HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120396 Ver 1_MooresFrk_94709_MY7_2022_20230109ID#* 20120396 Version* 1 Select Reviewer: Ryan Hamilton Initial Review Completed Date 01/18/2023 Mitigation Project Submittal - 1/9/2023 Is this a Prospectus, Technical Proposal or a New Site?* O Yes O No Type of Mitigation Project:* Stream Wetlands Buffer Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Contact Name:* Email Address:* Matthew Reid matthew.reid@ncdenr.gov Project Information ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ID#:* 20120396 Version:* 1 Existing ID# Existing Version Project Type: • DMS Mitigation Bank Project Name: Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project County: Surry Document Information Mitigation Document Type:* Mitigation Monitoring Report File Upload: MooresFrk_94709_MY7_2022.pdf 43.91MB Please upload only one PDF of the complete file that needs to be submitted... Signature Print Name:* Matthew Reid Signature: MOORES FORK STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT MONITORING YEAR 7 Surry County, NC ANNUAL/CLOSEOUT NCDEQ Contract 6500 DMS Project Number 94709 REPORT DWR # 12-0396 USACE Action ID SAW-2011-02257 Final Data Collection Period: April-September 2022 Draft Submission Date: November 30, 2022 Final Submission Date: January 3, 2023 PREPARED FOR: NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 PREPARED BY: Wildlands Engineering, Inc. 1430 South Mint Street, Suite 104 Charlotte, NC 28203 Phone: 704.332.7754 Fax: 704.332.3306 January 3, 2023 Mr. Matthew Reid Western Project Manager Division of Mitigation Services - Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778-8211 RE: Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project Yadkin River Basin – CU# 03040101 Surry County, North Carolina NCEEP Project # 94709 Contract No. 6500 Dear Mr. Reid: Wildlands Engineering, Inc. (Wildlands) has reviewed the Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) comments from the Draft Monitoring Year 7/Closeout report for the Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project. The following Wildlands responses to DMS’s report comments are noted in italics lettering. DMS comment: 1.2.1 Vegetation Assessment: Please note that since the project was instituted in 2010, there is no success criteria for vegetation height. Recommend revising the section and state that although there is no MY7 height requirement for the project, the average stem height is 18.2 feet. Wildlands response: Per correspondence with the DMS Project Manager, the MY7 height requirement is 8 feet as stated in the Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Plan. The text in section 1.2.1 was not changed. DMS comment: 1.2.2 Vegetation Areas of Concern and Management Activities: One encroachment was identified in 2022 near the bottom of Barn Reach 2. The landowner encroached by a few feet with farm equipment when harvesting corn. The encroachment was discussed with the landowner and has been resolved. Additional posts and signs were installed in the area with tall PVC and horse tape to better demarcate the conservation easement. Wildlands response: The text in section 1.2.2 has been updated. DMS comment: Table 2: Please add “Site Instituted – October 2010” as the first entry on the table. Wildlands response: The entry has been added to Table 2. DMS comment: CCPV: Thanks for providing updated invasive species polygons. This map is a useful tool for the contractor treating the site. DMS will continue treating invasives until the project is closed. Wildlands response: You’re welcome. Wildlands Engineering, Inc. phone 704-332-7754 fax 704-332-3306 1430 S. Mint Street, # 104 Charlotte, NC 28203 DMS comment: Table 6G: Two structures are noted in section 3 with integrity issues. Please label the location of these structures on the CCPV (figure 3.6) or update as necessary. Wildlands response:MY7 visual assessments revealed that these two structures that had previously been identified were no longer displaying piping issues. Table 6g has been updated to indicate that all structures are stable. DMS comment:Digital Files: No comments Wildlands response:Noted. Enclosed please find two(2) hard copiesand one (1) electronic copy on USBof the Final Monitoring/ CloseoutReportand support files. Please contact me at 704-941-9093if you have any questions. Sincerely, Kirsten Y. Gimbert Project Manager kgimbert@wildlandseng.com Wildlands Engineering, Inc. phone 704-332-7754 fax 704-332-3306 1430 S. Mint Street, # 104 Charlotte, NC 28203 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) restored, enhanced, and preserved approximately 19,587 linear feet (LF) of Moores Fork and 13 unnamed tributaries (UTs), provided livestock fencing and alternative water sources to exclude livestock from streams, removed invasive plant species across the project, and established native riparian buffers. The restoration project was developed to fulfill stream mitigation requirements accepted by the DMS for the Upper Yadkin River Basin (Cataloging Unit 03040101). The Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project (Site) will net 11,587.543 stream mitigation units (SMU) through a combination of restoration, enhancement I and II, and preservation. The Site is within a Targeted Local Watershed (TLW) identified in the Upper Yadkin River Basin Restoration Priority (RBRP) plan (NCDENR, 2009). The RBRP identified the Stewarts Creek 14-digit HUC 03040101100010 as a TLW. Agriculture is the primary land use in the watershed (36% agriculture land cover and only 3% impervious cover), and the RBRP identified degraded riparian buffers as the major stressor to water quality. The Site is also located within the identified RBRP as a priority subwatershed for stream restoration and agricultural BMPs according to the initial Upper Yadkin-Ararat River local watershed planning (LWP). The final design was completed in June 2013. The Site was constructed in December 2014 and planted in February 2015. An as-built survey was conducted following construction in December 2014. However, following construction, a large flood event with an estimated return interval of 50 to 100 years occurred at the site on April 18-19, 2015, causing damage to the main stem of Moores Fork. This damage was repaired in March and April of 2016, and a second as-built survey was performed on the repaired areas in April of 2016. The baseline monitoring efforts began in June of 2016 and monitoring year (MY) 1 efforts were initiated in late October of 2016. The Site has been monitored on an annual basis and MY7 activities were completed in September 2022. The following report summarizes the MY7 status of the Site. This is the seventh and final monitoring report (MY7) as established in the Mitigation Plan (Confluence 2012) and will also serve as the closeout report. Assessments completed over the past seven monitoring years illustrate that most of the Site has met the success criteria as defined in the Mitigation Plan for vegetation, stream morphology, and stream hydrology. The MY7 vegetation survey resulted in an average stem density of 465 planted stems per acre and an average height of 18.2 feet. The Site has met the MY7 density requirement of 210 planted stems per acre, with all 12 plots (100%) individually exceeding this requirement. Additionally, the MY7 visual assessment revealed that invasive plant populations have been reduced due to ongoing treatments and over 99% of the easement acreage is unaffected by invasive populations. In 2021, DMS implemented stream repairs for nine instances of lateral and vertical instability throughout the Site that continue to appear stable and are functioning as designed. Visual assessments reveal that over 95% of enhanced and restored reaches are stable. Overall, surveyed cross-sections along Moores Fork indicate the channel is supporting stable dimensions and functioning as designed. Instances of vertical and lateral instability are represented by some cross- section along Silage Tributary. The performance standard of two recorded bankfull events in separate monitoring years was met for both Moores Fork and Silage Tributary in MY3. In MY7, at least one bankfull event occurred on Moores Fork and on Silage Tributary. Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project Monitoring Year 7 Annual/Closeout Report - FINAL i MOORES FORK STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT Year 7 Monitoring/Closeout Report TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1: PROJECT OVERVIEW .....................................................................................................1-1 1.1 Project Goals and Objectives ..................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 Monitoring Year 7 Data Assessment .......................................................................................... 1-2 1.2.1 Vegetation Assessment ...................................................................................................... 1-2 1.2.2 Vegetation Areas of Concern and Management Activity .................................................. 1-3 1.2.3 Stream Assessment ............................................................................................................ 1-3 1.2.4 Stream Areas of Concern and Management Activity ......................................................... 1-3 1.2.5 Hydrology Assessment ....................................................................................................... 1-4 1.3 Monitoring Year 7 Summary ...................................................................................................... 1-4 Section 2: METHODOLOGY............................................................................................................2-1 Section 3: REFERENCES .................................................................................................................3-1 APPENDICES Appendix A General Tables and Figures Figure 1 Project Vicinity Map Figure 2 Project Component/Asset Map Table 1 Project Components and Mitigation Credits Table 2 Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3 Project Contacts Table Table 4a-b Project Baseline Information and Attributes Table 5 Monitoring Component Summary DMS Technical Workgroup Memo October 19, 2021 Pebble Count Data Requirements Correspondence M. Reid October 27, 2021 Appendix B Visual Assessment Data Figures 3.0-3.6 Current Condition Plan View Maps Table 6a-j Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Table 7 Vegetation Condition Assessment Table Stream Photographs MY0-MY7 Stream Repair Photographs Vegetation Photographs MY0-MY7 Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data Table 8 Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment Table 9 CVS Vegetation Plot Metadata Table 10a-c Planted and Total Stem Counts (Species by Plot with Annual Means) Table 10d Planted Stem Average Heights Table 10e Stems Per Plot Across All Years Appendix D Morphological Summary Data and Plots Table 11a-b Baseline Stream Data Summary Table 12a-b Morphology and Hydraulic Summary (Dimensional Parameters Cross-Section) Cross-Section Plots with Annual Overlays Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project Monitoring Year 7 Annual/Closeout Report - FINAL ii Appendix E Hydrology Summary Data and Plots Table 13 Verification of Bankfull Events Monthly Rainfall Data Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project Monitoring Year 7 Annual/Closeout Report - FINAL iii Section 1: PROJECT OVERVIEW The Site was implemented under a design-bid-build contract with DMS in Surry County, NC. The Site is located in the Yadkin River Basin; eight-digit HUC 03040101 and the 14-digit HUC 03040101100010 (Figure 1). Located in the Piedmont physiographic province (NCGS 2004), the project watershed primarily includes agricultural land cover. The drainage area for the lower end of Moores Fork is 1,527 acres, and the drainage area for Silage Tributary is 156 acres. The Site is located approximately 0.25 mile north of NC 89 on Horton Road. The project site is located on both sides of Horton Road. Latitude and longitude for the site are 36.506671 N and -80.704115 W, respectively (Figure 1). The NCDEQ DMS restored, enhanced, and preserved approximately 19,587 LF of Moores Fork and 13 UTs, provided livestock fencing and alternative water sources to keep livestock out of the streams, removed invasive plant species across the project, and established native riparian buffers. The restoration project was developed to fulfill stream mitigation requirements accepted by the DMS for the Upper Yadkin River Basin (HUC 03040101). Mitigation work within the Site included restoring and enhancing 15,308 LF and preserving 4,279 LF of stream. The Moores Fork Stream Restoration Project will net 11,587.543 SMUs through a combination of restoration, enhancement I and II, and preservation. Due to overhead utility easements that cross project streams, 7.8 SMUs were removed on Silage Tributary Reach 2 (starting at STA 30+10.49 and ending at STA 30+33.95), 10.4 SMUs were removed on Moores Fork (starting at STA 37+22.01 and ending at STA 37+42.79), and 4.1 SMUs were removed on Corn Tributary (starting at STA 19+38.58 and ending at STA 19+59.15) as shown in Table 1 of Appendix A. The final design was completed in June 2013. The Site was constructed in December 2014 and planted in February 2015. An as-built survey was conducted following construction in December 2014. However, following construction, a large flood event with an estimated return interval of 50 to 100 years occurred at the site on April 18-19, 2015, causing damage to the main stem of Moores Fork. This damage was repaired in March and April of 2016, and a second as-built survey was performed on the repaired areas in April of 2016. The baseline monitoring efforts began in June of 2016 and MY1 efforts were initiated in late October of 2016. The MY7 monitoring activities were completed in September 2022. More detailed information related to the project activity, history, and contacts can be found in Appendix A, Tables 1 and 2. Directions and a map of the Site are provided in Figure 1, and project components are illustrated for the Site in Figure 2. Please refer to the Project Component Map (Figure 2) for the stream features and to Table 1 for the project component and mitigation credit information for the Site. This report documents the results of the MY7 monitoring efforts. 