HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0000175_Hunton and Williams Letter_19990420APR 2019. M� HUNTON 8c WILLIAMS V P� ATLANTA, GEORGIA P. O. HOX 109 DI • • OF WATER QUALlTHy VIRGINIA BANGKOK. THAILAND DIRECTOR'S OFFIC EW YORKA NEW YORK BRUSSELS. BELGIUM RAL$IOH. NORTH CAROLINA 27602 NORFOLK, VIRGINIA CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA VIRGINIA HONG KONG, CHINA TELEPHONE (919) 899 -3000 WARSAW. POLAND KNOXVILLE. TENNESSEE WASHINGTON. D.0 FACSIMILE (919) 833 -6352 CHARLFs D. CASE 19191 899 -3096 FILE No.: 49132.15 INTERNET MAIL: ccase @hunton.com DIRECT DIAL: (919) 899 -3045 April 16, 1999 PPA--*' The Honorable Gregg Thompson North Carolina House of Representatives Room 1002, Legislative Building Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 -1096 Dear Representative Thompson: As Amy Fullbright and I discussed with you, we wanted to keep you abreast of the work by the mining industry to perform additional sampling and scientific analysis regarding the safety of fluoride in the water. To that end, I enclose a copy of a letter from Charlie Stover on behalf of Unimin Corporation, the Feldspar Corporation, and K -T Feldspar Corporation, to Dave Goodrich, providing that data, as well as offering some analysis as to the meaning of the information. As I believe is indicated in the letter, the industry has been working cooperatively with the Division of Water Quality within the Department of Environment and Natural Resources to proactively identify any issues regarding fluoride that might arise in the North Toe River, which is the receiving water for the permitted discharges from the facilities operated by the three mining companies there. As you can see, the mining industry believes that the recent data they have provided to the Department provide further substantiation that the current limits contained in the discharge permits for those facilities are more than adequate to ensure the protection of flora and fauna in the North Toe River and otherwise assure the safety of the discharges from the mineral processing facilities. The industry will continue to work with Mr. Goodrich and other appropriate personnel within DENR to examine and resolve any fluoride issues. In the meantime, we support the introduction of your House Bill 928 which could provide a vehicle for additional study on the fluoride issue, should it be necessary to perform that work. Path: DOCSOPEMRALEIGM07900 449 1 3 210000 1 511YS601!.DOC Doc #: 91374; V. I a a% 9 IL5110% APR 2 3 1499 trR QUALITY HUNTON 8c WILLIAMS The Honorable Gregg Thompson April 16, 1999 Page 2 With best wishes, I remain Very truly yours, 6�� Charles D. Case CDC /psb Enclosure cc: Tommy Stevens, Director, Division of Water Quality (w /encl.) Dan McLawhom, Esq., General Counsel, DENR (w /encl.) Dave Goodrich (w /o encl.) Forest Westall (w /o encl.) Matt Matthews (w /o encl.) Charles F. Stover Joe Turner (w /o encl.) Dennis Buchanan (w /o encl.) Path: DOCSOPEN\ RALEIGH \07900 \49132 \000015 \IY$601!.DOC Doc #: 91374; V. 1