HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150041 Ver 1_Attach G TRC Addendum Sanford_20150224ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY AT THE SANFORD MINE, LEE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADDENDUM 1 - DRAFT REPORT Submitted to: CLEARWATER ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 224 South Grove Street, #F Hendersonville, North Carolina 28792 Lo TRC ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION 50101 Governors Drive, Suite 250 Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27517 Authored by: Jeffrey Johnson and Paul Webb January 2015 ABSTRACT TRC Environmental Corporation (TRC) has completed supplemental archaeological survey at the former General Shale Sanford Mine near Sanford, Lee County, North Carolina, on behalf of Clearwater Environmental Consultants. This survey was conducted on January 6, 2015 and was directed by Jeff Johnson under the supervision of Paul Webb. The supplemental project area included several parcels along the northern and eastern sides of the previous survey area (Kenline and Nyman 2014), totaling approximately 17.97 acres. No archaeological sites had been previously recorded within those areas, although previously discovered project sites were situated nearby. The survey areas were found to be generally disturbed and/or poorly drained, and only 19 shovel tests were excavated. No archaeological resources were identified, and no additional investigations are recommended. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank Clement Riddle of Clearwater Environmental Consultants for facilitating the fieldwork. At TRC, Jeffrey Johnson served as Field Director, and Sydney Jones and Ryan Millis assisted with the fieldwork. Andy Valiunas prepared the figures and photographs, and Heather Millis copyedited the report. ii CONTENTS ABSTRACT.................................................................................................................... ............................... i ACKNOWLEDGMENTS............................................................................................... .............................ii FIGURES...................................................................................................................... ............................... iv 1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... ..............................1 2. RESULTS .................................................................................................................. ............................... 3 PROJECTAREAS ...................................................................................................... ..............................3 3. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................. ..............................5 REFERENCECITED .................................................................................................... ............................... 6 FIGURES 1. 1. Location of the supplemental project areas in Lee County, North Carolina ........... ............................... 2 2.1. Poorly drained area along Roberts Creek tributary, view to west ........................... ............................... 3 2.2. Poorly drained area along railroad tracks, view to southeast ................................... ..............................4 iv 1. INTRODUCTION TRC Environmental Corporation (TRC) has completed supplemented archaeological survey at the former General Shale Sanford Mine near Sanford, Lee County, North Carolina, on behalf of Clearwater Environmental Consultants (Figure 1.1). This survey was conducted on January 6, 2015 and was directed by Jeffrey Johnson under the supervision of Paul Webb. The supplemental project area included several discontinuous areas along the northern side of the project area south of a branch of Roberts Creek, as well a linear tract along the railroad line along the eastern edge of the tract. The tracts south of the creek branch total 5.93 acres, while the tract along the railroad contains 12.04 acres. There are no previously identified resources in either area, and no indications from historic maps or other sources that there has been significant historic period use of these areas. This report is an addendum to the previous report (Kenline and Nyman 2014), and the reader is referred to that report for detailed information on the environmental and historical context, project methods, and the results of that survey. Chapter 2 of this report discusses the results of the supplemental survey. Conclusions and recommendations are provided in Chapter 3, which is followed by a list of references cited. r f Ir _ 30 Additional Survey Areas `31LE175 �z � -_- 31LE173 PROJTS EC , f AREA $ 310E17.2' 31LEIL 7 f IL L81' 31 E1787- 31LE174',f i ? j; ti31LE176 �� 1 31LE184 dF Uri 7 %"A Colon, Norlh Carolina 1970 [PR 198]] 0 1 7.5 Minute Quadrangle Map msiiiiiii N Miles 0 4.000 W E Feet 0 1 S Kilometers Lee County, North Carolina Figure 1.1. Location of the supplemental project areas in Lee County, North Carolina. 2 2. RESULTS PROJECT AREAS The supplemental project areas are located north and east of the previously surveyed project areas (see Figure 1.1). Three discontinuous areas totaling approximately 5.93 acres are situated at the northern edge of the project area, along the south side of a tributary of Roberts Creek. A fourth area containing approximately 12.04 acres is situated along the railroad tracks east of the previous survey area. Examination of the northern project areas revealed that they contain primarily low -lying and poorly drained soils (Figure 2.1). Nineteen shovel tests were excavated in those areas, and no artifacts or other indications of an archaeological site were encountered. The eastern project area is a linear tract situated immediately west of the railroad tracks. This area is low - lying and poorly drained, and may have been partially borrowed during railroad construction. No shovel tests were excavated, and no artifacts or other indications of an archaeological site were encountered. Figure 2.1. Poorly drained area along Roberts Creek tributary, view to west. 3 Figure 2.2. Poorly drained area along railroad tracks, view to southeast. 3. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS TRC has completed supplemented archaeological survey at the former General Shale Sanford Mine near Sanford, Lee County, North Carolina, on behalf of Clearwater Environmental Consultants. The supplemental project area included several parcels along the northern and eastern sides of the previous survey area (Kenline and Nyman 2014), totaling approximately 17.97 acres. No archaeological sites had been previously recorded within those areas, although previously discovered project sites were situated nearby. The survey areas were found to be generally disturbed and /or poorly drained, and only 19 shovel tests were excavated. No archaeological resources were identified, and no additional investigations are recommended. REFERENCE CITED Kenline, Brooke, and James A. Nyman 2014 Archaeological Survey at the Sanford Mine, Lee County, North Carolina. TRC Environmental Corporation, Chapel Hill. Submitted to Clearwater Environmental Consultants, Hendersonville.