HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0024112_Permit Issuance_20020130State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources A 1 1111 , Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor NCDENR William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Acting Director January 30, 2002 Mr. Roger Bryant City of Thomasville P.O. Box 368 Thomasville, North Carolina 27360 Subject: NPDES Permit Issuance Permit NCO024112 Hamby Creek WWTP Davidson County Dear Mr. Bryant: In accordance with the City of Thomasville's application for permit renewal, and after considering comments on the draft permit, the Division of Water Quality is forwarding herewith the City's NPDES discharge permit. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency dated May 9, 1994. We regret the delay in processing the City's application. Notice of the draft permit was published once in The Lexington Dispatch on June 11, 2001, and the City's July 9 letter was the only response to the draft permit during the 30-day public comment period. However, the Division has been unable to issue approximately 40 municipal permits due to programmatic issues raised by the EPA Region 4 staff. The issues specific to Thomasville's permit have now been resolved. The final permit issued today includes the following changes from the draft permit: • Phosphorus Limits. The draft permit does not specify the effective date of the Total Phosphorus limits. To be consistent with the Yadkin -Pee Dee Basin -Wide Water Quality Management Plan (the Plan), the limits should take effect in 2004. Because the limits are seasonal mass limits, the effective date should coincide with the start of the summer or winter season (as defined in the permit) and prior to expiration of the new permit. Action: Condition A.(1) has been modified to specify that the effective date of the Total Phosphorus limits is April 1, 2004. • Phosphorus Mass Limits - Correction. The winter phosphorus limit in the draft permit is in error. The limit should be calculated as 1.0 mg/L TP at a 4.0 MGD flow for a period of 151 days. Action: The Total Phosphorus limit in Condition A.(1.) has been changed to 5,040 lb. for the winter season (November -March). If any parts, measurement frequencies, or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this letter. This request must be in the form of a written 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone (919) 733-5083 FAX (919) 733-0719 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer On the Internet at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.usl City of Thomasville: Hamby Creek WWTP Permit No. NCO024112 Page 2 petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699- 6714. Unless such a demand is made, this permit shall be final and binding. Please take notice that this permit is not transferable except after notice to the Division of Water Quality. The Division may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the permit. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits that may be required by the Division of Water Quality, the Division of Land Resources, the Coastal Area Management Act, or any other federal or local governmental permit. If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact Mike Templeton at telephone number (919) 733-5083, "ext. 541. Sincerely, Original Signed BY David A. Goodrich Gregory J. Thorpe Enclosures: NPDES Permit NC0024112 Copies (w/ encl.): Mr. Roosevelt Childress, EPA Winston-Salem Regional Office, Water Quality Point Source Compliance Enforcement Unit Technical Assistance and Certification Unit Aquatic Toxicology Unit Central Files NPDES Unit Permit NCO024112 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, the City of Thomasville is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from a facility located at the Hamby Creek WWTP Baptist Children's Home Road Davidson County to receiving waters designated as Hamby Creek in the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III, and IV hereof. The permit shall become effective.......................................................................................................March 1, 2002 This permit and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on ................................. April 30, 2004 Signed this day January 30, 2002 Original Signed By David A. Goodrich Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Acting Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit NC0024112 SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET The City of Thomasville is hereby authorized to: 1. Continue to operate the existing 4.0 MGD wastewater treatment facility, consisting of a comminutor, grit removal chamber, two primary clarifiers, two roughing filters, three fine -bubble aeration basins, three secondary clarifiers, a G MG reaeration lagoon, and chlorine disinfection; and 2. Discharge treated wastewaters from said facility into Hamby Creek, a Class C water in the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin, at the location specified on the attached map. N City of Thomasville Davidson County Yadkin -Pea Dee Pover Basin * Discharge Point - NC0024112 Subbasin: 03-07-07 �Highways teame Hamby Creek WWTP mM1 Municipal Boundaries N CO024112 1 0 1 2 Miles Permit NCO024112 A. (I.) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Beginning on the effective date of this permit and lasting through the expiration date, the Permittee shall be authorized to discharge treated wastewater from Outfall 001 subject to the following effluent limitations and monitoring requirements: EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monthly Weekly Daily Average Average Maximum Measurement Sample Frequency Type Sample Location Flow 4.0 MGD Continuous Recording I or E BOD, 5-day, 20°C I'I (Apr 1- Oct 31) (Nov 1- Mar 31) 5.0 mg/L 7.5 mg/L 10.0 mg/L 15.0 mg/L Daily Composite I, E Total Suspended Solids (2) 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L Daily Composite I, E NH3-N, mg/L (Apr 1 - Oct 31) (Nov 1- Mar 31) 2.0 mg/L 3.0 mg/L Daily Composite E Fecal Coliform (geometric mean) 200/100 mL 400/100 mL Daily Grab E Dissolved Oxygen Daily average shall not be less than 6.0 mg/L Daily Grab E PH Shall be within the range of 6.0 to 9.0 standard units at all times Daily Grab E Temperature, °C Daily Grab E Conductivity, umhos/cm' Daily Grab E Total Residual Chlorine Daily Grab E Total Phosphorus t31 (Apr 1 - Oct 31) (Nov 1- Mar 31) N/A (mg/L) 3,570 lb seasonal total N/A (mg/L) 5,040 lb seasonal total Weekly Seasonally Weekly Seasonally Composite Calculated i'1 Composite Calculated I'I E E Cadmium (11910 2.1 Weekly Composite E Lead (ug/L) 26.7 Weekly Composite E Nickel (ug/L) 26.7 261.0 Weekly Composite E Cyanide (ug/L) 5.3 22.0 Weekly Grab E Chromium (ug/L) 2/Month Composite E Copes (119/L) 2/1VIonth Composite E Silver OWL) 2/Month Compostte E Zinc (ug/L) 2/11onth Composite E Mercury (ug/L) Monthly Composite E Total Nitrogen Monthly Composite E Chronic Toxicity Cerktdaphnia, P/F @ 90% (4) Quarterly Composite E There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. Footnotes: (1) Sample locations: I - Influent, E - Effluent (2) The monthly average effluent BOD5 and Total Suspended Solids concentrations shall not exceed 1 S% of the respective influent values. (3) Effluent Urnitatioae for Total Phosphorus shall become effective April 1, 2004. Monitoring requirements shall apply beginning on the effective date of the permit Monitoring for total phosphorus shall be conducted and calculated as prescribed above and in Condition A.(3.) of this permit. (4) See Condition A.(4.) of this pemvt. Permit NCO024112 SUPPLEMENT TO EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS A. (2.) INSTREAM MONITORING REQUIREMENTS (a) Beginning on the effective date of this permit and lasting through the expiration date, the Permittee shall perform instream sampling upstream and downstream of Outfall 001 as specified below, unless exempted per paragraph (b) below: PARAMETERS SAMPLE TYPE MONITORING FREQUENCY SAMPLE LOCATION I'I Jun 1 - Sep 30 Oct 1 - May 31 Temperature Surface 3/week Weekly U, D Dissolved Oxygen Surface 3/week Weekly U, D Fecal Coliforrn (geometric mean) Surface 3/week Weekly U, D Conductivity Surface 3/week Weekly U, D Total Phosphorus Surface Monthly Monthly U, D TKN Surface Monthly Monthly U, D NH3-N, as N Surface Monthly Monthly U, D NO2-N + NOrN Surface Monthly Monthly U, D Chlorophyll -a Surface Monthly Monthly D Footnotes: (1) Sample locations: U - Upstream at Baptist Children's Home Road, D - Downstream at SR 2017 and on Abbotts Creek at Ceuta Street below the confluence with Leonard Creek. (b) Coordinated Instream Monitoring Program, Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin Association. The Permittee shall be provisionally exempted from the instream monitoring requirements specified in paragraph (a) above, so long as the Permittee remains a party in good standing in an active instream monitoring Memorandum of Agreement signed with the Division. If the Permittee's participation in the MCA is terminated, the requirements in paragraph (a) shall be reinstated immediately and automatically. (c) Notification of Terminated Membership. If the Permittee's participation in the MCA is terminated for any reason, the Permittee shall notify the Division in writing within five (5) working days, unless the termination is initiated by the Division. Permit NC0024112 A. (3.) TOTAL PHOSPHORUS MONITORING The Permittee shall calculate the seasonal mass loading of total phosphorus as the sum of monthly loadings, according to the following equations: (a) Monthly Mass Loading (lb/mo) = TP x Q x 8.34 where: TP = the average total phosphorus concentration (mg/L) of the composite samples collected during the month Q = the total volume of wastewater discharged during the month at each outfall (MG/mo) 8.34 = conversion factor, from (mg/L X MG) to pounds (b) Seasonal Mass Loading (lb/season) = E (Monthly Mass Loadings) for the season The Permittee shall report the total phosphorus concentration for each sample and the monthly mass loading in the appropriate self -monitoring report and the seasonal mass loading of total phosphorus in the final self -monitoring report for the season. A. (4.) CHRONIC TOXICITY PERMIT LIMIT (QUARTERLY) The effluent discharge shall at no time exhibit observable inhibition of reproduction or significant mortality to Ceriodapbnia dubia at an effluent concentration of 90.0%. The permit holder shall perform at a minimum, quarterly monitoring using test procedures outlined in the "North Carolina Ceriodapbnia Chronic Effluent Bioassay Procedure," Revised February 1998, or subsequent versions or "North Carolina Phase II Chronic Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Procedure" (Revised -February 1998) or subsequent versions. The tests will be performed during the months of February, May, August and November. Effluent sampling for this testing shall be performed at the NPDES permitted final effluent discharge below all treatment processes. If the test procedure performed as the first test of any single quarter results in a failure or ChV below the permit limit, then multiple -concentration testing shall be performed at a minimum, in each of the two following months as described in "North Carolina Phase II Chronic Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Procedure" (Revised -February 1998) or subsequent versions. The chronic value for multiple concentration tests will be determined using the geometric mean of the highest concentration having no detectable impairment of reproduction or survival and the lowest concentration that does have a detectable impairment of reproduction or survival. The definition of "detectable impairment," collection methods, exposure regimes, and further statistical methods are specified in the "North Carolina Phase II Chronic Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Procedure" (Revised -February 1998) or subsequent versions. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Monitoring Form (MR-1) for the months in which tests were performed, using the parameter code TGP3B for the pass/fail results and THP3B for the Chronic Value. Additionally, DWQ Form AT-3 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: North Carolina Division of Water Quality Environmental Sciences Branch 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Permit NC0024112 Completed Aquatic Tonicity Test Forms shall be filed with the Environmental Sciences Branch no later than 30 days after the end of the reporting period for which the report is made. Test data shall be complete, accurate, include all supporting chemical/physical measurements and all concentration/response data, and be certified by laboratory supervisor and ORC or approved designate signature. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should there be no discharge of flow from the facility during a month in which tonicity monitoring is required, the pemuttee will complete the information located at the top of the aquatic tonicity (AT) test form indicating the facility name, permit number, pipe number, county, and the month/year of the report with the notation of "No Flow" in the comment area of the form: The report shall be submitted to the Environmental Sciences Branch at the address cited above. Should the permittee fail to monitor during a month in which toxicity monitoring is required, monitoring will be required during the following month. Should any test data from this monitoring requirement or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re -opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival, minimum control organism reproduction, and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and will require immediate follow-up testing to be completed no later than the last day of the month following the month of the initial monitoring. A. (5.) NON -DETECTION REPORTING AND DETERMINATION OF COMPLIANCE When pursuant to this permit a pollutant analysis is conducted using an approved analytical protocol with the appropriate minimum detection level and a result of "non -detectable" or "below quantitation limit" is obtained, the Pemrittee shall record that result as reported. For the purpose of determining compliance with a permit limit for the pollutant, the numerical value of that individual analytical result shall be zero. Fib : S�ZWT- e a NCDENR HdrtH Ggoueu Duwnuerrt or F�rnnour+un ��o NRVI/.L r �o�wco Fact Sheet - NPDES Permit City of Thomasville NPDES No. NCO024112 Facilit Receiving Stream Facility Name: Hamby Creek WWTP Receiving Stream: Hamby Creek Permitted Flow (MGD): 4.0 Subbasin: 030707 Facility Class: IV Index No.: Facility Status: Existing Stream Class: C Permit Status: Existing 303(d) Listed: No County: Davidson Use Support: Support Threatened Regional office: Winston-Salem Drainage Area (mi2): 13.3 USGS Topo Quad: D18SE Summer 7010 (cfs) 0.43 (Fair Grove) Winter 7010 (cfs): 1.3 3002 (cfs): 1.7 Average Flow (cfs): 12.0 I W C (%): 94 PROPOSED PERMIT ACTION The Division proposes to renew the City of Thomasville's NPDES permit Proposed changes include the addition of nutrient limits in order to address eutrophication in Hamby Creek and High Rock Lake, the addition of effluent limits for lead and nickel, and revised limits for cadmium and cyanide. BACKGROUND Facility Overview The City of Thomasville owns and operates a 4.0 MGD activated sludge wastewater treatment plant. Treatment consists of a comminutor, grit removal chamber, two primary clarifiers, two roughing filters, three fine -bubble aeration basins, three secondary clarifiers, a 6 MG reaeration lagoon, and chlorine disinfection. Waste sludge is anaerobically digested and then applied to land under Non - Discharge Permit No. WQ0006050. The facility includes sand drying beds and a belt filter press, but these are not in use. The treatment plant currently operates at approximately 75% of its design capacity. If two annexations are approved (now in litigation) and growth continues as expected, wastewater flows will reach 5.6 MGD by the year 2020. In April 2001, the City submitted a 201 Facilities Plan to the Division to address these needs. It proposes to expand the existing plant to 6.0 MGD capacity and upgrade it to provide tertiary treatment. The Plan is under review and has yet to undergo environmental review. The draft permit does not include limits for the proposed expansion. The City administers an industrial pretreatment program to control the discharge of industrial and commercial wastes into its collection system and treatment works. Industrial sources include thirteen Significant Industrial Users with a total permitted flow of approx. 1.0 MGD. FACT SHEET - NPDES PERMIT City of Thomasville Page 2 NPDES No. NCO024112 Permit History The City's NPDES Permit NCO024112 was last issued on August 31, 1994. It was originally set to expire September 30, 1998. The Division administratively extended the permit to April 30, 1999, in order to align its renewal date with other permits in the river basin. The City submitted its application for renewal in June, 1998, and continues to operate under the existing permit. Water Ouality The Thomasville WWTP discharges treated municipal wastewater to Hamby Creek, a Class C water in the Yadkin -Pee Dee River basin. General water quality is rated as Good -Fair in this portion of the basin, due both to point source dischargers and nonpoint source runoff. The fish community structure is rated as Good in Abbotts Creek and indicates nutrient enrichment. Elevated concentrations of fecal coliform, copper, iron and nitrate/nitrite in Hamby Creek have been noted in some samples and are most likely due to nonpoint sources. The Division rates Hamby Creek as Not Supporting, due to impacts on water quality from both point and nonpoint sources in the drainage area. In 1993, the Division developed a field -calibrated QUAL2E model of Hamby Creek and Abbotts Creek below Thomasville. The model indicated that these streams have little capacity for oxygen -consuming wastes. Nutrients, particularly phosphorus, heavily impact the Abbotts Creek Arm of High Rock Lake. The Division updated its management strategy for the watershed in 1997 (Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basinwide Water Quality Management Plan, May 1998). It recommended that (1) no new dischargers of oxygen -consuming wastes be permitted in the watershed, (2) existing point source dischargers in this drainage must significantly reduce nutrient discharges, and (3) the dischargers must within one year conduct an operations optimization study for nutrient reduction. In a 9/23/97 memo from Steve Tedder to Preston Howard, the Division proposed a nutrient control strategy for the major dischargers into the Abbotts Creek Arm of High Rock Lake (Lexington, Thomasville, and High Point). The Division notified the City of this strategy when the permit was modified in 1998 and in several other discussions in recent years. Compliance History The City's compliance record in the current permit term is generally good but includes several violations of limits and reporting requirements. The Division has levied ten penalties against the City since May 1999, totaling approximately $21,000, for violations of BOD, ammonia, cyanide, and toxicity limits. The treatment plant conducted 26 effluent toxicity tests from Jan 96 - Mat 2001, of which 21 passed. Three of the five failed tests occurred in the last 12 months: May and Jun 2000 and Feb 2001. PROPOSED PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Most of the effluent limitations and monitoring requirements in the draft permit are the same as in the current permit. Table 1 summarizes the existing and proposed requirements and highlights the proposed changes. The table also notes the basis for these requirements. One significant change is the addition of effluent limits for total phosphorus. The proposed limits ate based on the Division's nutrient control strategy for the Abbotts Creek/ Hamby Creek drainage areas. The limits are mass limits based on a concentration of 0.5 mg/L TP at the 5.5 MGD permitted flow, with seasons of 214 days (Apr -Oct) and 151 days (Nov -Mar). Total nitrogen will continue to be monitored but not limited. FACT SHEET - NPDES PERMIT City of Thomasville Page 3 NPDES No. NCO024112 Other changes include revised limits and monitoring requirements for metals and cyanide, based on a reasonable potential analysis of 1998-2001 effluent data. The analysis indicates that the following changes are warranted: • addition of weekly average (chronic) and daily maximum (acute) limits for cyanide and nickel, and • addition of weekly average limits for cadmium and lead. Monitoring frequencies for these are set at 1/week, consistent with current DWQ policy. Monitoring for mercury is added to the permit, to provide data for evaluation at the next permit renewal. Instream monitoring requirements for nitrogen and phosphorus are increased to year-round and the frequency reduced to 1 /month. Chlorophyll a monitoring is added to be consistent with the City of Lexington's NPDES permit. Dilution calculations indicate that, at low stream flows (7Q10) and design wastewater flows, the City's discharge could cause exceedances of North Carolina's water quality action level for chlorine (17 ug/L) and the summer and winter standards for ammonia (1.0 and 2.0 mg/L, respectively). Per program policy, limits will not be imposed at this time. When the Division receives the City's request for plant expansion and modifications, the permit limits will be thoroughly evaluated and added to the permit as necessary. The draft permit includes two new special conditions. The first clarifies how mass loads of Total Phosphorus are to be calculated and reported. The second clarifies how laboratory results of "below detection limits" should be reported and how they should be used in determining compliance with permit limits. Both conditions are now used routinely in NPDES permits where warranted. RESPONSE TO COMMENTS ON DRAFT PERMIT Notice of the draft permit was published once in The Lexington Dutch, a Lexington newspaper, on June 11, 2001. The City's June 29 comment letter was the only response to the draft permit during the 30-day public comment period. The final permit includes the following changes from the draft permit: Phosphorus Limits. The draft permit does not specify the effective date of the Total Phosphorus limits. To be consistent with the Yadkin -Pee Dee Bann -Wide Water Quality Management Alan (the Plan), the limits should take effect in 2004. Because the limits are seasonal mass limits, the effective date should coincide with the start of the summer or winter season (as defined in the permit) and prior to expiration of the new permit Action. Condition A.(1.) has been modified to specify that the effective date of the Total Phosphorus limits is April 1, 2004. Phosphorus Limits - Correction. The winter phosphorus limit in the draft permit is in error. The limit should be calculated as 1.0 mg/L TP at a 4.0 MGD flow for a period of 151 days. Action. The Total Phosphorus limit in Condition A.