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CHAPTER 1 - The Importance of Water Quality 7
Water is one of the most important natural resources, but it is not always in the right place,
available at the right time or of the right quality. Improperly discarded chemical wastes of the
past, stormwater runoff, poorly maintained septic systems and many land-disturbing activities
add to the problems of quality and quantity of our water supplies today. The science of
hydrology has evolved to help us understand the complex water systems of the Earth and help
solve water quality and quantity problems. Hydrology evaluates the location, distribution,
movement and properties of water and its relationship with its environment. We must
understand all of the physical, chemical and biological processes involving water as it travels
through the water cycle if we are to learn how to protect it.
The hydrologic cycle (also
known as the water cycle) is
complex. It describes the
existence and movement of
water on, in and above the
earth. It involves climatic
changes, the earth materials
that water flows across and
through and land modifications
by both natural events and
human activities (USGS,
September 2006; Winter et al.,
1998). Water is always in
motion and changing forms,
from liquid to vapor to ice and
back again. The water cycle
has been working for billions
of years and all life on Earth
depends on it.
There really is no starting point
for the water cycle, and there
are many pathways it can travel
(Figure 1-1). Water may fall as
rain or snow, or it may return
to the atmosphere through
evaporation. Water can be captured in polar ice caps or flow off the land to rivers and eventually
to the sea. It can absorb into the soil and evaporate directly from the soil surface or be transpired
by growing plants. Water can percolate through the soil to groundwater reservoirs (aquifers)
where it is stored for many years. Water can also be drawn from wells or find openings in the
land surface and emerge as freshwater springs. Water keeps moving only to repeat the cycle all
over again (USGS, September 2006; USGS, August 2005a).
Figure 1-1 The Hydrologic Cycle
The transfer of water from precipitation to surface water and groundwater,
to storage and runoff and eventually back to the atmosphere is an ongoing
cycle (FISRWG, 1998).
CHAPTER 1 - The Importance of Water Quality 8
Precipitation, infiltration, evaporation, transpiration, storage and water use all play a significant
role in the water cycle. Precipitation is the amount of rainfall or snowfall. Precipitation can
impact streamflow, stormwater runoff, water quality and water quantity. Not all of the
precipitation that falls on the land, however, flows off. Instead, some of the water will absorb
into the soil where it can be used by plants and/or recharge a groundwater aquifer. Water’s
ability to infiltrate, or absorb, into the soil depends on many factors. The most important are soil
properties, vegetation (amount and type), existing land use, and storm characteristics (i.e.,
amount and rate of rainfall). These same factors will also determine the quality and quantity of
runoff into streams, rivers and oceans. Water that stays in the shallow soil layer will gradually
move downhill, through the soil and into a stream through the streambank.
Temperature, solar radiation, wind and atmospheric pressure control the amount of water that
returns to the atmosphere through evaporation. Evaporation in turn can influence the amount
and type of precipitation. Transpiration is controlled by many of the same factors as evaporation
but the type and amount of vegetation present within the watershed are also important. Plant
roots absorb water from the surrounding soil. The water then moves through the plant to escape
into the atmosphere through the leaves. Vegetation slows runoff from the land surface and
allows water to seep into ground.
Reservoirs store water. They also increase the amount of water that evaporates and/or infiltrates.
The storage and release of reservoir water can significantly affect streamflow patterns below the
outlet. Natural lakes, groundwater aquifers and wetland may also serve as storage areas that can
influence streamflow and the water cycle.
Water withdrawal also impacts how a
watershed functions and interacts with the
water cycle. Use might range from a few
homeowners or businesses pumping small
amounts of water to irrigate lawns. It could
also include large municipalities, industries,
mining operations and agricultural producers
pumping large amounts of water to support
water demands in the region (USGS, August
2005c). Either way, withdrawing water will
affect the rate of evaporation, transpiration
and infiltration in a watershed.
Figure 1-2 Groundwater Movement
Groundwater flow paths vary greatly in length, depth
and traveltime from points of recharge to points of
discharge (Winter et al., 1998).
CHAPTER 1 - The Importance of Water Quality 9
Infiltration is the downward movement of water from the land surface into soil or porous rock.
Whenever water falls as rain or snow, some of the water absobs into the subsurface soil and rock.
Part of the water that infiltrates will remain in the shallow soil layer. Here, it will gradually
move vertically and horizontally through the soil and subsurface material. Plants, grass and trees
will use some of the water in the shallow soil layer (unsaturated zone), but some of the water will
move deeper, recharging groundwater aquifers (Winter et al., 1998).
