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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0012821_More Information Received_20230112Initial Review Reviewer Thornburg, Nathaniel D Is this submittal an application? (Excluding additional information.) * Yes No If not an application what is the submittal type?* Annual Report Residual Annual Report Additional Information Other Permit Number (IR) * WQ0012821 Applicant/Permittee US WAS Cherry Point Email Notifications ....... ........ ......... ...... . Does this need review by the hydrogeologist? * Yes No Regional Office CO Reviewer Admin Reviewer Submittal Form Project Contact Information Please provide information on the person to be contacted by NDB Staff regarding electronic submittal, confirmation of receipt, and other correspondence. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Name* WQ0012821 US MICAS Cherry Point Golf Course - additional info request Email Address* Project Information Application/Document Type* New (Fee Required) Modification - Major (Fee Required) Renewal with Major Modification (Fee Required) Annual Report Additional Information Other Phone Number* 252-466-5917 Modification - Minor Renewal GW-59, NDMR, NDMLR, NDAR-1, N DAR-2 Residual Annual Report Change of Ownership We no longer accept these monitoring reports through this portal. Please click on the link below and it will take you to the correct form. hftps:// Permit Type: * Wastewater Irrigation Other Wastewater Closed -Loop Recycle Single -Family Residence Wastewater Irrigation Permit Number: * WQ0012821 Has Current Existing permit number Applicant/Permittee Address* PSC Box 8006 Facility Name* US MCAS Cherry Point Golf Course Please provide comments/notes on your current submittal below. Please find attached additional information requested by Lauren Plummer via email on November 28, 2022. High -Rate Infiltration Reclaimed Water Residuals Other Please call Richard Weaver with the Environmental Affairs Department at MCAS Cherry Point (252-466-5917) if you have any questions. At this time, paper copies are no longer required. If you have any questions about what is required, please contact Nathaniel Thornburg at Please attach all information required or requested for this submittal to be reviewed here. (Application Form, Engineering Plans, Specifications, Calculations, Etc.) Final combined additional information for WO0012821.pdf 40.46MB Upload only 1 PDF document (less than 250 Me). Multiple documents must be combined into one PDF file unless file is larger than upload limit. * By checking this box, I acknowledge that I understand the application will not be accepted for pre -review until the fee (if required) has been received by the Non - Discharge Branch. Application fees must be submitted by check or money order and made payable to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ). I also confirm that the uploaded document is a single PDF with all parts of the application in correct order (as specified by the application). Mail payment to: NCDEQ — Division of Water Resources Attn: Non -Discharge Branch 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Signature Submission Date 1/12/2023 UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS MARINE CORPS AIR STATION POSTAL SERVICE CENTER BOX 8003 CHERRY POINT, NORTH CAROLINA 28533-0003 Mr. Robert Tankard North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 Dear Mr. Tankard, IN REPLY REFER TO: 5090/07109 LN January 9, 2023 This letter and attachments are provided in a request to modify the existing reclaim permit WQ0012821. The existing permit includes reclaimed water generation and conjunctive utilization. This permit modification package is provided herein to add Bulk Reclaim Water Distribution to the existing permit. Cherry Point wishes to add a truck filling station for use on the air station premises by both government and contractor personnel. This truck filling station is a piece of a much larger project that includes mechanical, electrical, controls and process upgrades to the WWTP (sealed 5/20/22). Another construction project was recently completed that converted two out of use primary clarifiers into storage tanks (permit version 4.1 dated 8/8/2012). These tanks have not been placed into service as of today. This project will rely on these previously permitted 75,000-gallon storage tanks and booster pumps to load bulk reclaim water into storage trucks for use on the air station vicinity for approved applications. If you have questions regarding this application submittal, please contact Mr. Richard Weaver of the Environmental Affairs Department at (252) 466-5917 at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, 6ci . FEREIQCE ties Director By direction of the Commanding Officer Enclosures List of Enclosures Enclosure 1 Response to comments Enclosure 2 signed form RWPI-06-16 Enclosure 3 signed form RWBD-06-16 Enclosure 4 Reclaim water use requirements Enclosure 5 Site maps Enclosure 6 Reclaim water use Application Enclosure 7 Specifications, Section 40 60 00 Enclosure 8 Specifications (Water utility distribution piping) section 33 11 00 Enclosure 9 Drawings – pages from 50100897 Enclosure 10 Operations and Maintenance Manual for existing system at Golf Course (MCAS Reclaim Water Commissioning Report) Enclosure 1 The following are comment responses for comments provided by Lauren Raup-Plummer on November 28, 2022 regarding modification to reclaim permit No. WQ0012821 for US MCAS Cherry Point. Comment Responses A. Cover Letter: 1. The cover letter indicates that the proposed modification is to add a bulk reclaim water distribution truck fill station at the wastewater treatment plant. It also identifies two out-of-use clarifiers that are to be converted to reclaimed water storage tanks. The conversion of two 75,000 gallon primary clarifiers has been previously permitted in Permit Version 4.1 dated August 8, 2012 for this facility. Is the Permittee requesting that the previously approved plans and specifications be replaced by the engineering documents included in the submittal received August 31, 2022? Please clarify. Response: No, the previously permitted tanks will be used for this project. Plans and specs do not need to be replaced. 2. The provided engineering documents included a Plan Set titled “Repairs to the Wastewater Treatment Plan” and a second Plan Set titled “Improvements to the Reclaim System”. The cover letter indicated that the proposed modification was for the bulk distribution of reclaim water, but it was unclear whether the other repairs to the facilities covered under NPDES Permit No. NC0003816 have been submitted to the NPDES unit for review. Please provide additional information. Response: The entire project scope has been submitted to the NPDES permit department for review. These plans and specs are only being submitted in order to add bulk distribution of reclaim water to the existing reclaim permit. B. Application Fee: 1. No comment. C. Application (Form: RWPI 06-16): 1. Only the checklist portion of Form RWPI 06-16 was provided. Please provide a complete Form RWPI 06-16 including the information requested in Items I. General Information, Item II. Project Information, and the Applicant’s Certification of the form found on Page 3. Response: Please find the entire form RWPI 06-16 attached. D. Application (Form: RWBD 06-16): 1. Please address the following comments regarding Item IV.1.a.: a. The storage unit table lists two 35,000 gallon concrete basins, are these the two converted 75,000 gallon clarifiers? Plan Sheet and Specification page number information was not provided in the table for reference. Please confirm and provide additional information. Response: Yes, these are the two 75,000-gallon clarifiers. The form has been updated. b. The question regarding whether reclaimed water is to be stored for longer than 72 hours prior to bulk distribution was unanswered. Please answer "Yes" or "No". If reclaimed water is to be stored for longer than 72 hours, please explain what procedures will be implemented to ensure that the reclaimed water will meet the required effluent standards at the time of use. Please update Application Form RWBD 06-16 as needed. Response: Reclaim water will not be stored longer than 72 hours. c. Please provide clarification regarding the disinfection method(s) employed to ensure that the reclaimed water treatment processes produce an effluent quality that meets the requirements of 15A NCAC 02U .0301(b). Response: UV disinfection is currently being used and meeting the permit limits. Disinfection standards should not change from the current permit. E. Property Ownership Documentation: 1. No comment. F. Engineering Plans: 1. Please revise the Plans to only include the proposed modifications to the reclaimed water system permitted under WQ0012821. The Non-Discharge Branch is not able to approve plans and specifications for facilities permitted by the NPDES program. Response: A revised smaller set of plans is provided herein that pertains to the reclaim permit modification. 2. Sheets CD012, CS012, CU700, CU701, and E210 from the Plan Set titled “Repairs to WWTP appear to be the Plan Sheets that pertain to the proposed truck filling station. Sheet CU010 from the Plan Set titled “Improvements to Reclaim Water” appears to provide a view of the existing distribution main and a proposed reclaim hydrant in the vicinity of the proposed truck filling station. The views provided in both plan sets appear to indicate that the proposed reclaim hydrant depicted on Sheet CU010 may be within the gravel drive area for the truck filling station. Please provide a Plan Sheet that more clearly depicts the existing distribution infrastructure and how the proposed truck filling station will connect. Additionally, please address whether the proposed reclaim hydrant is to be relocated, if necessary. Response: The reclaim hydrant was relocated during the previous project to another area. See record drawing CU010 attached from, “WATER CONSERVATION - IMPROVEMENTS TO RECLAIM SYSTEM B4376 (WWTP) MCASCP (CP17302R)”. 3. Sheet CU010 from the Plan Set titled “improvements to Reclaim Water” calls for a 6-inch tapping sleeve on the reclaimed distribution main. However, Sheet CS012 from “Repairs to WWTP” calls for a tapping saddle for an 8-inch reclaimed distribution main that appears to be at the same location. Please confirm the pipe diameter for the reclaimed distribution main and address the discrepancy between the two Plan Sets. Response: The line that will be tapped into is 8-inches in diameter. G. Specifications: 1. The proposed modification includes the construction of distribution main and a truck filling station; however, specifications were not included in the submittal package. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 02U .0201(c)(2), please provide specifications for the proposed bulk distribution equipment describing materials to be used, methods of construction, and means for ensuring quality and integrity of the finished product, including leakage testing. Response: Spec section 33 11 00, “Water Utility Distribution Piping” is provided with this submittal that includes distribution piping and components. Spec section 40 60 00, “Process Control” is provided with this submittal that includes analytical and metering equipment. Specification information for the fill station structure is provided on the drawings. H. Engineering Calculations: 1. Three 460 gallon per minute (GPM) at 205 feet of total dynamic head (TDH) pumps are proposed as part of the bulk distribution equipment based on Item IV.1.b. of the RWBD 06-16 application. These pumps differ from the previously permitted 470 GPM pumps listed within the existing permit’s facility description. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 02U .0201(c)(3), please provide total dynamic head calculations and system curve analysis for the newly proposed pumps. Response: No new pumps are being installed. The 460 gpm pumps are the same as the previously permitted pumps. I. Site Map: 1. The resolution on the provided site map is limited and many of the call-outs and site features are distorted and illegible. Additionally, the provided site map appears to only depict the wastewater treatment plant and not all of the permitted treatment, storage, and disposal/utilization facilities. In addition to uploading a copy of the revised Site Map with the response submittal, please provide an electronic copy of the site map in a separate email for our review. Response: Updated site maps have been provided. J. Education and Approval Program: 1. No comment. K. Operation & Maintenance Plan: 1. Please provide an updated copy of the facility’s Operation and Maintenance Plan that includes necessary Operation and Maintenance activities for the bulk distribution equipment. Response: Updated O&M materials will be provided at the completion of the project and startup of the bulk distribution equipment. Information may vary depending on the manufacturer/model selected by the contractor. L. Additional Documentation: • Staff Site Inspection: 1. During the site visit, our staff noted that a continuous on-line monitoring and recording turbidity meter was not present. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 02U .0401(b), continuous on-line monitoring and recording for turbidity or particle count and flow shall be provided prior to storage, distribution, or utilization of reclaimed water. The provided Plan Set includes improvements to the reclaim water system; however, a turbidity meter was not included in the design. Please review and revise the engineering documents as needed to meet the requirements of 02U .0401(b). Response: A turbidity meter will be installed in the reclaim pump station building. See drawing CU800 attached. • Existing Permit: 1. The existing permit Version 6.0 dated November 21, 2019, included several conditions for previously proposed modifications including a new pump station and two 75,000 gallon reclaimed water storage basins. Please provide an update regarding the following conditions: a. Condition I.1 – This condition required the Permittee to install a SCADA system prior to June 1, 2021. Has the Permittee installed a SCADA system satisfying this condition? Response: Yes the SCADA system is fully operational and the reclaim system has been integrated. b. Condition I.2 – It is unclear whether the permitted modifications have been constructed. If the modifications are constructed, please submit an engineering certification in accordance with this condition. Response: Permitted modifications have been constructed. See attached an engineer’s certification. c. Condition I.3 – It is unclear whether the permitted modifications have been constructed. If the modifications have been constructed, were Washington Regional Office staff notified for a startup inspection? Response: Washington Regional office has performed several inspections of all of our currently operating systems. d. Condition I.4 – It is unclear whether the permitted modifications have been constructed. If the modifications have been constructed, please submit the Final Operation and Maintenance Plan for review. Response: Final O&M plan for Golf Course is attached to this submittal. The O&M plan for the requested facility will be submitted once completed along with the engineer’s as built certification. e. Site Map – The existing permit includes a Map titled WQ0012821 Reclaimed Water Reuse Irrigation Piping on Golf Course. A feature labelled “Reclaimed Utilization Tank at Post Aeration Basin” is identified near “Miller’s Landing”. Is this tank the hydropneumatic tank described in the existing permit’s facility description? If this is not the hydropneumatic tank, then please confirm that this feature and the Post Aeration Basin have been permitted under NPDES Permit No. NC0003816. If these facilities are not permitted under NC0003816, then please submit as-builts and an engineering certification so that they may be incorporated into the reclaimed water system permit (WQ0012821). Please clarify and provide additional information, as needed. Response: No, the hydropnuematic tank is in the reclaim pump station at the WWTP site. The tank at the post aeration facility is included in NC0003816. Enclosure 2 State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality DW.R Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02U — RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEMS — PROJECT INFORMATION Division of Water Resources INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: RWPI 06-16 & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Please use the following instructions as a checklist in order to ensure all required items are submitted. Adherence to these instructions and checking the provided boxes will help produce a quicker review time and reduce the amount of additional information requested. Failure to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the permit application. For more information, visit the Water Quality Permitting Section Non -Discharge Permitting Unit General —This form is required for all projects involving the generation, utilization, and or distribution of reclaimed water. At least one of the following forms must also be included in the application package. However, multiple forms may be applicable. Unless otherwise noted, the Apolicant shall submit one original and two copies of the aipplication and sunporting documentation. Please check the boxes below as appropriate to indicate which additional forms are included in the application package: ❑ Reclaimed Water Generation (FORM: RWG) — for wastewater treatment facilities producing reclaimed water. ❑ Non -Conjunctive Utilization (FORM: RWNC) — for reclaimed water utilization activities, when the reclaimed water utilization activity is required in order to meet the wastewater disposal needs of the facility. ❑ Conjunctive Utilization (FORM: RWCU) — for reclaimed water utilization activities, when the reclaimed water option is not necessary to meet the wastewater disposal needs of the facility and other wastewater utilization/disposal methods are available. ® Bulk Distribution (FORM: RWBD) — for distribution of reclaimed water in a bulk manner. ❑ Distribution Lines (FORM: RWDL) — for construction of reclaimed water distribution lines. ❑ Wetland Augmentation (FORM: RWWA) — for projects seeking to utilize reclaimed water for the purpose of wetland augmentation. ❑ Local Program Approval (FORM: RWLPA) — for projects seeking permitting delegation for reclaimed water users. A. Cover Letter (All Application Packages): ® List all items included in the application package, as well as a brief description of the requested permitting action. B. Application Fee (All New and Major Modification Application Packages): ® Submit a check, money order or electronic funds transfer made payable to: North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) according to the following fee schedules: ® STANDARD REVIEW —Submit the appropriate fee for all new and major modification applications as listed in the table below. Facility Classification Major Generator/User (ADF >— 10,000 gallons per day) Minor Generator/User (ADF < 10,000 gallons per day) Reclaimed Water Distribution Lines New Permit I Major Modification 1 $1,310 F $395 $810 F $245 $480 N/A A major modification shall be defined as any permit modification that: increases the generating facility's average daily flow (ADF); increases the utilization area acreage; adds additional utilization areas not previously approved; or includes the addition of new treatment units/processes not previously permitted. There is no fee for minor permit modifications. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: RWPI 06-16 & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Pagel of 2 C. Reclaimed Water Project Information Form (FORM: RWPI 06-16) (All application packages): ® Submit the completed and appropriately executed Reclaimed Water Project Information (FORM: RWPI 06-16) form. Please do not make any unauthorized content changes to this form. ® The applicant name in Item I. I. shall be consistent with the applicant name on the plans, specifications, agreements, etc. ® The Applicant's Certification on Page 3 of this form shall be signed in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .0106(b). The application must be signed by a principal executive officer of at least the level of vice-president or his authorized representative for a corporation; by a general partner for a partnership or limited partnership; by the proprietor for a sole proprietorship; and by either an executive officer, an elected official in the highest level of elected office, or other authorized employee for a municipal, state, or other public entity. An alternate person may be designated as the signing official if a delegation letter is provided from a person who meets the criteria in 15A NCAC 02T .0106(b). ❑ If this project is for a renewal without modification, use the Non -Discharge System Renewal (FORM: NDSR) application. There is no fee for permit renewal without modification. D. Existing Permit: (All Modification Packages): ® Submit the most recently issued existing permit. ❑ Provide a list of any items within the permit the Applicant would like the Division to address during the permit modification (i.e., compliance schedules, permit description, monitoring, permit conditions, etc.). ONE ORIGIANL AND TWO COPIES OF THE COMPLETED APPLICATION AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES WATER QUALITY PERMITTING SECTION NON -DISCHARGE PERMITTING UNIT BN U.S. Postal Service: ft Courier/Special Delivery: 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER 512 N. SALISBURY STREET RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1617 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27604 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 807-6464 FAX NUMBER: (919) 807-6496 INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: RWPI 06-16 & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Page 2 of 2 State of North Carolina DW. Department of Environmental Quality RDivision of Water Resources Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02U — RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEMS — PROJECT INFORMATION FORM: RWPI 06-16 I. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Applicant's name: US MCAS Cherry Point Mailing address: USMC Cherry Point. Environmental Affairs Department, PSC Box 8006 City: Chem Point State: NC Zip: 28533-0006 Telephone number: 252 466-3807 Email Address: 2. Signature authority's name: Anthony A. Ference by direction of the Commanding Officer (per 15A NCAC 2U .0106) Title: Depuk Facilities Director 3. Applicant type (check all that apply): ® Government 3P ® Federal ❑ State ❑ Municipal ❑ County ❑ Individual ❑ Corporation ✓ For new permits, submit documentation that the company is registered for business with the NC Secretan of State. ❑ General Partnership ✓ For new permits, submit a copy of the certificate filed with the Register of Deeds in the county of business. ❑ Privately Owned Public Utility ✓ For new permits, submit a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity from the NC Utilities Commission, or a letter from the NC Utilities Commission's Water and Sewer Division Public Staff stating an application for a franchise has been received and that the service area is contiguous to an existing franchised area or that franchise approval is expected. ❑ Home Owners Association ✓ For new permits, submit a properly executed Operational Agreement (FORM: HOA); and proposed or approved Articles of Incorporation, Declarations and By-laws. ❑ Developer (where residential lots are to be sold) ✓ For new permits, submit a properly executed Pperational Agreement (FORM: DEV ) 4. Demonstration of historical consideration for permit approval: Has the Applicant or any parent, subsidiary or other affiliate exhibited the following? a. Has been convicted of environmental crimes under Federal law or G.S. 143-215.6B? ❑ Yes or ® No b. Has previously abandoned a wastewater treatment facility without properly closing that facility? ❑ Yes or ® No c. Has unpaid civil penalty where all appeals have been abandoned or exhausted? ❑ Yes or ® No d. Is non -compliant with an existing non -discharge permit, settlement agreement or order? ❑ Yes or ® No e. Has unpaid annual fees in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .0105[e)12]? ❑ Yes or ® No FORM: RWPI 06-16 Page 1 of 3 II. PROJECT INFORMATION 1. Application type: Major Modification (See Instruction B) Fee Submitted 395 (See Instruction B) 2. For modifications, provide the existing permit number: WQ0012821 and most recent issuance date: February 1.2020 3. Provide a brief description of the activities proposed for permitting: This major modification application is submitted in order to add bulk distribution to the current non -discharge permit. The permit owner plans to construct a truck fill station at the WWTP to be used for approved activities at MCAS Cherry Point. 4. What is the status of the following associated permits and/or certifications ? (if not applicable, please mark as N/A) Permit/Certification Date Submitted Date Approved Permit/Certification No. Agency Reviewer Collection System (Q >_ 200,000 GPD N/A N/A N/A N/A Dam Safety N/A N/A N/A N/A Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan N/A N/A N/A N/A Nationwide 12 / Section 404 N/A N/A N/A N/A Pretreatment N/A N/A N/A N/A Sewer S1 stem N/A N/A N/A N/A Stormwater Manaeement Plan N/A N/A N/A N/A Other: ✓ For any of the permits and certifications listed above that will directly impact the construction of the proposed reclaimed water project, please provide documentation of permit approval or final certification. Note: This application may be considered incomplete, or the resulting permit may be issued conditionally if a pending issuance of any of the related permits/certifications directly impacts the proposed facility. 5. Documentation of the presence or absence of threatened or endangered aquatic species at the project site utilizing information provided by the Department's Natural N--itage Program is required for construction of all new WWTP projects and/or non - conjunctive utilization sites, and for any project involving expansion of a WWTP and/or non -conjunctive utilization site in accordance with )A NCAC 02T .0105� c)c 10i. Provide the location in application package where this documentation is located: N/A; or explain why this item is N/A. This major modification is bein, submitted to add a bulk fill station to the existing WWTP. 6. Does this project utilize public monies or lands? ® Yes or ❑ No ✓ If yes, was an Environmental Assessment required under 15A NCAC 01 C? Yes ® No Include one of the following final environmental documents with this submittal: ❑ Finding of No Significant Impact, or ❑ Record of Decision Describe any mitigating factors from the Environmental Assessment that impact the design and/or construction of the reclaimed water project: 7. Is any portion of the proposed project (reclaimed water treatment units, storage units, distribution lines, or utilization areas) located within the 100 year flood plain? ❑ Yes or ® No ✓ If yes, specify which portion(s) of the project are affected? ✓ If yes, has the Applicant submitted written documentation of compliance with � 143 Article 21 Part ( ? ❑ Yes or ❑ No Documentation should consist of a letter from the local authority (i.e., county/municipality) stating that the project complies with any local floodplain ordinance that may apply. FORM: RWPI 06-16 Page 3 of 3 Applicant's Certification (signing authority must be in compliance with 15A NCAC 02U .0106): I, AnthonyA. Ference Dgpuly Facilities Director (signing authority name — PLEASE PRINT) (title) attest that this application for MCAS Cheny Point (facility name) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any discharge of wastewater from this non -discharge system to surface waters or the land will result in an immediate enforcement action that may include civil penalties, injunctive relief, and/or criminal prosecution. I will make no claim against the Division of Water Resources should a condition of this permit be violated. I also understand that if all required parts of this application package are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. I further certify that the applicant or any affiliate has not been convicted of an environmental crime, has not abandoned a wastewater facility without proper closure, does not have an outstanding civil penalty where all appeals have been exhausted or abandoned, are compliant with any active compliance schedule, and do not have any overdue annual fees under Rule 15A NCAC 02U .0105. Note: In accordance with NC General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143-215.613, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application package shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 as well as 'vialties up to $25,000 per violation. Signature: _ Date: FORM: RWPI06-16 Page 3of3 Enclosure 3 State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality QWO OR Division of Water Resources ISA NCAC 02U — RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEMS — BULK DISTRIBUTION Divislon of Water Resources INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: RWBD 06-16 & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Please use the following instructions as a checklist in order to ensure all required items are submitted. Adherence to these instructions and checking the provided boxes will help produce a quicker review time and reduce the amount of additional Information requested. Failure to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the permit application. For more information, visit the Water Quality Permitting Section's Non -Discharge Permitting Unit website. General — This application is for projects where reclaimed water will be obtained by users from a bulk fill station and transported for offsite utilization. Unless otherwise noted. the ADDlicant shall submit one original and two conies of the application and suDnortine documentation. Do not submit this application without an associated Reclaimed Water Project Information form FORM: RWPI). Note that if the source facility of the reclaimed water to be distributed is not already permitted for generation of reclaimed water, then the Reclaimed Water Generation application (FORM: RWG) must also be submitted. A. Bulk Distribution of Reclaimed Water (FORM: RWBD 11.13) Application (All application packages): ® Submit the completed and appropriately executed Bulk Distribution of Reclaimed Water form (FORM: RWBD 06-16). Please do not make any unauthorized content changes to this form. if necessary for clarity or due to space restrictions, attachments to the application may be made, as long as the attachments are numbered to correspond to the section and item to which they refer. ® The facility name in Item 11.1. shall be consistent with the user name on the plans, specifications, agreements, etc. ® The Professional Engineer's Certification on Page 4 of this form shall be signed, sealed and dated by a North Carolina licensed Professional En - ® The Applicant's Certification on Page 4 of this form shall be signed in accordance with iA NCAC 02T .0106(bi. The application must be signed by a principal executive officer of at least the level of vice-president or his authorized representative for a corporation; by a general partner for a partnership or limited partnership; by the proprietor for a sole proprietorship; and by either an executive officer, an elected official in the highest level of elected office, or other authorized employee for a municipal, state, or other public entity. An alternate person may be designated as the signing official if a delegation letter is provided from a person who meets the criteria in 15A NCAC 02T .0106(b). ❑ If this project is for a renewal without modification, use the Non -Discharge System Renewal (FORM: NDS_ application. B. Engineering Plans (All Application Packages): ® Per 15A NCAC 02U .02011d:, submit standard size and I 1 x 17-inch plan sets that have been signed, sealed and dated by a North Carolina licensed Professional Eneineer. At a minimum, the engineering plans shall include the following items: ® Table of contents with each sheet numbered. ® A general location map with at least two geographic references and a vicinity map. ® Plan and profile views of all onsite reclaimed water storage units to be used for bulk distribution. ® Location and details of all reclaimed water bulk loading stations. ® Location and details of all distribution equipment such as pumps, flow meters, turbidity meters, etc. ® Plans shall represent a completed design and not be labeled with preliminary phrases (e.g., FOR REVIEW ONLY, NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION, etc.) that indicate they are anything other than final specifications. However, the plans may be labeled with the phrase: FINAL DESIGN - NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION. C. Site Map (All Application Packages): ® Per 15A NCAC 02U .0201(d), submit standard size and 11 x 17-inch site maps that have been signed, sealed and dated by a North Carolina licensed Professional Emineer and/or Professional Land Surveyor. For clarity, multiple site maps of the facility with cut sheet annotations may be submitted. ® A scaled map of the site showing all facility -related structures and fences within the treatment, storage, and bulk distribution areas. ® The location of features in , 3A NCAU UZU .U/UI t a) and ._ , to the extent needed to determine compliance with setbacks. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: RWBD 06-16 & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Page 1 of 2 D. Education and Approval Program (All New Application Packages): ® Per 15A NCAC 02U .0601cd , submit a description of the education and approval program to be used train users of bulk reclaimed water. At a minimum, the description should include the following items: ® Educational material to be provided to users of the reclaimed water, and a description of the training process. ® Educational material should include a reclaimed water definition, allowable uses, prohibited uses, guidance on proper use (i.e., no runoff, setbacks), and safety/hygiene issues. ® Procedures for spill reporting. ® Process and documentation for approving users of bulk reclaimed water. ❑ Where necessary, bilingual material shall be provided to non-English speaking communities. ONE ORIGINAL AND TWO COPIES OF THE COMPLETED APPLICATION AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES WATER QUALITY PERMITTING SECTION NON -DISCHARGE PERMITTING UNIT By U.S. Postal Service: BX Courier/Special Deliver: 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER 512 N. SALISBURY STREET RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1617 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27604 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 807-6464 FAX NUMBER: (919) 807-6496 INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: RWBD 06-16 & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Page 2 of 2 State of North Carolina DWR Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Dilvlslon of Water Resources 1SA NCAC 02U — RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEMS — BULK DISTRIBUTION FORM: RWBD 06-16 L CONTACT INFORMATION: 1. Applicant's name: USMC Cherry Point Mailing address: USMC Cherry Point, Environmental Affairs Deaartment, PSC, Box 800b City: Cherry Point State: NC Zip: 285334)006 Telephone number: C) 46&4J 8 Email Address: timothy.lawrence@► 2. Signature authority's name: Timothy Lawrence (pgr 15A NCAC 2T .0106) Title: EAD Director 3. Consulting Engineer's name: Andrew Arnold License Number: 051957 Firm: Dewberry Engineers Incs Mailing address: 551 Piney Forest Road City: Danville State: VA Zip: 24540- Telephone number: 4( 34) 549-8499 Email Address: II. FACILITY INFORMATION 1. Distribution facility name(s): MCAS Cherry Point WWTP Distribution facility physical address: City: Cherry Point State: NC Zip: 28533-0006 County: Craven 2. Facility Coordinates: Latitude: 341 54' 47" Longitude: -760 54' 24" Datum: NAD83 Level of Accuracy Nearest second Method of Measurement Navigation ouality GPS USGS Map Name: Goo lg a Mates 3. Bulk distribution program status: Proposed 4. Does the reclaimed water source facility already have a permit for generation of reclaimed water? ® Yes or ❑ No ✓ If Yes, list permit number: W00012821 ✓ If No, then the Reclaimed Water Generation application (FORM: RWG) must also be included in this package. III. BULK DISTRIBUTION INFORMATION 1. ted amount of reclaimed water to be distributed: 100,000 gallons per day 2. Explanation of how distribution estimate was determined: 20 trucks/day x 5.000 gallons per truck = 100,000 gnd 3. What classification of reclaimed water does the facility intend to distribute (15A NCAC 02U .0300)? ® Type I — 15A NCAC 02U .0301(b); or Type 2 - 15A NCAC 02U .0301(a) Are the following design criteria met for Type 2? ✓ Dual disinfection systems containing both UV disinfection and chlorination (or equivalent dual disinfection processes) provided pursuant to 15A NCAC 02U .0401 h / .0402(a)? ❑ Yes ❑ No ✓ Has documentation been provided to show that the combined treatment and disinfection processes are capable of the following pathogen reductions pursuant to 15A NCAC 02U .0401(il /.0402(r)? D log 6 or greater reduction of E. coli ❑ Yes ❑ No D log 5 or greater reduction of Coliphage ❑ Yes ❑ No D log 4 or greater reduction of Clostridium perfringens ❑ Yes ❑ No FORM: RWBD 06-16 Page 1 of 4 IV. RECLAIMED WATER BULK DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT 1. Complete the tables below for all equipment used for bulk distribution of reclaimed water: a. STORAGE UNITS Storage Unit Type Number of Units Manufacturer or Material Dimensions (ft) / Spacings (in) Volume I (gallons) Plan Sheet Number Specification Page Number Concrete Basin 2 Concrete 75,000/tank Select Select l �_ ✓ Will reclaimed water be stored for longer than 72 hours prior to bulk distribution? ❑ Yes ® No A If Yes, then explain what procedures will be implemented to ensure that the reclaimed water will meet the required effluent standards at the time of use: b. PUMPS Location Number o_f_Pum s_�°� Manufacturer / a Cap city Plan Sheet Number Specification Page Number GPM TDH Reclaim Pump Station 3 Reclaim Grundfos 460 205 c. FLOW METERS, TURBIDITY METERS, SAMPLING STATIONS Number Maximum Plan Specification Device Manufacturer Location Sheet Page of Units Capacity Number Number Effluent Flow Measuring Device I n/a n/a Truck Fill C701 40 60 00 Station Select Select Select FORM: RWBD 06-16 Page 2 of 4 V. SETBACKS (.15A NCAC 02U .07n' ) 1. Provide the actual minimum distance in feet from any reclaimed water storage units to each item listed (distances greater than 500 feet may be marked N/A): Setback Parameter Final Effluent Storage Units Required Actual Any private or public water supply source 100 400 Any property line 50 200 Any well with exception of monitoring wells 100 N/A Surface waters (streams — intermittent and perennial, perennial waterbodies, and wetlandsy classified as SA 50 N/A Surface waters (streams — intermittent and perennial, perennial waterbodies, and wetlands) classified as SA 50 N/A 2. Do the storage units comply with all setbacks found in the river basin rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)? ® Yes or ❑ No ✓ If no, list non -compliant setbacks: 3. Are any setback waivers required in order to comply with 15A NCAC 02U .0701? ❑ Yes or ® No ✓ If yes, have these waivers been written, notarized, signed by all parties involved and recorded with the County Register of Deeds? ❑ Yes or ❑ No ✓ If yes, have the required Non -Discharge Wastewater System Waiver form(s) (FORM: NDWSW) been included with this application package? ❑ Yes or ❑ No V1. EDUCATION AND RECORD KEEPING 1. In accordance with 15A NCAC 02U .0601L;, has the Applicant developed a program of education and approval that will be implemented for all reclaimed water users? ® Yes or ❑ No ✓ Specify the location within the application package where examples of education and approval materials are located: 2. In accordance with 15A NCAC 02U .0601te, has the Applicant developed methods of record keeping that will be utilized to track bulk reclaimed water distribution activities? ® Yes or ❑ No ✓ Specify the location within the application package where examples of record keeping documentation are located: Bulk Reclaim Water Use Requirements 3. In accordance with 15A NCAC 02U .0601 r ij, has the Applicant developed a routine review and inspection program for reclaimed water users? ® Yes or ❑ No ✓ Specify the location within the application package where the details of the routine review and inspection program are located: Bulk Reclaim Water Use Requirements Note: The Permittee shall be required to inspect the utilization sites of all reclaimed water users who obtain more than 25,000 gallons of bulk reclaimed water in a single day or more than 100,000 gallons of bulk reclaimed water in a single week. (Not required to exceed one inspection per quarter). FORM: RWBD 06-16 Page 3 of 4 Professional Engineer's Certification: attest that this application for /t'1CAS has been reviewed by me and is accurate, complete and consistent with the information supplied in the engineering plans, calculations, and all other supporting documentation to the best of my knowledge. I further attest that to the best of my knowledge the proposed design has been prepared in accordance with this application package and its instructions as well as all applicable regulations and statutes. Although other professionals may have developed certain portions of this submittal package, inclusion of these materials under my signature and seal signifies that I have reviewed this material and have judged it to be consistent with the proposed design. Note: In accordance with NC General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143-215.6B, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application package shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 as well as civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. North Carolina Professional Engineer's seal, signature, and date: Z. - 051%7 = =� /Z. /I.ZoZL n.!- Applicant's Certification (signing authority must be in compliance with I5A NCAC 02U .0106): V1}6V1 (signing at Feyl name — PLEASE PRINT) attest that this application for ���� 5 C_y1krP V PO i A+ (facility name) � I (title) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any discharge of wastewater from this non -discharge system to surface waters or the land will result in an immediate enforcement action that may include civil penalties, injunctive relief, and/or criminal prosecution. I will make no claim against the Division of Water Resources should a condition of this permit be violated. I also understand that if all required parts of this application package are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. I further certify that the applicant or any affiliate has not been convicted of an environmental crime, has not abandoned a wastewater facility without proper closure, does not have an outstanding civil penalty where all appeals have been exhausted or abandoned, are compliant with any active compliance schedule, and do not have any overdue annual fees under Rule 15A NCAC 02U .0105. Note: In accordance with NC General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143-215.6B, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application package shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 as well as civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. Signature: Date: mow - FORM: RWBD 06-I6 Page 4 of 4 Enclosure 4 MCAS Cherry Point, NC Bulk Reclaim Water Use Requirements What is reclaim water? Reclaimed water is the final product of a state-regulated, multi-stage advanced wastewater treatment process which removes solids, organic wastes and pathogenic bacteria. The final product is ideal for construction site dust prevention, turf irrigation, cooling towers and several other secondary uses but is not suitable for human consumption or the irrigation of crops for human consumption (i.e. vegetable gardens). Cherry Point offers bulk reclaimed water free of charge to customers upon acknowledgement of the use requirements via signature on the permit application. Prohibited Uses • NO consumption of reclaimed water by humans • NO irrigation of edible crops (gardens) • NO inter-connection with potable water sources • NO filling of swimming pools, hot tubs or spas • NO discharge into the storm sewer/ditches, lakes, ponds, or other surface waters • Tanks and detachable equipment such as hoses for reclaimed water cannot be used for potable water afterwards • For more information, see State law regarding Reclaimed Water: 15A NCAC 02U Notification • Bulk reclaim water tanks and trucks shall be clearly marked with the following advisory sign: “RECLAIMED WATER DO NOT DRINK” or “NON-POTABLE WATER DO NOT DRINK” • The bulk reclaimed water tanks and trucks shall not be filled through on-board piping or removable hoses that may be subsequently used to fill tanks with water from a potable water supply. • Reclaimed water should NOT be applied within a 100-foot buffer of any water supply well, within a 10-foot buffer of any non-potable well, or within a 25-foot buffer of any surface waters (e.g. streams, lakes or ponds). • All spills or discharges of reclaimed water to an unapproved location must be reported to the Environmental Affairs Department immediately at (252) 466-4598. Reclaim Permits • Each individual/company are required to complete an application for the use of bulk reclaim water. • Each permit application shall designate the location of the reclaim water use and the activity the water will be used for (i.e. construction site dust control). • The use of someone else’s permit may lead to the loss of reclaim water privileges for both the permittee and the unauthorized user. • Each truck load will require a separate permit application be completed. • Companies are encouraged to cross train internally; all employees that may encounter reclaimed water should be made aware of the permitted and non-permitted uses. • If you have questions or concerns regarding reclaimed water, feel free to contact us at (252) 466- 4598. Inspection • Cherry Point staff will inspect all utilization sites where reclaim water users obtain more than 25,000 gpd or 100,000 gallons per week. Staff will visit the site to make sure notification signage is properly visible on all storage tanks, all required setbacks are being met, utilization purpose meets approved uses, all staff are aware that reclaim water is being used, and there is no potential for contact with the general public. Failure to meet these requirements may result in the loss of privileges of obtaining reclaim water. Enclosure 5 NOTE: THIS MAP IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY NOT FOR LAND NAVIGATION OR TARGETING UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO) Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information, errors and conditions originating from physical sources to develop the database may be reflected in the data supplied. The user must be aware of data conditions and ultimately bear responsibility for the appropriate use of the information with respect to possible errors, original map scale, collection methodology, currency of the data, and other conditions specific to certain data. Environmental Affairs Department (EAD) MCAS Cherry Point (252) 466-2754 Prepared by: Timothy O. Lawrence, PE Prepared date:31 July 2019 Map Projection: NC State Plane (NADS83, GRS1980) Distribution authorized to the U.S. Government and their contractors only. Upon termination of use, map must be destroyed! File Name/location: n/a MCAS Cherry Point ¬ 825 0 825 1,650 2,475 3,300412.5 Feet WQ0012821 Reclaimed Water Reuse Site Map Neuse River Slocum Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Permit # NC0003816 Golf Course Vicinity Map for Conjunctive Reclaimed Water Utilization System Enclosure 6 MCAS Cherry Point, NC Bulk Reclaim Water Permit Application Date: _______________________________ Company Name: _______________________________ Approved Reclaim Water Use: _______________________________ Application Address: _______________________________ Contact Person: _______________________________ Contact Person Phone Number: _______________________________ Signature: _______________________________ By signing this application, I acknowledge that I have read the MCAS Cherry Point, NC Bulk Reclaim Water Use Requirements and am familiar with the regulations in the State of North Carolina governing the use of reclaim water - 15A NCAC 02U. (For completion by MCAS Cherry Point Staff) Application Status: Approved Denied • If denied, reason for denial: ____________________________ Staff Name: ____________________________ Staff Signature: ____________________________ Date: ____________________________ Volume Received (gallons): ____________________________ Enclosure 7 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P SECTION 40 60 00 PROCESS CONTROL 05/20 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCES The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only. AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE (ANSI) ANSI C12.1 (2014; Errata 2016) Electric Meters - Code for Electricity Metering AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS (ASME) ASME B31.8 (2018; Supplement 2018) Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS (IEEE) IEEE 142 (2007; Errata 2014) Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems - IEEE Green Book IEEE C37.90 (2005; R 2011) Standard for Relays and Relay Systems Associated With Electric Power Apparatus IEEE C37.90.1 (2013) Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Associated with Electric Power Apparatus IEEE C62.41.1 (2002; R 2008) Guide on the Surges Environment in Low-Voltage (1000 V and Less) AC Power Circuits IEEE C62.41.2 (2002) Recommended Practice on Characterization of Surges in Low-Voltage (1000 V and Less) AC Power Circuits INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION (IEC) IEC 61131-3 (2013) Programmable Controllers - Part 3: Programming Languages NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (NEMA) NEMA 250 (2020) Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum) NEMA ICS 1 (2000; R 2015) Standard for Industrial Control and Systems: General Requirements SECTION 40 60 00 Page 1 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P NEMA ICS 2 (2000; R 2020) Industrial Control and Systems Controllers, Contactors, and Overload Relays Rated 600 V NEMA ICS 3 (2005; R 2010) Medium-Voltage Controllers Rated 2001 to 7200 V AC NEMA ICS 4 (2015) Application Guideline for Terminal Blocks NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (NFPA) NFPA 70 (2020; ERTA 20-1 2020; ERTA 20-2 2020; TIA 20-1; TIA 20-2; TIA 20-3; TIA 20-4) National Electrical Code NFPA 79 (2015) Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY (NIST) NIST SP 250 (1991) Calibration Services Users Guide U.S. NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION (NARA) 47 CFR 15 Radio Frequency Devices UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES (UL) UL 508 (2018; Reprint Jul 2021) UL Standard for Safety Industrial Control Equipment UL 1059 (2019; Reprint Jun 2021) UL Standard for Safety Terminal Blocks UL 508A (2018; Reprint Jul 2018) UL Standard for Safety Industrial Control Panels 1.2 SUBMITTALS Government approval is required for all submittals.Submit the following in accordance with Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: SD-02 Shop Drawings Contractor Design Drawings Draft As-Built Drawings SD-03 Product Data Control Drawings Sensors and Meters Performance Verification Test (PVT) SD-06 Test Reports SECTION 40 60 00 Page 2 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P Testing, Adjusting and Commissioning Performance Verification Test(PVT) Endurance Test SD-07 Certificates Control and Sensor Wiring Ground Rods Wiring Installation SD-10 Operation and Maintenance Data Training Manual Control System 1.3 SITE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS The expected site environmental conditions are a minimum of 25 degrees F and a maximum of 110 degrees F. 1.4 SEQUENCING TABLE I: PROJECT SEQUENCING specifies the sequencing of submittals as specified in paragraph SUBMITTALS (denoted by an 'S' in the 'TYPE' column) and activities as specified in PART 3 EXECUTION (denoted by an 'E' in the 'TYPE' column). 1.5.1 Sequencing for Submittals The sequencing specified for submittals is the deadline by which the submittal must be initially submitted to the Government. Following submission there will be a Government review period as specified in Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES. If the submittal is not accepted by the Government, revise the submittal and resubmit it to the Government within 14 days of notification that the submittal has been rejected. Upon re-submittal there will be an additional Government review period. If the submittal is not accepted the process repeats until the submittal is accepted by the Government. 1.5.2 Sequencing for Activities The sequencing specified for activities indicates the earliest the activity may begin. 1.5.3 Abbreviations In TABLE I the abbreviation AAO is used for 'after approval of' and 'ACO' is used for 'after completion of'. SECTION 40 60 00 Page 3 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The Contractor shall provide, through the services of a single Control Systems Integrator (also referred to as CSI), all components, system installation services, as well as all required and specified ancillary services, in connection with expanding and modifying the existing Process Instrumentation and Control System as specified herein. The Contractor shall be ultimately responsible for the installation; however, the Control System Integrator (CSI) shall include such services as to ensure that the system is installed as specified while also meeting the quality practices of the CSI. The Control System Integrator shall also coordinate this work with the Contractor to ensure that the proper control system interfaces, site preparation, and equipment installation and testing services are provided. The Contractor's responsibilities, as distinct from the Control System Integrator's responsibilities, shall be to provide all additional materials and work necessary to supplement the materials and work provided by the Control System Integrator; thereby satisfying all requirements specified within this section. The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating interfaces between Process Instrumentation and Control System equipment provided under the Process Control specification section and the equipment provided under other sections of the specifications. The Contractor shall verify and coordinate space requirements, process equipment power supply and voltage, process equipment control power supply and voltage, compatibility of control signals, details of equipment installation and interconnection. Coordination shall include distribution of approved shop drawings to all vendors, subcontractors, etc., involved in the control interface. Likewise, the Contractor shall ensure that instrumentation and control devices provided under other sections of the specifications are compatible and of the same quality and characteristics as similar devices specified herein. The process control system must be expanded/modified to monitor and control the operation of process equipment as specified herein as shown on the drawings and described in the specifications. The process control system must provide for operator interaction, overall process control system supervision, and process equipment control and monitoring. The system must adhere to Section 25 05 11 CYBERSECURITY FOR FACILITY-RELATED CONTROL SYSTEMS. Provide hardware configured and sized to support expansion as specified and shown on the drawings. The existing process instrumentation and control system work stations and OITs shall be purged of all screens no longer in use. The process control system must be comlete including sensors, field preamplifiers, signal conditioners, offsett and span adjustments, amplifiers, transducers, transmitters, control devices, engineering units conversions and algorithms for the applications; and must maintain the specified end-to-end process control loop accuracy from the sensor to display and final control element. Connecting conductors must be suitable for installed controls. Enclosures must be rated for NEMA 4X. 2.1.1 General Requirements Control System Integrator Qualifications: Control System Integrators shall meet or exceed the following qualifications. Upon request by the Contracting Officer and prior to award of the contract, the Contractor shall be required to demonstrate compliance with the stated qualification requirements: SECTION 40 60 00 Page 4 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P a. Organization that has been established for a minimum of five years and actively involved in the business of process control and instrumentation systems integration and has adequate plant facilities, organization structure, manpower, and technical and managerial expertise to properly perform the work under and in conformance with these specifications. b. Involvement in five (minimum) projects of similar scope and size involving the design, integration, installation, testing and commissioning of process instrumentation, control equipment, and software currently used by the existing process instrumentation and control system at the wastewater treatment plant. One of these projects shall have been within 100 road miles of the MCAS Cherry Point industrial treatment plant. c. The Control System Integrator shall have field service staff located within 175 road miles from the MCAS Cherry Point wastewater treatment plant. The existing plant process instrumentation and control system consists of various PLC control panels with local Operator Interface Terminals (OITs) and two PC based operator workstations (OWSs) all interconnected by a fiber optic and Cat 5E Ethernet network. Existing PLCs are Allen-Bradley SLC 5/05s with the following I/O modules: 1746-IA16 AC Input Module, 1746-OW8 or 16 Relay Output Modules, 1746-NI4 or 8 Analog Input Modules, and 1746-NO4I or 8 Analog Output Modules. PLCs are to be replaced with updated Allen Bradley models. Existing OITs are Red Lion Model G310S000. The OWSs are PC based computers running VT SCADA HMI software. Network process device communications is provided over the Ethernet network using Allen-Bradley's Ethernet IP communications protocol. Existing Ethernet switches are either Phoenix Contact Model 2891453 (1 FL port, 4 RJ45 ports) in small PLCs or Phoenix Contact Model 2832328 with associated modules for fiber and RJ-45 ports. PLC, OIT, and network components shall be upgraded in place with components as specified herein, and as shown on the contract drawings. 2.1.2 Process Controller Programming Functional Requirements The following paragraphs describe general configuration tasks that are required for the system process controller(s) (PAC, PLC, etc.) also referred to as PLC(s). These tasks shall be programmed in any applicable PLC. Each PLC may have multiple instances of each of these tasks, or may have no instances of some or all of these tasks. Available Process Values. All PLC-generated process alarm, equipment status, and process variable values shall be available at any operator workstation HMI. If provided, all local PLC-generated process alarm, equipment status, and process variable values shall be available at the local operator interface terminal (OIT) HMI. Flow Values. All flow values shall be integrated, totalized, and stored in the PLC registers so the values displayed on the HMI and on the field processor will be identical. Flow totals shall reset daily unless specifically stated otherwise in the control description. Daily flow totals shall be logged historically prior to reset. System Failure. Failure of a PLC shall result in safe shutdown of SECTION 40 60 00 Page 5 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P associated process equipment. Interposing relays shall be provided where required to assure that equipment will revert to its fail-safe condition. Failure of any PLC or its communication shall be alarmed on the HMI. PLC Variable Definition. The PLC memory shall include both field I/O points and internally generated points required for programming. All field I/O points and internal programming points shall be fully defined according to variable naming conventions approved by Owner. As a minimum, each variable shall be provided with a tag name, description, and variable memory type. Analog Scaling. Each analog input and output will be appropriately scaled for use in internal PLC programming, monitoring by the HMI, or transmission to other PLCs. Requirements for raw value scaling shall be coordinated with the HMI software to ensure compatibility. Equipment Runtimes. Each PLC shall accumulate a runtime value in hours for each equipment "run status" monitored by the respective PLC. The runtime calculation shall have a minimum resolution of 3.6 seconds and shall be provided with sufficient significant digits to accumulate for a minimum period of 5 years before resetting to zero. The accumulated value shall be available for display on the HMI and it shall be possible to reset the runtime value to an entered non-zero value by staff at a supervisor level or higher. Equipment runtime values shall be provided with high value alarm notification for maintenance notification and historically logged at the end of each day. Control Failure Alarms. When equipment is controlled from the PLC, discrete output commands (e.g. start, stop, open, close, etc.) shall be compared to their respective process feedback status signal (e.g. run, open, close, flow, etc.) when available to verify proper execution. If the feedback status does not match the most recent output command (after an adjustable 2 to 300 second time delay), a control failure or discrepancy alarm shall be annunciated on the HMI, requiring operator acknowledgment. The alarm shall remain energized until the proper discrete condition is sensed or until the operator resets the alarm through the HMI. Equipment Failure Counters. Equipment failures shall be counted and historically logged. An automatic reset shall reset this value to zero monthly after it has been recorded historically by the system. 2.1.3 Human Machine Interface (HMI) Programming Functional Requirements The following paragraphs describe general configuration tasks that are required for the system HMI software at the operator workstations (OWSs) and operator interface terminals (OITs). Supervisory and Local HMIs. Computer based operator workstations or panel mounted operator interface terminals shall provide HMI access to all processes monitored and controlled by the individual Control Panel. Locally mounted operator interface terminals shall provide HMI access to the local processes monitored and controlled by the associated local PLC and shall have additional functionality if specified elsewhere. Locally mounted operator interface terminals shall have their own SCADA database to provide local monitoring and control even if network access to remote equipment is interrupted. All process parameters shall be historically trended with predefined trend screens/groups configured for easy viewing. As a minimum this shall SECTION 40 60 00 Page 6 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P include all analog inputs, calculated variables, and PID control process setpoints. Trend pens shall be grouped logically per process and control loop. Trends shall be provided for each PID control process with process, setpoint, and output displayed together for ease of loop tuning. Alarms. Complete system alarming shall be configured. OIT alarm summaries shall be provided with and acknowledge all action. All process or system alarms shall appear on an alarm summary screen and the alarm banner of each process graphic. Alarms and events shall be color coded on the alarm summary screen, with initial colors based on Owner conventions or the default colors associated with the graphics package. The colors may be adjusted after meeting with Government. Alarm prioritizing and area assignments (if any) shall be coordinated with Government at the first configuration meeting. Additional alarms may be requested during construction and startup for any analog process value in addition to what is shown on the P&IDs or specified herein to include low-low, low, high, and high-high alarm values. Nuisance alarms shall be suppressed for process values that may spike or be irregular by providing an adjustable time delay (1-99 seconds) before alarming. At a minimum, all pressure nuisance alarms shall be suppressed. All alarms/events shall be time stamped when displayed or printed. Unacknowledged alarms shall not automatically clear from the alarm summary if they return to normal before being acknowledged. Process screens shall be drawn similar to P&ID diagrams. All equipment monitored or controlled shall be shown as well as any valves, gates, pumps, motorized equipment, chemical injection points, within the process piping. Small and otherwise insignificant non monitored equipment may be excluded at the owner's approval. Process lines shall be shown as solid lines of varying thickness to coincide with pipe or channel size with color matching as possible the pipe and structure painting in the 10 States Standards for water and wastewater. All process I/O and calculated variables shall be displayed on screens. Where timers are used for control functions their count and preset shall be displayed. Where a PID is used for control of a process the process value and setpoint shall be displayed. All totalizers shall be displayed with their associated flows. All runtimes shall be displayed near their associated equipment or within the equipment popup screen. The following OWS HMI screens shall be provided or modified if existing for the new process and equipment. Menu Screen - Update navigation links for new screens. Plant Overview - Show new PLC's, provide screen navigation links. Electronic Online O&M Manuals - Update with new electronic O&M files and provide links for viewing. Communications Overview - Add new equipment and remove demolished equipment. Provide existing PLC screen functionality for new PLCs. Provide new PLC status screens for each new PLC with functionality like existing PLC status screens. Runtimes - Add new equipment runtimes. Remove demolished equipment. SECTION 40 60 00 Page 7 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P Reports - Add new process values to reports per Government. Removed demolished equipment values. Correct any report calculations due to changes. Equipment Overview - update all equipment, valves, structures and devices to reflect changes made through demolition or completion of new work. 2.1.4 Typical Motorized Equipment Control Description These control requirements are in addition to those in process specific control descriptions unless stated otherwise. DERIVED ALARMS: Discrepancy Alarm (Fail to Run or Stop when controlled in Remote after an adjustable timer), Common Failure (if multiple failure signals are provided for equipment). DERIVED INDICATIONS: Runtime, Start Counter, Fail Counter, Interlock Timer: If equipment is not starting or stopping on an operators command due to a timed interlock, a timer shall be displayed letting the operator know the action has been delayed. PLC POWERUP: On PLC powerup, control of the equipment shall be set to Remote Manual mode. POWER FAILURE: Control of the equipment shall resume with the control mode established prior to the power failure. HMI REQUIREMENTS: The equipment shall be depicted on the process HMI display. The display layout shall be similar to the P&ID. The equipment symbol shall be a selectable target that retrieves the respective control overlay display. 2.1.5 Process Instrumentation Process instruments shall be as specified herein with options provided, in accordance with the Process Instrumentation Schedule appended to the end of this specification and as shown on the drawings. 2.1.6 Operation The process control system provided under this specification must operate using a combination of sequential function charts, function block diagrams, structured text, instruction, and ladder logic type as defined in IEC 61131-3 and supervisory control to provide the required sequences of operation. Input data to the controller must be obtained by using instruments and controls interfaced to mechanical, electrical, utility systems and other systems as shown and specified. All required setpoints, settings, alarm limits, and sequences of operation must be as identified in section 3.3 below. 2.1.7 Points Provide inputs to and outputs from the process control system in accordance with the Input/Output (I/O) Summary Table indicated. Each connected analog output (AO), analog input (AI), binary output (BO), binary input (BI), pulse accumulator (PA) input and other input or output device connected to the control system must represent a "point" where referred to in this specification. SECTION 40 60 00 Page 8 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P 2.1.8 System Reliability The system must be designed for maximum reliability, safety and integrity while maintaining an availability of 99.99% or better. 2.2 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT 2.2.1 Product Certifications Computing devices, as defined in FCC Part 15, supplied as part of the process control system must be certified to comply with the requirements of Class B computing devices. 2.2.2 Standard Products Materials and equipment must be standard unmodified products of a manufacturer regularly engaged in the manufacturing of such products. Units of the same type of equipment must be products of a single manufacturer. Items of the same type and purpose must be identical and supplied by the same manufacturer, unless replaced by a new version approved by the Government. 2.2.3 Nameplates Each major component of equipment must have the manufacturer's name and address, and the model and serial number in a conspicuous place. Laminated plastic nameplates must be provided for equipment devices and panels furnished. Each nameplate must identify the device, such as pump "P-1" or valve "VLV-402". Labels must be coordinated with the schedules and the process and instrumentation drawings. Laminated plastic must be 1/8 inch thick, white with black center core. Nameplates must be a minimum of 1 by 3 inches with minimum 1/4 inch high engraved block lettering. Nameplates for devices smaller than 1 by 3 inches must be attached by a nonferrous metal chain. All other nameplates must be attached to the device. 2.3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Equipment located outdoors, not provided with climate controlled enclosure, must be capable of operating in the ambient temperature range. Equipment and wiring must be in accordance with NFPA 70, with proper consideration given to environmental conditions such as moisture, dirt, corrosive agents, and hazardous area classification. 2.4 SENSORS 2.4.1 Transmitter Unless indicated otherwise, each sensor must be provided with a transmitter, selected to match the sensor. Except where specifically indicated otherwise on the drawings, the transmitter must be provided with a four digit or analog visual display of the measured parameter and shall must a 4 to 20 mAdc output signal proportional to the level of the measured parameter. Accuracy must be plus or minus percent of full scale reading with output error not exceeding plus or minus 0.25 percent of the calibrated measurement. Transmitter must be located where indicated, mounted integrally with the sensor, pipe mounted, wall mounted or installed in the control panel. The distance between the sensor and transmitter must not exceed the manufacturer's recommendation. Field preamplifiers and SECTION 40 60 00 Page 9 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P signal conditioners must be included when necessary to maintain the accuracy from sensor to the programmable logic controller or recorder. 2.4.2 Off-Gas or Vapor Service Sensors and meters in off-gas or vapor service shall be rated for continuous duty service at fluid approach velocities from 500 to 5000 fpm with correspondingly higher constriction velocities over a fluid temperature range from minus 0 degrees F to 105 degrees F at pressures from minus 7.2 psi gage up to 15 psi gage. 2.4.3 Liquid Service Sensors and meters in liquid service shall be rated for continuous duty service at fluid approach velocities from 2.5 ft/s to 15 ft/s with correspondingly higher constriction velocities over a fluid temperature range from 32 degrees F to 105 degrees F at pressures up to 50 psi gage. 2.4.4 Flow Rate Sensors and Meters Liquid flow indication must be provided in gpm. Off-gas or Vapor flow indication must be provided in cubic feet per minute. Pressure taps must incorporate appropriate snubbers. Unless indicated otherwise, the flow transmitter must produce a signal that is proportional to the volumetric flow rate, compensated for fluid temperature, and must have an accuracy of plus or minus 1 percent of full flow. Flow transmitter must be located within 15 feet of the flow element. The flow transmitter must include a digital readout of the volumetric flow rate to 3 significant figures. The controller must be provided with a minimum of three sets of dry contacts rated in accordance with NEMA ICS 1. The first set of contacts must close when the lower (warning) detection level has been exceeded. The second set of contacts must close when the upper (alarm) detection level has been exceeded. The third set of contacts must close when a controller malfunction has occurred, including loss of power or loss of sensor input. The alarm levels must be individually adjustable. The controller must be provided with an audible warning horn that sounds when the upper detection level has been exceeded, and a warning horn silence button. The controller must provide a 4-20 mAdc output signal to the programmable logic controller, proportional to the measured parameter. The controller must be provided with an internal battery to maintain operation for a minimum of 12 hours if power is lost. Flow rate must be controlled to within plus or minus 3 percent of the design flow. Magnetic Flowmeter Magnetic flowmeter must be non-intrusive, DC pulse type and must measure fluid flow through the use of a self-generated magnetic field. The meter must have automatic zeroing circuitry. The magnetic flow element must be encapsulated in type 300 stainless steel. Flowmeter must be capable of measuring up to a maximum flow velocity of 10 fps. The metering tube must be constructed of 316 stainless steel. The meter must be rated for a process temperature range of 32 to 212 F ambient. The maximum pressure drop across the meter and appurtenances must be 5 psi at the maximum flow rate. Turbine Meters Turbine meters wetted metal components must be series 316 stainless steel with an accuracy of plus or minus 1 percent from 30 percent to 100 percent SECTION 40 60 00 Page 10 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P of actual flow. Meter shall have an integral digital display capable of indicating instataneous and totalized flow. The meter must provide a 4-20 mAdc output signal to the programmable logic controller, proportional to the flow. 2.4.5 Level Instrumentation Pressure taps must incorporate appropriate snubbers. Relays and housing must be intrinsically safe or explosion proof as required by the NFPA hazard rating for compatibility with the contents of the tank or sump. Submersible Level (Pressure) Transducer The level transducer shall consist of a non-fouling type submersible pressure sensor that is suitable for direct submersion into the thickened solids wastewater process. Sensor diaphragm shall be 1 inch diameter minimum. The sensor shall be a solid-state variable capacitance or diffused silicon semiconductor type that shall provide an output signal directly proportional to the sensed pressure over a factory-calibrated range. The sensor assembly shall have a stainless steel or titanium housing and shall be supported by a Teflon, polyethylene or urethane jacketed cable with a minimum 200 pound test strength. The sensor cable shall be of sufficient length so that no splice or connector is required in a wet, hazardous, or inaccessible area. The vent tube termination point shall be protected from dirt and moisture by a NEMA 4X termination box that includes a bellows or bladder bag and signal surge protection as required. The transmitter shall have a two-wire type 4-20 mA dc current output that is proportional to level. The output shall have surge protection, and shall not be damaged by reverse polarity. The transmitter shall be suitable for an operating temperature range of 0° to +50°C. Accuracy of the level transmitter shall be ±0.25 percent "best straight line", with an overall combined accuracy of ±1 percent over the entire operating temperature/pressure range. Submersible pressure transmitters provided to measure level in tanks or wetwells indicating "scum" or "sludge" shall be provided with an integral large shielded diaphragms specifically designed for sludge and high viscous materials. All submersible pressure transmitters shall be rated for Class 1 Division 1 service. Acceptable Manufacturers: Contegra or equal as provided by Measurement Specialties (KPSI), Keller, Endress + Hauser, or Siemens. Displacement Type Level Switch Liquid level switch must be displacement type, having a minimum of two tandem floats with each float independently activating a set of Form C contacts at two different level settings. Each switch must have an adjustable differential band. The mounting connections must be threaded, flanged or surface mounted to suit the application. All surfaces in contact with the tank contents must be austenitic stainless steel. The switch enclosure must be explosion proof for use in a hazardous environment, complete with a sealed water tight junction box, terminal block, and mounting plate. Each set of contacts must be snap action, dry contact type with one normally open and one normally closed, contact rated in accordance with NEMA ICS 1. The switch must be actuated by a magnetically equipped stainless steel displacer. Repetitive accuracy must be plus or minus 1/4 inch of actual displacer setting. SECTION 40 60 00 Page 11 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P Sludge Blanket Level Probe In the upflow clarifiers, there will be sludge level monitors provided in each tank. The monitors shall be ultrasonic and transmit a 4-20 mAc signal to the PLC for display at the Operator's Workstation. The probes shall be provided with large shielded diaphragms specifically designed for activated wastewater and high viscous materials. The unit shall also be supplied with a local controller that displays the sludge blanket level in the respective tank. Measurement range of the unit shall be 0.6 to 40 feet. Resolution of the unit shall be 0.09 feet. Accuracy shall be +/- 0.33 feet. Operating Temperature of 35 to 122 degrees Fahrenheit. The materials of construction shall be a silicon wiper, stainless steel body, and polyoxymethylene face. Cable length is 33 feet. Units shall be factory calibrated. A lever type sensor support shall be provided that will allow for the sensor to lift out of the water and lower back into position with each pass of the clarifier scum arm without any damage to the mount or level probe. 2.4.6 Pressure Instrumentation Pressure taps shall incorporate appropriate snubbers. Pressure Controller The controller must be provided with a minimum of three sets of dry contacts rated in accordance with NEMA ICS 1. The first set of contacts must close when the lower (warning) detection level has been exceeded. The second set of contacts must close when the upper (alarm) detection level has been exceeded. The third set of contacts must close when a controller malfunction has occurred, including loss of power or loss of sensor input. The alarm levels must be individually adjustable. The controller must be provided with an audible warning horn that sounds when the upper detection level has been exceeded, and a warning horn silence button. The controller must provide a 4-20 mAdc output signal to the programmable logic controller, proportional to the measured parameter. The controller must be provided with an internal battery to maintain operation for a minimum of 12 hours if power is lost. Pressures must be controlled to within plus or minus 5 percent of design pressures. Pressure Sensor and Transducer The sensing element must be either capsule or diaphragm type. The pressure transducer must withstand up to 150 percent of rated pressure, with an accuracy of plus or minus 1 percent of full scale selected to put the design range of the measured pressure in the middle third of the transducer's range. Pressure must be measured in psi gage with a range, plus or minus 10 percent of design range and must be furnished with display to the nearest 0.1 psi. The transmitter output error must not exceed 0.1 percent of calibrated span. Pressure Switch Sensors must be diaphragm or Bourdon tube and must be constructed of 316 stainless steel. Pressure switch must have a repetitive accuracy of plus or minus 5 percent of the operating range and must withstand up to 150 percent of rated pressure. Switch actuation set point must be adjustable over the operating pressure range with a differential adjustment span of 20 to 40 percent of the range SECTION 40 60 00 Page 12 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P of the switch. The switch must have Form C snap-action contacts rated in accordance with NEMA ICS 1. 