1.1 Project Goals and Objectives Prior to construction activities, dairy and farming operations on the site deforested riparian buffers and allowed direct livestock access to the stream, leading to elevated temperatures and nutrient level. Channel straightening and dredging throughout much of the project are also contributed to channel degradation. Table 11 in Appendix D present the pre-restoration conditions in detail. This mitigation site is intended to provide numerous ecological benefits within the Yadkin River Basin. The project goals identified in the Mitigation Plan (Confluence, 2012) include: Improve water quality in Moores Fork and the UTs through reductions in sediment and nutrient inputs from local sources; Create conditions for dynamic equilibrium of water and sediment movement between the supply reaches and project reaches; Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project Monitoring Year 7 Annual/Closeout Report - FINAL 1-1 Promote floodwater attenuation and secondary functions associated with more frequent and extensive floodwater contact times; Improve in-stream habitat by increasing the diversity of bedform features; Enhance and protect native riparian vegetation communities; and Reduce fecal, nutrient, and sediment loads to project streams by promoting and implementing livestock best management practices. The project objectives have been defined as follows: Restoration of the dimension, pattern, profile of approximately 1,828 LF of Moores Fork Reach 2 and 243 LF of the Pond Tributary; Restoration of the dimension and profile (Enhancement I) of the channel for approximately 2,832 LF of Moores Fork Reach 3, 900 LF of Silage Reach 1, 2,448 LF of Silage Reach 2, 300 LF of Barn Reach 1 and 112 LF of Corn Reach 2; Limited channel work coupled with livestock exclusion, gully stabilization, invasive species control and buffer planting (Enhancement II) on approximately 761 LF of Moores Fork Reach 1, 167 LF of Cow Tributary 1, 767 LF of Cow Tributary 2, 3,134 LF of Barn Reach 2, 1,350 LF of Corn Reach 1, and 466 LF of UT1; Livestock exclusion fencing and other best management practice installations; Invasive plant species control measures across the entire project wherever necessary; and Preservation of approximately 4,279 LF of relatively un-impacted forested streams (UTs 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10) in a permanent conservation easement. 1.2 Monitoring Year 7 Data Assessment Annual monitoring was conducted between April and September 2022 to assess the condition of the project. The stream restoration success criteria for the Site follows the approved performance standards presented in the Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project Final Mitigation Plan (Confluence, 2012). Annual monitoring has been conducted for seven years to provide a project data chronology that facilitates an understanding of project status and trends. 1.2.1 Vegetation Assessment A total of 12 vegetation monitoring plots were established during the baseline monitoring within the project easement areas using a standard 10 by 10-meter plot. Please refer to Figures 3.0-3.6 in Appendix B for the vegetation monitoring locations. The final vegetation performance standard is the survival of 210 planted stems per acre and an average of 8 feet minimum in height at the end of year seven of the monitoring period. The MY7 vegetation survey was completed in September 2022, resulting in an average stem density of 465 planted stems per acre and an average stem height of 18.2 feet. The Site has met the MY7 density requirement of 210 planted stems per acre, with all 12 plots (100%) individually exceeding the requirement. Overall, the Site has met the MY7 height requirement, with 10 of 12 plots (83%) individually exceeding the requirement. A majority (>91%) of the surviving planted stems in vegetation plots are thriving with a health score (vigor) of 3 or 4. Approximately 8% of the surviving stems scored a vigor of 2, indicating that they have fair plant health with some damage present. This lower vigor rating is due to damage from storm events, vine strangulation, suffocation from dense herbaceous cover, insects, deer, or other unknown factors. However, some planted stems previously damaged by the aforementioned factors have continued to grow to a height where they can likely survive and outcompete herbaceous cover, vines, and deer. In addition, desirable volunteer species such as red maple (Acer rubrum), river birch (Betula nigra), tag alder (Alnus serrulata), flowering dogwood (Cornus Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project Monitoring Year 7 Annual/Closeout Report - FINAL 1-2 florida), persimmon (Diospyros virginiana), winged sumac (Rhus copallinum), and tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) are present throughout the Site. Please refer to Appendix B for vegetation plot photographs and Appendix C for vegetation data tables. 1.2.2 Vegetation Areas of Concern and Management Activity In 2022, invasive treatments occurred in May, August, and October and have successfully reduced invasive populations throughout the Site. Currently, less than 1% of the easement acreage is mapped with invasive species areas of concern. The remaining invasive species include kudzu (Pueraria montana), Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), Multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora), and oriental bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus). Persistent pockets of Kudzu were observed primarily around the conservation easement boundary along the left floodplain of Moores Fork Reach 1, Corn Tributary Reach 1, and the eastern boundary along Barn Tributary Reach 2. Invasive treatments will continue to be treated until December 2023. As part of the repair efforts completed in March 2021, the conservation easement was remarked by a PLS by adding signage, posts, and fresh paint markings as needed. One encroachment was identified in 2022 near the bottom of Barn Reach 2 where the landowner had encroached by a few feet with farm equipment when harvesting corn. The encroachment was discussed with the landowner and has been resolved. Additional posts and signs were installed in the area with tall PVC and horse tape to better demarcate the conservation easement. In MY7, the rest of the conservation easement appeared well marked and no other encroachments were observed. Vegetation areas of concern are shown in Figures 3.0-3.6 in Appendix B. 1.2.3 Stream Assessment Morphological surveys for MY7 were conducted in May 2022. Overall, surveyed cross-sections along Moores Fork indicate the channel is supporting stable dimensions and functioning as designed. As first reported in MY5 at riffle cross-section M4, an increase in cross-sectional area is evident due to scour occurring behind the stone toe boulder structure. Otherwise, riffles are maintaining appropriate width- to-depth ratios and max pool depths are providing good aquatic habitat. Along Silage Tributary, the surveyed cross-sections are indicative of instances of vertical and lateral instability observed throughout Silage Tributary Reach 1 and 2. Downcutting and/or bank scour is present at riffle cross-sections ST1, ST3, and ST6 which has caused an increase in bank height ratio. See section 1.2.4 for further discussion about stream areas of concern along Silage Tributary. Please refer to Appendix D for cross-section plots and morphological summary tables. Based on a DMS Technical Workgroup memo from 10/19/21 and concurrence received on 10/27/2021 from the DMS project manager for the Site, pebble counts will not be conducted during the remaining monitoring years unless requested by the IRT or deemed necessary by best professional judgement. Refer to Appendix A for the DMS Technical Workgroup memo and the email confirmation from the DMS project manager. 1.2.4 Stream Areas of Concern and Management Activity DMS contracted with a design firm to develop a repair plan for nine locations throughout the Site and the repair work was completed in March 2021. Please refer to the MY6 annual report for additional documentation and the repair as-built survey. In MY7, repair areas continue to appear stable and functioning as designed with rock steps/sills maintaining vertical stability. In addition, herbaceous cover and live stakes are becoming well established along the repaired banks and planted bare roots were found to be healthy. An updated photolog of the repair work is included in Appendix B. Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project Monitoring Year 7 Annual/Closeout Report - FINAL 1-3 The remaining stream areas of concern include localized instances of bank instability and sediment deposition. Along Moores Fork, new or expanded areas of bank instability were noted in MY7 (STA 23+80, 39+75, 43+10, and 53+00) where woody vegetation has failed to take hold along the banks. Areas of bank instability are isolated along Moores Fork Reach 2 and 3, with 97% and 98%, respectively, of both banks on those reaches are performing as intended. Along Silage Tributary, four new or expanded areas of bank instability were noted in MY7 (STA 15+00, 18+60, 21+20 and, 24+50). Several structures that were installed for grade control have been undermined by flow piping under or around them and no longer are functioning as designed. Areas of instability are more frequent along Silage Tributary due to the nature of this confined steep valley in combination with flashy runoff during large precipitation events that is accelerated by the gullies forming in sparsely vegetated pasture found directly outside of the project area. While stream stability issues are present along Silage Tributary Reach 1 and Reach 2, 96% and 95% of both banks on those reaches respectively remain stable and performing as intended. Other stream areas of concern are present in some of the smaller tributaries on the Site. Minor sedimentation continues to be observed along the project start of Pond Tributary, but well-established willows and other woody vegetation along the banks are maintaining the as-built alignment and channel function. At the project start of Corn Tributary, a significant headcut and erosion around the culvert continues to worsen. Beginning in 2019, DMS contracted with a provider to control beaver and dams at the Site. In MY7, 2 beaver dams were removed from the Moores Fork and beaver were trappedin October 2022. Stream areas of concern and management activities are shown in Figures 3.0-3.6 in Appendix B. 1.2.5 Hydrology Assessment Bankfull data collected on April 6, 2022, indicate that at least one bankfull event occurred on Moores Fork and Silage Tributary in MY7. Monthly rainfall data indicate higher than normal rainfall amounts occurred during the months of February, May, June, and August (NCCRONOS, 2022). The hydrologic performance standard for the Site states that two bankfull flow events must be documented on restoration reaches within the seven-year monitoring period and must occur in separate years. The performance standard for the Site was met in MY3. Seven bankfull events have been documented for Moores Fork and six bankfull events have been documented for Silage Tributary in separate years. Refer to Appendix E for hydrologic data and graphs. 