HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC000001_EPA Review of Proposed Permit_20021226 w K r l A UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION 4 oQ ATLANTA FEDERAL CENTER Z�F o2 61 FORSYTH STREET ~l'9<PROSE�'� ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303-8960 DEC 2 6 tool e . Klimek, P.E., Director ; r --- n of Water Quality JAN - 7 2003 an Department of Environment and i AN Natural Resources II L 1617 Mail Service Center L _ Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 SLTBJ: Review of Proposed Final NPDES Permit Neuse River Compliance Association NCC000001 Dear Mr. Klimek: EPA Region 4 has received the proposed final National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for the above referenced facility. Receipt was by e-mail messages on December 16, 2002, and a revision on December 19, 2002. In accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)/North Carolina(NC)Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), we have no objection to the issuance of the proposed final permit. The proposed final NPDES permit contains appropriate language addressing the modification of NPDES permits. It also addresses EPA's concerns regarding the clarification of applicable individual or Neuse River Compliance Association (Association)total nitrogen (TN) limits, the process for modifying TN limits in the Association NPDES permit and individual permits, and a schedule for incorporating language in individual NPDES permits referencing membership in the Association. The proposed final permit also addresses EPA's comments concerning the applicability of the NPDES standard conditions to the Association and its Co- permittees by specifying the Association as a governing body for its members and as such is not subject to standard conditions referencing ownership or operation of a wastewater treatment facility. Val ri n ' - 2003 DIV. OF WATER QUALITY DIRECTOR'S OFFICE d� Intemet Address(URL)• http://www.epa.gov /L`� Recycled/Recyclable•Printed with Vegetable Oil Based Inks on Recycled Paper(Minimum 30%Posiconsumer) R r i 2 In accordance with the NC/EPA MOA and 40 C.F.R. §123.44, North Carolina has submitted a proposed final draft permit which satisfies EPA's objection. Therefore,this letter acts to withdraw EPA's November 20, 2002, objection to the October 21, 2002, draft permit. We request that we be afforded an additional review opportunity only if significant changes are made to the permit prior to issuance or if significant comments to the permit are received. Otherwise, please send us one copy of the final permit when issued. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me directly or have your staff contact Ms. Dee Stewart at (404) 562-9334. Sincerely, James D. Giattina Director Water Management Division cc: Mr. Timothy L. Donnelly Neuse River Compliance Association Neuse Compliance Association Membership Roster r � 't Subject: Neuse Compliance Association Membership Roster Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2002 15:21:50-0500 From: "Morris Brookhart" <mvbpe@earthlink.net> To: "Mike Templeton"<mike.templeton@ncmail.net> CC: 'Tim Donnelly" <tdonnelly@apexnc.org>, "Glenn Dunn"<hgdunn@poynerspruill.com> As discussed on the phone with Dave Goodrich yesterday, The Neuse Compliance Association met December 12, 2002 and elected new members in addition to the original six. The Roster with the amended Permit Application dated October 1, 2002 is correct except that the NRCA decided to delay admission of MCAS Cherry Point. A corrected Membership Roster that will be effective during Calendar Year 2003 is attached. ---Morris Brookhart ---mvbpe(a earthlink.net --- EarthLink: It's your Internet. Name: Dec Member Roster.xls Type: Microsoft Excel Worksheet(application/vnd.ms-excel) ADec Member Roster.xls Encoding: base64 Description: Dec Member Roster.xls Download Status: Not downloaded with message 1 of 1 01/14/2003 1:40 PM THE NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP ROSTER December 12,2002 NPDES FACILITY FACILITY CONTACT PHONE PERMIT TOTAL NITROGEN ALLOCATION LBS✓YEAR PERMIT NAME OWNER PERSON NUMBER FLOW' AT PERMIT ESTUARY AT NUMBER MGD DISCHARGE TRANSPORT ESTUARY NCO020389 Benson WWTP Town of Benson Keith R. Langdon 919-894-3553 3.000 33,790 50% 16,895 NCO023906 Wilson WWTP City of Wilson Charles W. Pittman,III 919-399-2461 14.000 157,684 50% 78,842 NCO023949 Goldsboro WWTP City of Goldsboro Karen H. Brashear 919-735-3329 16.800 202,615 " 70% 141,587 " NCO029572 Farmville WWTP Town of Farmville Richard N. Hicks 252-753-5774 3.500 43,622 " 50% 21,811 " N00048879 North WWTP Town of Cary Robert P. Bonne 919-469-4303 12.000 147,334" 50% 73,667" NCO064050 Middle Creek WWTP Town of Apex Bruce A. Radford 919-362-8166 3.600 40,547 50% 20,274 N00065102 South WWTP Town of Cary Robert P. Bonne 919-469-4303 16.000 180,211 50% 90,106 N00026824 Butner WWTP NC Dept.of Health &Human Services Thomas N. McGee 919-575-3030 3.500 58,599 10% 5,860 NCO025453 Little Creek WWTP Town of Clayton James Warren 919-553-1536 1.900 21,400 50% 10,700 N00032077 ContentneaSD WWTP Contentnea MSD Charles M. Smithwick Jr. 252-524-5584 2.850 32,100 70% 22,470 NCO030716 Central Johnston Co.WWTP Johnston County Haywood Phthisic 919-989-5100 4.990 67,467 — 50% 33,734" NCO064891 Kenly Regional WWTP Town of Kenly Tony Sears 919-284-2116 0.630 7,096 50% 3,548 NCO029033 Peachtree WWTP City of Kinston Harold Herring 252-939-3128 6.750 76,026 70% 53,218 NCO024236 Northside WWTP City of Kinston Harold Herring 252-939-3128 4.500 50,684 70% 35,479 NCO021644 La Grange WWTP Town of La Grange James Sutton 252-566-3186 0.750 8,447 70% 5,913 NCO025348 New Bern WWTP City of New Bern Judy Majstoravich 252-636-4075 4.700 52,937 100% 52,937 NCO029033 Neuse River WWTP City of Raleigh Dale Crisp, P.E. 919-890-3400 60.000 676,734" 50% 338,367 " NC 0030759 Wake Forest WWTP Town of Wake Forest Roe O'Donnell,P.E. 919-554-6121 6.000 67,579 50% 33,790 NCO079316 Little Creek WWTP Town of Zebulon Brian Gay 919-269-7455 1.850 23,272 — 50% 11,636 " Bu dington Industries/Wake 48,882 50% 24,441 Totals: 167.320 1,075,273 'Adjusted Flow from Nutrient Management Strategy "Includes TN Allocation from Regionalization of facilities as detailed on attachment. NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION ESTUARY ALLOCATION, POUNDS: 1,075,273 Dec Member Roster.xls,Membership Roster REGIONALIZATION -- The The NPDES Permitted Facilities shown below are being removed from service with flow taken into the facilities shown. Neuse End of REGIONAL ESTUARY AT REGIONAL FACILITY PERMIT Pipe Allocations TOTAL TN TRANSPORT ESTUARY TOTAL TN REGIONALIZATION No. Feb. 2000 End of Pie NOTES Estuary Cary North 135,158 147,334 50% 67,579 73,667 Morrisville NCO050041 6,08850% 3,044 Morrisville NCO050938 6,088 50% 3,044 City of Raleigh 675,790 676,734 50% 337,895 338,367 Plantation Inn NCO027570 761 50% 381 Falls Utilities NCO046230 183 50% 92 County of Johnston. 56,203 67,467 50% 1 28,102 33,734 White Oak Plantation NCO060330 5,632 1. 50% 2,816 River Dell Utilities#2 NCO064556 5,632 1. 50% 2,816 Town of Zebulon 20,837 23,272 50% 10,419 11,636 Town of Middlesex NCO022363 2,43550% 1,218 Ci of Goldsboro 189,221 202,615 70% 132,455 141,587 Wayne Co. Genoa NCO030392 12,176 2. 70% 8,523 Town of Fremont Land App 0 Town of Eureka NCO048062 1,218 2. 50% 609 Town of Farmville 39,421 43,622 50% 19,7111 21,811 Town of Walstonburg NCO020362 4,201 50% 2,101 Burlington Industries/Wake INCO001376 48,882 48,882 3. 50% 24,441 24,441 Notes: 1. The two plants are active. Contracts call for terminating Permits during 2003 2. Plants are still Active. Connections are scheduled to be complete during 2002. 3. Not a result of Regionalization. Plant closed and TN Allocation was transferred to Raleigh to hold for the Group Compliance Association. Dec Member Roster.xls, Regionalization ` J�\SED Si,r�S (//t•J� UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY <� >w REGION 4 ATLANTA FEDERAL CENTER ;F \ 61 FORSYTH STREET 7114 PROAII`o? ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303-8960 JfAn 2002 yrig NOV 2 2002 D limek, P.E., Director f Water Quality DIV. OF V'eATER QUALITY lina Department of Environment and DIRECTOR'S OFFICE Natural Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 SUBJECT: Review of Draft Permit - Neuse River Compliance Association NCC00001 Dear Mr. Klimek: In accordance with the EPA/NC Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), we have completed our review of the above referenced permit received by EPA on October 21, 2002. The Environmental Protection Agency, Region 4 (EPA) has been working cooperatively with the State and the Lower Neuse Basin Association (LNBA) for several years to provide assistance in the development of a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)permit governing total nitrogen (TN) discharges to the Neuse River and Estuary. EPA appreciates the effort you have put forth in developing a group compliance permit and your attention to the many issues that have been discussed and resolved. At this time,EPA is providing comments concerning: 1) Appendix A and the management of this Appendix with regard to the determination of the TN effluent limitation in the permit; 2)Part H: Standard Conditions for NPDES Permits and its applicability to the Neuse River Compliance Association (Association) and Co-Permittee members; and 3) an objection to the definition of a minor modification included in the permit. Item A.(2.)(b)(iv.) states "Such revisions to Appendix A shall be considered a minor modification of this permit." EPA understands that revisions, as listed in Item A.(2), can result in a change in the TN allocation in the Association NPDES permit resulting in a change in the enforceable TN limit in the NPDES permit. Minor modifications are defined in 40 C.F.R. §122.63 and changing a limit in an NPDES permit is not one of the conditions for which a minor modification can be used. A change in a limit would be considered a major modification, in accordance with 40 C.F.R. §122.62, and a public notice of this change would be needed. EPA objects to this condition in the Association draft NPDES permit. Intemet Address(URL)• http://www.epa.gov \ Recycled/Recyclable•Printed with Vegetable Oil Based Inks on Recycled Paper(Minimum 30%Postconsumer) 2 Appendix A lists the Co-Permittees, transport factors, and TN allocations for the members of the Association. EPA suggests that this Appendix be expanded to list all known point source contributors recognized in the total maximum daily load analysis that could be used to calculate the Association TN limit. This appendix would provide for all possible known loading scenarios,either directly or through reference to a TN allocation in the Co-Permittee's individual NPDES permit, and the opportunity for the public to comment on any possible TN Association NPDES permit limit. EPA further suggests that an Appendix B be added to the permit that lists the members of the Association used to calculate the TN allocation for the Association TN limit for the current calendar year. This approach would clearly delineate between Association membership and all point source contributors, while still including all possible loading scenarios. Based on both Appendix A and B, EPA would agree that the addition or termination of a Co-Permittee as an Association member coald be considered a change in ownership and qualify as a minor modification under 40 C.F.R. §122.63. EPA requests that North Carolina consider this approach as a possible solution to EPA's objection. EPA notes that Part II, Standard Conditions for NPDES Permits, is not completely applicable to the concept of an Association and its Co-Permittees. The entire Part II is applicable to each Co-Permittee and is appropriately represented in this permit, as well as in each individual NPDES permits. Upon initial review, since the Association functions as a governing organization and does not specifically operate an individual treatment facility but relies on its Co-Permittees for that activity, not every section of Part II is applicable to the Association. EPA suggests that NC further review Sections A.5.a.b.c,; A. 6,a, b, c, e, f, g; A.7; A. 8; A.9; A.11; A.12; Section C; Section D.1, 3,4,5,6,7,8; and Part III A and B for their applicability to the Association. EPA also suggests that the remaining items in Part II be expanded to refer to the Association and its Co- Permittee versus only the Permittee. Item A.(2)(b)(iii) states "For the purposes of this permit, allowable changes in TN Allocations include those resulting from purchase of allocation from the Wetlands Restoration Fund; purchase, sale,trade, or lease of allocation among the Association, its members, and non- member dischargers; regionalization; and other transaction approved by the Division." EPA understands that these changes in allocation could affect the individual NPDES TN limits of a Co- Permittee and requests clarification on the process by which individual permits will be modified to reflect any new TN conditions based on a sale, trade, or lease of allocation, or the purchase of credits. Additionally,each and every Co-Permittee should have language referencing their membership in the Association and the governing TN limit in their individual NPDES permit based on that membership. EPA requests that NC provide a schedule for completion of this modification effort of all Co-Permittee's NPDES permits. Y 3 Section A.(6)(c) states "For any calendar year in which the Association exceeds its Estuary TN Allocation, any Co-Permittee Member that exceeds its Estuary TN Allocation shall also be in violation of this permit; and the Division may take appropriate enforcement action against the Member." EPA understands that if a Co-Permittee Member exceeds its Estuary TN Allocation for any calendar year in which the Association exceeds its Estuary TN Allocation they would be in violation of their individual NPDES permit and NC may take appropriate action against the Member. EPA requests that the language in Section A.(6)(c)be changed to reflect the violation of the individual NPDES permit versus the Association permit, i.e., replace this with their. EPA recognizes that this permit represents an innovative watershed approach to TN management in the Neuse River Basin and the effort put forth by all parties to develop a legally w defensible and technically sound NPDES permit providing for cost-effective aggregate TN management, with the potential for water quality trading. We request that you redraft the permit to address the objection expressed above, as well as EPA's comments, and submit a proposed final NPDES permit to EPA for review under the provisions of Section III of the MOA. If you have any further questions please contact Ms. Dee Stewart of my staff at 404/562-9334 or stewart.dee@epa.gov Sincerely a s . Giattina, Director Water Management Division cc: Mr.Timothy L. Donnelly Neuse River Compliance Association Lower Neuse Basin Association, Inc. Raleigh, North Carolina November 19, 2002 Michael Templeton NCDENR MV 21 2002 r, Division of Water Quality NPDES Unit _._.J Archdale Building Mail Service Center 1617 Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 Re: Draft NPDES Permit NCC000001 Neuse River Compliance Association Dear Mr. Templeton: As President of the Lower Neuse Basin Association and the Neuse River Compliance Association, I am submitting the following comments regarding the above-referenced permit. • The Standard Conditions set out in Part II of the permit are designed to apply to permittees that own or operate a treatment facility. Since the Compliance Association does not actually own or operate a facility, many of the standard conditions are inapplicable. In addition, every co-permittee member as an individual permit containing the same standard conditions, so there is no need for the standard conditions in the Association Permit to apply to them. We suggest the following paragraph 5 be inserted on page 2 of Part II: 5. The following standard conditions are intended to be applicable to permittees that own or operate a treatment facility. The Director of the Division of Water Quality, as the Permit Issuing Authority, acknowledges that the Neuse River Compliance Association does not own or operate a treatment facility and that each of the Co- Permittee members holds an individual NPDES permit for the treatment facility or facilities that they own and/or operate which includes the following standard conditions. Consequently: (a) the following standard conditions which, by their terms or meaning, assume that the permittee owns or operates a treatment facility or which are inconsistent with the terms of the Special Conditions in Part 1 of this permit shall not be applicable to, or enforceable against, the Neuse River Compliance Association; and (b) the Co- Permittees shall remain subject to and be governed by the standard P. O. Box 590 Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 (9l 9)890-3400 r Michael Templeton November 19, 2002 Page 2 conditions in their individual permits and the following standard conditions shall not be applicable to or enforceable against them. • The LNBA and NRCA are concerned that inadequate credit has been given for regionalization of certain treatment facilities. The NRCA Permit Application showed a total estuary allocation of 1,114,694 pounds of TN. The basis of this allocation was the Temporary Rule allocation made in February, 2000. The Draft Permit now out for comment shows a total estuary allocation for NRCA of 1,108,312 pounds or 6,382 pounds less than the application. All of these pounds were taken from the small facilities that were or will be regionalized. In some cases, the major facilities that regionalized did not get credit for the actual TN that the minor facility was discharging prior to consolidation. The 6,382 pounds have a value of$4.2 million ($11 x 200% x 30 years) if the pounds had to be bought from the Wetlands Restoration Fund. Note that this value is based on estuary pounds. If"end of pipe" pounds were the basis as DWQ has said they will charge, the value would be about$8 million. The LNBA and NRCA are willing to accept this reduction of allocation. However, in future regionalizations, the full TN allocation of the facility that is eliminated should be transferred to the facility with which it is consolidated. If you have any questions regarding these comments or possible draft permit condition revisions,please contact our attorney H. Glenn Dunn at 783-2842. Sincerely, Timothy L. Donnelly,PE Chairman Lower Neuse Basin Association and Neuse River Compliance Association Cc: Glenn Dunn Morris Brookhart RALEIGIV015017-001/354956 YA + PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT NORTH CAROLINA PITT COUNTY: ,r Susan Steel affirms that she is clerk of The Daily PUBLIC NOTICE Reflector, a newspaper published daily at Greenville, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Pitt County, North Carolina, and that the advertisement, ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSI4NlNPDES UNIT a true copy of which is herreto attached, entitled 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH,NC 11699-1617 NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO OES Public Notice - Notification of Intent to Issue a NPDES Wastewater WASTEWATEE A R PER WASTEWATER PERMIT Permit On the basis of thorough staff review and application of NC General Statute 143.21,Public law 92-500 and other lawful standards and Caro- was published in said The Dail Reflector on the following regulations,the North Caro P Y g lina Environmental Man dates: agement Commission pro- poses to issue a National Pollutant Discharge Elimi- nation System (NPDES) October 23, 2002 wastewater discharge per- mit to person(s) listed below effective 45 days from the publish date of this notice. Written comments regard- ing the proposed permit will and that the said newspaper in which such notice, paper, be accepted until 30 days after the publish date of this document or legal advertisement was published, was at the notice. All comments received prior to that date time of each and every publication, a newspaper meeting are considered in the final re all of the requirements and qualifications of Chapter 1, thee proposed permitrdinThe he NIDivision Section 597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and o ireWater r of f Qualityy may was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Chapter decide to hold a public q9 P meeting for the proposed 1, Section 597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. permit should the Division receive a significant degree of public interest. Copies of the draft permit and other supporting infor- mation on file used to deter- mine conditions present in the draft permit are avail- able upon request and pay- ment of the costs of repro- duction. Mail comments and/or requests for infor- mation to the NC Division of Water Quality at the above address or call Ms. Affirmed and subscribed before me this a3, day Valer733-5083, extension hens at (520 Please include the NPDES Of permit number (attached) /�//'' 1 in any communication. (/V� Interested persons may also "- visit the Division of Water Quality at 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604- 1148 between the hours Of 0 iew informationm, and on mle to e NPDES Permit Number !Notary Public) NCCOD0001,the Neuse River Compliance Association,PO Box 590, Raleigh, NC 27602 has applied for a new group l M commission expires /O �U-LJ 5/ compliance permit to goa My P 7 ern the discharge of Total N i t r o g e n f r o m approximately 20 existing facilities discharging treated wastewater into the Neuse River and its tribu- tariesin the Neuse River Basin. The permit will sup plement discharge require- ments in the co-permittees' existing NPDES permits. The subject discharges may affect future allocation in this river basin. October 23,2002 OCT 2 4 2002 f THE FRANKLIN P.O. Box 119 . 109 S. Bickett Blvd., Louisburg, NC 27549 IMES Phone 919-496-6503 • Fax 919-496-1689 PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL ATTIDAVIT MANAGEMENT COMMISSION/NPDES UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH,l"^'^ NOTIFICATIO ISSUE 'A�L PE (c On the basi f " Illty i review and app eral Statute 143 500 and other la `Zp regulations,the t O �W } ronmenop Man: O �� �i C 1v� ip 1^t�� Publisher Sion proposes It -�-o-�•� �"—�- 11 ` ....... ......................................... of Pollutant Dischar tem (NPDES)w2 ow� _ wspaper published at Louisburg, permit to the ei ffective 45 day: date of this notice certify that the advertisement of lti NPDES Pe - "� ? j NCC000001,the _i f � (�¢ � ) pliance Associati Raleigh, NC 276C .-- ll new group corn CAH - ��^+^�A ��^^i0"`l l�lt9 . Isstte .. NPDES..................... govern the disch� ............................... gen from approx! lfl -� 'e Association facilities discharg water into the Nf tributaries in the I The permit will Fes_ � M �(�,,�.an�) ched, appeared in the following charge requirem permittees'existin OCt: 23, )2 The subject disc) 20�.....; future allocations i Writtencomm ;........................................20......; proposed permit I N- ,vtt--•w— ` ` until 30 days afte (=,•t r ,.........................................20...... of this notice. < ceived prior to th8 ered in the final + garding the prop Director of the NC iC T Quality may decid 2002.. meeting for the should the Divisioi __ __ •. - � ;,c,rg -""' cant degree of put Copies of the _._._ _.._ other supporting information on file Subsc t d and sworn to before me this...........2 24.th........... day of used to determine conditions pres ent in the draft permit are available upon request and payment of the October 02 costs of reproduction. Mail com- ments and/or requests for informa- tion to the NC Division of Water ,. . .. ...�A•rr-�............ . ..... of Public Qualityat the above address or call .... Notary Ms. Valery Stephens at (919) 733- j h & (I' i ,.._ _ 5083, extension 520.Please include t f My Commission Expires ..........5. .2Q .2,001...................20....... the NPDES permit number (attach- t +� ed) in any communication. Interest- ! ed persons may also visit the Divi- E NOV 7 L'.IJZ sion of Water Quality at 512 N. Sal- I isbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604- ? 1148 between the hours of 8:00 a.m.and 5:00 p.m.to review inform- tion on file. + t 1� Advertisin The Franklin Times g P.O. Box 119 Statement 109 S. Rickett Blvd. Louisburg, N.C. 27549 Phone: (919) 496-6503 NCDENR/DWQ/NPDES Customer: 02100237-000 ATTN:Valery Stephens 1617 Mail Service Center Phone: (919)733-5083 Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Date : 10/31/02 Page : 1 Date Reference# Type Description Runs Lines Inches Tota! 10/23/02 01503864-001 i PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF NORTH C 1 72 8.50 91:00 r; Noll 7 Z. Remarks Sub Total: 91.00 Thank You For Your Business! Discounts: 0,010 Total Due: 91.00 Current 91.00 1-30 0.00 31-60 0.00 61-90 0.0091+ 0.00 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA. Wake County. )Ss. Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of Johnston PUsBLLIC BICE County North Carolina, duly commissioned and authorized to NORTH AL administer oaths, affirmations, etc., personally appeared Ivy MANAGEMENTSIO ISMarsch, who, being duly sworn or affirmed, according to law, NPDES1117 AILfT doth depose and say that she is Billing Manager-Legal SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 Advertising of The News and Observer a corporation NOTIFICATION OF NPDES WWTo°srl��v�A R organized and doing business under the Laws of the State of PERMIT North Carolina, and publishing a newspaper known as The On the basis of thorough staff review and application of NC News and Observer, in the City of Raleigh Wake General Statute 143.21,Pub- lic law92.500and other lawful County and State aforesaid, the said newspaper in which such standards and regulations, the North Carolina Environ- notice, paper, document, or legal advertisement was published mental Management Com- mission puto Issue was at the time of each and every such publication a National Pollollutanan t Dischargea > > Elimination System (NPDES) wastewater dis- newspaper meeting all of the requirements and qualifications charge permit to the Per- sons) listed below effective of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and 45 days from the publish date of this notice. was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1- Written comments regarding the proposed permit will be 597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, and that as such accepted until 30 days after the Publish date of this notice. she makes this affidavit; that she is familiar with the books, Al comments received prior to thatfinal determinations re- Te are considered in the final files and business of said corporation and by reference to the garding the proposed permit. files of said publication the attached advertisement for The Director of the NC Divi- sion ofWater Quality may hold decide to hold a public meet- WATER QUALITY BUDGET OFFICE was inserted in the ing for the proposed permit should the Division r ceive a aforesaid newspaper on dates as follows: 10/20/02 significant degree of public interest. Copies of The draft Permit and Account Number: 73370151 -- other supporting information file used to determine condi- [nn tions present in the drafiper-mit are available upon request and payment of thecosts ofreproduction. Moilcomments and/or requestsfor information to the NC Di- ( ) Di- v of Water Quality at the CT 2 4 Z' above address or call Ms. Valero Stephens at (919) 733-5083, extension 720. Please include the NPDES permit number in any com- L. - - munication. Interested per- sons may also visit the Division of Water Quality at 512 N. Salisbury Street, Ra- --- - - - -_ leigh,NC 27604-1148 between The hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 P.mto review informo- Tia"on file. ;tly copied from the books and files of the aforesaid Corporation and publication. NPDES Permit Number NCC000001,the Neuse River Compliance Association, PO Box 590, Raleigh, NC 27602 has applied for a new group compliance permit to govern the discharge of Total Nitro-, I gen from approximately 20 n/ existing facilities discharg-, ing Treated wastewater into the Neuse erand its tribu- • - Xidling/Manager-Legal Advertisintortes in thea Neuse River Bo-• g sin. The permit will k_ supplement discharge re- ' quirein the C miTtes' . Sworn or affirmed to, and subscribed before me,this existing NPPDESDES Permits. The subiect dis- chargesmay offectfuture al-IIF = 22 day of OCTOBER , 2002 AD locations this river basin. N80: October 20,2002 In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand { ;' � .� and affixed my official seal,the day and year aforesaid. Notfy Public My commission expires 29`h day of March 2005. NORTH CAROLINA,) ) - pUBL1+C NOVICE I STATE OF NORT'�',= GRANVILLE COUNTY.) CAROLINA '"I`' t ��•.: .' ENVIRONMENT* MANAGEMENT may COMMISSION/Npsirsons also visit the Division of , being first duly UNIT Water Quality at 512 N. 1617 MAIL SERVICI Salisbury Street,Raleigh, sworn, says that he is , of the CENTER NC 27604-1148 between RALEIGH,NC 27699- the hours of 8:00 a.m. Ledger Publishing Company Inc. a North 1617 and mat p.m. to review � � information on file. NPDES Permit Number Carolina Corporation; publisher of the NOTIFICATION OF NCC000001, the Neuse p P INTENT TO ISSUE A River Compliance NPDES Association, P.O. Box Oxford Public Ledger, a newspaper WASTEWATER 590,Raleigh,NC*27602 PERMIT has applied for a new published semi-week) in Granville Count , group compliance permit y y On the basis of to govern the discharge thorough staff review and of Total Nitrogen from North Carolina; that said newspaper has a application of NC approximately 20 General Statute 143.21, existing facilities general circulation to paid subscribers in Public law other lawful stanl scan and discharging treated and wastewater into the *nd regulations, the Neuse River and its Granville County, and has been admitted to North Carolina tributaries in the Neuse V,nvironmental River Basin. The permit the United States mail as second class ilVJanmissi Management discharge supplement +�oritmission proposes to discharge requirements in #issue a National Pollutant the , co-permittees' matter in Oxford Granville County North Discharge Elimination existing NPDES permits. &ystem (NPDES) The subject discharges Carolina that he knows it to be a fact that wastewater discharge may affect future , 'jletmit to the person(s) a11ocations in lois river listed below effective 45 basin. the attached Notice ofadP., days from the publish I_tOct 21 date of this notice. Written comments A/�L �S regarding the proposed permit will be accepted published in said newspaper once r until 30 days after the publish date of this notice. All comments received prior to that date are considered in the jwee4s beginning with the issue of final determinations regarding the proposed aoo and ending permit. The Director of the NC Division of Water with the issue of I G In' p� holdQuality may decide to ? hold a public meeting for the proposed permit should the Division receive a significant degree of public interest. Copies of the draft permit and other t�f supporting information on file used to determine conditions present in the draft permit are available upon request and payment of the costs of Sworn to and subscribed before me this reproduction. Mail comments and/or the 4 day of / requests for information G O to the NC Division of Water Quality at the above address or call Ms. r" Valery Stephens at (919) 733-5083,extension 520. Please include the NPDES permit number Notary Public (attached) ^^in any My Commission Expires lo ._)vim _S PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION/NPDES UNIT 5'l.ATE OF '`012TH tAROLINA 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 COUNTY OF P.AMLICO NOTIFICATION OF INTENT .)P PUBLSCATTON TO ISSUE A NPDES WASTEWATER PERMIT Betore the undersigned a person du l'� On the basis of thorough staff review and application of NC General Sta- col' missioned, qualified dnd authorized by law tute 143.21 Public law 92-500 and i:c administex: oaths, personally appeared to other lawful standards and regula Kaaren P Wi.nfre , who after being first tions, the North Carolina Environ- mental Management Commission- sworn, deposes and says shF: is the Business proposes to issue a National pollut= Manager of THE PAMLICO NEWS, a newspaper ant Discharge Elimination System published, issued and entered as second class (NPDES) wastewater discharge per- mit to the person(s) listed below ef: mail in the Town of Oriental in said county festive 45 days from the publish date and state, and that notice or other legal of this notice. advertise:menta a true copy of which is Written comments regarding the pro- attached hereto, was published in THE PAMLICO posed permit will be accepted until 30 NF,WS on the following dates : days after the publish date of this no- tice. All comments received prior to that date are considered in the final determinations regarding the pro- JCJI. l�(/ posed permit.The Director of the NC ( Division of Water Quality may decide alld that said newspaper in which such notice, to hold a public meeting for the pro- posed permit should the Division re- paper, document or legal advertisement was teiveasignificantdegreeofpublicin- published was at the time of each and every publication, a newspaper meeting all of the Copies of the draft permit and other requirements and qualifications of Chapter 1 , supporting information on file used to Section 597 of .he General Statutes Of North determine conditions present in the draft permit are available upon re- Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within quest and payment of the costs of the meaning of Chapter 1, Section 597 of the reproduction. Mail comments and/or General Statutes of North Carolina. requests for information to the NC Di- vision of Water Quality t the above r address or call Ms. Valery Stephens at (919)733-5083, extension 520. Thi _ �! _day Of Please include the NPDES permit ` number (attached) in any communi- cation. Interested persons may also visit the Davison of Water Quality at BU INESS MANAGER 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604-1148 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m, to review Sworn tc and. subscribed before me this information on file. NPDES Permit Number NCC000001, : the Neuse River Compliance Asso- ciation, PO Box 590, Raleigh, NC 27602 has applied for a new group compliance permit to govern the dis- charge of Total Nitrogen from approx- imately 20 existing facilities dischafg. NOTARY P IC j ing treated wastewater into the G Neuse River and its tributaries in the Neuse River Basin. The Permit will supplement discharge requirements M y Com ��bfd a res August 4 , 2003 inthe co-permittees'existing NPDES (SEAL D...."' d A - permits.The subject discharges may /i affect future allocations in this river ^Q� ® •7 Z Z E C E 9 V E basin. • p -- Nov 6 2002 DENR-WATER QUALITY POINT SOURCE BRANCH • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA. Wake County. )Ss. Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of Johnston r PUBLIC NOTICE.. .- . STATE OFNOR@@THCARD'INAENVIRONMENYAL County North Carolina, duly commissioned and authorized to .1617MAILSERVICECENfTER,RIALENIGH,NC27699-1617 administer oaths, affirmations, etc., personally appeared Ivy NOT IF(CATION OF INTENT TO ISSUE A NPDES WASTEWATER PERMIT Marsch, who, being duly sworn or affirmed, according to law, On the basis of thorough staff review and application of NC General Statute 143.21, Public low 92-500 and other lawful doth depose and say that she is Billing Manager-Legal standards and regulations, the North Carolina Environ- mentalManogementCommissionProposestoissueaNation- Advertising of The Smithfield Herald a corporation organized of Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) wastewater discharge permit to the Person(s)listed on the and doingbusiness under the Laws of the State of North attached pages effective 45 days from the publish date of this notice. Carolina, and publishing a newspaper known as The Written comments regarding the proposed permit will be accepted until 30daysafterthepublish date ofthis notice.All Smithfield Herald, in the City of Smithfield ,Johnston County comments received prior to that dote are considered in the final determinations regarding the proposed permit. The and State aforesaid, the said newspaper in which such notice, Director of the NC Division of Water Quality may decide to hold a public meeting for the proposed permitinterest. Pa should the Division receive a significant degree of public , document, OC Ie al advertisement was published was, at Perg Copies of the draft permit and other supporting informgtion the time of each and every such publication, a newspaper on file used to determine conditions present in the draft permit are available upon request and payment of the costs of meeting all of the requirements and qualifications.of Section (- reproduction.Mail comments and/or requests for informa- tion to the NC Division of Water Quality at the above address 597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. and was a or call Ms.Volery Stephens at(919)733-5083,extension 520. Please include the NPDES permit number(attached)in any communication.Interested persons may also visit the Divi- qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1-597 of NC 276 -1 Water Quality h ur N.Salisbury Street,Raleigh,ew the General Statutes of North Carolina, and that as such she 27604-1148 between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm to review the information on file. NPDES Permit Number NCC000001,the Neuse River Compli- makes this affidavit; that she is familiar with the brooks, files ante Association,PO 590,Raleigh,NC 27602 has applied for o group compliance permit to govern the discharge of Total and business of said corporation and by reference to the files Nitrogen from approximately 20 existing facilities discharg- ing treated wastewater into the Neuse River and its tribumr- of said publication the attached advertisement for WATER les in the Neuse River Bagin.The permit will supplement discharge requirements in the co-permittees' existing QUALITY BUDGET OFFICE was inserted in the aforesaid NPDES Permits.The subject discharges may affect future allocations in the river bosin. newspaper on dates as follows: 10/22/02 October 22 Account Number: 73370151 Pal f OCT 2 4 2002 The above is correctly copied from the books and files of the aforesaid Corporation and publication. Rq Y/�i��i 20 �� B' ing)� arlager-Legal Advertising N0 TA/r' _ •: — Sworn or affirmed to, and subscribed before me,this SEAL _ C_ ; A = 23 day of OCTOBER , 2002 AD ��s•,. •L/8 t I G In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand ////✓V, 01V COUN\`�'\\\\-\` and affixed my4officiall,the day and year aforesaid. rrrnnlnt� Notary Public My commission expires 29`h day of March 2005. 0 THE WILSON DAILY TIMES More Than A Newspaper—A Community In o � 07 Wilson, North Carolina I � 27893 � OCT 2 ti 2002 of North Carolina L ---� State COUNTY OF WILSON '- ---__j PUBLIC NOTICE AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION/ Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of said County and State, NPDES UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICECENTER duly commissioned, qualified, and authorized by low to administer oaths, RALEIGH.NC 27699-1617 NOTIFICATION OF INTENT WASTE ATE,,vsPES Efdthorough Personally appeared TO ISSUE WASTEWATER PERMITOn the � ^-.•-•••-•-•�••••••- -••�? who staffPP ............ .C/!... �........... ... .. ......_...., being tion of NC General Statute 143.21,Public law first duly wom, de es a d s ys: that ( e) i 92=500 and other lawful - standards and regula- S1 tions, the North Carolina address or call Ms.Valery •• • :-`••••••••••�••... ........ . d... r.................................. Environmental Manage- Stephens at (919) 733- (Publisher, Ammiale Publisher, or Other Officer o Emo oyes Authorlx to Make This Affidavit) ment Commission pro- 5083, extension 520- poses to issue a National Please include the of The Wilson Doily Times, Inc., engaged in the publication of a Pollutant Discharge Elimi- NPDES permit number nation System (NPDES) (attached)in any commu- newspaper known as The Wilson Dolly Times published wastewater discharge nication Interested per- issued, and permit to the person(s) sons may also visit the listed below effective 45 Division of Water Quality entered as second class moil in the City of Wilson, N. C., in said County days from the publish at 512 N Salisbury Street, date ofthisnotice. Raleigh, NC 27604-1148 and State; that he (she) is authorized to make this affidavit and sworn Written comments regard- between the hours of 8:00 ing the proposed permit a m. and 5.00 p.m. to will be accepted until 30 review information on file statement; that the notice or other legal advertisements, a true copy of days after the publish NPDES Permit Number date of this notice All NCC000001, the Neuse which is attached hereto, was published in The Wilson Doily Times on comments received prior River Compliance Associ- to that date are consid- ation, PO Box 590, the following dotes: ered in the final determi- Raleigh, NC 27602 has g nations regarding the pro- applied for a new group posed permit. The Direc- compliance permit to gov- ..................................!.�!. . for of the NC Division of ern the discharge of Total . .... �....................................................... Water Quality may decide Nitrogen from approxi- to hold a public meeting mately 20 existing facili- ........................................................................................................................ for the proposed permit ties discharging treated should the Division wastewater into the and that the said newspaper in which such notice, , receive a significant Neuse River and its tribu- paper, document Or degree of public interest taries in the Neuse River Copies of the draft permit Basin The permit will legal advertisement was published was, at the time of each and every and other supporting supplement discharge information on file used to requirements in the co- such publication, a newspaper meeting all of the requirements and determine conditions permittees' existing present in the draft permit NPDES permits.The sub- are available upon jectdischarges may affect qualifications of Section 1 -597 of the General Statutes of North Coro- request and payment of future allocations in this the costs of reproduction. river basin lino and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1 -597 Mailcomments and/or 1021/2002 requests for information to the NC Division of Water of the General Statutes of North Carolina. Quality at the above1 1 cy ��•l . This................ day o ...... IL='.[�' ,! '2 . .. ...................... (Slgniture of Person Taking Aefidavlt) ---------------------------•-�..--..�--i. ... ksoa). :--- .�s�. .............................. (Notary Public) My Commission expires:......... -Q,-�> STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, - PERSON COUNTY (� t ui NOV 1 ^0? PRINTER'S AFFIDAVIT DENR-INAT ER O'_IALI iY POINT SOURCE i- RAf.I(;H i PU/LICNOTICE A^ STATS OF NORTM CAROUNA being duly sworn, ENCOMNMMjgstp NODES U R 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH,NC 27699-1617 deposes and says: That he is of NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO ISSUE A HIDES WASTEWATER PERMIT The Courier-Times, with its principle place of business on the basis Pf Yhorough staff review and application of NC General Statute 143.21,Publw�taw92-500and located in the city of Roxboro, County of Person, State heeNorth iCaroli as En onmentai Management Commission proposes to issue a National P01futant Discharge of North Carolina; that the foregoing or attached Elimination Systenm (NPDES) wastewater discharge Permit to the 45 days from listed Publish date effective newspaper notice was published in The Courier-Times, notice. NPDES Permit Number NCC000001, the Neuse River once a week for I successive weeks, beginning with Compliance Associatiorer, P.O. Box 590,Raleigh,NC 27602 has applied ^-� for a new group compliawrce permit to lJ' (�, 20/ l govern the discharge oi Total Nitrogen its Issue Of day of �rCr ��-)-" from approximately n existing facilities discharging treated wastewater into the Neuse River and and ending with its issue of j �lday of its tributa6e,sin the Neu sel3iverBasin . The permit will supplenremt discharge requirements in the co-9ermlttees' (]C,h 20(-';�- ; that The Courier-Times, is existing NPDES permits.The subject discharges may affect future allocations in this river basin. Written comments regarding the the sole owner and publisher of said newspaper, proposed permit will be<<ccepteduntil 30 days after the publish date of this or to thailcomments receiwed are considered in[hen t datefinal The Courier-Times. determinations regarc%ng the Proposed permit.The Direftr of the NC Division of Water Qwality may (Affiant) decide to hold a Public meening for the Proposed permit should the Division receive a significant degree of public interest. Copies of the draft permit W Sworn to and subscribed before me, Oft supporting informallem on flit use-to detemrrn-'eco rh 1 in the draft permit aro available upon this the T day of 20C'� request and payment of the cost$of reproduction.Mail comm*rins and/or requests for information to the NC Division of Water Quality at the above (Notary Public) address or call Ms.Valery`Stephens at (919) 733.5003, extension 520. L.� Please include the NPDES permit My commission expires the -0 day of *qwb4o 01 Inumber in any communication. Interested persons may alscn visit the Division of Water Quality art 512 N. Salisbury Street,Raleigh,NC 27604. 1148 between the hours of&DO a.m. and 5:00P m. to review information (Publication Fee $ ' on file. M.19 (Notaria! Seal) PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION/ NPDES Unit AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO ISSUE A STATE NPDE WASTEWATER PERMIT On the basis of thor- ough staff review and application of NC Gen- eral Statute 143.21.Pub- lic law 92-500 and oth- er lawful standards and regulations. the North Carolina ment State of North Carolina ManagementronCommiis County of Durham sion proposes to issue a National Pollutant Dis- charge Elimination Sys- tem(NPDES)wastewa- ter discharge permit to the person(s)listed be- Donna B. Minor being duly sworn says that she is the Principal Clerk oflow effective 45 days from the publish date of The Durham Herald Co., Inc., publishers of The Herald-Sun, a newspaper this notice. Written comments re- published in and of general circulation in said Count , and that a notice of garding the proposed Y permit will be accepted until 30 days after the which the annexed is a true copy, was published in said newspaper publish date of this no- one time on the 21" day of October, 2002, tie. All comments rived prior to that date are considered in the final determinations regarding the proposed permit. The Director of the NC Division of Wa- ter Quality may decide to hold a public meet- ing for the proposed 1' 1 permit should the Divi- f !1 r sion receive a signifi- cant degree of public interest. Principal Clerk Copies of the draft per- mit and other support- ing information on file used to determine con- ditions present n the Sworn to and subscribed before me this 21st day of October, 2002. draft permit are and � ble upon requestt and payment of the costs of i reproduction.Mail com- ments and/or requests for information tc the NC Division of Water Quality at the above ad- dress or call Ms.Valery1 i Stephens at (9191 733- 7 _ 5083, extension 520. Please include the J Cl.