HomeMy WebLinkAboutThreatened_and_Endangered_Species_SubcommitteeFinal Scientific Acantharchus pomotis Alosa pseudoharengus Alosa sapidissima Ambloplites cavifrons Ambloplites rupestris Ameiurus brunneus Ameiurus catus Ameiurus melas Ameiurus natalis Ameiurus nebulosus Ameiurus platycephalus Amia calva Anguilla rostrata Aphredoderus sayanus Campostoma anomalum Carassius auratus Catostomus commersonii Centrarchus macropterus Chologaster cornuta Clinostomus funduloides Clinostomus funduloides - new species Cottus bairdii Cottus caeruleomentum Cyprinella analostana Cyprinella chloristia Cyprinella galactura Cyprinella labrosa Cyprinella lutrensis Cyprinella monacha Cyprinella nivea Cyprinella pyrrhomelas Cyprinella spiloptera Cyprinella zanema Cyprinus carpio Dorosoma cepedianum Dorosoma petenense Elassoma zonatum Enneacanthus chaetodon Enneacanthus gloriosus Enneacanthus obesus Erimystax insignis Erimyzon oblongus Erimyzon sucetta Esox americanus Esox masquinongy Esox niger Etheostoma acuticeps Etheostoma blennioides Etheostoma brevispinum Etheostoma chlorobranchium Etheostoma collis Etheostoma flabellare Etheostoma fusiforme Etheostoma gutselli Etheostoma kanawhae Etheostoma mariae Etheostoma nigrum Etheostoma olmstedi Etheostoma podostemone Etheostoma rufilineatum Etheostoma serrifer Etheostoma swannanoa Etheostoma thalassinum Etheostoma vitreum Etheostoma vulneratum Etheostoma zonale Exoglossum laurae Exoglossum maxillingua Fundulus lineolatus Fundulus rathbuni Gambusia affinis Gambusia holbrooki Hybognathus regius Hybopsis amblops Hybopsis hypsinotus Hypentelium nigricans Hypentelium roanokense Ichthyomyzon bdellium Ichthyomyzon greeleyi Ictalurus furcatus Ictalurus punctatus Labidesthes sicculus Lampetra aepyptera Lepisosteus osseus Lepomis auritus Lepomis cyanellus Lepomis gibbosus Lepomis gulosus Lepomis macrochirus Lepomis marginatus Lepomis microlophus Lepomis punctatus Luxilus albeolus Luxilus cerasinus Luxilus chrysocephalus Luxilus coccogenis Lythrurus ardens Lythrurus matutinus Micropterus dolomieu Micropterus punctulatus Micropterus salmoides Minytrema melanops Morone americana Moxostoma anisurum Moxostoma collapsum Moxostoma duquesnii Moxostoma erythrurum Moxostoma macrolepidotum Moxostoma pappillosum Moxostoma sp. cf. erythrurum Nocomis leptocephalus Nocomis micropogon Nocomis platyrhynchus Nocomis raneyi Notemigonus crysoleucas Notropis alborus Notropis altipinnis Notropis amoenus Notropis chalybaeus Notropis chiliticus Notropis chlorocephalus Notropis cummingsae Notropis hudsonius Notropis leuciodus Notropis lutipinnis Notropis maculatus Notropis mekistocholas Notropis micropteryx Notropis petersoni Notropis photogenis Notropis procne Notropis rubricroceus Notropis scabriceps Notropis scepticus Notropis sp. cf. chlorocephalus Notropis sp. cf. rubellus Notropis spectrunculus Notropis telescopus Notropis volucellus Noturus furiosus Noturus gyrinus Noturus insignis Oncorhynchus mykiss Perca flavescens Percina aurantiaca Percina crassa Percina evides Percina gymnocephala Percina nevisense Percina peltata Percina rex Percina roanoka Percina squamata Petromyzon marinus Phenacobius crassilabrum Phenacobius teretulus Phoxinus oreas Pimephales notatus Pimephales promelas Pomoxis annularis Pomoxis nigromaculatus Pylodictis olivaris Rhinichthys cataractae Rhinichthys obtusus Salmo trutta Salvelinus fontinalis Scartomyzon ariommus Scartomyzon cervinus Scartomyzon rupiscartes Scartomyzon sp. cf. lachneri Semotilus atromaculatus Semotilus lumbee Umbra pygmaea * literature sources reviewed by C Goudreau: Freshwater Fishes of Virginia (Jenkins and Burkhead 1994) The Fishes of Tennessee (Etnier and Starnes 1993) Inland Fishes of Mississippi (Ross 2001) Freshwater Fishes of South Carolina (Rohde et al. 2009) Fishes of Alabama (Boschung and Mayden 