HomeMy WebLinkAboutGuilford_Well Abandonment_20230112 t i i( � ��� D(�O111� For lems;ml t7seOtdEY: ^I+I This fort can be used lbrsingle,or multiple wells H V a 2023 1.'%Vell Contractor laforntation: tiR'GLL ABAtVDONMENT DETAILS 0!At7Frrlas' 1 ?; 'n g; Un.-4 Relibe17 I if.Clayton,(II 7a.Number ofwells being nbandoned:; Z7%'1`�1� tVe1ICUnuacrarNdme(oracllo:cnerpusomllpa6andoaiagacdlaaltisRrerpmperty) Tar multiple Injachrratr or nmr-imrar ',srtppir yells ONLY .1rith rile sae n catstnruian bbandarrtrent,YOU eausvbmitmrafam. 7b.approximate volume of water rcmninin to well(s): NC Wcli Con=ctorCc&fieariortX=6er Aqua Drill.Inc. FOR WATER SUPPL"I WELLS ONLY; Comoarryl\amo 7e.Type ofriis(nfectantused' `���� �✓�� 7 - 0C)nC09 2.Welt Constructiou permit fts2_a—t� List aJJopplteableurlt p antfts(<a Corm:Srata,[rarianea.ItrfecttaL arc)Urb, , 7d.Amount of disinfectant used: 3.Well use(clicativell uso): bilater Supplyls?/elL• 7e.Scaling materials used(clieclt all that upply). DAgrieultural OM�,,icipal/Pablic O NeatCementGmut ❑Betnonite Chips orPetlets QGeothermal(Hcating/CooluiSSupply) l tsidentialWaterSupply(single) Q S dCcmcntGrout ; a Div Clay Concrete Grout O Drill Cutdags Oindostrial/Commercial OResidential Water Supply(shared) i' [7ltri atian O Specialty Grant ❑Gravel Non-Water Supply Welk O BenteniteSlurry O Other(explamunder7g) OManitoring ORecovery 7£For each material selected above;provide amount of materials used: Injection'Weil: OAquiferRecharge OGroundwaterRcmediation OAquiferSwcaee and RecOM OSelinityBanier OAquftTest OStommtmterDrainage ,t Ofterimental Technolo_q OSubsideace Control IF,Provide n brief description of the abandonment procedure: OGcothermal(Closed Loop) QTmcer It4e",4"- ��'C ,EG�� y� r � ���ry�,�.4s 13Geothcrmal(HeathidCoolingReturn) i3Other(explain under7g) _ �`L.rr��SG�/`'C, /°fiGt��'✓ 3 i�JCf`T/f��/�C.v=.•�YCcST� •LIatetvcll(s)abandoned: -A/ -/ ©'ZlC•�L CrJ��.2�'/ I' aa.Zl/e)l location: S.Certification: FaeiliiyiOwnmtQame Faer�ityR7'�(ifapplieairie) • Physical Addccss,Citg,aad 7rp Signaarrc ofCatificd lttell Corwaetar I. all t3nmr c By slgltltlg this fornt,I hereby.eerlY3-that the weH(s)was(were)abandoned in County PareelideatificationNo.(M) airordancen-idt15,1NC:ICO2C.0100or3C-0200 Well Cow1ruclionSlmrdards and that a copy ofllds record has h6uprovided 10lire well olrvrer. 56:Latitude and longitude in dedeecslminutcsisecoads or derImaI degcces: (ifwell Ldd,out Iatltongissaific!eat) 9.Site diagram or additional well details: Yon may use the back of this page to provide additional wail site details or well 0 abandonmentdetails.You may also attach additional pages ifnecesM. CONSTRIIC• QN DETAILS OFiYELI.JSIBEING ABANDONED SDBiVtffTAL II+IS:RIICTIOI►1S Atrach ueR cwtutrnetian recond(s)fatnilable. harmrdtrpJe m�ecaar orltatt-ii7ttersrrpply �rcJLsONLYuillrtlicmntecmerrruciiauatrarrdo»sif renyarcaasubmitoueform. 10a.I4or All'Wells: Submit tins form xithin 30 days of-completion of well abandonment to the following,•. 6a.AVQH M"a Division ofiVater Resources,3nforotatioa Prncassing Unit, 11617 Mail Servicc.Ccnter,Raleigb,PiC 27699-1617 6b.Total well depth: �� 00 i' 1oh.'For IniectiontYelts In addition to sending the form to the address in 10a above,also submit one cop}uVibis form vndtin 30 days of completion of welt 6c.Boreltole diameter: jw abandonment to the tolio�vut� f Division o€Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, 6d.Waterlevcibelowgroundsurface: Z— 00 1636R7a7Servi6 Center,Raleigh,KC27699-1636 tor.For Water Sunnbr Ii inii ct(on in addition to sending the form to 6e.Outer casing length(i[larowu):_ (fel the address(cs) above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the