HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0003687_Monitoring - 08-2022_20220909- I -FORM: NDMR 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page / of 2 Permit,No.: WQ0003687 Facility Name: Gold Hill Airpark County: Rowan Month: August Year: 2022 PPI: 001 Flow Measuring Point: Influent C Effluent �j No flow generated parameter Monitoring Point: Influent 7 Effluent Groundwater towering Surface water Parameter Code 0 50050 00400 50060 m > Q E O c O i= :t O O a � m ° N 24-hr hrs GPD su mg/L 1 843 2 687 3 1213 4 13:30 0.5 423 7.0 <0.2 5 1205 6 708 7 1090 8 1128 9 1549 10 1328 11 1282 12 15:00 0.5 915 6.8 <.2 13 917 141 978 15 2224 16 921 17 692 18 16:00 0.25 1384 6.7 <.2 19 1069 201 1451 21 1389 22 1332 23 915 24 14:00 0.5 877 6.7 <.2 25 1012 261 793 27 1134 28 1214 29 1201 30 888 31 17:00 0.3 777 6.9 <0.2 Average: 1,082 0.00 Daily Maximum: 2,224 6.95 0.20 Daily Minimum: 423 6.68 0.20 Sampling Type: Monthly Avg. Limit: Daily Limit: Sample Frequency: - Ft'RN NDMR'10-1: NOWDIISC HARGE: MCINITORING REPOFT (fI�IDMR) F age Z of sampling 'en on(s) Name: 1'Villiam .I am :?s Rum[iurc Name: Certi-1 ied ..aboratories R amo: R ame: Does a� N monitoring data and sampl f ng frequtmc ies met et I:he rec uir menta hi Attacl �mant A (if your a Com lianl I � i� � y p liml t? �-� p ❑Nor -Con, pliant If the fa :ility is non -cc npli ant, pleas ex Aain in thi sp : ce below the ieason(s) the 'acility wa no: in comp) anc,:,. Providr in ,-our expla iati(: n the dat, !(s) ,af the nor-cor.pliance a nd describe ttl a corrective acts )n(s: taken. A sack additions 1 1 sh ::ets if nec ess:: ry. 7perator in Fesp,>nsible Gharl:e (ORC) .-er fication IRC: William J am :,s Ruml ,urc ::ertificati m Flo.: 10110636 ;trade: PIionu Number: 980-3 32-1179 las the O RC changed tinc a the preriou It NDMRi' ❑ Yen 21 No Z-41, Je 1j" //,/ A2 Signatui Dade i y this signs ure, certify that r. its re:ron is accui ate snd complete to th.! best of my know cadge. Perm ttee Certifica'.ion Pe rmitl:ee: Gold HI: II A i rpark Sii.Ining Official: Williarrl Janes Rutnk'g Sii jninq Official's TiAe: CIRC Pt one Number: 980-33 2-0' 79 Pormi l: Expirati on: 5/31/,: 026 Signature Da :e I ce tify, under p malty of law, that 'his d:,cument an( all allachments v ere pepared and ar my iirection or super,,ision in accr dance with I sys am design 1 to a : sure that at qual `ied persona al pro;ierty gatherd and evaluated t ie inf:,rmation ;ubnn tted. Based on m , inquiry oft a per ,on or persc is wl io manage tt,e sr.:em, or thos per sons directly resp nsible for gaIherinq the inform, pion, Ilre information sulNmitted is, to the bast of my kn Wedlfe and belie true,, accurate, end ccmplete. Ian aware :hat there ar i significant penat,es for submitting Ielse iformation, nclucling the poss oility :4 fines and imprisonment for k; iowim: violations. 'Rail Oric inai and Two G spies to: Divisicn o Water Fl:esflurces Inforrrl atic n Proce ;siri,3 Unit 1617' Mail Servioi t Ce nter Wileigh, � ortl"! Carolina 27699-161'7 _FORM: NDAR-1 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page / of Permit No.: WQ0003687 Facility Name: Gold Hill Airpark County: Rowan onth: August Field Name: rem �FTUUTM_m Did irrigation occur Area (acresy. Area (acres): Area (acres): at this facility? Cover Crop. Cov6r Cr*.-p: YES NO Hourly Rate (in): Hourly Rate (in):: Hourly Rate (in). Annual Rate (in):' Annual Rate (in): Annual Rate (in):, Field Irrigated?i Field Irrigated?, 6 Field Irrigated? oil 11 mmm; m 0 : / 1 1 _- --__ -_-- -___ ---- m M®_-- -__- -_-_ -_-- -_-- ® mM___ , / 1 ®® / 1 v ,F(: iRM NDAR-1 10 3 @ION -DV ►CF IARGE ,j kPF LICATI )N AEPOR° (hi DAR-1) Page • �' of, [,lid the aphlicatitirn ates a CCed the, limits in Attachment !3 of yc ur permit? [I Compliant [ ] Non-Coml liant %I'Vere adequate n leasures :ak en to prevent efI luc!nt por dire g in or runoff fr m the sides? [1 Compliant [ ] Non-coml liant Vials a s uit-able vi!t-getative -over maiintzlined en Bill sites as speci:ie(:l in yol!jr permitI, []Compliant []Non -Compliant %!'Jere alll stAback; li,l;ted in your pertnit maintiniiI for t!wery app Iluition tc evch permi'lted site? [I Compliant [] Non -compliant %!'Jere alll frl)eboaids maintil nii:td in a x(:Irdanc,) with the specifies frr,leboarl heights in your p2mi'lit? []Compliant [ ]Non -Compliant If the fa•:ility s non -co: npli.:: nt, please t exp:lain in tht sps ice below the eason(s) ;he '1 acility wa.; no'! in compli ancc. Provide in ) our expla iatic i the data: (s) rrf the non con pliance aid diascribe th a co restive actin tn(s taken. A'tacti addition, I shoets if nec ssstiry. dd any ac ditienal maint� tnce. Items tak qn.- Replaced pitvalve Op. n" it 1i1, ht assembly i, rith ame type. O 3er, for in Re ;po isible Ch arge (ORC) C 3rtif ication (AC: Nil!liam Jan es Zumbur! 1 Cvritificati m I'lo.: 1010636 tirade: Phone Number: I•las the C RC i:.hanged :inc n the pre,iou a NDAR-1 ? Signatur t 980-3 32-1!:1179 ❑ 'es ❑✓ No lay this signata a, I c:rtify that thi rep( it is accurra a an( complete tr the bast of my kr awledge. Date Permitt -e C,3rtificatit in Perm! ttee : , Go d Hill Ai Signii ig C fficial: Willliam Jar ies Rumbui g Signii ig C ificial's 1itle: C! RC Phone Number: 980-332-0179 Permit E:, p.: 5'311':26 Si Inat.ire D,te I certih, , und: r penalty of aw, 1 •tat this doct rent and all attac imerls were prey, 3red . rider my die tchor or supervise )n in accordance with a a step designed tc assure that all qu 31ifiec personnel i opet,V gathered nd e• •aluated the afom,ation submit :ed. Illased on my inqui, y of t e person or pers :ns who mai age 1 to system, ( r tho::.e persons c real} responsible for g•:thering the ifom 3tion, the inform ition submitted is, to the best of my (now adge and br lief, trae, accurate , and Amplete. I Im a.iare that the a an, significant per allies for sul mittir ig false infor natie i, including 1 to pe::sibility of fir es and imprisonm 3M fc r knowing vi latioi is. Ih1lail Original! and Tw,) Copies to: Divisic n oil Water F escurces Inform ation Proce: sing Unit 1617 Mal I Service Center Raleigh, Leigh, hI ortl t Caroline a 27'699-161 r