3 . - 1.2 2.0. _ . SWS6.. 96 .. No .. Max. detect: <NC SWS. ". Tetrachloroethene 4/6 0:2 . 0:5 0:38 0:49 SWS6. 3:3 No Max: detect: <NC SWS- toluene 2/6 0.4 0.1 0.52 0.60 SWS10 11- _ No Max. detect:.<NC SWS Trichloroethene 4/6 0.2 0.6 0.43 0.55 SWS10 30. No Max. detect. <NC SWS cis7-1,2-Di6hloroethene 2/6 .'. .0.2-. .. 0.4, 0.43 :=. - 0:53 ...1. SWS4. 'I 4,900.. . No My x_detect. <NC SWS ... Ma1hrnnk Trlhutarv. .. - 11 2 2-Tetrachloroethane . 5/6 0.7 59.6 21 _ . 40 SWS14 4 Yes Max. detect. >'NC SWS Acetone 1/6 11 11 15 24 '. SWS2. 2,000 No Max. detect. <.NC SWS Chloroform 1/6 0.2 0.2 0.70 0.98 SWSH 5.7 No Max. detect. <.NC.SWS Chloromethane 2/6 1.9 2.9 1A . - .2.1 SWS11 96 No Max. detect: <NC SWS Trichloroethene 3/6 1.6 ' 5.9 2:0 3.6 SWS14. 30 No Max: detect:.-5 NC SWS . Vinyl chloride 1/6 0.4 0.4 0.90 . 1.1 SWS2. 2A No. . Max.. detect. <NC SWS cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1/6 0.7 0.7 078 0.98 S.WS2 4,900 No .Max. detect. <NC SWS trans-.1,2-Dichloroethene 1/6 0.4 0.4. 0.73. - 0.97, SWS2 10,000 No Max. detect. <NC SWS' This table summarizes data from the REI and.was-updated only to reflect the most. current North Carolina surface water standards. March 2006 surface water sampling results are summarized in Appendix F but do not change conclusions.about surface water HHCOPCs: Constituents whose.maximum detected concentrations.are larger than'their NC SWSs. are surface water HHCOPCs;,constituents without NC.SWSs are also retained as surface.water HHCOPCs. NC = North Carolina. HHCOPC Human health constituent, of potential, concern. SWS = Surface water'standard. UCL =Upper confidence limit. Bold indicates HHCOPCs. Italics indicates where detection limits resulted in'average values greater than the maximum detect value. Tahla 1-7- rmmnarican of CRC' in Cnhenrfaee Cnil to Nnrth. r..arnlinn CST:c_ SWMiT 1113 Anal te. Results >. Detection_ Limit Minimum Detect . Maximu m Detect : Station at Max. NC HWS SSL Mai Detect• >NC. SSL Detects > SSL: CMCOPC? Justification Volatile Or anic Cout ounds rn lk 11-Tetrachloroethane 2/33 0:0029 0.023 103894 0.00095 Yes . 2/33 . Yes Max. detect>=NC SSL 2-Butanone 7/33 010017 0.078 4PH41 0.692 No 0/33 No Max: detect <NC SSL; 4-Meth l-2- entanone. 5/33 0.0014 - 0.0027:- 4P942 2.28. No.. 0/33' No Max: detect<NC SSL Acetone 17/33 : 0:0056 0.079- MW-23 2.911 No.: 0%33 -No. : Max: detect <NC SSL Benzene 3/33 .: OA001 .0.636 4PH40 0.00562 Yes .. 1/33 :. Yes. Max: detect >=NC SSL Carbon Disulfide 6/33 . .0.0019 0.0057 . 4PH43 .. 4.94 . No :. 0%33 .'... No .. Max: detect < NCSSL Chloroform . 4/33 .. 0'.00051 - : 0.044 . 4PH41 0.00101 - Yes 1/33' Yes.. Mai: detect >=NC SSL Eth lbenzene- 5/33 - . '0.00034 : 11 .103SB-8-. 0.241. Yes- : .2/33 Yes- Max: detect>=NC SSL Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether MTBE 5/19 0.0014 0.014 IW-2 None No SSL No No. SSL Meth lene Chloride 9/32 0.00067 0.0016 MW-49 0.022 No 0/32 No ... Max: detect <NC SSL S rene 1133 0.35 0.35 4PH40 2.24 No 0/33 No Max. detect <NC SSL Toluene 8/33 0.0002 3.7 103SB-8 7.27 No 0/33 No. Max..detect <NC SSL Trichloroethene 2/33- 0.'002 0.0051 MW-11 0.0183 No 0/33 No. Max. detect <NC SSL X lens total 6/33' 0.0006 69 103SB68 4.96 Yes 2/33- Yes. Max. detect>=NC SSL Seneivoladle Organics Compounds sn: 7k ) 2-Meth Ina hthalene 3/33. 0.59 2.1 . 4PH43 3.45 No 0/33 No . Max. detect <NC SSL Acena hthene 2/33' 0.1 0.16. 103SB-8 8.16 No 0/33 - No Max: detect <NC SSL Anthracene 1/32. 0.12 0.12. 103SB-8 - ... 995. No 0/32 . No Max. detect <NC SSL Benz a anthracene 1/33.. 0.021 .: 0:021 4PH40. - 0.358 No .--.. :0/33. No Max. detect <NC SSL 13enzo a rene .1/32.'- 0.019 0.019 4PH40. 0.0911.. No 0/32 No - Max: detect'<NC SSL Benzo b fluoranthene 1/32 0.033 0.033 4PH40 1.16 No 0/32. No Max: detect'<NC SSL Bis 2-eth the I hthalate 6/33 . - 0.031 0.067, 4PH46 6.67 No 0/33 No Max: detect <NC SSL Chrysdrie 1/33 , 0.028 . -0.028. - 4PH40. 39.8 No.0/33'. No'- . -. : Max: detect<NC SSL Di-X-butyl phthalate 3/33 . 0.021 0.048. MW-36 '. 24.8 No . -0/33 No Max. detect <NC SSL Dibenzofuran 1/33:. 0.091 0..091. 4PH43 4.66 No . 0/33 . - No Max. detect <NC SSL Table 3-7. Comparison of Site -Related Contaminant in Subsurface Soil to North Carolina SSLs, SWA U 103 (continued) Anal to Results > Detection Limit Minimum Detect Maximum Detect Station at Max. NC HWS SSL Max Detect >NC SSL Detects > SSL CMCOPC ? Justification Fluoranthene 1/33 0.048 0.048 4PH40 276 No 0/33 No Max. detect <NC SSL Fluorene 2/33 0.18 0.21 103SB-8 44.3 No 0/33 No Max. detect <NC SSL Naphthalene 3/33 0.073 0.26 4PH43 0.585 No 0/33 No Max. detect <NC SSL Phenanthrene 3/33 0.031 0.45 103SB-8 59.6 No 0/33 No Max. detect <NC SSL Pyrene 3/33 0.038 0.062 103SB-8 286 No 0/33 No Max. detect <NC SSL CMCOPC = Contaminant migration of contaminant of potential concern. HWS = Hazardous waste section. NC = North Carolina. SRC = Site -related constituent. SSL = Soil screening level. SWMU = Solid waste management unit. Table 3-8. Natural Attenuation Time to Multiple Target Groundwater Concentrations at SWMU 103 Target Concentration Total Mass Percentage of total Mass % MNA (years) Baseline a 0.17 b 77.56 100 60 1.0 c 77.53 99.96 44 4 d 77.29 99.64 33 5 e 77.18 99.50 30 a. Assumed biological half-life (tin) = 7.9 years. This is not site -specific, but it is based on conservative literature values; therefore, the results should be used with caution. b. Target concentration equals the North Carolina 2L standard for groundwater. c. Target concentration equals= the analytical detection level. d. Target concentration equals the North Carolina surface water standard for 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane for surface water. e. Target concentration equals the groundwater concentration of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane being detected in deep surficial groundwater at the background location (MW27). r�� Table 3-9 HRl^nPC'c in Grnnndwater and Surface Water at SWMU 103 Groundwater Surface Water Anal to Max. Cone. in GW GW Location Anal to Max. Cone. in Beaver Creek Surface Water Beaver Creek Surface Water Location Max. Cone. in the Holbrook Tributary Surface Water Holbrook Tributary Surface Water Location Volatile Organic Com ounds /L Chloroform 82 MW22 1,1,2,2 Tetrachloroethane 12 SWS10 59.6 SWS14 Chloromethane 6.9 MW6 1,1,2,2 Tetrachloroethane 660 MW23 Tetrachloroethene 3.2 MW12 Trichloroethene 78 IW2 Conc. = Concentration. GW = Groundwater. HHCOPC = Human health constituent of potential concern. Max. = Maximum. SWMU = Solid waste management unit. IV/ i Table 3-10. Recommended RGOs for Potable Use of Groundwater. SWMU 103 Maximum North Concentration Carolina 2L in or U"C Recommended Anal to Groundwater Standard RGO COC Justification Volatile Organic Compounds (uvIL) Chloroform 82 70 70 Yes Max. detect > RGO Chloromethane 6.9 2.6 2.6 Yes Max. detect > RGO Tetrachloroethene 3.2 0.7 0.7 Yes Max. detect > RGO 1 1 -Tetrachloroethane 660 0.17 0.17 Yes Max. detect > RGO Trichloroethene 78 2.8 2.8 Yes Max. detect > RGO COC = Constituent of concern. IMAC =Interim maximum acceptable concentration. RGO =Remedial goal option. SWMU = Solid waste management unit. Bold indicates COC requiring corrective action. M Tahl a '2-1 I ilptPrminatinn of [' r, and Reenmmended RGOs for Surface Water. SWMU 103 Beaver Holbrook Maximum Creek Holbrook Tributary Detect in Surface Tributary Surface Beaver Water Surface Water Recommended Analyte Creek Location Water Location NCSWS RGO COC Justification Volatile Organic Compounds (µg/L) 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane 12 SWS10 59.6 SWS14 4 4 Yes Max. detect> RGO COC = Constituent of concern. NC = North Carolina. ND = Not detected RGO = Remedial goal option. SWMU = Solid waste management unit. SWS = Surface water standard. Bold indicates final COC. r 1 Table 4-1 Recommended Remedial Levels for COCs in Groundwater and Surface Water at SWAM 103 Anal to Maximum Concentration Recommended Remedial Level Groundwater Volatile Organic Compounds (µg/L) Chloroform 82 70 Chloromethane 6.9 2.6 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 660 0.17 Tetrachloroethene 3.2 0.7 Trichloroethene 78 2.8 Surface Water Volatile Organic Compounds (µg/L) 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 59.6 4 COC --'Constituent of concern. SWMU = Solid waste management unit. ��1 Table 5-1. Evaluation of Corrective Action Technologies/Process Options for Groundwater, SWMU 103 Action Description Effectiveness Implementability Cost Further Evaluation No Action The no action option provides This alternative would not This alternative is implementable There would be no Eliminated a baseline against which other address remedial response because no actions are involved. cost associated from further process options/technologies objectives for the site. It with the no action evaluation can be compared. Groundwater would not provide protection alternative and surface water would be left of human health because there "as is" without any removal, would not be sufficient treatment or other mitigating controls to prevent inadvertent actions to reduce existing or human exposure to potential future risks to human contaminated water. health and the environment No monitoring would be performed to assess the future levels of contamination or trends. Institutional Land and groundwater -use Land- and groundwater -use Institutional controls are The cost would Retained controls restrictions reduce hazards by restrictions would effective and implementable. The property is be low. for further limiting access to contaminated provide long-term reliability to part of a federal installation and evaluation. areas or media. Access can prevent inadvertent human is expected to be retained by the also be physically restricted exposure to groundwater. Use federal government for the through use of barriers restrictions will prevent use of indefinite future. As such, land - (fences). Land- and contaminated groundwater for and groundwater -use restrictions groundwater -use restrictions drinking water or irrigation. would be implemented as are implemented through the Land- and groundwater -use specified in the facility BMP. BMP. restrictions would be documented and implemented Existing fencing and warning at Fort Bragg through the signs could be repaired/upgraded BMP. and new fencing could be installed to prevent contact with surface water. Table 5-1. Evaluation of Corrective Action Technologies/Process Options for Groundwater, SWMU 103 (Continued) Action Description Effectiveness Implementability Cost Further Evaluation MNA MNA is the reduction in the This technology has been Technologies and resources are MNA is relatively Retained for concentration and mass of proven effective and provides readily available for collection inexpensive further contaminants through naturally long-term reliability with and analysis of groundwater. A evaluation occurring processes. respect to VOCs. network of groundwater monitoring wells presently exists Monitoring would provide an at the site. effective method for evaluating the variation of constituent concentrations in groundwater over time Phytoremediation Use of plants to remove, This emerging technology has Resources are readily available Phytoremediation Eliminated degrade, or contain chemical been proven effective for for the installation of a is relatively from further contaminants found in soil and chlorinated compounds; phytoremediation network. inexpensive evaluation groundwater however, the hydraulic uptake Existing hardwoods limit the is drastically reduced during number of phreatophytic trees winter months when the that could be emplaced at the site. plant/trees are dormant. Phytoremediation would not be effective for the entire plume because the depth of contamination in portions of the plume is deeper than that which phytoremediation has been found to be effective. Table 5-1..Evaluation of Corrective Action Technologies/Process Options for Groundwater, SWAIU 103 (Continued) Action Description Effectiveness hnplementability Cost Further Evaluation PRB Trenches excavated