HomeMy WebLinkAbout#5250_06_2012_FINALINSPECTION REPORT ROUTING SHEET To be attached to all inspection reports in-house only. Laboratory Cert. #. 5250 Laboratory Name: Royal Water Works, Inc. Inspection Type: Field Commercial Maintenance Inspector Name(s): Jason Smith Inspection Date: June 13, 2012 Date Report Completed: July 11, 2012 Date Forwarded to Reviewer: July 20, 2012 Reviewed by: Jeff Adams Date Review Completed: July 20, 2012 Cover Letter to use: _ Insp. Initial X Insp. Reg. _ Insp. No Finding _ Insp. CP _Corrected Unit Supervisor: Gary Francies Date Received: 7/20/2012 Date Forwarded to Linda: 7/24/2012 Date Mailed: 1,25 1 L a NorthIn NCDENR # Department • and Natural Resources Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor 5250 Mr. Wesley Royal Royal Water Works, Inc. P.O. Box 778 Pisgah Forest, NC 28768 Division of Water Quality Charles Wakild, P. E. Director July 24, 2012 Dee Freeman Secretary Subject: North Carolina Wastewater/Groundwater Laboratory Certification (NC WW/GW LC) Maintenance Inspection Dear Mr. Royal: Enclosed is a report for the inspection performed on June 13, 2012 by Jason Smith. Where finding(s) are cited in this report, a response is required. Within thirty days of receipt, please supply this office with a written item for item description of how these finding(s) were corrected. If the finding(s) cited in the enclosed report are not corrected, enforcement actions may be recommended. For certification maintenance, your laboratory must continue to carry out the requirements set forth in 15A NCAC 2H .0800. Copies of the checklists completed during the inspection may be requested from this office. Thank you for your cooperation during the inspection. If you wish to obtain an electronic copy of this report by email or if you have questions or need additional information, please contact us at 828-296-4677. Sincerely, Gary Francies Certification Unit Supervisor Laboratory Section Enclosure Cc: Master File Jason Smith DENR DWO Laboratory Section NC Wastewater/Groundwater Laboratory Certification Branch 1623 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1623 Location: 4405 Reedy Creek Road. Raleigh, North Carolina 27607-6445 Phone: 919-733-3908 \ FAX: 919-733-6241 Internet: www.dwglab.org One North.Carolina An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer LABORATORY NAME: NPDES PERMIT #: ADDRESS: CERTIFICATE #: DATE OF INSPECTION: TYPE OF INSPECTION: AUDITOR(S): LOCAL PERSON(S) CONTACTED: INTRODUCTION: On -Site Inspection Report Royal Water Works, Inc. NC0021946, NC0052043, and NCO021733 P.O. Box 778 Pisgah Forest, NC 28768 5250 June 13, 2012 Field Commercial Maintenance Jason Smith Wesley Royal and Don Byers This laboratory was inspected to verify its compliance with the requirements of 15A NCAC 2H .0800 for the analysis of environmental samples. II. GENERAL COMMENTS: Wesley Royal operates and analyzes samples for Rosman WWTP (NPDES permit # NC0021946) and Toxaway Falls (NPDES permit #NC0052043). Don Byers operates and analyzes samples for Marshall WWTP (NPDES permit #NC0021733). However, Mr. Byers stated he intends to obtain laboratory certification. The laboratory has all the equipment necessary for each analyst to perform the analyses. The requirements associated with Findings D, E, and F are new policies that have been implemented by our program since the last inspection. General Laboratory A. Finding: Error corrections were not properly performed and some data entry for the Marshall WWTP was written in pencil. Requirement: All documentation errors must be corrected by drawing a single line through the error so that the original entry remains legible. Entries shall not be obliterated by erasures or markings. Wite-Out®, correction tape or similar products designed to obliterate documentation are not to be used. Write the correction adjacent to the error. The correction must be initialed by the responsible individual and the date of change documented. All data and log entries must be written in indelible ink. Pencil entries are not acceptable. Ref: Quality Assurance Policies for Field Laboratories. B. Finding: The DPD powder pillows in use at Toxaway Falls expired in September 2011. Requirement: Adherence to manufacturer expiration dates is required (except for gel standards for Total Residual Chlorine). Chemicals, reagents, standards, consumables exceeding the Page 2 #5250 Royal Water Works, Inc. expiration date can no longer be considered reliable. If the expiration is only listed as a month and year (with no specific day of the month), the last day of the month will be considered the actual date of expiration. Monitor materials for changes in appearance or consistency. Any changes may indicate potential