2004) ** most flow sensitive habitats assumed to be as follows (most to least): riffle>riffle-run>pool-run>pool>margin>backwater Additional input and review by B Tracy and F Rohde red name indicates non-native Final Common Mud Sunfish Alewife American Shad Roanoke Bass Rock Bass Snail Bullhead White Catfish Black Bullhead Yellow Bullhead Brown Bullhead Flat Bullhead Bowfin American Eel Pirate Perch Central Stoneroller Goldfish White Sucker Flier Swampfish Rosyside Dace Smoky Dace Mottled Sculpin Blueridge Sculpin Satinfin Shiner Greenfin Shiner Whitetail Shiner Thicklip Chub Red Shiner Spotfin Chub Whitefin Shiner Fieryblack Shiner Spotfin Shiner Santee Chub Common Carp Gizzard Shad Threadfin Shad Banded Pygmy Sunfish Blackbanded Sunfish Bluespotted Sunfish Banded Sunfish Blotched Chub Creek Chubsucker Lake Chubsucker Redfin Pickerel Muskellunge Chain Pickerel Sharphead Darter Greenside Darter Carolina Fantail Darter Greenfin Darter Carolina Darter Fantail Darter Swamp Darter Tuckasegee Darter Kanawha Darter Pinewoods Darter Johnny Darter Tessellated Darter Riverweed Darter Redline Darter Sawcheek Darter Swannanoa Darter Seagreen Darter Glassy Darter Wounded Darter Banded Darter Tonguetied Minnow Cuptlips Minnow Lined Topminnow Speckled Killifish Western Mosquitofish Eastern Mosquitofish Eastern Silvery Minnow Bigeye Chub Highback Chub Northern Hog Sucker Roanoke Hog Sucker Ohio lamprey Mountain Brook Lamprey Blue Catfish Channel catfish Brook silverside Least Brook Lamprey Longnose Gar Redbreast Sunfish Green Sunfish Pumpkinseed Warmouth Bluegill Dollar Sunfish Redear Sunfish Spotted Sunfish White Shiner Crescent Shiner Striped Shiner Warpaint Shiner Rosefin Shiner Pinewood Shiner Smallmouth Bass Spotted Bass Largemouth Bass Spotted Sucker White Perch Silver Redhorse Notchlip Redhorse Black Redhorse Golden Redhorse Shorthead Redhorse V-lip Redhorse Carolina Redhorse Bluehead Chub River Chub Bigmouth Chub Bull Chub Golden Shiner Whitemouth Shiner Highfin Shiner Comely Shiner Ironcolor Shiner Redlip Shiner Greenhead Shiner Dusky Shiner Spottail Shiner Tennessee Shiner Yellowfin Shiner Taillight Shiner Cape Fear Shiner Highland Shiner Coastal Shiner Silver Shiner Swallowtail Shiner Saffron Shiner New River Shiner Sandbar Shiner Piedmont Shiner Kanawha Rosyface Shiner Mirror Shiner Telescope Shiner Mimic Shiner Carolina Madtom Tadpole Madtom Margined Madtom Rainbow Trout Yellow Perch Tangerine Darter Piedmont Darter Gilt Darter Appalachia Darter Chainback Darter Shield Darter Roanoke Logperch Roanoke Darter Olive Darter Sea Lamprey Fatlips Minnow Kanawha Minnow Mountain Redbelly Dace Bluntnose Minnow Fathead Minnow White Crappie Black Crappie Flathead Catfish Longnose Dace Western Blacknose Dace Brown Trout Brook Trout Bigeye Jumprock Blacktip Jumprock Striped Jumprock Brassy Jumprock Creek Chub Sandhills Chub Eastern Mudminnow NC Guild Adult/Juvenile (from literature*) backwater pool pool-run; riffle-run pool-run pool pool-run pool pool pool pool-run pool margin pool-run; pool backwater; margin riffle-run pool pool pool; backwater backwater pool-run pool-run riffle-run riffle-run pool; pool-run pool-run pool-run riffle-run; riffle pool riffle-run; pool-run pool-run pool; pool-run pool-run pool-run pool pool pool; margin backwater backwater backwater backwater riffle-run pool pool pool; backwater pool pool riffle-run; riffle riffle riffle riffle pool-run riffle backwater riffle riffle riffle-run pool-run pool-run riffle-run riffle-run backwater riffle riffle pool-run; riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run pool-run pool-run backwater pool; backwater pool; margin pool; margin pool; backwater pool-run pool; pool-run pool-run; riffle-run pool-run riffle; riffle-run riffle pool pool backwater pool pool; backwater pool pool pool pool pool backwater pool margin pool-run; pool pool-run pool pool-run pool; pool-run pool; pool-run pool pool pool pool-run; backwater pool pool-run pool pool pool pool-run pool-run pool riffle-run; pool-run pool-run; riffle-run riffle-run pool-run; riffle-run backwater; pool pool pool pool-run backwater; pool pool-run pool pool-run pool; pool-run riffle-run pool backwater pool-run pool-run pool-run pool pool pool-run; riffle-run pool pool pool pool-run pool-run pool-run pool pool-run backwater riffle-run; riffle; pool-run pool-run pool pool-run riffle riffle riffle-run riffle; riffle-run riffle; riffle-run pool-run riffle-run; riffle riffle-run other riffle-run riffle-run pool-run pool pool pool pool pool riffle riffle-run pool-run pool-run pool-run riffle-run riffle-run pool-run riffle-run pool backwater NC Guild Spawn (from literature*) backwater backwater pool-run; riffle-run pool; margin pool; margin pool pool backwater pool pool-run pool backwater; pool NA backwater pool-run pool riffle pool; backwater backwater riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run pool; pool-run pool-run pool-run riffle-run; riffle pool riffle-run; pool-run pool-run pool-run pool-run riffle-run; riffle backwater pool; backwater pool; backwater backwater backwater backwater backwater riffle-run pool pool backwater pool backwater riffle-run; riffle riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run margin riffle-run backwater riffle-run riffle riffle margin; pool-run margin; pool-run riffle riffle backwater riffle riffle riffle-run riffle-run riffle pool-run; margin pool-run; margin backwater pool; backwater pool pool backwater pool-run pool-run pool-run; riffle-run pool-run; riffle-run riffle; riffle-run riffle; riffle-run pool pool backwater riffle-run pool-run; backwater pool pool pool pool pool margin pool margin riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run pool pool pool riffle pool-run; riffle-run riffle riffle riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run; pool-run pool-run; riffle-run riffle-run pool-run; riffle-run backwater; pool pool-run pool-run pool-run pool riffle-run pool-run pool-run riffle riffle-run riffle-run backwater pool-run pool-run pool-run pool-run pool-run; riffle-run riffle-run pool-run pool-run pool-run riffle; riffle-run pool-run pool-run pool-run pool-run backwater pool-run pool-run pool riffle-run riffle; riffle-run riffle riffle; riffle-run riffle; riffle-run riffle; riffle-run pool-run riffle-run; riffle riffle-run riffle; riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run pool pool pool pool pool riffle-run pool-run riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run pool-run pool-run backwater Overall NC Guild** backwater pool riffle-run pool-run pool pool-run pool pool pool pool-run pool margin pool-run backwater riffle-run pool riffle pool backwater riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run pool-run pool-run pool-run riffle-run pool riffle-run pool-run pool-run pool-run riffle-run pool pool pool backwater backwater backwater backwater riffle-run pool pool pool pool pool riffle riffle riffle riffle pool-run riffle backwater riffle riffle riffle pool-run pool-run riffle riffle backwater riffle riffle riffle-run riffle-run riffle pool-run pool-run backwater pool pool pool pool pool-run pool-run riffle-run riffle-run riffle riffle pool pool backwater riffle-run pool-run pool pool pool pool pool margin pool margin riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run pool pool pool riffle riffle-run riffle riffle riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run pool pool-run pool-run pool-run pool riffle-run pool-run pool-run riffle riffle-run riffle-run backwater pool-run pool-run pool-run pool-run riffle-run riffle-run pool-run pool-run pool-run riffle