county health department of the county tithereabandoaed. j 6F inner casingltel ing length(if imown): ( ) UU11,MKIJ UUUN 1 1 Ut.A,111S.1IVIL"IN 1 UI' 1" LiI-,I-L I I A Division of Environmental Health.Water Quality Unit 400.W. Market St., Suite 300, Greensboro.NC 27401 Record of Construction, Repair, or Abandonment of a Well Address of Well: -7� � j: - e LATITUDfE 3 v�"�' r ��� ✓�� I jI Well Permit Nuinbcr: t �-p� " � UE�� LONGITUpE c�`.moo O"� -- Well Contractor Company: Completion Date:il 7'otal Well Depth: -31 fl, Well Yield: gpnl Static Water-,Level: - ft. Cuter-Casing Material: _ eJl��='' "r Forniat bill Log Casing Diallieter: L Gs in, Casing Depth: ft. Depth Description From: fl. To: Iitner Casing Material: Front: ft.To: ft. Casing Diameter: in. Casing Depth: ft. From: ft. To: ft. F ronl: ft-To: ft. r�rom: ft. To: f! t, Grout — . Deptli Material Method From: ll. To: Prone: ft.`I`o: f1. Prom: fl. To: fl. _-- from: ft.`l'o: ft. Froib: ft. To: From: ft:1'o: f't. From: ft. To: ft, Water Production Zones. Depth: ft. ft. (t. ft. Yield: opal gpill gpnl gpill chill 9pm gpin Method of Repair: Method of Abandonment: 4GC!,J _0G'� ���. ' i'�c`_c='" `' '`!�— ,�—_=' /c' ` r.�r 3 LL �.-rJ /•''o�,r�r� .��3'X t'1.1rr/.��'�`�J C�'�C:?'ti='�}'� �-r �'I�'��.�C=ii' �`ce..te��i�� I hereby cerliry that this Yell was c0115trUctcd,1-cpaired, or abandoned according to the Guilford County Well Rules in effect on this(late and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. Well Go11tl�ictor: .�r- •� �' Certification ff: ?' . Date: Record of Pump Installation Pump Installation Company: Conil letion Date:_ 1 Pump Depth: ft. Static Wafter bevel: ft• Puntl)Brand: Pt1mP SI'fe and Rating: hp 6pm I hereby certify that this pump was installed and wellhead completed according to the Guilford County Well Rules in effect on this date and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. Well Contractor: Certification If: Date: F Revised:November 5,2015 I f �'.. f Tom'.�4��l.-� VCt JwN 1 2 2023 In Lc n r�n ?r�c:,r aF Ur,-, VY1 LL AJID1suVD®1y1 E-14J1 RECORD EczlotcmalUseONLY_ This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1.Well Contractor Information: ABANDONildEN'E DETAll.S ReUbt3rl W.Clayton,III 7a.1'dutaberoftvells being abandutA.- ►Ydi CantrretarYame(ar+ce0a+cnarpetsamiiya6amtaeias�+rllanhistherprapetrr) For multiple fnJeulan or aar-irarer srrppiv trells ONLY +dth the sauce coustrrrchat cbarrdawnm,3M wnsvhmft nncfamr. 2249 A NC wall can tr"CU66011901tNuNdw 7b.Approximate volume armor simitming to well(s): l yO (gaL) Aqua Drill,Inc. FOR WATER SMPLYNVELLSONLY / CampmgNarne la.Type of disinfectant used: 2.WellConstructiontwirflt�: List all oppliea6lc+cell peradtr r e Coup{};Stale traria=lnfcrct[0&dr)iffirawit Td.Amount ofdisinfectsat n5ed• 3.Well use(checkwall use): lVatersuppiylVem 7e.Soling materials used(ebedc oll.that applvk GAgricultund M_���unicipaMblic II NeatCementGmut 0 BentoniteChipsorPeilets ©Geothermal(Rca ftlCooling Supply) C•IResidcntia111Voter Supply(single) 0 Salt d Cement Grout 13 Dm Clap DindustdollCommercial 01tesidential Water Supply(sliated) Concrete Grout I7 Drill Cuttings Dhri atiaa 0 Specialty Grout 13 Gravel Non-Water SuppVWell: E3 BantaniteSl. ury 0 Other(explain under 72) Monitoring_ ORecovery Injection lveil: 7f For each material selected above,,provideamotn t ormakrials uscdt MquiferReciunp OGmundwaterRomediation5- C1AgdferSmrgtleaadRecovcry OSalinityBarrier MAqu(ferTest 13 t i materl3raimdee r DExperimentatTechnologr OSubstdcaceCoutroi 96.Provides brierdescription of the abaadoatacat procedure: Meoffiermal(Closed Loop) DTmcer IIGeothemrat(Headusf oolingRetum) IIOdter(expl2inunder7s) 4.Datewell(s)abandoned: ao.Woll location: Facility/Oagacrimmc FadttrymS,(irappncaara) S.CerdGneoa_ t+lry/sic�al�A,ddtass,City.andZip SiScatt a afCcniRcd Well Conroe rNc11 Maw tc By signing/!cos forni,r hereby eeriify.tlml the wells)was(mere)abandoned in County Pareel IdeadHcadan No.(PIN) accord=e midi ISA NCi1C MCA*or-2C.0200 Well CoalrucHon Stmtdardr andllutt a cops,ofd*recordfrasbearprovidedlorhe teell mwei Sin Latitude and tongitado in degreeslntinutes/secoads or decimal degrees: (INdlfiddi aaatmltangissat3eiem) 9.Site diagramoraiidirionalwelldetails: �?�v P'o�o°`✓�Z ' N �1J0'`Od Z.SO�� ll' hanrtdonr use the aentdetliits.You my nt tivi Ott additional pagdc additionales well site saqdetails or aveR pt�es ifnecessaty. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Q)F,}yELL(S)BEI`fG ABANDOIV M SilBINIITTAL MS RULMO VS j Attpelr meA cwurraerhrn nua►d(sJ tf mwilab/e hhrmnhipla hrjeettar or not ntnerarrpply mil�sONLlhrir)etkusaarreaurtrralfata6unrtmraceutyoueonsu6mtronefarm. 10a,Ylor-All Wet 1s: Submit this l'f6rm within 30 days of•eomptedon of•grail 6a.liTcB IN. abandonmeat to rite followin: Division ofWater Rcsonrccs,Iafarmation Processing Un% 6b.Tataiivelldepth: 12—`z" (ft.) 161 IVlai!ServiceCen ter,Raldgh,NC27699-1617 i' 10b:Per lniectiou Walls: to adapion to send'mg the farm to the address in 10a 6c.Borehole diameter• �(ia.) above also submit one copy of this farm vfitWm 30 dayz of compledon,of well abandon amtothefollii%ft i 6d:QVaterlevci below ground sorface: (MI oflvater Rcsourcc4 Underground Igjccfion Coutru1 Pragwm, • 1636 MaS Service Center,tialeigh,NC 27699-tG36 6e.Outer casing[engW(lf imatm): fie) 10c.For Water Suon[v&faieeh'a I Wells: to addition to sending the Corm to the address(es)above,also submit;ane copy of this farm within 30 days of completion of'Lveil abandonment to the county health depazmrcnt of the county m tcreabandoned. GC iennpnndaa/tubian Ieaath ihflmoNlt): (�) . I I I GUILFORD COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH Division of Environmental Health, Water Quality Unit i 400 W. Market St.,Suite 300, Greensboro, NC 27401� Record of Construction, Repair, or Atoandonnient of a Well Address of Well: ��Er�,�Jr i".. //'i'�//L'�i:4j'i LATITUDE 3 Well Permit Number: 2-27- //f LONGITUDE Well Contractor Company: fi/z-L'Z?t/ Completion Date: Total Well Depth: / _ft. Well Yield: gpm Static Water Level: ✓ ft. �G - Outer Casing Material: �� _ I+orinatiiou Log Casing Diameter: " h in. Casing Depth: ft. Depth Description From: ft.To: ft. _ Inner Casing Material: From: ft.To: ft. Casing Diameter: in. Casing Depth: ft. From: ft.To: ;-ft. From: ft.To: ft. Grout From: ft.To ft. Deptli Material Method From: ft.To: ft. From: ft. To: ft. From: ft.To: I �ft. From: ft.To: ft. From: ft.To: ft. From: ft. To: ft. From: ft.To: ft. Water Production Zones Depth: ft. ft. ft. ft. it. ft. ft. Yield: gpin gpm. gpm gpm gpm gpm gpm Method of Repair: Method of Abandonment: J ��-7-�_�� �iL�,,���i��-ll��E�..-<=�� .�E��u�,� � C�,�i��i,��yf�Ems' a"�-J�2J�f• �//C.<� I hereby certify that this well was constructed,repaired,or abandoned according to the Guilford County Well Rules in effect on this date acid that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. Well Contractor: State Number: f Date: Record of Dump Installatioln Pump Installation Company: Com0etlon Date: Pump Depth: ft. Static Water Level: Pump Brand: Pump Size and Rating; hp gpm I hereby certify that this pump was installed and wellhead completed according toltf}e Guilford County Well Rules in effect on this date and that a copy of this record has been provided to the 1well owner. Well Contractor: J State Number: Date: I