2.4.7 Process Analytical Instrumentation Probes must be easily removable without interrupting service. Sensor and controller construction must be suitable for operation in the monitored medium. The controller must be provided with a minimum of three sets of dry contacts rated in accordance with NEMA ICS 1. The first set of contacts must close when the lower (warning) detection level has been exceeded. The second set of contacts must close when the upper (alarm) detection level has been exceeded. The third set of contacts must close when a controller malfunction has occurred, including loss of power or loss of sensor input. The alarm levels must be individually adjustable. The controller must be provided with an audible warning horn that sounds when the upper detection level has been exceeded, and a warning horn silence button. The controller must provide a 4-20 mAdc output signal to the programmable logic controller, proportional to the measured parameter. The controller must be provided with an internal battery to maintain operation for a minimum of 12 hours if power is lost. Oxygen Reduction Potential (ORP) The sensor must be submersible type. Sensor must have a redox potential range of plus or minus 1500 mV and must have an accuracy of plus or minus 1 percent of sensor span. The sensor must automatically compensate for temperature over the temperature range. The sensor body must be PVC, CPVC, Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) or epoxy and suitable for installation in the environment. pH Monitoring The sensor shall be submersible. Sensor shall have a range of -2 pH units to 14 pH units and shall have an accuracy of plus or minus 0.01 pH unit. The sensor shall automatically compensate for temperature over the temperature range. All mounting and retrieval hardware shall be provided by the manufacturer and made of corrosive resistant materials. Each new pH and ORP sensor shall have a new Hach sc4500 Universal Controller. These units are used throughout the WWTP and alternates will not be accepted. 2.4.8 Emergency Stop Emergency stop pushbutton must have red mushroom actuator and yellow background. Actuator must be self-latching and manually reset. Contacts shall be NEMA ICS A600 and directly opened. Pushbutton must meet NFPA 79 SECTION 10.7. 2.5 PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER (PLC) 2.5.1 PLC General Requirements PLCs must be micro-processor based, capable of receiving binary and analog inputs and, through programming, must be able to control binary and analog output functions, perform data handling operations and communicate with external devices. PLCs must meet the requirements of Class A computing devices, and must be labeled as set forth in 47 CFR 15 and must be able to withstand conducted susceptibility test as outlined in NEMA ICS 1, NEMA ICS 2, NEMA ICS 3, and IEEE C37.90.1. PLCs must function properly at temperatures between 32 and 122 degrees F at 5 to 95 percent relative humidity non-condensing and must tolerate storage temperatures between minus 40 and plus 140 degrees F at 5 to 95 percent relative humidity SECTION 40 60 00 Page 13 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P non-condensing. PLCs shall be Allen Bradley Series Compact Logix (1769-L3xER) for the WWTP and Micrologix 1400 for the post aeration facility near the golf course . Alternates will not be accepted. 2.5.2 Modular PLC PLCs must be based on a modular, field expandable design allowing the system to be tailored to the process control application. The system must be expandable through the use of additional hardware and/or user software. As a minimum, the PLC must include a mounting backplane, power supply module, central processing unit (CPU) module, communications module, and input/output (I/O) module. The modules must be grouped together in a mounting rack or cabinet. The mounting rack backplane must provide the communications mechanism to fully integrate the individual modules located within the rack. Modules other than I/O modules must plug directly into the backplane. The use of wire connectors between modules will not be allowed except for expansion of the system to include multiple backplanes. The rack size must be as needed to hold the equipment necessary while performing the required control functions. Central Processing Unit (CPU) Module The CPU module must be a self-contained, microprocessor based unit that provides time of day, scanning, application program execution, storage of application programs, storage of numerical values related to the application process and logic, I/O bus traffic control, peripheral and external device communications and self-diagnostics. The scan time must be 250 milliseconds or better including spare I/O channels.CPU modules shall be sized for each PLC cabinet to include all existing I/O modules, as well as any additional I/O modules required under this scope of work Communications Module The communications module must allow peer-to-peer communication with other existing PLCs and must allow the PLC to communicate with the Operator's W orkstation. The communication module must utilize the manufacturer's standard communication architecture and protocol, ethernet architecture and protocol or a combination of these. The communication module must allow programming of the PLC to be done locally through the use of a laptop computer or from the central station or remote workstation. Power Supply Module One or more power supply modules must be provided as necessary to power other modules installed in the same cabinet. Power supply modules must plug directly into the backplane. Auxiliary power supplies may be used to supply power to remote cabinets or modules. a. Power supply modules must use AC power with a nominal voltage of 120 VAC plus or minus 5 percent. The power supply module must monitor the incoming line voltage level and must provide over current and over voltage protection. If the voltage level is detected as being out of range the power supply module must continue to provide power for an adequate amount of time to allow for a safe and orderly shutdown. Power supply modules must be capable of withstanding a power loss for a minimum of 20 milliseconds while still remaining in operation and providing adequate power to all connected modules. b. Each power supply module must be provided with an on-off switch SECTION 40 60 00 Page 14 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P integral to the module. If the manufacturer's standard power supply module is not provided with an on-off switch, a miniature toggle type switch must be installed near the PLC and must be clearly labeled as to its function.. c. Provide power supply modules with an indicating light which must be lit when the module is operating properly. Input/Output (I/O) Modules Modules must be self-contained, microprocessor based units that provide an interface to field devices.The modules must be located in the same cabinet as the other PLC components. Each module must contain visual indication to display the on-off status of individual inputs or outputs. Each I/O must be protected against reversal of polarity of the signal. Analog inputs and analog outputs must have 'open, short and out of range circuit' detection. It must be configurable per channel. I/O modules shall have similar performance characteristics to the existing modules. 2.5.3 Program Storage/Memory Requirements The CPU must utilize the manufacturer's standard non-volatile memory for the operating system. The controller must have electronically readable and writeable nonvolatile memory (EPROM, EEPROM, or Flash PROM)for storage of user programs. The user programs must be loaded through the controller keypad, central station or through the use of a laptop computer. The CPU memory capacity must be based on the system's control requirements. The memory capacity must be sized such that, when the system is completely programmed and functional, no more than 50 percent of the memory allocated for these purposes is used. 2.5.4 Input/Output Characteristics Each controller shall allow for analog input, analog output, discrete input and discrete output. The number and type of inputs and outputs for the system shall be as shown on the drawings and shall comply with the sequence of control. The system capacity shall include a minimum of 20 percent spare input and output points (no less than two points) for each point type provided. During normal operation, a malfunction in any input/output channel shall affect the operation of that channel only and shall not affect the operation of the CPU or any other channel. Analog input circuits shall be available in 4-20 mA. Discrete input circuits shall be available in 79-132 VAC. All input circuits shall have a minimum optical isolation of 1500 VRMS and shall be filtered to guard against high voltage transients from the externally connected devices. Analog output circuits shall be available in 4-20 mA. Discrete output circuits shall be available in relay contact outputs suitable for 18-26 VDC and 24-132 VAC circuits. All output circuits shall have a minimum optical isolation of 1500 VRMS and shall be filtered to guard against high voltage transients from the externally connected devices. All analog I/O with signal wiring extending outside of a building shall be provided with signal surge protection devices at the PLC. Surge protection devices shall be as manufactured by Dehn, Phoenix Contact, Edco, PolyPhasor, or approved equal. Analog Inputs Analog input circuits must be available in 4-20 mA. SECTION 40 60 00 Page 15 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P Binary Inputs Binary input circuits must be available in 10-30 VDC or 79-132 VAC as required. Analog Outputs Analog output circuits must be available in 4-20 mA. Binary Outputs Binary output circuits must be available in 79-132 VAC relay configuration. Interposing relays shall be used to interface between PLC binary outputs and field equipment. 2.5.5 Wiring Connections Wiring connections must be heavy duty, self-lifting, pressure type screw terminals to provide easy wire insertion and secure connections. The terminals must accept two #14 AWG wires. A hinged protective cover must be provided over the wiring connections. The cover must have write-on areas for identification of the external circuits. 2.5.6 On-Off Switch Each controller must be provided with an integral on-off power switch. If the controller is not provided with a manufacturer's standard on-off switch, a miniature toggle type switch must be installed in the control panel near the controller and must be clearly labeled as to its function. 2.5.7 Diagnostics Each PLC must have diagnostic routines implemented in firmware. The CPU must continuously perform self-diagnostic routines that will provide information on the configuration and status of the CPU, memory, communications and input/output. The diagnostic routines must be regularly performed during normal system operation. A portion of the scan time of the controller must be dedicated to performing these housekeeping functions. In addition, a more extensive diagnostic routine must be performed at power up and during normal system shutdown. The CPU must log input/output and system faults in fault tables which must be accessible for display. When a fault affects input/output or communications modules the CPU must shut down only the hardware affected and continue operation by utilizing the healthy system components. All faults must be annunciated at the PLC and the central station. Diagnostic software must be useable in conjunction with the portable tester. The following diagnostics must be performed: a. Analog Inputs: Sensor out of range, open or shorted loop, analog-to-digital converter check b. Analog Outputs: Open or shorted loop c. Configuration: Check compatibility and availability of selected I/O hardware and software d. Memory: Checksum, parity check End-to End CPU memory SECTION 40 60 00 Page 16 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P 2.5.8 Accuracy Controllers shall have an accuracy of plus or minus 0.25 percent of input span. 2.6 PLC SOFTWARE All PLC software described in this specification shall be furnished as part of the complete control system unless the existing site PLC programming software is fully capable of programming the system. 2.6.1 Operating System Each PLC must be provided with the manufacturer's standard operating system software package. The PLC must maintain a point database in its memory that includes all parameters, constraints and the latest value or status of all points connected to the PLC. Execution of the PLC application programs must use the data in memory resident files. The operating system must support a full compliment of process control functions. It must be possible to define these functions using a mix of ladder logic diagrams, function blocks, sequential function charts and text programming. Programming methods and interactions must be based on IEC 61131-3. A combination of the programming methods must be possible within a single controller. The operating system must allow loading of control logic locally or from the central station in which case it shall require a password to do so and data files from the portable tester. It must also support data entry and diagnostics using an operator interface panel attached directly to the PLC. Each PLC must be capable of operating in stand alone mode. Startup The PLC must have startup software that causes automatic commencement of operation without human intervention, including startup of all connected I/O functions. A PLC restart program based on detection of power failure at the PLC must be included in the PLC software. The restart program must include start time delays between successive commands to prevent demand surges or overload trips. Failure Mode Upon failure for any reason, each PLC must perform an orderly shutdown. Systems which are not Primary/Secondary must force all PLC outputs to a predetermined (failure mode) state, consistent with the failure modes shown and the associated control device. Primary/Secondary systems must transfer I/O scan and control to the PLC not currently failed. 2.6.2 Functions The controller operating system must be able to scan inputs, control outputs, and read and write to its internal memory in order to perform the required control as indicated in the sequence of control on the drawings. The controller must periodically perform self diagnostics to verify that it is functioning properly. Analog Monitoring The system shall measure and transmit all analog values including calculated analog points. SECTION 40 60 00 Page 17 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P Logic (Virtual) Logic (virtual) points must be software points entered in the point database which are not directly associated with a physical I/O function. Logic (virtual) points must be analog or binary points created by calculation from any combination of binary and analog points, or other data having all the properties of real points, including alarms, without the associated hardware. Logic (virtual) points must be defined or calculated and entered into the database. The calculated analog point must have point identification in the same format as any other analog point. State Variables If an analog point represents more than two (up to 8) specific states, each state must be nameable. For example, a level sensor must be displayed at its measured engineering units plus a state variable with named states usable in programs or for display such as low alarm/low/normal/high/high alarm. Analog Totalization Any analog point must be operator assignable to the totalization program. Up to eight analog values must be totalized within a selectable time period. 2.6.3 Constraints Equipment Constraints Definitions Each control point in the database must have PLC resident constraints defined and entered by the Contractor, including as applicable: maximum starts (cycles) per hour; minimum off time; minimum on time; high limit (value in engineering units); and low limit (value in engineering units). Constraints Checks All control devices connected to the system must have the PLC constraints checked and passed before each command is issued. Each command point must have unique constraints assigned. High and low "reasonableness" values or one differential "rate-of-change" value must be assigned to each AI. Each individual point must be capable of being selectively disabled by the operator from the central station. 2.6.4 Command Priorities A scheme of priority levels must be provided to prevent interaction of a command of low priority with a command of higher priority. Override commands entered by the operator must have higher priority than those emanating from applications programs. 2.7 CONTROL PANELS All control panels shall be UL 508A labeled. 2.7.1 Components Enclosures The enclosure for each control panel must conform to the requirements of SECTION 40 60 00 Page 18 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P NEMA 250 for the types specified. Finish color must be the manufacturer's standard, unless otherwise indicated. Enclosures for installation in mechanical equipment rooms must be Type 12; those for installation in clean, dry indoor occupied space may be Type 12; other locations must be as otherwise specified or shown. Enclosures for equipment installed outdoors must be Type 4X and be stainless steel or as shown. Enclosures for installation in a corrosive environment must be Type 4X and must be constructed of stainless steel. Painted steel must not be allowed for use in a corrosive environment. Enclosure must be provided with a single, continuously hinged exterior door with print pocket, 3-point latching mechanism and key lock and a single, continuously hinged interior door. Operator Interface Terminals (OITs) Operator Interface Terminals shall be shall be microprocessor-based flat panel type. The unit shall have data entry capabilities and shall include a password security function. The unit shall be connected to the PLC and shall display status, alarm, and diagnostic information. The unit shall provide a nominal diagonal display area dimension of 10", with a minimum resolution of 640x480, 32k color support, and an active TFT LCD display with back-light capability. The OIT shall be furnished with a minimum of 32 MB of onboard user non-volatile flash memory. The operator interface unit shall be provided with an Ethernet port for communications, and one serial RS-232 or RS-485 port for programming. The OIT shall be rated NEMA 4X / IP66, suitable for panel face mounting. Terminals shall be powered from 120 V ac, 60Hz, single phase. Terminals shall be suitable for ambient temperatures of -32 to +130°F and a relative humidity of 5 to 80 percent. One licensed copies of the OIT software used to create the screens shall be installed on the facilities existing PLC programming laptop and existing operator workstation unless the facilities existing programming software is capable of fully programming the unit. Acceptable Operator Interface Terminal manufacturers are Red Lion, Allen-Bradley, GE, or approved equal. OIT shall provide graphic screens that shall be used by the operators to access all functions and setpoints necessary for comprehensive control of the process whether connected to the PLC or existing PLCs. Each piece of major process equipment that is monitored and controlled by the Control Panel shall be displayed on the graphic screens at a minimum. Graphic screens shall be representations of the equipment and piping. The screens must accurately show all devices and equipment that is part of the control loops. The system programmer shall use the configuration standards and conventions to be established by direct coordination with the Government that shall describe and define such items as proposed graphic display process line colors/representations; color standards for "on", "off', "opened", "closed", and "alarm" conditions; alarm handling conventions; how items will be selected for control; methods for navigation between displays; address usage/naming conventions; and security setup. The OIT graphic displays and functionality shall be configured to mimic the operator controls at the operator workstation HMI package as close as possible within the constraints of the OIT's capabilities. Standard Indicator Light Indicator lights showing on, off, stand-by, automatic, manual depending on the application must comply with NEMA ICS 1, NEMA ICS 2 and UL 508. Lights must be heavy duty, round and must mount in a 0.875 inch mounting hole. Indicator lights must be LED type and must operate at 120 VAC or 24 VDC. SECTION 40 60 00 Page 19 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P Long life bulbs must be used. Indicator light must be provided with a legend plate labeled as shown on the drawings. Lens color must be as indicated on the drawings. Lights must be push to test (lamp) type. Selector Switches Selector switches must comply with NEMA ICS 1, NEMA ICS 2 and UL 508. Selector switches must be heavy duty, round and must mount in a 0.875 inch mounting hole. The number of positions must be as indicated on the drawings. Switches must be non-illuminatedor as indicted of the drawings. Switches must be rated for 600 volts, 10 amperes continuous. Selector switches must be provided with a legend plate labeled as shown on the drawings. Where indicated or required, dual auxiliary contacts must be provided for the automatic position to provide position sensing at the central station or workstation. Auxiliary contacts must be rated for 120 VAC, 1A as a minimum. Where indicated on the drawings, switches must be key operated. All keys must be identical. Push Buttons Push buttons must comply with NEMA ICS 1, NEMA ICS 2 and UL 508. Push buttons must be heavy duty, round and must mount in a 22.5 mm 0.875 inch mounting hole. The number and type of contacts must be as indicated on the drawings or required by the Sequence of Control. Push buttons must be rated for 600 volts, 10 amperes continuous. Push buttons must be provided with a legend plate labeled as shown on the drawings. Relays Relays shall comply with IEEE C37.90 and derated for altitude above 1,500 m. Relays shall be single-pole, double-throw (SPDT) double-pole, double-throw (DPDT) as required by the Sequence of Control. Relay coil shall be 120 vAc or 24 vDc and shall be provided with matching mounting socket. Power consumption shall not be greater than 3 watts. Terminal Blocks Terminal blocks must comply with NEMA ICS 4 and UL 1059. Terminal blocks for conductors exiting control panels must be two-way type with double terminals, one for internal wiring connections and the other for external wiring connections. Terminal blocks must be made of bakelite or other suitable insulating material with full deep barriers between each pair of terminals. A terminal identification strip must form part of the terminal block and each terminal must be identified by a number in accordance with the numbering scheme on the approved wiring diagrams. Alarm Horns Alarm horns must be provided where indicated on the drawings. Horns must be vibrating type and must comply with UL 508. Horns must provide 100 dB at 10 feet. Exterior mounted horns must be weather proof by design or must be mounted in a weather proof enclosure that does not reduce the effectiveness of the horn. 2.7.2 Panel Assembly Control panels shall be factory assembled and shipped to the jobsite as a single unit. Panels shall be fabricated as indicated and devices shall be mounted as shown or required. Each panel shall be fabricated as a bottom SECTION 40 60 00 Page 20 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P or top-entry connection point for control system electrical power, control system wiring, communications system wiring. Top entry conduits must first be routed to a pull box with drain and conduit seals to prevent moisture intrusion into enclosure. 2.7.3 Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) Each PLC control panel shall be provided with UPS plugged into a dedicated receptacle inside the panel with UPS circuits plugged into the UPS allowing bypass of the UPS via the plug and receptacles. The unit shall be sized to provide a minimum of 10 minutes of operation of the control panel. The UPS shall incorporate surge suppression, noise filtering (normal and common mode) short circuit protection and voltage regulation (brownout and overvoltage protection). UPS shall be complete with all necessary power supplies, transformers, batteries, and accessories and shall include visual indication of normal power operation, UPS operation, abnormal operation and visual and audible indication of low battery power. The UPS shall comply with the Federal Communications Commission Standard 15J part A for radio noise emissions. The following control panel circuits shall not be powered by the UPS: panel light, heater, and convenience receptacle. 2.7.4 Grounding Control panel enclosures must be equipped with a solid copper ground bus or equivalent. The ground bus must be securely anchored to the enclosure so as to effectively ground the entire structure. Clamp-type terminals sized large enough to carry the maximum expected current must be provided on the ground bus for grounding cables. Where a definite circuit ground is required, a single wire not less than #6 AWG must run independently to the panel ground bus and must be fastened to the ground bus with a bolted terminal lug. Cases of instruments, relays and other devices must be effectively grounded through the enclosures steel structure unless otherwise indicated. Insulated wiring having a continuous rated current of not less than the circuit fuse rating must be used for grounding. Grounding terminals of power receptacles must be solidly grounded to the panel enclosure. 2.7.5 Convenience Outlet A 120 volt ac, 20 amp, ground fault interruption (GFI) type duplex convenience outlet must be provided inside the panel. The outlet circuit must be separate from the panel power circuit. 2.7.6 Panel Interior Light Each control panel must be provided with a 15 watt LED light. The light must be operated by a manual on-off switch mounted on the interior door of the enclosure. The light must be powered by the same circuit as the convenience outlet. 2.7.7 Fiber Patch Panels Control panels shall be provided with DIN Rail mountable Fiber optic patch panels where indicated on the Drawings. All fiber optic cabling entering a control panel shall terminate within a fiber patch panel. Patch panels shall be supplied with termination panels to accept the quantity and type of fiber as shown on the Drawings. Preterminated fiber optic patch cables shall be used to connect the patch SECTION 40 60 00 Page 21 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P panel to the fiber switch. Patch cables shall be no shorter than three (3) feet in length. Fiber patch panels shall be as manufactured by Corning, Optical Cable Corporation (OCC), Black Box or Engineer approved equal. 2.8 COMPUTER HARDWARE 2.9 OPERATOR INTERFACE TERMINALS (OITs) Operator Interface Terminals shall be shall be microprocessor-based flat panel type. The unit shall have data entry capabilities and shall include a password security function. The unit shall be connected to the PLC and shall display status, alarm, and diagnostic information. The unit shall provide a nominal diagonal display dimension of 10", with a minimum resolution of 800x600, 16M color support, and an active TFT LCD display with back-light capability. The OIT shall be furnished with a minimum of 512 MB of onboard user non-volatile flash memory. The operator interface unit shall be provided with a minimum of One (1) 10/100Base-T Ethernet port for communications, and USB port for programming. The OIT shall be rated NEMA 4X / IP66, suitable for panel face mounting. OIT's shall be 24VDC powered. Terminals shall be suitable for ambient temperatures of -32 to +130°F and a relative humidity of 5 to 80 percent. One licensed copies of the OIT software used to create the screens shall be installed on the facilities existing PLC programming laptop and existing operator workstation unless the facilities existing programming software is capable of fully programming the unit. Acceptable Operator Interface Terminal manufacturers are Red Lion, Allen-Bradley, Schneider Electric, or approved equal. 2.9.1 OIT Display Layout OIT shall provide graphic screens that shall be used by the operators to access all functions and setpoints necessary for comprehensive control of the process whether connected to the PLC or existing PLCs. Each piece of major process equipment that is monitored and controlled by the Control Panel shall be displayed on the graphic screens at a minimum. Graphic screens shall be representations of the equipment and piping. The screens must accurately show all devices and equipment that is part of the control loops. The system programmer shall use the configuration standards and conventions to be established by direct coordination with the Government that shall describe and define such items as proposed graphic display process line colors/representations; color standards for "on", "off', "opened", "closed", and "alarm" conditions; alarm handling conventions; how items will be selected for control; methods for navigation between displays; address usage/naming conventions; and security setup. The OIT graphic displays and functionality shall be configured to mimic the operator controls at the operator workstation HMI package as close as possible within the constraints of the OIT's capabilities. 2.10 MONITORING AND CONTROL SOFTWARE The Contractor is to provide updates as shown on the Drawings and specified herein to the existing site Trihedral VTScada SCADA system. The Contractor is to assume the existing system has capacity to add all additional monitoring and control signals added under this scope of work. SECTION 40 60 00 Page 22 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P 2.10.1 Graphical Operations Graphical User Interface The two existing operator workstations shall have their software modified to support the functions specified herein and to provide the like in kind functionality for the process controls that the existing plant process system provides. Display Information The central station must display information necessary to support all requirements specified, including: operator commands; alarm notification; reports; system graphics as specified and as shown, incorporating dynamic data; and curve plotting. System Graphics Implementation System graphics displays must be hierarchical displays which integrate dynamic data into the display. System graphics must reflect actual system configuration. Each system schematic must be included as a separate display. Different colors, textures, and use of inverted video must be used for various components and dynamic data. The displays must include standard and/or custom symbols. Any dynamic data which is not current, due to PLC communications failure, PLC failure, or point out of service, must be highlighted or flagged. 2.10.2 Real Time Clock Synchronization The system must synchronize the PLC to the Operator's Workstation, real time clock, within one second and at least once per day automatically, without operator intervention and without requiring system shutdown. 2.10.3 Control Panel Alarms The system must supervise each control panel, I/O function and DTS circuit for alarm reporting, including: control panel not responding; control panel responding (return to normal); control panel to central station DTS circuit high error rate; control panel to control panel DTS circuit high error rate; control panel/central station real time clock error more than 15 seconds (adjustable); control panel intrusion alarm; control panel offline; control panel online (return to normal); control panel failure (self-diagnostics); point not responding to command; and point change of state without command. 2.10.4 Trending Any analog or calculated point shall be operator assignable to an HMI trend screen. Points shall be sampled at individually assigned intervals, selectable between one minute and 24 hours. a. The M&C Software must include a graphical display for trend configuration, creation and deletion accessible through the graphical user interface. Each trend must be user-configurable for: (1) Point to trend. (2) Sampling interval: adjustable between 1 second and 1 hour. SECTION 40 60 00 Page 23 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P (3) Start and Stop Time of Trend: Start and stop times determined by one or more of the following methods: (a) Start time and stop time (b) Start time and duration (c) Start time and number of samples b. The software must be capable of displaying and printing a graphical representation of each trend, and of multiple trended points on the same graph. The software must be capable of saving trend logs to a file. If the file format is not plain ASCII text in a Comma-Separated-Value (CSV) format, provide a means to export or convert the file to plain ASCII text in a CSV format. 2.10.5 Analog Monitoring The system must measure, transmit, and display analog values, including calculated analog points. 2.10.6 Analog Totalization Any analog or calculated point must be operator assignable to the totalization program. The analog totalization time period must be defined uniquely for each point. At the end of the period, totals must be stored on disk for future reference. Totalization must then restart from zero for the next time period. The program must keep track of the peak and total value measured during the current period and for the previous period. The operator must be able to initiate a summary of totalization information on a point, unit, sub-system or system. The operator must be able to set or reset each totalized value individually. The operator must be able to define, modify, or delete the time period online. 2.11 ETHERNET NETWORK SWITCHES Industrial Ethernet Network Switches shall be furnished as shown on the Drawings for connection to the Control system network. All Ethernet network switches shall be IEEE 802.3 compliant, and sized as required to include all connections shown on the Drawings. Ethernet network swiches shall be provided with all cabling and accessories required for a complete installation. 2.11.1 Managed Network Switches Managed network switches shall be the DIN rail mountable industrial type, designed to operate in harsh environments, -40 to 75°C. Managed network switch base modules shall consist of a minimum of eight (8) 10/100/1000Base-TX Ethernet and two (2) 100/1000 SFP ports. Managed network switch capacity shall be expandable by means of adding an expansion module to the base module to include the total system capacity and type as shown on the contract drawings. SFP modules shall be provided as required for the type and quanity of connections required as shown on the contract drawings. Network switches shall be powered by redundant 24VDC inputs. Managed network switches shall support Layer 2 switching, IP- and MAC-based port security, and be password protected. Switches shall support SNMP v3 managment. Switches shall be DISA approved. Switches shall have diagnostic LED's for device status and individual channel status. SECTION 40 60 00 Page 24 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P Managed network switches shall be Cisco Catalyst IE3300 Series, or Engineer approved equal. 2.11.2 Media Convertors Media Convertors shall be DIN Rail mounted, 24VDC powered, provided with a minimum of one (1) 10/100 Ethernet ports for communications, and one (1) 100/1000 Fiber port suitable for the type shown on the contract drawings. Switches shall be suitable for ambient temperatures of 0 to +60°C and a relative humidity of 5 to 80 percent. Media Convertors shall be Phoenix Contact, Red Lion, or Engineer approved equal. 2.12 DATA COMMUNICATION REQUIREMENTS Control system data communications shall support the specified functions and control system configuration specified and shown on the drawings. The workstation shall be able to initiate uploads or downloads of programs and resident data, including parameters of connected systems PLCs and devices, constraints and programs in the workstation. 2.12.1 Error Detection and Retransmission Error detection and retransmission shall comply with current Ethernet standards. 2.13 FACTORY TEST The process control system must be tested at the factory prior to shipment. Written notification of planned testing must be given to the Government at least 21 days prior to testing, and in no case must notice be given until after the Contractor has received written Government approval of the test procedures. 2.13.1 Factory Test Setup Assemble and integrate the factory test setup as specified to prove that performance of the system satisfies all requirements of this project, including system communications requirements in accordance with the approved test procedures. The factory test must take place during regular daytime working hours on weekdays. Equipment used must be the same equipment that is to be delivered to the site. The factory test setup must include the following: Factory Test central station equipment one each of the components workstation one of each type control panel not less than two control panels: at least one of each type used in the system plus SECTION 40 60 00 Page 25 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P Factory Test test set one of each type portable tester one of each type communications circuits one of each type and speed to be utilized in the proposed system including bridges, modems, encoder/decoders, transceivers and repeaters surge protection equipment for power, communications, I/O functions and networks I/O functions sufficient to demonstrate the I/O capability and system normal operation software software required for proper operation of the proposed system including application programs and sequences of operation PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 FACTORY TEST Perform factory testing of the System as specified. The Contractor is responsible for providing personnel, equipment, instrumentation, and supplies necessary to perform required testing. Provide written notification of planned testing to the Government at least 21 days prior to testing, and do not give this notice until after receiving written Government approval of the specific Factory Test Procedures. Provide Factory Test Procedures which define the tests required to ensure that the system meets technical, operational, and performance specifications. Within the Procedures define location of tests, milestones for the tests, and identify simulation programs, equipment, personnel, facilities, and supplies required. Provide procedures which test all capabilities and functions specified and indicated. Perform the Factory Test using equipment and software of the same manufacturer, model and revision as will be used for the specified project. Include detailed instructions for test setup, execution, and evaluation of test results in the Procedures. Upon completion of the test, prepare a Factory Test Report, documenting the results of the Test, and submit it as specified. This report must be approved before any equipment is shipped. Perform the Factory Test and provide Factory Test Submittals as shown in TABLE II. FACTORY TEST SEQUENCING. 3.2 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS 3.2.1 Installation Install system components and appurtenances in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and provide necessary interconnections, services, and adjustments required for a complete and operable system. Adjust or replace devices not conforming to the required accuracies. SECTION 40 60 00 Page 26 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P Replace factory sealed devices, rather than adjusting. Installation, adjustment, and operation of the equipment specified must be supervised by a manufacturer's representative experienced in the installing, adjusting, and testing of the equipment. a. Install instrumentation and communication equipment and cable grounding as necessary to preclude ground loops, noise, and surges from adversely affecting system operation. b. Install wiring in exposed areas, including low voltage wiring, in metallic raceways or EMT conduit as specified on the drawings. c. Submit detail drawings containing complete piping, wiring, schematic, flow diagrams and any other details required to demonstrate that the system has been coordinated and will properly function as a unit. Piping and Instrumentation (P&ID) drawings (prepared using industry recognized device symbols, clearly defined and describing piping designations to define the service and materials of individual pipe segments and instrument tags employing Instrument Society of America suggested identifiers). Include in the Drawings, as appropriate: product specific catalog cuts; a drawing index; a list of symbols; a series of drawings for each process control system using abbreviations, symbols, nomenclature and identifiers as shown; valve schedules; compressed instrument air station schematics and ASME air storage tank certificates for each type and make of compressed instrument air station. Isolation, Penetrations and Clearance from Equipment Dielectric isolation must be provided where dissimilar metals are used for connection and support. Penetrations through and mounting holes in the building exteriors must be made watertight. Holes in concrete, brick, steel and wood walls must be drilled or core drilled with proper equipment; conduits installed through openings must be sealed with materials which are compatible with existing materials. Openings must be sealed with materials which meet the requirements of NFPA 70. Installation must provide clearance for control-system maintenance. Process control system installation must not interfere with the clearance requirements for mechanical and electrical system maintenance. Device Mounting Devices must be installed in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and as shown. Control devices to be installed in piping must be provided with required gaskets, flanges, thermal compounds, insulation, piping, fittings, and manual valves for shutoff, equalization, purging, and calibration. Any deviations must be documented and submitted to the Government for approval prior to mounting. Damaged insulation must be replaced or repaired after devices are installed to match existing work. Damaged galvanized surfaces must be repaired by touching up with zinc paint. 3.2.2 Sequences of Operation Study the operation and sequence of local equipment controls, as a part of the conditions report, and note any deviations from the described sequences of operation on the contract drawings. Perform necessary adjustments to make the equipment operate in an optimum manner and must fully document changes made. SECTION 40 60 00 Page 27 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P 3.3 SCADA PLC Control The contractor is responsible for updating all exisitng OIT and SCADA screens to communicate to the updated PLC programs as required for a completely functional system, in addtion to providing any additional programming as outlined below. 3.3.1 Headworks Sensors Local Control Each of the new analytical instruments at the headworks, will have local readout via an sc4500 analyzer (new). SCADA Automated Controls There shall be an operator selectable low level and high level alarm for each of the devices. Signals Signals are as shown on the Contract P&IDs. Operator Workstation All signals brought back to the PLC shall be stored within the System database and displayed at the Operator’s Workstation. Trend Plots The following daily trend plots shall be generated and stored daily: 1. Date/Time vs pH (0-100%) 2. Date/Time vs Conductivity 3. Date/Time vs ORP 3.3.2 Headworks Weir Gates (SUG-100/101) Local Control Each valve actuator is equipped with a Local-Off-Remote selector switch. When the selector switch is in the Local position, the operator shall be able to use the Open-Stop-Close positioning buttons to control the position of the weir gate levels. SCADA Automated Controls When the selector switch for the actuator is in the Remote position, the operator shall be able to enter position setpoint for the associated gate, from 0 - 100%. When the actuator is in the Local position, the PLC shall track the current position, and provide bumpless transfer between the Local and Remote positions. Interlocks Interlocks shall be provided as recommended by the equipment manufacturer for proper protection and operation. The operator shall not be able to enter a manual position setpoint if the actuator is in the local position. SECTION 40 60 00 Page 28 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P Signals Signals are as shown on the Contract P&IDs. Operator Workstation All signals brought back to the PLC shall be stored within the System database and displayed at the Operator’s Workstation. Trend Plots The following daily trend plots shall be generated and stored daily: 1. Date/Time vs SUG-100 Position (0-100%) 2. Date/Time vs SUG-101 Position (0-100%) 3.3.3 EQ Tank Effluent Pump Station The existing primary clarifier sludge pump station will be repurposed as an effluent pump station for the equalization tank. This pump station will pump to either the BNR or sludge holding tank depending on the new manual valves installed on the forcemain near the new 24" line to the BNR. Local Control The pump station has local hand/off/auto switches for each of the screw pumps. These will normally be in automatic and controlled by the PLC. When in hand, the pumps will run. When off, the pumps will not run. The Operators may choose to leave this pump station off remotely and turn on after the tank has been filled due to a release of contaminated wastewater. SCADA Automated Controls Automated pumping level control pumping will be performed by the effluent pump station based on the level signal from the local submersible level transducer sending a signal to the PLC. When in automatic mode, the pumps will operate via set level elevations detected by the submersible level transducer. The pumps will operate via a Lead, Lag 1, and Lag 2 arrangement. Each time the water surface level reaches the pump off elevation and all three pumps turn off, the lead pump will be alternated to the Lag 1 pump and the Lag 2 pump will be rotated to the Lead pump. If the lead pump has an alarm condition that causes the pump to shut off (seal or motor overtemp) the lead pump shall rotate to the Lag 2 Pump. The PLC shall send a start signal to the Lag 1 pump and it shall become the lead pump. The stopped pump shall remain the Lag 2 pump until the alarm condition is resolved and it is placed back into service. The two other pump shall then alternate between Lead and Lag 1. The wet well also has level switches for high and low level alarms. If either switch is engaged, an alarm shall be signalled at the Operator's Workstation. The elevations of pumping for this station shall be selectable by the Operators. Interlocks No interlocks for this pump station. Signals Signals are as shown on the Contract P&IDs. SECTION 40 60 00 Page 29 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P Operator Workstation All signals brought back to the PLC shall be stored within the System database and displayed at the Operator’s Workstation. From the Workstation, the Operator's can select to run the pumps and select setpoitns for pump on, off, alarms, etc. Trend Plots The following daily trend plots shall be generated and stored daily: 1. Date/Time vs Level 2. Date/Time vs Pump 1 Run Status ("ON/OFF") 3. Date/Time vs Pump 2 Run Status ("ON/OFF") 4. Date/Time vs Pump 3 Run Status ("ON/OFF") 3.3.4 BNR DO Control By utilizing the additional 40 hours of required integration work, the Integrator must meet with the Operators and the Engineer to discuss potential control updates to better regulate swings in DO in each of the aeration zones. 3.3.5 Polymer Feed System Local Control New controls will consist of a local control panel with integrated controller and HMI which allows operation of the chemical feed pumps in the polymer feed building. The pumps controls will include H/O/A control logic programmed into the local control panel’s controller. Included with each pump is a contact closure which will indicate an alarm when a tube failure is detected or the flow verification system fails. System control logic is to be provided by the Manufacturer to be included in the chemical feed pump skid control system. The feed control system will be paced with the influent flow meter signal to achieve a desired polymer dose. PLC Automatic Control When in automatic mode, the PLC will pace the single feed pump. The polyblend system will monitor the flow rate from the influent flow meter from the PLC network. The polyblend will have a dosing rate setpoint that can be controlled from the Operator's Workstation. SCADA controls shall provide remote monitoring of the chemical feed system. If one of the system pumps stop operation due to an alarm condition that is sent to the PLC, then the PLC shall send a start signal to the redundant chemical feed pump and day tank mixer to start up. The redundant pump shall remain in operation until the alarm condition is resolved for the polyblend system. The redundant pump shall continue to operate until either the Operator selects from the Workstation that the switchover shall occur, or when the redundant pump shuts off due to a stoppage of flow to the secondary clarifiers. Upon restarting of the polymer feed system when a flow is seen by the meter at the CTF building, then the PLC shall send a start signal polyblend system. The PLC shall not send a start signal to the polymer feed system until a minimum threshold of flow has been seen by the secondary clarifier pump station. This threshold shall be an operator setpoint at the Operator's Workstation (initially set to 25 gpm). SECTION 40 60 00 Page 30 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P Interlocks Interlocks are limited to those provided in the Manufacturer’s standard local control logic. No additional interlocks will be provided. Signals Signals are as shown on the Contract P&IDs. Operator Workstation All signals brought back to the PLC shall be stored within the System database and displayed at the Operator’s Workstation. Trend Plots The following trend plots shall be provided at the Operator’s Workstation: 1. Date/Time vs Polyblend Feed Pump Speed 2. Date/Time vs Redundant Pump Run Status (“ON/OFF”) 3. Date/Time vs Day Tank Mixer Run Status (“ON/OFF”) 3.3.6 Alum Feed System Hand, Off, and Automatic controls currently exist in the alum feed building. Existing signals and controls are already installed in the local PLC. The scope of this project, is to integrate the current controls in the local PLC with the VT SCADA system. A meeting shall be conducted with the Head Operator and staff to ensure existing functionality is retained for future operation. Existing functionality from the current PLC shall be transferred to the new PLC. Local Control Hand, Off, and Automatic controls currently exist in the alum feed building. PLC Automatic Control The system will normally be in automatic which will be controlled by the PLC. Existing control logic shall be incorporated into the VT SCADA program for setpoint control. Interlocks Interlocks are limited to those provided in the Manufacturer’s standard local control logic. No additional interlocks will be provided. Signals Signals are existing and will remain in place. All signals shall be tied into the VT SCADA system. Operator Workstation All signals brought back to the PLC shall be stored within the System database and displayed at the Operator’s Workstation. Trend Plots The following trend plots shall be provided at the Operator’s Workstation: SECTION 40 60 00 Page 31 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P 1. Date/Time vs Polyblend Feed Pump Speed 2. Date/Time vs Redundant Pump Run Status (“ON/OFF”) 3. Date/Time vs Day Tank Mixer Run Status (“ON/OFF”) 3.3.7 RAS Pump Station Local Control Each pump is equipped with a local hand/off/auto switch. In hand,the pump shall run continuously at the speed set within the VFD. Mag meters will be added to the discharge of each RAS pump. Local readout of the flow rate is to be provided. PLC Automatic Control In Automatic, the PLC shall call each of the RAS pumps to run. The existing call to run logic shall remain in place. The following control strategies shall be provided in the PLC for controlling the RAS pumps. The control strategy selected shall apply to all three (3) pumps. 1. Fixed Speed Control Mode a. In Fixed Speed Control Mode, when the RAS pump is called to run, the PLC will run the pump at an operator adjustable Fixed Speed Setpoint, adjustable from 70 - 100%. The pump shall run a constant speed until it is called to stop from the PLC. 2. RAS Flow Control Mode a. In RAS Flow Control Mode, the PLC shall adjust the speed of the RAS pumps to maintain an operator adjustable RAS Flow Setpoint based on a running average of the effluent flow, as seen by the flow meter on the effluent line of the respective pump. Effluent flow rate shall fall within plus or minus 3 percent of the RAS Flow Setpoint. 3. Plant Influent Control Mode a. In Plant Influent Control Mode, the operator shall input a setpoint, 0 - 100%, for total RAS flow as a percentage of the plant influent flow. The PLC shall calculate the total RAS flow setpoint as a percent of plant effluent flow. The PLC shall average and update the total RAS flow setpoint once per an adjustable time period (15 to 60 minutes), initially set at 30 minutes, for this calculation. The flow setpoint shall be limited by an operator adjustable minimum and maximum RAS Flow rate. Total RAS Flow = Inputted Percentage of Effluent Flow * Influent Flow Interlocks Any existing interlocks will remain. Signals Signals are as shown on the Contract P&IDs. Operator Workstation All signals brought back to the PLC shall be stored within the System database and displayed at the Operator’s Workstation. From the Workstation, the controlling factor of speed (60-100%), flow (900-1600 gpm), or flow pacing (percentage off influent flow meter), shall be selectable and SECTION 40 60 00 Page 32 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P adjustable. The Operator shall also be able to select the run and off time for these pumps in automatic mode. The run time will initially be set at 10 minutes and remain off for 15 minutes. Minimum value for each will be 5 minutes. Trend Plots The following trend plots shall be provided at the Operator’s Workstation: 1. Date/Time vs Pump Discharge Rate (gpm) (typical of 3) 3.3.8 Cloth Media Filters The Cloth Media Filters currently have local control via an HMI. Signals are currently ran to the Operator's Workstation for monitoring of the system. This project will add the capability to trigger a backwash and what the time setpoints are for a backwash for each filter. Local Control The tertiary filters have local control capability. SCADA Automated Controls From the Operator's Workstation, the Operators can trigger a backwash, and also can adjust the time period between backwashes for each filter remotely. If one filter is currently in backwash mode, the next backwash shall not start until the other filter is back online. Signals Signals are as shown on the Contract P&IDs. Operator Workstation From the Operator's Workstation, the Operators can trigger a backwash via remote hand, and also can select the time period between backwashes for each filter remotely. If one filter is currently in backwash mode, the next backwash shall not start until the other filter is back online. Trend Plots The following daily trend plots shall be generated and stored daily: 1. Time since last filter backwash (hours:minutes:seconds) (typical of 3) 3.3.9 Chlorine Feed System Local Control The chlorine feed system has a local control capability. The pumps have a hand/off/auto. When in hand, the pumps shall run. When off, the pumps shall not run. When in auto, the pumps shall run based on the SCADA Automated Controls below. Normally the pumps will be in auto. The plants main source of disinfection is via UV. Chlorine is a backup system incase of interruption of the UV treatment system. SCADA Automated Controls If the Operator's have selected for the chlorine feed system to be the lead SECTION 40 60 00 Page 33 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P disinfection system, then the pumps will run and be flow paced based on the effluent flow meter and calculations provided by the feed pump manufacturer. Interlocks Interlocks shall be provided as recommended by the equipment manufacturer for proper protection and operation. Signals Signals are as shown on the Contract P&IDs. Operator Workstation All signals brought back to the PLC shall be stored within the System database and displayed at the Operator’s Workstation. Trend Plots The following daily trend plots shall be generated and stored daily: 1. Date/Time vs Chlorine Feed Pumps ("ON"/"OFF") 3.3.10 Reclaim Truck Fill Station Local Control The fill station is a manual operation. There will be a local digital readout for a flow meter. The local plug valve will be used to throttle the flow rate manually. SCADA Automated Controls There are no automated controls for this system. Interlocks No interlocks for this system Signals Signals are as shown on the Contract P&IDs. Operator Workstation All signals brought back to the PLC shall be stored within the System database and displayed at the Operator’s Workstation. Trend Plots The following daily trend plots shall be generated and stored daily: 1. Date/Time vs Flow Totalizer (day, week, month, year) in gallons 2. Date/Time vs Instantaneous Flow Rate (gpm) SECTION 40 60 00 Page 34 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P 3.3.11 Dechlorination Feed System Local Control The dechlorination feed system (located at the post aeration facility) has a local control capability. The pumps have a hand/off/auto. When in hand, the pumps shall run. When off, the pumps shall not run. When in auto, the pumps shall run based on the SCADA Automated Controls below. Normally the pumps will be in auto. The plants main source of disinfection is via UV. Chlorine is a backup system incase of interruption of the UV treatment system. SCADA Automated Controls If the Operator's have selected for the chlorine feed system to be the lead disinfection system, then the pumps will run and be flow paced based on the effluent flow meter and calculations provided by the feed pump manufacturer. Interlocks Interlocks shall be provided as recommended by the equipment manufacturer for proper protection and operation. Signals Signals are as shown on the Contract P&IDs. Operator Workstation All signals brought back to the PLC shall be stored within the System database and displayed at the Operator’s Workstation. Trend Plots The following daily trend plots shall be generated and stored daily: 1. Date/Time vs Dechlorination Feed Pumps ("ON"/"OFF") 3.4 INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT Install equipment as specified, as shown and as required in the manufacturer's instructions for a complete and fully operational control system. 3.4.1 Control Panels Control panels must be located as indicated on the drawings. Devices located in the control panels must be as shown on the drawings or as needed to provide the indicated control sequences. 3.4.2 Flow Measuring Device Fluid flow instruments must be installed in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations, unless otherwise indicated in the specification. The minimum straight unobstructed piping for the flowmeter installation must be 10.0 pipe diameters upstream and 5.0 pipe diameters downstream. Meters for gases and vapors must be installed in vertical piping, and meters for liquids must be installed in horizontal piping, unless otherwise recommended by the manufacturer or indicated in the specifications. SECTION 40 60 00 Page 35 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P Flow Nozzle Flow nozzles flanges must be installed so that the pressure taps are in a horizontal plane with the centerline of the pipe. Flow nozzles must be installed for ease of accessibility for periodic maintenance. Differential pressure sensors must be installed as close to the flow nozzle as possible. Flow Switch Flow switches must be installed in such a manner as to minimize disturbance of the flow of fluid while maintaining reliable operation of the switch. Magnetic Flowmeter Meter must be installed in vertical piping so that the flow tube remains full of the process fluid under all operating conditions. A minimum of ten pipe diameters straight run upstream of the flowmeter and five pipe diameters straight run downstream of the flowmeter must be provided (except for the RAS pump station where the meters are to be installed per the contract plans). The flowmeter and piping system must be grounded to earth ground. Natural Gas or Propane Flowmeter Meters shall be installed in accordance with ASME B31.8. Permanent gas meters must be installed with provisions for isolation and removal for calibration and maintenance, and must be suitable for operation in conjunction with an energy monitoring and control system. Orifice Plates Orifice plates must be installed for ease of accessibility for periodic maintenance. Differential pressure sensors must be as close to the orifice plates as possible. Orifice plates for liquid measurement must be located in horizontal pipe runs with the orifice plate flanges installed so that the pressure taps are in the horizontal plane with the centerline of the pipe. For liquid, the differential pressure transmitter must be installed below the orifice taps. For gas measurement, the orifice plate flanges must be installed so that the pressure taps are 45 degrees or more above the horizontal plane with the centerline of the pipe. For gas measurement the required differential pressure transmitter must be physically installed above the orifice taps. Paddle Flowmeter Meter must be installed using manufacturer's published procedures. Installers must be trained for such installations in the pipes encountered. Provide certificates demonstrating installer's qualifications. Annular Pitot Tubes Annular pitot tubes must be installed so that the total head pressure ports are set-in-line with the pipe axis upstream and the static port facing downstream. The total head pressure ports must extend diametrically across the entire pipe. Annular pitot tubes must not be used where the flow is pulsating or where pipe vibration is allowed. SECTION 40 60 00 Page 36 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P Positive Displacement Flow Meters Flow meters must be installed horizontally, and aligned correctly in the direction of flow. Turbine Meters Turbine meters must be installed so that the sensor is located in the center of the fluid flow pipe on the main axis. Turbine meters must be installed without interruption to service. Install a welded flanged riser of appropriate pipe line rating, with a full opening valve bolted to it. Sensor must be located in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions for the specified flow rates and installation conditions. Reduced diameter pipe sections must be provided as necessary to achieve required flow velocities. Meters must be installed using the hot-tap method with tools recommended by the manufacturer. The minimum straight unobstructed piping for the flow meter installation must be 10 pipe diameters upstream and 5 pipe diameters downstream. The meter must be installed in a horizontal section unless manufacturer specifically allows otherwise. Ultrasonic Flowmeter Meter must be installed using manufacturer's published procedures for installation. Installers must be trained for such installations in the pipes encountered. Provide certificates demonstrating installer's qualifications. Variable Area Flowmeter Meters must be installed in a vertical piping section with full flow through the meter. Venturi Flowmeter The flowmeter must be installed with its top above the pipeline in horizontal pipe run installations. The direction of flow must be upward in vertical pipe run installations. The flowmeter must be aligned to the direction of the flow and must be rigidly mounted and vibration free. The minimum straight unobstructed piping for the flow meter installation must be 10 pipe diameters upstream and 5 pipe diameters downstream. Vortex Shedding Flowmeters The flowmeter must be installed with its top above the pipeline in horizontal pipe run installations. The direction of flow must be upward in vertical pipe run installations. The flowmeter must be aligned to the direction of the flow and must be rigidly mounted and vibration free. The minimum straight unobstructed piping for the flow meter installation must be 10 pipe diameters upstream and 5 pipe diameters downstream. 3.4.3 Level Instruments Liquid Level Sensor (Bubble Type) The air pressure regulating valve, air filter, moisture trap, air flow adjustment valve, level gauge, air isolation valve and pressure transducer must be mounted on a panel where indicated on the drawings. The level gauge must be labeled to identify the tank being measured. The isolation valve must be located in the air supply line upstream of the moisture trap, SECTION 40 60 00 Page 37 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P air filter and pressure regulator. The air inlet line to the dip tube and the dip tube must be mounted to a flange at the top of the tank. The dip tube must extend to the bottom of the tank, leaving the manufacturer's recommended clearance between the dip tube and tank bottom. The dip tube material must be compatible with the tank contents. The pressure regulating valve must be adjusted to the outlet pressure recommended by the manufacturer. Where exposed, the air supply line to the tank and from the tank to the level gauge and pressure transducer must be protected from damage. Capacitance Liquid Level Sensors The sensing probes must be located close to, and parallel with, the tank or sump wall. Conductivity Level Switch Level switches must be installed vertically and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Switches must be accessible for maintenance and calibration. In applications where switches cannot be directly mounted to a tank by the threaded or flanged connection, a mounting bracket must be provided for connection to the inside tank wall, maintaining the minimum recommended distance from the tank fill opening. Displacement Type Liquid Level Switch Level switches must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Switches must be accessible for maintenance and calibration. In applications where switches cannot be directly mounted to a tank by the threaded or flanged connection, a mounting bracket must be provided for connection to the inside tank wall. Mercury Float Switches Switches must be mounted in accordance with manufacturer's published instructions. Procedures must be those used for equipment in hazardous locations. Ultrasonic Level Sensor Sensor must be installed vertically in the top of the tank and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Switches must be accessible for maintenance and calibration. In applications where switches cannot be directly mounted to a tank by the threaded or flanged connection, a mounting bracket must be provided for connection to the inside tank wall. Sensor must be positioned to maximize the return echo signal and minimize vessel obstructions in the sensors line of sight. The minimum recommended distance from the tank fill opening and from the side of the tank must be maintained. 3.4.4 Process Analytical Instrumentation PH and ORP Sensor Pipe mounted flow sensor must be located in a threaded tee or fitting to allow removal from the pipe. Submersible sensor must be completely immersed in the fluid being monitored using an ensemble that will allow for removal of the sensor from the fluid for replacement. The sensor must be located in an area of continuous flow. The transmitter must be located as SECTION 40 60 00 Page 38 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P shown on the Drawings. The transmitter must be mounted to allow the digital readout to be easily viewed. 3.4.5 Electric Power Devices Potential and Current Transformers Install potential and current transformers in enclosures unless otherwise shown. Current transformer leads must be shorted when they are not connected to the measurement circuits. Hour Meters Meters must be located in the control panel or as otherwise shown. Power to the meter must be connected to the motor starter auxiliary contacts for pumps, blowers and other motor driven devices. For devices without motor starters, the meter must be connected in parallel with the load. Where the meter voltage differs from the metered devices voltage, transformer must be provided as necessary. Watt-hour Meters Install watt-hour meters and transducers in enclosures unless otherwise shown. Transducers Transducers must be wired in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, and installed in enclosures. Current Sensing Relays and Current Transducers for Motors When used to sense meter/fan/pump status, current sensing relays must be used for applications under 5 hp. Applications over 5 hp must use a current transducer. 3.4.6 Output Devices Output devices (transducers, relays, contactors, or other devices) which are not an integral part of the control panel, must be mounted in an enclosure mounted adjacent to the control panel, unless otherwise shown. Where H-O-A and/or override switches on the drawings or required by the control sequence, the switches must be installed so that the process control system controls the function through the automatic position and other controls work through the hand position. 3.4.7 Enclosures All enclosure penetrations must be from the bottom of the enclosure, and must be sealed to preclude entry of water using a silicone rubber sealant. 3.4.8 Transformers Transformers for control voltages below 120 VAC must be fed from the nearest power panel or motor control center, using circuits provided for the purpose. Provide a disconnect switch on the primary side and a fuse on the secondary side. Transformers must be enclosed in a steel cabinet with conduit connections. SECTION 40 60 00 Page 39 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P 3.5 WIRE, CABLE AND CONNECTING HARDWARE 3.5.1 Metering and Sensor Wiring Metering and sensor wiring must be installed in accordance with the requirements of ANSI C12.1, NFPA 70, Section 33 71 02 UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION and Section 26 20 00 INTERIOR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. Power Line Surge Protection Control panels must be protected from power line surges. Protection must meet the requirements of IEEE C62.41.1 and IEEE C62.41.2. Fuses must not be used for surge protection. Sensor and Control Wiring Surge Protection Digital and analog inputs must be protected against surges induced on control and sensor wiring. Protect binary and analog outputs against surges induced on control and sensor wiring installed outdoors and as shown. Fuses must not be used for surge protection. Test the inputs and outputs in both the normal and common mode using the following two waveforms: The first waveform must be 10 microseconds by 1000 microseconds with a peak voltage of 1500 volts and a peak current of 60 amperes. The second waveform must be 8 microseconds by 20 microseconds with a peak voltage of 1000 volts and a peak current of 500 amperes. Submit certified test results for surge protection. 3.6 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION Load software required for an operational process control system, including databases (for points specified and shown), operational parameters, and system, command, and application programs. Adjust, tune, debug, and commission all software and parameters for controlled systems to assure proper operation in accordance with the sequences of operation and database tables. 3.7 CONTROL DRAWINGS 3.7.1 Control Control drawings, must be provided for equipment furnished and for interfaces to equipment at each respective equipment location. Condensed operating instructions explaining preventive maintenance procedures, methods of checking the system for normal safe operation and procedures for safely starting and stopping the system manually must be prepared in typed form, framed as specified for the instrumentation and control diagrams and posted beside the diagrams. Diagrams and instructions must be submitted prior to posting. The framed instructions must be posted before acceptance testing of the system. 3.7.2 Contractor Design Drawings Contractor Design Drawings as a single complete package: 3 hard copies and a pdf copy. As a minimum they must include wiring, logic, and layout. Submit hardcopy drawings on 11"x17" sheets, and electronic drawings in PDF and in AutoCAD format. In addition, submit electronic drawings in editable Excel format for all drawings that are tabular, including but not limited to the Point Schedule and Equipment Schedule. Contractor Design Drawings must be approved prior to any fabrication. SECTION 40 60 00 Page 40 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P Draft As-Built Draft As-Built Drawings as a single complete package: 3 hard copies and 1 copies in electronic form. Submit hardcopy drawings on ISO A1 841 by 594 mm 34 by 22 inches sheets, and electronic drawings in PDF and in format. In addition, submit electronic drawings in editable Excel format for all drawings that are tabular, including but not limited to the Point Schedule and Equipment Schedule. Final As-Built Draft As-Built Drawings as a single complete package: 3 hard copies and 1 copies in electronic form. Submit hardcopy drawings on ISO A1 841 by 594 mm 34 by 22 inches sheets, and electronic drawings in PDF and in format. In addition, submit electronic drawings in editable Excel format for all drawings that are tabular, including but not limited to the Point Schedule and Equipment Schedule. 3.7.3 Points Schedule Provide a Points Schedule in tabular form for each system, with the indicated columns and with each row representing a hardware point, network point or configuration point in the system. a. When a Points Schedule was included in the Contract Drawing package, use the same fields as the Contract Drawing with updated information in addition to the indicated fields. b. When Point Schedules are included in the contract package, items requiring contractor verification or input have been shown in angle brackets ("<" and ">"), such as <___> for a required entry or <value> for a value requiring confirmation. Complete all items in brackets as well as any blank cells. Do not modify values which are not in brackets without approval. Points Schedule Columns must include: Point Name The abbreviated name for the point using the indicated naming convention. Description A brief functional description of the point such as "Supply Air Temperature". DDC Hardware Identifier The Unique DDC Hardware Identifier shown on the DDC Hardware Schedule and used across all drawings for the DDC Hardware containing the point. Settings The value and units of any setpoints, configured setpoints, configuration parameters, and settings related to each point. Range The range of values, including units, associated with the point, including but not limited to setpoint adjustment range, a sensor measurement range, SECTION 40 60 00 Page 41 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P or the status of a safety. Input or Output (I/O) Type The type of input or output signal associated with the point. Use the following abbreviations for entires in this column: a. AI: The value comes from a hardware (physical) Analog Input b. AO: The value is output as a hardware (physical) Analog Output c. BI: The value comes from a hardware (physical) Binary Input d. BO: The value is output as a hardware (physical) Binary Output e. PULSE: The value comes from a hardware (physical) Pulse Accumulator Input f. NET-IN: The value is provided from the network (generally from another device). Use this entry only when the value is received from another device as part of scheduling or as part of a sequence of operation, not when the value is received on the network for supervisory functions such as trending, alarming, override or display at a user interface. g. NET-OUT: The value is provided to another controller over the network. Use this entry only when the value is transmitted to another device as part of scheduling or as part of a sequence of operation, not when the value is transmitted on the network for supervisory functions such as trending, alarming, override or display at a user interface. Network Data Exchange Information (Gets Data From, Sends Data To) Provide the DDC Hardware Identifier of other DDC Hardware the point is shared with. Override Information For each point requiring an Override, indicate if the Object for the point is Commandable. Trend Object Information For each point requiring a trend, indicate if the trend is Local or Remote. For remote trends provide the DDC Hardware Identifier for the device performing the trend. Alarm Information Indicate the Alarm Generation Type. 3.8 FIELD TESTING AND ADJUSTING EQUIPMENT Provide personnel, equipment, instrumentation, and supplies necessary to perform site testing. The Government will witness the PVT, and written permission must be obtained from the Government before proceeding with the testing. Original copies of data produced, including results of each test procedure, during PVT must be turned over to the Government at the SECTION 40 60 00 Page 42 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P conclusion of each phase of testing prior to Government approval of the test. The test procedures must cover actual equipment and functions specified for the project. 3.8.1 Testing, Adjusting and Commissioning After successful completion of the factory test as specified, the Contractor will be authorized to proceed with the installation of the system equipment, hardware, and software. Once the installation has been completed, tested, adjusted, and commissioned each control loop and system in accordance with NIST SP 250 and must verify proper operation of each item in the sequences of operation, including hardware and software. Calibrate field equipment, including control devices, adjust control parameters and logic (virtual) points including control loop setpoints, gain constants, constraints, and verify data communications before the system is placed online. Test installed ground rods as specified in IEEE 142 and submit certification stating that the test was performed in accordance with IEEE 142. Calibrate each instrumentation device connected to the process control system control network by making a comparison between the reading at the device and the display at the workstation, using a standard at least twice as accurate as the device to be calibrated. Check each control point within the process control system control network by making a comparison between the control command at the central station and field-controlled device. Deliver trend logs/graphs of all points showing to the Government that stable control has been achieved. Points on common systems must be trended simultaneously. One log must be provided showing concurrent samples taken once a minute for a total of 4 hours. One log must be provided showing concurrent samples taken once every 30 minutes, for a total of 24 hours. Verify operation of systems in the specified failure modes upon Process control system network failure or loss of power, and verify that systems return to process control system control automatically upon a resumption of process control system network operation or return of power. Deliver a report describing results of functional tests, diagnostics, calibrations and commissioning procedures including written certification to the Government that the installed complete system has been calibrated, tested, adjusted and commissioned and is ready to begin the PVT. The report must also include a copy of the approved PVT procedure. 3.8.2 Performance Verification Test (PVT) Submit test procedures for the PVT. The test procedure must describe all tests to be performed and other pertinent information such as specialized test equipment required and the length of the PVT. The test procedures must explain, in detail, step-by-step actions and the expected results, to demonstrate compliance with all the requirements of the drawings and this specification. The test procedure must be site specific and based on the inputs and outputs, required calculated points and the sequence of control. Refer to the actions and expected results to demonstrate that the process control system performs in accordance with the sequence of control. Include a list of the equipment to be used during the testing plus manufacturer's name, model number, equipment function, the date of the latest calibration and the results of the latest calibration. Demonstrate that the completed Process control system complies with the contract requirements. All physical and functional requirements of the project including communication requirements must be demonstrated and shown. Demonstrate that each system operates as required in the sequence of operation. The PVT as specified must not be started until after receipt SECTION 40 60 00 Page 43 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P of written permission by the Government, based on the written report including certification of successful completion of testing, adjusting and commissioning as specified, and upon successful completion of training as specified. Upon successful completion of the PVT, furnish test reports and other documentation. 