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CHAPTER 4 - Sources of Water Quality Stressors 67
When evaluating water quality stressors, DWQ evaluates and identifies the source of the stressor
as specifically as possible depending on the amount of information available for that particular
watershed. Sources are most often associated with the predominant land use where the altered
hydrology is able to easily deliver the water quality stressor to the waterbody. Construction,
stormwater outfalls, agriculture and impervious surface are just a few of the sources that can be
identified in any given watershed. This chapter provides an overview of point and nonpoint
sources of pollution, identifies sources of nonpoint source (NPS) pollution and describes several
state and federal programs that focus on reducing the impacts of pollution.
Point source (PS) pollution refers to pollution that
enters surface waters through a pipe, ditch or other
discrete, well-defined discharge. The most common
point source pollutants are oxygen-consuming
wastes, nutrients and toxic substances including
chlorine, ammonia and metals.
Point source pollution applies primarily to
wastewater and stormwater discharges from
municipal (city and county) and industrial
wastewater treatment plants and small domestic
wastewater treatment systems that serve schools,
commercial properties, residential subdivisions and
individual homes. There are several federal and
state regulations in place to control point sources. These include wastewater and stormwater
permits issued through the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Program.
Figure 4-1 Example of Point Source
Pollution (Encarta
Encyclopedia Online)
The Clean Water Act of 1972 initiated strict control of wastewater discharges and assigned
enforcement responsibility to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA created the
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) to track and control point sources of
pollution. The primary method of control is the issuance of discharge permits with limitations on
wastewater flow and constituents. The EPA delegated permitting authority to the State of North
Carolina in 1975. All wastewater discharges to surface waters in the State of North Carolina
must receive a permit to control water pollution.
DWQ’s NPDES Permitting and Compliance Program is responsible for administering NPDES
for the state. The NPDES Permitting and Compliance Program must determine the quality and
quantity of treated wastewater that can be discharged into a receiving stream. An NPDES permit
will specify an acceptable level of a pollutant in a discharge (i.e., bacteria, nitrate, ammonia, pH,
biochemical oxygen demand, total suspended solids, etc.) in order to protect water quality.
Conservative methods are used to calculate the acceptable level, based on the assimilative
CHAPTER 4 - Sources of Water Quality Stressors 68
capacity and designated uses of the receiving stream. The permittee may choose which
technologies to use to achieve the level specified in the permit. NPDES permits ensure that both
North Carolina's mandatory standards for clean water and federal minimum requirements are
met. As a delegated state, North Carolina has the authority to establish state water quality
standards more stringent than the federal standards established by EPA. More information about
wastewater treatment can be found in Chapter 9.
The goal of DWQ’s stormater discharger permitting regulations and programs is to prevent
pollution from entering the waters of the sate via stormwater runoff. These programs try to
accomplish this goal by controlling the source(s) of pollution and include the federal NPDES
Phase I and Phase II rules and regulations, state stormwater requirements and requirements
associated with the Water Supply Watershed Program. Below is a brief description of each of
the stormwater programs. More information about stormwater management can be found in
Chapter 5.
NPDES Phase I Stormwater Program: Phase I of the NPDES stormwater program started as an
amendment to the Clean Water Act in 1990. Phase I requires NPDES permit coverage to address
stormwater runoff from medium and large stormwater sewer systems serving populations of
100,000 or more. Phase I also has requirements for ten categories of industrial sources to be
covered under stormwater permits. Industrial activities which require permitting are defined in
categories ranging from sawmills and landfills to manufacturing plants and hazardous waste
treatment, storage or disposal facilities. Construction sites disturbing greater than five acres are
also required to obtain an NPDES stormwater permit under Phase I.
NPDES Phase II Stormwater Program: Phase II of the NPDES stormwater program was signed
into law in December 1999. EPA delegated Phase II implementation to each state, and DWQ,
under the direction of the Environmental Management Commission (EMC), initiated a
rulemaking process. In 2002, the EMC adopted temporary stormwater rules and by 2003 had
adopted permanent rules that were to become effective August 1, 2004. However, in early 2004,
the Rules Review Commission (RRC) objected the proposed Phase II stormwater rules for
failure to comply with the Administrative Procedures Act and lack of statutory authority. As a
result, the legislature approved Session Law 2006-246, Senate Bill 1566 in 2006. It includes
provisions for projects that cumulatively disturb one acre or more of land in Phase II
municipalities and counties and sets criteria whereby unincorporated areas of counties will be
subject to Phase II requirements. Under these criteria, 25 counties are fully covered and eight
counties have portions that are subject to Phase II stormwater requirements. The bill also
provides a designation and petition process by which additional local governments and other
entities may be required to obtain a stormwater permit.