1.3 Monitoring Year 7 Summary This is the seventh and final monitoring report (MY7) as established in the Mitigation Plan (Confluence 2012) and will also serve as the closeout report. Assessments completed over the past seven monitoring years illustrate that most of the Site has met the success criteria as defined in the Mitigation Plan for vegetation, stream morphology, and stream hydrology. The MY7 vegetation survey resulted in an average stem density of 465 planted stems per acre and an average height of 18.2 feet. The Site has met the MY7 density requirement of 210 planted stems per acre, with all 12 plots (100%) individually exceeding this requirement. Additionally, the MY7 visual assessment revealed that invasive plant populations have been reduced due to ongoing treatments and over 99% of the easement acreage is unaffected by invasive populations. In 2021, DMS implemented stream repairs for nine instances of lateral and vertical instability throughout the Site that continue to appear stable and are functioning as designed. Visual assessments reveal that over 95% of enhanced and restored reaches are stable. Overall, surveyed cross-sections along Moores Fork indicate the channel is supporting stable dimensions and functioning as designed. Instances of vertical and lateral instability are represented by some cross- section along Silage Tributary. The performance standard of two recorded bankfull events in separate Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project Monitoring Year 7 Annual/Closeout Report - FINAL 1-4 monitoring years was met for both Moores Fork and Silage Tributary in MY3. In MY7, at least one bankfull event occurred on Moores Fork and on Silage Tributary. Summary information and data related to the performance of various project and monitoring elements can be found in the tables and figures in the report appendices. Narrative background and supporting information formerly found in these annual monitoring reports can be found in the Mitigation Plan documents available on the DMS website. All raw data supporting the tables and figures in the appendices are available from DMS upon request. Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project Monitoring Year 7 Annual/Closeout Report - FINAL 1-5 Section 2: METHODOLOGY The stream monitoring methodologies utilized in 2021 are based on standard guidance and procedures documents (Rosgen 1996 and USACE 2003). Geomorphic data were collected following the standards outlined in The Stream Channel Reference Site: An Illustrated Guide to Field Techniques (Harrelson et al., 1994) and in the Stream Restoration: A Natural Channel Design Handbook (Doll et al., 2003). All accuracy and processed using Pathfinder and ArcGIS. Planted woody vegetation is being monitored in accordance with the gui semi-annually. Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project Monitoring Year 7 Annual/Closeout Report - FINAL 2-1 Section 3: REFERENCES Confluence Engineering, PC. 2012. Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Plan. NCEEP, Raleigh, NC. Doll, B.A., Grabow, G.L., Hall, K.A., Halley, J., Harman, W.A., Jennings, G.D., and Wise, D.E. 2003.Stream Restoration A Natural Channel Design Handbook. Harrelson, Cheryl C; Rawlins, C.L.; Potyondy, John P. 1994. Stream Channel Reference Sites: An Illustrated Guide to Field Technique. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-245. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 61 p. Lee, Michael T., Peet, Robert K., Steven D., Wentworth, Thomas R. 2008. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Version 4.2. Retrieved from: http://cvs.bio.unc.edu/protocol/cvs-eep-protocol-v4.2-lev1- 2.pdf North Carolina Climate Retrieval and Observations Network of the Southeast Database (NCCRONOS). 2022. State Climate Office of North Carolina. Version 2.7.2. MT Airy 2 W. Station ID No. 315890. Accessed October 2022. North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR). 2016. Surface Water Classifications. Retrieved from http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/planning/classification- standards/classifications NCDENR. 2009. Upper Yadkin River Basin Restoration Priorities. Retrieved from https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/mitigation-services/dms-planning/watershed-planning- documents/yadkin-river-basin North Carolina Geological Survey (NCGS). 2004. Physiography of North Carolina. Map compiled by the Division of Land Resources. Raleigh. Rosgen, D.L. 1996. Applied River Morphology. Pagosa Springs, CO: Wildland Hydrology Books. United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), 2003. Stream Mitigation Guidelines. USACE, NCDENR- DWQ, USEPA, NCWRC. United States Geological Survey (USGS), 1998. North Carolina Geology. https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-land-resources/north-carolina-geological- survey/ Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project Monitoring Year 7 Annual/Closeout Report - FINAL 3-1 APPENDIX A. General Tables and Figures -- --------------- Notes overhead powerline Upland (acres) overhead powerline easement overhead powerline easement. Reduction in 7.82 SMU because of 20' Reduction in 10.39 SMU because of 20' Reduction in 4.114 SMU because of 20' ------ Credits 900.000 304.400111.333511.333243.000300.000535.886112.000186.400855.800 1,828.0002,821.6101,624.1801,253.600 Mitigation -- 1:11:11:11:11:11:15:1 2.5:11.5:11.5:11.5:12.5:12.5:12.5:1 Ratio Mitigation -- RP EIEIEIEI R EIIEI EIIEIIEIIEIIEII Buffer (Square feet) Rest Equiv. 1 Restoration or 1 ------ P2P1P3P4P4P2P3P3 N/AN/AN/AN/AN/A P2/3 855.800 PreservationNon-riparian Wetland (acres) Restoration Level Project Components -- ---- Length and Area Summations 761900167767243300112466 1,8282,8322,4483,1341,3504,279 2902.953 or Acreage Non-Riverine Enhancement II 1 Restoration Footage ------- Riparian Wetland (acres) 761900167767194300112466 1,6362,8562,4483,1341,3504,279 Riverine Acreage 5757.790 Footage or Pre-project Enhancement I - - Mitigation Credit Summaries 2,0716,5926,6454,279 2071.000 Stationing 4069-4757 Restoration STA 989-1750 STA 1750-3578STA 3578-6410STA 1000-1900STA 1900-4348STA 1219-1386STA 1331-2098STA 1000-1243STA 1000-1300STA 1000-2350STA 2350-2462STA 1000-1466 UTs 2,3,6,7,8,9,10 Stream (Linear Feet) STA 1350-3746; STA UT1 Total Type Reach ID Pond Trib Cow Trib 1Cow Trib 2 Barn Reach 1Barn Reach 2Corn Reach 1Corn Reach 2 Silage Reach 1Silage Reach 2 Moores Reach 1Moores Reach 2Moores Reach 3 Restoration Level Preservation Reaches Project Component or Project components and mitigation credits reverted back to Mitigation Plan totals as requested by IRT. Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits Moores Fork Stream Mitigation ProjectDMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 RestorationEnhancementEnhancement IEnhancement IICreationPreservationHigh Quality PreservationN/A - Not Applicable 1 Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 Activity or DeliverableData Collection CompleteCompletion or Delivery Site InstitutedN/AOctober 2010 Mitigation Plan December 2011November 2012 Final Design – Construction PlansN/AJune 2013 Construction (Repairs)N/ADecember 2014 (April 2016) Temporary S&E Mix Applied N/ADecember 2014 (April 2016) Permanent Seed Mix AppliedN/ADecember 2014 (April 2016) Containerized, Bare Root and B&B Plantings For Reach/Segments N/AFebruary 2015 (April 2016) Invasive Species Treatment May 2016May 2016 Vegetation SurveyJune 2016 Baseline Monitoring Document (Year 0)August 2016 Stream SurveyJune 2016 Invasive Species Treatment September 2016September 2016 Vegetation SurveyOctober 2016 Year 1 MonitoringNovember 2016 Stream SurveyNovember 2016 Vegetation SurveyAugust 2017 Year 2 MonitoringNovember 2017 Stream SurveyJuly 2017 Invasive Species Treatment July, Aug, Sept & Nov 2018November 2018 Vegetation SurveyAugust 2018 Year 3 MonitoringNovember 2018 Stream SurveyJune 2018 Supplemental Planting March 2019November 2019 Beaver/Dam Removal July 2019November 2019 Invasive Species Treatment Feb, July, & Sept 2019September 2019 Vegetation SurveyAugust 2019 Year 4 MonitoringNovember 2019 Stream SurveyN/A Invasive Species Treatment May, June, & July 2020July 2020 Vegetation SurveyAugust 2020 Year 5 MonitoringNovember 2020 Stream SurveyJuly 2020 Stream Repairs March 2021March 2021 Invasive Species Treatment Feb, Apr, May, & Sept 2021September 2021 Vegetation SurveySeptember 2021 Year 6 MonitoringNovember 2021 Stream SurveyN/A Vegetation SurveySeptember 2022 Year 7 MonitoringNovember 2022 Stream SurveyMay 2022 Beaver/Dam Removal October 2022October 2022 Invasive Species Treatment May, August, October 2022October 2022 N/A - Not Applicable Table 3. Project Contacts Table Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 Designer Confluence Engineering, PC 16 Broad Street Asheville, NC 28801 Primary project design POCAndrew Bick 828-606-0306 Construction Contractor Carolina Environmental Contracting, Inc. 150 Pine Ridge Road Mount Airy, NC 27030 Construction contractor POCWayne Taylor 336-341-6489 Survey Contractor Turner Land Surveying, PLLC PO Box 41023 Raleigh, NC 27629 Survey Contractor POCDavid Turner 919-623-5095 Planting Contractor Keller Environmental, LLC 7921 Haymarket Lane Raleigh, NC 27615 Planting Contractor POCJay Keller 919-749-8259 Seeding Contractor Carolina Environmental Contracting, Inc. 150 Pine Ridge Road Mount Airy, NC 27030 Seeding Contractor POCWayne Taylor 336-341-6489 Seed Mix Sources Green Resources 336-855-6363 Nursery Stock Suppliers Foggy Mountain Nursery 336-384-5323 Monitoring Performers Wildlands Engineering, Inc. 1430 South Mint Street, Ste 104 Charlotte, NC 28205 704.332.7754 Monitoring POCKirsten Gimbert 704-332-7754 Table 4a. Project Baseline Information and Attributes Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 Project Information Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project Project Name County Surry Project Area (acres) ~140 Project Coordinates (latitude and longitude) 36.506671 N, 80.704115 W Project Watershed Summary Information Piedmont Physiographic Province Yadkin River Basin 03040101 USGS Hydrologic Unit 8-digit 03040101100010 USGS Hydrologic Unit 14-digit Pee Dee River Subbasin 03-07-02 DWR Sub-basin 2 Project Drainage Area (acres) 1,527 ac (2.39 mi) <5% Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area Cropland and Pasture, Confined Animal Operations CGIA Land Use Classification Reach Summary Information ParametersMoores Fork Reach 1 & 2Moores Fork Reach 3SilageCow Trib 1Cow Trib 2 2,6362,8853,348167767 Length of Reach Post Construction (LF) Valley classification (Rosgen)VIIIII VIIIII/IVII Drainage area (acres)1,19316 1,5271564 NCDWQ stream identification score3523.5 34.523.520 NCDWQ Water Quality ClassificationWS-IVWS-IV WS-IVWS-IVWS-IV Morphological Description (Rosgen stream type)C4G5 C4G4/C4G5 Evolutionary trendC-FG C-FG-FG Underlying mapped soilsCsA, FsEFeD2 CsA, FsEFeD2FeD2 Drainage classwell drainedwell drained well drainedwell drainedwell drained Soil Hydric statusnot hydricnot hydric not hydricnot hydricnot hydric Slope0.0080.038 0.0060.0300.056 FEMA classificationNot in SFHANot in SFHA Not in SFHANot in SFHANot in SFHA Native vegetation communityFelsic Mesic Forest Felsic Mesic ForestFelsic Mesic ForestFelsic Mesic ForestFelsic Mesic Forest Percent composition of exotic invasive vegetation00 000 Wetland Summary Information Parameters Wetland 1Wetland 2Wetland 3Wetland 4 0.080.15 0.490.04 Size of Wetland (acres) Wetland Type riparian non-riverineriparian non-riverineriparian non-riverineriparian non-riverine Mapped Soil Series FsEFsECsAFsE & CsA Drainage class well drainedwell drainedwell drainedwell drained Soil Hydric Status not hydricnot hydricnot hydricnot hydric Source of Hydrology UT9 & UT10UT8Toe seepToe seep Hydrologic Impairment nonenonenonenone Dist. Small Stream/ Dist. Small Stream/ Dist. Small Stream/ Dist. Small Stream/ Native vegetation community Narrow FP Forest Narrow FP ForestNarrow FP ForestNarrow FP Forest Percent composition of exotic invasive vegetation 0000 Regulatory Considerations RegulationApplicable?Resolved?Supporting Documentation Waters of the United States – Section 404YYUSACE ID No. SAW-2011-02257 Waters of the United States – Section 401YYNCDWR # 12-0396 Endangered Species ActYYCE Approved 12/21/11 Historic Preservation ActNN/A- Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA)/ Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA)NN/A- FEMA Floodplain ComplianceNN/A- Essential Fisheries HabitatNN/A- N/A Not-applicable Table 4b. Project Baseline Information and Attributes Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 Project Information Project Name Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project County Surry Project Area (acres) ~140 Project Coordinates (latitude and longitude) 36.506671 N, 80.704115 W Project Watershed Summary Information Piedmont Physiographic Province Yadkin River Basin 03040101 USGS Hydrologic Unit 8-digit USGS Hydrologic Unit 14-digit 03040101100010 DWR Sub-basin Pee Dee River Subbasin 03-07-02 2 Project Drainage Area (acres) 1,527 ac (2.39 mi) Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area <5% CGIA Land Use Classification Cropland and Pasture, Confined Animal Operations Reach Summary Information ParametersPond TribBarn Reach 1 & 2Corn Reach 1 & 2UT1 2433,4341,452466 Length of Reach Post Construction (LF) Valley classification (Rosgen)VIII IVIVIV Drainage area (acres)27 184306 NCDWQ stream identification score20 36.52123 NCDWQ Water Quality ClassificationWS-IV WS-IVWS-IVWS-IV Morphological Description (Rosgen stream type)B4/5 G4G4B4 Evolutionary trendB-C-F G-FG-F- Underlying mapped soilsCsA FeD2, FsECsA, FsEFeD2 Drainage classwell drained well drainedwell drainedwell drained Soil Hydric statusnot hydric not hydricnot hydricnot hydric Slope0.029 0.0250.0570.040 +/- FEMA classificationNot in SFHA Not in SFHANot in SFHANot in SFHA Native vegetation communityFelsic Mesic Forest Felsic Mesic ForestFelsic Mesic ForestFelsic Mesic Forest Percent composition of exotic invasive vegetation 0 000 Wetland Summary Information Parameters Wetland 5Wetland 6 0.030.06 Size of Wetland (acres) Wetland Type riparian non-riverineriparian non-riverine