HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC230135_FRO Submitted_20230118IMF WAKE COUNTY FINANCIAL RE$RONSISILrrYM rINERSHIP FORM 5EDIMEN7A71ON PCLLUTICH CONTROL AC'F No pen rsomamayinitinls ory land-disiurblng activol on ane or mom 6CM& � oouered by Wake W� u►4y Vilfed Development Ord'uionce beiue this farm and an occeptab?e enasi-on and COUNTY cedlmenlatlorn owfroJ plain li aw-e bean oorrpleted aryl approved ll�y Woke County 06Dpanment Of MKI1, U•,..ArNA Ellll1i0nrAento $enAccs. Wator Qualms ❑iuislon. (Please tWe or ^t and- it the gafisDon is rnt appW.9ble, Place NIA in the blank.I Pan A. 1. PH48aNarre 8101 Holly Springs Rd 2. UMation of land.disturbinrg actiuity-- JurjadlrVgn Wake fflakc Co. or Muniripality) Miglvy,rVr lreel HallySprings rd Latitude. 35.7DS92 ._Lor-gRud¢-78.76255 a, pTexlmare OiaM IOhd-dla;urbing ELeWILyyra camrnerge_ 111 10/2-022 --- -- & Type of eveWrnent [realideratial, corrinar&d. industrial, JMERUIJ011101,ere_); Res,identlai S. Total ecns2ga rKaturbod or wacorered (Irichtding cE-sitn utililics and hQrrgrdwaate areas), 0.36 G. Flemap Io rontact should eroslon anri sadi-ncnt ;,o-ilrai isvuos oris$ during lend.disbudiing sr4lhr . Name SaMUel St. Clair JJ E-mailAddmssstclairconstrueMongroupciDg -a-a l.corn Telephone 919-559- U7] Call FW 4 7. Landow") of Recard (228th a=ompan iod page do list oddlional cwriengk Christopher and Laura Flythe 919-455-3807 chrlsOgfengineerg.com Na"s) - -- Telephone Fax or E-nta a4drew 7334 Chapel HIII Fed Suite 200 7334 Chtiapel Hill Rd Sulte 2 Cui rflnt Marling ,addrase R ++ Current Slrcot Address Raleigh NC 27647 _ RaJetgh Nc 271133Q7 City 3131e Pip Cqg sleds Zip 9_ Deed BDak No. Page td0..- 967 PrRide a Copy of Me rnoSL e&7tn1 dead. Part a, Persanis) or firm(s) who are fhoncially respximble for the lard-dlsturbhg advJty {Provida comprchcrisivc list 43,4311 respan sibla p<arthm on an aMcherd shell_ Ind ude requez" Irro;tnjllonj' St. Clair Cans#ruction Group LLC5tdalrconstructiongroup@grnail.Com Rome Email Adore 1619Obethri Rd 1619 Oberlin Rd Gmanl hinilfi-9 Address Current Street Address Ralei& NC 275DB Raleigh NC 27508 pity Stale Zip Cky Skate Zip Teleptiona 919-5.59-2471 Fak NWMDef___,_,_W-- (a) If the FnancUly Ra! por6ibLe Party Is rrat a residM of 4fi as Courity, identily a designWed $gen I Irt akd CODUL ro rer aim any noise, proms, pleadiN Lq ony+ action or legai pnaceedir� VrbhR out of 3n yr maffar Yelutrn9 to th-o Wakv County Eroslon and ScrimardaGan Car#rflE 07d;noiice andfor Lavd 01slurbaroe pem)IL Name E-anall Adrf=a Ceirrort Madinp Address Current Strtat Addmis CiE� State .7Jp Mj S1910 211p Telaphwm Fax PU mbar (b) If Eie Fnencialry RespanslMv Party is a t}arlmmhip or other parson engaorxg in buelnass under an -Omsurnod nmm$, attach a copy of the Carllfln,ake of A;saumad Name, U the Etenamly Respong-re Partin is a Cargoral"r give name mad istreel addms of the Regislared Agent Narnc of Ragieered Age at E-nial Address isurrant Mailrag Address Current StreeE Milmss - -- - Ciry 'stala 7Jp CWy Rate zrp itldphorfm - _ Few Nurrrbar The abcnvw� Jnfimrnawon is irue and carract to Lhe best of my knowledge and beNef and was provided by me under oath (ThIS l09m must be signed by the flinandally Respcmlbl a Pees rT Ilan individual or Ws attorneir-Irnrfact, 4019 not an indivEdual, by an officer, difectot, PMrLer. Orregilsiered agentwI14 I" aulhuity to exemAe jnsirufr eMs for tree FInamUly Rasp�onsibia Permnl I agree to peol+fde corn-ected infcernaiion should there be any -change in die lnbnrratlon prould ed herein. kv` 4,1 - — - - Manager Type or pirto -naw Tine or Auftfliy Slignalure Date 1, f � A # 2�___ _, a Nolafy Pubric of the County of " S aie 0 North Carolina, rrereby carllfy Ehal :} ' e f f Ir appeared .)emanagyh re ma this dayand being dLAy sworn ackrtu + edged Mott eabcnrc dorm wrsa oxe utcd by mini - Witness myhand and aatarW seal. thts Lday of .20,2 ,vyl� Nhlhhr r' +ff 01 011 Notary 4 z Seal _ :{� -rA A a rp' Any CL1 UTlSSIsm e