HomeMy WebLinkAboutPTIA_SDOrepair_PCN (5)Homewood, Sue From: Darling, Richard <RDading@mbakehntlzom> Sent: Thursday, February l0'ZUl5l:34PK4 To: Homewood, Sue Cc: Allen, Larry; Alex Rosser; Lisa Elmore Subject: PTIASDO Repair Bank Stabilization Attachments: 05 Geometric Layout & Grading Plan (GL'3E).pdf mc- Please substitute the previous Sheet GL -3E of the Permit Drawings with the attached. Let me know what else | can do to facilitate this permit request thanks again for all your help and patience. Richard Darling | Environmental Manager | Michael Baker International O000 Regency Pkvxy, Suite 6001 Cary, NCZ7S1O| [0] 919-481-5740 IN T ER NAT I ON A L From: Allen, Larry Sent: Thursday, February 19,2O151:25PIVI To: Darling, Richard Subject: FW: SDO Site 3 Seeding plan See the attached updated plan for the Grading and Seeding Plan for the SDO project. Let me know if this is sufficient toaddess Sue's comments. VVe are now showing seeding/restoration in all disturbed areas (limits of construction). | also had Darrell add a note that discusses returning any temporary impacted areas to original condition. Larry 1 LIVE STAKINGICUTTINGS Live slaking and live cuttings will be applied to all restored streambanks and within the geolitt siruclure following the details in this plan set and according to the conslruction specifications, Common Name Scientific Name Percentage pf Total Wetness Tolerance Elderberry Sambucus canadensis 20% FACW- Silky Dogwood Corpus amonum 25% FACW+ Silky Willow Salix sericea 25% OBL Black Willow Sa6X nigra 10% OBL Ninebark Physocarpus opulifolius 20% FAC- PERMANENT NON- RIPARIAN SEED ROCK CROSS VANE (TYP) oo TEMPORARY SEED The following fable lists temporary seed species for the projec site. All disturbed areas will be stabilized using mulch and lemporaly seed. Common Name Scientific Name Percentage of Total Density (Ibslac) Tall Fescue Fesfuca arundinacea 72% 200 Kentucky Bluegrass Poa prafensis 14% 40 Red Mine) Fescue Fesfuca rubra 14% 40 Panicum virgafum Total 100% 280 ROCK CROSS VANE (TYP) oo TEMPORARY SEED The following fable lists temporary seed species for the projec site. All disturbed areas will be stabilized using mulch and lemporaly seed. Common Name Rate Dates CEREAL RYE 130 LBSIACRE SEPTEMBER TO MARCH BROWNTOP MILLET 40 LBSIACRE APRIL TO AUGUST LEGEND. EXISTING CONTOUR —835— PROPOSED CONTOUR ;-� GEOLIFf ZONE (115.Y.� RIPARIAN SEEDING ZONE (0,10Ac,) X X X X X X LIMIT 1311,11 Ll il 19i 11 1 PERMANENT RIPARIAN SEED Permanent seed mixtures for fhe project site shall be planted throughout the floodplain and riparian buffer areas. Permanent seed mixtures shall be applied with temporary seed, as defined in the construction specifications, Common Name Scientific Name Percent of Mixture Seeding Density (lbslacre) Wetness Tolerance Redlop Agrosfis alba 10% 1.5 FACW Virginia Wildrye Elymus virginicus 15% 2.25 FAC Swilchgrass Panicum virgafum 15% 2,25 FAC+ Eastern Gamma Grass Tripsacum dacfyloides 5% 0.15 FAC+ Pennsylvania Smariweed Polygonum pennsylvanicum 5% 0.15 FACW Little Blue Stem Schizachyrium scoparium 5% 0.15 FACU Soft Rush Juncus effusus 5% 0.15 FACW+ Beggars Tick Bidens frondosa (orarisfosa) 5% 0.15 FACW Lance - Leaved Tick Seed Coreopsis lanceolafa 10% 1.5 FAC Tioga Deer Tongue Dichanfhelium clandesfinum 15% 2,25 FACW Big Blue Slem Andropogon gerardii 5% 0.15 FAC Indian Grass Sorgasfrum nufans 5% 0.15 FACU l• JORDAN BUFFER (ZONE 2) JORDAN BUFFER (ZONE 1) yl AM T1 PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY GUILFORD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA www.mbakercorp.com MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. X8 AirpM Center )6e Sub 100 Greensboro, NC 2]409 336.931.1500 (Office) 336.931.1501 (Fax) North Carolina License No, F -1064 �slgner. �IIIIIIII DC1 \ °° \° / DCT ° Q ° °7 SEAL iecked by. 0 027429 ;o o: [JA ° a ojed No: 138535 m 0 0 -;%`X X X X X X P.xr� X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x 'JORDAN BUFFER (ZONE 1) _ z X X X X X X X X X X X —� 0 X X X X X X X X X X oe X X X X X X X X. X X X X X X 04 X X X X X X N X X X X X X� X X X X X X X XX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X � X X x .x x X X X x X x X X x , JORDAN BUFFER (ZONE 2) o 50 - X X X X�X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X' o X X X X X X X r )POSED TOP OF BANK I. JKFUL ELEVATION FYP) LIMIT OF DISTURBAN( (SEE SHEET SB -3.1) NOTE; ALL TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL IMPACTS AND CONSTRUU I IUN IMPACT AREAS SHALL BE RESTORED TO INITIAL CONDITIONS UPON COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT, 20 10 0 20 SCALE IN FEET IZ Project Name: STORMWATER OUTFALL REPAIR Drawing Name: GRADING AND PLANTING PLAN PIEDMONT TRIAD NTERNATIONAL AIRPORT )cod Drawing Reference; ale: Drawing Number: FEBRUARY 2015 usiness Unll: GL -3E GREENSBORO