HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150216 Ver 1_Application_20150223Coj•ps Submittal Cover Sheet Ylease provide the follo���ing infa: I. Project Nauie: TIP Proiect No. R-5206 — SR 1449 — Cope Creek Road Improvements 2. Name oY Propeirty Owner/ApplicanL• Noi th Carolina Departuient of Transportation (NCDOT) 3. Naine of Consultaut/Agent: N/A *Aeent authorizalion needs lo bc atlachzd. 4. Related/Previous Action ID nwnber(s):_Action ID No. SAW-2008-21439; DWQ Proiect No 081116 Site Address: 5. Subdivision Name: 6. City: _ 7. Cotinty: 8. Lat: 353837 N Long: _-83.1834 W (Decimal Degrees Plense) 9. Quadrangle Name: _Svlva Nordi (35083-D2-TF-0241 10. W1ter���ay: UT's to Cope Creek (DWR Class: C, Tr); UT's to Blanton Branch (DWR CITSS• C) 11. Watershed: Little Teiuiessee River (IICU: 06010203) 12. Rec�uested Action: X Nationwide Permit # 14 General Permit # Jurisdictional Determivation Request Pre-Application Request The following ii�formation will be completed by Corps oftice: AID: Prepare File Folder Assign uumber iu OItM Begin Date Authorization: Sectio�i 10 Sectiou 4�04 Project Descriptioi�/ Nature of Activity/ Project Purpose: Site/Waters Name: Keywords: I PAT MCCR02Y GOVERNOR ..�o .�°..e ��� ����,�� �� STA7'E OF NOR"I'H CAROLINA DEPART`MENT OF TRANSPORTATION Februaiy 23, 2015 Ms. Lori Beckwitli, NCDOT Regulator}� Project Mauager U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 151 Pattai Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, NC 28801-2714 AN"fl IONY .i. TATA SECRETARI' SuUject: Nation�vide 14 Yermit Applicatiou SR 1449 - Cope Creek Road — Paved Road Improvement fi•oui SR 1710 (East Cope Creek Road) to US 74/23 Jackson County TIP Projcct No. R-5206 State Project No. 429741.1 (DWQ Major Peru�it I�'ee $570) Dear Ms. Beckwitl�: The North Carolina Department oY Transportation (NCDOT) is proposiug to widen, grade, draiu and repave a section of the subject road. The 1.1 1 mile long southern end of SR 1449 was completed in 201 I(TIP No. R-5024, Action ID No. SAW-2008-2149; DWQ Project No. 081116). This proposal eutails widening and resi�rfacing the northern end of SR 1449 fcom an existing 18-foot paved road to a 22-foot roadway fiom tl�e iiiteisection of SR 1710 (East Cope Creek Roacl) to US 74/23, a distance of 1.17 miles. This also will require impacting unnamed tributaries to Cope Creek and umiamed tributaries to Blantou Branch in tl�e Scott Creek watershed. The proposed improvements have Ueeu identitied as necessary maintenancc and s�fety improvements. Pimds have been allocated for this project and NCDOT �vould like to perform these activities in 2015. I am enclosing a PCN application, Rapa�ios Jurisdictional Determivation Form, EEP Mitigation Acceptance Letter, SHPO Forms, plau slieets showing the proposed work, photographs and a uiarked coimty map and USGS topographic map. North Carolina Natural Heritage data �vere checked for records of federally endangered or tlireatened species near the project. There are 63 species with federal status Uiat are luiown iu Jackson Coanty from current or historical records. Of these, seven species, Carolina Northern Flying Squirrel (Glnucom��s snbri�rus cdorntus), Indiaua bat (�l�l��otrs sodtdis), Appalachian elktoe (A/asmidontn rm�enelio�ia), spruce-fir moss spider (Nticrohex:rrn n�ontii�nga), small whorled pogonia (Ison•in medeoloides), swamp pink (Helonias b�dlntn) aud rock guome lichen (G�nnnodermn Irrreare), are listed as either tlu•eateiied or eudangered. The Indiana bat is known only fi�om historical records and tlie U.S. Fish vid Wildlife Service (USPWS) does uot consider Fourieenlh Division Office Telephone: (32S) SS6-2141 253 VVebslcr 2ond, Sylva, North Carolina 23779 Fic (328) >86-d043 R-5206, SR 1449, Jacksai Couuty P�ge 2 February 23,2015 Jackson County to be au "Iudiana Uat counry". Ho�vever, tl�ere is a current record in Jackson Couuty for the pote�itially eudaugerecl iiorthem long-eared bat (Myolis septenh•io�irdis), wliicli may be listed �s eudangeied in early 2015. Tlieie are no records for threa[ened oi• eudaugered aquatic species in the Scott Creek wa[erslied. Sh�eams in this watershed �re too small and/or cold for mussels, but thc Tackasegee River at its coutluence �>>ith Scott Creek supports populatious of tlie federally endangered Appalachian elktoe umssel. Since tl�e only occupied habitat is over 4.4 miles downstream of t�e project area, we recommenc( a"no effect" determination on Appalachiau elktoe. Tl�ere should only be miuimal stream disturUance associated with tl�e culvert e�tensions and sh•eam relocations. The project area, which is comprised of single family homes, yards, and small farius, is too low in elevation (<2,320 feet) aud lacks the I�abitat needed by Carolina uorthern flying squirrel, rock guome liclien, and spruce-fir moss spider. And, tl�ere are uo wetlands or fores[ed areas that could support s�vamp pink or small-whorled pagonis. \�e recommend a"no effect" determination on these listed terrestrial species. The ouly potential habitat for listed species in the project area may be suitable roost trees aud foragiug areas for bats. There are two ��nderground mi�ies about 0.45 mile from the project area, but whether they are opeu and se�ving as hibernaeula for bats is unknown. Ho��vever, this prqject should not require Ulasting and ouly requires the clearing of a few trees; most of tlie roadway realignments and grading will occur in open pasture and residential yTrds. In anticipation of the potential listing of the northern long-eared bat, tlie tree cleariug for this project, if any, wi11 occur duriug the OctoUer 15 to April 15 period as n�e currendy do iu tlie listed "Indilva baP' counties. With the iuclusiai of this seasonal tree clearing restriction, we reco�umend a determination oi' "no effect° on bat species. This project �vas revie�ved by NCDOT's Human Euvironme�it Unit iu 2011-12 for potei�tial effects ro historic architecture and archaeology. It ���as determined that no survey was required for archaeology. A suivey �vas conducted for liistoric architecriire with a determi�iatiou of "no effecN' (see attacl�ed SIIPO forms). The best mauagementpractices will be used to minimize �nd control sedimentation and erosiai on this prqject. Water ���ill be temporarily diverted around the �>�ork areas to miuimize erosion and sediroentation <luring culvert iustallations and the st�eam relocations. The construction forema�i will review all erosion conti•ol measures daily to ensare sedimentation and erosion is being effectively coutrolled. If tlie plaimed devices are not iunctioning as iutended, they will be immediately replaced Gvitl� better devices. Sedimentation and erosion conh•ol devices ��vill be in place prior to construction and will remain iu place uutil the project is stabilized. Cuberts will be pl�ced �vhenever possible with their inverts partially below the stream grade according to the Regioual Conditions. However, because of the estreme channel grade, a perched ontlet condition �nd rock dissipater may be required at Site 1 to prevent downstream chanuel scour. The relocated stre�jm cl�aiwels will be constructed to stable patterus, dimensions, and profiles usiug natural cl�anuel design methods aud techniqiies. R-520(, SR 1449, J�ckso�i County Page 3 Pebruary 23, 2015 Impacts to Waters of the Uuited States Cope Creek and Blanron Brauch are sl�own as perennial streains on the USGS topographic map. The umiamed tributaries at Sites 3, 4, and 5 are sliown on the USGS topog�aphic map, while tl�e unnamed tributaries al Site 1, 2, and 2A are not. All streams except Site 3 have well defiued channels composed of gravel and sand/silt; the chaimel downstreaui of Site 3 is overgrowii witli grasses aud l�as a dee�> silt bottom. The umiamed tribi�tary at Site 1 flows into Cope Creek, wliich in turn flows approsiuiately 1.7 miles to Scott Creek. Scolt Creek then flo�vs 2.7 miles to the Tuckasegee River, which meets tlie defiuition of a Traditional Navigable Water (TNW). The unnamed tributaries at Sites 2, 2A, 3, 4, and 5 flow into Blanton Branch, which in turn flows into Scott Creek about 0.15 mile downstream of Site 5. Scott Creek flows 5.1 miles to tlie 'Cuckasegee River, �vhich meets the definition of a Traditional Navigable Water (TNW). Por these i•easons, we believe these streams meet the defiuition of a Relativel}� Permanent Water (RPW) and are auder the jurisdiction of tlie US Army Corps of Eugineers. In order to coustract the project in accordance witli cunent NCDOT road staudards, it will be uecessaty to impact waters of the United States iu the Litde Tennessee River Basin (HUC 06010203). Listed below is a swimiary of the proposed imp�ets. Site No. �sistiug Cm�dition Proposed Condition Net Lnpacts Station Site 1 60' s 24" CMP 120' � 30" CMP 60' Percl�ed Perched Site 1 A Free Flowing Chamiel Impe�vious Dike & Flow Diversion l50' Site 2 35' x 24" CMP 58' x 36" RCP 23' w/ Junction Box Site 2A Free Flowing Channel Relocated (Ditch) Stream Chanuel 76' 76' Site 2B Free Flo�ving Cl�annel Impervious Dike & Flow Diversion 160' Site 3 30' s 30" CMP 49' s 30" RCP 19' Site 3A Free Flowing Channel Impervious Dike c@ Flo�v Diversion 75' Site 4 30' � 42" CMP 30' x 54" RCP 0' Site 4A Free Flowing Chaiviel Iuipervious Dike & Flow Diversion 50' Site 5 Free Flowing Cha�uiel Relocated Streaui Chamiel 277' 277' Site SA Free Flowing Chamiel Impervious Dike & Flow Diversion 300' (If Needed) Total Pei•ivanent Stream Lnpaet for Cnh�ei•t �xtensions 102' Total Permanent Sh�eam Iuipact for Cl�aiu�el Relocatious 353' (0') Total Tempoi•ai�y- Stream Impact fm� Impeitiious Dikes & Flow Diversious 735' R-5206, SR 1449, Jackson County Page 4 Februaiy 23, 2015 Permits Requcsted NCDOT is hereby requcsting authorization uuder Sectiou 404 of the Clean Water Act to proceed �vith the construction project outlined above. By copy of this letter, I �m asking Mrs. Marla Chambers, Westcru NCDOT Coordivator witli tlle Noi�th Carolina Wildlife Resources Conunission (NCWRC), to commeut directly to yon concerning tlie 404 Nationwide Permit request. Also, by copp of tliis letter, I am reqnesting atrtl�orizatiou iuider Section 401 of tlie Clcan Water Act from the North Carolina Department of Eilviroument aud Natural Resources (DENR), Division of Water Resources (DWR). [u addition, I aui �sking Ms. Chambers atic( Mr. Beii DeWil, PI, Roadside Euvironmental Pield Operations Engineer (NCDOT), to commeut directly lo me concerning this permit reqiicst. If you have an}� questious or need additional infoimation, please contact me at (828) 586-2141. Your early review� �ud consideration �vill Ue greatly appreciated. Siucerely � /��%'� �� ' «z�s-�- M�rk S. Davis Divisiou �irviranme��tal Supervisor Endostires ce: Ms. Amy Chapman, Division of Water Resources, DENR, Raleigli Mr. l�eviii Barnett, Division of Water Resonrces, DBNR, Aslievillc Ms. Mvla Ch�mbers, Western NCDOT Coordi�i�tor, NCWRC, Albemarle Mr. Jason Mays, Biologist, US Fish & R�ildlife Service, Asheville Mr. Brian Burcl�, PE, Division Construction Engineer, NCDOT, Sylva Mr. Steve Williams, Division Desigu Consh�uct �ugiueer, NCDOT, Syh�a Mr. Ben DeWit, �I, Roadside Environmeutal Field Operations Engineer, NCDOT o��F W ATFqQG � � > ,, ti O' Y C: =. OKce Use Only: Corps action ID no. DWQ project no. Fonn Version 1.3 Dec 10 2008 Pre-Construction Notification PCI� Form A. Applic�ut Informatimi 1. Processinc� 1 a. Type(s) of approval sought trom the Corps: � Section 404 Permit ❑ Seclion 10 Permit 1b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: 14 or General Permit (GP) number: 1c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? � Yes ❑ No 1 d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all that apply): � 401 Water Quality Certifcalion — Regular ❑ Non-404 Jurisdictional General Permit ❑ 401 Wafer Quality Certifca�ion — Express ❑ Riparian Buffer Aufhorization 1 e. Is this notificafion solely for the record For lhe record only for DWQ 401 For the record only for Corps Permit: because written approval is not required? Certification: ❑ Yes � No ❑ Yes � No 1f. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program proposed for mitigation � yes ❑ No of impacts? If so, altach the acceptance letter from mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program. 1g. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties. If yes, answer 1h ❑ Yes � No below. 1 h. Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? ❑ Yes � No 2. Project Information 2a. Name of project: TIP Project No. R-5206 - SR 1449 (Cope Creek Road) from SR 1710 to US 74/23 2b. Counly: Jackson 2c. Nearest municipalily / town: Sylva 2d. Subdivision name: N/A 2e. NCDOT only, T.I.P. or State WgS No. 42974.1.1 Project No: 3. Owner Information 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: Norih Carolina Department of Transportalion 3b. Deed Book and Page No. N/A 3c. Responsible Party (for LLC if Mark S. Davis, Division 14 Environmental Supervisor applicable): 3d. Slreet address: 253 Webster Road 3e. City, state, zip: Sylva, NC 28779 3f. Telephone no.: S2S-586-2141 3g. Fax no.: 828-586-4030 3h. Email address: markdavis(a�ncdot.qov Page l of 12 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 4a. Applicant is: ❑ Agent ❑ Olher, specify: 4b. Name: N/A 4c. Business name N/A (if applicable): 4d Street address: N/A 4e. City, state, zip: N/A 4f. Telephone no.: N/A 4g. Fax no.: N/A 4h. Email address: N/A 5. Agent/Consultant Information (if applicable) 5a. Name: N/A 5b. Business name N/A (if applicable): 5c. Street address: N/A Sd. Cily, state, zip: N/A 5e. Telephone no.: N/A 5f. Fax no.: N/A 5g. Email address: N/A Page 2 of 12 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version B. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Property Identification 1a. Property identification no. (tax PIN or parcel ID): Not Applicable 1b. Site coordinales (in decimal degrees): Latilude: 35.3837 Longitude: -83.1834 (DD.DDDDDD) (-DD.DDDDDD) tc. Property size: acres 2. Surtace Waters 2a. Name of nearest body of waler (stream, river, etc.) to Cope Creek and Blanton Branch proposed project 2b. Water Quality Classification of nearest receiving waler: DWR Class: C, Tr and DWR Class: C 2c. River basin: Liltle Tennessee (HUC 06010203) 3. Project Description 3a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and lhe general land use in lhe vicinily of the project at the lime of this application: The overall landscape in the area is primarily single family residences and small farms. The immediale vicinity of the project includes the roadway, pastures, wood lots, and maintained lawns. 3b. List the lolal estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the propeAy: None 3c. List the tolal estimated linear feet of all existing streams (intermitlent and perennial) on the property: N/A 3d. Explain the purpose of the proposed project: The purpose of the project is to improve SR 1449 lo current standards and thereby improve safety. 3e. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: NCDOT will widen, grade, drain, repave SR 1449 to meet current NCDOT road standards and improve safely. The project will also require the extension of 3 culverts and lhe relocation of two stream channels to gain additional shoulder width. Track hoes, dump lrucks, bulldozers, paving equiprnent, water pumps, sandbags, and various hand tools will be used to accomplish the work. 4. Jurisdictional Determinations 4a. Have jurisdiclional wetland or stream determinations by the Corps or State been requested or obtained for this property / project (including all prior phases) in the past? Comments: USACE, DWR, and NCDOT representatives � Yes � No ❑ Unknown visited the project area jointly on July 27, 2011 to review potential project impacts. 4b. If fhe Corps made the jurisdictional determination, what type of detennination was made? ❑ Preliminary ❑ Final 4c. If yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Agency/Consultant Company: N/A Name (if known): N/A Other: N/A 4d. If yes, list the dates of the Corps jurisdictional determinations or Slate determinations and altach documentation. N/A 5. Project History 5a. Have permits or certifications been requested or obtained for � yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown this project (including all prior phases) in the past? 5b. If yes, explain in detail according to "help file" instructions. The southern section of SR 1449 (TIP Project No. R-5024) was completed in 2011; authorizalions for stream impacts were received for that phase of the project under Action ID No. SAW-2008-2149 and DWQ Project No. 081116. Page 3 of 12 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project? � Yes ❑ No 6b. If yes, explain. The southern section of lhe project (TIP Project No. R-5024) was completed in 2011. The completion of the norlhern section (TIP Projecl No. R-5206) will complete the improvements to SR 1449 (Cope Creek Road). Page 4 of 12 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version C. Proposed Impacts 1. Impacts Summary 1a. Which sections were completed below for your project (check all that apply): ❑ WeUands � Streams - lributaries ❑ Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Construction Page 5 of 12 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 2. Wetland Impacts If lhere are wetland impacls proposed on the site, then complete this yuestion for each wetland area impacted. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. Wetland impact Type of jurisdiction number — Type of impact Type of wetland Forested (Corps - 404, 10 Area of irnpact Permanent (P) or (if known) DWQ — non-404, other) (acres) Tem ora T W1 ❑ P❑ T N/A N/A ❑ Yes ❑ Corps N/A ❑ No ❑ DWQ 2g. Tot�l wetlnnd imp�cts N!A 2h. Comments: N/A 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermilte�t stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete this question for all stream sites impacted. 3a. 3 b. 3 c. 3d. 3e. 3f. 3 g. Stream impact Type of impact Streain name Perennial Type of jurisdiclion Average Impact number - (PER) or (Corps - 404, 10 stream length Permanent (P) or intermiltent DWQ — non-404, width Qinear Temporary (T) (INT)? other) (feet) feet) S1 � P❑ T Culvert Extension UT Cope Creek � PER � Corps � 60 Perched ❑ INT � DWQ S1A ❑ P� T Impervious Dike & UT Cope Creek � PER � Corps 1 150 Flow Diversion ❑ INT � DWQ S2 � P❑ T Culvert Extension UT Blanton � PER � Corps 1 23 Branch ❑ INT � DWQ S2A � P � T Channel UT Blanton � PER � Corps � 76 Relocation (Ditch) Branch ❑ INT � DWQ S26 ❑ p� T Impervious Dike & UT Blanton � PER � Corps 1 160 Flow Diversion Branch ❑ INT � DWQ S3 � P � T Culvert Extension UT Blanton � PER � Corps 1 19 Branch ❑ INT � DWQ S3A ❑ P� T Impervious Dike & UT Blanton � PER � Corps 1 75 Flow Diversion Branch ❑ INT � DWQ S4 � P❑ T Culvert UT Blanton � PER � Corps 5 0 Replacement Branch ❑ INT � DWQ S4A ❑ P� T Impervious Dike & UT Blanton � PER � Corps 5 50 Flow Diversion Branch ❑ INT � DWQ S5 � P❑ T Channel UT Blanton � PER � Corps 5 Z�� Relocation Branch ❑ INT � DWQ Impervious Dike & UT Blanton � PER � Corps SS ❑ P� T Flow Diversion granch ❑ INT � DWQ 5 300 (If Required) 3h. Total Permanent Stream Impact for Culvert Extensions 102' Total Permanent Stream Impacts for Channel Relocations 353' (0') Total Temporary Stream Impacts for Impervious Dikes and Flow Diversions 735' 3i. Comments: We believe the channel relocation at Site 5 can be constructed by leaving the stream in the existing channel during construction. The new channel will be constructed to the north of the old channel. Page 6 of 12 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, tributaries, sounds, the Allanlic Ocean, or any other open water of the U.S. lhen individually list all open water impacts below. 4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4e. Open water Name of waterbody impact number — (if applicable) Type of impact Waterbody iype Area of impact (acres) Pennanent (P) or Tem orar T 01 ❑P❑T N/A 02 ❑P�T 03 ❑P❑T 04 ❑P❑T 4G Tot�l open �vatcr impacls N!A 4g. Comments: N/A 5. Pond or Lake Construction If ond or lake construction ro osed, then com lete the chart below. 5a. 5b. 5c. 5d. 5e. Welland Impacts (acres) Stream Impacts (feet) Upland Pond ID Proposed use or purpose (acres) number of pond Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded P1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A P2 SC Total 5g. Comments: 5h. Is a dam high hazard permit required? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, pennit ID no: N/A 5i. Expected pond surface area (acres): N/A 5j. Size of pond watershed (acres): N/A 5k. Method of construction: N/A 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWQ) If project will impact a protected riparian buffer, then complete the chart below. If yes, then individually list all buffer impacts below. If any impacts require mitigalion, then you MUST fill out Section D of lhis form. 6a. ❑ Neuse ❑ Tar-Pamlico ❑ Other: Project is in which protected basin? ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleman 6b. 6c. 6d. 6e. 6f. 6g. Buffer impact number — Reason Buffer Zone 1 impact Zone 2 impact Permanent (P) or for Stream name mitigation (square feet) (square feet) Tem orar T im act re uired? 61 ❑ P � T N/A N/A ❑ Nos N!A N/A 62 ❑P❑T ❑Yes ❑ No 83 ❑P❑T ❑Yes ❑ No 6h. Total buffer impacts N/A N/A 6i. Commenls: N/A Page 7 of 12 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version D. Impact Justification and Mitiyation 1. Avoiclance and Minimization 1a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed irnpacts in designing project. At Sites 2A and 5, lhe relocaled slream channels will be moved further away from lhe roadway compared to their ciurent locations. Also, the sewerline at Site 5 will be relocated further from ihe new channel lhan its current alignment. This will allow widening and planting of riparian vegetation along the stream and increase the available riparian widths for planting. Also, lhe channels will be construcled to irnprove stability and habitat by incorporating instream structures, restoration of width/depth, and, along Site 5, plantiny of buffers where they are currenlly lacking. 1b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques. Most instream excavation and fill work will be completed in temporarily dewatered stream channels to reduce the extent of downslream sedimentation. Channel 5 may be constructed in uplands before introducing slream flow. Disturbed areas will be quickly lreated with erosion control devices and stabilized with ground covers. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for � Yes ❑ No impacts to Waters of lhe U.S. or Waters of the State? 2b. [f yes, mitigation is required by (check all lh2t apply): ❑ DWQ � COfpS ❑ Mitigation bank 2c. If yes, which mitigation option will be used for this project? � Paymenl to in-lieu fee program (NCEEP) ❑ Permitlee Responsible Mitigation 3. Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a. Name of Mitigation Bank: N/A 3b. Credits Purchased (attach receipt and lelter) Type N/A Quantiry N/A 3c. Commenls: N/A 4. Cornplete if Making a Payment to In-lieu Fee Program 4a. Approval lelter from in-lieu fee program is altached � Yes 4b. Stream mitigation requested: 108 linear feet 4c. If using stream mitigalion, stream temperature: ❑ warm ❑ cool �cold 4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DWQ only): N!A square feel 4e. Riparian wetland mitigation requested: N/A acres 4f. Non-riparian wetland mitigalion requested: N/A acres 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested: N/A acres 4h. Comments: N/A 5. Complete if Using a Permittee Responsible Mitiyation Plan 5a. If using a permittee responsible mitigation plan, provide a description of the proposed mitigation plan. N/A Page 8 of 12 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 6. Buffer Mitiyation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) — required by DWQ 6a. Will the project result in an impact within a protected riparian buffer lhat requires ❑ Yes � No buffer mitigation? 6b. If yes, then identify the syuare feet of impact to each zone of the riparian buffer that requires mitigation. Calculate the amount of mitigation reyuired. 6c. 6d. 6e. Zotte Reason for impact Total impact M�tltiplier Required miligation (syuare feet) (square feet) Zone 1 N/A N/A 3(2 for Catawba) N/A Zone 2 1.5 6f. Total buffer mitigation required: N/A 6g. If buffer mitigation is required, discuss what lype of mitigation is proposed (e.g., payment to private mitigation bank, permiltee responsible riparian buffer restoration, payment into an approved in-lieu fee fund). N/A 6h. Comments: N/A Page 9 of 12 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version E. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (reyuired by DWQ) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1 a. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified � Yes � No wilhin one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? 1 b. If yes, lhen is a diffuse flow plan included? If no, explain why. ❑ Yes ❑ No Commenls: N/A 2. Stormwater Mana ement Plan 2a. What is the overall percent imperviousness of this project? N/A °/a 2b. Does this project require a Slormwater Management Plan? � Yes ❑ No 2c. If this project DOES NOT require a Stonnwater Management Plan, explain why: 2d. If this project DOES require a Stormwater Ma�agement Plan, then provide a brief, narrative description of the plan: The project is covered by individual NPDES Permil No. NCS000250. ❑ Certified Local Government 2e. Who will be responsible for the review of the Stonnwater Management Plan? ❑ DWQ Stormwater Program � DWQ 401 Unit 3. Certified Local Government Stormwater Review 3a. In which local government's jurisdiction is this project? N/A ❑ Phase II 3b. Which of lhe following locally-implemented stormwater management programs ❑ NSW ❑ USMP apply (check all lhat apply): ❑ Water Supply Watershed ❑ Other: 3c. Has lhe approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been ❑ Yes ❑ No attached? 4. DWQ Stormwater Pro ram Review ❑ Coastal counties ❑ HQW 4a. Which of lhe following state-implemented stormwater management programs apply � ORW (check all that apply): ❑ Session Law 2006-246 ❑ Olher: 4b. Has lhe approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been altached? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5. DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review 5a. Does the Stormwaler Management Plan meet lhe appropriate requirements? � yes ❑ No 5b. Have all of the 401 Unit submittal requirements been met? ❑ Yes ❑ No Page 10 of 12 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version F. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Requirement) 1 a. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the � Yes ❑ No use of public (federal/state) land? 1b. If you answered "yes" to the above, does the project require preparalion of an envirornnental document pursuant to the requirements of lhe National or State ❑ Yes � No (Norfh Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? 1 c. If you answered "yes" lo the above, has lhe document review been tinalized by the State Clearing House? (If so, alfach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA fnal approval letter.) ❑ Yes ❑ No Comments' N/A 2. Violations (DWQ Requirement) 2a. Is lhe site in violation of DWQ Wetlancl Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), DWQ Surface Water or Wellancl Standards, ❑ Yes � No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)? 2b. Is this an after-the-fact permit application? ❑ Yes � No 2c. If you answered "yes" to one or both of the above questions, provide an explanation of the violation(s): 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWQ Requirement) 3a. Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated fulure impacts) result in � Yes � No additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water yuality? 3b. If you answered "yes" to the above, submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "no,' provide a short narrative description. This project is an upgrade of existing infrastructure without an increase in capaciry (e.g., no additional traffic lanes), so it will not facilitate secondary or cumulalive development. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail the ultimale ireatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generaled from the proposed project, or available capaciry of lhe subject facility. N/A Page I l of 12 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 5. Endangered Species and Desic�nated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will lhis project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or habitat? ❑ Yes � No 5b. Have you checked with lhe USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act � yes ❑ No impacts? ❑ Raleigh 5c. If yes, inclicate the USFWS Field Office you have contacted. � Asheville 5d. What data sources did you use to detennine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Crilical Habitat? Norih Carolina Natural Heritage data and site visits. 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as essential fish habitat? ❑ Yes � No 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Essenlial Fish Habitat? N/A—There are no marine or estuarine communities within the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area lhat lhe state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having hisloric or cultural preservafion � Yes � No status (e.g., National Historic Trust designation or properties significant in Norih Carolina history and archaeology)? 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources? This project was reviewed by NCDOT's Human Environment Unit in 2011-12 for potential effects to historic architecture and archaeology. It was determined that no survey was required for archaeology. A survey was conducted for historic architecture with a determination of "no effect° issued in 2012 (see attached SHPO forms). 8. Flood Zone Desi�nation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA-designated 100-year floodplain? ❑ Yes � No 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: N/A 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination? NC Floodplain Mapping Program Mark S. Davis Divisioii 14 Euvironuiental Siipe���isor ����,/ � �_ � �� � � Applicant/AgenPs Signature Date AppIIC81lUAgenPs Pfint2d Name (Agenl's signalure is valid only il an aWhorization letter (rom �he applicant is provided.) Page 12 of 12 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version ��� NCD NR North Caro�ina Depar�ment of Environment and Naiural Resources Pat McCrory Ecosystem F�hancernent Program Govemor Pebmary 20, 2015 Mr. MTrk S. DTVis NCDOT Division 14 Environmental Supervisor North Carolina Department of Transporlation 253 Webster Ro�d Sylva, North Carolina 28779 Dear Mr. Davis: Subject: FEP Mitigafion Acceptance Le�ter. Dona!d R. van der Vaarl Secretary RECEII/E�;; FEB 2 0 2015 DIVISI01� �4 Division 14 Project, TIP R-5206 —Upgrade SR 1449 (Cope Creek Road) from SR 1710 (East Cope Creek Road) to US 74 near Sylva, Jackson Coimty; �VBS Elemen[ 42974.1.1 The purpose of llus letter is to notify you that the Ecosystem E�ilia��cemenl Progrun (EEP) �vill provide ihe compensatory stream mitigation for the subject projecC Based on tl�e vifonnetion received on Febmary 18, 2015, the impac[s zre located in CU 06010203 of tl�e Litlle Tennessee River Uasi�i in tlte Soutltern Mountains (SM) Eco- Region, and are as follows: LiUle Tennessee Stream Wetlands Buffer (Sq. FtJ 06010203 Non- Coastal Snq Cold Cool \Vami Riparian Ri arinn nq��g� Zone 1 'Lone2 Impacls (feeUacres) 102.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Currently, EEP does not have sutt7cienl available cold s[re�n mitigation credits iu Little Tennessee 06010203 to meet current and projected nvtigation needs. Per Uie Small Iu�pac�s Policy (Sec(ion 1V, puagraph E of the N. C. Department of Envuo�m�ent a�d Natura] Resources' Ecosystem Ei��ancemei�t Program ]u-Lieu Fee Instrumenl dated July 28, 2010 (ILF Iustnimen[)), NCEEP may request to provide tl�e mi[igation in an adjacent hydrologic unit witltii the same river basiu, use of Higli Quality Preservation or implementation of Br4P's as identified in a local watersl�ed plan. EEP proposes tu utilize cold stream mitigation credits front Litlle Tcnnessee 06010202 (Cnf Creek). Tlos impact and associated miligation need were under projec[ed by the NCDOT in the 2015 impact data. EEP will co��uuit to uuplement sufficienl compensatory stream mitigation credils to offset tl�e impacts associated with this project as detemuued by lhe regulatory agencies using lhe delivery timeline lis[ed 'u� Section F.3.c.iii of the ILF instrumenL If tUe above referenced impac[ amounts are revised, ihen this mitigation acceplance letter will no longer be valid and a new mifigation acceplance letter will be required �om EEP. 8420. If you have any questio��s or need additional infonnation, please contact Ms. Beth Havuou at 919-707- Su�cerely, � 4'`�' } r lame� . Stanfill�� EEP Asset Management Supervisor ec: Ms. Lori Beclovitl�, USACH — Asheville Regulatory Field Office Mr. Sleve �Villiams, NCDOT — Division 14 Design Cons�ruction Engineer Ms. Linda Fitzpatrick, NCDOT — PDEA File: SR 1449Improvements—Division 14 1652 �Ae I�ervice Cenler, Ra�eigi�„ Ncr,n �aru!ir�a 27699-i652 Pnone: 975-707$97611nfemeC MipJ/podal.n�enr.ory'vreb/eep M Equal O�porlun ry 1 Affimiaire AcCOn EmdoY��- A!ale in FzA b� recyced pz�r r �� �� . —e '_" � •( � 1 '-�,.:-+�., + -. � �'i /"` .: �''.. �..-._�"r • -r---- p.�� � y s . y { i� M e �r•'°""'."���� �.... �.. I: � � �� • �.:! � �-l..V-�f -+ Iv �6QU7H ��.. ' •. �. `'l-�J '" �y r. �;.�� Y=--_ �-_ :�- ;���'"'`-_�: ���„�, J��,.. ',.Af� ..-..�. � r , `. �'� � �,.,, . ,�, . . :: ,,� .. .�—.. `�h-, ti �, -,e.�+:ti,�:y�'� - +ro..c, �•� . � `""-y��"ta.\ (�, , I 1 r~�� ' �'i \�� , � •�'ti.. I♦ � � �,� , �' �."�'�'f�l :, � e ? �' � � �`{ ~',� � .��� �� �,..;-., �� �7 �� �� �— ' ��Y��� Y��. V �: i $ (`-- Y� - ' ; f'� � '� '�=_. � w..�t�, ; �.V - ,1 J•--��:` •/��; r•.. _ --, r . a � -�.' �`�� :��T � �_~.n �—.----�'^1 ��� � �.� �'i, �' �' ►t � � ,..., \.r^'�.` R-5206 SR 1449 (Cope Creek Road) USGS Quad: SR 1710 to US 74123 Sylva North Jackson County 35083-D2-TF-024 0 0.05 0.7 0.2 � Miles �r tisy,�,��^ t � ti < F,�-�.;,� .. _,`��-^: `°..; � '�./,l fi`"":°1 " :� % �0�� �_ � � �� ..�- _,"�^' .�°" �. �_ .,.:`.. �. �..-'.,__ '� - .� �� ~ � ._ � 44 n.�0�'-1 �.�l---'^w... _ �y�.,..�.�'°^"�„ � ( "'� ... ,r_:. . �l� ��:a�l�� I���;L�,�� �1��' ���� -`��� r .1►� �wl ���� A):*��� r�� Z❑ � � � h � v� � r_� � U' o a �� n � V � o — ---- d=- " / r` ' � \ _ N � �1' �� �IM o �' � M � W N � I + rJ; z � 8�'L9 O wW ^ � � �. m � O �Q �o 0 0 N o�N��i � � � J + N � �� .,-c, =� �.; ���� � i � ��� � � � M / ` � _ � �F. % � \�� �. �� � /L �.�� � �,- j ' t;; `�`Z//�_/ / � � � / � � �_� O �N00O + ^ N � � r � pp M + � 1 ., � o w � (r = � f j ) ` ?� d ) � � �__ � � � �� � � �� �,— W � ` �i � o�l�r O M �``�.ti,' ,.�.� C m �I I�, ,.ti %i �, � � � � i' I Ic-� p ���(.��� �' N 0�00 p�� � I LLJ + o� oa � � � V M i- Z�� � N � �� ��N� � � � O +M �0 � � �' �p ^ �` (� e V� / fnl + +��oCO I°� `'' � c.2°3/ � � � � O . rn + N � � � � + �� �� � Q °N r�' ;�'� N �;M �� "' � � ° � -f' '� j � N . 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Y � < , 't. �� C1 c- ': ' i. � �;� r r '1 •+�-�.�. ` v I F ! !.1 i � '1 ...t �. � � �.�� l 1 ( 4� ; 1 .. 1 `r X : y ' n i�i�_��� J��•( 9� . 7.' � /f •.f � � �'..�,:. / Site 2A - channel to be relocated immediately downstream of Site 2 outlet. R-5206, SR 1449 � �, � �,+�„ > ..�,.�* �,- �_ . � , . , , �', :,� \ . \ .. •� . . r _ ,.`` ` r , "wS7 ��. � �� , � � . �,1 .��:'" Site 3 Inlet - '�?:.l)::it;.: a.�r'r'� .'}r} i .r�'Yi -.�'�:.. �.'.. rl ! ''� � , , �, � '>+�'•m :u+� 1;�,,, ,4'��:. �t � I r.i, ,.� � _-. :� . ,'' � Site 3 OuUet L R-5206, SR 1449 �.y�vp" 1 �" � s ' , : ra ,. { :y _, . . . �:_�+�� Site 4 Inlet � � t i�t< , �r�� ,�,; �era�. r't �, li , ; i �� � �� � j � � Y �j��, ;� �� (iy:'. �¢!. 14 i�i �' � V 1�;�/ , , �. � ; � � i,�� � :,� i ,�;, I � 1 � �e : �� 1 � ( ,r'.1 1� � i . ���� �� i. f �� l��r t .i� / 1��j1 II � � 1 ' � � � .I 1 � �t� �P � f 1 �' '.(/ ` � � \ � ,ir. ,��n�i /lll:i� - I� ���u '�i i i�,�: �� l=��,.r' � _ , � `� ,� � �. ii1i1�' ,::, �. � ;�!'? Site 4 Outlet �,,� ,.,, ,,� teli��� � i , �Y{;; , .- � '`� . �� ... .. r!,�. a r. �:; i/�i".' .�t. ,. . . u?".n..�.. . --`�i.,,;.y�,;�y ,. ..i 5 R-5206, SR 1449 0 � r �. � / , i i .. ii i ..� . i. � � '�'. .+ 5�•.1• ' . . ` '.?;�! � . �'i �V�.' � ��, l ��1, � /-��j� I 1 / ;��( 11 ` � � "�{ � � i .� _ )i .' � . /i �\ p .�• �� � i � li� �� ' n�i�' �� � 1„'; o ala� � i'�yl i �.�_ ' � � • i . � �� � 1 1�;,.;' � . , � � � i � � � � i ' 1 � ' ,li A . .�. . t� � � ./it . i� �i', �� �q ,:� . , !'� �!�' . '. �� "s:��•. � � ���� �� I�. � �- ���' ,�,]� V1 ��. ' ���� 1 . i�.i :'I ' 1 .. 11 ! �i ��L ,.il ��� � , 1 1�'��� � ' ,tr'll �. I a �A 1 � It �� )rl fr ���' � , � .. " r . 1:1 �� n� � r '�'1 i� . :l p, ,� y`�l � ��.• � l� � �.i �� '� ' .. �ti . . ., x � � �iy � z',-�. _� i 'i"qr`.� � . a_p_. .. :i �f` , � r �' ; ' ' � I � p Ja��• s - j � f : '#�'� � �,,�n ��I � i � � > �'kx„ , � � � a� _� :r � � � � ; � „ ' ^h—a�a� ��., e , � , �, � ij \ 'F�k ���'�� �y .. Si s � !: � I . '. �Y.a�R.. r3 �'�-' � .' t f h , �a�'i �. � > � i. � l i ! �, �" � � � i� >'. .` �� �; 1 �i �i�. �. : .r � � .; A.. .� � :. \ � � tl . � ; � .'.., �! y ` -� . St �N i . . .-� r: N �� •� Zt ��S��f. !a l �aA � t i .6:fi a y e i � � -.Y � 4 � � � . " � . \ � �P 1 � a !� r � i "`'y..� � s d � . t � L �.1� ! 1 Y � . � r : ��p � � tr � ~�¢e f ��� % �i1 11 ��� ,w+"'i.`ti,iU. ,F.s_ ��...r .. ., . _ . �.,..u. ... . �.. c:..., _ .. ,�. ... ..� � {. �..,.. P ... . .. Site 5 channel relocation looking downstream towards SR 1449 from sewer-line easement near Site 4 outlet. EFFECTS DET�RMINATION POI2NI YROJGCT INFORMATION Projec! No: iVBS No: R-5206 42009. I .1 CoroNy: Docrunerlt: Jacksou MCC Nrojec� Trncking No. (Inlenm( UseJ � _11-08-�121 —J �, ,_ :,! � �uN � o zo�z F.A. No: Frnr�liri�� � State ❑ Feder�,���9�py �� ii mei Federnl (USACL) Permit Reqaired? � Yes ❑ No Permi/ Ty�e: N WP l4 & 40l WQC Project Descriptio�i • Improve SR 1449 (Cope Creek Rd) from SR I710 to US 74/23 (Great Smoky Moimtain Eapress�vay). Thc improvements will widen thc road, reduce the cwves, and improve safety. BrreJ'descriplion ofrevieiv adivr�ies, resn(ts ofrevieiv. ar:r1 concG�sio»s: Review of HPO quad maps, relevant background reports, historic designations roster, and indexes wes undeitaken on September 13, 20l 1. I�ased on this review, lhere were no existing NR, Sl,, LD, or ll� properlies in the Area of Potential Effects (APE). "1'here were three Survey Site prope�4ies in the AYE: The Oldfield Baptist Chw'ch and Cemetery (JK 289), tl�e William I-Ienson House (JK 287), �nd an unu�med house (JK 288). NCDOT contracted TRC Environmental Corporntion to conduct a Historic Structure Survey and Report. On May 1, 2012 HPO sent a letter to NCD07' concurring with the recommendltion that the Oldfield B�ptist Churoh and Cemetery (JK 0289) is eligible for Na[ional Register Listing. No ather propei�ties in the APE were found to be Nationnl Register Eligible. �I'I'�CTS D�T�RMINATION Pioperty/Site: Oldfield Baptist Church and Centetery (JI{ 0289) Slnhrs: Ljfecls Finding: NR � No Effcct ❑ No Adverse Effect ❑ Adverse Effect Explminlio�r af Lffec�s Derermirrn[ion: !?�<��.�t"�jl�/LV✓�s-� l�� T�%� i'W-'i1�2✓ �'Y17.-,--, ce�n-�G��^�`'� � 1 �I.-Q. ,C,Y���71��1 �Y�"IVGI��, -it� Cc'�✓v� e-'�c�M� '� ���vV�C.I� J � ✓� U�v�J� Q X'i".2r� �% I U �,UC;i" AM�� �%C�.^'� eJC IS"�1�^ .l j�J:7 —l�,Z.e-s �/zV,^�/�,C,. ••L/fecis Derrnniumlon "Jonn(a� dfiva� Timupnnmim� Prol�'�IS n� QuaG(eed in �he 2007 Prngmrmnmia AF�ermn��. NCOO]'Ardmro(og1' R- Hisloiic Ardiirtxbme Grw�pe Lisl Enviroume�ital Conunrhnents ('f nny): SUPPORT DOCUMGNTATION See attached: Design plans and photos. 11-08-0121 �� � � j ��� Cultural Resowces S(iecinlis�� NCDOT Date Representative, HPO/OSA HPO/OSA Connnerus: "Gf/ens D:Ienninarion"Jvm��rAlu�m' TmmportnOan Proje�is nr Qunl f rd In Nc 20117l4ogianunNlv ARrceixenl. A'CDO]'ArcLnening}� R� Hinuric Ardiinxmrr Grm�ps Date ProjrrlTiacking�\'o. (lnmrunlUsel II-O8-0121 NO PREHISTORIC OI2 HISTORIC PROP�RTI�S PRES�NT/AFFECTED TORM YItOJECT WrORMATION Projec[ No: {V6S No: F.d. No: R-520( 42009. I . I r�/a !'eriernl (USACE) Per•mit Required? Caorly: Docmner+[.� Jackson PCE or CE Finrrling: � Slate ❑ Federal � Yes ❑ No PerinitType.• NWP3orNNl4 Pi•ojec! Descripliou: ,SRld49 Cope Creek Rond /mprovenre�rts. The projec! beguis j��s( iior!!+ of the in/ei.rec[ro�r wrJh SR/71 D(Ens! Cope Ci•eek R�/), �u1r1 proceerlr �iorth for approxiurn/ely 1.13 nriles errding �renr US 79/23 (Crerd Sinoky Mo+�runn�s Lxpres.r�vc�).T{re projec[ inclndes d�e ivrdeniug ojSRld49 !o 3Sjr ivilh (�vo !l-%o! trm�el la�ies ividr 2 foo! prrve�lsl�adders nrr�l4 joot grnssed slro�d�ters n�ir14 jeel fm� dilch ai c�d side. This is n s�n/e-firr+ded projecr �vrrf� jor�r US'ACOEjedernl pennii locnrions mir! [�vo are��s of ne�v /ocn/ion i�r ivhich esrs[ing cun�es ivi/1 Ge .rrrnighle�rerl nrrd Ihe exrs[rng pm�emenr nr rbese locnlions will be re���oved. SUMMARY OF TINDINGS The Nor!