Like water in the shallow soil layer, groundwater can move both vertically and horizontally
(Figure 1-2). Water moving downward may meet more dense and water-resistant, non-porous
rock and soil (confining bed). When this happens, groundwater flows in a more horizontal
direction, generally towards streams and oceans (Winter et al., 1998).
Depending on the geography and geology of the area, groundwater can also move into deeper
aquifers. Downward movement depends on the permeability and the porosity of the subsurface
rock. If the characteristics of the rock allow water to move freely, groundwater can move
significant distances in a matter of days. Groundwater that sinks into deep aquifers can take
thousands of years to move back to the surface and into the water cycle. When it reenters the
water cycle, groundwater is a major contributor to streamflow, influencing river and wetland
habitats for plants and animals (Winter et al., 1998).
Nearly all surface waters (i.e., lakes, streams, reservoirs, wetlands, estuaries) interact with
groundwater. As a result, removing water from streams can deplete groundwater supplies, and
conversely, groundwater pumped from an aquifer can deplete water from streams, lakes or
wetlands. For these reasons, polluted surface water can degrade groundwater just as
contaminated groundwater can degrade surface water (Winter et al., 1998). These interactions
can influence water supplies, water quality and aquatic environments characteristics. Both
groundwater and surface water are essential for watershed management and water quality
Until recently, scientific understanding of groundwater and surface water interactions was
limited to large alluvial stream and aquifer systems. In recent years, however, interest in
interactions between groundwater and surface water has grown. This interest is the result of
widespread concerns related to water supply, contamination of drinking water supplies,
acidification of surface waters caused by atmospheric deposition, eutrophication of lakes, loss of
wetlands due to development and other changes in aquatic environments. Because of these
concerns, groundwater and surface water studies have expanded to include many other settings,
including headwater streams, lakes, wetlands and coastal areas (Winter et al., 1998).
CHAPTER 1 - The Importance of Water Quality 10
Streams interact with groundwater in three ways. Streams can gain water from the inflow of
groundwater through the streambed (gaining stream, Figure 1-3A); streams can lose water to
groundwater by outflow through the streambed (losing streams, Figure 1-3B); or they can do
both, gaining in some reaches and losing in others. In gaining streams, the water table near the
stream must be higher than the altitude of the stream itself. The opposite is true for losing
streams. Losing streams can be connected to the groundwater system by a continuous saturated
zone, or it can be “disconnected” (Figure 1-3C). Water withdrawn from either the groundwater
or surface water can influence the water level in the stream. Streamflow in streams that are
disconnected from the groundwater system, however, are not affected when water is withdrawn
(Winter et al., 1998).
Figure 1-3 Groundwater and Stream
Gaining streams receive water from groundwater systems
(A) and losing streams lose water to groundwater systems
(B). Disconnected streams are separated from the
groundwater system by an unsaturated zone (C) (Winter
et al., 1998).
Figure 1-4 Groundwater and Lake
Lakes can receive groundwater inflow (A), lose
water (B) or both (C) (Winter et al., 1998).
Lake Surface
Lake Surface
Lake Surface
Like streams, lakes interact with groundwater systems in three basic ways. Some lakes receive
groundwater inflow throughout the entire lakebed; some lose water throughout the lakebed; and
(perhaps most) lakes receive inflow and lose water at the same time (Figure 1-4). The water
levels in natural lakes do not change as quickly as levels in streams. They also take longer to
replenish. Lakes have a larger surface area and often less shaded than stream segments.
CHAPTER 1 - The Importance of Water Quality 11
Consequently, evaporation has a greater influence on lakes than on streams. Lake sediments can
play a significant role in the amount of inflow or loss. Sediments can also influence the cycling
of chemical and biological material (Winter et al., 1998).
Reservoirs are man-made lakes designed primarily to control the flow and distribution of surface
water. Since most reservoirs are constructed in stream valleys, they share many characteristics
with streams and lakes when it comes to groundwater interactions. Like streams, reservoirs can
have widely fluctuating water levels. The continuous flushing of water is affected by climatic
events and water use. Like lakes, reservoirs can experience significant water loss to evaporation.
They also direct the cycling of chemical and biological materials (Winter et al., 1998).
Wetlands can be found in climates and landscapes that cause groundwater to discharge directly
to the land surface or in areas that prevent water from draining from the land. Wetlands can
receive groundwater inflow, recharge groundwater or both. Those found on low points or
depressions in the landscape interact with groundwater much like streams and lakes. Unlike
streams, lakes and reservoirs, however, wetlands do not always occupy low points or depressions
in the landscape. They can also be found on slopes (i.e., fens) or on drainage divides (i.e., some
types of bogs). Wetlands found on slopes commonly receive a continuous supply of water from
a groundwater source. Wetlands on drainage divides, uplands or extensive flat areas, receive
much of their water from precipitation (Winter et al., 1998). Different water sources often lead
to very different chemical and biological characteristics.
Because coastal freshwater aquifers are so physically close to saltwater, unique issues arise.
Two primary issues are saltwater intrusions into freshwater aquifers and changes in the amount
and quality of freshwater discharging to coastal saltwater ecosystems. Saltwater intrusion is the
movement of saline water into freshwater aquifers.
In coastal areas where groundwater is the primary source of drinking water, saltwater can enter
into the freshwater aquifer especially in areas of heavy groundwater use. It is most often caused
by groundwater pumping from coastal wells but can also occur during times of drought.
Saltwater intrusion is unique because it reduces the freshwater storage capacity and can lead to
the abandonment of water supply wells where concentrations of dissolved ions exceed drinking
water standards. Salinity and nutrient concentrations can also significantly alter a coastal
ecosystem. Excess nitrogen and phosphorus from groundwater or surface water can lead to red
tides, fish kills and destroy coral reefs, sea grass habitats and shellfish growing areas (Barlow,
CHAPTER 1 - The Importance of Water Quality 12
Streamflow is the movement of water in a natural channel. A major element of the water cycle,
it is always changing. It is also the main pathway by which water moves from the land to the
ocean. Streamflow is largely influenced by the amount of precipitation (i.e., rain, snow, hail,
sleet) that runs off of the land surface and into streams or rivers. Streamflow also determines the
size and shape of a stream channel.
Nature and humans can impact streamflow. Surface runoff, evaporation, transpiration,
groundwater discharge, groundwater recharge, sedimentation, the formation or dissipation of
glaciers, snowfields and permafrost are all natural mechanisms influencing streamflow. Human
impacts include surface water withdrawals and interbasin transfers, construction and removal of
reservoirs and stormwater detention ponds, stream channelization, drainage or restoration of
wetlands, land-use changes (i.e., urbanization of forests and agricultural lands) and wastewater
outfalls (USGS, August 2005b).
Baseflow is precipitation that infiltrates the ground and moves slowly through the substrate
before it reaches the stream channel. Baseflow and stormflow can greatly influence the quantity
and speed of water moving through a stream channel. Groundwater sustains streamflow during
periods of little or no precipitation. Stormflow, on the other hand, is precipitation that reaches a
stream channel within a short period of time through overland or underground routes. At any
given time, streamflow may contain water from one or both sources. Streams can be categorized
based on the balance and timing of baseflow and stormflow.
Under normal weather conditions, streamflow is
largely composed of groundwater (baseflow), and it
follows the natural flow and movement of the
stream channel. Bank storage, or bankfull stage,
occurs when there is a rapid rise in the stream’s
water level. This causes water to move from the
stream into the streambanks. Bank storage usually
occurs during storm events, rapid snowmelt or
release of water from an upstream reservoir. The
water absorbs into the streambanks, maintaining
streamflow and keeping the stream within its
channel. As long as the water does not overtop the
streambanks, most of the water that enters the
streambanks returns to the stream within a few days
or weeks.
Figure 1-5 Streamflow and Bank Storage
When stream levels rise higher than adjacent
groundwater levels, stream water moves into
streambanks as bank storage (Winter et al., 1998).
Bank storage tends to reduce flood peaks and supplements streamflow during low flow
conditions. If the rise in water overtops the streambanks and exceeds the stream’s carrying
capacity, flooding occurs on the land surface. Depending on the frequency, magnitude and
intensity of the flooding, water may infiltrate and recharge groundwater aquifers or it can slowly
return to the stream channel (USGS, September 2006; Winter et al., 2006).
CHAPTER 1 - The Importance of Water Quality 13
Almost all natural streams have a
bankfull stage with a recurrence
interval of one to 1½ years. This
means that during a two-year storm
event, unaltered or natural stream
channels will flood. Water will
move through the channel and the
floodplain until the stream is back to
its normal elevation. Depending on
the amount of precipitation or
snowmelt, excess streamflow will
either enter the hydrologic or
topographic floodplain. The
hydrologic floodplain is land
adjacent to the baseflow channel, but
below the bankfull stage (Figure 1-
6). Because many streams have been channelized over the years, not every stream has a
hydrologic floodplain. The topographic floodplain is land adjacent to the channel. It includes
the hydrologic floodplain and other land features up to an elevation based on the flood peaks and
frequency (i.e., 100-year and 500-year flood). Floodplains provide temporary storage for water
and sediments moving through the watershed during rain events (FISCRWG, October 1998).
Figure 1-6 Hydrologic and Topographic Floodplains
A hydrologic floodplain is defined by the bankfull elevation. The
topographic floodplain includes the hydrologic floodplain and other land
features up to a defined elevation. Both floodplains store water and
sediment during heavy rain events (FISCRWG, October 1998).
Rivers react differently to storms and rain events depending on their size. In a small watershed,
a storm can cause 100 times more water to flow by each minute, compared to normal flow
conditions. Water levels in small rivers tend to rise and fall in just minutes or hours. Larger
rivers, however, may take days to rise and fall. The flooding can last for a number of days
because it may take several hours or even days for water to travel from the upper part of the
watershed to the lower part of the watershed.
Streams are classified as ephemeral, intermittent or perennial based on their baseflow.
Ephemeral streams flow only during or immediately after periods of precipitation. Ephemeral
streams usually flow less than 30 days per year. Intermittent streams flow only during certain
times of the year (i.e., seasonal streams) and streamflow usually lasts longer than 30 days per
year. Perennial streams flow continuously. If neither baseflow nor stormflow provides water to
a channel, the stream will go dry (FISCRWG, October 1998).
Stream ecosystems depend on variable streamflow. High flows carry and disperse nutrients and
sediments. High flows also reconnect floodplain wetlands to the stream channel. Low flows,
especially in large rivers, allow stream vegetation to disperse so that populations of a single
species exist in several locations along the stream corridor (FISCRWG, October 1998). Both
high flows and low flows are important. Each improves biological productivity and maintains
diversity throughout the stream corridor.
CHAPTER 1 - The Importance of Water Quality 14
Because stream ecosystems depend on streamflow, conditions may be placed on dam operations.
Some conditions specify mandatory minimum releases in order to maintain adequate water
quantity and quality in the length of stream affected by an impoundment. One of the primary
purposes of the North Carolina dam safety law is to ensure minimum streamflows below dams.
The North Carolina (NC) Division of Water Resources (DWR), in conjunction with the Wildlife
Resources Commission (WRC), recommend conditions related to flow release to satisfy
minimum instream requirements. The NC Division of Land Resources (DLR) issues permits for
dam construction, repair and maintenance. The permits specify minimum release requirements.
Under the authority of the U.S. Federal Power Act, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
(FERC) licenses all non-federal dams located on navigable United States waters that produce
hydropower for interstate commerce. The license may include requirements for flows for either
designated in-stream or off-stream uses.
Under the authority of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA), the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers (USACE) issues permits for the discharge of fill material into navigable waters. The
permit may also include requirements for flows for designated in-stream or off-stream uses. A
Section 404 permit applies to dams under state and federal regulatory authorities mentioned
above. It also covers structures (i.e., weirs, diversions, small dams) not under the USACE
Water quality problems associated with rainfall events usually involve degradation of aquatic
habitats. High flows may carry increased amounts of substances like metals, oils, herbicides,
pesticides, sand, clay, organic material, bacteria and nutrients. These substances may be toxic to
aquatic life (fish and insects), deplete oxygen and/or cause sedimentation. During drought
conditions, these pollutants become more concentrated in streams due to reduced flow. Summer
months are generally the most critical months for water quality. Dissolved oxygen is naturally
lower due to higher water temperatures, algae grow more readily due to longer periods of
sunlight, and streamflows are reduced. Long-term drought can compound these problems and
impacts to water quality and aquatic life can be catastrophic.
Acute impacts due to stormwater runoff are actually minimized during a drought. However,
when rain events do occur, the pollutants collected on the land surface are quickly delivered to
streams. When streamflows are below normal, the polluted runoff makes up a larger percentage
of the water flowing in the stream.
Point sources may also have water quality impacts during a drought, even though permit limits
are being met. Facilities that discharge wastewater have permit limits based on the historic low
flow conditions. During droughts, these wastewater discharges make up a larger percentage of
the water in streams. Consequently, this may result in lower dissolved oxygen concentrations
and a temporary increase in other pollutants.
CHAPTER 1 - The Importance of Water Quality 15
As streamflow decreases during drought conditions, habitat areas decrease, particularly along
lake shorelines. Dry conditions combined with increased water withdrawals strains available
water resources even further. Less habitat, lower streamflows, low dissolved oxygen levels and
higher water temperatures increases the potential for large fish kills. These conditions may stress
fish to the point where they become more susceptible to disease and stressors that normally
would not harm them.
These are also areas where longer retention times due to decreased flows allow algae to take full
advantage of the nutrients present. The result is algal blooms. During the daylight hours, algae
greatly increase the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, but at night, algal respiration and
die off may cause dissolved oxygen levels to drop low enough to cause fish kills. Besides
increasing the frequency of fish kills, algal blooms may also cause problems for water treatment
plants because of taste and odor problems in the finished drinking water.
A watershed is the geographic area where all water, sediment and
dissolved materials running off of the land drain to a given stream,
river, lake, wetland or coastal water (Figure 1-7). Surface water and
all of the underlying groundwater make up a watershed. The terms
catchment (catchment area, catchment basin), drainage area and river
basin are often used interchangeably with the word watershed.
Topographically, ridges, hills or mountains separate watersheds.
Watershed sizes vary depending on where the divide falls. A
watershed can be as small as a footprint in the mud or large enough to
encompass the entire land area that drains water to the Mississippi and
Missouri Rivers and the Gulf of Mexico. Larger watersheds contain
many smaller watersheds (USGS, September 2006; USGS, August
Geomorphology is the study of surface forms on the earth and the
processes that developed those forms. Geologically, geomorphic
processes are the primary way that drainage patterns, channel design,
floodplains and other watershed features. Erosion, sediment transport
and sediment deposition are all geomorphic processes that influence
watershed function (FISCRWG, October 2006). No matter how you look at it, watersheds are
important. Many things (natural and human-induced) affect streamflow, water quality and water
Figure 1-7 Watersheds
Larger watersheds contain many
smaller watersheds. Here, the
main watershed (yellow
boundary) contains several
smaller watersheds or catchment
areas (red boundaries). Blue
lines represent surface water
(National Atlas, October 2006).
Watersheds and their streamflow vary greatly depending on many factors. Some factors are
underlying geology, topography, drainage area, soil characteristics, climate and vegetation.
Despite their differences, however, all watersheds should perform the same functions – catch,
store and safely release water. These functions allow a watershed to recharge a groundwater
CHAPTER 1 - The Importance of Water Quality 16
aquifer, maintain a normal streamflow and provide clean water for aquatic and terrestrial plants
and animals (Palmetto Conservation Foundation and South Carolina DHEC, November 1999;
FISCRWG, October 1998).
Stream corridors are complex ecosystems that have significant economic, social, cultural and
environmental value. They regulate streamflow, store water, remove harmful materials (i.e.,
bacteria and some nutrients) from water and provide habitat for aquatic and terrestrial plants and
animals. They also function as dynamic crossroads in the landscape where materials (i.e,
minerals, nutrients), energy and organisms meet and interact. Much of this movement is
dependent on water. The movement of water, materials, energy and organisms within a
multidimensional framework forms the physical structure of a stream corridor (FISCRWG,
October 1998).
Stream corridors usually consist of three major elements – stream channel, floodplain and
transitional upland fringe. Stream channels and floodplains are discussed in previous sections of
this chapter. Transitional upland fringes are defined as the “transitional” zone between the
floodplain and the surrounding landscape (FISCRWG, October 1998). Changes within the
surrounding watershed will impact the physical, chemical and biological processes within the
stream corridor.
Stream corridors work within natural ranges to move sediment, control temperature, streamflow
and other variables creating a dynamic equilibrium. When changes in a watershed go beyond
their natural range, equilibrium is lost and the watershed no longer functions in the same way.
Over the years, human activities have contributed to changes in the dynamic equilibrium of
stream systems across the nation. Humans often manipulate the stream corridor for a wide
variety of purposes including domestic and industrial water supplies, irrigation, transportation,
hydropower, waste disposal, mining, flood control, timber management, recreation, aesthetics,
and more recently, fish and wildlife habitat. Increases in human population and industrial,
commercial and residential development place heavy demands on the country’s stream corridors
(FISCRWG, October 1998).
Natural streams share certain physical characteristics, regardless of their location or geologic
condition. Human activities (particularly engineering activities), however, can greatly influence
stream hydrology. Physical activities such as the construction of dams, channels and diversions
can dramatically impact the geomorphology and the hydrology of a stream corridor.
While most engineered channel modifications concentrate on the conveyance of floodwater,
many often neglect sediment transport. A stream channel that has been straightened, or
channelized, and enlarged to carry a 50-year storm, for example, will begin to form a smaller
channel, point bars, floodplains and meanders as sediment moves from one point to another.
Channelized streams can become unstable as they lose their shape and slope through erosion.
CHAPTER 1 - The Importance of Water Quality 17
Unstable channel conditions ultimately lead to degraded water quality because of excessive
sediment loading.
Dams can range in size from small temporary structures constructed of stream sediment to large
multipurpose structures for hydroelectric power. No matter their size, dams can alter
streamflow, impact migratory aquatic species and affect water quality. Dams also disrupt the
flow of sediment and natural organic material, and change the composition of vegetative
communities and groundwater infiltration throughout the entire stream corridor.
For dams that release water, discharge may vary widely monthly, daily or even hourly in
response to water use and purpose. Because suspended sediment and natural organic materials
tend to drop out of the water column behind the dam, the amount of nutrients available to
downstream organisms is reduced. In the case of hydroelectric dams, discharge can influence the
water temperature, depending on where and how the water is released. Changes in discharge
volume can have a significant impact on streambank erosion and the subsequent loss of
streambank vegetation and aquatic species. Water discharged from dams can also lower oxygen
concentrations immediately downstream of the release, potentially impacting fish and aquatic
insect communities (FISCRWG, October 1998).
Like dams, stream channelization or diversions can significantly alter a stream corridor.
Channelization can disrupt riffle and pool sequences, increase stream velocity and even elevate
flood heights. Instream modifications, such as creating a uniform cross section or placing the
stream in a concrete channel or culvert, result in fewer habitats for organisms living in or on the
stream’s sediments. When sediments, natural organic material and woody debris are lost,
biodiversity and watershed functions are reduced (FISCRWG, October 1998).
Several examples of channelized streams can be found in eastern North Carolina in the middle
and lower coastal plains and tidewater regions. Channelization began as early as the 1700s in
order to improve overland water drainage and provide more land for agricultural production.
Consequently, the groundwater table has been lowered. This impacted the hydrology, and
wetlands lost the ability to store water, trap sediments and filter pollutants. Channelization also
allows more freshwater to enter estuaries and coastal ecosystems, throwing off the delicate
balance of a saline coastal environment (WECO, 2003).
CHAPTER 1 - The Importance of Water Quality 18
1.3.3 INTERBASIN TRANSFERS Table 1-1 Interbasin Transfers Throughout North Carolina, many users rely on
surface water as their sole source for drinking
water. Surface water can also be used for
commercial, industrial and agricultural purposes,
but often there is not enough water in the right
place. If this happens, water can be transferred
from one watershed to another via pumps and
Factors that are used to determine whether a certificate
should be issued for interbasin transfers.
Necessity, reasonableness and beneficial effects
of the transfer;
Water users in North Carolina are required to
register surface water transfers with the NC
Division of Water Resources (DWR) if they
transfer 100,000 gallons per day (GPD) or more.
Entities that wish to transfer more than the
minimum quantity allowed by the Interbasin
Transfer (IBT) law (usually 2.0 MGD), must obtain
a certificate from the NC Environmental Management Commission (General Statute 143-
215.22I). The river basin boundaries that apply to these requirements are designated on a map
Major River Basins and Subbasins in North Carolina, on file in the Office of the Secretary of
State (General Statute 143-215.22G). The boundaries differ slightly from the seventeen major
river basins delineated by the NC Division of Water Quality (DWQ).
Detrimental effects on the source and receiving
basins, including effects on water supply needs,
wastewater assimilation, water quality, fish and
wildlife habitat, hydroelectric power generation,
navigation and recreation;
Cumulative effect of existing transfers or water
uses in the source basin;
Reasonable alternatives to the proposed
transfer; and
Any other factors and/or circumstances
necessary to evaluate the transfer request.
In determining whether an IBT certificate should be issued, the state must determine that the
overall benefits of a transfer outweigh the potential impacts (Table 1-1). The IBT law also
requires that an environmental assessment (EA) or environmental impact statement (EIS) be
prepared in accordance with the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) as supporting
documentation for a transfer petition.
Water quality is a term used to describe water’s chemical, physical and biological characteristics.
The term is usually used to describe water’s suitability for a particular purpose (i.e., drinking
water, recreation, aquatic life) (USGS, August 2005d). The vulnerability of surface water and
groundwater to degradation depends on the interactions and interconnections between surface
water and groundwater, the atmosphere, natural landscape features, human activities, and aquatic
health (Figure 1-8).
Streamflow affects many issues related to water quality and water quantity – pollutant
concentration, water temperature, aquatic habitat and recreational uses. One factor cannot be
separated from the other (Table 1-2). Reducing the water quantity of any particular waterbody
can negatively impact all of the uses for that waterbody (Richter, 2003).
CHAPTER 1 - The Importance of Water Quality 19
Population growth increases the
pressures on natural ecosystems.
Bacteria and microorganisms are being
found in many drinking water
supplies, and chemical pollutants are
detected in many streams and rivers.
Their presence endangers humans as
well as plant and animal species.
Sewage spills have occurred, forcing
people to boil water, and stormwater
runoff is delivering pesticides,
fertilizers and automotive fluids to
urban and rural streams (USGS,
August 2005d). If water pollution is to
be reduced or even eliminated, each
individual, each municipality, business
and industry and each state should be
aware of pollution contributions and
take actions to reduce them.
Population growth results in dramatic impacts on the natural landscape. The most obvious
impact is the expansion of urban and suburban areas. New stores, roads and subdivisions are
products of growing populations. Not so obvious, however, is the rate at which rural landscapes
are converted to developed land. Between 1982 and 1997, the United States population
increased by 15 percent. Over the same period, developed land increased by 34 percent – more
than double the rate of population growth (USDA-NRCS, 2001; U.S. Census Bureau, 2000).
Locally, the trend can be even more
pronounced. For example, the urban
area of Charleston, South Carolina
expanded 250 percent between 1973
and 1994 while its population grew by
only 40 percent (Allen and Lu, 2000).
Table 1-2 Water Quality and Water Quantity Issues
Four major issues concerning water quality and quantity (Richter, 2003).
Pollutant Concentration Recreational Use
Higher flow is important for
dilution of pollutants. Water
quality standards are often violated
during abnormally low flow
Many recreational activities (i.e.,
whitewater rafting, canoeing)
depend on certain levels of flow.
Flow also affects swimming and
Impervious surfaces are materials that
prevent infiltration of water into the soil
and include roads, rooftops and parking
lots. Impervious surfaces alter the
natural hydrology, prevent the
infiltration of water into the ground and
concentrate the flow of stormwater over
the landscape.
Water Temperature Aquatic Habitat More water takes longer to warm;
therefore, the amount of water in a
stream will ultimately influence
how warm the water becomes.
Higher flows protect sensitive,
coldwater aquatic species from
harmful or even lethal water
A river or stream can support more
abundant and diverse aquatic life
when flow is higher. Pools, runs
and secondary channels are
deeper, more varied and more
abundant during high flows.
Figure 1-8 Impacts to Water Quality
The vulnerability of surface water and groundwater to degradation
depends on the interactions and interconnections between surface water
and groundwater, the atmosphere, natural landscape features, human
activities, and aquatic health (USGS, August 2005d).
CHAPTER 1 - The Importance of Water Quality 20
In undeveloped watersheds, stormwater filters down through the soil, replenishing groundwater
aquifers. Vegetation holds soil in place, slows the flow of stormwater over land and filters out
pollutants by slowing the overland flow of the water and trapping some pollutants in the root
When the imperviousness of a watershed increases, the larger volume of stormwater raises the
possibility of flooding and reduces the potential for pollutants to settle out. As a result more
pollution is delivered to drinking water supplies. Too much paving and hardening of a watershed
can reduce infiltration and groundwater levels. This reduction decreases the availability of
aquifers, streams and rivers for drinking water supplies (Kauffman and Brant, 2000) (Figure 1-
1.4.2 Population Growth and Urbanization Impacts on Aquatic Resources
Urbanization poses one of the greatest threats to aquatic resources. Small towns and
communities are usually not considered urban centers, but even small concentrations of
urbanization can have significant impacts on local waterways. For example, a one-acre parking
lot produces 16 times more runoff than a one-acre meadow (Schueler and Holland, 2000). A
wide variety of studies over the past decade converge on a central point: when more than 10
percent of the acreage in a watershed is covered in roads, parking lots, rooftops, and other
impervious surfaces, the rivers and streams within the watershed become seriously degraded.
Studies show that if urbanized areas cover more than 25 percent of a watershed (Figure 1-10),
there is a point where the decline in the health of the ecosystem is irreversible (Beach, 2002;
Galli, 1991).
CHAPTER 1 - The Importance of Water Quality 21
Figure 1-9 Impervious Surfaces and Surface Runoff
Impervious cover in a watershed results in increased surface runoff. As little as 10 percent impervious cover in a
watershed can result in stream degradation (FISRWG, October 1998).
CHAPTER 1 - The Importance of Water Quality 22
Greater numbers of homes, stores and
businesses require greater quantities of water.
They also lead to more discharge and runoff of
increased quantities of waste and pollutants
into the state’s streams, rivers, lakes and
groundwater. Thus, just as demand and use
increases, some of the potential water supply
is also lost (Orr and Stuart, 2000).
Figure 1-10 Imperviousness and Stream
Studies show that if urbanized areas cover more than 25
percent of a watershed, there is a point at which there is
irreversible decline in the health of the ecosystem (Beach,
2002; Schueller, et al., 1992; Galli, 1991).
As development in surrounding metropolitan
areas consumes neighboring forests and fields,
the impacts on rivers, lakes, and streams can
be significant and permanent if stormwater
runoff is not controlled (Orr and Stuart, 2000).
As watershed vegetation is replaced with
impervious surfaces, the ability of the
landscape to absorb and diffuse the effects of
natural rainfall is diminished.
Urbanization results in increased surface runoff and correspondingly earlier and higher peak
streamflows after rainfall. Flooding frequency also increases. These effects are compounded
when small streams are channelized (straightened) or piped, and storm sewer systems are
installed to increase transport of stormwater downstream. Bank scour from these frequent high
flow events tends to enlarge streams and increase suspended sediment. Scouring also destroys
the variety of habitat in streams, leading to degradation of aquatic insect populations and the loss
of fisheries (EPA, 1999).
Figure 1-11 Distribution of the Earth’s Water
Only a small fraction of the water on the Earth’s surface is
freshwater. Of that, only 0.3 percent is in the form of surface
water (USGS, August 2005e; Gleick, 1996).
Streams and lakes are the most visible part of
the water cycle; however, these freshwater
supplies represent only about three percent of
all the water on Earth. Freshwater lakes,
wetlands and swamps account for only 0.3
percent of that total and rivers only hold about
0.006 percent (Figure 1-11) (USGS, August
2005e). In 2000, the United States Geological
Survey (USGS) found that 408 billion gallons
of water were withdrawn for use in the United
States each day. Seventy-nine percent of the
withdrawals were from surface water, and the
remaining 21 percent was from groundwater
aquifers. Eighty-one percent of the water
withdraws were freshwater and 19 percent
were saline. It is interesting, however, that
even though the population in the United
States increased by about 33 million
CHAPTER 1 - The Importance of Water Quality 23
individuals between 1990 and 2000, the average use per person decreased from 1,620 gallons per
person per day to 1,430 gallons per person per day (Figure 1-12).
Over the years, the percent of the
population served by public water
suppliers (i.e., water treatment
plants, commercial use) has risen
from 62 percent in 1950 to 85
percent in 2000. Public water
suppliers deliver water to
households (domestic), industries,
commercial businesses, and other
municipal users. Public supply and
water used for livestock,
aquaculture and mining constituted
about 14 percent of the total water
use. Self-supplied industrial
withdraws were estimated at 5
percent, and withdrawals for
irrigation accounted for 34 percent.
By far the largest water withdrawal is associated with thermoelectric power plants. They
accounted for 48 percent of the total water withdrawals. Surface water accounted for 99 percent
of the total with one-third drawn from saline waters (Hudson et al., 2004; Lumin et al., 2005).
Water is essential for everyday use by both plants and animals. It is generally thought of as a
renewable resource even though it depends on various parts of the water cycle. The amount of
water in streams, lakes, reservoirs, and groundwater is always changing due to inflows and
outflows, land use changes and climatic conditions. Over time, engineering and technology has
allowed humans the opportunity to live in places where nature doesn’t supply enough water or
where water is not available during certain parts of the year. If humans are to continue living in
these areas, water will need to be used more efficiently. Additional changes in technology, State
and Federal laws, economic factors and an increased awareness of water conservation are
necessary if the rivers, lakes, reservoirs and aquifers are to have enough water for future
Figure 1-12 Trends in Population and Water Withdrawals
Total withdraws steadily increased from 1950 to 1980 but have varied less
than three percent since 1985. In fact, the per capita per person per day
actually decreased between 1990 and 2000 despite a population increase
(Hudson et al., 2004).
CHAPTER 1 - The Importance of Water Quality 24
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