HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140957 Ver 1_Emails_201409124f From: Spencer ThcheU<spencer1hcheU@nng-||c.cmm> Sent: Friday, September l2,20l4Q:35AM To: 8urdette, Jennifer a;vviUiamascarpinatnVDdomzom Subject: RE: SERP - Permit Meeting Good morning, Jennifer, Further establishment of confidentiality for the map we provided to you to set LIP the meeting will not benecessary, The public announcernent of the project and theJoint venture to build the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (fonner|ySoutheas1ern Reliability Project) came Out on September and the information simi|artu what you were provided was made public at that time. Please lei. mekmnmif You have further questions, VVe look forward toseeing You on September 3O, Regards, Spencer TricheK0 (98O)297-727gDirect (704) 301--7503 Cell (980)2g7-7272Fax From: 8urdette, Jennifer a[maihojennifecBurdeite@ncdenr,gov Sent: Wednesday, September 10,2Ol412:36PK4 To: SpencerTricheU; vviUiam.a.scarpinato@dom.com I was just made aware that l had rnistyped one of the conditions that we need clarified, |t|s condition #3 not #4 that vve need to have clarified, They are also highlighted in yellow below. I apologize for the confusion. Thanks, Jennifer Jennifer8urdette 401/BufferGoondinatur 4O1& Buffer PermitdogUnit Wetlands Branch N[DENR— Division of Water Resources IG17 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC27598-1G17 (919)QO7-63G4phone *Ernoil corre5pOndence to ondftom thif oddress moybesubject to the North Corolinu Public Records Low and moybe disclosed &` �hird porl.ies unless the content is exempt by stott,ite or- other regulation, * From: Burdethe, Jennifer Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 11:06 AM To: 'Spencer TiicheU'; 'will iam.a.scarpinato@dom.oum' Subject: RE: SERP - Permit Meeting Spencer, Our |ega| counsel has some questions about whether the map provided is a trade secret and meets condition number below. Please review the definitions below and provide an explanation that demonstrates these two conditions are met, Under the Public Records Law, confidential information that is riot subject to disciosure rriUSt rneet four conditions: 1. Must be trade secret under N.C. Gen. Stat. 66-1.52(3) 2. Must be the property ufa private "person" under N.C. Gen, 8tat. 66-152(2) 3. Must be furnist-ied to the agency in connection with performance of a public contract, or in connection with a bid, application, proposal, industrial deve|opnnent project, mrim compliance with laws, reguiatioms, rules or, ordinances of the local, state, mrfederal government 4. Must be designated "confidenha|" or "trade secret" at the time uf initial disclosure 10 the agency. Atr@de secret i5 business or technical information, including but riot limited to a fOrnmmla, pattern' program, device, compilation of information, method, technique, or process that: a� Derives independent actual or potential commercial vakuE�f/orn not being generally known or- readAy ascertainable through independent development or reverse engineering by persons who can obtain econommiC value fr0nm its disclosure or use; and b, Is the SgbJect of efforts that are rea5ciMable under the ChrcurnstanceSto nmaintain its �112 ]ennifmr8urdette 401/8uffer[Vordinator 40I& Buffer Permitting Unit VVet!ands8nanch 0CDENR— Division of Water Resources 16l7 Mail Service Center Ra|eiQh,NCZ7G99-I627 (9l9)887 -63G4phone *Eno8uornespun (Jeri cemondƒmm this oddrassmuybesubject lo the North 6r/o0noPub6- Records Law undnnoybe disclosed n» From: Spencer Trich2| Sent Thursday August 28, 2014 11:41 AM To: Bunje��J8nn�er8 Cc: Wade Hammer; William AScarpinato (Services -6); Randy Rogers, Jr. Subject: SERP- Permit Meeting Mr. Brown and Ms. Burdette, We appreciate your willingness to work with us to set up a meeting to further discuss the Southeast Reliability Project proposed by Dominion. The project contact at Dominion will be William (Bill) Scarpinato (copied on this email) and NRG will be working as the agent for the CVVA Section 484/4UIsubmittal. | have attached a draft copy of the project map depicting the North Carolina portion of the project per your request. N As discussed during our May 27, 2014 introductory project call with each of your respective agencies, the project will require a certificate from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, who will be the lead federal agency charged with coordinating the NEPA review for the project. Please note that Dominion is providing the attached map in confidence to facilitate early planning and routing. Dominion requests that these items be protected as confide ntia|/trade secret commercial information pursuant toN.C.G.S. §132-1.2(1), not for distribution outside of your agency. As discussed, we would like to meet with you on September 3Oat2:OOatthe US4CE regional field office in Raleigh. Please let me know if this time still works and | will send out meeting invite. Spencer TricheNl, PWS ()80)297-7279Direct (704)3O1-75O3Cell (98O)297-7272Fax