HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC000001_Permit Revision_20070725 THE NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION POST OFFICE Box 1562 APEX, NORTH CAROLINA 27502 July 25, 2007 North Carolina Department of Environment,Health and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Attention: NPDES Unit,Mike Templeton 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Dear Mr.Templeton: The Neuse River Compliance Association(NRCA)submitted the application for renewal of NPDES permit number NCC000001 on June 28,2007. As per our discussions,we have several corrected pages to submit for inclusion in the application package. The original application package included forms from each of the co-permittee members of the NRCA giving specific information on their facilities,including their individual nitrogen allocations. Several of the members reported their allocations incorrectly,by including nitrogen allocations that had not yet been added to their individual permits. We asked them to correct these forms and have enclosed the corrected, signed copies to be substituted into the application package. There were also several members who had not sent us forms with original signatures by the submission deadline. We have enclosed those forms as well. Enclosed,please find original signatures for the City of Wilson and the City of Raleigh(3 plants.) Also enclosed are corrected nitrogen allocation forms for New Bern,Clayton,Goldsboro,Kenly, LaGrange,and Kinston. If you have any questions or need any further information,please do not hesitate to contact me at 919/989-5044 or our Executive Director,Cindy Finan at 919/387-3478. Si erely A pisc__„: Ha od M.Phthisic, Chairman NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION CO-PERMITTEE/MEMBER INFORRMATION AND APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF NPDES PERMIT FOR TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE AS CO-PERMITTEE WITH THE NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION FACILITY OWNER: City of Raleigh Contact: H. Dale Crisp Phone Number: (919) 857-4540 Address: PO Box 590, Raleigh, NC 27602 Email Address: Dale.Crisp(ri'ci.raleigh.nc.us Facility Operator(if different than owner): NA Facility Name: Smith Creek WWTP NPDES Permit No.: N00030759 Receiving Waters: Neuse River Outfall No.:001 Location Coordinates: Latitude: 35 54' 29" Longitude: 780 32' 18" Permitted Flow: 6.0 MGD Original Total Nitrogen Allocation at the Discharge Location (as assigned in the Neuse Nutrient Sensitive Waters Mgmt. Strategy) in pounds per year: 67,579 lbs. Other Acquired Total Nitrogen Allocations(through purchase,plants acquired,regionalization, etc.) in pounds per year at the discharge location: (please list each acquisition separately): Jones Dairy Farm WWTP(formerly NC0064149)—3,235 lbs. Total Nitrogen Allocation(Permitted) at the Discharge Location: 70,814 lbs. Total Nitrogen Allocation Held in Reserve(not permitted through the individual NPDES permit)in pounds at the discharge location: 0 Total Nitrogen Transport Factor to the Estuary as assigned by DWQ expressed as a percent: 50% Total Nitrogen Allocation (Permitted and not in reserve) at the Estuary in pounds per year: 35,408 lbs. Certification (Must be signed by the individual who would be authorized to sign a permit renewal.) I certify that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and o !lete. /{4, pc,t bc (a,t. 04,-- h-/,7 Name and i e Date NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION CO-PERMITTEE/MEMBER INFORMATION AND APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF NPDES PERMIT FOR TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE AS CO-PERMITTEE WITH THE NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION FACILITY OWNER: City of Raleigh Contact: H. Dale Crisp Phone Number: (919) 857-4540 Address: PO Box 590, Raleigh, NC 27602 Email Address: Dale.Crisp4ci.raleigh.nc.us Facility Operator(if different than owner): N-A Facility Name: Neuse River WWTP NPDES Permit No.: NC0029033 Receiving Waters: Neuse River Outfall No.:001 Location Coordinates: Latitude: 35 42' 59" Longitude: 78 28' 54" Permitted Flow: 60 MGD Original Total Nitrogen Allocation at the Discharge Location (as assigned in the Neuse Nutrient Sensitive Waters Mgmt. Strategy)in pounds per year: 675,790 lbs. Other Acquired Total Nitrogen Allocations(through purchase,plants acquired,regionalization, etc.)in pounds per year at the discharge location: (please list each acquisition separately): Plantation Inn WWTP (formerly NC0027570)—506 lbs. Falls Village WWTP(formerly NC0046230)— 121 lbs. Total Nitrogen Allocation(Permitted)at the Discharge Location: 676,417 lbs. Total Nitrogen Allocation Held in Reserve(not permitted through the individual NPDES permit) in pounds at the discharge