HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0020389_Correspondence_19881102TOWN OF BENSON P. O. BOX 157 NORTH CAROLINA 27504 MAYOR CHARLES W. MATTHEWS November 2, 1988 Mr. George Everett Deputy Director Division of Environmental Management P. 0. Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Re: Special Order by Consent NPDES No. NC 0020389 EMC WQ No. 88-45 Benson, North Carolina Dear Mr. Everett: - 4 1988 • COMMISSIONERS DEVAN BARBOUR. III NATHAN B. BLACKMAN GEORGE T. HUDSON J. W. PARRISH. JR. TOWN ADMINISTRATOR KEITH R. LANGDON TOWN CLERK CAROLYN A. NORDAN r li j4.1_, ivuv VJ .688 FERMI « &.. Er l l\L't i`',tl\G We recently received the draft SOC and have reviewed the provisions therein. In general, most of the provisions are satisfactory; however, there are two items we request be revised. 1. Paragraph 2(b) — Implementation Schedule We request the schedule in the SOC be made the same as set forth in our recent EPA grant offer. We have attached a copy of the EPA implementation schedule for your reference. The differences in the schedules are relatively minor and we trust the SOC can be revised accordingly. 2. Monitoring frequency for heavy metals. In January, 1988 the Town requested the monitoring frequency for lead, copper, zinc, and chromium be reduced. In Mr. Wilms' response of February 15, 1988, we were advised the matter could be re—evaluated after a period of monitoring for the presence and concentration of these heavy metals. We have provided a summary listing of our monitoring results from March, 1988 through September, 1988. Based on the data provided, we request the monitoring frequency for each metal be reduced to semi—annually., Page 2 November 2, 1988 Mr. George Everett PARAMETER 11UV y 4Jt38 Fitivli16 & LIE.—zolIG Lead* Copper Zinc T. Chromium Month (mg/1) (mg/1) 0 (mg/1) (mg/1) March - '88 0.008 0.09 0.81 0.003 April - '88 0.014 0.12 0.09 0.005 May - '88 0.011 0.17 0.22 0.010 June - '88 0.010 0.12 0.18 0.003 July - '88 0.012 0.18 0.150 0.014 August - '88 0.009 0.15 0.490 0.010 September - '88 0.009 0.12 1.18 0.010 *Monitoring is weekly; effluent limit is 0.025 mg/1; other parameters are monitored monthly. The Town is hopeful that both of the items cited above will be satisfactory to the DEM staff. As soon as the revisions can be made and a revised form sent to us, the Town will immediately sign and return the SOC to you. Thank you for your consideration of our request. Sincerely, Charles W. Matthews Mayor CWM/ cc: The Wooten Company 4 SPECIAL GRANT CONT LINS CONT. C370584-03 Town of Benson 3. The recipient agrees to submit to the award official a completed EPA Form 6005-1 within thirty (30) days of the date the recipient begins building the project (bee 40 CFR 35.2202). This 6005-1 will contain the information on subagreement awards to minority and women's busi- nesses used during the design phase of the project. The recipient further agrees to submit to the award official a complet- ed Form 6005-1 within fifteen (15) days of the end of each Federal fis- cal quarter during which the recipient or its contractor award any sub - agreements for building and building -related services an �suppl.ies. 4. Project Schedule: a. Receive bids on or before b. Begin construction on or before c. Complete construction on or before 06-30-90 4. Complete start-up services on or before 06-30-91 :� 01-31-89 04-30-89 NUU 2 f3b8 Failure to adhere to the above schedule may result in grant withdrawal or a portion of the construction costs being determined ineligible for Federal grant participation if deemed to be a result of inflation due to unnecessary project delays. 5. No portion of this award may be used for lobbying or propaganda pur- poses as prohibited by 18 U.S.C. Section 606(a) of Public Law 96-7. 6. No payment for engineering services for the construction phase of the project may be paid until the A/E agreement is submitted, nor more than 30% of the contract amount paid until the A/E agreement is approved. 7. In accordance with 40 CFR 33.290, the recipient agrees without prior State/EPA review of the procurement action to conduct and document an adequate cost analysis and negotiation for all change orders in excess of $10,000 and not exceeding $100,000. Such documentation must be sub- mitted with the executed change order for review and approval. For change orders expected to exceed $100,000, the recipient agrees to sub- mit all supporting documentation including contractor's cost and pric- ing data, the recipient's cost and analysis documentation of negotia- tions and a copy of the proposed change order (contract amendment) to the State/EPA for review prior to change order execution. This condi- tion does not relieve the recipient from obtaining State/EPA approval for all change orders. 8. No grant payment will be made on the construction portion of the pro- ject until all required (unqualified) site certificates are submitted. 9. In accordance with 40 CFR 35.2218, the grantee will notify the NCDEM in writing of the actual date of initiation of operation of the treatment facilities. • T. 6T�1 �x'�k. r (e) That the Town hereby waives its right to ;a lhearing-on';, the terms of this Special Order by Consent pursuant to procedural requirements of NCGS 143-215.4 aid Commission rules in 15 NCAC 2I, and also hereby waives its rights to appeal this Special Order by Consent in accordance with NCGS 143-215.5. 2. The Town, desiring to comply with conditions of the permit identified in paragraph 1(a) above, does hereby agree to do and perform all of the following: (a) Meet and comply with all terms and conditions of the permit except those effluent limitations identified in paragraph 1(a) above. See Attachments A, B, and C for all monitoring requirements and effluent limitations. (b) Upon execution of this Order, undertake the following activities in accordance with the indicated time schedule: 1) Submit plans and specifications to NRCD, which are sufficient to obtain its approval, for improvements (additional oxidation ditch and clarifier, etc.) to treatment works by October 31, 1988. 2) before w31 ry 15, 1989. 30 3) or before A�-4-, 1989. f Award contracts on or Begin construction on 4) Complete construction of proposed additional treatment facilities on or before June "., 1990. 3(3. 5) Achieve compliance with final or before September'1 1990. 30 effluent limitations on Omar (c) During the time in which this Special Order by Consent is effective, comply with the interim effluent limitations contained in Attachments A, B, and C. The following reflects only the limitations that have been modified from NPDES requirements by this Order. Effluent Monthly Weekly Characteristics Units Average Average Flow MGD 1.30 (d) No later than 14 calendar days after any date or time identT?ied for accompl sshment of any activity listed in 2(b) above, submit to the Division Director written not c of compliance or noncompliance therewith. In the case of noncompliance, the notice shall include a statement ? the reason(s) for noncomp�ance, remedial action(s) taken, and a statement dentifying the extent to which subsequent dates or times for accomplishment of listed activities may be affected.