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CHAPTER 5 - Stormwater and Water Quality Impacts 77
Stormwater is the flow of water that results from precipitation and usually occurs immediately
following a rainfall event or is produced during snowmelt. Common stormwater pollutants
include sediment, nutrients, organic matter, bacteria, oil and grease, and toxic substances (i.e.,
metals, pesticides, herbicides, hydrocarbons). Stormwater can also impact the temperature of a
surface waterbody, which can affect the water’s ability to support healthy aquatic communities.
This chapter provides an overview of stormwater runoff and its impacts to water quality. It also
provides information related to state and federal regulations and management practices that can
be employed to control stormwater from individual properties and large urbanized areas.
During a rain event, a portion of the precipitation (water) will absorb into the soil surface where
it is used by plants. The portion that is not used by plants will reenter the atmosphere through
evaporation, recharge a groundwater aquifer or move through the shallow soil layer to a surface
waterbody. Stormwater is that portion of the precipitation that runs off of the ground or
impervious surfaces. Impervious surfaces are hardened surfaces such as pavement, building
rooftops, roads and parking lots. Impervious surfaces prevent rainwater infiltration into the
ground (soil) surface. In some cases, stormwater drains directly into streams, rivers, lakes and
oceans. In other cases, particularly in urbanized areas, stormwater drains into streets and
manmade drainage systems consisting of inlets and underground pipes, commonly referred to as
a storm sewer system. In North Carolina, there is no pre-treatment of stormwater. Storm sewer
systems are designed simply to capture the stormwater and convey it to the nearest surface
waterbody. These sewers should not be confused with sanitary sewers, which transport human
and industrial wastewaters to a treatment plant before discharging into surface waters.
Uncontrolled stormwater runoff can impact humans and the environment. Cumulative effects
include flooding, undercut and eroding streambanks, widened stream channels, threats to public
health and safety, impaired recreational use, and increased costs for drinking and wastewater
treatment. For more information on stormwater runoff, visit the DWQ Stormwater Unit Web site
(http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/su/stormwater.html) or the NC Stormwater information page
(www.ncstormwater.org). Additional fact sheets and information can also be found on the
following Web site: www.stormwatercenter.net/intro_factsheets.htm and
As development in surrounding metropolitan areas consumes neighboring forests and fields, the
impacts on rivers, lakes and streams can be significant and permanent if stormwater runoff is not
controlled (Orr and Stuart, 2000). This often results in negative impacts that can affect both
humans and aquatic communities. Several of these water quality impacts are identified
throughout this document and a more refined list can be found on the DWQ Stormwater Unit
Web site (http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/su/stormwater.html).
CHAPTER 5 - Stormwater and Water Quality Impacts 78
Sediment is often viewed as the largest pollutant associated with stormwater runoff.
Overloading of sediment in the form of sand, silt and clay particles fills pools and covers or
embeds riffles that are vital to benthic and fish communities. Suspended sediment can decrease
primary productivity (i.e., photosynthesis) by shading sunlight from aquatic plants, thereby
affecting the overall productivity of a stream system. Suspended sediment also has several
effects on various fish species including avoidance and redistribution, reduced feeding efficiency
which leads to reduced growth by some species, respiratory impairment, reduced tolerance to
diseases and toxicants and increased physiological stress (Roell, 1999).
Sediment filling rivers, streams and reservoirs decreases their storage capacity and increases the
frequency of floods (NCDLR, 1998). Sediment also carries nutrients, fertilizers, pesticides,
metals and other potentially toxic substances to a surface waterbody. The pollutants
consequently increase the cost of treating municipal drinking water and impact aquatic
communities. Sediment loading can be exceptionally high in areas of heavy construction activity
if sediment and erosion control measures are not properly installed and maintained.
The nutrients most often identified in stormwater runoff are nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P).