(1) has been changed to 5,040 lb. for the winter season (November -Match). EPA REVIEW OF DRAFT PERMIT Thomasville was one of 40+ major NPDES permits delayed when EPA Region 4 raised concerns in July 2001 over the adequacy of North Carolina's application for municipal permits. The permit was released for issuance in January 2002 when it was pointed out that the City had used an approved form in applying for permit renewal. FACT SHEET - NPDES PERMIT City of Thomasville Page 4 NPDES No. NCO024112 Table 1- Permit Summary (changes noted in bold underline) Parameter Mo. Avg. Existing Requirements Wk. Avg. Daily Max. Monitoring Mo. Avg. Recommended Requirements Wk. Avg. Daily Max. Monitoring Basis for Condition(s)` & Change(s) Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements - Outfall 001 Flow (MGD) 4.0 Cont, Rec, I or E 4.0 Cont, Rec, I or E Current permit and application for renewal BODS (m9/L) 5.0 (S)' 7.5 (S) 1/day, Comp, E&I 5.0 (S)- 7.5 (S) 1/day, Comp, E&I Feb. 1994 Wasteload Allocation, 10.0(W)' 15.0(W) 10.0(W)' 15.0(W) DWQ Total Suspended NPDES rules for secondary Solids (mg/L) 30.0' 45.0 1/day, Camp, E&I 30.0' 45.0 1/day, Comp, E&I treatment of domestic wastewater (T15A: 02B .0400) NHrN (mg/L) 2'0 (S) 1/day, Comp, E 2'0 (S) 1/day, Comp, E Feb. 1994 Wasteload Allocation, 3.0 (W) 3.0 (W) DWQ Fecal coliform (geometric mean) 200/100 mL 400/100 mL 1/day, Grab, E 200/100 mL 400/100 mL 1/day, Grab, E State water quality stds (T15A: 02B .0200) Dissolved Oxygen Daily average shall not be less than 1/day, Grab, E Daily average shall not be less than 1/day, Grab, E Ditto 6.0 mg/L 6.0 mg/L pH (S.U.) 6.0 - 9.0 1/day, Grab, E 6.0 - 9.0 1/day, Grab, E Ditto Temperature (°C) Monitoring only 1/day, Grab, E Monitoring only 1/day, Grab, E Ditto Conductivity (umhos/cm) z Monitoring only 1/day, Grab, E Ditto Total Residual Chlorine (ug/L) Monitoring only 1/day, Grab, E Monitoring only 1/day, Grab, E DWO policy on chlorinated effluent Total Phosphorus 3� (S) DWQ nutrient control strategy for (lb/season) Monitoring only 1/mo, Comp, E 5� (W) 1/wk, Comp, E the Abbotts Creek and Hamby Creek drainage basins Cadmium (ug/L) 2.0 1/wk, Comp, E 2_1 1/wk, Comp, E Ditto Lead (ug/L) Monitoring only 2/mo, Comp, E 26.7 1/wk, Comp, E Ditto Nickel (ug/L) Monitoring only 2/mo, Comp, E 26.7 261.0 1/wk, Comp, E Ditto Cyanide (ug/L) 5.0 1/wk, Grab, E 5_3 22.0 1/wk, Grab, E Reasonable potential analysis and DWQ policy Chromium (ug/L) Monitoring only 2/mo, Comp, E Monitoring only 2/mo, Comp, E Ditto Copper (ug/L) Monitoring only 2/mo, Comp, E Monitoring only 2/mo, Comp, E Ditto FACT SHEET - NPDES PERMIT Cily of Thomasville Page 5 NPDES No. NCO024112 Existing Requirements Recommended Requirements Basis for Condition(s)' & Parameter Mo. Avg. Wk. Avg. Daily Max. Monitoring Mo. Avg. Wk. Avg. Daily Max. Monitoring Change(s) Silver (ug/L) Monitoring only 2/mo, Comp, E Monitoring only 2/mo, Comp, E Ditto Zinc (ug/L) Monitoring only 2/mo, Comp, E Monitoring only 2/mo, Comp, E Ditto Mercury (ug(L) Monitoring only 1/mo. Como, E Ditto Total Nitrogen (mg/L Monitoring only 1/mo, Comp, E Monitoring only 1/mo, Comp, E Ditto Chronic Toxicity Ceriodaphnia, P/F @ 90.0% 1/qtr, Comp, E Ceriodaphnia, P/F 0 90.0% 1/qtr, Comp, E State water quality stds (T15A: 02B .0200) and DWO policy Floating solids, Trace amounts only --- Trace amounts only "' State water quality stds (T15A: 02B visible foam .0200) and DWO policy Instream Monitoring T15A: 2B .0500; DWO policy; Temperature 3/wk", Grab, UD 3/wk", Grab, UD waived so long as City remains a member of the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin Association D.O. 3/wk", Grab, UD 3/wk", Grab, UD Ditto Fecal coliforms (geometric mean) 3/wk", Grab, UD 3/wk", Grab, UD Ditto Conductivity 1/day", Grab, UD &W., Grab, UD Ditto Total Phosphorus 2/mo"', Grab, UD 1/mo"", Grab, UD Ditto TKN 2/mo"', Grab, UD 1 m Grab, UD Ditto NH3•N 2/mo"', Grab, UD 1/mo"", Grab, UD Ditto NO2-N + NO3-N 2/mo"', Grab, UD 1/mo"", Grab, UD Ditto Chloroohvll-a 1/mo•'", Grab. UD Ditto Special Conditions Chronic Toxicity Test procedures; reporting requirements Test procedures; reporting requirements See above Total Phosphorus Clarification of monitoring & reporting requirements Clarification Non -Detection Reporting Clarification of reporting for low detection level analyses Clarification and 85% reduction of influent concentrations (based on monthly average values) " &Week Jun -Sep, 1Aveek Oct -May Jun -Sep only `••' Year-round CITY OF THOMASVILLE North Carolina UTILITIES DEPARTMENT July 9, 2001 Mr. Michael E. Templeton North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Subject: Draft NPDES Permit Permit No. NCO024112 Hamby Creek WWTP Davidson County Dear Mr. Templeton, m�coeroawreo •esr REG-IVED Non -Discharge PennitSng I am in receipt of the above mentioned Draft NPDES permit as of July 11, 2001. The following are my comments and requests for changes to the draft limits placed on our facility. Phosphorus Limits I would like to request that these limits not be implemented in this permitting cycle. I would like to request that it be implemented in the next permitting cycle or be made enforceable at the expiration of this permit when implemented. Our W WTP cannot possibly meet these limits at this time. Our calculations using effluent phosphorus analysis data from the last year show us to grossly exceed this limit. Without the technology to treat for phosphorus we would be in dire jeopardy. We are incapable of meeting the limits without construction of added treatment facilities. We would need more time to fund and construct the needed additional facilities to meet this limit. The City of Thomasville submitted our updated 201 Facilities Plan in February 2001, which is pending approval from DENR Implementing this limitation in the next permitting cycle would be consistent with the adopted Yadkin -Pee Dee Basin Wide Water Quality Management Plan. It would also be consistent with presentations made by various DENR modelers and planners to the City Hall 10 Salem Street • P.O. Box 368 • Thomasville, N.C. 27361-0368 Telephone (336) 475-4220 • Fax (336) 475-4283 Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin Association, which indicated that these limits would be in effect in the 2004 permitting cycle. I would request that phosphorus be included in the permit as a monitoring requirement only. This would allow for more accurate headworks loading calculations and improved engineering of future treatment facilities for the reduction of phosphorus. Your consideration of this request is greatly appreciated. If you are in need of further information from my staff or myself, do not hesitate to contact me at (336) 475-4220. City Manager Cc: Tom Joh+on, WWTP Superintendent Roger BeVant, City Manager Subject: Re: Lexington Et thomasville Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 08:39:52 -0400 From: Wes Hare <Wes.Hare@ncmail.net> Organization: NC DENR Winston Salem Regional Office To: Mike Templeton <mike.templeton@ncmail.net> Mike, everything looks good to me ................ Mike Templeton wrote: Hi, Wes - The public comment period for Lexington's draft NPDES permit ended on the 5th, and Thomasville's ended today. I got a comment letter from Lexington last week, so far nothing from Thomasville. No public comments for either one. Do you have any questions or comments on these two? Please let me know ASAP. Here are the changes I plan to make to the Lexington permit. These may address some of your concerns - 1 hope they don't add to them. . Delete TN limits (as we already discussed), maintain monitoring at the existing monthly frequency Give an effective date of April 1, 2004 for the TP limits - Delete cyanide monitoring requirementsince the last 13 quarterly samples were NDs (they still have to monitor for it under their LTMP/ pretreatment) The City asked for an increase in their TP limit to account for their connecting several failing non -discharge systems. White we can commend the City for helping out in these situtations, we cannot grant them an increase without making a corresponding cut at Thomasville Et High Point. Let me know whether I can move forward with these and what changes you hope to see. Thanks for the assist. - Mike T NCDENR / DWQ / NPDES 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 919-733-5083 x541 919-733-0719 FAX mailta:mike.templeton@ncmail.net Wes Hare NC DENR Winston-Salem Regional Office Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Section 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Voice: (336)771.4608 ext277 FAX:(336) 771-4630 Ws rLD .':. Z $s c 22 dad o'2No.vw ono '^m N2r�'3 r�=..tt.{{ g> a w w w¢aWW. WF ozQF U U zWa: zw W,{=� �Omwt aOWW.C.- q'��u.Wa � 3w MaUg"Q2 ay zZ ioo�2L'db �'t x i5?` 0.z7LaZa o==mo 3 m m-.0 V O�TsEm�� u o.� E��o bf�uc�v Ya�° U o° u o E .`do yVia_u'Ou� 6 z E zoow3 e �zc���T' c2=W$ U,�AQB.2$� E Y Z c .rives ��-F'o'ao AL> m Q O:t U�.60.'� 315.'Da V O 8 .°Oy�,°YVAL=Yu � ��vsA5e3o $wEv E aO 9� c0 09„y0., me Eae o:v YV Yo"Y mo c 8.v-- E asS.E ._ CYU Yd°'E ctpEY a'. 2 '. o AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Lexington,N.C. 2001 DAVIDSON COUNTY 'AW �/1\ I l� of THE DISPATCH, a newspaper published in the city of Lexington, County and State aforesaid, being duly sworn, says the foregoing legal of which the attached is a true copy, day of Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ,i F wry cc< C was published in said newspaper once the 1�— 2001. REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS Summary for 4.0 MGD Time Period Jan 99 - Feb 01 Ow (MGD) 4.0 WWiP Class 4 7O1OS (cla) 0.43 IWC (%) 0 701OS 94 701OW (c1s) 1.3 0 7O1OW 83 3002 (cla) 1.7 03002 78 Stream Flow, OA We) 12.0 0 OA 34 Rec'ving Stream Hamby Creek Stream Class C City of Thomasville Thomasville WWTP NCO024112 STDS. b PARAMETER TYPE' CRITERIA" POL REASONABLE POTENTIAL RESULTS PRELIM. RESULTS RECOMMENDED ACTION wwo AcuN/ n MAx PrM C. AlbwaEle Cw a FAV Acute 150 MaxPredCw <Acute No limn Cadmium NC 2 15 1 106 3.3 MONITOR Chronic 2.1 MaxPmdC.W Chronic ............... Add wkavg. limit=2.1 ug/L WK. AVG, LIMIT Monitor I/week Acute 1,022 MaxPredCw «Acute No lima Chromium NC M i.On 5 54 46.2 Monitor 2/month _ _ _ Chronic ---53— _ _REMOVE? — MaxPredCw<Chronic Dino---------. MONITOR Acute 73 MaxPredCw , Amon Level No limit (Action Level parameter) Copper NC 7 (AL) 7.3 2 48 145 DAILY MAX. LIMIT ----- ----- —Cw Monitor 2/month ------------ --------------- --- Chronic 75— Dino WK. AVG. LIMIT Acute 22.0 MaxPredCw, Acute Add daily max. limit = 22.0 ug/L Cyanide NC 5 n 10 106 36 1 DAILY MAX. LIMIT _ Chronic _ 5.3 MaxPredCw, Chronic Add wkavg. limit 5.3 ugIL WK. AVG. LIMB Monitor 1/week Acute 33.6 MaxPredCw <Acute No limit Lead NC 25 33.8 5 53 29A _ _ Chronic _ 26.7 _MONITOR MaxPmdCw< Chronic Atltl wkavg. limit=26.7 ug/L WK. AVG. LIMIT Monitor 1/week Acute WA No limn or monitoring Mercury NC 0012 02 0 #VALUE! NO DATA Chronic 0.013 ---------------- Ditto__—__. NO DATA Acute 261 MaxPredCw, Acute Atltl daily max. limit =261 ugA Nickel NC 25 lwsl 261 5 Q 562 DAILY MAX. LIMIT _ _ _ Chronic---267 _ _ MaxPredCw, Chronic Atltl wkavg.limit =26.7 ug/L-- — ----- — — WIC AVG. LIMIT Monitor Itumek Acute 123 MaxPredCw > Action Level No limit (Action Level parameter) Silver NC ow (AL) 123 5 54 10.0 DAILY MAX. LIMIT Monitor 2/month _ _ Chronic _ 0.06 MaxPredCw, Chronic Dino WK. AVG. LIMIT Acute 67 MaxPredCw > Action Leval No limit (Action Level parameter) Zinc NC 50 141 67 10 52 121 DAILY MAX. LIMIT Monitor 2/month Chronic:.— 53— WK. AVG. LIMIT Legend.: " Freshwater Discharge C = Carcnrogenic NC= Nan-carcirropenic A = Aesthetic 24112 maxis, 4.0 MGD-99 6r712001 REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS anmaw• Cadmium Date mu SOL.WDL Jan-99 Apr-99 Jul-N ie Jen-00 Juko 0.5 0,25 05 025 05 025 0.5 0.25 05 0.25 0.9 090 0.5 025 IDS 0.25 0.5 0,25 05 025 05 0.25 0.5 0.25 < 0.5 025 2A 2.10 0.5 025 0.5 0,25 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.25 < 0.6 0.25 05 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.5 025 05 025 0.5 025 0.6 025 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.25 < 0.5 0,25 < 0.5 025 0.5 0.25 < 0.5 0.25 0.5 0,25 < 0.5 0,25 0.5 0.25 05 0.25 < 0.5 025 < 0,5 0.25 0A 0.25 0.5 0.25 0A 0.25 M5 025 < M5 0,25 < 0.5 0,25 0.5 0,26 0.5 0.25 < 0.5 0.25 < 0.5 0,25 < 0.5 0,25 0.5 0.25 < 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.25 < 05 D25 < 0.5 0.25 < 05 0.25 05 0.25 < 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.5 025 < 0.5 025 < 0.5 025 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.25 0,5 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.25 < 0.5 0.25 0.5 025 0.5 0,25 < 0.5 025 0.5 0,25 0.5 025 0.5 025 0.5 0.25 < 0.5 025 0.6 025 < 0.5 025 0.5 0.25 05 025 0.5 0 25 < 0.5 a25 vanrmnn= CManlum BefuBc n Date Oats BDL--IMDL BBbella Sid Dev. 0.24 1 Jen-99 20.0 100 Sid De, 5.94 Mean 0.29 2 200 10.0 Mean 12.2 C.V. 0 832 3 20.0 10.0 GV. 0487 n 106 4 < 20.0 10.0 n 54 5 < 20.0 10.0 Mull FWw = 1 56 6 < 20.0 10.0 Mu8 Facx, 1.54 Max Value 2.1 vW '.. 