location: 0 Total Nitrogen Transport Factor to the Estuary as assigned by DWQ expressed as a percent: 50% Total Nitrogen Allocation (Permitted and not in reserve)at the Estuary in pounds per year: 338.209 lbs. Certification (Must be signed by the individual who would be authorized to sign a permit renewal.) I certify that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate an coI • ( / P Pohl c th(t(*es: cibr- 61n -',/4./Y7 1 NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION CO-PERMITTEE/MEMBER INFORMATION AND APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF NPDES PERMIT FOR TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE AS CO-PERMITTEE WITH THE NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION FACILITY OWNER: City of Raleigh Contact: H. Dale Crisp Phone Number: (919) 857-4540 Address: PO Box 590, Raleigh, NC 27602 Email Address: Dale.Crispq_ ci.raleigh.nc.us Facility Operator(if different than owner): N,'A Facility Name: Little Creek WWTP NPDES Permit No.: NC0079316 Receiving Waters: Little Creek Outfall No.:001 Location Coordinates: Latitude: 35°48' 57" Longitude: 78° 16' 20" Permitted Flow: 1.85 MGD Original Total Nitrogen Allocation at the Discharge Location (as assigned in the Neuse Nutrient Sensitive Waters Mgmt. Strategy)in pounds per year: 20,837 lbs. Other Acquired Total Nitrogen Allocations(through purchase,plants acquired,regionalization, etc.) in pounds per year at the discharge location: (please list each acquisition separately): Middlesex WWTP(formerly NC0022363)— 1,618 lbs. Total Nitrogen Allocation(Permitted) at the Discharge Location: 22,45.5 lbs. Total Nitrogen Allocation Held in Reserve(not permitted through the individual NPDES permit)in pounds at the discharge location: 0 Total Nitrogen Transport Factor to the Estuary as assigned by DWQ expressed as a percent: 50% Total Nitrogen Allocation (Permitted and not in reserve) at the Estuary in pounds per year: 11,227 lbs. Certification (Must be signed by the individual who would be authorized to sign a permit renewal.) I certify that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and c / RU (?&sT) QA'r 61172C/Y? Name and 'itle Date I NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION CO-PERMITTEE/MEMBER INFORMATION AND APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF NPDES PERMIT FOR TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE AS CO-PERMITTEE WITH THE NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION FACILITY OWNER: City of Wilson Contact: Russell Brice Phone Number: (252) 399-2491 Address: P. O. Box 10, Wilson,NC 27894 Email Address: rbrice@wilsonnc.org Facility Operator(if different than owner): Facility Name: Hominy Creek Wastewater Management Facility NPDES Permit No.: NC0023906 Receiving Waters: Contentnea Creek Outfall No.: 001 Location Coordinates: Latitude: 34°40' 37" Longitude: 77° 54' 51" Permitted Flow: 14 MGD Original Total Nitrogen Allocation at the Discharge Location(as assigned in the Neuse Nutrient Sensitive Waters Mgmt. Strategy)in pounds per year: 157,684 Other Acquired Total Nitrogen Allocations(through purchase,plants acquired,regionalization, etc.)in pounds per year at the discharge location: (please list each acquisition separately): None Total Nitrogen Allocation(Permitted)at the Discharge Location: 157,684 Total Nitrogen Allocation Held in Reserve(not permitted through the individual NPDES permit)in pounds at the discharge location: None Total Nitrogen Transport Factor to the Estuary as assigned by DWQ expressed as a percent: 50% Total Nitrogen Allocation (Permitted and not in reserve)at the Estuary in pounds per year: 78,842 Certification (Must be signed by the individual who would be authorized to sign a permit renewal.) I certify that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. /‘t.4 di Name and Title g )Date NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION CO-PERMITEE/MEMBER INFORMATION AND APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF NPDES PERMIT FOR TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE AS CO-PERMITTEE WITH THE NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION FACILITY OWNER: City of New Bern Contact: Walter B. Hartman, Jr., City Manager Phone Number: 252-639-2701 Address: PO Box 1129, New Bern, NC 28561-1129 Email Address: citymgr@newbern-nc.org Facility Operator(if different than owner): n/a Facility Name: City of New Bern WWTP NPDES Permit No.:N00025348 Receiving Waters: Neuse River Outfall No.:001 Location Coordinates: Latitude: 35 08' 20"Longitude: 77 03' 37" Permitted Flow: 6.5 mgd. Original Total Nitrogen Allocation at the Discharge Location(as assigned in the Neuse Nutrient Sensitive Waters Mgmt. Strategy)in pounds per year: 52,937 lbs. Other Acquired Total Nitrogen Allocations(through purchase, plants