Mapped Soil Series FeD2FsE & FeD2 Drainage class well drainedwell drained Soil Hydric Status not hydricnot hydric Source of Hydrology Toe SeepToe Seep Hydrologic Impairment nonenone Dist. Small Stream/ Dist. Small Stream/ Native vegetation community Narrow FP ForestNarrow FP Forest Percent composition of exotic invasive vegetation 00 N/A Not-applicable AnnualAnnualAnnual Frequency Semi-AnnualSemi-Annual Years 1, 2, 3, 5, 7Years 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 Y 3 Barn 2 Y 13 Barn 1 Y 14 Cow Trib 2 Y 2 Cow Trib 1 Y 2 UT1 Y 32312 12 Silage Reach 2 Y 11116 Silage Reach 1 4243Y 19 Moores Reach 3 Quantity/ Length by Reach Y 2 Corn Reach 2 Y 1 Corn Reach 1 21214Y 11 Moores Reach 2 Y2 Pond Trib Y 2 Moores Reach 1 Pool XS Riffle XS Crest Gage Project Site Vegetation Plots 100 Pebble Count Monitoring Feature Permanent Photo Points Substrate Hydrology Parameter Dimension Vegetation Reference Photos Visual Assessment Table 5. Monitoring Component Summary Moores Fork Stream Mitigation ProjectDMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 To:DMSTechnicalWorkgroup,DMSoperationsstaff From:PeriannRussell,DivisionofMitigationServices(DMS) RE:Pebblecountdatarequirements Date:October19,2021 TheDMSTechnicalWorkGroupmetSeptember29,2021todiscussInteragencyReviewTeam(IRT)and monitoring(MY0MYx).Agreementwas DMSrequirementsforcollectingpebblecountdataaspartof reachedbetweenallattendingpartiesthatpebblecountdatawillnotberequiredduringthemonitoring periodforallfutureprojects. Sedimentdataandparticledistributionwillstillberequiredforthemitigationplanaspartofthe proposeddesignexplanationandjustification. Pebblecountsand/orparticledistributionscurrentlybeingconductedbyprovidersforannual monitoringmaybediscontinuedatthediscretionoftheDMSprojectmanager.Ifparticledistribution waslistedasaperformancestandardintheprojectmitigationplan,theproviderisrequiredto communicatetheintenttoceasedatacollectionwiththeDMSprojectmanager.Theabsenceofpebble countdatainfuturemonitoringreportswherepebblecountdatawaslistedaspartofmonitoringinthe mitigationplanmustbedocumentedinthemonitoringreport.TheSeptember29,2021TechnicalWork Groupmeetingmaybecitedasthesourceofthenew policy. TheIRTreservestherighttorequestpebblecountdata/particledistributionsifdeemednecessary duringthemonitoringperiod. KristiSuggs From:Reid,Matthew<matthew.reid@ncdenr.gov> Sent:Wednesday,October27,20211:26PM To:KristiSuggs Cc:MimiCaddell Subject: RE:\[External\]FW:PebbleCountDataRequirements IamabsolutelyOKwithnotdoingpebblecountsanymore! Asstatedinthememo,pleaseaddastatementinthemonitoringreportscitingthepolicy. Thanks! Matthew Reid Project Manager Î Western Region North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services 828-231-7912 Mobile matthew.reid@ncdenr.gov Western DMS Field Office 5 Ravenscroft Dr Suite 102 Asheville, NC 28801 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From:KristiSuggs\[mailto:ksuggs@wildlandseng.com\] Sent:Wednesday,October27,20211:24PM To:Reid,Matthew<matthew.reid@ncdenr.gov> Cc:MimiCaddell<mcaddell@wildlandseng.com> Subject:\[External\]FW:PebbleCountDataRequirements CAUTION:Externalemail.Donotclicklinksoropenattachmentsunlessyouverify.SendallsuspiciousemailasanattachmenttoReport Spam. Matthew, JasonLorchinourRaleighOfficeforwardedthismeetingmemotome.ItsaysthatconductingpebblecountsforDMS monitoring(MY0ΑMY7)projectsisnolongerneededaslongasithasbeenokayedbytheDMSPM.Movingforward,areyou goingtoallowustostopdoingthemonyourprojects?Ifso,willDBBprojectsbetreatedthesame?Pleaseletmeknow.Thank you! Kristi KristiSuggs|{ĻƓźƚƩ9ƓǝźƩƚƓƒĻƓƷğƌ{ĭźĻƓƷźƭƷ O:704.332.7754x110 M:704.579.4828 1 WildlandsEngineering,Inc. 1430S.MintSt,Suite104 Charlotte,NC28203 From:JasonLorch<jlorch@wildlandseng.com> Sent:Monday,October25,20219:05AM To:KristiSuggs<ksuggs@wildlandseng.com> Subject:FW:PebbleCountDataRequirements FYI! JasonLorch,GISP|{ĻƓźƚƩ9ƓǝźƩƚƓƒĻƓƷğƌ{ĭźĻƓƷźƭƷ O:919.851.9986x107 M:919.413.1214 WildlandsEngineering,Inc. 312WestMillbrookRoad,Suite225 Raleigh,NC27609 From:Russell,Periann<periann.russell@ncdenr.gov> Sent:Thursday,October21,202110:05AM To:King,Scott<Scott.King@mbakerintl.com>;CatherineManner<catherine@waterlandsolutions.com>;Tugwell,ToddJCIV USARMYCESAW(US)<Todd.J.Tugwell@usace.army.mil>;adam.spiller@kci.com;BradBreslow<bbreslow@res.us>;Davis,ErinB <erin.davis@ncdenr.gov>;gginn@wolfcreekeng.com;grantlewis<glewis@axiomenvironmental.org>;JeffKeaton <jkeaton@wildlandseng.com>;katiemckeithan<Katie.McKeithan@mbakerintl.com>;KayneVanStell <kayne@waterlandsolutions.com>;KevinTweedy<ktweedy@eprusa.net>;Reid,Matthew<matthew.reid@ncdenr.gov>;Ryan Smith<rsmith@lmgroup.net>;Melia,Gregory<gregory.melia@ncdenr.gov>;Allen,Melonie<melonie.allen@ncdenr.gov>; Famularo,JosephT<Joseph.Famularo@ncdenr.gov>;Rich@mogmit.com;BryanDick<Bryan.Dick@freese.com>;RyanMedric <rmedric@res.us>;KimBrowning<Kimberly.D.Browning@usace.army.mil>;KayneVanStell<kayne@waterlandsolutions.com>; WorthCreech<worth@restorationsystems.com>;JasonLorch<jlorch@wildlandseng.com> Cc:Crocker,Lindsay<Lindsay.Crocker@ncdenr.gov>;Wiesner,Paul<paul.wiesner@ncdenr.gov>;Tsomides,Harry <harry.tsomides@ncdenr.gov>;Reid,Matthew<matthew.reid@ncdenr.gov>;Dow,JeremiahJ<jeremiah.dow@ncdenr.gov>; Horton,Jeffrey<jeffrey.horton@ncdenr.gov>;Ullman,KirstenJ<Kirsten.Ullman@NCDENR.gov>;Ackerman,Anjie <anjie.ackerman@ncdenr.gov>;Blackwell,JamieD<james.blackwell@ncdenr.gov>;Xu,Lin<lin.xu@ncdenr.gov>;Mir,Danielle <Danielle.Mir@ncdenr.gov>;Corson,Kristie<kristie.corson@ncdenr.gov>;Russell,Periann<periann.russell@ncdenr.gov>; Sparks,KimberlyL<Kim.sparks@ncdenr.gov> Subject:PebbleCountDataRequirements Pleasereviewtheattachedmemodocumentingtheagreeduponpolicyforpebblecountdatarequirements. Pleasereply(meonly)tothisemailifacceptthatthismemorepresents(ormisrepresents)ourdiscussiononSept29. Thankyou. Periann Russell Geomorphologist Division of Mitigation Services, Science and Analysis NC Department of Environmental Quality 919 707 8306 office 919 208 1426 mobile periann.russell@ncdenr.gov Mailing: 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 Physical: 217 West Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27603 2 APPENDIX B. Visual Assessment Data 100%100%100%100% Woody Stabilizing Vegetation Adjusted % for 00 00 Woody Stabilizing Vegetation Footage with 0000 Woody Stabilizing Vegetation Number with N/AN/AN/AN/AN/A 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% Intended % Stable, Performing as 000000 Footage Unstable Amount of 000000 Unstable Segments Number of Totals 45555 N/AN/AN/A N/AN/A As-built Total Number in 45555 N/AN/AN/AN/AN/A Intended Performing as Number Stable, exceed 1.6) > not Metric - Riffle maintains coarser substrate include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable - Evidence of downcutting - Bar formation/growth sufficient to significantly deflect 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at base-flow. NOT > appropriate (>30% of centerline distance between tail of Sufficient (Max Pool Depth : Mean Bankfull Depth AggradationDegradationTexture/SubstrateDepthLength 1. flow laterally (not to include point bars)2. 1. 1. 2. upstream riffle and head of downstrem riffle)1. Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run)2. Thalweg centering at downstream of meander (Glide)Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or scour and erosionBanks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears likely. Does and are providing habitat.Bank slumping, calving, or collapseStructures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs.Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms.Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does 15%. (See guidance for this table in EEP monitoring guidance document) Pool forming structures maintaining ~ Max Pool Depth : Mean Bankfull Depth ratio Channel Sub-Category 1. Vertical Stability (Riffle and Run units)2. Riffle Condition3. Meander Pool Condition4.Thalweg Position1. Scoured/Eroding2. Undercut3. Mass Wasting1. Overall Integrity2. Grade Control2a. Piping3. Bank Protection4. Habitat 1. Bed 2. Bank Category Structures 3. Engineered Major Channel Table 6a. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Moores Fork Stream Mitigation ProjectDMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022Date of Visual Assessments: April 2022, September 2022Moores Fork Reach 1 (Assessed Length : 761 feet) 98%98% 100%100% Woody Stabilizing Vegetation Adjusted % for 0 0 3535 Woody Stabilizing Vegetation Footage with 2002 Woody Stabilizing Vegetation Number with 96%97%97%88%88%89% 100% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% Intended % Stable, Performing as 000 78 102102 Footage Unstable Amount of 305005 Unstable Segments Number of Totals 87777592 1616 As-built Total Number in 5 8777782 1414 Intended Performing as Number Stable, exceed 1.6) > not Metric - Riffle maintains coarser substrate include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable - Evidence of downcutting - Bar formation/growth sufficient to significantly deflect 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at base-flow. NOT > appropriate (>30% of centerline distance between tail of Sufficient (Max Pool Depth : Mean Bankfull Depth AggradationDegradationTexture/SubstrateDepthLength 1. flow laterally (not to include point bars)2. 1. 1. 2. upstream riffle and head of downstrem riffle)1. Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run)2. Thalweg centering at downstream of meander (Glide)Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or scour and erosionBanks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears likely. Does and are providing habitat.Bank slumping, calving, or collapseStructures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs.Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms.Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does 15%. (See guidance for this table in EEP monitoring guidance document) Pool forming structures maintaining ~ Max Pool Depth : Mean Bankfull Depth ratio Channel Sub-Category 1. Vertical Stability (Riffle and Run units)2. Riffle Condition3. Meander Pool Condition4.Thalweg Position1. Scoured/Eroding2. Undercut3. Mass Wasting1. Overall Integrity2. Grade Control2a. Piping3. Bank Protection4. Habitat 1. Bed 2. Bank Category Structures 3. Engineered Major Channel Table 6b. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Moores Fork Stream Mitigation ProjectDMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022Date of Visual Assessments: April 2022, September 2022Moores Fork Reach 2 (Assessed Length : 1875 feet) 98%98% 100%100% Woody Stabilizing Vegetation Adjusted % for 00 00 Woody Stabilizing Vegetation Footage with 0000 Woody Stabilizing Vegetation Number with 97%98%98%93%89% 100%100% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% Intended % Stable, Performing as 000 938989 Footage Unstable Amount of 404004 Unstable Segments Number of Totals 63 2727 131616161618 As-built Total Number in 6 3 1316161616252716 Intended Performing as Number Stable, exceed 1.6) > not Metric - Riffle maintains coarser substrate include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable - Evidence of downcutting - Bar formation/growth sufficient to significantly deflect 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at base-flow. NOT > appropriate (>30% of centerline distance between tail of Sufficient (Max Pool Depth : Mean Bankfull Depth AggradationDegradationTexture/SubstrateDepthLength 1. flow laterally (not to include point bars)2. 1. 1. 2. upstream riffle and head of downstrem riffle)1. Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run)2. Thalweg centering at downstream of meander (Glide)Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or scour and erosionBanks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears likely. Does and are providing habitat.Bank slumping, calving, or collapseStructures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs.Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms.Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does 15%. (See guidance for this table in EEP monitoring guidance document) Pool forming structures maintaining ~ Max Pool Depth : Mean Bankfull Depth ratio Channel Sub-Category 1. Vertical Stability (Riffle and Run units)2. Riffle Condition3. Meander Pool Condition4.Thalweg Position1. Scoured/Eroding2. Undercut3. Mass Wasting1. Overall Integrity2. Grade Control2a. Piping3. Bank Protection4. Habitat 1. Bed 2. Bank Category Structures 3. Engineered Major Channel Table 6c. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Moores Fork Stream Mitigation ProjectDMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022Date of Visual Assessments: April 2022, September 2022Moores Fork Reach 3 (Assessed Length : 2885 feet) 96%96% 100%100% Woody Stabilizing Vegetation Adjusted % for 00 00 Woody Stabilizing Vegetation Footage with 0000 Woody Stabilizing Vegetation Number with N/AN/A 96%96%75%75% 100% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% Intended % Stable, Performing as 0000 6767 Footage Unstable Amount of 004004 Unstable Segments Number of Totals 8881 12121212 N/AN/A As-built Total Number in 686 1 12121212 N/AN/A Intended Performing as Number Stable, exceed 1.6) > not Metric - Riffle maintains coarser substrate include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable - Evidence of downcutting - Bar formation/growth sufficient to significantly deflect 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at base-flow. NOT > appropriate (>30% of centerline distance between tail of Sufficient (Max Pool Depth : Mean Bankfull Depth AggradationDegradationTexture/SubstrateDepthLength 1. flow laterally (not to include point bars)2. 