While nutrients are beneficial to aquatic life in small amounts, excessive levels can stimulate
algal blooms and plant growth, which can lead to low dissolved oxygen levels and eutrophication
(especially in reservoirs and small impoundments). Nutrients in surface waters come from both
point and nonpoint sources. In an urban environment, nutrients are often associated with
landscaping practices (commercial and home lawn management), leaking sanitary sewers and
failing on-site waste management systems and waste from domesticated pets (i.e. dogs and cats)
and urban wildlife (i.e., pigeons, raccoons, rats, squirrels, etc.).
Sources of organic matter include leaking sanitary sewers and failing on-site wastewater (septic)
systems, garbage, yard waste, waste from animals and natural materials such as leaves, grass and
tree branches. Decomposition of this material by several different types organisms in surface
waters decreases the amount of dissolved oxygen available for other aquatic organisms. Too
much or not enough can severely impact water quality and aquatic habitats.
Sources of bacteria include leaking sanitary sewers and failing on-site wastewater (septic)
systems, garbage, waste from animals and naturally occurring microbes within urban and rural
environments. High levels of bacteria will impact recreational use and aquatic habitats and may
pose an environmental health risk.
CHAPTER 5 - Stormwater and Water Quality Impacts 79
Oil, grease and lubricating agents can be readily transported by stormwater to the nearest surface
waterbody. The intensity of activities, such as vehicle traffic, automotive maintenance and
fueling, leaks and spills and manufacturing processes, contribute heavily to the level of these
pollutants present in the adjacent stream.
Metals, pesticides, herbicides and hydrocarbons are toxic substances that can potentially enter a
surface waterbody through stormwater runoff. Such toxic substances can immediately impact an
aquatic community and potentially accumulate in the bottom sediments.
Heavy metals such as copper, lead, zinc, arsenic, chromium and cadmium are often found in
stormwater runoff from heavily urbanized areas. Metals in stormwater may be toxic to some
aquatic life and may accumulate in the bottom sediments and in the tissue of some fish. Urban
sources of metals in stormwater may include automobiles, paints, preservatives, motor oil and
various industrial activities.
The temperature of stormwater runoff increases as it flows over impervious surfaces. Also, the
removal of natural vegetation along streambanks (especially trees) can dramatically influence the
temperature of a waterbody by direct solar radiation. Water temperature can also increase in
shallow ponds and impoundments if they are not shaded. In some cases, higher temperatures
may also promote plant and algal growth, which in turn will impact primary producers by
reducing oxygen levels and reducing light availability. Higher temperatures over time will
impact and even change the aquatic community within a waterbody.
Because water cannot adsorb into the ground, pollutants are delivered directly to surface
waterbodies. During rain events, streamflow often increases and peaks earlier than in
undeveloped watersheds. Streambank scour from these frequent high flow events tends to
enlarge streams and increase suspended sediment. Scouring also destroys aquatic habitat,
leading to degradation of aquatic insect populations and the loss of fisheries. Flooding frequency
also increases in developed watersheds and can be devastating when small streams are
channelized (straightened) or piped, and storm sewer systems are installed to readily transport
stormwater downstream (EPA, 1999). It is well established that stream degradation begins to
occur when 10 percent or more of a watershed is covered with impervious surfaces (Schueler,
CHAPTER 5 - Stormwater and Water Quality Impacts 80
Too much paving and surface compaction in a watershed also reduces infiltration and
groundwater levels. This reduction decreases the availability of aquifers, streams and rivers for
drinking water supplies. Greater numbers of homes, stores and businesses require greater
quantities of water. They also lead to more discharge and runoff of waste and pollutants into the
state’s streams, rivers, lakes and estuaries. Thus, just as demand and use increases, some of the
potential water supply is also lost (Orr and Stuart, 2000).
The goal of federal and state stormwater discharge permitting regulations and programs is to
prevent pollution from entering the waters of the nation via stormwater runoff. These programs
try to accomplish this goal by controlling the source(s) of pollutants. Federal programs include
regulations under the Phase I and Phase II National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) Stormwater Program. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established
the Phase I program in 1990 in response to amendments to the Clean Water Act. Phase II was
enacted in 1999 and expanded the NPDES Stormwater Program.
In North Carolina, the State Stormwater Management Program was established in the late 1980s
under the authority of the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission (EMC) and
North Carolina General Statute 143-214.7. The program codified in 15A NCAC 2H .1000
affects development activities that require an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (for
disturbances of one or more acres) or a major permit required under the Coastal Area
Management Act (CAMA) within one of the 20 coastal counties and/or development draining to
Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) or High Quality
Waters (HQW). Waters of the state are also protected
under the Water Supply Watershed Program.
EPA Stormwater Rules
Phase I – December 1990
Requires a NPDES permit for municipal
storm sewer systems (MS4s) serving
populations of 100,000 or more.
Requires a NPDES stormwater permit for
ten categories of industries.
Phase I of the EPA stormwater program started in 1990
in response to amendments to the Clean Water Act.
Phase I required NPDES permit coverage to address
stormwater runoff from medium and large stormwater
sewer systems serving populations of 100,000 or more
Requires a NPDES stormwater permit for
construction sites that are 5 acres or more.
Phase I also has requirements for ten categories of
industrial sources to be covered under stormwater
permits. Industrial activities which require permitting
are defined in categories ranging from sawmills and
landfills to manufacturing plants and hazardous waste
treatment, storage or disposal facilities. Construction
sites disturbing greater than five acres are also required
to obtain an NPDES stormwater permit under Phase I.
North Carolina’s DWQ is responsible for implementing
the Phase I NPDES Stormwater Program. More information about Phase I can be found on the
Phase II – December 1999
Requires a NPDES permit for some
municipal storm sewer systems serving
populations under 100,000, located in
urbanized areas.
Provides a "no stormwater exposure"
exemption to industrial facilities covered
under Phase I.
Requires a NPDES stormwater permit for
construction sites that disturb one to five
acres of land.
CHAPTER 5 - Stormwater and Water Quality Impacts 81
DWQ Stormwater Unit Web Site
(http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/su/NPDES_Phase_I_Stormwater_Program.htm) and on the EPA Web
Site (http://cfpub.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/swphases.cfm).
Phase II of the NPDES Stormwater Program was signed into law in December 1999. The law
builds upon the existing Phase I program by requiring smaller communities and public entities
that own and operate a municipal storm sewer system (MS4) to apply and obtain an NPDES
permit for stormwater discharge. Construction sites greater than one acre are also required to
obtain an NPDES stormwater permit under Phase II in addition to establishing erosion and
sedimentation controls.
Local governments permitted under Phase II are required to develop and implement a
comprehensive stormwater management program that includes six minimum measures:
1) Public education and outreach on stormwater impacts.
2) Public involvement/participation.
3) Illicit discharge detection and elimination.
4) Construction site stormwater runoff control.
5) Post-construction stormwater management for new development and redevelopment.
6) Pollution prevention/good housekeeping for municipal operations.
Those municipalities and counties required to obtain a NPDES stormwater permit under the
Phase II rules are identified using the 1990 US Census for Designated Urban Areas and the
results of the 2000 US Census. Based on federal census data, EPA identified 123 cities and 33
counties in North Carolina that may be required to obtain permits under Phase II.
EPA delegated Phase II implementation to each state, and in 1999, DWQ, under the direction of
the EMC, initiated a rulemaking process. In 2002, the EMC adopted temporary stormwater rules
and by 2003 had adopted permanent rules that were to become effective August 1, 2004.
In early 2004, the Rules Review Commission (RRC) objected to the proposed Phase II
stormwater rules for failure to comply with the Administrative Procedures Act and lack of
statutory authority. The EMC challenged the decision of the RRC in court (EMC v. RRC 04
CVS 3157). A Wake County Superior Court ruled in the EMC’s favor, and the RRC
subsequently approved the EMC’s rules. However, while the case was pending, the legislature
enacted a separate set of requirements in 2004 that were designed to replace the EMC rules.