acquired, regionalization, etc.)in pounds per year at the discharge location: (please list each acquisition separately): 5,632 Zach Taylor NC0066613 Stately Pines and Trent River WWTP(pending but not yet permitted) Total Nitrogen Allocation(Permitted)at the Discharge Location: 58,569 Total Nitrogen Allocation Held in Reserve(not permitted through the individual NPDES permit)in pounds at the discharge location: 0 Total Nitrogen Transport Factor to the Estuary as assigned by DWQ expressed as a percent: 100% Total Nitrogen Allocation(Permitted and not in reserve)at the Estuary in pounds per year: 58,569 lbs. Certification (Must be signed by the individual who would be authorized to sign a permit renewal.) I certify that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. - / / - n , Name and itle Date NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION CO-PERMITEE/MEMBER INFORMATION AND APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF NPDES PERMIT FOR TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE AS CO-PERMITTEE WITH THE NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION FACILITY OWNER: Town of Clayton Contact: James Warren Phone Number: 919/553-1536 Address: PO Box 879 Clayton, NC 27528 Email Address: jowarren@townofclaytonnc.org Facility Operator(if different than owner): n/a Facility Name: Town of Clayton WWTP NPDES Permit No.: NC0025453 Receiving Waters: Neuse River Outfall No.: 001 Location Coordinates: Latitude: 35 39'50" Longitude: 78 25" 26" Permitted Flow: 2.5 mgd Original Total Nitrogen Allocation at the Discharge Location(as assigned in the Neuse Nutrient Sensitive Waters Mgmt. Strategy)in pounds per year: 21,400 Other Acquired Total Nitrogen Allocations(through purchase, plants acquired, regionalization, etc.)in pounds per year at the discharge location: (please list each acquisition separately): South Granville Water and Sewer Authority 7,336 pounds Total Nitrogen Allocation(Permitted)at the Discharge Location: 21,400 lbs. Total Nitrogen Allocation Held in Reserve(not permitted through the individual NPDES permit)in pounds at the discharge location: 7,336 pounds Total Nitrogen Transport Factor to the Estuary as assigned by DWQ expressed as a percent: 50% Total Nitrogen Allocation(Permitted and not in reserve)at the Estuary in pounds per year: 10,700 lbs. Certification (Must be signed by the individual who would be authorized to sign a permit renewal.) I certify that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. ( LUtf/A /v() Su .) 7 �t, 7l � ame and Title Date NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION CO-PERMITEE/MEMBER INFORMATION AND APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF NPDES PERMIT FOR TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE AS CO-PERMITTEE WITH THE NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION FACILITY OWNER: City of Goldsboro Water Reclamation Facility Contact: Karen Brashear Phone Number: 919-735-3329 Address: PO Drawer A. Goldsboro, NC 27533 Email Address: kbrashear@ci.goldsboro.nc.us Facility Operator(if different than owner): n/a Facility Name: City of Goldsboro Water Reclamation Facility NPDES Permit No.: NC0023949 Receiving Waters: Neuse River Outfall No.: 001 and 002 Location Coordinates:Pipe 001 Latitude: 35 20' 44"Longitude: 77 59' 59" Pipe 002 Latitude 35 20' 14" Longitude 77 59' 53" Permitted Flow: 14.2 mgd Original Total Nitrogen Allocation at the Discharge Location (as assigned in the Neuse Nutrient Sensitive Waters Mgmt. Strategy)in pounds per year: 189,220 lbs Other Acquired Total Nitrogen Allocations(through purchase, plants acquired, regionalization, etc.)in pounds per year at the discharge location: (please list each acquisition separately): 8,088 lbs. Genoa Industrial Park NC0030392 809 lbs* (pending*and not permitted yet) Town of Eureka NC0028062 Total Nitrogen Allocation(Permitted)at the Discharge Location: 197,309 lbs. Total Nitrogen Allocation Held in Reserve(not permitted through the individual NPDES permit)in pounds at the discharge location: 0 Total Nitrogen Transport Factor to the Estuary as assigned by DWQ expressed as a percent: 70% Total Nitrogen Allocation (Permitted and not in reserve)at the Estuary in pounds per year: 138,117 lbs. Certification (Must be signed by the individual who would be authorized to sign a permit renewal.) I certify that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. �J J J /LPIv� 7 - 6 - 07 Name and Title Date NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION CO-PERMITEE/MEMBER INFORMATION AND APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF NPDES PERMIT FOR TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE AS CO-PERMITTEE WITH THE NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION FACILITY OWNER: Town of Kenly Contact: Scott Shelton, Town