{+ Cnrolb+n DepmYU+eul of Ti•anspm•[ntion (NCDOT) revre�verl lfre s��Gjec[ project rned tteterminetl: Historic Archilechire/L�ndscapes ❑ Tliere are no Nntionnl Regisrer-lis[ed or Sludy Listed propehies within Ihe projecl's :�rea of potential eftecls. ❑ There are no properties less lhan fifty years olA �vhich are considered to mee[ Cri[cria Consider�tion G within the project's area of potential effects. ❑ There are no properties �vithin Ihe project's nrea of potentinl effecls. ❑ There are properties over fiRy years old within the area of poten[ial effec[s, but lhey do no[ mee[ �he criterin for listing on the National Register. ❑ All properties greater Ihan 50 years of aoe located in Ihe APE have been considered and all complianee for historic architechue wilh Section 106 of �he Na[ional Hisloric Preservation Ac[ and GS 121-12(n) hns been completed for this project. ❑ There are no hisroric properties presen[ or nffecled by Ihis projecL (�ittnch nuy noles nr documems ns neeAern Archaeology � There are no National Regis[erlisled or StuAy Listed properlies within �he projeq's area of po[ential e(fects. � No subsurface archaeological investigations are required for ihis project. ❑ Subsurfnce invesligations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources. ❑ Subsurface investig��ions did not reveal �he presence of any archaeological resources considered eligible for �he Natiunal Regisler. ❑ All iAenlified Archaeological sites localed wilhin the APE have been considered and all compliance for archaeological resources wilh Section 106 of the Nnliunal Hisloric Preserv��ion Acl nnd GS 121-12(�) hes been completed for this project. � There are no hisroric properlies present or affected by this projecl. (Aimcf� niry �mtes or documents <is i�eeAe� ,•h'n {lismiiv Pro�n•rlie� Pivanr"/am for,llinor T oirspm�ahun Projrus ur Quel fed in �hr I007 Prugronm�alir dg>eenrenl. A'CDOT Ai�fiaaalop� & Niirorir Ar�hirravrc Gioup� SUMMAItY OF CULTi1I2AL RESOURCES REVIEW L3rief�(escriplion ofrei�ie�v nclivrlies, resulls ojrevrew, ��nd conclusions: A map review and sile file search was conducted al lhe Office o( Stale Archaeology on Tuesday, September 6, 2011. No previously rewrded archaeological sites were identified within or directly adjacent to the presently defined APE. The ropograpbical and hydrotogical at[ributes of the project area were considered modera[e for bo[h hisrorlc and prehistoric settlement. The welbdrained soils, relatively level g�ound surfaces, and nearby drainages would have provided ideal occupancy requirements alongcertain areas of SR1449. Moreover, the Google Street View map appliwtion displayed what appear to be a few relatively undis[urbed, fallow ground surfaces in[erspersed among portions of wt hlllside and other areas marked by residential disturbances/impacts, and slope. Since the project constiwtes a state-funded effort and therefore is not subject to Section 306 cultural resource wmpliance, the mltural resource specialist remmmended an archaeological reconnaissance/survey o( the four (4) USACOE federal permit locations and a"good faith" investiga[ion of the three �3) areas of new location proposed (or the SR1449 widening/improvement project. An in�field reconnaissance of the project study area was performed on Wednesday, November 30, 2011. This served to iden[ify any above-g�ound archaeological or historical iemains and to determine fhe level/extent of subsurface investigation necessary for projec[ compliance. Permit area ttl (sta 20+0043i00) constitutes the replacement of a small pipe trending beneath SR1449 and the very slight shifting of the roadway to the east.5loping and eroded gwund surTaces typify this permi[ location. As no fla[ or un-impacted areas were situated at this location, no shovel testing was conducted. Permit locatlon ql contains no potential for holding NRHP eligible archaeological deposits. The second area of new bca[ion (sta. 40+00 —46+00) embraces the straightening of a rela[ively sharp curve and Ihe removal of pavement from the exis[ing roadway. Undula[ing, sloping, and severely eroded ground surfaces, as well as impaRS associated wi[h the exisling right-of-way, residential homes, and utili[ies characterize this section along SR1449. Clearly, no shovel testing could be conducted in such eroded and impacted contexts. While some extremely minor po[ential exists for uncovering an arti(act or two within this general area, the prospecl of identifying an NRHP eligible archaeological deposit is remore. No further investigation of this diminutive new location area of Cope Creek Rd. is recommended. i : ; i . � _� uoirr�cii.hii'.lila�iiwp,,ll'd�.;G�. �'... ._ 11..�._ �=r--�____..-. _ ,.Nu Nisrmic Piopziliaf Pnnnl"/om�/m dlnror 7'ransporluliai Pro/eus ar Qwl�. d in �hr 10!!1 Progrommnlir Agrrrniem. XCDOT Ardmmlobry & H�rtwir ArJ�ilr<lurc Grovpr Permit area If2 (GA+00), a small pipe replacement, was characterized by disturbances associa[ed with the existing SR3449 right- of-way, above and below ground utility lines, slope, and past grading of residen[ial lots. A"washed�down" garden plot was investigated for the presence of wltural artifacts a[ Ihis location, however no such wlW�al materials or deposits were enmuntered. Due to the above mentioned factors and the relatively diminutive a�ea set to be impacted by this pipe replacement, no shovel testing was conducted within this permi[ area. ��f��� �� 'Q'ffii.L.r..�/fL � 'l '�q , ,s�, �.,' . ; t��;''�� . � � ;. i _� -/� If'.II� ' A���.�:., . sj- _ ( r; ' � �. �t:. ..-�� . t r`r`" _� . Permi[ areas ff3 (culvert) and N4 (channel changeJ, as well as Ihe Ihird and (Inal curve straighlening/pavemen[ removal, were all loca[ed behveen sla[ions 68T00 and 74r00 near lhe pwjects ending poin[ at U574/23. Similar to Ihe a(orementioned permit areas, Ihis (inal portion o( the project corridor vres characterized by sature[ed and pooriy drained soils (north side), sloping and residen[ially graded/altered land surfaces (south side & easrern limits) and major dis[urbance associated with the existlng righc- of�way (Sft1449) and lhe righFOf-way and conslruction associated with U574/23 (westem limits). No shovel tes[ing was exeated at this project location due to [he numerous impacts. The likelihood of this portion of the project APE conlaining an NRHP eligiUle a«haeological resource is virtually noo-existen[. Following imfield investiga[ion and inspection of [he SR14A9 (Cope Creek Rd) location in Jackson County, North Carolina, the cullural resource specialist remmmends that no (urther archaeological work is necessary for [he projec[ as pwposed, The dislurhed character of the existing right-of-way wrridor and those residential areas adjacent to it and the diminulive and restricled nature of this state-hmded conslruction effort make it highly unlikely that any signi(icant, NRHP eligible cul[ural resources or archaeological sites would be present within [he APE. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATiON See �ttnched: M�p(s), Previous Survey Info, Pho[os, Correspondence, Photocopy of notes from survey. Signed: � Culhnal Resources Specialist, NCDOT .•No f/i!roric Proprrlie� Pietenl"/orm/m Mino�Trmitporlalion ProleoU as �uoli%ieAin rA.� 1007 Yiaqrnmmaric Agrrzmmf. NCI�OT drd�arolop� h ihelaic drthilrtfure Grovyr Date 2.C1 ( �� �, � E : Legend --- Primary Routes Secondary Roads Streams Project R-5206 Cope Creek Road Improvemenis Mites 0 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 APPRO\'CD JURISDICTIONAL DETER�fINA'PION RORI11 U.S. Army Cm�ps of Engineers 'I�his forin shoald be completed by follo�ring the instructions provided in Scction 1V of Ihe 7D Fonu Inslniction�il Guidebook. SCCTION I: BACI{CROUYD I�POR�IATION A. REPORT COnIPLCTION DAT� FORAPPROYED JURISDICTIONAL UE'PLRNINA'PION (JD): B. DISTRICT O!'fICC, f ILE NA�IG, AND NUDiBCR: C. PROJCCT LOCATION AND BACKGROUND INGOR�IATION: TIP R-5206, SR Id49 Cope Creek Road S[n[e:NC Counq�/p�rish/borough: Jackson Ciq�: Sylvn Cenfer coordinates of site QaUlung in degree decimal formaQ: Lot. 3�3837° N, Long. -83.1834° \Y Unirersal Transrerse N(erealoc Name of nearest wuterbody: Cope Creek and Blanton Branch Name uf nearest Traditional Navigable VVater (TNIV) lnto u�hich the aquNic resouree Flo�vs: Tuekasegm 2irer Name oC �riuer,hed or liydrologic Unit Codz (HUC): Cope 06010203020010 and 6lanton 0G010203020020 � Check if map/diagram of rerie�v area and/or potential jurisdictional areas iskare avnilnble upon rzquest. ❑ Chcck if other sitcs (c.g., offsite mitigation sitcs, disposnl sitcs, etc... ) are associated with this action nnd are recorded on a diftcront JD form. D. REVIER' PERFORAIGD G'OR SIT6 EYALUATION (C11ECI( ALL THAT APPL\'): � Offlcc (Dcsk) Dc[crmination. Datc: Pcbninry 12, 2015 � Cicld Dctcrmination. Da�c(s): July 27, 201 I SECTION II: SUAIDIARI' OF RINDINGS A, RHA SECTION 10 DETCR�IINATION O�JURISDICTION. There Are no "rmi�ignble ira�ers ojd�e U.S.° �vithin Rivers and Harbors Acl (RI IA) I��risdiction (ns defined by 33 CPR part 329) in �he rcvic�ti° araa. [ReqrriredJ ❑\Vaters sulilecl to the ebb and flo�v of the tide. ❑ 1Va�ers are prtsenlly used, or have been used in the past, or may be suscep�ible for use to transpon in[ers�ate or foreign commzrca. Gxplain: I3. CR'A SECTIOY 404 DCTERDIINATION O� JURISDICTION. Therz Ara "irn�ers o(�Ge US." «•ithin Clean \Ynter Act (C\VA) I��risdic�ion (ns dcGncd by 33 CPR part 328) in Ihe revie�r arzn. [RequiredJ 1. �Vnters oithe U.S. n. Indicnte presence of �rnters of U.S. in review nren (checle nll thst apply): � ❑ TN\Vs, including territorial seas ❑ Nc�lands aAjacent to'INWs � Relnticely permanent w�ters� (RP\Vs) Uiul ilo��� direetly or inAimctly in[o TNNs � Non-RPVVs ihat [lo�t� directly or indirectty into TNR's lVe�lands direc�ly abuuine RPAVs thal Ilow directly or indirectly inlo "I`N1Vs ❑ Netlands adjacen� to 6W not dircetly abutting RP1Vs �hat tlo��° directly or indirectly inio TNWs ❑ 1VeUnnds adjncent �o non-RNVVs thal Oo�v direclly or i�directly into'ITVVs ❑ Impoundments ofjurisdictional �vaters ❑ Isolaled (interstate or inlrastale) �vaters, including isolated �vetlands b. Identify (estimate) size of waters of the U.S. in the revie�r nrea: Non-wetland �vaters: 1200 linear feeL LS �vid�h (ti) and/or acres. �Vetlands: acres. c. Liinifs (bomidnries) ofjm�isdiction bnsed on: lisfablis6ed by OH�V�I: Elevaiion of'eslablished OHNM (if luio�vn): . 2. Non-regulnte<I wntershretlnnds (clieck if �pplicnble):' ❑ PoteMinlly I��risdie�ionnl �vn[ers and/or �vetlands �cere assessed �aithin �he revie�v acen and detennined �o be imtjurisdictional. E�plain: � 13oxes checkeA bzlo�c shnll be supporteA bp completing Ihe appropriate sec�ions in Sec�ion III belo�r. ' For pu�ioses o(Ihis tonn, an RP\V is defined as a tributary that is not a TNN anJ Ihat t}'pically Flo�cs }�earvmunA or has conlinuous Oow al Icas1 "sensonally" (c.g., t}'pic�lly 3 mon�hs). ' Suppohing Aocumenta�ion is preseNed in Section 11I.F. SCCTION II7: CR'A ANALYSIS A. TNR's AND W C'I'LANDS ADJACGNT "I'O TN�Ys The agencics will nssert jurisdiction over TNNs nnd wetlands ndjacent to TN\Vs. If �he nqunfic resow�ce is n TN\V, complete Section III.A.� nnd Section III.D.I, only; iPihe nqu�tic resow�ce is a weHnnd ndjncent to n 71v\V, complete Sections IILA.I and 2 nnd Sec�ion III.D.1.; othenvise, sce Section III.B below. I. TNR' Identify TN�V: Summarizc rntionnle supponing dctcnnination: 2. A1'etland ndjncent to TN�V Summtirize rationnle supporting conclusion �hnl �cetland is "adacenP': I3. CHARACTCRISTICS Or TRIf3UTARY (THAT IS NOT A"fN\\') AND ITS ADJACCNT R'E'PLANDS (Ir AN]'): This section summnrizes infm�mntion regnrding chnrneteristies of the tributnry mid its adjacent wetlnnds, if nny, nnd it helps determine whether or not tl�e stnndm�ds fm� jurisdiction esinblished midcr Rapsnos have been met. The ngencies will nsserf jw�isdiction over nou-nm�ignble tributnries of TN\Vs where the tributnries nre "relatively permanent wnters° (RP�I's), i.e. tributaries H�nt typic�lly fiow yenr-rowid or hnre continuous Oow nt lenst sensonnlly (e.g., typicnlly 3 months). A wetlnnd thnt directly nbuts nn IiP�V is nlso jurisdictional. If Hie nquntic resmu�ce is not a'f i�\V, but hns yenr-round (perenninl) ilow, skip to Section III.D.2. IPH�e nquntic resource is a�re[lond directly nbutfing n h�ibutm�y with perenninl flow, si<ip [o Section III.DA. A�retlnnd thnt is adjaeeut to but thnt does not directly nbut an RPR' requires n significnnt ne�us evnluatim�. Corps districts and EPA regions will incluAc in the rewrd nny nvnilnble inforrontion ihnt documents the e�istenee oSn significant nexus behreen n relntively permnnent h�ibutary ih�t is not perennial (nnd its ndjncent ���ctlnnds if any) and n trnditionnl nnvignble wnter, even though n significnnt ne�us fiuding is not required ns m m�tter of la�v. If the wnterbod�a is iwt m� RP\V, or a wetlnnd directly nbutting nn RP�V, a dD will requirc ndditional data to determine iPthe waterbody hns a signilicant nesus with n TNN. If the tributmy hns adjncent wetlnnds, the significnnt nexus evnluntion musf consider the Iributary in combinntion �vith nll of its ndjacent �retlnnds. This significnnt ne�us ernluntion tl�nt combines, Sor nnnlytienl pw�poses, the tributnry nnd nll of its adjacent wetlnnds is used wl�ether ti�e revie�r nre� identified in the JD requcst is the iributnry, or its ndjneent �retlnnds, or both. If the JD corers a tributnry with ndjncent wetl�nds, eomplete Section III.B.1 (m� the tributary, Section III.I3.2 (or nny onsite wetlands, nnA Section I11.B.3 for nll wetlands ndjacent to thnt h�ibutary, both onsite nnd offsite. The determination whetlicr n significnnt ne�us ecists is determined in Secfion IILC below. L Chnrneteristics of nou-TNR's that Oow directly m� inAirectly into TN�V (i) Gcneral Area Conditions: \Vntzrshed sizc: Pick List Druinage area: Pick List Averagc nnnunl rnintall: inches Average imnual sno���tall: inches (ii) Pl�ysicnl Chnrncteristies: (a) Rcln�ionship�vithTNR4 ❑ "fribwary tlo�cs directly into TNVV. ❑ Tributaq� Flows through Piek List Vibutaries before cn[cring'I'NN�. Projcct �cnters are Pick List river miles liom TNR�. Project �vaters are Pick List river milcs from RPN. Project �catcrs nre Pick List acrinl (s�raighQ miles tiom TNN. Project �va[crs nre Pick List nerinl (s�raight) miles liom RP\V. Projcet wnters cross or scn�c ns stElle boundarics. Bspinin: [denti�j• flo�v route to "I'N\V`: Tributaq� strcnm order, if kno�vn: ' No�e that �he Instructionnl Guidebook conlains nddi�ionnl infonnafion reencdine s�cales, di�ches, �enshes, and zrosionnl fea�ures generally and in Ihe ncid R'es�. ` Plow mu[e can he deseribed by iAentityin�_, e.g.. Uibutnq• n. �rhic6 Ilo�cs Ihroueh the revie�c aren, to Oow into tribitlnry b, o�hich [hen �lo�rs inm 7NR�. (b) GenerJ TribW�n� Ch�r�cleris�ics (check all tliat auolr)' 71�ibutary is: ❑ Natural ❑ Anificinl (man-made). F,apinin: ❑ btanipulaled (mm�-nllered). Explain: Tributary prope�tics �vilh respect to top of bank (es�imnle): Average �vidth: feet Average depth: (eel r\verage side slopes: Pick Lisf. Primaq• tribWaq� suhstratc composition (check all Ihat apply): ❑ Sills ❑ Sands ❑ Concrete ❑ Cobbles ❑ Grnvel ❑ bluck ❑ Bedrock ❑ Vegetation. Type/%cover: ❑ Othec Expinin: . 'Cributaq� coiidition/stability [e.g., highly croding. sloughing bnnks). E�plain: Presence of runhilile/pool compleses. Explain: . Tributnq° geometq�: Piek List Tributnq� gradienl (npproaimate nvernge slope): °/a (c) Flo�v: TribWap� provides I'or. Pick List Gstimnte nverage number of Ilo�c crenls in rericw aren/year: Pick List Describc Flo�v regimc: . Otlwr information on durntion and volume: . Surfnce Oo�v is: Pick LisL Chnrnctzris�ics: Subsurface Ilo�v: Pick Lisf. Esplain findings: ❑ Dye (or other) tes� performed: . Tributnq• has (check nll thal apply): ❑ Bed mid banks ❑ OI IAVM6 (chcck all indicators thi�t apply): ❑ clear, na[urnl line impressed on tlie bank ❑ changes in the charneter oCsoil ❑ shelving ❑ vegetntiom m�tted do�vn, benl, or nbsent ❑ leaf litter disturbcd or waished a���ay ❑ sediment deposition ❑ �vater staining ❑ otlier Qist): ❑ Discontinuous OHNn4.' Espinin: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ the presencc of litter and debris destruc�ion of tzrrestrial vcgctntion the prtsence of n°rnek line sediment soning acour multiple observed or predicted llo�v eveNs nbrupt chnngc in plani wmmunij� If fnnors other �hmi the OHN��I �rere used lo de�emiine la�eral e��enl of CWAjurisdiction (check nll Ihn[ apply): ❑ High'I'ide Line indicated by: ❑\4enn High \Vtller Mark indicated by: ❑ oil or scum line along shore o�lects ❑ survey m available datum; ❑ tine shell or debris deposils (foreshore) ❑ physicnl nmrkings; ❑ physical markings/diarac�eristics ❑ vegetation lines/changes in vegetation types. ❑ tidal gauges ❑ other (list): (iii) Cl�emicnl Chnrncteristics: Ch�racterize tributary (e.g., �rater eolor is clear, discolored, oity tilm; wa�er quality; general watershed chaeaeteristics, ete.). Esplain: Identify specific polluta��ts, if kno�vn: . �A natural or man-nmde discoNinuily in Ihe OH\V\4 does not necessarily se��erjurisdiction (e �., where �lie slrc,mi temporarily flo��s underground, onchere lhc OI I1V\1 hu been removed by decelopment o� aliculh�ral pmGices). \\'here ti�erc is a break in Ihe OH\VM Iha� is unrelated to ihc �raterbodp's �o��� re�ime (e,g., Ilow over n rock oWCrop or tivouJi a culvert), Ihe a�encies will loak for indica�on ol Ilow above anA below thc brenk. 'Ibid. (ir) Biologicnl Chnractcristics. Clmnnel suppm�fs (check nll flmt appl}•): ❑ Ripnrian corridoc Charactcrislics (tppc, average �cidth): . ❑ Netland tiinge. Characteris�ics: . ❑ Hnbitat lor: ❑ Federally I.isted spccies. E�pinin findings: . ❑ Fislilspmrn areas. t>�plain lindings: . ❑ Other environmentally-scnsitive specics. Eaplain tindings: ❑ Aqu�tichvildlife diversity. Esplain �indings: . 2. Chnrncteristies oPwetiands adjncent to non=�N�V ihat tlow directly or indirectly into TN1V (i) Physical Chnrncteristics: (n) General VVetland Charncleristics: Properties: \Vetland sizr. acres Netland �ypc. h:splain: . VVeUand qualiq�. Expinin: . Projecl �ccUands cross or sen�e as s�nte boundaries. 8�plain: (b) Genecnl Plo�v Relntionship �vi�h Non-TT'W: Plo�v is: Pick List. Esplain: . Sud'acc tlow is: Pick Lisf Charac[eristics: Subsud'acc Flow: Pick Lisf. E�plain findings: ❑ Dye (or othcr) tesl performed: . (c) \Vetl�nd Adiaeencv Determination �vith Non-TNN: ❑ Directly nbutting ❑ Not directly nbutting ❑ Discrz[c �eeUand hydrologic wnnection. Expinin: ❑ Ecologicnl connection. E�pinin: . ❑ Separated by berm/Lmrriec E�pinin: . (d) Pro�imitv(Relationshi�iltoTl�lV Prqjcct �vetlands nre Fick List river miles from'IN\V. Prolect ���aters nre Pick List aerial (strnight) miles Gom'I'N\V. Flo�v is from: Pick List. Bs[imnte approsimnte loca�ion of �cetland ns wiihin �he Pick Lisf tloodplain. (ii) Cheroicnl Chnrneteristics: Characterize �cetland systam (e.g., �vnter color is clenr, bro�sn, oil film on surtnce; �veler quality; general wate�sheA chnru�eristics; etcJ. Gxpinin: . Identify specific pollulants, if kno�sn: . (iii) Diological Chnrncteristics. �Vetlami supporfs (check nll that npply): ❑ Riparian bufter. Characteristics (typc, nvzrage �vidth): . ❑ Vegetationq�pe/perce��tcover. Espinin: . ❑ Habitat for. ❑ Federally Lis[ed species. h:�plain tindiiigs: . ❑ Fisli/spn��°n areas. E�plain findings: . ❑ Olher cnvironmentnlly-sensilive species. Espinin findings: ❑ Aquntichvildlifc diversi�y. Esplain lindings: . 3. Chnrncteristics of nll we[Innds ndjacent to the tribnfaiy (if any) All wetland(s) bcing considcred in the cumulativz analpsis: Pick Lisl Approsimately ( ) neres in total nre being considered in �hc cumulative an�lysis. Por ench a�eilnnd, specify the tbllowing: Directle nbuts? (Y/Nl Sizc (in xcres) Diracth� abuts? (1'/N) Size (in acres) Summarize overall biologicnl, chemical and physicnl fimetions being pertormed: . C. SIGNI�ICANT NEXUS DfTCR�1INATION A signific�nt ne�us nnalysis will nssess the ilow characteristics nnd funetimis of the tributm'y itself nnd tlie funetions performed by nny a�eHnnds ndj�eent to the h�ibutnry to determine if they signifenntly n(fectthe ehemicnl, physical, nnd biological integrity of n TN1V. Gm� ench of the following sitmifions, � siguificnnt neaus e�ists if the tributnry, in combinntion �vith nll of its sdjacent wetl�nds, hns mm•e than a speculntive m� insubstantinl ef(ect on the chemicnl, physicnl nnd/m� biologicnl integrity of n TN�V. Considerntions when ev�lunting significnnt nexus include, bid nre �wt limited to the volume, durntion, nnd Trequeney of the flow of wnter in the tributmy and its pro�imity to n TN1A', nnd the Punetions performed by the tributnry nnd all its ndjncent wetlnnds. It is not npproprinte to determine significant nexus bnsed solely on nny specific threshold oP distance (e.g. bchveen n lributnry and ifs ndjacent wetlnnd or belwcen n tributnry nnd the TN�V). Similnrly, the fnct nn ndjacenl �vetlnnd lies within m� outside of n floodpinin is not solely detcrminative of signi(iennt nesus. Drmr cmmections behseen the Penhu�es documented and Ihe efPects on tl�e TN\5', as identif ed in the Rnponos Guidnnce and discussed in the Instructionnl Cuidebool<. P'nctors to consider include, fa� c�muple: • Does the Iribulaq�, in combination �vith ils adjneenl ���etlands (if any), heve the enpneity to carry pollutants or Flood �va�crs to TNVVs, or to reducc the anmun� ot pollutants or Flood �vaters rcnching a"INN? • Does thc �ribu�aq�, in combination ���i�h ils t�djacent we�lnnds (if any), provide habitat and lifecycle support fimetions for lish and other species, such ns teeding, nesting, spa�vning, or rearing young for species thal are preseN in ihe TN\V? • Does tlie tributaq°, in eombinalion �vith i�s nci,l�cent �vetlands (if any), hnve the capacity �o Irnnsfer nutrients and orgnnic carbon that support do�rnstream food�rebs? • Does the Iributary, in combinntion aith its �eijncen� �cetlands (if any); have other relationships to the physical, chemicnl, or biological inlegrity ofthe "fNlV7 Notr. the above list of considernfions is not inclusive nnd other fimctions observed or luiown to occur should be documented below: 1. Significant nexus findiugs for non-RP�V tliat hns no ndjacent �vetlnnds and flows directly or indirectly into TN�Vs. Bxplain findings of presence or absence of significant nexus belo�r, bnsed on �he tributary itself, then go to Section III.D: . 2. Signific�nt nexus (indings for non-RP�V nnd its ndjncent wetlnnds, where the nan-RP\V flo�rs directly or indirecUy into TN�Vs. F,�pinin findings of presence or absence of significan( nesus below, based on Ihe tribu�ary in combinntion with all of ils adjaccn[ wetlands, then go to Sec�ion IIID: . 3. Significnnt nesus findings for weUnnds ndjacent fo mi RPR' bid thnt do not directly abut the RPN. Gsplain findines of presence or absenec of significanl nexus helo�v, based on Ihe tributary in wmbinntion �sith all of its ndjncen[ �vetlands, Ihen go to Section III.D: . D. DETCR11llNATIONS OF JURISDICPIONAL I'INDINGS. THE SUBJ�CT �VATERS/R'ETLANDS ARE (CHECI<ALL THAT APPL1'): 1. 7'MVs nnd Adjacent \Vetlmids. Check nll thal apply nnd provide sizc es�imales in rcvie�r area: ❑ TN1Vs: linear fcct �cidUi (ti), Or, ncres. ❑ \Vetlands adjaccnt [o TNNs: ncres. 2. RP\Vs thnt ilo�v directly or indirectly in[o TN�Vs. � Tribularies ot TNNs �rhere tributnries typicnlly flo�r yearvround are I����sdictional. Pro��ide da�a and rntionule indicating Ihut tributary is perenniaC Tlie strenms at threc sites (Sites 3-5) are sho�vn as blae-lines on �he OSCS mnp. All slreams except at Site 3 have �vell Aef ned chmmels and perennial t]o«�. Some of the [lo�v n[ Site 3 may be subterrnnean due �o nnificial d�ninnge, bW Ihis strenm htis had persistenl llow on eveq� site visiL .'fhe stream a� sites 4 nnd � supports fish. ❑"fributarics of"IN W�rhere tribWnries have continuous Flow "seasonall}°" (e.g., typicallp Ihrce months eacl� year) are jurisdiclional. Da�a supporting �his conclusion is provided at Seclion III.L3. Provide rationnle indica�ing Ihat tributnry (lows seasonnl ly: . Provide eslimates forjurisdiclional wnle�rs in �hc revie�v area (chcek nll Ihat apply): � TribWary waters: 1200 linenr feet 7-5 �aidth (tl). ❑ Other non-�se[Innd �caieis: acres. Idemi�v tppc(s) of watcrs: . 3. Non-RP\Vss thnt ilow directly m� indirectly into TNR's. ❑\Vaterbo�y that is not a TNN or an RPIV, bul ilo�rs direc�ly or indiroctly into n TN\V, �nd it has a signit�cant nesus �ti°ith n "fNN isjurisdictional. Dntn suppocting �his conclusion is providod at Section III.C. Provide eslimntes forjurisdictio�ml �vnters within the re��ie��� arca (check all that npply): ❑ Tributnp� waters: linear feet �vidth (li). ❑ Other non-�vctlnnd �ratecs: xres. Iden[if}� �ypz(s) of wnters: . 4. �Yetlnnds directly nbutting an RP\V that flo��• directly or indirectly into TN\Ys. ❑ Nctlnnds directly nbut RP\V and thus arc jurisdictional ns adjocent wetlands. ❑\\'etlands directly abutting nn RP�V �vhere tributnries lypicallp tlo�v year-round. Provide data and rntionale indicaling thnt Iributary is perenni�l in Section III.D2, nbove. Provide rationale indic�ting �hat ��°etlnnd is Aircctly abutting mi RPVV: . ❑\Vetlands directly abutling an 2PW �vhere tributaries h•pically Ilow "sensonally" Providz dala indieating that �ributnry is seasonal in Section III.B and rationnle in Section I I I.D2, abore. Provide �ationale indicating that �aetland is direc�ly abW�ingijn 2P\V: . Provide acrzage estinwtes lor jurisdictional �cell�nds in the revie�v aren: neres. 5. AVeUands ndjncent to but not direeHy nbutting an RPR' ihat Oow directly m� indirectly into TNVVs. ❑AVe�lmids �hnt do not direcll}' abut an RPAV, but when considcrcd in combination �eith the tributnry fo �vhich Uicy. re e�djacent and �eith similarly situated adjacent �cetlands, hnve a signitieant nesus �villi a Ti 1\V erejurisidic[ional. Da�a supporting this conclusion is provided at Scction III.C. Proeide acrenge estimntes for jurisAiclional �vetlmi�is in �he rzview areu: aeres. 6. �Vetlnnds adjacent to non-RP�Vs that Oow direetly or indirectly into TN�Vs. ❑VA'ellands adjneent to such �vnlers, and hnve when eonsidered in combinntion wi�h �he tribulary to �vhieh �hey are adjncent and �vith similarly situated adjncent �vetl�nds, have a significan� nexus �cilh n TNN arejurisdictionnl. Dnta suppor�ing this conclusion is providcd at Section IILC. Provide estimntes forjurisdictionail �setlmids in the revie�c nrea: neres. Z Impoundments ofjm�isdictionnl waters.' As n general rulc, the impoundment of ajurisdic�ioiml tributnry remainsjurisdictional. Q Demonsfrate �ha� impoundment �vns created from "�vaters of�he U.S.," or ❑ Demonslrate that wnter meets the critecia for one ot thc cntegories presen�ed above ( I-G), or ❑ Demonstr�te that �vater is isolated �vilh a nexus to emnmerce (sez E below). �. ISOLATCD �INTERSTATE OR INTRA-STATC� �VATCRS, WCLUDIYG ISOLATCD �\'ETLANDS, TIIC USE, DEGILIDATION OR DCSTRUCTION OF �YHICH COULD AFPECT INTCRSTATG CO\IDtERCG, INCLUDINC ANl' SUCII �VA"CERS (CHBCIC ALL THAT APPLti'):�o ❑�chich are or could be used by interstate or foreign Irnvelers Cor reereationnl or other purposes. ❑ from which fish or shellfish are or emJd be (aken and sold in in[erstate or Coreign commerce. ❑�vhich nre or could be used for industrial purposes by industries in in�erstate wnunerce. ❑ Interstate isolated wnters. Explain: . sScc Pootno�e N 3. ' To comple[e tl�e ;malysis refer to �he key in SeGion ILI.D.6 of Ihe Instnictional Guidebwk. 10 Prim� lo nsserling m� �erlining C�\4\ jurisdietion bnseJ solely ou Ihis calegorc, Corps Dislricis �eill rlevn�e Ihr netion �o Corps and LNA HQ for revien' consisfenl �rith thc process described in Ihe Corps/GPA AleinorrmAuu� Regnrding CI{41 Ar( Juritdie7iou Follniving Rnpmios. ❑ Other factors. Esplain: Identify wntcr body and sununnrize rntim�nle supporting determinxtiou: Proeide estimates for jurisdidional �ealers in Ihe revien� nrea (check all that npply): �Trilmtr�n' welers: linear fee� «•idlh (ft). O�her non-��retland waters: acres. IdentiY�° tppe(s) of �vatecs: . [] �Vetlands: ncres. NOY-JURISDICTIONAL �VATERS, INCLUDING �VETLANDS (CHECI< ALL TIIAT APPLl'): ❑ If potential ���etlands �+'erz assesszd ���iihin the revie�v a�ea, Ihese areas did not meel thc criteria in Ihe 1987 Corps of Engineers V1'etland Delineation btanual and/or appropriate Regional Supplements. ❑ Re�•ie��� nrea included isolated waters wi�h no substantial nexus io intzrslt�te (or forzign) conmicree. ❑ Prior to tlic Jnn 2001 Supremc Court dccision in "SIIi1NCC;' the rzvie�v area �rould have been rcgulntcd bascd solelv on the "�4igratory Bird Rule" (MI3R). ❑VV���ers do not meet the "Significnnt Nesus'� s�nndnrd, �vhere such a finding is aquiced for jurisdic�ion. E�plain: . ❑ Othec (explain, if nol c�vered aibove): . Proride acrenge eslimntes for non-jurisAictionnl �vnters in �he revic�v nrcn, �chcm �he sole polential bnsis ofjurisdiction is the MBR C�ctors (i.e., presence of migrnloq� birds, przsence ofendengered speeies, use ol ���ater Cor irrigated t�griculturz). using bes� professional judgmeni (check all tha� apply): ❑ A'on-�cetlnnd warors (i.a., rivers, s�reains): lincar fcel �vid�h (Il). ❑ I ake�/ponds: acres. ❑ 011ier non-�cetland �ceters: neres. I.ist type of aqualic resourec: . ❑ \Vetlands: acres. Provide nereage estimates for non-jurisdictionul �vaters in tlre reriew aren �hnt do not mect �he "SieniGcant Nexus" slandnrd, �vhere such n linding is required 1'orjuris�ictiun (check all that apply): ❑ Non-�ve[land wa[crs (i.c., rivcrs, s�rcams): lincnr fccl, �vid�h (fQ. ❑ Lake�lponds: ncres. ❑ Othcr non-�vetland �vaters: acres. Lisl [ppe of aqua�ic resource: . ❑ Wetlands: ncres. SCCTION IV: DATA SOURCES. A. SUPPORTING DATA. Dnta reriewed for 7D (checle nll that npply - checked i[ems shnll be included in case file and, �vliere checked �nd requcs[ed, npproprintcly re[crence soumes below): � �4aps, pl�ns, plots or plfll submitted by or on behulCof the applicanUconsultnnt: . ❑ Dnta shcols prepared/submiued by or on behalf of Ihe applicanUconsullant. ❑ Oftiec coneucs �eith da�a sheets/delinea�ion repon. ❑ Office does no� concur �ci�h dntn sheets/delinentioo report. ❑ Data shee�s prepared by the Curps: . ❑ Corps nnvignblc �vnlcrs' study: . ❑ U.S. Gcological Survep Hydrologic Allas: . ❑ USGS NI ID data. ❑ USGS 8 and 12 digi� HUC maps. � U.S. Geological Survcy map(s). Citc scnlc R quad mm�c: L2dK Sylva North. ❑ USDA Nnturnl Resources Conserv�tion Sen�icc Soil Survey. Citation: . ❑ Nntional �veUands inven[oq� mnp(s). Cite name: . ❑ Slate/Local o�etland inventoq� map(s): . ❑ re�iEvrian� �„��5: ❑ 100-ycar Ploodplain Elevation is: (Na�ional Gcodcclic Vertical Datum of 1929) � Photographs: ❑ Aerinl (Nnme R Date): . or � Other (�]eme & Da�e): R-5206, SR Id49 Feb 13, 2015. ❑ Previous dctcnninntion(s). Pile no. and datc of response Icttee . �Applicnblc/supporting case la�c: . Applicnble/supporting scientific liter�hire: ❑ O�her infonnation (please specifp): . B. ADDITIONAL COAIAIGNTS TO SUPPORT JD: This form covcrs nmltiplc tributaries. � 0 � N� "'��1 � V W O �1 v 1 O � N O N U (�, V � � O V s See Sl.cet f-A Fa I�ex of Sheels Sce Slz�l 1-8 Fw Convenllonol Symbols �--�• •- DETOUR VICINITY M?rP y O � h � S�°A'I"E �F N�I�'"d"1H C.�R�LINA �IVISI�N �� HIG�-IWA�S JA CI�S01� COUI�TY LOCATION: IMPROVEMETIT TO COPE CREEIC ROAD FROM EAST COPE CREEIC ROAD (SR 1710) TO US 74. TYPE OF WORK: GRADING, DRAINAGE, EROSIOI�I COlt'TROL AND AND PAVING — SrA 15+24.00 —L— POC 15�f34.38 c�, \r � \\ \� \ � s� ., ' :, jsr-_ '=_=_ Q9 THIS PROJECT IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN ANY MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES CLEARING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD II �� -Y- ��� :_� 0 —L— POC 75+08.00 � c��� i OF � I]d9 n�n �oic� v�m w R-5206 � � N b�' � �o �' J5 PRELIMINARY PLANS � SEPI ��DILIULICS ENGINEER Df11570N OF H/GHI{�I}'S GRAPHIC SCALGS DESIGN DAT.9 PROJECT LENGTH � '°351=�°"�'"° a3,3+r.cr,ecs STATE OF NOATfI CAROLINA ie19�9.]6?.P3]1 ADT 2012 = 3250 � excixeeaixas ��'"°'��'3`=" SO 25 0 50 100 coxs.aucnoe ✓<r�=�cnsr �a ADT 2032 = 4350 DHV = �p / LENGTH ROADWAY PROJECT R-5206 = 7.13 Miles mizsras�.um srrcracnrm.�-s PLANS RIGXT OP 11'AY DATG: STEVE SCOTT, PE P£ tl SO 25 0 50 100 D = 60 °/a JUNE 15,2012 rxo�co svr.nurz ��u. r x�� T — �� LLTTLVG DdTE: IZOAUII'rIY DL•SIGN TOMMY REGISTER, PE cn'GIVES2 ,,,• PROPILE (HORIZONTAL) V= 35 MPH JANUARY 21, 2014 paoifcr nesic�ra 10 5 0 10 20 NCDOT CONTACT STEPHEN WILLIAMS p£ PROFILE (VERTICALJ nnnmx aaoiccr stisacre-n'coor sraratuxe z 0 � J V � i Qw �jC� s=�° O 9 _'�°a e��� I1� aSSS a��� U 0 O U o �o� O nF F 9 °O � F o a a °�o d a�E 330 o�r °�+yn s�? � � // A z'� ��.1 =I Bl - STAT10� 5�00 � -L SiA.I3+�7.Oo (180.SI'HiI S 10`51'00' E 136.69' � ELEV.2R656' � Q V � 1 PFNO F d REfUCE �� orv ce r , , �a � Z CLA/M DETAILS FOR PARCELS 9 AND 6 PPRCELS 4 /VlD 7 h P i� ' l� [P �q��. �s. � . O c � X ! �v��r+rwiin l41\ C.f%IIVS �p GA �Y.9 ti.5'A -�- PIS�o I2t84B2 risro ia*s�di � = 6259'4l!lLTJ � = 5'29'lOA'lLTI D= 1219' 18A' D= 25Y 532' L = 51/25' L = l9/50' T = 28492' T = 9562' R = 465.IXY R = 2A00.00' SE = OA58 SE = OA26 RUNOFF l/6' RUNOFF 54' H 3T 30' 39.0' E -i- x sro. n+aons om � ^�__'_ A^ 5 • x � � ` _ s _ °� a L� ���HOM �r 0 oUE ryp � PUE � SHEET HO. PI510 22+zOb3 P/Slo 24+q/AS PRELIMIN Y YLANS �= 4Y29'l8BlRTI p= 2T34'469'lLTI m�1Or`°'O °""'�"�""' 0 = 165Y�I 0 = I65Y06! L = 293b7' L = 163b6' 7 = 15670' T = 83.45' R = 340.00Y R = 390IXY SE = O.Qi SE = 0.(ti RU110Ff ll6' RUNOFF l/6' �EP� _5.:_.sr,.�:��_ CP � RS-:.�it.1:Ct1ti5 � � E TF9Ig]E?�'i1] xeixeeeixee Fa•ai.rc,esy� R�o�s.a��.�o� �<,,.:<z��, �� N � A=JTE �p,0 ' � „e ���,.E 111\ CO.qR. lF5 W. HS VC.4 !� \ ` rPUE T PUE-1 .. . . _ . 0�3� .,. k` .ma �� <r� �ItLLV l.$19�N ��P !- PT Sfa.l5il/25 �aewram ed. �w ti. n N.]1� PG.]!� CIA55 'B' 0.1P PAP 3 IONS 0.0. 10 5 Y. F.F. „I ' STA 15+25 TO 57A 18�05 -L-lRi) I N lIISTW.L TENPoRAR/ FENCINC I � P?RCEC 6 PT v �TM� PUE �9381 d9 16' V14YOS.541X 6AS�Po.f]5 esr n ro cvssiu 13 SY fll 280Y 29A' E � Si5[+d'Y ° 11 t� �091' wt��i 1 Pp. w9a6o. O ; e «<os�: A,: lRlf� .tifv5 FN d' p W.IM GG Vi3 t, " `� PC Sfa. IO+O/69 �, � .,+ � � BEG/N Q7NSTRUMCTMl01 M1A?� hM1 -ORZ- SIO�IO{WM� 5 'L' PCL" 22+7336 y -�zoa _�o� . 6 ma.�� <oss� p7'•�eaz [<aar�. k�aw �\e 5 55'02'/66 / 59L1' �I}.Y 5]V3'Ii'[ 'S�. 5 SIV19Y �I.�' n.n c�.e" _n %-0E' �9 Pr s�a. ro+3asi s�„�.�P ,. ��,� �44 � W Se5FGE91 ���50 6>.00 .a;� �57d4Y42.3'£ / 57A 22f03-L-fRTI REYO/E EX CHICKEII HIX/SE �- ae so • _ I I � � ' O �` �' P C�% �.t�Ei44CtEIIX1 �p. ('.fi�.'� lP0&qK1isXM. ICN �; $ l61 S ISbI �-L' PRC SIO.23+5760 26 5! d 1 5i60 .` .. +]5.00� N dI SS�CnB 6] 83 .�..�I �//� 'ts'a„ -BL-3 +uze O 10 +sz.a> �-' a f d633' 0500' �� S) ]6 �.903 FG 656 ,��a=' 5 5 4' I 3 �,F � a v�` �t�.'fi.�, F �� -OR2- ., + g ,; PlSlo 10+1854 P/Sla 11+1466 �'b'y. iv`� +'4 �= 23'47'25TfLT1 �= 3340'05BlLTl °�- F •y D= 7f 37' I/.0' D= 8( SY 64.0' N•'.o- � L= 3322' L= 48.46' 'szr�ft s`sa, T = 1685' T = 2525' �Z. R = 80.G'0' R = 70.0(Y � REAIOVAI. OF E%i51NG RADIIAT ORN£VY?YS ARf l0' ASPHRLi PAVEHEHT 50 25 0 50 100 UNLE55 SHO�YN OTHfRNISE mmm[NU� ro �s cnem;m NOTE:SEE PLWI SHEfT 9& IIFOR PROFILf N ry ro � N rv N N � � M � � M � � n o 6 w µ O V N N � a° � °a '� . � H� O > ' c � 3 � O 30 i U � M� I O 17 4 �' O ^ P � � C 0 V �«°� O NF Fa C � � � � 03�� KO �N ; ^ a r � h O � � a � � v°j o °.`�3 �N �'> o � a� a � � N ° � v'_ °a„<� o ' o'L � s � > > �'o o � � �°°° i � � i o° o0 S� �'� �b\y� T L- \ PI Slo 26+76A4 Pl Slo 28+6986 Pf Slo p= TOY50B'lLTI �= 3S16'08BlRil p-, o=.ras zsz o= ie er osr o=; L= 1B47Y C= 197A2' L= 3 T= 92.47' T= 10158' 7= � R= 1,50523' R= 340.W' R= � SE = 0034 SE = OA6 SE _ BIA "2 p RUNOFF 64' RU1/OFF ll6' RU110� -BL- STA 18+SI,68 (91.18' LT) -L- STA.28a01.27 f49.55 LT) ELEV. 2271,28' O \m CIi� 1�1�101 6'i lf0\ IKRCY.��µ 00. �f PG.91 -L' PRC SIO.27+6828 cinss �r riP Per z roas ax e s r. F f. «<o �e vn..e>crc cor szas� llE 04CK Sl0 E i0 �P i. � =59 ]E �iim �� eaoo•:o io ( szzs� F�r<�r+�eu•r �ieei -1 a t L `. -L' PC Sto.25+8357 os3a- � � ..ie� a ��s � � � �'f ���4600( 1a 15 W A. UR ..J � _� 'i flEWI .613J `6930-\ ^ r:M'Vc°• `� a�oo zsg� ?soo .� �1� Y .ei s> \.. o�c . ¢J . �59 , WI�� zseo w . . , —E � � �` o/ '-� mi ' � 3 i �& F �. :91911 \:.: 3911 � q�1 zsoo s:oa ' � : V yy � I JS1.l ]I�a9 � � �� � 93 SI t 1 �� I 'f �-.�\ 91_ S � i50J N f093'u � � �/i \ AS' O •: f D�1�J i( ( SiF��' �i6 1 1 l f \ 693By {i 1` � /.� .,�4 i5gE S\\��RSW'2 � � s � x 3�.y°� °� 9�\\ � 7 �� �J'1i }F•.; � �+p CP \ � N 4456 OOBE ,,� �fi�.° 9 O � t � �o =i.yd��,fP �9\ Y1% WINp� ♦ Od50i W.69! gh," /H15'YSKC jT IZ �IW YNH PoCPW \ 0�9.W FG.N scsnrori'a'�r�.. te.avc.�a JSIY �.<6' h Z CLAIM DETAILS FOR PARCELS l3.17. AND 22 \ �_ � S � ,' E wov � 8 +oo.n � ' )5.51' . �3Z .�P9d 1 ] � �3 7i � S.W' 66E0' 0 PlJ7CEC l3 PARCEL 22 �, � � • //%////////�ii �/��� i ��/%%//i/� //���� �/����� - �._Y�i�i .�y( �,,�� `jii%:i5i ./// �tit��[� a+ �� �� I ' M P/ Slo 37+1J1,34 � = 3047' 425' (LT! o = ir4s•sss• L = 24/.86' T = /239J' R = 450.� SE = OA57 RUNOFF lld z:=... 14 own v.soxrru 9'BN 0.5pW�[a oe. �m w. set ��f�c� hIIW INhIn1M oe. ase cu eo �^ / '� �� � M �SEPI r��,�;o��3,s C EN4INEEPIMG6 �a�olPlE?S`.91 CONSiRVGIIOX L:�c...=:G$ISI c....' oeraa e / srecu� yur ortcn ., � �:.o� ,o�� , FAO!A SiAdl�50i0 S1A35i501-�1i) / {N�lOb1E(% SIAdI�1di05lq33+C01-�Rn k'' Wq1LR[Y svecui cur a>sE oncrv c..- u....,.,�,i D ,�°t�� t. 8 INhO= IOR .,.. a _ i o r�. 0= 3 F -L- PT 51a.32+g153 " reo,n srnoe.0 ro s.a3�«� X,�Y �� � f T ���n i��� � �t[ca� c�r ortcn H P,S �?N�Ri SEE DEiP1L B �Sa69 i009J+<86] �i! i.x ., n.pxr[ a�m s��o CIASS '0'PJI Ab„ 5255 ♦3659 o�o:u ra S,g o?�n uoao � IOSY.F.F 9�� // =P :540 ,'dx3] 5�91'� E "' + ]5ro +P! Sl 16.55. • E E 10 � P � � E _ ��� ___ __"1.5 . . . r...�,., ' � ���/ ) / �, ! N `,. Y � n (� sv[cw cur oncr� SEE �EiNL B l-. �$W '16 / /x� a�H�+tt srolh .u,n uot �. emn� oa xo vn es / y h okr IB / 1411L10.BiGY1 vu[« aswa [auw rc.»r \� 't\ \ I � I\ ^ i`!'. � 1 � s..,. ��S �i15 SY � i91 U dJ9J �5�' 03.°' 19 IU£Sl SINN �y xean� s�wc �e.�x reiee "��? oa.+�o x sn / / 0l0 � Z�°v /g / _llf6q0l'F � au.� e� � [v 1 2 @. �]S! IG.1N / N fY 48' -L- PT SIO.38+9927 \� +51� S1a.36+57.4/ .ava aoaa HR'sr�:;� c s-si �.� �or,uF m = 1-�r � [r 8 A � _-: i -d9]d � dOJ9' C`. � I�' ��,.; � ,. , 1 i i, 6 &1 . \� t �. �, n\ �� -- `. y �'Risn 5 5552�1' 1 �\End Exp�esswo; GNi � -L- SIO.34+p.43 H el� R b OJ.q ln Ex essw Guller _i_ �„ a DEfAIL 3 sruroa=n ' oirw �1 'y-�d um o= as r� - =�s�sus..ios�] x,..a= ow �` SLA9i1C2{_R� DDF.= SCY z E.GINff0. PRL�LIMIN Y PLA] w nor i'z r rn.mnirno� � 5ISO 4518 fj • • \ flLt vIIH ' A� ,- � RO VP9LF fllL -: . : .5, <, / �'y ssw ���/� / �.-`{y1'/i 'yJ +iv3� ' - � �� � o. %' � �� som 'r6' .d9 56J1 /�-t Q .99.]] 48.L ' i r� � /i asoo�� E 2 s' '. _ .w4s �.�++� � — [a.a1 x.e1r / � •IBi3 . �� J! 51' P£f1ACE 855'.l if::Cf �� v� � BE <6 1- 51A 38+60]0 �"ezf�0°� i »nv r• i�b0' uu ortcn rsn . .�/E f apJ.]1 :501 CU55 fil>PP➢ �s�rssr� aioo seeonan � �y. 1 pmpl 3�y.".. �d� � Cin55'rflvihs / 2 � a/� tf'ornnfe �� l\ �..! ��� . r i. RA1 a3 2� f 16�FA S 0. Eu[w � .. euw ie oG x . DETAIL 10 SiECl4 CIR DRCH I" v.. 1.�° � d ,o n ��:,uo..:,= vz,�� n�.a= i vr,oa� srw 3ewo ro srp ar . m -i- �in o S UN40 L YLLU WM 4 bUU1 oe. ne z. m 29 DETAIL 7 s.u:ozeo aest oi.en Ir iy .., �.__ .,. �._ ; r�..,,.. ,..e. is r� e= a n RTl RTl 50 25 0 50 700 RADIIAT ORNEWN'S 4RE ld UNLE55 SHONN O7HERWISE IlOTErSE£ PCaW SHEfT 9& l0 FOR PROFILE O � t u � V� ,� ^ OVQ� � a °�03 JD�E N� Q� ���p SSS� "aSSP . 0 �S 10 � OJ p1A0�< u � ��60U11DA4Y , ��� z3 y �;at; t: �€� � P3 qi5 CL.�55 y� „a .oieo ,roso io� � zscn� zsoo 5 6833'409'E x ♦d�01 Q� EO Jl �j � \,4/�9�// , . � ♦2}33 +Sf6R / ' .G].]3 6I:1 E, �� ��� _ _. ` . � - , � .::" ¢�, ,___ t C° v 8 � 6 / � \�� • � ��304 � � ;i @ \ � F o� �o � su�o.o a�so�a �P f � °ib1 ^ +socs ]9]6 � �� -8! 96 450J3C' PC� ! ' �[ +1109 s\ JSlB' Q 3� 5000' y��m .Ffj En o roris ' � �p��f� � 11A,5 BF0.1> )A➢ 0615 ,00�' „+15 � zs 'g I- PoT 510.1 � Ero s�c -L' POC Slo. 4/�� 'o swa� ai-xr � I•••� B St :IKS F.YI.� ')�. O � O,�.0 Cd.�BI Xn)Il �5� Sy AFMtf 4fiw ifNCE '.t �-SlA<!-Cl.pl U,o ,•'B,��i6 G OVF A!!� o'�' � -L- PC Sfa.4/+84% Y's��� � �� F U � h• CJS$ B Gli w�mN 1 .:' 3iON5F F -L- PRC Sfa. 43+7239 �.,�., �o sr f.i ° 3 m `o eo"<RO _sses oO�< GryOAp 13.10' �QY .� o s o ��'4�'9 o � ei. 0 o STA 39/60 70 STA 44a90 -L-IRT1 '` ,,,. rannoe.,.��...;, 57 49'W TO STA 52�55 -L-(RTl �O . o wp` �;oisN ; INSTWl TEl/PoR/J7r' FENpNG �a F � y � o O� � ��� �.�... • A)YO\ 'iEi /• , \ $ a oQ ��aot -Y- T I/ i ,, {�d \ > � a'o_ ,a ohn � . �� s °1E 9 coNSr crio�i , a z a;vr a��3 -Y-"�rA a 9� :� O V O � 'S � : �Y � Z CLAIM DE7A/LS FOR PARCELS 23A.29. AND � 3/ f nCa .axvz SSS� aio°ss�, .� PARCEL 23A � �' ���' ..� ��', �/ 'a �////i////H/////H//// ,��s � ���� ����` �� I -L- Pl S�o 42+81.44 PI Slo 45+7574 P/ Slo 49t4220 PI Sla 52+25.94 �= 3l'4l'12.4'lRTI p= 6f97'04.4'lLTI �= 5'29'S6J'lRT/ �_ l5'08'3/2'lLTJ D= l6 5Y OS! D= l6 SY CGP D= 543' 465' D= 644' 26,4' L= 188A3' L= 365b5' L= 95.98' L= 224.G4' T= 96.49' T= 20275' T= 40A2' T= 11298' R= 340ACY R= 340.00' R= I,WO.(A�' R= 850.00' oernu io svea i cur oncN BEG/N COIISTRUCiION ��„ ORl- PoT Slo.l0+C17,W - " '4 -r ,a �, n, ror� �899 � m I I' .= eim nt. � OOB F[0.15iA36�00i0 SiA3]i50-la Ill�o `Im iSON SiA <l � 00 t0 SiA <d 1 i] -! 111� rPEfAW 5 p111 S5' E �L�'° NAD . s w��sr[ STA 44i35-L-(LTl ��- �o.to� (,pNS�RUCr FALSE -f1L-7 SVNP lN PRdPo5E0 � S,/' v�.�i 26 z 0/lCH. �a e� �i c s s D,.' vecer �. ttct� s�e �._ �o � �z �ro.sa x.3o `0'. � [3.EOfu.ql VI,CE �RCH o .i a..x S� / svucai c�r oncn Sff DEiNI 8 2 '�f�J. \ EiV'aH'[ u.55• 27 'ody. IV1NY�! C.f/FVCP m�rc u.r�svcn oa. w3a va � � � � \ � — r _ ., � _ $` s- VS"' -- --' C` . � �5138 �� ��86. /�iP � �. ��PUE xsaa ��� }1030 � /' Q SJ )3 4L% ' aae.�a 5 6443'226E n.rr END COHSTRUCTIO -OR3- Sta.10+92D0 I I� el I L� ' iYJ� � ' 29 CL�F1 L.YfIfiEN T' t0.911iG. ]d s°9� 386d. �i RE(p\N ]500' � � r9}.50 ld d0 a1b3 Y�a zs ao eme �iso �� �� _Y_ 28 PI Slo /0+36.67 �ix.. o.wov .MY11A NHr!� p= 49'32'09A'!RT! ca.nssw.2;s D = 1/435'296 L = 4323' T = 23.07' R = 50.00' DEiAIL 8 svE<ai urt ortcn / i �. � e fho�n srnio..�s ro srn'noao,-r"Ixn ``yti \ /�7 '�SJ���. ro- e �_ >� PUE .9.,�III 12A CLGf1(1. nw.�an f4.9.lfG.�l4 02, S<0 ti. Eii _I _ p/� f W 'v�ui�io"- zo. H 431'44IW-� . C I ENG!NEEA W Ii0'1' l`i It^ WIYIAI`lTCtl �SEPI .� 9�g,E��r„s C 61XEE I G6 F B�f3.31 coxsraaciiox � ��.cnsr 1 SiA53N311 S �Pi r5f] 2_t i63 � ^� �l)96 J]11 � 15.00' S]6l �/ 5 39'VN X . �� roaz �6160 � ��- 3I.9' � 0610 � FE� _ _//_— Gul/ei 1B\.�� I�y� ( / I 1 [B/E[0 1� , - ]]50' I 'S9.W +YiIY .\ �d� 350J' �19.J9 �\ 6 \ Z CIA55 lili FAP d3 21' $d, 0' f 98 69 V esr is ior+s xx 33 ss.00' ,� t 3o sr.f.r. 30 32 �a�iw a�ueviv v^ Q OOnEU.l�L46 P:54fFf[YLY ���'Ee � xewu� a �wws ce.5�r r[. �.o zs.00� wP10.LCM1 WBbW.l�3 .¢.:ii�� uwv s osua-rc (9.If.6 1V.Y 5 �E'!�'b.E ti5.lV F � � cc u3.m BA1 °4 sb��-zr sii o'� -Bl.- STA -02.GI.78 -L' PI' S1o.5�'+�37 '.ir�E s.ra. ax�''>� (23.58' RT) o�esseTn.e>eioircH -�.' STA.51-09.97 35 SFF DFlPIt 9 ➢E rao>oseo oncn ro (30.15' R I) raixo� x.rwx[ oomncomFnuoncN. F.LEV.2198.24' uvcse.xouac VIIl12F INiFhvI0U5 �IRE [g,Kq p[.3i5 3L-9 oua�;;c mHS.�urno�i. -L- P7 SIO.49+��5 DETAIL 9 N/546'/5.4'W PC Slo. 48+9ql7 wiev,u ewse ortcN i�:,,,.. b . , -� , „- e: u�� e„ o o`�o r� g e- �or� fnOAI SiA �9+00 10 SiA 49=85 1- �Pn PE40YAL Of EnSiU,�G 5 0 25 0 5 0 1 0 0 Ra�nAr otrr✓�vars are �a � ASPW1Li PAYEUEHI UfILESS SHON7l OTHfFSYISE I�NCOENiAL i0 LS GIiAD'NGI NOTE:SEE PLFN SNEfT lOJ/MlD l2 FOR PROfILE V �� uuf N ov° wmed � u o , a o > � O 9u `oE 3w n� no o� �3 r�a� i ii >°o° �?�� � pCP i I� bl� I • I 1 I' • I ��� � E����" `. -� �,�.�� �� �i��'�� �� �ii: i. .. ////��� ' �,'�,��.�'� �g,� � m m///�!L•'�:' a � .,. P/ Slo 55+01.41 P/ Slo 56+3954 �= 8'43'S9.9'fLTI p= 9'2l'54TlLT! D = 424'38T D = ll'56'll8 G = 198AD' G = 78.46' T = 49J9' T = 39J2" R = /299,IXY R = 41tOp0' �con� srw se.00 io sra se-<o �- �in �� P/Sfo 58+6586 P/Sta 62+34� PlSfo 64t47J7 p= IOOB'225'(RTl p= T44'49A'lLTI �_ 1248'56.0'fRTI �' D= 5l2' 31.3' D= 25Y 532' D= T 09' 43f L= 134b7' L=/3079' L= lIB94' T= 9759' T= 65.42' T= 89.84' I R= 1J00.0(Y R= 2,Gq0A0' R= BQ�IXY �+ hli. 5 Y43d'E ri •.s.y c \ S J�f 9J A' \' s�� � F STA 64+S0-MLTI \ neuwc cx sro,ve H£4AYNL c/ Guffe� I ELEV.2R3.47. . . n ' �" °.:'�°.°.",. vzo.0 srwsz«so�o s*aca+ps�-��n �o i� \ � xor ws �SEPI C EX61MEE0.1N66 CONSiPI1CilON f1.G1i:fE4 SO 25 0 50 100 RADIIAT ORN£VYAYS ARE ld UNLESS SHO�VN 07H£RVYISE NOiE: SEE PLAN SHEET l0 & ll FOR PROFILE V O „ z � o p � 9 C C e U o V m O � � �� � N r� v L o � O O � � � N N O O j.� n ���w °„V� � .E oc �°- "'"o 6.'" p _ �dN v a ° -O v �E�v CN?Q C yOj G O � O � �.�;y � o � � 033 �00 si�� I H � � ry ^O M M O`V�0 � C S��oc i l8 39'405 �,� 1 "i\�, S�� h�F' y, :.u�s o Z _(� , lW .151i \ / /� 7�N +6419 [B FG.i.S \�/ ��J` PEUOVt �SOG Iy �� a \ \ I ��1/�� 090 � � 5 r JI'6Y' � � .-35] . ti~ \ �. / d099. api '�\��_ r l� . �9 '� �Apl a� n� rcau cm ortcn PSPO'� GFOIGiIIF FT9?IC e o{� A ,ee o�u� io m �� 90 C $ SN5�.0'� � � _ � )1 .I3JI rf 35M' S .xs �GF � �� �V e .HFpf oo' �I � s[ eea � ao9,. a � zsoo'x �ae� C� E,�vE.. n..s , r> eo OLF _. .. � r. zC� srzcP-m%m, __ �°,�-� ��\ BL-�Q x.n o 3rwsn.v fIMIr'l �.1�'.OU.+5M1 [0. 6.3 ft.6�0 � � ` \ 9131 � t ]5G0' A 90I4 5319' SS CVSS'B'FJPPPP- J � IOJ$ 0.1 I15Y.FF. srn v�ass-�-r�n RE40/E EX 12CN Nl0 COh'CRETE HEPU4N15. /�� _i _ pr cr.. �ri� c. av�c Sre�wv .n. [0.�]53 FGiY] [9.�iR Fi�.65 � � -� V h o�' x �oaw � zsco' / �� PI Slo 68+6595 Pl Slo 7/+51.45 Pl Sta 75+5755 �= 33'!/'38lfLT1 p= 1433'27,9'lLT/ �= 5'2Y30.0'!RT! D= l6 5Y CKP D= 5' l2' 3/3' 0= 3' /d 592 L= 19757' L= 375.48' L= 168.34' T= l0/b6' T= l8959' T= 8423' R= 340.0(Y R= IJOOA7 R= 1.800.�0' tw F� , � 69.55' �FP�K� re,'�Fr � q?�y.� A \�� ti 55.)5. + $ 56 E!% f.KiCFfP v�v. �.�r:cKw c3.uz w.az A �6N 5 f bro'E ro'S65 S�E bN'E E0.1��5 65Yb'C(YE Fa f6.16' m r1 EIID T/P PROJECT R-5 y m M1I °L' P(K S�a 75i08,0p N I dl_ x/� � y Q� n p v fitL�0.Ea15GV ' $p [3.115 FG.T) p b v Q -QEP 1 �� 1� iFOIfR IEffiF�:tf NO. SHER NO. R-5206 8 e+i sNen no- aoeonar oesieu mo�nuucs ENGI:IffR E:GI:IfFR PRELIMIN tY PLANS 0o n'ar ese ro masrarrno� c �S�=�E �P� p.;:ss,�=E �y�:; � � DEiAIL 10 �'1 svEC�u cirt ortcn i.. T M1 ��_• a • � . �oe r; u . -.v �..e= o �� �A4AxY:fA i.01 5IA.6)-G010 9A68 ]81-�11� W.S:� f'G.�61 4v a� , __rs�wP.. ��!n g�.� t� _ --e�- sraTio�� ��.ao.�a _ � -L- STA.76-22.07 (31.69 Li) i , 5 --_� - _ - �� n�o465'W fiF _ �, -1D-_ ELEV.2172.BI i<� - 5 'n. .. s =ua a �� � �i � _;.�' h�w n -'__ - - ------ _ . ._ � ` __ ` ___ r rnur�� ..�J __. _ . _ . -.. - y .. . . -] _\ � . 0' IYP. BL-IS �ll�VtRl 1?1 0�\E BARREL � NORTH EA$I ELEV. CLIL1 623594.22 ]527:3.20 219].i0 CUL2 6235AA.38 75279°.68 214].i4 CE1 6235°V.4i ]52797.23 2153.80 H4'!1 � 623594.54 �52191.28 2155.45 Z CLAIM DETAILS FOR PARCELS 54,AND 56 ?90]d +5]83 \ Sli4 AB]' 4 SQ ���_ / 6 56aaw _ `� ar.x>' ��� �\ :eov ]016' ._15 ../�\ \ iCIAS �.. � ]5 W' PARCELS 54 ?NO 56 1 �r %l� �in �. E-.^' - ♦ _ onCH -BL-16 -- - _.___ ._ _..- >�.,4, REUOVAL 0! EXi51V;C SO 25 O SO 100 /�(� ASPNILi PAVERElIi c\Ci0E1rtA� 10 LS CRAD:'.G� SEf SNEfTS UTL-ITNROUGH l/TL-2 FOR UTILITY DESIGN PLANS. SEE SHEETS OSM-ITHROUGH OSM-ll FOR STRE.N�I RELOCA7/ON PLANS. RFDII AT ORNEVYN'S ARE Id UIILE55 SHO�YII OTHfRNISE NO7fr SEE PLAN SHEE7 Il FOR PROFILf � 0 v / � � � W O � �� � END '� PROJECT ��Po� o�'a�� Pump rno��i��� i.n. � Elre 0i. b°� 8 � F B s�� �„� �o STREAM RELOCATION �a — e� ��. �— " BEGIN �e,. PROJECT VICINIIT`Y I✓d�1P �°][°A']C]E �]F I�T�IfB°][°]I� �All$�]L�IoTA �������I�T �l� 1��1I�]�I�A�Y� JA CI�S01� �' \ 0 �e� � COUI�TY LOCATION: UT TO BLAIITON BRANCH NEAR COPE CREEIC ROAD AND US 29/74 TYPE OF WORK: STREAM RELOCATIOTI, GRADITIG, DRAINAGE, AND EROSIOrI COPITROL � � � '\\ , UT TO BLANTOI� BRANCH RELOCATIOIY � ,� � � --_-- � . . . --__ � ,� _ _ - ---� F °�.\ _ , � O ti N O U THIS PROJECT IS NOT LOCATED W�THIN ANY MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES _`• .. CLEARING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD II 11 U GRAPHIC SCALES DESIGN DAT.9 PROJECT LENGTH � 20 10 0 20 40 EXISTING STREAM LENGTH = 282.10 L.F. � PLANS PROPOSED STREAM LENGTH = 277.37 LF. � 20 10 0 20 40 PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) 0 2 7 Q 2 4 UPROFILE (VERTICAL) � ��� �:> � - � I i . -.. .� •F• F F _ , . `` __________ _ _ _ _ ___. . . _.._ _ _ N �raaassw _ � — -- -- � -- F � -- . F � F � F � I � -- �� �� _— - �.�J � -� - — ---- ,— US 23/74 � -�:j ��' � rt. R-52 Ob ^tl O �1 � �SEPI � �... FI^-.: 1.^ 6 Ci<:R�LI I Ii��55I'A\'OA/(p SPECII(GI(O.\'S RIGHT OF 11�3Y DdTE: STEVE SCOTT PE LETTING DATE: PROJCCr crcincrn NCDOT COA'TACT I STEPHEN WILLIAMS Dll]SIO.\' PRO/£Cf .1Li.\'AGFA-.\COOP rno�ecr cxcixeca Ii0AD1l�lY ULS[GN ENCI,\'GGR ����i D/VISION OP HlCHII�A}'S sr�rc or xorsrrr c�ttoLix� 0� ��� X ld �� . �O i 9` ;I '4 °• ���xP°•Ao Note: Not to Scale *S. U.E. = Srrbsrujnce Utr/ity Engi»eeriug BOUNDARIL•S AND PROPLRTY.• Stale Line County Line Township Line Cily Line Reservalion Line � - Properfy Line — Exislinq Iron Pin � Properiy Comer ---` Property Monument � Parcel/Sequence Number �2� Existing Fence Line -x—x—x- Proposed Woven Wire Fence Proposed Chain Link Fence a Proposed Borbed Wire Fence e 6cisting Wefland Boundary ---^'-- Proposed Wetland Boundary ^• Exisling Endcmgered Animal Boundury °�3 ExiSting Endangered Plant Boundory �° Knovm Soil CoNUminalion: Area or Sife --,'��',— � Potential $oil Confaminulion: Areu or $ile —�— %�, BUILDINGS AND OTNER CULTURE: Gas Pump Ventor UK'i Tank Cap O Sign � Well ° Small Mine 52� Foundation 0 Area Oulline 0 Cemetery � Building � School � Chur<h � Dum .�monoLOCY• $fream or �ody of Water Hydw, Pool or Reservoir `____J Jorisdiuionnl Stream �s _ Buffer Zone 1 —ez i — Buffer Zone 2 az �— Flow Arrow � Disappearing Stream , Spring p� -�-�: � Welland Y Proposed Loterol, Toil, Head Ditch False Sump � � 1°l°A°1°lE �1F N�Ib�°�I ��I3�1L�NA I�IVI�b�N �� �I�GI�IWA�� CONVENTIONAL PLAN SHEET SYMBOLS RAILROADS: Standard Gauge � csr iu�s.aers��.w RR Signol Milepost �,�.� �s Switch � svrx RR Abandoned � � -^ -� RR Dism<mtled RIGHT OF /i�AY.• Baseline Conlrol Point � Exisling Right of Way Marker 0 Exis�ing Right o4 Way Line Proposed Righf af Way Line —� Proposed Riyht of Way Line with � Iron Pin and Cap Marker Proposed RigM of Way Line wilh � Concrete or Gmnile WW Marker Proposed Conirol of Access Line wilh � Concrete C/A Marker Exisling CoNrol of Access —�«-- Proposed Control of Access � Exisling Easemenf Line --E-- Proposed Temporury Construdion Eosement- e Proposed Temporary Drainage Easement —roe— Propored Permanent Drainage Easement —poe— Proposed Permanent Drainage /Utilily Easement—ouE— Proposed PermanentUtility Easement —aue— Proposed Temporary Utility Easement —iue— Proposed Aerial Utilily Easement —aUe— Proposed Permunent Easemenf with O Iron Pin and Cap Marker � ROADS AND RLLATLD PL,]TURLS.• Existing Ed9e of Povement Existing Cur6 Proposed Slope Stakes Cuf --- �--- Proposed Slope Stakes Fill --- =--- Proposed Curb Ramp cR Exisling Meial Guardrail ' ' ' Proposed Guardrail ' Existing Cable Guiderail " " " Proposed Cable Guiderail " " " " Equality Symbol Q Pavement Removal � /�'GETfITION.• $ingle Tree Q Single Shrub o Hedge ,..-„^_^""^^.' Woods Line „"-"^-""-""-""-' Orchard O 43 O � Vineyard w�.a,�..e EXISTING STRUCTURES: MAIOR: Bridge, Tunnel or 6ox CuWert co«z Bridge Wing Woll, Head Wallond End Wall- �<a�,c.. � MINOR: Head and End Wull �\ Pipe C�Ivert Foot6ridge � < Drainage Box: Cafch Basin, DI or 1B ❑'a Paved Ditch Gufter ----- Storm Sewer Manhole OO Sform Sewer ° UTILITIES: POWER: Existing Power Pole �1 Proposed Power Pole V Existing Joint Use Pole �1 Proposed Joinf Use Pole -tJ- Power Manhole OO Power Line Tovier � Power Trans(ormer � LL�'G Power Cable Hand Hole H-Frame Pale •—• Recorded lYG Power Line � Designaled U�G Power Line (S.U.E.') ----'---- TELEPHONE: Exisliny Telephone Pale + Proposed Telephone Pole � Telephone Manhole O Telephone Booih O Telephone Pedestal O Telephone Cell Tower .t. lLG Telephone Cable Hand Hole "� Rewrded U-'G Telephone Cable � Designated UG Telephone Cable (S.U.E.'�— ----�---- Recorded U�'G Telephone Conduif �� Desi�naled IA�G Telephone Conduit ($.U.E."t- ----'°---- Recorded lLG fiber Opfics Cable <<° Designaled U�G Fiber Optics Cable (S.U.E."j- ---��°---- WATER: Water Manhole � Waler Meter o Water Valve � Wafer Hydrant � Recorded WG Waler Line � Designofed UK�i Water Line (S.U.E."� ----•---- Above Ground Woter Line ��c �m« N: N Salellite Dish O' N Pedestal OO N Tower � U�G N Coble Hand Hole � Recorded l4G N Coble ^ Designated lYG N Cable (S.U.E.') ---��--- Recorded lYG FiberOplicCable T��°— Designated lLG Fiber Oplic Cable (S.U.E."r ---����-- GAS: Gas Volve 0 Gos Meler � Rewrded lLG Gas Line ' Designated WG Gus Line (S.U.E.') ----°---- Above Ground Gas Line em w. SANITARY SEWER: Sanitary Sewer Manhole B Sanitary Sevier Cleanout p lLG $anifary $evrer Line s+ Above Ground Sanitary Sewer ..c s�.,n�,.r ss.M Recorded SS Farced Main Line R, Desi�jnated SS Forced Main Line (S.U.E.') ----rs:--- MISCELLANEOUS: Utility Pole • Uliliry Pole viilh Bose � Utility Locoted ObjeU O Utility Traffi< Signal Box �s Ulility Unknown WG Line N*� llG Tank; Waler, Gas, Oil � Underground $toroge Tank, Approx. Loc. isr P/G Tonk; Wafer, Gas, Oil O GeoemiranmeNal Boring � lYG Test Hole (S.U.E.') m Abandoned According to Ulilify Rewrds — qATUR End of In(ormation E.O.I. Note: Not to Scale S7REAM IZELOCATION.• ROCK STEP POOL STRUCTURE— ROCK ENERGY DISSIPATOR BASIN CONSTRUCTED RIfFLE IMBRICATED RIPRAP WALL _ �'][°.g1�lE �1F I�T�lE�7C1E-� �A�$�1L�I�A ���I����I�T �1F 1�I��1���VA�� STREAM RELOCATION PLAN SHEET SYMBOLS �; �; iju•c i� y��� 4 l.1�t h ��'��. ��� I1�DEX OF SHEETS, GE1�lERAL 1VOTES SHEET NO. OSM-7 OSM-lA OSM-1B OSM-1C OSM-2 INDEX OF PLAN $HEETS DESCRIPTION TITLE SHEET CONVENTIONAL SYMBOLS STREAM RELOCATION SYM�OLS INDEX, GEN NOTES & LIST OF STDS NPICAL SECTIONS AND MORPHOLOGY TABLE OSM-2A TO OSM-28 STREAM DETAIL SHEETS OSM-2C STREAM PL4NTING PLAN OSM-3 QUANTITIES OSM-A S7REAM RELOCATION PLAN AND PROFILE OSM-4A TO OSM�C STREAM EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN OSM-5 TO OSM-SA GENERAL NOTES: STRFAM CROSS SECTIONS 1. THE CONiR4QOR SHALL PERFOR/.1 AlL NKESSARY SUBSURFACE llTllltt INVESTIGATIONS PRIOR TO COI.V.IENCING CONSiRUCiION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALt BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FlELD VERIFlCATION OF EYISiING CONDITIONS, OBSTRUQIONS, AND UIILI➢ES \YHICH /.WY AFFEQ PROPOSED VIORK. 2 THE COMRAQOR SHALI BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING SAFE INGRFSS AND EGRfSS FRO:A fACH PRO1Ki SITE FOR ALL VEHIQES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LR.ViED TO, TFAFFlC ON A�IACENT PUBLIC FOADS, PRIVATE PARKING LOiS AFfEQED BY CONSTRUQION TRAFFlC. THE CONiRACTOR SHAtL PROVI�E, ERKT AND f.WNiA1N ALL TRAFFlC CONiROt DEVICES FOR EACH SRE LOCATION AN IN ACCORDANCE \'IITH NCDOi SiANDARDS AND SPEQFlCATIONS. 3. THE COMRACTOR SHALt BEGIN \'/ORK Ai THE UPSiREP1A END OF THE CHANNEL RE4CH AND PROCEED �OWNSTRfP/A UNLESS OTHER\'lISE APPROVED BY THE ENGMEER. 4. DIIAENSION TOIEIIANCES FOR THE ST0.FNA RELOCATION SIiE SHALL BE AS FOlLO\'/5�. \YIDiH: +/- 05 R �EPTH: �/- 0.] Ff RIFfLE ELEVATIONS: +/- O.Y FT POOL ELEVATIONS�. +/- 02 R AW.t SLOPE: SEE �EiAIL ON SHEET OSI.'Y1A APJd ANGLE SEE �ETAII ON SHEEi OSf.1-2A iOLERANCES AV Y BE AD1USiED DURING CONSTRUQION AS NKESSARY TO REFLFCi AQUAL FlEID CONDIiIONS �'�IiH APPROVAL FROI.I iHE ENGWEER. 5. EXISiING CHANNEL TO 6E FlLLED SHALL BE �ACK FlLLED \'IIiH fd4XIlAU/.1 1 FOOT UFiS AND COMPACiED TO REL4TIVE DENSITY USING ASifA C 12] & ASi/.l C 1Y8. FllL I.V.TERV.I SHALI BE fREE FR01A BRUSH AND ORGANIC DEBft15 PRIOR TO BACK FlLLING E%CEPi AS APPROVED BY iHE ENGWEER. 6. VMERE SHOVIN ON THE PL4N5, PU/AP AROUND OPERATIONS SHAIL BE USED i0 DIVERT FLOW DURING CONSiRUC110N EXCEPT AS APPROVED BY THE ENGWEER. ]. ALL fAECHANIZED EpUIPMENi OPERATED IN OR NFAR iHE STNEMd CHANNEL SHALI BE INSPEQED REGUTARtY AND AWNiNNED TO PREVENI CONTPIAINATION OF SURFACE 1'/ATERS FkOIA FUELS, LUBRICANTS, HYORAULIC FLUID AND ANY OTHER TOXIC I.V.TERIALS. 8. QE4RING AND GRUBBING SHAII BE UfAITED TO ONLY THE ARFAS NECESSARY FOR CONSiRUQION OF TME PFOPOSED 1'/ORK. 10. THE CONIR4ROR SHALL DISPOSE OF All \'/ASTE /.NTERIALS AND CONSTRUQION DEBRIS GENfRATED OURING iHE E%KUTION OF \'/ORK IN ACCOROANCE \'IIiH Atl FE�ERAL, STATE AND IOCAL REGUTAilONS. 11. TME CONTR.4CiOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL REPAIRS TO E%ISTING FAQlRIES DAf.NGED AS A RESIILT OF CONSiRUCT10N AQIVIiIES. 12 SPFCIFlfD AN�OR PROP0.1EfARY PRODUQS SHOVIN HEREIN fA4V BE SUBIEQ i0 SU85TIiUTION \vliH OTHfR PRO�UQS OF EpUAL OR SUPERIOR FUNQION AS RECO/.P1EN�ED BY THE CONiRAQOR SUBIEQ TO l4RITfEN REVIE\'I AND APPROVAL OF THE ENGMEER. \'IHEN THE CONTRACTOR USfS PROPRIfTARY PRODUQS, IT IS THE CONiRAQOR'S RESPONSIBILTIY TO VERIFY \'IIiH THE SUPPIIEP.IMNUFAQUREft THAT iHEIR PRODUCi \'ll0. FUNCiION PER THE DESIGN OR THE GNEN FlELD CONDITIONS. THE ENGMEER SHOULD BE NOiIFlED IAVAEDIATELY IF ANY DEVIATIONS Fft01.1 E%ISiING FlELD CONDIilONS EXISi \'IHICH M1WY AFFEQ PRODUQ FUNQION. 13. ALL pUANTIiIES SHO\VN HEREIN ARE ESTIAl4TE5 ONLY. THE CONTRAQOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING QUANiI➢ES THROUGH A FlEID VISIi AN� HISHER OYIN QUANTIiV iAKEOFFS. A1�D LIST OF STAI�DARDS 2006 ROADWAY ENGLISH STANDARD DRAWINGS EFF.07-18-06 REV. O1-02-07 The following Roudway Stondards as appear on "Roadway Standard Drmvingi' Highvray Design Branch - N. C. Depatlment of Tmnsportalion - Roleigh, N. C., Dated luly 18, 2006 are upplicable fo ihis projecl and by reference hereby are considered a part of Ihe these plans: AD.NO. 200 Oi 300.01 31010 TIiLE DIVISION 4 - EARTM'/ORK fAe�hod ofQeorinq -IAelhod II DIVISION 3 - PIPE NLVEftTS /f,elhod o(Pipe Ins�ollmion - lAeihod 'A' Drrve..oy Pipe Conslrvc�ion SHEE1 1:0. TYPICAL PLAN � o � o z z � z o w o w a m n m � LL � LL � � POOL-TO-POOL(L) � � POOL , GLIOE , RIFFLE . RUN , POOL .� FLOW w� LL � W LL $ °au �� z w �—` RIFFLE J u � i � SLOPE � � w � �� m TYPICAL PROFILE LL O O J O wa i i o i o o w o w a m a fp � LL � LL � � POOL-TO-POOL�L) � � POOL . GLIDE , RIPFLE , RUN . POOL , GLIDE LL � O w FLOW � w� � BE� � 2 � J Z J LL Z �rc w m LL LL � O O � Z W wn t TYPICAL PROFILE FOR CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE SECTION CHANNEL TYPICAL DETAIL NOT TO SCALE TIE E%. ) )UND � wr�wc TYPICAL RIFFLE SECTION I� TIE INTO EX.GROUND TYPICAL POOL SECTION wBKF =BANKFULIWIDTH wTLWG =THALWEG WIDTH WFPA =FLOODPRONEAREAWIDTH � IdAX = 1AAXIIdUh7 DEPTH 0 ROCK51!1 VPHE f�RM $HOULD NOi 6E Gl�VFEU OR NAVE N!Y SIGYIi1CP11T5FACE5 HEAOEP flOCK HEr10ER ROCN, iYP. SEiHEAOERROCRB�CH1l3 �SEEpPOFlLEFORELEVATl0:1 Mq%,S1EP YIID DEPiH1.0'� 9 � ��&1CKRLL. iYP. FOOLOEPIN, p5]$TOIiE.iTP. i1L7Efl $EE PAOFILE ���� �p0q�� fOOiER 0.0CN.TP. .. .I —�����I inv.) �""""„° SECTION A-A vm�. nr. as. s.o:�e CROSSVPN� �FlLiERFABNG BANKNLL P POOL GOOL FLQX F BNII(FULL PLAN VIEW i0[I( CPO55 VANE " `°" s°`°„'�s STEP POOL DETAIL l:OiTOSCALE MEAOERROCI(.iTP.—� �l 1�—e«�. 113 tU IU BA!lXGULL BNIKfULL BANI(fULL 1'IIDLH I 1'rI�TH I \91DiH voo� FLO11 � 3 BACNflL4 iYP. nn sroiie.lv �xwiio aucE cwss a ox C1A55 B SiO::E TO Flll AIN GAPS BETYEEII 90Ut�E0.5. E%CAVFIE[ i5]$iOtiE iORROCNI TE0. FPBRIC <�,��,pu"��� SECTION A—A POOL E%[PVAiED PER VROfILE ELEVAIION EQUPlTO eA11M1,°"�RS`""„` PLAN VIEW LO1'iER eoumEa oixexsions i srnia�i rveicnr �er:crn morn z.o' a.o' zs fOOTER 0.0CN.iYP. 61GNif ICANL SFACEB FPBNC. iYP. TE VPNE ARN IIliO eaurSUU e�evnnmi BFNKNLL HEA�ER 0.0CK5 • iL 1l py�i0i4';,SIOPE oncnfa�, nr. C9 SiONE I—-I FILiERiPBRIC �OO1ER 6E0 I'—I 0.0Cft5 � M1'I''' POCKSI!IVpNEpRNSHOULO I:Oi BE GMPED OR HAVE PIIY SECTION B-B SIGNiqCA1R SPFCES IIOTES: 1. DEEPEST PAflT OF POOL TO BE IH LIIIE WITH WHENE VANE AFh1 TIES INTO BAIIKFULL. 2. DO 110T EXCAVATE POOL T00 CLOSE TO FOOTEfl BOULDEqS. 3. CLASS "A" STONE CAII BE USED TO flEDUCE VOIUS BETWEEII BOULUEBS. 4. YAIIE ANGLE TOLERANCE IS +/- 5 DEGFEES. 5. VAIIE APM11 SLOPE (VEHTICAL) SfI0UL0 BE 0-2°e ON THE INTEFIOB ABA1 OF MEAlIOEIi BENDS 6. VANE AflM SLOPE (VERTICAL) ON THE OUTSIDE AOh1 OF IdEAIIUEfl BENDS SHOULD BE 2-4°a � CROSS VANE CONSTRUCTION IN MEANDER-BEND PLAN VIEW T� �O� 20 VANE ARM ON INSIDE OF 3�� BEND SHALL BE SHORTER AND STEEPER BANKFULL CROSS VANE CONSTRUCTION IN MEANDER-BEND PLAN VIEW I� O zo° � zo° BANKFULL ROCK CROSS VANE DETAIL FOR STEP POOLS NOL i0 SCRIE IS'"l:Oa�.iHICNGE55 G0.AOED �'IX OF C1A55"A'.�L�iL�CLAS All� �J�Y�)110. <6 RO< VAIi ROCK PLAN VIEW SHfB l:O. FnO1fC( P:GINfE0. IIEADOF BURYBOIILOE0.$ 6EL0'i/BE� NFiLE GVOE ---.�R�Fflp ROLKCft055 VPVE I I FlLiEft ��� J'VI'1151UN—}�--� FA9NC i FABNC CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE DETAIL NOiTO SCALE STA. 12+65 STREAM ror ar aavK zc '!5 BOIILOEfl FIO1X I I •1�3.� C1A55 I ncv nnv 1 H:6V � i0 ry 1 N:]V L BASEFLLM FILiEP FABPIC aEo nsr srmre, .rv. SECTION A-A COI0. FlOER O�n3.� A'ATfII1G �LYP.) 113 pmaa CEIRERBpULOER]'J' SECTION 8-B LOIRFIBEft 1!ATII`:G IT1'P) tlJ �mia O TOE SECTION C-C NOTE: � 1. BOULDERS SHOULD BE NATIVE STONES OR SHOT ROCK, ANGULAR AND OBLONG, E��' WITH AN AXIS APPROXIIAATELY 3.0'LZ2.5'WZ2.0'D REVETMENT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED BY PLACING A MINImUfA OF ONE BOULDER BELOW STREAM BED. ADDITIONAL BOULDERS SHALL BE PLACED ON TOP OF THESE FOOTER BOULDERS SUCH THAT THE ELEVATION OF THE TOP OF THE UPPERMOST BOULDER IS THE SAME ELEVATION AS THE LEFT ARM OF THE CROSS VANE UPSTREAM AT THE BANK TIE IN. IMBRICATED RIP-RAP REVETMENT I:OT TO SC/+LE � TOPOFBANK -- MATTING 0.NGHORTRENCH INTRENCH ���1'CENTERS ANCHOROVERL4P ON 1' CENTERS --- ------------ ANCHORSON 3'CENTERS � i� r �ANCHORS __1_______J___�J '.. r.. ' ' �_-___'_"__'"'_'"'__.. TOE Of SLOPE I I �I I-� 12" OVEftL4Y OIRECTI01! ��,��ry) OF FLOI'I � PLAN VIEW COIRFIBER lAATTING ANCHORSON- 3'CENTERS EXTEND h1pTTING � TO 6ED ELEVATION 78" (TYP) � IAATTI G SHALL BE STREAI�tOE� P��EDINTRENCH AN� BACKFlLLED TYPICAL CROSS SECTION 2" x 2" (nominal) 1'lOODEN STAKE �.. < � rv� ANCHOR DETAIL BAIlKFULL 6ENC W E%ISTING GROUND — 6••lAIN COM1IPACTED SOIL BACKFlLL ANCHORSON 1'GENTERS IN TRENCH NOTES: 1.IN AREAS TO DE IdATTED, ALL SEEDING, SOIL AIdENO'dEtlTS, ANO SOIL PREPARATION MUST BE GOl�1PLETE� II! ACCORDNICE 5'lITH THE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS PRIOR TO PLAGEMENT OF COIR FIBER IdATTING. COIR FIBER MATTING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE TRANSITION TO BANKFULL DESIGN 4'IIDTH FLOW �POOL.I I I APRON �1. s:i � � Z,i c w �� 3 / 1 / �i . •\� �/ �GULVERT } � � . PROPOSEONCOOTJ CLA5511 RIPRAP e PLAN VIEW F G �ROCKGROSSVANE �SEE PLATE OSM1I�2A FOR DETNI� A CULVERT I I APRON SET"E"ABOVE It1VERT \YHERE PRACTICAL FLOY/ \��\� HEAOEftROCKFOR ���� CROSSVANE � - E � �= 1'. ' � i1. � � . ,� BYJ�4 BED B NCDOTFlLTERFA9RIC LFOOTERROCK FOR DRAINAGE, TYPE T FOR CROSS VANE SEGTION A-A PROPOSEONCOOT ClASS I RIPR4P h9T GULVERT V(tP� 2��Rp��'q� OUTLET �PA�JN� �D G -�oa. z_� p 2�.... SECTION��� W OT FlLTER FA6RIC FOR DRAUTAGE, TYPE Y PL4iE CULVERT RIPRAPBASIN NUTABER STATION SIZE A B C D E F G OSM�6 10+00 8]"%63"CSPA �.0 1.0 4.0 R.0 0.2 12.0 9.0 ALL DUdENSIONS IN FEET C• • \ C � •\ =' \ fnOIER PEfEPEl:CF 1:0. R-5206 vni meei r;o. F1:GII.FER PLANTING DETAILS LIVE STAI<ES PLANTING DETAIL LIVE STAKE SQUARECUT BUDS (FACING UP� LIVE CUTTING (1/2'-2' DIAMETE ANGLE CUT 3f COIR FIBER LNESTAKES� EXISTING/ PROPOSED GROUND STREAIABED BANK STABILIZA710N WITH LIVE STAKES NOTE: LWE STAKES SHALL BE SPACED APPROXIA1ATELY 4 FEET ON CENTER LIVE STAKES SHALL 6E DRIVEN UNTIL APPROXIMATELY Y OF LIVE STAKE IS WITHIN GROUND 13ARI�,It00'C YL,�\TING DETr1ll, DIBBLli PLAN"17NG ��I�THOD IISING THI? I(13C PI �\"1'ING B.1R r I _ L ----- -_', t1�'_.� I.Insert nLming ba ?. Iteinmx planting ba as eho��n wd pull h:mdle nnJ pl.w. seeJll�; �a� m,�:vJ pi�.��rer. rorren Japil�. r �' �. Pnll h�nJlc of bar im�ard pLm�cqfrmin; htl m bouom. STREAMBANK REFOftESTATION MIXTURE, TYPE, SIZE, AND FURNISH SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOL�OWING: TYPE t 50% SALIX NIGRA BLACK WILLOW 2 ft- 3 fl LNE STAKES 50%CORNUSAA10A1UM SILKYDOGWOOD 2ft-3flLNESTAKES TYPE 2 25% LIRIODENDftON TULIPIFERA TULIP POPIAR 12 in - 18 in BR 25% PLATANUS OCCIDENTAUS SYCAMORE 12 in - 18 in BR 25% PRUNUS SEROTINA BLACK CHERRY 12 in - 18 in BR 25% BETULA NIGRq RIVER BIRCH 12 in - 18 in BR ❑ SEE PLAN SHEETS FORAREAS TO BE PLANTED �� -�; _. I i` � —.—_. i. I'u�h IunJle fam.vd limiig -mil m mv. Y1.AN"1'ING NOT�S: r���nn'c isac Du�i� plin�w;. eecdlings ahall hc 6vpi in o mi�l�t �.� beg or =imilar mnminer m pec .�m ihe mo� s�a�xnu Irom Jping. FNf. PL�\TI\G U.Vt Plamin% b�.+r sh.Jl here n M1I��Je ��iih a Ineng�la se.-�ian,vnd ahill be 11 inehx;lon;. A inehes.�ide ond I inch �hirk m cemxr. I100T NRGCf.Rf, .W secdlin2, o-h.�ll be rom pru�eJ,if�eres.e�.so �Aat aatc ertc�d n c ih��n 10 inches belm. ihe roat rollar. --{ � I�ch � _\ �_.�_. Y� 3.In=er� pienGn; hn 2 inrhes mnmd ptamer fmm sc.dll�g. ��I__�� G.I.enr eump�.iion hai. opcn. \{"nmr ihomught�. @ I�� �J ❑ NPE 1 STREAMBANK REFORESTATION SHALL BE PLANTED 3 FT. TO 5 FT. ON CENTER, RANDOA1 SPACMG, AVER4GING 4 FT. ON CENTER, APPROXIMATELY 2724 PLANTS PERACRE. ❑ TYPE 2 STREAAIBANI( REFORESTATION SHALL BE PLANTED 6 FT. TO 10 FT. ON CENTER, RANDOh15PACING, AVERAGING 8 FT. ON CEMER, APPROXIMATELY 680 PLANTS PER ACRE. ❑ NOTE: TYPE 1 AND TYPE 2 STREAMBANK REFORESTATION SHNLL BE PAID FOR AS'STREAA1BANK REFORESTATION" STREAMBANK REFORESTATION TYPICAL Bl1FFER LIA11ilROW LIMIT TYPE II I . . . . I TYPE I I 8 FT. I BUFFER LIh11TIROW LIMIT ITYPE II TYPE I I _ _ .. . � � ( I 8 FT. I FT.I IFT.I STREAM Reforeslation: Reforestalion will be planled within interchanges and along Ihe outsitle borders of ihe road, antl in olher areas as directed. Refores�alion is not shovm on lhe plan sheels. See �he Reforestalion Detail Sheet. All non-main�ained riparian buffers impacted by the placemenl of temporary fill or clearing aclivilies shall be restoreA to the precons�ruclion contours and revege�aled riith nalive v�oody species. The entire Reforeslalion operation shall comply rrith �he requiremeNs of Section 1670 of the StanAard Specifications. Refores�ation shall be bare roo� seetllings 12"-18" lall. Refores�ation shall be planled as soon as praclical following permanent Seeding and PdWching. The seedlings shall be planted in a 16-foo� riide swath adjacent lo mowinc� pattern line, or as directed. Roof dip: The roots of refores�ation seedlings shall be coated wl�h a slurry o( water, and either a fine clay (kaolin) or a superabsorbent fha� is designated as a bare roo� dip. The type, mix�ure ralio, melhod of application, and �he lime of applica�ion shall be submilted lo �he Engineer for approval. Wi[h Ihe approval of ihe Engineer, seedlings may be coated before delivery lo Ihe job or a� �he lime of planting, bul at no time shall Ihe roots of the seedlings be allowed �o dry oul. The roo�s shall be moistened immediately prior lo plan�ing. Seasonal Limitalions: Reforesta�ion shall be plan�ed from November 15 Ihrough March 15. PaymeN for Reforesta�ion vrill be Included In �he conlrecl bid price for Lump Sum for Erosion Control. SHFEi KO. �xa¢c` E:1GI:IEEA PT PC PT PC PT PC STREAm GEOMETRY PROPOSED ALIGNMENT STREAM RELOCATI ON STATION NORTHING EASTING RADIUS 10+00 623424.803 752995.588 10+52.96 623474.22 752976.53 35' 10+71.90 623489.25 752965.38 11+62.58 623543.32 752892.65 40' 11+74.88 623548.58 752881.58 12+40.48 623567.30 752818.71 30' ITEM NUMBER 0000100000-N 6133000000-N 6133000000-N 1077000000-E 3628000000-E 3642000000-E 3649000000-E 6012000000-E 3656000000-E 6133000000-N 3651000000-E 6012000000-E 6070000000-N 6037000000-E 6084000000-E 6015000000-E 6126000000-E SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES ARC CENTER NORTHING EASTING 623461.63 752943.88 623510.24 752870.16 623596.05 752827.27 SEC QUANTITIES 800 MOBILIZATION SP GRADING FOR MITIGATION (WASTE NC.Y.) SP CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING FOR MITIGATION SP N575TONE 876 RIP RAP CLASS I 876 RIP RAP CLASS A 876 RIP RAP CLASS B 876 #4STONE 876 GEOTEXTILEFORDRAINAGETYPE2 SP PUMPAROUNDOPERATION SP BO ULDERS 1610 SEDIMENTCONTROLSTONE 1639 SPECIALSTILLING BASIN SP COIR FIBER MATTING 1660 SEEDINGANDMULCHING 1615 TEMPORARYMULCHING SP STREAMBANK REFORESTATION QUANTIN 1.00 1.00 1.00 21.00 27.00 56 12 10 345.00 1.00 245.00 1.00 1.00 500.00 0.35 0.35 0.75 UNIT LS LS LS TON TO N TON TON TON SY LS TON TON EA SY AC AC ac � S E P I Rel 9119- 89 99775 C E N G I N E E R I N G & Fax 919-789-95�J1 C 0 N S T R U C T I 0 N License: G2197 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 STRUCTURE TABLE STRUCTURE CROSS VANE CROSS VANE CROSS VANE CROSS VANE CROSS VANE CROSS VANE CROSS VAN E CROSS VANE STATION INVERT ELEVATION 10+16.00 10+43.95 10+92.9 11+14.90 11+57.8 11+79.80 12+20.9 12+44.90 2155.89 2154.89 2153.39 2152.39 2151. 28 2150.47 2149. 25 2148.51 NOTE: 1. $TATION REFERS TO THE UPSTREAM END OF THE VANE ARM OR THE INVERT OF THE HEADER ROCK IN THE CENTER OF THE CHANNEL ON CROSS VANES. 2. INVERT ELEVATION REFERS TO THE STREAMBED PROFILE ELEVATION AT THE CORRESPONDING STATION. WHICH IS THE EIEVATION THAT THE VANE INTERSECTS THE STREAMBED. EARTHWORK SUMMARY IN CUBIC YARDS STREAM RELOCATION EXCAV. (CU.YD.) FILL (CU.YD.) WASTE (CU.YD.) ':. 21 NOTE: FILL QUANTITY IS IN ADDITION TO THAT REQUIRED FOR ROADWAY WORK. 723 FNGINff0. \ � a ��ra� ?�ss, ss--r' �� 1 � ' �d13 p-� �� -� � \f —� - - - \\,s � ln�o ,° � \ S� i�C}l �, _ �.'i . . °;:x . ` `.. ` ` \ //- � /�` •I N u � �'� '` / . . .-.:. s ��. W tl�`r���'�n . . i� � � �_ _�,5�. ��1300 � ,, �/ i � � ��� _ �� / ';;v�>'� / ������,� �. ' ,.� � � �,. �.� z,'�. ' '� \ � ,' 'l L`; ��� � � ' , :. , ,� � ; ��k3�t.1 �`���� ti� '�, i;r��� - .\60% Desiyn\r5024b_NEU_dsn.dgn 7/28/2011 922:01 AM � �> ,, �� � `` ', � � °.� �;tl _ `i � I 1 ��%%i� i J� �7 /� J�, , �` �� _oe�� �� 09�2 / �� \�� � � �jd„01 e � � � � . ! � � � �1; " . �. � 1 3d' (�IPA�IAN �IJFFER WID I H 3�' ib 0' RI�ARIAN �LIFFER WIDiI� {��iE(VTI,QL ADOITIONAI� RIPARIAiV 6UFFE� AREA �!��J 20' �Af�ITAI�Y SEWER EASEMENT /i RIP��IAfV C�IJ�FER INIL,L 6� PLAfVTED WITH i�AiIVE RIPARIA� GRASSES Afvf� W�ODY SWRt1�� � No TREES wI�L �E �LA�TED I� i�ESE �RE�S