PRBs using zero-valent iron is PRBs at the SWMU 103 will be PRBs can be Eliminated perpendicular to the a passive in -situ treatment that difficult to implement due to the relatively from further groundwater flow path and has been effective in treating large size of the plume and the expensive due to evaluation backfilled with a reactive chlorinated solvents numerous underground utilities in extreme medium. As the contaminants contamination in groundwater. the area. It would difficult or fluctuations in the pass through the walls, the However, due to the size of the impossible not to impact price of iron. contaminants are removed groundwater plume and the Holbrook Elementary School depth of contamination on during construction of a PRB. certain areas, PRBs alone would not be effective for entire plume treatment Pumping and A series of groundwater Pump -and -treat is an effective Pump -and -treat will be difficult Pump -and -treat has Retained for Ex -Situ Treatment extraction wells manifolded method for treating limited to implement at the SWMU 103 a high cost and further of Groundwater together, or a series of plumes. Activated carbon and site due to the large size of the long term evaluation subsurface drains, remove air stripping treatment plume and the large number of operational costs, groundwater for above -ground technologies are effective for extraction wells required. A but a system treatment treating chlorinated solvents in limited system, to intercept and designed to protect groundwater treat contaminated groundwater surface water could prior to its discharge to surface have a limited life water, may be implementable, cycle. but will be logistically challenging to install around the school. Table 5-1. Evaluation of Corrective Action Technologies/Process Options for Groundwater, SWMU 103 (Continued) Action Description Effectiveness Implementability Cost Further Evaluation Air Sparging Air is injected into the Air sparging has been found Air sparging will be difficult to Air sparging has a Eliminated groundwater through injection effective for removing VOCs implement at the SWMU 103 site medium to high from further wells where the air then in groundwater. Containment due to the large size of the plume cost and medium evaluation volatilizes and strips VOCs and capture of the vapors is the and the large number of term operational from the groundwater problematic around structures. extraction wells required for costs Containment and capture of the vapor containment/control. In vapors can be effected by addition the manifolding and heterogeneities in the piping of the wells to a central subsurface that create treatment system would prove preferential flow paths for difficult vapors (i.e., highly permeable sand lenses, clay lenses, buried utilities). Some uncertainty is associated with potential mobilization (short-circuiting) of vapors potentially causing increased vapor intrusion in buildings In -Situ Chemical An oxidant and catalyst is Chemical oxidation is not very Multiple injections would be Costs for chemical Eliminated Oxidation (ISCO) injected into the groundwater effective at remediation of required given the relatively low oxidation are from further through injection wells to chlorinated alkanes. The concentration in groundwater. relatively high evaluation degrade the chlorinated predominant contaminant at Typically, chemical oxidation is compounds. the SWMU 103 site is 1,1,2,2- used to treat higher concentrated tetrachloroethane, a chlorinated source areas rather than low- alkane. concentration plumes. Higher quantities and longer residence times would be required to treat chlorinated-alkanecontaminated groundwater Table 5-1. Evaluation of Corrective Action Technologies/Process Options for Groundwater, SWMU 103 (Continued) Action Description Effectiveness Implementability Cost Further Evaluation Enhanced Anaerobic microorganisms Proven effective for Readily implementable at the Costs for reductive Retained for Bioremediation substitute hydrogen for remediation of chlorinated SWMU 103 by injecting carbon dechlorination are further using Anaerobic chlorine on the chlorinated compounds in anaerobic substrate (vegetable oil) in the moderate evaluation Reductive solvent environments. The SWMU 103 source area near the interface of Dechlorination site exhibits highly aerobic the Cape Fear clay formation to conditions that will have to be reduce VOC flux to groundwater. overcome for this approach to be successful. Enhanced Aerobic blend of bacteria Bench scale and pilot study Enhanced bioremediation using Costs for aerobic Eliminated Bioremediation specifically for remediation of tests were performed to cometabolic mechanism is bacteria, repeated from further Using Cometabolic chlorinated solvent evaluate the effectiveness of implementable at the SWMU 103 carbon substrate evaluation Mechanism contamination is injected into the cometabolic mechanism site. Aerobic conditions need to and oxygen.., the groundwater through using a representative aerobic be maintained; therefore, injections are injection wells. Aerobic bacteria and the substrate additional oxygen must be added relatively high bacteria have been shown to dextrose at the conditions degrade CVOCs through found at the SWMU 103 site. cometabolic pathway that Although some biodegradation requires a primary substrate was observed, concentrations (dextrose) under aerobic rapidly rebounded. Soluble conditions substrates such as dextrose will not remain at contaminant source, repeated injections would be required. Monitoring Monitoring of groundwater, Monitoring would provide an Technologies and resources are Monitoring is Retained for and soil gas, could be effective method for, evaluating readily available for collection relatively remediation performed to provide the variation of constituent and analysis of groundwater, and inexpensive, but monitoring information concerning trends concentrations in groundwater soil gas samples costs add up over combined associated with the and