1. 1. 2. upstream riffle and head of downstrem riffle)1. Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run)2. Thalweg centering at downstream of meander (Glide)Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or scour and erosionBanks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears likely. Does and are providing habitat.Bank slumping, calving, or collapseStructures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs.Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms.Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does 15%. (See guidance for this table in EEP monitoring guidance document) Pool forming structures maintaining ~ Max Pool Depth : Mean Bankfull Depth ratio Channel Sub-Category 1. Vertical Stability (Riffle and Run units)2. Riffle Condition3. Meander Pool Condition4.Thalweg Position1. Scoured/Eroding2. Undercut3. Mass Wasting1. Overall Integrity2. Grade Control2a. Piping3. Bank Protection4. Habitat 1. Bed 2. Bank Category Structures 3. Engineered Major Channel Table 6d. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Moores Fork Stream Mitigation ProjectDMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022Date of Visual Assessments: April 2022, September 2022Silage Reach 1 (Assessed Length : 900 feet) 95%95% 100%100% Woody Stabilizing Vegetation Adjusted % for 0 0 1515 Woody Stabilizing Vegetation Footage with 1001 Woody Stabilizing Vegetation Number with N/A 97%93%81%81%81%81%95%95%75%75%75%75% 100%100%100% Intended % Stable, Performing as 000 73 225225 Footage Unstable Amount of 5000 1212 Unstable Segments Number of Totals 4 161616 1516161616 N/A As-built Total Number in 3 1413131313121212 N/A Intended Performing as Number Stable, exceed 1.6) > not Metric - Riffle maintains coarser substrate include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable - Evidence of downcutting - Bar formation/growth sufficient to significantly deflect 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at base-flow. NOT > appropriate (>30% of centerline distance between tail of Sufficient (Max Pool Depth : Mean Bankfull Depth AggradationDegradationTexture/SubstrateDepthLength 1. flow laterally (not to include point bars)2. 1. 1. 2. upstream riffle and head of downstrem riffle)1. Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run)2. Thalweg centering at downstream of meander (Glide)Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or scour and erosionBanks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears likely. Does and are providing habitat.Bank slumping, calving, or collapseStructures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs.Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms.Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does 15%. (See guidance for this table in EEP monitoring guidance document) Pool forming structures maintaining ~ Max Pool Depth : Mean Bankfull Depth ratio Channel Sub-Category 1. Vertical Stability (Riffle and Run units)2. Riffle Condition3. Meander Pool Condition4.Thalweg Position1. Scoured/Eroding2. Undercut3. Mass Wasting1. Overall Integrity2. Grade Control2a. Piping3. Bank Protection4. Habitat 1. Bed 2. Bank Category Structures 3. Engineered Major Channel Table 6e. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Moores Fork Stream Mitigation ProjectDMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022Date of Visual Assessments: April 2022, September 2022Silage Reach 2 (Assessed Length : 2448 feet) 100%100%100%100% Woody Stabilizing Vegetation Adjusted % for 00 00 Woody Stabilizing Vegetation Footage with 0000 Woody Stabilizing Vegetation Number with N/AN/AN/AN/AN/A 92%92%92% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% Intended % Stable, Performing as 000000 Footage Unstable Amount of 000000 Unstable Segments Number of Totals 22 131313 N/AN/AN/AN/AN/A As-built Total Number in 22 121212 N/AN/AN/AN/AN/A Intended Performing as Number Stable, exceed 1.6) > not Metric - Riffle maintains coarser substrate include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable - Evidence of downcutting - Bar formation/growth sufficient to significantly deflect 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at base-flow. NOT > appropriate (>30% of centerline distance between tail of Sufficient (Max Pool Depth : Mean Bankfull Depth AggradationDegradationTexture/SubstrateDepthLength 1. flow laterally (not to include point bars)2. 1. 1. 2. upstream riffle and head of downstrem riffle)1. Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run)2. Thalweg centering at downstream of meander (Glide)Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or scour and erosionBanks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears likely. Does and are providing habitat.Bank slumping, calving, or collapseStructures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs.Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms.Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does 15%. (See guidance for this table in EEP monitoring guidance document) Pool forming structures maintaining ~ Max Pool Depth : Mean Bankfull Depth ratio Channel Sub-Category 1. Vertical Stability (Riffle and Run units)2. Riffle Condition3. Meander Pool Condition4.Thalweg Position1. Scoured/Eroding2. Undercut3. Mass Wasting1. Overall Integrity2. Grade Control2a. Piping3. Bank Protection4. Habitat 1. Bed 2. Bank Category Structures 3. Engineered Major Channel Table 6f. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Moores Fork Stream Mitigation ProjectDMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022Date of Visual Assessments: April 2022, September 2022Cow Trib 1 (Assessed Length : 167 feet) 99%99% 100%100% Woody Stabilizing Vegetation Adjusted % for 00 00 Woody Stabilizing Vegetation Footage with 0000 Woody Stabilizing Vegetation Number with N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A 99%99% 100%100%100% 100%100%100%100% % Stable, Intended Performing as 0000 2323 Footage Unstable Amount of 001001 Unstable Segments Number of Totals 242424 N/A N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A As-built Total Number in 242424 N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A Intended Performing as Number Stable, exceed 1.6) > not Metric - Riffle maintains coarser substrate include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable - Evidence of downcutting - Bar formation/growth sufficient to significantly deflect 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at base-flow. NOT > appropriate (>30% of centerline distance between tail of Sufficient (Max Pool Depth : Mean Bankfull Depth AggradationDegradationTexture/SubstrateDepthLength 1. flow laterally (not to include point bars)2. 1. 1. 2. upstream riffle and head of downstrem riffle)1. Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run)2. Thalweg centering at downstream of meander (Glide)Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or scour and erosionBanks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears likely. Does and are providing habitat.Bank slumping, calving, or collapseStructures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs.Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms.Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does 15%. (See guidance for this table in EEP monitoring guidance document) Pool forming structures maintaining ~ Max Pool Depth : Mean Bankfull Depth ratio Channel Sub-Category 1. Vertical Stability (Riffle and Run units)2. Riffle Condition3. Meander Pool Condition4.Thalweg Position1. Scoured/Eroding2. Undercut3. Mass Wasting1. Overall Integrity2. Grade Control2a. Piping3. Bank Protection4. Habitat 1. Bed 2. Bank Category Structures 3. Engineered Major Channel Table 6g. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Moores Fork Stream Mitigation ProjectDMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022Date of Visual Assessments: April 2022, September 2022Cow Trib 2 (Assessed Length : 767 feet) 100%100%100%100% Woody Stabilizing Vegetation Adjusted % for 00 00 Woody Stabilizing Vegetation Footage with 0000 Woody Stabilizing Vegetation Number with N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A 85% 100%100% 100%100%100%100%100% % Stable, Intended Performing as 00000 37 Footage Unstable Amount of 100000 Unstable Segments Number of Totals 77 N/AN/A N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A As-built Total Number in 77 N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A Intended Performing as Number Stable, exceed 1.6) > not Metric - Riffle maintains coarser substrate include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable - Evidence of downcutting - Bar formation/growth sufficient to significantly deflect 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at base-flow. NOT > appropriate (>30% of centerline distance between tail of Sufficient (Max Pool Depth : Mean Bankfull Depth AggradationDegradationTexture/SubstrateDepthLength 1. flow laterally (not to include point bars)2. 1. 1. 2. upstream riffle and head of downstrem riffle)1. Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run)2. Thalweg centering at downstream of meander (Glide)Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or scour and erosionBanks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears likely. Does and are providing habitat.Bank slumping, calving, or collapseStructures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs.Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms.Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does 15%. (See guidance for this table in EEP monitoring guidance document) Pool forming structures maintaining ~ Max Pool Depth : Mean Bankfull Depth ratio Channel Sub-Category 1. Vertical Stability (Riffle and Run units)2. Riffle Condition3. Meander Pool Condition4.Thalweg Position1. Scoured/Eroding2. Undercut3. Mass Wasting1. Overall Integrity2. Grade Control2a. Piping3. Bank Protection4. Habitat 1. Bed 2. Bank Category Structures 3. Engineered Major Channel Table 6h. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Moores Fork Stream Mitigation ProjectDMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022Date of Visual Assessments: April 2022, September 2022Pond Trib (Assessed Length : 243 feet) 100%100%100%100% Woody Stabilizing Vegetation Adjusted % for 00 00 Woody Stabilizing Vegetation Footage with 0000 Woody Stabilizing Vegetation Number with N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A 100%100%100% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100% Intended % Stable, Performing as 000000 Footage Unstable Amount of 000000 Unstable Segments Number of Totals 1 151515 N/A N/AN/AN/AN/AN/A As-built Total Number in 1 151515 N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A Intended Performing as Number Stable, exceed 1.6) > not Metric - Riffle maintains coarser substrate include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable - Evidence of downcutting - Bar formation/growth sufficient to significantly deflect 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at base-flow. NOT > appropriate (>30% of centerline distance between tail of Sufficient (Max Pool Depth : Mean Bankfull Depth AggradationDegradationTexture/SubstrateDepthLength 1. flow laterally (not to include point bars)2. 1. 1. 2. upstream riffle and head of downstrem riffle)1. Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run)2. Thalweg centering at downstream of meander (Glide)Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or scour and erosionBanks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears likely. Does and are providing habitat.Bank slumping, calving, or collapseStructures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs.Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms.Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does 15%. (See guidance for this table in EEP monitoring guidance document) Pool forming structures maintaining ~ Max Pool Depth : Mean Bankfull Depth ratio Channel Sub-Category 1. Vertical Stability (Riffle and Run units)2. Riffle Condition3. Meander Pool Condition4.Thalweg Position1. Scoured/Eroding2. Undercut3. Mass Wasting1. Overall Integrity2. Grade Control2a. Piping3. Bank Protection4. Habitat 1. Bed 2. Bank Category Structures 3. Engineered Major Channel Table 6i. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Moores Fork Stream Mitigation ProjectDMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022Date of Visual Assessments: April 2022, September 2022Barn Trib Reach 1 (Assessed Length : 350 feet) 100%100%100%100% Woody Stabilizing Vegetation Adjusted % for 00 00 Woody Stabilizing Vegetation Footage with 0000 Woody Stabilizing Vegetation Number with N/AN/AN/A 100%100%100% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% % Stable, Intended Performing as 000000 Footage Unstable Amount of 000000 Unstable Segments Number of Totals 1111444 N/AN/AN/A As-built Total Number in 444 1111 N/AN/AN/A Intended Performing as Number Stable, exceed 1.6) > not Metric - Riffle maintains coarser substrate include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable - Evidence of downcutting - Bar formation/growth sufficient to significantly deflect 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at base-flow. NOT > appropriate (>30% of centerline distance between tail of Sufficient (Max Pool Depth : Mean Bankfull Depth AggradationDegradationTexture/SubstrateDepthLength 1. flow laterally (not to include point bars)2. 