These rules included NPDES stormwater rules covering owners and operators of storm sewer
systems and State stormwater rules covering activities in urbanizing areas. The EMC amended
the rules at their November 10, 2005 meeting to address objections raised by the RRC during the
October 2005 EMC meeting. The inconsistency between the legislative requirements and the
EMC rules necessitated consideration of Senate Bill 1566 in the 2006 short session.
The legislature approved Session Law 2006-246, Senate Bill 1566. It includes provisions for
development projects that cumulatively disturb one acre or more of land in Phase II
municipalities and counties. The development projects must comply with the post-construction
CHAPTER 5 - Stormwater and Water Quality Impacts 82
stormwater standards set out in the bill. The bill also sets criteria whereby unincorporated areas
of counties will be subject to Phase II requirements. Under these criteria, 25 counties are fully
covered and eight counties have portions that are subject to Phase II stormwater requirements.
The bill also provides a designation and petition process by which additional local governments
and other entities may be required to obtain a stormwater permit.
The bill provides an implementation schedule that requires regulated entities to apply for an
NPDES stormwater management permit within 18 months of being notified that it is a regulated
entity subject to the requirements of this act. A regulated entity must implement its post-
construction program no later than 24 months from the date the permit is issued and fully
implement its permitted program within five years of permit issuance.
The bill also authorizes the EMC to adopt Phase II stormwater management rules. If the EMC
adopts rules, the rules must be substantially identical to the provisions of this act and will be
automatically subject to review by the General Assembly and not subject to review by the RRC.
The bill became effective retroactively to July 1, 2006. The 2006 Stormwater Requirements
under Senate Law 2006-246 are listed in Table 5-1.
More information about Phase II can be found on the DWQ Stormwater Unit Web site
(http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/su/NPDES_Phase_II_Stormwater_Program.htm) and the EPA Web
site (http://cfpub.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/swphases.cfm). The DWQ Web site includes a
detailed history of the rulemaking process and lists those municipalities and counties that may be
subject to Phase II stormwater permits.
In the 2006 session of the NC General Assembly,
Session Law 2006-246 was adopted and introduced
additional stormwater controls in coastal counties.
Session Law 2008-211 became law in October 1, 2008
and extended more stringent post-construction
stormwater controls to lands adjacent to SA and ORW
waters and throughout the 20 coastal counties. The
2008 legislation implements a lower threshold as to
where the stormwater treatment requirements apply.
Table 5-1 compares the new requirements to those that
were implemented by Session Law 2006-246. All
residential development requiring a sedimentation and
erosion control plan approval from the Division of
Land Resources or a Coastal Area Management Act
permit continues to require a stormwater control permit.
Low-Density Projects: Development projects that are
located within one-half mile of and draining to SA
Waters are considered low density if they contain no more than 12 percent built-upon area. A
project that is not located within one-half mile of SA Waters is a low-density project if it
contains no more than 24 percent built-upon area or no more than two dwelling units per acre.
Figure 5-1 Twenty Coastal Counties
Source: http://dcm2.enr.state.nc.us/
CHAPTER 5 - Stormwater and Water Quality Impacts 83
Table 5-1: Coastal Stormwater Rules Chart
Includes ALL Areas within the 20 Coastal Counties
Old Requirements Requirements as of Oct. 1, 2008
Threshold for Permit
Coverage for Any
and All Development
Activities that require a CAMA
major permit or an Erosion &
Sedimentation Control Plan (sites
that disturb one acre or greater)
Activities that require a CAMA major permit
or an Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan
(sites that disturb one acre or greater)
Threshold for Permit
Coverage for
Same coverage requirements as
In addition to the coverage requirements
above, activities that add more than 10,000
square feet of built upon area. Non-Residential
Vegetative Setback
Requirement –
30 feet from surface waters (for
Low Density projects only)
30 feet from surface waters for
redevelopment projects (for both Low and
High Density projects) Re-development
Vegetative Setback
Requirement –
New development
30 feet from surface waters (for
Low Density projects only)
50 feet from surface waters for new
development projects (for both Low and
High Density projects)
Wetlands &
Portions of wetlands may be
included in the calculations to
determine the built upon area
percentage per DWQ Policy (Oct.
5, 2006)
No CAMA-jurisdictional wetlands areas may
be included in the calculations to determine
the built upon area percentage. All other
wetlands can be included in the
Within the 20 Coastal Counties and within ½ Mile of Shellfishing Waters (SA waters) &
within 575 ft. of ORW
Old Requirements New Requirements
Low Density
Threshold *
Built upon area of 25% or less Built upon area of 12% or less (Maximum
built upon area of 25% for ORW)
Stormwater Control
Requirement for High
Density Projects
Control and treat the runoff from
the first 1.5 inches of rainfall.
Control and treat runoff generated by 1.5
inches of rainfall –OR– the difference in
runoff from the pre and post development
conditions for the 1-year, 24-hour storm
(whichever is greater*)
No discharge for the first 1.5
inches of rainfall
No new points of discharge for the design
storm (see above)
Types of Stormwater
Infiltration is the only control
All types of stormwater controls are
allowed, with some restrictions
Within the 20 Coastal Counties and NOT within ½ Mile of Shellfishing Waters (non-SA
Old Requirements New Requirements
Low Density
Threshold *
Built upon area of 30% or less Built upon area of 24% or less
Stormwater Control
Requirement for High
Density Projects
Control the runoff generated by
1.0 inches of rainfall
Store, control and treat runoff generated by
1.5 inches of rainfall
CHAPTER 5 - Stormwater and Water Quality Impacts 84
Low-density projects must use vegetated conveyances to the maximum extent practicable to
transport stormwater runoff from the project area.
High-Density Projects: Projects that are located within one-half mile of and draining to Shellfish
Waters are considered high density if they contain more than 12 percent built-upon area. A
project that is not located within one-half mile of shellfish waters is a high-density project if it
contains more than 24 percent built-upon area or more than two dwelling units per acre. High-
density projects must use structural stormwater management systems that will control and treat
runoff from the first 1.5 inches of rain. In addition, projects that are located within one-half mile
and draining to shellfish waters must control and treat the difference in the stormwater runoff
from the pre-development and post-development conditions for the one-year twenty-four hour
storm as well as meet certain design standards.
Additional Projects: Non-residential properties are required to treat stormwater if the built-upon
area is increased by 10,000 square feet. Residential development within one-half mile of
Shellfish Resource Waters that expands the built-upon area by 10,000 square feet will also have
to manage stormwater by reduce impervious surfaces or collecting it.
The Statewide Stormwater Management Program requires developments to protect Outstanding
Resource Waters (ORW) or High Quality Waters (HQW) by maintaining a low density of
impervious surfaces, maintaining vegetative buffers and transporting runoff through vegetative
conveyances. The program, codified in 15A NCAC 2H .1000, affects development activities
that require an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan for disturbances of one or more acres. It also
pertains to the 20 coastal counties that are required to obtain major permits under CAMA.
Under the statewide stormwater program, low-density development thresholds vary from 12 to
30 percent built-upon area (impervious surface) depending on the classification of the receiving
stream. If low-density design criteria cannot be met, then high-density development requires the
installation of structural best management practices (BMPs) to collect and treat stormwater
runoff from the project. High-density BMPs must control runoff from the 1- or 1.5-inch rain
event (depending on the receiving stream classification) and remove 85 percent of the total
suspended solids. More information about the Statewide Stormwater Management Program can
be found on the DWQ Stormwater Unit Web site (http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/su/state_sw.htm).
5.3.5 Water Supply Watershed Stormwater Management
The purpose of the Water Supply Watershed Protection Program is to provide a proactive
drinking water supply protection program for communities. Local governments administer the
program based on state minimum requirements. There are restrictions on wastewater discharges,
development, landfills and residual application sites to control the impacts of point and nonpoint
sources of pollution. The program attempts to minimize the impacts of stormwater runoff by
utilizing low-density development or stormwater treatment in high-density areas. More
information about water supply watersheds can be found on the DWQ Water Supply Watershed
Protection Program Web site (http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/wswp/).
CHAPTER 5 - Stormwater and Water Quality Impacts 85
5.3.6 Universal Stormwater Management Program (USMP)
The Universal Stormwater Management Program (USMP) is an optional, voluntary stormwater
management program developed by DWQ that will allow local governments to adopt and
implement a single, simplified set of stormwater rules within their jurisdiction. The USMP is
available to local governments that adopt an ordinance that complies with the rule and receives
approval from the EMC. For those entities that adopt the program the rule outlines requirements
that apply to development and redevelopment activities that meet defined thresholds. In the 20
coastal counties, the threshold is projects that disturb 10,000 square feet or more or disturb less
than 10,000 square feet but are part of a larger common plan of development or sale. For the 80
non-coastal counties, the thresholds are:
Residential development activity that disturbs one or more acres of land.
Residential development activity that disturbs less than one acre of land but is part of a
larger common plan of development or sale.
Non-residential development activities that disturb 0.5 acre or more.
The USMP incorporates the latest research regarding the most effective control and treatment of
stormwater pollution. It requires stormwater controls, such as the detention of stormwater to
settle solids and modify its force and volume, for projects that meet or exceed the thresholds. In
areas where stormwater drains to shellfish resource waters or those waters designated for
shellfish harvesting (Class SA), measures must be taken to control fecal coliform. New and
expanded stormwater outfalls are also prohibited.
The USMP became effective January 1, 2007. More information about USMP can be found on
the DWQ Stormwater Unit Web site (http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/su/usmp.htm).
Impervious surfaces are materials that prevent infiltration of water into the soil and include
roads, rooftops and parking lots (Figure 5-2). Impervious surfaces alter the natural hydrology,
prevent the infiltration of water into the ground, and concentrate the flow of stormwater over the
landscape. In undeveloped watersheds, stormwater filters through the soil, replenishing
groundwater quantity with water of good quality. Vegetation in any watershed holds soil in
place, slows the flow of stormwater over land and filters out some pollutants, by both slowing
the flow of the water and trapping some pollutants in the root system.
Wide streets, large cul-de-sacs, long driveways and sidewalks lining both sides of the street are
all features of urban development that create excess impervious cover and replace natural areas.
To reduce the amount of imperviousness in a watershed, new construction designs should
include plans to prevent or minimize the amount of runoff leaving the site. In many instances,
the presence of intact riparian (vegetative) buffers and/or wetlands in urban areas can reduce the
impacts of urban development. Establishing and protecting riparian buffers should be considered
CHAPTER 5 - Stormwater and Water Quality Impacts 86
and incorporated in to design plans when practicable, and the amount of impervious cover should
be limited as much as possible.
Figure 5-2 Impervious Surfaces and Surface Runoff
Impervious cover in a watershed results in increased surface runoff. As little as 10 percent impervious cover
in a watershed can result in stream degradation (FISRWG, October 1998).
Mechanisms for controlling stormwater runoff can be grouped into preventative measures and
control measures. Preventative measures, or non-structural best management practices (BMPs),
work to reduce the impacts of stormwater runoff through changes in design, operation or
management to minimize or prevent the generation of runoff and the contamination of runoff
from pollutants. Preventative measures include land use management practices and source
reduction practices. Land use management practices use methods to best plan the way to locate
land uses within a jurisdictional area or project site to avoid environmental impacts. Source
reduction practices focus on locating the sources of the pollutants and implementing design and
operation changes that minimize or completely remove these sources. Preventative measures can
be very efficient and effective since they are implemented to keep pollutants from ever getting
CHAPTER 5 - Stormwater and Water Quality Impacts 87
into stormwater. The advantages of preventive measures are that they typically do not require
maintenance or technical or engineering designs. However, they do require administrative
resource commitments to ensure that they are continually implemented.
