HomeMy WebLinkAbouteco_curve_methodologyRTI International RTI International is a trade name of Research Triangle Institute. www.rti.org Flow Alteration – Biological Response Relationships: Proof of Concept of a Proposed Methodology RTI Internal Research and Development Project RTI International Project Objective: To develop and test a space-for-time/cross-sectional analysis approach to determine flow alteration – biological response relationships: –to support determination of ecological flows e.g., Step 2 of BEC project –that are useful to water resource managers Objectives Unaltered Hydrograph Current Hydrograph WaterFALL Flow Alterations Aquatic Biology Monitoring Data Flow Alteration – Biological Response Relationships RTI International Methods Flow alteration –Data: WaterFALLTM hydrologic data at each biological monitoring station unaltered (Potential Natural Vegetation - PNV) and current (2006 NLCD + instream flow alterations) hydrologic conditions – expressed as % change 40-year climate period (1967-2006) –Metrics: Based on TNC Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA) and Ecodeficit metrics Focused on reductions/decreases in flow (management focus) Originally 67 metrics, now 23 metrics due to high degree of correlation between metrics magnitude, timing, and duration components of flow RTI International Methods Flow alteration metrics Metric Group Time Step (months) Description Number of Metrics Flow Regime Component EcoDeficit Annual Winter (12-3) Spring (4-6) Summer (7-9) Fall (10-11) Deficit in flow duration curves between unaltered and altered conditions 5 Magnitude Timing Minimum Flow Durations Annual Winter (12-3) Spring (4-6) Summer (7-9) Fall (10-11) 3-, 7-, 30-, and 90-day average minimum flows (90 days not present in fall) 19 Magnitude Duration Timing Total 23 RTI International Methods EcoDeficit and Ecosurplus –From Vogel et al. (2007) and Gao et al. (2009) High Flows Low Flows RTI International Methods Biological response metrics –NC DWQ Fish community dataset: Most recent record (1990-2011) 858 monitoring stations –Fish species (156) grouped by habitat guild: Pool (44 species / 675 stations) Pool-run Riffle-run (44 species / 650 stations) Riffle Margin Backwater –Metric Species diversity Abundance (total count) Shannon Weaver Index RTI International Methods Biological response metrics Metrics normalized by 90th percentile value for each basin (i.e., “maximal biological condition” in each basin) Basin n Abundance Species Shannon Broad 43 169 5 1.31 Cape Fear 72 95 4 0.89 Catawba 66 342 6 1.43 French Broad 73 674 10 1.76 Hiwassee 19 767 9 1.58 Little Tennessee 60 552 9 1.52 Lumber 12 15 1 0.00 Neuse 47 194 4 1.05 New 31 1512 11 1.62 Roanoke 37 419 11 1.84 Savannah 2 115 3 0.42 Tar 34 131 5 1.29 Watauga 19 625 5 1.09 Yadkin 136 419 7 1.44 90th percentile of biologic metrics for riffle-run guild by basin RTI International Methods Statistical Analyses: –Focused on 90th percentile of data (to represent upper limit of response attributable to flow alteration) –Normalized data by basin –Analyzed at state level –Linear vs. non-linear response function best fit determined by residual deviance Thresholds of biological response: –Flow alteration associated with 10, 20 and 30% reduction in “biological condition” RTI International Results Riffle-run guild 7% 11% Annual Ecodeficit (%) 16% 11% 15% 21% Bi o l o g i c a l C o n d i t i o n (n o r m a l i z e d s p e c i e s d i v e r s i t y - %) Decrease in Annual Average Minimum 90-Day Flow (%) RTI International Results Pool guild 7% 11% Annual Ecodeficit (%) 16% Bi o l o g i c a l C o n d i t i o n (n o r m a l i z e d s p e c i e s d i v e r s i t y - %) Decrease in Annual Average Minimum 90-Day Flow (%) 11% 26% >100% 23% 34% 47% RTI International Results Changes in flow associated with a 10% decrease in the maximum biologic condition Generalized Linear Model Exponential Decay Model Flow Metrics Abundance Species Shannon Annual Deficit 6 7 5 Winter Deficit 6 7 5 Spring Deficit 6 7 6 Summer Deficit 8 9 8 Fall Deficit 11 10 10 Annual 3 Day 10 11 11 Annual 7 Day 8 5 Annual 30 Day 13 13 11 Annual 90 Day 12 11 10 Winter 3 Day 9 9 8 Winter 7 Day 8 9 4 Winter 30 Day 9 10 8 Winter 90 Day 9 10 8 Spring 3 Day 9 11 8 Spring 7 Day 8 8 9 Spring 30 Day 11 12 13 Spring 90 Day 11 11 12 Summer 3 Day 10 13 12 Summer 7 Day 9 6 Summer 30 Day 14 14 12 Summer 90 Day 17 14 15 Fall 3 Day 12 12 8 Fall 7 Day 12 13 10 Fall 30 Day 12 12 10 Average 10 11 9 Deviation 2.7 2.1 2.9 NS NS Not significant (p <0.05) NS Riffle-run guild RTI International Flow Metrics Abundance Species Shannon Annual Deficit 25 11 13 Winter Deficit 31 11 13 Spring Deficit 22 11 13 Summer Deficit 21 15 14 Fall Deficit 28 21 25 Annual 3 Day 20 16 17 Annual 7 Day 17 11 15 Annual 30 Day 26 29 Annual 90 Day 23 24 Winter 3 Day 38 33 31 Winter 7 Day 28 31 Winter 30 Day 16 19 Winter 90 Day 16 18 Spring 3 Day 16 20 Spring 7 Day 28 14 14 Spring 30 Day 31 19 21 Spring 90 Day 31 21 24 Summer 3 Day 23 17 19 Summer 7 Day 14 19 Summer 30 Day 24 31 Summer 90 Day 36 22 28 Fall 3 Day 26 14 17 Fall 7 Day 32 24 27 Fall 30 Day 30 22 21 Average 27 18 21 Deviation 6.3 5.7 6.1 Results Changes in flow associated with a 10% decrease in the maximum biologic condition. Generalized Linear Model Exponential Decay Model NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS Not significant (p <0.05) Pool guild RTI International Potential applications: Develop these relationships for each stream class –i.e., BEC system Adopt these relationships for all “monitorable” streams (i.e., stream classification may not be necessary): –Riffle-run guild: Mountains and Piedmont –Pool guild: Mountains, Piedmont, and Coastal Plain RTI International Potential Applications Monitoring sites with riffle-run guild present RTI International Potential Applications Monitoring sites with pool guild present RTI International Potential Applications Where can the flow-biology relationships be applied? –To all streams that are “monitorable” Maximum drainage area Wadeable for stream length of 600 ft RTI International Questions? Fall Creek