HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140153 Ver 1_Owls Den_95808_MY7_2022_20230111ID#* 20140153 Select Reviewer: Ryan Hamilton Initial Review Completed Date 01/23/2023 Mitigation Project Submittal - 1/11/2023 Version* 1 Is this a Prospectus, Technical Proposal or a New Site?* Type of Mitigation Project:* Stream Wetlands Buffer Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Contact Name:* Paul Wiesner Project Information O Yes O No Email Address:* paul.wiesner@ncdenr.gov ID#:* 20140153 Version:* 1 Existing ID# Existing Version Project Type: • DMS Mitigation Bank Project Name: Owl's Den Mitigation Site EEP Project #95808 County: Lincoln Document Information Mitigation Document Type:* Mitigation Monitoring Report File Upload: Owls Den _95808_MY7_2022.pdf 28.88MB Please upload only one PDF of the complete file that needs to be submitted... Signature Print Name:* Paul Wiesner Signature: * Conservation Easement Wetland Re-establishment Wetland Rehabilitation Internal Culvert Crossing Stream Restoration Wetland H Non-Project Streams Wetland C Wetland A Wetland D Wetland B Wetland E Wetland G Howards Creek 2018 Aerial Photography Figure 2 Project Component/Asset Map Owl's Den Mitigation Site 0100200Feet DMS Project No. 95808 ¹ Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 Lincoln County, NC TY 8! TY 8! 0 0 + 1 1 1 {ƷƩĻğƒ tŷƚƷƚŭƩğƦŷƭ aƚƓźƷƚƩźƓŭ —ĻğƩ А tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ Њ I/Њ wĻğĭŷ Њ ǝźĻǞ ǒƦƭƷƩĻğƒ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ Њ I/Њ wĻğĭŷ Њ ǝźĻǞ ķƚǞƓƭƷƩĻğƒΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ Ћ I/Њ wĻğĭŷ Њ ǝźĻǞ ǒƦƭƷƩĻğƒ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ Ћ I/Њ wĻğĭŷ Њ ǝźĻǞ ķƚǞƓƭƷƩĻğƒ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ Ќ I/Њ wĻğĭŷ Њ ǝźĻǞ ǒƦƭƷƩĻğƒ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ Ќ I/Њ wĻğĭŷ Њ ǝźĻǞ ķƚǞƓƭƷƩĻğƒ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ Ѝ I/Њ wĻğĭŷ Њ ǝźĻǞ ǒƦƭƷƩĻğƒ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ Ѝ I/Њ wĻğĭŷ Њ ǝźĻǞ ķƚǞƓƭƷƩĻğƒ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ Ў I/Њ wĻğĭŷ Њ ε I/Ћ ǝźĻǞ ǒƦƭƷƩĻğƒ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ Ў I/Ћ ǝźĻǞ ǒƦƭƷƩĻğƒ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ Ў I/Њ wĻğĭŷ Њ ǝźĻǞ ķƚǞƓƭƷƩĻğƒ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ Џ I/Њ wĻğĭŷ Ћ ǝźĻǞ ǒƦƭƷƩĻğƒ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ Џ I/Њ wĻğĭŷ Ћ ǝźĻǞ ķƚǞƓƭƷƩĻğƒ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ А I/Њ wĻğĭŷ Ћ ǝźĻǞ ǒƦƭƷƩĻğƒ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ А I/Њ wĻğĭŷ Ћ ǝźĻǞ ķƚǞƓƭƷƩĻğƒ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ Б I/Њ wĻğĭŷ Ћ ǝźĻǞ ǒƦƭƷƩĻğƒ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ Б I/Њ wĻğĭŷ Ћ ǝźĻǞ ķƚǞƓƭƷƩĻğƒ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ В I/Њ wĻğĭŷ Ћ ǝźĻǞ ǒƦƭƷƩĻğƒ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ В I/Њ wĻğĭŷ Ћ ǝźĻǞ ķƚǞƓƭƷƩĻğƒ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ ЊЉ I/Њ wĻğĭŷ Ћ ǝźĻǞ ǒƦƭƷƩĻğƒ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ ЊЉ I/Њ wĻğĭŷ Ћ ǝźĻǞ ķƚǞƓƭƷƩĻğƒ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ ЊЊ I/Ћ ǝźĻǞ ǒƦƭƷƩĻğƒ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ ЊЊ I/Ћ ǝźĻǞ ķƚǞƓƭƷƩĻğƒ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ ЊЋ I/Ћ ǝźĻǞ ǒƦƭƷƩĻğƒ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ ЊЋ I/Ћ ǝźĻǞ ķƚǞƓƭƷƩĻğƒ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ ЊЌ I/Ћ ǝźĻǞ ǒƦƭƷƩĻğƒ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ ЊЌ I/Ћ ǝźĻǞ ķƚǞƓƭƷƩĻğƒ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ ЊЍ I/Ћ ǝźĻǞ ǒƦƭƷƩĻğƒ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ ЊЍ I/Ћ ǝźĻǞ ķƚǞƓƭƷƩĻğƒΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ ‘ĻƷƌğƓķ tŷƚƷƚŭƩğƦŷƭ aƚƓźƷƚƩźƓŭ —ĻğƩ А tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ ЊЎ ƌƚƚƉźƓŭ ƭƚǒƷŷĻğƭƷ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ ЊЏ ƌƚƚƉźƓŭ ƭƚǒƷŷǞĻƭƷ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ ЊА ƌƚƚƉźƓŭ ƓƚƩƷŷ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ ЊБ ƌƚƚƉźƓŭ ƓƚƩƷŷǞĻƭƷ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ ЊБ ƌƚƚƉźƓŭ ƭƚǒƷŷǞĻƭƷ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ ЊВ ƌƚƚƉźƓŭ ƓƚƩƷŷĻğƭƷ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ ЊВ ƌƚƚƉźƓŭ ƭƚǒƷŷĻğƭƷ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ ЋЉ ƌƚƚƉźƓŭ ƓƚƩƷŷǞĻƭƷ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ tŷƚƷƚ tƚźƓƷ ЋЉ ƌƚƚƉźƓŭ ƭƚǒƷŷĻğƭƷ ΛЍΉЎΉЋЉЋЋΜ 100% Tract Mean YYYYYYYYYYYYY Met (Y/N) MY7 Density Criteria Sara Thompson9/8/2022Owls Den MY7 cvs-eep-entrytool-v2.3.1.mdb\\\\\\projects\\ActiveProjects\\005-02140 Owls Den\\Monitoring\\Monitoring Year 7 (2022)\\Vegetation AssessmentDescription of database file, the report worksheets, and a summary of project(s) and project data.Each project is listed with its PLANTED stems per acre, for each year. This excludes live stakes.Each project is listed with its TOTAL stems per acre, for each year. This includes live stakes, all planted stems, and all natural/volunteer stems.List of plots surveyed with location and summary data (live stems, dead stems, missing, etc.).Frequency distribution of vigor classes for stems for all plots.Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed by species.List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences and percent of total stems impacted by each.Damage values tallied by type for each species.Damage values tallied by type for each plot.A matrix of the count of PLANTED living stems of each species for each plot; dead and missing stems are excluded.A matrix of the count of total living stems of each species (planted and natural volunteers combined) for each plot; dead and missing stems are excluded.95808Owls Den Mitigation Site50585.711313 123456789 10111213 Plot Table 7. Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment Owl's Den Mitigation SiteDMS Project No. 95808 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022Table 8. CVS Vegetation Plot Metadata Owl's Den Mitigation SiteDMS Project No. 95808 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022Report Prepared ByDate PreparedDatabase NameDatabase LocationDESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT------------MetadataProject PlantedProject Total StemsPlotsVigorVigor by SppDamageDamage by SppDamage by PlotPlanted Stems by Plot and SppALL Stems by Plot and SppPROJECT SUMMARY-------------------------------------Project Codeproject NameDescriptionRequired Plots (calculated)Sampled Plots ЏЍБЏЍБЏББЏЍБЏЍБЏЍБЏЍБЏЍБЏЍБЏБББЎЉЏЍБАЋБ Total Stems/Ac ЊЏЊЏЊАЊЏЊЏЊЏЊЏЊЏЊЏЊАЋЊЊЏЊБ Total Stems MY0 (2016) ЊЏЊЏЊАЊЏЊЏЊЏЊЎЊЏЊЏЊАЊЏЊЏЊЏ Stems Planted ЎЏАЍБЏАЋБЏЍБЎЋЏЍБЏВАЊЏЍБЌЏЍБВЉЏЉААЏВ Total ЊͲБЏЋ Stems/Ac В ЊЍЊЋЊБЊЏЊЌЊЋЋЍЊЏЍЏЋЋЊЎЊВ Total Stems MY1 (2016) В ЊЍЊЋЊЎЊЏЊЌЊЊЊЏЊЎЊЎЊЌЊЎЊЏ Stems Planted ЍЍЎЍБЏБЎЉЎЏАЍЉЎЎЋЏЏББЌЏЍЎЏАБЉВ Total ЊͲЋЎЎЊͲЊАЍЊͲЎЌБ Stems/Ac В ЊЊЊЋЋЊЊЍЊЉЊЌЌЊЊАЋВЊЍЋЉЌБ Total Stems MY2 (2017) ВА ЊЊЊЋЊЌЊЍЊЉЊЉЊЎЊЎЊЎЊЎЊЏ Stems Planted ЍЉЎЍЉЎЍБЏЊЋЊЎЏААЋБЍБЏЌЋЍ Total ЊͲЉЊЋЊͲЋЎЎЍͲЍЎЋЊͲЍЊЏЊͲВЉЋ Stems/Ac ЌБ ЊЉЊЉЋЎЊЋЊЍЊБЌЊЊЋЌЎЍА ЊЊЉ Total Stems MY3 (2018) ЌВЏ ЊЉЊЉЊЌЊЋЊЉЊЉЊЎЊЎЊЎЊЏ Stems Planted ЍЉЎЏЉАБЉВЎЋЏЌЏЍЏЍБЎЋЏЏББ Total ЊͲЉВЌЊͲАЍЉЏͲББЉЊͲЋВЎЋͲЎВЉ Stems/Ac В ЊЉЊЎЋЉЊЌЊЏЋАЍЌЊЌЊАЌЋЏЍ ЊАЉ Total Stems MY5 (2020) ВБ ЊЉЊЋЊЌЊЌЊЋЊЎЊЎЊЊЊЍЊЍЊЍ Џ͵ЋА͵Ќ ЊБ͵ЍЊВ͵ЏЋЉ͵ВЋЌ͵ЍЊЉ͵АЊЍ͵АЊЎ͵ЋЊЏ͵ЋЊВ͵АЊЌ͵ЋЋЋ͵Љ 15.9 MY7 Stems Planted Ѝ͵АВ͵ЌЍ͵ЎЏ͵ВВ͵ЍБ͵ЌА͵ЊВ͵Џ 9.4 ЌЏЍЏЉАВАЊЎЋЏЎЋЏБЉВ ЊЉ͵ЉЊЊ͵БЊЌ͵ЉЊЉ͵АЊА͵Љ MY5 Total ЎͲАЍАЊͲЋЎЎЊͲЋЎЎЌͲЊВАЊͲЋЊЍЊͲВБЌЋͲЊЍЎ Stems/Ac В ЊЎЋЍЊЌЊЌЌЊЌЊАВЋЉЌЉЍВЎЌ Ќ͵АЍ͵БЎ͵ЊЎ͵ЊЍ͵ЍЎ͵ЍЌ͵ЋЍ͵ЍЍ͵ЉЍ͵ЎЏ͵ЊЎ͵ЋА͵В 4.9 ЊЍЋ MY3 Total Stems MY7 (2022) ВБВ ЊЋЊЋЊЌЊЍЊЍЊЎЊЉЊЌЊЎЊЍ Ћ͵ЌЋ͵ЎЋ͵БЋ͵ЊЊ͵ВЍ͵ЉЋ͵ЉЋ͵ЋЋ͵ЊЋ͵ЏЋ͵ЌЋ͵БЌ͵Ў 2.5 MY2 Stems Planted Ћ͵ЊЋ͵ЋЊ͵ВЊ͵БЊ͵ЍЋ͵ЋЊ͵ВЊ͵АЊ͵АЋ͵ЉЊ͵БЋ͵ЍЋ͵Ѝ 2.0 MY1 Ћ͵ЉЊ͵ВЊ͵ВЋ͵ЉЊ͵БЊ͵ЎЊ͵БЊ͵ЎЊ͵АЊ͵ВЊ͵БЊ͵АЊ͵Б 1.8 MY0 Average Stem Height (ft) by Plot Plot tĻƩƒğƓĻƓƷ tƌƚƷ ЊtĻƩƒğƓĻƓƷ tƌƚƷ ЋtĻƩƒğƓĻƓƷ tƌƚƷ ЌtĻƩƒğƓĻƓƷ tƌƚƷ ЍtĻƩƒğƓĻƓƷ tƌƚƷ ЎtĻƩƒğƓĻƓƷ tƌƚƷ ЏtĻƩƒğƓĻƓƷ tƌƚƷ АtĻƩƒğƓĻƓƷ tƌƚƷ БtĻƩƒğƓĻƓƷ tƌƚƷ В tĻƩƒğƓĻƓƷ tƌƚƷ ЊЉtĻƩƒğƓĻƓƷ tƌƚƷ ЊЊtĻƩƒğƓĻƓƷ tƌƚƷ ЊЋtĻƩƒğƓĻƓƷ tƌƚƷ ЊЌ Table 9d. Planted Stem Average Heights Across All YearsTable 9e. Stems Per Plot Across All Years hǞƌγƭ 5ĻƓ aźƷźŭğƷźƚƓ {źƷĻ5a{ tƩƚƆĻĭƷ bƚ͵ ВЎБЉБ Monitoring Year 7 - 2022Permanent Plot 1Permanent Plot 2Permanent Plot 3Permanent Plot 4Permanent Plot 5Permanent Plot 6Permanent Plot 7Permanent Plot 8Permanent Plot 9Permanent Plot 10Permanent Plot 11Permanent Plot 12Permanent Plot 13Permanent Plot Site Average hǞƌγƭ 5ĻƓ aźƷźŭğƷźƚƓ {źƷĻ5a{ tƩƚƆĻĭƷ bƚ͵ ВЎБЉБ Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 Bankfull (05/2022) MY7 (03/2020) MY5 (ft) Pool (04/2018) Width MY3 101+44 (03/2017) MY2 (4/2016) MY1 (7/2015) 1020304050 MY0 768767766765764763 (ft)Elevation Elevation Area (03/2017)(05/2022)Bankfull MY2MY7MY0 Riffle (ft) Area Width 101+64 (4/2016)(03/2020) MY1MY5Floodprone (7/2015)(04/2018) MY0MY3Bankfull 515253545 768767766765764763 (ft)Elevation Bankfull (05/2022) MY7 (03/2020) MY5 Pool (ft) (04/2018) Width MY3 105+58 (03/2017) MY2 (4/2016) MY1 (7/2015) 3040506070 MY0 767766765764763762 (ft)Elevation Elevation Area (03/2017)(05/2022)Bankfull MY2MY7MY0 Riffle (ft) Area Width 105+95 (4/2016)(03/2020) MY1MY5Floodprone (7/2015)(04/2018) MY0MY3Bankfull 3040506070 767766765764763762 (ft)Elevation Bankfull (05/2022) MY7 (03/2020) MY5 Pool (ft) (04/2018) Width MY3 113+11 (03/2017) MY2 (4/2016) MY1 (7/2015) 2030405060 MY0 766765764763762761760 (ft)Elevation (03/2020) MY5 Elevation (04/2018)Bankfull MY3MY0 Riffle (ft) Area Width (03/2017) 113+41 MY2Floodprone (4/2016) MY1Bankfull (7/2015)(05/2022) 2030405060 MY0MY7 766765764763762761 (ft)Elevation Bankfull (05/2022) MY7 (03/2020) MY5 Pool (ft) (04/2018) Width MY3 116+53 (03/2017) MY2 (4/2016) MY1 (7/2015) 2535455565 MY0 766765764763762761760759 (ft)Elevation (03/2020) MY5 Elevation (04/2018)Bankfull MY3MY0 Riffle (ft) Area Width (03/2017) 201+53 MY2Floodprone (4/2016) MY1Bankfull (7/2015)(05/2022) 1020304050 MY0MY7 769768767766 (ft)Elevation Bankfull (05/2022) MY7 (03/2020) MY5 Pool (ft) (04/2018) Width MY3 201+85 (03/2017) MY2 (4/2016) MY1 (7/2015) 1525354555 MY0 770769768767766765 (ft)Elevation (03/2020) MY5 Elevation (04/2018)Bankfull MY3MY0 Riffle (ft) Area Width (03/2017) 204+32 MY2Floodprone (4/2016) MY1Bankfull (7/2015)(05/2022) 010203040 MY0MY7 769768767766765 (ft)Elevation Bankfull (05/2022) MY7 (03/2020) MY5 Pool (ft) (04/2018) Width MY3 204+54 (03/2017) MY2 (4/2016) MY1 (7/2015) 1020304050 MY0 768767766765764 (ft)Elevation (03/2020) MY5 Elevation (04/2018)Bankfull MY3MY0 Riffle (ft) Area Width (03/2017) 206+43 MY2Floodprone (4/2016) MY1Bankfull (7/2015)(05/2022) 1020304050 MY0MY7 767766765764763 (ft)Elevation Precipitation (in) Elevation (ft) Precipitation (in) Elevation (ft) 3 Year 7 (2022) No/7 Days (3.1%) Yes/76 Days (34.1%)Yes/37 Days (16.6%)Yes/52 Days (23.3%)Yes/29 Days (13.0%)Yes/34 Days (15.2%)Yes/52 Days (23.3%)Yes/51 Days (22.9%)Yes/36 Days (16.1%) Yes/223 Days (100%)Yes/223 Days (100%)Yes/223 Days (100%)Yes/223 Days (100%)Yes/223 Days (100%) Yes/177 Days (79.4%) Yes/128 Days (57.4%) Year 6 (2021) No/16 Days (7.2%) Yes/60 Days (26.9%)Yes/57 Days (25.6%)Yes/61 Days (27.4%)Yes/34 Days (15.2%)Yes/50 Days (22.4%)Yes/54 Days (24.2%)Yes/53 Days (23.8%)Yes/54 Days (24.2%) 1 Yes/204 Days (91.5%)Yes/203 Days (91.0%)Yes/101 Days (45.3%)Yes/113 Days (50.7%)Yes/204 Days (91.5%)Yes/208 Days (93.4%)Yes/100 Days (44.8%) Year 5 (2020) No/15 Days (6.7%) Yes/97 Days (43.5%)Yes/97 Days (43.5%)Yes/55 Days (24.7%)Yes/97 Days (43.5%)Yes/76 Days (34.1%) Yes/223 Days (100%)Yes/223 Days (100%)Yes/223 Days (100%)Yes/223 Days (100%)Yes/223 Days (100%)Yes/223 Days (100%) Yes/109 Days (48.9%)Yes/106 Days (47.4%)Yes/100 Days (44.8%) Yes/ 111 Days (49.8%) 2 Year 4 (2019) Yes/19 Days (9%) Yes/49 Days (22%)Yes/61 Days (27%)Yes/63 Days (28%)Yes/34 Days (15%)Yes/36 Days (16%)Yes/58 Days (26%) Yes/54Days (24%) Yes/113 Days (51%)Yes/113 Days (51%) Yes/222 Days (100%)Yes/222 Days (100%)Yes/223 Days (100%)Yes/223 Days (100%)Yes/222 Days (100%)Yes/223 Days (100%) --- Year 3 (2018) No/16 Days (7%) Yes/87 Days (39%)Yes/96 Days (43%)Yes/47 Days (21%)Yes/83 Days (37%)Yes/96 Days (43%)Yes/82 Days (37%) Yes/142 Days (64%)Yes/218 Days (98%)Yes/143 Days (64%)Yes/176 Days (80%)Yes/217 Days (98%)Yes/217 Days (98%)Yes/218 Days (98%)Yes/157 Days (71%) Success Criteria Achieved/Max Consecutive Days During Growing Season (Percentage) Summary of Groundwater Gage Results for Monitoring Years 1 through 7 --- Year 2 (2017) No/14 Days (6%) Yes/94 Days (42%)Yes/53 Days (24%)Yes/68 Days (31%)Yes/49 Days (22%)Yes/51 Days (23%)Yes/52 Days (23%)Yes/53 Days (24%) Yes/192 Days (87%)Yes/124 Days (56%) Yes/223 Days (100%)Yes/223 Days (100%)Yes/223 Days (100%)Yes/223 Days (100%)Yes/223 Days (100%) ------ Year 1 (2016) No/4 Days (2%) No/10 Days (5%) Yes/20 Days (9%) Yes/75 Days (34%)Yes/39 Days (18%)Yes/30 Days (14%)Yes/89 Days (40%)Yes/39 Days (40%)Yes/83 Days (37%) Yes/223 Days (100%)Yes/223 Days (100%)Yes/223 Days (100%)Yes/223 Days (100%)Yes/223 Days (100%) 123456789 101112131415 Gage Reference Gage Success Criteria: Water table within 12 inches of ground surface for 8.1% of growing season (3/28 - 11/5).GWG 15 installed December 2018.GWG 14 malfunctioned in MY7; therefore, no data was recorded from August to November 2022. Table 14. Wetland Gage Attainment Summary Owl's Den Mitigation SiteDMS Project No. 95808 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 123 Precipitation (in) 11/5/2022 End of Growing Season 3/28/2022 Start of Growing Season Water Level (in) Precipitation (in) 11/5/2022 End of Growing Season 3/28/2022 Start of Growing Season Water Level (in) Precipitation (in) 11/5/2022 End of Growing Season 3/28/2022 Start of Growing Season Water Level (in) Precipitation (in) 11/5/2022 End of Growing Season 3/28/2022 Start of Growing Season Water Level (in) Precipitation (in) 11/5/2022 End of Growing Season 3/28/2022 Start of Growing Season Water Level (in) Precipitation (in) 11/5/2022 End of Growing Season 3/28/2022 Start of Growing Season Water Level (in) Precipitation (in) 11/5/2022 End of Growing Season 3/28/2022 Start of Growing Season Water Level (in) Precipitation (in) 11/5/2022 End of Growing Season 3/28/2022 Start of Growing Season Water Level (in) Precipitation (in) 11/5/2022 End of Growing Season 3/28/2022 Start of Growing Season Water Level (in) Precipitation (in) 11/5/2022 End of Growing Season 3/28/2022 Start of Growing Season Water Level (in) Precipitation (in) 11/5/2022 End of Growing Season 3/28/2022 Start of Growing Season Water Level (in) Precipitation (in) 11/5/2022 End of Growing Season 3/28/2022 Start of Growing Season Water Level (in) Precipitation (in) 11/5/2022 End of Growing Season 3/28/2022 Start of Growing Season Water Level (in) Precipitation (in) 11/5/2022 End of Growing Season 3/28/2022 Start of Growing Season Water Level (in) Precipitation (in) 11/5/2022 End of Growing Season 3/28/2022 Start of Growing Season Water Level (in) Precipitation (in) 11/5/2022 End of Growing Season 3/28/2022 Start of Growing Season Water Level (in) tƩĻĭźƦźƷğƷźƚƓ ΛźƓΜ hǞƌ͸ƭDenBoundaryInspectionReport9/14/2022 DMSconductedaneasementinspectionofthehǞƌ͸ƭDenSiteinLincolnCountyonSeptember14,2022. TheeasementinspectionwasconductedinaccordancewiththeDMSPropertyChecklistandincludes completionofapreinspectionofficereviewoftheplat,asbuiltandmonitoringreports.Thefieldeffort includedinspectionoftheentireeasementboundarytovalidatetheeasementintegrity.Theproperty inspectionisdocumentedintheattachedchecklistandsummarizedbelow: OfficeReview: MowingallowanceprovisionsspecifiedintheCEforfencedareaswillbefieldchecked. Documentsindicatenofencingpresent. LinesegmentsѢЋЉЉ͸arepresentonsiteindicatinginlinemarkingwillbecheckedduringthe fieldinspection. InternalCrossingwillbechecked.TheDMS.kmzdisplaystheinternalcrossingasexternal. FieldInspection: Cornermarkersandinlinemarkersweredifficulttospotduetovegetationovergrowth. Flaggingwasaddedtoimprovevisibility. CornermarkersconsistedofUChannelwithsigns.ThepostandsignlocatedatMowedArea1 wasbent/damaged. Fivestampedaluminummonumentcapswerefieldverifiedandconsistenttheplat. InlineTPostmarkerswereadequatelyspaced,multiplesignsweremissingfromposts. MowedArea3waspreviouslymarkedwithflagging. Nofencingwaspresent. Crossingwasingoodcondition. ActionItems Upgrademarkingatthethreemowedareaswithsupplementalpostsandhorsetape,notify landownerofnewposts. RepairdamagedcornermarkerandsignatMowedArea1andaddtallPVCforvisibilityinthis hightrafficarea. Trimvegetationblockingviewofmarkerposts. Addmissingsignstoinlinemarkers(optionalbutrecommendedforconsistency). Property Boundary Verification Checklist Owl's Den Project NameCounty Lincoln Paul Wiesner DMS PMMonitoring Phase MY7/ 2023 Closeout 95808 DMS Project No.DMS Inspector Phillips Wildlands ProviderProvider Contact Eri c Neuhaus In-Office Review Comments CE Document Review Crossing Allowance, mowing allowed within 10 feet of a fence within easement as platted, existing roads allowed. Atypical Allowances/Restrictions YesNo Comments Plat Review As-BuiltAs-Built Plat Plat Internal Roads/TrailsXX Internal CrossingsXX External CrossingsXX Dedicated Ingress/EgressXX Note 12 Electric line and R/W to be reloacted ROWsXX Exclusion FencingXX InfrastructureXX Corners of Survey with #XX Line Segments >200' XX Crossing Special Use AllowancesXX Review site monitoring for prior encroachmentsNone in MY6 Project History, Aerials, CCPVs In-Field Review (Inspection Date:____9/1/2022______________ ) Observations/Results As-built Record Drawing Boundary/Verification Field Verified Entity #5 rebar x 30”, with aluminum cap on easement corners with number per plat. Three in-ground monuments 5 monuments were verified and matched to the plat Corners monumented verified; additional if not found or errors 6’ durable witness post with approved sign. All witness All corners were adequately marked with U-channel. The posts at corners in correct location, signed, stable and northwest corner post and sign were bent at mowed area 1. Corners marked visible where necessaryVegetation blocked view of multiple corner markers. Posts and signs at minimum every 200' in line between In-line marking was adequately spaced and marked with T- corners; trees may be blazed in lieu of signs where posts. Signs were missing from several of the posts. In-line marking possible. All lines > than 200' posted at acceptable Multiple posts were obscured by vegetation. intervals and visible where necessary Vegetative, vehicular, structural, grading, crossing infrastructure, fencing, etc. Note location on plat, extent ee mowed areas were observed. Mowed areas 1, 2 and 3 Thr Encroachments (boundary and approximated size) and type of shown in the attached kmz. encroachment DocumentationDMS Inspector Signature/Date YesNo Site is fully compliant; adequately marked, no encroachments, Kelly Phillips/9-14-2022 X plats appear to be complete and accurate Notes: The full process for property boundary verification inspections is described in the Method worksheet in this workbook Supplemental support documentation will be included with this checklist as needed for non-compliant sites. Checklist and report documents will be submitted to the PM and Property Supervisor and saved to the R: drive in the CE subfolder Report and checklist will also be sent to Regional Supervisor for non-compliant sites PM is responsible for coordinating with Providers for corrective actions such as adding signage/marking and assigning deadline For sites needing SPO or legal interpretation PM is responsible for coordinating with Property Supervisor to initiate process Sites resolutions requiring follow up in-office or in-field evaluations must be re-initiated by the PM via email request to Supervisor and Inspector Example Monument Missing Sign Missing Sign Missing Sign Missing Sign Mowed and Bent Sign Mowed Area NW View Mowed Area Previously Flagged Y 8!T