3.8.3 Endurance Test Use the endurance test to demonstrate the overall system reliability of the completed system. The endurance test must be conducted in phases. The endurance test must not be started until the Government notifies the Contractor in writing that the PVT is satisfactorily completed, training as specified has been completed, outstanding deficiencies have been satisfactorily corrected, and that the Contractor has permission to start the endurance test. Provide an operator to man the system during Phase I endurance testing, in addition to any Government personnel that may be made available. The Government may terminate testing at any time when the system fails to perform as specified. Upon termination of testing by the Government or by the Contractor, commence an assessment period as described for Phase II. Upon successful completion of the endurance test, deliver test reports and other documentation, as specified, to the Government prior to acceptance of the system. Phase I (Testing) The test must be conducted 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, for 30 consecutive calendar days, including holidays, and the system must operate as specified. Make no repairs during this phase of testing unless authorized by the Government in writing. Phase II (Assessment) After the conclusion of Phase I, identify failures, determine causes of failures, repair failures, and deliver a written report to the Government. The report must explain in detail the nature of each failure, corrective action taken, results of tests performed, and must recommend the point at which testing should be resumed. After delivering the written report, convene a test review meeting at the job site to present the results and recommendations to the Government. The meeting must not be scheduled earlier than 5 business days after receipt of the report by the Government. As a part of this test review meeting, demonstrate that failures have been corrected by performing appropriate portions of the performance verification test. Based on the Contractor's report and the test review meeting, the Government will determine if retesting is necessary and the restart point. The Government reserves the right to require that the Phase I test be totally or partially rerun. Do not commence any required retesting until after receipt of written notification by the Government. After the conclusion of any retesting which the Government may require, the Phase II assessment must be repeated as if Phase I had just been completed. Exclusions The Contractor will not be held responsible for failures resulting from the following: Outage of the main power supply in excess of the capability of any backup power source, provided that the automatic initiation of all backup sources was accomplished and that automatic shutdown and restart of the process control system performed as specified. Failure of a Government furnished communications link, provided that the PLC automatically and SECTION 40 60 00 Page 44 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P correctly operates in the stand-alone mode as specified, and that the failure was not due to Contractor furnished equipment, installation, or software. Failure of existing Government owned equipment, provided that the failure was not due to Contractor furnished equipment, installation, or software. 3.9 FIELD TRAINING Field training oriented to the specific system must be provided for designated personnel. Furnish a copy of the training manual for each trainee plus two additional copies. Manuals must include an agenda, the defined objectives for each lesson, and a detailed description of the subject matter for each lesson. Furnish audiovisual equipment and other training supplies and materials. Copies of the audiovisuals must be delivered with the printed training manuals. The Government reserves the right to videotape training sessions for later use. A training day is defined as 8 hours of classroom instruction, excluding lunchtime, Monday through Friday, during the daytime shift in effect at the training facility. Submit the training manual and schedule to receive approval from the Government at least 30 days before the training. 3.9.1 Preliminary Operator Training Prior to the start of field testing, preliminary operator training must be taught at the project site for 3 consecutive training days. Upon completion of this course, each student, using appropriate documentation, should be able to perform elementary operations with guidance and describe the general hardware architecture and functionality of the system. This course must include: general system architecture; functional operation of the system, including workstations; operator commands; application programs, control sequences, and control loops; database entry and modification; reports generation; alarm reporting; diagnostics; and historical files. 3.9.2 Additional Operator Training Following the field testing, additional classroom training for operators must be taught for 3 consecutive training days; individual instruction sessions of 4 -hour periods in the morning (or afternoon) of the same weekday for 3 consecutive weeks and an additional 2 day classroom session for answering operator questions. Individual instruction must consist of "hands-on" training under the constant monitoring of the instructor. Classroom training must include instruction on the specific hardware configuration of the installed process control system and specific instructions for operating the installed system. Schedule activities during this period so that the specified amount of time on the equipment will be available for each student. The final session will address specific topics that the students need to discuss and to answer questions concerning the operation of the system. Upon completion of the course, the students should be fully proficient in system operation and have no unanswered questions regarding operation of the installed process control system. Each student should be able to start the system, operate the system, recover the system after a failure and describe the specific hardware architecture and operation of the system and be fully proficient in all system operations. Report the skill level of each student at the end of this course. SECTION 40 60 00 Page 45 October 12, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P 3.9.3 Maintenance Training Following the endurance test a minimum period of one training day must be provided by a factory representative or a qualified Contractor trainer for five designated personnel on maintenance of the equipment. The training must include: physical layout of each piece of hardware, calibration procedures, preventive maintenance procedures, schedules, troubleshooting, diagnostic procedures and repair instructions. 3.9.4 Specialized Training Following the maintenance training, a minimum period of five, total training day(s) mustbe provided by a factory representative or a qualified Contractor trainer for ten people on the input devices. Flow Meter Training Each type of flow meter, to include calibration, maintenance and testing of flow elements and transducers. Specialized Sensor Training Provide training on each type of specialized sensor such as conductivity, ORP, pH and DO to include calibration, maintenance and testing of sensing elements and transducers for five people. 3.10 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA REQUIREMENTS Outline the step-by-step procedures required for system startup, operation and shutdown. Include in the instructions layout, wiring and control diagrams of the system as installed, the manufacturer's name, model number, service manual, parts list and a brief description of all equipment and their basic operating features. List routine maintenance procedures, possible breakdowns and repairs and troubleshooting guides. 3.11 ADDITIONAL PROGRAMMING ALLOWANCE The Control System Integrator (CSI) shall provide an allowance of 40 working hours of programming time for last minute system changes/modifications. This time shall also include evaluating the DO control loop in the BNR system. This allowance is for changes directed at the request of the Government or the engineer. -- End of Section -- SECTION 40 60 00 Page 46 October 12, 2022 Enclosure 8 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P SECTION 33 11 00 WATER UTILITY DISTRIBUTION PIPING 02/18, CHG 1: 02/22 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCES The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only. AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION (AWWA) AWWA C104/A21.4 (2016) Cement-Mortar Lining for Ductile-Iron Pipe and Fittings for Water AWWA C110/A21.10 (2012) Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Fittings for Water AWWA C111/A21.11 (2017) Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile-Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings AWWA C153/A21.53 (2019) Ductile-Iron Compact Fittings for Water Service AWWA C500 (2019) Metal-Seated Gate Valves for Water Supply Service AWWA C504 (2015) Standard for Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves AWWA C508 (2017) Swing-Check Valves for Waterworks Service, 2 In. Through 48-In. (50-mm Through 1,200-mm) NPS AWWA C509 (2015) Resilient-Seated Gate Valves for Water Supply Service AWWA C515 (2020) Reduced-Wall, Resilient-Seated Gate Valves for Water Supply Service AWWA C550 (2017) Protective Interior Coatings for Valves and Hydrants AWWA C600 (2017) Installation of Ductile-Iron Mains and Their Appurtenances AWWA C605 (2021) Underground Installation of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) and Molecularly Oriented Polyvinyl Chloride (PVCO) Pressure Pipe and Fittings AWWA C800 (2021) Underground Service Line Valves and Fittings AWWA C900 (2016) Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure SECTION 33 11 00 Page 1 October 4, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P Pipe, and Fabricated Fittings, 4 In. Through 60 In. (100 mm Through 1,500 mm) AWWA M23 (2020) Manual: PVC Pipe - Design and Installation - Third Edition AWWA M41 (2009; 3rd Ed) Ductile-Iron Pipe and Fittings AWWA M55 (2020; 2nd Ed) PE Pipe - Design and Installation ASTM INTERNATIONAL (ASTM) ASTM C94/C94M (2021b) Standard Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete ASTM D1784 (2020) Standard Specification for Rigid Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Compounds and Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Compounds ASTM D2774 (2021) Underground Installation of Thermoplastic Pressure Piping ASTM D3139 (2019) Joints for Plastic Pressure Pipes Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals ASTM F402 (2005; R 2012) Safe Handling of Solvent Cements, Primers, and Cleaners Used for Joining Thermoplastic Pipe and Fittings ASTM F477 (2014; R 2021) Standard Specification for Elastomeric Seals (Gaskets) for Joining Plastic Pipe ASTM F1674 (2011) Standard Test Method for Joint Restraint Products for Use with PVC Pipe ASTM F1962 (2020) Standard Guide for Use of Maxi-Horizontal Directional Drilling for Placement of Polyethylene Pipe or Conduit Under Obstacles, Including River Crossings ASTM F2164 (2018) Standard Practice for Field Leak Testing of Polyethylene (PE) and Crosslinked Polyethylene (PEX) Pressure Piping Systems Using Hydrostatic Pressure NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (NFPA) NFPA 24 (2022) Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their Appurtenances UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES (UL) UL 262 (2004; Reprint Oct 2011) Gate Valves for Fire-Protection Service SECTION 33 11 00 Page 2 October 4, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P UL 312 (2022) UL Standard for Safety Check Valves for Fire-Protection Service 1.2 DEFINITIONS 1.2.1 Water Mains Water mains include water piping having diameters 4 through 14 inch, specific materials, methods of joining and any appurtenances deemed necessary for a satisfactory system. 1.2.2 Additional Definitions For additional definitions refer to the definitions in the applicable referenced standard. 1.3 SUBMITTALS Submit the following in accordance with Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: SD-01 Preconstruction Submittals Connections SD-03 Product Data Pipe, Fittings, Joints and Couplings Valves Valve Boxes Pipe Restraint Precast Concrete Thrust Blocks; G SD-06 Test Reports Post-Construction Fusion Report Leakage Test Hydrostatic Test SD-07 Certificates Pipe, Fittings, Joints and Couplings Lining for Fittings Valves SD-08 Manufacturer's Instructions PVC Piping SECTION 33 11 00 Page 3 October 4, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P 1.4 QUALITY CONTROL 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 1.5.1 Delivery and Storage Inspect materials delivered to site for required pipe markings and damage. Unload and store with minimum handling and in accordance with manufacturer's instructions to prevent cuts, scratches and other damage. Store materials on site in enclosures or under protective covering. Store plastic piping, jointing materials and rubber gaskets under cover out of direct sunlight. Do not store materials directly on the ground. Keep inside of pipes, fittings, valves, hydrants, and other accessories free of dirt and debris or other contaminates. 1.5.2 Handling Handle pipe, fittings, valves, fire hydrants, and other accessories in accordance with applicable AWWA standard, manufacturer's instructions and in a manner to ensure delivery to the trench in sound undamaged condition. Avoid injury to coatings and linings on pipe and fittings; make repairs if coatings or linings are damaged. Do not place other material, hooks, or pipe inside a pipe or fitting after the coating has been applied. Inspect the pipe for defects before installation. Carry, do not drag pipe to the trench. Use of pinch bars and tongs for aligning or turning pipe will be permitted only on the bare ends of the pipe. Clean the interior of pipe and accessories of foreign matter before being lowered into the trench and keep them clean during laying operations by plugging. Replace defective material without additional expense to the Government. Store rubber gaskets, not immediately installed, under cover or out of direct sunlight. Handle PVC pipe, fittings, and accessories in accordance with AWWA C605. Handle PE pipe, fittings, and accessories in accordance with AWWA M55. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS Provide all materials in accordance with AWWA C800 and as indicated herein. Provide valves and fittings with pressure ratings equivalent to the pressure ratings of the pipe. 2.1.1 Pipe, Fittings, Joints And Couplings Submit manufacturer's standard drawings or catalog cuts, except submit both drawings and cuts for push-on joints. Include information concerning gaskets with submittal for joints and couplings. Plastic Piping PVC Piping PVC Piping AWWA C900 plain end or gasket bell end pipe meeting or exceeding ASTM D1784 cell class 12454, with a minimum Pressure Class 165 (DR25) with ductile iron outside diameter (DIOD). SECTION 33 11 00 Page 4 October 4, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P Fittings for PVC Pipe Ductile iron fittings, AWWA C110/A21.10 or compact fittings in accordance with AWWA C153/A21.53, with cement-mortar lining for fittings, AWWA C104/A21.4, standard thickness. Fittings with push-on joint ends are to conform to the same requirements as fittings with mechanical-joint ends, except for the factory modified bell design compatible for use with PVC pipe as specified. Joints and Jointing Material for PVC a. Push-on joints: Use jointing material in accordance with ASTM D3139 and AWWA C111/A21.11 between pipes, pipes and metal fittings, valves, and other accessories or compression-type joints/mechanical joints. Provide each joint connection with an elastomeric gasket compatible for the bell or coupling used. Gaskets for push-on joints for pipe, ASTM F477. Gaskets for push-on joints and compression-type joints/mechanical joints for joint connections between pipe and metal fittings, valves, and other accessories, AWWA C111/A21.11, respectively, for push-on joints and mechanical joints. b. Mechanical Joint: Use mechanically coupled joints having a sleeve-type mechanical coupling, as specified in the paragraph SLEEVE-TYPE MECHANICAL COUPLINGS, as an optional jointing method for plain-end PVC pipe, subject to the limitations specified for mechanically coupled joints using a sleeve-type mechanical coupling as specified for compression-type joints in ASTM D3139. Provide jointing material in accordance with AWWA C111/A21.11 between pipe and sleeve-type mechanical couplings. 2.1.2 Valves2.1.2.1 Gate Valves 3 Inch Size and Larger in Valve Pit(s) and Aboveground Locations AWWA C500, AWWA C509, AWWA C515, or UL 262 and: a. AWWA C500: nonrising stem type with solid-wedge and resilient seat and flanged ends Match materials for UL 262 gate valves to the reference standards specified in AWWA C500. Gate valves are solid-wedge gates or solid or one-piece type gates where indicated. Provide gate valves with handwheels that open by counterclockwise rotation of the valve stem. Bolt and construct stuffing boxes so as to permit easy removal of parts for repair. Provide all valves from one manufacturer. Ball Valve Provide ball valves that two piece construction, lead free, brass body, threaded connection, and comply with MSS-SP-110. Check Valves Provide a protective interior coating in accordance with AWWA C550. Swing-check type, AWWA C508 or UL 312 and: a. AWWA C508: Iron or steel body and cover and flanged ends b. UL 312: Cast iron or steel body and cover, flanged ends, and designed for a minimum working pressure of 150 psi. SECTION 33 11 00 Page 5 October 4, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P Materials for UL 312 check valves are to match the reference standards specified in AWWA C508. Provide check valves with a clear port opening. Provide weight-loaded check valves. Provide all check valves from one manufacturer. Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves Provide rubber-seated butterfly valves and wafer type valves that match the performance requirements of AWWA C504. Wafer type valves not meeting laying length requirements are acceptable if supplied and installed with a spacer, providing the specified laying length. Meet all tests required by AWWA C504. Flanged-end valves are required in a pit. Provide a union or sleeve-type coupling in the pit to permit removal. Direct-bury mechanical-end valves 3 through 10 inches in diameter. Provide a valve box, means for manual operation, and an adjacent pipe joint to facilitate valve removal. Provide valve operators that restrict closing to a rate requiring approximately 60 seconds, from fully open to fully closed. Pressure Reducing Valves Maintain a constant downstream pressure regardless of fluctuations in demand. Using pressure reducing valves capable of providing up to 300 psi operating pressure on the inlet side, with outlet pressure set for 60 psi. Provide hydraulically-operated, pilot controlled, globe or angle type valves that are capable of being actuated either by diaphragm or piston. Provide diaphragm-operated, adjustable, spring-loaded type pilot controls made of lead-free bronze with stainless steel working parts, designed to permit flow when controlling pressure exceeds the spring setting. Construct the bodies of bronze, cast iron or cast steel with lead-free bronze trim; the valve stem of stainless steel; the seat of lead-free bronze; and the valve discs and diaphragms of synthetic rubber. Provide threaded ends. Valve Boxes Provide injection molded, recycled structural foam polyolefin material valve boxes sized appropriately for each application. Boxes shall be manufacturer by NDS or approved equal manufacturer. Valve Pits Construct the valve pits at locations indicated or as required above and in accordance with the details shown. 2.1.3 Blowoff Valve Assemblies Provide blowoff valve assemblies complete with all pipe, fittings, valve, valve box, riser box and lid, riser extension, discharge fitting and other materials required to connect to the water main. Provide blow off valve assemblies 4 inches or larger with AWWA C110/A21.10 or AWWA C153/A21.53 fittings. 2.1.4 Hydrants Post Type Fire Hydrant Provide two (2) post type fire hydrants that provides connection of a 2-1/2" fire hose that has a compression type main valve that closes with pressure. Hydrant must have at least a 150 psig maximum working pressure. Hydrant shall be Mueller 2-1/8" post type fire hydrant or equal. SECTION 33 11 00 Page 6 October 4, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P 2.1.5 Clarifier Foam Suppression Spray Nozzles Nozzles shall be Maxipass MP 375 - 3/4" and have a design point of 10.8 gpm at 10 psi. 2.1.6 Y Strainer Provide and install wye-pattern strainers with a brass body, 304 stainless steel screen with a mesh size of 20, and solid tapped retainer cap with PTFE gasket, and threaded connections 2.2 ACCESSORIES 2.2.1 Pipe Restraint Thrust Blocks Use ASTM C94/C94M concrete having a minimum compressive strength of 3,000 psi at 28 days. Precast Thrust Blocks Provide precast concrete thrust blocks. Joint Restraint Provide restrained joints in accordance with NFPA 24, Chapter 10 and in accordance with ASTM F1674. 2.2.2 Protective Enclosures Provide Freeze-Protection Enclosures that are insulated and designed to protect aboveground water piping, equipment, or specialties from freezing and damage, with heat source to maintain minimum internal temperature of 40 degrees F when external temperatures reach as low as 20 degree F. Housing Reinforced and insulated aluminum or fiberglass construction; with anchoring devices for attaching housing to concrete base, access doors with locking devices, sized to allow access and service of the protected unit, drain openings, and an electric heating cable or heater with self-limiting temperature control. 2.2.3 Insulating Joints Provide a rubber-gasketed insulating joint or dielectric coupling between pipe of dissimilar metals which will effectively prevent metal-to-metal contact between adjacent sections of piping. 2.2.4 Dielectric Fittings Install dielectric fittings between threaded ferrous and nonferrous metallic pipe, fittings and valves, except where corporation stops join mains to prevent metal-to-metal contact of dissimilar metallic piping elements and compatible with the indicated working pressure. SECTION 33 11 00 Page 7 October 4, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P 2.2.5 Tracer Wire for Nonmetallic Piping Provide a continuous bare copper or aluminum wire not less than 0.10 inch in diameter in sufficient length over each separate run of nonmetallic pipe. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION 3.1.1 Connections to Existing System Perform all connections to the existing water system in the presence of the Contracting Officer. 3.1.2 Operation of Existing Valves Do not operate valves within or directly connected to the existing water system unless expressly directed to do so by the Contracting Officer. 3.1.3 Earthwork Perform earthwork operations in accordance with Section. 3.2 INSTALLATION Install all materials in accordance with the applicable reference standard, manufacturers instructions and as indicated herein. 3.2.1 Piping General Requirements Install pipe, fittings, joints and couplings in accordance with the applicable referenced standard, the manufacturer's instructions and as specified herein. Termination of Water Lines Terminate the work covered by this section at a point approximately 5 feet from the building, unless otherwise indicated. Do not lay water lines in the same trench with gas lines, fuel lines, electric wiring, or any other utility. Where nonferrous metallic pipe (i.e., copper tubing) crosses any ferrous piping, provide a minimum vertical separation of 12 inches between pipes. Pipe Laying and Jointing Remove fins and burrs from pipe and fittings. Before placing in position, clean pipe, fittings, valves, and accessories, and maintain in a clean condition. Provide proper facilities for lowering sections of pipe into trenches. Under no circumstances is it permissible to drop or dump pipe, fittings, valves, or other water line material into trenches. Cut pipe cleanly, squarely, and accurately to the length established at the site and work into place without springing or forcing. Replace a pipe or fitting that does not allow sufficient space for installation of jointing material. Blocking or wedging between bells and spigots is not permitted. Lay bell-and-spigot pipe with the bell end pointing in the direction of laying. Grade the pipeline in straight lines; avoid the formation of dips SECTION 33 11 00 Page 8 October 4, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P and low points. Support pipe at the design elevation and grade. Secure firm, uniform support. Wood support blocking is not permitted. Lay pipe so that the full length of each section of pipe and each fitting rests solidly on the pipe bedding; excavate recesses to accommodate bells, joints, and couplings. Provide anchors and supports for fastening work into place. Make provision for expansion and contraction of pipelines. Keep trenches free of water until joints have been assembled. At the end of each work day, close open ends of pipe temporarily with wood blocks or bulkheads. Do not lay pipe when conditions of trench or weather prevent installation. Provide a minimum of 2 1/2 feet depth of cover over top of pipe. Tracer Wire Install a continuous length of tracer wire for the full length of each run of nonmetallic pipe. Attach wire to top of pipe in such manner that it will not be displaced during construction operations. Connections to Existing Water Lines Make connections to existing water lines after coordination with the facility and with a minimum interruption of service on the existing line. Make connections to existing lines under pressure in accordance with the recommended procedures of the manufacturer of the pipe being tapped and as indicated. Sewer Manholes No water piping is to pass through or come in contact with any part of a sewer manhole. Water Piping Parallel With Sewer Piping Water Piping Crossing Sewer Piping Penetrations Provide ductile-iron or Schedule 40 steel wall sleeves for pipe passing through walls of valve pits and structures. Fill annular space between walls and sleeves with rich cement mortar. Fill annular space between pipe and sleeves with mastic. PVC Water Main Pipe Unless otherwise specified, install pipe and fittings in accordance with the paragraph GENERAL REQUIREMENTS and with the requirements of AWWA C605 for laying of pipe, joining PVC pipe to fittings and accessories, valves, and fittings; and with the recommendations for pipe joint assembly and appurtenance installation in AWWA M23, Chapter 7, "Installation." a. Jointing: Make push-on joints with the elastomeric gaskets specified for this type joint, using either elastomeric-gasket bell-end pipe or elastomeric-gasket couplings. For pipe-to-pipe push-on joint connections, use only pipe with push-on joint ends having factory-made bevel; for push-on joint connections to metal fittings, valves, and other accessories, cut spigot end of pipe off square and re-bevel pipe end to a bevel approximately the same as that on ductile-iron pipe used for the same type of joint. Use a lubricant recommended by the pipe manufacturer for push-on joints. Assemble push-on joints for SECTION 33 11 00 Page 9 October 4, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P pipe-to-pipe joint connections in accordance with the requirements of AWWA C605 for laying the pipe and the recommendations in AWWA M23, Chapter 7, "Installation," for pipe joint assembly. Assemble push-on joints for connection to fittings, valves, and other accessories in accordance with the requirements of AWWA C605 for joining PVC pipe to fittings and accessories and with the requirements of AWWA C600 for joint assembly. Make compression-type joints/mechanical joints with the gaskets, glands, bolts, nuts, and internal stiffeners previously specified for this type joint; assemble in accordance with the requirements of AWWA C605 for joining PVC pipe to fittings and accessories, with the requirements of AWWA C600 for joint assembly, and with the recommendations of Appendix A to AWWA C111/A21.11. Cut off spigot end of pipe for compression-type joint/mechanical-joint connections and do not re-bevel. Assemble joints made with sleeve-type mechanical couplings in accordance with the recommendations of the coupling manufacturer using internal stiffeners as previously specified for compression-type joints. b. Joint Offset: Construct joint offset in accordance AWWA C605. Do not exceed the minimum longitudinal bending as indicated by AWWA C605. c. Fittings: Install in accordance with AWWA C605. Polyethylene (PE) Piping Install PE pipes in accordance with AWWA M55, ASTM D2774 and the manufacturer's installation instructions. Metallic Piping for Service Lines Install pipe and fittings in accordance with the paragraph GENERAL REQUIREMENTS and with the applicable requirements of AWWA C600 for pipe installation, unless otherwise specified. Screwed Joints Make screwed joints up tight with a stiff mixture of graphite and oil, inert filler and oil, or graphite compound; apply to male threads only or with PTFE Tape, for use with threaded pipe. Threads are to be full cut; do not leave more than three threads on the pipe exposed after assembling the joint. Flanged Joints Make flanged joints up tight, avoid undue strain on flanges, valves, fittings, and accessories. Plastic Service Piping Install pipe and fittings in accordance with the paragraph GENERAL REQUIREMENTS and with the applicable requirements of ASTM D2774, unless otherwise specified. Handle solvent cements used to join plastic piping in accordance with ASTM F402. Jointing Make plastic pipe joints to other pipe materials in accordance with the recommendations of the plastic pipe manufacturer. SECTION 33 11 00 Page 10 October 4, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P Plastic Pipe Connections to Appurtenances Connect plastic service lines to corporation stops and gate valves in accordance with the recommendations of the plastic pipe manufacturer. Trenchless Piping Butt Fusion Fusible pipe will be fused by qualified fusion technicians, as required by manufacturer of the fusion equipment. Record and log each fusion joint by an electronic monitoring device (data logger) connected to the fusion machine. Log fusion data and create Post-Construction Fusion Report with software specifically developed for the pipe material being fused. Software must record the parameters required by the fusion equipment manufacturer and these specifications. Manual log data not logged by the data logger and be included in the Post-Construction Fusion Report. Assemble fusible PVC and PE pipe lengths in the field with butt-fused joints. Follow the manufacturer's fusion equipment procedures. PVC Pipe For butt fused PVC Pipe, provide joints meeting the requirements of ASTM F1674. Polyethylene Pipe Install butt fused PE Pipe in accordance with AWWA M55 and ASTM F1962. Post-Construction Fusion Report Include the following data for each fusible connection in the report: a. Pipe Size and Thickness b. Machine Size c. Fusion Technician Identification d. Job Identification e. Fusion Joint Number f. Fusion, Heating, and Drag Pressure Settings g. Heat Plate Temperature h. Time Stamp i. Heating and Cool Down Time of Fusion j. Ambient Temperature Installation Ductile Iron Ball and Socket Joint Install pipe and fittings in accordance with AWWA C600 and AWWA M41 for pipe installation, joint assembly, and thrust restraint. a. Allowable Deflection: Meet the applicable requirements of AWWA C600, SECTION 33 11 00 Page 11 October 4, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P AWWA M41 and in accordance with pipe manufacturer's instructions for the maximum allowable deflection. Fire Protection Service Lines for Sprinkler Supplies Connect water service lines used to supply building sprinkler systems for fire protection to the water main in accordance with NFPA 24. 3.2.2 Pipe Restraint Concrete Thrust Blocks Install concrete thrust blocks where indicated. Restrained Joints Install restrained joints in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions where indicated. For metal harness use tie rods and clamps as shown in NFPA 24. Provide structural welded, skip welded, clamp type harness, bell bolt harness, snap ring harness for pipe anchorage. 3.2.3 Valves Gate Valves Install gate valves, AWWA C500 and UL 262, in accordance with the requirements of AWWA C600 for valve-and-fitting installation and with the recommendations of the Appendix ("Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Gate Valves") to AWWA C500. Install gate valves, AWWA C509 or AWWA C515, in accordance with the requirements of AWWA C600 for valve-and-fitting installation and with the recommendations of the Appendix ("Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Gate Valves") to AWWA C509 or AWWA C515. Install gate valves on PVC water mains in accordance with the recommendations for appurtenance installation in AWWA M23, Chapter 7, "Installation." Make and assemble joints to gate valves as specified for making and assembling the same type joints between pipe and fittings. Check Valves Install check valves in accordance with the applicable requirements of AWWA C600 for valve-and-fitting installation. Make and assemble joints to check valves as specified for making and assembling the same type joints between pipe and fittings. 3.2.4 Blowoff Valve Assemblies Install blowoff valve assemblies as indicated on the drawings or in accordance with the manufactures recommendations. Install discharge fitting on the end of riser pipe to direct the flow of water so as to minimize damage to surrounding areas. 3.3 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 3.3.1 Tests Notify the Contracting Officer a minimum of five days in advance of hydrostatic testing. Coordinate the proposed method for disposal of waste water from hydrostatic testing. Perform field tests, and provide labor, equipment, and incidentals required for testing. Provide documentation SECTION 33 11 00 Page 12 October 4, 2022 WO# 7217368 Repairs to Wastewater Treatment Plant, B4376P that all items of work have been constructed in accordance with the Contract documents. Hydrostatic Test Test the water system in accordance with the applicable AWWA standard specified below. Test PVCplastic water systems made with PVC pipe in accordance with the requirements of AWWA C605 for pressure and leakage tests. The amount of leakage on pipelines made of PVC water main pipe is not to exceed the amounts given in AWWA C605, except that at joints made with sleeve-type mechanical couplings, no leakage will be allowed. Test PE pipe in accordance with the requirements of AWWA M55 for hydrostatic testing. Do not backfill utility trench or begin testing on any section of a pipeline where concrete thrust blocks have been provided until at least 3 days after placing of the concrete. Leakage Test For leakage test, use a hydrostatic pressure not less than the maximum working pressure of the system. Leakage test may be performed at the same time and at the same test pressure as the pressure test. For PE pipe perform leak testing in accordance with AWWA M55, ASTM F2164. Tracer Wire Continuity Test Test tracer wire for continuity after service connections have been completed and prior to final pavement or restoration. Verify that tracer wire is locatable with electronic utility locating equipment. Repair breaks or separations and re-test for continuity. 3.4 SYSTEM STARTUP Water mains and appurtenances must be completely installed, disinfected, flushed, and satisfactory bacteriological sample results received prior to permanent connections being made to the active distribution system. Obtain approval by the Contracting Officer prior to the new water piping being placed into service. 3.5 CLEANUP Upon completion of the installation of water lines and appurtenances, remove all debris and surplus materials resulting from the work. -- End of Section -- SECTION 33 11 00 Page 13 October 4, 2022 Enclosure 9 NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 RECORD DOCUMENTS AUGUST 31, 2022 SI T E U T I L I T Y P L A N CU010 20'0'10'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' 1 1 R E C O R D D R A W I N G S 8 / 2 3 / 2 2 J S H 2022.08.31 11:46:09-04'00' 8/ 3 1 / 2 2 è è è 1 inch = ft. GRAPHIC SCALE 0 ( IN FEET ) 40102020 20 NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WO 7 2 1 7 3 6 8 R E P A I R S T O W A S T E W A T E R TR E A T M E N T P L A N T ( W W T P ) C P 2 3 0 4 M Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 PREFINAL DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION SI T E D E M O L I T I O N P L A N XXXXXXXX 11 CD012 97 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET CD011 MA T C H L I N E - S E E S H E E T C D 0 1 3 -011 -012-013 -014 KEY PLAN NOTES: SITE DEMOLITION PLAN è è è SF SF SF SF SF SF 1 inch = ft. GRAPHIC SCALE 0 ( IN FEET ) 40102020 20 NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WO 7 2 1 7 3 6 8 R E P A I R S T O W A S T E W A T E R TR E A T M E N T P L A N T ( W W T P ) C P 2 3 0 4 M Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 PREFINAL DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION SI T E L A Y O U T , G R A D I N G , & E R O S I O N C O N T R O L P L A N XXXXXXXX 30 CS012 97 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET CS011 MA T C H L I N E - S E E S H E E T C S 0 1 3 -011 -012-013 -014 KEY PLAN NOTES: EROSION CONTROL NOTES: SITE LAYOUT, GRADING, & EROSION CONTROL PLAN TR U C K F I L L I N G S T A T I O N P L A N A N D S E C T I O N S XXXXXXXX 54 CU700 97 A1 A3 ACCESS PLATFORM NOTES NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WO 7 2 1 7 3 6 8 R E P A I R S T O W A S T E W A T E R TR E A T M E N T P L A N T ( W W T P ) C P 2 3 0 4 M Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 PLAN VIEW SIDE ELEVATION VIEW WATER TRUCK FILLING STATION PLAN STAIR SUPPORT ANGLE DETAIL SUPPORT PEDESTAL BASE PLATE DETAIL DETAILEND ELEVATION STORED VIEW WATER TRUCK LOADING RACK DETAILS END ELEVATION VIEW ON TRUCK A5B5 A1 C5 C4 TR U C K F I L L I N G S T A T I O N D E T A I L S XXXXXXXX 55 CU701 97 SCISSOR LOADING ARM DETAILC1 WATER SUPPLY POST BASE PLATEA4 SECTIONB1 SECTIONC3 SECTIONSECTION B1 C3 LOADING ARM NOTES C1 A1 A3 METER NOTES: NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WO 7 2 1 7 3 6 8 R E P A I R S T O W A S T E W A T E R TR E A T M E N T P L A N T ( W W T P ) C P 2 3 0 4 M Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 TANKER FILL STATION KEYED NOTES NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WO 7 2 1 7 3 6 8 R E P A I R S T O W A S T E W A T E R TR E A T M E N T P L A N T ( W W T P ) C P 2 3 0 4 M Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 RE C L A I M P U M P S T A T I O N T U R B I D I T Y M E T E R D E T A I L S XXXXXXXX XX CU800 100 RECLAIM BOOSTER STATION PLAN CU800CU800 1 SECTION NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WO 7 2 1 7 3 6 8 R E P A I R S T O W A S T E W A T E R TR E A T M E N T P L A N T ( W W T P ) C P 2 3 0 4 M Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 EL E C T R I C A L RE C L A I M E D W A T E R T R U C K F I L L S T A T I O N P L A N 12866085 E210 1 E 100 Enclosure 10 Commissioning Manual: ECM-2.2 Water Reclaim Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point Utility Energy Service Contract Submitted on September 13th, 2021 Submitted by THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK TAB – 1 COMMISSIONING PLAN TAB – 2 SCOPE OF WORK TAB – 3 PRE-FUNCTIONAL CHECKLISTS TAB – 4 FUNCTIONAL PERFORMANCE TESTS MCAS CHERRY POINT ECM-2.2 WATER RECLAIM COMMISSIONING MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS PROJECT #: 524010000 COMMISSIONING AGENT MATTHEW HALL TAB – 5 DRAWINGS/ SUBMITTALS THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK MCAS Cherry Point TAB 1: Commissioning Plan Commissioning Plan Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point Utility Energy Service Contract Submitted on September 30, 2020 Submitted by MCAS Cherry Point – Commissioning Plan Duke Energy UESC Page i Table of Contents 1. Overview ............................................................................................................................................................ 1 1.1. Abbreviations & Definitions ......................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2. Purpose of the Commissioning Plan ........................................................................................................................... 4 1.3. Commissioning Scope / Objectives ............................................................................................................................ 5 1.4. Commissioning Process Outline ................................................................................................................................. 5 1.4.1. Design Phase ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5 1.4.2. Construction Phase.............................................................................................................................................................. 5 1.4.3. Acceptance Phase: .............................................................................................................................................................. 6 1.5. Overview of the Commissioning Process ................................................................................................................... 6 1.6. Commissioned Systems ............................................................................................................................................. 7 2. Commissioning Team: Roles & Responsibilities ................................................................................................. 8 2.1. Commissioning Team Members ................................................................................................................................. 8 2.2. Commissioning Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................................................................ 9 2.2.1. All Parties ............................................................................................................................................................................. 9 2.2.2. Commissioning Services...................................................................................................................................................... 9 2.2.3. Construction Team ............................................................................................................................................................ 10 2.2.4. Engineering Team ............................................................................................................................................................. 10 2.2.5. Contractors (EC, MC) ........................................................................................................................................................ 11 2.2.6. Equipment Vendors ........................................................................................................................................................... 11 2.2.7. Controls Contractor ............................................................................................................................................................ 12 2.2.8. Test, Adjust and Balance Contractor (TAB) ....................................................................................................................... 12 2.2.9. MCAS Cherry Point - Facilities Management Personnel ................................................................................................... 12 2.2.10. MCAS Cherry Point............................................................................................................................................................ 12 3. Commissioning Process ................................................................................................................................... 13 3.1. Design Phase ........................................................................................................................................................... 13 3.1.1. Commissioning Plan .......................................................................................................................................................... 13 3.1.2. Design Development Review ............................................................................................................................................. 13 3.1.3. Commissioning Specification Development ....................................................................................................................... 13 3.2. Construction Phase .................................................................................................................................................. 14 3.2.1. Management Protocols ...................................................................................................................................................... 15 3.2.2. Commissioning Kickoff and Other Meetings ...................................................................................................................... 16 MCAS Cherry Point – Commissioning Plan Duke Energy UESC Page ii 3.2.3. Submittal Review ............................................................................................................................................................... 17 3.2.4. Pre-Functional Checklists and Formal Startups................................................................................................................. 17 3.2.5. Equipment Startup ............................................................................................................................................................. 18 3.2.6. Engineering Team Site Inspections ................................................................................................................................... 18 3.2.7. CxA, MCAS Cherry Point FM, Performance Assurance Site Inspections.......................................................................... 18 3.2.8. Tracking of Deficiencies ..................................................................................................................................................... 18 3.2.9. Project Schedule ................................................................................................................................................................ 19 3.2.10. Execution of Functional Performance Testing ................................................................................................................... 19 3.2.11. Deficiencies and Retesting ................................................................................................................................................ 20 3.2.12. Test Equipment .................................................................................................................................................................. 20 3.2.13. Sampling Strategy for CxA Observation of Construction Checkout and Startup ............................................................... 21 3.2.14. MCAS Cherry Point Representative, MCAS Cherry Point Facility Staff, and Performance Assurance Participation ........ 21 3.2.15. Test, Adjust, and Balance .................................................................................................................................................. 21 3.2.16. Commissioning Progress Reporting .................................................................................................................................. 21 3.2.17. Phased Commissioning ..................................................................................................................................................... 22 3.2.18. Demonstration and Training of Owner Personnel .............................................................................................................. 22 3.2.19. Special Training and Orientation ....................................................................................................................................... 22 3.3. Acceptance Phase .................................................................................................................................................... 23 3.3.1. Operations and Maintenance Documentation ................................................................................................................... 23 3.3.2. Transition Meeting ............................................................................................................................................................. 23 3.3.3. System Warranties............................................................................................................................................................. 24 3.3.4. Seasonal (Deferred) Functional Performance Testing ...................................................................................................... 24 3.3.5. Performance Monitoring..................................................................................................................................................... 24 3.3.6. Commissioning Report....................................................................................................................................................... 24 3.3.7. ECM Acceptance ............................................................................................................................................................... 25 3.3.8. Final Acceptance ............................................................................................................................................................... 25 Attachments Attachment A – Commissioning Administration Forms MCAS Cherry Point – Commissioning Plan Duke Energy UESC Page 1 1. OVERVIEW 1.1. Abbreviations & Definitions ATC Automatic Temperature Control BAS Building Automation System BMS Building Management System CAR Corrective Action Report CD Construction Documents COR Contracting Officer’s Representative CM Commissioning Manager CR Contracting Representative Cx Commissioning CxA Commissioning Authority DD Design Development DDC Direct Digital Control EC Electrical Contractor ECM Energy Conservation Measure EM Engineering Manager FC Functional Checklist FM Facilities Management FPT Functional Performance Testing HVAC Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning IGA Investment Grade Audit kWh Kilowatt Hour MC Mechanical Contractor MW Megawatts O&M Operations and Maintenance OPR Owner’s Project Requirements PA Preliminary Assessment PFC Pre-Functional Checklists PM Project Manager RFI Request for Information TAB Test, Adjust and Balance TO Task Order UESC Utility Energy Service Contract MCAS Cherry Point – Commissioning Plan Duke Energy UESC Page 2 The following are common definitions used in this document: Acceptance Phase: Phase of construction after startup and initial checkout when functional performance tests, Operating & Maintenance documentation review, and training occurs. Commissioning Services Authority (CxA): A member of the team that directs and coordinates the day-to- day commissioning activities. Approval: Acceptance that a piece of equipment or system has been properly installed and is functioning in the tested modes according to the Contract Documents. Architect / Engineer (A/E): The prime consultant (architect) and sub-consultants who comprise the design team. Basis of Design: The basis of design is the documentation of the primary thought processes and assumptions behind design decisions that were made to meet the design intent. The basis of design describes the systems, components, conditions, and methods chosen to meet the intent. Some reiterating of the design intent may be included. Building Automation System (BAS): The building control and automation systems and its subsystems and components. Building Occupants: The occupants or users of the building. Commissioning (Cx): A quality-based process for achieving, verifying, and documenting that the performance of systems and assemblies in compliance with the design intent for the MCAS Cherry Point project. Commissioning Manual: Includes the Commissioning Plan, all equipment checklists, integrated system checklists, manufacturer startup checks/tests, and approved drawings/submittals. Commissioning Plan: A developed overall plan that provides the structure, schedule, coordination, and planning for the commissioning process. Construction Tests: Tests specified in Contract Documents. To include leak testing of piping, duct systems, and measurements taken to verify proper water and airflow rates, etc. Contract Documents: The documents binding on parties involved in the construction of this project (drawings, specifications, change orders, amendments, contracts, Cx Plan, etc.). Contracting Representative (CR): Liaison between MCAS Cherry Point and the Duke Energy Team, who is designated by MCAS Cherry Point to monitor the Contractor’s progress in fulfilling the technical requirements specified in the Contract. Contractors: Members under the Duke Energy Team responsible for participation in the designated commissioning activities. MCAS Cherry Point – Commissioning Plan Duke Energy UESC Page 3 Data Logging: Monitoring voltage, currents, flows, status, pressures, etc. of equipment using stand-alone data loggers separate from the control system. data logging may be part of functional performance testing but, unlike other parts of FPT, it is executed by the CxA. Deficiency: A condition in the installation or function of a component, piece of equipment, or system that is not in compliance with the Contract Documents. Equipment Representative: Representative of the equipment manufacturer. Factory Testing: Testing of equipment on-site or at the factory by factory personnel with a Manufacturer’s Representative present. Functional Performance Test (FPT): Functional performance testing encompasses both Equipment Functional Testing and/or System Functional Integration Testing. In many cases, equipment is installed as stand-alone or as part of another system. In these cases, a Functional Checklist is developed to ensure an individual component functions as designed. In instances where equipment is installed as part of another system, a Functional Integration Test is developed (usually as part of the control system). Functional Integration Testing is the dynamic testing of a system (rather than just components) under full operation. Systems are tested under various modes, such as during low cooling or heating loads, high loads, component failures, unoccupied, varying outside air temperatures, power failure, etc. The systems are run through all the control system’s sequences of operation, and components are verified to be responding as the sequences state. The CxA develops the Functional Integration Test procedure in a sequential written form, coordinates, oversees, and documents the actual testing. FPTs are performed after PFCs, and startups are complete. Issues Log: Record of all deficiencies found during the commissioning process and their resolutions. Manual Test: Using hand-held instruments, immediate control system readouts, or direct observation to verify performance (contrasted to analyzing monitored data taken over time to make the “observation”). Monitoring: The documentation of parameters for equipment operation using data loggers or the trending capabilities of the control systems (i.e., flow, current, status, pressure). Operating and Maintenance Personnel: This may include building facility manager, maintenance staff, operations staff, or similar. Over-written Value: Writing over a sensor value in the control system to see the response of a system (e.g., changing the outside air temperature value from 50°F to 75°F to verify economizer operation). See also “Simulated Signal.” Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR): MCAS Cherry Point defined the functional requirements of the project and the expectations of how it will be used and operated. These requirements and expectations include project goals, measurable performance criteria, cost considerations, benchmarks, success criteria, and supporting information. Phased Commissioning: Commissioning that is completed in phases due to the size of the structure or other scheduling issues to minimize the total construction time. MCAS Cherry Point – Commissioning Plan Duke Energy UESC Page 4 Pre-Functional Checklist (PFC): A list of items to inspect and elementary component tests to conduct to verify proper installation of equipment, provided by the CxA to the Contractors. PFCs are primarily static inspections and procedures to prepare the equipment or system for initial operation. However, some PFC items entail simple testing of the function of a component, a piece of equipment, or system (such as measuring the voltage imbalance on a three-phase pump motor of a chiller system). PFCs augment and are combined with the manufacturer’s startup checklists. Even without a commissioning process, Contractors typically perform many of the PFC items a CxA will recommend. However, some Contractors document in writing the execution of these checklist items. Therefore, for all equipment, the Contractors execute the checklists on their own. The CxA only requires that the procedures be documented in writing, and the PM does witness much of the pre-functional testing. Project Manager (PM): The contracting and managing authority for the design and/or construction of the project. Sampling: Functionally testing only a fraction of the total number of identical or near-identical pieces of equipment. Multiple identical pieces of non-life-safety or otherwise non-critical equipment may be functionally tested using a sampling strategy. Significant application differences and significant sequence of operation differences in otherwise identical equipment invalidates their common identity. A small size or capacity difference, alone, does not constitute a difference. Seasonal (Deferred) Functional Performance Tests: FPTs that are performed later, after substantial completion, due to full range and performance, equipment, seasonal requirements, or other site conditions that prohibit the test from being performed. Simulated Condition: Condition that is created for the purpose of testing the response of a system. Simulated Signal: Disconnecting a sensor and using a signal generator to send an amperage, resistance, or pressure to the transducer and BAS system to simulate a sensor value. Specifications: The construction specifications of the Contract Documents. Startup: The initial starting or activating of dynamic equipment, including executing PFCs. Subs: members who provide and install building components and systems. 1.2. Purpose of the Commissioning Plan The purpose of this document is to provide facility managers, operators, and maintenance personnel the information necessary to understand the commissioning process as related to the MCAS Cherry Point project. The Commissioning Plan outlines and describes the commissioning process that will be used and defines how the proposed Energy Conservation Measures (ECM) should operate, guides the design and installation review, and identifies how the installed equipment/systems will be functionally tested. The plan also identifies the specific members of the commissioning team, describes and assigns the roles and responsibilities of each member of the team, and delegates responsibilities between all parties involved in the commissioning process. MCAS Cherry Point – Commissioning Plan Duke Energy UESC Page 5 The plan includes specific details required to implement the various commissioning activities and defines the deliverables at each phase. This plan does not include the details of the required testing procedures; instead, it outlines the scope of responsibilities for the development and application of the testing. Testing procedures and assignment of responsibilities shall be clearly presented in each ECM Commissioning Manual. 1.3. Commissioning Scope / Objectives Commissioning can be defined as “the process of ensuring that systems are designed, installed, functionally tested, and capable of being operated and maintained to perform in conformity with the project intent.” Commissioning also uncovers operating deficiencies to be corrected in the existing equipment with which new equipment interfaces. The following outline defines the commissioning process. 1.4. Commissioning Process Outline 1.4.1. Design Phase 1. Commissioning objectives are developed. 2. The Commissioning Plan is finalized 3. The design intent/basis of design is compiled. 4. Commissioning specifications are created & incorporated into documents. 5. Design review of design development (DD) submittal. 6. Design review of construction documents (CD) submittal. 1.4.2. Construction Phase 1. Commissioning scope meetings are held. 2. Submit Preliminary Operating & Maintenance manual for review. 3. Equipment submittals are reviewed in parallel with the engineering team. 4. Commissioning Manual is prepared by the Commissioning Authority (CxA). 5. Equipment needs to be incorporated into the job schedule (e.g., a section of the building is to be conditioned on a specific date, then the commissioning of all the pieces and the system must be listed as a predecessor to that date.) 6. Commissioning activities are reviewed in the job progress meeting. Separate commissioning meetings are scheduled with Contractors as needed. 7. Site observations are scheduled, focusing on PFCs. 8. Startup request submitted by Contractors. 9. Startups scheduled and witnessed. 10. Functional performance testing and verification procedures are developed and implemented as equipment becomes ready for demonstration. MCAS Cherry Point – Commissioning Plan Duke Energy UESC Page 6 1.4.3. Acceptance Phase: 1. Execution of remaining FPTs. 2. Training and orientation of the MCAS Cherry Point technical representative and the MCAS Cherry Point FM is scheduled and conducted. 3. Systems are accepted, and the warranty period begins. 4. Turnover meeting held to transition responsibility of building operation from construction to the MCAS Cherry Point Cx representative and the MCAS Cherry Point FM. 5. Final summary report is issued. 1.5. Overview of the Commissioning Process Commissioning (Cx) is a systematic process of ensuring that all building systems perform interactively according to the design intent and the MCAS Cherry Point project requirements. This is achieved through a complete commissioning process, beginning at the design phase with documented design and operating intent and continuing through construction and acceptance phases, with actual verification of performance. Commissioning activities during the design phases are intended to achieve the following specific objectives: • Provide a plan for the implementation of the commissioning process, including the initial scope of systems to be commissioned for the project. • Ensure that the design and operational intent are clearly documented. • Provide a design review focusing on system performance, maintainability, and adherence to the MCAS Cherry Point project requirements. • Ensure that commissioning for the construction phase is adequately reflected in the bid documents. Commissioning activities during the construction phase is intended to achieve the following specific objectives: • Ensure the various members of the commissioning team clearly understand their responsibilities in their commissioning roles. • Ensure the appropriate equipment and systems are correctly installed and receive adequate pre- operational checkout. • Verify and document the proper performance of equipment and systems. • Ensure that operation and maintenance documentation is provided for the continued management of the facility after the construction project is complete. • Ensure proper training for the MCAS Cherry Point technical representative and MCAS Cherry Point FM. MCAS Cherry Point – Commissioning Plan Duke Energy UESC Page 7 This plan does not provide a detailed explanation of the required testing procedures. The detailed testing requirements and procedures are found in the individual ECM Commissioning Manual and Contract specifications. Additionally, this plan does not provide an extensive narrative on all commissioning concepts, as may be provided in other commissioning guides. 1.6. Commissioned Systems The systems to be commissioned at the MCAS Cherry Point project are listed in the table below. The ECMs listed below will have a Commissioning Manual submitted, which will include all pre-functional and FPTs, manufacturer startup documents/testing plans, integrated system checklists, drawings, and submittals. Table 1.5: MCAS Cherry Point Project Commissioned Systems ECM Number Name/Description 1.1 Building Lighting & Controls 1.2 Athletic Field Lighting 1.3 Airfield PAPI Lighting 2.1 Water Conserving Fixtures 2.2 WWTP Reclaimed Water System 2.3 WWTP Efficiency and Resiliency Improvements: Lift Station Monitoring WWTP SCADA Secure Wireless Network Flow Equalization 5.1 HVAC Equipment Replacement 5.2 Boiler Replacement 5.3 Steam Trap Replacements 5.4 Heating System Piping/Insulation Improvements 7.1 Controls & EMCS Upgrades 7.2 Recommissioning 7.3 Advanced Metering Systems 9.1 Electrical System Upgrades 9.3 Transformers MCAS Cherry Point – Commissioning Plan Duke Energy UESC Page 8 2. COMMISSIONING TEAM: ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1. Commissioning Team Members Inside the Duke Energy Team, Ameresco will serve as the CxA for the project. The Ameresco Commissioning Team will schedule, coordinate, witness, record, report, and direct all commissioning activities both on and off the project site to assure optimal compliance with the design intent document. Qualified technical and engineering personnel and the various equipment and systems providers’ factory-trained engineers and/or startup technicians will perform all commissioning activities. The commissioning team members are listed below. Table 2.1: Commissioning Team Members Team Member Position Contact Info MCAS Cherry Point Team Blake Wittman Contracting Officer Keith Willis COR Pat Faulkner Design Management & Engineering Branch Head Steve Phillips Project Coordinator CDR Brian Schonefeld Public Works Officer Gary Jackson Energy Manager The Duke Energy Team Engineering Team Rickard Hermansson Project Lead Joe Black Project Engineer Yixun Zhu Sr. Project Manager Craig Bruns Duke Energy UESC Team Member Implementation Team Neil Covington Sr. Construction Project Manager Thomas Church Project Manager David Michaelis Quality Control/Safety Manager Commissioning Services Hans Hoinaes Commissioning Manager Jason Street Sr. Commissioning Engineer Dave Bruno Sr. Commissioning Engineer Kashief Moody Commissioning Engineer Matt Hall Commissioning Engineer Performance Assurance Josh Fortman Performance Assurance Manager Keith Parker Performance Assurance Engineer Brett Perron Performance Assurance Engineer Contractors and Subs Rick Morris Ultra Electronics - 3eTI Ayanna Edwards Affinity Energy Neal Thigpen Blackwater Electric Thomas Lawlor Bowen Engineering Corporation Roy Marshall H2O Applied Technologies Lee Klug Johnson Controls Inc. (JCI) Hitesh Kataria Lord & Company Luke Weyant PowerSecure Gabe Hensley Retro Tech Systems Keith Carlsen Steam Management John Kimla Command Commissioning LLC. MCAS Cherry Point – Commissioning Plan Duke Energy UESC Page 9 John Kimla Command Commissioning LLC. Kevin Waters Systems Contractors Inc. 2.2. Commissioning Roles and Responsibilities The following is a listing of commissioning responsibilities. The list is not intended to capture all the tasks of an associate, the MCAS Cherry Point technical representative, or the Contractor on the MCAS Cherry Point project but just the task associated with commissioning. 2.2.1. All Parties • Follow the Commissioning Plan. • Designated representative attend commissioning scoping meetings and additional meetings as necessary. Construction and Acceptance Phase • During construction and acceptance, all parties shall be available for meetings. • Perform standard submittal review, construction observation, as-built drawing preparation, Operating & Maintenance manual preparation, etc., as contracted. • Coordinate resolution of system deficiencies identified during commissioning in accordance with the Contract Documents. • Prepare and submit final as-built documentation for inclusion in the Operating & Maintenance manuals. Review and approve the Operating & Maintenance manuals. 2.2.2. Commissioning Services Commissioning Services is not responsible for design concept, design criteria, compliance with MCAS Cherry Point, design or general construction scheduling, cost estimating, or construction management. CxA will assist with problem-solving, non-conformance, deficiencies, but ultimately that responsibility resides with the construction and engineering team. The primary role of Commissioning Services is to develop and coordinate the execution of a testing plan, observe and document performance—that systems are functioning in accordance with the documented ECM design intent and in accordance with the Contract Documents. The CxA develops the Commissioning Plan: • The CxA develops the project-specific functional performance testing procedures and forms. • The CxA issues the final commissioning report. • Works with engineering team and construction team to get commissioning requirements into a specification MCAS Cherry Point – Commissioning Plan Duke Energy UESC Page 10 • The CxA distributes plans and specifications to key personnel for review comments. The CxA tracks the review comments so that the “reviewers” are informed as to the status of their comments. • Make periodic site visits to assure that installation of widespread systems (i.e., conduit, wiring, and piping) and construction testing are meeting Contract requirements. • Performs functional testing along with the involvement of the MCAS Cherry Point technical representative, MCAS Cherry Point Facility Management, and the performance assurance personnel. • Contracts a third-party commissioning firm to perform additional commissioning duties as needed. This third party will be independent and report directly to CxA. • Seek proposals from term Contractors for TAB services (as described in TAB specification). Manage TAB Contractor. These responsibilities will be shared with the PM. • Communicates commissioning status to the MCAS Cherry Point technical representative and the construction and commissioning teams. • Communicate all discrepancies found during commissioning activities to PM. Attends progress meetings to discuss commissioning issues as needed. 2.2.3. Construction Team • Works with the CxA to determine the level of commissioning required/budgeted for the specific project. • To provide the CxA with information regarding substitutions, change orders, RFI’s and any Engineer’s Supplemental Instructions that may affect commissioning. • The PM is responsible for budget and schedule; therefore, any suggested change to the budget or schedule brought about from commissioning activities must be approved by the PM. • Facilitate the coordination of the commissioning work by CxA and ensure commissioning activities are being scheduled into the master schedule. • Review the final Commissioning Manual. • Attend commissioning scoping meetings and other commissioning team meetings. • Review commissioning progress and deficiency reports. • Coordinate the resolution of non-compliance and design deficiencies identified in all phases of commissioning. • Complete PFCs as provided by CxA. • When necessary, observe and witness pre-functional checks, startup, functional performance testing of selected equipment. 2.2.4. Engineering Team • Provides design intent documents. • Provides design intent clarification to PM and the CxA as needed. • Provides written responses to design review comments MCAS Cherry Point – Commissioning Plan Duke Energy UESC Page 11 • Provides support to ensure adherence to the design intent described in the specification and drawings. There will likely be an overlap here between the commissioning responsibilities of engineering and construction management. • The services intended to be the engineering’s commissioning responsibility are to assist the CxA in verifying that a piece of equipment is installed per specs and manufacturer’s recommendations prior to startup. This service would be provided for several different types of equipment. The first piece of equipment for each group is to have a startup performed on it. That way, the frequency of a deficiency will be minimized. • Method - The CxA will contact the engineering team when a startup request is submitted for the first piece of equipment in an equipment type group. The CxA and engineering representative will inspect together with the possible inclusion of an MCAS Cherry Point technical representative, MCAS Cherry Point Facility Management personnel. Any discrepancies will be reported to the PM for resolution. • Make periodic site visits to assure that installation of widespread systems (i.e., ductwork, conduit, wiring, and piping) are meeting Contract requirements. • Provide consultation for the PM and the CxA when a situation arises where the design intent is unclear. • Witness functional performance testing if desired. • Review and approve the final Commissioning Manual. 2.2.5. Contractors (EC, MC) • Perform and complete the PFC provided by the PM and the CxA. • Accumulates all the manufacture’s startup procedures for the equipment. • Maintain, in an orderly fashion, a startup binder that would include the PFC’s and manufactures startup procedure for each piece of equipment provided. • Provide assistance during FPT of the system (as indicated on Commissioned Equipment Listing) • Demonstrate proper system performance. • Assist in providing training for the MCAS Cherry Point technical representative, MCAS Cherry Point Facility Management, and performance assurance personnel as specified. Training sessions to be scheduled through the PM and CxA. 2.2.6. Equipment Vendors • Provide all requested submittal data, including detailed startup procedures and specific responsibilities of MCAS Cherry Point Facility Management, to keep warranties in force. • Provide documentation to facilitate the contracted startup procedures. • Provide documentation to assist the commissioning work. • Assist in equipment testing per agreements with Contractors. • Provide the information requested by CxA regarding equipment sequence of operation and testing procedures. MCAS Cherry Point – Commissioning Plan Duke Energy UESC Page 12 • Review test procedures for equipment installed by factory representatives. 2.2.7. Controls Contractor • Perform and verify point to point checks. Induce changes through the building management system (BMS) to facilitate integrated testing. • Demonstrate proper system performance. • Provides trend data to CxA to demonstrate the functionality of the system. The CxA will transmit trend requirements to the ATC. • Provides training for the MCAS Cherry Point FM and performance assurance personnel as specified. 2.2.8. Test, Adjust and Balance Contractor (TAB) • Reports directly to the PM. • Performs task and generates reports as listed in TAB specification • Weekly status report including any discrepancies found that degrade the system • Works with CxA during FPT to collect data for reports 2.2.9. MCAS Cherry Point - Facilities Management Personnel • Attends FPT sessions as desired • Attends Contractor training sessions 2.2.10. MCAS Cherry Point • Review and approval of all commissioning documentation. • Arrange for facility Operating and Maintenance personnel to attend various field commissioning activities and training sessions according to the Commissioning Plan. • Provide final approval for the completion of the commissioning work. MCAS Cherry Point – Commissioning Plan Duke Energy UESC Page 13 3. COMMISSIONING PROCESS 3.1. Design Phase During design, Commissioning is a systematic process of ensuring that all building systems perform interactively according to the design intent and the MCAS Cherry Point project requirements. This is achieved by documenting design and operation intent at the design phase and continuing through construction and acceptance with actual verification of performance. Commissioning during design is intended to achieve the following specific objectives: • Provide commissioning focused design review. • Ensure that the design and operational intent are clearly documented. • Ensure that commissioning for the construction phase is adequately reflected in the bid documents. 3.1.1. Commissioning Plan Commissioning Services develops the project-specific Commissioning Plan based on Contract requirements, drawings, specifications, manufacturer requirements, and input from the MCAS Cherry Point Facility personnel, construction team, and engineering team. 3.1.2. Design Development Review The DD review is documented submitted to the CxA. The CxA will compile any comments/corrections to the documentation and forward it to the engineering team. The engineering team distributes the comments to the engineering team members. The team members respond to the engineering team, which provides a written response to the CxA. The final draft of the design intent and basis of design documentation will be available at the end of the CD design phase. 3.1.3. Commissioning Specification Development The commissioning specifications, for inclusion in the construction bid documents, are developed by the CxA, PM, and members of the engineering team as part of the commissioning process during design. Purpose • The specifications provide detail so that those bidding on the project can clearly understand how the commissioning process works and precisely what role they have in the process. • Provide MEP with additional information on existing conditions • Make sure that all standards are maintained in the CD • Make sure the commissioning requirements are incorporated • Verify the design intent is maintained • Maintainability MCAS Cherry Point – Commissioning Plan Duke Energy UESC Page 14 • Operation and Maintenance requirements • Performance assurance requirements • Devices present for proper balancing • Training requirements • Attic Stock requirements Specification Content The commissioning specifications shall provide the Contractor with a clear description of the extent of the verification testing required, including what components and systems will be tested and the documentation, reporting, and scheduling requirements. Details of the extent of testing and who is responsible for writing tests, executing tests, witnessing, and signing-off on tests shall be included. The relationship between and requirements for startup, PFCs, FPTs, control system trend logs, and stand-alone data logging shall also be given. Example tests shall also be provided. The specifications shall also detail the operator training and the Operating & Maintenance documentation and any Operating & Maintenance plan requirements. Any specific program of tasks focusing on indoor air quality should be included in the specifications. 3.2. Construction Phase The following is an outline of commissioning activities during the construction phase. The topics are described in detail in this section. 