Phase II builds upon the existing Phase I program by requiring smaller communities (population
< 100,000) and public entities that own and operate a municipal separate storm sewer system
(MS4) to apply and obtain an NPDES permit for stormwater discharges. Local governments
permitted under Phase II are required to develop and implement a comprehensive stormwater
management program that includes six minimum measures. These measures include public
CHAPTER 4 - Sources of Water Quality Stressors 69
education, public involvement, illicit discharge detection and elimination, pollution prevention
and post-construction stormwater management.
North Carolina’s State Stormwater Management Program: The State Stormwater Management
Program was established in the late 1980s under the authority of the EMC and North Carolina
General Statute 143-214.7. The program affects development activities that require either an
Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (for disturbances of one or more acres) or a Coastal Area
Management Act (CAMA) major permit within one of the 20 coastal counties and/or
development draining to Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) or High Quality Waters (HQW).
The program requires new developments to protect ORW and HQW waters by maintaining low-
density development, restricting impervious surfaces, maintaining vegetative buffers and
transporting runoff through vegetated conveyances.
Water Supply Watershed Stormwater Rules: The purpose of the Water Supply Watershed
Protection Program is to provide a proactive drinking water supply protection program for local
communities. Local governments administer the program based on state minimum requirements.
There are restrictions on wastewater discharges, development, landfills and residual application
sites to control the impacts of point and nonpoint sources of pollution. The program attempts to
minimize the impacts of stormwater runoff by utilizing low-density development or stormwater
treatment in high-density areas.
Facilities with more than 2,500 swine, 1,000 slaughter and feeder cattle, 700 mature dairy cows
or 30,000 laying hens or broilers which discharge or propose to discharge waste to surface waters
are required to obtain an NPDES general or individual permit. Facilities with fewer numbers of
animals that discharge or propose to discharge waste to surface waters are also required to obtain
an NPDES permit under new guidance by the EMC. The permit must comply with both state
and federal requirements and reflect effluent limitations based on technological capability, water
quality standards and more stringent state requirements.
General permits are issued to facilities that involve the same or substantially similar operations,
have similar discharge characteristics, require the same effluent limitations or operating
conditions and require the same or similar monitoring. The basis for the animal waste NPDES
general permits can be found in the North Carolina General Statutes 143-215.1
215.1.html) and 143-215.10C
3-215.10C.html). Under new guidance by the EMC, the general permits now incorporate federal
requirements and include additional operational, monitoring and reporting requirements.
Individual permits may be required if the facility is a significant contributor of pollutants to
waters of the state; conditions of the permitted facility have changed, altering the constituents or
characteristics of the wastewater; noncompliance with the general permit or with DWQ rules;
and/or technology or practices to control or abate applicable pollutants changed. Individual
permits may also be issued if it has been determined that there is the potential for direct
discharge of wastewater, sludge or residuals to waters of the state. Factors considered when
CHAPTER 4 - Sources of Water Quality Stressors 70
making this determination include: chronic flooding (100-year floodplain), staging areas located
in or near a wetland and land application adjacent to a waterbody with special emphasis on
ORW, shellfish waters, critical habitats, water supply watersheds, wild and scenic rivers and
waters listed as impaired for nutrients or other pollutants found in animal wastes.
Both permits become effective on July 1, 2007 and will be applicable for five years. Each
facility will be covered under an animal waste permit by issuance of a certificate of coverage
(COC). More information on NPDES permits can be found on the DWQ Aquifer Protection
Section, Animal Feeding Operations Unit (AFOU) Web site
Nonpoint source (NPS) pollution refers to runoff that enters
surface waters through stormwater, snowmelt or atmospheric
deposition (i.e., acid rain). The majority of water quality
problems in North Carolina are the result of NPS pollution.
Nonpoint Sources of Pollution
Construction activities
Roads, parking lots and
rooftops Turf and lawn maintenance There are many types of land use activities that contribute to
nonpoint source pollution. Land development, construction,
forestry operations, mining operations, crop production,
animal feeding lots, failing septic systems, landfills, roads and
parking lots all contribute to NPS pollution (Table 4-1).
Failing septic systems and
straight pipes
Timber harvesting
Hydrologic modifications
Sediment and nutrients are major pollution-causing substances associated with NPS pollution.
Others include fecal coliform bacteria, heavy metals, oil and grease and any other substance that
may be washed off the ground or removed from the atmosphere and carried into surface waters.
Unlike point source pollution, however, NPS pollution is diffuse in nature and occurs
intermittently, depending on rainfall, snowmelt and topography. Sediment and nutrients are most
often associated with nonpoint source pollution. Given these characteristics, it is difficult and
resource intensive to quantify nonpoint contributions to water quality degradation in a given
When performed without protective best management practices (BMPs), agricultural activities
that may cause water quality impacts include confined animal facilities, grazing, plowing, stream
access, pesticide spraying, irrigation, fertilizing, planting and harvesting. The major agricultural
NPS pollutants that result from these activities are sediment, nutrients, pathogens, pesticide and
salts. Without proper BMPs in place, agricultural activities can also damage aquatic habitat and
stream channels. More information about agricultural activities can be found in Chapter 6.
CHAPTER 4 - Sources of Water Quality Stressors 71
Construction activities that entail excavation, grading or filling, such as road construction or land
clearing for development, can produce significant sedimentation if not properly controlled.
Sedimentation from developing urban areas can be a major source of pollution due to the
cumulative number of acres disturbed within a watershed. While construction activities are
typically a temporary pollution source, their impacts upon water quality can be severe and long
lasting. More information about construction, or land-disturbing, activities can be found in
Chapter 8.
Table 4-1 Activities, Sources and Solutions Associated with Nonpoint Source Pollution
Contour plowing
Terracing Erosion Land clearing or plowing Conservation tillage Sedimentation Grassed waterways
Vegetated buffer between fields and streams
Pesticides and fertilizers (including
chemical fertilizers and animal
Nutrients Integrated crop and pest management
Pesticides Soil testing
Construction of drainage ditches
on poorly drained soils
Maintaining natural stream channels Enhanced runoff Vegetated buffers
Oxygen-consuming wastes Fencing cattle and dairy cows from streams Fecal coliform bacteria Concentrated animal feed lot
operations and dairy farms Non-discharging animal waste lagoons Sediment
Nutrients Vegetated buffers
Golf courses may impact water quality in three ways. First, erosion can occur during
construction activities. Second, intensive turf management practices often rely heavily on the use
of fertilizers and chemical pesticides. Stormwater runoff then carries these pollutants to nearby
streams, impacting aquatic life and habitat. Third, golf courses impact water quality when stream
channels are altered or cleared of vegetation during construction and site maintenance.
Mining operations, if not properly conducted, can produce stream sedimentation. The North
Carolina Mining Act of 1971 applies to all persons or firms involved in any activity or process
that disturbs or removes surface soil for the purpose of removing minerals or other solid matter.
The Act also applies to activities that prepare, wash, clean or in any way treat minerals or other
solid materials in order to make them suitable for commercial, industrial or construction use.
While mining operations range from large quarries to small borrow pits, the NC Mining Act
applies only to those operations that impact one acre or more.
CHAPTER 4 - Sources of Water Quality Stressors 72
More than 52 percent of all housing units in North Carolina are served by on-site wastewater
(septic) systems. Most on-site wastewater treatment
systems are conventional septic systems that consist
of a tank, a distribution box and a series of
subsurface absorption lines with perforated pipes
laid in a gravel bed. The septic system provides a
natural method of treatment and disposal of
household wastes for homes that are not part of a
municipal sewage treatment system. Septic systems
can be a safe and effective method for treating
domestic wastewater as long as they are sized, sited
and properly maintained. Advanced on-site
wastewater systems utilize pre-treatment methods
such as filters and aerobic treatment and use
improved distribution systems such as pressure
dosing on sensitive sites.
Problems Associated with Malfunctioning Septic
Systems include:
Polluted Groundwater
Septic system pollutants include bacteria, nutrients,
toxic substances and oxygen-consuming wastes. Nearby
wells can become contaminated by these pollutants.
Polluted Surface Water
Groundwater can carry pollutants into surface waters
where they can harm aquatic ecosystems. Septic tanks
can also leak into surface waters through, or over, the
Human Health Risks
Malfunctioning septic systems can endanger human
health by contaminating nearby wells, drinking water
supplies and fishing and swimming areas.
In a septic system, household wastewater is separated into solids, liquids and gases by bacteria
and sedimentation in a two-chambered septic. The gases exit the system through the plumbing
roof vent while the solids float to the surface or settle to the bottom of the first chamber of the
tank. The liquid passes through the center of the chamber wall and receives additional
sedimentation and bacterialogical treatment in the second chamber before passing through a filter
at the outlet end of the tank. The treated liquid, or effluent, is then distributed throughout the
drainfield through a series of shallow subsurface pipes. Final treatment of the effluent occurs as
the soil absorbs and filters the liquid, and microbes break down the remaining waste into
harmless organic material.
If the tank and/or drainfield are improperly located, poorly constructed or not maintained, nearby
wells and surface waters may become contaminated. In some cases, wastewater illegally
discharges from homes directly to streams or the land surface through what is known as a
“straight pipe”. Straight pipes can carry black water, grey water or both. Black water refers to
raw sewage from toilets being discharged directly from homes into streams or the ground. Grey
water refers to the water that is used for washing dishes, bathing and laundry. It has a cloudy
appearance and often contains bacteria, nutrients, soaps, oils and greases. Straight piping and
failing septic systems are considered illegal wastewater discharges. More information about on-
site wastewater management can be found in Chapter 9.
Solid waste includes household trash, commercial or industrial wastes, refuse or demolition
waste and infectious or hazardous wastes. The improper disposal of these wastes can serve as a
primary source for a wide array of pollutants. The two major water quality concerns associated
with modern solid waste facilities are: leachate control and stabilization of the soils used to
CHAPTER 4 - Sources of Water Quality Stressors 73
cover many disposal facilities. When properly designed, constructed and operated, facilities
should have no significant impact to water quality.
Undisturbed forested areas are an ideal land cover for water quality protection because they
stabilize soils and produce balanced loading of organic matter to waterways. Forested stream
buffers also filter impurities in stormwater runoff from adjoining, nonforested areas.
Inappropriate forest management practices, however, can have significant impacts upon water
quality. Some adverse effects that can result from poorly managed forestry operations include
unstable soils, increased sedimentation and loss of riparian vegetation and canopy. Forestry
BMPs that minimize sediment loss and runoff must be implemented during timber harvest.
More information about forestry activities can be found in Chapter 7.
Natural streams with forested watersheds and vegetated riparian zones experience little overland
runoff - most rainfall percolates through the soil and enters the groundwater. Therefore, natural
streamflow is primarily the result of groundwater inputs. In urban areas, however, natural
vegetation is replaced with paved surfaces (impervious surfaces) and streamside vegetation is
often removed. Managed or manicured lawns also reduce the ability of the watershed to filter
pollutants before they enter a stream. In other words, urbanization increases the amount - and
decreases the quality - of stormwater runoff.
Studies have demonstrated that water quality begins to decline when only 10 to 15 percent of a
watershed is covered by impervious surfaces such as roads, rooftops and parking lots (Schueler,
1994), and recent work at North Carolina State University (NCSU) suggests that impacts to
aquatic life can occur at any level of disturbance (Gilliam et al., 2005). While it is widely known
that urban streams are often polluted, there are still a number of issues that need to be addressed,
such as the specific aspects of urbanization that cause degradation, the extent to which
urbanization alone is responsible for degradation and how to change human habits and reduce the
amount of pollutants that cause the degradation (Mulholland and Lenat, 1992).
There is also abundant information on the effects of urban runoff on aquatic communities.
Studies show that stream organisms are affected not only by water quality, but also by the
character of the physical habitat such as flow regime (Eagleson et al., 1990; Lenat et al., 1979).
Structures used to control flooding in urban areas often impact stream characteristics and flow.
Structures that prevent flooding often route water directly to streams. This is especially true in
urban landscapes where large amounts of impervious surfaces promote overland flow at the
expense of groundwater recharge. These structures also cause streamflows to rapidly increase
after rainfall events, which can lead to bottom scour - the physical movement of bedload - and
the disruption of stream biology and habitat.
One of the long-term results of increased overland flow is an accentuated summer low flow, due
primarily to a reduction in groundwater storage. Many streams in developed areas even stop
flowing during summer months, severely limiting the diversity of aquatic fauna. Because most
CHAPTER 4 - Sources of Water Quality Stressors 74
fish and macroinvertebrates in streams require flowing water, they may be adversely affected by
either extreme high or low flows. Urban development may affect streamflow by increasing flow
variability and/or by altering base flow.
Due to the chronic introduction of pollutants found in urban stormwater, along with an increase
in both the velocity and flow of urban stormwater into streams, attention to stormwater control in
urban areas is critical. Without proper BMPs, urban development can alter the hydrology of a
watershed and significantly increase the rate and flow of stormwater runoff. This often results in
downstream flooding, streambank erosion and severely degraded habitats.
Marinas, both freshwater and saltwater, can pose a great risk to water quality. A large source of
pollution from commercial and recreational boaters is sewage, along with litter and gasoline
spills. Each can cause any number of problems with wastewater carrying many different bacteria
or viruses that impact human health. Bacteria also impact shellfish harvesting areas and
recreational beaches. Oxygen that fish and other aquatic life depend on can be depleted during
waste decomposition. In coastal areas, many marinas are located in relatively shallow waters
away from large waves. This often makes the water stagnant and can have devastating effects on
the oxygen levels aquatic organisms depend on.
Sewage is also high in nutrients (i.e., nitrogen and phosphorus). Algal blooms (fast-growing
floating algae) block light from other plants growing on the bottom substrate. Once the algae
have used all of the nutrients, they begin to die. The decaying process for algae also depletes
oxygen from the water compounding any existing problems the waterbody may be having with
oxygen levels.
Many boat owners add chlorine and formaldehyde to their wastewater holding tanks to control
odor or to disinfect, which if released, can be toxic to aquatic life. Most of these chemical
additives are now biodegradable; however, if the wrong amount or the wrong type is added, it
can be toxic to aquatic life.
Stormwater outfalls are pipes that carry untreated stormwater runoff to the nearest waterbody.
As the runoff travels downslope, it picks up many different pollutants and carries them into a
stormwater inlet. The pipes divert the unfiltered runoff away from roads and parking lots and
carry the runoff to streams, rivers and estuaries. This untreated stormwater contains pollutants
such as oils and other liquids from vehicles, roadside litter, sediment, bacteria and many other
contaminates that can be toxic to aquatic life and may be harmful to humans. Stormwater
outfalls can lead to severe habitat degradation.
CHAPTER 4 - Sources of Water Quality Stressors 75
There are two commonly used approaches to address NPS pollution - prevention (nonstructural)
and engineered (structural) BMPs. Examples of pollution prevention measures include
minimizing built-upon areas, protecting of sensitive areas, optimum site planning, use of natural
drainage systems rather than curb and gutter, nutrient management strageties, public/farmer
education, storm drain stenciling and hazardous waste collection sites.
Engineered BMPs generally work by capturing, retaining and treating runoff before it leaves an
area. Some commonly used BMP types include stormwater wetlands, wet detention ponds, water
control structures, bioretention areas and infiltration basins. Higher levels of pollutant removal
can often be achieved through a combination of different control systems. The primary
advantage of engineered controls is that they are able to treat runoff from high-density
The current nonpoint source management trend involves a comprehensive “systems approach”
that incorporates an integrated system of preventive and control practices to accomplish NPS
pollution reduction goals. This approach emphasizes site planning, natural area protection and
cost-effective engineered controls for high-density areas. Several preventive and engineered
BMPs are identified throughout this document.
CHAPTER 4 - Sources of Water Quality Stressors 76
Eagleson, Kenneth W., David L. Lenat, Larry W. Ausley and Ferne Winborne. 1990.
Comparison of Measured Instream Biological Responses with Responses Predicted Using the
Ceriodaphnia Chronic Toxicity Test. Env. Toxicol. and Chem. Vol. 9, No. 8. pp 1019-1028.
Encarta Encyclopedia Online. May 2000. Pollution.
http://encarta.msn.com/find/concise.asp?ti=761570933&sid=4 - s4
Gilliam, J.F., H.I. Cakir and T.MacPherson. 2005. Urbanization and Decline in Water Quality:
Do Statistically Identifiable Thresholds Exist. 2005 WRRI Conference. Session B: Impacts of
Urbanization. www2.ncsu.edu/ncsu/wrri/conference/2005ac/pdf/Gilliam.pdf
Lenat, D.R., D.L. Penrose and K.W. Eagleson. 1979. Biological Evaluation of Nonpoint Source
Pollutants in North Carolina Streams and Rivers. North Carolina Department of Natural
Resources and Community Development. Biological Series 102. Raleigh, NC.
Mulholland, Patrick J. and David R. Lenat. 1992. Streams of the Southeastern Piedmont, Atlantic
Drainage, in Biodiversity of Southeastern United States/Aquatic Communities. John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.
Schueler, Tom. 1994. The Importance of Imperviousness. Watershed Protection Techniques. Vol.
1, No. 3. Fall 1994.