HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150042 Ver 1 _TRC Addendum _20150224ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY AT THE BRICKHAVEN MINE, CHATHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADDENDUM 1 - DRAFT REPORT Submitted to: CLEARWATER ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 224 South Grove Street, #F Hendersonville, North Carolina 28792 Lo TRC ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION 50101 Governors Drive, Suite 250 Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27517 Authored by: Jeffrey Johnson and Paul Webb February 2015 ABSTRACT TRC Environmental Corporation (TRC) has completed supplemented archaeological survey at the former General Shale Brickhaven Mine near Brickhaven, Chatham County, North Carolina, on behalf of Clearwater Environmental Consultants. This survey was conducted from January 6-7 and on January 28, 2015, and was directed by Jeffrey Johnson under the supervision of Paul Webb. The supplemental project area included proposed linear transportation corridors to the north and southwest and a small tract to the east of the previous survey area (Kenline and Nyman 2014), and totals approximately 146 acres. No archaeological sites had been previously recorded within those tracts, although previously discovered project sites were situated nearby. The survey areas were found to be generally disturbed and /or poorly drained, and only 81 shovel tests were excavated. One archaeological resource (31 CH995) was identified, and consists of a low density prehistoric lithic artifact scatter. That site is recommended not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (National Register), and no additional investigations are recommended for the supplemental project areas as currently defined. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank Clement Riddle of Clearwater Environmental Consultants for facilitating the fieldwork. At TRC, Jeffrey Johnson served as Field Director, and Sydney Jones, Andrius Valiunas and Ryan Millis assisted with the fieldwork. Andrius Valiunas prepared the figures and photographs, and Heather Millis copyedited the report. ii 1601LI _Y_MM-1 ABSTRACT ..................................... ............................... . ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................ ............................... CONTENTS..................................... ............................... . FIGURES.......................................... ............................... ............................ ............................... ........................... ............................... .......................... ............................... iii .......................... ............................... iv 1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... ............................... 1 2. RESULTS .................................................................................................................. ............................... 3 PROJECTAREAS ..................................................................................................... ............................... 3 ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESULTS ............................................................ ............................... 3 31 CH995 ................................................................................................................ ............................... 3 3. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................ ............................... 5 REFERENCECITED .................................................................................................... ............................... 6 iii FIGURES 1. 1. Location of the supplemental project areas in Chatham County, North Carolina .. ............................... 2 2.1. View of 31 CH995, facing north .............................................................................. ............................... 4 2.2. Map of 31 CH995 .................................................................................................... ............................... 4 iv 1. INTRODUCTION TRC Environmental Corporation (TRC) has completed supplemented archaeological survey at the former General Shale Brickhaven Mine near Brickhaven, Chatham County, North Carolina, on behalf of Clearwater Environmental Consultants (Figure 1.1). This survey was conducted from January 6 -7 and on January 28, 2015. This survey was directed by Jeffrey Johnson under the supervision of Paul Webb. The supplemental project area included proposed linear transportation corridors to the north and southwest and a small tract to the east of the previous survey area (Kenline and Nyman 2014), and totals approximately 146 acres. No archaeological sites had been previously recorded within the corridors, although previously discovered project sites were situated nearby. This report is an addendum to the previous report (Kenline and Nyman 2014), and the reader is referred to that report for detailed information on the environmental and historical context, project methods, and the results of that survey. Chapter 2 of this report discusses the results of the supplemental survey. Conclusions and recommendations are provided in Chapter 3, which is followed by a list of references cited. 9 TI- 190 Q� PIS �- �P�ROJ E11CT J B °193 AREA J _31CH993 )� � O Q200 250 31CH991✓' Additional Survey' Areas 1. L 31CH994 II (Additional BI1w 174 % " ° ,. Ci@ it ° Surveyy) ° c Area r P t atio ` \',' - �%, - 31CH992 I 31CH857_ :» a�a �31CH990,� I trial nd� 19 zoo 3 �� �� 0]Qem ' 31CH99� l 21 e ''�� Moncure, North Carolina 1970 0 1 7.5 Minute Quadrangle Map N Miles 0 4,000 W E Feet 0 1 S Kilometers Chatham County, North Carolina Figure 1.1. Location of the supplemental project areas in Chatham County, North Carolina. 2. RESULTS PROJECT AREAS The supplemental survey areas consist of several linear, narrow, and intersecting corridors and a small tract located north, east, and southwest of the previously surveyed project area and connecting it to the existing Duke Energy Cape Fear Plant (see Figure 1.1) and an existing rail corridor. Together, the new survey areas total about 146 acres. ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESULTS The survey areas were examined through a combination of surface inspection and systematic subsurface survey, as was employed in the earlier stages of the project (Kenline and Nyman 2014). The corridors generally traversed areas of poorly drained soils exhibiting intermittent prior disturbance. A total of 81 shovel tests were excavated, and one archaeological site (31 CH995) was encountered. 31CH995 Site 31 CH995 is a small, low density prehistoric site situated on the toe of a ridge extending into a wetland (see Figure 1.1); several small creeks run through the area and there is intermittent standing water. The area is covered in scattered hardwood trees with very limited surface visibility (Figure 2.1). The site measures approximately 15 m north -south by 30 m east -west and is bounded by negative shovel tests on the north, east, south, and west. The landform is surrounded by wetlands to the north, east, and west. The on -site soils contain a thin humic zone capping a dark brown (IOYR 3/3) sandy loam A (or E) horizon with some organic material present. That zone overlies yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) sandy clay with occasional inclusions of yellowish red (5YR 5/6) sandy clay and gray (7.5YR 511) clay mottles, likely from the hydric nature of the subsoil. The subsoil was noticeably wet and seemed to be at or near the water table. Subsoil was found at varying depths across the site (20 -30 crabs). Nine shovel tests were excavated across this area (including all transect and delineation shovel tests within 30 m), two of which produced artifacts from the top 20 cm of the A/E horizon. The combined assemblage includes six debitage fragments. Five are an unidentified weathered metavolcanic material, and one streaked quartz. In summary, 31CH995 is a low density prehistoric lithic artifact scatter typical of many in the North Carolina Piedmont. No evidence of any cultural features or intact artifact deposits was found, and the site likely results from generalized hunting and/or foraging related activities (including stone tool production) in the region. Site 31 CH995 lacks the potential to yield further information about prehistoric occupations and is recommended not eligible for the NRHP under Criterion D. No further archaeological investigation is recommended. Figure 3 t View of 31C@99,facing north. - Welland - �E + * - � + - + - - - , - - -k - - m + - Brickhaven ■ No.2 Mme Phase ISurvey 31CH995 Positive Transect S G Test Positive Close Interval Shovel ! c * u * * * d Negative Tr any! .............. _ _ _ Shovel Test � \ D : ■ * 3 g k Cl ose e[ _, SakTest �« �«\ M A Dig -Slope or Wetland + + + - ....... ......� - - - .... Site Boundary « Project Area Boundary Wetland Topographic Contours - _ - - _ - _ - Contour Interval =2R - * - - NKZHIZ:::� 0 , _ 10 _ Figure 2.2. Sketch ma of 3 1039 \ 3. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS TRC has completed supplemented archaeological survey at the former General Shale Brickhaven Mine near Brickhaven, Chatham County, North Carolina, on behalf of Clearwater Environmental Consultants. The supplemental project area included linear areas to the north and southwest and a small tract to the east of the previous survey area (Kenline and Nyman 2014), totaling approximately 146 acres. No archaeological sites had been previously recorded within those areas, although previously discovered project sites were situated nearby. The survey areas were found to be generally disturbed and /or poorly drained, and only 81 shovel tests were excavated. A single low density prehistoric lithic artifact scatter (31CH995) was identified, and is recommended not eligible for the National Register. No additional investigations are recommended in the supplemental project areas. REFERENCE CITED Kenline, Brooke, and James A. Nyman 2014 Archaeological Survey at the Brickhaven Mine, Chatham County, North Carolina. TRC Environmental Corporation, Chapel Hill. Submitted to Clearwater Environmental Consultants, Hendersonville.