7 < 200 10.0 Max. Value 30.0 tv Max. Pred Cw 3.3 yg9 - 8 < 20.0 10.0 Mu Prod C. 46.2 pg4 9 20.0 10.0 10 < 20.0 10.0 I I < 20.0 10.0 12 < 200 10.0 13 Jul-99 21.0 21.0 16 < 20.0 10.0 15 20.0 10.0 I6 < 20.0 10.0 17 28.0 28.0 18 270 27.0 19 20.0 10.0 2D < 20.0 10.0 21 20.0 10.0 22< 20.0 10.0 23 20.0 100 24 Jan-00 20.0 10.0 25 20.0 10.0 26 < 20.0 10.0 27 < 20.0 10.0 28 200 10.0 29 < 200 100 30 200 10.0 31 < 20.0 10.0 32 < 20.0 100 33 21.0 21.0 34 24.0 24.0 35 250 250 36 30.0 30.0 37 25.0 25.0 38 20.0 10.0 39 < 20.0 10.0 40 13.0 13.0 41 14.0 14.0 42 15.0 15.0 43 9.0 9.0 Od I1.0 11.0 45 10.0 10.0 46 90 9.0 47 5.5 5.5 48 8.1 81 49 71 71 50 Jan01 6.5 65 51 5.9 59 52 6.0 6.0 53 20.0 w 0 54 80 80 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 e6 87 24112 rye xla, dam-99 -1 - 6452001 REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS BB 0.5 0.25 88 59 0.5 0.25 99 90 0.5 025 90 91 QS 0.25 91 92 0.5 025 92 93 < 0.5 0.25 93 94 < 0.5 025 m 95 < 05 0.25 95 96 < 0.5 025 96 97 < 0.5 025 91 98 < 0.5 025 98 99 0.5 0.25 99 100 Jan01 < 0.5 0.25 t00 101 < OS 0.25 101 102 < 0.5 0.25 102 103 < 1 0.50 103 106 < 0.5 0.25 106 105 0.5 0.25 105 1 W < 0.5 0.25 106 107 1 B /.80 107 24112 rye.tls. date-99 2. GM(K)1 REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS Paam w - Copper n Data Date 6D4--12DL Ftm ft I Jan-99 Sid 1773 2 16 16.0 Meer 31 0 3 25 25.0 C.V. 0.572 4 73 73.0 n 46 5 64 64.0 6 17 17.0 Mull Factor = I W 7 17 /7.0 Men. Value 86.0 P94 8 22 22.0 Max. Pred C. 145 3 yyl 9 25 26.0 10 25 25.0 11 25 25.0 12 Jul-99 25 25.0 13 76 76.0 14 36 36.0 15 32 32.0 16 61 61.0 17 66 66.0 18 59 59.0 19 63 63.0 20 24 24.0 21 Jan-00 20 20.0 22 10 5.0 23 11 11.0 24 21 21.0 25 14 14.0 26 20 20.0 27 24 24.0 28 22 220 29 23 23.0 30 25 250 31 41 41.0 32 33 33.0 33 Jul-00 39 39.0 34 22 22.0 35 39 39 0 36 34 34.0 37 33 33,0 38 29 29.0 39 32 32.0 40 29 29.0 41 26 26.0 42 27 27.0 43 25 25.0 44 22 22.0 45 Jan-01 29 29.0 46 22 22.0 47 13 13.0 46 22 22.0 49 14 14.0 Ml 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 IM 66 67 66 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 n 78 n 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 a.,",- gaNae Oita Dula 6D1r11201L Results Jan-99 Rd Dev. 3.57 < 5 2.500 Mean 37 5 5.000 C.V. 0.966 5 2.500 n 106 5 2.500 5 2.500 Mult Factor= 1.64 5 2.500 Max. Value 22.0 /v 5 2.500 Max. Prod Cw 36.1 pW < 5 2.500 5 2.500 5 2.500 5 2.500 5 2.50D 5 2.5 < 5 2.5 5 2.5 5 2.5 5 25 5 2.5 10 10.0 5 2.5 5 2.5 Jul-99 5 2.5 5 2.5 6 6.0 15 1s.0 5 2.5 13 130 5 2.5 5 2.5 5 25 < 5 2.5 < 5 2.5 5 25 5 25 < 5 25 5 25 5 2.5 5 2.5 5 2.5 5 2.5 < 5 2.6 < 5 2.5 22.0 22.0 < 5 2.5 5 2.5 5 2.5 5 25 Jan-00 < 5 2.5 < 5 25 < 5 2.6 5 25 < 5 25 < 5 25 5 2.5 5 25 5 25 5 25 < 5 25 5 2.5 5 25 < 5 2.5 5 2.5 5 25 5 25 6 60 5 25 5 25 < 5 2.5 5 25 5 25 5 25 < 5 25 Jul-01 < 5 2.5 < 5 25 < 5 25 < 5 25 5 25 s 25 < 5 25 5 25 < 5 25 5 2.5 5 25 < 5 25 10 100 < 5 2.5 3- 24112 gWxls. dote-99 arr"1 REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS 86 B0 5 2.5 69 69 5 2.5 90 90 14 14.0 91 91 5 2.5 99 92 5 2.5 93 93 14 14.0 94 94 < 5 2.5 95 95 5 2.5 % 96 16 16.0 97 97 5 2.5 99 96 15 15.0 99 99 5 2.6 100 100 Jan-01 < 5 2.5 101 101 5 2.5 102 102 5 2.5 103 103 5 2.5 104 104 < 5 2.5 105 105 6 60 106 106 < 5 2.5 107 107 6 6.0 24112 rp x1s, C W-99 4 6B l REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS %'. Pararreler ® PnamefB/= n Date Dale BDL--IRDL Results t Jan-99 Sid Dev 2.03 2 < 2.0 10 Mean 1.9 3 2.8 2.8 C.V. 1.056 4 c 2.0 1.0 n 53 5 < 20 10 6 < 20 10 Mull Factor= 2.26 7 4.3 4.3 Max Value 13.0,w 8 < 20 1.0 Max Prod Cw 29AW'i 9 < 20 10 10 130 130 11 20 20 12 Jul-% < 20 10 13 29 29 14 < 2.0 10 15 24 24 16 44 44 17 20 10 18 2.9 29 19 < 2.0 10 20 43 4.3 21 10 0.5 22 00 00 23 < 10 05 24 Jan00 < 20 10 25 < 20 10 26 2.5 2.5 2] < 20 10 29 20 1.0 29 35 3.5 30 < 2.0 10 31 37 37 32 20 10 33 26 26 34 34 34 35 2.3 2.3 35 Ju400 < 2.0 10 37 20 10 38 < 20 0 39 < 2.0 10 40 2.0 10 41 < 20 10 42 20 10 43 < 2.0 10 44 < 2.0 10 4s < 2.0 10 46 < 2.0 ID 47 < 20 10 48 1 2.0 10 49 20 10 50 Jan-01 < 2.0 1.0 51 64 64 52 < 20 10 53 43 43 54 < 2.0 10 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 ]0 71 72 73 74 75 76 n 78 79 80 B1 82 83 84 85 86 87 5 Mercury n Dee Data BDL-I2DL Results 1 Sid Dev NO DATA 2 Mean NO DATA 3 C V NO DATA 4 0 5 6 MM1 Factor= 4VA1UE! 7 Max. Value 0o Pv 8 Max. Prod Cw 4VALUEI pW 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 m 4D 41 42 43 ab 45 46 47 49 49 60 51 52 53 54 55 66 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 ]5 76 n 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 e6 87 24112 rye.As. data-99 d62W1 REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS 89 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 9] 98 99 100 101 102 103 1p4 105 106 107 fie 69 90 91 92 93 94 % % 9] 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 Im 106 10] 6- 24112 rya xs.tlW99 6/6 l REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS Nrarneta= Nlekal n Date Data 81DI-AML Results I Jan Std Dav 35. 12 2 48.0 48.0 Mean 31.2 3 25.0 25.0 C.V 1.126 4 < 200 10.0 n 53 5 270 270 6 < 20.0 100 Mult Factor= 234 ] < 20.0 10.0 Max. Value 240-0#0 B < 20.0 10.0 Max Pred C. 561 6 yW 9 < 20.0 10.0 10 < 20.0 10.0 11 34.0 34.0 12 40.0 40.0 13 lwo MID 14 70.0 70.0 15 34.0 340 - 16 41.0 41.0 1] 350 350 18 30.0 30.0 19 38.0 38.0 20 < 20.0 10.0 21 20.0 10.0 22 < 20.0 10.0 23 20.0 10.0 24 Jan00 < 20.0 100 25 < 20.0 10.0 26 1 20.0 10.0 27 < 20.0 10.0 28 < 20.0 10.0 29 < 20.0 100 30 22.0 22 0 31 < 200 10.0 32 28.0 28.0 33 93.0 930 34 38.0 36.0 35 270 270 36 Jul 00 36.0 36.0 37 500 500 38 26.0 26.0 39 22.0 22.0 40 20.0 20.0 41 31.0 31.0 42 240.0 240.0 43 57.0 570 44 29.0 29.0 45 MD 200 46 22.0 22.0 47 25.0 250 46 28.0 280 49 24.0 240 50 J.01 19.0 19.0 51 37.0 37.0 52 19.0 190 53 33.0 33 0 54 18.0 180 55 56 57 58 59 6D 61 62 63 54 65 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 n 78 n 80 81 82 83 84 66 e6 e7 24112 rya xls, data-99 - 7 . 8'62001 REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS m 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 98 9] 98 99 100 101 1p2 103 IN 105 106 10] REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS Patexal n Ma Data 1 Jao-99 2 10 3 10 4 1.0 5 < 1.0 6 1.0 7 t0 8 < So 9 < 1.0 10 < 1.0 1t < 1,0 12 2 0 13 JuF99 < 10 14 4.0 15 10 16 1.0 17 1.3 18 to 19 < 1.0 20 < 1.0 21 12 22 < 10 23 to 24 < 1.0 25 Jan00 < to 26 1.0 27 < 10 28 < 10 29 < 10 30 < 10 31 14 32 1.1 33 11 34 17 35 14 36 25 37 JUF00 1.1 38 1.2 39 1.6 40 < 10 41 < 5.0 42 < 50 43 < 50 44 < 50 45 < 5.0 46 < 50 47 50 48 < 50 49 < 50 50 54 51 Jan-01 < 50 52 < 5.0 53 < 4.0 54 5.0 55 50 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 63 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 so 81 82 83 64 85 as 87 8DL--1nDL 05 10 05 05 05 0.5 25 0.5 05 0.5 20 0.5 4.0 0.5 05 1.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.2 0.5 05 05 05 1.0 0.5 OS 0.5 0.5 14 1.1 1.1 1l 1.4 2.5 1.1 1.2 1.6 0.5 25 25 25 25 2.5 2.6 2.5 25 25 5.4 2.5 25 20 25 25 Rasufa Sid Mean CV n Mull Factor = Max Value Max. Prod Cw 1.07 1.44 0,748 54 186 5 4 Pon 10.0 Ygvl P.ni.le.= nnc n Date Oats BOL=1 Result 1 Jan-99 Sid Dew 13. 12 2 Fal-9 70 700 Mean 56.5 3 71 71 0 C V 0.232 4 73 730 n 52 5 64 640 6 60 600 Mu8 Factor = 1 25 7 58 580 Max Value 970,W 8 58 56.0 Max Pred Cw 121.3 Y94 9 47 470 10 69 690 11 50 500 12 58 560 13 JL4419 50 50.0 14 58 56.0 15 43 430 16 42 420 17 61 610 18 a8 no 19 50 50 0 20 43 43.0 21 58 58 0 22 Dec99 57 570 23 Jan-0D 55 550 24 54 54 0 25 83 930 26 41 410 27 56 560 28 46 46.0 29 Rpn00 56 560 30 48 48.0 31 71 710 32 61 61.0 33 56 56.0 34 58 58.0 35 &+00 48 48.0 36 40 40.0 37 34 34.0 38 45 450 39 41 41.0 40 42 42.0 41 Oct-00 42 42.0 a2 49 490 43 47 47.0 44 53 53.0 45 54 54 0 45 81 810 47 86 68.0 48 57 570 49 Jll 67 67.0 50 74 74.0 51 49 49.0 52 97 97.0 53 43 43.0 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 24112 Me zls, data-99 II. 662001 REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 im 106 107 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 9] 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 12- 24112 rya.tle, claM-99 �1 Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing Self -Monitoring Summary May 16, 2001. FACILITY REQUIREMENT YEAR JAN PER MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Texaco RMolnOtor Enterprise Penn 24hr LC50.c mana clam Ohd (grab) 1992 NW-100 - - - - _ NCM222096MI Bcg.cgll/tW6 FrcquonT:A N..Conii IM -IN - - - - _Co., Gudfnd Regmn WSRO Subbasm: CPFOB 1999 >tm - - - - - - - - - - - PF: VAR Sgna 200a NR,Iw _ _ _ _ _ 7Q10: DO IwMLIN (nks 2N1 - >100 - Tunisia, W. Perm chr lint: 66% IMP NR FM FN Pas - - Pass - - Bt - Pea NC0084661001 Be&rell/1/1996 F".cy:QP1F + Jan Apr JulOot NoarCamp:Svgk 199h Pass - - Pas - - Pass - - Pass - - Cowty G.I. R,,.: MRO Striation.: Cm31 IM Pass - - Fall Fan Pave Pus - - Pass - - pl, 0.3 Sp¢W 2000 P. - - Pan - - Pear - - NR/Pas _ _ )QIO: 014 IwC(%)66 ado-. 2001 NR?as - - Thouasville FuruRYre Perm chr Iim: 90% 1992 Pao - - Pass - ._ Pass - - Paso NCWP81WODI Regin:811/1995 Froc ancy: QPT + Ian Apr Jul Oct NanComp:Sin Ja 1%h NR - - Pan - - Pass - - Para - - Cowty Guilford Region: WSRO Subbawur. CPFN 1999 Fro Fall Pan Pass - -- Pass - - Pass - - PF: 0.0298 Specld 2%0 NRM - - NRM H H H - H R H H 7Q10: 0.0 IWC(%):Iw tb4r. m H H H TbomnNlle WWfP PERM CHR LIM: 90% V f9W - Pass - - Pass Pass - -. Pau - NCN2411NNI Beginl0/I11994 Ftm Nnry:QP/F + Feb May Aug Nov NonGump:SWGLE 199h - Pass - - Fen Pass - Pass ... _. Pass - County. Davirtoon Region: WSRO Subbsin: YAD01 im - Peso - - Pass Pass Pass - PF:40 Srcia 20W _ F. - - Feu NR/<25 >100 Pass - -. Pena _. 7QI0: 032 IWC(%)95 Ord.: 24301 - File .100 Th. R's MHP LETCHRTAR:20%erab) law - - - - - - - - - - - - NC0051489/001 BcVrn9n1I999 Frequency: Q P1F Jan Apr Jul Oct + NonComp:Smgk III - - - - - - - - - -- -- - owty: Forsyth Region: WSRO Sutton.: YAlN14 1999 - -- - _ - ... ... NR NR NR PF: 0.012 Span 2000 Fan - - Pea - - Pass - - Pass 7Q10: 0.075 IWC(%):19.8 adr: ZNt Pas -- - P. Trublar.bien. YI Pmn 24hr LC50.v moon elan ftlm (grahl Italy - IN - - - - - - - - - - NC0005T11/INII Bcgin:91111996 Frcqurncy-A NonC.W 1958 - - -I00 - - - Cowty: Muckianburg Region: MRO Subbamn: M34 INS - IN - - - - - - - - - - PF: VARIES sicm 2" - _ - -IN 7011): ILO IWC(%PIQ0 Order M, - -IN - TraaaMYYa(gneTerninBnliS. .. Pam 24hf LC50 u mwh clam Flat(Gab 1 19W - - - -- - >100 - - - - - - NC00035491003 Bc,.9l111999 Fairs., A NorComla. 19911 - IN - -- - - - - - -- - - Cotuny: Jalwww Rcgion. PRO Subhsin, NE002 1999 - - - - - 263 - - - - - PF VAR spent 2000 - >1N _ ._ _ _ _. ._ ._ - - _. JQIO: 00 IWCP'0100 (IrGr 2001 - - >roo TnYaMoYWPe Tersina0ny8elsa Parm: 24hr LC50 ac mono alai. W(lbub) 1992 - - - - - - - - >Iw _. _ _ NCW3549/NI BPu:W111999 precipitancy N.aComp: rYAI - >iN - - - - - -- - -- - - Co., Johvsn Rcgiw: RED Subbas NEU02 1999 - - - - - >tm - -- -- PF: VAR Special 20a'1 _ >I00 - ._ 1Q10: 0.0 $WC(%):IRO omen 2001 - >too - TraoMoaWgaeTermivataixi abu Pmn 241hr LCM ac mom( clam Rhd (Grab) I", - -. - ._ NCON3549/N2 Bcgne91t/1999 Frrylrn y: 5OcVD1A N..Comp: 1998 - - - - - - - - - - - -- Coumy: Johnston Region: PRO Subbsri NEU02 19% NR PF: VAR Spain 2000 _ >tN _ _ H ]QIO: 0.0 IWC(%rIN Drda: 2001 - -- H Transporta0on, NC Debtor Penn chr 1. Sal/.(GM) 19W Pens - - Pm - - Fad Pan - Peu - ... NCN28614N01 Bc®n:3tIn000 Fra uanae:Q Ian Apr Jul On + NsaCw9p:Sra& I998 P. - - Pm - - Pass _ _ Feu Pan _ Casty: YaAtn R port: WSRO Supper. YARN 1999 Pea - - F9n Pass - Pan Pan PF: 0.018 Spasm 20N P. - - Pan - - Pan - - Pau - - 7QI0:0.3 IWC(%)9.0 amar: 2001 Pas - - Trawposn0an, NC Dap of P. ehr line 13% tin - Pass - - Puss - _ Pm - - Pass - KCN291901N1 Begial2/1/1999 Fru aacy:QP/F Feb May Aug Nov + NNComp:Svgk 1998 - Polar - - Pau - - Ps - - P. - Coumy Sam Russian WSRO Sutbaun: YAD03 1993 - Pea - - NRJH - - H - - Poe - PF: 0.030 So" 2000 - Pan _ _ at - Pw P. - - P. - 7QI0:0.I IWC(%):13 ado: 2001 - Pao - Y Pre 1941 Dam Available LEGEND: PERM = Permit Regammrnl LET- Adminabonvo Liner -Target Fmqurncy - Mon uourng frequoncy: Q. Quarterly M- Monthly; BM- Barbarity; SA- Semunnually; A- Annually; OwP Only when dmchargrng; D- Discontinued mmrrnonng rcqunenant Begin - fine ntmhh require) 1QI11= Rueiving sveam low Onw crimdon (crN a - qu.heriy monitoring inemses to monthly upon failure or NR Months that acting mum occur - ex. Jan. Apr. Jul. On N.oCmnp - Canem ComPlutim Requirement PF-Pemllaed R.v(MGW IW01rustfeamwsstacoaNtraoon P/F- PaWFail tat AC=Acme CHR=Chronic Data Noas.onf- Fathead Mmrww, • - CatlodapMm al.. my - Mysal ahrmgs. CItV - Chronic value; P - Mortality of atuN percentage at highest wnrn,ntion; W - Perfervid by DWQ Aquatic Tax Unit; M- Dullest Report, Notation: - = Data nal agsreJ: NR - Not rgahW Facility Activity Sums: I - Imctive. N - Newly Isiuedffo vinstruma. H - Active bm tad discharging 1-Mom duo available for month in que0on; • = ORC etgrmsa rNeJeJ 43 Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing Self -Monitoring Summary February 15, 2000 FACILITY REQUIREMENT YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY 1lRd JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TarlRml WV171, Penn chr lip: 8.OV Y m Pa. -. -- Iu. ... _- Pa. ... --- Pa. ... ... Begin6ll119Re FmquercyQ +fan AM Jul Oct Nountry No11C0mp Single 1901 Fill NR Pua Pua — ... Pap .