pool-run pool-run pool-run pool-run backwater riffle-run pool-run pool riffle-run riffle riffle riffle riffle riffle pool-run riffle-run riffle-run riffle riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run pool pool pool pool pool riffle riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run pool-run backwater NC FC Count 80 0 0 23 138 97 35 5 284 65 358 57 316 432 243 2 390 127 19 384 15 107 1 283 81 86 43 32 38 110 0 35 17 50 3 14 4 201 1 14 439 311 0 156 34 207 41 27 179 28 18 7 22 147 657 6 30 62 50 65 69 2 16 5 3 6 133 0 319 66 30 188 282 17 1 60 0 44 3 6 14 1026 469 349 375 818 45 185 24 218 55 4 150 50 107 117 15 516 57 5 0 213 56 29 9 53 1 736 100 3 52 215 98 188 73 14 236 74 141 192 76 10 1 2 2 34 8 236 39 5 164 56 4 58 17 14 6 58 631 118 73 1 187 54 2 108 0 145 12 17 3 37 3 17 2 73 9 81 118 101 19 2 47 180 135 478 15 106 Final Scientific Ameiurus natalis Aphredoderus sayanus Campostoma anomalum Clinostomus funduloides Cottus bairdii Cottus carolinae Cyprinella analostana Etheostoma blennioides Etheostoma flabellare Etheostoma nigrum Etheostoma olmstedi Etheostoma rufilineatum Lepomis macrochirus Luxilus albeolus Lythrurus ardens Lythrurus matutinus Micropterus salmoides Nocomis leptocephalus Notemigonus crysoleucas Notropis alborus Notropis altipinnis Notropis chiliticus Notropis hudsonius Notropis hudsonius Percina nevisense Phoxinus oreas Rhinichthys obtusus Mussel host info from: Cross-walk with Overall Fish Guild - number of host fish species Alasmidonta heterodon Alasmidonta raveneliana Elliptio steinstansana Lasmigona decorata Pegias fabula Pleurobema collina Cross-walk with Adult Fish Guild only - number of host fish species Alasmidonta heterodon Alasmidonta raveneliana Elliptio steinstansana Lasmigona decorata Pegias fabula Pleurobema collina Final Common Yellow Bullhead Pirate Perch Central Stoneroller Rosyside Dace Mottled Sculpin Banded Sculpin Satinfin Shiner Greenside Darter Fantail Darter Johnny Darter Tessellated Darter Redline Darter Bluegill White Shiner Rosefin Shiner Pinewood Shiner Largemouth Bass Bluehead Chub Golden Shiner Whitemouth Shiner Highfin Shiner Redlip Shiner Spottail Shiner Spottail Shiner Chainback Darter Mountain Redbelly Dace Western Blacknose Dace Chris Eads, NCSU; 2013 May Pers. Comm.; Effective Laboratory NC Fed T&E Freshwater Mussel Hosts Ohio State University 2013; Mussel Host Database search (; Molluscs Division of the Museum of Biological Diversity; riffle 2 3 2 riffle 2 1 1 NC Guild Adult/Juvenile (from literature*) pool backwater; margin riffle-run pool-run riffle-run riffle-run; pool-run pool; pool-run riffle riffle pool-run pool-run riffle-run pool pool-run; pool pool; pool-run pool; pool-run pool riffle-run; pool-run backwater; pool pool pool pool-run pool; pool-run pool; pool-run riffle; riffle-run pool-run riffle-run riffle-run 1 2 5 2 3 6 riffle-run 1 2 1 1 3 3 NC Guild Spawn (from literature*) pool backwater pool-run riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run; pool-run pool; pool-run riffle-run riffle-run margin; pool-run margin; pool-run riffle pool riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run pool riffle-run; pool-run backwater; pool pool-run pool-run riffle-run riffle riffle riffle; riffle-run riffle-run pool-run pool-run 2 1 4 1 pool-run 2 5 5 1 4 Overall NC Guild** pool backwater riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run pool-run riffle riffle pool-run pool-run riffle pool riffle-run riffle-run riffle-run pool riffle-run pool pool-run pool-run riffle-run riffle riffle riffle riffle-run riffle-run pool 4 pool 6 Alasmidonta heterodon X X X X X X backwater 1 1 backwater 1 1 Alasmidonta raveneliana X X Elliptio steinstansana X X X X X X Lasmigona decorata X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Pegias fabula X X X