�•�_c, \ NPDES permit number f ,attached) in any com- N tar Public munlcation. Interested persons may also visit j the Division of Water j Quality at 512 N. Sells- bury Street. Raleigh. NC 27604-1148 be- tweenthe hours of 8:00a.m.and 5:00 p.m. to review information on file. NPDES Pr mit Number NC000001. the Neuse My commission expires December 16. 2006. River Compliance Asso- ciation. P.O. Box 590. Raleigh. NC 27602 has applied for a new group Durham Countv, North Carolina compliance permit to govern the discharge of Total Nitrogen from ap- proximately 20 existing facilities discharging treated wastewater into the Neuse River and its tributaries in the Neuse River Basin.The permit will supplement dis- charge requirements in the co-permittees'exist- V_ _ ing NPDES permits.The 3ublect discharges may affect future allocations in this river basin. H-S:October 21.2002 J LEGAL ADVERTISING INVOICE o. FUSTIC NOTICE STATE OF 'Y N NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONM N . ' , `��,,.✓ MANAGEMENT ,roY.vM COMMISSION/NPDES UNIT �- _ ,,,•l��,�, 1617 MAIL SERVICE THE ROCKY MOUNT TELEGRAM CENTER RALEIGH,NC 27699-1617 1* PUBLISHED BY ROCKY MOUNT PUBLISHING COMPANY NOTIFICATION OF ROCKY MOUNT,NORTH CAROLINA 27804 INTENT TO ISSUE A NPDES WASTEWATER PERMIT October 21 , 2002 On the basis of thorough staff review and application of NC General Statute 143.21, Public law 92-500 and other lawfulstandards and -^— "-- regulations,the North Caro- lina Environmental Man- _ agement Commission pro_ \ poses to issue a National NC Department of Enviromental �� r -- " '" - i Pollutant Discharge Elimi- nation System (NPDES) NCOENR/DWQ/NEDES "� 1 (: wastewater discharge per- mit to the person(s) listed Attn: Valery Stephen NO`.� below effective 45 days 1617 Mail Service Center ` I from the publish date of IN / � this notice. Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 .__�.__.__- -31 written comments regard- f A4A'-Fri',)L)ALl'iY ing the proposed permit will be accepted until 30 days Pr1��p ZOURCE CJH.'.i�i,"`_1� atter the publish date of this notice. All comments received prior to that date are considered in the final ' determinations regarding the proposed permit. The Director of the NC Division of Water Quality may decide to hold a public meeting'for the proposed permit should the Division receive a significant degree of public interest. DAVIT OF PUBLICATION Copies of the draft permit TOTAL INCHES AMOUNT DUE$ O and other supporting infor- swear that from my personal mation on file used to deter- and from reference to the files of mine conditions present in the draft permit are avail- 'KY 'KY MOUNT TELEGRAM, a DESCRIPTION: D y- able upon request and pay- printed and published at Rocky Intent to ISSUe ment of the costs of repro- duction. Mail comments he COUNTY of Nash, STATE Of and/or requests for infor- mation to the NC Division lina,the Advertisment referred to of Water Quality at the >ice w pu �hedonthe date(s) above address an s. cM or Valery Stephens r call(919)733- Ms. 5083, extension 520. Please include the NPDES permit number (attached) in any _egal Advertising Clerk communication. Interested 3 subscribed b ore me this of PUBLISHED: persons may also visit the Division of Water Quality at 512 N. Salisbury Street, O�' Raleigh NC 27604-1148, October 21 , 2002 between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00 pm to review infor- mation on file. i to Pub IC NPDES Permit Number NCCOD0001,the Neuse River ���///+'''����t(rJ�Q �1/,��� Compliance Association,PO h, NC 27602 Sion Expires (���+`-'� has pplied590, afor 9a new group compliance permit to gov- ewspaper at time of publication of ern the discharge of Total Nas qualified under G.S. 1-597 to Na 2 from approxi- mateelyly 2D from facilities h legal advertising-" water into9thte Neuse River and its tributaries in the Neuse River Basin. The permit will supplement dis- charge requirements in the co-permittees' existing NPDES permits. The sub- iect discharges may affect future allocations in this river basin. 10/21/02 r _ TAT R LEC3ALADVERTISING INVOICE No ') Q /� PUBLIC NOTICE Its �, VV 'Y STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRON�Tp �+"'. ✓ 1�q� (�\ COMMN SCION/NPDES �)L UNIT -i wo 1617 MAIL SERVICE THE ROCKY MOUNT TELEGRAM RALEIGH,NC27699-1611PUBLISHED BY ROCKY MOUNT PUBLISHING COMPANY NOTIFICATION OF N� ROCKY MOUNT,NORTH CAROLINA 27804 INTENT TO ISSUE A NPDES WASTEWATER PERMIT October 21 , 2002 On the basis of thorough sfaff review and application :61 NC General Statute 1143.21, Public law 92-500 and other lawful standards and - _'--- 'regulations,the North Caro- (1-13 :;y Tina Environmental Man- 3, agement Commission pro- IC Department of Enviromental '�=� -•i ; poses to issue a National ; Pollutant Discharge Elimi- nation system (NPDES- wastewater discharge per- mill to the person(s) listed ,ttTl: Valery Stephen NO�I �! iUo� :.... below effective 45 dayk 617 Mail Service Center t' this the publish date of this notice. ;aleigh, NC 27699-1617 , %NFT._...___---- WriTtencommentsregard- !1�11`i I irk .]L7k.l.i I Y 1 ing the proposed permit will _ 6e accepted until 30 days `-1after the publish date of this notice. All comments received prior to that datf areconsidered in the final determinations regarding .the proposed permit. The Director of the NC Division of Water Quality may decide to hold a.. public meeting Ifor the proposed permit should the Division receive a significant degree of public interest. )AVIT OF PUBLICATION Copies of the draft permit TOTAL INCHES AMOUNT DUE$ and other supporting infor- swear that from my personal O mation on file used to deter- from reference to the files of mine conditions present in D the draft permit are avail- <Y MOUNT TELEGRAM, a DESCRIPTION: able upon request Sill pay printed and published at Rocky Intent to Issue ment of the costs of repro- duction. Mail comments e COUNTY of Nash, STATE of and/or requests for infor- mationna, the Advertisment referred to of Water+r the NC Division r Qualify at the �e w puhed on the date(s) abave address or call Ms. Valery Stephens at(919)133- 5083, extension 520. Please \ include the NPDES permit number (attached) in any sgal Advertising Clerk communication. Interested persons may also visit t subscribed b ore me this Division Diyisian of Water Quality of 512 N. Salisbury street, of OY' PUBLISHED: Raleigh NC 27604-1149,rrl 4ta October 21 , 2 0 0 2 between the hours it irrfo+tand 5:00 pm to review infor-mation on file. Pub iC 4QES .permit Number jlpel oaD1,the Neuse River �{�1�p ��/f�1c�1'� 'Compliance Association, PO Box 590 h, NC 27602 ion ExpireS� r� �-^L`—'— has appliedafor ga new group compliance permit to gov- )wspaper at time of publication of ern The discharge of Total Nitrogen from approxi- as qualified under G.S. 1-597 to mately 20 existing facilities treated waste- legal advertising." water into9the Neuse River and its tributaries in the Neuse River Basin. The permit will supplement dis- charge requirements in the co-permittees' existing NPDES permits. The sub- ject discharges may affect future allocations in this river kasm. 10!21104 ; IT State of North Carolina Department of Environment LT?WA and Natural Resources A&4 00 Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director NCDENR October 16,2002 Mr.Timothy L.Donnelly Neuse River Compliance Association P.O. Box 590 Raleigh,North Carolina 27602 Subject: Draft NPDES Permit NCC000001 Neuse River Compliance Association Dear Mr. Donnelly The Division has reviewed your application for a new NPDES permit,received June 28,2002,and modified on October 1.The permit would govern the discharge of Total Nitrogen(TN)from the Association's member facilities to the Neuse River and its tributaries.The Division has made a tentative determination to issue the permit,and we are enclosing a draft permit and fact sheet for your review and comment. The draft permit is similar to the draft we have discussed with representatives of the new Association.We are proposing certain changes in response to preliminary comments from EPA Region 4 staff and welcome your thoughts on these changes. At this time,the Division is submitting a notice to the newspapers of general circulation in the counties of the Neuse River basin,inviting public comment on the draft permit.The notice is scheduled to be published on or about October 23rd. Following a 30-day comment period,we will review all pertinent comments received and take appropriate action on the permit renewal. Please provide any comments you have regarding the draft permit to this office no later than November 22od. If you have any questions concerning the draft permit,please call me at(919)733-5083,extension 541. Sincerely, Michael E.Templeton, P.E. NPDES Unit Enclosure(s): Draft permit NCO087661 and Fact Sheet cc: Roosevelt Childress,EPA Region 4 Raleigh and Washington Regional Offices Point Source Compliance Enforcement Unit Matt Matthews,Aquatic Toxicity Unit Cam McNutt,Basinwide Planning Unit NPDES Unit Files Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone(919)733-5083 FAX(919)733-0719 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer On the Internet at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/NPDES Permit No. NCC0000b1 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTWIENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY PERNUT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE EUMNATTON SYSTEM In compliance with the provisions of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1,other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission,and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act,as amended, The Neuse River Compliance Association and Its Co-Permittee Members are hereby authorized to discharge Total Nitrogen from the Co-Permittee Member treatment facilities listed herein to receiving waters in the Neuse River Basin in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements,and other conditions set forth in this Permit. This Permit shall become effective ..........................................................................................._..January 1,2003 This Permit and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on ..................Uecember 31,2007 Signedthis day ..................................................................................................... Alan W.Klimek,P.E.,Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission ti Permit No.NCC000001 PART I SPECIAL CONDITIONS A.(1.) DEFINITIONS (a.) Allocation(or"TN Allocation"): The mass quantity(as of TN)that a discharger or group of dischargers(such as the Association)is allowed to release into surface waters of the Neuse River Basin.TN Allocations may be expressed as Estuary TN Allocation or as the equivalent Discharge TN Allocation. (b.) Association: The Neuse River Compliance Association,a not-for-profit corporation comprised of NPDES-permitted dischargers in the Neuse River Basin;established voluntarily under T15A NCAC 2B.0234 to meet the aggregate Estuary TN Allocation of its members. (c.) Co-Permittee Members: Those NPDES dischargers that for a given calendar year are members of the Association and are listed in Appendix A of this Permit. (d.) Discharge TN Allocation: TN Allocation specified at the point of discharge(or"end-of-pipe'). A Co-Permittee Member's Discharge TN Allocation is equivalent to its Estuary TN Allocation divided by the applicable Transport Factor. (e.) Discharge TN Load: Actual TN Load measured at a Co-Permittee Member's point of discharge(or "end-of-pipe"). (f.) Es a,X: The Neuse River estuary,which extends from approximately Streets Ferry to the Pamlico Sound. (g.) Estuary TN Allocation: TN Allocation specified at the estuary. (h.) Estuary TN Load: TN Load determined at the estuary. A Co-Permittee Member's Estuary TN Load is equivalent to its Discharge TN Load multiplied by the applicable Transport Factor. (i.) Load (or"TN Load"): The actual mass quantity(as of TN)that a discharger or group of dischargers releases into surface waters of the Neuse River Basin.TN Loads may be expressed as Discharge TN Load or as the equivalent Estuary TN Load. (j.) Regionalization: The consolidation of wastewater collection and/or treatment systems that results in the elimination of one or more NPDES-permitted discharges. (k.) Total Maximum Daily Load (of TMDL): The allowable load of a pollutant that can be discharged to a water body without causing loss of that water's designated uses.Also,the"TNIDL for Total Nitrogen in the Neuse River Basin"approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on March 19,2002, and subsequent revisions approved by the EPA. (l.) Total Nitrogen(TN): The sum of the organic,nitrate,nitrite,and ammonia species of nitrogen in a water or wastewater. (m.) Transport Factor: Fraction of the TN in a discharge that is predicted to reach the estuary,as determined by the Division. PART I -Page 1 of 5 Permit No. NCCOOM1 A.(2.) CO-PERMITTEES AND TN ALLOCATIONS (a.) Co-Permittees to this Permit shall be the Neuse River Compliance Association(the"Association") and each of its Co-Permittee Members.The Co-Permittee Members,the Transport Factors assigned to each,the Members'individual TN allocations,and the Association Estuary TN Allocation shall be as listed in Appendix A,which is hereby incorporated into this Permit in its entirety. (b.) Upon timely and proper notification by the Association as described elsewhere in this Permit,the Division shall revise Appendix A to incorporate changes in Association membership,allowable changes in TN Allocations,or reapportionment by the Association. (i.) Changes in membership. (A) Enrollment. In the event that a discharger joins the Association,the Division shall add the discharger and its TN Allocation to Appendix A as a Co-Permittee Member and adjust the Association's TN Estuary Allocation accordingly. (B) Termination. In the event that a Co-Permittee Member's membership is terminated, the Division shall delete the departing Member and its TN Allocation from Appendix A and adjust the Association's TN Estuary Allocation accordingly. (ii.) For the purposes of this Permit,allowable changes in TN Allocations include those resulting from purchase of allocation from the Wetlands Restoration Fund;purchase,sale,trade,or lease of allocation among the Association,its members,and non-member dischargers; regionalization;and other transactions approved by the Division. (iii.) The Association may reapportion its TN Allocation among its Co-Permittee Members; however,the Division shall only incorporate the corresponding changes into Appendix A when specifically requested in writing by the Association. (iv.) Such revisions to Appendix A shall be considered a minor modification of this Permit. (c.) Changes in Association membership and changes in individual or Association TN Allocations shall become effective only at the beginning of the following calendar year(January 1). A.(3.) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS (a.) Beginning on the effective date of this Permit and lasting no later than the expiration date,the Co- Permittees are authorized to discharge Total Nitrogen(TN)from the treatment facilities listed in Appendix A subject to the following effluent limitations. (i.) Association TN Limitation. In any calendar year,the Association's Estuary TN Load shall not exceed its Estuary TN Allocation as specified in Appendix A: Association TN Limitation: For any calendar year, Estuary TN Load < Estuary TN Allocation where Association Estuary TN Allocation(or Lead) Sum of Estuary TN Allocations(or Loads) for All Co-Permittee Members PART I-Page 2of5 Permit No. NCC000001 (ii.) Co-Permittee Member TN Allocations. In any calendar year,a Co-Permittee Member shall be in compliance with its Estuary TN Allocation in Appendix A if: (A) the Association Estuary TN Load complies with the Association Estuary TN Allocation in Appendix A,or (B) in the event that the Association Estuary TN Load exceeds its Estuary TN Allocation, the Co-Permittee Member's Estuary TN Load does not exceed that Member's Estuary TN Allocation in Appendix A. (b.) Other Individual Limitations. In the event that a Co-Permittee Member's membership in the Association is terminated,the departing Member shall no longer be eligible for coverage under this Permit and shall become subject to the TN limitation set forth in its individual NPDES permit. (i.) Termination of membership shall become effective only at the beginning of a calendar year (January 1). Re-imposition of a discharger's individual TN limitation shall become effective only at the beginning of a calendar year (January 1). (ii.) The Association shall notify the Division if it determines that any Member will depart at the end of a calendar year and shall provide an accounting of all allowable changes in the Member's TN Allocation since the most recent issuance of the departing Member's individual NPDES permit. (iii.) Upon receipt of the notification and accounting described above,the Division shall modify the TN limitation in the departing Member's individual NPDES permit,effective January 1 of the succeeding year,to reflect all allowable changes in the Member's TN Allocation and shall also modify Appendix A of this permit accordingly_ AM.) MONITORING REQUIREMENTS (a.) Each Co-Permittee Member shall continue to monitor its discharge(s)and report the results to the Division as specified in its individual NPDES permit. (b.) The Association shall assemble the results of its Co-Permittee Members and report the combined results to the Division as specified in Condition A.(5.),below. A.(5.) REPORTING REQUIREMENTS (a.) The Association shall serve as the primary point of contact between the Division and the Co- Permittee Members on matters related to this Permit,unless otherwise noted.The Association's responsibilities in this regard include: (i.) preparation and submittal of any reports required by this permit or of related information requested by the Division; (ii.) submittal of any request for modification or renewal of this permit;and (iii.) distribution to the Co-Permittee Members of correspondence from the Division,includirag but not limited to that pertaining to permit issuance, modification,and renewal;compliance; and reporting. (b.) Mid-Year Report. No later than August 31,2003 and each August 31st thereafter,the Associathion shall submit a mid-year report to the Division.The report shall include,at a minimum,the following information: (i.) for the period beginning July 1 of the preceding year and ending June 30 of the current year, a Discharge Monitoring Report,for informational purposes only, of each Co-Permittee Member's Discharge and Estuary TN Loads and the Association's Estuary TN Load. PART I- Page 3 of 5 Permit No.NCC000001 (ii.) notification of any changes in Association membership or TN Allocations to become effective in the following calendar year. (c.) Year-End Report. No later than February 28,2004 and each February 28th thereafter, the Association shall submit a year-end report to the Division.The report shall include,at a minimum, the following information for the previous calendar year: (i.) for the period from January 1 through December 31 of the preceding year,a Discharge Monitoring Report of each Co-Permittee Member's Discharge and Estuary TN Loads and the Association's Estuary TN Load; (ii.) a summary of changes in Association membership,including regionalization of discharges; (iii.) a detailed summary of all purchases,sales,trades,leases,and other transactions affecting the TN Allocations of the Association or its Co-Permittee Members; (iv.) a description of the Association's TN control strategy for the preceding year and changes for the coming year; (v.) a detailed summary of measures taken to control TN discharges; (vi.) an assessment of progress made;and (vii.) a description of efforts planned for the upcoming calendar year(s). (d.) Five-Year Report. No later than July 1,2007,in conjunction with application for renewal of this Permit,the Association shall provide a detailed summary of all membership changes and allowable changes in TN Allocations of the Association or its Co-Permittee Members occurring during the term of this Permit. A.(6.) COMPLIANCE (a.) In the event that the Association exceeds its Estuary TN Allocation in a given calendar year,the Association shall make offset payments for the excess TN for that year at a rate of$11 per pound (15A NCAC 2B .0240)or such other rate as may be adopted by the Commission.Payment shall be made no later than May 1 of the year following the exceedance and shall be submitted to: NCDWQ /Wetlands Restoration Program Attn: Neuse River Basin Offset Payments 1619 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1619 and three copies shall be submitted to: NCDWQ / NPDES Unit Attn: Neuse River Basin Offset Payments 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 (b.) For any calendar year in which the Association exceeds its Estuary TN Allocation,the Association shall be in violation of this Permit,and the Division may take appropriate enforcement action against the Association for such exceedance. (c.) For any calendar year in which the Association exceeds its Estuary TN Allocation,any Co- Permittee Member that exceeds its Estuary TN Allocation shall also be in violation of this Permit; and the Division may take appropriate enforcement action against the Member. (d.) Submittal of offset payments shall not limit the Division's authority to enforce the terms and conditions of this Permit,nor shall it relieve the Association or its Co-Permittee Members of their responsibility to comply with any other applicable federal,state,or local law,rule,standard, PART I-Page 4of5 �., Permit No.NCC000001 ordinance,order,judgment,or decree. In determining the amount of any penalty to be assessed against the Association or its Co-Permittee Members,the Division shall credit the Association or its Members for any offset payments submitted by each;provided that the Association includes with the offset payment submittal an accounting of each Member's contribution. (e.) No Co-permittee Member shall be liable for any other Co-permittee Member's non-compliance with this permit. -END OF PART I- PART I-Page 5 of 5 Permit No.NCC000001 APPENDIX A CO-PERMITTEES,TRANSPORT FACTORS,AND TN ALLOCATIONS - NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION Permit Permittee Facility 095 TF Discharge TN Allocation Estuary TN Allocation 1 NCO064050 Town of Apex Middle Creek WWTP 3.6 500/a 40,547 40,54 20,274 20,274 2 NCO020389 Town of Benson Benson WWTP 3 500/6 33,790 33,790 16,895 16,895 3 NCO048879 Town of Cary North WWTP 12 50% 135,158 67,579 3 Town of Morrisville,formerly N00050041 Morrisville WWTP 0.2 50% 4,044 2,022 3 Town of Morrisville,formerly NCO050938 Morrisville WTP 0.2 500/6 4,044 2,022 3 Total 143,246 71,623 4 NCO065102 Town of Cary South WWTP 16 50% 180,211 180,211 90,105 90,105 5 NCO030716 Johnston County Central Johnston County WWTP 4.99 50% 56,203 28,102 5 NCO060330 Johnston County White Oak Plantation WWTP 0.5 50% 5,632 2,816 5 NCO064556 River Dell Utilities,Inc. Buffalo Creek WWTP 0.5 50% 5,632 2,816 5 Total 67,467 33,734 6 NCO025453 Town of Clayton Little Creek WWTP 1.9 50% 21,400 21,4 10,700 10,700 7 NCO032077 Contentnea Metropolitan Sewerage Dist. Contentnea Sewerage District WWTP 2.85 70% 32,100 32,100 22,470 22,470 8 NCO026824 NC DHHS Butner WWTP 3.5 10% 58,599 58,599 5,860 5,860 9 NCO029572 Town of Farmville Farmville WWTP 3.5 50% 39,421 19,711 9 Town of Walstonburg,formerly NCO020362 Walstonburg WWTP 0.138 50% 2,790 1,395 9 Total 42,211 21,106 10 NCO023949 City of Goldsboro Goldsboro WWTP 16.8 70% 189,221 132,455 10 Wayne County,formerly NCO030392 Genoa Industrial Park WWTP 0.4 70% 8,088 5,662 10 NCO048062 Town of Eureka Eureka Town-WWTP 0.04 50% 809 404 10 Total 198,118 138,521 11 NCO064891 Town of Kenly Kenly Regional WWTP 0.63 500/6 7,096 7,096 3,548 3,548 12 NCO020541 City of Kinston Peachtree WWTP 6.75 70% 76,026 76,026 53,218 53,218 13 NCO024236 City of Kinston Northside WWTP 4.5 70% 50,684 50,684 35,479 35,479 14 NCO021644 Town of LaGrange La Grange WWTP 0.75 700/6 8,447 8,447 5,913 5,913 15 NCO025348 City of New Bern New Bern WWTP 4.7 1000/6 52,937 52,937 52,937 52,937 16 NCO029033 City of Raleigh Neuse River WWTP 60 500/6 675,790 337,895 16 Bobby L Murray Plantation Inn WWTP,formerly NCO027570 0.025 50% 506 253 16 Crosby Water and Sewer,Inc. formerly NCO046230 0.006 500/0 121 61 16 Total 676,417 338,209 17 NC0003816 US MCAS Cherry Point Cherry Point WWTP 3.5 100% 39,421 39,421 39,421 39,421 18 NCO030759 Town of Wake Forest Wake Forest WWTP 6 50% 67,579 67,579 33,790 33,790 19 NCO023906 City of Wilson Wilson WWTP 14 50% 157,684 157,684 78,842 78,842 20 NCO079316 Town of Zebulon Little Creek WWTP 1.85 50% 20,837 10,418 20 Town of Middlesex Middlesex WWTP,fomedy NC0022363 0.08 506/6 1,618 809 20 Total 1 22,455 11 227 21 allocation formerly Burlington Industries,NC0001376 50% 1 48,879 48,879 24,440 24,440 Association Estuary TN Allocation 1,108,312 Effective Date: January 1,2003 APPENDIX A-Page 1 of 1 Fact Sheet - PermitNPDES NCDENR Neuse River Compliance Association Kk I C^FtouNA DEPARTMENT or ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL R�cE NPDES No. NCC000001 PROPOSED ACTION The Neuse River Compliance Association and its member dischargers have applied for a new NPDES permit to govern the group's discharge of Total Nitrogen to the Neuse River and its tributaries.The group made application on June 28,2002,and modified its application on October 1,2002 to include additional members. The Division finds the Association's application to be acceptable and has made a tentative determination to issue the permit. The Division will publish a notice of this determination in the principle newspaper for each county in the river basin on or about October 23,2002,and will accept comments on the draft permit for 30 days following publication.After the close of the public comment period, the Division will consider all significant comments and make its final decision regarding this permit action. INTRODUCTION The Neuse River Basin is classified as Nutrient Sensitive Waters(NSW),due to long-term nutrient impacts on the river's estuary from point,nonpoint,and natural sources of pollution. In December 1997, the Environmental Management Commission adopted the Neuse River Basin Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW)Management Strategy,a rules package designed to address these nutrient impacts and restore water quality in the basin. The Strategy required that Total Nitrogen(TN)loads to the estuary(1995 baseline)be reduced by 30 percent by the year 2003. The basin has also been listed on the state's 303(d)list of impaired waters because of the nutrient impacts.The Division developed Total Nitrogen TMDLs for the basin,based upon the NSW Management Strategy,and the USEPA approved the TMDLs in 1999 (Phase I)and 2002(Phase II).The 2000 303(d)list again includes the basin,now noting that the TMDLs have been approved and are being implemented. One portion of the NSW Management Strategy,the Wastewater Discharge Requirements rule(T15A NCAC 2B .0234),establishes specific nutrient control requirements for the point source dischargers in the basin. • The rule sets forth a system of Total Nitrogen allocations to achieve the stated 30 percent reduction in point source loads to the estuary.Toward this end, it: • sets a wasteload allocation of 1.64 million pounds TN per year(at the estuary) for all point source dischargers in the basin. • further divides this allocation among the existing dischargers. • requires that large facilities(those with permitted flows equal to or greater than 500,000 gallons per day) meet their individual TN allocations,effective in 2003. • prescribes what allocations are required for new and expanding dischargers as well as how they will be handled when permitted facilities consolidate (regionalize) their wastewater discharges. • provides that interested dischargers can form a group compliance association and work together to meet their combined TN allocation. Under this option, the individual dischargers are subject to TN limits in a group compliance NPDES permit in lieu of the TN limits in their individual NPDES permits. d. FACT SHEET Neuse River Compliance Association DRAFT NPDES PERMIT NPDES No.NCC000001 The rule also prescribes Total Phosphorus limits for the most significant dischargers in the basin. The proposed permit is a group compliance permit as described above and is the first of its kind to be developed under the Strategy's Wastewater Discharge rule. PERMIT OVERVIEW Co-Permittees The Neuse River Compliance Association("NRCA,"or the"Association")is a not-for-profit corporation established in North Carolina.The purpose of the Association is to function as a"group compliance association"as provided in the Wastewater Discharge rule. The Association's members include both public and private entities,all of which discharge treated wastewater in the Neuse River basin under existing individual NPDES permits. The Association and each of its members will be co-permittees under the proposed permit. In general, the Association will serve as the contact between the Division and its co-permittee members in matters pertaining to this permit. Scope of the Permit The proposed group compliance permit will govern the combined discharge of Total Nitrogen from the co-permittees to the estuary.Requirements in this permit will supplement those in the co-permittee members'individual NPDES permits but will not replace the requirements in the individual permits except where specifically stated. Each member's individual NPDES permit will remain in effect and will continue to govern the other parameters of concern for that discharge. PROPOSED EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS The Division has developed effluent limitations,monitoring requirements,and special conditions for the proposed permit based on the Neuse River Basin Nutrient Management Strategy,the approved TN TMDLs,and extensive deliberations with the USEPA Region 4 and with the affected dischargers. Effluent Limitations Group and Individual TN Limitations Appendix A of the permit contains the definitive list of(1)Co-Permittee Members in the Association, (2) the discharge and equivalent estuary TN allocations for each member,and (3)the transport factor for each.These values are taken from allocation metheod in the Wastewater Discharge rule. The appendix also includes the sum total of the member's estuary allocations,which represents the Association Estuary TN Allocation. All TN allocations are expressed in terms of pounds of TN per year and apply to a calendar year period. The permit establishes TN limits for the Association and,under certain conditions,for the individual co-permittee members.Any group or individual TN limit in this permit is equal to the corresponding estuary TN allocation in Appendix A. The Association will be subject to an estuary TN limit(equal to its Estuary TN Allocation) throughout the term of this permit. Individual members of the Association will be subject to individual TN limits only in those years in which the Association exceeds its limit. In that case,each co-permittee member is subject to its -2- 10/16/2M2 .1 FACT SHEET Neuse River Compliance Association DRAFT NPDES PERMIT NPDES No. NCC000001 individual TN limit from Appendix A. If the Association as a whole complies with its limit,the member dischargers are not subject to individual limits for that calendar year. Changes in Membership or TN Allocations The TN allocations of the co-permittee members can change as the result of purchases,sales,trades, leases,and other transactions.These changes,in turn,affect the Association's TN allocation.Changes in membership also affect the Association's allocation due to the addition or subtraction of the discharger's allocation from the group total. Whenever changes in the allocations or the membership occur,Appendix A of the permit must be modified in order to formally incorporate those changes and adjust the enforceable limits in the permit. The TN allocations and limits are expressed as calendar year values;therefore,any adjustments can become effective only at the beginning of the calendar year(January 1)following the transaction or membership change.The Association will notify the Division each year of proposed changes in Appendix A(see Reporting Requirements,below). Initial Co-Permittee Members The Association is currently comprised of the following co-permittee members and facilities: Co-Permittee Member Facility 1. Town of Apex Middle Creek WWTP 2. Town of Benson Benson WWTP 3. Town of Cary North WWTP South WWTP 4. Johnston County Central Johnston County WWTP White Oak Plantation WWTP Buffalo Creek WWTP 5. Town of Clayton Little Creek WWTP 6. Contentnea MSD Contentnea MSD WWTP 7. NC DHHS Butner WWTP 8. Town of Farmville Farmville WWTP 9. City of Goldsboro Goldsboro WWTP 10. Town of Kenly Kenly Regional WWTP 11. City of Kinston Peachtree WWTP Northside WWTP 12. Town of La Grange La Grange WWTP 13. City of New Bern New Bern WWTP 14. City of Raleigh Neuse River WWTP 15. USMCAS Cherry Point Cherry Point WWTP 16. Town of Wake Forest Wake Forest WWTP 17. City of Wilson Wilson WWTP 18. Town of Zebulon Little Creek WWTP The TN allocation for each member is included in Appendix A of the permit.These allocations include the original allocation assigned to the facility in the Wastewater Discharge rule plus any allocation acquired through regionalization or other transactions. At this permit is released for public review,several additional dischargers are attempting to complete the process of joining the Association.The Division proposes to include any such facilities as co- permittees under this permit if the Association provides a revised permit application prior to the end of the public comment period.The facilities and their TN allocations would be added to the list in Appendix A and the Association TN allocation would be adjusted as already described to reflect those additional facilities. -3- 10/16/2002 l FACT SHEET Neuse River Compliance Association DRAFT NPDES PERMIT NPDES No. NCCOOO601 The Association also holds the TN allocation originally assigned to Burlington Industries(formerly NC0001376),which the industry deeded to the Association. Monitoring Requirements All members of the Association are required under the individual NPDES permits to monitor TN on a regular basis and report the results in their Discharge Monitoring Reports(DMRs).The group compliance permit does not duplicate these monitoring requirements or require additional TN monitoring. Instream monitoring is not required under this permit.However,it is required of the co-permittee members through their individual NPDES permits and,for most,is conducted by the Lower Neuse Basin Association,a coalition of dischargers that,by agreement with the Division,conducts instream monitoring for its members. Reporting Requirements Each member will continue to report its TN monitoring results on its individual DMRs.The Association is not required to duplicate these detailed reports. The Association will submit year-end,mid-year,and 5-year reports on its activities to the Division.The year-end report(due February 28 of each year)will include an accounting of the Association's and its members'TN discharges for the previous calendar year for compliance purposes.It will also include a list of transactions during that period affecting TN allocations,an assessment of progress made,and planned activities for the coming year.The mid-year report(due August 31 of each year)will include an updated accounting of TN discharges for informational purposes.It will also identify any changes in TN allocations or in membership for the following year and will serve as a request to modify Appendix A to incorporate those changes.The 5-year report(due July 1,2007)is intended to ensure that the Division and the Association agree on the group and individual allocations at the end of the permit term. Compliance The Association is required by rule to make offset payments to the Wetlands Restoration Fund for any calendar year in which it exceeds its TN limit.In addition,the Division may take appropriate enforcement action against the Association or its co-permittee members or both in the event that they exceed applicable TN limits in the permit. OTHER SPECIAL CONDITIONS Total Nitrogen. The permit includes a special condition describing how Total Nitrogen mass loads are to be calculated. -4- t 0/16/2002 .r Y Permit Review Sheet NCDENR Neuse River Compliance Klo HCR UL DEP..RTMEMCF Association EWRIO.-. TAND N/Rl RESOURCES NPDES No. NCC000001 PERMIT REVIEW Please review the attached draft permit package and provide comments and/or concurrence at least one week before the close of the public comment period (below). If you have any questions on this fact sheet,the draft permit,or other attachments,please contact Mike Templeton at(919)733-5083,extension 541. PROPOSED SCHEDULE FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE Draft Permit to Public Notice: October 23,2002 End of Comment Period: November 22,2002 Permit Scheduled for Issuance: December 6,2002 NPDES Recommendation by: ��^- !1 Sign Vlture at� This space is used by the regional office personnel to identify specific concerns in reference to issuance of the subject permit.Attach REGIONAL OFFICE COMMENTS additional sheets as needed. Regional Recommendation by: Signature Date REVIEWED AND ACCEPTED BY: Regional Supervisor: Signature Date NPDES Unit Supervisor: Signature Date I Delivery O File POYNEROSPRUILLIL.P Date: C3 Pick Up O Copies ATTORNEYS AT-LAW Deliver To/Pick Up From: Requested Date/Time: NORTH ❑ 10:30 a.m. RALEIGH ❑ 3:00 p.m. M Address:(be specific) v" &"x- DOWNTOWN S�LwtL t3.1,{kcC J«.��z Z ❑ 9:30 a.m. ❑ :30 p.m. L �� ( ❑ 3:00 p.m. Instructions: J U - � � M sender: ivered/Picked Up By: Datums: Rete' BY" ' Date/Tme: G t J � + THE NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION POST OFFICE BOX 590 RALEIGH,NORTH CAROLINA 27602 June 28, 2002 NCDENR/DWQ Attention NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 Gentlemen; Be advised that the Neuse River Compliance Association has been formally organized under North Carolina Law as a not-for-profit organization. Current members(who have been authorized by their governing authorities)are listed on an enclosed attachment. A substantial increase in membership is expected over the next few weeks as additional Cities, Counties and other entities elect to join. It is our understanding that the membership of the Association for calendar year 2003 must be finalized by October 1, 2002. DWQ will be notified of changes in membership for calendar year 2004 and succeeding years by August 31'of the prior year. The Neuse River Compliance Association and its Co-Permittee Members hereby apply for an NPDES Permit for aggregate discharge of total nitrogen into the Neuse River Estuary. This Permit will be effective for members of the Neuse River Compliance Association in lieu of individual total nitrogen permit limits as provided for in each co-permittee individual permit. An Application package with a current list of co-permittee members is submitted herewith. It is requested that the Permit become effective January 1, 2003 and run for five years. In addition to the NPDES Permit,the Neuse River Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy, which originally authorized the group compliance approach, stipulates that an agreement between the Neuse River Compliance Association and DWQ must be finalized and approved by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission prior to discharge under the Association. Your assistance in expediting the agreement so that it can be approved by the EMC prior to the end of 2002 would be appreciated. You may contact Morris Brookhart(919-219-4560)or Glenn Dunn at Poyner& Spruill,LLP (919-783-2842)or myself(929-362-8166)if there are questions regarding this Permit Application. Very Truly Yours, Timothy L. Donnelly, P.E. President, Neuse River Compliance Association Pleasq print or type in the unshaded areas only For Approved. OMB N 2040-0086. Approval expires 5-31-92 (fill-in areas are spaced for elite type, i.e., 12 characters inch). Pp o. pp P FORM U.S.ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY I. EPA I.D. NUMBER 1 \=CEPA GENERAL INFORMATION F T/A Consolidated Permits Program GENERAL Read the "General Instructions"before starting) 1 2 ,3 ,4 ,5 LABEL ITEMS GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS If a preprinted label has been provided, I. EPA I.D. NUMBER affix it in the designated space.Review the information carefully; if any of it is incorrect cross through it and enter the III. FACILITY NAME correct data in the appropriate fill-in area below.Also, if any of the preprinted data is absent (the area to the left of the label space lists the information that should V. FACILITY PLEASE PLACE LABEL IN THIS SPACE appear), pplease provide it in the proper fill- MAILING LIST and correctb you neednotnot bcomplete litems I, III,V, and VI(except VI-B which must be completed regardless). Complete all items VI. FACILITY if no label has been proved. Refer to the instructions for detailed item descriptions LOCATION and for the legal authorization under which this data is collected. II. POLLUTANT CHARACTERISTICS Complete A through to etermine whether you need to submit any permit application forms to the IPA. If you answer yes to any questions,you must submit this form and the supplemental from listed in the parenthesis following the question. Mark'X"in the box in the third column if the supplemental form is attached. If you answer"no"to each question,you need not submit any of these forms. You may answer"no"if your activity is excluded from permit requirements;see Section C of the instructions. See also, Section D of the instructions for definitions of bold-faced terms. MARK"X" MARK")C SPECIFIC QUESTIONS YES NO FORM SPECIFIC QUESTIONS YES NO FORM ATTACHED I ATTACHED A. Is this facility a publicly owned treatment works 8, Does or will this facility (either existing or which results in a discharge to waters of the ® ❑ ® proposed) include a concentrated animal ❑ U.S.?(FORM 2A) feeding operation or aquatic animal production facility which results in a discharge 16 17 18 to waters of the U.S.?(FORM 213) 19 20 21 Is this facility which currently results in 0 D. Is this proposal facility(other than those described discharges to waters of the U.S. other than in A or B above)which will result in a discharge those described in A or B above? FORM 2C 22 23 24 to waters of the U.S.? FORM 2D 25 26 27 E. Does or will this facility treat, store, or dispose of F, Do you or will you inject at this facility industrial or hazardous wastes?(FORM 3) ❑ ® 1:1 municipal effluent below the lowermost stratum 1:1 ® ❑ containing, within one quarter mile of the well bore, underground sources of drinking water? 28 1 29 30 (FORM 4) 31 32 33 G. Do you or will you inject at this facility any H. Do you or will you inject at this facility fluids for produced water other fluids which are brought to special processes such as mining of sulfer by the the surface in connection with conventional oil or ❑ ® ❑ Frasch process,solution mining of minerals,in ❑ ® ❑ natural gas production, inject fluids used for situ combustion of fossil fuel,or recovery of enhanced recovery of oil or natural gas, or inject geothermal energy?(FORM 4) fluids for storage of liquid hydrocarbons? FORM 4 34 35 36 37 36 39 1. Is this aci ity a proposed stationary source J. Is this facility a proposed stationary source which is one of the 28 industrial categories listedwhich is NOT one of the 28 industrial categories in the instructions and which will potentially emit ❑ ® ❑ listed in the instructions and which will potentially ❑ ® ❑ 100 tons per year of any air pollutant regulated emit 250 tons per year of any air pollutant under the Clean Air Act and may affect or be regulated under the Clean Air Act and may affect located in an attainment areal FORM 51 40 41 42 or be located in an attainment are? FORM 5 43 44 45 III. NAME OF FACILITY C SKIP NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION 15 1 16-29 1 30 69 IV. FACILITY CONTACT A.NAME&TITLE(last rrst, &title) B.PHONE(area code&rio.) 2 DONNELLY, TIMOTHYL. PRESIDENT 919 362 8166 15 1 16 45 46 48 49 51 52 55 V. FACILITY MAILING ADDRESS A STREET OR P.O.BOX 3 P.O. BOX 590 15 1 16 45 B.CITY OR TOWN C.STATE D.ZIP CODE 4 RALEIGH NC 27602 15 1 16 40 41 42 47 51 VI. FACILITY LOCATION A.STREET,ROUTE NO.OR OTHER SPECIFIC IDENTIFIER c N/A 5 15 1 18 05 B.COUNTY NAME N/A 46 70 C.CITY OR TOWN D.STATE E.ZIP CODE F.COUNTY CODE c N/A N/A N/A N/A 6 15 1 16 40 41 12 47 51 52 54 CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT VII. SIC CODES (4-digit, in order of priority) A.FIRST B.SECOND 7 N/A (specify) N/A (specify) 15 16 17 N/A t 5 16 19 N/A C.THIRD D.FOURTH 7 N/A (specify) 7 N/A (specify) s 16 17 N/A 15 16 19 N/A VIII. OPERATOR INFORMATION A.NAME B.Is the name listed in Item C NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION AND CO-PERMITTEES VIII-A also the owner? 8 55 El YES [:]NO 16 1s C.STATUS OF OPERATOR Errter the appropriate letter into the answer box;if"Other,"s D.PHONE area code&no. F=FEDERAL M=PUBLIC(other than federal or state) O (specify) A 919 362 8166 S=STATE O=OTHER(specify) NON-PROFIT ORG. is to 1s P=PRIVATE 5s 15 z1 zz 25 E.STREET OR PO BOX P.O. BOX 590 26 55 F.CITY OR TOWN G. STATE H.ZIP CODE IX. INDIAN LAND C RALEIGH NC 27602 Is the facility located on Indian lands? B ❑ ❑ 15 16 40 42 42 47 51 YES NO X. EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITSIN I A.NPDES(Discharges to Surface Water) D.PSD Air Emissions from Proposed Sources) c T SEE ATTACHED LIST ' N/A 9 1 N I 1 ---9P 15 1 16 1 17 1 18 30 15 16 17 1 18 30 B.UIC(Underground Injection of Fluids E.OTHER s (specify) c u N/A 9 T ° N/A N/A 15 16 1 17 1 18 30 15 1 16 1 17 1 18 30 C.RCRA(Hazardous Wastes) E.OTHER(specify) (specify) 9 R N/A 9 T ° N/A NIA 11 15 16 1'17118 30 15 16 17 18 30 XI. MAP Attach to this application a topographic map of the area extending to at least one mile beyond property boundaries. The map must show the outline of the facility, the location of each of its existing and proposed intake and discharge structures, each of its hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facilities, and each well where it injects fluids underground. Include all springs, rivers and other surface water bodies in the map area. See instructions for precise requirements. XII. NATURE OF BUSINESS (provide a brief description) A Not-For-Profit Association of NPDES Permit holders permitted to discharge wastewater treatment plant effluent into surface waters of the Neuse River Basin in North Carolina. The Association and its member/Co-Permittees propose to control the discharge of total nitrogen from member facilities so that the aggregate total nitrogen loading at the Neuse River Estuary is less than the sum of the individual member allocations which were established to meet a TMDL for total nitrogen. The Association and its Member/Co-Permittee NPDES Permit will be effective for members of the Neuse River Compliance Association in lieu of individual total nitrogen Permit limits as provided for in each Member/Co-Permittee individual NPDES Permit. XIII. CERTIFICATION (see instructions) 1 certify under penalty of law that 1 have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this application and all attachments and that, based on my inquiry of those persons immediately responsible for obtaining the information contained in the application, 1 believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibft of fine and imprisonment. A. NAME&OFFICIAL TITLE(type or print) B.SIGNATURE CDAT IGNED. Timothy L. Donnelly, P.E., President COMMENTS FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY c C 15 16 55 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Neuse River Compliance Association, Issue New Permit Neuse FORM �.. 2A JDES F PPLICATION OVERVIEW NPDES APPLICATION OVERVIEW Form 2A has been developed in a modular format and consists of a"Basic Application Information" packet and a "Supplemental Application Information"packet. The Basic Application Information packet is divided into two parts. All applicants must complete Parts A and C. Applicants with a design flow greater than or equal to 0.1 mgd must also complete Part B. Some applicants must also complete the Supplemental Application Information packet. The following items explain which parts of Form 2A you must complete. BASIC APPLICATION INFORMATION: A. Basic Application Information for all Applicants. All applicants must complete questions A.I through A.8. A treatment works that discharges effluent to surface waters of the United States must also answer questions A.9 through A.12. B. Additional Application Information for Applicants with a Design Flow>_0.1 mgd. All treatment works that have design flows greater than or equal to 0.1 million gallons per day must complete questions B.I through B.6. C. Certification. All applicants must complete Part C(Certification). SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION INFORMATION: D. Expanded Effluent Testing Data. A treatment works that discharges effluent to surface waters of the United States and meets one or more of the following criteria must complete Pari D(Expanded Effluent Testing Data): 1. Has a design flow rate greater than or equal to I mgd, 2. Is required to have a pretreatment program(or has one in place),or 3. Is otherwise required by the permitting authority to provide the information. E. Toxicity Testing Data. A treatment works that meets one or more of the following criteria must complete Pari E(Toxicity Testing Data). 1. Has a design flow rate greater than or equal to f mgd, 2. Is required to have a pretreatment program(or has one in place),or 3. Is otherwise required by the permitting authority to submit results of toxicity testing. F. Industrial User Discharges and RCRA/CERCLA Wastes. A treatment works that accepts process wastewater from any significant industrial users(SIUs)or receives RCRA or CERCLA wastes must complete Part F(Industrial User Discharges and RCRA/CERCLA Wastes). SIUs are defined as: I. All industrial users subject to Categorical Pretreatment Standards under 40 Code of Federal Regulations(CFR)403.6 and 40 CFR Chapter I,Subchapter N(see instructions);and 2. Any other industrial user that: a. Discharges an average of 25,000 gallons per day or more of process wastewater to the treatment works(with certain exclusions); or b. Contributes a process wastestream that makes up 5 percent or more of the average dry weather hydraulic or organic capacity of the treatment plant, or C. Is designated as an SIU by the control authority. G. Combined Sewer Systems. A treatment works that has a combined sewer system must complete Part G(Combined Sewer Systems). ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE PART C(CERTIFICATION) EPA Form 3510-2A(Rev.1-99).Replaces EPA Forms 7550-6&7550-22 Page 1 of 9 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Neuse River Compliance Association, Issue New Permit Neuse BASIC APPLICATION INFORMATION PART A.BASIC APPLICATION INFORMATION FOR ALL APPUCANTS: All treatment works must complete questions Al through A.8 of this Bask:Application Information Packet A.I. Facility Information. Facility Name See Attachment 3 for listing of Members of the Neuse Compliance Association and Co-Permittee Applicants for this new Permit. Attachments 4&5 provide additional information. Listed NPDES Permit Numbers should be referred to for additional individual Co-Permittee Facility information Mailing Address Contact Person Title Telephone Number ( ) Facility Address (not P.O.Box) A.2. Applicant Information. If the applicant is different from the above,provide the following: Applicant Name Neuse River Compliance Association Mailing Address P.O. Box 590 Raleigh.NC 27602 Contact Person Timoft L. Donnelly, P.E. Title President Telephone Number (919) 362-8166 Is the applicant the owner or operator(or both)of the treatment works? ❑ owner ❑ operator Indicate whether correspondence regarding this permit should be directed to the facility or the applicant. ❑ facility ® applicant A3. Existing Environmental Permits. Provide the permit number of any mdstlng environmental permits that have been issued to the treatment works (include state-issued permits). NPDES See Individual Co-Permittee Permits PSD UIC Other RCRA Other A4. Collection System Information. Provide information on municipalities and areas served by the facility. Provide the name and population of each entity and,if krtanm,provide information on the type of collection system(combined vs.separate)and its ownership(municipal,private,etc.). Name Population Served Type of Collection System Ownership See Individual Co-Permittee Permits Total population served EPA Form 3510.2A(Rev.1-99).Replaces EPA Fortes 7550-6&7550-22 Page 2 of 9 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Neuse River Compliance Association, Issue New Permit Neuse A.S. Indian Country. a. Is the treatment works located in Indian Country? ❑ Yes ® No b. Does the treatment works discharge to a receiving water that is either in Indian Country or that is upstream from(and eventually flows through)Indian Country? ❑ Yes ® No A.S. Flow. Indicate the design flow rate of the treatment plant(.e.,the wastewater flow rate that the plant was built to handle). Also provide the average daily flow rate and ma>amu rn daily flow rate for each of the last three years. Each years data must be based an a 12-month time period with the le month of Tn year"occurring no more than three months prior to this application submittal. a. Design flow rate See Individual Co-Permittee Permits and Attachments mgd Two Years Ago Last Year This Year b. Annual average daily flow rate c. Maximum daily flow rate A.7. Collection System. Indicate the types)of collection system(s)used by the treatment plant. Check all that apply. Also estimate the percent contribution(by miles)of each. ® Separate sanitary sewer % ❑ Combined storm and sanitary sewer % A.S. Discharges and Other Disposal Methods. a. Does the treatment works discharge effluent to waters of the U.S.? ❑ Yes ❑ No See Individual Co-Permittee Permits If yes,list how ninny of each of the following types of discharge points the treatment works uses: i. Discharges of treated effluent ii. Discharges of untreated or partially treated effluent iii. Combined sewer overflow points iv. Constructed emergency overflows(prior to the headworks) V. Other b. Does the treatment works discharge effluent to basins,ponds,or other surface impoundments that do not have outlets for discharge to waters of the U.S.? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes,provide the following for each surface impoundment: Location: Annual average daily volume discharge to surface impoundment(s) mgd Is discharge ❑ continuous or ❑ intermittent? C. Does the treatment works land-apply treated wastewater? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes,provide the following for each land application site: Location: Number of acres: Annual average daily volume applied to site: mgd Is land application ❑ continuous or ❑ intermittent? d. Does the treatment works discharge or transport treated or untreated wastewater to another treatment works? ❑ Yes ❑ No EPA Form$510-2A(Rev.1-99).Replam EPA Forms 7550-6&7550-22 Page 3 of 9 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Neuse River Compliance Association, Issue New Permit Neuse If yes,describe the mean(s)by which the wastewater from the treatment works is discharged or transported to the other treatment works(e.g.,tank truck, pipe). If transport is by a party other than the applicant,provide: Transporter Name Mailing Address Contact Person Title Telephone Number ( 1 For each treatment works that receives this discharge provide the following: Name Mailing Address Contact Person Title Telephone Number ( 1 If known,provide the NPDES permit number of the treatment works that receives this discharge Provide the average daily flow rate from the treatment works into the receiving facility. mgd e. Does the treatment works discharge or dispose of its wastewater in a manner not included in AX through A.g.d above(e.g.,underground percolation,well injection): ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes,provide the following for each disposal method: Description of method(including location and size of site(s)if applicable): Annual daily volume disposed by this method: Is disposal through this method ❑ continuous or ❑ intermittent? EPA Form 3510-2A(Rev.1-99).Replaces EPA Forms 755461£7550-22 Page 4 of 9 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Neuse River Compliance Association, Issue New Permit Neuse WASTEWATER DISCHARGES: If you answered"Yes"to question A. a.complete anestlon A.9 through A.12 oma for each outfall(including bypass points)through which effluent is discharged. Do mot Include information on combined sewer overflows in this section. If you answered"No"to auestiou A."go to Part "Additional Application Information for Applicants with a Design Flow Greater than or Equal to 0.1 mgd." ae. Deserlp w of Outfall. See Individual Co-Permittee Permits a. Outfall number b. Location (City or town,if applicable) (Zip Code) (County) (State) (Latitude) (Longitude) C. Distance from shore(if applicable) ft. d. Depth below surface(if applicable) ft. e. Average daily flow rate mgd f. Does this outfall have either an intermittent or a periodic discharge? ❑ Yes ❑ No (go to A.9.g.) If yes,provide the following information: Number f times per year discharge occurs: Average duration of each discharge: Average flow per discharge: mgd Months in which discharge occurs: g. Is outfall equipped with a diffuser? ❑ Yes ❑ No A.10. Description of Resolving waters. See Individual Co-Permittee Permits&Attachments a. Name of receiving water b. Name of watershed(if known) United States Soil Conservation Service 14-digit watershed code(if known): C. Name of State Management/River Basin(if known): United States Geological Survey 8-digit hydrologic cataloging unit code(if known): d. Critical low flow of receiving stream(if applicable) acute CA chronic cfs e. Total hardness of receiving stream at critical low flow(if applicable): mg/I of CaCO3 EPA Form 3510-2A(Rev.1-99).Replaces EPA Farms 7550-6&7550-22 Page 5 of 9 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Neuse River Compliance Association, Issue New Permit Neuse A.11. Description of Treatment See Individual Co-Permittee Permits a. What level of treatment are provided? Check all that apply. ❑ Primary ❑ Secondary ❑ Advanced ❑ Other. Describe: b. Indicate the following removal rates(as applicable): Design BOD5 removal or Design CBOD5 removal % Design SS removal % Design P removal % Design N removal % Other % C. What type of disinfection is used for the effluent from this outfall? If disinfection varies by season,please describe: If disinfection is by chlorination is dechlorination used for this outfall? ❑ Yes ❑ No Does the treatment plant have post aeration? ❑ Yes ❑ No A.12. Effluent Testing Information. All Applicants that discharge to waters of the US must provide effluent testing data for the following parameters. Provide the Indicated effluent testing required by the permitting authority for each outfall through which effluent Is discharged. Do not include information on combined sorer overflows in this section. AN Information reported must be based on data collected through analysis conducted using 40 CFR Part 136 methods. In addition,this data must comply with QAIQC requirements of 40 CFR Part 136 and other appropriate QAIQC requirements for standard methods for analytes not addressed by 40 CFR Part 136. At a minimum,effluent testing data must be based on at least three samples and must be no more than four and one-half years apart. See Individual Co-Permittee Permits outfall number: PARAMETER MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE AVERAGE DAILY VALUE Value Units Value Units Number of Samples pH(Minimum) S.U. pH(Ma)omum) S.U. Flow Rate Temperature(Winter) Temperature(Summer) For pH please report a minimum and a mabmum daily value MAXIMUM DAILY AVERAGE DAILY DISCHARGE DISCHARGE ANALYTICAL POLLUTANT METHOD ML/MDL Conc. Units Conc. Units Number of Samples CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL COMPOUNDS BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN B005 DEMAND(Report one) CBOD5 FECAL COLIFORM TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS(TSS) END OF PART A. REFER TO THE APPLICATION OVERVIEW(PAGE 1)TO DETERMINE WHICH OTHER PARTS OF FORM 2A YOU MUST COMPLETE EPA Form 3510-2A(Rev.1-99).Replaces EPA Forms 7550-6&7550-22 Page 6 of 9 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Neuse River Compliance Association, Issue New Permit Neuse BASIC APPLICATION INFORMATION PART B. ADDITIONAL APPLICATION INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS WITH A DESIGN FLOW GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 0.1 MGD(100,000 gallons per day). All applicants with a design flow rate z 0.1 mgd must answer questlons 8.1 through 8.6. All others go to Part C(Certification). B.1. Inflow and Infiltration. See Individual Co-Permittee Permits Estimate the average number of gallons per day that flow into the treatment works from inflow and/or infiltration. gpd Briefly explain any steps underway or planned to minimize inflow and infiltration. B.2. Topographic-Map. See Individual Co-Permittee Permits Attach to this application a topographic map of the area extending at least one mile beyond facility property boundaries. This map must show the outline of the facility and the following information. (You may submit more than one map if one map does not show the entire area.) a. The area surrounding the treatment plant,including all unit processes. b. The major pipes or other structures through which wastewater enters the treatment works and the pipes or other structures through which treated wastewater is discharged from the treatment plant. Include outfalls from bypass piping,if applicable. c. Each well where wastewater from the treatment plant is injected underground. d. Wells,springs,other surface water bodies,and drinking water wells that are: 1)within''/.mile of the property boundaries of the treatment works,and 2) listed in public record or otherwise known to the applicant. e. Any areas where the sewage sludge produced by the treatment works is stored,treated,or disposed. f. If the treatment works receives waste that is classified as hazardous under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act(RCRA)by truck,rail,or special pipe,show on the map where the hazardous waste enters the treatment works and where it is treated,stored,and/or disposed. 8.3. Proem Flow Diagram or Scliematic.See Individual Co-Permittee Permits Provide a diagram showing the processes of the treatment plant,including all bypass piping and all backup power sources or redunancy in the system. Also provide a water balance showing all treatment units,including disinfection(e.g.,chlorination and dechlorination). The water balance must show daily average flow rates at influent and discharge points and approximate daily flow rates between treatment units. Include a brief narrative description of the diagram. B.4. Operation/Maletenance Performed by Contractors} See Individual Co-Permittee Permits Are any operational or maintenance aspects(related to wastewater treatment and effluent quality)of the treatment works the responsibility of a contractor? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes,list the name,address,telephone number,and status of each contractor and describe the contractor's responsibilities(attach additional pages if necessary). Name: Mailing Address: Telephone Number: ( I Responsibilities of Contractor: B.S. Scredaled improvements and Schedales of Implementation.See Individual Co-Permittee Permits Provide information on any uncompleted implementation schedule or uncompleted plans for improvements that will affect the wastewater treatment,effluent quality,or design capacity of the treatment works. If the treatment works has several different implementation schedules or is planning several improvements,submit separate responses to question B.5 for each. (If none,go to question B.6.) a. List the outfall number(assigned in question A.9)for each outfall that is covered by this implementation schedule. b. Indicate whether the planned improvements or implementation schedule are required by local,State,or Federal agencies. ❑ Yes ❑ No EPA Form 3510-2A(Rev.1-99).Replaces EPA Forms 7550-6&7550.22 Pape 7 of 9 FACILITY NABS AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Neuse River Compliance Association, Issue New Permit Neuse C. If the answer to B.5.b is"Yes,"briefly describe,including new maximum daily inflow rate(if applicable). d. Provide dates imposed by any compliance schedule or any actual dates of completion for the implementation steps listed below,as applicable. For improvements planned independently of local,State,or Federal agencies,indicate planned or actual completion dates,as applicable. Indicate dates as accurately as possible. Schedule Actual Completion Implementation Stage MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY Begin Construction End Construction / / / / Begin Discharge Attain Operational Level C. Have appropriate permits/clearances concerning other Fedend/State requirements been obtained? ❑ Yes ❑ No Describe briefly: B.6. EFFLUENT TESTING DATA(GREATER THAN 0.1 MGD ONLY). See Individual Co-Permittee Permits Applicants that discharge to waters of the US out provide effluent testtmg data for the following parameters. Provide the indicated effluent tenting required by the permitting authority for each outfall through wbicb effluent Is discharged. Do mot Include information on combine sewer overflow&im this section. All information reported most be based on data collected through analysis conducted using 40 CFR Part 136 methods. In addition,this data most comply with QA/QC requirements of 40 CFR Part 136 and other appropriate QA/QC requirements for standard methods for amdyta not addressed by 40 CFR Part 136. At a minimum effluent testing data most be based on at last three pollutant scam sad most be no more than four mad oo-balf years old. Outfall Number: MAXIMUM DAILY AVERAGE DAILY DISCHARGE DISCHARGE ANALYTICAL POLLUTANT METHOD ML/MDL Come. Units Come. Unita Number of Samples CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL COMPOUNDS AMMONIA(as N) CHLORINE(TOTAL RESIDUAL,TRC) DISSOLVED OXYGEN TOTAL KJELDAHL NITROGEN(TKN) NITRATE PLUS NITRITE NITROGEN OIL and GREASE PHOSPHORUS(Total) TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS (TDS) OTHER END OF PART B. REFER TO THE APPLICATION OVERVIEW(PAGE 1)TO DETERMINE WHICH OTHER PARTS OF FORM 2A YOU MUST COMPLETE EPA Form 3510-2A(Rev.1-99).Replaces EPA Forms 7550-6&7550-22 Page 8 of 9 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Neuse River Compliance Association, Issue New Permit Neuse BASIC APPLICATION INFORMATION PART C. CERTIFICATION All applicants must complete the Certification Section. Refer to Instructions to determine who Is an officer for the purposes of this certification. All applicants must complete all applicable sections of Form 2A,as explained in the Application Overview. Indicate below which parts of Form 2A you have completed and are submitting. By signing this certification statement,applicants confirm that they have reviewed Form 2A and have completed all sections that apply to the facility for which this application Is submitted. Indicate which parts of Form 2A you have completed and are submitting: N Basic Application Information packet Supplemental Application Information packet: ❑ Part D(Expanded Effluent Testing Data) ❑ Part E(Toxicity Testing: Biomonitoring Data) ❑ Part F(Industrial User Discharges and RCRA/CERCLA Wastes) ❑ Part G(Combined Sewer Systems) ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING CERTIFICATION. I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the information is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name and official title Titnothy L. Donnell P.E. President Signature Telephone number 919 362-8166 Date signed 12 2' Upon request of the permitting authority,you must submit any other information necessary to assure wastewater treatment practices at the treatment works or identify appropriate permitting requirements. SEND COMPLETED FORMS TO: NCDENRI DWQ Attn: NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699- 1617 EPA Form 3510-2A(Rev.1-99).Replaces EPA Forms 7550-6&7550-22 Page 9 of 9 THE NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP ROSTER NPDES FACILITY FACILITY CONTACT PHONE PERMIT TOTAL NITROGEN ALLOCATION LBSNEAR PERMIT NAME OWNER PERSON NUMBER FLOW* AT PERMIT ESTUARY AT NUMBER MGD DISCHARGE TRANSPORT ESTUARY NCO020389 Benson WWTP Town of Benson Keith R. Langdon 919-894-3553 3.000 33,790 0.50 16,895 NCO023906 Wilson WWTP City of Wilson Charles W. Pittman, III 919-399-2461 14.000 157,684 0.50 78,842 NCO023949 Goldsboro WWTP City of Goldsboro Karen H. Brashear 919-735-3329 16.800 189,221 0.70 132,455 NCO029572 Farmville WWTP Town of Farmville Richard N. Hicks 252-753-5774 3.500 39,421 0.50 19,711 NCO048879 North WWTP Town of Cary Robert P. Bonne 919-469-4303 12.000 135,158 0.50 67,579 NCO064050 Middle Creek WWTP Town of Apex Bruce A. Radford 919-362-8166 3.600 40,547 0.50 20,274 NCO065102 I South WWTP ITown of Cary I Robert P. Bonne 919-469-4303 1 16.0001 180,211 0.50 901106 *Adjusted Flow from Nutrient Management Strategy INEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION ESTUARY ALLOCATION, POUNDS: 426,860 05; u,02 10 '_4 919—' 94-12ti_,? TOWN OF SEFP30N PAGIE 0'2 NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION CO-PERMITTEE l MEMBER INFORMATION and APPLICATION for NP_D_E t RM for i r TOTAL NITROGEN D) CHARGE GO-PE RMITT the NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOC1ATiGN FACILITY OWNER: Town of Benson Contact: Keith R. Langdon Phone No.:91"V+M03 E-mail: keith.langdon@johnstonnc.com Address: P.O. Box 59 Benson, NC 27504 Facility Operator: Same as OWNER Facility Name: Benson WWf P NPDES Permit No.: N00020359 Receiving Waters: Hannah Creek Outfall No.: 1 Location Coordinates: Latitude-.3502371" Longitude:78030'33" PwmlttW Flow(ae aopw arr.u�.Nwrtant sensi�,e w hnen�orno�n svare91}:3 Q,Q�MoD. Total Nil"en Allocation at Discharge Location: 33,790 Pounds per calendar Year. Total Nitrogen Transport Factor to Estuary (Ae assigned by DWQ):50 Pwcwnt. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Estuary: 10.595 Pounds per Calendar Ycar. CN 1 Cl~RT1FY THAT THC ABOVE INFORMATION IS,To THE aE$T OF MY D3C AND 13ElJ6F,TRUE,ACCURATE AND C4MrLErZ- DATE Kum R.Lr►NCDoN,TVwN MAriAGCR Zoe JAvHx00Hq sIuuon 9999LLVOTO X" t9:0T ZO/LZ/90 a NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION CO-PERMITTEE/ MEMBER INFORMATION an LI f N for NPD PERMIT for TOTAL NITR DISCIJARGE as CO-PERMITTEE with the NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE MSOCI&TION FACILITY OWNER: City of Wilson Contact: Charles W. Pittman, III Phone No.: 252-389-2461 E-mail: cpittman@wilsonnc.org Address: PO Box 10 Wilson, NC 27893 Facility Operator: Same as OWNER Facility Name: Wilson WWTP NPDES Permit No. NCO023906 Receiving Waters: Contentnea Creek Outfall No.: 1 Location Coordinates: Latitude: 35040137" Longitude: 77054'51" Permitted Flow las assigned In Neuse Nutrient 9w*hIVQ Waters Management Strategy):14,000 MGD. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Discharge Location: 157.684 Pounds per Calendar Year. Total Nitrogen Transport Factor to Estuary (As assigned by DWQ); 50 Percent. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Estuary: 78.842 Pounds per calendar Year. Certification I Certify that the above Information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. — 2 v Date Charles W. Pittman, III Deputy City Manager ZOC!ZOC'd i5£t"fr ;iv:Z,Siu�e�:�Ii•L'h' Z^"".h�� �:=crc t"��ZE�£ZcZT cZ�6fi ZOOZCZ'11l1r 06.27•'2002 10:51 FAX 919 735 8907 Public Utilities Goldsbo fa001 NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION CO-PERMITTEE/MEMBER INFORMATION and APPLICATION for NPDES PERMIT for TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE as CO-PERMITTEE with the NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION FACILITY OWNER: City of Goldsboro Contact: Karen H. Brashear Phone No.: 919-735-3329 E-mail: Address: PO Drawer A Goldsboro, NC 27633 Facility Operator: Same as OWNER Facility Name: Goldsboro WWTP NPDES Permit No.: NCO023949 Receiving Waters: Neuse River Outfall No.: 1 Location Coordinates: Latitude- 35°20' 10" Longitude: 77059'59" Permitted Flow (as assigned in Neuse Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management strategy): 16.800 MGD. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Discharge Location: 189.221 Pounds per Calendar Year. Total Nitrogen Transport Factor to Estuary(As assigned by DWQ):74 Percent. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Estuary: 132,455 Pounds per Calendar Year. CERTIFICATION I CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF,TRUE, ACCURATE AND COMPLETE. (3) L a.7 -a S;_ DATE KAREN H. BRASHEAR, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC UTILITIES TI_IN.27.2"CA-1r- 11:4 Af-t Ti-lP1 -,F FHRPIVILLE 110.544 P.1/1 NEUSE RBIER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION CO-PERMMEE/MEMBER 1NFORMA7�j1d APPLIQATION_for NPD-E$ PERMIT for T E CO-PERMITTEE with the NEU�.SE f-ER COMPLIANCE ASSOCTION FACILITY OWNER: Town of Famwille Contact; Richard N. Hicke Phone No.: 252-753-577+4 E-mail: rhicksWartnvllle-ne.otg Address: PO Bax 86 Famwife, NC 27828 Facillty Operator, Hydro-Management Contact Stan Hannon Phone No. 282-753-3813 Facility Name: Farrnvlile WWTP NPDES Permit No.: 14CO029572 Receiving Waters: Contentnea Creek Outfall No.: 1 Location Coordinates; Latitude: 38"A0811 Longitude: 77032'27" Pamdttad Flow tm mi jhw M trausa Nupium sem"ware Manogem ijt wategy 3.5ou MGD. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Discharge LaCation: 39,421 Pounds per Calendar Year- Total Nitrogen Transport Factor to Estuary (AB vv*gnW pr OM): So Percent. Total NIMMen Allocation at Estuary. 18,711 Pounds par calendar Year. iewnric k 1 cl+WnFY THAT THE AISOYE lNr ORMAT QN Is,TO TME DEBT OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND IOQLW,'IRUt, ACCUMA E AND COMPL zyz. D TR . HIgCi TOWN F4 ER Z0[M ZSYH ODUS 929944t6T6 XVJ 01:0T ZO/LZ/90 06,27 200'' 00:49 919-46'3-4304 TOU%1H OF GARY PWUT PAGE 0:3 t i NE:USE AVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION RMI"TEE L MEM13ER INFORMATION m.0 AppucATiON for NPQ PER A11±1 r_lp_T_AL NITROGEN U SCHAME as CO-PERMITTEE with the NEUSE RIVER COMPU NCE ASSOCIATION FACILE TY Q'i,'NER: Town of Cary onta(A: Roby rt P. Bonne Phone No.: 919-469-4303 E-mail: rbonneQci.cary.nc.us ddre!,s: PO Box 8005 Cary, NC 27512 Facility Oper, tor: Saline as OWNER Facility Nam:: Nortih*WTP PDI:. : Permit No.: NCO048879 ecei�ing Ws ers: Crabtree Creek utfaA No.: 1 j ocati in Coordinates: Latitude: 35°50'17" Longitude: 78046'51" I Permit Fl.:iv (as ass*wed in Neuse Nutrient somh1ve Waters Management Strategy):12.000 MGD. Total h itroge;i Allocation at Discharge Location: 135.158 Pounds per Calendar Year. Total h itrogo .Trans ort Factor to Estuary(As assigned by DM):50 Percent- Total itrogevi i Al Ii Ilion at Estuary' 01579 pounds per Calendar Year. I Cartific ation Certif r that Via ab o a Information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, tru rat( nd plate. 7r J Date Robert R. Bone ie, Directo of Util ties i i I, I i NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION CO-PERMITTEE / MEMBER INFORMATION and APPLICATION for NPDES PERMIT for TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE as CO-PERMITTEE with the NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION FACILITY OWNER: Town of Apex Contact: Bruce A. Radford Phone No.: 919-362-8166 Address: PO Box 250 Apex, NC 27502 Facility Operator:' Same as OWNER Facility Name: Middle Creek WWTP NPDES Permit No.: NCO064050 Receiving Waters: Middle Creek Outfall No. 1 Location Coordinates: Latitude: 35042'31" Longitude: 78050'04" Permitted Flow(as assigned in Neuse Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy):3.600 MGD. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Discharge Location: 40,547 Pounds per Calendar Year. Total Nitrogen Transport Factor to Estuary (As assigned by DWQ): 50 Percent. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Estuary: 20,274 Pounds per Calendar Year. CERTIFICATION 1 CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOM BELIEF, TRUE, ACCURATE AND COMPLETE. DATE Bruce A. RaUord, Town Manager 06/''2?%2N0'2 F1G_1: 49 919-469-4304 TO1,-)N OF CAP'Y PWUT PAGE 02 - z NE' .)SE FIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION CO-PRMJ I IEEE f MEMBER INFORMATION anct APPLICATIONfor NPDES PER1 11T fai `TOTA N OGEN DI GE as CQ-PgRMITTEEWFth the- NEU ERWER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATI N FACILI (7111 i4ER: Wn of Cary ontac, ': Rob+a� P. Bonne Phone No_: 919-469-4303 E-mail: rbonneWi.cary.nc.us ddre:., PO 136x $005 Cary, NC 27512 Facility Dperet +fir: Sar a as OWNER Facility ame: South �JWTP PDE': Permpt iNo.. NC0065102 eceivi'ig Wat�rs: Middle Creek utfall 1"10.:1 ratio, Coordinates: Latitude: 35°38'43" Longitude: 7845143" Permitt d Fkyi (as assigned in Neuse NuMent Sensitive Waters Management Strategy);16.000 MGO. Total Ni rogeri k1locati n at Discharge Location: 180.211 Pounds per calendar Year Total Ni rogeri Frans ++ rt Factor to Estuary (As assigned by wvo): 50 Percent Total Ni ogee rkllocatibn at Estuary: 90.106 Pounds per Calendar Year. Certification I Certify that tl-i` above$ Information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, tr , ate si cor�plete. D e Robert P 8onr >, Director of UtilH:;s f I Z061� [OOT9 ON XH/X.LI 9T:5T aU ZOOZ/TO/OT THE NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION POST OFFICE BOX 590 RALEIGH,NORTH CAROLINA 27602 October 1, 2002 NCDENR/DWQ Attention NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 Re: Neuse River Compliance Association Amendment to NPDES Permit Application Gentlemen; The Neuse River Compliance Association(NBCA)and its Co-Permittee Members hereby request that its previously submitted application for an NPDES Permit be amended.Documents are enclosed to amend the NPDES Permit Application submitted under cover letter dated June 28, 2002. This Amendment increases the membership in the Association as indicated on the enclosed Member Roster. All new members have been authorized by their governing authorities to join the Association. Co-Permittee member information and Permit applications for each new member are included.Revised Co-Permittee applications are also enclosed for Goldsboro,Farmville and Cary North to include TN credit for regionalization of smaller facilities that were omitted from the original applications. Regionalization credit values on all applications are from the spreadsheet allocation that was the basis of the year 2000 Temporary Rule adopted in February 2000. It is noted that of the eleven plants being removed from service,the actual 1995 TN discharge of seven is greater than the TN discharge allocations in the spreadsheet. In the June 280'cover letter,we noted that an agreement between the Neuse River Compliance Association and the DWQ must be finalized and approved by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission prior to discharge by Compliance Association Members. There has been no progress on drafting a final version of the needed agreement. The agenda of the EMC for their meeting October 10`I'indicates that they will consider adopting permanent Amendments to Rule 2B.0234,Neuse River Basin Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy: Wastewater Discharge Requirements. There is no indication that the required agreement between DWQ and NRCA will be considered. Only one other EMC meeting is scheduled in 2002(December 12). We continue to believe that approval of the Compliance Association agreement should be considered prior to initiation of enforcement of total nitrogen limits. 2 -d 89666bZ6 T 6 X3dd 30 14MO-L d61 :60 20 To -400 £00Q� [OOT9 ON MEL] 9T:9T ffiLL ZOOZ/TO/OT You may contact Morris Brookhart(919-219-4560)or Glenn Dunn at Poyner&Spruill,LLP (919-783-2842)or myself(929-362-8166)if there are questions regarding this amendment to our Permit Application. Very Truly Yours, Timothy L. onnelly,P.E. President, Neuse River Compliance Association EPA Form 1 (Previously Submitted) EPA Form 3510-2A NPDES Permit Application(Previously Submitted) Enclosures: Neuse River Compliance Association Membership Roster; Revised Oct. 1,2002 Co-Permittee Total Nitrogen Discharge in calendar Year 2001;Rev.Sep. 30,2002 Co-Permittee Application and Information Forms(New and Revised) Goldsboro—Revised Farmville-Revised Cary North—Revised Butner WWTP MCAS Cherry Point Clayton Contentnea Central Johnston Co. Kenly Kinston Peachtree Kinston Northside La Grange New Bern Raleigh Wake Forest Zebulon Cc: Glenn Dunn Morris Brookhart £ 'd 89EE6426T6 X3dd 30 WM01 d6T =B0 ZO TO -z00 THE NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP ROSTER October 1,2002 NPDES FACILITY FACILITY CONTACT PHONE IT I TOTAL NITROGEN ALLOCATION LBSNEAR PERMIT NAME OWNER PERSON NUMBER FLOW* AT PERMIT ESTUARY AT NUMBER MGD I DISCHARGE TRANSPORT ESTUARY NCO020389 Benson WWTP Town of Benson Keith R. Langdon 919-8943553 3.000 33,790 50% 16,895 NCO023906 Wilson WWTP City of Wilson Charles W. Pittman, III 919-399-2461 14.000 157,684 50% 78,842 NCO023949 Goldsboro WWTP City of Goldsboro Karen H. Brashear 919-735-3329 16.800 202,615 ** 70% 141,587 ** NCO029572 Farmville WWTP Town of Farmville Richard N.Hicks 252-753-5774 3.500 43,622 — 50% 21,811 NCO048879 North WWTP Town of Cary Robert P. Bonne 919-469-4303 12.000 147,334 ** 50% 73,667 ** NCO064050 Middle Creek WWTP Town of Apex Bruce A Radford 919-362-8166 3.600 40,547 50% 20,274 NCO065102 South WWTP Town of Cary Robert P. Bonne 919-469-4303 16.000 180,211 50% 90,106 NCO026824 Butner WWTP NC Dept.of Health &Human Services Thomas N.McGee 919-575-3030 3.500 58,599 10% 5,860 NC0003816 MCAS Cherry Point USA-Navy Glenn Hertzog 252-466-4789 3.500 39,421 100% 39,421 NCO025453 Little Creek WWTP Town of Clayton James Warren 919-553-1536 1.900 21,400 50% 10,700 NCO032077 ContentneaSD WWTP Contentnea MSD Charles M. Smithwick Jr. 252-524-5584 2.850 32,100 70% 22,470 NCO030716 Central Johnston Co.WWTP Johnston County Haywood Phthisic 919-989-5100 4.990 67,467 — 50% 33,734 *• NCO064891 Kenly Regional WWTP Town of Kenly Tony Sears 919-2842116 0.630 7,096 50% 3,548 NCO029033 Peachtree WWTP City of Kinston Harold Herring 252-939-3128 6.750 76,026 70% 53,218 NCO024236 Northside WWTP City of Kinston Harold Herring 252-939-3128 4.500 50,684 70% 35,479 NCO021644 La Grange WWTP Town of La Grange James Sutton 252-566-3186 0.750 8,447 70% 5,913 NCO025348 New Bern WWTP City of New Bern Judy Majstoravich 252-636-4075 4.700 52,937 100% 52,937 NCO029033 Neuse River WWTP City of Raleigh Dale Crisp, P.E. 919-890-3400 60.000 676,734 -- 50% 338,367 ** NC 0030759 Wake Forest WWTP Town of Wake Forest Roe O'Donnell, P.E. 919-554-6121 6.000 67,579 50% 33,790 NCO079316 Little Creek WWTP Town of Zebulon Brian Gay 919-269-7455 1.850 23,272 ** 50% 11,636 -- 1 Burlington Industries/Wake 48,882 50% 24,441 Totals: 170.820 1,114,694 *Adjusted Flow from Nutrient Managemerd Strategy **Includes TN Allocation from Regionalization of facilities as detailed on attachment. NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION ESTUARY ALLOCATION,POUNDS: 1,114,694 REGIONALIZATION -- The The NPDES Permitted Facilities shown below are being removed from service with flow taken into the facilities shown. Neuse End of REGIONAL ESTUARY AT REGIONAL FACILITY PERMIT Pipe Allocations TOTAL TN TRANSPORT ESTUARY TOTAL TN REGIONALIZATION No. Feb. 2000 End of Pipe NOTES Estuary Cary North 135,158 147,334 50% 67,579 73,667 Morrisville NCO050041 6,088 50% 3,044 Morrisville NCO050938 6,088 50% 3,044 City of Raleigh 675,790 676,734 50% 337,895 338,367 Plantation Inn NCO027570 761 50% 381 Falls Utilities NCO046230 183 50% 92 Countv of Johnston. 56,203 67,467 50% 1 28,102 33,734 White Oak Plantation NCO060330 5,632 1. 50% 2,816 River Dell Utilities#2 NCO064556 5,632 1. 50% 2,816 Town of Zebulon 20,837 23,272 50% 10,419 11,636 Town of Middlesex NC0022W3 2,435 50% 1,218 Citv of Goldsboro 1 189,221 202,615 1 70% 1 132,4551 141,587 Wayne Co. Genoa NCO030392 12,176 2. 70% 8,523 Town of Fremont Land App 0 Town of Eureka NCO048062 1,218 2. 50% 609 Town of Farmville 39,421 43,622 1 50% 1 19,7111 21,811 Town of Walstonburg NCO020362 4,201 50% 2,101 Burlington Industries/Wake NC0001376 48,882 48,882 3. 50% 24,441 24,441 Notes: 1. The two plants are active. Contracts call for terminating Permits during 2003 2. Plants are still Active. Connections are scheduled to be complete during 2002. 3. Not a result of Regionalization. Plant closed and TN Allocation was transferred to Raleigh to hold for the Group Compliance Association. THE NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION MEMBER/CO-PERMITTEE TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE CALENDAR YEAR 2001 PREPARED FROM SUBMITTED DMR'S,JUNE 2002,SEPTEMBER 2002 CAMDAR YEAR DATA Permit 2001 AVERAGE TOTAL TOTALTN FACILITY Flow* FLOW CONC Discharge Trans to Estuary (MGD) (MGD) (MG/L) pounds Factor pounds Town of Benson 3.00 1.072 4.90 15,997 50% 7,998 City of Wilson 14.00 8.669 7.80 205,750 50% 102,875 City of Goldsboro 16.80 7.953 3.23 78,099 70% 54,669 Town of Farmville 3.50 1.747 2.50 13,309 50% 6,655 Cary North 12.00 5.895 2.31 41,435 50% 20,718 Town of Apex 3.60 1.856 4.14 23,399 50% 11,699 Cary South 16.00 5.228 3.50 55,623 50% 27,811 Butner 3.50 1.792 9.49 51,784 10.00% 5,178 MCAS Cherry Point 3.50 2.317 5.87 41,363 100% 41,363 Wake Forest 6.00 1.331 6.53 26,485 50% 13,242 City of Raleigh 60.00 35.673 4.47 485,419 50% 242,709 Town of Clayton 1.90 1.438 5.55 24,292 50% 12,146 County of Johnston. 4.99 2.860 7.28 63,360 50% 31,680 Town of Kenly 0.63 0.390 11.78 13,976 50% 6,988 Town of Zebulon 1.85 0.756 4.90 11,285 50% 5,643 Town of LaGrange 0.75 0.459 7.29 10,179 70% 7,125 City of Kinston(Peachtree) 6.75 2.993 3.56 32,395 70% 22,676 City of Kinston(North) 4.50 1.476 8.38 37,656 70% 26,359 Contentnea MSD 2.85 1.490 15.36 69,687 70% 48,781 lCity of New Bern 4.70 3.697 22.43 252,427 100% 252,427 �MITOTALS/AVERAGES 170.82 89.092 5.73 1,553,918 948,743 Page 1 THE NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION MEMBER/CO-PERMITTEE TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE CALENDAR YEAR 2001 MONTHLY DATA Jan February arch April FACILITY Flow TN Conc. TN Disch. Flow TN Conc. TN Disch. Flow TN Conc. TN Disch. Flow TN Conc. TN Disch. and (mg/1) Ibs and mg/1) Ibs and mA Ibs and mA (lbs) Town of Benson 0. . 4 4 3. M, 40 4. 80 City of Wilson 7.730 8.12 16,228 8.540 11.52 22,974 11.400 10.95 32,274 10.760 8.49 22,856 City of Goldsboro 6.550 3.25 5,504 7.600 2.87 5,094 8.970 3.29 7,630 9.160 5.54 12,697 Town of Farmville 1.812 2.40 1,124 1.941 2.17 984 2.095 2.26 1,224 2.100 2.12 1,114 Cary North 5.590 2.69 3,888 5.970 2.21 3,081 6.760 1.96 3,426 6.310 3.23 5,099 Town of Apex 1.511 5.62 2,195 1.636 4.68 1,788 2.154 4.33 2,411 2.034 3.76 1,913 Cary South 5.231 3.56 4,815 5.412 3.12 3,943 6.026 2.54 3,957 5.600 2.42 3,391 Butner 1.8 11.21 5,217 1.7 7.68 3,049 2.2 6.55 3,726 1.9 9.32 4,431 MCAS Cherry Point 2.460 5.55 3,530 2.380 8.71 4,841 2.570 9.96 6,618 2.410 7.64 4,607 Wake Forest 1.286 4.48 1,490 1.318 6.66 2,050 1.569 6.57 2,665 1.418 4.23 1,501 City of Raleigh 33.890 4.06 35,573 35.130 4.96 40,690 39.060 5.40 54,532 38.450 6.16 59,260 Town of Clayton 1.218 10.05 3,165 1.369 10.98 3,510 1.601 7.13 2,949 1.583 3.21 1,271 County of Johnston. 2.820 4.70 3,427 3.300 7.50 5,780 4.560 11.60 13,676 4.180 6.24 6,526 Town of Kenly 0.397 11.50 1,180 0.410 11.10 1,063 0.516 4.10 547 0.457 10.90 1,246 Town of Zebulon 0.650 12.12 2,037 0.764 5.76 1,028 1.038 5.17 1,387 0.968 4.45 1,078 Town of LaGrange 0.404 14.77 1,543 0.436 14.77 1,504 0.543 14.77 2,074 0.547 3.70 506 City of Kinston(Peachtree) 2.845 5.46 4,016 3.024 1.99 1,405 3.775 2.78 2,713 3.277 2.88 2,361 City of Kinston(North) 1.309 7.19 2,433 1.506 1.74 612 1.664 7.60 3,270 1.555 7.35 2,860 Contentnea MSD 1.520 17.29 6,795 1.690 19.46 7,680 1.900 12.80 6,288 1.510 11.23 4,243 C' of New Bern 3.5601 27.86 25,642 3.7801 27.86 24,592 4.070 27.86 29,316 3.730 19.28 17,993 TOTAL /AVERAGES 83.4821 6.05 130,4961 88.8001 6.58 136,358 103.720 6.78 181,722 98.8831 6.31 156,075 Page 2 THE NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION MEMBER/CO-PERMITTEE TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE CALENDAR YEAR 2001 MONTHLY DATA May-01 Jun Julu FACILITY Flow TN Conc. TN Disch. Flow TN Conc. TN Disch. Flow TN Conc. TN Disch. Flow TN Conc. TN Disch. an d m n Ibs an d m /l Ibs an d m A Ibs an d m n Ibs Town of Benson 1, 1 74 14 5 1. 5 , 14 City of Wilson 7.800 9.62 19,400 9.48 8.01 18,999 8.45 5.36 11,710 9.99 6.68 17,253 City of Goldsboro 7.380 1.91 3,644 9.52 2.28 5,431 7.53 2.5 4,867 9.72 2.75 6,911 Town of Farmville 1.580 1.63 666 2.24 1.8 1,009 1.71 4.53 2,003 1.96 3.36 1,703 Cary North 5.900 2.23 3,402 6.76 2.58 4,364 5.77 1.54 2,297 6.05 1.64 2,565 Town of Apex 1.757 4.55 2,067 2.1 3.67 1,928 2.279 3.09 1,821 2.171 3.64 2,043 Cary South 4.950 2.79 3,571 5.211 3.03 3,950 5.394 4.64 6,471 5.363 3.85 5,338 Butner 1.7 11.56 5,081 1.9 7.28 3,461 1.4 8.27 2,993 2 10.85 5,610 MCAS Cherry Point 2.150 5.47 3,041 2.36 5.11 3,017 2.31 3.3 1,971 2.36 5 3,051 Wake Forest 1.298 6.74 2,262 1.287 6.35 2,045 1.288 6.37 2,121 1.416 6.71 2,456 City of Raleigh 35.190 4.49 40,850 37.64 3.34 31,455 36.11 3.35 31,275 36.76 3.98 37,826 Town of Clayton 1.382 7.15 2,555 1.418 3.96 1,405 1.445 2.484 928 1.505 4.048 1,575 County of Johnston. 2.850 4.60 3,389 3.58 6.6 5,912 2.48 7.6 4,873 2.41 5.5 3,427 Town ofKeny 0.375 12.00 1,163 0.408 14.5 1,480 0.347 26.5 2,377 0.39 10.7 1,079 Town of Zebulon 0.701 3.52 638 0.907 2.11 479 0.831 5.284 1,135 0.774 5.95 1,191 Town of LaGrange 0.381 3.70 364 0.599 3.7 555 0.51 5.16 680 0.574 5.16 766 City of Kinston (Peachtree) 2.510 4.69 3,044 3.525 3.12 2,752 2.985 2.82 2,176 3.785 3.05 2,985 City of Kinston(North) 1.266 9.97 3,263 2.069 6.21 3,215 1.514 7.574 2,965 1.583 10 4,093 Contentnea MSD 1.440 15.51 5,774 1.98 11.42 5,657 1.58 18.17 7,422 1.8 10.77 5,012 C of New Bern 3.590 19.28 17,895 4.13 19.28 19,923 3.9 17.76 17,908 4.32 19.49 21,768 T TALS/AVERAGES 85.003 5.63 123,748 98.453 4.79 117,909 88.995 4.77 109,838 96.767 5.18 129,666 Page 3 THE NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION , MEMBER/CO-PERMITTEE TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE CALENDAR YEAR 2001 MONTHLY DATA Sep-01 ct Nov Dec FACILITY Flow TN Conc.fTN Disch. Flow TN Conc. TN Disch. Flow TN Conc. TN Disch. Flow TN Conc. TN Disch. an d m /IIbs an d m /I lbs an d m /l Ibs an d m 11 Ibs Town of Benson 5.7 ,55 7 7 50.9 35City of Wilson 8.43 5.7412,107 7.4 3.34 6,390 7.2 7.05 12,700 6.87 7.24 12,859 City of Goldsboro 8.6 3.246,972 7.5 3.35 6,496 6.81 3.65 6,219 6.14 4.18 6,635 Town of Farmville 1.53 3.41 1,305 1.42 2.04 749 1.3 1.82 592 1.3 2.49 837 Cary North 5.45 1.49 2,032 5.46 3.83 5,407 5.29 2.42 3,203 5.44 1.9 2,672 Town of Apex 1.802 3.77 1,700 1.672 3.86 1,669 1.575 4.31 1,698 1.568 5.34 2,165 Cary South 4.929 3.44 4,242 4.868 3.72 4,682 4.835 4.22 5,105 4.921 4.84 6,158 Butner 1.8 11.05 4,976 1.7 9.28 4,079 1.7 10.38 4,415 1.7 10.8 4,747 MCAS Cherry Point 2.18 5.58 3,044 2.05 5.79 3,069 2.44 3.58 2,186 2.14 4.32 2,390 Wake Forest 1.282 7.29 2,338 1.28 10.08 3,336 1.228 6.3 1,936 1.302 6.79 2,286 City of Raleigh 34.86 6.36 55,472 34.2 4.43 39,170 33.56 3.79 31,824 33.23 3.2 27,492 Town of Clayton 1.47 5.675 2,087 1.441 5.14 1,915 1.43 5.04 1,803 1.388 3.145 1,129 County of Johnston. 2.301 6.9 3,972 1.995 5.8 2,992 2.198 6.8 3,740 1.72 12.7 5,648 Town of Kenly 0.351 15.5 1,361 0.330 10.03 856 0.35 10.7 937 0.349 7.6 686 Town of Zebulon 0.689 2.453 423 0.603 3.966 618 0.557 7.475 1,042 0.597 1.49 230 Town of LaGrange 0.503 5.16 649 0.363 4.87 457 0.337 7.9 666 0.313 5.13 415 City of Kinston(Peachtree) 2.768 4.415 3,058 2.438 3.63 2,288 2.454 5.148 3,161 2.54 3.71 2,436 City of Kinston (North) 1.951 7.945 3,878 1.364 10.716 3,779 1.073 15.335 4,117 0.88 13.94 3,172 Contentnea MSD 1.36 22.7 7,724 1.11 21.21 6,087 1.02 14.63 3,734 0.99 12.78 3,271 lCity of New Bem 3.62 24.54 22,226 3.26 23.07 19,444 3.19 21.9 17,479 3.22 21.91 18,240 TOTALS/AVERAGES 86.9621 6.49 141,132 81.431 5.44 114,483 79.308 5.43 107,795 77.511 5.22 104,695 Page 4 NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION CO-PERMITTEE / MEMBER INFORMATION and APPLICATION for NPDES PERMIT for TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE as CO-PERMITTEE with the NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION Revised September 25, 2002 FACILITY OWNER: City of Goldsboro Contact: Karen H. Brashear Phone No.: 919-735-3329 E-mail: kbrashear@ci.goldsboro.nc.us Address: PO Drawer A Goldsboro, NC 27633 Facility Operator: Same as OWNER Facility Name: Goldsboro WWTP NPDES Permit No.: NCO023949 Receiving Waters: Neuse River Outfall No.: 1 Location Coordinates: Latitude: 35020' 10" Longitude: 77059'59" Permitted Flow (as assigned in Neuse Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy): 16.800 MGD. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Discharge Location: 189,221 Pounds per Calendar Year. Total Nitrogen Transport Factor to Estuary (As assigned by DWQ):70 Percent. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Estuary: 132,455 Pounds per Calendar Year. Regionalization -- The following NPDES Permitted Facilities have been removed from service with flow taken into this facility since December 1995: Name of Facility Permit No. TN Discharge Allocation (Lb/Yr) Wayne County (Genoa) NCO030392 12,176 (70% to Estuary) Regionalization scheduled to be completed by January 1, 2003 Fremont Land Application 0 Town of Eureka NCO048062 1,218 (50% to Estuary) TN allocation (Including Regionalization) at discharge Location: 202,615 Pounds per Calendar Year Total TN allocation at Estuary: 141,587 Pounds per Calendar Year CERTIFICATION I CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF TRUE, ACCURATE AND COMPLETE. DATE KAREN H. BRASHEAR, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC UTILITIES NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION CO-PERMITTEE / MEMBER INFORMATION and APPLICATION for NPDES PERMIT for TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE as CO-PERMITTEE with the NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION Revised September 25, 2002 FACILITY OWNER: Town of Farmville Contact: Richard N. Hicks Phone No.: 252-753-5774 E-mail: rhicks@farmville-nc.org Address: PO Box 86 Farmville, NC 27828 Facility Operator: Hydro-Management Contact: Stan Harmon Phone No. 252-753-3913 Facility Name: Farmville WWTP NPDES Permit No.: NCO029572 Receiving Waters: Contentnea Creek Outfall No.: 1 Location Coordinates: Latitude: 35035'08" Longitude: 77032127" Permitted Flow(as assigned in Neuse Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy):3.500 MGD. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Discharge Location: 39.421 Pounds per Calendar Year. Total Nitrogen Transport Factor to Estuary (As assigned by DWQ): 50 Percent. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Estuary: 19.711 Pounds per Calendar Year. Regionalization -- The following NPDES Permitted Facilities have been removed from service with flow taken into this facility singe December 1995: Name of Facility Permit No. TN Discharge Allocation (I_bNr) Walstonburg WWTP NCO020362 4,201 TN allocation (Including Regionalization) at discharge location: 43,622 Pounds per Calendar Year Total TN allocation at Estuary: 21.811 Pounds per calendar Year Certification I Certify that the above Information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. )U.-I v. ILI to Richard N. Hicks, Town Manager 09/27/2002 02:24 919-469-4304 TOWN OF CARY PWUT PAGE 01 NEUSE IVER COMPLIANCE ASSC?CIATION CO-PERIYII'' R IN PLICAT p QES PE— RU f$'.'*'1[Q HM%WEN_QMQ A MtTTE e N PL ON Revised Septe ber 25, 2002 FACILITY 01"INER: I oven of Cary Conta:(: Robe rt P. Bonne hone No.: 818-469.4303 -mail: rbonneWi.cary.nc.+us Addre:s►: PO x 8005 Cary, NC 27512 Facility'Operator: SalneasOWNER FadIity;Name.- !No"h NPDE- Permit No.: NC0048879 Receiv V Wsrt rs: Crabtree Cree Outfall Bio.: 1 Locatio-o,i Coo inates; Latitude: 3 80'17" Longitude: 78048151" Permitted Flay s(e.&WQ Wd in Nein Nutrient senaBl a Watars Management shy):12, MoD. Total Nitrogen Allocatonat Discharge Lo tion: 136.1 Pounds per .Calendar Year. Total Nitrogen ;Transp rt Factor to Estu 1 (As assigned by DWQ):IQ Percent. Total Nitrogefi iAll000me ' n at Estuary: 7 S Pounds per Calendar Year. Regionalizatio i—Th following NPDES ermitted facilities have beet removed from service�►ith flow aken into this facili�since December 1995: Name C Fadli Permit o. TN Discharge Alloefton(Lb/Yr) Morrlaiiie NC00 1 6,088" Morris~}7116 NC00 938 6 088' *tragions I'Aa ion wads from Fabruary om spree w"M TN allot atlori jlnd ng Reglonali )at discharge locatiion: 1 Pounds,z r Cate Year �unds Total T N alloc md*n unwary:me per cafendar Year Certification 1 Certifythet ti-o abov information ia, to tl�e best of my knowledge and belief, true, aaxrrate ind plate. Robert K: Fiske i , P.E. Date Director f Pubii'::Worms and UtilFtles i • NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION CO-PERMITTEE / MEMBER INFORMATION and APPLICATION for NPDES PERMIT for TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE as CO-PERMITTEE with the NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION FACILITY OWNER: North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services /Town of Butner Contact. Thomas N. McGee, Town Manager Phone No.: 919-575-3030 E-mail: tom.mcgee@ncmail.net Address: 205-C West E Street, Butner, NC 27509 Facility Operator: Same as OWNER Facility Name: Butner WWTP NPDES Permit No.: NCO026824 Receiving Waters: Knap of Reeds Creek Location Coordinates: Latitude: 36007'39" Longitude: 78°46'20" Permitted Flow (as assigned in Neuse Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy): 3.500 MGD. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Discharge Location: 58.599 Pounds per Calendar Year. Total Nitrogen Transport Factor to Estuary (As assigned by DWQ): 10 Percent. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Estuary: 5.860 Pounds per Calendar Year. Regionalization -- The following NPDES Permitted Facilities have been removed from service with flow taken into this facility since December 1995: Name of Facility Permit No. TN Discharge Allocation (Lb/Yr) None CERTIFICATION I CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, TRUE, ACCURATE AND COMPLETE. a2/ TE TITLE: _ 2& NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION CO-PERMITTEE / MEMBER INFORMATION and APPLICATION for NPDES PERMIT for TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE as CO-PERMITTEE with the NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION FACILITY OWNER: Town of Clayton Contact: James Warren Phone No.: 919-553-1536 E-mail: iwi2@mindspring.com Address: PO Box 879, Clayton, NC 27520 Facility Operator: Same as OWNER Facility Name: Little Creek WWTP NPDES Permit No.: NCO025453 Receiving Waters: Little Creek Location Coordinates: Latitude: 35038'27" Longitude: 78°27'51" Permitted Flow (as assigned in Neuse Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy): 1.900 MGD. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Discharge Location: 21,400 Pounds per Calendar Year. Total Nitrogen Transport Factor to Estuary (As assigned by DWQ): 50 Percent. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Estuary: 10,700 Pounds per Calendar Year. Regionalization -- The following NPDES Permitted Facilities have been removed from service with flow taken into this facility since December 1995: Name of Facility Permit No. TN Discharge Allocation (Lb/Yr) None CERTIFICATION 1 CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS,TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, TRUE, ACCURATE AND COMPLETE. T DATE TITLE: NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION CO-PERMITTEE/ MEMBER INFORMATION and APPLICATION for NPDES PERMIT for TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE as CO-PERMITTEE with the NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION FACILITY OWNER: MCAS CHERRY POINT Contact: Glenn A. Hartzog Phone No.: 252-466-4789 E-mail: hartzogga@cherrypoint.usmc.mil Address: EA Department (LN) , PSC Box 8006, Cherry Point NC 28533-0006 Facility Operator: Same As owner Facility Name: McAs cherry Point ' P NPDES Permit No.: NC0003816 Receiving Waters: Ngnisp Rivi-r Location Coordinates: Latitude: 34°55'04" Longitude:76 °54' 52' Permitted Flow(as assigned in Neuse Nutrient sensitive Waters Management Strategy): 3.5 MGD. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Discharge Location: 39,420 Pounds per Calendar Year. Total Nitrogen Transport Factor to Estuary has assigned by DWGI): 100 Percent. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Estuary:39,420 Pounds per Calendar Year. Regionalization --The following NPDES Permitted Facilities have been removed from service with flow taken into this facility since December 1995: Name of Facility Permit No. TN Discharge Allocation (LbNr) NONE CERTIFICATION 1 CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION 116,TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF,TRUE, ACCURATE AND COMPLETE. Aeadx� .7'V0� DAYE TITLE• Environmental Affa/lirs Officer $y It'Ce Oct D'ir (,OMM Vt/IG'� NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION CO-PERMITTEE / MEMBER INFORMATION and APPLICATION for NPDES PERMIT for TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE as CO-PERMITTEE with the NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION FACILITY OWNER: Contentnea Metropolitan Sewerage District Contact. Charles M. Smithwick Jr. Phone No.: 252-524-5584 E-mail: crosd1@vol.com Address: PO Box 477, Grifton, NC 28530 Facility Operator: Same as OWNER Facility Name: Contentnea Sewerage District WWTP NPDES Permit No.: NC0032077 Receiving Waters: Contentnea Creek Location Coordinates: Latitude: 35021'02" Longitude: 77024'59" Permitted Flow (as assigned in Neuse Nutrient sensitive Waters Management Strategy): 2.850 MGD. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Discharge Location: 32,100 Pounds per Calendar Year. Total Nitrogen Transport Factor to Estuary (As assigned by DWQ):70 Percent. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Estuary: 22,47OPounds per Calendar Year. Regionalization -- The following NPDES Permitted Facilities have been removed from service with flow taken into this facility since December 1995: Name of Facility Permit No. TN Discharge Allocation (Lb/Yr) None CERTIFICATION CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, TRUE, ACCURATE AND COMPLETE. DATE TITLE: NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION CO-PERMITTEE / MEMBER INFORMATION and APPLICATION for NPDES PERMIT for TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE as CO-PERMITTEE with the NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION FACILITY OWNER: Johnston County Contact. Haywood Phthisic Phone No.: 919-989-5100 E-mail: haywood.phthisic@mail.co.johnston.nc.us Address: PO Box 1049, Smithfield, NC 27577 Facility Operator: Same as OWNER Facility Name: Central Johnston County WWTP NPDES Permit No.: NCO030716 Receiving Waters: Neuse River Location Coordinates: Latitude: 35030'04" Longitude: 78022'32" Permitted Flow (as assigned in Neuse Nutrient sensitive Waters Management strategy): 4.990 MGD. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Discharge Location: 56.203 Pounds per Calendar Year. Total Nitrogen Transport Factor to Estuary (As assigned by DWQ):50 Percent. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Estuary: 28,102 Pounds per Calendar Year. Regionalization -- The following NPDES Permitted Facilities have�een removed from service with flow taken into this facility since December 1995: Name of Facility Permit No. TN Discharge Allocation (Lb/Yr) White Oak Plantation NCO060330 5632 River Dell Utilities #2 NCO064556 5632 CERTIFICATION 1 CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOL GE AND BELIEF, TRUE, ACCURATE AND COMPLETE. I C o� ATE TITLE: v i fit✓ Tula �:rR��TS "-/5T�40 /iQac�E A2E sTi�c� .9�1�v� 2e�77rrFc7— Tt:lUkS Fc->R T26n41�/QC_ 15E c��,�l� ra •��-� TH2. t%)2K-/ i z Of 0^45, NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION CO-PERMITTEE / MEMBER INFORMATION and APPLICATION for NPDES PERMIT for TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE as CO-PERMITTEE with the NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION FACILITY OWNER: Town of Kenly Contact. Tony Sears, Town Manager Phone No.: 919-284-2116 E-mail: tony.sears@johnstonnc.com Address: PO Box 519, Kenly, NC 27542 Facility Operator: Same as OWNER Facility Name: Kenly Regional WWTP NPDES Permit No.: NCO064891 Receiving Waters: Little River Location Coordinates: Latitude: 35034'58" Longitude: 78009'32" Permitted Flow (as assigned in Neuse Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy): 0.630 MGD. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Discharge Location: 7,096 Pounds per Calendar Year. Total Nitrogen Transport Factor to Estuary (As assigned by DWQ):50 Percent. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Estuary: 3,548 Pounds per Calendar Year. Regionalization -- The following NPDES Permitted Facilities have been removed from service with flow taken into this facility since December 1995: Name of Facility Permit No. TN Discharge Allocation (Lb/Yr) None CERTIFICATION 1 CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNO LEDGE AND ELIEF, TRUE, ACCURATE AND COMPLETE. zaDATE TITLE: /6'Wj 4a 5�r To t 5i E-�cz5 OCT-01-2002 TUE 03:08 PM KINSTON PUBLIC UTIL. FAX NO. 252 939 3128 P. 03 100/30%02 16;08 FAX 9194778658 MORRIS BROOHHART (A03 I i NEUSE DIVER coMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION i _C_O.PERIIAITTEE/MEmBER INFQRIYIATION and APPLICATION for NPD $ PERMIT for TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARi E ag CO-P RNITTEE wftll the NEUSC RIVERC IANCE ASSOCIATION FACILITY OWNER: City bof KinoWn Contact. Harold Herring Phone No.: 252-939-3128 E-mail: harold.herrin!j0d.ld nzton.nc.u9 Address: Po Sox 339, Kinston, NO 28501 Facility Opomtor. Same as OWNER Facility Name: Northalde WWTP NPDES Permit No.: N00024236 Receiving Waters: Neuse PJV9r Location Coordinates: Letitude: 35°17128" Longitude: 77°30100" Permitted Flow(ea snow In Neuro Nwr wit sam"wdeO mmmmmt owa0yl= MGD. ! Total Nitrogen Allocation at Discharge Location: 50.8§4 Pours Per calarAur Yaw. Total Nitrogen Transport Factor to Estuary (As aawwod by Dm):,ZQ P&vmL Total Nitrogen Allocation at Estuary; I&M Pours per cwondar Year. Regionalization The following NPDES Permitted Facilities have been removed from service with flow taken into this facility since December 1995: Name of Facility Permit No. TN Discharge Allocation (Lb/Yr) None CUM ICATION I CERTIFY THAT THF ABow iNRORINA nom IS,TO THE WIST OF MY KNOWLVrDGE AND BELIEF,TRUE,ACCURATE AND COMPLETE. D O� Tl'ntE: 10/01/2002 TUE 15:06 [TX/RX NO 98331 0003 OCT-01-2002 TUE 03:08 PM KINSTON PUBLIC UTIL. FAX NO. 252 939 3128 P. 02 00/30/02 16:08 FAX 9194776656 MORRIS HftoaHHAICr wiuz NF—USE RIVER COM PUANCE ASSOCIATION Gd.PERm11TEE/MEMBER 1 ION and APPLICATION for NPDES PERMIT DISCHARGE as CO-PERMITTEE VAth p! NEUSE RBJER COMPLiIA[LP.- ASSOCIATION FACILITY OWNER: City of Kinston Contact, Harold Herring Phone No.: 252-939128 E-mail: harold.herring@ci.kiinston.nc.us Address: PO Box 339, Kinston, NC 28501 Facility Operator: Some as OWNER Facility Name: Peachtree WWTP NPDES Permit No.: NCO029033 Receiving Waters: Neuse River Location Coordinates: Latitude: 35°14'36" Longitude: 7733131" Permitted Flow(•s mmir t in Nouw N~se"idwwawm Lww*'rwd str9mm):, ,719 MGA, Total Nitrogen Allocation at Discharge Location: 74.026 Pounds por colwWaryow. Total Nitrogen Transport Factor to Estuary(ft assigned by DWQ):70 Qenxnt Total Nitrogen Allocation at Estuary: 53,21 Ppunds per calendarYW. Regionalizatlon--The following NPDES Permitted Facilities have been removed from service with flow taken into this facility since December 1995: Name of Facility Permit No. TN Discharge Allocation(Lb/Yr) None F��►Y�ON 1 CERTIFY THAT rHlw"oV'E INFORMATION IS,TO TMK 15EsOT OR MY KNOWLEDGE AND PEURF,TRUE, ACCURATE AND COMPLETE. 30 4Z Tn Lx I I 10/01/2002 TUE 15:06 [TX/RX NO 98331 1002 09%30/2002 20:02 FAX 252 566 2201 TOWN OF LAGRANGE a 02 10/01/02 09:37 FAX 9194778856 MORRIS BROORRART 002 NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION CO.PERNIMEE/MEMBER FORMAT aj!d APPLWATM for HE= PERMIT for TOTAL NRR D1..-.. s CG-PERM NEUSE R ER COM MACE ASMCIATION FACILITY OWNER: Town of La Grange Contact James Sutton Phone No.: 282-M-3188 E-mail: LabLovedOlernsn.rom Address: PO Box 368, La Grange, NC 28551 Facility Operator. Some as OWNER Facitity Name: i=ce Grsrw WWTP NPOES Permit No.: MC0021644 Receiving Waters: Mosely Creek Location Coordinates: Latitude: 35"18143" Longitude: 77°46`32" PernAted Flow mwwm w sa y}a zso Go. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Discharge Location: 8.447 Pounds pw cswow ymr. Total Nitrogen Transport Factor to Estuary tae aby DA40):ZR Paraxs Total Nitrogen Allocation at Estuary: 5.913 Pmmds per Cawridar Ymr. Re0orrattzatiorr—The following NPUES Permitted Faai►iaes have been renwvg d from service with flow taken into this facility since December 1995_ Name of Facility Permit No. TN Discharge Allocation (Lb/Yr) Normo C naH 1 CupmFv TmAT TFIE Amova ltarowmATMN is,To Ti-w BBBT of MY KWOWi XMV-AND BELMF,TRUE.ACCURATE AND COMPLt_TE. an NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION CO-PERMITTEE ! MEMBER INFORMATION and APPLICATION for NPDES PERMIT for TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE as CO-PERMITTEE with the NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION FACILITY OWNER: City of New Bern Contact. Judy Majstoravich Phone No.: 252-636-4075 E-mail: wwtp-mgr@admin.ci.new-bern.nc.us Address: PO Box 1129, New Bern, NC 28563 Facility Operator: Same as OWNER Facility Name: New Bern WWTP NPDES Permit No.: NCO025348 Receiving Waters: Neuse River Location Coordinates: Latitude: 35008'21" Longitude: 77003'31" Permitted Flow (as assigned in Neuse Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy): 4.700 MGD. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Discharge Location: 52,937 Pounds per Calendar Year. Total Nitrogen Transport Factor to Estuary (As assigned by DWQ): 100 Percent. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Estuary: 52,937 Pounds per Calendar Year. Regionalization -- The following NPDES Permitted Facilities have been removed from service with flow taken into this facility since December 1995: Name of Facility Permit No. TN Discharge Allocation (Lb/Yr) None CERTIFICATION 1 CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOW DGE BELIEF,TRUE, ACCURATE AND COMPLETE. 11 07'- ATE TITLE: NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION CO-PERMITTEE / MEMBER INFORMATION and APPLICATION for NPDES PERMIT for TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE as CO-PERMITTEE with the NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION FACILITY OWNER: City of Raleigh Contact. Dale Crisp Phone No.: 919-890-3600 E-mail: Dale.Crisp@ci.raleigh.nc.us Address: PO Box 590 , Raleigh, NC 27602 Facility Operator: Same as OWNER Facility Name: Neuse River WWTP NPDES Permit No.: NCO029033 Receiving Waters: Neuse River Location Coordinates: Latitude: 35043'24" Longitude: 78°28'40" Permitted Flow (as assigned in Neuse Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy): 60.000 MGD. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Discharge Location: 675,790 Pounds per Calendar Year. Total Nitrogen Transport Factor to Estuary (As assigned by DWQ): 50 Percent. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Estuary: 337,895 Pounds per Calendar Year. Regionalization -- The following NPDES Permitted Facilities have been removed from service with flow taken into this facility since December 1995: Name of Facility Permit No. TN Discharge Allocation (Lb/ Plantation Inn NCO027570 761 *561 Falls Utilities NCO046230 183 *135 *note—asterisk amount is what was actually granted by NCDWQ in Raleigh NPDES permit for connecting these discharges to Raleigh sewer.Raleigh's position is that the full TN allocation amount shown above of 761 and 183 pounds,respectively,should be granted by NCDWQ. Additional Nitrogen Discharge Allocation Obtained: The following NPDES Permitted Facility has transferred its nitrogen discharge allocation to Raleigh: Burlington Industries Wake Plant; NPDES No. NC0001376 Total Nitrogen Discharge Allocation: 48,882 pounds per year Certification I Certify that the above Information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. 1q, 9130 oZ Date Title: Public ilities Director NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION CO-PERMITTEE / MEMBER INFORMATION and APPLICATION for NPDES PERMIT for TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE as CO-PERMITTEE with the NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION FACILITY OWNER: Town of Wake Forest Contact. Roe O'Donnell Phone No.: 919-554-6121 E-mail: roe.odonnell@ci.wake-forest.nc.us Address: 401 Elm Avenue, Wake Forest, NC 27587 Facility Operator: Same as OWNER Facility Name: Wake Forest WWTP NPDES Permit No.: NCO030759 Receiving Waters: Neuse River Location Coordinates: Latitude: 35054'28" Longitude: 78032'18" Permitted Flow (as assigned in Neuse Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy): 6.000 MGD. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Discharge Location: 67,579 Pounds per Calendar Year. Total Nitrogen Transport Factor to Estuary (As assigned by DWQ):50 Percent. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Estuary: 33,790 Pounds per Calendar Year. Regionalization -- The following NPDES Permitted Facilities have been removed from service with flow taken into this facility since December 1995: Name of Facility Permit No. TN Discharge Allocation (LbNr) None CERTIFICATION 1 CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, TRUE, ACCURATE AND COMPLETE. 2.av Det /8' ATE TITLE: n &4^45&Z NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION CO-PERMITTEE / MEMBER INFORMATION and APPLICATION for NPDES PERMIT for TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE as CO-PERMITTEE with the NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION FACILITY OWNER: Town of Zebulon Contact: Brian Gay Phone No.: 919-269-7455 , E-mail: bgay@ci.zebulon.nc.us Address: 111 East Vance Street, Zebulon, NC 27597 Facility Operator: Same as OWNER Facility Name: Little Creek WWTP NPDES Permit No.: NCO079316 Receiving Waters: Little Creek Location Coordinates: Latitude: 35°48'57" Longitude: 78°16'20" Permitted Flow (as assigned in Neuse Nutrient Sensitive waters Management Strategy): 1.850 MGD. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Discharge Location: 20,837 Pounds per Calendar Year. Total Nitrogen Transport Factor to Estuary (As assigned by DWQ): 50 Percent. Total Nitrogen Allocation at Estuary: 10,418 Pounds per Calendar Year. Regionalization -- The following NPDES Permitted Facilities have been removed from service with flow taken into this facility since December 1995: Name of Facility Permit No. TN Discharge Allocation (Lb/Yr) Middlesex WWTP NCO022363 2,435 CERTIFICATION I CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS,TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, TRUE, ACCURATE AND COMPLETE. 2L-/Z1 9- /7-Pena DATE TITLE: Di' PW agJin cr DUc L,_bAS Fact Sheet - NPDES Permit . © . NCDENR Neuse River Compliance Association Kt R GROUNA ENMRONNIEN AND NST RESOURCES NPDES No. NCC000001 PROPOSED ACTION The Neuse River Compliance Association and its member dischargers have applied for a new NPDES permit to govern the group's discharge of Total Nitrogen to the Neuse River and its tributaries. The group made application on June 28,2002,and modified its application on October 1,2002 to include additional members. The Division finds the Association's application to be acceptable and has made a tentative determination to issue the permit. The Division will publish a notice of this determination in the principle newspaper for each county in the river basin on or about October 23,2002, and will accept comments on the draft permit for 30 days following publication. After the close of the public comment period,the Division will consider all significant comments and make its final decision regarding this permit action. INTRODUCTION The Neuse River Basin is classified as Nutrient Sensitive Waters(NSW),due to long-term nutrient impacts on the river's estuary from point,nonpoint,and natural sources of pollution.In December 1997, the Environmental Management Commission adopted the Neuse River Basin Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW)Management Strategy,a rules package designed to address these nutrient impacts and restore water quality in the basin.The Strategy required that Total Nitrogen(TN)loads to the estuary(1995 baseline)be reduced by 30 percent by the year 2003. The basin has also been listed on the state's 303(d)list of impaired waters because of the nutrient impacts.The Division developed Total Nitrogen TMDLs for the basin,based upon the NSW Management Strategy,and the USEPA approved the TMDLs in 1999(Phase I)and 2002(Phase II).The 2000 303(d) list again includes the basin,now noting that the TMDLs have been approved and are being implemented. One portion of the NSW Management Strategy,the Wastewater Discharge Requirements rule (T15A NCAC 2B .0234),establishes specific nutrient control requirements for the point source dischargers in the basin. • The rule sets forth a system of Total Nitrogen allocations to achieve the stated 30 percent reduction in point source loads to the estuary.Toward this end,it: • sets a wasteload allocation of 1.64 million pounds TN per year(at the estuary) for all point source dischargers in the basin. • further divides this allocation among the existing dischargers. • requires that large facilities (those with permitted flows equal to or greater than 500,000 gallons per day) meet their individual TN allocations,effective in 2003. • prescribes what allocations are required for new and expanding dischargers as well as how they will be handled when permitted facilities consolidate(regionalize) their wastewater discharges. • provides that interested dischargers can form a group compliance association and work together to meet their combined TN allocation. Under this option,the individual dischargers are subject to TN limits in a group compliance NPDES permit in lieu of the TN limits in their individual NPDES permits. FACT SHEET Neuse River Compliance Association DRAFT NPDES PERMIT NPDES No. NCC000001 • The rule also prescribes Total Phosphorus limits for the most significant dischargers in the basin. The proposed permit is a group compliance permit as described above and is the first of its kind to be developed under the Strategy's Wastewater Discharge rule. PERMIT OVERVIEW Co-Permittees The Neuse River Compliance Association("NRCA,"or the"Association")is a not-for-profit corporation established in North Carolina.The purpose of the Association is to function as a"group compliance association"as provided in the Wastewater Discharge rule. The Association's members include both public and private entities,all of which discharge treated wastewater in the Neuse River basin under existing individual NPDES permits. The Association and each of its members will be co-permittees under the proposed permit.In general, the Association will serve as the contact between the Division and its co-permittee members in matters pertaining to this permit. Scope of the Permit The proposed group compliance permit will govern the combined discharge of Total Nitrogen from the co-permittees to the estuary.Requirements in this permit will supplement those in the co-permittee members'individual NPDES permits but will not replace the requirements in the individual permits except where specifically stated. Each member's individual NPDES permit will remain in effect and will continue to govern the other parameters of concern for that discharge. PROPOSED EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS The Division has developed effluent limitations,monitoring requirements,and special conditions for the proposed permit based on the Neuse River Basin Nutrient Management Strategy,the approved TN TMDLs,and extensive deliberations with the USEPA Region 4 and with the affected dischargers. Effluent Limitations Group and Individual TN Limitations Appendix A of the permit contains the definitive list of(1)Co-Permittee Members in the Association,(2) the discharge and equivalent estuary TN allocations for each member,and(3)the transport factor for each.These values are taken from allocation method in the Wastewater Discharge rule. The appendix also includes the sum total of the member's estuary allocations,which represents the Association Estuary TN Allocation. All TN allocations are expressed in terms of pounds of TN per year and apply to a calendar year period. The permit establishes TN limits for the Association and,under certain conditions,for the individual co-permittee members.Any group or individual TN limit in this permit is equal to the corresponding estuary TN allocation in Appendix A. The Association will be subject to an estuary TN limit(equal to its Estuary TN Allocation)throughout the term of this permit. Individual members of the Association will be subject to individual TN limits only in those years in which the Association exceeds its limit. In that case,each co-permittee member is subject to its -2- 10/16/2002 • a FACT SHEET Neuse River Compliance Association DRAFT NPDES PERMIT NPDES No. NCC000001 individual TN limit from Appendix A.If the Association as a whole complies with its limit,the member dischargers are not subject to individual limits for that calendar year. Changes in Membership or TN Allocations The TN allocations of the co-permittee members can change as the result of purchases,sales,trades, leases,and other transactions.These changes,in turn,affect the Association's TN allocation.Changes in membership also affect the Association's allocation due to the addition or subtraction of the discharger's allocation from the group total. Whenever changes in the allocations or the membership occur,Appendix A of the permit must be modified in order to formally incorporate those changes and adjust the enforceable limits in the permit. The TN allocations and limits are expressed as calendar year values;therefore,any adjustments can become effective only at the beginning of the calendar year(January 1)following the transaction or membership change.The Association will notify the Division each year of proposed changes in Appendix A(see Reporting Requirements,below). Initial Co-Permittee Members The Association is currently comprised of the following co-permittee members and facilities: Co-Permittee Member Facility 1. Town of Apex Middle Creek WWTP 2. Town of Benson Benson WWTP 3. Town of Cary North WWTP South WWTP 4. Johnston County Central Johnston County WWTP White Oak Plantation WWTP Buffalo Creek WWTP 5. Town of Clayton Little Creek WWTP 6. Contentnea MSD Contentnea MSD WWTP 7. NC DHHS Butner WWTP 8. Town of Farmville Farmville WWTP 9. City of Goldsboro Goldsboro WWTP 10. Town of Kenly Kenly Regional WWTP 11. City of Kinston Peachtree WWTP Northside WWTP 12. Town of La Grange La Grange WWTP 13. City of New Bern New Bern WWTP 14. City of Raleigh Neuse River WWTP 15. USMCAS Cherry Point Cherry Point WWTP 16. Town of Wake Forest Wake Forest WWTP 17. City of Wilson Wilson WWTP 18. Town of Zebulon Little Creek WWTP The TN allocation for each member is included in Appendix A of the permit.These allocations include the original allocation assigned to the facility in the Wastewater Discharge rule plus any allocation acquired through regionalization or other transactions. At this permit is released for public review,several additional dischargers are attempting to complete the process of joining the Association.The Division proposes to include any such facilities as co- permittees under this permit if the Association provides a revised permit application prior to the end of the public comment period.The facilities and their TN allocations would be added to the list in Appendix A and the Association TN allocation would be adjusted as already described to reflect those additional facilities. -3- 10/16/2002 FACT SHEET Neuse River Compliance Associatipm ' DRAFT NPDES PERMIT NPDES No. NCC000001 The Association also holds the TN allocation originally assigned to Burlington Industries(formerly NC0001376),which the industry deeded to the Association. Monitoring Requirements All members of the Association are required under the individual NPDES permits to monitor TN on a regular basis and report the results in their Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs).The group compliance permit does not duplicate these monitoring requirements or require additional TN monitoring. Instream monitoring is not required under this permit.However,it is required of the co-permittee members through their individual NPDES permits and,for most,is conducted by the Lower Neuse Basin Association,a coalition of dischargers that,by agreement with the Division,conducts instream monitoring for its members. Reporting Requirements Each member will continue to report its TN monitoring results on its individual DMRs.The Association is not required to duplicate these detailed reports. The Association will submit year-end,mid-year,and 5-year reports on its activities to the Division.The year-end report(due February 28 of each year)will include an accounting of the Association's and its members'TN discharges for the previous calendar year for compliance purposes.It will also include a list of transactions during that period affecting TN allocations,an assessment of progress made,and planned activities for the coming year.The mid-year report(due August 31 of each year)will include an updated accounting of TN discharges for informational purposes.It will also identify any changes in TN allocations or in membership for the following year and will serve as a request to modify Appendix A to incorporate those changes.The 5-year report(due July 1,2007)is intended to ensure that the Division and the Association agree on the group and individual allocations at the end of the permit term. Compliance The Association is required by rule to make offset payments to the Wetlands Restoration Fund for any calendar year in which it exceeds its TN limit.In addition,the Division may take appropriate enforcement action against the Association or its co-permittee members or both in the event that they exceed applicable TN limits in the permit. OTHER SPECIAL CONDITIONS Total Nitrogen. The permit includes a special condition describing how Total Nitrogen mass loads are to be calculated. -4- 10/16/2002 r Permit Review Sheet NCDENR Neuse River Compliance NORTH C ROu A DEPARTMENT O Association ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES NPDES No. NCC000001 PERMIT REVIEW Please review the attached draft permit package and provide comments and/or concurrence at least one week before the close of the public comment period (below). If you have any questions on this fact sheet,the draft permit,or other attachments,please contact Mike Templeton at(919) 733-5083,extension 541. PROPOSED SCHEDULE FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE Draft Permit to Public Notice: October 23,2002 End of Comment Period: November 22,2002 Permit Scheduled for Issuance: December 6,2002 NPDES Recommendation by: )1A +v i4; Q Si Vure at� This space is used by the regional office personnel to identify specific concerns in reference to issuance of the subject permit.Attach REGIONAL OFFICE COMMENTS additional sheets as needed. Regional Recommendation by: Signature Date REVIEWED AND ACCEPTED BY: Regional Supervisor: Signature Date NPDES Unit Supervisor: Signature Date WAIF Michael F.Easley,Governor State of North Carolina William G.Ross,Jr.,Secretary 0) Department of Environment and Natural Resources O Y Alan W.Klimek,P.E.,Director Division of Water Quality September 12,2002 Mr.J.Scott Gordon Water Management Division USEPA,Region 4 61 Forsyth Street Atlanta,Georgia 30303-8960 Subject: Response to Preliminary Comments Neuse River Compliance Association Working Draft Permit Dear Mr.Gordon: Thank you for your July 17 preliminary comments on the draft Neuse River Compliance Association permit.I am enclosing our response to each of the comments for your further consideration. We would appreciate the opportunity to discuss the remaining issues with you and your staff as soon as possible. The total nitrogen limits in the Neuse River basin become effective on January 1,2003. Therefore,it is critical that we reach agreement on these issues quickly so that the Division can complete the public review process and issue the final permit in early December. If you have any questions,please call me at(919) 733-5083,extension 517. Sincerely, David A.Goodrich Supervisor NPDES Unit Enclosure: Response to EPA Region 4 Comments cc(w/enclosure): Mr.Glenn D mn -Poyner&Spruill P.O.Box 10096 Raleigh,NC 27605-0096 ern North Carolina Division of Water Quality (919)733-7015 NCDENR 1617 Mail Service Center FAX(919)733-0719 customer service Raleiqh,North Carolina 27699-1617 On the Internet at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ 1800623.7748 NC DWQ Responses to EPA's 7/17/2002 Preliminary Comments Regarding Draft Neuse River Compliance Association Permit September 12,2002 Comment#1: The Draft Permit should include all required elements of a NPDES permit. Currently no there is permit fact sheet or rationale or standard language included the 6/28/02 draft. Standard language should reflect the presence of co- permittees,such as addressing by-passes at a co-permittee facility versus the Association which does not operate a facility. EPA understands that this information will be added when the draft permit is sent to EPA for formal review. Response#1: Following our April meeting in Raleigh,DWQ made extensive revisions to the draft Association permit.We refined these with input from the dischargers' representatives,then shared them with EPA Region 4 staff to ensure that the new draft permit accurately reflects the agreements reached in April. When DWQ sends the permit to public notice,we will submit the draft permit package to EPA for formal review,we will include the full text of the permit,as well as the fact sheet,the permit application,and all other elements of a complete permit package. Regarding the standard permit conditions,please identify the specific changes EPA requires in Parts II,III,and IV of the new Association permit. Comment#2: Language should be included in the group permit and individual permits referencing each permit and the effectiveness of the TN limit based on Association membership. Response#2: In our opinion,the draft permit adequately cross-references the individual NPDES permits and clearly states which permit governs the TN discharge;see Condition A.(3.),Effluent Limitations.Further,each of the individual permits includes an"Annual Limits for Total Nitrogen'condition that also specifies which permit applies.Please provide us with specific language EPA would deem acceptable. Comment#3: DMR reporting must be required in the Group Compliance permit;the mid-year and end-of-year reporting does not substitute for the DMR reporting requirement in 40 C.F.R.§122.41(1)(4). This information must be available through PCS. EPA understands that NC will include this requirement in the draft permit sent to EPA for formal review. Response#3: The purpose of this comment is unclear.The dischargers will report effluent TN data in their individual DMRs,and the Association's year-end report will include the monthly and annual Estuary Loads for each Co-Permittee Member and for the Association as a whole.DWQ will enter the individual and Association data into BIMS for upload to PCS. For the sake of clarity,we will revise A.(5.)(b.)(i.)and(c.)(i.)to replace"...an accounting.."with"...a Discharge Monitoring Report..."and will develop a DMR form for the Association's use. -1 - Response to Preliminary Comments September 12,2002 f Comment#4: Part I,Page 1,item e-suggest delete"point of discharge" and replace with the more accepted terminology"end-of-pipe" Response#4: For the sake of clarity,DWQ will replace"point of discharge"with"point of discharge(or'end-of-pipe)"in A.(L)(e.),the definition for Discharge TN Load,as is done immediately above in A.(L)(d.),Discharge TN Allocation. Comment#5: Part I,Page 1,item k-suggest delete"and subsequent revisions'or add"and subsequent revisions approved by EPA". TMDL revisions must be approved by EPA and any change in the TN allocation based on a TMDL change for the Neuse Group Compliance permit would require a modification in the Group Compliance permit per 40 C.F.R.§122.62. Response#5: It is our understanding that no TMDL exists until formally approved by EPA. For the sake of clarity,we will add"approved by EPA' to A.(1.)(k.)as suggested. Comment#6: Part I,Page 2,item A.(2.)-Appendix A lists co-permittees,transport factors,and TN allocations based on an approved TMDL. Item A.(2)(b)states that the Division shall revise Appendix A to incorporate changes in the Association membership,allowable changes in TN Allocations,or reapportionment by the Association. This activity would require a major modification to the permit since it would change the TN allocation limit listed in the permit. EPA suggests that Appendix A list all known point source contributors recognized in the TMDL, transport factors,and TN allocations for the Neuse River that could be used to calculate the Association TN limit. This appendix would provide for all possible known loading scenarios and the opportunity for the public to comment on any possible TN Group Compliance value. EPA further suggests that an Appendix B be added to the permit that lists the Association members used to calculate the TN allocation for the Association TN limit. This would minimize modification of the Group Association permit to once per year,and only if needed,to accommodate changes in membership,unless the TMDL TN allocation is revised. It would also clearly delineate between Association membership and all point source contributors,while still including all possible loading scenarios. For example,as of 6/28/02,there were only 6 Association members but 35 point source contributors. Response#6: We are strongly opposed to EPA's suggestion that we include a new appendix listing"all known point source contributors recognized in the TMMU'This was a central issue discussed and labored over in our April meeting. The suggestion is contrary to the approach agreed upon by Region 4 representatives,the dischargers,and DWQ in that meeting. In addition,we believe that the addition of the second appendix would create an unnecessary administrative burden and undue confusion. A complete list of the point source contributors(approx. 100 dischargers)would include entities not governed by this permit(approx.75-90,depending on actual membership).As a result,modifying the TN limit of any non-member,which would require a major modification of the individual permit,would also require an update of Appendix A of the Association's permit,another major modification.Otherwise,Appendix A would no longer serve the purpose EPA envisions. While we appreciate EPA's concern that the public be allowed to evaluate"all possible known loading scenarios",we think this goal could be better achieved in -2- Response to Preliminary Comments September 12,2002 some other way.One alternative would be for the DWQ to release the list of all point source TN allocations included in the TMDL and in the governing state rule.The NPDES Unit maintains an active web site and is willing to post the list on that site. Comment#7: Part I,Page 2,item b(i)-EPA suggests that the permit include a time frame for enrollment and termination of membership in the Association,i.e.,only in January of each year,or include a rolling annual average limit with a monthly reporting requirement to account for terminations,resignations,or additions monthly. Response#7: DWQ intends that termination occur on December 31 and enrollment begins on January 1.We believe that the permit adequately expresses this concept in Conditions A.(2.)(c.)and A.(3.)(a.)and (b.). If these conditions are not acceptable,please provide us with specific language EPA would deem acceptable.(See also#10.) Comment#8: Part I,Page 2,Item b(iv)-EPA requests the removal of the following statement "Such revisions to Appendix A shall be considered a minor modification of this permit." 40 C.F.R.§122.63 defines what constitutes a minor modification,of which changing a limit is not one of the conditions. EPA would agree that the addition of Co-Permittees could be considered a change in ownership and qualify as a minor modification,as well as the termination or resignation of a Co- Permittee could be considered a termination of ownership and qualify as a minor modification,but any change in an actual TN limit would be considered a major modification and must be publicly noticed as required in 40 C.F.R.§122.62. Additionally, EPA suggests any member terminated or resigning from the Association leave with only their TMDL allocated TN limit and all credits purchased or created will revert to the Association and that this concept be included in the permit. EPA requests that NC consider an appendix that lists the dischargers in the basin as well as a separate appendix listing the members of the Association and manage the change in ownership as a minor modification. Response#8: It is not clear from the comment that"any change in an actual TN limit would be considered a major modification'whether EPA is referring to the Association's TN limit or to the effective limit given to each of the Association members in the group permit. Please clarify this comment. Regarding EPA's suggestion that the permit include a concept that "any member terminated or resigning from the Association leave with only their TMDL allocated TN limit and all credits purchased or created will revert to the Association,"please indicate whether you believe this is required by law and, if so,please identify the statute,regulation,or case controls this issue. See#6 regarding the suggestion for a second appendix listing all dischargers in the basin. ' Comment#9: Part I,Page 3a(ii)-This includes the statement"...except that all such individual TN Allocations shall not be effective in any calendar year....." EPA requests that the statement"shall not be effective"be deleted. NPDES permits are required to have effective limits,but NPDES permitting authorities have discretion on the -3- Response to Preliminary Comments September 12,2002 - f enforcement of that limit. EPA suggests that the language be changed to reflect that as long as the permittee is a member of the Association,TN will be regulated by the Group Compliance permit through the TN Allocation for the Group,for example.,"The Association member shall not be construed to be in violation of their individual permit TN limit if the TN Group Compliance Association limit is met." Response#9: The DWQ recognizes that NPDES permits must have effective limits.EPA has made clear that it must ensure that the Co-Permittee Members are accountable both individually and as a group for their TN discharges.All parties to the April meeting agreed in concept to the permitting approach suggested by EPA.The key to this approach is that,while the Association will be subject to its Estuary TN Allocation throughout the term of the permit,the Co-Permittee Members will be subject to their individual Estuary TN Allocations only when the Association exceeds its aggregate limit.It is not clear to DWQ or the dischargers that EPA's suggested language adequately protects an individual Co-Permittee Member from enforcement and legal actions when the Association is in compliance but the Member exceeds its Estuary TN Allocation. In order to accommodate both concerns,DWQ will consider replacing Condition A.(3.)(a.)(ii.)with the following: (ii.) Co-Permittee Member TN Allocations. In any calendar year,a Co-Permittee Member shall be in compliance with its Estuary TN Allocation in Appendix A if (A) the Association Estuary TN Load complies with the Association Estuary TN Allocation in Appendix A,or (B) in the event that the Association exceeds the Association Estuary TN Allocation,the Co-Permittee Member's Estuary TN Load does not exceed that Member's Estuary TN Allocation in Appendix A. This language is similar to Condition 4.(b)(1)of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Quality's general permit for nitrogen discharges to Long Island Sound,issued January 2,2002. Please indicate if this alternative language is acceptable,if it is not,please explain how EPA's proposed language provides the intended protection from enforcement for individual Co-Permittee Members. Regarding EPA's suggested reference to"individual permit TN limit[s]",we do not think that EPA intends for the individual NPDES permits to govern if the Association does not meet its TN limit.This was another central issue we deliberated in our April meeting. In fact,at EPA's suggestion,the parties compromised,agreeing with the position that any member of the Association that did not meet its respective TN Estuary Allocation in Appendix A would only be subject to enforcement when the Association failed to meets its limit.It was argued by all that so long as the Association was in compliance with its Estuary TN Allocation,there would be no enforcement against members who may have exceeded their individual Estuary TN allocations in Appendix A.As both DWQ and the prospective co-permittees informed EPA,there would be no incentive to join the Association if a facility remained subject to its TN limit in its individual NPDES permit. Comment#10: Part I,Page 3b-It appears that this section allows for a potential grace period where no TN individual limit will be effective for dischargers who terminate -4- . Response to Preliminary Comments • September 12,2002 membership in the middle of a year. EPA recognizes that TN is an annual limit, but requests clarification for this section regarding when a discharger can request termination and,upon termination when the individual limit is effective. EPA suggests,for compliance purposes,that a specific date for termination or resignation be included in the permit as well as a specific date for membership additions. EPA suggests that all terminations or resignations occur by December 31,and all additions occur by January 31,unless a rolling annual average limit with a monthly reporting requirement is used. The process and responsible party for notifying NC of terminations,resignations,and additions,should be clearly outlined in the permit since this has a direct effect on the Association's TN limit. Response#10: There is no"grace period."As specified previously in Condition A.(2.)(c.)of the permit,any termination of membership occurs only on the December 31 and any enrollment occurs only on the January 1 subsequent to the membership decision. A Co-Permittee Member leaving the Association remains subject to the Association's NPDES permit through December 31,then becomes subject to the TN limit in its individual permit on January 1.Similarly,a new member remains subject to the TN limit in its individual permit until January 1,when it becomes subject to the Association's permit. The Association is responsible for notifying the DWQ of any membership changes that are to become effective at the turn of the year.See Conditions A.(3.)(b.)and A.(5.)(a.)and(b.). -5-