1. 1. 2. upstream riffle and head of downstrem riffle)1. Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run)2. Thalweg centering at downstream of meander (Glide)Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or scour and erosionBanks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears likely. Does and are providing habitat.Bank slumping, calving, or collapseStructures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs.Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms.Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does 15%. (See guidance for this table in EEP monitoring guidance document) Pool forming structures maintaining ~ Max Pool Depth : Mean Bankfull Depth ratio Channel Sub-Category 1. Vertical Stability (Riffle and Run units)2. Riffle Condition3. Meander Pool Condition4.Thalweg Position1. Scoured/Eroding2. Undercut3. Mass Wasting1. Overall Integrity2. Grade Control2a. Piping3. Bank Protection4. Habitat 1. Bed 2. Bank Category Structures 3. Engineered Major Channel Table 6j. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Moores Fork Stream Mitigation ProjectDMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022Date of Visual Assessments: April 2022, September 2022Corn Trib Reach 2 (Assessed Length : 112 feet) 0.1%0.0%0.1%0.0%0.1%0.5%0.0% AcreageAcreage % of Planted % of Easement 0.8 AcreageAcreage Combined Combined 101010 22 PolygonsPolygons Number of Number of Total N/AN/AN/A Yellow species) Cross Hatch Cross Hatch (Color varies by CCPV DepictionCCPV Depiction Cumulative Total None 1000 SF 0.1 acres Mapping Mapping Threshold 0.01 acres0.25 acres Threshold DefinitionsDefinitions 15.4 Very limited cover of both woody and herbaceous material.Woody stem densities clearly below target levels based on MY3, 4, or 5 stem count criteria.Areas with woody stems of a size class that are obviously small given the monitoring year.140 Areas or points (if too small to render as polygons at map scale).Areas or points (if too small to render as polygons at map scale). Vegetation CategoryVegetation Category Table 7. Vegetation Condition Assessment Table Moores Fork Stream Mitigation ProjectDMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022Date of Visual Assessments: April 2022, September 2022Planted Acreage1. Bare Areas2. Low Stem Density Areas3. Areas of Poor Growth Rates or VigorEasement Acreage4. Invasive Areas of Concern5. Easement Encroachment Areas Stream Photographs MY0 - MY7 PP1 – Moores Reach 1, looking upstream (06/15/2016) PP1– Moores Reach 1, looking upstream (04/05/2022) PP2 – Moores Reach 1, looking downstream (06/15/2016) PP2 –Moores Reach 1, looking downstream (04/05/2022) PP3 – Moores Reach 2, looking downstream (06/15/2016) PP3 –Moores Reach 2, looking downstream (04/05/2022) PP4 – Moores Reach 2, looking downstream (06/15/2016) PP4 –Moores Reach 2, looking downstream (04/05/2022) PP5 – Moores Reach 2, looking upstream (06/15/2016)PP5– Moores Reach 2, looking upstream (04/05/2022) PP6–Pond Tributary, looking downstream (06/15/2016) PP6– Pond Tributary, looking downstream (04/05/2022) PP7 – Pond Tributary, looking downstream (06/15/2016) PP7– Pond Tributary, looking downstream (04/05/2022) PP8 – Moores Reach 2, looking downstream (06/15/2016) PP8 –Moores Reach 2, looking downstream (04/05/2022) PP9 – Moores Reach 2, looking downstream (06/15/2016) PP9 –Moores Reach 2, looking downstream (04/05/2022) PP10– Moores Reach 2, looking downstream (06/15/2016) PP10 – Moores Reach 2, looking downstream (04/05/2022) PP11– Moores Reach 2, looking downstream (06/15/2016) PP11 – Moores Reach 2, looking downstream (04/05/2022) PP12 – Barn Reach 2, looking upstream (06/15/2016) PP12 – Barn Reach 2, looking upstream (04/05/2022) PP13– Moores Reach 2, looking downstream (06/15/2016) PP13 – Moores Reach 2, looking downstream (04/05/2022) PP14 – Moores Reach 2, looking downstream (06/15/2016) PP14 – Moores Reach 2, looking downstream (04/05/2022) PP15 – Moores Reach 2, looking downstream (06/15/2016) PP15 – Moores Reach 2, looking downstream (04/05/2022) PP16 – Moores Reach 2, looking upstream (06/15/2016) PP16 –Moores Reach 2, looking upstream (04/05/2022) PP17 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (06/15/2016) PP17 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (04/05/2022) PP18 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (06/15/2016)PP18 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (04/05/2022) PP19 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (06/15/2016) PP19 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (04/05/2022) PP20 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (06/15/2016) PP20 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (04/05/2022) PP21 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (06/15/2016) PP21 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (04/05/2022) PP22 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (06/15/2016) PP22 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (04/05/2022) PP23 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (06/15/2016) PP23 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (04/05/2022) PP24 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (06/15/2016) PP24 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (04/05/2022) PP25 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (06/15/2016) PP25 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (04/05/2022) PP26 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (06/15/2016) PP26 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (04/05/2022) PP27 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (06/15/2016) PP27 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (04/05/2022) PP28 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (06/15/2016) PP28 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (04/05/2022) PP29 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (06/15/2016) PP29 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (04/05/2022) PP30 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (06/15/2016) PP30 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (04/05/2022) PP31 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (06/15/2016) PP31 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (04/05/2022) PP32 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (06/15/2016) PP32 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (04/05/2022) PP33 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (06/15/2016) PP33 – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (04/05/2022) PP33a – Moores Reach 3, looking upstream (06/15/2016) PP33a –Moores Reach 3, looking upstream (04/05/2022) PP33b – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (06/15/2016) PP33b – Moores Reach 3, looking downstream (04/05/2022) PP34 – Corn Reach 1, looking downslope (06/15/2016) PP34 – Corn Reach 1, looking downslope (04/05/2022) PP35 – Corn Reach 2, looking downstream (06/15/2016) PP35 – Corn Reach 2, looking downstream (04/05/2022) PP36 – Corn Reach 2, looking upstream(06/15/2016) PP36 –Corn Reach 2, looking upstream (04/05/2022) PP37 –Silage Reach 2, looking downslope (06/15/2016) PP37 – Silage Reach 2, looking downslope (04/06/2022) PP38 –Silage Reach 2, looking downstream(06/15/2016) PP38 – Silage Reach 2, looking downstream (04/06/2022) PP39 – Silage Reach 2, looking upstream (06/15/2016) PP39 –Silage Reach 2, looking upstream (04/06/2022) PP40 –Silage Reach 2, looking downstream(06/15/2016) PP40 – Silage Reach 2, looking downstream (04/06/2022) PP41 –Silage Reach 2, looking downstream(06/15/2016) PP41 – Silage Reach 2, looking downstream (04/06/2022) PP42 –Silage Reach 2, looking downstream(06/15/2016) PP42 – Silage Reach 2, looking downstream (04/06/2022) PP43 –Cow Tributary 2, looking downstream(06/15/2016) PP43 – Cow Tributary 2, looking downstream (04/06/2022) PP44 –Cow Tributary 2, looking downstream(06/15/2016) PP44 – Cow Tributary 2, looking downstream (04/06/2022) PP45 –Cow Tributary 2, looking downstream(06/15/2016) PP45 – Cow Tributary 2, looking downstream (04/06/2022) PP46 – Cow Tributary 2, looking upstream (06/15/2016) PP46 – Cow Tributary 2, looking upstream (04/06/2022) PP47 –Silage Reach 2, looking downstream(06/15/2016) PP47 – Silage Reach 2, looking downstream (04/06/2022) PP48 – Silage Reach 2, looking upstream (06/15/2016) PP48 –Silage Reach 2, looking upstream (04/06/2022) PP49 – Cow Tributary 1, looking upstream (06/15/2016) PP49 – Cow Tributary 1, looking upstream (04/06/2022) PP50 – Cow Tributary 1, looking upstream (06/15/2016) PP50 – Cow Tributary 1, looking upstream (04/06/2022) PP51 –Silage Reach 2, looking downstream(06/15/2016) PP51 – Silage Reach 2, looking downstream (04/06/2022) PP52 – Silage Reach 2, looking upstream (06/15/2016) PP52 –Silage Reach 2, looking upstream (04/06/2022) PP53 –Silage Reach 2, looking downstream(06/15/2016) PP53 – Silage Reach 2, looking downstream (04/06/2022) PP54 – Silage Reach 2, looking upstream (06/15/2016) PP54 –Silage Reach 2, looking upstream (04/06/2022) PP55 – UT1, looking upstream (06/15/2016)PP55 –UT1, looking upstream (04/06/2022) PP56 –Silage Reach 1, looking downstream(06/15/2016) PP56 – Silage Reach 1, looking downstream (04/06/2022) PP57 – Silage Reach 1, looking upstream (06/15/2016) PP57 –Silage Reach 1, looking upstream (04/06/2022) PP58 – Silage Reach 1, looking upstream (06/15/2016) PP58 –Silage Reach 1, looking upstream (04/06/2022) PP59 –Silage Reach 1, looking downstream(06/15/2016) PP59 – Silage Reach 1, looking downstream (04/06/2022) PP60 – Silage Reach 1, looking downstream (06/15/2016) PP60 – Silage Reach 1, looking downstream (04/06/2022) PP61 – Barn Reach 1, looking downslope(06/15/2016) PP61 – Barn Reach 1, looking downslope (04/06/2022) PP62 – Barn Reach 1, looking downstream(06/15/2016) PP62 –Barn Reach 1, looking downstream (04/06/2022) PP63 – Barn Reach 1, looking downstream(06/15/2016) PP63 –Barn Reach 1, looking downstream (04/06/2022) PP64 – Barn Reach 2, looking downstream(06/15/2016) PP64 –Barn Reach 2, looking downstream (04/06/2022) PP65 – Barn Reach 2, looking downslope(06/15/2016) PP65 – Barn Reach 2, looking downslope (04/06/2022) PP66 –Silage Reach 1, looking upslope (06/15/2016) PP66 – Silage Reach 1, looking upslope(04/06/2022) PP67 – UT1, looking downstream (06/15/2016) PP67 – UT1, looking downstream (04/06/2022) Repair AreasPhoto Log Moores Fork Reach 2 STA 35+40 left bank repair – 4/19/2021 Moores Fork Reach 2 STA 35+40 left bank repair – 4/05/2022 UT8/Wetland outlet repair at confluence with Moores Fork –UT8/Wetland outlet repair at confluence with Moores Fork – 4/19/2021 4/05/2022 UT10/Wetland outlet repair at confluence with Moores Fork – UT10/Wetland outlet repair at confluence with Moores Fork – 4/19/2021 4/05/2022 UT10/Wetland outlet repair – 4/19/2021UT10/Wetland outlet repair – 4/05/2022 Moores Fork Reach 3 STA 64+10 left bank repair – 4/19/2021 Moores Fork Reach 3 STA 64+10 left bank repair – 4/05/2022 Silage Reach 1 STA 10+40 gully stabilization – 4/19/2021 Silage Reach 1 STA 10+40 gully stabilization – 4/06/2022 Silage Reach 1 STA 19+00 right bank repair – 4/20/2021Silage Reach 1 STA 19+00 right bank repair – 4/06/2022 UT1 downstream repair near confluence with Silage Reach 1 – UT1 downstream repair near confluence with Silage Reach 1 – 4/20/20214/06/2022 Upper UT1 repair area gully stabilization – 4/20/2021Upper UT1 repair area gully stabilization –4/06/2022 Silage Reach 1 STA 30+30 left bank repair – 4/20/2021 Silage Reach 1 STA 30+30 left bank repair –4/06/2022 Upper Cow Trib 2 repair area gully stabilization – 4/20/2021 Upper Cow Trib2 repair area gully stabilization –4/06/2022 Upper Cow Trib 2 repair area – 4/20/2021 Upper Cow Trib 2 repair area – 4/06/2022 Vegetation Photographs MY0 – MY7 Vegetation Plot 1 – (06/01/2016) Vegetation Plot 1– (09/26/2022) Vegetation Plot 2 – (06/01/2016) Vegetation Plot 2– (09/26/2022) Vegetation Plot 3 – (06/01/2016) Vegetation Plot 3– (09/26/2022) Vegetation Plot 4 – (06/01/2016) Vegetation Plot 4– (09/26/2022) Vegetation Plot 5 – (06/01/2016) Vegetation Plot 5– (09/26/2022) Vegetation Plot 6 – (06/01/2016) Vegetation Plot 6– (09/26/2022) Vegetation Plot 7 – (06/01/2016) Vegetation Plot 7– (09/26/2022) Vegetation Plot 8 – (06/02/2016) Vegetation Plot 8– (09/26/2022) Vegetation Plot 9 – (06/02/2016) Vegetation Plot 9– (09/26/2022) Vegetation Plot 10 – (06/02/2016) Vegetation Plot 10 –(09/26/2022) Vegetation Plot 11 – (06/02/2016) Vegetation Plot 11 –(09/26/2022) Vegetation Plot 12 – (06/01/2016) Vegetation Plot 12 –(09/26/2022) APPENDIX C. Vegetation Plot Data 100% Tract Mean YYYYYYYYYYYY Met (Y/N) MY7 Success Criteria cvs-eep-entrytool-v2.5.0 Moores MY7.mdbL:\\Active Projects\\005-02153 Moores Monitoring\\Monitoring\\Monitoring Year 7 (2022)\\Vegetation AssessmentMIMI-PC53542912Description of database file, the report worksheets, and a summary of project(s) and project data.Each project is listed with its PLANTED stems per acre, for each year. This excludes live stakes.Each project is listed with its TOTAL stems per acre, for each year. This includes live stakes, all planted stems, and all natural/volunteer stems.List of plots surveyed with location and summary data (live stems, dead stems, missing, etc.).Frequency distribution of vigor classes for stems for all plots.Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed by species.List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences and percent of total stems impacted by each.Damage values tallied by type for each species.Damage values tallied by type for each plot.A matrix of the count of PLANTED living stems of each species for each plot; dead and missing stems are excluded.A matrix of the count of total living stems of each species (planted and natural volunteers combined) for each plot; dead and missing stems are excluded.94709Moores Fork Stream Mitigation 121212 123456789 101112 Plot Computer Name Table 8. Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment Moores Fork Stream Mitigation ProjectDMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 Table 9. CVS Vegetation Plot Metadata Moores Fork Stream Mitigation ProjectDMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022Database NameDatabase LocationFile SizeDESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT------------MetadataProj, plantedProj, total stemsPlotsVigorVigor by SppDamageDamage by SppDamage by PlotPlanted Stems by Plot and SppALL Stems by Plot and sppPROJECT SUMMARY-------------------------------------Project CodeProject NameDescriptionRiver BasinLength(ft)Stream-to-edge Width (ft)Area (sq m)Required Plots (calculated)Sampled PlotsRequired Plots (calculated)Sampled Plots T 12121122321 1811 728 111223217 12 486 P-all 0.02471 94709-01-0006 11122327 12 486 PnoLS T 3294126 21 850 2191215 15 607 P-all 0.02471 94709-01-0005 219125 15 607 PnoLS T 1542116 14 567 15421116 14 567 P-all 0.02471 94709-01-0004 1542116 14 567 PnoLS T 1311175 283 13111715 283 P-all 0.02471 94709-01-0003 1311175 283 PnoLS T 131164 243 1311614 243 P-all 0.02471 94709-01-0002 131164 243 PnoLS T 3533 11 445 PnoLS: Number of planted stems excluding live stakesP-all: Number of planted stems including live stakesT: Total stems Current Plot Data (MY7 2022) 35313 11 445 P-all 0.02471 94709-01-0001 3533 11 445 PnoLS size (ares) Stem count size (ACRES) Species count Species Type TreeTreeShrub TreeTreeShrub TreeTreeTreeTreeTreeTreeTreeTreeTreeTreeTreeTreeTreeTreeTreeShrub TreeShrub TreeTree Stems per ACRE Common Name Box ElderRed MapleTag AlderRiver Birch, Red BirchRedbudFlowering dogwoodAmerican PersimmonGreen Ash, Red AshBlack WalnutTulip PoplarBlack GumSycamoreBlack CherryBradford PearOvercup OakRock Chestnut OakWater OakWillow OakNorthern Red OakWinged SumacSmooth SumacBlack Willow Scientific Name Table 10a. Planted and Total Stem Counts Moores Fork Stream Mitigation ProjectDMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 Acer negundoAcer rubrumAlnus serrulataBetula nigraCercis canadensisCornus floridaDiospyros virginianaFraxinus pennsylvanicaJuglans nigraLiriodendron tulipiferaNyssa sylvaticaPlatanus occidentalisPrunus serotinaPyrus calleryanaQuercus lyrataQuercus montanaQuercus nigraQuercus phellosQuercus rubraRhus copallinumRhus glabraSalix nigra Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10%Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10%Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10%Fails to meet requirements by more than 10%Volunteer species included in total T 612115 11 445 6111914 364 P-all 0.02471 94709-01-0012 611194 364 PnoLS T 935355 25 1012 153514 14 567 P-all 0.02471 94709-01-0011 15354 14 567 PnoLS T 5442318 254084 3399 44313 11 445 P-all 0.02471 94709-01-0010 4433 11 445 PnoLS T 1134161619 24 971 11616116 16 647 P-all 0.02471 94709-01-0009 1161616 16 647 PnoLS T 112214198 21 850 11241915 364 P-all 0.02471 94709-01-0008 1124195 364 PnoLS T 5473 16 647 PnoLS: Number of planted stems excluding live stakesP-all: Number of planted stems including live stakesT: Total stems Current Plot Data (MY7 2022) 52713 14 567 P-all 0.02471 94709-01-0007 5273 14 567 PnoLS size (ares) Stem count size (ACRES) Species count Species Type TreeTreeShrub TreeTreeShrub TreeTreeTreeTreeTreeTreeTreeTreeTreeTreeTreeTreeTreeTreeTreeShrub TreeShrub TreeTree Stems per ACRE Common Name Box ElderRed MapleTag AlderRiver Birch, Red BirchRedbudFlowering dogwoodAmerican PersimmonGreen Ash, Red AshBlack WalnutTulip PoplarBlack GumSycamoreBlack CherryBradford PearOvercup OakRock Chestnut OakWater OakWillow OakNorthern Red OakWinged SumacSmooth SumacBlack Willow Scientific Name Table 10b. Planted and Total Stem Counts Moores Fork Stream Mitigation ProjectDMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 Acer negundoAcer rubrumAlnus serrulataBetula nigraCercis canadensisCornus floridaDiospyros virginianaFraxinus pennsylvanicaJuglans nigraLiriodendron tulipiferaNyssa sylvaticaPlatanus occidentalisPrunus serotinaPyrus calleryanaQuercus lyrataQuercus montanaQuercus nigraQuercus phellosQuercus rubraRhus copallinumRhus glabraSalix nigra Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10%Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10%Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10%Fails to meet requirements by more than 10%Volunteer species included in total T 479 14141926292214 149502 479 1414192629221412 149502 P-all 0.29653 MY0 (2016) 479 14141926292214 149502 PnoLS T 2871 1413202628211411 154519 479 1413202528211412 146492 P-all 0.29653 MY1 (2016) 479 14132025282114 146492 PnoLS T 7342 171670172430141712 221745 144 161517243014151210 140472 P-all 0.29653 MY2 (2017) 144 1615172430141510 140472 PnoLS T 1145 20211748162328141513 213718 449 1715162328141512 136459 P-all 0.29653 MY3 (2018) 449 17151623281415 136459 PnoLS T 31242 10181541162429111514 191644 144 171516242911151210 136459 P-all 0.29653 MY4 (2019) 144 1715162429111510 136459 PnoLS T 54229421 1918551624291616 144350 1180 125941 1817162429161212 142479 P-all 0.29653 MY5 (2020) 125941 18171624291612 142479 PnoLS T 2732234143 33181760182430101619 257867 Annual Stem Counts & Means 32541 171616242910161212 143482 P-all 0.29653 MY6 (2021) 32541 1716162429101612 143482 PnoLS T 1252574291 37221452182427101619 258870 PnoLS: Number of planted stems excluding live stakesP-all: Number of planted stems including live stakesT: Total stems 32541 171316242710161212 138465 P-all 0.29653 MY7 (2022) 32541 1713162427101612 138465 PnoLS size (ares) Stem count size (ACRES) Species count Species Type TreeTreeShrub TreeTreeShrub TreeTreeTreeTreeTreeTreeTreeTreeTreeTreeTreeTreeTreeTreeTreeShrub TreeShrub TreeTree Stems per ACRE Common Name Box ElderRed MapleTag AlderRiver Birch, Red BirchRedbudFlowering dogwoodAmerican PersimmonGreen Ash, Red AshBlack WalnutTulip PoplarBlack GumSycamoreBlack CherryBradford PearOvercup OakRock Chestnut OakWater OakWillow OakNorthern Red OakWinged SumacSmooth SumacBlack Willow Scientific Name Table 10c. Planted and Total Stem Counts Moores Fork Stream Mitigation ProjectDMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 Acer negundoAcer rubrumAlnus serrulataBetula nigraCercis canadensisCornus floridaDiospyros virginianaFraxinus pennsylvanicaJuglans nigraLiriodendron tulipiferaNyssa sylvaticaPlatanus occidentalisPrunus serotinaPyrus calleryanaQuercus lyrataQuercus montanaQuercus nigraQuercus phellosQuercus rubraRhus copallinumRhus glabraSalix nigra Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10%Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10%Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10%Fails to meet requirements by more than 10%Volunteer species included in total Table 10d. Planted Stem Average Heights Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 Average Stem Height (ft) by Plot MY2MY3MY4MY5MY6MY7 Vegetation Plot 1 Vegetation Plot 2 Vegetation Plot 3 Vegetation Plot 4 7.811.915.320.424.225.7 Vegetation Plot 5 8.012.615.921.224.931.6 Vegetation Plot 6 Vegetation Plot 7 4.97.610.115.317.522.1 Vegetation Plot 8 Vegetation Plot 9 Vegetation Plot 10 Vegetation Plot 11 Vegetation Plot 12 Site Average4. Table 10e. Stems Per Plot Across All Years Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 MY7 (2022)MY6 (2021)MY5 (2020)MY4 (2019) Plot Planted Total Total Planted Total Total Planted Total Total Planted Total Total StemsStemsStems/AcStemsStemsStems/AcStemsStemsStems/AcStemsStemsStems/Ac 11111445121248612124861212486 266243772837728367283 377283772837728355202 41414567171768817176881717688 51521850151976914176881418728 6 1218728122080911124861313526 7 1416648131560713145671212486 8 921850915607914567712486 9 1624971161768816208091616648 10 11843,39911983,966112018,13410532,145 11 14251,012141872814187281416648 12445101248611114451010405 911 MY3 (2018)MY2 (2017)MY1 (2016)MY0 (2016) Plot Planted Total Total Planted Total Total Planted Total Total Planted Total Total StemsStemsStems/AcStemsStemsStems/AcStemsStemsStems/AcStemsStemsStems/Ac 11214567121248613135261212486 277283772836624377283 366243772837728377283 41515607171768816166481717688 51416648141664813166481414567 61414567131352619197692121850 71216648121352613135261414567 861456781248681352688324 91620809161872816166481616648 1010652,63110813,2789936488324 111416648141456714145671313526 121010405101144512124861212486 APPENDIX D. Morphological Summary Data and Plots --------- ------------------ 37.894.815.139.599.515.756.021.2 MY7MY7MY7 147.7 1149.31149.31138.41138.41132.31132.3 MY6MY6MY6 --------------------------- 40.495.517.139.914.855.022.7 MY5MY5MY5 107.7133.3 1149.01149.01138.31138.31132.21132.2 333 MY4MY4MY4 222 --------------------------- 38.081.817.648.119.857.923.0 MY3MY3MY3 116.7146.1 1148.41148.41138.71138.71132.11132.1 1 Cross-Section M3 (Pool)Cross-Section M6 (Pool)Cross-Section M9 (Pool) --------------------------- MY2 38.987.817.2 MY2 39.313.354.320.1 MY2 115.6146.1 1148.41148.41138.61138.51132.11132.1 11 --------------------------- 39.390. MY1 MY1MY1 106.2149.5 1148.41148.31138.61138.51132.11132.1 111 --------------------------- 39.191.816.639.314.552.018.5 106.1146.3 BaseBaseBase 1148.41148.41138.61138.61132.11132.1 29.566.413.133.666.517.034.892.613.1 MY7MY7MY7 145.0124.0124.0 1149.51149.51139.51139.31132.41132.5 MY6MY6MY6 33.870.516.234.784.714.135.996.613.3 MY5MY5MY5 145.0124.0124.0 1149.31149.41139.51139.91132.51132.6 333 MY4MY4MY4 222 38.567.222.1<1.032.773.014.636.591.514.6 MY3MY3MY3 145.0124.0124.0 1149.11148.81139.51139.71132.41132.2 Cross-Section M2 (Riffle)Cross-Section M5 (Riffle)Cross-Section M8 (Riffle) MY2 32.562.017.0 MY2 32.672.814.6 MY2 33.589.212.6 145.0124.0124.0 1139.51139.71132.41132.3 1148.71148.6 1 32.565.616.131.672.413.834.091.512.6 MY1MY1 MY1 145.0124.0124.0 1148.71148.71139.51139.41132.41132.3 1 31.867. BaseBase 145.0124.0124.0 Base 1148.71148.71139.51139.51132.41132.4<1.055.726.549.724.6<1.0 MY7MY7MY7 145.0124.0117.2124.0100.4 1150.91150.51142.51142.81135.41135.0 MY6MY6MY6 32.465.316.0<1.052.489.930.5<1.048.522.3<1.0 MY5MY5MY5 145.0124.0124.0105.4 1150.71150.41142.51142.31135.11134.9 333 MY4MY4MY4 222 <1.0<1.052.383.832.751.022.0<1.0 MY3MY3MY3 145.0124.0124.0118.1 1150.51150.31142.51142.21135.01134.8 Cross-Section M7 (Run) Cross-Section M1 (Riffle)Cross-Section M4 (Riffle) <1.0 MY2 34.171.916.1 MY2 52.395.828.6 MY2 49.620.9 145.0124.0124.0117.7 1142.31141.61134.91135.0 1150.41150.4 34.274.315.751.697.427.3< MY1MY1MY1 145.0124.0124.0117.0 1142.31141.61134.91134.9 1150.41150.5 1 BaseBase 145.0124.0101.1124.0118.1 Base 1142.31142.31134.91134.9 1150.41150.4 ))) 222 Bankfull Width (ft)Bankfull Width (ft)Bankfull Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft)Floodprone Width (ft)Floodprone Width (ft) bankfull elevation (ft)bankfull elevation (ft)bankfull elevation (ft) low bank elevation (ft)low bank elevation (ft)low bank elevation (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft)Bankfull Max Depth (ft)Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Bank Height RatioBankfull Bank Height RatioBankfull Bank Height Ratio Bankfull Width/Depth RatioBankfull Width/Depth RatioBankfull Width/Depth Ratio Bankfull Entrenchment RatioBankfull Entrenchment RatioBankfull Entrenchment Ratio Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ftBankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ftBankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft Prior to MY3, bankfull dimensions were calculated using a fixed bankfull elevation. For MY3-MY7, Bank Height Ratio is calculated based on the As-built (Base) cross-sectional area as described in the Standard Measurement of the MY4 and MY6 are reduced monitoring years. No geomorphic data collected. Adjustment in survey points included in bankfull calculations resulting in change to previous monitoring year bankfull dimensions. Table 12a. Morphology and Hydraulic Summary (Dimensional Parameters - Cross-Section)Moores Fork Stream Mitigation ProjectDMS Project No.94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022Moores ForkDimension and SubstrateDimension and SubstrateDimension and Substrate 2 BHR Monitoring Parameter document provided by the NCIRT and NCDMS (9/2018). The remainder of the cross-section dimension parameters were calculated based on the low bank elevation.3 1 