1. Client Kickoff Meeting 2. Submittal Review 3. PFCs and formal startups 4. Contractor commissioning meeting 5. Startup Request Forms 6. Engineering team site inspections • Instrumentation and Control • Mechanical • Electrical 7. PM inspections 8. CxA site inspections 9. FM site inspections 10. Tracking of deficiencies 11. Commissioning Progress Reporting 12. TAB 13. Functional Performance Testing MCAS Cherry Point – Commissioning Plan Duke Energy UESC Page 15 3.2.1. Management Protocols General Management Plan In general, the CxA completes the commissioning activities and reports to the PM. The CxA’s responsibilities, along with all other Contractors’ commissioning responsibilities, are detailed in the specifications. The specifications will take precedence over this Commissioning Plan. All members work together to fulfill their contracted responsibilities and meet the objectives of the Contract Documents. Further management protocols are described in detail below. Program Manager The PM is ultimately responsible for all levels of work under this Contract. The Program Manager delegates the task of responsibility for the commissioning to the construction PM. The appropriate design engineers will be assigned as necessary to oversee and/or witness various commissioning processes. This plan is consistent with Duke Energy Team’s Quality Control Plan. Commissioning Manager The Commissioning Manager (CM) will serve as the CxA and lead the commissioning team. The CM will oversee all commissioning team activities and ensure the appropriate lead engineer is available to oversee test and verification activities. The CM will make final decisions pertaining to the commissioning process. Project Manager The PM will be responsible for developing, implementing, and managing the Project Schedule for commissioning activities. The PM will make all decisions regarding procurement and scheduling with input from the customer and design engineers. The PM and the Program Manager will, with input from the Contracting Officer, set a timetable for updating the schedule. Compliance with this update sequence will be a condition of all subcontracts and vendor agreements. The PM is charged with maintaining the Testing Logs and Inspection Logs. As a part of this duty, he will coordinate with all parties to see that documents, submittals, shop drawings, reports and tests, or inspections are handled in such a way as to ensure quality and expedite the work. He will also be responsible for contracting with specialty/professional testing companies (i.e., those that perform actual tests and welding x- rays) and scheduling their activities. The PM will direct those firms regarding the distribution of their reports. MCAS Cherry Point – Commissioning Plan Duke Energy UESC Page 16 Miscellaneous Management Protocols The following protocols will be used on this project. Issue Protocol For requests for information (RFI) or formal documentation requests: The CxA through the PM. For minor or verbal information and clarifications: The CxA goes direct to the informed party. For notifying Contractors of deficiencies: The CxA documents deficiencies through the PM, but may discuss deficiency issues with Contractors prior to notifying the PM. For scheduling functional tests or training: The CxA through the PM. The CxA may provide input for and do some coordination of training and testing but does not do any scheduling. For scheduling commissioning meetings: The CxA selects the date and schedules through the PM. For making a request for significant changes: The CxA through the PM. The CxA has no authority to issue change orders. For making small changes in specified sequences of operations: The CxA may make small sequences of operations changes to improve efficiency or control or to correct deficiencies, through the responsible Contractor, but shall document the change and provide all changes of specified sequences to the PM and A/E. Subcontractors disagreeing with requests or interpretations by the CxA shall: Try and resolve with the CxA first. Then work through PM, who will work to resolve the situation. 3.2.2. Commissioning Kickoff and Other Meetings The commissioning kickoff meeting brings together all members involved in the commissioning process. Building equipment and systems to be commissioned are addressed, including requirements, startup, and completion schedules. The commissioning kickoff meeting and other meetings are part of regularly scheduled construction meetings and are conducted on a regular basis. Client Kickoff Meeting The CxA will plan and coordinate a client commissioning kickoff meeting, which will take place once the client has approved the Commissioning Plan (unless otherwise noted). A meeting agenda will be provided prior to this meeting by the CxA and distributed to the commissioning team. A sample agenda is as follows: • Introductions and sign in • Purpose of Commissioning • Scope of work • What systems are to be commissioned • Commissioning Team • Review documentation • PFCs • Functional Performance Documentation • Schedule for commissioning MCAS Cherry Point – Commissioning Plan Duke Energy UESC Page 17 • Commissioning process • Corrective Action Reports/Issues Log Contractor Commissioning Meeting A commissioning kickoff meeting is planned and conducted by the CxA. This will be done with each of the Contractors commissioning representatives to review testing documentation assigned to them as well as set expectations of testing deliverables. Miscellaneous Meetings The CxA attends selected planning and job-site meetings to remain informed on construction progress and to update parties involved in commissioning. The PM provides the CxA with information regarding substitutions, change orders, and any engineering team modifications that may affect commissioning equipment, systems, or the commissioning schedule. The CxA may review construction meeting minutes, change orders, or engineering mods for the same purpose. Later during construction, necessary meetings between various commissioning team parties will be scheduled by the CxA through the PM, as required. 3.2.3. Submittal Review The CxA will conduct a selective review of Contractor submittals of equipment to be commissioned. The engineering team will provide the CxA with specific submittals, as requested by the CxA. At a minimum, this equipment data includes installation and startup procedures, Operating & Maintenance data, performance data, and control drawings. The CxA reviews and approves submissions relative to commissioning issues expressed in the Contract Documents, not for general Contract compliance. This review will not take the place of the engineering team submittal review process but will be done in parallel. Any comments by the CxA will be forwarded to the engineering team. 3.2.4. Pre-Functional Checklists and Formal Startups PFCs are essential to ensure that the equipment and systems are installed and operational to ensure functional performance testing may proceed without unnecessary delays. PFCs are primarily static inspections and procedures to prepare the equipment or system for initial operation (e.g., oil levels OK, fan belt tension, labels affixed, gages in place, sensor calibration, etc.). However, some PFC items entail simple testing of the function of a component, a piece of equipment, or system (such as measuring the voltage imbalance on a three-phase pump motor of a chiller system). PFCs augment and are combined with the manufacturer’s startup checklist. Contractors typically already perform some, if not many, of the PFC items the CxA will recommend. However, few Contractors document in writing the execution of these checklist items. This project requires MCAS Cherry Point – Commissioning Plan Duke Energy UESC Page 18 that the procedures be documented in writing by the installing subcontractor. The CxA does not witness much of the PFCs, except for testing of larger or more critical pieces of equipment and some spot-checking. 3.2.5. Equipment Startup The Contractor will submit a startup request to the PM a minimum of a week in advance prior to equipment startup. The startup request is to indicate that all the construction requirements for that equipment have been accomplished. All startups and testing must be witnessed by the PM and/or the CxA. Equipment started up for temporary heat will be done in a formal matter. The equipment will be inspected so that all safeties and filters are in place. This will not take the place of the official startup for that equipment but in addition to it. 3.2.6. Engineering Team Site Inspections The appropriate party on the engineering team will be notified when a startup request form has been submitted the first time for each different type of equipment. The engineering team will schedule a site visit with the PM and CxA to verify that the entire requirements specific to that type of equipment have been completed. 3.2.7. CxA, MCAS Cherry Point FM, Performance Assurance Site Inspections The CxA will schedule periodic site inspections with FM personnel that are on the commissioning team. The focus of these inspections will be on equipment that is scheduled to be operating, as determined by the construction schedule. The team will meet with the Contractor’s commissioning field rep to discuss job progress and to get a startup schedule look ahead. The engineering field representative, the MCAS Cherry Point technical representative, MCAS Cherry Point - Facility Management, and performance assurance personnel will all perform periodic site inspections. The field personnel can review the PFC but will not be responsible for “signing off” on them. This is the PM, CxA, and the Contractor’s responsibility. The field inspections will focus on equipment that is scheduled to be started in the near future in order to make the PM and the CxA aware of any deficiencies prior to the startup date. The field inspections will also focus on systems that are installed over a large section of the schedule, like ductwork, piping, terminal units, insulation, and conduits. The goal here is to catch deficient installation issues before they are repeated. 3.2.8. Tracking of Deficiencies The Subs clearly list any outstanding items of the initial startup and construction procedures that were not completed successfully at the bottom of the procedures form or on an attached sheet. The deficiencies are provided to the CxA within two days of test completion. The CxA works with the PM to correct and retest deficiencies or uncompleted items. The PM will engage the Subs, vendors, and others as necessary. The installing Subs or vendors correct all areas that are deficient or incomplete according to the checklists and tests. MCAS Cherry Point – Commissioning Plan Duke Energy UESC Page 19 Any deficiencies (deviations from the plans and specifications) found during commissioning activities will be tracked on an Issues Log by the CxA and forwarded to the PM for resolution. Upon completion, the CxA will log the resolution for inclusion in the final commissioning report. Any other issues found during commissioning that are not considered deviations from the bid documents, but none the less affect the performance of a system, will be championed by the CxA. This will include maintainability issues, differences in design intent interpretations, or systems not performing up to design criteria. These types of issues will be resolved through a collaborative effort of the Owner, PM, CxA, Contractors, and engineering. These issues will be tracked on the commissioning issues log, distributed periodically, and included in the final commissioning report. 3.2.9. Project Schedule Reference the current project construction schedule. General Schedule Issues The following sequential priorities are followed: 1. Equipment is not “temporarily” started (for heating or cooling) until pre-start checklist items and all manufacturers’ pre-start procedures are completed, and moisture, dust, and other environmental and building integrity issues have been addressed. 2. Functional performance testing is not started until construction and startup, and TAB is completed for a given system (this does not preclude a phased approach). 3. The controls system and equipment it controls are not functionally tested until all points have been calibrated and PFCs completed. 4. TAB is not performed until the controls system has been sufficiently pre-functionally tested and approved by the PM and CxA for TAB work. 3.2.10. Execution of Functional Performance Testing Overview and Process Functional performance testing is the testing of systems and sometimes components under full operation. Systems are tested under various modes, such as during low cooling or heating loads, high loads, component failures, unoccupied, varying outside air temperatures, fire alarm, power failure, etc. The systems are run through all the control system’s sequence of operations, and components are verified to be responding as the sequences state. Commissioning Services develops the FPT procedures in a sequential written form, coordinates, oversees, and documents the actual testing, which is usually performed by the installing Contractor or vendor. Prior to FPTs being completed, factory tests, control trends, as-built drawings, operations and maintenance manuals, TAB, and final sequences of operation will be submitted to and reviewed by the CxA. MCAS Cherry Point – Commissioning Plan Duke Energy UESC Page 20 The CxA schedules FPTs through the PM and affected Subs. For any given system, prior to performing functional performance testing, the CxA waits until the PFC has been submitted with the necessary signatures, confirming that the system is ready for functional performance testing. The CxA completes/oversees the functional performance testing of all equipment and systems according to the Specifications and the Commissioning Plan. The control system is tested before it is used to verify the performance of other components or systems. The air balancing and water balancing is completed before functional performance testing of air-related or water-related equipment or systems. Testing proceeds from components to subsystems to systems and finally to interlocks and connections between systems. It is imprudent to assume that all the functional performance testing will be completed during the construction phase of a project. Having all the systems in a building complete and demonstrated to the facility personnel prior to occupancy would be ideal, but seldom a reality. Therefore, some of the FPT will carry on post- occupancy. This will be done with as little disruption to the occupants as possible. 3.2.11. Deficiencies and Retesting The CxA documents the results of the test. Corrections of minor deficiencies identified are made during the tests at the discretion of the CxA. The CxA records the results of the test on the procedure or test form. Deficiencies or non-conformance issues are noted and tracked on an Issues Log by the CxA and forwarded to the PM on a Commissioning Corrective Action Report form. Subs correct deficiencies, notify the CxA, and return the form certifying correction. The CxA schedules all the retesting through the PM. Decisions regarding deficiencies and corrections are made at as low a level as possible, preferably between PM, CxA, and the sub. 3.2.12. Test Equipment 1. All standard testing equipment required to perform startup, initial checkout, and required functional performance testing shall be provided by the Contractor for the equipment being tested. 2. Specialized equipment, tools, and instruments (only available from a vendor, specific to a piece of equipment) required for testing equipment shall be provided by the Contractor. The controls system and equipment it controls are not functionally tested until all points have been calibrated and PFCs completed. 3. All testing equipment shall be of sufficient quality and accuracy to test and/or measure system performance with the tolerances specified in the Contract specifications. If not otherwise noted, the following minimum requirements apply: Temperature sensors and digital thermometers shall have a certified calibration within the past year to an accuracy of 0.5°F and a resolution of + 0.1 °F. Pressure sensors shall have an accuracy of + 2.0 % of the value range being measured (not the full range of meter) and have been calibrated within the last year. All equipment shall be calibrated according to the manufacturer’s recommended intervals. Calibration tags shall be affixed or certificates readily available. MCAS Cherry Point – Commissioning Plan Duke Energy UESC Page 21 3.2.13. Sampling Strategy for CxA Observation of Construction Checkout and Startup The following table provides a tentative list of the equipment and how much of the construction checkout and startup work will be witnessed by the CxA. Equipment or System Fraction to Be Observed by CxA Indoor Lighting 10 % Outdoor Lighting 10 % Street Lighting 10 % Athletic Field Lighting 10 % Lighting Controls 10 % Airfield PAPIs 10 % Water Fixtures 10 % WWTP Reclaimed Water System 100 % WWTP Flow Equalization 100 % WWTP SCADA 100 % HVAC 100 % Boilers 100 % Controls & EMCS Upgrades 100 % Steam Traps & Heating System Piping/Insulation Improvements 10 % Advanced Metering Systems 10 % High Voltage Electrical Systems 100 % Low Voltage Dry Transformers 100 % 3.2.14. MCAS Cherry Point Representative, MCAS Cherry Point Facility Staff, and Performance Assurance Participation The MCAS Cherry Point technical representative, MCAS Cherry Point FM, and performance assurance personnel are encouraged to attend and participate in the testing process. The tables in the Facility Staff Participation form summarize the planning of their involvement. This form does not describe their involvement in formal training. The CxA will notify the PM, who will then notify the facility staff when the commissioning events will occur. 3.2.15. Test, Adjust, and Balance Pre-qualified Contractors will perform the TAB work. The PM will seek proposals based on the Duke Energy Team’s TAB specification (which states specific commissioning requirements of the TAB Contractor). The CxA and PM will manage the TAB Contractor throughout the construction process. The TAB Contractor is an integral part of commissioning. Contracting the TAB directly from the PM and CxA helps to facilitate the interactions between the TAB Contractor and the CxA. 3.2.16. Commissioning Progress Reporting The CxA regularly communicates with all members of the commissioning team, keeping them apprised of commissioning progress and scheduling issues through memos, progress reports, and commissioning status MCAS Cherry Point – Commissioning Plan Duke Energy UESC Page 22 summary sheets. At the beginning of construction, the CxA provides monthly commissioning progress reports. Thirty days prior to the startup of the first piece of major equipment, the frequency of progress reports is increased to twice per month until the startup is completed. The CxA may adjust the reporting frequency as needed. The progress reports contain: a two week look ahead for commissioning activities, a list of new and outstanding deficiencies, and a description of commissioning progress. 3.2.17. Phased Commissioning Due to the nature of the ECM, many projects will require startup and initial checkout to be executed in phases. The phasing is summarized in the Phased Commissioning document. Additional resolution of these phases can be found in the detailed commissioning schedule. 3.2.18. Demonstration and Training of Owner Personnel 1. The Contractor shall provide demonstrations and training in accordance with Division 1, General Requirements section of the specifications. 2. The Contractor shall provide the CxA a completed Training Agenda Form, found in the Attachments section of this Commissioning Plan. 3. Demonstration and training plan shall be submitted to the CxA at the time of submission of the Operating and Maintenance manuals. The plan shall fully detail all demonstrations and training that are to be provided by the Contractor to the MCAS Cherry Point Facility Management personnel and include a time allocation schedule. Actual dates and times, if used, shall be understood as tentative and subject to change based upon actual construction progress. However, at a minimum, the demonstration and training schedule shall include time allocations (i.e., hours) for each piece of equipment or system for which demonstration and training are specified. CxA review comments will be provided when Operating and Maintenance manuals are returned to the Contractor. The plan shall cover the following elements: a. Equipment/system b. Intended audience c. Location of training d. Subjects covered (description, duration of the discussion, unique methods, etc.) e. Methods (classroom lecture, manufacturer’s quality video, site walk-through, actual operational demonstrations, written handouts, etc.). 3.2.19. Special Training and Orientation The CxA and Design teams will complete the following orientation and training when required by the project specifications: • Recommissioning: The CxA will provide instruction on the use of blank FPT forms for periodic recommissioning of equipment and systems, per the specification (if required by the Contract). MCAS Cherry Point – Commissioning Plan Duke Energy UESC Page 23 •Architect: The architect will provide a general overview of the facility, its use, special features, tenant and public considerations, etc. •Mechanical Design Engineer: The mechanical designer will provide an overview of the major systems and equipment in the facility, including for each system: the design intent, why the system was chosen, an overview of its operation, and interactions with other systems, any special areas to be aware of, issues regarding future expansion and remodeling, etc. •Electrical Design Engineer: The electrical designer will provide an overview of the major electrical systems and equipment in the facility, particularly the lighting control systems, fire alarm, security, and emergency power, focusing on the design intent, why the system was chosen, an overview of its operation, and interactions with other systems, any special areas to be aware of, issues regarding future expansion and remodeling, etc. 3.3. Acceptance Phase 3.3.1. Operations and Maintenance Documentation The PM will forward all submitted Operating & Maintenance manuals to the CxA for review. The CxA will review the Operating & Maintenance manuals (with the assistance of the MCAS Cherry Point technical representative and MCAS Cherry Point Facility Management personnel) to ensure that the information contained within will provide adequate direction to the MCAS Cherry Point technical representative and MCAS Cherry Point Facility Management personnel over the life of the performance requirements and the building systems within. If the documentation is inadequate, it will be noted as such and returned to the PM for resubmittal from the Contractors. 3.3.2. Transition Meeting This meeting is to officially transfer the responsibility of maintaining the facilities from the PM and Contractors to the MCAS Cherry Point technical representative and performance assurance personnel. Attendees will be the PM, CxA, engineering, and performance assurance personnel. The CxA will schedule and lead the meeting. Prior to scheduling the transition meeting, all documentation will be submitted for review by MCAS Cherry Point. The following is a basic agenda for the turnover meeting. •Owner Contract •Equipment submittals •Operations and Maintenance manuals •Performance assurance requirements •As-built documentation (drawing and specifications) •Contractor’s contact listing and the work they performed •Warranty start/finish dates consolidated listing MCAS Cherry Point – Commissioning Plan Duke Energy UESC Page 24 • Training • Commissioning documentation • Customer Acceptance 3.3.3. System Warranties Warranty periods and requirements during such shall be described in the project Contract specifications. During the warranty period, seasonal testing and other deferred testing required will be completed according to the specifications. The CxA coordinates these activities. Systems requiring seasonal testing during the warranty period shall have the warranty start date adjusted if the system does not initially pass functional testing, regardless of the initial acceptance of the system at the end of the Acceptance Phase. Tests are executed, and deficiencies are corrected by the appropriate Subs, witnessed by the MCAS Cherry Point staff and the CxA. Any final adjustments to the operations and maintenance (O&M) manuals and as- builts due to the testing are made. 3.3.4. Seasonal (Deferred) Functional Performance Testing Due to seasonal climate conditions, not all systems can be tested at or near full load during the construction phase. The CxA will work with the MCAS Cherry Point Facility Management and performance assurance personnel to accomplish the seasonal testing. Any deficiencies will be taken directly to the Contractor as a warranty call if required by the Contract. 3.3.5. Performance Monitoring During the warranty period of the building, the MCAS Cherry Point FM personnel will evaluate the systems through performance monitoring using the BAS system. The performance assurance personnel will assist the MCAS Cherry Point FM personnel with this task. 3.3.6. Commissioning Report The CxA will issue a final summary report. The report will include an executive summary, a list of participants and roles, a brief building description, an overview of commissioning and testing scope, and a general description of testing and verification methods. For each system commissioned, the report will contain the disposition of Commissioning Services regarding the results of the commissioning work. The results of commissioning each system should include a summary identifying the: • Equipment met the MCAS Cherry Point project design intent. • Equipment met the MCAS Cherry Point project requirements. • Equipment has been installed properly MCAS Cherry Point – Commissioning Plan Duke Energy UESC Page 25 • Functional performance status of the MCAS Cherry Point project. • As-built documentation • Performance assurance and the MCAS Cherry Point technical representative • MCAS Cherry Point Facility Management personnel training was completed. 3.3.7. ECM Acceptance ECM acceptance shall be described in the project Contract specifications. The agency may allow for ECM Acceptance prior to full project acceptance if the ECM is fully commissioned and the ECM Commissioning Report is reviewed and accepted. Other requirements for full project acceptance, including the Post- Installation Report, operations work procedures, preventive maintenance work procedures, O&M Manuals and spare parts lists, and final training is not required prior to ECM Acceptance. 3.3.8. Final Acceptance After installation of all ECMs, the ordering agency CO will notify the Contractor in writing of full project acceptance, which will constitute the start of the post-acceptance performance period and commencement of post-acceptance Contractor payments. Ordering agency acceptance, for purposes of payment typically occurs when the following are completed. These requirements are finalized in the project task order. • Acceptance by the ordering agency CO of the Contractor’s Post-Installation Report • Acceptance by the ordering agency CO of Contractor’s ECM Commissioning Report • The project inspection is conducted pursuant to the task order (TO) • Submission of additional TO requirements prior to acceptance: o Operations work procedures o Preventive maintenance work procedures o O&M manuals and spare parts lists o Training o As-Built Drawings (Record Drawings) Attachment A Commissioning Administration Documentation 1 - Corrective Action Report 2 - Issues Log 3 - Commissioning Daily Report 4 - Equipment Inventory Log 5 - ECM Acceptance Form PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Page 1 of 1 Ameresco – Commissioning Services Revision 1 - Date May 11, 2018 CCOOMMMMIISSSSIIOONNIINNGG CCOORRRREECCTTIIVVEE AACCTTIIOONN RREEPPOORRTT CAR Date: CAR #:0000-000-000 Project: ECM Name: (ECM#) (Report#) Building: Location: Equipment: Equipment ID: Identified from: Site Inspection Test  Review  Discussion  Other Site Visit: The above equipment has been observed, tested or the performance report reviewed and was found to not comply with the contract documents. Deficiencies or Issues and Effects: Corrective Action: Required Contractor (Impacts Cx) Required Client (Impacts Cx) Maintenance Recommended Other Recommended For commissioning to proceed in a timely manner, it is imperative that the required corrective action be completed by: Date or Event ___________________ ________ ___________________ _ ________ Commissioning Agent Date Owner’s Representative Date Forwarded to the following parties on _____________ for corrective action: Date ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Attachments Photograph (Number: 000) Other __________________________________________________________ Fill in the following section and return entire form to commissioning agent when corrected. SSttaatteemmeenntt ooff CCoorrrreeccttiioonn The above deficiencies have been corrected with the following actions: Signature Firm Date PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 Project:Prepared By: Project #:Date Updated: CAR#Site Visit Date CAR Date ECM Number ECM Name Building Location Equipment ID Equipment Deficiencies or Issues and Effect Corrective Action Attachments Required Contractor (Impacts Cx) Required Client (Impacts Cx) Maintenace Recommended Other Recommended Date Needs To Be Completed Date Forwarded Forwarded To Date Completed Completed By Completing Firm Date Received Date Closed 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Commissioning Services Deficiency Report Log Corrective Action Report Project Impact Work Order Tracking Statement of Correction CLIENT LOGO PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Commissioning Progress Report Revision-0 10.10.12 Commissioning Progress Report REPORT NUMBER: DATE: AMERESCO PROJECT NUMBER: AMERESCO PROJECT NAME: AMERESCO PERSONNEL: COMMISSIONING CONTRACTOR: PREPARED BY: WEATHER CONDITIONS WINDY OVERCAST RAIN SLEET LIGHTNING TEMP SUNNY CLOUDY SNOW HAIL GROUND CONDITIONS DRY FROZEN SNOW MUD WATER CONTRACTOR LABOR REPORTING EMPLOYEE NAME TRADE POSTION START TIME END TIME TOTAL HOURS WORKED COMMENTS COMMISSIONING TASKS PERFORMED AREAS NOT ON SCHEDULE CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE DATE DUE Commissioning Progress Report Revision-0 10.10.12 CORRECTIVE ACTIONS REPORTS CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE NUMBER DATE VERBAL INSTRUCTION GIVEN OR RECEIVED PERSON RESPONSIBLE DATE SAFETY OBSERVATIONS GENERAL NOTES / COMMENTS ATTACHMENTS ISSUES LOG NON COMPLIANCE REPORTS PRE-FUNCTIONAL FUNCTIONAL AMERESCO PERSONNEL CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL DATE Project Name: Date: Project Number: Completed By: Project Manager: EQUIPMENT INVENTORY LIST Equipment Specifications ECM #ECM Description Asset Number Manufacturer Item description Part Number Serial Number Quantity Equipment Location Building Location Electrical Panel Circuit Number Voltage Phase HZ Amps HP GPM CFM RPM Belt Size Filter Size Storage Capacity Input Output Steam Output- LBS/HR Refrigerant Type Refrigerant Quantity Connection Size In Service Date Vendor Equipment Information PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ATTACHMENT A ECM ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE CONTRACT: PROJECT NAME & AD: ECM: DESCRIPTION OF AREA: The CUSTOMER NAME, (the “Customer”) hereby accepts the above-referenced ECM as installed as designed in accordance with the above-referenced Contract, functionally complete, generating savings, being used for its intended purpose, and properly commissioned pursuant to the above-referenced Contract. Testing, adjusting, and balancing of the newly installed equipment has been performed. The Customer and Contractor understand that there may be outstanding closeout deliverables still pending (e.g., as-built drawings, Post-Installation M&V Report, Commissioning Report, etc.) as of the date hereof. ECM ACCEPTANCE DATE: CONTRACTOR: AMERESCO, INC. Name: Title: Date: CUSTOMER: Name: Title: Date: MCAS Cherry Point TAB 2: ECM Scope of Work Investment Grade Audit for MCAS Cherry Point Use or disclosure of data on this sheet is subject to the restriction on the first page of this assessment Duke Energy UESC B.1.2.b ECM 2.2 Reclaimed Water System Narrative Description The primary purpose of this ECM is to increase the use of reclaimed water at the WWTP. The related storage and distribution system will be expanded to provide non-potable process water to the BNR foam suppression system, the secondary clarifier weir washer system, and a gravity thickener foam suppression system. Existing Conditions The Station owns and operates the following water systems: a water treatment plant, a wastewater treatment plant, an industrial wastewater treatment plant, multiple wells, lift stations, and the supporting water distribution and wastewater collection infrastructure. Constructing a reclaimed water system at the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) has been a focus to reduce overall water consumption at the facility. The first phase was completed in 2016, however many of the services of the reclaim water were not completed due to budgetary restrictions at the time. ECM 2.2 Highlights •Increase the WWTP reclaimed water system use by 600% •Increased climate-resilient design •Reduced Potable Water Use at the WWTP WWTP and water lines Investment Grade Audit for MCAS Cherry Point Use or disclosure of data on this sheet is subject to the restriction on the first page of this assessment Duke Energy UESC Proposed Conditions The storage and distribution systems at the WWTP will be expanded to provide non-potable process water to the BNR foam suppression system, the secondary clarifier weir washer system, and a gravity thickener foam suppression system. New reclaimed water piping will be routed through the WWTP site to minimize conflicts with existing underground utilities while minimizing length of required piping. New reclaimed water piping will be connected to the existing booster pump station effluent pipe. A service line to the secondary clarifiers, a second line to the BNR reactors and a third service line to the gravity thickeners will be needed as well. At the BNR foam suppression system Ameresco will provide for non-potable supply as an alternative to the continued use of potable water. A separate connection point, however, will be provided on the existing potable water service line to allow for continued use of potable water as an alternative to the reclaimed water service. The secondary clarifiers will be provided reclaimed water service for a weir washer system which will be set up on solenoid timers. Only one weir washer will operate at a time. The gravity thickeners will have a foam spray system installed. Controls will be added at each of the locations for remote start and stop of the reclaimed water system. The status and controls will be connected to the booster pump station through the existing plant SCADA. To allow for the new uses of the reclaim water, the primary clarifiers will be retrofitted into wet wells for non- water storage. This will entail demolition of interior components such as the metal weirs, the link belt system and appurtenances, link belt drive motor and appurtenances and control panel and appurtenances. The clarifiers will also be connected through core drilling the exterior walls. This connection will allow the operator the option to fill either clarifier and/or move reclaimed water between the two. The design has been procured by MCAS Cherry Point FEAD. The 90% design documents including the BOD has been used to competitively bid this project. FEAD has procured the complete design and it is understood that they will provide the 100% Construction Documents including specifications to Ameresco within the first 3 months of UESC award. FEAD has also contracted and awarded the post construction award services (PCAS) from the designer of record. FEAD will coordinate these PCAS with Ameresco’s project manager and engineering team. Location(s) Affected The Wastewater Treatment Plant is the only location affected by this ECM. Non-Energy Savings No non-energy savings are claimed for this ECM. MCAS Cherry Point TAB 3: Prefunctional Checklists Page 1 of  $LU2SHUDWHG3XPS Pre-Functional Checklist Ameresco Project# Date: Building: Location: Equipment: ID: Submittal / Approvals Submittal: The above equipment and systems integral to them are complete and ready for functional testing. The checklist items are complete and have been checked off only by parties having direct knowledge of the event, as marked below, respective to each responsible contractor. This Pre- Functional checklist is submitted for approval, subject to an attached list of outstanding items yet to be completed. A Statement of Correction will be submitted upon completion of any outstanding areas. None of the outstanding items preclude safe and reliable functional tests being performed. ___ List attached. Mechanical Contractor Date Controls Contractor Date Electrical Contractor Date Plumbing Contractor Date Test and Balance Contractor Date Ameresco Construction Team Date Pre-Functional checklist items are to be completed as part of startup and initial checkout, preparatory to functional testing. x This checklist does not take the place of the manufacturer’s recommended checkout and startup procedures or report. x If this form is not used for documenting, one of similar rigor shall be used. x Contractors assigned responsibility for sections of the checklist shall be responsible to see that checklist items by their subcontractors are completed and checked off. Approvals: This filled-out checklist has been reviewed. Its completion is approved with the exceptions noted below. Commissioning$XWKRULW\ Date Waste Water Treatment Plant Exterior Wall Mounted Chem. Feed Pump Skid P-500 524010000 MCAS Cherry Point ECM 2.2: Reclaimed Water System Pre-Functional Checklist Chem. Pump Pre-Functional Checklist Page 2 of 3 Ameresco Project# Equipment: ID: Pump Skid Information Make Model Number Serial Number GPM Head Volts/Phase Function Service Area Motor Hp Motor Eff RPM Comments: Associated Checklists Electrical BAS OTHER Requested documentation submitted Rec’d Comments Manufacturer’s cut sheets Performance data Installation and startup manual and plan O&M manuals Factory test results Warranty Certificate Comments: Chem. Feed Pump Skid P-500 MCAS Cherry Point ECM 2.2: Reclaimed Water System Pre-Functional Checklist 524010000 Chem. Pump Pre-Functional Checklist Page 3 of 3 Ameresco Project# Equipment: ID: Installation Checks Check if acceptable, provide comment if unacceptable NA Comment General Installation is per manufacturer’s instructions Equipment label permanently affixed Polypropylene skid mount Pumps turn freely Pumps rotating proper direction Proper tubing size selected Pump drip collection verified Pumps mounted in area with free flow of air around it Pumps not stacked beyond max recommendation Pump detail checked against the drawings and all devices, gages, and appurtenances are in place Non-return valve installed between pump and discharge piping Pressure relief valves installed are verified to be proper application and size Schedule 80 cpvc piping is used PVC calibration column and PVC end caps Pump pressure set and validated Pressure gauges are stainless steel Pressure switch & diaphragm seal by pump manufacturer Spare parts to include squeeze tubes, pump head, and roller provided Verification/training to include high accuracy dosing complete. Flow Range: .001 – 5 gpm Electrical and Controls Power disconnect is located within site of the unit it controls and labeled All electric connections tight Grounding installed for components and unit Starter overload breakers installed and correct size Voltage selector switch in correct position for power supply Digital controls properly connected and working Pump settings implemented for the application Comments: Chem. Feed Pump Skid P-500 MCAS Cherry Point ECM 2.2: Reclaimed Water System Pre-Functional Checklist 524010000 Page 1 of  $LU2SHUDWHG3XPS Pre-Functional Checklist Ameresco Project# Date: Building: Location: Equipment: ID: Submittal / Approvals Submittal: The above equipment and systems integral to them are complete and ready for functional testing. The checklist items are complete and have been checked off only by parties having direct knowledge of the event, as marked below, respective to each responsible contractor. This Pre- Functional checklist is submitted for approval, subject to an attached list of outstanding items yet to be completed. A Statement of Correction will be submitted upon completion of any outstanding areas. None of the outstanding items preclude safe and reliable functional tests being performed. ___ List attached. Mechanical Contractor Date Controls Contractor Date Electrical Contractor Date Plumbing Contractor Date Test and Balance Contractor Date Ameresco Construction Team Date Pre-Functional checklist items are to be completed as part of startup and initial checkout, preparatory to functional testing. x This checklist does not take the place of the manufacturer’s recommended checkout and startup procedures or report. x If this form is not used for documenting, one of similar rigor shall be used. x Contractors assigned responsibility for sections of the checklist shall be responsible to see that checklist items by their subcontractors are completed and checked off. Approvals: This filled-out checklist has been reviewed. Its completion is approved with the exceptions noted below. Commissioning$XWKRULW\ Date Waste Water Treatment Plant Exterior Wall Mounted Chem. Feed Pump Skid P-501 524010000 MCAS Cherry Point ECM 2.2: Reclaimed Water System Pre-Functional Checklist Chem. Pump Pre-Functional Checklist Page 2 of 3 Ameresco Project# Equipment: ID: Pump Skid Information Make Model Number Serial Number GPM Head Volts/Phase Function Service Area Motor Hp Motor Eff RPM Comments: Associated Checklists Electrical BAS OTHER Requested documentation submitted Rec’d Comments Manufacturer’s cut sheets Performance data Installation and startup manual and plan O&M manuals Factory test results Warranty Certificate Comments: Chem. Feed Pump Skid P-501 MCAS Cherry Point ECM 2.2: Reclaimed Water System Pre-Functional Checklist 524010000 Chem. Pump Pre-Functional Checklist Page 3 of 3 Ameresco Project# Equipment: ID: Installation Checks Check if acceptable, provide comment if unacceptable NA Comment General Installation is per manufacturer’s instructions Equipment label permanently affixed Polypropylene skid mount Pumps turn freely Pumps rotating proper direction Proper tubing size selected Pump drip collection verified Pumps mounted in area with free flow of air around it Pumps not stacked beyond max recommendation Pump detail checked against the drawings and all devices, gages, and appurtenances are in place Non-return valve installed between pump and discharge piping Pressure relief valves installed are verified to be proper application and size Schedule 80 cpvc piping is used PVC calibration column and PVC end caps Pump pressure set and validated Pressure gauges are stainless steel Pressure switch & diaphragm seal by pump manufacturer Spare parts to include squeeze tubes, pump head, and roller provided Verification/training to include high accuracy dosing complete. Flow Range: .001 – 5 gpm Electrical and Controls Power disconnect is located within site of the unit it controls and labeled All electric connections tight Grounding installed for components and unit Starter overload breakers installed and correct size Voltage selector switch in correct position for power supply Digital controls properly connected and working Pump settings implemented for the application Comments: Chem. Feed Pump Skid P-501 MCAS Cherry Point ECM 2.2: Reclaimed Water System Pre-Functional Checklist 524010000 Page1of3LSLQJPre-FunctionalChecklist Ameresco Project# Date: Building: Location: Equipment: ID: Submittal / Approvals Submittal. The above equipment and systems integral to them are complete and ready for functional testing. The checklist items are complete and have been checked off only by parties having direct knowledge of the event, as marked below, respective to each responsible contractor. This Pre- Functional checklist is submitted for approval, subject to an attached list of outstanding items yet to be completed. A Statement of Correction will be submitted upon completion of any outstanding areas. None of the outstanding items preclude safe and reliable functional tests being performed. ___ List attached. Mechanical Contractor Date Controls Contractor Date Electrical Contractor Date Sheet Metal Contractor Date Test and Balance Contractor Date Ameresco Construction Team Date Pre-Functional checklist items are to be completed as part of startup & initial checkout, preparatory to performing test procedures. x This checklist does not take the place of the manufacturer’s recommended checkout and startup procedures or report. x If this form is not used for documenting, one of similar rigor shall be used. x Contractor’s assigned responsibility for sections of the checklist shall be responsible to see that checklist items by their subcontractors are completed and checked off. Approvals. This filled-out checklist has been reviewed. Its completion is approved with the exceptions noted below. Commissioning Authority Date Owner’s Representative Date MCAS Cherry Point ECM 2.2: Reclaimed Water System Pre-Functional Waste Water Plant Throughout Water Pipe Work Piping 524010000 Piping Pre-Functional Checklist Page 2 of 2 Ameresco Project# Installation Checks Check if acceptable, provide comment if unacceptable NA Comment General Piping is clean and free of damage prior to installation. Piping installed per the drawings and details Piping, fittings and valves insulated per specification Piping is installed with sufficient pitch and arranged in a manner to ensure drainage and venting of the entire system. Changes in pipe sizes are made with the proper size reducing fittings, reducing fittings, reducing elbow or reducing tees. All fittings meet specification requirements. Construction strainers removed All equipment requiring maintenance are accessible Record drawings have been updated to reflect any changes made. Nipples are made of the same material as the pipe. Connections between copper and steel pipes are made with dielectric fittings. Chemical treatment system or plan installed No leaking apparent A union is provided ahead of each screwed valve, trap, or strainer, and on each side of each piece of equipment and whatever needed to dismantle piping. Piping pressure tested according to contract documents Air vents and bleeds at high points of systems functional Provisions in place for expansion compensation Valves Isolation valves provided at all branches and main takeoffs to facilitate isolation (as required by contract) Valve installation per manufacturer’s instructions Valve manufacturer labels permanently affixed Manual isolation valves checked for proper seal and found to travel freely Valves installed in proper direction Valves stroke fully and easily and spanning is calibrated (see calibration section below) Valves that require a positive shut-off are verified to not be leaking when closed at normal operating pressure No leaking apparent Valves tagged and valve schedule submitted and displayed as required Adequate maintenance clearance in provided and valve is accessible Unions installed to allow for easy removal of control valves Pre-Functional ECM 2.2: Reclaimed Water System MCAS Cherry Point Waste Water Plant Pipe Work Page 1 of  :HLU:DVKHU Pre-Functional Checklist Ameresco Project# Date: Building: Location: Equipment: ID: Submittal / Approvals Submittal: The above equipment and systems integral to them are complete and ready for functional testing. The checklist items are complete and have been checked off only by parties having direct knowledge of the event, as marked below, respective to each responsible contractor. This Pre- Functional checklist is submitted for approval, subject to an attached list of outstanding items yet to be completed. A Statement of Correction will be submitted upon completion of any outstanding areas. None of the outstanding items preclude safe and reliable functional tests being performed. ___ List attached. Mechanical Contractor Date Controls Contractor Date Electrical Contractor Date Plumbing Contractor Date Test and Balance Contractor Date Ameresco Construction Team Date Pre-Functional checklist items are to be completed as part of startup and initial checkout, preparatory to functional testing. x This checklist does not take the place of the manufacturer’s recommended checkout and startup procedures or report. x If this form is not used for documenting, one of similar rigor shall be used. x Contractors assigned responsibility for sections of the checklist shall be responsible to see that checklist items by their subcontractors are completed and checked off. Approvals: This filled-out checklist has been reviewed. Its completion is approved with the exceptions noted below. Commissioning$XWKRULW\ Date Waste Water Treatment Plant BNR Weir Washer WW-500 524010000 MCAS Cherry Point ECM 2.2: Reclaimed Water System Pre-Functional Checklist Weir Washer Pre-Functional Checklist Page 2 of 3 Ameresco Project# Associated Checklists Chiller Chilled Water Piping BAS Boiler Hot Water Piping Other Requested documentation submitted Rec’d Comments Manufacturer’s cut sheets Performance data (pump curves, coil data, etc.) Installation and startup manual and plan O&M manuals Factory test results Sequences and control strategies Warranty Certificate Alignment report Vibration testing report Comments: MCAS Cherry Point ECM 2.2: Reclaimed Water System Pre-Functional Checklist Weir Washer WW-500 524010000 Weir Washer Pre-Functional Checklist Page 3 of 3 Ameresco Project# Installation Checks Check if acceptable, provide comment if unacceptable NA Comment Inner Ring Inner ring joints flush and mounting bolts tightened Inner ring mounted parallel Gap between ring and inner shim Inner piping union tight Inner ring joint bolts tight Joint sealant applied and cured Outer Ring Outer ring joints flush and mounting bolts tightened Outer piping union tight Outer ring joint bolts tight Drive chain positioned to 2” past tangent on 1st bolt Chain to outer ring drive bolts tight Leakage provides adequate pressure to spray apparatus Spray Apparatus, Piping & System Clarifier components are per specification and drawings Supply water flow and pressure per specification All lines flushed thoroughly Piping supported every 5’-7’ Strainer leak tested, valve timer assembly tested and set Piping and auto drain valves installed and leak tested Spray apparatus adjusted and tested Spray apparatus passes under bridge with clearance Spray bar rotational speed 1 rev. per 3-4 seconds Nozzles unclogged Spray zone includes scum baffle, weirs, launder walls and floor Tested for uneven operation on depressurization/re-pressurization Comments: MCAS Cherry Point ECM 2.2: Reclaimed Water System Pre-Functional Checklist Weir Washer WW-500 524010000 Page 1 of  :HLU:DVKHU Pre-Functional Checklist Ameresco Project# Date: Building: Location: Equipment: ID: Submittal / Approvals Submittal: The above equipment and systems integral to them are complete and ready for functional testing. The checklist items are complete and have been checked off only by parties having direct knowledge of the event, as marked below, respective to each responsible contractor. This Pre- Functional checklist is submitted for approval, subject to an attached list of outstanding items yet to be completed. A Statement of Correction will be submitted upon completion of any outstanding areas. None of the outstanding items preclude safe and reliable functional tests being performed. ___ List attached. Mechanical Contractor Date Controls Contractor Date Electrical Contractor Date Plumbing Contractor Date Test and Balance Contractor Date Ameresco Construction Team Date Pre-Functional checklist items are to be completed as part of startup and initial checkout, preparatory to functional testing. x This checklist does not take the place of the manufacturer’s recommended checkout and startup procedures or report. x If this form is not used for documenting, one of similar rigor shall be used. x Contractors assigned responsibility for sections of the checklist shall be responsible to see that checklist items by their subcontractors are completed and checked off. Approvals: This filled-out checklist has been reviewed. Its completion is approved with the exceptions noted below. Commissioning$XWKRULW\ Date Waste Water Treatment Plant BNR Weir Washer WW-502 524010000 MCAS Cherry Point ECM 2.2: Reclaimed Water System Pre-Functional Checklist Weir Washer Pre-Functional Checklist Page 2 of 3 Ameresco Project# Associated Checklists Chiller Chilled Water Piping BAS Boiler Hot Water Piping Other Requested documentation submitted Rec’d Comments Manufacturer’s cut sheets Performance data (pump curves, coil data, etc.) Installation and startup manual and plan O&M manuals Factory test results Sequences and control strategies Warranty Certificate Alignment report Vibration testing report Comments: MCAS Cherry Point ECM 2.2: Reclaimed Water System Pre-Functional Checklist Weir Washer WW-502 524010000 Weir Washer Pre-Functional Checklist Page 3 of 3 Ameresco Project# Installation Checks Check if acceptable, provide comment if unacceptable NA Comment Inner Ring Inner ring joints flush and mounting bolts tightened Inner ring mounted parallel Gap between ring and inner shim Inner piping union tight Inner ring joint bolts tight Joint sealant applied and cured Outer Ring Outer ring joints flush and mounting bolts tightened Outer piping union tight Outer ring joint bolts tight Drive chain positioned to 2” past tangent on 1st bolt Chain to outer ring drive bolts tight Leakage provides adequate pressure to spray apparatus Spray Apparatus, Piping & System Clarifier components are per specification and drawings Supply water flow and pressure per specification All lines flushed thoroughly Piping supported every 5’-7’ Strainer leak tested, valve timer assembly tested and set Piping and auto drain valves installed and leak tested Spray apparatus adjusted and tested Spray apparatus passes under bridge with clearance Spray bar rotational speed 1 rev. per 3-4 seconds Nozzles unclogged Spray zone includes scum baffle, weirs, launder walls and floor Tested for uneven operation on depressurization/re-pressurization Comments: MCAS Cherry Point ECM 2.2: Reclaimed Water System Pre-Functional Checklist Weir Washer WW-502 524010000 MCAS Cherry Point TAB 4: Functional Performance Tests FUNCTIONAL PERFORMANCE TESTS PROVIDED TO CUSTOMER PRIOR TO SCHEDULED TESTING MCAS Cherry Point TAB 5: Drawings/Submittals PROJECT AREA A ST R E E T RW 5 R RW 2 3 R R W 1 4 L R W 3 2 L RA N G E R O A D US NAVAL HOSPITAL SLOCUM BLDG. 2000 FIRE STATION BLDG 193 FIRE STATION BLDG. 4389 AC C E S S R O A D RO O S E V E L T B L V D BLDG 163 AIRFIELD CONTROL TOWER MCAS CHERRY POINT ENTRANCE GATE D U F F Y R O A D LOCATION MAP INDEX OF DRAWINGS CHERRY POINT, NORTH CAROLINA MARINE CORPS AIR STATION WO#6895648 WATER CONSERVATION - IMPROVEMENTS TO RECLAIM WATER SYSTEM CO V E R S H E E T G001 NAVFAC NO.SHEET NO.TITLE 12798176 G001 COVER SHEET 12798177 G002 GENERAL NOTES 12798178 G003 OVERALL SITE & SURVEY CONTROL PLAN 12798179 C001 CIVIL NOTES & LEGEND 12798180 C010 EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN 12798181 C011 EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN 12798182 C012 EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN 12798183 CD010 SITE DEMOLITION PLAN 12798184 CD011 SITE DEMOLITION PLAN 12798185 CD012 SITE DEMOLITION PLAN 12798186 CD100 DEMOLITION PLAN - PRIMARY CLARIFIERS 12798187 CU010 SITE UTILITY PLAN 12798188 CU011 SITE UTILITY PLAN 12798189 CU012 SITE UTILITY PLAN 12798190 CU100 HYDRAULIC PROFILE 12798191 CU200 PRIMARY CLARIFIER MODIFICATIONS 12798192 CU300 BOOSTER PUMP STATION MODIFICATIONS 12798193 CU400 SECONDARY CLARIFIERS & GRAVITY THICKENERS MODIFICATIONS 12798194 CU901 DETAILS 12798195 CU902 DETAILS 12798196 CU903 DETAILS 12798197 CU904 DETAILS 12798198 CG010 GRADING, DRAINAGE, & EROSION CONTROL PLAN 12798199 CG011 GRADING, DRAINAGE, & EROSION CONTROL PLAN 12798200 CG012 GRADING, DRAINAGE, & EROSION CONTROL PLAN 12798201 CG900 DETAILS 12798202 CG901 DETAILS 12798203 I000 RECLAIM CONTROL LOGIC 12798204 I100 P&ID SYMBOLS & LEGEND 12798205 I101 RECLAIM WATER SYSTEM, BOOSTER STATION, & PRIMARY CLARIFIERS 12798206 I102 GRAVITY THICKENERS, SECONDARY CLARIFIERS, & BNR 12798207 E001 ELECTRICAL - GENERAL LEGEND & GENERAL NOTES 12798208 E002 ELECTRICAL - GENERAL OVERALL SITE PLAN 12798209 E003 ELECTRICAL - GENERAL PARTIAL SITE PLAN - AREA NO. 1 12798210 E004 ELECTRICAL - GENERAL PARTIAL SITE PLAN - AREA NO. 2 12798211 E300 ELECTRICAL - BOOSTER PUMP STATION PLAN 12798212 E301 ELECTRICAL - BOOSTER PUMP STATION RISER & CONTROL ONE-LINE DIAGRAMS & PANEL SCHEDULES 12798213 E900 ELECTRICAL - STANDARD DETAILS DETAILS - SHEET NO. 1 NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 B4376 (WWTP) MCAS CP (CP17302R) HAVELOCK 10 Scale of Miles 50 258 20 30 JACKSONVILLE LEJEUNE CAMP 17 58 KINSTON 70 17 CHERRY POINT OCEA N VICINITY MAP CITY MOREHEAD 70 ATLANTIC BEAUFORT NEW BERN NE U S E MCAS RIVE R NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 GE N E R A L N O T E S G002 SHEETS C012, CD012, CU012, CG012 SHEETS C011, CD011, CU011, CG011 SHEETS C010, CD010, CU010, CG010 NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 OV E R A L L S I T E & S U R V E Y C O N T R O L P L A N G003 40'0'20'80' SCALE: 1" = 40' SURVEY CONTROL PLAN SHEET LAYOUT PLAN 0'50'100' SCALE: 1" = 50' 25' DESCRIPTION COMMON LEGEND EXISTING NEW DESCRIPTION EXISTING NEW DESCRIPTION EROSION CONTROL LEGEND EXISTING NEW ABBREVIATIONS NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 · · · “” CI V I L N O T E S & L E G E N D C001 NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 EX I S T I N G C O N D I T I O N S P L A N C010 20'0'10'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 EX I S T I N G C O N D I T I O N S P L A N C011 20'0'10'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 EX I S T I N G C O N D I T I O N S P L A N C012 20'0'10'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' X X NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 SI T E D E M O L I T I O N P L A N CD010 20'0'10'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 SI T E D E M O L I T I O N P L A N CD011 20'0'10'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' “” NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 SI T E D E M O L I T I O N P L A N CD012 20'0'10'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 01PHOTO 1 02PHOTO 2 03PHOTO 3 04PHOTO 4 DE M O L I T I O N P L A N - P R I M A R Y C L A R I F I E R S CD100 PRIMARY CLARIFIER MODIFICATIONS N.T.S. CD100 2 CD100 SECTION N.T.S. CD100 1 CD100 SECTION N.T.S. PLAN N.T.S.CD100 2 CD100 CD100 1 CD100 TYPICAL PIPE PLUG DETAIL N.T.S. NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 SI T E U T I L I T Y P L A N CU010 20'0'10'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 SI T E U T I L I T Y P L A N CU011 20'0'10'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 SI T E U T I L I T Y P L A N CU012 20'0'10'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 HORIZ. N.T,S, SCALE: VERT. 1" = 5' HYDRAULIC PROFILE HY D R A U L I C P R O F I L E CU100 NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 CU200 1 CU200 CU200 2 CU200 SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" SECTION2 CU200 CU200 SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" SECTION1 CU200 CU200 SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" PRIMARY CLARIFIER PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" ULTRASONIC LEVEL SENSOR DETAIL PR I M A R Y C L A R I F I E R M O D I F I C A T I O N S CU200 NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" SECTION2 CU300 CU300 CU300CU300 1 SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" BOOSTER PUMP STATION FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" SECTION1 CU300 CU300 SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" SECTION4 CU300 CU300 SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" SCHEMATIC - CL2 FEED DETAIL3 CU300 CU300 CU300CU300 2 CU300CU300 4 SCALE: N.T.S. CHEMICAL INJECTION DETAIL BO O S T E R P U M P S T A T I O N M O D I F I C A T I O N S CU300 NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SECTION2 CU400 CU400 CU400CU400 1 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" SECONDARY CLARIFIER WEIR WASHER PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SECTION1 CU400 CU400 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" GRAVITY THICKENER FOAM CONTROL PLAN CU400 CU400 2 SCALE: N.T.S. CONTROL VALVE AND HOT BOX DETAIL SE C O N D A R Y C L A R I F I E R S & G R A V I T Y T H I C K E N E R S M O D I F I C A T I O N S CU400 NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 57 8" 3 8" 17 8" 3 8" 5 8" 6" 6" 63 4" 714" 73 4"-83 4" 11"-912" ELEVATION VIEW DE T A I L S CU901 TYPICAL VERTICAL BEND DETAIL SCALE: NOT TO SCALE TYPICAL VALVE BOX INSTALLATION DETAIL SCALE: NOT TO SCALE TYPICAL BEDDING FOR DUCTILE IRON PIPE DETAIL SCALE: NOT TO SCALE TYPICAL BEDDING FOR PLASTIC PIPE DETAIL SCALE: NOT TO SCALE TYPICAL TAPPING SADDLE DETAIL SCALE: NOT TO SCALE TYPICAL PIPELINE THRUST BLOCK DETAIL SCALE: NOT TO SCALE : ® TYPICAL PIPE SEPARATION/CROSSING DETAIL SCALE: NOT TO SCALE NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 DE T A I L S CU902 CONNECTION TO BNR DETAIL SCALE: NOT TO SCALE TYPICAL CONCRETE SIDEWALK SECTION SCALE: NOT TO SCALE TYPICAL JOINT LAYOUT FOR SIDEWALKS SCALE: NOT TO SCALE TYPICAL ASPHALT PAVEMENT REPAIR DETAIL SCALE: NOT TO SCALE TYPICAL NON-POTABLE RECLAIM HYDRANT DETAIL SCALE: NOT TO SCALE SCALE: N.T.S. PRV AND METER BOX DETAIL A B C D E F G H TYPICAL WARNING SIGN DETAIL SCALE: NOT TO SCALE PRV SETTINGS STRUCTURE INLET (PSI) OUTLET (PSI) CLARIFIER NOS. 1 &2 80 60 THICKENER, CLARIFIER NO. 4 80 10 BNR REACTORS 80 60 TYPICAL FENCE AND CORNER PANEL ELEVATION TYPICAL FENCE AND BRACED PANEL ELEVATION X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X TYPICAL 3 STRAND BARBED WIRE AND SINGLE EXTENSION ARM CONFIGURATION CORNER OR END POSTS LINE POST DETAILS GROUNDING DETAIL SINGLE EXTENSION ARM DETAILS NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 DE T A I L S CU903 CHAIN LINK FENCING NOTES NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 NOMINAL PIPE SIZE (INCHES) NUMBER OF TWIST-OFF NUTS NUMBER OF T-BOLTS RATED PRESSURE JOINT RESTRAINT TABLE - PVC CALCULATION CONDITIONS: JOINT RESTRAINT TABLE - DIP RESTRAINED PIPE DETAIL BURIED VALVE W/ BONNET AND OPERATOR DETAIL DE T A I L S CU904 NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 GR A D I N G , D R A I N A G E , & E R O S I O N C O N T R O L P L A N CG010 20'0'10'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 GR A D I N G , D R A I N A G E , & E R O S I O N C O N T R O L P L A N CG011 20'0'10'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' “” NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 GR A D I N G , D R A I N A G E , & E R O S I O N C O N T R O L P L A N CG012 20'0'10'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 DE T A I L S CG900 “ ” “” “” EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE NOTES TYPICAL SEEDING SCHEDULE IN COASTAL AREAS (TEMPORARY) TYPICAL SOD INSTALLATION DETAIL AND SCHEDULE (PERMANENT) TYPICAL SILT FENCE DETAIL (TEMPORARY) TYPICAL GRAVEL SILT FENCE OUTLET DETAIL (TEMPORARY) TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE DETAIL (TEMPORARY) NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 DE T A I L S CG901 TYPICAL STABILIZATION TIMEFRAMES CROSS SECTION PLAN VIEW INSET A INSET B TYPICAL WATTLE DETAIL (TEMPORARY) TYPICAL INLET PROTECTION DETAIL (TEMPORARY) NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 RE C L A I M C O N T R O L L O G I C I000 NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 P& I D S Y M B O L S & L E G E N D I100 NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 RE C L A I M W A T E R S Y S T E M , B O O S T E R S T A T I O N , & P R I M A R Y C L A R I F I E R S I101 NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 GR A V I T Y T H I C K E N E R S , S E C O N D A R Y C L A R I F I E R S , & B N R I102 NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 NA V A L F A C I L I T I E S E N G I N E E R I N G C O M M A N D ~ M I D A T L A N T I C WA T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N - I M P R O V E M E N T S T O R E C L A I M W A T E R SY S T E M B 4 3 7 6 ( W W T P ) M C A S C P ( C P 1 7 3 0 2 R ) Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD FAX: 919.881.9923 RALEIGH, NC 27607 PHONE: 919.881.9939 SUITE 410 NCBELS #F-0929 ” ” ” ℄ Series MP ELECTRONIC METERING PUMPS Installation Operation Maintenance Instruction READ ALL WARNINGS CAREFULLY BEFORE INSTALLING Chemical Feed Pump 2 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS When using chemical feed pumps, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce risk of fire, electric shock, and personal injury. Failure to follow these instructions could result in death or serious injury. READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS *** : Secure chemicals and metering pumps, making them inaccessible to children and pets. *** DO NOT PUMP FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS. *** Do not cut the plug or ground lug off the electrical cord. Consult a licensed electrician for proper installation or replacement. ** : Always wear protective clothing, including gloves and safety glasses, when working on or near chemical metering pumps. ** Inspect tubing regularly for cracking or deterioration and replace as necessary. (Always wear protective clothing and safety glasses when inspecting tubing.) ** Use CAUTION to keep fingers away from rotating parts. ** If pump is exposed to direct sunlight, use a U.V. resistant tubing. ** Follow directions and warnings provided from the chemical manufacturer. The user is responsible for determining the chemical compatibility with the chemical feed pump. ** Make sure the voltage on the pump name tag matches the installation voltage. If pump fails to start, check line voltage. ** Consult with local health officials and/or qualified water conditioning specialists when treating potable water. ** Always depressurize system prior to installation or disconnecting the metering pump tubing. ** If injection point is lower than the chemical tank and pump, install an anti-siphon valve. ** DO NOT MODIFY PUMP. This poses a potentially dangerous situation and will void the warranty. * : All pumps are factory tested with water. Remove tubing and thoroughly dry if the chemical being pumped will react with water (for example sulfuric acid). * Hand tighten plastic connections (Do not use wrench). * Consult licensed plumber and electrician before installation to conform to local codes. * NOTE: For accurate volume output, pump must be calibrated under all operating conditions. Chemical Feed Pump 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS............................................................................................................................... 2 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................................. 4 UNPACKING THE PUMP................................................................................................................................ 5 PRECAUTIONS FOR OPERATION ................................................................................................................ 6 INSTALLATION, PIPING AND WIRING ......................................................................................................... 8 DESCRIPTION OF CONTROLS AND OPERATION..................................................................................... 12 CONTROL OPTIONS .................................................................................................................................... 13 RELAY SETTINGS ........................................................................................................................................ 14 ALARMS......................................................................................................................................................... 15 CONTROL REFERENCE SUMMARY........................................................................................................... 16 START-UP AND OPERATION ...................................................................................................................... 18 ADDITIONAL SETTINGS............................................................................................................................... 23 MAINTENANCE............................................................................................................................................. 24 TROUBLESHOOTING................................................................................................................................... 26 EXPLODED VIEW DRAWINGS..................................................................................................................... 27 PUMP SPECIFICATIONS.............................................................................................................................. 29 REPAIR SERVICE......................................................................................................................................... 30 Chemical Feed Pump 4 INTRODUCTION These installation, operation and maintenance instructions cover your electronic metering pump. Refer to the pump nameplate to determine the actual model. „ PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION Diaphragm metering pumps are used to dispense chemicals or fluids. This is achieved by an electromagnetic drive mechanism (solenoid) which is connected to a diaphragm. When the solenoid is pulsed by the control circuit, it displaces the diaphragm which, through the use of check valves, moves the fluid out the discharge under pressure. When the solenoid is de-energized it returns the diaphragm and pulls more fluid into the pump head and the cycle repeats. The stroke rate of the pumps is controlled via the touchpad and present status is indicated by the LCD display. The stroke length is controlled via the stroke length knob. „ MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION The wetted materials (those parts that contact the solution being pumped) available for construction are Glass filled polypropylene, PVC, SAN, Hypalon, Viton, PTFE, 316 Stainless Steel, PVDF, Ceramic and Alloy C. These materials are very resistant to most chemicals. However, there are some chemicals, such as strong acids or organic solvents, which cause deterioration of some elastomer and plastic parts, such as the diaphragm, valve seats, or head. Consult Chemical Resistance Guide or Supplier for information on chemical compatibility. Various manufacturers of plastics, elastomers and pumping equipment publish guidelines that aid in the selection of wetted materials for pumping commercially available chemicals and chemical compounds. Two factors must always be considered when using an elastomer or plastic part to pump chemicals. They are: 1. The temperature of service: Higher temperatures increase the effect of chemicals on wetted materials. The increase varies with the material and the chemical being used. A material quite stable at room temperature might be affected at higher temperatures. 2. Material choice: Materials with similar properties may differ greatly from one another in performance when exposed to certain chemicals. „ MANUFACTURER’S PRODUCT WARRANTY Pulsafeeder warrants all pumps and controllers of its manufacture to be free of defects in material or workmanship. Liability under this policy extends for 24 months from date of shipment from the factory. The manufacturer’s liability is limited to repair or replacement of any failed equipment or part which is proven defective in material or workmanship upon manufacturer’s examination. This warranty does not include removal or installation costs and in no event shall the manufacturer’s liability exceed the selling price of such equipment or part. The manufacturer disclaims all liability for damage to its products through improper installation, maintenance, use or attempts to operate such products beyond their functional capacity, intentionally or otherwise, or any other unauthorized repair. The manufacturer is not responsible for consequential or other damages, injuries or expense incurred through the use of its products. Above warranty is in lieu of any other warranty, whether expressed or implied. The manufacturer makes no warranty of fitness or merchantability. No agent of ours is authorized to provide any warranty other than the above. The European Union Warranty address is listed below, however, please note that the seller should be contacted first. Steigar 24 NL 1351 AB Almere Netherlands Chemical Feed Pump 5 „ EUROPEAN TECHNICAL FILE LOCATION PO Box 91 Washington NE37 1YH United Kingdom „ UNPACKING THE PUMP Check all equipment for completeness against the order and for any evidence of shipping damage. Shortages or damages should be reported immediately to the carrier and to the seller of the equipment. The carton should contain: - Metering Pump - Clear Flexible Suction Tubing* - Stiff White Discharge Tubing* - Foot valve/Strainer Assy.* - Backpressure Injection Valve Assy. - One Instruction Book that you are now reading - Bleed Valve Assembly* (most models) *These items are included with the standard pump. Items may or may not be included depending on model. Make sure that all items have been removed from the shipping carton before it is discarded. Chemical Feed Pump 6 PRECAUTIONS FOR OPERATION Each Electronic Metering Pump has been tested to meet prescribed specifications and safety standards. Proper care in handling, installation and operation will help in ensuring a trouble free installation. Please read all these cautionary notes prior to installation and start-up of your metering pump. 1. Important: Pump must be installed and used with supplied back pressure/injection valve. Failure to do so could result in excessive pump output flow. 2. Handle the pump with care. Dropping or heavy impact causes not only external damage to the pump, but also to electrical parts inside. 3. Install the pump in a place where the ambient temperature does not exceed 40°C (104°F). The pump is water resistant and dust proof by construction and can be used outdoors, however do not operate the pump submerged. To avoid high internal pump temperatures, do not operate in direct sunlight. 4. Install the pump in a place convenient for its future maintenance and inspection, then fix it to prevent vibration. 5. Protective caps must be removed prior to installing tubing onto valve assemblies. Use tubing of specified size. Connect the tubing to the suction side securely to prevent the entrance of outside air. Make sure that there is no liquid leakage on the discharge side. 6. Be careful to check that the voltage of the installation matches the voltage indicated on the pump nameplate. Each pump is equipped with a three prong plug. Always be sure the pump is grounded. To disconnect, do not pull wire but grip the plug with fingers and pull out. Do not use the receptacle in common with heavy electrical equipment which generates surge voltage. It can cause the failure of the electronic circuit inside the pump. 7. Tampering with electrical devices can be potentially hazardous. Always place chemicals and pump installation well out of the reach of children. 8. Never repair or move the metering pump while operating. Always disconnect electrical power. For safety, always wear protective clothing (protective gloves and safety glasses) when working on or near chemical metering pumps. 9. An air bleed valve is available for most models with tubing connections. Air purges should be performed when the pump chamber contains no fluid at the time of start-up. As a safety measure, connect the return tubing to the air bleed valve and bypass fluid back to storage tank or a suitable drain. 10. Chemicals used may be dangerous and should be used carefully and according to warnings on the label. Follow the directions given with each type of chemical. Do not assume chemicals are the same because they look alike. Always store chemicals in a safe location away from children and others. We cannot be responsible for the misuse of chemicals being fed by the pump. Always have the material safety data sheet (MSDS) available for any fluid being pumped. 11. All pumps are pretested with water before shipment. Remove head and dry thoroughly if you are pumping a material that will react with water, (i.e. sulfuric acid, polymers). Valve seats, ball checks, gaskets, and diaphragm should also be dried. Before placing pump into service, extreme care should be taken to follow this procedure. 12. Valve cartridges are stamped to indicate fluid flow direction. Always install so that markings read from top to bottom, with the arrow pointing in the direction of flow. 13. When metering hazardous material DO NOT use plastic tubing, strictly use proper rigid pipe. Consult supplier for special adapters or valve assemblies. 14. Pump is NOT to be used to handle or meter flammable liquids or materials. 15. Standard white discharge tubing is not recommended for installations exposed to direct sunlight. Consult supplier for special black tubing. 16. Factory will not be held responsible for improper installation of pump, or plumbing. All cautions are to be read thoroughly prior to hook-up and plumbing. For all installations a professional plumber should be consulted. Always adhere to local plumbing codes and requirements. Chemical Feed Pump 7 17. When using pump with pressurized systems, make sure the pressure of the system does not exceed the maximum pressure rating on the pump nameplate. Be sure to de-pressurize system prior to hook up or disconnecting the metering pump. 18. Electronic power modules are equipped with automatic reset thermal overload devices and may reset unexpectedly. 19. The pump is designed to operate using a backpressure/injection valve. If the discharge point is below the liquid level of the source or if the discharge pressure is less than the suction pressure, siphoning may occur. To correct this condition, install an anti-siphon valve or other anti-siphon device. Check local regulations which may apply. (Ref. Figure G1). 20. If the power cord is unplugged or in the event of electrical power interruption while the pump is operating, the pump will remember its last operating state for years and will resume operation as before, whenever power is restored. Chemical Feed Pump 8 INSTALLATION, PIPING AND WIRING The metering pump should be located in an area that allows convenient connections to both the chemical storage tank and the point of injection. The pump is water resistant and dust proof by construction and can be used outdoors, however do not operate submerged. Avoid continuous temperatures in excess of 40°C (104°F). To do otherwise could result in damage to the pump. MOUNTING Typical mounting arrangements are shown in Figures B to E. Important: Injection point must be higher than the top of the solution supply tank to prohibit gravity feeding, unless a suitable backpressure is always present at the injection point. Installation of an anti- siphon valve will prohibit gravity feeding. 1. For wall or shelf mounting, refer to Figure E. Connect suction tubing to suction valve of chemical pump. Suction valve is the lower valve. Tubing should be long enough so that the foot valve/strainer assembly hangs about 1-2 inches (2.5 - 5 cm) above the bottom of chemical tank. To keep chemical from being contaminated, the tank should have a cover. 2. Flooded suction mounting (installing the pump at the base of the chemical storage tank, Figure C) is the most trouble free type of installation and is recommended for very low output requirements. Since the suction tubing is filled with chemical, priming is accomplished quickly and the chance of losing prime is reduced. To mount pump, drill 4 holes of .25in. (6.3 mm) diameter in the shelf as shown in the dimension drawing (Figure F). Attach pump securely using four #10 bolts and nuts. Chemical Feed Pump 9 3. The pump can be mounted to a wall as shown in Figure D. A wall mount bracket kit is available which includes all necessary hardware to mount the pump to the wall. Mounting the pump other than as shown in Figure D defeats the purpose of the housing drain. Mounting dimensions for the pump are provided in Figure F for reference. 4. The pump can be mounted on top of a solution tank as shown in Figure E. Install chemical pump on the cover. Insert suction tubing through the center hole and cut tubing so foot valve/strainer hangs about 1 or 2 inches (2.5 - 5 cm) above the bottom of the tank. Mount the chemical pump rigidly by drilling four .25in. (6.3 mm) holes and using four #10 screws and nuts. 5. USE AN ANTI-SIPHON VALVE IN THE DISCHARGE LINE whenever the fluid pressure in the discharge line is below atmospheric pressure. This can occur if the injection point is on the suction side of a water pump or against a "negative" head such as when feeding down into a well, SEE FIGURE G1. Chemical Feed Pump 10 PIPING 1. Use provided tubing of specified size for connection. Connect tubing securely to prevent leakage of chemical and the entrance of air. Since plastic nuts are used for fittings, they should not be tightened excessively i.e. hand tighten only. NPT suction and discharge valves must NOT be over tightened. Hold fittings in place while adding piping and fittings. NPT suction and discharge valves should only be tightened 25 to 35 in. lbs. (4.46 to 6.25 kg/cm). 2. If the air bleed valve assembly is being used, a return line (tubing) should be securely connected and routed back to the storage tank. To avoid possible injury from chemicals do not attempt to prime using a bleed valve without installing a return line. 3. To maintain metering performance, a backpressure/injection valve is provided. The injection valve must be installed in the discharge line. Best practice is to install the injection valve at the point of chemical injection. 4. If the discharge tubing is going to be exposed to direct sunlight, black tubing should be used instead of the standard white translucent tubing supplied with each pump. To obtain, contact supplier. 5. To prevent clogging or check valve malfunction always install a strainer assembly to the end of the suction tubing (Figure E). This foot valve/strainer assembly should always be installed 1 to 2 inches (2.5 - 5 cm) above the bottom of the chemical tank. This will help prevent clogging the strainer with any solids that may settle on the tank bottom. The chemical tank and foot valve/strainer should be cleaned regularly, to ensure continuous trouble free operation. If the chemical being pumped regularly precipitates out of solution or does not dissolve easily or completely (e.g. calcium hydroxide), a mixer should be used in the chemical tank. These are readily available in many motor configurations and mountings. To obtain, contact supplier. 6. A flooded suction (tank liquid level always at a higher elevation than the pump) is recommended when pumping sodium hypochlorite (NaOCI) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) etc. which are liable to produce air bubbles. Maintaining a low liquid temperature will also help eliminate this problem. 7. Pipe corrosion can result if dilution at the injection point does not occur rapidly. This problem is easily prevented by observing this simple rule: install injection fitting so that the end is in the center of the flow stream of the line being treated. Trim injector tip as required. See Figure H. Note: Extended injection assemblies are available for large water lines. Consult your supplier for more information. Chemical Feed Pump 11 WIRING 1. : Risk of electrical shock. This pump is supplied with a three prong grounding type power plug. To reduce risk of electric shock, connect only to a properly grounded, grounding type receptacle. 2. The metering pump should be wired to an electrical source which conforms to those on the pump nameplate. (Applying higher voltage than the pump is rated for will damage the internal circuit.) 3. In the electronic circuit of the control unit, measures for surge voltage are made by means of surge absorbing elements and high voltage semiconductors. Nevertheless, excessive surge voltage may cause failure in some areas. Therefore, the receptacle should not be used in common with heavy electrical equipment which generates high voltage. If this is unavoidable, however, measures should be taken by (a) the installation of a surge absorbing element (varistor of min. surge resistance 2000A) to the power supply connection of the pump, or (b) the installation of a noise suppression transformer. 4. In the event of electrical power interruption during pump operation, the pump will remember its setting and automatically resume operation as before, whenever power is restored. If a manual reset is required to resume operation, the electrical circuit serving the pump must be suitably wired. Latching power relays which "drop out" upon loss of power, requiring manual reset, are typically used for this purpose. WELL PUMP SYSTEM INSTALLATION 1. Ensure that the metering pump voltage matches the voltage of the well pump. Typical well pump electrical circuits are shown in Figure J. All electric wiring should be installed in accordance to local electrical codes by a licensed electrician. 2. Install the backpressure/injection (Figure I) on the discharge side of the metering pump into a tee which is installed into the water line going to the pressure tank. Typical installations are found in figures G1, G2 and G3. Pumps carrying the "ETL Sanitation' approval (tested to NSF standard 50) are listed for swimming pools, spas, and hot tubs, and when proper materials are selected, are capable of handling but not limited to the following chemical solutions: 12% ALUMINUM SULPHATE 5% SODIUM CARBONATE 10% SODIUM HYDROXIDE 2%CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE 12.5% SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 10% HYDROCHLORIC ACID Chemical Feed Pump 12 DESCRIPTION OF CONTROLS AND OPERATION INTRODUCTION The pump performs the following functions: Selected Controls - Fixed Rate - External Pulse - Straight Pulses - Pulse Storage - Division - Multiplication - External Current Signal - 4-20 mA - 20-4 mA - Stroke Counting - Timed Operation (intervals) Display Alarms - Circuit Failure - Pulse Overflow - Signal Loss - Pulse Rate High - Full Count Relay Output (one selected at a time) - Relay Off - Pulse Overflow - Stop Function - Repeat Strokes - Current Signal Loss - Circuit Failure - Full Count - Flow Verification (if equipped with flow sensor) USING THE TOUCHPAD All adjustments and changes to pump operation (except stroke length) are made through the 6-button touchpad (figure L). Except for alarm conditions, the LCD display (figure K) always presents either the present operating condition or a prompt which must be answered in order to commence operation. There are two types of prompts: Prompts in the form of questions (marked with a flashing question mark) are used to navigate through the menu options. These prompts are answered by pressing either the or : buttons. Prompts marked with alternating up and down arrows are always encountered when a numerical value must be selected (i.e., stroke rates, counts, run times, ratios). These prompts are answered by pressing either the © or © buttons to change the display value to the desired setting. After the desired value has been set in the display, press to accept this value and continue or press : to return to the main menu. To stop the pump at any time, press the red button. To resume operation as before, press the button. To display the present stroking rate as a percentage of the maximum rate of the pump at any time, press the button. Press any button to return to the normal display. Chemical Feed Pump 13 HELPFUL HINTS You can always get to where you want to go simply by accepting or rejecting choices presented. If you find yourself within a menu where you don't want to be, keep selecting No until you return to the main menu. If you go past the desired selection by mistake, keep selecting No and the pump will take you back to it. A partly flashing display requires your response. A flashing question mark requires a Yes or No answer. Flashing arrows require an Up or Down numerical adjustment. To make large numerical adjustments quickly, hold down either the Up or Down arrow buttons. The value in the display will change at an increased rate. A fully flashing display is an alarm. If power is interrupted, the pump will automatically resume operating where it left off when power is restored. The pump will remember this while power is off. CONTROL OPTIONS FIXED RATE The pump operates continuously at the set rate over the span 1-100% of maximum. EXTERNAL PULSE CONTROL - STRAIGHT PULSES Each pulse received from the external signal port causes the pump to immediately stroke once at a rate limited by the maximum rate of the pump, 125 strokes per minute. In the Pulse Storage option, any pulse frequency received which is at a higher rate than the pump can respond to (125 contacts per minute), will cause excess pulses to be accumulated in memory. The pump will work off the excess pulses at a rate of 125 strokes per minute when the signal level drops below the maximum rate. If the accumulation exceeds 9,999 pulses, memory storage capacity is exceeded and the Pulse Overflow alarm is triggered. During the Pulse Overflow condition the pump operates at 125 strokes per minute; when the incoming rate drops below 125 pulses per minute, normal Pulse Storage operation resumes, starting with a full memory. EXTERNAL PULSE CONTROL - DIVISION The pump operates as described above except that incoming pulses are divided by a value from 1 to 999 prior to actuating the pump. For example, at a setting of 5, every fifth incoming pulse causes the pump to stroke once. The Pulse Storage option operates as described above. Pulse division makes it possible to "tune" the pump by adjusting its response to an external pulse signal, such as that from a flow meter, which is of too high a frequency to cause the desired feed by directly stroking the pump. Chemical Feed Pump 14 EXTERNAL PULSE CONTROL - MULTIPLICATION The pump operates as described previously except that incoming pulses are multiplied by a value from 1 to 999 prior to actuating the pump and then worked off at a selected stroking rate. For example, at a multiplier of 5 and a stroking rate of 25%, each incoming pulse causes the pump to stroke five times at 25% stroking rate and then stop. During operation, the display shows the present value and the present count on a running basis. Unless Pulse Storage is in effect, additional external pulses received while responding to a previous pulse are ignored. This option is similar to Stroke Counting (see below) except that action is initiated automatically by one or more external pulses rather than once manually by the user. There is no Full Count alarm as in Stroke Counting since it is always possible to receive additional external pulses. The Pulse Storage option operates as described above. EXTERNAL CURRENT SIGNAL CONTROL In the 4-20 mA option, the pump responds linearly to a current signal from the incoming signal port over the programmed operating rate. The rate can be any value from 0% to 100% and the current signal can be any value between 3.5 to 20.5 mA. The actual current signal can be calibrated to match that of the sending device. For example: if the pump was set for a low signal of 4mA, a high signal of 12mA, a low rate of 0%, and a high rate of 80% - an incoming signal of 10mA would cause the pump to stroke at 60%. The pump software allows the high and low rates to be inverted to produce a slower rate as the input signal is increased. For example: if the pump was set for a low signal of 4mA, a high signal of 12mA, a low rate of 100%, and a high rate of 20% - an incoming signal of 8mA would cause the pump to stroke at 60%. A Signal Loss alarm is triggered whenever the signal drops below approximately 2 mA. The pump stops operating during the loss of signal condition, and automatically resumes normal operation when the signal is restored. STROKE COUNTING The pump delivers a preset number of up to 9,999 strokes at a selected stroking rate. During operation, the display shows the preset value and the present count on a running basis. When the preset number of strokes has been delivered, the pump stops and the Full Count alarm is triggered. Pressing Yes when the Full Count alarm is displayed brings up the reset prompt. Continue pressing Yes to repeat the same stroking cycle or change the displayed values as they are presented to change the stroke count. This option is similar to External Pulse Control - Multiplication (see above) except that action is initiated once manually by the user rather than by one or more external pulses. TIMED OPERATION* The pump operates for selected run times from 1 to 999 minutes (16.65 hours) at selected intervals from 1 to 999 hours (41.625 days) at a selected stroking rate. For example, the pump might be set to operate for 60 minutes every 168 hours (7 days), at a 50% stroking rate. During operation the pump displays the run time in minutes and the interval in hours. RELAY SETTINGS The following relay output options can be brought up on the menu by pressing the Yes button while the pump is in the menu settings (Relay options vary with operating condition). Press the No button to scan through the options available. Only one relay output option may be selected. When the desired option is displayed, press the Yes button. This will set the relay for the chosen option. Chemical Feed Pump 15 RELAY OFF In all control options the relay remains open at all times. STOP FUNCTION In all control options the relay is normally open and closes while the Stop Function is activated through the stop port. CURRENT SIGNAL LOSS In any Current Signal control option, the relay is normally open and closes while the Signal Loss alarm is in effect. FULL COUNT In the Stroke Counting control option, the relay is normally open and closes while the Full Count alarm is in effect. PULSE OVERFLOW In any External Pulse control option with Pulse Storage, the relay is normally open and closes while the Pulse Overflow alarm is in effect. REPEAT STROKES In all control options, the relay is normally open and closes momentarily during each stroke of the pump. If the pump is equipped with a 24 VDC signal relay output, this function may be used to pace another externally paced pump. CIRCUIT FAILURE At all times, the relay is normally open and closes while the Circuit Failure alarm is in effect. The numbers which flash alternately with the alarm signal are for failure diagnosis at the factory. FLOW VERIFY If the pump is equipped with the flow verification option, the relay is normally open and closes while the Flow Failure alarm is in effect. ALARMS Alarms are distinguished by a fully flashing display. CIRCUIT FAILURE At all times, pumping is disabled and the pump will no longer operate until repaired. SIGNAL LOSS In any Current Signal option, the Signal Loss alarm is triggered whenever the signal drops below approximately 2 mA for several seconds. The pump stops operating during the loss of signal condition and resumes normal operation when the signal is restored. This includes the 20-4 mA option, in which a low current (4 mA) signal normally calls for full pump output in order to prevent overfeeding in the event of signal loss. FULL COUNT In the Stroke Counting control option, when the preset number of strokes has been delivered and the pump stops, the Full Count alarm is triggered. PULSE OVERFLOW In the Pulse Storage option, when memory capacity is exceeded the Pulse Overflow alarm is triggered. The pump continues to respond to external signal pulses as if 9,999 pulses were in storage. PULSE RATE HIGH In any External Pulse Control option without Pulse Storage, receipt of any pulses at a faster rate than maximum pump stroking rate, 125 strokes per minute, the Pulse Rate High alarm is triggered. The pump continues to operate at its maximum rate and does not respond to the excess pulses. FLOW FAILURE If the pump is equipped with the flow verification option, the pump will stop stroking and the screen will display Flow Failure when the flow sensor does not detect flow from the pumps discharge port. Chemical Feed Pump 16 CONTROL REFERENCE SUMMARY CONTROL OPTIONS Fixed Rate Fixed Rate 100% External Pulse Straight Straight Pulse Pulse Storage option Pulse-Store 9999 Division Pulses ) 999 Pulse Storage option: ) 999 Store 999 Multiplication x999/999 Pulse Storage option x999 Store 999 External Current Set High Rate Hi Rate 100% Set Low Rate Low Rate 100% Set High Signal Hi Sig 20.0mA Set Low Signal Low Sig 4.0mA Calibration Sig:xx.x Cal:xx.x Run 4-20mA? Count Strokes Count 9999/9999 Timed Interval 999m Every 999h OUTPUT RELAY OPTIONS Relay Off Relay Off Stop Function Relay-Stop Current Signal Loss Relay-No Signal Full Count Relay-Full Count External Pulse Overflow Relay-Overflow Repeat Strokes Relay-Repeat Circuit Failure Relay-Failure ALARMS (full flashing display) Circuit Failure Circuit Failure Signal Loss Signal Loss Full Count Full Count Pulse Overflow Pulse Overflow Pulse Rate High Pulse Rate High Chemical Feed Pump 17 SETTINGS OPTIONS Settings? Flow Verify? Yes=On No=Off Relay Output? Relay-Stop? Relay-Repeat? Rel-No Signal? Rel-Full Count? Relay-Overflow? Relay-Failure? Rel-Flow Vrfy? Relay-Off? Factory Init? Init Settings? Are You Sure? Volume-Units? Units = GPD? Units = LPD? Units = LPH? Reset Totals? Are You Sure? Calibrate Flow? Stroke = 100 Run Calib? Language? English? French? German? Spanish? Chemical Feed Pump 18 START UP AND OPERATION POWER All metering pumps are available in 115 volts at 50/60 Hertz, single phase. Optionally 230 volts at 50/60 Hertz, single phase can be provided. Prior to start-up always check to insure that the pump voltage/frequency/phase matches that of the power supply. : If pump is fitted with a PVC pump head (7th position of model number is “V”. Note: PVC is gray, not black), uniformly hand tighten the four head screws before use (18-22 inch pounds / 3.21-3.93 kg/cm). Periodically tighten after installation. PRIMING : When working on or around a chemical metering pump installation, protective clothing and gloves and safety glasses should be worn at all times. All pumps are tested with water. If the chemical to be pumped reacts when mixed with water (e.g. sulfuric acid, polymer) the pump head should be removed and dried thoroughly along with the diaphragm and valve seats. 1. Turn on the power to the pump. Operate the pump in the fixed rate control mode at 100% (full) rate. The green LED will light up and flash off each time the pump strokes. 2. Adjust the stroke length knob to the 100% setting mark (for more information see “Stroke Length Adjustment” on the following page). 3. If the discharge line is connected directly to a pressurized system it should be temporarily bypassed during priming of the pump. A bleed valve will simplify this operation by allowing easy bypass of the discharge fluid. All air must be purged from the pump head before the pump will pump against pressure. Air Bleed Operation: A) While pump is running, turn adjustment screw counterclockwise. B) Run with valve open until a solid stream of fluid comes out of the bypass tubing (1/4 x 3/8 supplied with valve), no air bubbles. C) Close air bleed valve by turning adjustment screw clockwise. 4. Chemical should reach the pump head after a few minutes of operation. If not, remove the discharge fitting and moisten the discharge valve area (ball check and valve seats) with a few drops of chemical being fed to the metering pump. For safety, always use protective clothing and gloves, wear safety glasses and use a proper container to hold the chemical. 5. If the pump continues to refuse to prime, refer to Troubleshooting Section of these instructions. 6. Turn the power on once more and adjust the pump flow to the desired rate (see “Controlling Procedure” below). 7. Always check the calibration of the pump after start-up. It’s best to calibrate the pump under your typical use conditions. Chemical Feed Pump 19 STROKE LENGTH ADJUSTMENT „ Stroke length can be controlled within 0 to 100% of the diaphragm displacement. (It should be controlled within 20 to 100% for practical use.) „ Stroke length can be set by means of the stroke length adjusting knob while the pump is in operation. Do not turn the knob while the pump is stopped. Controlling Procedure (for fixed rate): Proper set points for stroke length should be determined after consideration of the pump and characteristics of the fluid. The following procedure is recommended from the viewpoint of pump performance. Note: The closer the stroke length is to 100%, the better the pump performance will be. A) Set the stroke length to 100%. Measure the output capacity. B) Adjust the stroke rate frequency to obtain the desired output. If adjustment by stroke rate alone does not bring the output low enough, the stroke length may be adjusted to lower the maximum output. C) Measure the output capacity to ensure that the required value is obtained. Example Selected Model = LMD4 Set Stroke Length = 100% Set Stroke Rate = 100% Output Capacity = 21 GPD* (Rated Pressure) Desired Flow = 17 GPD Adjust Stroke Rate to 81% Output Capacity = 17 x 100 = 81% (approx.)* 21 Thus to obtain the desired flow, stroke length is set at 100% and stroke rate is set at 81% i.e. output capacity = 0.81 x 21 = 17 GPD* * Check these values by measurement. Output capacity is higher when feeding against less than rated pressure. Chemical Feed Pump 20 OPERATION BY EXTERNAL INPUT SIGNALS: The pump can be controlled by three types of input signals. All are fully isolated from AC input power and from Earth ground. The input socket connections are located at the bottom of the control panel face and the signal cords are provided with the pump. Remove rubber plugs to access plug sockets. Stop Function: Operation of the pump can be stopped by an external signal input. When the external signal is input to the stop terminals, the red light goes on and operation of the pump is stopped. The stop function overrides all control options and input signals at other terminals. Previous operation resumes when the stop signal is removed. : Operation of more than one pump from the same contact closure will damage the pump circuits. When such operation is required, the pump circuits must be electrically isolated from one another by means of a multi-contact control relay or similar means. „ Input signals should be no-voltage signals from relay contacts, etc. and the input of other signals is prohibited. (In case of relay contacts, electric resistance must be 100 ohms or below when ON and 1 Mega ohm or above when OFF). The stop function is commonly used in conjunction with a tank float switch. The float switch contacts are normally open but when the tank level falls past a certain point the contacts close and the pump stops. Signal cord is provided with the pump. External Pacing Function: Pump stroking can be controlled by an external pulse signal through the external signal terminals while the pump is in one of the external pacing control modes. : Operation of more than one pump from the same contact closure will damage the pump circuits. When such operation is required, the pump circuits must be electrically isolated from one another by means of a multi-contact control relay or similar means. „ After receiving an input signal, the pump generates the necessary power pulse to actuate the solenoid. The external signal input is debounced by the pump circuit. „ Input signals should be no-voltage signals from relay contacts, etc. and the input of other signals is prohibited. (In the case of relay contacts, electric resistance must be 100 ohms or below when ON and 1 Mega ohm or above when OFF). The pulse duration of the input signal must be 10 milliseconds or over and the frequency of input signal must not exceed 125 times/min unless accommodated by pulse division or pulse storage. Signal cord is provided with the pump. 4-20 mA / 20-4 mA Function: The pump stroking rate can be controlled by a 4-20mA current signal when in current signal mode. The pump automatically adjusts the stroking rate according to the signal level provided to the pump. Pumps may be wired in series to the current signal providing that the signal source is sufficient to handle the load (each pump has an impedance of 100 ohms). Chemical Feed Pump 21 The pump responds to a 4-20mA signal as follows when the high rate is 100%, the low rate is 0%, the high signal is 20mA and the low signal is 4mA. (Figure O below shows straight response) 4-20 mA Signal 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 100%75%50%25%0% Pump Speed DC m A Figure N The pump responds to a 20-4mA signal as follows when the high rate is 0% the low rate is 100%, the high signal is 20mA and the low signal is 4mA. However, the high signal can never be set below the low signal, and the low signal cannot be set above the high signal setting. Only the stroke rate may be inverted. (Figure O below shows straight response) 20-4 mA Signal 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0%25%50%75%100 Pump Speed DC m A Figure O The pump responds to a user defined scaled signal as follows when the high rate is 100% the low rate is 0%, the high signal is 20mA and the low signal is 12mA. (Figure O-1 below shows an example of a possible user defined scale) Example of a Custom Scale 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 100%50%0% Pump Speed DC m A Figure O - 1 The signal cord is provided with the pump and has the following polarity: White = Positive (+) Black = Common Signal input impedance is 100 ohms. Chemical Feed Pump 22 OUTPUT RELAY Each pump has the option of being provided with one of two separate normally open output relay options as described below. Relays close according to the option selected, and remain closed during the condition specified for the selected option except for the Repeat Strokes option. The Signal Level output relay option is via the output signal terminals on the pump control panel. It is designed to provide direct or inverted voltage output signals as shown in figure O. The voltage input must have a high-impedance characteristic and must not exceed 24 VDC. The pump circuit can source or sink a maximum current of 10 mA. The signal cord is provided with the pump and has the following polarity when connected to the pump terminals. White = Positive (+) Black = Common The Power Level option is via the power relay cord which exits the pump below the control panel. The power level relay is a zero-crossing triac-type solid-state switch as seen in figure Q which is designed to switch AC current only and has the following ratings: Voltage Current Power Minimum = 12 VAC, 50/60 HZ minimum = 10 mAmps minimum = .12 watts (at 12 VAC) Maximum = 250 VAC, 50/60 HZ maximum = .5 Amps maximum = 120 watts (at 240 VAC) * Load can be any device which meets the above voltage and current limits (i.e., lamp, alarm, siren, relay, etc.) : Do not apply power directly to the relay cord without a sufficient load to limit current as indicated above. Do not exceed the specified voltage rating. Excess current or voltage will damage the pump and cause fire and electrical shock hazards. Do not install any type of standard power plug to the relay cord. Chemical Feed Pump 23 ADDITIONAL SETTINGS: “Flow Verify?” – used in conjunction with the flow verification meter; to activate this option: Choose: “Settings?”, press “YES” “Flow Verify?”, press “YES” “Yes=On No=Off?”, press “YES” NOTE: Enabling flow verification on a pump with no flow meter will cause a flow failure. “Factory Init?” – initializes the pump back to all original factory settings; to reinitialize the pump: Choose: “Settings?”, press “YES” “Factory Init?”, press “YES” “Init Settings?”, press “YES” “Are You Sure?”, press “YES” “Volume-Units?” – allows the user to select how the flow data will be displayed (default is GPD); to change this setting: Choose: “Settings?”, press “YES” “Volume-Units?”, press “YES” Use the up and down arrow to choose GPD, GPH, or LPH. Choose “YES” when the desired unit is displayed. “Reset Totals?” – resets the flow totals; to reset the totals: Choose: “Settings?”, press “YES” “Reset Totals?”, press “YES” “Are You Sure?”, press “YES” The display will read “Reset Done”, press “YES” to get back to the settings menu. “Calibrate Flow?” – allows the user to calibrate the system to obtain accurate flow totals; to calibrate the system: Choose: “Settings?”, press “YES” “Calibrate Flow?”, press “YES” “Stroke=100%”, use arrow keys to set the stroke per the dial, press “YES” “Run Calib?”, press “YES” Run the pump for the desired amount of time while measuring the flow output. Press “YES” to stop the calibration period. Use the arrow keys to enter the measured flow in mL, press “YES”. The display will read “Calibrated”, press “YES” to return to the Settings menu. NOTE: If the stroke length is changed and the calibration is not re-run, the flow totals will not be accurate. Additional Relay Functions: “Rel-Flow Vrfy?” – allows the relay to be activated if there is a flow failure. To set this option: Choose: “Settings?”, press “YES” “Rel-Flow Vrfy?”, press “YES” “Language?” – allows the user to select English (default), German, Spanish or French; to set the language: Choose: “Settings?”, press “YES” Use the arrow keys to select the desired language, press “YES”. Chemical Feed Pump 24 MAINTENANCE : Before performing any maintenance or repairs on chemical metering pumps, be sure to disconnect all electrical connections and insure that all pressure valves are shut off and pressure in the pump and lines has been bled off. Always wear protective clothing, gloves and safety glasses when performing any maintenance or repairs on chemical metering pumps. ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 1. Routinely check the physical operating condition of the pump. Look for the presence of any abnormal noise, excessive vibration, low flow and pressure output or high temperatures [when running constantly at maximum stroke rate, the pump housing temperature can be up to 160°F (70°C)] 2. For optimum performance, cartridge valves should be changed every 4-6 months. Depending on the application, more frequent changes may be required. Actual operating experience is the best guide in this situation. Repeated short- term deterioration of valve seats and balls usually indicates a need to review the suitability of wetted materials selected for the application. Contact the supplier for guidance. 3. Check for leaks around fittings or as a result of deteriorating tubing e.g. when standard white translucent discharge tubing is exposed to direct sunlight. Take appropriate action to correct leak by tightening fittings or replacing components. 4. Keep the pump free of dirt/debris as this provides insulation and can lead to excessive pump temperatures. 5. If the pump has been out of service for a month or longer, clean the pump head/valve assemblies by pumping fresh water for approximately 30 minutes. If the pump does not operate normally after this “purging run”, replace cartridge valve assemblies. DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY DIAPHRAGM REMOVAL 1. Flush pump head and valve assemblies out by running pump on water or other suitable neutralizing solution. Wash outside of pump down if chemical has dripped on pump. 2. Set stroke length of pump to 0% and unplug pump. 3. Disconnect tubing or piping from the pump. Remove the four pump head screws and then remove the pump head assembly. 4. Remove the diaphragm by grasping it at the outer edges and turning it counterclockwise until it unscrews from the electronic power module (EPM). Don’t lose the deflection plate or diaphragm shims which are behind the diaphragm. Note shim quantity can be from 0 to 2. 5. Inspect diaphragm if it is intended to be used again. Look for indications of the TFE face being overstretched, (localized white areas) or the elastomer on the back of the diaphragm being worn. Excessive amounts of either condition require diaphragm replacement. Chemical Feed Pump 25 DIAPHRAGM REPLACEMENT Refer to drawings in the back of the manual. 1. When replacing the diaphragm, it’s always a good idea to replace the valve cartridges and other worn parts. A kit is available from your supplier with all parts necessary to completely rebuild your pump’s wet end. All your supplier needs to know is the “KOPkit No.” on your pump’s nameplate to supply this kit. 2. Set pump stroke length to 0% and unplug the pump. 3. If you kept the shims from the original diaphragm or know the original quantity you can avoid Step #4 for shimming the diaphragm and go to Step #5. 4. Slide the diaphragm deflection plate onto the back of the diaphragm stud, radius side towards the diaphragm. Next slide two shims onto the diaphragm threaded stud and screw the diaphragm into the EPM unit. Refer to Figure R. Turn diaphragm clockwise until deflection plate and shims are tight against solenoid shaft, diaphragm stops turning. If there is a gap between the adaptor and diaphragm, repeat the procedure removing one shim each time until the diaphragm just touches the adaptor or is slightly recessed. 5. Apply grease to areas of the diaphragm that contact the deflection plate or radius on the adaptor. 6. Screw the diaphragm into the EPM unit’s shaft with the deflection plate and appropriate number of shims in between. 7. Adjust stroke length to 50%. It is easier to do this if you temporarily turn the pump on. Place the pump head onto the adaptor with valve flow arrows pointing up and install and tighten pump head screws. Tighten screws until pump head pulls up against adaptor. 8. Adjust stroke length back to 100% for easier priming and place pump back into service. VALVE REPLACEMENT 1. Flush pump to clean any chemical from pump head. 2. Unplug pump, release system pressure, and disconnect any tubing or piping. 3. Unscrew valve cartridges and discard. Also remove O-Rings down inside pump head. 4. Using new O-Rings, install new valve cartridges with stamped letters reading from top to bottom, and the arrow pointing in the direction of flow. Hand tighten only, do not use wrenches or pliers. This is especially important when the pump head is SAN material. 5. Reconnect tubing or piping and reinstall the pump. 6. Check for leaks around newly installed fittings. Chemical Feed Pump 26 TROUBLESHOOTING PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY LOSS OF CHEMICAL RESIDUAL 1. Pump setting too low. 2. Scale at injection point 3. Solution container allowed to run dry 1. Adjust to higher setting (pump must be operating during stroke length adjustment). 2. Clean injection parts with 8% muriatic acid or undiluted 3. Refill the tank with solution and prime. See start-up and operation section TOO MUCH CHEMCIAL 1. Pump setting too high1. 2. Chemical in solution tank is too rich 3. Siphoning of chemical into well or main line. 1. Lower pump setting (pump must be operating to adjust stroke length knob). 2. Dilute chemical solution. NOTE: For chemical that reacts with water, it may be necessary to purchase a more dilute grade of chemical direct from chemical supplier. 3. Test for suction or vacuum at the injection point. If suction exists, install an anti-siphon valve. LEAKAGE AT TUBING CONNECTIONS 1. Worn tube ends 2. Chemical attack 1. Cut off end of tubing (about 1”) and then replace as before 2. Consult your seller for alternate material. FAILURE TO PUMP 1. Leak in suction side of pump 2. Valve seats not sealing 3. Low setting on pump 4. Low solution level 5. Diaphragm ruptured 6. Pump head cracked or broken 7. Pump head contains air or chlorine gas 8. Breakdown or disconnection of wiring 9. Voltage drop 10. Malfunction of electronic control board 1. Examine suction tubing. If worn at the end, cut approximately an inch off and replace 2. Clean valve seats if dirty or replace with alternate material if deterioration is noted 3. When pumping against pressure, the dial should be set above 20% capacity for a reliable feed rate 4. Solution must be above foot valve 5. Replace diaphragm as shown in the “Maintenance Section”. Check for pressure above rated maximum at the injection point. NOTE: Chemical incompatibility with diaphragm material can cause diaphragm rupture and leakage around the pump head. 6. Replace pump head as shown in “Maintenance Section”. Make sure fittings are hand tight only. Using pliers and wrench can crack pump head. Also, chemical incompatibility can cause cracking and subsequent leakage. 7. Bleed pump head, see “Air Bleed Operation”. 8. Connect wiring properly. Check fuse or circuit breaker 9. Take measures after investigation of cause 10. Contact supplier PUMP LOSES PRIME 1. Dirty check valve 2. Ball checks not seating or not sealing properly 3. Solution container allowed to run dry 4. Chemical outgassing 1. Remove and replace or clean off any scale or sediment 2. Check seat and ball checks for chips, clean gently. If deformity or deterioration is noted, replace part with proper material. Resulting crystals can hold check valves open, therefore the valves must be disassembled and cleaned. Be sure to replace all parts as shown in the Parts Diagram at the end of the manual. 3. Refill the tank with solution and prime. See Start-Up and Operation section 4. Bleed gas, use flooded suction, maintain chemical at room temperature (approx. 20° F / - 6° C). LEAKAGE AT FITTING 1. Loose fittings 2. Broken or twisted gasket 3. Chemical attack 1. Tighten hand tight. Replace gasket if hand tight does not stop leakage 2. Check gaskets and replace if broken or damaged 3. Consult your pump supplier for alternate material PUMP WILL NOT PRIME 1. Too much pressure at discharge 2. Check valves not sealing 3. Output dials not set at maximum 4. Suction lift height too much 5. Pump equipped with spring loaded high viscosity valves 1. Turn off all pressure valves, loosen outlet tubing connection at discharge point. Remove discharge valve cartridge. Dampen ball check and valve seats with a few drops of solution. Set pump dial to maximum rate. When pump is primed, reconnect all tubing connections. 2. Disassemble, loosen, clean and check for deterioration swelling. Reassemble and wet the valve assembly, then prime. See Start-Up Operation section. 3. Always prime pump with out dial set a maximum rated capacity 4. Decrease suction lift or pull vacuum on pump discharge until pump is primed 5. Loosen discharge valve to aid in priming, take necessary safety precautions or apply vacuum to pump discharge Chemical Feed Pump 27 Chemical Feed Pump 28 Chemical Feed Pump 29 Specifications Pressure, MAX, PSI/BAR @ GPD/GPH/LPD 300/20 3/.13/11 Capacity, MAX, GPD/GPH/LPD @ PSI/BAR 500/20.8/1890 20/1.4 Reproducibility, % MAX Capacity 2 Viscosity, MAX, CPS (1) 1000 Suction Lift @ 1 CPS, MAX, FT/M @ 3000 CPS 10/3.1 (once primed) 3.5/1.1 Controls 6-Station Membrane Switch Status Display 16-Position LCD Dot Matrix Backlight LED Indicator Lights, Panel Mount Power On - Green Pulsing - Green Flashing Stop - Red Stroke Frequency, MAX, SPM 125 External Stroke Frequency Control, (Automatic) 4-20 mADC, 20-4 mADC External Pacing Stroke Frequency Turn Down Ratio 100:1 Stroke Length Turn Down Ratio 10:1 Output Relay (Signal Level Option) 24 VDC, 10 mA Output Relay (Power Option) 250 VAC, 50/60 HZ, .5A Power Input 115 VAC/50-60HZ/1ph 230 VAC/50-60HZ/1ph Current Draw @ 115 VAC, AMPS 1 Average Input Power @MAX SPM, Watts 130 Circuit Board Protection Circuit Breaker (Panel Mount) Temperature, MAX, F/ C - Environmental (Shaded) 104/40 Connections - Tubing (Suction & Discharge) . . . - Piping (Suction & Discharge) .25" ID X .38" OD .38" ID X .50" OD .50" ID X .75" OD .25" FNPT .50" FNPT Chemical Feed Pump 30 REPAIR SERVICE Normally following the instructions in the previous sections of the manual will rectify any pump problems. If, however, after following these instructions the pump does not perform properly, it can be returned for repair. Please follow the instructions below: 1. Pump cannot be serviced properly if the original pump nameplate or data contained on the nameplate is not intact. 2. Thoroughly flush pump head and outside of pump with water or a suitable fluid to neutralize any residual chemical left in pump. 3. Include written explanation of the following: A) Problem B) Pumped Fluid Name Viscosity Fluid Temperature C) Pressure @ Discharge @ Suction or Suction Lift D) Environmental Temperature E) Electrical Service Volts Hz Phase F) Nameplate Data Series Serial # KOPkit # 4. Package the pump in the original box if available and send to the address specified by your pump supplier. Chemical Feed Pump 31 Keep-On-Pumping kits that can save you time and money! L9404500-000 PRINTED IN U.S.A. Revision B The manufacturer has built a reputation for superior reliability by supplying carefully-designed, high- quality equipment. Even the best equipment, however, requires a minimal amount of maintenance. KOPkits are designed to guard against unnecessary downtime and assure you the highest level of efficient and uninterrupted service. KOPkits contain those recommended spare parts which will most likely require normal maintenance. A typical KOPkit includes Valve Cartridges with O- Rings, Head, Diaphragm, Secondary O-ring Seal, Head Screws, Washers and an exploded view drawing. KOPkits will save you money. When you need a part, you’ve got it! You can cut downtime and production loss from days to minutes. You also save by buying parts in KOPkit form compared with buying individual parts. Each KOPkit part is vacuum-sealed to keep it clean even when stored for long periods of time. A KOPkit is a troubleshooter’s best friend. In the event of a breakdown, it will put you back in business fast! Preventive maintenance will insure continuous high performance of your pump. Keep on pumping! Get all the money-saving and security benefits of KOPkits immediately. Selecting a KOPkit The KOPkit part number is displayed on the pump model label as shown. To order the proper KOPkit model, begin with the letter "K" followed by the 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th and the 10th digit of the pump model number. Chemical Feed Pump Chemical Feed Pump Pulsafeeder’s Pre-Engineered Systems are designed to provide complete chemical feed solutions for all electronic metering applications. From stand alone simplex pH control applications to full-featured, redundant sodium hypochlorite disinfection metering, these rugged fabricated assemblies offer turn-key simplicity and industrial-grade durability. The UV-stabilized, high-grade HDPE frame offers maximum chemical compatibility and structural rigidity. Each system is factory assembled and hydrostatically tested prior to shipment. Basic Systems Utilizing the same durable frame as the Standard Systems (but without the drip rim), providing structure for single or dual metering pumps with multi-function valves (ordered with pump). The Schedule 80 inlet piping assembly includes a clear Y-strainer and calibration column for easy maintenance and measurement. The simplified Schedule 80 discharge piping assembly is rigidly mounted to the frame and includes an isolation valve. Standard Systems for PULSAtron metering pumps. A compact, rugged High Density Polyethylene frame provides structure for a single or dual metering pumps and inlet and discharge piping assemblies with full 1" drip rim perimeter. The piping assemblies utilize Schedule 80 piping, isolation ball valves and unions throughout. The inlet piping assembly includes a clear Y-strainer and calibration column for easy maintenance and measurement. The discharge piping assemblies incorporate pulsation dampeners, pressure gauge with isolator and discrete back pressure and pressure-relief valves. Standard floor mount systems and wall mount systems are available Features  Pre-Configured System: Rigid, unitized frame with pre-plumbed piping assemblies; schedule 80 PVC standard, other materials are available.  Easy to Install and Operate: Turn-key system with single or multiple input and discharge connections; conduit box electrical connections are optional.  Mounting flexibility: The rigid 1/2” frame incorporates both mounting holes for floor and wall mounting configurations. Three pump skids come with raised base and fork lift pockets.  Quick Delivery: Standard, full feature systems available within 2 weeks of order!  Designed for harsh environments: Rigid, 1/2” high-density (HDPE) polyethylene fabricated frame is strong, UV-stabilized and chemically inert. Applications  Municipal Water: Disinfection systems with Sodium Hypochlorite, pH Adjustment, Fluoride addition.  Municipal Wastewater: Fume Scrubbers, General Odor Control, pH adjustment, Residual Disinfectant Mgmt  Food & Beverage: Clean-In-Place, Clean-Off- Line, Sterilizer Water Treatment.  Institutional: Cooling Tower Water Treatment, Boiler Water Treatment, Closed Loop Systems. Aftermarket  Double Wall Containment Tanks from 15 to 500 gallons.  1, 2, or 4 Drum Spill Containment Pallets.  Loading Ramp and Pallet with or without Cover. Chemical Feed Pump Specifications and Model Selection PES001 B13 1.00 in. Chemical Feed Pump Electronic Metering Pumps Aftermarket • KOPkits • Gauges • Dampeners • Pressure Relief Valves Series MP • Tanks • Pre-Engineered Systems • Process Controllers (MicroVision) The Pulsatron Series MP is a true microprocessor controlled instrument for precise and accurate metering control. Packed with standard features, the Series MP include automatic control via 4-20mA or 20-4 mA inputs, external pace with stop feature and 16 character LCD display with support for English, French, and German languages. Nineteen distinct models are available, having pressure capabilities to 300 PSIG (21 BAR) @ 3 GPD (0.5 lph), and flow capacities to 504 GPD (79.5 lph) @ 20 PSIG (13 BAR), with a turndown ratio of 1000:1. Metering performance is reproducible to within ± 2% of maximum capacity. Features • Automatic Control, Fully scalable 4-20mA current signal. • Flow Verification on select sizes. • Flow Totalization. • Relay Output for computer interface or AC power. • Simple Prompts in plain language. • Available in four languages, English, French, German, and Spanish. • Alarm Signals for signal loss, full count, circuit failure, pulse overflow and pulse rate high. • Liquid low-level indicator capability is standard. • Timed Sequences can be set for selected intervals and rate for repetitive metering. • Pulse Signals can be multiplied or divided by 1 to 999. • Flow Rate is displayed as GPH, GPD, or LPH. • Large easy to read backlit LCD display. Controls Operating Benefits • Reliable metering performance. • Rated “hot” for continuous duty. • High viscosity capability. • Leak-free, sealless, liquid end. Manual Stroke Rate • Turn-Down Ratio 100:1 Stroke Length • Turn-Down Ratio 10:1 4-20mA or 20-4mA Input • Automatic Control • Fully Scalable • Turn-Down Ratio 100:1 Flow Verification • Monitors pump output to protect against loss of flow. • Visual Notification. Chemical Feed Pump Engineering Data Reproducibility: +/- 2% at maximum capacity Viscosity Max CPS: For viscosity up to 3000 CPS, select connection size 3, 4, B or C with 316SS ball material. Flow rate will determine connection/ball size. Greater than 3000 CPS require spring loaded ball checks. See Selection Guide for proper connection. Controls: 6-Station Membrane Switch Status Display: 16-Position LCD Dot Matrix Backilght LED Indicator Lights, Panel Mount: Power On - Green Pulsing - Green Flashing Stop - Red Stroke Frequency Max SPM: 125 External Stroke Frequency Control (Automatic): 4-20 mADC, 20-4 mADC External Pacing Output Relay (Signal Level Option): 24 VDC, 10 mA Output Relay (Power Option): 250 VAC, 50/60 HZ, 0.5A Stroke Frequency Turn-Down Ratio: 100:1 Stroke Length Turn-Down Ratio: 10:1 Power Input: 115 VAC/50-60 HZ/1 ph 230 VAC/50-60 HZ/1 ph Average Current Draw: @ 115 VAC; Amps: 1.0 Amps @ 230 VAC; Amps: 0.5 Amps Peak Input Power: 300 Watts Average Input Power @ Max SPM: 130 Watts Engineering Data Pump Head Materials Available: GFPPL PVC PVDF 316 SS Diaphragm: PTFE-faced CSPE-backed Check Valves Materials Available: Seats/O-Rings: PTFE CSPE Viton Balls: Ceramic PTFE 316 SS Alloy C Fittings Materials Available: GFPPL PVC PVDF Bleed Valve: Same as fitting and check valve selected, except 316SS Injection Valve & Foot Valve Assy: Same as fitting and check valve selected Tubing: Clear PVC White PE Important: Material Code - GFPPL=Glass-filled Polypropylene, PVC=Polyvinyl Chloride, PE=Polyethylene, PVDF=Polyvinylidene Fluoride, CSPE=Generic formulation of Hypalon, a registered trademark of E.I. DuPont Company. Viton is a registered trademark of E.I. DuPont Company. PVC wetted end recommended for sodium hypochlorite. Dimensions Specifications and Model Selection Custom Engineered Designs Pre-Engineered Systems Pulsafeeder’s Pre-Engineered Systems are designed to provide complete chemical feed solutions for all electronic metering applications. From stand alone simplex pH control applications to full-featured, redundant sodium hypochlorite disinfection metering, these rugged fabricated assemblies offer turn-key simplicity and industrial-grade durability. The UV-stabilized, high-grade HDPE frame offers maximum chemical compatibility and structural rigidity. Each system is factory assembled and hydrostatically tested prior to shipment. EMP027 A17 Series MP Chemical Feed Pump August 18 2020 Tom Derry Superintendent Bowen Engineering Corporation 8802 North Meridian Street Indianapolis IN 46260 RE: Pulsafeeder Quality Systems Dear Mr. Derry Thank you for your interest in Pulsafeeder products for your Cherry Point project. I wanted to take a moment to give a more comprehensive overview of Pulsafeeder’s quality program 1) The Pulsatron MP pumps have an outstanding 2 year warranty. Many pump manufacturers only have a 1 year warranty. 2) Perhaps more important than the warranty is the cost of ensuring the pump provides many years of good service. With this in mind, Pulsafeeder keeps the price of the wet end rebuild kits very low. The rebuild kits for the two models of pumps in the submittal are only $129.00 and $149.00 each. 3) Every single Pulsatron pump is factory wet-tested to ensure it delivers the rated pressure and flow. 4) As electrical devices heat-up with use, their performance decreases. The pressure and flow of Pulsatron pumps are “hot-rated”; pressure and flow ratings are based on the pump being fully saturated with heat. It’s a more demanding method of rating than cold-rating when the pump is first energized. 5) Pulsafeeder PES skids are warranted for 18 months. Other brand skids are only warranted for 1 year. 6) The PES skids are checked under wet pressure; they must hold this pressure rating for 24 hours to receive a Q.C. stamp. 7) The discrete components on PES skids are designed in such a way that if one of them should ever fail, they are replaceable without cutting away sections of the flow assembly. We design them to be easily serviceable. 8) Pulsafeeder adheres to the rigorous ISO 9001 standards (certificate attached). I hope you find these additional details on Pulsafeeder’s overall quality program to be of interest for your project. Kind regards Dave Simmons West Coast Territory Representative 941-286-5808 Pulsafeeder Inc. 27101AirportRoad Punta Gorda, FL 33982 Agriculture Chemical Processing Fuels & Energy Sanitary Water Chemical Feed Pump Ameresco Cherry Point RCW Flow OP OPERATION & MAINTENANCE DATA Mueller 2300 Series Resilient Wedge Gate Valve Valve No. MOV-100, MOV-200, MOV-201 Sold by Core & Main, LLC SE Treatment Plant Group 6525 US HWY 301N Tampa, FL 33610 (813)621-1971 Motor Operator Valve 2300 Series Resilient Wedge Gate Valve MUELLER® opERating instRUctions ManUaL table of contents PaGe Application/Maintenance/Installation 2 Installation/Operation 2-3 Repairs 4-5 Parts 6-9 Notes 10-11 customer service center Decatur, Illinois 800.423.1323 WARNING: 1. Read and follow instructions carefully. Proper training and periodic review regarding the use of this equipment is essential to prevent possible serious injury and/or property damage. the instructions contained herein were developed for using this equipment on fittings manufactured by Mueller co. only, and may not be applicable for any other use. 2. Do not exceed the pressure ratings of any components or equipment. exceeding the rated pressure may result in serious injury and/or property damage. 3. safety goggles and other appropriate protective gear should be used. failure to do so could result in serious injury. !Reliable ConnectionsTM Motor Operator Valve MUELLER® 2300 Series Resilient Wedge Gate Valve Application/Maintenance/Installation 2 3 2. AWWA C-515 Thin Wall Resilient Seated Gate Valves 3" through 54" Nominal Pipe Size 3. AWWA C-600 Installation of Ductile Iron Water Mains and Main Appurtenances 4. All installation, operation and maintenance instructions issued by the manufacturer of the pipe and the valves. Mueller® 2300 Series Resilient Wedge Gate Valves are intended for use in potable water distribution or fire protection systems. One or more of the following publications may be applicable to the installation or testing of the valve: 1. AWWA C-509 Thick Wall Resilient Seated Gate Valves 2" through 12" Nominal Pipe Size 5. Valve user guide as published by MSS. 6. AWWA M-44 Distribution Valves: Selection, Installation, Field Testing and Maintenance. 7. NFPA-24 – Standard for the installation of Private Fire Service Mains and their appurtenances. ApplicAtion Publication M-44, Distribution Valves: Selection, Installation, Field Testing and Maintenance for valves in water works applications. As recommended by that publication, every valve should be operated through a full close and open cycle on a regular schedule to clear the Mueller® Resilient Wedge Valves include design features that ease operation, minimize wear on the working parts of the valve, and contribute to a long service life without routine maintenance – other than following the recommendations in AWWA operating stem and wedge guides of naturally occurring encrustation or other debris. For valves in fire protection applictions, guidelines from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) should be followed. routine mAintenAnce properly. Also check opening direction against the order instruction. 4. Any problems should be reported immediately to Trucker and noted on bill of lading, and signed by the driver on customer’s copy. Storage 1. Valves should be stored in a partially open position. 2. When possible, keep valves out of the weather. 3. In cold climates the inside of the valve must be kept drained of any water to prevent freezing. Adhere to guidelines provided by AWWA M-44 or NFPA publications, depending upon the valve application, as they might be amended by the distribution or fire protection system owner. Inspection On Delivery 1. Check for possible damage in shipment, conformance to specifications, opening direction, shortages, etc. 2. Carefully unload all valves - do not drop valve – do not lift valve using gearing, bypass or other appendage as a hook. 3. Valve should be opened and then closed to make sure it works 4. When stored outside, valve stem should be in a vertical position, and whenever possible, valves should be covered with a water-proof covering. 5. Protect all parts of the valve at all times. 6. Protect rubber seat of resilient wedge valves from ozone and hydrocarbons (solvents, paints and oils, etc.). instAllAtion Motor Operator Valve MUELLER® 2300 Series Resilient Wedge Gate Valve 2 Installation/Operation 3 4. Install valve using appropriate instructions for the specified joint (flanged, mechanical joint, slip-on, etc.). 5. Water piping should be properly supported to avoid line stress on valve. 6. In buried applications, make sure that the valve box does not transmit traffic loads or other stress to the valve. 7. Do not use valves to force a pipeline into position. 8. Do not deflect any valve/pipe joint. 9. Protect exterior epoxy coating during backfill. Inspection Before Installation 1. Check to see the valve end-joints are clean. 2. Check valve for damage. 3. Open and close valve - make sure it works properly. 4. Keep valve closed when placing in trench. 5. Inspect casting for damage. 6. Inspect epoxy coating and repair breaks using compatible coating material. Installation 1. Flush the water line completely. 2. Handle valve carefully. 3. Prepare pipe ends in accordance with pipe manufacturers’ instructions. Testing 1. Do not backfill valves before hydrostatic system test. Leave the valves exposed while the pipeline is being pressurized. Check to see that all valve joints and pressure containing bolting, including bonnet bolts, are tight. 2. Valves can be shell tested (but not operated) at two times the rated pressure of the valve. 3. After testing, steps should be taken to relieve any trapped pressure in body of valves. instAllAtion (cont.) circumstances, less operating torque is required as the resilient wedge valve just closes, or on opening. Valve operators should be instructed The operation of a resilient wedge valve will “feel” different to the valve operator compared to an older style double-disc gate valve. In normal to adhere to the ‘number of turns to open’ for the size of valve in question rather than rely only upon the feel of the valve. operAtion Number of Turns & Max. Torque in ft.-lbs. to Close Mueller Resilient Wedge Gate Valves* 2" 21/2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 24" 30" 36" 42" 48" 54" 8 11 11 14 21 27 33 39 44 49 57 63 75 93 111 131 149 149 20 28 52 75 110 150 185 225 225 275 275 300 325 450 550 700 800 1000 -- -- -- 28 41 53 66 77 178 201 234 258 308 381 455 524 596 596 -- -- -- 41 60 82 101 123 61 75 75 81 88 122 149 199 227 284 -- -- 22 28 41 53 66 77 174 196 228 252 300 372 444 524 596 596 -- -- 31 44 65 88 109 132 66 81 81 88 96 132 162 206 235 294 *Always refer to the current catalog for accurate “turns to close” information – all numbers in chart are for valves without actuators. All valves 30" and larger require the use of actuators. Torque values are for dry (no flow) conditions per accepted industry practice – and refer to torque required to affect a seal. Torque under flow conditions are typically less than the values shown. Valve Size Spur Gearing Bevel Gearing Motor Operator Valve MUELLER® 2300 Series Resilient Wedge Gate Valve Repairs 4 6. Wipe the Stem and inside bore of the Stuffing Box, then liberally lubricate these areas, especially the flat surface on the bottom of the Stuffing Box that will contact the Thrust Collar. 7. Lubricate the new Dirt Seal in the Stuffing Box and/or O-rings and install them on the Stem. 8. Lubricate and install a new Stuffing Box seal O-ring in the top of the Bonnet. 9. Reinstall the Stuffing Box and its bolts, and uniformly tighten the bolts to the torque shown below, so the gap between the Stuffing Box and Bonnet is even all around. Check the Stem for binding. 10. Replace the Operating Nut. Mueller valves are designed to operate without requiring rebuild or repair through their normal service life, therefore Mueller Co. does not recommend stocking valve parts. However, it is possible to replace Bonnet O-rings, Dirt Seal (4"-12" valves), the Stem or Wedge (or packing on OS&Y valves), although it is very unlikely such repairs will ever be needed. Refer to the Mueller Water Distribution Products Catalog for parts listings and provide the following information if parts are ordered: 1. Type of valve (NRS, OS&Y) and model number on Bonnet 2. Year date (cast in valve body) 3. Valve size (cast in valve body) NRS Stem O-rings and Dirt Seal There is a Dirt Seal (4"-12" valves) and two O-rings above the thrust collar that can be replaced with the valve in service (a third O-ring below the Thrust Collar can only be replaced if the main is shut down and drained). 1. Turn the Stem in the opening direction until the valve is fully opened and tighten firmly. 2. Remove the Operating Nut, and the bolts holding the Stuffing Box. 3. Clean the exposed Stem to remove all debris and grit. 4. Carefully pry the Stuffing Box loose, avoiding damaging the valve’s exterior coating – slide the Stuffing Box off the Stem. (At this point, avoid getting dirt into the thrust collar area – cover the exposed thrust collar area with sheet plastic or a clean rag to exclude contamination.) 5. Remove the Dirt Seal from the Stuffing Box, the two O-rings from the exposed stem, and the Stuffing Box Seal inside the top of the valve Bonnet. repAirs OS&Y Packing Try adjusting the Packing Gland before resorting to replacing the Packing by tightening both Gland Bolts equal amounts. 1. Turn the Stem in the opening direction until the valve is fully opened and tighten firmly. 2. Remove the nuts from both Gland Bolts. 3. Lift the Packing Gland up the valve Stem and secure it out of the way using string or wire. 4. Remove and replace the Packing. 5. Lower the Gland against the new packing, reinstall the Gland Bolts and tighten securely. If necessary to compact the new packing sufficiently to install the Gland Bolts, temporarily install longer bolts or short lengths of threaded rod and tighten them, then reinstall the standard Gland Bolts. Valve Stuffing Torque (ft-lbs) Size Box Bolt Size Carbon Stainless (Grade 2) 2" 1/2" 45 45 21/2" 1/2" 45 45 3" 1/2" 45 45 4" 5/8" 90 90 6" 5/8" 90 90 8" 5/8" 90 90 10" 5/8" 90 90 12" 5/8" 90 90 14" 3/4" 150 125 16" 3/4" 150 125 18" 3/4" 150 125 20" 3/4" 150 125 24" 3/4" 150 125 30" 7/8" 200 200 36" 7/8" 200 200 42" 1" 300 260 48" 1" 300 260 54" 1" 300 260 Motor Operator Valve MUELLER® 2300 Series Resilient Wedge Gate Valve Repairs 5 Bonnet O-ring (or flat Gasket if used) if necessary. 6. Replace the Bonnet-Stem-Wedge assembly, taking care to align the Wedge Guides into their slots on each side of the Body cavity. 7. Install the Bonnet Bolts and Nuts, and tight each finger tight until the Bonnet casting is evenly seated on top of the valve body all around. 8. Snug two Bonnet Bolts on diagonally opposite sides of the valve. Then tighten two other diagonally opposite bolts more tightly than the first two. Finally tighten all bolts, working diagonally side to side and all around until all bolts are tightened to the torque shown on right. 9. Operate the valve fully open to fully closed counting the number of turns and compare the number to the chart value elsewhere in this manual to verify correct operation. Stem or Wedge Replacement It will be necessary to shut down and drain the main, but the valve can remain in the line. Because it is so unusual to have to replace a Stem or Wedge, first reconfirm that the valve is properly and tightly closed. Open and close the valve repeatedly to attempt to flush away debris from the seating area that might hinder the valve from closing fully. 1. Shut down and drain the main in the area of the valve. 2. Operate the stem in the opening direction several turns. 3. Remove the Bonnet Bolts and lift the Bonnet-Stem-Wedge assembly from the valve Body. 4. Replace the Stem and/or Wedge. (If necessary, transfer or install new Guide Cap Bearings on each side of the new Wedge.) 5. Wipe debris from the top flange of the valve Body and replace the Valve Bonnet Torque (ft-lbs) Size Bolt Size Carbon Stainless (Grade 2) 2" 1/2" 45 45 21/2" 1/2" 45 45 3" 1/2" 45 45 4" 1/2" 45 45 6" 1/2" 45 45 6"* 5/8" 90 90 8" 5/8" 90 90 8"* 3/4" 150 125 10" 3/4" 150 125 12" 3/4" 150 125 14" 3/4" 150 125 16" 3/4" 150 125 18" 7/8" 200 200 20" 7/8" 200 200 24" 7/8" 200 200 30" 1" 300 260 36" 1" 300 260 42" 11/4" 660 480 48" 11/4" 660 480 54" 11/4" 660 480 *2365 series valve only ANSI B16.1 Class 125 Flange Dimensions – inches Nominal Diameter Diameter of Number Diameter Diameter of Length Pipe Size of Flange Bolt Circle of Bolts of Bolts Bolt Holes of Bolts 2" 6 43/4 4 5/8 3/4 21/4 21/2" 7 51/2 4 5/8 3/4 21/2 3" 71/2 6 4 5/8 3/4 21/2 4" 9 71/2 8 5/8 3/4 3 6" 11 91/2 8 3/4 7/8 31/4 8" 131/2 113/4 8 3/4 7/8 31/2 10" 16 141/4 12 7/8 1 31/2 12" 19 17 12 7/8 1 33/4 14" 21 183/4 12 1 11/8 41/4 16" 231/2 211/4 16 1 11/8 41/2 18" 25 223/4 16 11/8 11/4 43/4 20" 271/2 25 20 11/8 11/4 5 24" 32 291/2 20 11/4 13/8 51/2 30" 383/4 36 28 11/4 13/8 61/4 36" 46 423/4 32 15/8 15/8 7 42" 53 491/2 36 15/8 15/8 71/2 48" 591/2 56 44 15/8 15/8 73/4 54" 661/4 623/4 44 13/4 2 81/2 Motor Operator Valve MUELLER® 2300 Series Resilient Wedge Gate Valve RW Gate Valve A-2361 (350 psi) Parts 6 pArts list G-200 G-202 G-41 G-207 G-201 G-208 G-49 G-203 G-208 G-41 G-210 G-216 G-205 G-209 G-206 G-211 G-216 G-212 7 ID DeSCrIPTIoN MaTerIaL G-41 Stuffing Box Bolts & Nuts 316 Stainless Steel G-49 Stem O-Rings (3) Nitrile G-200 Wrench Nut Cap Screw 316 Stainless Steel G-201 Stu ffing Box Seal Nitrile G-202 Wrench Nut Ductile Iron ASTM A536 G-203 Stem Bronze ASTM B138 G-204 Hand Wheel (not shown) Cast Iron ASTM A126 CL.B G-205 Stem Nut Bronze ASTM B584 G-206 Guide Cap Bearings Acetal G-207 Stu ffing Box w/dirt seal Ductile Iron ASTM A536 G-208 Anti- friction Washer (2) Acetal G-209 Wedge Ductile Iron ASTM A536 Rubber Encapsulation, SBR G-210 Bonnet Ductile Iron ASTM A536 G-211 Bonnet O-Ring Nitrile G-212 Body Ductile Iron ASTM A536 G-216 Bonnet Bolts & Nuts 316 Stainless Steel Motor Operator Valve MUELLER® 2300 Series Resilient Wedge Gate Valve OS&Y RW Gate Valve R-2361 Parts 7 pArts list ID DeSCrIPTIoN MaTerIaL G-1 Cap Nut Bronze ASTM B62 G-3 Hand Wheel Ductile Iron ASTM A536 G-4 Washer Brass G-5 Bush Nut Bronze ASTM B62 G-7 Gland Nut Bronze ASTM B21 Alloy 464 G-8 Packing Gland Ductile Iron ASTM A536 G-10 Gland Bolt 316 Stainless Steel G-16 Bonnet Bolts & Nuts 316 Stainless Steel G-23 Stem Packing Lubricated Flax G-206 Guide Cap Bearings Acetal G-209 Wedge Rubber Encapsulated – SBR Ductile Iron* ASTM A536 G-211 Bonnet O-Ring Nitrile ASTM D2000 G-212 Body Ductile Iron ASTM A536 G-213 Stem Manganese Bronze ASTM B138 G-215 Bonnet Ductile Iron ASTM A536 G-216 Yoke Ductile Iron ASTM A536 G-217 O-Ring Nitrile ASTM D2000 G-218 Disc Nut Bronze ASTM B584 G-219 Stem Nut Pin 316 Stainless Steel *Fully encapsulated in molded rubber with no iron exposed G-217 G-218 G-1 G-3 G-4 G-7 G-10 G-8 G-5 G-213 G-211 G-212 G-206 G-209 G-16 G-215 G-216 G-219 G-23 Motor Operator Valve DRAWN FINISH: MATERIAL: MUELLER CONFIDENTIAL TWO PLACE DECIMAL BEND ANGULAR: MACH THESE CONDITIONS IS PRESUMED. 2361 NGV RWGV W/ PIV SBX DO NOT SCALE DRAWING SHEET 1 OF 1 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED: SCALE:1:5 WEIGHT: REVDWG. NO.CHECKED NAME THREE PLACE DECIMAL MFG APPR. SIZEENG APPR.BQ.A. DATE DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHESTOLERANCES:FRACTIONAL TITLE TO AND OWNERSHIP OF THIS ENGINEERING DATA REMAINS IN MUELLER CO. NO USE IS TO BE MADE OF THIS DATA EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZED BY MUELLER CO. ASSENT ON THE PART OF THE RECIPIENTS TO DESCR. MUELLER® 2300 Series Resilient Wedge Gate Valve RW Gate Valve P-2361 (350 psi) Parts pArts list G-41 G-207 G-41 G-16 G-210 G-208 G-209 G-206 G-211 G-212 G-205 G-201 G-200 G-202 G-49 G-203 ID DeSCrIPTIoN MaTerIaL G-16 Bonnet Bolts & Nuts 316 Stainless Steel G-41 Stuffing Box Bolts & Nuts 316 Stainless Steel G-49 Stem O-Rings (3) Nitrile G-200 Wrench Nut Cap Screw 316 Stainless Steel G-201 Stu ffing Box Seal Nitrile G-202 Wrench Nut Ductile Iron ASTM A536 G-203 Stem Bronze ASTM B138 G-205 Stem Nut Bronze ASTM B584 G-206 Guide Cap Bearings Acetal G-207 Stu ffing Box w/dirt seal Ductile Iron ASTM A536 G-208 Anti- friction Washer (2) Acetal G-209 Wedge Ductile Iron ASTM A536 Rubber Encapsulation, SBR G-210 Bonnet Ductile Iron ASTM A536 G-211 Bonnet O-Ring Nitrile G-212 Body Ductile Iron ASTM A536 8 9 Motor Operator Valve G-205 MUELLER® 2300 Series Resilient Wedge Gate Valve RW Gate Valve A-2362 (350 psi) Parts pArts list G-41 G-207 G-201 G-208 G-49 G-203 G-208 G-41 G-210 G-216 G-209 G-206 G-211 G-216 G-212 ID DeSCrIPTIoN MaTerIaL G-41 Stuffing Box Bolts & Nuts 316 Stainless Steel G-49 Stem O-Rings (3) Nitrile G-200 Wrench Nut Cap Screw 316 Stainless Steel G-201 Stu ffing Box Seal Nitrile G-202 Wrench Nut Ductile Iron ASTM A536 G-203 Stem Bronze ASTM B138 G-204 Hand Wheel (not shown) Cast Iron ASTM A126 CL.B G-205 Stem Nut Bronze ASTM B584 G-206 Guide Cap Bearings Acetal G-207 Stu ffing Box w/dirt seal Ductile Iron ASTM A536 G-208 Anti- friction Washer (2) Acetal G-209 Wedge Ductile Iron ASTM A536 Rubber Encapsulation, SBR G-210 Bonnet Ductile Iron ASTM A536 G-211 Bonnet O-Ring Nitrile G-212 Body Ductile Iron ASTM A536 G-216 Bonnet Bolts & Nuts 316 Stainless Steel G-200 G-202 9 Motor Operator Valve MUELLER® 2300 Series Resilient Wedge Gate Valve Notes 10 Motor Operator Valve MUELLER® 2300 Series Resilient Wedge Gate Valve Notes 10 11 Motor Operator Valve Water (U.S.) 1.800.423.1323 Form 12661 - 10/18 Copyright © 2017 Mueller Co., LLC. All Rights Reserved. The trademarks, logos and service marks displayed in this document herein are the property of Mueller Co., LLC, its affiliates or other third parties. Products above marked with a section symbol ( § ) are subject to patents or patent applications. For details, visit These products are intended for use in potable water applications. Please contact your Mueller Sales or Customer Service Representative concerning any other application(s). Reliable ConnectionsTM Water (Canada) 1.705.719.9965 International 1.423.490.9555 Motor Operator Valve For more information about us or to view our full line of water products, please visit or call Mueller customer service at: UK: +44.1438.487410 Dubai: +971.4.214.6640 Singapore: +65.6816.3088 USA: 800.423.1323 Mueller refers to one or more of Mueller Water Products, Inc. a Delaware corporation (“MWP”), and its subsidiaries. MWP and each of its subsidiaries are legally separate an d independent entities when providing products and services. MWP does not provide products or services to third parties. MWP an d each of its subsidiaries are liable only for their own acts and omissions and not those of each other. MWP brands include Mueller ®, Echologics®, Hydro Gate®, Hydro-Guard®, HYMAX®, Jones®, Krausz®, Mi.Net®, Milliken®, Pratt®, Pratt Industrial®, Singer®, and U.S. Pipe Valve & Hydrant. Please see and to learn more. © 2020 Mueller Co, LLC. All Rights Reserved. The trademarks, logos and service marks displayed in this document are the property of Mueller Water Products, Inc., its affiliates or other third parties. Products above marked with a section symbol (§) are subject to patents or patent applications. For detai ls, visit These products are intended for use in potable water applications. Please contact your Mueller Sales or Customer Service Representative concerning any other application(s). F 13578 10/20 LIMITED WARRANTY Mueller Co. LLC (Mueller) warrants each of its Resilient Wedge Gate Valves 2361 and 2362 Series to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of ten (10) years from the date of shipment, provided that such Resilient Wedge Gate Valve was both: (1) under normal use and service and used for the purposes and under the conditions for which such Resilient Wedge Gate Valve is intended; and (2) installed and maintained according to Mueller’s instructions, American Water Works Association publications C509/C515, and applicable local codes. Mueller’s obligations under this warranty are conditioned upon prompt written n otice of the defect from the purchaser. If any such Mueller Resilient Wedge Gate Valve is proven to have failed to conform to the above stated warranty, then Mueller, at it s sole option, shall refund, repair or replace the defective Resilient Wedge Gate V alve (F.O.B. point of manufacture). Mueller shall have the right to inspect the Resilient Wedge Gate Valve for which a claim is made under this warranty. If Mueller requests such an inspection, then the purchaser must return the Resilient Wedge Gate Valve to Mueller, transportation prepaid. This warranty does not cover failure of any Resilient Wedge Gate Valve caused by external forces such as, but not limited to, acts of God or the elements, civil insurrection, vandalism, vehicular or other impact, appli cation of excessive torque to the operating mechanism, presence of foreign matter, or frost heave. The Purchaser shall assume all responsibility and expense for removal , reinstallation, and shipping charges in connection with this warranty. THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING SPECIFICALLY, THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ANY WARRANTIES OF NON -INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL MUELLER. BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGE. FURTHER, MUELLER HEREBY LIMITS ITS TOTAL LIABILITY TO THE VALUE OF THE RESILIENT WEDGE GATE VALVE SOLD. 10-Year Limited Warranty – Mueller® Resilient Wedge Valves 2361 and 2362 Series Motor Operator Valve Ameresco Cherry Point RCW Flow OP OPERATION & MAINTENANCE DATA Limitorque MX Electronic Actuator Valve No. MOV-100, MOV-200, MOV-201 Sold by Core & Main, LLC SE Treatment Plant Group 6525 US HWY 301N Tampa, FL 33610 (813)621-1971 Manufacturer Representative Flotech, Inc PO# 181851 2097 Hayter St. BLDG 226 North Charleston, SC 29405 Actuator Experience In Motion USER INSTRUCTIONS Installation Operation Maintenance Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ - 05/19 Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 2 Contents 1 Important Notes 8 2 Quick Start 10 2.1 Calibrate – Position Limits 11 2.1.1 Entering the Setup Mode 11 2.1.2 Electrical Operation Feature 11 2.1.3 Handwheel Operation Feature 12 2.2 DDC/Modbus Option 14 2.3 Check the Settings 14 3 Installation and Operation 15 3.1 Preparing the Stem Nut 15 3.1.1 Type “B” Bases: Torque-only Applications 15 3.1.2 Type “A” Bases: Thrust-only Applications 17 3.1.3 Type “BL” Drive: Splined Drive Application 21 3.2 Mechanical Installation Onto Valve or Gearbox 21 3.2.1 Mounting (Type “B” Bases): Torque-only 22 3.2.2 Removal (Type “B” Bases): Torque-only 22 3.2.3 Mounting (Type “A” Bases): Thrust-only 22 3.2.4 Removal (Type “A” Bases): Thrust-only 22 3.3 Electrical Connections 23 3.3.1 Removing Terminal Cover 23 3.3.2 Terminal Compartment Documents 23 3.3.3 Sealing Cable/Conduit Entries 23 3.3.4 Recommended Terminal Connections 23 3.3.5 Termination of Cables 25 3.3.6 Cable Connections 25 3.3.7 Network Installations 25 3.3.8 Foundation Fieldbus Installation 29 3.3.9 Network Wiring – Profibus DP/PA Installation 30 3.3.10 Network Wiring – DeviceNet 30 3.3.11 HART Installation 31 3.3.12 Replacing Terminal Cover 31 3.3.13 External Earth/Ground Connections 31 3.4 Terminal Block Shield Installation 31 3.5 Commissioning the Actuator 31 3.5.1 Default Configuration Set 32 3.5.2 View the Existing Settings 33 3.5.3 Entering the Setup Mode 33 3.5.4 Setting Position Limits 34 3.6 Operating the MX Actuator 37 3.6.1 Manual Operation 37 3.6.2 Electrical Operation 37 3.6.3 Local Control 37 3.6.4 Remote Control 38 3.6.5 Local Indication 38 4 Customizing the Actuator 39 4.1 Changing the Existing Settings 39 4.2 Password Entry 42 4.3 New Password 42 4.4 Valve Setup 43 Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 3 4.4.1 Close Direction 43 4.4.2 Close Seating 43 4.4.3 Open Seating 43 4.5 Torque Switch Timer 44 4.5.1 Status 44 4.5.2 Torque Timer 44 4.6 Torque Setup 45 4.6.1 Close Torque Valve or Open Torque Valve 45 4.7 Position Setup 46 4.7.1 Set Position Limits for Electrical Operation 46 4.7.2 Set Position Limits for Manual Operation 46 4.8 Modutronic Option 48 4.8.1 Status 48 4.8.2 Proportional Band 48 4.8.3 Fail Position 48 4.8.4 Deadband 48 4.8.5 Polarity (20 mA) 48 4.8.6 Delay After Stop 49 4.8.7 4-20 mA Signal Range 49 4.8.8 Set High Reference 49 4.8.9 Set Low Reference 49 4.8.10 Modutronic LCD Display 50 4.9 DDC/Modbus Option 50 4.9.1 Status 50 4.9.2 Network Address 51 4.9.3 Protocol 51 4.9.4 Analog Scale 51 4.9.5 ESD Action 51 4.9.6 Proportional Band 52 4.9.7 Deadband 52 4.9.8 Offset 52 4.9.9 Move To 52 4.9.10 Comm Loss Delay 52 4.9.11 Comm Loss Action 52 4.10 FF Option 52 4.10.1 Status 53 4.10.2 Terminate Bus 53 4.10.3 Analog Scale 53 4.10.4 ESD Action 53 4.10.5 OPEN/CLOSE Mode 53 4.10.6 Proportional Band 53 4.10.7 Deadband 53 4.10.8 Comm Loss Delay 54 4.10.9 Comm Loss Action 54 4.11 PB Option 54 4.11.1 Status 55 4.11.2 PB DP Operation 55 4.11.3 Comm Loss Delay 56 4.11.4 Comm Loss Action 56 4.12 DN Option 57 4.12.1 Status 57 4.12.2 Baud Rate 57 Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 4 4.12.3 Network Address 57 4.12.4 Analog Scale 57 4.12.5 ESD Action 57 4.12.6 Proportional Band 58 4.12.7 Deadband 58 4.12.8 Comm Loss Delay 58 4.12.9 Comm Loss Action 58 4.13 HART Option 59 4.13.1 Status 59 4.13.2 Multi-drop 59 4.13.3 Input Action 60 4.13.4 Fail Position 60 4.13.5 Polling Address 60 4.13.6 Save Settings 60 4.13.7 Change Prop/Deadband 60 4.13.8 ESD Action 60 4.13.9 Change clock 61 4.14 Status and Alarm Contacts 61 4.14.1 Status and Alarm Contact Default Settings 61 4.14.2 Status Function 62 4.14.3 Contact 62 4.14.4 Valve Position 63 4.15 Two-speed Timer (Optional) 63 4.15.1 Status 63 4.15.2 Start Position 63 4.15.3 Stop Position 63 4.15.4 Pulse Time – ON 63 4.15.5 Pulse Time – OFF 64 4.16 Analog Output 64 4.16.1 APT Polarity Option 67 4.16.2 ATT Polarity Option 67 4.17 Remote Mode 68 4.17.1 Local Control 68 4.17.2 LED Customization 69 4.18 ESD (Emergency Shutdown) Overrides 69 4.18.1 ESD Override 69 4.18.2 Inhibit 70 4.18.3 Local Command 70 4.18.4 Stop 70 4.18.5 Jammed Valve* 70 4.18.6 Lost Phase* 70 4.18.7 Overtorque* 71 4.18.8 Motor Thermostat 71 4.18.9 Oil Over Temperature 71 4.18.10 Two-speed Timer 71 4.18.11 Network ESD 71 4.18.12 Torque Switch Timer 72 4.19 Inputs 72 4.19.1 Input Standard Remote Control 72 4.19.2 Status 73 Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 5 4.19.3 Custom Input Mode #1 – Momentary ESD/PSESD (Optional) 73 4.19.4 Custom Input Mode #2 – Momentary ESD/CSE (Optional) 76 4.19.5 Custom Input Mode #3 – ESD Time Delay Relay 76 4.19.6 Custom Input Mode #4 – Multi-position mode (optional) 77 4.19.7 Limigard Controls 78 4.19.8 SIL Mode – Standard SIL (Optional) 78 4.19.9 SIL Mode – Enhanced SIL (Optional) 79 4.20 Monitor Relay 82 4.21 Diagnostic Reset 83 4.22 TAG Number 83 4.23 LCD Contrast 84 4.24 Torque Boost 84 4.25 Motor Thermostat 85 4.26 Change Valve Data 85 4.27 Change Port 86 5 Troubleshooting 87 5.1 View Diagnostics Routine 87 5.2 Troubleshooting Problems/Corrective Action 87 5.2.1 Actuator Fails to Operate 87 5.2.2 Jammed Valve Detected 88 5.2.3 Actuator Operates but Does Not Drive Valve 89 5.2.4 Valve Does Not Seat Correctly 89 5.2.5 Status Messages 89 5.3 View Diagnostics 92 5.4 View Hardware Status 93 5.5 View Motor Status 94 5.6 View Power Supply 95 5.7 View Identification 95 5.8 View Torque Profile 96 5.9 View Operation Log 97 5.10 View DNET Status? 98 6 Maintenance 100 6.1 Lubrication 100 6.1.1 Oil Capacities 100 6.1.2 Checking Oil Level 100 7 Regulatory Information 101 7.1 Specific Conditions of Use (denoted by X after the certificate number) for Atex and IECEx Applications 104 7.2 Statement of Compliance With Applicable European Directives 104 7.3 Single-Phase MX Full Load Amperage values (FLA) 106 Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 6 Figures Figure 1.1 – MX-05 Actuator 8 Figure 2.1 – Electrical operation 12 Figure 2.2 – Handwheel operation 13 Figure 3.1 – B4 base 15 Figure 3.2 – B4E base 16 Figure 3.3 – Exploded view of B4/B4E base (MX-05 shown) 16 Figure 3.4 – B1 base 17 Figure 3.5 – Exploded view of B1 base 17 Figure 3.6 – A1 base 17 Figure 3.7 – Exploded view of A1/A1E base (MX-05/10/20/40 only) 18 Figure 3.8 – Exploded view of thrust base (MX-85 only) 20 Figure 3.9 – Exploded view of thrust base (MX-140/MX-150 only) 21 Figure 3.10 – Power terminal connector size limitations 24 Figure 3.11 – Terminal block rating; power terminals 24 Figure 3.12 – Control terminal connector size limitations 24 Figure 3.13 – View of terminal block 26 Figure 3.14 – Standard wiring diagram 26 Figure 3.15 – Removing outer plastic jacket 27 Figure 3.16 – Separating cable parts 27 Figure 3.17 – Stripping conductors and applying heat shrink tubing 28 Figure 3.18 – Ring tongue connectors 28 Figure 3.19 – Terminal block shield 31 Figure 3.20 – User network connection for loop topology/Typical for all two-wire network protocols 32 Figure 3.21– External earth/ground connection – housing 32 Figure 3.22 – View settings 34 Figure 3.23 – Position setup – electrical operation 36 Figure 3.24 – Declutch lever shows direction of engagement (MX-05 shown) 37 Figure 3.25 – Control panel 38 Figure 4.1 – Entering the setup mode 40 Figure 4.2 – Main menu selections 41 Figure 4.3 – Changing settings 41 Figure 4.4 – Password entry 42 Figure 4.5 – New password 43 Figure 4.6 – Torque Switch Timer 44 Figure 4.7 – MX Nameplate 45 Figure 4.8 – Torque setup 45 Figure 4.9 – Electrical operation 47 Figure 4.10 – Handwheel operation 47 Figure 4.11 – Modutronic option 49 Figure 4.12 – Modutronic signals 50 Figure 4.13 – DDC 51 Figure 4.14 – FF 54 Figure 4.15 – Profibus DP 55 Figure 4.16 – Profibus PA 56 Figure 4.17 – DN option 58 Figure 4.18 – HART 59 Figure 4.19 – Status and alarm contacts (Shown with optional boards needed) 62 Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 7 Figure 4.20 – Two-speed timers 64 Figure 4.21 – Change analog out 64 Figure 4.22 – Change analog out voltage – APT 65 Figure 4.23 – Change analog out current 65 Figure 4.24 – Change analog out voltage – ATT 66 Figure 4.25 – Change analog out current – ATT 66 Figure 4.26 – Remote mode 68 Figure 4.27 – Local control 68 Figure 4.28 – ESD overrides 69 Figure 4.29 – Custom input modes 75 Figure 4.30 – Inputs 77 Figure 4.31 – Inputs 78 Figure 4.32 – SIL control (Standard) 79 Figure 4.33 – SIL control (Enhanced) 81 Figure 4.34 – Monitor Relay Configuration 82 Figure 4.35 – Diagnostic reset 84 Figure 4.36 – TAG number 84 Figure 4.37 – LCD contrast 84 Figure 4.38 – Torque boost 85 Figure 4.39 – Motor thermostat 85 Figure 4.40 – Change valve data 86 Figure 4.41 – Change port and Bluetooth settings 86 Figure 5.1 – Initialize routine 81 Figure 5.2 – Single phase only Initialize Routine 92 Figure 5.3 – Diagnostic overview 93 Figure 5.4 – View Hardware Status for Single Phase 93 Figure 5.5 - View three phase ACV hardware status 94 Figure 5.6 – View three phase ACV motor status 94 Figure 5.7 View Single Phase Motor Status 94 Figure 5.8 – View power supply 95 Figure 5.9 – View Single Phase Power supply 95 Figure 5.10 – View identification 95 Figure 5.11 – View Single Phase Identification 96 Figure 5.12 – View torque profile 96 Figure 5.13 – View operation log 97 Figure 5.14 – View DNET status 98 Figure 7.1 - Typical three-phase IEC nameplate 107 Figure 7.2 - Typical Single Phase MX IECEx Nameplate 108 Figure 7.3 – Typical Three Phase MX ATEX Nameplate 109 Tables Table 3.1 - Hardware and torque for thrust base mounting 19 Table 3.2 – Terminal block rating; control terminals 25 Table 3.3 – Required ratings for external wires 25 Table 3.4 – Loop topology connections 28 Table 3.5 – Foundation fieldbus connections 29 Table 3.6 – Profibus cable specifications 30 Table 3.7 – DeviceNet cable specifications 30 Table 3.8 – Default configurations 33 Table 3.9 – LED indicators – default settings 38 Table 4.1 – Digital input terminals 80 Table 7.1 – EMC, EMI standards 105 Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 8 Figure 1.1 – MX-05 Actuator 1 Important Notes • Please read this manual in its entirety before attempting to install or operate your MX actuator. A full understanding of the installation and operation options will assist you in installing the actuator in the most effective manner. Limitorque has designed the MX actuator for long life even in the harshest environments. Flexible control and protection options are provided to ensure the actuator meets your requirements. • All actuator enclosures are sealed by O-rings, and cable entries are supplied with threaded plugs to protect the terminal compartment until the unit is wired. If the actuator cannot be installed immediately, it is recommended that it be stored in a clean, dry place, preferably in an area that is not subject to large fluctuations in temperature. • Disconnect all incoming power before opening any cover on the actuator. The user/operator must ensure that safe working practices are employed at all times and are in accordance with local or national standards that are enforced at the particular site. • To install and commission the actuator, only the terminal compartment cover needs to be removed. See Figure 1.1, Item 10. Settings for commissioning the actuator are done externally; therefore, no other covers need to be removed. The actuator was assembled in ideal dry conditions and the total sealing of the enclosure protects all electrical components against deterioration. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 9 NOTE: Removal of any cover, other than the terminal compartment cover, will invalidate the unit warranty. Exposure of actuator components to an environment that results in deterioration of internal components will also invalidate the unit’s warranty. • During final field installation, ensure that all cable entries are correctly sealed in accordance with National Standards or Regulatory Authorities. All temporary transit plugs must be removed and any unused cable entries closed in an approved manner. See Section 3.3.3, Sealing Cable/Conduit Entries. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 10 2 Quick Start Quick Start provides step-by-step instructions for commissioning each MX actuator. This information is also available in Bulletin LMENIM2310, Quick Start-Up Instructions. These instructions are for the following: • Position limits calibration – can be performed one of two ways: 1. Electrical operation: See Section 2.1.2, Electrical Operation Feature. 2. Handwheel operation: See Section 2.1.3, Handwheel Operation Feature. • DDC operation: See Section 2.2, DDC Option. • FF operation: See Section 4.10, FF Option. • PB operation: See Section 4.11, PB Option. • DeviceNet operation: See Section 4.12. DN Option. • HART Operation: See Section 4.13, HART Option When these Quick Start instructions are complete, the position limits will be set and the actuator will be ready for normal operation. NOTE: The actuator has been configured with all customer-specified parameters and no further calibration should be necessary. If full valve data was not provided when ordering, or if changes are needed for parameters, see Sections 4, Customizing the Actuator. 2.1 Calibrate – Position Limits 1. Install the MX actuator on the valve. 2. Refer to the nameplate for the correct main power supply voltage. Switch on the main power to the unit. 3. Turn the red knob to the STOP position. The “SET CLOSE POSITION LIMIT” message will be displayed. When the red knob is in “LOCAL” or “REMOTE,” the liquid crystal display (LCD) screen will read “SET POSITION LIMITS.” 4. Calibrate end position limits one of two ways: • Electrically, using the control panel. See Section 2.1.2, Electrical Operation Feature and Figure 3.25 for control panel and Table 3.9 for LED indication. • Manually, using the handwheel. See Section 2.1.3, Handwheel Operation Feature. Once the position limits have been set, the screen message will indicate the valve position as a percentage of the valve opening. While setting limit switches, place the red selector knob in the “LOCAL” position to permit the actuator to run open or closed in push-to-run mode (inching) only. a CAUTION: Extreme care must be taken as the valve approaches its end position. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 11 The unit will not function with the red selector knob in the “REMOTE” position until both limit switches are set. The existing configuration of the actuator/valve parameters may be viewed by entering the “SETUP” mode. 2.1.1 Entering the Setup Mode 1. Place the red selector knob in the “STOP” position. 2. Within 10 seconds, place the black control knob in the “YES” position, then the “NO” position, then again in the “YES” position (in quick succession—approximately one-two seconds). 3. The message “SETUP?” will appear in the LCD display for 10 seconds. If no setup action is taken within 10 seconds, the unit will reset. 4. Use the black control knob to answer “YES” or “NO” to the questions appearing in the display. 2.1.2 Electrical Operation Feature This feature allows for quick and simple calibration. To set the position limits electrically, enter the “CHANGE SETTINGS” mode via the “SETUP” mode. 1. Enter the “SETUP” mode as detailed in Section 2.1.1, Entering the Setup Mode. 2. When screen prompt reads “CHANGE SETTINGS,” select “YES.” 3. The screen will display the “CHANGE SETTINGS” mode menu items. Select “NO” until screen displays “CHANGE POSITION SETUP.” User may select to set close limit first or open limit first. 4. Select “YES.” “CLOSE” or “OPEN VALVE - OK?” is displayed. 5. Place the red selector knob in the “LOCAL” position. Move the black knob in the intended direction. The LCD screens are shown in Figure 2.1. 6. When valve has reached desired position, return the red selector switch to “STOP” and complete calibration. The position settings are now complete. The actuator will now function as ordered, and may be run electrically to inspect for correct operation. a CAUTION: On some valves, position limits could be set adjacent to each other, so be careful that the Close and Open limits are set sufficiently apart to permit operation. If the limits are set adjacent of each other, an error message will be displayed: “KEEP OPEN(CLOSE) LIMIT?” NO FURTHER MOVEMENT IS PERMITTED UNTIL THE ERROR IS CORRECTED. Should the User elect to proceed with the setting, an error will be displayed on the screen after re-booting stating “IDENTICAL LIMITS”. THE ACTUATOR WILL NOT MOVE UNTIL THE ERROR IS CORRECTED. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 12 Figure 2.1 – Electrical operation “NO ” operates close direction “YES” operates open direction Enter “SETU P ” mode OPEN VALV ERETURN TO STO P OPEN VALVEOK?SAVE OPENLIMIT OK? SETUP? CLOSE VALVERETURN TO STO P SAVE CLOSELIMIT OK?CLOSE VALV EOK?CLOSE VALV EOK? EXITSETUP? 100% OPENSTATUS OK? SET CLOSEPOSITION LIMIT? YES YES YES2 YES YES YES YES YES2 NO NO NO NO NO YES1 NONO NO NO STO P STOPSTOP LOCAL Switch to LOCAL Switch to OPEN VALV EOK? SET OPENPOSITION LIMIT? YES NONO SET POSITIONPRECISION?POSITIONXXX% OPEN? YES NONO POSITIONXXX.X% OPEN? NO IDENTICAL LIMITSKEEP OPEN LIMIT? YES NO IDENTICAL LIMITSKEEP CLOSE LIMIT? YES NO YES YES YES1 NOTE 1:If open and close limits are not identical NOTE 2:If open and close limits are identical 2.1.3 Handwheel Operation Feature To set the position limits manually, enter the “CHANGE SETTINGS” mode via the “SETUP” mode. 1. Enter the “SETUP” mode as detailed in Section 2.1.1, Entering the Setup Mode. 2. When LCD reads “CHANGE SETTINGS?”, select “YES.” 3. The LCD will display the “CHANGE SETTINGS” mode menu items. Select “NO” until screen displays “CHANGE POSITION SETUP?” 4. Select “YES.” See Figure 2.2. Manually set position limits: a. Close position limit 1. “SET CLOSE POSITION LIMIT?” is displayed. 2. Select “YES.” “CLOSE VALVE - OK?” is displayed. 3. Depress the declutch lever, and at the same time slowly rotate the handwheel until the clutch is fully engaged. Release the lever; the clutch will be retained in the handwheel mode by spring-loaded latches. 4. Ensure the valve is fully closed, then move the valve in the open direction for one handwheel turn to allow for coasting of the motor. 5. When the valve is in the desired position, select “YES” again. The LCD will read “SAVE CLOSE LIMIT OK?” 6. Select “YES” if the valve’s close limit position is correct. The close position limit is set. b. Open position limit 1. “SET OPEN POSITION LIMIT?” is displayed. 2. Select “YES.” “OPEN VALVE - OK?” is displayed. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 13 3. Depress the declutch lever, and at the same time slowly rotate the handwheel until the clutch is fully engaged. Release the lever; the clutch will be retained in the handwheel mode by spring-loaded latches. 4. Ensure the valve is fully open, then move the valve in the close direction for one handwheel turn to allow for coasting of the motor. 5. When the valve is in the desired position, select “YES” again. The LCD will read “SAVE OPEN LIMIT OK?” 6. Select “YES” if the valve’s open position limit is correct. The open position limit is set. 7. Move the valve in the close direction. The open lamp should extinguish within one turn of the handwheel. 8. Move the valve back in the open direction and check that the open lamp illuminates just before the full open position is reached (approximately 1/2 to 1 turn). 9. If the calibration requires adjustment, select “NO” at the “SET CLOSE POSITION LIMIT?” prompt and repeat the “SET OPEN POSITION LIMIT?” routine. 10. Select “NO” to exit “POSITION SETUP?” or “YES” to return to “SET CLOSE POSITION LIMIT?” a CAUTION: On some valves, position limits could be set adjacent to each other, so be careful that the Close and Open limits are set sufficiently apart to permit operation. If the limits are set adjacent to each other, an error message will be displayed: “KEEP OPEN(CLOSE) LIMIT?” NO FURTHER MOVEMENT IS PERMITTED UNTIL THE ERROR IS CORRECTED. Should the User elect to proceed with the setting, an error will be displayed on the screen after re-booting stating “IDENTICAL LIMITS”. THE ACTUATOR WILL NOT MOVE UNTIL THE ERROR IS CORRECTED. Figure 2.2 – Handwheel operation Declutch actuator; Rotate handwheel to “ CLOS E ” position limit Rotate handwheel to “ OPEN ” position limit Enter “SETUP” mode OPEN VALVE OK ? SAVE OPEN LIMIT OK? SETUP? SAVE CLOS E LIMIT OK? CLOSE VALVE OK ? SET CLOS E POSITION LIMIT? SET OPEN POSITION LIMIT? EXITSETUP?100%STATUS OK YE S STO P YE S YE S YE S YE S YE S YES YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO SET POSITIONPRECISION?POSITIONXXX% OPEN YES NO NO Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 14 2.2 DDC/Modbus Option The following instructions assume that all DDC option parameters are set with the exception of the address. 1. After setting position limits, remain in the “SETUP” mode. If not in the “SETUP” mode, enter the “SETUP” mode as detailed in Section 2.1.1, Entering the Setup Mode. 2. When LCD reads “CHANGE SETTINGS?”, select “YES.” 3. The LCD will display the “CHANGE SETTINGS” mode menu items. Select “NO” until screen displays “CHANGE DDC?” Select “YES.” LCD will display DDC menu items. 4. Select “YES” for each menu item until “DDC ADDRESS OK?” appears. Select “NO.” 5. Enter an address from 1 to 250 by toggling “NO” until the correct address is displayed. User may select to hold the knob in the “NO” direction and the number will automatically increment by one until the preferred address is reached. a CAUTION: The network address must be entered in accordance with the user address assignment sheet. This assignment sheet should correspond to the contract specifications. The same address must not be used anywhere else in the same network. The DDC address does not have to be set to exit the setup. 2.3 Check the Settings 1. Operate the valve to the fully “CLOSE” position. Verify that the “CLOSE” (default GREEN) LED illuminates just as the travel limit is reached, and the valve position is displayed as “0% OPEN.” 2. Operate the valve to the fully “OPEN” position. Verify that the “OPEN” (default RED) LED illuminates just as the travel limit is reached, and the valve position is displayed as “100% OPEN.” Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 15 3 Installation and Operation 3.1 Preparing the Stem Nut The MX has two (2) basic base designs: • Torque-only base, designated by a “B” prefix • Thrust-only base, designated by an “A” prefix 3.1.1 Type “B” Bases: Torque-only Applications Standard B4/B4E Base The standard MX actuator base is the B4 torque-only. It includes a mounting plate and steel torque nut, which may be machined to fit a valve or gearbox. A B4E torque nut can be provided and may be installed to allow for extended stem acceptance. NOTE: Some MX actuators are supplied with single piece drive sleeves that have been bored and keyed. These are typically mounted directly to gearboxes. The MX actuator maybe mounted in any position as long as the handwheel is accessible. Figure 3.1 – B4 base Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 16 Figure 3.2 – B4E base Figure 3.3 – Exploded view of B4/B4E base (MX-05 shown) Torque nut Retaining ring Baseplate MX base Drive sleeve Disassembly 1. Remove the retaining ring (B4 base) or spiral-wound ring (B4E base) that retains the torque nut in the drive sleeve. 2. Remove the torque nut. If the torque nut is difficult to remove, insert a suitable device into the drive sleeve through bore and gently tap it loose from the handwheel end. 3. Machine the torque nut to suit the valve stem or gearbox input shaft (see LMENSS2326, MX Performance and Dimensions for maximum stem capacity). Ensure sufficient clearance for a smooth, sliding fit. Reassembly 1. Clean the torque nut thoroughly and lightly grease. 2. Replace the torque nut in the drive sleeve. Ensure the torque nut meshes with the drive lugs. 3. Refit the retaining ring (B4 base) or spiral-wound ring (B4E base). Optional B1 Base (not available for MX-85, MX-140 and MX-150) An optional torque base assembly may be added to allow for a greater stem acceptance. This base is supplied with a fixed bore and key as defined by ISO 5210. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 17 Disassembly No disassembly is required since the torque nut has been machined to an international standard. Clean the bore and lightly grease. Figure 3.4 – B1 base NOTE: Fill base with a Lithium based EP0 grease. Figure 3.5 – Exploded view of B1 base Housing, torque/thrust Pipe plug Washer (M4) Socket head cap screw (M4 x 8) Socket head set screw Retainer, bearing Pilot, torque/thrust Bearing Torque nut (B1) Socket head cap screw (M8 x 20) Pipe plug MX-05 B1 MX-40 B1 Thrust nut assembly 3.1.2 Type “A” Bases: Thrust-only Applications Standard A1/A1E Base The standard MX actuator thrust base is the A1, and may be bolted directly to the actuator. The thrust base contains a bronze alloy thrust nut that may be machined to suit the valve stem. An A1E (extended) thrust nut can be provided and may be installed to reach shorter stems. Figure 3.6 – A1 base Disassembly – Units MX-05/10/20/40 Refer to Figure 3.7. Disassembly of the main housing from the base may be recommended to allow the base to remain on the valve if the actuator must be removed for service. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 18 Pilot removal MX-10/20: Remove the screw and washer holding the valve pilot to the thrust base and remove pilot. MX-40: Turn counterclockwise (CCW) and remove. Thrust bearing and nut removal 1. Remove the first set of thrust washers and bearing. 2. Remove stem nut. NOTE: The thrust washers, bearing, and thrust nut may be removed at the same time. The second set of thrust washers and bearing does not have to be removed. 3. Machine the thrust nut to suit the valve stem. Ensure sufficient clearance to avoid unnecessary wear and heating during operation. Reassembly – Units MX-05/10/20/40 Refer to Figure 3.7. 1. Clean the thrust nut, washers, and bearing(s) thoroughly. 2. Slide second set of thrust washers and bearing in place if removed. NOTE: Order of assembling thrust washers and bearing must be as follows: washer, thrust bearing, washer. Pilot installation MX-05/10/20: Slide pilot into thrust base assembly and secure with washer and screw. Tighten fully. MX-40: Place pilot into thrust base and turn clockwise (CW) until pilot is tight. NOTE: Fill base with Nebula EP 0, Conoco Conolith EP 00, Mobil SHC 632, Dynalife-L-EP0, Triton ELL, or Lithium based EP0 grease. Disassembly – Units MX-85 Refer to Figure 3.8. Disassembly of the main housing from the base may be recommended to allow the base to remain on the valve if the actuator must be removed for service. Thrust base mounting plate removal Remove the six socket head cap screws holding the valve mounting plate to the thrust base housing and remove mounting plate. Figure 3.7 – Exploded view of A1/A1E base (MX-05/10/20/40 only) Housing Socket head cap Socket head cap screw Washer Quad ring Thrust washer Pipe plug Thrust Nut Thrust washer O-ring Thrust pilot Quad ring Needle bearing Thrust base standard nut Thrust base extended nut Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 19 Thrust bearing and nut removal 1. Remove the first set of thrust washers and bearing. 2. Remove stem nut. NOTE: The thrust washers, bearing, and stem nut may be removed at the same time. The second set of thrust washers and bearing does not have to be removed. 3. Machine the stem nut to suit the valve stem. Ensure sufficient clearance to avoid unnecessary wear and heating during operation. Reassembly – Units MX-85 Refer to Figure 3.8. 1. Clean the stem nut, washers, and bearing(s) thoroughly. 2. Slide second set of thrust washers and bearing in place if removed. 3. Install stem nut. Lubricate thoroughly. 4. Install first set of thrust washers and bearing. NOTE: Order of assembling thrust washers and bearing must be as follows: washer, thrust bearing, washer. NOTE: Fill base with Nebula EP 0, Conoco Conolith EP 00, Dynalife-L-EP0, Mobil SHC 632, Triton ELL, or Lithium based EP0 grease. Thrust baseplate installation Mount baseplate to thrust base housing and install the six socket head cap screws to the proper torque per Table 3.1. Table 3.1 – Hardware and torque for thrust base mounting Screw Size Torque ft-lb N m M8 or 5⁄16 in. (8 mm)12-14 16-19 M10 or 3⁄8 in. (9 mm)25-30 33-40 M12 or 1/2 in. (13 mm)40-50 53-67 M16 or 5⁄8 in. (16 mm)90-100 122-135 M20 or 3/4 in. (19 mm)180-200 244-271 NOTE: Screw mounting torque for mounting thrust base to main housing or thrust baseplate to thrust base housing. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 20 Figure 3.8 – Exploded view of thrust base (MX-85 only) Section A-A View show n with standard nut Section A-A View show n with extended nut A A Socket head cap screw s Baseplate Thrust washer Thrust bearing Quad ring Thrust nut Thrust bearing Socket head cap screw s Housing Thrust washer Pipe plug O-ring Quad ring Disassembly – Units MX-140/MX-150 Refer to Figure 3.9. Disassembly of the main housing from the base may be recommended to allow the base to remain on the valve if the actuator must be removed for service. Pilot removal Remove the two screws and washers holding the valve pilot to the thrust base and remove pilot. Thrust bearing and nut removal 1. Remove the first set of thrust washers and bearing. 2. Remove stem nut. NOTE: The thrust washers, bearing, and stem nut may be removed at the same time. The second set of thrust washers and bearing does not have to be removed. 3. Machine the stem nut to suit the valve stem. Ensure sufficient clearance to avoid unnecessary wear and heating during operation. Reassembly – Units MX-140 Refer to Figure 3.9. 1. Clean the stem nut, washers, and bearing(s) thoroughly. 2. Remove pipe plug. 3. Slide second set of thrust washers and bearing in place if removed. 4. Install stem nut. Lubricate thoroughly. 5. Install first set of thrust washers and bearing. 6. Install pipe plug. NOTE: Order of assembling thrust washers and bearing must be as follows: washer, thrust bearing, washer. NOTE: Fill base with Nebula EP 0, Conoco Conolith EP 00, Dynalife-L-EP0, Mobil SHC 632, Triton ELL, or Lithium based EP0 grease. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 21 Pilot installation Slide pilot into thrust base assembly and secure with the two washers and screws. Tighten fully. 3.1.3 Type “BL” Drive: Splined Drive Application Steel alloy splined nuts are provided to a standard involute spline category for rising and rotating stem valves per customer requirements. Disassembly and reassembly is the same as the B4 base and the torque nut. See Section 3.1.1, Type “B” Bases: Torque-only Applications. Figure 3.9 – Exploded view of thrust base (MX-140/MX-150 only) Socket head cap screw s Housing Thrust bearing Quad ring Thrust nut Thrust washers Thrust bearing O-ring Socket head cap screw s Washers Thrust pilot Pipe plug Pipe plug Section A-A View shown with standard nut Section B-B View shown with extended nut A B B A Quad ring Thrust washers 3.2 Mechanical Installation Onto Valve or Gearbox NOTE: Refer to MX Maintenance and Spare Parts bulletin (LMENIM2314) for more detailed instructions. Before installing the actuator onto a valve or gearbox, check the following to ease installation: • Verify that mounting flange is suited dimensionally to mate with the actuator base. Ensure that it is perpendicular to the valve stem or gearbox input shaft. • Ensure the stem nut mates with the valve stem or input shaft. For screwed nuts, it is advisable to run the stem nut down the entire length of the stem to check for tightness. Keyed or splined shafts should exhibit a smooth, sliding fit with the key installed. • Ensure there is adequate engagement of the stem nut with the valve stem or input shaft when mounted. Generally, the minimum length of engagement is 1.5 times the diameter of the stem. • Verify that mounting studs or bolts are the correct length to suit the thickness of the mounting plate. • Verify hardware specifications for English style: • Socket head cap screw per ASTM A 574 and ANSI 18.3. • Hex head cap screw per SAE J429 Grade 5. • Verify hardware specifications for metric style: hex and socket head cap screws per Property Class 12.9. • Clean and lubricate the valve stem or input shaft. • Ensure adequate lifting facilities and slings are available at the installation site. NOTE: Do not use the handwheel to lift the actuator. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 22 3.2.1 Mounting (Type “B” Bases): Torque-only Refer to Figures 3.1 - 3.5. 1. Ensure torque nut is secured inside actuator drive sleeve with retaining ring. 2. Lower actuator onto the valve or gearbox stem. Align the stem nut key and keyway with valve or gearbox stem key seat. 3. Verify that the actuator and valve mounting adapter flanges mate correctly. 4. Secure the actuator to the valve mounting adapter with mounting bolts. 3.2.2 Removal (Type “B” Bases): Torque-only Refer to Figures 3.1 – 3.5. 1. Remove the bolts that secure the actuator to the valve mounting adapter. If type B1 base is used in addition to the standard type B4 baseplate, you may leave the B1 base attached to the actuator and remove as a unit. 2. Lift the actuator from the actuator mounting adapter. 3.2.3 Mounting (Type “A” Bases): Thrust-only Refer to Figures 3.6 – 3.9. 1. The following are two options for mounting the type A base actuator: a. If the type A thrust base was removed from the valve mounting adapter, replace the thrust base onto the valve mounting adapter. Ensure the thrust base stem nut has the lugs positioned upward to engage with the drive sleeve slots when the actuator is reinstalled. Rotate the bronze nut while holding the base steady. or b. If the thrust base is installed on the valve mounting adapter, proceed to step two. 2. Lower the actuator along the threaded valve stem and onto the valve mounting plate. Ensure the thrust base stem nut lugs properly engage and align with the drive sleeve slots. 3. Install the bolts to secure the actuator to the thrust base assembly. 3.2.4 Removal (Type “A” Bases): Thrust-only 1. Remove the bolts that secure the actuator to the thrust base assembly. 2. Remove the type A thrust base by removing the bolts that secure the actuator to the valve mounting adapter. or Leave the type A thrust base mounted to the valve mounting adapter until ready to remount the actuator. The thrust base will maintain valve position provided that the valve stem threads are locking. 3. Lift the complete actuator from the thrust base. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 23 3.3 Electrical Connections Verify that the supply voltage details on the nameplate are correct for this installation. Setup is non-intrusive; therefore, remove only the terminal cover to make electrical connections and to commission the actuator. c WARNING: The removal of any other covers without Limitorque’s approval will void the warranty. Limitorque will not accept responsibility for any damage or deterioration that may occur as a result of cover removal. 3.3.1 Removing Terminal Cover Remove the terminal cover as follows: 1. Remove the four cover screws using a 6 mm hexagonal wrench. 2. Remove the cover. XP units have long-spigoted covers and two tapped holes 180° apart. If the XP cover is difficult to remove, fit two of the cover screws into the tapped holes in the cover flange and jack out the cover. Take care to turn the screws by equal increments. Do not lever the cover off with a screwdriver, or similar object, since this may damage the flamepath on an explosionproof unit or the O-ring seal and seating face. 3.3.2 Terminal Compartment Documents The OEM and user installation kits, wiring diagram, and test report are contained in the terminal compartment or with the actuator. Do not place them in the terminal compartment when the electrical connections have been completed. NOTE: This instruction does not apply to valve manufacturers or similar installers of the actuator onto a valve prior to shipping to site. It is important that these items are available at the final destination site. 3.3.3 Sealing Cable/Conduit Entries The sealing of cables and conduit entries should be done in accordance with National Standards or the Regulatory Authorities that have certified the actuators. This is particularly true for units that are certified for use in hazardous areas where the method of sealing must be to an approved standard and cable glands, reducers, plugs, and adapters must be approved and separately certified. All conduit entries should be sealed against the climatic conditions prevailing on-site, especially if temporary submersion is possible. All unused conduit entries should be sealed with threaded metal plugs. Plastic plugs are installed by Limitorque for shipping only and must not be used as permanent seals. 3.3.4 Recommended Terminal Connections Power Terminals Ring tongue connectors used on the power terminals should comply with the dimensions shown in Figure 3.10. For Additional information, consult terminal manufacturer. Figure 3.11 details the allowable voltage and current parameters for the terminal block power terminals. Preload the M5 screws to 1.6-3.2 N m (1.2-2.33 ft-lb). Control Terminals Ring tongue connectors used on the control terminals should comply with the dimensions shown in Figure 3.12. For additional information, consult terminal manufacturer. Preload the M3 screws to 0.33-0.66 N m (0.25-0.50 ft-lb). NOTE: Alternative manufacturers may be substituted only if dimensions are in accordance with Figure 3.12. NOTE: The use of spade terminals is not recommended for secure electrical connections. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 24 Figure 3.10 – Power terminal connector size limitations NOT TO EXCEED 15 NOT TO EXCEED 6.5NOT TO EXCEED 9.8 TO BE SIZED FOR M5 SCREW SPADE AND SNAPTERMINALS MAX. THICKNESS = 1.6 mm TO BE SIZED FOR M5 SCREW NOT TO EXCEED 9.6 NOT TO EXCEED 15 RING TERMINAL NOT TO EXCEED 3.5 FLANGEDSPADE TERMINAL Figure 3.11 – Terminal block rating; power terminals Description L1 L2 L3 STD Rating 30 AMP 20 AMP 15 AMP 8 Awg/10 mm2 10 Awg/6 mm2 14 Awg/2.5 mm2 600 VAC RMS 150 VDC Increased Safety Rating 27 AMP 18 AMP 13.5 AMP 8 Awg/10 mm2 10 Awg/6 mm2 14 Awg/2.5 mm2 500 VAC RMS 150 VDC Note: Ratings will be the same for L1, L2, or L3, e.g., if 10 Awg is selected, then L1, L2 and L3 will have the same limitations. Figure 3.12 – Control terminal connector size limitations NOTE: All dimensions are in mm. NOTE: Limitorque recommends the use of the following connector for optimum results: Thomas and Betts #RZ22-6. NOTE: Alternative manufacturers may be substituted only if the dimensions are in accordance with Figure 3.12. Table 3.2 lists the maximum allowable voltage and current parameters for the terminal block control terminals. NOT TO EXCEED 4.0 NOT TO EXCEED 7.6 NOT TO EXCEED 5 TO BE SIZED FOR M3 SCREW SPADE AND SNAPTERMINAL MAX. THICKNESS = 1.0 mm NOT TO EXCEED 5 TO BE SIZED FOR M3 SCREW RING TERMINAL NOT TO EXCEED 8.2 3X M5 SCREW 3X M5 SPRING WASHER 54X M3 SPRING WASHER 54X M3 SCREW THE USE OF THE SPRING WASHERS ARE REQUIREDON INCREASED SAFETY APPLICATIONS. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 25 Table 3.2 – Terminal block rating; control terminals Low Voltage Row STD Rating Increased Safety Rating 1 points 1-16, 50 Volt 0.5 AMP AC RMS 0.45 AMP AC RMS 2 points 17-35, 125 Volt 0.5 AMP AC RMS 0.45 AMP AC RMS 3 and 4 points 36-54, 250 Volt 5 AMP AC RMS 4.5 AMP AC RMS 3.3.5 Termination of Cables All terminations should be made with insulated ring terminals using the appropriate crimping tool. See Figures 3.10 and 3.11 for power terminal connection recommendations. See Figure 3.12 and Table 3.2 and 3.3 for control terminal connection recommendations. 3.3.6 Cable Connections See Figure 3.14 for connection information. 1. Connect the main power supply cables, including the earth/ground wire using the M5 screws provided. 2. Attach the earth/ground wire to the separate screw on the inside of the terminal compartment. 3. Use the M3 screws installed in the terminal block to connect the control cables in accordance with the wiring diagram and the project specification. 4. Ensure that all connections are tight, including any spare termination screws that have not been used. NOTE: A “Customer Connection(s) Diagram” sticker is attached to the interior of the terminal compartment cover. This may be removed and user termination numbers inscribed adjacent to Limitorque’s terminal block numbers for field connection reference. The diagram may also be used to assist in locating the terminal block positions. Service and factory contacts are contained on the sticker. Certification is based on the use of appropriately rated wire for the application. Installation shall be in accordance with the current issue of the applicable national and or local electric code or regulations. Table 3.3 – Required ratings for external wires Up to Use wire rated at least 40°C Ambient 75°C 55°C Ambient 90°C 60°C, 65°C & 70°C Ambient1 105°C Note 1: Refer to unit nameplate. Note 2: See section 7.3 for single phase high and low ambient FLA values 3.3.7 Network Installations The Limitorque MX offers a number of network options: DDC-Modbus, Foundation Fieldbus H1, Profibus DP_V1, Profibus PA, and DeviceNet. Ensure that the network cable type is Belden 3074F, Belden 3105, Belden 9841 or another cable that is within 5% of the following specifications. • Nominal impedance: 120 ohms @ 1 MHz • Line to shield capacitance: 23.0 pF/ft (75.5 pF/m) • Line to line capacitance: 12.8 pF/ft (42.0 pF/m) Using other cables may result in decrease of internodal distance and/or an increase in communication error. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 26 Particular care should be taken when terminating twisted-pair shielded cables in a control network. Avoid nicks, cuts, or abrasions in the insulation of data communication cables, since this may result in inadvertent ground connection. Also, excess cable should be cut, not coiled or looped, to prevent noise induction into the network. Limitorque strongly recommends remote communication wiring be routed separately from mains line power wiring. Specifically, instrumentation wiring, including communication, analog and discrete signal wiring, should be routed in conduit that is separated from power lines. If the recommendation is not followed, the intergrity of instrumenta- tion signals may be comprimised. If the signal is comprimised, the MX will enter a“safe-state” whereby all motion is prohibited until communication is sucessfully re-established. Figure 3.13 – View of terminal block Figure 3.14 – Standard wiring diagram illustrating 3 phase motor voltage applied. NOTE: Most current wiring diagram is shipped within the terminal compartment of the MX. Cable Preparation Prepare the network cable for connection to the MX actuator terminal block as illustrated in Figures 3.15 through 3.18. a CAUTION: Strip stranded conductors carefully; do not damage the strands. This will weaken the conductor. Do not nick conductors when stripping away the insulation. Nicking stresses the conductor and can cause the conductor to break. This type of damage may not be apparent and failure can occur later without warning. Configurable SET-UP to give; Either -Contact closed-Valve OPEN S -Contact opened-Valve CLOSE OR : -Contact closed-Valve CLOSES -Contact opened-Valve OPEN S 3-WIRE 4-WIRE INHIBIT ESD 5 7 5 6 7 9 10 21 INTERNAL SUPPLY 110V AC 8 5 7 12 8 11 5 6 7 8 12 8 11 5 7 13 8 14 5 6 7 13 8 14 8 8 9 10 21 12 12 9 10 21 13 13 8 14 8 14 5 CLOSE STO P 6 OPEN 7 CONTROL COMMON 8 11 0V AC 110V AC 12 +24V DC 13 0V DC 14 10 OPEN INHIBIT CLOSE INHIBIT 9 ESD 21 FUNCTIO N POIN T TERMINAL EXTERNAL SUPPLY 24 TO 110 VOLT AC/D C 8 11 8 11 AC/DC 0V AC/D C 24-110V AC/D C 0V AC/DC 24-110V AC/D C 0V AC/D C 24-110V AC/D C 0V AC/DC 24-110V EXTERNAL SUPPLY Configurable SET-UP to give; Either -OPEN/CLOSE push-to-run (inching) mode OR -OPEN/CLOSE push and release (maintained) mode with mid- travel reversal (Stop before reverse) mid-travel stop reversal and with mid-travel (maintained) MODE Push-and-release OPEN/STOP/CLOSE close contacts maintained open or interlock/inhibit on SET-UP to give; Configurable during CLOSED/OPEN/STOP/IGNORED maintained ESD signal: ACTIONS on receipt of a to give following modes of Configurable during SET-U P REMOTE WIRING CONNECTIONS 7 8 2-WIRE 7 12 8 11 7 13 8 14 AC/D C 0V AC/D C 24-110V OUTPUT SWITCH CONTACT DEVELOPMENT VALVE POSITIO N FULL CLOSE FULL OPEN FUNCTIO N CLOSE LIMIT AS4 OPEN LIMIT AS 3 CLOSE LIMIT OPEN LIMIT AS1 AS2 SWITCH OUTPU T INTERNAL SUPPLY 24V DC Grounding lug View of terminal block Reversing contactor Close Stop Open Dig Com #1-Ve Close inhibit/ interlock Input 1 interlock Input 2Open inhibit/ Dig Com #2-Ve 0 VAC 110 VAC 24 VDC +Ve 0 VDC 24 VDC +Ve 0 VDC 27 26 25 35 28 29 34 24 23 21 22 7 6 L1 L2 L3 FS1 FS2 FS3 LimiGard Motor board Power PE Three-phase supply Controlsupply Aux.input (Optional) * E.S.D. Input 0 Dig Com #3-Ve 32 30 Position sensor 44 45 48 49 46 47 50 51 S1a S1b S2a S2b “ CLOSE ” position “ OPEN ” position 54 53 52 Show n with power supply off Control panel Torque sensor Monitor relay Circuit shown with valve in fully closed position and with power off. Main processor board Status feedback output switches Default setting “ CLOSE ” position “ OPEN ” position CL O SE STOP OPEN (YES) RE MO T E LOCAL (NO) Limitorque *Jumpers may be added to connect digital commons - pt. 28 & 29, 31& 32 Note: 110 VAC control supply from actuator is optional. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 27 1. Remove 2 to 3 in. (5 to 8 cm) of the outer plastic jacket as shown in Figure 3.15. Do not cut or nick the drain wire or the insulated conductors. Figure 3.15 – Removing outer plastic jacket 2. Separate the cable parts. Unbraid the braided shield and peel back the foil shield to the same point where the outer jacket was removed as shown in Figure 3.16. 3. Cut away the braided shield and the foil shield. Strip the insulation from the conductors approximately 1/2 inch (1 cm) as shown in Figure 3.17. 4. Apply heat shrink tubing to insulate the drain wire and to provide stress relief to the cable. 5. Install ring tongue connectors as shown in Figure 3.18. a CAUTION: Do not melt the insulation. 6. Connect the network cables to the MX actuator terminal block per Table 3.4 and appropriate wiring diagram. Table 3.3 details a connection for the loop topology. Figure 3.16 – Separating cable parts Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 28 Figure 3.17 – Stripping conductors and applying heat shrink tubing Figure 3.18 – Ring tongue connectors Table 3.4 – Loop topology connections Terminal Block Number DDC 4 DATA-A1* (-) 5 DATA-A1 (+) 14 DATA-A2* (-) 13 DATA-A2 (+) 3 Surge Protection In terms of voltage, DATA is negative with respect to DATA*. NOTE: Surge protection must be grounded to be effective. NOTE: Ground each segment of the cabling at only one point to prevent ground loops, which can affect system performance. Verify the actuator is properly grounded. Limitorque defines an effective local earth ground as the M3 taps on the housing next to the terminal block. See figure 3.21. NOTE: Safety ground may not be disturbed. NOTE: Shielding is not sufficient to prevent induction of stray voltages onto signal leads from the power lines. A network wiring diagram for a loop is shown in Figure 3.20. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 29 After installation is complete and prior to operation, inspect the network cable and its connection to each field unit for the following: There should not be: • Nicks in the insulation—this can cause a short to the grounded shield. • Cut strands in a stranded conductor—this can cause a poor connection and eventually an open circuit. • Cable armor shorted to the cable shield/drain wire—this may not be at ground potential and could be subject to lightning surges. • Shield/drain wire grounded at more than one end of each cable segment (the section between each adjacent actuator on the loop). This will avoid ground loop problems. • Ground/earth connection except at true ground potential and effective at all times. 3.3.8 Foundation Fieldbus Installation Ensure that the Foundation Fieldbus cable type is Belden 3076F, or another cable that is within 5% of the following specifications. • Characteristic impedance: 100 ohms @ 31.25 kHz • Resistance, each wire: 7.32 ohms/1000 ft • Attenuation: 0.914 dB/1000 ft @ 39 kHz • Capacitative Unbalance: 3.6 pF/ft Using other cables may result in decrease of internodal distance and/or an increase in communication error. Particular care should be taken when terminating twisted-pair shielded cables in a FF control network. Avoid nicks, cuts, or abrasions in the insulation of data communication cables, since this may result in inadvertent ground connection. Also, excess cable should be cut, not coiled or looped, to prevent noise induction into the network. Cable Preparation Prepare the network cable for connection to the MX actuator terminal block as follows in Figure 3.15 through 3.18. Table 3.5 details connections for Foundation Fieldbus. Table 3.5 – Foundation fieldbus connections Terminal Block Number FF Function 4 DATA (-) 5 DATA (+) The shield must be connected to ground or earth at only one place. The cable shield is generally grounded at the power conditioner. Reference the Fieldbus Foundation Application Guide 31.25 kbit/s Wiring and Installation guide for more information on network wiring. a CAUTION: Strip stranded conductors carefully; do not damage the strands. This will weaken the conductor. Do not nick conductors when stripping away the insulation. Nicking stresses the conductor and can cause the conductor to break. This type of damage may not be apparent and failure can occur later without warning. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 30 3.3.9 Network Wiring – Profibus DP/PA Installation Profibus DP is based on RS 485 communication. The standard EN 50170 specifies the cable for use with Profibus DP. The following specifications need to be fulfilled by the Profibus cable: Table 3.6 – Profibus cable specifications Parameter Type – Profibus DP Impedance 135 to 165 ohm/3 to 20 MHz Capacity < 30 pF/m Resistance < 110 ohm/km Wire gauge > 0.64 mm Conductor area > 0.34 mm2 The Profibus DP cable is a shielded twisted pair cable. In general, there are two different types of cables available. The most commonly used cable has solid wire for the Profibus line. When there is a need for more flexiblity (bending) and higher environmental resistance, a cable with stranded wire for the Profibus line and special jackets shall be used. Limitorque recommends the use of: • Belden 3079A Specifications, 22 AWG, shielded, solid two conductor Key Specifications • Capacitance/ft = 8.5 pF • Nominal Impedance (ohms) – 150.0 Network Wiring - Profibus PA Please refer to IEC 61158 & ANSI/ISA S.50.02 Part 2-1992 for network wiring guidelines. Refer to Table 3.5 for connections. 3.3.10 Network Wiring – DeviceNet DeviceNet is a CAN-based protocol that uses five wires including a shield. Two of the conductors are used for 24 VDC power and up to 8 amps (4 amps for NEC Class 2) may be passed along the hi-way from a suitable power source. Two conductors are used for the CAN bus signals, CAN_H and CAN_L, which are usually smaller in diameter. Flowserve recommends Belden 3082A cable for connecting to a DeviceNet network. The specifications for this cable are preferred. Table 3.7 – DeviceNet cable specifications Belden Part No. AWG (Stranding) dia. Inches Nom. DCR Insulation material (color code) Nominal O.D. Nom Impedance (ohms) Nominal Capacitance Test Frequency (MHz) Maximum Attenuation dB/100ft 3082A 2 – 15 AWG (19 x 28) 3.6 ohm/1000 ft 11.8 ohm/km Power pair (Black/Red) 12.2 mm 120 12.0 pF/ft 0.125 0.5 1 0.13 0.25 1.36 2 – 18 AWG (19 x 30) 6.9 ohm/1000 ft 22.7 ohm/km Data pair (Blue/White) 3084A 2 – 22 AWG (19 x 34) 17.5 ohm/1000 ft 57.4 ohm/km Power pair (Black/Red) 7.2 mm 120 12.0 pF/ft 0.125 0.5 1 0.29 0.50 1.70 2 – 18 AWG (19 x 36) 28.0 ohm/1000 ft 91.9 ohm/km Data pair (Blue/White) Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 31 Please refer to Table 3.4 for connections. 3.3.11 HART Installation Wiring HART, or Highway Addressable Remote Transducer, is a digital signal over analog 4-20 mA communications. Please consult LMENIM2340, HART Network Installation and Operation Manual for correct wiring preparation and installation. 3.3.12 Replacing Terminal Cover Verify that the O-ring seal and spigot joint are clean and in good condition. Lightly coat these items with mineral-based lubricant before replacing the terminal cover and four retaining screws. 3.3.13 External Earth/Ground Connections In order to help meet the local electric codes of the installation, one external connection point is provided on the main gear housing for the attachment of earth/ground cables. See Figure 3.21. This is in addition to the ground connection inside the terminal compartment. 3.4 Terminal Block Shield Installation STEP 1 Remove terminal block cover. STEP 2 Use Qty of 2 screws from terminal block or from end users bag to attach shield. STEP 3 Remount terminal block cover. Figure 3.19 – Terminal block shield 3.5 Commissioning the Actuator Before attempting to commission the actuator, verify that the actuator is installed correctly on the valve and main power is “ON.” After making the initial electrical connections detailed in Section 3.3, Electrical Connections, the MX actuator may be commissioned without removing any covers. No special tools are required. Configuration is accomplished through the use of the LCD and the control knobs mounted on the control panel. For positioning the actuator: 1. Place the red knob in the “LOCAL” position. 2. Move the black knob to the “OPEN” or “CLOSE” position. Actuator NOTE: External ground lug # J2A- L35 supplied. Will take up from 14-8 AWG wire sizes. Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 32 For configuring the actuator: 1. Place the red knob in the “STOP” position. 2. Move the black knob to the “YES” or “NO” position and release to answer questions appearing on the LCD display. The OPEN and CLOSE position limits must be set after the actuator has been mounted on the valve. See Section 3.5.4, Setting Position Limits. All other actuator parameters are factory-set either in accordance with a Limitorque standard set of default values (see Section 3.5.1, Default Configuration Set) or the requirements specified with the purchase order. Reconfirm these preconfigured settings prior to placing the actuator into service since the requirements of the application may have changed after the manufacture of the actuator. See Section 3.5.2, View the Existing Settings. 3.5.1 Default Configuration Set Unless otherwise specified, actuators are shipped with the following configuration: • When Open stopped by position limit; Open seating (position) • When Close stopped by position limit; Close seating (position) • Maintained local control; Mode (maintained) • Clockwise to close; Close direction (CW) • ESD – User configurable inputs; default is “OFF” • Inhibits on; Inhibit status (Default = OFF) • Remote control – three-wire maintained • Password – 100 Figure 3.20 – User network connection for loop topology/ Typical for all two-wire network protocols Surge protection Network data-A1* Network data-A1 N/ C Earth ground Te rminal block 3 4 5 14 13 A B Network data-A2* Network data-A2 Figure 3.21 – External earth/ground connection – housing Grounding Lug Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 33 Table 3.8 – Default configurations Modutronic Option Proportional band – 5% Deadband – 2% Polarity – 20 mA = Open Action on loss of signal = Close Modbus RTU protocol 9600 baud Analog scale = 0-100 Proportional band – 5% Deadband – 2% Offset – 0 mAFF Option and PB Option Analog scale = 0-100 Proportional band – 5% Deadband – 2% If the default configuration is acceptable, no further configuring is necessary. If any default setting needs to be changed, see Section 4, Customizing the Actuator. 3.5.2 View the Existing Settings All the existing setup data may be viewed on the LCD display by following a simple step-by-step dialog that may be selected in the following languages: English (default), Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Malay, Mandarin, and Katakana. 1. Enter the “SETUP” mode as detailed in Section 2.1.1, Entering the Setup Mode. 2. Select the dialog language. Toggle “NO” to scan the language options. Select “YES” when the desired language appears on the LCD. 3. Scan menu selections on LCD and select “YES” when “VIEW SETTINGS” appears. 4. Scan through the series of displays and answer “YES” or “NO” at the appropriate prompts. Each display shows the state or value of the existing settings. See Figure 3.22. NOTE: The “VIEW SETTINGS?” mode can be accessed without entering a password, but no changes to the settings can be made in this mode. 3.5.3 Entering the Setup Mode To customize the actuator, view settings, or view diagnostics, the user must enter the “SETUP” mode. A three-digit password is required to customize the actuator. All actuators are supplied with the same default password (100). See Sections 4.2 and 4.3, Password Entry and New Password for entering and changing password. Main power must be applied to execute the setup procedure. It is recommended that the actuator be mounted to the valve before commis- sioning the actuator. Enter the “SETUP” mode as follows: 1. Place the red knob in the “STOP” position. 2. Within 10 seconds, place the black control knob in the “YES” position, then the “NO” position, then again in the “YES” position (in quick succession—approximately one-two seconds). 3. The LCD will display “SETUP?” for 10 seconds. If no action is taken within the 10 seconds, the unit will return to “STATUS OK.” 4. Using the black knob, answer “YES” or “NO” to the questions appearing on the LCD display. NOTE: While in the “SETUP” mode, if there is a lapse of 15 minutes from last action, the unit will return to the “SETUP?” display. Any changes that have been made will be stored. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 34 5. When configuration is complete, answer “YES” to “EXIT SETUP?” or move the red knob from “STOP” to “LOCAL” or “REMOTE.” After exiting the “SETUP” mode, all settings will automatically be saved to a non-volatile memory and retained, even when power is removed from the actuator. However, if power is removed from the unit while the unit is in “SETUP” mode, customization changes will be lost. Figure 3.22 – View settings VIEWVALVESETTINGS? 1 VIEWSETTINGS? YES NO NO YES YES VIEW FF? NO YES NOTE 1: These optional displayswill not appear unless theoption has been purchased. NOTE 2: If enabled. NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES VIEWLOCAL CONTROL? NO YES YES YES NO VIEWPB/DP? VIEW 2-SPEEDTIMERS? VIEW STATUS & ALARM CONTACTS? NO YES NO YES NO YES NO SeeNOTE 1SeeNOTE 1 SeeNOTE 1 YES NO 1 YES YES NO NONO YES YES NO VIEWANALOG OUT?VIEWPB/PA? VIEWDEVICENET? SeeNOTE 1SeeNOTE SeeNOTE 1 1 SeeNOTE SeeNOTE VIEWREMOTE MODE? VIEW ESDOVERRIDES? VIEWMONITOR RELAY? VIEWINPUTS? VIEWTORQUE BOOST? VIEWTHERMOSTAT? VIEWVALVE DATA? VIEWPORTS? YES VIEW BACK-UP POWER? VIEWUNIT DATA? VIEWMODUTRONIC? VIEW TORQUESETTINGS? SeeNOTE 1 SeeNOTE 2 YES YES NO SeeNOTE 1 YES NO NO VIEW TORQUETIMER? YES NO VIEWDDC? 3.5.4 Setting Position Limits This section will advise how to configure end-of-travel limits. The actuator’s position limits may be set by manual operation or electrical operation. c WARNING: If the actuator will not move after setting the limits, the limits have been set incorrectly. Set Close Position Limit (Handwheel Operation) 1. Enter the “SETUP” mode as detailed in Section 2.1.1, Entering the Setup Mode. 2. Enter “POSITION SETUP?” routine. 3. From the “SET CLOSE POSITION LIMIT?” display, select “YES.” “CLOSE VALVE OK?” will be displayed on the LCD. 4. Engage manual override as detailed in Section 3.6.1, Manual Operation. 5. Ensure that the valve is fully closed. 6. Move the valve in the open direction for one handwheel turn to allow for coasting of the motor. 7. When the valve is positioned correctly, select “YES” again. The LCD will display “SAVE CLOSE LIMIT OK?” 8. Select “YES.” The close position limit is now calibrated. Check the position limit setting as follows: 1. Move the valve in the open direction. The close lamp should extinguish with approximately one turn of the handwheel. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 35 2. Move the valve back in the close direction and check that the close lamp illuminates just before the full close posi- tion is reached (approximately 1/2 to 1 turn). 3. Select “YES” at the “SET OPEN POSITION LIMIT?” prompt. 4. Set Position Precision? The MX permits position to be reported to the User in either default mode of XXX% OPEN, or single precision mode of XXX.X% OPEN. This may be preferred in Modulating or other positioning applications such as network move-to, analog fail move-to, communication loss move-to, or ESD move-to. If the calibration requires adjustment: 1. Select “NO” at the “SET OPEN POSITION LIMIT?” prompt. 2. Repeat the “SET CLOSE POSITION LIMIT?” routine. NOTE: The green LED is the default setting for indicating the (CLOSE) position. Set Open Position Limit (Handwheel Operation) 1. From the “SET OPEN POSITION LIMIT?” display, select “YES.” “OPEN VALVE OK?” will be displayed on the LCD. 2. Engage manual override as detailed in Section 3.6.1, Manual Operation. 3. Ensure that the valve is fully open. 4. Move the valve in the close direction for one handwheel turn to allow for coasting of the motor. 5. When the valve is positioned correctly, select “YES” again. The LCD will display “SAVE OPEN LIMIT OK?” 6. Select “YES.” The open position limit is now calibrated. Check the open position limit setting as follows: 1. Move the valve in the close direction. The open lamp should extinguish with approximately one turn of the handwheel. 2. Move the valve back in the open direction and check that the open lamp illuminates just before the full close posi- tion is reached (approximately 1/2 to 1 turn). 3. Select “YES” at the “SET OPEN POSITION LIMIT?” prompt or “NO” to exit “POSITION SETUP?” dialog. If the calibration requires adjustment: 1. Select “NO” at the “SELECT CLOSE POSITION LIMIT?” prompt. 2. Repeat the “SELECT OPEN POSITION LIMIT?” routine. NOTE: The red LED is the default setting for indicating the (OPEN) position. Set Close or Open Position Limit (Electrical Operation) 1. Enter the “SETUP” mode detailed in Section 2.1.1, Entering the Setup Mode. 2. Enter “POSITION SETUP?” routine. 3. During “CLOSE VALVE - OK?” or “OPEN VALVE - OK?,” move the red knob to “LOCAL” and use the “OPEN” and “CLOSE” switch. Unit will only operate locally and only in the push-to-run configuration (Inching mode). This does not exit the startup routine—moving red selector knob back to “STOP” returns the user to the same message. This permits the valve to be placed at its travel limits and avoids the necessity to use the handwheel. The unit will run while the black knob is engaged with no stop limit when in this mode. Any previously set travel limits will be ignored. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 36 1. Move the red knob to “LOCAL” and move the black knob in the intended direction. LCD display will read: OR CLOSE VALVE RETURN TO STO P OPEN VALVE RETURN TO STO P 2. Once the “CLOSE” or “OPEN” valve position limit has been reached, return the red knob to “STOP” and complete setting the “CLOSE” or “OPEN” position limit. See Figure 3.23. NOTE: Once the travel limits have been set, the actuator may be operated electrically from the remote inputs. Local maintained operation is also permitted. Check the operation of the actuator to ensure that the torque and limit settings are satisfactory. Place the selector switch in “LOCAL” and rotate the “OPEN/CLOSE” switch to operate the actuator in the “MOTOR” mode. a CAUTION: On some valves, position limits could be set adjacent to each other, so be careful that the Close and Open limits are set sufficiently apart to permit operation. If the limits are set adjacent to each other, an error message will be displayed: “KEEP OPEN(CLOSE) LIMIT?” NO FURTHER MOVEMENT IS PERMITTED UNTIL THE ERROR IS CORRECTED. Should the User elect to proceed with the setting, an error will be displayed on the screen after re-booting stating “IDENTICAL LIMITS”. THE ACTUATOR WILL NOT MOVE UNTIL THE ERROR IS CORRECTED. Figure 3.23 – Position setup – electrical operation “NO ” operates close direction “YES ” operates open direction Enter “SETU P ” mode OPEN VALV ERETURN TO STO P OPEN VALVEOK?SAVE OPENLIMIT OK? SETUP? CLOSE VALV ERETURN TO STO P SAVE CLOSELIMIT OK?CLOSE VALV EOK?CLOSE VALV EOK? EXITSETUP? 100% OPENSTATUS OK? SET CLOSEPOSITION LIMIT? YES YES YES2 YES YES YES YES YES2 NO NO NO NO NO YES1 NONO NO NO STO P STOPSTOP LOCAL Switch to LOCAL Switch to OPEN VALV EOK? SET OPENPOSITION LIMIT? YES NONO SET POSITIONPRECISION?POSITIONXXX% OPEN? YES NONO POSITIONXXX.X% OPEN? NO IDENTICAL LIMITSKEEP OPEN LIMIT? YES NO IDENTICAL LIMITSKEEP CLOSE LIMIT? YES NO YES YES YES1 NOTE 1:If open and close limits are not identical NOTE 2:If open and close limits are identical Moving the red knob from “STOP” to “LOCAL” or “REMOTE” automatically saves to non-volatile memory all the changes that have been made. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 37 3.6 Operating the MX Actuator 3.6.1 Manual Operation Operate the actuator with the handwheel as follows: 1. Depress the declutch lever and, at the same time, slowly rotate the handwheel until the clutch is fully engaged. 2. Release the lever and it will return to its original position. The clutch will be retained in the handwheel mode by spring-loaded latches. Manual operation is now possible and the actuator can only be returned to motor operation by energizing the motor. Energizing the motor will trip the spring-loaded latch and allow the clutch to disengage from the handwheel and re-engage with the gear drive. To prevent unauthorized manual operation of the actuator, the declutch lever may be padlocked in “MOTOR” mode. A 1/2 inch size padlock is recommended. 3.6.2 Electrical Operation Before applying power to the actuator, check that the supply voltage details on the nameplate are correct for this installation. An incorrect supply connected to the actuator terminals could cause fuses to blow or cause permanent damage to the electrical components in the unit. Phase rotation need not be checked since all units are supplied with an Autophase Correction feature. Apply power to the actuator but do not operate the actuator without first checking that it has been set up and configured correctly for its intended application. Figure 3.24 – Declutch lever shows direction of engagement (MX-05 shown) 3.6.3 Local Control Once the position limits have been set (see Section 3.5.4, Setting Position Limits) and the default mode is the main- tained mode, the actuator can be controlled locally from the control panel. 1. Place the red selector knob in the “LOCAL” position. 2. Select “OPEN” or “CLOSE” via the black control knob. If maintained control has been selected, the actuator will continue to run when this control knob is released. The actuator may be stopped at any time by placing the red selector knob in the “STOP” position, or the direction may be reversed or stopped using the black control knob. If non-maintained control mode (inching) has been selected, the actuator can be inched to any intermediate position by holding the black control knob in the desired position, “OPEN” or “CLOSE,” for as long as necessary. The actuator will stop when the knob is released. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 38 3.6.4 Remote Control Once the position limits have been set, and “REMOTE” mode is enabled: 1. Place the red selector knob in “REMOTE” to permit command control by a remote device. Local “OPEN/CLOSE” mode will be prevented. 2. Rotating the red selector knob to the “STOP” position will automatically stop the actuator regardless of the remote control signal unless ESD override has been selected. See Section 4.18, ESD (Emergency Shutdown) Overrides. The red selector knob may be locked in or out of any of its three positions, “LOCAL/STOP/REMOTE,” using a padlock. A 1/4 inch padlock is recommended. The LCD displays status and valve position. In normal operation mode, the top line displays “XXX % OPEN,” while the bottom line displays “STATUS OK.” Refer to Section 4.13, Status and Alarm Contacts for a list of “ALARM” or “STATUS MESSAGES.” Table 3.9 details the LED indicators’ default settings. 3.6.5 Local Indication Figure 3.25 – Control panel CLOSE STOP OPE N (YE S ) REMO T E LOCA L (N O ) Red selector knob Black selector knob Red Yellow Blue Green Table 3.9 – LED indicators – default settings LED Indicator Operation DescriptionYellowRedGreen OFF ON OFF Valve is fully open (Red knob in “REMOTE”) OFF OFF ON Valve is fully close (Red knob in “REMOTE”) OFF OFF Blinking Valve is closing (Red knob in “REMOTE”) OFF Blinking OFF Valve is opening (Red knob in “REMOTE”) ON OFF OFF Actuator in“REMOTE” and stopped in mid-travel Blinking OFF OFF Monitor relay alarm or actuator (red knob) in “LOCAL” or “STOP” Red and green LED indicators can be reversed. See Section 4.17, Local Control. NOTE: The blue LED indicator is supplied to indicate optional Bluetooth availability in the MX. This LED will light when the Bluetooth feature is recognized by an external Bluetooth enabled device. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 39 4 Customizing the Actuator The actuator settings can be customized; i.e., the default settings can be changed and the purchased options can be configured. Language selection can also be customized. At the “SETUP IN ENGLISH?” prompt, select “NO” to move between the following languages: English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Malay, Mandarin, Katakana and Turkish. 4.1 Changing the Existing Settings 1. Verify main power is ON. 2. Enter the “SETUP” mode as detailed in Section 2.1.1, Entering the Setup Mode. 3. Answer “YES” to “Change Settings.” 4. Enter password if required. See Section 4.2, Password Entry. To change any of the existing settings or to set the end-of-travel limits for the Open and Close positions of the valve, it may be necessary to enter a password. 5. Answer “YES” or “NO” to each of the following groups of setup data. A “YES” allows the selected setup data group menu to be displayed. A “NO” moves the user to the next setup data group. For details of each data group, see Sections 4.2 – 4.27, Password Entry through Change Port. • Valve setup • Torque Timer • Torque setup • Position setup • Modutronic • DDC (distributed digital control) • FF (Foundation Fieldbus control) • PB (Profibus Control) • DN (DeviceNet Control) • Status and alarm contacts • Two-speed timer • Analog Output • Remote mode • Local control • ESD Overrides (emergency shutdown) • Inputs • Monitor Relay • Diagnostic reset • TAG Number Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 40 • LCD contrast • Password • Motor thermostat • Valve Data • Port • Back-up Power • Restricted Setup (consult factory) 6. Make changes in each setup group as desired. Each display shows the state or value of the existing settings. See Figure 4.3. 7. When configuration is complete, answer “YES” to “EXIT SETUP?” Alternatively, the “SETUP” mode may be terminated at any time by moving the red selector knob from “STOP” to “LOCAL” or “REMOTE.” All the changes made so far will automatically be saved. NOTE: Once you exit this mode and enter either the “VIEW SETTINGS?” mode or “VIEW DIAGNOSTICS?” mode, the password will need to be entered again to gain access to the “CHANGE SETTINGS?” mode in order to make further changes. Figure 4.1 – Entering the setup mode Entering the setup mode Language selection Change or view settings See Figure 4.3 See Figure 3.22 See Figure 5.2 SETUPIN ENGLISH?XX% OPENSTATUS OK SETUP? SETUPIN MANDARIN? SETUPIN ESPANOL? SETUPIN GERMAN? SETUPIN RUSSIAN? SETUPIN FRANCAS? To place actuator in the “SETUP” mode, put red selector knob in “STOP.” Operate black selector knob “YES,” “NO ,” “YES.” The message “SETUP?” will be displayed for 10 seconds. CHANGESETTINGS VIEWSETTINGS? VIEWDIAGNOSTICS ? EXITSETUP? SETUP? YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES Toggle “NO ” to select between English and other languages for setup dialogue. YES YES YES YES SETUPIN ITALIAN? NO SETUPIN PORTUGUESE? NO SETUPIN KATAKANA? NO SETUPIN TURKISH? NO SETUPIN INDONESIAN? NO Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 41 Figure 4.2 – Main menu selections CLOSE TORQUE OPEN TORQUE IDENTICAL LIMITS, KEEP CLOSED LIMIT? IDENTICAL LIMITS, KEEP OPEN LIMIT? STATUS PROP BAND FAIL POSITION DEADBAND POLARITY DELAY HIGH SIGNAL LOW SIGNAL STANDARD REMOTE CONTROL NEGATIVE SWITCHING NOTE 1: These are optional displays that will not appear unless purchased. STATUS ANALOG SCALE MODE PROP/DEADBAND STATUS PROTOCOL/BAUD RATE NETWORK ADDRESS ANALOG SCALE ESD ACTION PROP/DEADBAND OFFSET RELAY FUNCTION CONTACT OPEN/CLOSE STATUS POSITION ON PULSE TIME OFF PULSE TIME SETUP?SETUP IN ENGLISH ? CHANGE SETTINGS ENTE R PASSWORD VIEW SETTINGS VIEW DIAGNOSTICS EXIT SETUP? CHANGE/VIEW VALVE SETTINGS CHANGE TORQUE TIMER CHANGE/VIEW TORQUE SETUP CHANGE POSITION SETUP CHANGE/VIEW MODUTRONIC 1 CHANGE/VIEW DDC CHANGE/VIEW FF 1 1 CHANGE/VIEW STATUS & ALARM CHANGE/VIEW 2-SPEED TIMERS CHANGE/VIEW ANALOG OUT CHANGE/VIEW REMOTE MODE CHANGE/VIEW LOCAL CONTROL CHANGE/VIEW ESD OVERRIDES CHANGE/VIEW INPUTS CHANGE/VIEW MONITOR RELAY CHANGE DIAGNOSTIC RESET CHANGE TAG NUMBER CHANGE LCD CONTRAST CHANGE PASSWORD CHANGE/VIEW MOTOR THERMOSTAT CHANGE/VIEW VALVE JAM SETTINGS CHANGE/VIEW VALVE DATA CHANGE/VIEW PORT VIEW HARDWARE STATUS VIEW MOTOR STATUS VIEW ERROR CODE VIEW POWER SUPPLY VIEW IDENTIFICATION VIEW TORQUE PROFILE VIEW OPERATION LOG VIEW QA DATA CLOSE DIRECTION CLOSE SEATING OPEN SEATING SETUP IN ... MANDARIN? ESPANOL? GERMAN? RUSSIAN? FRANCAIS? YES NO YES YES YES NO YES NO YES 1 CHANGE/VIEW UNIT DATA CHANGE/VIEW BACKUP POWER VALVE S/N VALVE MODEL # VALVE TYPE CUSTOM CONTROL1 CHANGE/VIEW PB CHANGE/VIEW DN STATUS ANALOG SCALE MODE PROP/DEADBAND STATUS ANALOG SCALE MODE PROP/DEADBAND ITALIAN? PORTUGESE? INDONESIAN? KATAKANA? TURKISH? NO Figure 4.3 – Changing settings YES NO NONO NONO NO NONO NO NO NO NO NO NO NONO NONO NO NONO NO NONO NO NONO NO CHANGEPB/DP? CHANGEFF? CHANGE2-SPEED TIMER? NOTE: See topic list for appropriate page for each setting. CHANGE SETTINGS ? CHANGEPB/PA? CHANGEDEVICENET? CHANGE STATUS&ALARM CONTACTS? CHANGEDDC? CHANGEDDC? NO NO NO RESTRICTEDSETUP? CHANGE BACK-UPPOWER? CHANGEPORT? CHANGE VALV EDATA? CHANGE MOTORTHERMOSTAT? CHANGETORQUE BOOST? CHANGEPASSWORD? CHANGELCD CONTRAST? CHANGEMONITOR RELAY? CHANGEDIAGNOSTIC RESET? CHANGETAG? CHANGEINPUTS? CHANGELOCAL CONTROL? CHANGEREMOTE MODE? CHANGE ESDOVERRIDES? CHANGEANALOG OUT?CHANGEMODUTRONIC? CHANGEPOSITIONSETUP? CHANGETORQUE SETUP? CHANGEVALVE SETUP? CHANGETORQUE TIMER? ENTERPASSWORD Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 42 4.2 Password Entry Default = 100 Unauthorized entry to the “CHANGE SETTINGS?” mode is prevented by a password protection feature. If password protection is not required, the password may be set to “000.” The user will not be prompted to enter a password when the password is set to “000.” 1. Enter the password digit by digit. The password is a three-digit number, ranging from 000-999. The factory default is 100. 2. If the wrong password is entered, re-enter the correct one. After three attempts to enter the correct password, a recovery screen will appear. The screen will display a serial number that can be used for password recovery. A password recovery service is available. Contact Limitorque service coordinator at (434) 528-4400. Figure 4.4 – Password entry “ NO ” alters digit CHANGE SETTINGS? ENTE R PASSWORD? "0" 0 0 DIGIT 1 OK? 1 "0" 0 DIGIT 2 OK? 1 0 "0 " DIGIT 3 OK? PASSWORD IS 100 OK? VALVE SETUP? “ NO ” alters digit “ NO ” alters digit WRONG PASSWORD RETRY? EXIT SETUP? SETUP? "1" 0 0 DIGIT 1 OK? % OPE N STATUS OK If password correct If password incorrect YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES 4.3 New Password The password may be changed from the default of 100 to a customer-selected value as indicated in Figure 4.5. The new password becomes effective as soon as the operator answers “YES” to the “RECORD PASSWORD?” display. NOTE: Take care to record the new password in a secure location to ensure its retrieval in the future, yet prevent unauthorized access to the actuator “SETUP” routine. If password protection is not required, the password may be set to “000.” The user will not be prompted to enter a password when the password is set to “000.” Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 43 Figure 4.5 – New password Digit 1 will be in parentheses; “ NO ” alters digit 1 Digit 2 will be in parentheses; “ NO ” alters digit 2 Digit 3 will be in parentheses; “ NO ” alters digit 3 CHANGE PASSWORD PASSWORD IS (0)0 0 DIGIT 1-OK? PASSWORD IS 4(0) 0 DIGIT 2-OK? PASSWORD IS 42(0) DIGIT 3-OK? PASSWORD IS 423 PASSWORD OK? RECORD PASSWORD 423-OK? NO NO NO NO NO YES YES YES YES YES YES 4.4 Valve Setup Valve setup enables the actuator to be changed to suit the type of valve that it is mounted on. 4.4.1 Close Direction Default = CW to Close The majority of valves require clockwise (CW) rotation of the actuator drive sleeve when viewed from above the actuator. 1. Engage manual override and check whether the valve closes with CW or CCW rotation of the handwheel. 2. Select “NO” until the required direction is displayed, then “YES.” NOTE: If in doubt as to valve seating, consult the valve manufacturer. NOTE: For torque seated valves, ensure that the “POSITION” limit is not set at “TORQUE” seat. It is recommended that the “POSITION” limit be set approximately one handwheel turn (360˚) in the opposite direction from the “TORQUE” seat. 4.4.2 Close Seating Default = Position Seating 1. Configure the actuator to close on “TORQUE” limit for seating valve types such as wedge gate and globe. 2. Select “POSITION” limit for valve types such as ball, butterfly, plug, sluice gate, parallel slide, knife gate, and through conduit. 3. Select “NO” until the required seating is displayed. 4. Select “YES.” 4.4.3 Open Seating Default = Position Seating The majority of valves, regardless of their construction, seat on position limit in the open direction. Some valves are “back-seating” and require torque limit in the open direction. 1. Select “NO” until the required seating is displayed. 2. Select “YES” to return to the “VALVE SETUP?” display. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 44 4.5 Torque Switch Timer Torque switch timer permits a user to select a time for the torque switch to time out once the actuator determines that it has reached its torque seat. The torque switch timer can be adjusted from one (1) second to a maximum of fifteen (15) seconds. The default is five (5) seconds. NOTE: It should be noted that the purpose of this feature is to ensure that the torque sensing has shut off the motor after a brief period of time. It is an additional safety feature to prevent the actuator from reaching a stall torque. If operating in torque seating for either open or close torque seating, a backup timer can be used to halt the actuator to protect the valve in case the actuator does not torque out after it has passed the expected limit. 1. From “VALVE SETUP?” select “NO” to enter “CHANGE TORQUE TIMER” routine. This option will only appear if either the open or close valve setting is set to torque seating. 2. Select “YES” to change setting. If “NO” is selected, the “POSITION SETUP?” routine will be entered. 4.5.1 Status Default = ON 1. Select “NO” to change torque timer status to “OFF”. If “OFF” is selected you will not advance to timer selection for that direction. 4.5.2 Torque Timer The timer value is how long in seconds that the unit will run once it has passed the expected position limit. Default = 5 seconds 1. Select “NO” to increase the timer value. The timer is configurable from 1-15 seconds. The counter will wrap around to 1 second when you attempt to increase after 15 seconds. NOTE: If the unit is only setup for open torque seating, then only the open torque timer will be available to change. This is the same with close torque seating and the close torque timer. If both open and close torque seating are selected then you will be prompted to change close torque timer first, followed by open torque timer. Figure 4.6 – Torque Switch Timer YES1 YES5 YES2 YES4 YES6 YES8 CHANGE TORQUE SETUP? CHANGE TORQUE TIMERS?CLOSE TORQUE TIMER ON/OFF OK?CLOSE TORQUE TIMER #SEC OK?OPEN TORQUE TIMER ON/OFF OK? NO9 NO YES3 NO10 YES CHANGE VALVE SETUP? OPEN TORQUE TIMER #SEC OK? 1 - 15 SEC DEFAULT 5 SEC 1 - 15 SEC DEFAULT 5 SEC DEFAULT ON DEFAULT ON YES YES7 Note 1: YES & CLOSE Torque Seated Note 2: YES & OPEN Torque Seated CLOSE Position Seated Note 3: YES & TIMER OFF Note 4: YES & TIMER ON Note 5: YES & TIMER OFF & OPEN Torque Seated Note 6: YES & OPEN Torque Seated Note 7: YES & TIMER OFF Note 8: YES & TIMER ON Note 9: NO & Open or Close Torque Seated Note 10: NO & OPEN/CLOSE Position Seated Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 45 4.6 Torque Setup The output torque can be changed between 40% and 100% of the rated torque as follows: 1. From “VALVE SETUP?” or “CHANGE TORQUE TIMER?” (if enabled) select “NO” to enter the “TORQUE SETUP?” routine. 2. Select “YES” to change the settings. If “NO” is selected, the “POSITION SETUP?” routine will be entered. NOTE: Except for arctic temperature actuators (-30°C or below), which permit torque to be changed from 60%-100%. WARNING: The MX and QX actuators are factory tested to establish torque settings of each unit. The “Customer set torque” is confirmed at EOL (End of Line) testing in both Open and Closed directions and recorded on the EOL test report. This test report is shipped with each actuator and is located in the terminal compartment. If it is not available, please contact the factory @ 434-528-4400. Once the actuator torque has been set, any modification of the torque setup EOL limiter may cause the actuator warranty to be voided. Do not exceed the setting as displayed on the LCD screen without contacting the Limitorque Service department. Warning messages have been added to the LCD screen to alert the User to the potential for damaging the valve or actuator. 4.6.1 Close Torque Valve or Open Torque Valve The output torque from the actuator to close or open the valve may be configured between 40% and 100% of the rated torque (as stated on the actuator nameplate), in 1% increments (unless limited by the factory). To Increase the % of Torque Required: 1. Select “NO” until the desired % is indicated. 2. Select “YES” to save the required torque. Should the user select a maximum torque setting less than 100% due to valve or gearbox limitations, this selection can be password protected. Figure 4.7 – MX Nameplate Figure 4.8 – Torque setup YES YES (40%-100%) NO (40%-100%) YES NO NO (Adjustable in 1% increments) TORQUE SETUP? CLOSE TORQUE VALUE (100%)-OK?OPEN TORQUE VALUE (100%)-OK? Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 46 4.7 Position Setup Change Settings Menu. After successfully entering the password, answer “NO” to the Change Settings menu prompts until you reach the prompt “CHANGE POSITION SETUP?” Answer “YES.” 4.7.1 Set Position Limits for Electrical Operation 1. Set closed valve position. At the “CLOSE VALVE–OK?” prompt, move the red control knob to “LOCAL.” Hold the black control knob in the “CLOSE” position until the valve has reached the desired position. Move the red control knob to “STOP.” 2. Set the open valve position. At the “OPEN VALVE–OK?” prompt, move the red control knob to “LOCAL.” Hold the black control knob in the “OPEN” position until the valve has reached the desired position. Move the red control knob to “STOP.” 3. Inspect for correct operation. If the position limits are set adjacent to each other then an error message will be displayed: “KEEP OPEN (CLOSE) LIMIT?” The position calibration is now complete. The actuator will function as ordered. Inspect for correct operation by running actuator electrically. NOTE: For torque seated valves, ensure that the Position limit is not set at torque seat. It is recommended that the Position limit be set approximately one handwheel turn (360˚) in the opposite direction from the torque seat. a CAUTION: On some valves, position limits could be set adjacent to each other, so be careful that the Close and Open limits are set sufficiently apart to permit operation. If the limits are set adjacent of each other, an error message will be displayed: “KEEP OPEN(CLOSE) LIMIT?” NO FURTHER MOVEMENT IS PERMITTED UNTIL THE ERROR IS CORRECTED. Should the User elect to proceed with the setting, an error will be displayed on the screen after re-booting stating “IDENTICAL LIMITS”. THE ACTUATOR WILL NOT MOVE UNTIL THE ERROR IS CORRECTED. 4.7.2 Set Position Limits for Manual Operation 1. Set close position. At “SET CLOSE POSITION LIMIT?” answer “YES.” At “CLOSE VALVE-OK?” depress declutch lever and slowly rotate handwheel until clutch is fully engaged. Release declutch lever; the clutch will stay in hand- wheel mode. If the valve is fully closed, move the handwheel one turn in the open direction to allow for coasting of the motor. When valve is in the desired location, select “YES.” At “SAVE CLOSE LIMIT-OK?” select “YES” to set the close position or “NO” to adjust the setting. 2. Set open position. At “SET OPEN POSITION LIMIT?” select “YES” to get “OPEN VALVE-OK?.” Engage the clutch (see step 1). Valve should be fully opened. Move the handwheel one turn toward the closed position to allow for coasting of the motor. When valve is in the desired location, select “YES” again to set the open position or “NO” to adjust the setting. 3. Checking the settings. Turn the handwheel and verify that the open and close LED’s function correctly (see Checking the Settings). If adjustments are necessary, select “NO” to return to “CHANGE POSITION SETUP?” and repeat from step 1. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 47 Figure 4.9 – Electrical operation “NO ” operates close direction “YES ” operates open direction Enter “SETUP ” mode OPEN VALVERETURN TO STOP OPEN VALVEOK?SAVE OPENLIMIT OK? SETUP? CLOSE VALV ERETURN TO STOP SAVE CLOSELIMIT OK?CLOSE VALV EOK?CLOSE VALVEOK? EXITSETUP? 100% OPENSTATUS OK? SET CLOSEPOSITION LIMIT? YES YES YES2 YES YES YES YES YES2 NO NO NO NO NO YES1 NONO NO NO STO P STOPSTOP LOCAL Switch to LOCAL Switch to OPEN VALV EOK? SET OPENPOSITION LIMIT? YES NONO SET POSITIONPRECISION?POSITIONXXX% OPEN? YES NONO POSITIONXXX.X% OPEN? NO IDENTICAL LIMITSKEEP OPEN LIMIT? YES NO IDENTICAL LIMITSKEEP CLOSE LIMIT? YES NO YES YES YES1 NOTE 1:If open and close limits are not identical NOTE 2:If open and close limits are identical Figure 4.10 – Handwheel operation Declutch actuator; Rotate handwheel to “ CLOS E ” position limit Rotate handwheel to “ OPEN ” position limit OPEN VALVE OK ? SAVE OPEN LIMIT OK? SAVE CLOS E LIMIT OK? CLOSE VALVE OK ? SET CLOS E POSITION LIMIT? SET OPEN POSITION LIMIT? YE S STO P YE S YE S YE S YE S YE S NO NO NO NO NO NO Enter “SETUP ” modeSETUP? YES SET POSITIONPRECISION?POSITIONXXX% OPEN? YES NONO POSITIONXXX.X% OPEN? NO YES YES Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 48 4.8 Modutronic Option The Modutronic option enables the actuator to be controlled via a milliamp input signal. • If the Modutronic option has been purchased, it is automatically calibrated when position limits are set. No further adjustments are required, unless the defaults do not suit the application. • If the Modutronic option has not been purchased, the screens for changing Modutronic will not be available. To add the Modutronic option, please consult Limitorque service at (434) 528-4400. 4.8.1 Status Default = OFF 1. Select “NO” to change Modutronic status to “ON.” If “OFF” is selected, no further menus will be displayed. 4.8.2 Proportional Band Proportional band is the range of errors between position and demand signal that will produce reduced speed (pulsing). Default = 5% To change from the default, select “NO” until the required value is displayed. The value is adjustable between 1% and 100%, in 1% increments. 4.8.3 Fail Position Fail position enables the customer to change the response of the actuator on loss of the milliamp signal. Default = “CLOSE” Position Fail position takes effect when the signal level falls below 2 mA or above 20.5 mA. To Change the Default Position: Select “NO” to choose whether the valve moves to “CLOSE” position, or “OPEN” position, or “STOP” (stops) in its present position at the time of signal failure. 4.8.4 Deadband Default = 2% The deadband should be wide enough to prevent “hunting” of the actuator but as low as possible to give adequate response to changes in the error signal. To Change from the Default: Select “NO” to adjust the value between 1% and 50%, in 1% increments to suit the application, or 0.5% to 50.0% if the position precision is set to XXX.X%. 4.8.5 Polarity (20 mA) Polarity allows the user to change the valve position corresponding to the maximum milliamp value. Default Setting is: 20 mA = Full Open Select “NO” to select the required position of the valve that is to correspond to the maximum signal level of 20 mA. Choose between: 20 mA = Full Close or Full Open. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 49 4.8.6 Delay After Stop Default setting = 0 seconds To change from the default setting, select “NO” to adjust the length of delay time after the actuator stops modulating. The delay after stop is adjustable from 0-60 seconds. Figure 4.11 – Modutronic option 4.8.7 4-20 mA Signal Range Signal range allows the user to change the signal range from the default range. Default Setting is for High Reference = 20 mA (High Reference can also be scaled to some older 10-50mA instrumenta- tion systems. A 166.66 Ohm resistor should be placed across the milliamp inputs when scaled from 10-50 mA.) Default Setting for Low Reference = 4 mA To change signal range (i.e. 4 mA-12 mA or 12 mA-20 mA or others) answer “YES.” Proceed from “SET HIGH REFERENCE” to “SET HIGH REFERENCE - OK?” A “YES” answer will require the use of a calibrator. If no, change to the signal range is required, answer “NO” and return to “CHANGE MODUTRONIC?” dialog. 4.8.8 Set High Reference Default = 20 mA 1. Select “NO” to accept pre-existing setting (no change). 2. Select “YES” to enter the display “APPLY HIGH LEVEL CONTROL SIGNAL.” 3. Apply this signal to terminal 19 and 20 indicated on the wiring diagram. 4. Select “YES” again to record this signal as the high reference. See Figure 4.10. 4.8.9 Set Low Reference Default = 4 mA 1. Select “NO” to move from “SET HIGH REFERENCE” to “SET LOW REFERENCE.” 2. Select “YES” to enter the display “APPLY LOW LEVEL CONTROL SIGNAL.” 3. Using a calibrator, apply the low signal, and select “YES” to record this signal as the low reference. YES YES (OFF) (ON) YES YES YES (1%-100%) 1% increments (0.1%-100%)0.1% increments* * Only if SET POSITION PRECISION is set for XXX.X% OPEN (0.1%-50%)0.1% increments* (OPEN ) (STOP) (1%-50%) 1% increments YES YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES CHANGE MODUTRONIC? STATUS (ON)-OK? PROP BAND (15%)-OK? FAIL POSITION (CLOSE)-OK? DEADBAND (2%)-OK? POLARITY 20 m A=OPEN-OK? D ELAY AFTER STO P 0 SECONDS-OK? 4-20 mA SIGNAL RANGE? SET LO W REFERENCE-OK? SET HIGH REFERENCE-OK? POLARITY 20 mA-CLOSE-OK? D ELAY AFTER STO P 60 SECONDS-OK? Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 50 Figure 4.12 – Modutronic signals NO YES YES To “ SET LOW REFERENCE ” YES YES YES “ CHANGE MODUTRONIC” YES NO NO Flow to “ CHANGE MODUTRONIC ” NO NO NO SET HIGH REFERENCE-OK? A PPLY HIGH LEVEL C ONTROL SIGNA L HIGH REFERENCE (OK)-EXIT SET LO W REFERENCE-OK? APPLY L OW LEVEL C ONTROL SIGNA L LOW REFERENCE (OK)-EXIT 4.8.10 Modutronic LCD Display When the Modutronic option has been purchased, is set to “ON,” and the red selector switch is in “REMOTE,” the normal LCD display will read: XXX% OPEN XXX% DEMAND XXX.X% OPENXXX.X% DEMAND * * If SET POSITION PRECISION is set to XXX.X% OPEN XXX% Demand is the percentage value of the milliamp input signal. 4.9 DDC/Modbus Option DDC option enables the actuator to be controlled by an RS-485 serial communication signal. If the DDC option has been purchased, it is automatically enabled. The customer must set the DDC address. NOTE: If the DDC option has not been purchased, the screens for changing DDC will not be available. To add the DDC option, please consult Limitorque service at (434) 528-4400. The MX is equipped with the ability to either hardwire to digital inputs for control, set-up for analog control (Modutronic), or control via network protocols. In order to utilize this feature, then select “Multi-control mode” operation located in Section 4.16, Remote Mode. This is the default setting for remote control. There are three modes of remote control when remote mode is configured for multi control: digital control, analog control, and network control. Digital and network control operation is based on the last command received. Analog operation is initiated by either toggling user input 2 (configure for CSE input) or breaking and reapplying the analog control. 4.9.1 Status Default = ON DDC Status enables user to change from the default condition to turn on and off the digital control capability of the actuator. To Change from the Default Setting: Select “NO” to switch DDC to “OFF.” If “OFF” is selected, no further menus will be displayed. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 51 4.9.2 Network Address Default = 1 Network address allows user to assign a unique network address to an actuator. 1. The network address must be entered in accordance with the Instrument Data Sheet, and care must be taken to ensure that the same address is not used anywhere else in the same network. 2. Select “NO” for small incremental changes or hold it continuously in that position for larger changes until the required value is displayed. The address may be set at any value between 001 and 250. 4.9.3 Protocol Default = Modbus RTU 9600 Baud Protocol changes the communication language/speed from the default to match the application. To Change from the Default Language: Select “NO” to choose between MODBUS, ASCII, or RTU, and the baud rate depending on the design of the DDC system. Refer to the contract documentation. 4.9.4 Analog Scale Default = 0-100 Analog scale allows the user to change the scaling of the analog input from the default. To Change from the Default Range: Select “NO” until the required scale is displayed. 0-255 and 0-4095 counts are available. 4.9.5 ESD Action A network ESD function can be enabled after the ESD configuration has been established for the unit. This network ESD can be selected to either ignore the command; Close, Open, Stop, or Position the actuator. Figure 4.13 – DDC YES NO CHANGEDDC? (ON) YES NO STATUS(OFF)-OK? (CLOSE) (OPEN) (STOP) (POSITION) YES NO ESD ACTION(IGNORE)-OK? (CLOSE) (OPEN) (STOP) (POSITION) YES NO COMM LOSS ACTION(NONE)-OK? (0-4095) YES NO COMM LOSS DELAY(60 SEC)-OK? (ASCII) YES NO MODBUSRTU-OK? (0-100%) **YES NO MOVE TOXXX% OPEN (0-100%) YES NO MOVE TOXXX% OPEN (2400-19.2K) YES NO BAUD RATE9600-OK? (1-250) YES NO DDC ADDRESS1-OK? (0-255) (0-4095) YES NO ANALOG SCALE(0-100)-OK YES NO CHANGE PROPDEAD BAND? (1-100%) YES NO PROP BAND(8%)-OK? (1-?%) YES NO DEADBAND(2%) * If POSITION is chosen, as action, this menu will appear. NOTE: These settings are the same for multi-drop standard DDC on main board and DDC network board. If customer has both, then they will have the same settings. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 52 4.9.6 Proportional Band Proportional band is the range of errors between position and demand signal that will produce reduced speed (pulsing). Default = 5% To change from the default, select “NO” until the required value is displayed. The value is adjustable between 1% and 100%, in 1% increments. 4.9.7 Deadband Default = 2% The deadband should be wide enough to prevent “hunting” of the actuator but as low as possible to give adequate response to changes in the error signal. To Change from the Default Range: Select “NO” to adjust the value between 0.5% and 50%, in 0.5% increments to suit the application. 4.9.8 Offset Default = 4 mA/20 mA No options are available. Select “YES.” 0-10 VDC is available on all units shipped after 6/01/03. 4.9.9 Move To If positioning is selected as an action, then the Move To dialog will appear. Position is configurable from 0-100%. 4.9.10 Comm Loss Delay Default = 60 sec. The User may select the amount of time delay before communication loss is flagged to the network. This selection is configurable from 120 seconds. 4.9.11 Comm Loss Action Default = None The User may select what action the actuator should take when network communication is interrupted. This action is configurable as Close, Open, Stop, Position. 4.10 FF Option FF option enables the actuator to be controlled by a Foundation Fieldbus communications signal. If the option has been purchased, it is automatically enabled. A Fieldbus System configuration tool must be used by the customer to set the FF address. NOTE: If the FF option has not been purchased, the screens for changing FF will not be available. To add the FF option, please consult Limitorque service at (434) 528-4400. The MX is equipped with the ability to either hardwire to digital inputs for control, set-up for analog control (Modutronic), or control via network protocols. In order to utilize this feature, then select “Multi-control mode” operation located in Section 4.16, Remote Mode. This is the default setting for remote control. There are three modes of remote control when remote mode is configured for multi control: digital control, analog control, and network control. Digital and network control operation is based on the last command received. Analog operation is initiated by either toggling user input 2 (configure for CSE input) or breaking and reapplying the analog control. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 53 4.10.1 Status Default = ON FF Status enables user to change from the default condition to turn on and off the digital control capability of the actuator. 4.10.2 Analog Scale Default = 0-100 Analog scale allows the user to change the scaling of the analog input from the default. To Change from the Default Range: Select “NO” until the required scale is displayed. 0-255 and 0-4095 counts are available. 4.10.3 ESD Action A network ESD function can be enabled after the ESD configuration has been established for the unit. This network ESD can be selected to either ignore the command; Close, Open, Stop, or Position the actuator. 4.10.4 OPEN/CLOSE Mode Default = YES To select operation as typically ”OPEN” or “CLOSE,” select “YES.” To select operation as position mode, select “NO.” 4.10.5 Proportional Band Proportional band is the range of errors between position and demand signal that will product reduced speed (pulsing). Default = 5% To change from default, select “NO” until the required value is displayed. The value is adjustable between 1% and 100%, in 1% increments. 4.10.6 Deadband Default = 2% The deadband should be wide enough to prevent “hunting” of the actuator but as low as possible to give adequate response to changes in the error signal. To change from default, select “NO” to adjust the value between 1% and 50%, in 1% increments to suit the application. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 54 Figure 4.14 – FF 4.10.7 Comm Loss Delay Default = 60 sec. The User may select the amount of time delay before communication loss is flagged to the network. This selection is configurable from 120 seconds. 4.10.8 Comm Loss Action Default = None The User may select what action the actuator should take when network communication is interrupted. This action is configurable as Close, Open, Stop, Position. 4.11 PB Option PB option enables the actuator to be controlled by a Profibus communications signal. If the option has been purchased, it is automatically enabled. A Fieldbus System configuration tool must be used by the customer to set the PB address. NOTE: If the PB option has not been purchased, the screens for changing PB will not be available. To add the PB option, please consult Limitorque service at (434) 528-4400. MX Multi-control Mode Operation - The MX is equipped with the ability to either hardwire to digital inputs for control, set-up for analog control (Modutronic), or control via network protocols. In order to utilize this feature, then select “Multi-control mode” operation located in Section 4.16, Remote Mode. This is the default setting for remote control. There are three modes of remote control when remote mode is configured for multi control: digital control, analog control, and network control. Digital and network control operation is based on the last command received. Analog operation is initiated by either toggling user input 2 (configure for CSE input) or breaking and reapplying the analog control. NO (OFF) YES NO NO NO YES YESYES YES (1%-100%)1% Increments (1%-50%)1% Increments CHANGE FF? STATUS (ON)-OK? YES CHANGE PROP/DEADBAND? NO YES DEADBAND(2%)-OK?PROP BAND(15%)-OK? NO OPEN/CLOSEMODE-OK? POSITIONMODE-OK? (CLOSE) (OPEN) (STOP) (POSITION) YES NO ESD ACTION(IGNORE)-OK? (CLOSE) (OPEN) (STOP) (POSITION) YES YES NO COMM LOSS ACTION(NONE)-OK? (0-4095)NO COMM LOSS DELAY(60 SEC)-OK? (0-100%) **YES NO MOVE TOXXX% OPEN (0-100%) YES NO MOVE TOXXX% OPEN * If POSITION is chosen, as action, this menu will appear. NO(0-255) (0-4095) YES ANALOG SCALE0-100-OK? Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 55 Figure 4.15 – Profibus DP 4.11.1 Status Default = ON PB Status enables user to change from the default condition to turn on and off the digital control capability of the actuator. 4.11.2 PB DP Operation Figure 4.15 illustrates the setup sequence for the MX/QX PB DP field unit. For proper operation, either Position Mode or Open/Close Mode must be selected. Follow these steps to enter and configure the setup mode: 1. Proceed through the Setup to the CHANGE PBDP? display. 2. Select YES to proceed to the PBDP-A STATUS (ON)-OK? display. PBDP-A Status enables the user to change from the default condition to turn on and off the digital control capability of the actuator. 3. Select YES to proceed to the PBDP-B STATUS (ON)-OK? display. PBDP-B Status enables the user to change from the default condition to turn on and off the redundant digital control capability of the actuator, if installed. 4. Select YES to proceed to the REDUNDANT MASTER (YES)-OK? display. Selecting REDUNDANT MASTER will allow for System Redundancy with two independent connections to Profibus masters. REDUNDANT MASTER must be set to NO for Flying Redundancy (single Profibus master connection). 5. If YES is selected, MONITOR STANDBY PB (ON)-OK? is displayed. 6. To allow the standby Profibus master to monitor the health of the actuator’s standby PB DP board, select YES. 7. The unit will display PB ADDRESS 1–OK? If OK, select YES. If NO, select different address (1-125). 8. Select YES to proceed to the ANALOG SCALE display. 9. From ANALOG SCALE, if the default value of 0-100 is OK, select YES. If not, select NO. 10. If YES is selected, ESD ACTION (IGNORE) – OK? is displayed. 11. For ignoring ESD ACTION, select YES. For setting ESD ACTION, select NO. If POSITION is chosen as action, ESD MOVE TO (XXX%)-OK? is displayed. Select NO to set desired position. * YES NO CHANGE PB/DP? YES NO PBDP-A STATUS (ON)-OK? YES NO PBDP-B STATUS (ON)-OK? YES NO MONITOR STANDBY PB (ON)-OK? YES NO(0-125)Unit increments PB ADRESS1 OK? YES NO(0-255)(0-4095) ANALOG SCALE 0-100-OK? YES NO REDUNDANT MASTER (YES)-OK? YES NO(CLOSE)(OPEN)(STOP)(POSITION) COMMLOSS ACTION (NONE)-OK? YES NO(0-100%) ESD MOVE TO (XXX%)-OK? YES NO(0-4095) COMMLOSS DELAY 60 SECS-OK? YES NO(CLOSE)(OPEN)(STOP)(POSITION) ESD ACTION (IGNORE)-OK? *YES NO(0-100%) MOVE TO (XXX%)-OK? YES NO OPEN/CLOSE MODE-OK? YES POSITION MODE-OK? YES NO CHANGE PROP/ DEAD BAND? YES NO(1%-100%)1% Increments PROP BAND (15%)-OK? YES NO(1%-50%)1% Increments DEADBAND (2%)-OK? * If POSITION is chosen, as action, this menu will appear. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 56 12. If YES is selected, COMM LOSS ACTION (NONE) – OK? is displayed. 13. For no COMM LOSS ACTION, select YES. For setting COMM LOSS ACTION, select NO. If POSITION is chosen, as action, COMM LOSS MOVE TO (XXX%)-OK? is displayed. Select NO to set desired position. 14. If YES is selected, COMM LOSS DELAY (60 SEC) – OK? is displayed. 15. For a 60-second delay, select YES. Otherwise, select NO until the required value is displayed. 16. If YES is selected, OPEN/CLOSE MODE-OK? is displayed. 17. For OPEN/CLOSE MODE, select YES. For POSITION MODE, select NO. In position mode, the host device can set the valve position to any desired value; in OPEN/CLOSE MODE the host can only fully open or fully close the valve. The user must locally configure one of these two modes. 18. Proceed to configure the proportional band and deadband as discussed in the next sections. 4.11.3 Comm Loss Delay Default = 60 sec. The User may select the amount of time delay before communication loss is flagged to the network. This selection is configurable from 120 seconds. 4.11.4 Comm Loss Action Default = None The User may select what action the actuator should take when network communication is interrupted. This action is configurable as Close, Open, Stop, Position. Figure 4.16 – Profibus PA NO(OFF) YES NO NO NO YES YESYES YES (1%-100%)1% Increments (1%-50%)1% Increments CHANGE PB/PA?STATUS(ON)-OK? YES CHANGE PROP/DEADBAND? NO YES DEADBAND(2%)-OK?PROP BAND(15%)-OK? NO OPEN/CLOSEMODE-OK? POSITIONMODE-OK? NO YES NO YES PB ADDRESS(1)-OK? (1-125)Unit Increments (CLOSE) (OPEN) (STOP) (POSITION) YES NO ESD ACTION(IGNORE)-OK? (CLOSE) (OPEN) (STOP) (POSITION) YESYES NO COMM LOSS ACTION(NONE)-OK? (0-4095)NO COMM LOSS DELAY(60 SEC)-OK? (0-100%) **YES NO MOVE TOXXX% OPEN (0-100%) YES NO MOVE TOXXX% OPEN * If POSITION is chosen, as action, this menu will appear. ANALOG SCALE0-100-OK? Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 57 4.12 DN Option DN option enables the actuator to be controlled by a DeviceNet communications signal. If the option has been purchased, it is automatically enabled. A DeviceNet System configuration tool must be used by the customer to set the DN address. NOTE: If the DN option has not been purchased, the screens for changing DN will not be available. To add the DN option, please consult Limitorque service at (434) 528-4400. The MX is equipped with the ability to either hardwire to digital inputs for control, set-up for analog control (Modutronic), or control via network protocols. In order to utilize this feature, then select “Multi-control mode” operation located in Section 4.16, Remote Mode. This is the default setting for remote control. There are three modes of remote control when remote mode is configured for multi control: digital control, analog control, and network control. Digital and network control operation is based on the last command received. Analog operation is initiated by either toggling user input 2 (configure for CSE input) or breaking and reapplying the analog control. 4.12.1 Status Default = ON DN Status enables user to change from the default condition to turn on and off the digital control capability of the actuator. 4.12.2 Baud Rate Default = 125K Baud Baud rate changes the communication speed from the default to match the application. To Change from the Default Speed: Select “NO” to choose between 125k, 250k, 500k baud rate depending on the design of the DN system. Refer to the contract documentation. 4.12.3 Network Address Default = 1 Network address allows user to assign a unique network address to an actuator. 1. The network address must be entered in accordance with the Instrument Data Sheet, and care must be taken to ensure that the same address is not used anywhere else in the same network. 2. Select “NO” for small incremental changes or hold it continuously in that position for larger changes until the required value is displayed. The address may be set at any value between 001 and 63. 4.12.4 Analog Scale Default = 0-100 Analog scale allows the user to change the scaling of the analog input from the default. To Change from the Default Range: Select “NO” until the required scale is displayed. 0-255 and 0-4095 counts are available. 4.12.5 ESD Action A network ESD function can be enabled after the ESD configuration has been established for the unit. This network ESD can be selected to either “IGNORE” the network command; or Close, Open, Stop, Position the actuator. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 58 4.12.6 Proportional Band Proportional band is the range of errors between position and demand signal that will produce reduced speed (pulsing). Default = 5% To change from the default, select “NO” until the required value is displayed. The value is adjustable between 1% and 100%, in 1% increments. 4.12.7 Deadband Default = 2% The deadband should be wide enough to prevent “hunting” of the actuator but as low as possible to give adequate response to changes in the error signal. To Change from the Default Range: Select “NO” to adjust the value between 1% and 50%, in 1% increments to suit the application. Figure 4.17 – DN option DNET ADDRESSNET CTRL-OK?ANALOG SCALE(0-100)-OK * If POSITION is chosen, as action, this menu will appear. YES NO (ON) YES NO (CLOSE) (OPEN) (STOP) (POSITION) YES NO ESD ACTION(IGNORE)-OK? (CLOSE) (OPEN) (STOP) (POSITION) YES NO COMM LOSS ACTION(NONE)-OK? (0-4095) YES NO (ASCII) YES NO (0-100%) **YES NO MOVE TOXXX% OPEN (0-100%) YES NO MOVE TOXXX% OPEN (2400-115.2K) YES NO (1-250) YES NO YES NO CHANGE PROPDEAD BAND? (1-100%) YES NO PROP BAND(8%)-OK? (1-?%) YES NO DEADBAND(2%) CHANGEDEVICENET?STATUS(OFF)-OK?BAUD RATEAUTO-OK? COMM LOSS DELAY(60 SEC)-OK? 4.12.8 Comm Loss Delay Default = 60 sec. The User may select the amount of time delay before communication loss is flagged to the network. This selection is configurable from 120 seconds. 4.12.9 Comm Loss Action Default = None The User may select what action the actuator should take when network communication is interrupted. This action is configurable as Close, Open, Stop, Position. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 59 4.13 HART Option HART option enables the actuator to be controlled by a Highway Addressable Remote Transducer communications signal. If the option is purchased, it is automatically enabled. The device address is fixed for point-to-point connection, but must be set by customer for multi-drop topology. NOTE: If the HART option has not been purchased, the screens for changing HART will not be available. To add the HART option, please consult Limitorque service at (434) 528-4400. The MX is equipped with the ability to either hardwire to digital inputs for control, set-up for analog control (Modutronic), or control via network protocols. In order to utilize this feature, select “Multi-control mode” operation located in Section 4.16, Remote Mode. This is the default setting for remote control. There are three modes of remote control when remote mode is configured for multi-control: digital control, analog control, and network control. Digital and network control operation is based on the last command received. Analog operation is initiated be either toggling user input 2 (configure for CSE input) or breaking and reapplying the analog control signal. Figure 4.18 – HART 4.13.1 Status Default = ON HART Status enables user to change from the default condition to turn on and off the digital control capability of the actuator. 4.13.2 Multi-drop Default = Disabled MULTI-DROP (ENABLED) or (DISABLED) allows the user to select the desired network topology. To change the setting, select NO until the required option is displayed. Select YES if the setting is correct to go to the next display. NOTE: Changing the topology also requires that the network be wired correctly for the selected topology. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 60 4.13.3 Input Action Default = User Input INPUT ACTION allows the user to set the input action as USER INPUT or POSITION SETPOINT. NOTE: If MULTI-DROP ENABLED was chosen, skip to POLLING ADDRESS. Otherwise, FAIL POSITION display is shown. In multi-drop mode the input is digital only (write PV over network), so there is no analog fail action. 4.13.4 Fail Position Default = Close FAIL POSITION allows the user to configure the action desired upon loss of the analog input signal. The selections are CLOSE, OPEN, STOP, and POSITION. Select the desired setting and proceed to the next display. NOTE: If POSITION is chosen as the action, a MOVE TO display will be shown where the user can select the desired position between 0 and 100% open, in one percent increments, by selecting NO until the desired position is selected. Select YES once the setting is correct to go to the next display. 4.13.5 Polling Address Default = 0 POLLING ADDRESS allows the user to set the HART polling address of the unit. Point-to-Point units are typically set to address 0, and Multi-drop units are typically set from 1-63. HART 5 masters will always set Point-to-Point units to address 0. 4.13.6 Save Settings SAVE SETTINGS allows the user to save the settings and make them active. This can result in a change in the hardware configuration on the HART board to support the change in configuration. Select NO to return to STATUS and change settings. Select YES to save the HART configuration settings and go to additional network settings. NOTE: The configuration set in steps 1-6 will not be saved if the user does not select YES for SAVE SETTINGS. 4.13.7 Change Prop / Deadband CHANGE PROP / DEADBAND allows for the setting of proportional band and deadband. Proportional band is the range of errors between the position and demand signal that will produce reduced speed (pulsing). The default value is 5%. To change from default, select NO until the required value is displayed. The value is adjustable between 1% and 100%, in 1% increments. The default deadband value is 2%. For error signals less than this, no motion occurs. The deadband should be wide enough to prevent “hunting” of the actuator but as low as possible to give adequate response to changes in the error signal. To change from the default, select NO to adjust the value between 1% and 50%, in 1% increments to suit the application. 4.13.8 ESD Action Default = None ESD ACTION allows a network ESD function to be enabled after the ESD configuration has been established for the unit. This network ESD can be selected to do one of the following: ignore the command (NONE), CLOSE, OPEN, STOP, or POSITION the actuator. To change from the default setting, select NO until the required option is displayed. Select YES if the setting is correct to go to the next display. NOTE: If POSITION is chosen as the action, a MOVE TO display will be shown where the user can select the desired posi- tion between 0 and 100% open, in one percent increments, by selecting NO until the desired position is selected. Select YES once the setting is correct to go to the next display. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 61 4.13.9 Change Clock CHANGE CLOCK allows the user to select the real time clock settings. Select NO if you do not wish to set the clock and the menus will return to CHANGE HART. Select YES to enable clock and set YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, and SECOND values. SAVE CLOCK allows the clock settings to be saved. The clock is non-volatile if power is lost or the unit is reset, the clock must be set again. If the clock is enabled, the LCD will display “SET CLOCK” after a power cycle/reset. If the clock is not enabled, the LCD will not display “SET CLOCK”. The clock may also be set and read from the network via HART commands 89 and 90. If the clock is not set, the HART board will keep a running counter in place of the clock. 4.14 Status and Alarm Contacts The status and alarm contacts permit wiring to existing contacts for visibility of operation or fault conditions. (See wiring diagram for contact ratings.) The status contacts (S) and optional alarm contacts (R) may be configured to have any one of the following functions: • “CLOSING” – valve closing • “OPENING” – valve opening • “STOPPED” – valve stopped in mid-travel • “VALVE MOVING” – either direction • “LOCAL SELECTED” – red selector knob in “LOCAL” • “MOTOR OVERTEMP” – thermistor range exceeded • “OVERTORQUE” – torque exceeded in mid-travel • “MANUAL OVERRIDE” – actuator moved by handwheel • “VALVE JAMMED” – valve can’t move • “CLOSE TORQUE SW” – torque switch trip at “CLOSED” • “OPEN TORQUE SW” – torque switch trip at “OPEN” • “LOCAL STOP/OFF” – red selector knob at “STOP Selected” • “LOST PHASE” – one or more of three phases lost • “ESD SIGNAL” – signal active • “CLOSE INHIBIT” – close inhibit signal active • “OPEN INHIBIT” – open inhibit signal active • “ANALOG IP LOST” – 4-20 mA not present • “REMOTE SELECTED” – red selector in “REMOTE” • “LIMIGARD ACTIVE” – (future—LimiGard™ functionality is not affected) • “HARDWARE FAILURE” – indication • “NETWORK CONTROLLED” – permits relay control via DDC, FF, or other network driver • “CLOSE” – valve closed “(0% OPEN)” • “OPEN” – valve open “(100% OPEN)” • “MID-TRAVEL” – valve position, 1-99% open • “CSE CONTROL” – CSE station in LOCAL or STOP and controls actuator • “PS ACTIVE”, “PS PASSED”, “PS FAILED TARGET”, “PS FAILED RETURN” • “PS” – Partial Stroke, activated if PS is configured • “Run Load alarm - single phase only” 4.14.1 Status and Alarm Contact Default Settings All actuators are supplied with the following status or alarm (optional) contact default factory settings: Status Contacts S1a – Normally closed contact at valve fully Close S1b – Normally closed contact at valve fully Open Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 62 S2a – Normally open contact at valve fully Close S2b – Normally open contact at valve fully Open Alarm Contacts (Optional/requires I/O board) R1 – Normally closed contact at valve fully Close R5 – Motor Overtemp R2 – Normally closed contact at valve fully Open R6 – Remote Selected R3 – Normally open contact at valve fully Close R7 – Overtorque R4 – Normally open contact at valve fully Open R8 – Analog I/P (Input) To change any of the default settings: Select “CHANGE STATUS & ALARM CONTACTS?” from the “SETUP” routine. Select “YES” to enter the “SETUP” routine for each individual contact. Select “NO” until the particular contact is referenced in the display, then “YES” to make the changes. 4.14.2 Status Function Toggle “NO” through the range of functions, as listed, until the desired feature is displayed. Figure 4.19 – Status and alarm contacts (Shown with optional boards added) NO YES NO NO NO NO NO YES YES NO YES YES YES YES (CLOSE) (BLINKER) Same as changing status contact S1 Same as changing alarm contact R1 NO (Option) CHANGE STATUS & ALARM CONTACTS? CHANGE STATUS CONTACT S1a? CHANGE ALARMCONTACT R1? STATUS FUNCTION CLOSE? CONTACT (OPEN)-OK? STATUS FUNCTION(LOCAL SELECTED)?CONTACT(CLOSE)-OK? CONTACT S1b? CONTACT S2a? CONTACT S2b? CONTACT R2? CONTACT R3? CONTACT R4? CONTACT R5? CONTACT R6? CONTACT R7? CONTACT R8? Note: S1b, S2b are not configurable. They will change states from S1a, S2a. For example, if S1a is configured for normally closed, then S1b will be normally open. NO (DISABLE) YES ENABLE ALARMCONTACT R1? Status functions: 1. CLOSING 2. OPENING 3. STOPPED 4. VALVE MOVING 5. LOCAL SELECTED 6. MOTOR OVERTEMP 7. OVERTORQUE 8. MANUAL OVERRIDE 9. VALVE JAMMED 10. CLOSE TSW 11. OPEN TSW 12. LOCAL STOP/OFF 13. LOST PHASE 14. ESD SIGNAL 15. CLOSE INHIBIT 16. OPEN INHIBIT 17. ANALOG I/P LOST 18. REMOTE SELECTED 19. LIMIGARD ACTIVE 20. HARDWARE FAILURE 21. NETWORK CONTROLLED 22. CLOSE 23. OPEN 24. MID-TRAVEL 25. CSE CONTROL 26. PS ACTIVE 27. PS PASSED 28. PS FAILED TARGET 29. PS FAILED RETURN 4.14.3 Contact This mode allows the user to select the state of the contact when the function is active. Select “NO” to choose whether the contact is required to be normally closed, normally open, or blinker when the function is active. When “Blinker” has been selected, the contact will switch automatically between open and close (1 second open/1 second close). Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 63 4.14.4 Valve Position This display will appear only if the function “MID-TRAVEL POSITION” has been selected. Toggle “NO” until the display indicates the required value of percentage “OPEN” at which the contact should trip. If the contact has been selected as normally closed, then it will close when the trip point has been reached, with the actuator moving in the open direction. NOTE: Status contacts (S) and optional alarm (R) contacts are latching type and will remain in their last set position in the event of a main power supply failure. 4.15 Two-speed Timer (Optional) The optional two-speed timer extends the operating time of the actuator, in the closing and/or the opening direction, by pulsing the motor ON and OFF. Pulsing may be applied to full valve travel or only a part of it. The ON and OFF pulse times are adjustable. 1. Select “CHANGE 2-SPEED TIMERS?” 2. Select “YES” to enter the “CHANGE OPEN TIMER?” routine. 3. If slow opening is required, select “YES;” otherwise select “NO” to move into the “CHANGE CLOSE TIMER?” routine. 4.15.1 Status Select “NO” to switch the timer ON or OFF. If OFF, no further menus will be displayed. 4.15.2 Start Position If the Close or Open timer has been switched ON, pulsing will start when the set point is reached in the selected direc- tion and the actuator will continue pulsing until the valve reaches the desired “STOP” position. Select “NO” until the display indicates the required value of percentage OPEN at which the pulsing should start. Adjustable in 1% increments as listed: Closing = 0% to 99%. Opening = 1% to 100%. 4.15.3 Stop Position If the Close or Open timer has been switched ON, pulsing will commence as the valve moves out of its close position and the actuator will continue pulsing until stopped at the set point. Select “NO” until the display indicates the required value of percentage open at which the pulsing should stop. Adjustable in 1% increments as listed: Closing = 0% to 99%. Opening = 1% to 100%. 4.15.4 Pulse Time – ON This mode allows user to change the ON pulse time from the default setting. Default Setting = 2.0 Second Select “NO” until the required length of ON pulse is displayed. Adjustable between 1 and 20 seconds, in 0.5 second increments. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 64 Figure 4.20 – Two-speed timers NO YES YES YES YES YES YES NO NO YES YES YES YES YES NO YES NO NO NO NO (0% - 99%) (Start +1% - 99% ) (OFF) (OFF) (1% - 100%) 1% increments (1% - 100% ) 1% increments (1-20 sec) 0.5 sec increments (1-200 sec) 1.0 sec increments YES NO NO NO NO NO (1-20 sec) 0.5 sec increments (1-200 sec) 1.0 sec increments CHANGE 2-SPEED TIMERS? CHANGE OPEN TIME R STATUS (ON) OK? START POSITION (90% OPEN) STOP POSITIO N (100% OPEN) PULSE TIM E (ON=2 SEC)-OK? PULSE TIME (OFF=1 SEC)-OK? CHANGE CLOSE TIMER? STATUS (ON)-OK? START POSITION (10% OPEN) STOP POSITIO N (0% OPEN) PULSE TIM E (ON=2 SEC)-OK? PULSE TIM E (OFF=1 SEC)-OK? 4.15.5 Pulse Time – OFF This mode allows user to change the OFF pulse time from the default setting. Default Setting = 1 Second Select “NO” until the required length of OFF pulse is displayed. Adjustable between 1 and 200 seconds, in 1.0 second increments. 4.16 Analog Output The MX offers an optional, configurable analog output feedback signal. The User may select between APT (Analog Position Transmitter) or ATT (Analog Torque Transmitter) functionality. Each selection is defined below. Figure 4.21 – Change analog out YES YES NOOUT 2?ON-OK?ATT-OK?NO CHANGEANALOG OUT ?ANALOGOUT 1? YES YES NONO STATUSOFF-OK?STATUS FUNCTIONAPT-OK? Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 65 Figure 4.22 – Change analog out voltage – APT Figure 4.23 – Change analog out current – APT YES YES NO0-10VDC-OK?0-5VDC-OK?1-5VDC-OK? CLOSE-OK?NO ANALOG OUTVOLTAGE-OK? YES NO OFFSET2-10VDC-OK?POLARITY 10VDCOPEN-OK? YES NO CALIBRATELOW SIGNAL? YES NO YES NO CALIBRATEHIGH SIGNAL? SAVESETTINGS? YES NO 10VDCOK? YES NO 2VDCOK? If 5VDC optionselected: “5VDC”will be displayed. YES YES NO0-20MA-OK?CLOSE-OK?NO ANALOG OUTCURRENT-OK? YES NO OFFSET4-20MA-OK?POLARITY 20MAOPEN-OK? YES NO CALIBRATELOW SIGNAL? YES NO YES NO CALIBRATEHIGH SIGNAL? SAVESETTINGS? YES NO 20MAOK? YES NO 4MAOK? Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 66 Figure 4.24 – Change analog out voltage – ATT Figure 4.25 – Change analog out current – ATT YES YES NO0-10VDC-OK?0-5VDC-OK?1-5VDC-OK? MIN-OK?NO ANALOG OUTVOLTAGE-OK? YES NO OFFSET2-10VDC-OK?POLARITY 10VDCMAX-OK? YES NO CALIBRATELOW SIGNAL? YES NO YES NO CALIBRATEHIGH SIGNAL? SAVESETTINGS? YES NO 10VDCOK? YES NO 2VDCOK? If 5VDC optionselected: “5VDC”will be displayed. If 5VDC option selected:“POLARITY 5VDC”will be displayed. YES YES NO0-20MA-OK?NO ANALOG OUTCURRENT-OK? YES NO OFFSET4-20MA-OK?POLARITY 20MAMAX-OK? YES NO CALIBRATELOW SIGNAL? YES NO YES NO CALIBRATEHIGH SIGNAL? SAVESETTINGS? YES NO 20MAOK? YES NO 4MAOK? MIN-OK? Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 67 4.16.1 APT Polarity Option The APT option provides a 4-20 mA feedback signal proportional to valve position. APT is connected at terminals 17 and 18 for 4-20 mA output. Consult actuator wiring diagram for details. NOTE: If the second analog out option is turned ON but this option was not purchased, the display will show a hardware fault. An optional I/O board is required for this option. To purchase, please contact Limitorque service coordinator at (434) 528-4400. During position limit calibration (see Section 3.5.4, Setting Position Limits) the APT is automatically calibrated to default settings: Default = 20 mA OPEN, 4 mA CLOSE. To Customize the Settings: 1. Select “CHANGE APT?” from the “SETUP” routine. Select “YES.” 2. Select “NO” to select the status if OFF. If ON, select “YES” to enter the “Status Function APT?” display. Select “NO” to select ATT display. 3. Select “NO” to select 4 ma/0 VDC2. Select “YES” to enter the “POLARITY” display. 4. Select “NO” to choose between: 20 mA = OPEN or 20 mA = CLOSE OR 5. Select “NO” to recalibrate new value (low end 3.4-4.5 mA; high end 19.5-21 mA) as shown on meter. New value will not be shown on display. 4.16.2 ATT Polarity Option The ATT option provides a 4-20 mA signal proportional to actuator output torque and is for reference only. The signal range is from approximately 40% of rated torque to approximately 100% rated torque. This option is connected at terminals 17 and 18 for 4-20 mA output. Consult the actuator wiring diagram for details. NOTE: If the second analog out option is turned ON but this option was not purchased, the display will show a hardware fault. An optional I/O board is required for this option. To purchase, please contact Limitorque service coordinator at (434) 528-4400. To Customize the Settings: 1. Select “CHANGE ATT?” from the “SETUP” routine, then “YES” to select ATT status as “ON” or “OFF.” 2. Select “NO” to select the status if OFF. If ON, select “YES” to enter the “Status Function?” display. Select “NO” to select ATT display. 3. Select “NO” to select 4 ma/0 VDC2. Select “YES” to enter the “POLARITY” display. 4. Select “NO” to choose between: 20 mA = OPEN or 20 mA = CLOSE or 5. Select “NO” to recalibrate new value (low end 3.4-4.5 mA; high end 19.5-21 mA) as shown on meter. New value will not be shown on display. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 68 4.17 Remote Mode Remote mode permits a User to select from multiple remote control permissions, or isolate remote control to a single control selection: • Multi Control mode (default): There are three modes of remote control for the MX actuator allowed when the remote mode is configured for multi-control: digital control, analog control, and network control. Digital and network control operation is based on the last command received. Analog control operation in initiated by either toggling user input 2 (configured for CSE input) or breaking and reapplying the analog signal. • Digital Control Only: the unit will operate only upon the last digital input command received. • Network Control Only: the unit will operate only upon the last network command received. • Analog Control only: the unit will operate only upon the last analog input command received. Figure 4.26 – Remote mode 4.17.1 Local Control “LOCAL CONTROL” mode changes how the local control switches and display are used from the default settings. Default = On & Maintain Mode NOTE: User may select to disable the LOCAL CONTROL, which prohibits the cycling of the MX from OPEN to CLOSE or REVERSE. The LOCAL-STOP-REMOTE knob still functions, which permits the user to re-enter set-up and turn the LOCAL CONTROL back to “ON.” Figure 4.27 – Local control The single phase MX uses a brushless DC motor which is load sensitive. If the run torque load is greater than 30% of the torque setting, there is a possibility that the output RPM speed will decrease. For that reason a “Run Load Alarm” is supplied with the single phase MX. The alarm default setting is “Off”, but it can be enabled and the minimum speed percentage adjusted per the User’s preference. A “High Load Time” can be configured to permit the “Run Load Alarm” to activate after a percentage of the overall cycle time. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 69 • Maintain mode: the unit will operate continually in either direction when the black knob is actuated and released, until the position of the black knob is changed or the red knob is changed from “LOCAL” to either “STOP” or “REMOTE.” • Inching mode: the unit will operate only when the black knob is held in the open or close position. If the black knob is released, the unit will stop. To Customize the Settings: 1. Select “CHANGE LOCAL CONTROL?” from the “SETUP” routine. 2. Select “YES” to enter the mode display. 3. Select “NO” to change from Maintain to Inching control. 4.17.2 LED Customization This selection allows the customer to reverse the colors of the LED in open and close mode from the default setting. Default = Red-Open/Green-Close 1. After mode selection, select “YES” to change the colors of the LEDs. 2. Select “NO” to change from the default to Red-Close/Green-Open. 4.18 ESD (Emergency Shutdown) Overrides An external contact may be used to place the actuator in emergency shutdown mode. An ESD contact may be connected to the actuator to override existing command signals and send the valve to a predetermined position. The ESD Action and Signal presence is selected in Section 4.20, Inputs. The default ESD input = Input 0., pt. 30 on wiring diagram. 4.18.1 ESD Override It may be desirable that ESD override other events. These events are selectable. The “>” symbol after ESD indicates that ESD will override that particular event. Sections 4.19.2 through 4.19.12 list the choices. Figure 4.28 – ESD overrides YES YES YES NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO *** * CAUTION:The user may select “ESD ” tooverride t hese situations. Should theseconditions occur and the user has selected “ESD >,” be advised that the actuator motor may be compromisedTherefore, selection of “ESD >”in these situations will void thewarranty and certification. * CHANGEESD OVERRIDES?PRIORITYINHIBIT>ESD PRIORITYLOCAL CMD>ESD PRIORITYSTOP>ESD PRIORITYJAMMED>ESD PRIORITYLOST PHASE>ESD PRIORITYOVERTORQUE>ESD PRIORITYINHIBIT<ESD PRIORITYLOCAL CMD<ESD PRIORITYSTOP<ESD PRIORITYESD>JAMMED PRIORITYESD>LOST PHASE PRIORITY ESD>OVERTORQUE PRIORITYNW ESD>LOCAL ESD PRIORITY* YES YES NO PRIORITYTHERMOSTAT>ESD PRIORITYESD>THERMOSTAT * YES YES YES NO PRIORITY2SPD > ESD PRIORITYESD > 2SPD * LOCAL ESD>NW ESD YES YES NO PRIORITYOIL OVERTEMP>ESD PRIORITYESD>OIL OVERTEMP * YES YES NO PRIORITYTORQUE TIMER>ESD PRIORITYESD>TORQUE TIMER Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 70 4.18.2 Inhibit Default = INHIBIT>ESD To Customize the Settings: Select “NO” to choose: • “ESD>INHIBIT” – ESD overrides active inhibit signal • “INHIBIT>ESD” – Active inhibit signal will override ESD NOTE: Removing the wires to these terminals can disable active inhibits. 4.18.3 Local Command Default = LOCAL>ESD To Customize the Settings: Select “NO” to choose: • “ESD>LOCAL” – ESD overrides local command to operate actuator • “LOCAL>ESD” – Local command to operate actuator overrides ESD 4.18.4 Stop Default = STOP>ESD To Customize the Settings: Select “NO” to choose: • “ESD>STOP” – ESD overrides stop command • “STOP>ESD” – Stop command overrides ESD 4.18.5 Jammed Valve* Default = JAMMED VALVE>ESD To Customize the Settings: Select “NO” to choose: • “ESD>JAMMED VALVE” – ESD overrides jammed valve indication • “JAMMED VALVE>ESD” – Jammed valve indication overrides ESD (default) * See CAUTION on Figure 4.29. 4.18.6 Lost Phase (three phase ACV actuators only) * Default = LOST PHASE>ESD To Customize the Settings: Select “NO” to choose: • “ESD>LOST PHASE” – ESD overrides lost phase indication • “LOST PHASE>ESD” – Lost phase indication overrides ESD * See CAUTION on Figure 4.29. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 71 4.18.7 Overtorque* Default = OVERTORQUE>ESD To Customize the Settings: Select “NO” to choose: • “ESD>OVERTORQUE” – ESD overrides overtorque situation • “OVERTORQUE>ESD” – Overtorque situation overrides ESD * See CAUTION on Figure 4.29. 4.18.8 Motor Thermostat Default = ENABLED To Customize the Settings: Select “NO” to choose: • “ESD >THERMOSTAT” – ESD overrides Motor Thermostat tripped • “THERMOSTAT > ESD” – Motor Thermostat tripped overrides ESD NOTE: Disabling the motor thermostat voids all third party certifications including Factory Mutual, CSA, ANZex, and ATEX. Disabling the motor thermostat removes protection from overheating the motor and may cause unsafe conditions. 4.18.9 Oil Over Temperature Default = OIL OVERTEMP>ESD To Customize the Settings: Select “NO” to choose: • “ESD>OIL OVERTEMP”– ESD overrides high oil temperature • “OIL OVERTEMP>ESD” – High oil temperature overrides ESD 4.18.10 Two-Speed Timer Default = 2SPD > ESD To Customize the Settings: Select “NO” to choose: • “ESD > 2SPD” - ESD overrides 2 speed timer • “2SPD > ESD” - 2 speed timer overrides ESD 4.18.11 Network ESD Default = Local ESD > NW ESD To Customize the Settings: Select “NO” to choose: • “NW ESD > LOCAL ESD” - Network ESD overrides Local ESD • “LOCAL ESD > NW ESD” - Local ESD overrides Network ESD Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 72 4.18.12 Torque Switch Timer Default = TORQUE TIMER>ESD To Customize the Settings: Select “NO” to choose: • “ESD>TORQUE TIMER” - ESD overrides torque switch timer • “TORQUE TIMER>ESD” - Torque switch timer overrides ESD Change ESD Overrides 4.19 Inputs The User can select up to 3 Inputs (0, 1, 2) and configure them to perform these functions: • ESD • Inhibits • User defined • CSE • PST NOTE: Input 0 Default: The default for input 0 will be ESD, signal present, disabled, and ignore. Input 1 Default: The default for input 1 will be open inhibit, signal present, and disabled. Input 2: The default for input 2 will be close inhibit, signal present, and disabled. The inputs will be the same as in previous versions of software. If a firmware upgrade is done from a previous version that did not have configurable inputs, to the later version that does, then the users settings will remain the same. 4.19.1 Input Standard Remote Control The actuator may be controlled remotely by two, three, or four wires, depending on the connections made in the terminal compartment of the actuator. Configuration is required during actuator setup. This setting allows the user to change the mode of remote control from the default setting: Default = Three-wire Maintain Control 1. Select “CHANGE INPUTS?” from the “SETUP” routine. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 73 2. Select “YES” to enter the display that indicates the type of remote control selected. 3. Select “NO” until the required control is displayed. The selections available are: • Three-wire Maintain Control (default except Modutronic) Requires two maintained contacts for self-maintained control in OPEN or CLOSE direction. • Three-wire Inching Control Requires two momentary contacts to OPEN or CLOSE the valve, or STOP it in mid-travel. • Two-wire Control Requires one NO or NC contact. Select “YES” for either. Valve OPENS if signal “ON.” or Valve OPENS if signal “OFF.” • Four-wire Control 4.19.2 Status Default Setting is: OFF Select “NO” to choose whether the inhibit is “ON” or “OFF.” 4.19.3 Custom Input Mode #1 – Momentary ESD/PSESD (Optional) Custom software is available for the MX that permits the User to establish certain performance characteristics for partial stroke (PS) testing and momentary contact closure ESD. Note: These three inputs are normally configurable. However, when this custom mode is enabled, they are set to the predefined configuration and cannot be changed by the customer. Input 0 (normal default – ESD) terminal 30: • Set as disabled, user input function, signal present Input 1 (normal default – Open Inhibit) terminal 34: • Set as enabled, partial stroke enable function, signal present = active Input 2 (normal default – Close Inhibit) terminal 35: • Set as enabled, partial stroke enable function, signal absent = active The partial stroke enable signals are setup as redundant signals for safety. There are two signal inputs, and BOTH must be in the active state. If the partial stroke enable inputs are in the active state, and an input is detected (>800 ms) on the momentary ESD/PSESD input, then a partial stroke ESD test will be run. If the partial stroke enable inputs are not active or in a fault state, and an input is detected on the momentary ESD/PSESD input, then the ESD will be latched in and the actuator will perform ESD until the ESD Release is given. NOTE: These three inputs are the normal open-close-stop inputs. When this custom mode is enabled, they are set to the predefined configuration and cannot be changed by the customer. The only change the customer can make is to set the momentary ESD action (if action is position – then also the target value for the ESD) and the partial stroke target value. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 74 Input 3 (normal default – stop) terminal 26: • Set as enabled, ESD release function, signal absent = active Input 4 (normal default – open) terminal 25: • Set as enabled, ESD Release function, signal present = active Input 5 (normal default – close) terminal 27: • Set as enabled, momentary ESD/PSESD function, signal present > 800 ms = active, ESD action = Close, partial stroke target position = 0% open The ESD release signals are setup as redundant signals for safety. There are two signal inputs, and BOTH must be in the active state. If there is an active ESD and both ESD release inputs are in the active state, the ESD will be unlatched and the unit will return to normal operation. If the ESD release inputs are in a fault state, an active ESD will NOT be released. The ESD release inputs will have no effect on a partial stroke ESD test. The momentary ESD/PSESD input will be ignored if there is a signal present for less than 100 ms, and is guaranteed to latch in the ESD/PSESD if the signal is present for greater than 800 ms. Once the ESD is latched in, the unit will perform the ESD action. In this case the ESD will move the unit to the close limit and remain in ESD mode until the ESD release indication is given using the ESD release inputs. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 75 Figure 4.29 – Custom input modes 75 Limitorque® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-09-A4 – 08/17 Figure 4.29 – Custom input modes se e N o t e 4 se e N o t e 5 se e N o t e 6 No t e 4 : T h e “ E S D A C T I O N ” m e n u w i l l o n l y a p p e a r i f t h e s t a t u s f u n c t i o n f o r t h e i n p u t i s “ M O M E N T AR Y E S D / P S E S D ” . Ot h e r wi s e t h e “ S I G N A L P R E S E N T ” m e n u w i l l r e t u r n t o t h e “ C H A N G E I N P U T S ” m e n u . No t e 5 : T h e “ E S D M O V E T O ” m e n u o n l y a p p e a r s i f p o s i t i o n i s c h o s e n a s a c t i o n . No t e 6 : “ P S M O V E T O ” m e n u o n l y a p p e a r s i f t h e s t a t u s f u n c t i o n o f t h e i n p u t i s “ M O M E N T AR Y E S D / P S E S D ” . Th e u s e r w i l l o n l y b e a b l e t o c h a n g e t h e E S D A C T I O N ( a n d E S D M O V E T O t a r g e t i f E S D a c t i o n i s p o s i t i o n , a n d t h e P S M O V E T O s e t t i ng s w h e n i n t h i s s p e c i a l c u s t o m m o d e 1 . Fo l l o w i n g a r e t h e p r e c o n fi g u r e d s e t t i n g s f o r e a c h i n p u t . CH A N G E IN P U T S CH A N G E S TA TU S IN P U T ( 0 ) ? STA TU S (O F F ) ? IN P U T ( 1 ) IN P U T ( 2 ) IN P U T ( 3 ) IN P U T ( 4 ) IN P U T ( 5 ) (P S E S D E N A B L E ) (MO M E N T AR Y E S D R E L E A S E ) (MO M E N T AR Y E S D / P S E S D ) (C L O S E ) (O P E N ) (S T O P ) (P O S I T I O N ) (A B S E N T ) (O N ) STA TU S F U N C T I O N US E R I N P U T ? ES D A C T I O N (I G N O R E ) - O K ? PS M O V E T O O% O P E N ES D M O V E T O XX X % O P E N SI G N A L (P R E S E N T ) - O K ? YE S NO YE S NO YE S NO YE S NO YE S NO YE S NO YE S NO YE S NO IN P U T 0 : ON , E S D T i m e D e l a y R e l a y , s i g n a l p r e s e n t , E S D a c t i o n c l o s e d . IN P U T 1 : ON , U s e r I n p u t , s i g n a l p r e s e n t IN P U T 2 : ON , U s e r I n p u t , s i g n a l p r e s e n t IN P U T 3 : ON , S t o p IN P U T 4 : ON , O p e n IN P U T 5 : ON , C l o s e Th e f o l l o w i n g m e n u s w i l l a p p e a r i f t h e c u s t o m e r h a s t h e c u s t o m m o d e i n p u t o p t i o n , a n d h a s e n a b l e d c u s t o m m o d e 1 ( i n r e m o t e c o n t ro l m e n u ) . C u s t o m m o d e 2 i s s a m e a s m o d e 1 e x c e p t t h e r e i s n o PS s e q u e n c e a v a i l a b l e . S e e T ab l e 4 . 1 . CH A N G E IN P U T S ? CH A N G E IN P U T 0 ? STA TU S (O N ) - O K ? IN P U T ( 1 ) IN P U T ( 2 ) (C L O S E I N H I B I T ) (O P E N I N H I B I T ) (B O T H I N H I B I T ) (U S E R I N H I B I T ) - Se e No t e 1 (O F F ) STA TU S F U N C T I O N ES D - O K ? No t e 1 : E S D i s h a r d o d e d f o r I N P U T 0 . Y ou c a n o n l y c o n fi g u r e I N P U T S 1 a n d 2 f o r t h e o t h e r o p t i o n s . No t e 2 : T D R D E L A Y w i l l o n l y s h o w f o r I N P U T 0 . A l l o t h e r i n p u t s t h i s i s s k i p p e d . No t e 3 : E S D A C T I O N m e n u w i l l o n l y a p p e a r i f t h e S T ATU S F U N C T I O N f o r i n p u t s i s E S D o t h e r wi s e t h e S I G N A L P R E S E T m e n u w i l l r e t u r n t o t h e C H A N G E I N P U T S m e n u . No t e 4 : T h e E S D M O V E T O m e n u o n l y a p p e a r s i f p o s i t i o n i s c h o s e n a s a c t i o n . YE S NO NO YE S NOYE S NOYE S IN P U T 0 : ON , E S D T i m e D e l a y R e l a y , s i g n a l p r e s e n t , E S D a c t i o n c l o s e d. IN P U T 1 : ON , U s e r I n p u t , s i g n a l p r e s e n t IN P U T 2 : ON , U s e r I n p u t , s i g n a l p r e s e n t IN P U T 3 : ON , S t o p IN P U T 4 : ON , O p e n IN P U T 5 : ON , C l o s e 0- 1 8 0 0 S E C S 30 S E C I N C R E M E N T S TD R D E L A Y 0 S E C S - O K ? YE S NO Se e No te 2 Se e No te 3 Se e No te 4 AB S E N T (I G N O R E ) (P O S I T I O N ) (S T O P ) (O P E N ) SI G N A L (P R E S E N T ) - O K ? ES D A C T I O N (C L O S E ) - O K ? ES D M O V E T O XX X % O P E N YE S NO YE S NO YE S NO Th e f o l l o w i n g m e n u s w i l l a p p e a r i f t h e c u s t o m e r h a s t h e c u s t o m m o d e i n p u t o p t i o n , a n d h a s e n a b l e d c u s t o m m o d e 3 ( i n r e m o t e c o n t ro l m e n u ) . LMENIM2306-09 A4.indd 75 Mittwoch23.08.17 08:53 Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 76 4.19.4 Custom Input Mode #2 – Momentary ESD/CSE (Optional) Custom software is available for the MX that permits the user to establish certain performance characteristics momen- tary contact closure ESD and 4-wire remote control. NOTE: These three inputs are normally configurable, however, when this custom mode is enabled, they are set to the predefined configuration and cannot be changed by the customer. Input 0 (normal default – ESD) terminal 30: Set as remote stop Input 1 (normal default – Open Inhibit) terminal 34: Set as remote close Input 2 (normal default – Close Inhibit) terminal 35: Set as remote open NOTE: These three inputs are the normal open-close-stop inputs. When this custom mode is enabled, they are set to the predefined configuration and cannot be changed by the customer. The only change the customer can make is to set the momentary ESD action (if action is position – then also the target value for the ESD). Input 3 (normal default – Stop) terminal 26: Set as enabled, ESD release function, signal absent = active Input 4 (normal default – Open) terminal 25: Set as enabled, ESD Release function, signal present = active Input 5 (normal default – Close) terminal 27: Set as enabled, momentary ESD function, signal present > 800 ms = active, ESD action = Close. The ESD release signals are setup as redundant signals for safety. There are two signal inputs, and BOTH must be in the active state. If there is an active ESD and both ESD release inputs are in the active state, the ESD will be unlatched and the unit will return to normal operation. If the ESD release inputs are in a fault state, an active ESD will NOT be released. The ESD release inputs will have no effect on a partial stroke ESD test. The momentary ESD input will be ignored if there is a present for less than 100 ms, and is guaranteed to latch in the ESD if the signal is present for greater than 800 ms. Once the ESD is latched in, the unit will perform the ESD action. In this case the ESD will move the unit to the close limit and remain in ESD mode until the ESD release indication is given using the ESD release inputs. 4.19.5 Custom Input Mode #3 – ESD Time Delay Relay Custom software is available for the MX that permits the User to establish certain performance characteristics for ESD. NOTE: These three inputs are normally all configurable. However, when this custom mode is enabled, the customer still retains the ability to change inputs 1 and 2 to their choosing, but Input 0 will always remain ESD. The timer is default 0-30 min (30 sec increment with default 0 sec). Input 0 (normal default – ESD) terminal 30: Set as enabled, ESD, 0 sec Delay(default), Signal present = active, ESD action Close Input 1 (normal default – Open Inhibit) terminal 34: Set as enabled, User Input, Signal present = active Input 2 (normal default – Close Inhibit) terminal 35: Set as enabled, User Input, Signal present = active Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 77 The ESD Time Delay Relay input (input 0) functions like any normal ESD input signal. Only if a time has been entered into the Delay Timer value then the unit will not act on that ESD for that delayed amount of time. If the ESD signal is removed, then the timer is canceled and will start fresh with the next assertion. You cannot change that Input 0 is ESD, but it can be enabled/disabled, set to signal present/absent, or you can change the ESD action. NOTE: These three inputs are kept as open-stop-close inputs. When the custom mode is enabled, the wire mode is preset to 4-wire control and cannot be altered. Input 3 (normal default – Stop) terminal 26 Input 4 (normal default – Open) terminal 25 Input 5 (normal default – Close) terminal 27 4.19.6 Custom Input Mode #4 - Four-position Mode (Optional) Custom software is available for the MX that permits the User to establish certain performance characteristics for Four Position controls for remote and local operations. Input 0 (normal default - ESD) terminal 30: • Set as enabled Ml Move To, signal present = active Input 1 (normal default - Open Inhibit) terminal 34: • Set as disabled, User Input, signal present = active Input 2 (normal default - Close inhibit) terminal 35: • Set as disabled, User Input, signal present = active The custom input Four Position Mode allows the user to configure up to 2 mid travel stop positions. The user will be able to send the actuator to either of these positions in either remote or local controls. In order to use local controls in multi-mode, that option will need to be selected in the CHANGE LOCAL Control menu. The user can select any of the standard wire controls for inputs 3, 4, and 5 (4-wire, 3- wire Maintain, or 3-wire Inching). Figure 4.30 – Inputs YES YES NO NO “ NO ” adjusts LCD contrast CHANGE LCD C ONTRAST? LCD CONTRAST OK ? Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 78 Figure 4.31 – Inputs 4.19.7 Limigard Controls The Limigard controls is available for the MX that presents the user with redundant inputs at Inputs 0 and 5 for close, Inputs 1 and 4 for open, and Inputs 2 and 3 for stop. Both inputs need to be asserted in order for the actuator to move open or close. Only 1 stop input needs to be asserted in order for the actuator to stop. NOTE: These three inputs are normally configurable, however, when this custom mode is enabled, they are set to the predefined configuration and cannot be changed by the customer. Input 0 (normal default - ESD) terminal 30: Set as remote close Input 1 (normal default · Open Inhibit) terminal 34: • Set as remote open Input 2 (normal default - Close Inhibit) terminal 35: • Set as remote stop Input 3 (normal default - Stop) terminal 26: Input 4 (normal default - Open) terminal 25: Input 5 (normal default - Close) terminal 27: 4.19.8 SIL Mode – Standard SIL (Optional - three phase ACV actuators only) NOTE: Please refer to LMENIM2350 for SIL Safety IOM Custom software is available for the MX that permits the User to establish certain performance characteristics for partial stroke (PS) testing and ESD. NOTE: These three inputs are normally configurable. When this SIL mode is enabled, input 0 is preconfigured to ESD, input 1 is pre-configured to partial stroke, and both inputs cannot be changed by the customer. Input 2 can be configured to user input, inhibit, ESD or CSE. Input 0 (normal default - ESD) terminal 30: • Set as enabled, ESD, signal present Input 1 (normal default - Open Inhibit) terminal 34: • Set as enabled, partial stroke function, signal present = active Input 2 (normal default - Close Inhibit) terminal 35: • Set as disabled, user input, signal absent = active When this mode is selected, the ESD overrides are set so that ESD had priority over stop, local, and network ESD. You cannot change that Input 0 is ESD, but it can be enabled/disabled, set to signal present/absent, or you can change the ESD action. NOTE: These three inputs are kept as open-stop-close inputs. When the custom mode is enabled, the wire mode is preset to 4-wire control and cannot be altered. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 79 Input 3 (normal default - stop) terminal 26 Input 4 (normal default - open) terminal 25 Input 5 (normal default - close) terminal 27 Figure 4.32 – SIL control (standard) 4.19.9 SIL Mode – Enhanced SIL (Optional) Custom software is available for the MX that permits the User to establish certain performance characteristics for partial stroke (PS) testing and momentary contact closure ESD. NOTE: These three inputs are normally configurable. When this SIL mode is enabled, input 0 is configurable to 2 wire control, user defined or inhibit. Inputs 1 and 2 are pre-configured for partial stroke enable and cannot be changed by the customer. Input 0 (normal default - ESD) terminal 30: • Set as disabled, user input function, signal present Input 1 (normal default - Open Inhibit) terminal 34: • Set as enabled, partial stroke enable function, signal present = active Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 80 Table 4.1 – Digital input terminals Negative Switching (Positive Earth) Mode Input 0 Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Input 4 Input 5 2-wire configurable open not used configurable not used not used 3-wire inch close open not used configurable not used not used 3-wire maint close open not used configurable not used not used 4-wire close open not used stop not used not used User Input configurable configurable not used configurable not used not used Terminal connections Input 0 Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Input 4 Input 5 +VDC -VDC +VDC -VDC +VDC -VDC +VDC -VDC +VDC -VDC +VDC -VDC 30 32 34 29 N/A N/A 26 28 N/A N/A N/A N/A Custom Modes Mode Input 0 Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Input 4 Input 5 1 not used PS Enable 1 PS Enable 2 ESD Release 2 ESD Release 1 MO ESD/PSESD 2 stop close open ESD Release 2 ESD Release 1 MO ESD 3 ESD TDR configurable configurable stop open close (MO - momentary signal) 4 M1 Position M2 Position configurable stop open close Terminal connections Input 0 Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Input 4 Input 5 +VDC -VDC +VDC -VDC +VDC -VDC +VDC -VDC +VDC -VDC +VDC -VDC 30 32 or 33 34 29 or 31 35 29 or 31 26 28 25 28 27 28 Jumpers can be used to connect the digital commons as needed. 28 to 29, 31 to 32, 33, to VDC source common. Limigard Mode Mode Input 0 Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Input 4 Input 5 close open stop stop open close Sil Modes Mode Input 0 Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Input 4 Input 5 Standard ESD Partial Stroke Test configurable stop open close Enhanced configurable PS Enable 1 PS Enable 2 ESD Release 2 ESD Release 1 MO ESD/PSESD Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 81 Input 2 (normal default - Close Inhibit) terminal 35: • Set as enabled, partial stroke enable function, signal absent = active The partial stroke enable signals are setup as redundant signals for safety. There are two signal inputs, and BOTH must be in the active state. If the partial stroke enable inputs are in the active state, and an input is detected (>800 ms) on the momentary ESD/PSESD input, then a partial stroke ESD test will be run. If the partial stroke enable inputs are not active or in a fault state, and an input is detected on the momentary ESD/PSESD input, then the ESD will be latched in and the actuator will perform ESD until the ESD Release is given. NOTE: These three inputs are the normal open-close-stop inputs. When this custom mode is enabled, they are set to the predefined configuration and cannot be changed by the customer. The only change the customer can make is to set the momentary ESD action (if action is position - then also the target value for the ESD) and the partial stroke target value. Input 3 (normal default - stop) terminal 26: • Set as enabled, ESD release function, signal absent = active Input 4 (normal default - open) terminal 25: • Set as enabled, ESD Release function, signal present = active Input 5 (normal default - close) terminal 27: • Set as enabled, momentary ESD/PSESD function, signal present> 800 ms = active, ESD action = Close, partial stroke target position = 0% open The ESD release signals are setup as redundant signals for safety. There are two signal inputs, and BOTH must be in the active state. If there is an active ESD and both ESD release inputs are in the active state, the ESD will be unlatched and the unit will return to normal operation. If the ESD release inputs are in a fault state, an active ESD will NOT be released. The ESD release inputs will have no effect on a partial stroke ESD test. The momentary ESD/PSESD input will be ignored if there is a signal present for less than 100 ms, and is guaranteed to latch in the ESD/PSESD if the signal is present for greater than 800 ms. Once the ESD is latched in, the unit will perform the ESD action. In this case the ESD will move the unit to the close limit and remain in ESD mode until the ESD release indication is given using the ESD release inputs. Figure 4.33 – SIL control (Enhanced) Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 82 4.20 Monitor Relay The monitor relay indicates the actuator is available for remote operation. The monitor relay will de-energize on loss of power or if any of the following functions become active: Normal operation Each selection is User configurable. Select “Enabled” to turn the feature on, and “Disabled” to turn the feature off. • “LOCAL STOP/OFF” – Red selector knob in “STOP/OFF” • “LOCAL SELECTED” – Red selector knob in “LOCAL” • “TORQUE TIMER” - if enabled Fault indication Each selection is User configurable. Select “Enabled” to turn the feature on, and “Disabled” to turn the feature off. • “LOST PHASE” – Single phasing • “VALVE JAMMED” – Valve cannot move when energized to pull out of valve seat • “MOTOR OVERTEMP” – Thermistor range exceeded The yellow LED will blink when monitor relay is de-energized. Figure 4.34 – Monitor Relay Configuration YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO NONO NO NO NONO CHANGEMONITOR RELAY?SELECT SETTINGS?L0CALENABLED-OK? ENABLED-OK?ENABLED-OK?ENABLED-OK?DISABLED-OK?DISABLED-OK? DISABLED-OK?DISABLED-OK?DISABLED-OK? LOCAL STOP ENABLED-OK?INHIBIT SIGNALDISABLED-OK ESD SIGNAL DISABLED-OK? PS ENABLE ACTIVEENABLED-OK?PS ENABLE FAULTENABLED-OK?ESD RELEASE FAULT ENABLED-OK? OVERTORQUE DISABLED-OK? The three following options will only show if the customer has purchased and enaled custom option 1. These functions are monitored continuously and may not be changed, but an additional three functions may be configured individually during setup. 1. Select “CHANGE MONITOR RELAY?” from the “SETUP” routine. 2. Select “YES” to enter the “SELECT SETTINGS?” display. Select “YES” to access each of the following three functions: • “OVERTORQUE” – Torque range exceeded in mid-travel, thermistor temperature exceeded, or malfunction in thermistor • “INHIBIT SIGNAL” – Inhibit “ON” and active • “ESD SIGNAL” – ESD “ON” and active 3. Select “NO” to: • “ENABLED” – will trip monitor relay or • “DISABLED” – will not trip monitor relay. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 83 4.21 Diagnostic Reset For diagnostic purposes the following parameters are recorded at certain points in the valve travel on every opening and closing stroke: • Proportional measurements of torque • Drive sleeve turns • Contactor operations • Maximum and minimum voltage • Motor run time • Stroke time To enable the new values to be compared with previous measurements, it is essential to record reference values. Limitorque recommends this be done after the valve has been installed, commissioned, and is operating under normal process conditions, and after a plant shutdown or actuator/valve overhaul. The user may select to reset the torque profile at any time. 1. Select “RESET TORQUE PROFILE?” from the “RESET DIAGNOSTICS” routine. 2. Select “YES” to enter the “SAVE NEXT CYCLE?” display. 3. Select “NO” to switch the reset ON or OFF. After the next complete cycling of the valve, in both the open and close directions, this reset will automatically be switched OFF. 4. Select “RESET COUNTERS” to reset all the listed parameters to “0.” Figure 4.35 – Diagnostic reset YES YES YES NO NO YES NO NO Resets: Drive sleeve turns Contactor operations Maximum voltage Minimum voltage Motor run time Stroke time CHANGE DIAGNOSTICSRESET?RESET TORQUE PROFILE? RESET COUNTERS OK? SAVE NEXT CYCLE OK? 4.22 TAG Number Defaults to blanks. To Customize the Setting: 1. Select “CHANGE TAG?” from the “SETUP” routine. 2. Select “YES” to enter the “ENTER DIGIT” displays. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 84 3. Select “NO” to choose the required number or letter for each digit of the valve tag number, up to a maximum number of 16 digits. The alphanumeric display scrolls from a symbol set, numerals and then A-Z in the following order: ! “ # $ % @ ‘ ( ) * + , - . / 0-9 : ; < = > ? A-Z. There is one blank at each end to enable a tag number with less than 16 digits to be entered clearly. To highlight the digit being entered, a dot appears over the space and the letter above the space disappears. Figure 4.36 – TAG number YES YES YE S NO NO YES YES/NO “ NO ” changes digi t NO NO Same procedure for digits 3-16 YES Up to 16 digits ma y be used. Alpha- numerics 0-9, then A-Z, plus blanks Blank space appears first, then alphanumerics This allows easy entry for tags of less than 16 digits “ NO ” changes digit CHANGE TAG? ENTER DIGIT #1 "0"------_ ENTER DIGIT #2 MO “0”----- ENTER DIGIT #16 M OOOOOOOOO“0” RECORD TAG OK? 4.23 LCD Contrast Permits adjustment of the viewing contrast of the LCD. 1. Select “YES” to enter the “LCD CONTRAST” display. 2. Select “NO” to adjust contrast to desired level. Figure 4.37 – LCD contrast YES YES NO NO “ NO ” adjusts LCD contrast CHANGE LCD C ONTRAST? LCD CONTRAST OK ? 4.24 Torque Boost – only available for arctic temperature actuators Default = “AUTO” Torque boost increases the capacity to move valves under conditions of low temperature or extreme valve stiffness. In the default setting, the MX will permit more output torque up to the unit’s maximum torque rating when the tempera- ture falls below 32°F (0°C). When configured as ON, torque boost will be present under all conditions regardless of temperature, and when OFF, torque boost will not be present. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 85 Figure 4.38 – Torque boost YE S YES “ NO ” toggles options NO (ON) (OFF) CHANGE TORQUE BOOST? TORQUE BOOS T (AUTO)-OK? 4.25 Motor Thermostat The thermostat setting may be customized: 1. Select “CHANGE MOTOR THERMOSTAT?” from the “SETUP” routine. 2. Select “YES” to enter the “MOTOR THERMOSTAT” display. 3. Select “NO” to choose between “ENABLED” and “DISABLED.” In the “DISABLED” mode, the motor thermostat is bypassed and detection of an overheated motor does not prevent operation of the actuator. This feature is user-selected when required by the application and may be desirable during critical service. NOTE: If the motor thermostat is disabled, third party certification including Factory Mutual, CSA, IECEx, ATEX, and warranty, will be voided. Figure 4.39 – Motor thermostat YES YES NO NO (DISABLED ) CHANGE MOTOR THERMOSTAT? THERMOSTAT (ENABLED)-OK? 4.26 Change Valve Data “Change Valve Data” allows the user to identify the type of valve the MX actuator is mounted to. • Select “YES” to “Change Valve S/N?” Then select “YES” to “ENTER DIGIT” displays. • Select “NO” to choose the required number or letter for each digit of the valve S/N, up to a maximum of 16 digits. • Select “YES” when the desired number or letter is displayed. When all digits have been entered select “YES” to “Record S/N OK?” • Follow same sequence for “CHANGE VALVE MODEL #?”, “CHANGE VALVE TYPE?” • If “YES” to “CHANGE VALVE TYPE?” then “VALVE TYPE UNDEFINED-OK?” is displayed. “VALVE TYPE UNDEFINED-OK?” is only shown until the valve type is chosen. In the rare event that the user would need to “REINITIALIZE” the MX actuator, the screen will reappear. See Figure 5.1. • The alphanumeric display scrolls from a symbol set, numerals and then A-Z in the following order: ! “ # $ % & ‘ ( ) * + , - . / 0-9 : ; < = > @ A-Z. There is one blank at each end to enable a tag number with less than 16 digits to be entered clearly. To highlight the digit being entered, a dot appears over the space and the letter above the space disappears. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 86 Figure 4.40 – Change valve data CHANGE VALVE DATA? CHANGE VALV E S/N? CHANGE VALV E MODEL #? CHANGE VALVE TYPE? VALV E TYPE UNDEFINED1-OK? ENTER DIGIT #2 ENTER DIGIT #16 OK? ENTER DIGIT #1 NO NO NOLinear Rotary Other YES YES YES/NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES Change Character NO Change Character NO Change Character S/N MODEL # TYPE RECORD n n Same Procedure for digits 3–16. NOTE 1: Valve type "UNDEFINED" is only shown until the valve type is chosen. After that, it will not be displayed again unless Reinitialized. YESYES 4.27 Change Port The MX can have new firmware loaded via the local port connections (refer to wiring diagram) or via the IRdA port, located on the LCD board and accessible via the sight glass. If supplied, enable the optional “Bluetooth Port” for remote configuration and access of DIagnostic information. Both ports cannot be enabled simultaneously as they both share the same serial port on the main board. Default = Local Port Figure 4.41 – Change port and Bluetooth settings CHANGEPORTS? “NO” toggles optionsIRDA-OK?NONE-OK? DIAGNOSTIC PORTBLUETOOTH-OK? BLUETOOTHPRESENT-OK?ADDRESS-OK?0CW0961586E2 BLUETOOTHTAG FCC IDENTIFICATIONPOOWML-C40 BLUETOOTHLICENSE CHANGEBLUETOOTH? LOCAL PORT(ON)-OK? NO YES BLUETOOTH NAMEUSE UNIT S/N-OK? USE UNITTAG-OK?NO YES SECURITYENABLED-OK?CHANGEBLUETOOTH PIN NO YES DISCOVERYENABLED-OK? DISABLED-OK?DISABLED-OK? ENTER DIGIT #1default123456789 15 character pin/passkey –no changes the character,yes goes to the next digit. Diagnostic use only NO YES NO YES YES/NO YES/NO YES/NO NO YES NO YES NO Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 87 5 Troubleshooting c WARNING: This actuator is non-intrusive. Do not open the control compartment on the actuator unless absolutely necessary. It was sealed in dry, clean conditions in the factory and entry to this compart- ment should not be necessary. Unauthorized entry could void the warranty. If the actuator will not operate, before attempting to troubleshoot, verify the following: • LCD display reads “XX% OPEN,” “STATUS OK.” • Red selector switch is not in the STOP position. • All three phases of the main power supply is properly connected to the actuator terminals. • The supply voltage is the same as that stated on the actuator nameplate. • Optional 110 VAC is measured at terminals 23 and 24. • 24 VDC is measured at terminals 22 (+Ve) and 21. • If 24 VDC power supply is ON, check that the loading does not exceed 5 W across terminals 21 and 22 (remove wires from 21, 22, 23, and 24). • LCD and LED display on the control panel are illuminated. If these checks are satisfactory, then attempt to locate the fault using the “VIEW DIAGNOSTICS” routine. It is also recommended that the actuator settings be verified using “VIEW SETTINGS.” 5.1 View Diagnostics Routine 1. Enter “VIEW DIAGNOSTICS” as detailed in Section 5.3, View Diagnostics. 2. Review the various displays to try to find the reason the actuator will not operate. The displays that may help to isolate the fault are as follows: • View Hardware Status • View Motor Status • View Power Supply • View MC Faults 5.2 Troubleshooting Problems/Corrective Action (Refer to LMENIM2314, MX Maintenance and Spare Parts and the standard wiring diagram in the Section 3.3, Electrical Connections). We recommend that only Limitorque service personnel perform this operation. 1. Switch off the main power supply and 24 VDC supply at terminals 6 and 7 (if used). 2. Remove control compartment cover (ACP) and protect against the ingress of moisture or dust. 3. Remove any wiring that has been connected to terminals 21, 22, 23 and 24. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 88 4. Switch on main power supply. 5. Measure VAC at 23, 24 – should be 110 VAC if actuator is supplied with optional 110 VAC circuit. If no power, check fuses FS1, FS2 (600 VAC, 1 A, fast acting, 10.3 x 38.1 mm tube) and FS3 (250 VAC, 0.1A, time delay, 5 x 20 mm glass tube) and replace if necessary. If replacing fuses does not fix the problem, replace damaged board. Contact Limitorque Service at (434) 528-4400. Fuse Designator MXa Three Phase MXa Single Phase FS1, FS2 600 VAC, 0.5A, fast acting, 6.3 x 32 mm 600 VAC, 1A, fast acting, 10.3 x 38.1 mm FS3 250 VAC, 0.1A, time delay, 5 x 20 mm 6. Measure VDC at 21, 22 – should be 24 VDC, maximum power of 5W. If not, replace damaged board. 7. Replace the control compartment cover (ACP). 5.2.1 Actuator Fails to Operate Actuator Fails to Operate from LOCAL Controls 1. Place the red selector knob in “LOCAL.” 2. If motor runs but actuator output does not turn, check that declutch lever has returned to motor operation position. 3. Check LCD display for following alarms: • If motor runs but no actuator movement is detected, check if the display says “JAMMED VALVE” & free if necessary. • Inhibit signal may be present or absent at the terminals. Check for signal and adjust as necessary. “INHIBIT ACTIVE” appears on display. • Thermal overload of the motor may have been detected. Check motor for high temperature. Thermal overload is self-resetting when motor cools. “MOTOR OVERTEMP” appears on the display. 4. Check to see if the position limits are set incorrectly on top of one another. See Section 3.5.4, Setting Position Limits. Actuator Fails to Operate from REMOTE Controls 1. Check that the actuator will operate from “LOCAL.” If not, then carry out the checks described below. 2. Check that the red knob is in “REMOTE.” 3. ESD signal may be present or absent at the terminals. Check for signal and adjust as necessary. (“ESD ACTIVE” at display.) If actuator was previously operated in “LOCAL,” then the fault is probably in the remote control circuit. Check the integrity of the cabling and that the connections to the terminals are in accordance with the wiring diagram. If motor runs in “LOCAL,” but not “REMOTE,” adjust ESD to be greater than local (“ESD>LOCAL”). 4. Confirm correct monitor relay operation. See Table 3.5. 5.2.2 Jammed Valve Detected 1. Check that position limits have been set correctly. If valve is position-seated, the limits should stop the motor just before the end-of-travel. Recalibrate the position limits if necessary. See Section 3.5.4, Setting Position Limits. 2. Check that torque settings are correct for the valve. Recalibrate if necessary. See Section 4.6, Torque Setup. 3. Check the condition of the valve and lubrication of the valve stem and thrust bearings. The valve may have remained in the same position for a long time and become corroded internally or externally. Engage manual over- ride and employ the handwheel drive to unseat the valve. 4. Verify that the actuator will now operate the valve. Open and close the valve a few times to check for correct operation throughout the travel. NOTE: To free a jammed valve from the “CLOSE” or “OPEN” position, engage manual override and attempt to unseat it using the handwheel drive. If a rising stem valve is jammed in the close position, loosen the fixing bolts that attach the Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 89 thrust base to the valve. This will release the compression in the drive components and reduce the effort to unjam the valve. Partly open the valve, then retighten the bolts. 5.2.3 Actuator Operates but Does Not Drive Valve 1. Verify that the declutch lever has returned to motor-operated position. 2. Verify that the stem nut is fitted correctly in the actuator base. 3. Verify that the stem nut has sufficient engagement with the valve stem. 4. Verify that the key is fitted in bore/keyway applications. 5.2.4 Valve Does Not Seat Correctly 1. Verify that position limits are calibrated correctly for the valve travel. 2. Verify that the torque-seating valves have been configured to close on torque, not position. 3. Verify that closing torque value has been set high enough to suit the process conditions. 4. Verify that the valve is not obstructed. 5.2.5 Status Messages Normal display status is listed in Section 3.6.5, Local Indication. Status or alarm messages are listed below. Once a status or alarm condition occurs, the message will be displayed on the bottom line of the Local Control Station (LCS) screen until the condition is addressed and cleared. If multiple status or alarm conditions are active, the bottom display will cycle through each screen until the condition is addressed and cleared (one message per four seconds). Status or Alarm Messages (XX = Input # (0, 1, 2)) “---% OPEN, STATUS OK” – Normal display “---% OPEN, VALVE JAMMED” – Valve cannot start moving “---% OPEN, LOST PHASE” – One of three phases lost “---% OPEN, MOTOR OVERTEMP” – Thermistor range exceeded “---% OPEN, OVERTORQUE” – Torque exceeded in mid-travel “---% OPEN, HARDWARE FAILURE” – Indication “---% OPEN, DDC OFF” – DDC enabled, but “OFF” “---% OPEN, ESD ACTIVE” – ESD signal present “---% OPEN, INHIBIT ACTIVE” – Inhibit signal present “---% OPEN, FF OFF” – FF enabled but “OFF” “---% OPEN, PB OFF” – PB enabled but “OFF” “---% OPEN, DN OFF” – DN enabled but “OFF” “---% OPEN, WARMING UP” – Warm up delay active (cold temperature option) “---% OPEN, NO ANALOG SIGNAL” – 4-20 mA signal absent (Mod enabled, red selector switch in “REMOTE”) “---% OPEN, DDC COM LOST” – DDC enabled, signal absent “---% OPEN, THERMISTOR” – There is a failure with the motor thermistor Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 90 “---% OPEN, KNOBS” – There is a failure with the local knobs “---% OPEN, DDC NOT PRESENT” – DDC board expected but not found (missing or not communicating) “---% OPEN, FF NOT PRESENT” – FF board expected but not found “---% OPEN, PBDP NOT PRESENT” – Profibus DP board expected but not found “---% OPEN, PBPA NOT PRESENT” – Profibus PA board expected but not found “---% OPEN, DN NOT PRESENT” – Device Net board expected but not found “---% OPEN, ANG1 NOT PRESENT” – Analog 1 board expected but not found “---% OPEN, ANG2 NOT PRESENT” – Analog 2 board expected but not found “---% OPEN, CONTACTOR” – Contactor failure “---% OPEN, ENCODER” – Encoder failure “---% OPEN, R1R4RM RLY FAILED” – R1-R4 board relay check failed “---% OPEN, R5R8 RLY FAILED” – R5-R8 board relay check failed “---% OPEN, DDC FAILED” – Communication with the main board failed, or hardware fault “---% OPEN, FF FAILED” – Communication with the main board failed, or hardware fault “---% OPEN, PBDP FAILED” – Communication with the main board failed, or hardware fault “---% OPEN, PBPA FAILED” – Communication with the main board failed, or hardware fault “---% OPEN, DN FAILED” – Communication with the main board failed, or hardware fault “---% OPEN, R1R4RM NOT AVAIL” – R1-R4 board expected but not found “---% OPEN, R5R8 NOT PRESENT” – R5-R8 board expected but not found “---% OPEN, ENCODER WARNING” – The encoder has not yet failed, but there was a momentary glitch detected. If the glitch persists, encoder failure will be reported. “---% OPEN, FF COM Lost” – FF enabled, signal absent “---% OPEN, PB COM Lost” – PB enabled, signal absent “---% OPEN, DN COM Lost” – DN enabled, signal absent ---%OPEN, ESD XX ACTIVE – Input # set for ESD, is asserted, and has highest priority ---%OPEN, ESD = XXX.X % = ESD ACTIVE and its action is “move to” ---.-% position ---%OPEN, ESD XX INHIBITED – Active ESD XX has been inhibited by an ESD override ---%OPEN, ESD XX CONFLICT – ESD XX is set for ESD, asserted, and is in conflict with the active ESD ---%OPEN, ESD OPEN – active ESD action is OPEN ---%OPEN, ESD CLOSED – active ESD action is CLOSED ---%OPEN, ESD STOP – active ESD action is STOP ---%OPEN, ESD IGNORE – active ESD action is IGNORE --%OPEN, INHIBIT ACTIVE – INHIBIT signal is asserted ---%OPEN, INHIBIT CONFLICT – Conflict with multiple INHIBITs Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 91 ---% OPEN, IDENTICAL LIMITS – Position limits identical preventing operation ---% OPEN, TORQUE TIMEOUT – The torque switch timed out after the actuator determined that it has reached its torque seat ---% OPEN, MC OVER TEMP X “SET LIMITS” – Normal display if red selector knob is in “LOCAL” or “REMOTE” and position limits have not been set “INITIALIZE” – “INITIALIZE” will be displayed if module has no actuator configuration. No operation will be permitted until initialization has been completed. Refer to “ROM ERROR” for routine on next page. See Figure 5.1. “ANALOG OUT 1 LOSS” – Analog board output-driver chip is reporting a fault, and cannot be reset; resulting in loss of analog out signal. “ANALOG OUT 2 LOSS” – Analog board output-driver chip is reporting a fault, and cannot be reset; resulting in loss of analog out signal. RAM Error The MX processor continually checks RAM for memory corruption errors. If corruption is detected, the processor will force a reset to clear RAM. The LCD will temporarily display the following prior to this reset: “XXX% OPEN” “RAM ERROR” After the reset, the display will read normally. Any momentary commands (DDC command, momentary pushbutton, etc.) that were not completely executed must be reissued. ROM Error The MX processor continually checks EPROM for memory corruption errors. If corruption is detected, operation is disabled. If the selector switch is in “LOCAL” or “REMOTE,” the LCD will display the following: “XXX% OPEN” “ROM ERROR” When the selector is placed in “STOP,” the unit will require reinitialization and the LCD will display the following dialog: Figure 5.1 – Initialize routine YES NO NO YES NO YES YES YES NO NO YES NO UNIT SIZE MX-05-OK?VOLTAGE 460 VOLT-OK? Hz 60 Hz-OK? ACTUATOR RP M 12/18-OK? S/N 0------OK? COLD (-60°C) UNIT YES/NO -OK? INITIALIZE? Answer “ NO ” until the correct unit size is displayed. Refer to nameplate. Answer “ NO ” until the correct voltage is displayed. Refer to nameplate. Answer “ NO ” until the correct frequency is displayed. Refer to nameplate. Answer “ NO ” until the correct rpm is displayed. Refer to nameplate. Answer “ NO ” until the value is displayed and then “ YES ” to enter . Refer to namplate for S/N. Answer “NO ” toselect normaltemperatureparameters,-22°F to +158°F(-30°C to +70°C). Answer “YES ” to select arctictemperature parameters,-76°F to +140°F (-60°C to+60°C). Please refer to Limitorque MX Customer Connection(s) Diagramreverse side (located on theinside of the terminal compartmentcover) for customer defaultconfiguration. Answer“NO ” tochange. Answer “YES ”to save settings. NO YES Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 92 Figure 5.2, Single phase only Initialize Routine Run Load Alarm – Single phase MX only The run load and LCD torque setting need to follow the requirements of the table below. If the run load exceeds the table value, the output RPM of the actuator may be reduced when compared to the nameplate value. The run load alarm feature may report a reduced speed if the run load exceeds the table values. Run Load (% of nameplate rating)Required LCD torque setting ≤15%≥40% >15% up to 25%≥50% >25% up to 35%≥60% >35% up to 40%≥70% 5.3 View Diagnostics A large amount of historical data is stored in the actuator memory and can be retrieved very easily, without the need for password entry. The data is displayed in dialog format. 1. Enter the “SETUP” mode routine detailed in Section 2.1.1, Entering the Setup Mode. 2. Select “VIEW DIAGNOSTICS?” 3. Select “YES” to access the first display “VIEW HARDWARE?” NOTE: It is recommended that ALL diagnostics information be recorded prior to contacting an authorized Limitorque service coordinator at (434) 528-4400. This information aids in diagnosing any problem the actuator may experience. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 93 Figure 5.3 – Diagnostic overview 5.4 View Hardware Status Accessing the “VIEW HARDWARE” routine will enable some of the actuator components to be reviewed for their integrity, as indicated below. These components are continuously being monitored. Figure 5.4 – View Hardware Status for Single Phase YES NO VIEWDIAGNOSTICS? YES NO NO YES NO YES NO YES NO VIEWOPERATION LOG? YES NO VIEWQA DATA ? YES NO YES NO YES VIEWHARDWARE? VIEWERROR CODE? VIEWMOTOR STATUS? VIEWPOWER SUPPLY? VIEWIDENTIFICATION? VIEWTORQUE PROFILE? YES NO VIEWQA DATA ? YES NO QA STAMPV#87654321-OK? YES NO QA DATE01 AUG 2013? YES NO QA TIME12:32:45 Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 94 Figure 5.5 - View three phase ACV hardware status When VIEW QA DATA is approached, enter by saying YES. QA STAMP: This identification number relates to the mainboard serial number. It is the same 8 alpha-numeric that is used to generate key codes that are required for the RESTRICTED MENU selections in the CHANGE SETTINGS. QA DATE If the whole unit was tested at the Lynchburg EOL or any of the QRCs, the date is the date the unit was tested. If the mainboard was replaced, the date shown relates to the day the board was tested during board manufacturing by supplier. QA TIME: Same as date but with time. Shows Hours: Minutes: Seconds. 5.5 View Motor Status Viewing “MOTOR STATUS” will provide information on the following: • If the three-phase power supply is connected correctly. • If autophase correction is in operation. • If there is a fault or loss of a phase. • Temperature of the windings in the motor. • Note: The the Full Load Amps (FLA) engraved on the actuator nameplate is a nominal value and may vary +/-10% from the nominal value. Figure 5.6 – View three phase ACV motor status YES YES YES “NO”toggles option NONO VIEWMOTOR STATUS?PHASE ROTATIONOK?TEMPERATURE(40 C) - OK? “CORRECTED”“FAULT”“PHASE LOST” Figure 5.7 View Single Phase Motor Status YES YES YES NO NO YES NO “NO ” toggles options??? (Analog input present 0-100%)OP (Open input present)CL (Close input present)STOP (Stop input present)ESD (ESD input present)IO (Open inhibit input present)IC (Close inhibit input present) YES NO YES NO (See NOTE 1 ) YES NOTE 1: If ordered.NOTE 2: Reserved for future. LimiGard functionalitythrough monitor relay. (See NOTE 1) VIEWHARDWARE THERMISTOR(OK)-NEXT?ENCODER(OK)-NEXT?I/O OPTION(OK)-NEXT?POWER BOARD(OK)-NEXT?DDC(OK)-NEXT? NO (See NOTE 1 ) NO (See NOTE 2) LIMIGARD(OK)-NEXT? YES A = ??? NO FF(OK)-NEXT? YES NO TORQUE SENSOR(OK)-NEXT? YES NO YES (See NOTE 1) PB/DP(OK)-NEXT? NO (See NOTE 1) PB/PA(OK)-NEXT? YES NO DEVICENET(OK)-NEXT? (See NOTE 1) Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 95 5.6 View Power Supply Viewing “POWER SUPPLY” will provide historical data on the maximum and minimum voltages that have been applied to the actuator, as well as the frequency of the AC supply. These can be reset. See Section 4.21, Diagnostic Reset. Figure 5.8 – View power supply YES YES YES NO NO YES NONO VIEW POWER SUPPLY? M AXIMUM VOLTAGE (460 V)-NEXT? CURRENT VOLTAGE (451 V)-NEXT?FREQUENCY(60 Hz)-EXIT? YES NO MINIMUM VOLTAGE(440 V)-NEXT? NOTE:Motor temperature and voltage updates every 0.5 seconds. Figure 5.9 – View Single Phase Power supply 5.7 View Identification In this dialog, the identity of the actuator may be reviewed. This dialog provides valuable information for the ordering of spare parts or checking the specification of the actuator. NOTE: The serial number, order number, and software revision number were entered at the time of manufacture and cannot be changed on screen. The software revision number is necessary when option boards are ordered. FIGURE 5.10 – VIEW IDENTIFICATION Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 96 FIGURE 5.11 – VIEW SINGLE PHASE IDENTIFICATION 5.8 View Torque Profile The information contained in the “TORQUE PROFILE” dialog provides indication of the condition of the valve relative to the last time that the “DIAGNOSTIC RESET” reference values were reset. See Section 4.22, TAG Number. It can give an indication of a change in the process conditions, such as an increase in pressure. Details are given for the REFERENCE and the LAST torque, expressed as a percentage of the rated torque (stated on the nameplate, Figure 4.7) that occurred at BREAKOUT, ENDING, and PEAK RUNNING for both the opening and closing directions. Torque will be expressed proportionally as a reference only from 40% to 100% inclusive. Initial indication may read 0% until torque exceeds 40% minimum. • “BREAKOUT” – Amount of torque required to unseat the valve. • “ENDING” – Amount of torque required to seat the valve. • “PEAK RUNNING” – Maximum torque detected while cycling from BREAKOUT to ENDING. (Maximum mid-travel torque.) Figure 5.12 – View torque profile YES YES YES NO NO YES NO NO YES NO VIEW IDENTIFICATION? TAG #MOV257 SERIAL #M002567 ORDER #366765F FIRMWARE REV. E654 YES YESNONO YESNO YESNOVIEW NETWORKREVISIONS?YESNODDC MODBUSXXXXXXX FF REVXXXXXXXX YESNOPROFIBUS DPXXXXXXXX PROFIBUS PAXXXXXXXX DEVICENETXXXXXXXX *Network revisions will only be displayed if the optional network board is installed within the MX. **** -OK?-OK?-OK? YES YES YES NO NO YES YES NO NO NO YES NO YES NO YES YES YES NO NO YES YES NO NO NO YES NO YES NO YES VIEW O PEN D IRECTION? B REAKOUT-REF 65(%)-NEXT?BREAKOUT-LAST 70(%)-NEXT?PEAK RUN REF 40(%)-NEXT?ENDING-LAST 40(%)-EXIT?PEAK RUN LAST 40(%)-NEXT?ENDING - REF 40(%)-NEXT? VIEW CLOSE D IRECTION? B REAKOUT-REF 40(%)-NEXT?BREAKOUT- LAST 43(%)-NEXT?PEAK RUN REF 40(%)-NEXT?ENDING-LAST 60(%)-EXIT?PEAK RUN LAST 40(%)-NEXT?ENDING-REF 55(%)-NEXT? VIEW TORQUE PROFILE Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 97 5.9 View Operation Log The “OPERATION LOG” provides information to assist in the maintenance program for the actuator because it indicates the total number of actuator turns, contactor operations, motor run time, and declutching operations since the actuator was manufactured. These figures may not be reset except in “RESTRICTED SETUP.” Contact factory. The LCD screen definitions are as follows: • “STROKE TIME” – Length of time of last actuator operation • “TURNS TOTAL” – Total number of drive sleeve revolutions • “TURNS RECENT” – Number of drive sleeve revolutions since last diagnostic reset. See Section 4.21, Diagnostic Reset, for reset diagnostics instructions. • “CONTACTOR OPS” – Total number of contactor operations • “OPS RECENT” – Number of contactor operations since last diagnostic reset. See Section 4.21, Diagnostic Reset, for reset diagnostics instructions. • “MOTOR RUN TIME” – Total motor operational time • “TIME RECENT” – Motor operational time since last diagnostic reset. See Section 4.21, Diagnostic Reset, for reset diagnostics instructions. • “MOVED MANUAL #” – Total number of times unit has been operated manually • “MANUAL # RECENT” – Number of times unit has been operated manually since last diagnostic reset. See Section 4.21, Diagnostic Reset, for reset diagnostics instructions. Figure 5.13– View operation log This selection permits the User to view pertinent information that summarizes the status of the DeviceNet option board TURNS RECENT 4294967296-OK? YES YES YES NO NO YES YES NO NO YES NO YES YES YES NO NO NO NO (See NOTE 1 ) NOTE 1:Resetable –See Section 4.21,Diagnostic Reset (See NOTE 1 ) (See NOTE 1 ) (See NOTE 1 ) VIEW O PERATION L OG? STROKE TIM E 65536 SECS-OK?TURNS TOTAL 4294967296-OK? OPS RECENT 4294967296-OK?CONTACTOR OPS 4294967296-OK? MOTOR RUN TIME 1193046xHR-OK?TIME RECENT 4294967296-OK?MOVED MANUAL# 4294967296-OK?M ANUAL#RECENT 4294967296-OK? Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 98 5.10 View DNET Status? Figure 5.14 – View DNET status YES YES NO NO VIEWDNET STATUS? YES NO VIEWMODULE STATUS? YES NO OFF - NEXT? YES NO NOT ONLINE - NEXT? (OPERAT IONAL)(STANDBY)(RECOV FAULT)(UNRECOV FAULT) (ONLINE)(CONNECTED)(CONN TIMEOUT)(COMM FAULT ) VIEWNETWORK STATUS? VIEW MODULE STATUS? Answer “YES” to determine status of individual DN board within the actuator. Configuration choices are: “OFF” = board installed but turned off “STANDBY” = The device needs commissioning due to configuration missing, incomplete or incorrect. “RECOVERABLE FAULT” = Conditions that can cause this event are e.g. communication fault, power fault or Limiguard fault of the SMT Main Board. Device may need resetting. “UNRECOVERABLE FAULT” = Internal Diagnostic Fault detected e.g. • Receive Queue Overrun • Transmit Queue Overrun • CAN Controller Overrun Device may need replacing. “SELF TESTING” = The device is in self-test mode VIEW NETWORK STATUS? Answer “YES” to determine status of DN network. “NOT ON LINE” = Device is not on-line. • The device has not completed the self-test yet. • The device may not be powered, look at Module Status Display. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 99 “ONLINE” = Device is on-line but has no connections in the established state. • The device has passed the SELF test, is on-line, bus has no established connections to other nodes. • For a Group 2 Only device it means that this device is not allocated to a master. • For a UCMM capable device it means that the device has no established connections. “CONNECTED” = The device is on-line and has connections in the established state. • For a Group 2 Only device it means that the device is allocated o a Master. • For a UCMM capable device it means that the device has one or more established connections. “CONN TIMEOUT” = One or more I/O Connections are in the Timed-Out state. “COMM FAULT” = Failed communication device. The device has detected an error that has rendered it incapable of communicating on the network (Duplicate MAC ID, or Bus-off). “ID COM FLT REQ” = A specific Communication Faulted device. The device has detected a Network Access error and is in the Communication Faulted state. The device has subsequently received and accepted an Identify Communication Faulted Request. Long Protocol message. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 100 6 Maintenance Under normal operating conditions, the MX is a maintenance-free actuator. For ordinary applications, the actuator will require no formal maintenance program. However, if the actuator is used under severe service conditions or operated in a Hazardous Location, the following maintenance procedures are required: 1. Check the oil level every 50 hours of operation at a minimum. Where conditions are severe due to frequent opera- tion or high ambient temperatures, a more regular inspection interval should be maintained. 2. Change the gear oil every 100 hours of operation. See Section 6.1: Lubrication. 3. All ball bearings, oil seals, O-rings and quad-rings are to be replaced after 450 hours of operation. See Bulletin LMENIM2314, MX Maintenance and Spare Parts for disassembly procedures. Clean and lubricate the valve stem regularly to avoid torque build-up and wear due to silting and corrosion. Infrequent operation can lead to corrosion and contamination of the valve stem thread lubricant. Check any thrust bearings that are fitted to the actuator for proper lubrication at regular intervals. For additional details refer to LMENIM2314, MX Maintenance and Spare Parts. 6.1 Lubrication MX actuators are oil-filled, as standard, using Mobil SHC 632. Exxon Teresstic SHP 320 may be used as a direct substitute. These products are synthetic machine oils suitable for ambient temperatures of -20°F to 250°F (-30°C to 120°C). For extreme low temperature conditions (< -30°C to 60°C), an alternative lubricant is available—Petro Canada TRAXON Synthetic 75W-90 with TOS. Consult factory for arctic temperature applications. 6.1.1 Oil Capacities To avoid pressurization of the gearcase, the following recommended oil capacities should not be exceeded: • MX-05 – 10 oz. (256 ml) MX-85 – 192 oz. (5.7 liters) • MX-10 – 21 oz. (.6 liters) MX-140 – 192 oz. (5.7 liters) • MX-20 – 48 oz. (1.4 liters) MX-150 – 192 oz. (5.7 liters) • MX-40 – 65 oz. (1.9 liters)) 6.1.2 Checking Oil Level To check the level: 1. Remove the uppermost filler plug on the gearcase. 2. Check that the level of oil is within 1 inch (25 mm) of the hole (when actuator is mounted with base horizontal). Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 101 7 Regulatory Information Application of Council Directive(s) 2004/108/EC; EMC Directive 2006/42/EC; Machinery Directive 2003/10/EC; Airborne Noise Directive 2014/34/EU; ATEX Directive Standard(s) to which Conformity Is Declared ATEX Harmonized Standards EN 60079-1:2007 EN 60079-7:2007 EN 13463-1:2009 EN 13463-5:2011 EN 60079-0:2012 + A11:2013 IEC Standards IEC 60079-0:2011 IEC 60079-1:2007 IEC 60079-7:2006 IEC 60079-31:2013 Machinery EN 60204-1:2006+A1:2009 EMC- Emissions EN 61000-6-4:2007+A1:2011 EN 55011:2009+A1:2010 Immunity EN 61000-6-2:2005 Airborne Noise EN 21680/ ISO 1680 Flowserve Corporation Flow Control Limitorque Actuation Systems 5114 W oodall Road Lynchburg, VA 24502 Tel. Cell. Fax: 434.845.9711 434.258.6720 434.522.9844 Page 1 of 3 Flow Control Limitorque Making Valve Control EasierTM EU Declaration of Conformity Application of Council Directive(s) 2014/30/EU; EMC Directive 2006/42/EC; Machinery Directive 2014/34/EU; ATEX Directive 2014/35/EU; Low Voltage Directive Standard(s) to which Conformity Is Declared ATEX Harmonized Standards EN 60079-0:2012+A11:2013 EN 60079-1:2014 EN 60079-7:2015 EN 13463-1:2011 EN 13463-5:2011 IEC Standards IEC 60079-0:2011 IEC 60079-1:2014 IEC 60079-7: 2015 IEC 60079-31:2013 Machinery, Low Voltage Dir. EN 60204-1:2006+A1:2009 EMC – Emissions EN 61000-6-4:2007+A1:2011 EN 55011:2009+A1:2010 Immunity EN 61000-6-2:2005 Airborne Noise EN ISO 1680:2013 Industrial Valve Actuators – Basic Requirements EN 15714-2:2009 Materials of Construction Terminal & Control Covers - Aluminum Alloys 380 or 383 CS Station - Aluminum Alloy 319 Nameplate - Stainless Steel Housing - 356-T6 Aluminum W indow - Heat tempered Soda Lime Glass Antenna Cover – Polytetrafluoroethylene MX-Series A 3 Phase: Notified Body for ATEX FM Approvals Europe Limited One Georges Quay Plaza Dublin, Ireland, D02 E440 Notified Body Number – 2809 EC Type Examination Certificate SIRA03ATEX1212X Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 102 Materials of Construction Terminal & Control Covers- Aluminum Alloys 380 or 383 CS Station- Aluminum Alloy 319 Nameplate - Stainless Steel Housing- 356-T6 Aluminum Window- Heat tempered Soda Lime Glass Antenna Cover - Polytetrafluoroethylene MX 3 phase Notified Body for ATEX FM Approvals LTD 1 Windsor Dials Windsor, Berkshire, UK 514 IRS Notified Body Number 1725 EC Type Examination Certificate SIRA03ATEX1212X Manufacturer’s Name Limitorque, a division of Flowserve Corporation Manufacturer’s Address 5114 Woodall Road Lynchburg, VA 24502 USA Importer’s Name Flowserve S.r.l. Importer’s Address Via. Rio Vallone 17 20883 Messago (MB) Italy Type & Description of Equipment Valve Actuators Model Numbers MXa-05, -10, -20,-40, -85, -140, -150 MX Series Note: Tested with Limitorque products only and with standards applicable at time of tests. MX 3 phase Equipment Marking II 2 G c Ex d lIB or IIC T4 Tamb = -30°C to +65°C Ex d lIB T4 (MX-05/10/20/40) Tamb = -60°C to +65°C Ex de lIB or IIC T4 Tamb = -30°C to +65°C (ambient range dependent upon type) Flowserve Corporation Flow Control Limitorque Actuation Systems 5114 W oodall Road Lynchburg, VA 24502 Tel. Cell. Fax: 434.845.9711 434.258.6720 434.522.9844 www.flo Page 2 of 3 Manufacturer’s Name Limitorque, a Division of Flowserve Corporation Manufacturer’s Address 5114 Woodall Road Lynchburg,VA 24502 USA Alternate Manufacturing Site Flowserve Fluid Motion and Control Suzhou Co., Ltd. No. 49 Weixin Road, SIP, Suzhou 215121 Jiangsu Province, PRC Importer’s Name Flowserve S.r.l Importer’s Address Via. Rio Vallone 17 20883 Mezzago (MB) Italy Type & Description of Equipment Valve Actuators Model Numbers MXa-05, -10, -20, -40, -85, -140, -150 MX Series Note: Tested with Limitorque products only and with standards applicable at time of tests. MXa Series 3 Phase Equipment Marking for Atex II 2 G Ex db h IIB or IIC T4 Tamb = -30°C to +65°C Ex db h IIB T4 (MX-05/10/20/40) Tamb = -60°C to +65°C Ex db eb h IIB or IIC T4 Tamb = -30°C to +65°C (ambient range dependent upon type) or II 2 G c Ex db h IIB or IIC T4 Tamb = -30°C to +65°C Ex db h IIB T4 (MX-05/10/20/40) Tamb = -60°C to +65°C Ex db eb h IIC T4 Tamb = -30°C to +65°C (ambient range dependent upon type) MX-Series A Single Phase: Notified Body for ATEX FM Approvals Europe Limited One Georges Quay Plaza Dublin, Ireland, D02 E440 Notified Body Number – 2809 Model Numbers MX-05 and MX-10 Single Phase Equipment Marking for IECEx: FMG10.0023X Ex db IIB or IIC T4 Gb Ex tb IIIC T135C Db Tamb -20˚C to +60˚C Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 103 MX Single Phase certification FM16ATEX0017X and notified body: FM Approvals LTD 1 Windsor Dials Windsor, Berkshire, UK. SL4 1RS Model Numbers MX-05 and MX-10 Single Phase Equipment Marking for IECEx FMG10.0023X Ex d IIB or IIC T4 Gb Ex tb IIIC T135C Db Tamb -20°C to +60°C FMG10.0023X Ex de IIB or IIC T4 Gb Ex tb IIIC T135C Db Tamb -20°C to +60°C FMG10.0023X Ex d IIB T4 Gb Ex tb IIIC T135C Db Tamb -40°C to +40°C FMG10.0023X Ex d IIB T4 Gb Ex tb IIIC T135C Db Tamb -30°C to +65°C Model Numbers MX-05 and MX-10 Single Phase Equipment Marking for ATEX FM16ATEX0017X II 2 G c Ex d IIB or IIC T4 Gb II 2 D c Ex tb IIIC T135C Db Tamb -20°C to +60°C FM16ATEX0017X II 2 G c Ex de IIB or IIC T4 Gb II 2 D c Ex tb IIIC T135C Db Tamb -20°C to +60°C FM16ATEX0017X II 2 G c Ex d IIB T4 Gb II 2 D c Ex tb IIIC T135C Db Tamb -40°C to +40°C FM16ATEX0017X II 2 G c Ex d IIB T4 Gb II 2 D c Ex tb IIIC T135C Db Tamb -30°C to +65°C I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the equipment specified above conforms to the above Directive(s) and Standard(s). John Thilking Flowserve Corporation Flow Control Limitorque Actuation Systems 5114 W oodall Road Lynchburg, VA 24502 Tel. Cell. Fax: 434.845.9711 434.258.6720 434.522.9844 www.flo Page 3 of 3 FMG10.0023X Ex db eb IIB or IIC T4 Gb Ex tb IIIC T135C Db Tamb -20˚C to +60˚C FMG10.0023X Ex db IIB T4 Gb Ex tb IIIC T135C Db Tamb -40˚C to +40˚C FMG10.0023X Ex db IIB T4 Gb Ex tb IIIC T135C Db Tamb -30˚C to +65˚C Model Numbers MX-05 and MX-10 Single Phase Equipment Marking for Atex: FM16ATEX0017X II 2 G c, Ex db IIB or IIC T4 Gb II 2 D c, Ex tb IIIC T135C Db Tamb -20˚C to +60˚C FM16ATEX0017X II 2 G c, Ex db eb IIB or IIC T4 Gb II 2 D c, Ex tb IIIC T135C Db Tamb -20˚C to +60˚C Equipment Marking for Atex FM16ATEX0017X II 2 G c, Ex db IIB T4 Gb II 2 D c, Ex tb IIIC T135C Db Tamb -40˚C to +40˚C FM16ATEX0017X II 2 G c, Ex db IIB T4 Gb II 2 D c, Ex tb IIIC T135C Db Tamb -30˚C to +65˚C I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that the equipment specified above conforms to the above Directive(s) and Standard(s). John Thilking, PE Sr. Certification Engineer, ATEX/IECEx Authorized Person Flowserve Limitorque 5114 Woodall Rd Lynchburg VA 24502 USA December 10, 2019 Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 104 7.1 Specific Conditions of Use (denoted by X after the certificate number) for Atex and IECEx Applications 1. ISO Class 12.9, M8/M10/M16/M20 socket-head cap screws (Yield Stress 1100 MPa) shall be used to replace the terminal, control, or motor compartment fasteners. 2. K-500 Monel, M8 socket-head cap screws (Yield Stress 700 MPa) shall be permitted as an alternative to the ISO Class 12.9 socket-head cap screws on the terminal or control compartments of Group IIB actuators. 3. K-500 Monel, M8/M10 socket-head cap screws (Yield Stress 700 MPa) shall be permitted as an alternative to the ISO Class 12.9 socket-head cap screws on the motor compartments of Group IIB, MX-05/10/20/40/85/140 (56 frame) actuators. 4. Stainless steel, A2 or A4, ISO Class 70, M10 socket-head cap screws (Yield Stress 450 MPa) shall be permitted as an alternative to the ISO Class 12.9 socket-head cap screws on MX-85 motor compartments. 5. Stainless steel, A2 or A4, ISO Class 70, M8 socket-head cap screws (Yield Stress 450 MPa) shall be permitted as an alternative to the ISO Class 12.9 socket-head cap screws on the terminal or control compartments of Group IIB actuators. 6. Stainless steel, A2 or A4, ISO Class 70, M10/M16/M20 socket-head cap screws (Yield Stress 450 MPa) shall be permitted as an alternative to the ISO Class 12.9 socket-head cap screws on MX-140 (180 frame) or MX-150 motor compartments. 7. Consult the manufacturer if dimensional information on the flameproof joints is necessary. 8. Single Phase Series MX Actuators shall not be applied in an explosive dust atmosphere where high electrostatic charging processes are present that could result in propagating brush discharges. See IEC 60079-32-1 for additional guidance. 7.2 Statement of Compliance With Applicable European Directives We, Flowserve Limitorque, 5114 Woodall Road, Lynchburg, VA, USA 24502, as the manufacturer of the equipment listed below: MX-05, 10, 20, 40, 85, 140 and 150 electronic valve actuator. The MX is a non-intrusive electronic actuator. It is specifically designed for the purpose of being mounted to multi-turn valves (or other apparatus) in order to move the valve from fully closed to fully open. Confirm, in accordance with the requirements of clause 1.2.7 of the Essential Health and Safety Requirements of Community Directive 94/9/EC on equipment before April 20, 2016 and address the Essential Health and Safety Requirements of Community Directive 2014/34/EU after April 20, 2016 and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres that the above equipment has been designed and manufactured to: a) Avoid physical injury or other harm which may be caused by direct or indirect contact; b) Assure that the surface temperature of accessible parts or radiation which cause a danger, are not produced; c) Eliminate non-electric dangers which are revealed by experience; d) Assure that foreseeable conditions of overload shall not give rise to dangerous situations. And where these risks are wholly or partly covered by other Community Directives, the equipment satisfies the requirements of those specific Directives. And that literature describing the equipment will not contradict the instructions with regard to safety aspects. Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 105 Applicable Emissions standards EN61000-6-4:2007+A1:2011 Industrial Environments - Class A - Test Limits & Levels Radiated emissions EN55011:2009+A1:2010 (CISPR11)330 MHz to 230 MHz 230 MHz to 1 GHz 40 dB (μV/m) 47 dB (μV/m) FCC Part 15, (CFR47 Part 15.109 30 MHz to 88 MHz 88 MHz to 216 MHz 216 MHz to 960 MHz > 960 MHz 90 dB (μV/m) 150 dB (μV/m) 210 dB (μV/m) 300 dB (μV/m) Conducted emissions EN55011:2009+A1:2010 (CISPR11)150 kHz to 500 kHz 500 kHz to 30 MHz 79 dB (μV) (quasi-pk), 66 dB (μV) (avg) 73 dB (μV) (quasi-pk), 60 dB (μV) (avg)FCC Part 15, (CFR47 Part 15.107) Applicable immunity standards EN61000-6-2:2005 (Perf. Criteron)Industrial Environments - Test Limits & Levels ESD IEC61000-4-2 (B)Air: AC, DC, Signal Contact: AC, DC, Signal ±2 kV, ±4 kV, ±8 kV ±1 kV, ±2 kV, ±4 kV Radiated RF immunity IEC61000-4-3 (A)Enclosure @ 80 MHz to 1 GHz 10 Vrms/m @ 80% AM, 1 kHz Enclosure @ 1 GHz to 2.7 GHz 3 Vrms/m @ 80% AM, 1 kHz Fast transients/burst IEC61000-4-4 (B)AC, Signal ±2 kV, ±1 kV Voltage surges IEC61000-4-5 (B)Common: AC, Signal Differential: AC, Signal ±2 kV, ±l kV ±l kV, ±l kV Conducted RF immunity IEC61000-4-6 (A)AC @ 150 kHz to 80 MHz 10 Vrms @ 80% AM, 1 kHz Magnetic field immunity IEC61000-4-8 (A)Three mounting axis 30A/m Voltage dips and interrupts IEC61000-4-11 (B)3 dips, 10 sec apart > 95% dip for 1 cycle @ 50/60 Hz 30% dip for 500 ms @ 50/60 Hz 60% dip for 200 ms @ 50/60 Hz IEC61000-4-11 (C)3 dips, 10 sec apart > 95% interrupt for 5 sec @ 50/60 Hz EMC - standards to which the single phase ACV MX actuator complies: Applicable Emissions standards EN61326-1 (CISPR11)Industrial Environments - Class A - Test Limits & Levels Radiated emissions EN55011:2009+A1:2010 (CISPR11 330 MHz to 230 MHz 230 MHz to 1 GHz 40 dB (μV/m) 47 dB (μV/m) FCC Part 15, (CFR47 Part 15.109) 30 MHz to 88 MHz 88 MHz to 216 MHz 216 MHz to 960 MHz > 960 MHz 90 dB (μV/m) 150 dB (μV/m) 210 dB (μV/m) 300 dB (μV/m) Conducted emissions EN55011:2009+A1:2010 (CISPR11)150 kHz to 500 kHz 500 kHz to 30 MHz 79 dB (μV) (quasi-pk), 66 dB (μV) (avg) 73 dB (μV) (quasi-pk), 60 dB (μV) (avg)FCC Part 15, (CFR47 Part 15.107) Applicable immunity standards EN61326-1 (Performance Criterion)Industrial Environments - Test Limits & Levels Electrostatic Discharge EN61000-4-2 (B)Contact Air ±1 kV, ±2 kV, ±4 kV ±2 kV, ±4 kV, ±6kV, ±8 kV Radiated RF Susceptibility EN61000-4-3 (A) Enclosure @ 80 MHz to 1 GHz Enclosure @ 1.4 GHz to 2 GHz Enclosure @ 2 GHz to 2.7 GHz 10 Vrms/m @ 80% AM, 1 kHz3 Vrms/m @ 80% AM, 1 kHz1 Vrms/m @ 80% AM, 1 kHz Electrical Fast Transient/Burst EN61000-4-4 (B) AC Power, DC Power I/O (mains connected) I/O (non-mains) ±2 kV ±2 kV ±1 kV Voltage surges EN61000-4-5 (B) AC Power, DC Power I/O (mains connected) I/O (non-mains) ±1 kV (DM), ±2 kV (CM) ±2 kV (CM) ±1 kV (CM) Conducted RF Immunity EN61000-4-6 (A)AC Power, DC Power, I/O @ 150 kHz to 80 MHz 30 A/m, 60 sec dwell Magnetic Immunity EN61000-4-8 (A)Three mounting axis, X, Y, Z 30 A/m, 60 sec dwell Voltage Dips and Interrupts EN61000-4-11 (B) 3 dips, 10 sec apart 3 dips, 10 sec apart 3 dips, 10 sec apart 100% dip for 1 cycle @ 50/60 Hz 60% dip for 200 ms @ 50/60 Hz 30% dip for 500 ms @ 50/60 Hz EN61000-4-11 (C)3 dips, 10 sec apart 100% interrupt for 5 sec @ 50/60 Hz Table 7.1 – EMC – Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) standards to which the three phase ACV MX actuator complies: Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 106 7.3 Single-Phase MX Full Load Amperage Values (FLA) The product nameplate lists Full Load Amperage values at 40°C. The Full Load Amperage values vary with temperature. The change in FLA over temperature is shown in the tables below. MX-05 20% run load FLA@100/240 VAC RPM 15/18 22/26 33 /40 43/52 65/77 84/100 127/155 165/200 +70°C 2.7/1.6 3.3/1.9 4.4/2.5 5.6/3.0 6.3/3.5 5.9/3.2 8.5/4.6 8.8/4.6 +25°C & +40°C 2.8/1.8 3.6/2.1 5.0/2.8 6.3/3.4 7.8/4.2 7.7/4.0 11/6 11.3/6 -30°C & -40°C 6.8/3.7 8.6/4.5 11.2/5.8 13.6/7.2 11.1/6.3 13.7/7 18/9.3 20/10 MX-10 20% run load FLA@100/240 VAC RPM 15/18 22/26 33 /40 43/52 65/77 84/100 127/155 165/200 +70°C 4.5/2.6 5.9/3.4 8/4.6 9.9/5.6 11.7/6.7 11.5/6.1 15.5/9 15.8/9 +25°C & +40°C 5/2.9 6.6/3.7 9.5/5.3 12/6.7 13.2/7.5 13.1/7.3 18/11 19/11 -30°C & -40°C 9.1/4.9 11.7/6.4 16.3/9 20.2/11.2 18.7/10.6 18.4/10.6 26/15 30/18 Notes 1. -20°C/-30°C /-40 °C to +40°C values are the same value due to different gear lubrications being utilized 2. 40% run load FLA values are 1.5 times the 20% run load FLA values 3. When operating at 115 VAC reduce nameplate FLA@100 VAC by 6% 4. When operating at 230 VAC increase nameplate FLA @240 VAC by 8% 5. When operating at 208 VAC increase nameplate FLA @240 VAC by 27% Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 107 Figure 7.1 – Typical three-phase ACV IEC nameplate Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 108 Figure 7.2 – Typical Single Phase MX IECEx Nameplate R FL O W S E R V E 'B ' O R ' C ' GR O U P O P T I O N RP M O F D R I V E S L E E V E S E E T A B L E 1 'H z ' FA C T O R Y A S S I G N E D S E R I A L N U M B E R T O I N C L U D E D E S I G N A T O R P E R T A B L E 2 YE A R O F U N I T M A N U F A C T U R E DR A W I N G N U M B E R 6 4 - 6 8 2 - 0 0 3 2 - 1 1 E I T H E R ' 5 0 O R 6 0 ' F O R A C SU P P L Y P H A S E : US E ' 1 ' F O R S U P P L Y VO L T A G E A C FO R G R . I I B O R I I C N A M E P L A T E SE E T A B L E 1 TA G G I N G I N F O R M A T I O N LI M I T O R Q U E O R D E R N U M B E R S E E T A B L E 1 AC T U A T O R S I Z E EX A M P L E : M X - S I Z E HP / K w A C T U A T O R I N F T - L B S A N D N m ( F L A ) AL L L E T T E R S , B O X E S A N D S Y M B O L S FU L L L O A D A M P S S E E T A B L E 1 S E E N O T E 3 '1 0 0 - 2 4 0 A C ' W I T H O U T O P T . 1 5 V A T R A N S F O R M E R OR TO B E L A S E R E T C H E D ( S I L V E R ) '1 9 0 - 2 4 0 A C ' W I T H O P T . 1 5 V A T R A N S F O R M E R I C A - 2 0 4 8 MA X I M U M O U T P U T T O R Q U E O F OR SE E N O T E 4 IE C E x - 2 0 ° C T O + 6 5 ° C SE E T A B L E 1 AC T U A T O R L U B R I C A N T WI T H O P T I O N A L I N C R E A S E D S A F E T Y SE E N O T E 4 L O C K R O T O R A M P S '1 0 0 - 1 4 0 A C ' W I T H O P T . 1 5 V A T R A N S F O R M E R I C A - 2 0 4 7 ( L R A ) S H O W A S ' 1 5 M I N . ' O N N A M E P L A T E S E E N O T E 5 F O R O T H E R T H A N ' 1 5 M I N . ' SU P P L Y V O L T A G E : U N L E S S O T H E R W I S E S P E C I F I E D D U T Y I S 1 5 M I N U T E S . PR O D U C T O R I G I N SE E T A B L E 2 SE E T A B L E 1 AC T U A T O R D U T Y C Y C L E I N T E R V A L I N M I N U T E S DR A W I N G N U M B E R 6 4 - 6 8 2 - 0 0 3 2 - 1 3 IE C E x - 4 0 ° C T O + 4 0 ° C F O R G R . I I B N A M E P L A T E F O R T H I S N A M E P L A T E IN C R E A S E D S A F E T Y A N D I I C N O T A P P L I C A B L E F O R T H I S N A M E P L A T E IN C R E A S E D S A F E T Y A N D I I C N O T A P P L I C A B L E IE C E x - 3 0 ° C T O + 6 5 ° C F O R G R . I I B N A M E P L A T E DR A W I N G N U M B E R 6 4 - 6 8 2 - 0 0 3 2 - 1 4 DR A W I N G N U M B E R 6 4 - 6 8 2 - 0 0 3 2 - 1 2 IE C E x - 2 0 ° C T O + 6 5 ° C IN C R E A S E D S A F E T Y I I C N A M E P L A T E AD D E D D W G N U M B E R 6 4 - 6 8 2 - 0 0 3 2 - 1 5 MWR EC N 33 2 1 2 Li m i t o r q u e A c t u a t i o n S y s t e m s D C B A ABCD SC A L E DW G . N O . SI Z ED SH E E T 2 O F 2 RE V . DA T E BO M N O . DR A W N CH E C K E D DA T E DA T E AP P R O V E D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 887 6 5 4 32 1 RE V I S I O N S RE V . DE S C R I P T I O N BY DATE APPVD C4 RE V I S E D T A B L E 2 . GE N E R A L C / N C6 TA B L E 1 V A L U E S F O R ' F U L L L O A D A M P S ' , ' L O C K R O T O R A M P S ' E C EC N WCH SAV CH A N G E D U P P E R A M B I A N T T E M P E R A T U R E R A T I N G T O + 6 5 DJM 31 8 1 7 D6 C 4 - 3 . F O R A M X - 0 5 , 6 0 H z , 4 0 R P M 1 0 0 - 2 4 0 A C U N I T , AN D ' H P / K W ' W E R E C H A N G E D T O B E A L I G N E D W I T H 64 - 6 8 2 - 0 0 3 2 DJ M 1 - 1 4 - 1 6 7-7-16 7. A L L V I E W S A R E T H I R D A N G L E P R O J E C T I O N S . M A N U F A C T U R I N G D A T A O N L Y . AC T U A L P R O D U C T I O N V A L U E S . 0. 2 0 ( < 0 . 8 0 ) 6. D I M E N S I O N S I N B R A C K E T S [ X . X X X ] A R E F O R 4- 2 0 - 1 6 F O R R E F E R E N C E O N L Y . AD D H O U S T O N T X . U S A T O T A B L E 2 D3 D 9-24-16 ZO N E EC N - 33 1 3 1 '- 3 0 ° C T O + 6 0 ° C ' F U L L L O A D A M P S = 2 . 8 AD D E D N O T E 5 T O S E E S I Z I N G C H A R T F O R O T H E R D U T Y C Y C L E S . DE F A U L T F I L L E T R A D I I = 0 . 4 0 / 1 . 0 0 GE N E R A L M A N U F A C T U R I N G N O T E S U N L E S S EC N CO N T R O L L E D D R A W I N G E N G I N E E R I N G D E S I G N S T A N D A R D S ( E D S ) 3. M A C H I N E D S U R F A C E F I N I S H T O B E 6 . 3 0 2. R E M O V E A L L B U R R S A N D S H A R P C O R N E R S = TA P D E P T H S A R E M I N I M U M CA S T I N G A N D O T H E R D I M E N S I O N A L T O L E R A N C E 0. 4 0 ( > 0 . 8 0 ) ST A N D A R D S ( E D S ) . EX T E R N A L - C L A S S 6 g AL L R E V I S I O N S T O T H I S D R A W I N G M U S T B E R E V I E W E D CH A M F E R S = IN T E R N A L - C L A S S 6 H 4-20-16 51 1 4 W O O D A L L R O A D , L Y N C H B U R G , V I R G I N I A 2 4 5 0 6 - 1 3 1 8 0. 5 0 LI M I T S A R E P E R L I M I T O R Q U E E N G I N E E R I N G D E S I G N PR O P R I E T A R Y N O T I C E WCH DI S C L O S E D , I N W H O L E O R I N P A R T , W I T H O U T T H E W R I T T E N C O N S E N T O F F L O W S E R V E F 6-29-17 AN D P R O P R I E T A R Y , T H E R E F O R E , I T I S N O T T O B E U S E D , D U P L I C A T E D , O R TI T L E / U N I T S I Z E JT TH I S D O C U M E N T C O N T A I N S I N F O R M A T I O N W H I C H F L O W S E R V E D E E M S C O N F I D E N T I A L 32 5 9 3 AD D E D T H I S S H E E T . X X = CF - R G P 0. 5 0 M I C R O M E T E R S . . X = 0. 5 0 OT H E R W I S E S P E C I F I E D : DJ M 1 - 1 4 - 1 6 MA K E F R O M B L A N K 6 4 - 6 8 2 - 0 0 0 7 - 1 AN S I B 1 . 1 3 M 2. 8 4. F I L L E T R A D I I M A Y B E T U R N E D U P T O 0 . 5 0 5 (N A M E P L A T E - 2 0 ° C W A S - 3 0 ° C ) 8. D I M E N S I O N I N G , T O L E R A N C I N G , S Y M B O L S , X . = T H R E A D S , E T C . A R E P E R L I M I T O R Q U E MA C H I N E D D I M E N S I O N S : 5. S E E M X S I N G L E P H A S E S I Z I N G C H A R T F O R O T H E R D U T Y C Y C L E S . 1. 0 F NA M E P L A T E , I E C E x (S E E N O T E 2 ) WC H 1 - 1 3 - 1 6 MA T E R I A L NO T E S : AN D A P P R O V E D B Y T H E A U T H O R I Z E D P E R S O N MX S E R I E S A , S I N G L E P H A S E DJM (D E L E T E D B A N G A L O R E F R O M T A B L E 2 ) 2- 1 6 - 1 6 1. A L L D I M E N S I O N S A R E I N M I L L I M E T E R S . - FIL L E T R A D I I = F U L L L O A D A M P S = 5 L 1 0 6 5 0 2 / 1 0 / 0 4 TH R E A D S P E R : B E L O W T H E F I N I S H D I A M E T E R . 5. D I M E N S I O N S I N P A R E N T H E S I S ( X . . X X X ) A R E 0. 2 5 AN G L E S = F U L L L O A D A M P S = 5 4- 1 9 - 1 6 AD D E D L I N E F O R ' D U T Y ' T O N A M E P L A T E 31 6 1 0 4 - 2 . F O R A M X - 0 5 , 6 0 H z , 4 0 R P M 1 9 0 - 2 4 0 A C U N I T , 4 - 1 . F O R A M X - 0 5 , 6 0 H z , 4 0 R P M 1 0 0 - 1 4 0 A C U N I T , TO L E R A N C E L I M I T S U N L E S S O T H E R W I S E S P E C I F I E D : 1. N A M E P L A T E P E R T H I S S H E E T I S R E Q U I R E D O N A L L M X a X P I E C E x S I N G L E P H A S E P R O D U C T S P E R 0 1 - 6 0 2 - 1 1 7 0 O R 0 1 - 6 0 2 - 1 1 7 1 . 2. A L T E R N A T E N A M E P L A T E M A T E R I A L I S 3 1 6 O R 3 0 4 S S W I T H A B R U S H E D O R S A T I N S U R F A C E F I N I S H . L E T T E R I N G I S L A S E R E T C H E D S I L V E R . 3. K w A N D H P I S O U T P U T A T M O T O R . 4. N A M E P L A T E L A B E L I N G F O R F U L L L O A D A M P S M U S T B E L A B E L E D A S S H O W N I N T A B L E 1 . EX A M P L E S ; 2- 1 8 - 1 6 (A D D E D N A M E P L A T E 6 4 - 6 8 2 - 0 0 3 2 - 1 4 ) 3- 1 - 1 6 NO T E 1 , ' A L L M X a X P I E C E x ' W A S ' A L L M X a X P F M ' 4- 4 - 1 6 NA M E P L A T E 6 4 - 6 8 2 - 0 0 3 2 - 1 4 ' - 3 0 ° C T O + 6 5 ° C ' W A S RE V I S E D E P L C A T E G O R I E S T O M E E T I E C 6 0 0 7 9 - 1 : 2 0 1 4 . AD D E D P R O D U C T O R I G I N . EC N JT TA B L E 2 TA B L E 1 DR A W I N G N U M B E R 6 4 - 6 8 2 - 0 0 3 2 - 1 5 IE C E x - 2 0 ° C T O + 6 5 ° C IN C R E A S E D S A F E T Y I I B N A M E P L A T E LY N C H B U R G V A . U S A L PR O D U C T O F U S A HO U S T O N T X . U S A H PR O D U C T O F U S A FA C T O R Y L O C A T I O N SE R I A L N O . DE S I G N A T I O N PR O D U C T O R I G I N 50 H z 6 0 H z 10 0 - 1 4 0 V A C 1 9 0 - 2 4 0 V A C 1 0 0 - 2 4 0 V A C 1 0 0 - 1 4 0 V A C 1 9 0 - 2 4 0 V A C 1 0 0 - 2 4 0 V A C 05 1 5 1 8 55 75 2. 8 1. 8 2 . 8 - 1 . 8 1 1 . 8 6. 4 1 1 . 8 - 6 . 4 . 1 6 / . 1 2 05 2 2 2 6 55 75 3. 6 2. 1 3 . 6 - 2 . 1 1 5 . 1 7. 9 1 5 . 1 - 7 . 9 . 2 3 / . 1 7 05 3 3 4 0 55 75 5 2. 8 5 - 2 . 8 1 9 . 6 1 0 . 2 1 9 . 6 - 1 0 . 2 . 3 3 / . 2 5 05 4 3 5 2 55 75 6. 3 3. 4 6 . 3 - 3 . 4 2 3 . 8 1 2 . 5 2 3 . 8 - 1 2 . 5 . 4 3 / . 3 2 05 6 5 7 7 48 65 7. 8 4. 2 7 . 8 - 4 . 2 1 9 . 8 1 1 . 2 1 9 . 8 - 1 1 . 2 . 5 6 / . 4 2 05 8 4 1 0 0 3 9 53 7. 7 4. 0 7 . 7 - 4 . 0 2 4 . 3 1 2 . 3 2 4 . 3 - 1 2 . 3 . 5 4 / . 4 0 05 1 2 7 1 5 5 4 1 56 11 6 11 - 6 3 0 17 3 0 - 1 7 . 8 6 / . 6 4 05 1 6 5 2 0 0 3 4 46 11 . 3 6 1 1 . 3 - 6 2 8 19 2 8 - 1 9 . 8 4 / . 6 3 10 1 5 1 8 1 2 5 16 9 5 2. 9 5 - 2 . 9 1 6 9 16 - 9 . 3 5 / . 2 6 10 2 2 2 6 1 2 5 16 9 6. 6 3. 7 6 . 6 - 3 . 7 2 0 . 5 1 1 . 2 2 0 . 5 - 1 1 . 2 . 4 7 / . 3 5 10 3 3 4 0 1 2 5 16 9 9. 5 5. 3 9 . 5 - 5 . 3 2 9 16 2 9 - 1 6 . 6 8 / . 5 2 10 4 3 5 2 1 2 5 16 9 12 6. 7 1 2 - 6 . 7 3 0 20 3 0 - 2 0 . 9 2 / . 6 9 10 6 5 7 7 1 0 7 14 5 13 . 2 7. 5 1 3 . 2 - 7 . 5 3 0 21 3 0 - 2 1 1 . 1 / . 8 2 10 8 4 1 0 0 8 9 12 1 13 . 1 7. 3 1 3 . 1 - 7 . 3 3 0 19 3 0 - 1 9 1 . 1 / . 8 0 10 1 2 7 1 5 5 8 9 12 1 18 11 1 8 - 1 1 3 0 29 3 0 - 2 9 1 . 6 / 1 . 2 3 10 1 6 5 2 0 0 7 3 99 19 11 1 9 - 1 1 3 0 30 3 0 - 3 0 1 . 6 / 1 . 2 3 HP / K w @ + 4 0 ° C FU L L L O A D A M P S ( F L A ) @ + 4 0 ° C RP M UN I T S I Z E RA T E D F T - L B S (N O M I N A L ) RA T E D N - m (N O M I N A L ) LO C K R O T O R A M P S ( L R A ) Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 109 Figure 7.3 – Typical Three Phase MX ATEX Nameplate Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 110 Figure 7.4 – Typical ATEX single phase MX nameplate (64-682-0064) R FL O W S E R V E RP M O F D R I V E S L E E V E S E E T A B L E 1 'H z ' E I T H E R ' 5 0 O R 6 0 ' F O R A C FA C T O R Y A S S I G N E D S E R I A L N U M B E R T O I N C L U D E D E S I G N A T O R P E R T A B L E 2 YE A R O F U N I T M A N U F A C T U R E TA G G I N G I N F O R M A T I O N DR A W I N G N U M B E R 6 4 - 6 8 2 - 0 0 6 4 - 1 1 LI M I T O R Q U E O R D E R N U M B E R SU P P L Y P H A S E : US E ' 1 ' F O R S U P P L Y VO L T A G E A C AC T U A T O R S I Z E EX A M P L E : M X - S I Z E SE E T A B L E 1 AL L L E T T E R S , B O X E S A N D S Y M B O L S TO B E L A S E R E T C H E D ( S I L V E R ) HP / K w S E E T A B L E 1 S E E N O T E 3 MA X I M U M O U T P U T T O R Q U E O F A C T U A T O R I N F T - L B S A N D N m S E E T A B L E 1 FU L L L O A D A M P S ( F L A ) SE E T A B L E 1 SE E N O T E 4 SU P P L Y V O L T A G E : '1 0 0 - 1 4 0 A C ' W I T H O P T . 1 5 V A T R A N S F O R M E R I C A - 2 0 4 7 OR '1 9 0 - 2 4 0 A C ' W I T H O P T . 1 5 V A T R A N S F O R M E R I C A - 2 0 4 8 OR '1 0 0 - 2 4 0 A C ' W I T H O U T O P T . 1 5 V A T R A N S F O R M E R AT E X - 2 0 ° C T O + 6 0 ° C WI T H O P T I O N A L I N C R E A S E D S A F E T Y FO R G R . I I B O R I I C N A M E P L A T E L O C K R O T O R A M P S ( L R A ) SE E T A B L E 1 SE E N O T E 4 AC T U A T O R L U B R I C A N T GR O U P O P T I O N 'B ' O R ' C ' AC T U A T O R D U T Y C Y C L E I N T E R V A L I N M I N U T E S U N L E S S O T H E R W I S E S P E C I F I E D D U T Y I S 1 5 M I N U T E S . S H O W A S ' 1 5 M I N . ' O N N A M E P L A T E S E E N O T E 5 F O R O T H E R T H A N ' 1 5 M I N . ' PR O D U C T O R I G I N SE E T A B L E 2 DR A W I N G N U M B E R 6 4 - 6 8 2 - 0 0 6 4 - 1 3 AT E X - 4 0 ° C T O + 4 0 ° C F O R G R . I I B N A M E P L A T E IN C R E A S E D S A F E T Y A N D I I C N O T A P P L I C A B L E F O R T H I S N A M E P L A T E DR A W I N G N U M B E R 6 4 - 6 8 2 - 0 0 6 4 - 1 2 AT E X - 2 0 ° C T O + 6 0 ° C IN C R E A S E D S A F E T Y I I C N A M E P L A T E AT E X - 2 0 ° C T O + 6 0 ° C IN C R E A S E D S A F E T Y I I B N A M E P L A T E DR A W I N G N U M B E R 6 4 - 6 8 2 - 0 0 6 4 - 1 5 DR A W I N G N U M B E R 6 4 - 6 8 2 - 0 0 6 4 - 1 4 AT E X - 3 0 ° C T O + 6 5 ° C F O R G R . I I B N A M E P L A T E IN C R E A S E D S A F E T Y A N D I I C N O T A P P L I C A B L E F O R T H I S N A M E P L A T E TA B L E 2 TA B L E 1 L i m i t o r q u e A c t u a t i o n S y s t e m s D C B A ABCD SC A L E DW G . N O . SIZ ED SH E E T RE V . DA T E BO M N O . DR A W N CH E C K E D DA T E DA T E AP P R O V E D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 88 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 RE V I S I O N S RE V . DE S C R I P T I O N BY DATE APPVD GE N E R A L C / N ZO N E TI T L E / U N I T S I Z E GE N E R A L M A N U F A C T U R I N G N O T E S U N L E S S OT H E R W I S E S P E C I F I E D : 1. A L L D I M E N S I O N S A R E I N M I L L I M E T E R S . 2. R E M O V E A L L B U R R S A N D S H A R P C O R N E R S 3. M A C H I N E D S U R F A C E F I N I S H T O B E 6 . 3 0 M I C R O M E T E R S . 4. F I L L E T R A D I I M A Y B E T U R N E D U P T O 0 . 5 0 B E L O W T H E F I N I S H D I A M E T E R . 5. D I M E N S I O N S I N P A R E N T H E S I S ( X . . X X X ) A R E F O R R E F E R E N C E O N L Y . 6. D I M E N S I O N S I N B R A C K E T S [ X . X X X ] A R E F O R M A N U F A C T U R I N G D A T A O N L Y . 7. A L L V I E W S A R E T H I R D A N G L E P R O J E C T I O N S . 8. D I M E N S I O N I N G , T O L E R A N C I N G , S Y M B O L S , T H R E A D S , E T C . A R E P E R L I M I T O R Q U E E N G I N E E R I N G D E S I G N S T A N D A R D S ( E D S ) TO L E R A N C E L I M I T S U N L E S S O T H E R W I S E S P E C I F I E D : MA C H I N E D D I M E N S I O N S : X . = 0. 5 0 . X = 0. 5 0 . X X = 0. 2 5 AN G L E S = 5 FI L L E T R A D I I = 0. 4 0 ( > 0 . 8 0 ) = 0. 2 0 ( < 0 . 8 0 ) DE F A U L T F I L L E T R A D I I = 0 . 4 0 / 1 . 0 0 CH A M F E R S = 0. 5 0 TA P D E P T H S A R E M I N I M U M CA S T I N G A N D O T H E R D I M E N S I O N A L T O L E R A N C E LI M I T S A R E P E R L I M I T O R Q U E E N G I N E E R I N G D E S I G N ST A N D A R D S ( E D S ) . 51 1 4 W O O D A L L R O A D , L Y N C H B U R G , V I R G I N I A 2 4 5 0 6 - 1 3 1 8 PR O P R I E T A R Y N O T I C E TH I S D O C U M E N T C O N T A I N S I N F O R M A T I O N W H I C H F L O W S E R V E D E E M S C O N F I D EN T I A L AN D P R O P R I E T A R Y , T H E R E F O R E , I T I S N O T T O B E U S E D , D U P L I C A T E D , O R DIS C L O S E D , I N W H O L E O R I N P A R T , W I T H O U T T H E W R I T T E N C O N S E N T O F FL O W S E R V E CF - R G P L 1 0 6 5 0 2 / 1 0 / 0 4 TH R E A D S P E R : AN S I B 1 . 1 3 M EX T E R N A L - C L A S S 6 g IN T E R N A L - C L A S S 6 H CO N T R O L L E D D R A W I N G AL L R E V I S I O N S T O T H I S D R A W I N G M U S T B E R E V I E W E D AN D A P P R O V E D B Y T H E A U T H O R I Z E D P E R S O N 1. N A M E P L A T E P E R T H I S S H E E T I S R E Q U I R E D O N A L L M X a X P A T E X S I N G L E P H A S E P R O D U C T S P E R 0 1 - 6 0 2 - 1 3 1 1 O R 0 1 - 6 0 2 - 1 3 1 2 . 2. A L T E R N A T E N A M E P L A T E M A T E R I A L I S 3 1 6 O R 3 0 4 S S W I T H A B R U S H E D O R S A T I N S U R F A C E F I N I S H . L E T T E R I N G I S L A S E R E T C H E D S I L V E R . 3. K w A N D H P I S O U T P U T A T M O T O R . 4. N A M E P L A T E L A B E L I N G F O R F U L L L O A D A M P S M U S T B E L A B E L E D A S S H O W N I N T A B L E 1 . EX A M P L E S ; 4 - 1 . F O R A M X - 0 5 , 6 0 H z , 4 0 R P M 1 0 0 - 1 4 0 A C U N I T , F U L L L O A D A M P S = 5 4 - 2 . F O R A M X - 0 5 , 6 0 H z , 4 0 R P M 1 9 0 - 2 4 0 A C U N I T , F U L L L O A D A M P S = 2 . 8 4 - 3 . F O R A M X - 0 5 , 6 0 H z , 4 0 R P M 1 0 0 - 2 4 0 A C U N I T , F U L L L O A D A M P S = 5 - 2. 8 5. S E E M X S I N G L E P H A S E S I Z I N G C H A R T F O R O T H E R D U T Y C Y C L E S . NO T E S : 1. 0 C NA M E P L A T E , A T E X MX S E R I E S A , S I N G L E P H A S E 64 - 6 8 2 - 0 0 6 4 MA K E F R O M B L A N K 6 4 - 6 8 2 - 0 0 0 7 - 1 (S E E N O T E 2 ) WC H 3 - 1 - 1 6 MA T E R I A L DJ M 3 - 4 - 1 6 DJ M 4 - 2 0 - 1 6 A 7-7-16 WCH TA B L E 1 V A L U E S F O R ' F U L L L O A D A M P S ' , ' L O C K R O T O R A M P S ' AN D ' H P / K W ' W E R E C H A N G E D T O B E A L I G N E D W I T H AC T U A L P R O D U C T I O N V A L U E S . EC N 31 8 1 7 DJM B UP D A T E D T A B L E 2 W I T H P R O D U C T O R I G I N RE V I S E D E P L C A T E G O R I E S T O M E E T I E C 6 0 0 7 9 - 1 : 2 0 1 4 AD D E D P / N 6 4 - 6 8 2 - 0 0 6 4 - 1 5 MWR EC N 33 1 3 1 7-3-17 EC N 33 2 1 2 JT C AD D E D A B A H S A I N T O F A C T O R Y L I S T A N D N E W F M N O T I F I E D BO D Y N U M B E R 2 8 0 9 . MWR 5-13 2019 EC N 35 2 4 6 JT Actuator Limitorque ® MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ – 05/19 111 Actuator To find your local Flowserve representative or for more information about Flowserve Corporation, visit FCD LMENIM2306-10-AQ 05/19 Printed in USA. Flowserve Corporation has established industry leadership in the design and manufacture of its products. When properly selected, this Flowserve product is designed to perform its intended function safely during its useful life. However, the purchaser or user of Flowserve products should be aware that Flowserve products might be used in numerous applications under a wide variety of industrial service conditions. Although Flowserve can (and often does) provide general guidelines, it cannot provide specific data and warnings for all possible applications. The pur- chaser/user must therefore assume the ultimate responsibility for the proper sizing and selection, installation, operation, and maintenance of Flowserve products. The purchaser/user should read and understand the Installation Operation Maintenance (IOM) instructions included with the product, and train its employees and contractors in the safe use of Flowserve products in connection with the specific application. While the information and specifications contained in this literature are believed to be accurate, they are supplied for informative purposes only and should not be considered certified or as a guarantee of satisfactory results by reliance thereon. Nothing contained herein is to be construed as a warranty or guarantee, express or implied, regarding any matter with respect to this product. Because Flowserve is continually improving and upgrading its product design, the specifications, dimensions and information contained herein are subject to change without notice. Should any question arise concerning these provisions, the purchaser/user should contact Flowserve Corporation at any one of its worldwide operations or offices. © 2016 Flowserve Corporation, Irving, Texas, USA. Flowserve is a registered trademark of Flowserve Corporation. United States Flowserve Limitorque 5114 Woodall Road, P.O. Box 11318 Lynchburg, VA 24506-1318 Phone: 434-528-4400 Facsimile: 434-845-9736 Italy Flowserve Limitorque via Rio Vallone 17 20883 Mezzago (MB), Italy Fax: +39 039 62060 1 Phone: +39 039 62060 213 Singapore Limitorque Asia, Pte., Ltd. 12, Tuas Avenue 20 Singapore 638824 Phone: 65-6868-4628 Facsimile: 65-6862-4940 China Limitorque Beijing, Pte., Ltd. RM A1/A2 22/F, East Area, Hanwei Plaza No. 7 Guanghua Road, Chaoyang District Beijing 100004, Peoples Republic of China Phone: 86-10-5921-0606 Facsimile: 86-10-6561-2702 India Flowserve Limitorque, Office A, 7th Floor, Plot No 32A & B, Ambit IT Park, Ambit IT Park Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai – 600058 Phone: 91-44-2432-8755 & 91-44-2432-4801 Facsimile: 91-44-2432-8754 Actuator Actuator Ameresco Cherry Point RCW Flow OP OPERATION & MAINTENANCE DATA DeZurik Air Release Valve – Model 50A Valve No. ARV 100 & 200 Sold by Core & Main, LLC SE Treatment Plant Group 6525 US HWY 301N Tampa, FL 33610 (813)621-1971 Manufacturer Representative CAROTEK PO# 158108 700 Sam Newell Rd. Matthews, NC 28105 Air Release Valve DeZURIK, Inc. Sartell, Minnesota USA | Phone: 320-259-2000 | | APCO ARV CLEAN WATER AIR RELEASE VALVES Instruction D12013 February 2017 Air Release Valve DeZURIK APCO ARV Clean Water Air Release Valves D12013 Page 2 © 2017 DeZURIK, Inc. Instructions These instructions provide installation, operation and maintenance information for APCO ARV Clean Water Air Release Valves. They are for use by personnel who are responsible for installation, operation and maintenance of APCO ARV Clean Water Air Release Valves. Safety Messages All safety messages in the instructions are flagged with an exclamation symbol and the word Caution, Warning or Danger. These messages indicate procedures that must be followed exactly to avoid equipment damage, personal injury or death. Safety label(s) on the product indicate hazards that can cause equipment damage, personal injury or death. Safety label(s) on the product indicate hazards that can cause equipment damage, personal injury or death. If a safety label becomes difficult to see or read, or if a label has been removed, please contact DeZURIK for replacement label(s). Personnel involved in the installation or maintenance of valves should be constantly alert to potential emission of pipeline material and take appropriate safety precautions. Always wear suitable protection when dealing with hazardous pipeline materials. Handle valves, which have been removed from service with suitable protection for any potential pipeline material in the valve. Inspection Your APCO ARV Clean Water Air Release Valve has been packaged to provide protection during shipment; however, it can be damaged in transport. Carefully inspect the unit for damage upon arrival and file a claim with the carrier if damage is apparent. Parts Recommended spare parts are listed on the assembly drawing. These parts should be stocked to minimize downtime. Order parts from your local DeZURIK sales representative, or directly from DeZURIK. When ordering parts please choose from the following: If the valve has a DeZURIK APCO nameplate please include the 7-digit part number and 4-digit revision number (example: 9999999R000) located on the data plate attached to the valve assembly. Also include the part name, the assembly drawing number, the balloon number and the quantity stated on the assembly drawing. If there isn't any nameplate visible on the valve, please include Valve Model number, the part name, and item number from the assembly drawing. You may contact your local DeZURIK APCO Representative to help you identify your valve. DeZURIK Service DeZURIK service personnel are available to maintain and repair all DeZURIK products. DeZURIK also offers customized training programs and consultation services. For more information, contact your local DeZURIK sales representative or visit our website at Air Release Valve DeZURIK APCO ARV Clean Water Air Release Valves February 2017 Page 3 D12013 Table of Contents Description - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 Handling and Storage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 Installation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 Fusion/Powder Coated Valves - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 Maintenance- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 Cleaning of Seat Orifice - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 Disassembly Procedure - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 Assembly Procedure - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 Operation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 Drawings - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 Troubleshooting - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15 Air Release Valve DeZURIK APCO ARV Clean Water Air Release Valves D12013 Page 4 February 2017 Description Air Release Valves have a small venting orifice and are used wherever air is entrained in water under pressure. Their function is to release small pockets of air which gather at the high points of a system after it is filled under pressure. Handling and Storage Lifting the valve improperly may damage it. Do not fasten lifting devices to ports in valve. Lift the valve with slings, chains or cables fastened around the valve body, or fastened to bolts or rods through bolt holes in the flanges. If installation will be delayed, place valve indoors in secure, weather tight storage. If temporary outside storage is unavoidable, make sure a vermin proof rain cover (water shedding tarp, etc.) is secured around/over the valve to keep off rain and mud. Skid and set the assembly on a flat, solid, and well drained surface for protection from ground moisture, runoff and pooled rain water. Installation ARV Clean Water Air Release Valves should always be installed in a vertical position at high points of a pipeline. An isolation valve between this unit and the transmission (pipeline) system is recommended. • Before installation, remove foreign material such as weld spatter, oil, grease, and dirt from the pipeline. • Prepare pipe ends and install valves in accordance with the pipe manufacture’s instructions for the joint used. Do not deflect the pipe-valve joint. Minimize bending stresses in the valve end connection with pipe loading. • Tighten the flange bolts or studs in a crisscross pattern and minimum of four stages. • The ARV-50A valve is supplied standard with a 1” NPT female tap on body. If a ¾” or ½” NPT female connection is desired, a reducer bushing should be used. Included in the box is a 1” NPT male to ¾” NPT female and 1” NPT male to ½” NPT female hex reducer bushing. Install the male 1” NPT thread into the body as shown in Figure 1 using a thread sealant. Fusion/Powder Coated Valves Valves with fusion/powder coated exterior paint require flat washers to be installed under the flange nuts when installing the valve to the pipeline flange to prevent the paint from cracking or chipping. Air Release Valve DeZURIK APCO ARV Clean Water Air Release Valves February 2017 Page 5 D12013 Maintenance Air Release Valves are automatic in operation and require very little or no maintenance. It is recommended that they be checked visually semi-annually for leakage. A malfunction of the valve will be evident by leakage of the media through the small orifice. Should a malfunction occur, the following steps should be taken to repair the valve. Cleaning of Seat Orifice See Figures 1 thru 8 for part identification. Servicing the Air Valve while the pipeline is under pressure can cause personal injury or equipment damage. Relieve pipeline pressure or shut off isolation valve before servicing the Air Valve. 1. Relieve pipeline pressure or shut off isolation valve at inlet to Air Release Valve. Do not completely remove pipe plug or cover screws while the valve is under pressure. 2. For ARV-55, ARV-65, ARV-200A ARV-200, ARV-205, ARV-206 and ARV 207 loosen pipe plug on body (R1) or cover (R2) to relieve internal pressure. Do not completely remove pipe plug while the valve is under pressure. For ARV-50A Valves: Loosen the cover bolts (R4) to allow internal pressure to escape. Once pressure is completely released, re-tighten cover screws. Do not completely remove cover screws while the valve is under pressure. 3. Remove pipe plug. (Except ARV-50A) 4. Connect air or preferably water to orifice outlet and blow down into valve to clean any sediment that may be clogging orifice. 5. Disconnect air or water connection from orifice outlet. 6. Replace and tighten pipe plug. (Except ARV-50A) 7. Open isolation valve on inlet to Air Release Valve. Valve is now back in service. If this procedure has not remedied the problem, proceed with disassembly. Disassembly Procedure See Figures 1 thru 8 for part identification. Servicing the Air Va lve while the pipeline is under pressure can cause personal injury or equipment damage. Relieve pipeline pressure or shut off isolation valve before servicing the Air Valve. Air Release Valve DeZURIK APCO ARV Clean Water Air Release Valves D12013 Page 6 February 2017 1. Relieve pipeline pressure or shut off isolation valve at inlet to Air Release Valve. Maintenance (Continued) Do not completely remove pipe plug or cover screws while the valve is under pressure. 2. Loosen cover bolts (R4) to allow internal pressure to escape. 3. Remove cover bolts (R4) and cover (R2). All internals are attached to cover except ARV-55 and 65. 4. For ARV-55 and 65 valves: Unscrew side plug (R32) to remove float (R14) and needle (R7). To remove seat (R6), unscrew it from orifice outlet with a flat bar 1/8” t X 1/2” w. 5. If cover gasket (R3) is torn or damaged, it must be replaced. Clean flange surfaces of cover (R2) and body (R1). 6. Inspect sealing surface of needle (R7) and seat (R6) for nicks, wear or sediment coating from chemicals in the media. 7. Clean or replace needle (R7) and seat (R6). 8. Inspect float (A14) to insure that it is not damaged or that it does not have liquid in it. 9. Inspect all connections of linkage for excessive wear. 10. Clean all surfaces before re-assembly. Assembly Procedure See Figures 1 thru 8 for part identification. 1. Re-assemble in the opposite order as disassembly procedure. 2. Assemble cover (R2) to body (R1), installing new gasket (R3) if necessary. Tighten cover bolts (R4) opposite each other in rotation. 3. Open isolation valve on inlet to Air Release Valve. Valve is now back in service. Operation The Air Release Valve is automatic in operation. They have much smaller orifices than Air/Vacuum Valves. They release small pockets of air that gather at the high points of a system after it is filled and under pressure. The Air Release Valve has the ability to open against internal pressure because it has a small orifice and a leverage mechanism that multiplies the force of the float. This force must be greater than the internal pressure across the orifice in order to open the orifice when a pocket of air needs to be vented. Air Release Valve DeZURIK APCO ARV Clean Water Air Release Valves February 2017 Page 7 D12013 Drawings Figure 1: ARV-50A Clean Water Air Release Valve Air Release Valve DeZURIK APCO ARV Clean Water Air Release Valves D12013 Page 8 February 2017 Drawings (Continued) Figure 2: ARV-55 Clean Water Air Release Valve Air Release Valve DeZURIK APCO ARV Clean Water Air Release Valves February 2017 Page 9 D12013 Drawings (Continued) Figure 3: ARV -65 Clean Water Air Release Valve Air Release Valve DeZURIK APCO ARV Clean Water Air Release Valves D12013 Page 10 February 2017 Drawings (Continued) Figure 4: ARV -200 Clean Water Air Release Valve Air Release Valve DeZURIK APCO ARV Clean Water Air Release Valves February 2017 Page 11 D12013 Drawings (Continued) Figure 5: ARV-200A Clean Water Air Release Valve Air Release Valve DeZURIK APCO ARV Clean Water Air Release Valves D12013 Page 12 February 2017 Drawings (Continued) Figure 6: ARV -205 Clean Water Air Release Valve Air Release Valve DeZURIK APCO ARV Clean Water Air Release Valves February 2017 Page 13 D12013 Drawings (Continued) Figure 7: ARV-206 Clean Water Air Release Valve Air Release Valve DeZURIK APCO ARV Clean Water Air Release Valves D12013 Page 14 February 2017 Drawings (Continued) Figure 8: ARV -207 Clean Water Air Release Valve Air Release Valve DeZURIK APCO ARV Clean Water Air Release Valves February 2017 Page 15 D12013 Tr oubleshooting Condition Possible Cause Corrective Action Valve leaks at flange joint. Loose flange bolting. Tighten flange bolting. Blown flange gasket. Replace flange gasket. Damaged flange face/s or improper flange connections. Repair flange, replace valve body or adjust flange connections. Valve leaks out of outlet port. Dirty needle. Clean needle. Worn needle. Replace needle. Float has liquid in it. Replace float. Dirty seat and/or float. Clean seat and/or float. Worn seat and/or float. Replace seat and/or float. Air Release Valve Printed in U.S.A. Guarantee Products, auxiliaries and parts thereof of DeZURIK, Inc. manufacture are warranted to the original purchaser for a period of twenty-four (24) months from date of shipment from factory, against defective workmanship and material, but only if properly installed, operated and serviced in accordance with DeZURIK, Inc. recommendations. Repair or replacement, at our option, for items of DeZURIK, Inc. manufacture will be made free of charge, (FOB) our facility with removal, transportation and installation at your cost, if proved to be defective within such time, and this is your sole remedy with respect to such products. Equipment or parts manufactured by others but furnished by DeZURIK, Inc. will be repaired or replaced, but only to the extent provided in and honored by the original manufacturers warranty to DeZURIK, Inc., in each case subject to the limitations contained therein. No claim for transportation, labor or special or consequential damages or any other loss, cost or damage shall be allowed. You shall be solely responsible for determining suitability for use and in no event shall DeZURIK, Inc. be liable in this respect. DeZURIK, Inc. does not guarantee resistance to corrosion, erosion, abrasion or other sources of failure, nor does DeZURIK, Inc. guarantee a minimum length of service. Your failure to give written notice to us of any alleged defect under this warranty within twenty (20) days of its discovery, or attempts by someone other than DeZURIK, Inc. or its authorized representatives to remedy the alleged defects therein, or failure to return product or parts for repair or replacement as herein provided, or failure to install and operate said products and parts according to instructions furnished by DeZURIK, Inc., or misuse, modification, abuse or alteration of such product, accident, fire, flood or other Act of God, or failure to pay entire contract price when due shall be a waiver by you of all rights under this warranty. The foregoing guarantee shall be null and void if, after shipment from our factory, the item is modified in any way or a component of another manufacturer, such as but not limited to, an actuator is attached to the item by anyone other than DeZURIK, Inc. Factory Service personnel. All orders accepted shall be deemed accepted subject to this limited warranty, which shall be exclusive of any other or previous Warranty, and this shall be the only effective guarantee or warranty binding on DeZURIK, Inc., despite anything to the contrary contained in the purchase order or represented by any agent or employee of DeZURIK, Inc., in writing or otherwise, notwithstanding, including but not limited to implied warranties. Metric fasteners should not be used with ASME Class 150/300 bolt holes and flange bolt patterns. If you use metric fasteners with ASME Class 150/300 bolt holes and flange bolt patterns, it may lead to product failure, injury, and loss of life. DeZURIK Inc. disclaims all liability associated with the use of metric fasteners with ASME Class 150/300 bolt holes and flange patterns, including but not limited to personal injury, loss of life, loss of product, production time, equipment, property damage, lost profits, consequential damages of any kind and environment damage and/or cleanup. Use of metric fasteners with ASME Class 150/300 bolt holes and flange bolt patterns is a misuse that voids all warranties and contractual assurances. If you use metric fasteners with ASME Class 150/300 bolt holes and flange bolt patterns, you do so at your sole risk and any liability associated with such use shall not be the responsibility of DeZURIK, Inc. In addition to the foregoing, DeZURIK’s Manufacturer’s Conditions apply. THE FOREGOING REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT OBLIGATIONS ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, OBLIGATIONS AND LIABILITIES, INCLUDING ALL WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED IN FACT OR BY LAW, AND STATE DEZURIK, INC.’S ENTIRE AND EXCLUSIVE LIABILITY AND YOUR EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR ANY CLAIM IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND FURNISHING OF SERVICES, GOODS OR PARTS, THEIR DESIGN, SUITABILITY FOR USE, INSTALLATION OR OPERATIONS. Limitation of liability LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: IN NO EVENT SHALL DEZURIK, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, AND DEZURIK, INC.’S LIABILITY, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES, WILL EXCEED THE CONTRACT PRICE FOR THE GOODS AND/OR SERVICES FOR WHICH LIABILITY IS CLAIMED. ANY ACTION BY YOU FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT MUST BE COMMENCED WITHIN 12 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF SALE. Sales and Service For information about our worldwide locations, approvals, certifications and local representative: Web site: E-Mail: 250 Riverside Ave. N., Sartell, MN 56377 ● Phone: 320-259-2000 ● Fax: 320-259-2227 DeZURIK, Inc. reserves the right to incorporate our latest design and material changes without notice or obligation. Design features, materials of construction and dimensional data, as described in this manual, are provided for your information only and should not be relied upon unless confirmed in writing by DeZURIK, Inc. Certified drawings are available upon request. Air Release Valve USER'S GUIDE Installation & Operation Instructions Level Indicating Transmitter Model LIT25 Manual Series 3.5.5 Level Transmitter Note: This page has been left blank intentionally. Level Transmitter Page 3 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter INDEX QUICK BENCH TEST ............................................................................................4 CONNECTIONS .....................................................................................................4 KEYPAD SYSTEM.................................................................................................6 MENU ......................................................................................................................7 CALIBRATION UNITS SELECTION ...................................................................8 4mA CALIBRATION .............................................................................................9 SIGNAL RELAY...................................................................................................10 DAMPING .............................................................................................................11 ECHO LOSS RESPONSE .....................................................................................11 OUTPUT SIMULATION ......................................................................................12 STORE (SAVE) CALIBRATION .........................................................................12 TEMPERATURE DISPLAY.................................................................................13 ENCLOSURE INSTALLATION ..........................................................................14 SENSOR MOUNTING .........................................................................................15 ERROR/WARNING MESSAGES ........................................................................18 FIELD TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................................19 APPLICATIONS HOTLINE .................................................................................22 PRODUCT RETURN PROCEDURE ...................................................................22 APPENDIX A ........................................................................................................24 APPENDIX B ........................................................................................................29 CONVERSION GUIDE ........................................................................................31 SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................32 IMPORTANT NOTE: This instrument is manufactured and calibrated to meet product specifications. Please read this manual carefully before installation and operation. Any unauthorized repairs or modifications may result in a suspension of the warranty. Available in English Available in Adobe Acrobat pdf format Disponible en français Disponible en español Level Transmitter Page 4 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter QUICK BENCH TEST: Connect Sensor as shown below, then apply Power. When properly connected a soft clicking can be heard from the sensor and figures will show on the LCD display. Test operation of the LIT25 by holding the sensor steadily and aiming at a flat, stable target 12 to 28" (305 to 711 mm) away from the end of the sensor. Allow a few seconds for the LIT25 to lock onto the target before displaying its distance. The LIT25 will now display range in inches or cm. Note: The LIT25 will not detect targets beyond the user entered maximum range. CONNECTIONS: POWER INPUT: The standard model requires AC power input between 100 to 130VAC 50/60Hz (1 amp fuse is recommended). No adjustments are necessary for any voltage in this range. Option EI rating is 100-240VAC 50/60Hz. (See OPTIONS section of this manual for connection of optional 12-24VDC power input). IMPORTANT NOTE: To comply with CSA/NRTL standards, AC power input and relay connection wires must have a water tight fitting conduit entry to the instrument enclosure. 14 AWG MAX SENSOR RELAY (1 AMP) LI N E NE U T R A L 4-20mA+– IMPORTANT: MUST CONNECT TO A GOOD GROUND ( 1 Ohm) WITH 14 AWG CONDUCTOR CONNECT SHIELD TO GROUND (THIS END ONLY) RG 6 2 A U C O A X I A L TO S E N S O R GR O U N D GND CU R R E N T S O U R C E DO N O T P O W E R L O O P Level Transmitter Page 5 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter RECOMMENDED CONDUIT ENTRY Use a screwdriver to "knock-out" conduit entry points at bottom of enclosure. Use one entry for power input and relay wires. Use separate entry for 4-20mA and sensor cable. Level Transmitter Page 6 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter KEYPAD SYSTEM The LIT25 has a simple 2-key calibration system. Operating and calibration modes are shown on the 4- digit display. The keys are used to calibrate the LIT25, and to view operating mode and functions. If the keys are not used for 10 minutes, the LIT25 will automatically go to NORMAL MODE. Except in OUTPUT SIMULATION mode, the Relay and 4-20mA output are not affected by use of the keys until your calibration is stored. MENU - FLOW CHART The following diagram shows the LIT25 Menu system. Arrows show the directions to leave a box. Pressing a corresponding key will move to the next box in the direction shown. Numeric values are changed by pressing and holding the  or  keys. At the bottom of the Menu is a YES? prompt. To store the calibration values permanently (even through power failure), press the  key. If the  key is pressed from the YES? prompt no changes will be stored and the system will return to NORMAL mode. PERCENT INCHES CM LIT25 LEVEL INDICATING TRANSMITTER ECHO RELAY CALIBRATION KEYS POWER CONNECTION 4-DIGIT LCD DISPLAY SENSOR CONNECTION 4-20mA CONNECTION GN D+– Level Transmitter Page 7 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter dp10 706.9 721.4 r oFF ron roc1 20 = 40.6 762.04= 123.4 CALU 638.6 CM CM CM CM LEVEL CM PERCENT INCHES CM RANGE CM 23c 3,5 1,2,4 TEMPERATURE Displays Temperature at Sensor RANGE DISPLAY Displays Distance from Sensor to Target (Does not affect 4-20mA output or Relay) NORMAL MODE CALIBRATION UNITS SELECTION Press to select inches, cm or percent 4mA and 20mA CALIBRATION Wait for the Numeric value then press or to increase or decrease. Value displayed is Distance from the Sensor in inches or cm. for Next FunctionWaitfor4=or20=andPress RELAY SET POINTS Wait for Numeric value and press C). and to adjust Set Points (in Units selected, or DAMPING (0 - 20 SECS. ) Press to Adjust RELAY OPERATION CHOICE Press to select: 1 = Level Alarm 2 = Level + Echo Loss 3 = Echo Loss Only 4 = Temperature Alarm 5=Off 13 13 8 8 9 10 11 11 12 12 See Page # YES? -C.S- 0.0OPSL ELC 1 CM YES NO ECHO LOSS CHOICE (4-20mA OUTPUT) Press to Select action when echo lost 1 - Hold 2 = Go to 4mA 3 = Go to 20mA OUTPUT SIMULATION Wait for Numeric value and press or to Increase or Decrease Simulated Output (Automatically returns to NORMAL mode in 10 min.). STORE YES? Press to Store Calibration (Displays -C.S.-) Press Calibration Not Stored Sb=n Press to select "Y" (Yes) only when the instrument is equipped with an optional Intrinsic Safety Barrier for sensor mounting in hazardous locations. This setting compensates for the electrical characteristics of an Intrinsic Safety Barrier. 11 MENU Level Transmitter Page 8 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter NORMAL MODE CALIBRATION UNITS SELECTION Press  from NORMAL mode, Display will show: LEVEL CM Flashes when good echoes are received ON - Relay energized OFF - Relay de-energized When Calibrated for 20mA at Minimum Range (Maximum Level) ECHO RELAY When Calibrated for 20mA at Maximum Range 20mA = 20mA =4mA = 4mA = PERCENT INCHES CM PERCENT INCHES CM 4-20mA CALIBRATION Echo light keeps flashing to show instrument still operating Level Transmitter Page 9 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter 4mA CALIBRATION 20mA CALIBRATION Wait for 4 = and press  to display 20 =. Now follow the same procedure to calibrate the distance from the Sensor for 20mA output. Remember that the LIT25 automatically reads LEVEL if 20 = is set to the minimum distance from the sensor. Calibrate in RANGE mode by setting 20= to the maximum distance from the sensor. 20 =761.9 761.8 761.7 762.1 762.2 762.3 The Display will alternate between every 3 seconds. MAXIMUM VALUES: 600 inches / 1524 cm MINIMUM VALUES: 8 inches / 20.3 cm MINIMUM SPAN (distance between 4= and 20=): 2" (5 cm) and RANGE (Outage) 4mA = 20mA = 12"/30.5cm 2"/5cm LEVEL (Inventory) 20mA = 4mA = 12"/30.5cm 2"/5cm Level Transmitter Page 10 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter SIGNAL RELAY The LIT25 Relay is rated 1ampere, 24VDC, 120/240VAC. It includes an internally connected noise suppressor or “snubber” with 25K ohms impedance. Very low AC electrical loads may appear to “leak” current. Maximum leakage is: 10mA @ 110VAC 20mA @ 220VAC No leakage will be measured with DC electrical loads. RELAY OPERATION CHOICE The LIT25’s Signal Relay can be configured to operate as: ROC1 = Level Alarm ROC2 = Level + Echo Loss Alarm ROC3 = Echo Loss only Alarm ROC4 = Temperature Alarm (measured at the Sensor) ROC5 = OFF (de-energize) at all times Press  to select the ROC. RELAY CALIBRATION ROC1 (Level Alarm) ROC2 (Level + Echo Loss Alarm) - Relay will be energized when the Relay ON set point is reached. or if the echo is lost (no echoes for more than 20 seconds). ROC4 (Temperature Alarm) - Minimum Set Point -40°C (= -40°F) - Maximum Set Point 100°C (= 212°F) NOTE: The Set Points are displayed in the units selected at CALU. Two different Set Points (RON and ROFF) allows a Relay “deadband” for Pump Control and to avoid Relay chatter. RELAY (1 AMP) INTERNALLY CONNECTED SUPPRESSOR ROC2 ROC3 ROC4 ROC = 3,5 ROC = 1,2,4 721.3 721.2 721.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 The Display will alternate between every 3 secondsand Level Transmitter Page 11 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter Example of Relay Calibration Span (Max Level) = 184 inches RON in inches = 150 ROFF in inches = 30 DAMPING Normal Setting: DP10 Fast Response (up to ½ inch /13 mm level change per second): DP5 or less Slow Response (turbulence) DP15 or more NOTE: Damping Time (in seconds) is the response time to indicate a new target. Longer Damping Times also reject false targets like agitators, splashing etc. INTRINSIC SAFETY BARRIER Press  to select "Y" (Yes) only when the instrument is equipped with an optional Intrinsic Safety Barrier for sensor mounting in hazardous locations. This setting compensates for the electrical characteristics of an Intrinsic Safety Barrier. ECHO LOSS RESPONSE If no echoes are received for 20 seconds or longer the 4-20mA output can be programmed to respond as follows: ELC1 = Hold last reading ELC2 = Output 4mA ELC3 = Output 20mA When one valid echo is received the LIT25 will resume normal operation. SPAN 150" 30" 20mA = 16" 4mA = 200" RON ROFF SENSOR DP11 DP12 20 SECS. MAXIMUM Y ELC2 ELC3 Level Transmitter Page 12 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter OUTPUT SIMULATION MODE The Output Simulation function controls the digital display 4-20mA output and control relay. Use it to simplify calibration of remote 4-20mA devices such as chart recorders or remote displays, and to test relay set-points. Press  and  to simulate levels from 0% to 100% of your calibrated span. Increments will automatically accelerate when  or  is continuously pressed. STORE (SAVE) CALIBRATION Press  to Store calibration (LIT will display -C.S-). Calibration is stored in non-volatile memory (even through power interruptions). Press  to return to NORMAL mode without storing any changes. 721.4 721.3 0.1 0.2 The Display will alternate between and RETURN TO NORMAL MODE CALIBRATION STORED Level Transmitter Page 13 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter RANGE DISPLAY From Normal Mode press  Displays distance from the Sensor to Target. Use to check measurements during calibration. (RANGE and UNITS flash.) Note: The LIT25 will not detect targets beyond the user entered maximum range. TEMPERATURE DISPLAY Displays temperature in degrees Centigrade measured at the Sensor. TEMPERATURE LOG Displays maximum temperature in degrees Centigrade measured at the Sensor. From normal Temperature display, press and hold  then . RANGE CM RETURN TO NORMAL MODE RETURN TO NORMAL MODE Level Transmitter Page 14 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter ENCLOSURE INSTALLATION Locate the enclosure within 500 ft (150 m) of the sensor. It can be wall mounted with four mounting screws (supplied) or panel mounted with Option PM Panel Mounting Kit from Greyline Instruments. Avoid mounting the enclosure in direct sunlight to protect the electronics from damage due to overheating and condensation. Seal conduit entries to prevent moisture from entering enclosure. NEMA4X (IP66) WITH CLEAR COVER 1. Remove enclosure cover. 2. Insert #6 screws through the four enclosure mounting holes to secure enclosure to wall or mounting stand. 3. Replace Cover An additional conduit hole can be cut in the end of the enclosure if required. Use a screwdriver to "knock out" additional holes. Note: 1. This non-metallic enclosure does not automatically provide grounding between conduit connections. Grounding must be provided as part of the installation. