HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC000001_Annual Report 2003_20040226 NI P)eS _ THE NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION POST OFFICE Box 590 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27602 February 26, 2004 f;. ' L ill it IU (C `4Ar) 0 2 2004 Iliik50° DIV. OF Warq6k( DrRc-cro��Qu�.Err r. Alan Klimek, P.E. Director OFFIC ivision of Water Quality North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 Re: NPDES Permit No.NCC000001 Annual Report Dear Mr. Klimek, The Neuse River Compliance Association is pleased to submit the first Annual Report as required in the referenced Permit. As indicated in the enclosed report, Co-Permittee Members discharged an aggregate of 722,374 pounds of total nitrogen to the Neuse Estuary during calendar year 2003, about 32%under the Permit limit of 1,068,891 pounds. Nitrogen control performance of member facilities continued to show improvement over past years in spite of increased flow due to growth and wet weather during the year. New Bern's new treatment facility,placed in service in the spring of 2003, had the single greatest impact on reduced nitrogen discharge during the year. We trust that the enclosed report provides the detailed information needed by DWQ. If there are questions or if additional information is needed, you may contact Morris Brookhart(919-219- 4560)or myself(919-362-8166). Very Truly Yours, ::z.V:e_;t (77,, 9-,.:,7_frvte5_ Timothy L. Donnelly, P.E. Chairman,Neuse River Compliance Association Enclosures: Annual Report(12 pages) NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION 2003 ANNUAL REPORT NPDES PERMIT NCC000001 Co-Permittee Members of the Neuse River Compliance Association Calendar Year 2003 Town of Apex Town of Benson Town of Cary North Town of Cary South County of Johnston. Town of Clayton Contentnea MSD DHR John Umstead Hosp. (Butner) Town of Farmville City of Goldsboro Town of Kenly City of Kinston(Peachtree) City of Kinston(North) Town of LaGrange City of New Bern City of Raleigh Town of Wake Forest City of Wilson Town of Zebulon Report prepared by: Morris V.Brookhart,P.E.,PLLC CONSULTING ENGINEER Post Office Box 4153 Emerald Isle,Carolna 28594 Phone/Fax 252 354-9766 Cel Phone 919 219-4560 E-Mail: mvboe@earthlink.net North Carolina's first basinwide NPDES Permit for nitrogen control became effective January 1, 2003. The Permit was issued to the Neuse River Compliance Association, a nonprofit association of 19 wastewater treatment facilities with permits to discharge treated wastewater into the Neuse River. All NPDES Permitted dischargers over 0.5 MGD in the Neuse River Basin have received an annual mass limit for total nitrogen(TN)to meet a TMDL established for the estuary. Each facility has a"transport"factor assigned to account for"loss"of TN in stream travel. Transport factors vary from 10%at the upper watershed—above Falls Lake Dam—to 100%for facilities discharging directly into the estuary. Multiplying the"end of pipe"discharge-where monitoring occurs-times the transport factor results in estuary loading. State Statute and Administrative Rule included provision that point sources could meet individual allocations of TN or they could voluntarily form an association for group compliance with their aggregate estuary allocation. Each Facility Individual Permit includes provision that: In any calendar year, the Permittee shall be in compliance with the annual TN load limit in the Permit if: a. The Permittee's annual TN load is less than or equal to the limit in the Permit, or b. The Permittee is a co-permittee member of a group compliance association. All sampling, monitoring and monthly reporting requirements are included in individual permits. Group Compliance Permit No.NCC000001: Issued to The Neuse River Compliance Association and its Co-Permittee Members, effective January 1,2003—December 31,2007. Applies only to total nitrogen. Permit Limit: Sum of Co-Permittee Members Calendar Year Annual Estuary TN load is less than or equal to Association Estuary TN Allocation Co-Permittee Members,transport factors and individual allocations are listed in Appendix A of the Permit. The Association Estuary TN Allocation is the sum of the Co-Permittees allocations. Reporting Requirements of the Group Permit Include: Year-End Report. No later than February 28,2004 and each February 28th thereafter,the Association shall submit a year-end report to the Division.The report shall include,at a minimum,the following information for the previous calendar year: 1. for the period from January 1 through December 31 of the preceding year,a Discharge Monitoring Report of each Co-Permittee Member's Discharge and Estuary TN Loads and the Association's Estuary TN Load; 2. a summary of changes in Association membership, including regionalization of discharges; 2 3. a detailed summary of all purchases,sales,trades,leases,and other transactions affecting the TN Allocations of the Association or its Co-Permittee Members; 4. a description of the Association's TN control strategy for the preceding year and changes for the coming year; 5. a detailed summary of measures taken to control TN discharges; 6. an assessment of progress made; and 7. a description of efforts planned for the upcoming calendar year(s). In compliance with the Permit,the annual report for 2003 is as follows: Item 1. The Discharge Monitoring Report of each Co-Permittee Member's Discharge and Estuary TN Loads and the Association's Estuary TN Load is attached. Co-Permittee members discharged a total of 722,374 pounds of total nitrogen to the Neuse estuary on the basis of individual TN discharges and estuary transport factors established by the Division of Water Quality. The calculated estuary loading is substantially less than the Permitted estuary allocation of 1,068,891 pounds, accordingly,the Neuse River Compliance Association and all of its Co-Permittee member are in compliance with Permit requirements for total nitrogen discharge for 2003. 2. Summary of changes in Association membership, including regionalization of discharges: Heater Utilities Neuse Colony Plant became a member effective January 1, 2004. There was no regionalization affecting member facilities during 2003. 3. Detailed summary of all purchases,sales, trades,leases,and other transactions affecting the TN Allocations of the Association or its Co-Permittee Members:There were no purchases, sales,trades, leases, or other transactions that were finalized. 4. Description of the Association's TN control strategy for the preceding year and changes for the coming year: The Operating Policy and Procedures Committee developed and recommended operating policies and procedures in May of 2003. The Neuse River Compliance Association adopted the following policies and procedures June 17, 2003: Assessment of Penalties Paid by Association for Noncompliance. The member(s) responsible for reporting violations or other violations not related to exceedence of the Association's group nitrogen allocation shall pay or share payment of the entire penalty. Incentives for Members to reduce their TN discharge and disincentives for exceeding their individual estuary allocation. The assessment for an individual member exceeding its estuary allocation shall be one-fourth of the Wetlands Restoration Fund amount for a member's first annual exceedence, one-half for the second annual exceedence,three-fourths for the third annual exceedence and 100%afterwards. This assessment shall apply for an exceedence of an individual allocation in the year(s)in which the Association is compliant with its allocation and also in years when it exceeds its allocation, however in years that the Association exceeds its allocation, any amount paid by 3 an individual discharger as its share of the Association penalty shall be credited to the assessment. The assessment will be accounted for separately and made available to the member that paid it to use for wastewater treatment plant improvements, provided that a plan for such improvements is presented to and approved by the NRCA as being reasonably designed to address the TN exceedence. The assessment will be repaid to the member once the project is completed and the member achieves compliance. There should be an annual progress check by the NRCA to ensure that the project remains on the approved schedule. The NRCA should retain 20%of the assessment