20.511.428.014.2 MY7MY7 1192.81192.91175.21175.8 MY6MY6 MY5MY5 1192.61192.91174.91175.7 33 MY4MY4 22 20.028.0 MY3MY3 1192.81192.71175.41175.4 1 Cross-Section ST3 (Riffle)Cross-Section ST6 (Riffle) 1.51.5<<1.0 MY2 MY2 1193.01192.71175.41175.3 11<<1.0 MY1MY1 1193.01192.91175.41175.3 11 0.91.3 15.018.728.013.5 BaseBase 1193.01193.01175.41175.4 ------------------ MY7MY7 1234.11234.11185.01185.0 MY6MY6 ------------------ 10.110.5 MY5MY5 1233.61233.61185.01185.0 33 MY4MY4 22 ------------------ MY3MY3 1233.51233.51184.71184.7 Cross-Section ST2 (Pool)Cross-Section ST5 (Pool) ------------------ 1.11.6 MY2MY2 1233.41233.51185.11185.0 11 ------------------ MY1MY1 1233.41233.41185.11184.9 1 ------------------ 1.21.4 Base Base 1233.41233.41185.11185.1 --------- 11.014.814.115.633.5 MY7MY7MY7 1234.21234.81192.51192.51164.81164.9 MY6MY6MY6 --------- 13.910.817.910.534.012.0 MY5MY5MY5 1234.11234.61192.51192.51164.71165.0 333 MY4MY4MY4 222 --------- 10.716.519.114.331.0<1.0 MY3MY3MY3 1234.11234.41193.11193.11164.71164.6 Cross-Section ST4 (Pool) Cross-Section ST1 (Riffle)Cross-Section ST7 (Riffle) --------- 2.3 14.716.013.410.833.612.1 MY2MY2MY2 1234.61234.61193.11192.91164.71164.6 11 --------- 14.919.411.410.531.812.0<1.0 MY1 MY1MY1 1234.61234.61193.11192.91164.71164.6 11 --------- 2.4 13.915.512.510.329.612.0 Base BaseBase 1234.61234.61193.11193.11164.71164.7 ))) 222 Bankfull Width (ft)Bankfull Width (ft)Bankfull Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft)Floodprone Width (ft)Floodprone Width (ft) bankfull elevation (ft)bankfull elevation (ft)bankfull elevation (ft) low bank elevation (ft)low bank elevation (ft)low bank elevation (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft)Bankfull Max Depth (ft)Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Bank Height RatioBankfull Bank Height RatioBankfull Bank Height Ratio Bankfull Width/Depth RatioBankfull Width/Depth RatioBankfull Width/Depth Ratio Bankfull Entrenchment RatioBankfull Entrenchment RatioBankfull Entrenchment Ratio Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ftBankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ftBankfull Cross-Sectional Area (ft Prior to MY3, bankfull dimensions were calculated using a fixed bankfull elevation. For MY3-MY7, Bank Height Ratio is calculated based on the As-built (Base) cross-sectional area as described in the Standard Measurement of the MY4 and MY6 are reduced monitoring years. No geomorphic data collected. Adjustment in survey points included in bankfull calculations resulting in change to previous monitoring year bankfull dimensions. Table 12b. Morphology and Hydraulic Summary (Dimensional Parameters - Cross-Section)Moores Fork Stream Mitigation ProjectDMS Project No.94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022Silage TributaryDimension and SubstrateDimension and SubstrateDimension and Substrate 2 BHR Monitoring Parameter document provided by the NCIRT and NCDMS (9/2018). The remainder of the cross-section dimension parameters were calculated based on the low bank elevation.3 1 Cross-Section Plots Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 Cross Section M1- Moores Fork 27+16 Riffle 1155 1154 1153 1152 1151 1150 1149 1148 1147 1146 010203040506070 Width (ft) MY0 (6/2016)MY1 (11/2016)MY2 (6/2017) MY3 (6/2018)MY5 (4/2020)MY7 (5/2022) BankfullFloodprone AreaMY0 BKF XS Area Elevation Bankfull Dimensions 62.1x-section area (ft.sq.) 31.0width (ft) 2.0mean depth (ft) 3.6max depth (ft) 32.6wetted perimeter (ft) 1.9hydraulic radius (ft) 15.5width-depth ratio 145.0W flood prone area (ft) 4.7entrenchment ratio 0.9low bank height ratio Survey Date:5/2022 Field Crew:Kee Mapping & Surveying View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 Cross Section M2- Moores Fork 29+84 Riffle 1154 1153 1152 1151 1150 1149 1148 1147 1146 1145 010203040506070 Width (ft) MY0 (6/2016)MY1 (11/2016)MY2 (6/2017) MY3 (6/2018)MY5 (4/2020)MY7 (5/2022) BankfullFloodprone AreaMY0 BKF XS Area Elevation Bankfull Dimensions 66.4x-section area (ft.sq.) 29.5width (ft) 2.3mean depth (ft) 4.1max depth (ft) 31.6wetted perimeter (ft) 2.1hydraulic radius (ft) 13.1width-depth ratio 145.0W flood prone area (ft) 4.9entrenchment ratio 1.0low bank height ratio Survey Date:5/2022 Field Crew:Kee Mapping & Surveying View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 Cross Section M3- Moores Fork 31+07 Pool 1151 1150 1149 1148 1147 1146 1145 1144 1143 0102030405060708090 Width (ft) MY0 (6/2016)MY1 (11/2016)MY2 (6/2017)MY3 (6/2018)MY5 (4/2020)MY7 (5/2022)Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions 94.8x-section area (ft.sq.) 37.8width (ft) 2.5mean depth (ft) 5.4max depth (ft) 40.5wetted perimeter (ft) 2.3hydraulic radius (ft) 15.1width-depth ratio Survey Date:5/2022 Field Crew:Kee Mapping & Surveying View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 Cross Section M4- Moores Fork 39+92 Riffle 1149 1147 1145 1143 1141 1139 1137 01020304050607080 Width (ft) MY0 (6/2016)MY1 (11/2016)MY2 (6/2017) MY3 (6/2018)MY5 (4/2020)MY7 (5/2022) BankfullFloodprone AreaMY0 BKF XS Area Elevation Bankfull Dimensions 117.2x-section area (ft.sq.) 55.7width (ft) 2.1mean depth (ft) 4.9max depth (ft) 59.4wetted perimeter (ft) 2.0hydraulic radius (ft) 26.5width-depth ratio 124.0W flood prone area (ft) 2.2entrenchment ratio 1.1low bank height ratio Survey Date:5/2022 Field Crew:Kee Mapping & Surveying View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 Cross Section M5- Moores Fork 45+02 Riffle 1145 1143 1141 1139 1137 1135 0102030405060 Width (ft) MY0 (6/2016)MY1 (11/2016)MY2 (6/2017) MY3 (6/2018)MY5 (4/2020)MY7 (5/2022) BankfullFloodprone AreaMY0 BKF XS Area Elevation Bankfull Dimensions 66.5x-section area (ft.sq.) 33.6width (ft) 2.0mean depth (ft) 3.7max depth (ft) 35.4wetted perimeter (ft) 1.9hydraulic radius (ft) 17.0width-depth ratio 124.0W flood prone area (ft) 3.7entrenchment ratio 1.0low bank height ratio Survey Date:5/2022 Field Crew:Kee Mapping & Surveying XS5 DS View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 Cross Section M6- Moores Fork 47+34 Pool 1144 1142 1140 1138 1136 1134 1132 0102030405060708090 Width (ft) MY0 (6/2016)MY1 (11/2016)MY2 (6/2017)MY3 (6/2018)MY5 (4/2020)MY7 (5/2022)Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions 99.5x-section area (ft.sq.) 39.5width (ft) 2.5mean depth (ft) 4.9max depth (ft) 42.5wetted perimeter (ft) 2.3hydraulic radius (ft) 15.7width-depth ratio Survey Date:5/2022 Field Crew:Kee Mapping & Surveying XS6 DS View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 Cross Section M7- Moores Fork 52+16 Run 1140 1138 1136 1134 1132 1130 0102030405060708090 Width (ft) MY0 (6/2016)MY1 (11/2016)MY2 (6/2017) MY3 (6/2018)MY5 (4/2020)MY7 (5/2022) BankfullFloodprone AreaMY0 BKF XS Area Elevation Bankfull Dimensions 100.4x-section area (ft.sq.) 49.7width (ft) 2.0mean depth (ft) 4.2max depth (ft) 51.5wetted perimeter (ft) 2.0hydraulic radius (ft) 24.6width-depth ratio 124.0W flood prone area (ft) 2.5entrenchment ratio 0.9low bank height ratio Survey Date:5/2022 Field Crew:Kee Mapping & Surveying View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 Cross Section M8- Moores Fork 56+02 Riffle 1139 1137 1135 1133 1131 1129 1127 01020304050607080 Width (ft) MY0 (6/2016)MY1 (11/2016)MY2 (6/2017) MY3 (6/2018)MY5 (4/2020)MY7 (5/2022) BankfullFloodprone AreaMY0 BKF XS Area Elevation Bankfull Dimensions 92.6x-section area (ft.sq.) 34.8width (ft) 2.7mean depth (ft) 5.3max depth (ft) 38.0wetted perimeter (ft) 2.4hydraulic radius (ft) 13.1width-depth ratio 124.0W flood prone area (ft) 3.6entrenchment ratio 1.0low bank height ratio Survey Date:5/2022 Field Crew:Kee Mapping & Surveying View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 Cross Section M9- Moores Fork 57+38 Pool 1137 1135 1133 1131 1129 1127 1125 01020304050607080 Width (ft) MY0 (6/2016)MY1 (11/2016)MY2 (6/2017)MY3 (6/2018)MY5 (4/2020)MY7 (5/2022)Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions 147.7x-section area (ft.sq.) 56.0width (ft) 2.6mean depth (ft) 6.8max depth (ft) 60.4wetted perimeter (ft) 2.4hydraulic radius (ft) 21.2width-depth ratio Survey Date:5/2022 Field Crew:Kee Mapping & Surveying View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 Cross Section ST1- Silage Trib 13+46 Riffle 1242 1240 1238 1236 1234 1232 10152025303540 Width (ft) MY0 (6/2016)MY1 (11/2016)MY2 (6/2017) MY3 (6/2018)MY5 (4/2020)MY7 (5/2022) BankfullFloodprone AreaMY0 BKF XS Area Elevation Bankfull Dimensions 6.3x-section area (ft.sq.) 6.5width (ft) 1.0mean depth (ft) 1.4max depth (ft) 7.5wetted perimeter (ft) 0.8hydraulic radius (ft) 6.7width-depth ratio 11.0W flood prone area (ft) 1.7entrenchment ratio 1.8low bank height ratio Survey Date:5/2022 Field Crew:Kee Mapping & Surveying View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 Cross Section ST2- Silage Trib 13+81 Pool 1238 1237 1236 1235 1234 1233 1232 1231 1015202530 Width (ft) MY0 (6/2016)MY1 (11/2016)MY2 (6/2017)MY3 (6/2018)MY5 (4/2020)MY7 (5/2022)Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions 10.2x-section area (ft.sq.) 6.6width (ft) 1.5mean depth (ft) 2.3max depth (ft) 8.5wetted perimeter (ft) 1.2hydraulic radius (ft) 4.3width-depth ratio Survey Date:5/2022 Field Crew:Kee Mapping & Surveying View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 Cross Section ST3 - Silage Trib 25+48 Riffle 1195 1194 1193 1192 1191 0510152025 Width (ft) MY0 (6/2016)MY1 (11/2016)MY2 (6/2017) MY3 (6/2018)MY5 (4/2020)MY7 (5/2022) BankfullFloodprone AreaMY0 BKF XS Area Elevation Bankfull Dimensions 6.2x-section area (ft.sq.) 6.9width (ft) 0.9mean depth (ft) 1.3max depth (ft) 7.7wetted perimeter (ft) 0.8hydraulic radius (ft) 7.7width-depth ratio 20.5W flood prone area (ft) 3.0entrenchment ratio 1.2low bank height ratio Survey Date:5/2022 Field Crew:Kee Mapping & Surveying View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 Cross Section ST4 - Silage Trib 25+70 Pool 1195 1194 1193 1192 1191 1190 05101520 Width (ft) MY0 (6/2016)MY1 (11/2016)MY2 (6/2017)MY3 (6/2018)MY5 (4/2020)MY7 (5/2022)Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions 14.1x-section area (ft.sq.) 14.8width (ft) 1.0mean depth (ft) 1.9max depth (ft) 16.1wetted perimeter (ft) 0.9hydraulic radius (ft) 15.6width-depth ratio Survey Date:5/2022 Field Crew:Kee Mapping & Surveying View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 Cross Section ST5 - Silage Trib 28+55 Pool 1188 1187 1186 1185 1184 1183 05101520 Width (ft) MY0 (6/2016)MY1 (11/2016)MY2 (6/2017)MY3 (6/2018)MY5 (4/2020)MY7 (5/2022)Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions 12.6x-section area (ft.sq.) 10.2width (ft) 1.2mean depth (ft) 1.7max depth (ft) 11.2wetted perimeter (ft) 1.1hydraulic radius (ft) 8.2width-depth ratio Survey Date:5/2022 Field Crew:Kee Mapping & Surveying View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 Cross Section ST6 - Silage Trib 32+44 Riffle 1179 1177 1175 1173 0510152025 Width (ft) MY0 (6/2016)MY1 (11/2016)MY2 (6/2017) MY3 (6/2018)MY5 (4/2020)MY7 (5/2022) BankfullFloodprone AreaMY0 BKF XS Area Elevation Bankfull Dimensions 14.2x-section area (ft.sq.) 11.4width (ft) 1.2mean depth (ft) 1.8max depth (ft) 12.7wetted perimeter (ft) 1.1hydraulic radius (ft) 9.1width-depth ratio 28.0W flood prone area (ft) 2.5entrenchment ratio 1.6low bank height ratio Survey Date:5/2022 Field Crew:Kee Mapping & Surveying View Downstream Cross-Section Plots Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 Cross Section ST7- Silage Trib 36+85 Riffle 1170 1168 1166 1164 1162 010203040 Width (ft) MY0 (6/2016)MY1 (11/2016)MY2 (6/2017) MY3 (6/2018)MY5 (4/2020)MY7 (5/2022) BankfullFloodprone AreaMY0 BKF XS Area Elevation Bankfull Dimensions 9.3x-section area (ft.sq.) 9.6width (ft) 1.0mean depth (ft) 1.7max depth (ft) 10.5wetted perimeter (ft) 0.9hydraulic radius (ft) 9.9width-depth ratio 33.5W flood prone area (ft) 3.5entrenchment ratio 1.0low bank height ratio Survey Date:5/2022 Field Crew:Kee Mapping & Surveying View Downstream APPENDIX E. Hydrology Summary Data and Plots Table 13. Verification of Bankfull Events Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 ReachMonitoring YearDate of Data CollectionDate of OccurrenceMethodMeasurement (ft) MY110/25/2016~8/4/2016Crest Gage1.30 MY27/10/2017~5/25/2017Crest Gage2.55 MY34/12/2018~3/25/2018Crest Gage2.73 3/13/2019~2/24/2019Crest Gage2.30 MY4 Moores Fork Reach 2 6/19/2019~6/18/2019Debris wracklinesN/A 2/27/2020~1/25/2020Debris wracklinesN/A MY5 9/8/2020~9/1/2020Debris wracklinesN/A MY6 9/7/2021~8/18/2021Debris wracklinesN/A MY7 4/6/2022~3/24/2022Debris wracklinesN/A MY110/25/2016~8/4/2016Crest Gage0.75 MY34/12/2018~3/25/2018Debris wracklinesN/A MY46/19/2019~6/18/2019Crest Gage/Debris wracklinesN/A Silage Reach 2 MY59/8/2020~9/1/2020Debris wracklinesN/A MY69/7/2021~8/18/2021Debris wracklinesN/A MY7 4/6/2022~3/24/2022Debris wracklinesN/A Monthly Rainfall Data Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No. 94709 Monitoring Year 7 - 2022 Moores Fork 30-70 Percentile Graph for Rainfall in 2022 Surry County, NC 8.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 Jan-22Feb-22Mar-22Apr-22May-22Jun-22Jul-22Aug-22Sep-22Oct-22 Date NC CRONOS MT Airy 2 W 70th percentile 30th percentile 1 2022 rainfall collected from NC CRONOS Station Name: MT AIRY 2 W (NCCRONOS, 2022) 2 30th and 70th percentile rainfall data collected from weather station MT AIRY 2 W, NC (NCCRONOS, 2022)