Manager Phone Number: 252-284-2116 Address: PO Box 519, Kenly, NC 27542 Email Address: scott.shelton@townofkenly.com Facility Operator(if different than owner): n/a Facility Name: Kenly Regional WWTP NPDES Permit No.: NC0064891 Receiving Waters: Little River in the Neuse River Basin Outfall No.: 001 Location Coordinates: Latitude: 35 34' S8"Longitude: 78 09' 31" Permitted Flow: .63 mgd. Original Total Nitrogen Allocation at the Discharge Location(as assigned in the Neuse Nutrient Sensitive Waters Mgmt. Strategy)in pounds per year: 7,096 lbs. Other Acquired Total Nitrogen Allocations(through purchase,plants acquired,regionalization, etc.)in pounds per year at the discharge location: (please list each acquisition separately):0 Total Nitrogen Allocation(Permitted)at the Discharge Location: 7096 lbs. Total Nitrogen Allocation Held in Reserve(not permitted through the individual NPDES permit)in pounds at the discharge location: 0 Total Nitrogen Transport Factor to the Estuary as assigned by DWQ expressed as a percent: 50% Total Nitrogen Allocation(Permitted and not in reserve)at the Estuary in pounds per year: 3,548 lbs. Certification (Must be signed by the individual who would be authorized to sign a permit renewal.) I certify that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. S /To 4., r . 7 S a ? Name and Title Date NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION CO-PERMITEE/MEMBER INFORMATION AND APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF NPDES PERMIT FOR TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE AS CO-PERMITTEE WITH THE NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION FACILITY OWNER: Town of LaGrange Contact: John P. Craft, Town Manager Phone Number: (252) 566-3186 Address: PO Box 368, 203 South Center St., LaGrange, NC Email Address: jperaft@lagrangenc.com Facility Operator(if different than owner): n/a Facility Name: Town of LaGrange WWTP NPDES Permit No.: NC0021644 Receiving Waters: Unnamed Tributary of Mosely Cr. Outfall No.: 001 Location Coordinates: Latitude: 35 18' 45"Longitude: 77 46' 32" Permitted Flow: .750 Original Total Nitrogen Allocation at the Discharge Location(as assigned in the Neuse Nutrient Sensitive Waters Mgmt. Strategy)in pounds per year: 8,447 lbs. Other Acquired Total Nitrogen Allocations(through purchase, plants acquired,regionalization, etc.)in pounds per year at the discharge location: (please list each acquisition separately): 0 Total Nitrogen Allocation(Permitted)at the Discharge Location: 8,447 lbs. Total Nitrogen Allocation Held in Reserve(not permitted through the individual NPDES permit)in pounds at the discharge location: 0 Total Nitrogen Transport Factor to the Estuary as assigned by DWQ expressed as a percent: 70% Total Nitrogen Allocation(Permitted and not in reserve)at the Estuary in pounds per year: 5,913 lbs. Certification (Must be signed by the individual who would be authorized to sign a permit renewal.) I certify that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurat• and omplete. v ainer Name i d Title /g/ Date NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION CO-PERMITEE/MEMBER INFORMATION AND APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF NPDES PERMIT FOR TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE AS CO-PERMITTEE WITH THE NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION FACILITY OWNER: City of Kinston Contact: Chuck Cauley Phone Number: 252/939-3375 Address: City of Kinston, PO Box 339, Kinston, NC 28501 Email Address: Chuck.Cauley@ci.kinston.nc.us Facility Operator(if different than owner): Facility Name: Kinston Regional Water Reclamation Facility NPDES Permit No.:N00024236 Receiving Waters: Neuse River Outfall No.:001 Location Coordinates: Latitude: 35 17' 16" Longitude: 77 30' 6.9" Permitted Flow: 11.85 MGD Original Total Nitrogen Allocation at the Discharge Location(as assigned in the Neuse Nutrient Sensitive Waters Mgmt. Strategy)in pounds per year: 50,684 Other Acquired Total Nitrogen Allocations(through purchase, plants acquired,regionalization, etc.)in pounds per year at the discharge location: (please list each acquisition separately): Peachtree WWTP-2006 76,026 lbs. Total Nitrogen Allocation(Permitted)at the Discharge Location: 126,710 lbs. Total Nitrogen Allocation Held in Reserve(not permitted through the individual NPDES permit)in pounds at the discharge location: 0 Total Nitrogen Transport Factor to the Estuary as assigned by DWQ expressed as a percent: 70% Total Nitrogen Allocation (Permitted and not in reserve)at the Estuary in pounds per year: 88,697 lbs. Certification (Must be signed by the individual who would be authorized to sign a permit renewal.) I certify that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accu .ted•d complete. 4./ ‘/2� Name and D Tale Date