paid by a member to cover its administrative expenses. The amount of the assessment should be based on excess pounds delivered to the estuary by the discharger, not the excess pounds discharged at the end of the pipe. This assessment should not become effective until the year 2004. The Association By-Laws include the following provisions that provide guidance for development of operating policies and procedures: "The Association shall adopt rules and procedures and establish a framework to encourage the transfer of TN Allocation by members in a manner that is cost effective and that provides incentives for TN reduction that will be most beneficial to the Neuse Estuary. To this end, the Association shall consider establishing a uniform exchange rate to be used by members in the transfer of units of TN based upon the estuary loading rate of the members". By-Laws Section 7 (a.) "The Association may consider adopting uniform TN concentration limits or TN allocations for its members different from the allocations set out on the Association Roster for assessing off-set payments or penalties or for other internal operating functions: provided that such TN concentration limits or changes in allocation shall be effective only for such internal functions as the Association is authorized to conduct and in no way change or effect allocations established by the Division. The Association also may consider establishing uniform guidelines for assessing penalties against members who exceed their Member TN Limitation or any concentration limit or alternative allocation adopted by the Association pursuant to these By-Laws". By-Laws Section 6 (d.) The operating policies and procedures committee made the following recommendations in its May Report: Adjustment of allocations for internal fees and trading purposes. Recommendation. The Committee recommends that study of this matter continue, using EPA grant funds if received. 4 TN trading and exchange guidelines, requirements, and/or incentives. Recommendation. The NRCA should develop a letter to be sent to all members explaining the various options for acquiring additional TN allocation. The NRCA should further designate someone to be identified in the letter as a contact to assist members in analyzing the applicability and desirability of other methods. Policy and/or rulemaking goals that should be pursued. (1) Point source/non-point source trading may be advantageous but does not need to be pursued immediately. (2) Regarding the changes to the TMDL, the Association should continue to monitor and participate closely in TMDL development and, for now, should advocate that the TMDL not be changed. (3) Seeking to make membership in the Association mandatory is not a critical matter now, and should not be pursued. (4) The Committee further recommends that estuarine values be used for all regulatory and trading purposes. The NRCA will determine what measures are needed to persuade DWQ and/or the EMC to utilize estuarine allocations. 5. Detailed summary of measures taken to control TN discharges: Control of total nitrogen discharges from member facilities is the responsibility of each member facility. The Neuse River Compliance Association assists through policy making,training and providing a forum for interaction. During 2003 NRCA developed and adopted the policies reported in paragraph 4 above. A one-day training session for operators was provided by NRCA/LNBA to sharpen skills of operators to achieve low levels of effluent total nitrogen through operational procedures. Mr. CD Malone, P.E. was Instructor/ Facilitator for the workshop. Individual members have reported the following measures for nitrogen control that were implemented during 2003. Apex: Apex has implemented the following: Stream Buffers Apex requires 100 foot buffers for new development on each side of perennial streams and 50 foot buffers on each side of intermittent streams Collecting the First Inch of Runoff The first inch of storm water runoff for all new development is collected and treated in storm water ponds if the total development exceeds more than 12% impervious surface. Flood Plain Development No residential structures can be located in the flood plain. Pre Verses Post Runoff Rates The post development storm water runoff rate for new development is limited to the predevelopment rate for a 10 year design storm Solids Handling capability at the WWTP has been increased by 133% Benson: The Town of Benson has contracted out a portion of the wastewater plant laboratory work directed at monitoring performance so that the laboratory staff will have more time for operational control testing. 