HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-00222_Well Construction - GW1_20221216 HVIIj CONSTRiXTi®N RECORD(GW-11 : :'for intcrnul Use Only: 1 1.Well Connnctar lnfort intion: 14.WATER ZONES � ---- FNOM." TO, OF8Cn1PTt ON. _ Well Conir„ereryyArfw I NCB%veil 4:nnirutor certification Nutuber IS,OU1E:(t CASING far.mniti caeca\sells<)RLiNF.R ifn llcnblc �' CDSC](iB i�r1111Rg'I IM FROMN. TO fL I71Af17F7F.lt!n, TIIICI(NF.55 ' atATKItLU. ('nmpmty Norco :: . 1 It.INNER CASING t '11111NG balbcrmnl clmd•lan _i 2.Well Cnuslrnctinn Pcrmlt il: FROM -'rO OIAMETFR TInCNNrSs a)nnannl. ft. ft. In, l ikf all nplrli�nhlr nt Arnrrina dun jmrraas(fir:IIiC„Cm,nry,Slatr..variance.etc,) _ ft fib In. •1.Well Ilse(check well use): �3 7•Su YI Welk 128LTtEBN Wmte PI y Fno>). ...TO - 'nrnr<IF;r):R .r sr,nTslrx rnln:NFss IInT)aun%�; ClAgrrcullunt E3MunicipRUl'ublii; f6 fir. In• G)Cirvnl7emrrl(Nairing/Cnnlirt{ Supply) OResidential Witter Stipply(single] 1n )t)5 t ltndiivtriatlCommcrciui 13Rrsidential;Wnler Supply(shared) 18:GROUT - nlrrimticn ❑Welts>..100,000 GPD_ . FROM Tn _- -- _MIATI?RIAL EMtPLACtIMP.NT All r)IQU k AMIOUN't}' Nun-Water Supply Well: R' fir. fy�f ]ll . e �?lfonitmriu) i7Recovery 0• ft. _ 10;jectfon Well: R• ft. 17Aquifer Recharge L1Gtliundwalcr Rani tliotimn 19.SAND/GRAVE LPACK f a dlcahlo (:iAgIU1CC:lfnrilgC fiat%RlCQVeiy, '[l$IIhnlly Bnrrior - FROM% ' TO 'MIA71111JA1; - - PNP7a10Ea,7E.\r M1ETuon` _ 'MquilcrTest• UStornimaler Drainage 103 .r" t fi' '1 A,S'9+ a C31 xper7mcnud Tccirnnlogy (]Subsidence Control - fL Uckolbermal(Clasen limp) f:ITracer 20.DRILLiNG LOG faturch additiomll eheeis If necessary) Y3 11I40M7 I TO D"-CRIMON cnlnr,iisr.hvii.withad,111111i..grain fire.err, J L1CiitiitlizKn7stl0It:a6nPJ(;ot7lingReturn) 00ther(explain under111.I:)Remorks) d.ftate,1Ye11(s)C'nnrpleterl:� �'I '" �` Well 11)I! d R' ri' _ •^ ��< g-Y 5ni 1Vc11 I.ocnflou: .__�: ° �'� `I"-<""'• •- ' Itt)enr<nll)'Co({)i)ralion •, .- ., ._ f+arili:g!(lnncrNnnto Fticifitytan(irulrytgoabld) .1481�Inn[)rive Kings Mountain;NC 28086 l ul.T4 �' Phricet Addrecs,City,nrid'lip N' R- 21.REMARKS - _.CI - - t'mta'y' Paree1111cinilicatiotNo.(PIN) Sir.lall)uile and longitude In tlegri cs/ndnutos/scrnads or decimal dogrccs: - 'fif well rrdtl,one lawong it sI1lNcionl) - 22.Certlflention: 6.i9(are)file Icell(s): 1,76-crtndlleut or ElTeMpo'ary Sigirauiro of CcnlNad, I J ontrndor Date llFsignlaq thtr,farnl,!ltc�•cf!r crrfljr Ihn1�!lyd;nr!!(.rJ uas li;rvoJ ranrinicrad/fi accnrdnnrr.n•£r1 7.is psis n repair to nit existing Ivrllt UYcs or 1°1No I:fA NCAC 01C:0100 or 15A NCIC OX.0100 ue11 Gonib+rrrrnn Smrdardr and drar a ra n! 1l rinviv a fvpair.JNf nut hnn}vr urlJcmix7tiri rinn inCa)nmrGid(Ind erpidin:rhe unsure njlhe i�fhls rravd liar been provirlrrl iu nc�icrli mnirr, rtpdirurtlu'rl3l rrmarlasecltnnarnri 0)chuckoOhis(drm. 13.Site dingruin ur srdditlonul'Tell deialln: S.l or(:wprnhc/t)ft 1 or o oscrkGoop Geothermal Walls haviog.lhc some You 7nny uee the-back of this page to provide additional well constmctinn'infa. t nns►n,clion,only11 GW-I is ni:eded. In(icatc'1 YfAL NUMM11 of welt; (ndd'See Ovice in Remarks Ilus),iYou may arse aldli h additional pages if ncccssmy 24.8118MI'rrALINSTRUCf104S 9.70101 Weil jell Ill 1)elow land surface: w 3 (ft.) Suhtitit_this C.Vb'-1 within 30 days of\yell i.•on7pletion per the fnllmsing: Ffir 0uilliple o•i9tr.lisr fill depdit'if di(1i:rrni(vrumplc•Jn100'nrtd 1(a)1001) 24n. for All WON: Original form-it)-Divit;ion of Water ltesoiin:cc (DWRI- 10.St;diewater level belaly top Of calling: 00 'Information Pmcassiilg Unit,1617•MSC,Rnicigh•NC 27699-1617. 'll un(er lcvdl is above easing:147c " cr- 24b:for Injcction Well:Golly Uri 1)Wlt,Underground injection Control(IUG) I1,-Horohuled)nmetcr.- U (in•) Program,1636MSC,Rnlcigh,NC27G99-I(i36 I2:Well cnnsfruetlon-melhatl: 5�'"'1 f G 24C For.Water So' I and 0 end-Imo Geothermal Return Wells:Copy to 0c (I d.nugcr,salary.cable,ditto puchrme.) - county unv ronmcntal (call, cpunmcnt of the County where Instal cd Ff)11 WATER,gjjrPLY WF.i;LS ONIX: 24d,For Water Wells proilticin oiler 100.000 GPM Copy to pWtt.CCS't l;rt Ptrmtt't lirugrmn,1611 MS(C..Italcigh,'NC 27099.1611 13n.Yirld(gpni) Method of test: d 13h:DislnfecUon type: Amtitlnt: 1' I North Carolina Ihpartnient of fiiivirunnIcntel 9gality-I)ivisinn of Watar it6sourccs i Revised[r6.2tt11 FnrinCSV-t _ - � - F:'