contamination and the item should be discarded, even if the expiration date is not exceeded. If no expiration date is given, the laboratory must have a policy for assigning an expiration date. If no date received or expiration date can be determined, the item should be discarded. Ref: Quality Assurance Policies for Field Laboratories. C. Finding: Data that does not meet all quality control requirements is not qualified on the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR). Requirement: When quality control (QC) failures occur, the laboratory must attempt to determine the source of the problem and must apply corrective action. Part of the corrective action is notification to the end user. If data qualifiers are used to qualify samples not meeting QC requirements, the -data may not be useable for the intended purposes. It is the responsibility of the laboratory to provide the client or end -user of the data with sufficient information to determine the usability of the qualified data. Where applicable, a notation must be made on the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) form, in the comment section or on a separate sheet attached to the DMR form, when any required sample quality control does not meet specified criteria and another sample cannot be obtained. Ref: Quality Assurance Policies for Field Laboratories. Comment: The laboratory was not transcribing data qualifiers from the contract laboratory reports to the DMR. The following error was noted: January 3, 2012 Toxaway Falls WWTP BOD result was not qualified on the Discharge Monitoring Report as reported by Environmental Testing Solutions (Certified Laboratory #600). Proficiency Testing D. Finding: The laboratory is not analyzing Proficiency Testing (PT) samples in the same manner as environmental samples. Requirement: All PT samples are to be analyzed and the results reported in a manner consistent with the routine analysis and reporting requirements of compliance samples and any other samples analyzed according to the requirements of 15A NCAC 2H .0800. Ref: Proficiency Testing Requirements, February 20, 2012, Revision 1.2. Comment: The laboratories common practice was to analyze a known along with the PT sample as additional Quality Control. E. Finding: The preparation of Proficiency Testing (PT) samples is not documented. Requirement: PT samples received as ampules must be diluted according to the PT provider's instructions. The preparation of PT samples must be documented in a traceable log or other traceable format. The diluted PT sample becomes a routine environmental sample and is added to a routine sample batch for analysis. Ref: Proficiency Testing Requirements, February 20, 2012, Revision 1.2. F. Finding: The laboratory is not documenting Proficiency Testing (PT) sample analyses in the same manner as environmental samples (i.e. on a laboratory benchsheet or field notebook). Page 3 #5250 Royal Water Works, Inc. Requirement: All PT sample analyses must be recorded in the daily analysis records as for any environmental sample. This serves as the permanent laboratory record. Ref: Proficiency Testing Requirements, February 20, 2012, Revision 1.2. Documentation Comment: The documentation at the Marshall WWTP did not include sample collection time, analysis time, or analyst signature/initials. The North Carolina Administrative Code, 15A NCAC 2H .0805 (g) (1) states: Data pertinent to each analysis must be maintained for five years. Certified Data must consist of date collected, time collected, samples site, sample collector, and sample analysis time. The field benchsheets must provide a space for the signature of the analyst, and proper units of measure for all analyses. Demonstration of acceptable corrective action (i.e., a new benchsheet including all required information) was received by email on June 17, 2012. No further response is necessary for this finding. Comment: The pH time of collection and Temperature collection/analysis time was not documented for the Rosman WWTP. The North Carolina Administrative Code, 15A NCAC 2H .0805 (g) (1) states: Data pertinent to each analysis must be maintained for five years. Certified Data must consist of date collected, time collected, samples site, sample collector, and sample analysis time. The field benchsheets must provide a space for the signature of the analyst, and proper units of measure for all analyses. Acceptable corrective action (i.e., updating the benchsheet to include these times) was performed during the inspection. No further response is necessary for this finding. Comment: The laboratory did not have a system of traceability for purchased chemicals and reagents. The Quality Assurance Policies for Field Laboratories states: All chemicals, reagents, standards and consumables used by the laboratory must have the following information documented: Date Received, Date Opened (in use), Vendor, Lot Number, and Expiration Date. A system (e.g., traceable identifiers) must be in place that links standard/reagent preparation information to analytical batches in which the solutions are used. Documentation of solution preparation must include the analyst's initials, date of preparation, the volume or weight of standard(s) used, the solvent and final volume of the solution. This information as well as the vendor and/or manufacturer, lot number, and expiration date must be retained for chemicals, reagents, standards and consumables used for a period of five years. Consumable materials such as pH buffers and lots of pre -made standards are included in this requirement. Demonstration of acceptable corrective action (i.e., a traceability log recording all required information) was received by email on June 25, 2012. No further response is necessary for this finding. Total Residual Chlorine — Standard Methods, 181h Edition, 4500 Cl G Comment: The gel standard was analyzed on the regular level (mg/L) curve/program at the Marshall WWTP. The Technical Assistance for Field Analysis of Total Residual Chlorine states: Calibration checks must be for the curve and/or program used for sample analysis. Demonstration of acceptable corrective action (i.e., a new benchsheet indicating checking the gel standard on the low level (,ug/L) curve/program) was received by email on June 17, 2012. No further response is necessary for this finding. Comment: The curve verification for Toxaway Falls was performed on the regular level (mg/L) curve/program and was last performed in April 2011. The curve verification for Marshall WWTP was not available at the time of the inspection. The Technical Assistance for Field Analysis of Total Residual Chlorine document states: Calibration checks must be for the curve and/or program used for sample analysis. Analyze a water blank to zero the instrument and then analyze a series of five standards. The curve verification must check 5 concentrations (not counting the blank) that bracket the range of the samples to be analyzed. This type of curve verification must be performed at. least every 12 months. The values obtained must not vary by more than 10% of the known value for standard concentrations greater Page 4 #5250 Royal Water Works, Inc. than or equal to 50 ,ug/L and must not vary by more than 25% of the known value for standard concentrations less than 50 pg/L. The overall correlation coefficient of the curve must be >_0.995. Demonstration of acceptable corrective action (i.e., new acceptable curve verifications for both meters) was received by email on June 25, 2012. No further response is necessary for this finding. pH — Standard Methods, 181h Edition, 4500 H+ B Total Residual Chlorine — Standard Methods, 18t" Edition, 4500 Cl G Comment: The time of pH and Total Residual Chlorine calibration was not documented at the Marshall WWTP. The Technical Assistance for Field Analysis of pH and Technical Assistance for Field Analysis of Total Residual Chlorine documents state: Time of calibration must be documented whenever sample analysis is performed. Demonstration of acceptable corrective action (i.e., a new benchsheet which includes documentation of calibration times) was received by email on June 17, 2012. No further response is necessary for this finding. IV. PAPER TRAIL INVESTIGATION: The paper trail consisted of comparing field testing records and contract lab reports to Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) submitted to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. Data were reviewed for January and February, 2012 for Rosman WWTP (NPDES permit #NC0021946), Toxaway Falls (NPDES permit #NC0052043), and Marshall WWTP (NPDES permit #NC0021733). The following error was noted: Date Parameter Location Value on contract lab report Value on DMR 2/21/12 BOD Marshall WWTP Effluent 3.4 mg/L 13 mg/L 2/21/12 TSS Marshall WWTP Effluent 12 mg/L 21 mg/L 2/21/12 Ammonia Marshall WWTP Effluent 1.5 mg/L 0.40 mg/L 2/21/12 Fecal Coliform Marshall WWTP Effluent 2 CFU 44 CFU In order to avoid questions of legality, it is recommended that you contact the appropriate Regional Office for guidance as to whether an amended Discharge Monitoring Report will be required. A copy of this report will be forwarded to the Regional Office. V. CONCLUSIONS: Correcting the above -cited findings will help this lab to produce quality data and meet certification requirements. Please respond to all findings. Report prepared by: Jason Smith Date: July 11, 2012 Report reviewed by: Jeffrey R. Adams Date: July 20, 2012