5 Cary: Stream Buffers: The Town of Cary implemented a 100 foot stream buffer requirement for all new development to control run-off and associated pollutants. The buffer requirement adds 50 feet to the requirements of the DENR rules. The buffer requirement reads as follows: Establishment of Buffer—All perennial and intermittent streams including lakes,ponds, and other bodies of water as indicated on the most recent version of the 1:20,000 scale(7.5 minutes)quadrangle topographic maps prepared by the United States Geological Survey(USGS)shall have a 100-foot wide riparian buffer directly adjacent to such surface waters, excluding wetlands. Biosolids Dryer The Town of Cary awarded bids for a$12.456 million dollar biosolids dryer to better manage municipal biosolids at their wastewater treatment plants. North Cary Expansion Includes improvements to Reclaimed Water and Nutrient Removal Facilities. This project,awarded in September 2003 will expand average daily flow capacity from 10 to 12 MGD. This project includes a new biological nutrient removal reactor tank and clarifier,ultraviolet disinfection equipment and related piping and electrical power facilities. Piping improvements and new flow distribution structures will improve plant hydraulic performance. This project also improves facilities for expanded capability to treat reclaimed water. Sewer System Master Plan The Town of Cary completed a comprehensive wastewater collection system master plan and model in September of 2003. A state-of-the-art computerized hydraulic model was developed as part of this project to accurately simulate current and future performance of the wastewater collection system. The model was calibrated against actual field observations to provide the most accurate simulation possible.The model will help discover and alleviate infrastructure shortcomings and prevent SSOs. The master plan focuses on environmental quality issues, particularly with respect to preventing sanitary sewer overflows(SSOs)during high flow periods, and other regulatory considerations included in proper system operation and maintenance. Cary is participating in research to determine the relationship between Fats,Oils and Greases (FOG)and blockages in sanitary sewer collection systems. The goal of the research is to develop a predictive modeling tool for sanitary sewer overflow occurrence. Contentnea MSD: Nitrogen control at this facility is inadequate to operate within its allocation because of high plant influent flows resulting from extraneous water entering a deteriorated 30" 6 interceptor pipeline. A project has been identified and funding assistance is currently being sought. Johnston County: Johnston County completed construction and started up it's effluent reuse system(spray irrigation system)with a capacity of 1.5 mgd April 01 thru October 31. Users consists of a golf course, farm land, and property owned by the County. Began operation of deep bed filters(on line in 2002)as denitrification filters and adjusting to optimize nitrogen removal. Farmville: A major collection system rehabilitation project is under construction in Farmville. The$5 million dollar project will replace most of the pipe in the older part of the system where large volumes of extraneous water enters the system. Also,a water reuse project is currently under construction. The force main has been installed from the plant to an area just inside town. Preliminary work has begun on the treatment portion at the plant. The remaining force main and the entire project should be complete by June of 2004. Goldsboro: Goldsboro began operation of its wetlands treatment system that resulted in reduced nitrogen discharge to the Neuse River from a portion of its effluent. (See discharge 02 in the Year-End Monitoring Report). Kinston: The City of Kinston is in the process of replacing its two older wastewater treatment plants with a new facility located on the existing Northside Plant site. The new facility,expected to go in service in 2006,will include processes for a high level of nitrogen removal. Currently, pipeline rehabilitation projects are underway. The Upper and Lower sections of the Adkin Branch outfall line is being rehabilitated in two parts. The upper section rehab consisting of replacing 20,700 LF of line is about 65%complete. Project costs during 2003 was$2,087,640. A contract has been awarded on the lower section with work expected to begin soon. New Bern placed a new treatment plant in service with capability to control nitrogen discharge. Nitrogen discharge from the New Bern plant has dramatically decreased since startup of the new facility. During the last six months of 2003,the New Bern facility discharged 15,203 pounds of total nitrogen(Average concentration in effluent: 1.82 Mg/L). If New Bern had discharged at the same rate for the first half of the year, its total would have been 30,157 pounds, well below its allocation of 52,937 pounds. Based on experience with the new plant,New Bern is expected to discharge well under its allocation in the near future. Wake Forest: In March 2003,the Town of Wake Forest installed a HACH OptiQuant UV Nitrate Probe in the plants final effluent stream to constantly monitor the nitrates in the WWTP discharge. Wilson: Completed construction of 4.1 MGD water reuse project Installed 50,000 ft. cured-in place pipeliner as part of I/I program Rehabilitated 450 manholes for I/I program Experienced seven(7)reportable SSOs,total spillage during FY 2002-03 was 131,650 gallons. The Hominy Creek Water Reclamation Facility treated over 4.0 billion gallons wastewater during this time. 7 Zebulon: The town started construction in March on a reclaimed water system. The system is expected to distribute about 30,000 gallons per day with uses consisting of industry cooling water, irrigation and WWTP wash down. Zebulon also started construction of wastewater treatment plant process enhancements to reduce nitrogen. The project includes three dissolved oxygen monitors, VFDs on all aerators in the aeration basin and a SCADA system for control. Both projects will be complete by April 1, 2004 6. An assessment of progress made: Current members of the compliance association discharged the following flows and pounds of total nitrogen to the Neuse Estuary in the years shown: Year Total Flow(MGD) Total Estimated pounds TN to Estuary 1995 83.808 1,784,130 1996 85.675 1,741,492 1997 81.444 1,653,262 1998 93.442 1,387,717 1999 94.659 1,123,169 2000 92.582 1,056,202 2001 86.818 907,381 2002 89.926 797,991 2003 108.379 722.374 7. Description of efforts planned for the upcoming calendar year(s): • Hire an Executive Director. • Continue work toward developing policies and mechanisms to minimize overall cost and allow equitable transfers of nitrogen allocation. • Sponsor training for Member operators for improved nitrogen control performance. 8 TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT PAGE 1 OF 4 NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION YEAR-END REPORT FOR 2003 February 24, 2004 2003-JAN THROUGH DEC NPDES PERMIT NO: NCC000001 END OF PIPE ESTUARY Permit 2003 Member TN Member TN TN 2003 TN FACILITY NPDES Permit Flow' Avg Flow Allocation Discharge Transport Allocation Discharge (MGD) (MGD) (lbs/Yr.) (Lbs/Yr.) Factor (lbs/Yr.) (Lbs/Yr.) Town of Apex NC0064050 3.60 2.354 40,547 34,981 50% 20,274 17,490 Town of Benson N00020389 3.00 1.009 33,790 16,766 50% 16,895 8,383 Cary North N00048879 12.00 6.691 143,246 53,984 50% 71,623 26,992 Cary South NC0065102 16.00 5.797 180,211 48,047 50% 90,105 24,024 County of Johnston. NC0030716 4.99 4.595 67,467 63,585 50% 33,734 31,792 Town of Clayton" NC0025453 2.50 1.689 21,400 16,940 50% 10,700 8,470 Contentnea MSD NC0032077 2.85 2.178 32,100 45,329 70% 22,470 31,730 DHR-John Umstead Hosp. NC0026824 3.50 2.402 58,599 50,778 10% 5,860 5,078 Town of Farmville NC0029572 3.50 2.358 42,211 18,707 50% 21,106 9,353 City of Goldsboro 01 &022 NC0023949 16.80 9.038 198,118 95,480 70% 138,521 66,836 Town of Kenly NC0064891 0.63 0.445 7,096 7,374 50% 3,548 3,687 City of Kinston (Peachtree) NC0020541 6.75 4.571 76,026 59,314 70% 53,218 41,520 City of Kinston(North) NC0024236 4.50 1.784 50,684 37,223 70% 35,479 26,056 Town of LaGrange NC0021644 0.75 0.672 8,447 7,248 70% 5,913 5,073 City of New Bern NC0025348 4.70 4.508 52,937 129,849 100% 52,937 129,849 City of Raleigh NC0029033 60.00 44.553 676,417 442,981 50% 338,209 221,490 Wake Forest NC0030759 6.00 1.398 67,579 13,863 50% 33,790 6,932 City of Wilson NC0023906 14.00 11.409 157,684 103,954 50% 78,842 51,977 Town of Zebulon NC0079316 1.85 0.928 22,455 11,282 50% 11,227 5,641 Association Allocation' 48,879 0 50% 24,440 0 NRCA TOTALS 1 167.92 108.379 I 1 1,068,891 722,374 THIS MONITORING REPORT HAS BEEN COMPILED FROM CO-PERMITTEE MEMBERS MONTHLY DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORTS. I CERTIFY THAT IT ACCURATE�;COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. -Y--/-')-71415 (T TIMOTHY L. DOVINELLY,.E., HAIRMAN, i•41SE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION ATE 1. Flow from Nutrient Management Strategy(except Clayton). 2. Totals include Goldsboro Pipe 01 and 02 3. Formerly Burlington Industries 4. Permitted flow was increased to 2.5 MGD during 2003. TN discharge is calculated from DMR monthly average flow,TN concentration and days in reporting period. Resulting TN may vary slightly from calculation using sum of daily flows as total monthly flow. TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT PREPARED BY MORRIS V. BROOKHART, P.E. TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT PAGE 2 OF 4 NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION YEAR-END REPORT FOR 2003 February 24, 2004 2003 -JAN THROUGH DEC DATA FROM CO-PERMITTEE MEMBER PLANT DMRS Jan-03 Feb-03 Mar-03 Apr-03 FACILITY Flow TN Conc. TN Disch. Flow TN Conc. TN Disch. Flow TN Conc TN Disch. Flow TN Conc. TN Disch. (mgd) (mg/l) (lbs) (mgd) (mgji) (lbs) (mgd) (mg/I) (lbs) (mgd) (mg/I) (lbs) Town of Apex 2.108 4.95 2,698 2.587 5.9 3,564 2 844 4.3 3,162 2.683 5.27 3,538 Town of Benson 0.854 5.69 1,256 1.011 5.48 1,294 1.344 5.15 1,790 1.074 6.46 1,736 Cary North 6.5 3.210 5,394 7.400 2.97 5,132 7.930 3.17 6,499 7.390 3.04 5,621 Cary South 5.613 3.01 4,368 6.493 3.65 5,534 6.911 4.18 7,469 6.604 3.08 5,089 County of Johnston. 3.708 6.31 6,049 5.362 6.59 8,252 6.720 3.1 5,386 6.446 5.41 8,725 Town of Clayton 1.616 3.692 1,543 1.755 6.17 2,529 2.011 4.64 2,412 1.872 3.81 1,785 Contentnea MSD 1.399 4.73 1,711 2.228 4.79 2,492 2.653 5.18 3,553 2.279 5.33 3,039 DHR-John Umstead Hosp. 2.300 5.37 3,193 3.100 6.00 4,343 3.000 4.4 3,413 2.780 6.70 4,660 Town of Farmville 1.910 2.43 1,200 2.620 2.68 1,640 3.090 3.19 2,548 2.610 1.89 1,234 City of Goldsboro Pipe 01 5.790 3.99 5,973 6.620 5.45 8,425 9.250 4.29 10,260 9.930 4.49 11,155 Town of Kenly 0.438 5.89 667 0.549 4.72 605 0.599 2.4 372 0.524 8.87 1,163 City of Kinston (Peachtree) 2.991 3.99 3,085 3.743 5.06 4,423 6.059 5.63 8,819 6.150 7.47 11,494 City of Kinston (North) 0.761 6.99 1,375 2.003 7.01 3,279 2.395 6.77 4,192 1.435 7.46 2,678 Town of LaGrange 0.353 3,02 276 0.461 3.11 335 0.697 2.94 530 0.800 2.41 482 City of New Bern 3.670 31.36 29,756 4.110 22.66 21,748 3.950 21.03 21,477 4.630 22.97 26,609 City of Raleigh 41.930 4.54 49,216 46.670 5.76 62,775 48.850 3.5 44,204 49.090 2.02 24,810 Wake Forest 1,514 5.63 2,204 1.767 5.4 2,228 1.730 3.18 1,422 1.661 2.95 1,226 City of Wilson 10.580 3.07 8,398 14.110 3.18 10,478 15.370 1,97 7,828 14.750 4.04 14,909 Town of Zebulon 0.854 7.582 1,674 1.191 5.047 1,404 1.398 2.183 789 1,217 2.54 774 Association Allocation' 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0.000 0 City of Goldsboro Pipe 02 1.140 1.14 336_ 0.520 0.00 0_ 1.110 0.32 92 1.280 0.53 170 TOTALS 96.029 130,372 114.300 150,480 127.911 136,216 125.205 130,899 AVERAGE CONCENTRATION 5.25 5.64 4.12 4.18 TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT PAGE 3 OF 4 NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION YEAR-END REPORT FOR 2003 February 24, 2004 2003-JAN THROUGH DEC DATA FROM CO-PERMITTEE MEMBER PLANT DMRS May-03 Jun-03 Jul-03 Aug-03 FACILITY Flow TN Conc. TN Disch. Flow TN Conc. TN Disch. Flow TN Conc. TN Disch. Flow TN Conc. TN Disch. (mgd) (mg/I) (lbs) (mgd) (mg/I) (lbs) _ (mgd) (mg/I) (lbs) (mgd) (mg/I) (lbs) Town of Apex 2.286 5.25 3,103 2.557 4.60 2,943 2.156 4.63 2,581 2.507 4.41 2,858 Town of Benson 0.881 3.98 907 0.938 6.15 1,443 0.964 7.14 1,780 1.301 2.78 935 Cary North 6.600 2.41 4,112 6.680 2.23 3,727 6.07 2.09 3,280 6.58 2.22 3,777 Cary South 5.683 2.90 4,261 5.898 2.98 4,398 5.521 1.99 2,841 6.172 1.85 2,952 County of Johnston. 4.913 5.20 6,605 3.980 4.30 4,282 3.551 4.67 4,287 6.328 4.37 7,149 Town of Clayton 1.526 5.07 2,000 1.495 1.99 744 1.742 1.59 716 1.948 1.57 791 Contentnea MSD 2.480 7.70 4,937 1.691 10.11 4,277 2.05 6.53 3,461 2.29 6.44 3,813 DHR-John Umstead Hosp. 2.500 7.30 4,718 2.100 8.60 4,519 2 8.3 4,292 2.4 8.3 5,150 Town of Farmville 2.720 2.26 1,589 2.210 1.43 791 2.43 1.86 1,169 2.99 1.57 1,214 City of Goldsboro Pipe 01 10.000 4.52 11,686 9.930 2.94 7,304 9.6 3.87 9,605 9.4 2.82 6,853 Town of Kenly 0.394 7.87 802 0.302 8.60 650 0.405 5.79 606 0.536 3.05 423 City of Kinston (Peachtree) 5.551 2.96 4,248 5.192 3.88 5,040 4.279 5.306 5,870 4.705 4.47 5,437 City of Kinston (North) 2.247 8.02 4,659 1.696 7.26 3,079 1.906 8.424 4,151 1.792 7.4 3,428 Town of LaGrange 0.767 3.48 690 0.815 3.65 744 0.817 3.45 729 0.804 4.48 931 City of New Bern 4.890 11.91 15,057 5.030 1.99 2,504 4.49 1.38 1,602 4.69 1.27 1,540 City of Raleigh 43.890 2.41 27,347 44.820 2.10 23,549 43.33 3.757 42,088 47 3.282 39,881 Wake Forest 1.565 3.03 1,226 1.240 2,42 751 1.424 2.56 942 1.489 2.88 1,109 City of Wilson 12.770 2.41 7,957 9.990 3.38 8,448 10.65 3.02 8,315 11.93 2.41 7,433 Town of Zebulon 0.929 3.82 916 1.070 2.83 758 0.818 4.52 956 0,944 2.96 722 Association Allocation' 0.000 0 0 0 0 0 City of Goldsboro Pipe 02 0.800 0.79 163 1.02 0.45 115_ 0.62 1.19 191 1.13 0.28 82 TOTALS 113.392 106,985 108.654 80,067 104.823 99,461 116.936 96,479 AVERAGE CONCENTRATION 3.65 2.95 3.67 3.19 TOTAL NITROGEN DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT PAGE 4 OF 4 NEUSE RIVER COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION YEAR-END REPORT FOR 2003 February 24, 2004 2003-JAN THROUGH DEC DATA FROM CO-PERMITTEE MEMBER PLANT DMRS Sep-03 Oct-03 Nov-03 Dec-03 FACILITY Flow TN Conc. TN Disch. Flow TN Conc. TN Disch. Flow TN Conc. TN Disch. Flow TN Conc. TN Disch. (mgd) (mg/I) (lbs) _ (mgd) (mg/I) (lbs) (mgd) (mg/I) (lbs) (mgd) (mg/I) (lbs) Town of Apex 2.385 5.2 3,103 2.014 5 2,603 2.007 4.29 2,154 2.141 4.83 2,674 Town of Benson 0.767 9.66 1,854 0,782 3.9 788 1.052 3.27 861 1.139 7.21 2,123 Cary North 6.44 2.91 4,689 6.18 2.73 4,362 6.14 2.26 3,472 6.45 2.35 3,919 Cary South 5.113 1.79 2,290 5.119 1.94 2,568 4.995 1.92 2,400 5.496 2.73 3,879 County of Johnston. 3.348 4.38 3,669 3.18 3.53 2,902 3.327 2.63 2,189 4.309 3.67 4,089 Town of Clayton 1.61 1.46 588 1.505 1.68 654 1.524 2.22 846 1.661 5.43 2,332 Contentnea MSD 2.03 4.25 2,159 2.21 8.46 4,834 2.2 8.66 4,767 2.62 9.28 6,286 DHR-John Umstead Hosp. 2.3 8.3 4,776 2.1 7.9 4,289 2 8.3 4,153 2.3 5.5 3,271 Town of Farmville 2.03 3.39 1,722 1.65 6.09 2,598 1.66 2.42 1,005 2.37 3.26 1,998 City of Goldsboro Pipe 01 6.8 3.81 6,482 5.6 3.02 4,372 5.59 3 4,196 7.14 3.9 7,199 Town of Kenly 0.341 2.92 249 0.378 3.1 303 0.39 5.58 544 0.485 7.9 991 City of Kinston (Peachtree) 3.376 2.382 2,012 3.826 1.745 1,726 4.011 2.46 2,469 4.902 3.7 4,689 City of Kinston(North) 1.595 9.192 3,668 1.866 2.32 1,119 1.725 6.1 2,633 1.985 5.77 2,961 Town of LaGrange 0.661 4.86 804 0.533 3.95 544 0.617 3.49 539 0.72 3.46 644 City of New Bern 5.26 1.54 2,027 4.41 2.16 2,463 4.09 1.42 1,453 4.87 2.87 3,614 City of Raleigh 42.82 3.154 33,791 42.016 2.82 30,633 41.617 3.231 33,643 42.807 2.805 31,044 Wake Forest 1.519 2.22 844 1.127 3.17 924 0.835 2.36 493 0.929 2.06 495 City of Wilson 9.23 3.41 7,875 9.18 2.27 5,388 8.04 2.92 5,874 10.45 4.09 11,050 Town of Zebulon 0.685 5.533 948 0.641 3.88 643 0.649 6.318 1,026 0.767 3.382 671 Association Allocation' 0 0 0 0 City of Goldsboro Pipe 02 1.35 0.41 138 1.13 0.31 91 1.06 0.28 74 1.49 1.34 516 TOTALS 99.660 83,687 95.447 73,804 93.529 74,791 105.031 94,443 AVERAGE CONCENTRATION 3.36 2.99 3.20 3.48