soil gas over time and the time. with other concentrations of constituents performance of a corrective technologies over time action Table 5-2 'Pualnatinn of ('.nrrPetive Action Technnlnaiec/Prncecc nntians far Surface Water. SWIVIU 103 Action Description Effectiveness Implementability Cost Further Evaluation No Action The no action option provides a This alternative would not address This alternative is There would be Eliminated baseline against which other process remedial response objectives for implementable because no no cost from further options/technologies can be the site. It would not provide actions are involved. associated with evaluation compared. Surface water would be protection of human health the no action left "as is" without any removal, because there would not be alternative treatment or other mitigating actions sufficient controls to prevent to reduce existing or potential future inadvertent human exposure to risks to human health and the contaminated surface water. environment No monitoring would be performed to assess the future levels of contamination or trends. Institutional Institutional controls consisting of Land -use restrictions would be Institutional controls would The cost would Retained for controls land -use controls and administrative partially effective with respect to be readily implementable. be low further controls would be instituted. Land- preventing inadvertent human The property will remain evaluation use restrictions would reduce exposure to surface waters. under federal ownership for potential hazards by limiting Fencing would prevent contact of the foreseeable future. inadvertent human exposure to surface water to nearby residents Enforcement through the contaminated surface water. and children. The BMP is an BMP is implementable Contaminated surface water is effective tool for ensuring because procedures and located near Holbrook Elementary establishment of land -use policies are in place at Fort School and residential areas; restrictions because requirements Bragg to facilitate its therefore, institutional controls will of the BMP are enforced by Fort implementation need to include physical controls (i.e., Bragg in accordance with written fencing) and administrative controls policies and procedures. Physical barriers could also (i.e., signs) to prevent potential be easily implemented, if exposure to residents, specifically Warning signs would inform necessary children. Landuse restrictions would persons of the potential be enforced through the BMP contaminated surface water along Beaver Creek and Holbrook tributary, thus reducing potential exposure and risk to humans Table 5-2 (Continued) Evaluation of Corrective Action Technoloeies/Process ODtions for Surface Water. SWMU 103 Action Description Effectiveness Implementability Cost Further Evaluation Ex -situ A variety of ex -situ water treatment Activated carbon and air stripping Variable flow (e.g., High, due to Not retained Treatment: technologies are available to treat would be effective at treating stormwater versus dry uncertainty in due to Activated VOCs in surface water. The most VOCs in surface water summer conditions, etc) in design and O&M implement - Carbon and Air applicable and representative of Holbrook tributary and costs ability and high Stripping potential technologies are air quality of surface water (i.e., cost stripping and activated carbon. particulates in surface water Surface water in the Holbrook are uncertainties in the tributary would be diverted to implementability of the ex - treatment processes where package situ units). Units may require treatment unit would treat the water. an equalization basin to O&M would be required for either equalize variable flows and system pretreatment to remove solids. High natural organic carbon in surface water (> 3 ppm) will consume activated carbon capacity. No utilities are present at the location, thus the treatment units would likely be installed. O&M will be required In -situ In -stream aeration/volatilization Level of effectiveness varies for Most aeration/volatilization Simple systems Step -wise Technologies and technologies for removing VOCs in the different technologies. Some techniques are implementable have low cost. implementation Process Options: surface water are low -technology (boulders, drop structures) are in Holbrook tributary Costs of in -stream Aeration / systems that facilitate gas transfer, dependent on flow and elevation progressively aeration/ Volatilization thus resulting in the volatilization of change in the Holbrook tributary. increase as more volatilization the VOCs to the atmosphere. These active systems systems are systems can range from simply (air sparging, retained for installing small boulders in the fountains) are further streambed to cause increased employed. evaluation. agitation, to installing active systems such as air sparging or fountains to more aggressively facilitate gas transfer. Prudent approach would be step -wise implementation starting Table 5-2 (Continued) Evaluation of Corrective Action Technologies/Process Options for Surface Water, SWMU 103 Action Description Effectiveness Implementability Cost Further Evaluation with simple systems and progressing to more -active systems until a technology can be found that will meet surface water standards. In -situ Wetlands would use native wetland Literature indicates that A constructed wetlands Constructed Not retained Technologies and plants to remove, degrade, or adsorb applications to date are not require only standard wetlands are due to Process Options: chemical VOC contaminants found in typically used for treatment of technology to build, however, relatively implement - Constructed surface water. Native wetland plants VOCs in surface water. Example limited space is available inexpensive ability Wetlands would be planted in either a of applications include treated near the confluence of the concerns and submerged or overflow system sewage wastewater, stormwater, Holbrook tributary and uncertainty of located within the existing channel of acid mine drainage, and Beaver Creek may be its application the Holbrook tributary. agricultural runoff. Theoretically, limiting wetlands would be as successful for the treatment of VOCs. However, to date, wetland plants have not been specifically evaluated for VOC removal In -situ Biological mats, containing organic This technology has been used Biological mats could be Moderate Not retained Technologies and material and bacteria capable of successfully at Aberdeen Proving installed, but conditions due to Process Options: biodegrading dissolved solvent Ground for 1,1,2,2- cannot be maintained to keep effectiveness Biological Mats contaminants, would be placed in the tetrachloroethane. However, to be the mats anaerobic. concerns stream -bed to treat contaminated effective, the mats must stay groundwater as it upwells into substantially submerged to surface water. maintain anaerobic conditions. Water depths in SWMU 103 streams are too shallow to maintain anaerobic conditions. In -situ Holbrook tributary between Encasing Holbrook tributary in an Stream restoration, Moderate to high Not retained Technologies and Doughtery Road and Beaver Creek underground pipe may prevent concreting, or encasement in due to Process Options: would be contoured and either an contaminated groundwater from an underground pipe is effectiveness Stream impermeable liner (i.e., clay, HDPE, intercepting the surface water, but implementable. A concerns Restoration / concrete, etc.) would be installed or contaminated groundwater would topographic survey of Segregation Holbrook tributary would be encased simply be diverted to Beaver Holbrook tributary and in a pipe to prevent groundwater Creek. No net benefit would be adjacent area would be from intercepting surface water in the I achieved. I needed and stormwater Table 5-2 (Continued) Evaluation of Corrective Action Technologies/Process Options for Surface Water, SWMU 103 Action Description Effectiveness Implementability Cost Further Evaluation Holbrook tributary requirements would have to be determined to develop final design. Less uncertainty associated with encasement in pipe, which allows more usable recreational land in the area. Fort Bragg DPW indicated drainage ditches similar to Holbrook tributary have been concreted to prevent erosion Monitoring Monitoring of surface water could be Monitoring would provide an Technologies and resources Monitoring is Retained for performed to provide information effective method for evaluating are readily available for relatively remediation concerning trends associated with the the variation of constituent collection and analysis of inexpensive monitoring concentrations of constituents over concentrations in surface water surface water samples combined with time over time and the performance of other a corrective action technologies BMP = Base Management Plan. DPW = Directorate of Public Works. HDPE = High -density polyethylene. O&M = Operations and maintenance. SWMU = Solid waste management unit. VOC = Volatile organic compound. Table 5-3. Cost Comparision of Remedial Alternatives for SWMU 103 Alternative 1: MNA, Engineered Aeration/Volatilization of Surface Water, Institutional Controls, and Monitoring Captial Costs: Mobilization and Plans $182,000 Remediation (Construction & active operations) $479,000 $661,000 O&M Costs (monitoring): Unit Cost Events Cost First Year Monitoring/Reporting $114,550 1 $114,550 Year 2 - 6 Monitoring/Reporting $53,500 5 $267,500 Year 7- 16 Monitoring/Reporting $43,500 29 $1,261,500 Year 17 - 60 Monitoring/Reporting $32,000 25 $800,000 5 Year Reviews $16,300 12 $195,600 $2,639,150 Total: $3,300,150 Alternative 2: Source Area Treatment Using Enhanced Bioremediation, MNA, Engineered Aeration/Volatilization of Surface Water, Institutional Controls, and Monitoring Captial Costs: Mobilization and Plans $182,000 Remediation (Construction & active operations) $779,000 $961,000 O&M Costs (monitoring): Unit Cost Events Cost First Year Monitoring/Reporting $114,550 1 $114,550 Year 2 - 6 Monitoring/Reporting $53,500 5 $267,500 Year 7- 10 Monitoring/Reporting $43,500 19 $826,500 Year 11 - 60 Monitoring/Reporting $32,000 35 $1,120,000 5 Year Reviews $16,300 12 $195,600 $2, 524,150 Total: $3,485,150 Alternative 3: Source Area Treatment Using Enhanced Bioremediation, MNA, Pump -and - Treat Contaminated Groundwater to Protect Surface Water, Institutional Controls, and Monitoring Captial Costs: Mobilization and Plans $182,000 Remediation (Construction & active operations) $1,077,950 $1,259,950 O&M Costs (monitoring): Unit Cost Events Cost First Year Monitoring/Reporting $114,550 1 $114,550 Year 2 - 6 Monitoring/Reporting $53,500 5 $267,500 Year 7- 10 Monitoring/Reporting $43,500 19 $826,500 Year 11 - 60 Monitoring/Reporting $32,000 35 $1,120,000 5 Year Reviews $16,300 12 $195,600 $2, 524,150 Total: $3,784,100 J- a nced contaminated Alternative -I!. MNA, _Engitstitutional Criterion Surface.Water; Institution' Short.? Perm Low potential of exposure tjtndwater to human Effectiveness environment during installal°f the interceptor- (Workers, monitoring events. (brook Elementary Community, and iciently far enough I Elementary Environment) .�ntation is iygineered bacteria. Implementability Institutional controls and.m'NPDES permits water)'are readily implemeitund injection surface water approaches fi Irceptor trenches concerns.. -; . Cost Capital Cost =. $661,000- .. O&M (monitoring) Total Cost = $3,300,150 .. BMP = Base Management Plan. - COC = Constituent -of concern. CY = Calendar year. MNA = Monitored natural attenuation. UIC = Underground Injection Control. VOC = Volatile organic compound. 5-4 Groundwater and Surface Water by Evaluation Criteria Alternative 3: Source Treatment with Enhanced ent with Enhanced Bioremediation, MNA, Pump -and -Treat Contaminated eered Aeration/Volatilization of Groundwater to Protect Surface Water, Institutional �ontrols, and Monitoring Controls, and Monitoring zal controls (fencing and signs) Risk reduced through institutional controls (fencing and signs) nated groundwater and surface preventing exposure to contaminated groundwater and surface in will reduce source flux and water. Enhanced bioremediation will reduce source flux and in groundwater and eventually therefore overall concentrations in groundwater and eventually for removes VOCs in surface water. surface water. Interceptor trenches will remove and treat rm overall protection contaminated groundwater prior to discharge to surface water. Monitoring and reporting confirm overall protection )undwater cleanup standards are Modeling has estimated that groundwater cleanup standards are om CY 2005. Enhanced attained by MNA in 60 years from CY 2005. Enhanced zndwater concentrations and result bioremediation will reduce groundwater concentrations and rds in approximately 25 years. result in meeting surface water standards in approximately 25 on will ensure compliance with years. Interceptor trenches will protect surface water in the ation near Knox Street in the interim. o presently identified at SWMU 103 No remaining primary source is presently identified at SWMU iremediation targets the interface of 103 for groundwater. Enhanced bioremediation targets the ape Fear formation clays, which is interface of the surficial aquifer with the Cape Fear formation 'groundwater contamination. clays, which is conceptualized as the source of groundwater ilso ultimately reduce contamination contamination. Enhanced bioremediation will also ultimately ater. reduce contamination of surface water from groundwater. The interceptor trenches will protect surface water in the interim. regulations. UIC permit required Complies with state and federal regulations. UIC permit hanced bioremediation. Engineered required for injection of materials for enhanced bioremediation. :s from surface water may require a NPDES permit needed for discharge of treated groundwater to �orps of Engineers. surface water. i lent on institutional controls Long-term effectiveness dependent on institutional controls restricting groundwater use and implemented through the BMP restricting groundwater use and -. Groundwater is not presently used limiting access to surface water. Groundwater is not presently water monitoring will assure used or expected to be used. Groundwater monitoring will are reducing by natural attenuation assure concentrations in groundwater are reducing by natural Engineered volatilization will attenuation and enhanced bioremediation. Interceptor trenches ter. will protect surface water until groundwater concentrations are reduced. toxicity of COCs in groundwater, Natural attenuation will reduce toxicity of COCs in rovide active treatment to decrease groundwater, and enhanced bioremediation provide active ;lay into the aquifer. Engineered treatment to decrease the flux of contaminants from clay into the tream surface water. aquifer. Interceptor trenches will protect surface water until groundwater concentrations are reduced. FIGURES S:\ES\Remed\745446 Fort Bragg PBC\30010 SWMU-103\Final CMS\Final Version\103 CMS Final Text 070820.doc THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANIC NORTH CAROLING\�BJa J . ..: 'HAkNET1`: COUNTY . MOORE .. COUNTY .POPE Spring. � "7- . . �- .. AF13 Lake Southern=N- s MVIW...,'. - ,r Pine 103 i Fear. River SAMPSON COUNTY' FayotteviU© Rockfish 1 `- Creek \ . 1 ' -: Rockfish �. \ - \ Creek .l Raeford . •� HOKE ,/- , C / \ cope COUNTY RiverCUMBERLAND,` N �• .-COUTY Note: Modified from WdS igg5 written conimunicaOns..' G05 0250¢ 0 5 10 SCALE IN MILES Figure Site Location Map foi.Forrt Bragg MilitaO-Rescrvatioee N_ N 350 E . 35° THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. I oROAD 20n Q" .. 2�� e✓m,�r7 n �0 1 4 DANARL• Q o V'2OCJ oRry r �• a �B PARKNG D r L . 9� 200 d I 1 5 0 0 195n 9. uzzz -90 ... WE , � 190ff r I 195 po teal Q GrOsO� PLACE RUC R.. \ 4a o c R 3,0�d i }`'V' � Q B T 17 - [ ►� 0 1(►.��7 LEQMs U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT ASPHALT ROAD CORPS OF ENGINEERS . . . RAILROAD " TRACKS' " • SAVANNAH, GEORGIA — - -— ........:....:... SURFACE. WATER- FEATURE US.AW EKWZM DISTRICT m ............ SHALLOWMONITORING "WELL: LOCATION"�') CORPS OF ENGNEERS ®.............. ._..DEEP MONITORING.'WELL-LOCATION , SAVANXM.GEORGIA m ..........INTERMEDIATE' MONITORING _WELL. LOCATION " ;I CLAY (CAPE"FEAR FORMATION). 0. - . ....... DEEP : SOIL BORING I (188.34) ........ ...• ... ELEVATION .OF-, CLAY. FT AMSL.- -{, CONTOUR MAP FOR SWMU 103 TOP OF. CAPE FEAR FORMATION- FORT BRAGG, NORTH CAROLINA ................. CLAY". CONTOUR (5-FT. INTERVAL), REVISED BOUNDARY: OF SWMU 5 - DRAWN BY: I REV. NOJDATE: CAD FILE: e.........'.:AS IDENTIFIED-IN,RFI(USGS .1996a).' R.BEELER 0%11-29-05 /99004/DGN/B80_103CLAY-01.DGN I - i I I t I NALLY LEFT BLANK PARKIP PARKING ROW - . Q - PARKING P PARKING ■ 6 0 �B V e PARKINGcvp o lO e El n I PARKING El I a A 0 b o 0 PARKING / i O o — o PARKING O o —Ro d� PARKING I mil/ ALL AMERICAN FR� EEW - \Q PARKIN o� Ida � - 4UBBERNAi s _ NONEYCU7T .ROW _ .O n � ED /Q R a LEGEND:... l U.S. ARMY_ ENGINEER,. DISTRICT m. ........... .. SHALLOW. MONITORING W. i. N CORPS OF ENGINEERS_ ®. ......... DEEP MONITORING=Wfi SAVANNAH; GEORGIA . .I - CORPSE OF ERS�PoCi - - m ..................INTERMEDIATE MONITORING W( SAVANNAENGINEER I,GEORGIA _ _ _ — :-suRFacE wA POTENTIOMETRIC SURFACE MAP ....BOUNDARY .OF -SWMU 5 AS. IDENTIFIED. -IN RF FOR DEEP GROUNDWATER AT . .: • SWMU 103 AND :FORMER . HEATING=01L U� SWMU 103 AND VICINITY (APRIL 2005) ...... BOUNDARY FORT BRAGG, NORTH CAROLINA �1.. POTENTIOMETRIC SURFACE. CONTOUR ' (2-� DRAWN BY: REV. ND./DATE: CAD FILE: .:.:....::.......... DIRECTION .OF GROUND . R. REELER 0/11-21-05 1 /99004/DGN/BBO_103DEEP=01. l i �El ❑ (BACKGROUND LOCATION) - O Z�fl c a j Y y�• O f� .l ]. O PM NG PARK Q Mw to 3� fVy// LS " �� 2 35. - ^ ° 236 0� ROM _ / 6 HONEYLUtT PARKING P 6 • C1 W-8 _� /m ' ..PARKING ✓ a C� swmU 3 MY, w,7 -j FOiRMER HEATING- r"rJ`" GABU �g PARKwc.0 O °" U o MW 47 46 Mw693 445 MW-4 C� C 5.4 �� o �� a �" o o L� 2 [� c � �m o o go LLL 0 11tJ� but 111]]] r� c o 0 P C v q HARP Il 13 PARKING MW=357 CD s"'� B �(o 0 -42 a l! . e m - Q, 216.81 211.1 w-3 215.8 > 0 L? 659 1('� PARIGNIG \ /l HOLBROOK p 6 .�"�Q Q p "� q ELEMENTARY SCHOOL •p �o:� , �� os EHA4 �• en \ , 10.3. �Mw-1 �� oo �> �fl 9„*QIM„ C�. A 1 rib a No C MV!-19 209. 0 oQ d �A �B S OP C��(A7] REEA 08�T�REET a O O pCr b A 10 �ll[I" �41 a b 4 RMER�[ O 4 P II C.7. \a PARKING o O �p DO ca co 4q �a ! 4 Q�° —� O p p )p Ip1 d. 209 4` 6 Q o " qp Q b\� �jtd ? b . PARKING y aO� aTwnsoNP aO.SNO O�Qp alp �`�i/� 4i`�Q:�(/QjQ/Q/5A7�_`{��p, �O 'o R l7 STREET o \ W'- •1� a 200.1 D O O O _.1KR15� p @:+ SO STREET Y\� /t� Q Epp Vi �%\ 4 0 � P,JtKu, Y o p,\Q V' p p Pr DRIVENT U B B O o xw uBBERPL.NAN � - B o s G) ems, = dti O o ' 1 A n� Q 000eamcE R CIRCLEalp \� O� Q �" 1 p aP7 ' 'S� f N•J ' IJ:. ,� Q. I�g11 - v N U-S: "ARMY.. ENGINEER DISTRICT 'OF":ENGINEERS SAVANNAH; GEORGIA U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT- CORPS OF -ENGINEERS ' SAVANNMY GEORGIA POTENTIOMETRIC°SURFACE MAR. FOR SHALLOW- GROUNDWATER AT SWMU:103 AND VICINITY (APRIL 2000) " 0 360 60o FORT BRAGG, NORTH CAROLINA -' _ DRAWN BYs REV. NO DATES CAD FILE: SCALE 1 - 600' R.'BEEI ER-.0/11-21-05. /99004/DGN/B80_1OSSHAL=01 roandwater for SWMU 103 and Vicinity (April 2005) N N J 35° 15' 35' 00' 79' 15' 79' 00' Little River nmm�F nnwnnN •`• Pope umeR.rr Air Force r Base r,dr Cr. •` Ju •. /• AfrANmr V Cr \ '• Drainage ~-✓ n�runrR a udle PnnJ Divide '■■ U p �� �•• C' Drainage ® • • ■ �.� Divide / ® �■■ ■, Bottom �r•—..�■■� .•` c. h7c8orron •10 Ch Bones • 1 RnAf� •` Cr. Cum Rc wrm. Junlr.•r q; C. Amum�oruudmvd` Abu / /• w RorAT.,G Cnrk R..kr `. ortB 99 r ._ Little River SWMU 103 �'^'� -N- / cdEu 9 J .ram O •`T+Ac r d �■� •�• mix" • Kb-b— / &virr LA. pe n� wnd,r Fear Cn River P-d Crm.ilrc Pand 0 5 10 15 Miles 0 5 10;, 15 Kilometers ®lm�em— Drainage Divide ....... Fort Bragg Military Installation Boundary River or Stream Figure 2-8. Surface Water Drainage UM-UZ000 Figare 2-9. Sentinel Wells at Holbrook Elementary School, SWMU 103 Around,the Former Heiting-OiLUSTs at.SWMU 103 I HONE YCUTf ROAD :SWMU 103 U ( FORMER MW_48. . : HEATING-. QIL .USTS 0 � . : SHAR— P DRIVE MW-42 0-350 rl r . cl Z_ aD LEGEND' US. -ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT O .. BUILDING m-SAVANNAH, :CORPS OF: ENGINEERS ...... . ASPHALT ROAD GEORGIA .. ... . GRAVEL --ROAD dAANY DOM OSIFXT. � . ........ ° • : RAILROAD TRACKS. .......... SURFACE WATER FEATURE ...1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE GROUNDWATER MONITORING. ...............::......:.BENZENE WELLS'AT SWMU 103' ..:. TRICHLOROETHENE 0:.... SHALLOW MONITORING, WELL, LOCATION 0, 100 200, FORT BRAGG,. NORTH CAROLINA. . G...::.......DEEP,MONITORING WELL LOCATION S-'{ DRAWN BY:' REV. N0.10ATG CID FLEA' SCALE:, V. ° 200' " .' R.'BEELER 0/04-20-06 199004./DGN/U62_S103_MW-02 Figure 244. ' L®eatious.0AAdditionsd Grtiundwater Samplling (June 2006) at.SWMU 103 e... MVV-23 TCE o--- MW-48 TCE 10. 6-Dec-99 19-Apr-01. 1-Sep-02 14-Jan-04 28-May-05 10-Oct-06: 22-Feb=08 Date { Figure 3=1: 1;1,2;2-Tetrachloroethane and Trichloroethene Concentrations: Groundwater in the SWMU 103 Source Area. I Tetrachloroefhetrachlorom (PCE) Cl Cl /; C—C—CI CI�C C� \ H Trichloroeth a richloroeth, (TCE) .. (TCA) �Cl Cl 4C—C—H CI.CnC�i n �H trans-1,2-D h/oroethene cis-1,2=Di h oroi (trans-l;2-DCE) (cis-1,2-DCI H \C=C�C1 CI�C.=C�I Cl� �H H� Vinyl Chlori _ H \C—C H�. Ethene Icetic Acid C—O—O—H Chloride CI - [oil Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4) . Cl Cl C Cl� Cl Chloroform (CHCl4) H \ ICI C CIS ClI Dich/oromethane (Methylene Chloride) (CH2C/2) CIS /H C H ICI Chloromethane (Methyl Chloride) (CH3CQ H \C� H CIS H G05-0250E ULLY LEFT BLANK y $ �`^' �f 4 11rEh 6 g>'t7TED1T!r;L' t�N`"'• v Q -MW 27 (AOTENTIAI- t ¢ CPSTLE O a,!:!EINCKGROUJUD I OCA ICIN) �4:9 0. GSJ ,, V ' i :• .J m � ". 'C,�_ 1,:1,• ,:2-TET.RACHC:ORQtTHAhIC . B 110 l} CJ\ [] 2112J H EYCUTT: .rIW-21' o o . p ND s9 3:7: s4n�+u'.103 sW1�' 30 ND ROAO r.ul: i 51NMU .1,0$' 41`,=8 090� J HOIdEYCUTT . ' .. ! FQRiGPtR. 'ND oRv �30J *. ' 51Q,.1'. ATIN&- 10VJ — ,,via; S Ts � SW6 Fo a'dr 16.6 C'o= U1 t M iU ND 1s0 0 6so :ri"r a�`, ?nt, 711014 sse Al a5 !`� �W 17.6 14d j 5� IJ, D Qi/—11 1"i-3-'• JG.�DW1 28 9 Gr n {� r, �— A1W 17J 74;'t.'t�s a I u: �SH� CRtV.8 � •I ..' .- n fr� h15'J=35 / . ` AU7E 13 1ns+�r �1rPx' ci a;, SENTINEL. WELLS' FOR . ¢ " a SW 8.7 5 HEATING -OIL UST I h'ti b u Saw .�.z� (MW-.43/MW-44) �Snl x Q 0`MW3 \6,7 U \ V s 22 SENTINEL WELLS' FOR a 0.9-i200' 25.3 �'j.....1 HOLBROOK�'.:SCHOOL .d.'o.d% : t('V4-f e ' '. S 7 (MW-41/MW-42). ,ate: ,o ' 22.9 LBROOK EME'NTARY•> d �c3.p` 9SE.�%� - MURRA �'M7.1 �O1 s 23.9 SCHOOL. Ci PJ PLACE; Q NA\ Y Y.IR CH CtP 1 CPL7. \ w \ vl�'{-.�G'O' Q / t� l (�j►' MC CABER 6.(i 24\ Q O OQ BIS j] •�,� TREET05\ .. 3.5 SW3 iJ�j BSH� Q p O A40 :� \ \ . I - 21.4 'SIRE .0 O ' Q 'v b �� 1 'r - RUCKERQ \' � G W1 19 SW d STREET INO.Q �'ri .\; -32 SOUTHSTREET Q\N -( L 6C /• . SEARIGHT .a n IRVIiN n 0 ^, RIYE',.. LEGEi�: N m:............ SHALLOW MONITORING .WELL. LOCATION .'.............: DEEP. MONITORING WELL LOCATION FIGURE.3-3- -_....'......... SURFACE. PLATER FEATURE ... 1,1,2',2-TETRACHLOROETHANE `""" EXTENT OF GROUNDWATER. ...:................:......:.. BENZENE _.......................:TRICHLOROETHENE AND. SURFACE WATER EkVWLE: . .. ..... .. "''' -' CONTAMINATION. AT 29J'............. :....... 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE 0 250' 50C '00........................ BENZENE too.:...........::.APHTHLENEW SWMU 103' 41............,..................... r TRICHLOROETHENE SCALE: V = 500' Fort Bragg, NC Note: Width of the arrow lndicates Contaminant Concentrations. Source: U.S.%Army Engineer District Corps of Engineers Savannah, Georgia. PARSONS' draw1974586AItema6ve2:cdr ma '7/23107.'Da4' 77, Not to Scale- LEGEND j Mounds -1 Sand solvents and their Clay products r_ Aual chlorinated solvent V Water table 1 surface of clay is/2-methylnaphthalene/BTEX _ Monitoring wall T G05-0250 3D Mode13 4ALLY LEFT BLANK 8 w 4. R ulslf u tr Irr11i! �1.51 tP l! l Rural l LLtr nl h r i /O I&N _7 (POTENTIAL U R. e .COSACKGROUND JOCATION)., �. r V� SPEAR' 0.: 20 500 .. l 0RtQE 5 ��r Of 1,1;2 2-TETRACHLOROETHPi1E sPFMA110� \. SCALE: I" 500' SW14. r Iati1 11` It . P.I1R4:O9MSWMU 103-CUT S�W'l$ ..� O GANAND DRIVfi0N`1l•,=f, M J 1� FORMER !k SW12 c n S HEATING L - 01T US.,fir �. SW71 r 16:6 , � I ND j m a ' ; 4/,5Wi� Id: 4• ` Il14 O 41 UU ;� s I ' �• Q'\ S}tAR _ R7VE' D{21VE . 'W 3 ,�f V ®ii✓?i�tiD9 - `�. u c ,�� 1111 0 16 SW9 p IMw9� :6 8.7 MN 3 IYM1 . °,.� t O Hf OOK .. �. .SWB .ELEMENTARY :� . q d: SCHOOL'tx' Imp .SW'1I � \ Dµr^1\� 22.9�.�Y�,PCACE' \ " i a 6ttlU CP?. y Li �7 d, • 1 �. A+C CAB[ } rtW t9. HOP 23.9 DSIr�� ` b�REET stnr�.. ' p O A ja b'1 Q. c�.o\ �. Dish t� C4 0 \ ` sT 21.4 pRUCKEFZ`! 4 `r. _ 1 1 3 5 � � �• p 0 O /��r>o p��a .,a � C? .� .`Q� Cj q a // ATKPlSOFI.0. � Q STREET � Q O LT� lit M3? SSRTEE Y El 417 5 A i cH. (� ti `- 7 /� �RI�E .. LEGEND:. • 0 ...:.......:.-.. ....:..:::.....BUILDING. _ .. ...:.:....:..'..:. ASPHALT ROAD, .,................,..GRAVEL ROAD. }� ................ RAILROAD TRACKS SURFACE. WATER FEATURE ..:....... 1,1, 2, 2 JE T RAC HLO ROE THANE .........................:.....:..PROPOSED DEEP MONITORING WELL mFIGURE 5.1• , .. TRICHLOP,OETHENE. O3.5r. . USACE SURFACE, WATER :SAMPLE: PCA(ppb) SWMU•1,03,ALTER NATIVE .1'. REMEDY: , :..........SHALLOW MONITORING WELL. LOCATION z .:...... ::;DEEP. MONITORING WELL LOCATION MONITORED NATURAL ALTERNATION ..............:.:' INTERPRETED CONTAMINANT MIGRATION_DIRECTiON : OF GROUNDWATER AND COMBINATION EXISTING FENCING AND SURFACE W TEIt AERATION ENGINEERED AERATION/' VOLATILIZATION OF SURFACE WATER Fort'Pr agg, NC: Note: Width of the arrow indicates Contaminant�Condentrations. PARSONS Source: U.S. Army Engineer District Corps of Engineers, Sayannah, Georgia.: draw1974586AltemaUve l.cdr ma 1123101 pgl 1r 0 250 500 4�f SCALE:1" = 500' SWMU 103 f i r QSwg.. f PdW-22 '' I L J:� `ND 1 p MW -4 td'rJ-5' \` q iMW- �� 1J -trlw 3 ti��! f W :;. s 111wA, ;;l fnl� h i1 `V iA;0 19 \ f SW2 q STI _?�\\. 3.5 '5-a ZSa A1bV e [PU'fEiTT nZ c15,V tBACKGR,OUNG' L sT�E MWrV .'(POTENTIAL ACKGROUtJOC�TION)o to O %VE 'PET p, 1 I'2 2-TETRACHLOROETHANE 5�Fd'cV=1F ' 4 O 1 o SW14 Roan SW13 iNEYCUTT _� DRIV .ND MW-sND .W,7 6 aMW-�3 FORMER SW12OIL c 71 — Hti=ATUST ING . MYJ69344C' �$WW 17.6 0 a tvI v- 2849 .DRIVE f '; EGI.. �Pr1YJ8i2�. - OgNE . SHARP �' 1,11V-3o•e'-r�' 61dB SMW-51 I, U 87 �-• �� SW8 -HO OOK ELEMENTARY a -0 a S1AR SCHOOL s�Ta.a �'�ry 25.3 ' �Db P�ACEN 22.9 00 Q a4/1 \ �y QtRSCH "CIR. ¢ 1 . .19j o-i jl Y^ 111 MC CA131 ' / EISHOP . TP.EE' sj3 0 o p CpEQ. \`� P rA-�Srtow. f,� l ATKmsoN i STP.EET Q crz, 'mP11W-32 i1. a '=.r SON o- SOUTH LUCAS. (�N p1K �- .ST El REET El p Q" .4.4� 4 b k" dEl IRWINLEGFM: V.t - rr _n l 7 O ^ . DRWE a 1 0 ..................:..:..-.BUILDING ................. ASPHALT. ROAD. — . ..:..........'... GRAVEL . ROAD }—i—}_ • • . • .....'......"'RAILROAD TRACK$ — _ _ _ _........., .,.SURFACE WATER FEATURE ..: 1,1,2, 2=TETRACHLOROE THAIJE .PROPOSED DEEP MONITORING WELL .: TRICHLOROETHENE O FIGURE.••••USACE SURFACE WATER SAMPLE PCA(ppb) 2'... ...,..'.SHtiLLOW MONITORING WELL LOCATION MONITORING WELL LOCATION SWMU.103:ALTERNATIVE:2:REMEDY:. ,�'.::......:..:DEEP. :.::..,.:........INTERPRETED CONTAMINANT MIGRATION DIRECTION SOURCE AREA TREATMENT USING:.' . "COMBINATION OFNEWANDEXISTING FENCINGAND ENHANCED" EIOREMEDIATI.ON SURFACE WATER AERATION' AND ENG.INEERED:AERATiON/. PARSONS PROPOSED SOURCE AREA APPLICATION VOLATILIZATION OF"SURFACE 'WATER.: . Fort.Brag9r NC Note:.YVidth of the "arrow indicates Contaminant Concentrations. PARSONSSource: U.S: Army Engineer District.Corps of Engineers Savannah, Georgla: dravA974586AItemative 2.cdr ma 7/23107 pg2 �i�r SWMU 103-V l/ t Z,tW ! r ►r _ r � ND Inv HARP ?y� ��•' I�r s,�f(tJtlll.4 t'`J�".�1il�fl��0� MW.27 (POTENTIAL ACKG�R�OUND L_OCATION)� 7 IV N D GANAIV DRIV r{ l SW1 16.6 tom"' Al } d`SWi 17.6 K93'44C r' �0/ SW7 @ 28.%%!n 9 R+VE• 1..1 � xE nn P1V1.3a.J ®MW-51 0 HOLBROOK. a` 0 ELEMENTARY ..�.t� :,d 253 D B2 SCHOOL . p Iva c+s' sBI 229❑ :.C. ] PLACE 1t F•:� tns C11'` Lail 'd:'10 - O jA Q• HOSCH CIR: � E.� �f P.C'CASE Q'BISHOP 'a ..�]:I('�-•1\ �j TPEEST T� S 21.4 p Q l,W O 4'\ . ,A b 144�`' ��. STRE a .. P . Ly'A� �. RUCKED \ r Q Ak o o Ol a p �I� 19 W 0 r -raowQ 'CsAQ �' •4 ATKINSON ! "STREET. - Q - �� Tya- ¢ +rl-s3 �• [P'C7tT,�' \ Y \- �-- � rsay Gy SOUTH LUG" STREET" '-!10N . SEARI ?RIGt`1 " 0 n t l �. • ^ DRI�+E b, LEGEND: ( •.:.:...::..:.•.:.....:::..:::BUILDING ... ASPHALT ROAD - ROAD. .:.... , ; i B.',.. • RAILRDAD :TRACKS _ . ..: SURFACE.'WATER FEATURE .. .1,1,2,2-TE TRACHLOROETHANE:' ® ........::......:.................PROPOSED DEEP MONITORING WELL TRICHLOROE'THENE' USACE SURFACE .WATER. SAMPLE- PCA(ppb) .:SHALLOW MONITORING. WELL :LOCATION . ..:.. ..:DEEP. MONITORING : WELL LOCATION .... ................ INTERPRETED CONTAMINANT MIGRATION DIRECTION PROPOSED GROUNDWATER DRAIN AND.SUMP ®. PARSONS PROPOSED SOURCE AREA APPLICATION Note: Width of the arrow Indicates Contaminant Concentrations. -Source: U.S. Array Engineer District Corps of, Engineers Savannah, Gec draM974586 A8ernative 2.cdr ma 7123107 pg3 FIGURE.5.3 SWMU-103 i4LTERNATIVE: 3 :REMEDY:. SOURCEAREA TREATMENT USING ENHANCED BIOREMEDIATIONi— PUMP=AN®-TREAT CONTAMINATED GROUNDWATER TO.. PROTECT SURFACE. -WATER Fort Beagg, NC " PARSONS : Typical Section Trench Al (35 feet deep) .' .. . NORTH SOUTH. . MW-9(2541:at surface) Carbon-- Elevations _ MW-43 (amsi); 2541. 2501. . �. Treated" Water . Drain Clean Out Discharged. Soil-Backfill to Creek ..: r 18" Sump f y 228' amsF = N Gravel ". A r OS titer. Level 223 Pumping -Water Level _ 219 HDPE:Perforated Drain '— — -218' 0 5%.Slope "—� . "'` ,' 215' 500' . (not to scale). . WEST. EAST Treated Water MIpical Section Trench B1 (304eet deep). Elevations:. Discharged (amsl): to Creek Carbon . . 18" Sump MW-40 . • 219'. 221' -Soil Backfill Pre located 16" 21,0' A 3r.05 Water Level 212' Sewer Line .0 M Gravel Pumping Range- o N 6;' y. Perforated i