Control measures, or structural BMPs, are devices that are put in place to capture stormwater
flows and provide pollutant removal through filtering, infiltration, detention or some related
process. These measures may be limited in their ability to efficiently remove some pollutants
and may be fairly costly, but they often protect the riparian ecosystem, stabilize streambanks,
provide shade and reduce the likelihood of excessive water temperatures. Control measures
require jurisdictional commitments to long-term operation and maintenance to assure that the
measures continue to function properly.
Table 5-2 provides a list of structural and non-structural BMPs identified in the updated draft of
the Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual (July 2005) published by DWQ. The
manual provides a detailed discussion of each of the BMPs, including its characteristics,
pollutant-specific effectiveness, reliability, feasibility, costs, unknown use factors, design
considerations and references for more information. The manual and several stormwater
factsheets can be found on the DWQ Stormwater Unit Web site
Table 5-2 Examples of Structural and Non-Structural (Preventative) Stormwater BMPs
Stormwater Wetlands Public Education/Participation Illicit Connection Prevention
Bioretention Land use Planning/Management Controlling Leaking Sewer Lines
Wet Detention Basin Housekeeping Practices Vegetated Buffers
Dry Detention Basin Safer Alternative Products Household Hazardous Waste Collection
Grassed Swale Turf & Lawn Education/Management Used Oil Collection
Filter Strip Material Storage Control Spill Control (Vehicle and Aboveground
Storage Tanks) Infiltration Devices Vehicle-Use Reduction
Manufactured BMP Systems Storm Drain Stenciling Roadway Cleaning
Vegetated Buffer
Permeable Pavement
Rooftop Runoff Management
Sand Filter
CHAPTER 5 - Stormwater and Water Quality Impacts 88
Pubic awareness is an important part of reducing stormwater impacts. Unfortunately, not
everyone knows that the decisions they make today can have a significant impact on water
quality. A recent survey by NCDENR found that most North Carolinians are not familiar with
stormwater runoff and that is the primary source of water pollution in the state and across the
nation. The survey was administered by East Carolina University (ECU) Center for Survey
Research and found that:
Thirty-seven percent of respondents knew that stormwater is not treated but instead
routed directly to the nearest surface waterbody.
Forty percent of respondents washed their car on their driveway instead of in the grass.
Car washing can introduce soap, brake dust and road dirt to surface waterbodies.
Five percent of respondents applied fertilizer to their yards monthly. Over application
can result in increase nitrogen and phosphorus levels in surface waterbodies.
The majority of the respondents did not clean up after their pets. Pet waste introduces
bacteria and nutrients to surface waterbodies during a rain event (Bartlett, 2005).
“Good housekeeping” in our own backyards is essential and reduces the volume of stormwater
leaving an individual site. Reducing the amount of pollutants used in our own backyards can
also minimize the impact of stormwater runoff. DWQ has published a pamphlet entitled
Improving Water Quality in Your Own Backyard: Stormwater Management Starts at Home. The
pamphlet provides information on how homeowners and businesses can reduce the amount of
runoff leaving their property and how to reduce the amount and types of pollutants in that runoff.
This pamphlet is available on the DWQ Web site
Table 5-3 identifies several additional recommendations for controlling stormwater runoff.
Several stormwater BMP fact sheets and manuals are also available on-line, including:
EPA Stormwater Outreach Materials and Reference Documents
City of Raleigh Stormwater Management Design Manual
City of Wilmington – Stormwater Services
A Citizens Guide to Protection Wilmington’s Waterways
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Land Development Standards Manual
North Carolina Cooperative Extension Publications through Urban
Waterways and Home*A*System www.ces.ncsu.edu
CHAPTER 5 - Stormwater and Water Quality Impacts 89
Table 5-3 Recommendations for controlling stormwater runoff
Create public education programs advising citizens on how to minimize stormwater pollution.