- ... Pines ... ... lab Country EdgecOmbe Region:RRO Subbuio:TAROI d'ec. lace Lna Pm -- pees — La. Pau ... Pau PF'. 5.0 =1 19" Pao ... ... -10 Paa. ... Pau ... ... Laa NRM -- ]QI6: 90.0 IWCPB)8.0 °rd" 1.00 Tay —MI. W WTP Perm chr Lm: B 0% an Pa. — ..- Pa. ... --- Pa. ... --- Pa. --- ... Begin ll111996 EMRO QPIF +Ian Apr lW Oct Nounty: NmCoru Single an - ... Pua ... -- a Pao ... Pau ... ... COumy:Alex.nkr Rgbn:MRO Subbssio: CTB32 lman 190E Pau Pna -.. -.. Pau -.. -- Fail Pau -.- pp: 0.83 31a1 1999 Paaa ... ... Paaa ... ... Pau ... ... Paee ...... ]QIQ 14 IWC(%)8.0 °'d°` 2.0 Teledyne Allne Perm <hr fun: 62% ( ) - a.. -- ... s , ass --- a.. ... .. ... NCONIS"MI Beginll/1/1996 F"tomi QP/F + Feb May Aug Nov NauComp Single '"y Paaa ... ... Pau -- ... Paaa ... _. Pau ... C...Y:um. Region: MRO Subbssio: YAD14 1990 Pau Pau - ... Paaa ... — Pao ... W. 0.2 5(mJ 1999 ... Paaa ... --- a Paaa ... Paaa .- -- Pao ... ]QIQ 0.15 IWC(%)67.4 O'd°r 2000 Terrell Properties, Irc. Perm chr lim: 90% (Gnb) 1996 -- .- -. -. -. eve ... -. sea ... ... NC0085391A01 Bcgin&1/1996 Fugnricy QPT + Ian Apr JWOct NUCm, Single 1997 Pua --- --- Pua ... ... Pau .- PUF CounrYMectlenburg Regi.n:MRO S.Mmmmu INS tau Fall P. Lana Pau -- P... ... -- Pan .-. ... PF: 0.01" Slml t9919 fai Pm --- Pines -_ --- Fai H ._ I ... ... 7Q10. 0.0 IWC(%)IW coda. 2000 Tracer. RMemg5tor Eoterprhe Perm 24hr LCS a Itmm1 eMu JIM (grab) 1995--- >IN -- ... --. ... ... .-- .-- ... ... NC0)22209A01 Begin811/1996 practice, A NonComp I09] NW>10a .- -. -. -. --- ..- Count,l5tuford Ra,,km:WSRO Subbasm CPF08 Ing >100 -- -- --- --- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- PF: VAR Stmd an IN _. --- ... --- --- ... ... ... ... ... ... ]Qlo:o.o Iwct%)100 arcs zoda Textron, Inc. Perm chr lim: 66% INS Pa.. --- -- FIN --- aFor -411 Im. I... -- -- NC0084662001 Beginll/1119% Frequency QPT + Ion Apr Jul Qm NonComp Single 1997 NR Fall Fell Paa. ... --- Pa.. ... ... a ... Pau County Gsslon Region: MRO Subbssin: CT837 1998 an ... .-- Poo ... ... Paaa ... ... Paaa ... ... 1f- 03 a1 1999 Pan -- _. Far Fail Pae. Pass Pa.. -- --- ]QI0:0.2d IWCI'R 166 i1'r 2000 Thnmuvtlk YurWtore Perm chr lip: 90% t -. - -. -- N .- - .- -. NCONI4816001 Beetng/I/199S Frequency Q PIF + fan Apr Jul Oct NnnComp Single IOW Pn. — — Pa.. ... — Pa.. ... .- Pae. .. ... County y Gvlltpnl Regtainli$RO Subbsslm CPF09 1998 NR ... ... Pua ... --- Pau ... ... P... ... ... PF: 0.0298 ePuw1 1900 Fill Fall P... Pa.. ... --- Pan ... --- Pau ]QIO 00 1WG 4 )100 11n1er 2000 Tbtrmasvak W WTP PERM CHR LIM. 90'g Y 106 put less ... Pa. --- --- Pa. -_ --- Pa. ... NCW24112A01 Beglnl0/I/l N,1 Frequency QPIF + Feb Mey Aug Nov NotlComp SINGLE IBW — Pa- --- ... Pau -- -. Pau ... -- Pau County Duvidom Region: WSRO Subbssin. YADm lope Paee ._ ... F.N Pa.. ... Pua --- -- Pau ... PP 4,0 Slavl I999 ... Pa.. — -- Pas. -- -- Pa.. --... Pao ]QI00.32 IWC(%)95 Oi1i 200h Thorn Apple Will M Ca . Penn chr Into 90% 1996 Pa.. ... ... Pam ... ... Pa. ... ... P. ... ... NC000775701001 Beginll/I/1996 Fmquercy QPT + In Apr Jul Oct Noncom,, Single 1997 Paaa - -- Pat. -- --- us. Pa.. -- Pau --- ... Covnly:Onbw Regioo:W0l0 Subbssiv: CPP23 1.98 Paa. — -� P... .- ... Pao ... --- Fas Pao ... PF 0.65 Sladrl t999 Peae ... Paee ... --- Pso ... ... P..s ... ... 7Q10: 0.0 rvyC(%)100 n'dei z000 Lete Thne R'a MIIP LET CFIR TAR: 20% 1996 ... ... ... ... ... ... .-- .-. .-- --- ... ... NCM1489MI Flegio9r7/1999 Fmquercy QPM Jim Apr Jul Om + NNICIM,Style Into -. -. -- .- -. -. .- COumy:Fonynl Rceioo:WSRO Subbum:YAD04 Ina -- -. -- -. -- -- -- -- -- PF 0.012 Slmal IBBB ... ._ _. ... ... ... ... ... ... NB NR NR ]QIO: 0.075 IWC(%)19.8 nW0" 9pgq TuuMnnuiane TermltudingSdma Perm 24br LC50 ac mOnu epis filial Doo) Ina ... >IN _. ... --- ._ ... ... --- ... ... ... NC0003549=3 Begin9/111999 FlequcrcyA NmnCopp in? -- --- -- .- -. >I00 ... .- -- — Cuunly:Jahmlen Rcgioo:RRO Subbasio:NEU02 Irma ... IN -- -. --- ... - PF: VAR spinal Inv ... ... ... ... ... 783 ... ... ... ._ ... ... 7QI0: 0.0 IWC(%)IW OW°' 2000 Y Pre 1996 Data Available LEGEND; PERM =Permit Requimmen LET = Admimsee ive laner . Tar Freglrrcy = Monitoring frequercY: Q- Quarterly: M- Momhl, BM- Biponmiy; SA. S,ov. fly. A- Arm sally; OW Duty when dinha8mi D- Der onnllued nimmucrmg re Begin = Fint crash req 'red ]QIO = Re«iviry nream low now criterion (c = poo ly motdtanng ircreaus to mouldy upon failure or Mundy, thol using muss occur - e.. tau Apr, Jul, 0 NnnComp = Curren Compliance Ret,imme PF=PermtcJOOW(MGD) IWC%=Wtmam wsste eorcemrali P/F= pal tas, AC=Acute CHR=Chrome Dula Notaion: f - Finland Minnow; • - Ceriodaplulim sp.: my - Mynd shrhnp; ChV - C6mme valati P - Mortality of stated percentage .1 highest cotceutratimc at - Performed by D WQ Aqunic To. Unit: b Reporting Notation: --- = Data .1 required; NR - Not repor Facility Activity Strum. I - inactive. N - Newly Issur l(To commit), H - Active but .1 discharging: t-Mom dal. available for momh N quuliom . ORC signal 43 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Roger Bryant City of Thomasville P.O. Box 368 Thomasville, NC 27360 Dear Permittee: NC DENR November 2, 1998 Subject: Modification of NPDES Permit NCO024112 Thomasville WWTP Davidson County The Division is beginning the second five-year cycle of river basin planning and permit renewals. An examination of the basin planning schedule has revealed that the timing of permit renewals does not allow an evenly distributed workload as first envisioned. This results in problems with the efficiency and effectiveness of the NPDES program. In an effort improve customer service, and after thorough review of the water quality issues in your area, the Division is changing the permit renewal schedule for all NPDES permits in your sub -basin. This permit modification changes the expiration date of the subject permit to April 30, 1999. Please find enclosed the revised permit cover page. Insert the new cover page into your permit and discard the old page. All other terms and conditions contained in the original permit remain unchanged and in full effect. This permit modification is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statutes 143-2IS. 1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. If you have already submitted a permit renewal application for the subject facility, the Division will retain the application until your permit is due for renewal. No additional forms or fees will be required. If any parts, measurement frequencies or sampling requirements contained in this permit modification are unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this letter. This request must be a written petition conforming to Chapter 1SOB of the North Carolina General Statutes, filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, Post Office Drawer 27447, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7447. Unless such demand is made, this decision shall be final and binding. If you have questions about this modification, please contact Charles Weaver of my staff at the telephone number or address listed below. Sincerely, Preston Howard, r., P.E. cc: Central Files Winston-Salem Regional Office, Water Quality Section Roosevelt Childress, EPA NP Ait Ffleq Point Source Compliance Enforcement Unit P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 919 733-5083, extension 511 (fax) 919 733-0719 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Charles_Weaver@h2o.enr.state.nc.us Permit NCO024112 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE k1ro-4IlGlk'rilago) aIl1YV:\►Y1i17[.YN:�� ul . _ • . u In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, City of Thomasville is hereby authorized to discharge treated wastewater from a facility located at Thomasville WWTP Winston-Salem Davidson County to receiving waters designated as Hamby Creek in the Yadkin -Pee Dee River basin. in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III and IV hereof. This permit shall become effective November 2, 1998. The permit and authorization to discharge shall expire on April 30, 1999. Signed this day November 2, 1998. v Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Division of Environmental Management By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director September 21, 1998 Roger Bryant City of Thomasville P.O. Box 368 Thomasville, NC 27360 h4* 1 NC DENR Subject: Status of NPDES Permit NCO024112 Thomasville WWTP Davidson County Dear Permittee: After a thorough review of the Yadkin -Pee Dee River basin management plan and water quality issues relevant to the subject facility, the Division of Water Quality has decided to extend the duration of the subject permit. The expiration date of your permit will be changed in order to allow the Division to review all NPDES discharge permits in the Yadkin River Basin during calendar year 1999. All terms and conditions in the existing permit will apply until a new expiration date is assigned by the Division. Extension of existing Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements does not exempt the subject facility from the new Enforcement Policy recently enacted by the Division. Attached to this letter is a copy of the Public Notice that is being published to announce the planned extension of your permit. After Public Notice has been made by the Division, the expiration date of your permit will be changed via a permit modification. No draft permit will be sent out with the Public Notice, as none of the conditions in the existing permit will be modified. If you have already submitted your renewal application package, no additional fees or documentation will be required as a result of this change to your permit's expiration date. If the Division has not yet received a renewal application for the subject permit, you will find the necessary application form(s) attached to this letter. The Division appreciates your patience and understanding to date regarding the rescheduling of the subject permit. If you have questions about this proposed modification or about the permit renewal process, contact Charles Weaver of my staff at the telephone number or address listed below. Sincerely, HowPdJr.,P.E. cc: Central Files Winston-Salem Regional Office, Water Quality Section NPDES File P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 919 733-5083, extension 511 Ifox) 919 733-0719 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Charles_Weaver@h2o.enr.state.nc.us Notice of Intent To Extend the Duration of NPDES Discharge Permits in the Yadkin River basin SUBJECT: The Division of Water Quality plans to extend the duration of the current NPDES Permits for the following facilities: Permit Facility County NC0024112 Thomasville-WWTP DAVIDSON NC0024228 High Point Westside WWTP DAVIDSON NC0028037 Lexington - WTP M1 & 2 DAVIDSON NC0034452 Willow Creek Builders, Inc. DAVIDSON NC0036561 Centerclair Nursing Home DAVIDSON NC0041491 Paradise Motel DAVIDSON NC0041629 Davidson County Schools -Extended Day School DAVIDSON NC0042081 Davidson County Schools -Ledford Senior High DAVIDSON NC0042129 Davidson County Schools -Pilot Elementary DAVIDSON NC0042145 Davidson County Schools -Midway Elementary DAVIDSON NC0049689 Pleasant Grove Trailer Park DAVIDSON NC0055786 Lexington Regional WWTP DAVIDSON NC0059757 Living Centers-SE/Brian Center DAVIDSON NC0046035 High Point Care Center FORSYTH NC0051713 Lakeview Mobile Home Park FORSYTH NC0055212 Auman's Mobile Home Park, L.L.0 FORSYTH NC0084786 Furniture Illustrators, Inc. RANDOLPH PURPOSE: The facilities listed above all discharge into the Yadkin River basin. Other permits in the Yadkin River basin have expiration dates in calendar year 1999. The facilities listed above have permit expiration dates in 1998. In order for the Division to evaluate all permit renewal requests in the Yadkin River basin during the same calendar year, the Division plans to extend the expiration dates of the permits for the facilities listed above. No conditions in the existing permits will be changed or modified. This is an administrative change to better align permitting and Basinwide Planning operations within the Division of Water Quality. On the basis of preliminary staff review of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina (and other lawful standards and regulations), the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission proposes to extend the duration of the NPDES permits listed above, subject to specific pollutant limitations and special conditions. INFORMATION: A copy of the existing NPDES permits and a sketch showing the location of each discharge is available by writing or calling: Mr. Charles Weaver NC DENR - DWQ - NPDES Unit P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone number: (919) 733-5083, ext. 511 The existing permits are on file at the Division of Water Quality, Archdale Building, 512 North Salisbury Street (Room 925), Raleigh, North Carolina. They may be inspected during normal office hours. Copies of the information on file are available upon request and payment of the costs of reproduction. Date Preston Howard, Jr., P. , Director Division of Water Quality Page 1 of 1 VWa a AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of said County and State, duly commissioned, qualified, and authorized by law toJgninister Baths, personally appeared ...�u.fa.........1C'y4(jllp ........... who bejng fist d� sviorn, dgposes and says: that he is Sin ... 1C>°4. 11'............... of The Thomasville mes, Inc., engaged in the publication of j a newspaper known as The Thomasville Times, Published, issued, and entered as second class mail in the City of Thomasville in said County and State; that he (she) is authorized to make this affidavit and sworn jstatement; that the notice or other legal advertisement, �a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in he Thom sville Ti s o t e following dates: e�t n .c.. ,..L .......................... ..............................................................; and that the ,said newspaper in which such notice, paper, document, or legal advertisement was published was, at the time of each and every such publication, a newspaper meeting all the requirements and qualifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes :.of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. II 9 This ..pt...1...... day of SwQp(�n to nd`supscribed befor me, this .A..L... OCII �...a.. otary Public SANDRA D. SPANN My Commission Expires......... WARCPI181JB DAVIDSON COUNTY, ���jC���..� MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 1.�' -w2cco so°moo 9�9�B8psi �;966�06.6 cad` v>d, RECEIVED L' NOTICE OF INTENT To Extend the Duration or NPDES �IadnNgs Pem+ka In " Yadkin RM r basin. SUBJECT. The Division of rylater Quality plans to extend the duration of the current NPDES Per. •mks for Cr following IecBOea: - - ' PsrmC Facility Covey JiW024lut, , inamaevins-WWTP:; - DAVIDSON a228 yin POM Wset@lds WN'TP AV IP -` He 0028MT .. Lexkgtm-WrP s1A2 DAVIDSON - - NCX)014452 Wdow Creak Bulldera, Ina DAVIDSON NC0038561 CareodNr Nursing Hans DAVIDSON NCa Paradise ds.M Makin (;4NOSON' ' 11C0041829 Davkleon Canty Schools - extended Day Stlad 6bOO4M Davidson County Stlach- LedloN Senior High DAVIDSON NCO04219 Davidson Comfy Schools - Pad Elemwtsry OAV10SON NC0042145 Davidson County Sdaou- Mklway Elernentery DAVIDSON NCOO49689 DAVIDSON Omvs TraMr Peak DAVIOSON NC00557M LaMr que, RepknN W WiP DAVIDSON ._. NCO0S2757 U eg Genera-SEMAen Center DAVIDSON NC0046035 High Point Care Carew FORSYTH N00051710 Lakeview Mobile Hones Park FORSYTH N00055212 Avenan's Mobbe Home Pan LLC FORSYTH NCOO84706 Fumflus Illustnlon. Inc RANDOLPH PURPOSE: The facilities listed above all discharge Into the Yadkin River basin. Other permlls In the Yadkin River beef. have expiration claim H calendar year IM. The fia- catlm fisted above have penna expo radon dates in I988. In order far the Dlviskn to ev aluo. al pent.! nenaw. N I."sm in tine Yadkin River basil during the same calarsdar year, Ins Division plans to extend Ina exptra- dan date of the permits W Cu fWn- Iles listed above. No condilons In the eArn" Fa mas will be changed or modlaed. This a an edminlsus- the change to be0w align Pavmh- ting rand B.I.W. Planning opar. .dons within Ura Division of WNW Quality. On the bests at preaminary stall review of Minds 21 of Chapter IQ. Owand Statutes, of North Caro - Fa (and bins, lawful slandwds and regulations) Cia Norm Carolina Envi- rorenantal Management Comm". purposes to *Mend the duration of the NPDES permit@ listed above, subject to speci0c pollutant Ilmlla- dorn and wedal condillo tie. INFORMATION: A copy of the exist. Ing NPDES permits and a sketch showing the location of each dis- charge Is avalable by walhq or call. ins Mx Chedsa Weaver NPDES NCDENR D at 2953 E9lMa PO Bmr 29535 Rebyh, Northokep Cerdhsbiin 95 T)733.5aranrAer. (ping 7a nnIt. s o M ll The eon c! panes ere on Me at era DliWon c! :Your QS.R.blly. ,y Street (Reding, 5), North Seaehtry Slron- (Roam y m Raleigh, North Caron - during na. They office be. Copieteds during nartnal onton (tours. ay.P bl nu M hxmess a d @* an of the upon raam u and paymwC d m. rash d raMO W211118 DMe9zlge A. Preston Xew Jr, PE Director OMbd en War.uelfty. QlNy. it YtBNB NOV 1 0 1998 OWQBUDGE1 OFFICE NORTH CAROLINA RANDOLPH COUNTY AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned, It Notary Public of said County and State, duty contmissioncd, qualified, and au(horizcd by law to administer onths, personally appeared MARIA PAYNE' who being first. dtdy sv.orn. deposes and says. that he (she) is BUSINESS MANAGER of The Courier -Tribune, engaged ht fine publication of a newspaper known as The Cuuricr-'rribure, published, issued, and entered as second class mail in the City of Asheboro, in said County and Slate; and that he ishe) is authorized to make this affidavit and sworn statement; that the notice or other legal advertisement, a true copy of which is allached hereto, was published in The Courier -Tribune on the following dates: September 29, 1998 and that the said newspaper in which such notice, paper, document, or legal advertisement wns published was, at the time of ench and every such publication, a newspaper meeting all of the require. ments and qualificutions of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, 1943, as amended, and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1.597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. 29th This day of September Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 29th- 98 19 _ of September 19 98 � C1ICQ. G WL!L U Nnlary'Publlc. .`.f 1`ly commission expires. r Notice of Intent To Extend the Duration of NPDES Discharge Permits in the Yadkin River basin SUBJECT: The Division of Water Quality plans to extend the duration of the current NPDES Permits for the following facilities: Permit Facility County NC0024112 Thomasville -WWTP DAVIDSON NC0024228 High Point Westside WWTP DAVIDSON NC0028037 Lexington - WTP 81 & 2 DAVIDSON NC0034452 Willow Creek Builders, Inc. DAVIDSON NC0036561 Centerclair Nursing Home DAVIDSON NC0041491 Paradise Motel DAVIDSON NC0041629 Davidson County Schools -Extended Day School DAVIDSON NC0042081 Davidson County Schools -Ledford Senior High DAVIDSON NC0042129 Davidson County Schools -Pilot Elementary DAVIDSON NC0042145 Davidson County Schools -Midway Elementary DAVIDSON NC0049689 Pleasant Grove Trailer Park DAVIDSON NC0055786 Lexington Regional WWTP DAVIDSON NC0059757 Living Centers-SE/Brian Center DAVIDSON NC0046035 High Point Care Center FORSYTH NC0051713 Lakeview Mobile Home Park FORSYTH NC0055212 Auman's Mobile Home Park, L.L.0 FORSYTH NC0084786 Furniture Illustrators, Inc. RANDOLPH PURPOSE: The facilities listed above all discharge into the Yadkin River basin. Other permits in the Yadkin River basin have expiration dates in calendar year 1999. The facilities listed above have permit expiration dates in 1998. In order for the Division to evaluate all permit renewal requests in the Yadkin River basin during the same calendar year, the Division plans to extend the expiration dates of the permits for the facilities listed above. No conditions in the existing permits will be changed or modified. This is an administrative change to better align permitting and Basinwide Planning operations within the Division of Water Quality. On the basis of preliminary staff review of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina (and other lawful standards and regulations), the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission proposes to extend the duration of the NPDES permits listed above, subject to specific pollutant limitations and special conditions. INFORMATION: A copy of the existing NPDES permits and a sketch showing the location of each discharge is available by writing or calling: Mr. Charles Weaver NC DENR - DWQ - NPDES Unit P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone number: (919) 733-5083, ext. 511 The existing permits are on file at the Division of Water Quality, Archdale Building, 512 North Salisbury Street (Room 925), Raleigh, North Carolina. They may be inspected during normal office hours. Copies of the information on file are available upon request and payment of the costs of reproduction. Datei' Preston Howard, Jr., P. , Director Division of Water Quality Page 1 of 1 of/Goozyii z y30 C4i#v of cl�nt�siiie plao 00 Thomasville, North Carolina 27360 June 12, 1998 NCDENR DWQ/NPDES Unit Unit P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Dear Sirs: Enclosed is our application for renewal of permit NC0024112. If you have any questions regarding this application please contact me at (336)475-4220. Sincerely, q/4� Roger Bryant Director of Utilities City of Thomasville City of Thomasville Hamby Creek Waste Treatment Plant Sludge Management The City of Thomasville has contracted with AMSCO Inc. of Clemmons, N.C.to land apply anaerobically digested sludge from the Hamby Creek Waste Treatment Plant. The State of North Carolina Department of Enviornment and Natural Resources, Division of Environmental Management has issued Permit No. WO0006050 for land application of sludge. This permit was issued September 29, 1997 and expires Oc- tober 31, 2001. 30 � o LU Q t W = 3� Li k j N 1. b !d Z I �" W ti � ti c w 1=1=R C:.AR►=IER 0 Ir o r A= RA Ti CA' CN=DAIMATIVAI Ai FTFr,IA/,C NSCHAP,GE DC/ ill 9Mi:D 'D�'DAt;Y 4' Ar i!=/. P, R e4 W/ $7-, V5 E RNA_ R 0 Bt, DI Cr ST=R 1 "Vr FIcTER R.CrRCVI-A7IcN i SILT: R P.E%uPAI SGVDG-E f-FJ9i1CA/ EAs,1.VS '1R FF cm,, 9-- ow Err LIquID SLVDG6 Fo R :.AND APPtICAT10N FOR AGENCY Vs2 STANDARD FORM A —MUNICIPAL SECTION I4. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM submit a dNCllotfon of each radial, Indilltrlal fatltlty dlach"ng to the rttardebw ayatant. II" a aa.arm section IV ton &so tocalty 4I-W tlon. Indicate the a digit Standard IndulVlal Classification (sic) Coda fear the 11Mtatry. M "WM MOOM M Iola fastw. Y. the hoer Iln inn.. - send Sultans CN dayl, and the Charatfa1ftUC1 of the waltal.alN duchwpd theme tfia Inpatfw faulty Into the fou"b l syctwn. Consult c lose III ton Italtdard Iheaaulet Of ►1gtsi M IIv ns►INYIII. (aec IhatruLtlOM) I. mule, Contributing ►a11117 few instructiom) wino NU Id streal City County Stale 210 Code 2. P"Ms" standuo Industrial CloMlflaatio, Cod. (Me Instructions) 2. IInhafaf ►halm or Its. Meanal lace lnu rucnoni) Product ffalr Mate,". d. ►la. IndKate Ina'01u.se at .at.r discharged into the TuruUal Sys, I" In tnwund gallons ON ay aM �ha1hN inn ddchaga is In Nn cations or conbnuous. s. dwtwatrnant ►radioed 1halGato if Matgat Tent n aloaOed drip to antalrng the Tunrclea' ay"'o, d• COMSO lauds of Wa *Wr (aea mimm"rone) G«a 40 data •ols 40i< 4019 (J1 1 v 1 t. 001e D 1 Ih15�RINIiy �-rRECT — TNOm('SyIuC c Sunni fsea Qumttty Taste to f000 CLF AAJDRUMS'T"ToTE IRAIKSsums I IyDl7dam 2-C)ja-tvL Vkmjeb t.1k" R U-')—J i C --bL 1-17 1 t>V law _ism L5thwldifte OMlona M hay �/Inntam"vent (lot) l[ICOnllllyw/faOn) 0Jt'a onto aNa Ml.r I C.C1 I fayTal O 31D OD5601 D inzrj OID3 I DPI 4 OIOS I OIDG7 value < DS •Oy zN CIS � N ()j09Z 00qZ6 1y00qZ6 IoUQZ I .D32. <r0o3 1OrZ rv-a alas. 665.704 7Af1 1aCllm do Nadu 1 jima/i ►Os AOCKCr udr STANDARD FORM A —MUNICIPAL SECTION 13F. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM submit a oulleti" at Mth ashlar Induslr4l IOClllty dwharpry t0 the IMIliltldal tywam, tltlae 0 aaParata Setti" IV Iw awe %Catty ~-lp ts". lndK0to the t d10t1 Standard Itldu9ru. Clasalt "twn (SIC) Cede la Ito wAusiry. "m anew PaarCt or roo Iltatami test hew (.n in,.. sand aeltom Yor day). 6n0 the chw Ktwatitf of ins wastan atw 41111tttar0ed ham 0110 a101atrW totally into the I rAC1001 tytlwn. Cdnault : felt III for 0taea0ra IIsYlY1M of arodYats an far rMiw W I. (W ln/At1C is ) 1• staler Corttriputlna IKlllty stet IhatlYcllOnll CC � A ►J7 YA 2 N YE KS wm. I teu I -- kt ",t Stlwt City County fsaL Zip coast 2. Initial" ftandwa industrial classification COOL lot 11121rottions) S. brnraal Pnoud w oar Mateml (sat instrYCtian) Product aeon, laatww •. Pip. Indicate the .0ou" of .rater d=mr"d Into the municipal W 4 10m In thousand MIIOm aw ay oM ~hw in.$ d.sUl«w a Intw. rtatlenl ar continuous. a, P"lmotn .t Ne. ee Ind.ale d wetresir mi Is ardrload once to antenna the munKlai svvem a. Ctlans ~ks N wllatsowl lase malructloro) tda .e. ten tOlc told 0010 401; 402 4034 tdfa W�Imlwm rl ' Z�q Vom (foe Inc v � TaW I11 �Y C )r\ K i dam YnR. .«. ..>r TPYYM ealNnt Por ay or In�UrmKYnl (Intl QConllnyWtICM1 ®t« Ow Namt 0 D I T5 CA I CQ I Cu INITet1 "'n""r �310 OIpZ Oi0 01 uZ 0105 OIOIo"7 value D 1 < . DDA 02q t�'1QZ (o • a •' ` •. s KILO • I mmm—m rv•1 Ora 645.704 TLia Beetilm tamefa6ta J Juga. FOR •dSNCV WSW STANDARD FORM A -MUNICIPAL SECTION IY. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM S1fOf it 0 descriptiOn of each 11Wer IndintrKl %C1IIty OIICh«pnt to Who f 009" OySIW% WIIIS. oeedra. sauM IV for OKit %Catty ~"W Pen. II111119OtO the s dltll SUndlttd IndWt'W- Claulflcation (SIC) Cede rp the %dustry. vw "W Orook t p rw mote". tow now Im llh > - sond Sallo.n W day). and the Cnar«ter NtlCI of ine wanwatw d0 Nved Mpn tw YIOWtrW IKOIty Into the tIWrI cars, ayateln. CGnWII : s0.0 III Iss S%ndard imsedura of aro0ucts p ( O lnstruOi ns) 1• Uwe, Contrualimin/ SOClllty (W Instructions) Ne11M NI "la Strrt City County state Zip Cove S. ►rffhary Standard Indestrl#1 ClaWli"Hon Code pet If41NCtlonf I S. vnedlal vroducl er Ms. Wrnal Lae Ihalucvom) Srod.Kt dw M««ral a. view Indicate the yolutns 01 waist 4"C led Into ills mumcmal syn tefn In thp.land "lion O« day ant ~hw in.s $.Knolls is inter. f111ttenl «COnUnuods 1. Fel.eatf nt hee ed 11.OICate a pObat"N"I .% 01"I sd Onp to •ni«.fle the Tunitl0al system S. Caeraewr/.ue1 al Maa%wON, (W .flum".ons) am am 4018 a01/ •Ot< aotd ao1. a011 402 =mi� =51� • s\ 1• NDR i N Cj)PlnL,1AJ A Tk3 I — — ....I gDSIEfZY aa3► dHa dealt 404 1. no shwYM Oellw Oor a" nt-1-it%nl (lot) OC«ltifl ms(C«•) 041. pNd unnt(See 7U Mt Tab"111 am dew apt .. off r-- �vmml n.= 0 •�•_ •' f 1• •�'i•♦•• IV-1 S I 0 441.706 This 01ONOA Cw4/M i a0dd. I ►OE AGENC`I Ugg STANDARD FORM A -MUNICIPAL SECTION 17. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM Submit a description of each ON*, IMWtfMi /Klllty dbcnerelne 10 the m FAC" Foots,% U100 a IIaOalor som1 IV Nr OWN tocony ~,-r tlon. IwORt• the • digit Standaw I"W11 - Claldl/IOibn ISIC) Code Iw the NMOtry, the Maw wewut Or raw Kscarid. tote now, (In Inn. - land anions pM pay). and the CnMKI•IKOCI Of the wastwetw a1aMMaae ft n W4 lil•Istrin tatalty Into the munlCidel System. C~1 : )ele III /OI sUneare measYrK of eroclKit ar raw malts W 1. lr Itlitruatlar) t' YalelCMirllWma ►Klllq //�� CC twoInalrucuona) `) �� wm. aeu AmE� lc fl , 2&jC I � -- Numrra Slrrt City COYnty State Soo Code g. IKmary Standard Illdunrial Clswiflastlen Code lase lmimctions) S. hlnneel eredYtl 01 dIw me•nal (r IOstrucn Cn I) erseuct Ow Mathw a. slew Itic.tlte the ldlume Of watts d"barpre .nto the mifnlUpn lye tMn In tnpuund tlatlom ow day eon wM1nM in.$ a,"naree a Inter. mlttent OI cont.".0us g, Mtlwatmeni ►`*tided IM.Cat t weVKitlient n orovidsc prlal to entering Ind munKirl syulm 0. ObaIKlormics of IN Sol (r mufYali ) 48" 4111111 den ae+a agile s01e a01/ ae] 007a N7b Quantity METAL FRAmE-e' is..q . Mlckr�L', cj4KOm mad training so1lM4 w Ow p Intermittent (Intl gCeetl Y euSICMI 14K pew Uinta (See TNN III) rig e•.•m•iM Narne Z N "'n""r I z OI �' OIO<IZ OIo51 01 '�1 O 'lam I z Value cN ��r�?�ZDtoyOb � are UgJee rva ?%in adetlee Cowered I /lop. ►Oa Aa[NCv USc STANDARD FORM A -MUNICIPAL SECTION 17. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIJ UTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM Submit a a.acrlation of each arale, Industrial fail ala h"ng to the mYatltfaal sWetW% VOM a ONr.W tedium IV Ind coach facility fail Iron. InNt1to end a digit Standard Industriar Classification (SIC) cede far tM irantgi, use mow emduet W rag alatem . tlsa trial Un Ill - und gatlb oW day). and Ina chNacle'hom, of the raN.ratW fa chuged Mom W4 Imkntrw Iacolly Into the mumlctial ayNein. ConsYN : sbe III far Standard inurf hh, of grroducb or (ate Instructions) I• saaro, CbItNaYtlrlg gracility face Instructions) Noma NY "ta Street City County State Ins Cow t. Harlan Sunders Industrial cle Nlfiutfan Cade (We Instructions) S. grrtrlraal Prea l or mar Mount (aW tistructfonq Proo.cl Aar Material d. /lor Indicate the volt'" of rate, aaahatpd into Ind inuNUaal sya I" In thousand gallons o., day and ~nm. In's discharge a IntW. mltrsnl of continuous. S. owtM&t ent overtime Indtclle t betlest Mmni is borload bid to anlemng the Municioei syN.M a. caia NWI tuts of Ham am, (See MN,YCtapr) .Ma ado data sold dal0 self sal 404, dMa as$ • a • • r •11, M11• . • It'd- EfiSI 1ADLrY HIt_L- OA7 _ 11' [)(n Fl51/Il.l.E �A V I �-)Sor\) Q C)LT vl C_ A Ra(- IAJ A 2r3,t) d2HL ININNIMI 18c) onPrY..MIM1a t1W 1aY In�tarmmunl (loll {y cantinuoWIeanl MV/. QNo Mt Ms «T pathhs.le. it< J i NYma.."a? OIUz'1 OI i value ja`l <.Do 2 ,o a .D►15 D22 n+-a fra. gaa.fo/ 71tis nottlam allocaba I pal 0 FOR AGENCY UOy! STANDARD FORM A —MUNICIPAL SECTION IY. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM Su0tn11 O a.at1011M Of With major inotheinali fooluty alecnarelnd to tnO r fdg" ayat«,t. Wf" O loWete Saenan IV for aaen Realty aearno Iten. Inwcob IM a dldlf StanOard Industria- Claillflutbn (SIC) COO• for br lo4ntry. M radld, waa.at or half IOalenn. rile Reel Ion lnn.- rrtd 0a it Pe, day). and the CO«KL•,nn[t of tM./n•.II« dill"Ved ft n OW MOINtrlal facllny Into Ina 1naMclilal Iyn«n. CwtWlt :lei• III fell IhnMrd momnut« of eroducb Of h: tnitorbll• (W IMtrYHteM) t' WI« CMlneutlea P.clllly tW In{II.LIIOns) �D m s MSG . Co . } sec . fe«n. 1 .Old ku to Suo.t City County Stab zip Cad• e. M,npy standard industrial Classification Coal Ira lmimctlOntl S• Pneeoal ►nd.ci u No. Wtemt IW uurucnontl product ad. Malenp .. Pie. Ifla.uta one felu,ne at .afar O.chareea.nto tM,n.nlUPal WY tarn In /NOusand Nllors W day a" .Mtnw into Oocnat0e is Intel. mtloni Or continuous. a. Prolwatrnenl hdlfred Ind.cata it waroat M.1 n oravlaed error to MtennO the .nunoclooi Iynwn 0. caaaeewlintel Of Watte.ater ta•e atssr.cnom) 40" .010 ♦01c .Otd .010 .01 f .02 CoZ�-1 �rv�n�PN �S�PEE:T To(Y\nSVIL L�f �y32- 3b0 II jqthou" PW day O inter tent pal) tlt.ta s4( ) eI ONO Units t0aa Mt Tam" toll ... Name IP f.urne.r L ValYe 1 <.c»2.3DS . 0 .01& , Z <,DDS . qI A Es N o ooq� <IC03 .0c9 9- GPI 641.709 Two Imaide combi 0 1 Jose. FOR AR[NCV USC STANDARD FORM A-aMUNICIPAL SECTION 17. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM Cuban" a dam liati" Of each ewer InOYCt.u1 wilily dwChar.lrle to tM e.ntaladl aywoftf. Ya11\ a amalfllaY Butch I V t.r eatR faedwy owlIp tlan. 11111K81e the. dlelt Standard I-Olntr W Claal/lctlamn ISIC) Cade Net too walwtry. the www Oro*Wd Or a eatadlw. VA name On 1h,'.. amnd Oellenl w Oar). and the ChMactermtics of the arane.rates de"Ved Nph lose IMawtrlw holly Alto the Td111C1.a1 SyaleT, COrlamlt : awe III for Standard T tit" Of wod"Is Or Or Tatw Ulf. Nam InctruQlOM) t• Myer Contq►utlhe IKlllb l' 11 . ` fame InatruCtions) E E IVc !arms 1 4016 1v NllrnOera Street City County stale ile Cod 7. er,Terr Sanderd Industrial ClaNulfatlen Cede (ee. Instructions) 7. Mndloal Oreeuel er Rey wariH lame agmch Onll Product Rest, Matey W .. Iav Ine.cate the.0111hse Of rater d l tltareed into the TV NC IdI sys• both In thOuam uff IN tons" day and ~hw tn., dlacnang, is Inter. Thant Or continuous. S. afetwatn nt ►ret,ldto Ino Rate .1 weVealthent Is alO Med Onw to .rlferlrt. the T..n.Cldl ayit, S. C.araaamnatal of Maaamwaamt fame Tmma.Ona) 40" Rat, Nlllt{ III Mt Toole 11 IMF ♦ , amelaaM.Mlamfimet Oft �rinnant lull OCen11rN.W lCM) ml,"« ONO N" ::" 144DI00500 0IO2-1 0103N O'IDyZ Olo5 OI 6 Value a <. coci <. O I nl 4()CA < . C72 A� �io�ozO nlib to� < nn CPO .Is.aoa rv•1 TRta section aomilletws t p/e, poet AOCNCV list l STANDARD FORM A -MUNICIPAL SECTION 17. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM Supra" a dgacrlotlo, of such "*r Inouctrw facility Olaclt""Ill to the t RWJW ayStOR4 WW4 a NMOta Seti" IV 1P own tacRlty deems" tiOn. 10101:01e the a digit Standard Indut}IWI ClassihUtbn ISIC) Code fair 11e10 Wquatry. iN OWpr product pr ever owaaelal, tIM Roes (In Ift - MN I gflllp per, day). and the characternllcs of the Mattae'atI dNOWPd Notn ON WAMrW Mcdlty Into the I OWA"l IYatOrn. Consult : 101e III to, Stanfield n uree 0f pro0ul:a or rall/rnalMlss. (w Intructlo lij I. "War contributing ►KllRy (w natrucuona) I(_ 5 1 Ei\� / � I I—L- jf J C Nestle, I Set. ' _-- Nw "14 Street City County state 210 Code t, pnnary standard industrial Clodli"ve. Coat (Me Inatructlonf) a• pnerpal pnUlct or ■ter WtenN Iw utlructiontl product Affair Mat" W a. of*. Indicate the tolulne 01 Rater dwherved into the 1nunClosi Iyi fen In thousand gallon pw asy am ~hw tnn dncnerve W Inters n1119n1 or continuous. S. pntnatlee01 hetidee Indicate i1 prOtteatnOn Is prOeldea ono, to entwing the nunKlpal tylteT S. tan ,-lNlKt of wa our (w rr "Ma'ohs) seta •etc "fit dole 6011 402 404a aO/e dos L02 l7A\jI 6ofb J 5 1 REF T _ I NOPh PiSV 1LLE I>A V t�1aRiN CAKt)L-1QIF) — Z'131,ol 225Z. Nntic (see Quantity ♦.O1. 111j C'OT T D VJ ��lnaugaR0 0MIaOa OM OIy �InterinRunt tint) 0CMt111Yd<Ialdon) VOt ONO 0"motw Nan,, o is S C C� ) ...rrM1.r 0 lb NVTder 00 /N�-1 1010341010q 0/65/ 0166-7 Valu' 2 D I <-DWS I55 bL;, K ,00z I , D I �5 .. •ip'a • I09Z MIN IV-1 Iwo doctim d.Ndlwd I /ye. TIPS aaa.)Oa ►Ob AC[NC V Ullf STANDARD FORM A -MUNICIPAL � SECTION 17. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM Submit a Omnotim Of each Mier Indadtrlel facility Otuher0in{ to end m nWA M eytte111. IIO+rA a ad►rata Satts" IV is own /a0atty dw"w If". IhdRafo the a diylt Standard Indwtria- CbMln"llon ISIC) COO* fee tlsa Yauetry. Ills NW W product w Iam, okp*W t, the bts I'll lhry - tend SMlam 0e. day). and the CftVMIw1nt1C1 Of the.011~ater del neraed +eelw Me YWetrW IMUlly $Mo the munige"I fySt*m. (:antic : awe fit fw wnMrd Inoatur*a Or Orodl+tta Or raw ma1N41/. lead Insteeotions) t• tfta)er CMvuwme ►.ahoy jeer inelructtona) e1e111* Numrra Strad, City County Stale SIP Caw {. Mme, {sarWard Iddultrlml Classification Cede (we Instruction{) S. atleaaat►novel *r No. Wtene, (same msn.cl. ,) ►rad.el •ow Moww a. ►la. Ihd.tatr the 101un.1 of .Ater flacharpd nic Ina munic.ow fyi, 1*0n In thousand Yllorei ►er day and .Mthe. in-$ OKnarde a Into.. mlttent w tonUhuaul. {, ►adtwtlmrnt h*r ed In*2ete,r wetrUf"HIM n orW bed Isla to Mtenne the mVnKiwl Iyiem {. Chwwu~iel of Waead.el*. (r murYCUOn\i 48" 44" 4018 a01b a01e 4010 able 1e1+ 402 ae3a aOSe aMa OMB 409 I \ � A �2�/ O I�c71�e (-)I,�XICIFl21E�i m WYnO vions M an ntarmnunt (1M) O�C/O/nt111Yyslden) ❑ •rams 84 Unitl (See ousatttyT 111 ° Odom aw-law ►.n,. . Nmr ^ ) Nums. ODSo � /OZ' O 1DO Z OI�Y� 01067 valu' <,00D5 I D'-43 D3 c D I I.Dko IV-1 {OO 145.701 7me a*etfen eammblwd I ►at*. ►ofl AasNcv usr 1 STANDARD FORM A —MUNICIPAL SECTION 17. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM submit o erolpti" Of .add, alat.r Industrial I.claly eYchorrlfrp to the atY$*NW lyatelr. am" a N ear&* Satttaa IV N a" %catty ow... tlon. Indicate The a e1111 stand«d InesuftrYl CIassiff"I c. (SIC) cod. fall IIM % OAIIVI tad maw «MYti ee rlln, aWee1Y, tag boa, 4n Ih. - Unit (Ylld,a W day). and the c"vaclaw1cl Of the eattolvol.r dara«aed tradlt Ind IMIatrlm %catty onto the munIcal systera. conWil :11Hl III 1«.%ne«d Ineeluree of products or Ion IMt«YII. lead 1114th,1016") I. waste, c"teaetlap fragility �Ii. Ir lnalructlonal � 1 `7��IT 1/�CY Wo�1J 1YJ���1\� P /�.� t�(� 1 1 1 Co lips) l�Y l+'"N�. Num"ra Street 401111 In")Ai—cM TPF-C 1 1 Ni)(n F)S V /LL.0 City detc ! SV - County dot. •— 1jrry>P,-04 state 4010 .AIQr1LIQ-A -- '� z%Code .01t � S. pad ary standard ladudrlal 002 z25z ces Yllleelfen code tw WlNctlonll Units Is" i. hlarep pmo.a « b.. ousattly, 11111,,,///--- 1 w Mon aal (lee Otuplpn{) product .OSa '119r IZ1ax> Z aggu flog. ««SO NMY t �I k , A'�.RY L I C I eMe r„ ` o. ►hear lad.tate the'0111aY at Yate, Ill"Im «d Into In* nwnitg.al SY* .1 ths fla wi% a« a" tern In tho "ad "loom w ady one ~h« tads O.Khorp. is Ioi«' .ape elamemilownt lint) (3Camimausldon) militant or continuous. s. protwltlhent heed•ll onetcate a gas 941. ONo «etrlat„gent s 914h,wed gold, to w»r." the munluwl "yea, s. cflaraa%tt11Ys of IN am, Ir .natnr.l,oro) ..raaru. Na M as"h.mm, Ib 00 OIl7Z o:41o10q O/o 0I «.J V.Ig.qq 5 C o005 5(0 < . v Z .02 0 A -Z►..i 5b n� P 0/077 01 Z 0IU9 01007 eon) rMs soettadl elae%Ifle t !ah• 60o 445.706 ►oA A.a1Cy vd! 1 STANDARD FORM A -MUNICIPAL SECTION 17. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM Submit a description of saga MWO11110oa1u1 laN11ty 411I1CRae0lrta 20 tM R RMW WKWP, otlfr a saOWM fottM" IV fee Oats totally dwt,P tlest. IROnau the . digit standard IndYstris' ClaUiiKabn (SIC) Code tee tRa 1Rdlattly, IRa IRre/ er00,10 or ram, esHe", WA bY. III, lMw.. eand 0alldm per flay). and the chatwtarlstics or the..R.eate, 4%OWVad Rory 00 kMkMbtai totally Into Uu Rrua111pa1 tystaln. Conwlt : sese It, for standard Rsa.surr of products w faei insw W 1. lw INteualoM( t• No&, Coatrl0utlatl fragility �• 1NI ,1.. (ses IMlluttlonsl Warne 1 .eu I 1 /LJl7' Ll � � (/ � I I a51f R y �. Emu, - PLw *�Z fJYTPeIa surf City County state LP Coda !. 1146es44 stsn4910 Iaeustrb, CIaYlfleaPen Cede (sag IMINctions) !. It"Resal Praeucl w all. Noun•, ter lnsvuct. nsi ploeaU A" Malww a. ►W. Ine.cate the Mlunre at rate, I11r4nar0ed ,nto the rauNC,PN sya I" In thouMnd aNlorR aer day am.Relnet Ina dncaaye M Inte,. mtlant r conl,Mous. a. hetwatl "I hoyloeo IM¢ale t 91011*81"M n Deaybed drip to entenrta tM tnun4lda, s,Va. S. cwa m""Ms of ad still, tesa ,numn-ote) 40110 a01c da10 apt# act; a0! 40}a /dtwesir OMly w day �ntslttrntsnt tint) Oca unuesrs(een) i7v//r ❑feo taslts (aes Mt To" 111) ppo 1 FORM � raw ��WM MAMONANNOWNAN rv'1 This settirl deswae ! peg*. sea 6111.701 roc wtsclactr teary STANDARD FORM A —MUNICIPAL SECTION 17. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM Submit a d.crdtl" of Cash tutor IMunrdl IKIIIty dncharNna to WO.UIdtIPI SVKWP. MIA a YOW&W SifIM IV fer on" tocatty d roor ow Is". IndKate the a dlpt Standard Industrial Ctalslf "tlon ISIC) Code fall told tdduatry, the mow product as row, sawmeW. ad home top Ihrw.- Ynd SMIpM Mr Cry). and the CnWactarntICs Of the siasaMralV dYClsMprd bprll ate Yylatrin fatally Into the MonlOrel straiten. CMWII a leer 111 to aYlderd MNaYraa of pools" M Ors 1retW W s. la IMIlUOi M) t• ten.. eMtntwMa nanny false In.trucllons) w�— were I data I Eim -14 t'P,f3R)C A T mcj- 4 L P Tim Gt IQ • ___ 11Y I& SIIMI City County lltla 210 Code r. rnMary stanwil Industrial CleylflYtltn Cad. Iwo IMtmctions) f. Mhnool Product a, are material (aY Mstructlenq {toaun AIR, MW W.ei d. rle.• InCKate the'colums 01 ratW docrerprd 1.10 the m4mc INI sys. tw In thousand MIIOM .W day are r11.1 Pow Ind d.Khalse is I.Iar- mttenl or cont...D.s. {, r.atnet""t herded Ind Kate.1 pretrealrrenl Is Ororld.0 Ono 10 Msanns the MYnKI011 syne.n {. cala -- $66 of wM owe (sad MUM".W ) 402 403s .Oft Case tdtt 4141111 2—_'_IIL��a778o Wont (Ste Quantity Tape e1111 err-_o KEsI-pFtiraL Fu-QN�T:, C �V STEEL awl —law — � NWY�M//pr11W t1W day 0 Inn_teerinnYnt lint) r{QCMtllWous(aM( �-W QreO d111Mate, fee•nr I 1 I ZQ W r:e1 Z OID3 IbUZ C10 D1011-1 O value , 0 Z) 1 I 6 4 < 1001 I pill_ sad 41411.701 flna adctlM CdaM4d l rdh. ►O[ AO[MCv V/[! STANDARD FORM A -MUNICIPAL SECTION 17. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM SUDM" a description Of patch dV)or immlrmi fKlllty dach"lle to the mdtdalOY wpotOmr won@ a adds►!✓ Sam" IV flat Dam tocit"y darrrp 00,11. Indicate the a Olyll Standard la UItrY- Claplff"tbn WC) CaO* fail I00 WAmtry. Will main ►ro/Ytt f rem, nolw. aI. VA ee. On In"o - Un0 departs Der day). and Ine cnwactarnfio Of the namsonstar dYdtM0e0 it""n IndNtrw twillty Into tee mun100a1 typos. Cdnaun c ]Ole III for standard maafurel OI aromatic is a raw"matMw 1. lade lmtn&O6l ) 7• made, ContmaUtlna Facility 1r Instructions) Plains kt "14 Street City County State Zip Cede y. Primary Standard Industrial Cle Yltlatle. Cede ttN IMtructionsi i• 0r1e0001 loed.et 01 Isar. aYanal (w proof •aV Matenal s a. Fla. Indicate the IOlume Of rater dschNged Into the municipal I. tare In thptOlnd deficits der ay aM en101ntl tn.$ discharge a intor. mfttem w continuous 5. ►tdlwatn of trreelded Indicate it Metreatiaem is orCNad Ono, t0 antenn0 the municla. system 0. Climate" we of IN a", pee mprUcttem) Ma atom 4018 .1 J '116mvMTRIN► • WIN —Ot WY--ng/polo d M day Intermlltont (tat) �CMIIMdY{(s0n) 041. ONO unfit (So QU"tity Tam" III) am !frav J�2- dad � I • f S. S e�• �L W m rva a a e 615.70/ IMa adcttaal doYfto I page. BOA Ad[MCv Yf[ STANDARD FORM A -MUNICIPAL SECTION 17. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM 3uslnn a N Ilftlon O/ uch nNo, 101O,81,11111 Wilily ammo lief to tM r nww sylvan."a 1000 m saut IV f- aece /ac0lty ~"w Yon. lndlta[, the . digit Stan0.r0 IIIC11St11a. CR„It1p110. (SIC) Co0e tp tIM Induagr, Yee mow pCaacl or new amine". Ioe /Iw Pn inn.- und smion, for dayl. an0 the Characte,nup Or the.eanN titer dY PO I,pn me a *MFIM Utfity Into the moMCA"I /y.tw . Ca,Nrl1 Gape III Ip /talyard mea,urda OI O100,423, Or IednNiplal,. IM Int"IlCtIOM) I. "me, contmewifts draciall, (tee nUYYI:tIdn.' pia"1 A01. 1 IkdmA--)VI RNIiu RE TNI�usT P.�E � Wtm,forA Svwl City COlrnty state Zip cede f, Intently Standard Inuit Yal eYWltunen code Yee Instructions) i. fThdeal 0r04r91 p don. Wrn.I I.ee mstr.auenq Product •w MatN.al A. Flo. Ind.cate the eat." 01 rater dacharge0 .nt0 the muNUNi lye I" In MWMM NIIOgW my and ~nb in.l discharge a Into'. mltleM p conbnu0ut. f. Mtmatn nt hoelded nld.cAte 11 peVMrmenl .6 Crdelded Dow to entering the munKlda. System t. caaadloNnNt N tvswrear come mNrueYero) AOt. 4011 602 407a 403a aOAa Aden 405 IJDK -N C (( PRDL-1Nr—� ZULD 25 (I unnt tsw MI Total Ill) LLauITLI.R6 MVG .ds 141113'el — PRE rl LL 0P(— PIaT [C)d 150 /001101Y 0p day Intermittent (lot) {/�Mn11nuW/ICMI 0 ve, Olf la S.l01 This faction eettalws 1 gr#a. .OP AO[NCv USC STANDARD FORM A -MUNICIPAL SECTION Ili. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM suemn a a mliptlon of gach twer Industrwl facility demcharging to Ion n odeldd, Of7to% mum a ecdlerlela section IV tell sma %Catty daar,.0' Stan. indicate the a digit Standard Industreml CiasllflUfbn (SIC) Code Ion the emHllatry, ion fwle, product W 11. India". ion Pew lift YIN gallon DM day). and the Chd,Kte fitIC, Of the .suMat•r demand, "a been WA WA%Mrw fecdny Into the m nKlleal.ystem. conwll 1 a01e III fall Standard med,Yres of OraduOs pr LMi maINYl1. (Me IIN1111O101n) t• "No, CMtrlauttg.galllty (epr Instructions) wfn• NwnM,a Strprt City County State SIP Code f. MIMary Sunaare Indultnai Cuulnuhan Cede (tie Instructions) D. b1n0081►n,duO W Pa. 110NnaI Is•• matrucu Mil ►eODV Ct Pau, Mater.al .. .so. Inmate Ina .OIYm1 of aP dalcha.gad .ntO the mWNC.NI ay. tom In thousand gallon, 0d, Day tmle.Mlhd, thn m6h.Ige it Intel. 1hlilent a conbnupus S. ►"Imst".t he.ldee Ineq.N •I ar t,eatment n D,oyld.d Ono to "to,.ng in* municlesl Syrian, S. caara.eertccl DI WaaN.owl (/• mNmmons) 49" Also .0ta GI . L�02, TomsaS\jILL-E _ D)C)Q I D7 s D Q _ MORj Q cRC,DL-INF 2 r 7,36 b 2—C7.3 (mitt (ppr Quantity Team, 111) PLIC GAGS idim rtiK ppINTNG 1Al...1 I...fI- `�' Ali/•- 1l 1 tw day O Intermittent (Intl OG011amous(aonl Ova on, ..,.hl.t.. T Na.ne ) IMlmb. 0 05 01 oz9 o O i 0 G i ,,.Ili. loq D I 400 <,00Z 1c. of I . �, �•o I n+•i e.a 445.704 this election eeWlr f page. pod AacwCv u0r STANDARD FORM A —MUNICIPAL SECTION 17. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM SU&M" a dessittlotlon of each pte(ar Indust rlei ISCIIstt, dhCharylna to the fI @dCldfd aya1GW4 11a1M 0 asparm SrrUan Iv for own tai011y OWIIR Van. 1001Ca" the Al di011 Standard Industrial Classlti"tiOn (SIC) Coco for Ian IMntry• the ftow OroNKI w role o101"4w. M name on in- ' "no Sessions m day). and the Chv Kto,ht,c% of in, ."lors"r dwC god ft 1 the Undir"1 fi011y Into the w nlClwt syst r . Consult : rite III /sr standard /Hour" Of products p ratftnoler Ws. (/K InstluCltill t• tl0rer CMIr"snlwat PKlllly (see instructions) p"Me Mwow,t Sir", City County State tip Code !. Primary Standard Industrial CYdlllullon Cede ("e Instructions? S. N1041181 PMdsn or Its, Mf"ns, UK Instruction$) Product AM male' sl d. Ile. InOrcalt the tdlyMe of rater datharfed mto the muMuoal Wf tan In thousand MIIOM per day and uwaner this CUchpp O Inter- INtlent W Corsmuous. a. PMIMat"Mt nettled 1".Cate 11 "I legs nant Is olWlded pdd, to ontenno the MunKIwl ty"Orn a. C0"a"Mn"s of Watford,", use snstmarMs) a»0 am 4018 4010 401C "to 6010 d01 f 402 400a 40310 adds 6046 40S �N�m Rs v,��E �uRtyl Tt,�fZE 1ti�usr r3L� s� Ilic, LRrJT qOS ((Aid 5TRC T _ rn-A U I L L E' 1}/VIV�JD- nJol� T 0 GF�12ot-iNH — — Z�j�IIZ17z� �0oddnatMrNY ❑ Interrnn"nl tint) / fIMM/ISM) O v" Units (Sao MI Ta" 111) Ma MSr _ aka sm .srarMler Ne nr aranrur 7� I U �ti� y� , r wrnsr V Voi Value rv•i CPO 895406 Tfia m"tion sweats 1 MN• FOR AaCNCr USy! STANDARD FORM A —MUNICIPAL SECTION 17. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM Suann a OW,Iotlon Of "Ch Major Industrial Utility dtecl"ho to the fnafdtlay grater, am" a aaowala stuns IV for again %CONY owl-n tlen. InOKate the a digit Standam Industrial Ctesp/Kstion (SIC) Code felt too wustry, we amw PIOOW" w 9" watwtal, the set Is" tnr•..- Yw aallorn do day), and the CharaeterMlles of the.INarater discharges! trp11 W Ni hartrW fatally into Iw winuiCloal SYNern. Cal t so,[ III felt standard TYaYrM o/ oroducb for roe' me dews. (see InsUYCfldns) 1• Nato, CMtlleullw{ ►ealllly , «Iona) 1 4018 CwtiTY l -Rtil7 FI Lb Nu 16 Street City County state 210 Code {, PM s" Standard Industrial Cleatfi"tlen Cede (tee Instructions) i. ►.0001 Product N it.. material (w IriNrYCLons) a1ooYCt Aare ataterlal a. ►lot. Iwicate me [alum[ of rater a"Im'"d trio the nuniu0el lya I" In mouunll {allow oM day 0fll [[tether in.s O.SCnslaa a Inter nitions Or continuous. {. Felflot"Mt ft* gtd IndicateFt 0 atleatnent n olmiaed ono, to entering the nuinKloel syNem a. CwradbnNRs Of Wasteteam, (age iwNNctfenl 402 "Its O00a dada 406 2-20 -DAV1-D50 COUNT" /_AtJID�ILL 0-A17 LEAC'_NATC I.., IQ () mWYnd Felltns oar dry �ffin nterntent lint) ❑untlNfdYa(toni Itl4„ C1a0 Latin$ (Sao Mt �To" 1111. —OAL' to-Y��V 49" r„ I►Nltiteter �— ` Namr . 1� fV valu1 " O I \ I I DOS ` .002— \ .V2— t / a RIMMMMM961", 77do sanctions eddlolem I /ap. 6e a. 645J04 City of Thomasville April 3, 1995 Mr. David Goodrich DEM PO Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 SUBJECT: ABBOTTS CREEK AT CENTER ST. SAMPLE POINT Nc © G Zy 11 Z .,�1 Dear Mr. Goodrich � I D.50 0 Cm g ' r The City of Thomasville would like to request a new sample point. For the past two weeks we have been unable to obtain a sample at the Abbotts creek at Center street location due to a blocked entrance. The property owners have also put up a sign that says all vehicles will be towed away. We ask that you consider this request as soon as possible so that we can resume sampling. If the City of Thomasville can be of any assistance please feel free to notify meat (910) 475-4246. Sincerely, M.Wade Ingram Lab Supervisor 10 Salem Street, P. O. Box 368, Thomasville, North Carolina 27360