X X Pleurobema collina X X X X X X X marginal host for A. raveneliana A. raveneliana does not always co-occur with C. bairdii not in DWQ database, but does occur in NC Eads and OSU list R. atratulus; DWQ recognizes R. obtusus and R. atratulus Federal Endangered & Threatened Species of North Carolina - Aquatic Scientific Name Alasmidonta heterodon Alasmidonta raveneliana Elliptio steinstansana Lasmigona decorata Pegias fabula Pleurobema collina Villosa trabalis Acipenser brevirostrum Acipenser oxyrinchus Notropis mekistocholas Percina rex Erimonax monachus Menidia extensa Ptilimnium nodosum Spiraea virginiana Final Scientific Notropis mekistocholas Percina rex Cyprinella monacha Common Name Dwarf Wedgemussel Appalachian Elktoe Tar River Spinymussel Carolina Heelsplitter Littlewing Pearlymussel James Spinymussel Cumberland Bean Shortnose Sturgeon Atlantic Sturgeon Cape Fear Shiner Roanoke Logperch Spotfin Chub Waccamaw Silverside Harperella Virginia Spiraea Final Common Cape Fear Shiner Roanoke Logperch Spotfin Chub Taxa Group Bivalve Bivalve Bivalve Bivalve Bivalve Bivalve Bivalve Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Plant Plant NC Guild Adult/Juvenile (from literature*) pool-run pool-run riffle-run; pool-run Status E E E E E E E E E E E T T E T NC Guild Spawn (from literature*) pool-run pool-run riffle-run; pool-run Flow Dependent Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Overall NC Guild** pool-run pool-run riffle-run this species occurs at the NC/TN state line just below dam Cyprinella monacha in DWQ records NC FC Count 2 NOTE: No decision has been made yet for these petitioned species, but the US Fish and Wildlife Service is currently considering whether these species warrant listing. Anything done to protect them or address threats could be considered by the USFWS when making a determination, especially with regards to provisions for ecological flow protections. ScientificName Necturus lewisi Cryptobranchus alleganiensis ssp.alleganiensis Desmognathus aeneus Eurycea chamberlaini Stygobromus indentatus Problema bulenta Cambarus chaugaensis Cambarus parrishi Cambarus eeseeohensis Cambarus georgiae Cambarus spicatus Cambarus chasmodactylus Orconectes virginiensis Ophiogomphus incurvatus Gomphus consanguis Gomphus septima Macromia margarita Ophiogomphus edmundo Alosa pseudoharengus Alosa aestivalis Moxostoma sp. Noturus furiosus Noturus gilberti Moxostoma robustum Elassoma boehlkei Percina williamsi Anguilla rostrata Alasmidonta varicosa Toxolasma pullus Pleuronaia barnesiana Fusconaia subrotunda Medionidus conradicus Villosa nebulosa Elliptio lanceolata Lasmigona subviridis Lasmigona holstonia Lampsilis fullerkati Fusconaia masoni Pseudemys rubriventris Planorbella magnifica Leptoxis virgata Allocapnia fumosa Megaleuctra williamsae Solidago plumosa Nuphar lutea ssp. sagittifolia Isoetes microvela Isoetes hyemalis Minuartia godfreyi Ptilimnium ahlesii Ludwigia brevipes Fissidens appalachensis Megaceros aenigmaticus Plagiochila caduciloba CommonName Neuse River waterdog Hellbender Eastern Seepage Salamander Chamberlain's Dwarf Salamander Tidewater amphipod Rare Skipper Chauga crayfish Parrish crayfish Grandfather Mountain crayfish Little Tennessee crayfish Little River crayfish New River Riffle crayfish Chowanoke crayfish Appalachian snaketail Cherokee clubtail Septima's clubtail Mountain River cruiser Edmund's snaketail Alewife Blueback herring Sicklefin redhorse Carolina madtom Orangefin madtom Robust redhorse Carolina Pygmy sunfish Sickle darter American eel Brook floater Savannah lilliput Tennessee pigtoe Longsolid Cumberland moccasinshell Alabama rainbow Yellow lance Green floater Tennessee heelsplitter Waccamaw fatmucket Atlantic pigtoe Northern Red-bellied cooter magnificent ramshorn Smooth rocksnail Smokies snowfly Smokies needlefly Yadkin River Goldenrod Cape Fear Spatterdock or Yellow Pond Lily Thin-wall Quillwort Winter or Evergreen Quillwort Godfry's Stitchwort Carolina Bishopweek (Bishopweed) Long Beach Seedbox Appalachian Fissidens Moss Hornwort Gorge Leafy Liverwort Taxon Amphibian Amphibian Amphibian Amphibian Amphipod Butterfly Crayfish Crayfish Crayfish Crayfish Crayfish Crayfish Crayfish Dragonfly Dragonfly Dragonfly Dragonfly Dragonfly Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Mussel Mussel Mussel Mussel Mussel Mussel Mussel Mussel Mussel Mussel Mussel Reptile Snail Snail Stonefly Stonefly Vascular Plant Vascular Plant Vascular Plant Vascular Plant Vascular Plant Vascular Plant Vascular Plant Non-Vascular Plant Non-Vascular Plant Non-Vascular Plant Status Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Candidate Species for Federal Listing Candidate Species for Federal Listing Candidate Species for Federal Listing Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Petitioned for listing not in 374 Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Candidate Species for Federal Listing Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Candidate Species for Federal Listing Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Mega-Petition (374) Flow-Dependent Y Y Y Y ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Reference http://www.natureserve.org/explorer/index.htm http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/nhp/nhp-publications#rare-plant-and-animal-list http://www.dpr.ncparks.gov/odes/a/accounts.php?id=41 http://www.dpr.ncparks.gov/odes/a/accounts.php?id=12 http://www.dpr.ncparks.gov/odes/a/accounts.php?id=16 http://www.dpr.ncparks.gov/odes/a/accounts.php?id=64 http://www.dpr.ncparks.gov/odes/a/accounts.php?id=39 http://www.natureserve.org/explorer/index.htm http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/nhp/nhp-publications#rare-plant-and-animal-list http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/nhp/nhp-publications#rare-plant-and-animal-list http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/nhp/nhp-publications#rare-plant-and-animal-list http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/nhp/nhp-publications#rare-plant-and-animal-list http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/nhp/nhp-publications#rare-plant-and-animal-list http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/nhp/nhp-publications#rare-plant-and-animal-list http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/nhp/nhp-publications#rare-plant-and-animal-list http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/nhp/nhp-publications#rare-plant-and-animal-list Habitat Description normally occupy the margins of streams or seepages (70%) or floodplain or pond sites (30%) Probably restricted to shallow interstitial groundwater habitats in unconsolidated Coastal Plain sediments and observed in seeps, wells, and drains (Holsinger, 1978; Terwilliger, 1991). host species is wild rice which is flow dependent Small to medium streams, often in the open, for breeding; usually the streams are clear with some riffles and some gravel. Only near small streams in forests, often near springs, or where spring-fed. Breeds in clean, fast rivers and very large streams. Creeks and rivers that are clean and fast-flowing. Rivers and larger creeks with fast-flowing, clear water. only Massachusetts population is of concern habitat is blackwater streams, rivers, and lakes habitat is beds of blackwater and other streams habitat is tidal freshwater marshes habitat is tidal freshwater marshes habitat is blackwater stream banks habitat is submerged in rapids of moderate to high elevation mountain streams habitat is on rocks in streams habitat is on rocks and streambanks in humid gorges, spray zone of waterfalls