Support stream cleanup programs such as Big Sweep.
Create and enforce strict penalties for improper waste disposal.
Fence dumpsters and clean them regularly.
Institute land use planning, which reduces flooding by limiting impervious surfaces, directs runoff
into vegetated areas or stormwater control devices, and directing growth away from sensitive
areas. These actions will help protect water quality. LOCAL
GOVERNMENTS Review local ordinances pertaining to parking, curb and gutter locations. Design parking lots with
overflow areas in grass. Eliminate curbs and gutters to allow runoff to flow in sheetflow.
Protect open spaces and streamside buffers by preserving recreational areas and significant natural
Attend stormwater workshops.
Map the storm sewer system to identify stormwater problems.
Offer hazardous waste collection days.
Participate in stream cleanup programs such as Big Sweep.
Practice environmentally friendly lawn care.
Use less-harmful substances in the home for cleaning or painting to reduce the risk of problems with
septic tanks and sanitary sewers.
Educate adults and children on protecting water quality. For information contact the NC Office of
Environmental Education (www.eenorthcarolina.org).
CITIZENS Use hazardous waste collection centers for paints, petroleum products and other chemicals.
Never dispose of oil, yard wastes or other materials in storm drain inlets or on lands which drain
directly to nearby streams.
Maintain and protect riparian buffers on private property. Buffers remove pollutants, including
sediment, nutrients and toxic substances. They are also a cost-effective form of flood insurance
and can increase property value.
Support your local government’s land use planning initiatives.
Incorporate stormwater management in project planning and avoid environmentally sensitive areas,
such as floodplains and wetlands. DEVELOPERS
Maintain natural drainage ways and buffers along streams.
Maintain and protect riparian buffers on commercial property. Buffers remove sediment, nutrients
and toxic substances.
Cover and contain waste materials to prevent contaminated runoff from disposal areas. BUSINESSES Practice good housekeeping and promote good water quality by operating a clean and litter-free
Institute hazardous waste collection sites for used oil, antifreeze, paint and solvents.
Through an agreement between the EPA and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
an international stormwater BMP database has been created to scientifically improve the design,
selection and performance of stormwater BMPs. Over 200 stormwater BMPs can be found here
along with in-depth information about each one. The database and more information can be
found at ISBMPD Web site (www.bmpdatabase.org/).
CHAPTER 5 - Stormwater and Water Quality Impacts 90
Bartlett, Chrystal. 2005. Stormwater Knowledge, Attitude and Behaviors: A 2005 Survey of
North Carolina Residents. Raleigh: NC.
Federal Interagency Stream Corridor Restoration Working Group (FISCRWG). October 1998.
Stream Corridor Restoration: Principles, Processes and Practices. U.S. Government Printing
Office Item No. 0120-A; SuDOCs No. A 57.6/2:EN 3/PT.653. ISBN 0-934213-59-3.
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR). Division of
Land Resources (DLR). Land Quality Section. 1998. What is Erosion and Sedimentation?
Raleigh, NC.
___. Division of Water Quality (DWQ). Stormwater Unit. July 2007. Updated Draft Manual
of the Stormwater Best Management Practices.
Orr, D.M., Jr. and A.W. Stuart. 2000. The North Carolina Atlas. The University of North
Carolina Press: Chapel Hill, NC.
Roell, Michael J. June 1999. Sand and Gravel Mining in Missouri Stream Systems: Aquatic
Resource Effects and Management Alternatives. Missouri Department of Conservation.
Conservation Research Center. Columbia, MO.
Schueler, T.R. 1995. Site Planning for Urban Stream Protection. Metropolitan Washington
Council of Governments: Washington D.C.
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 1999. Watershed Academy Web site: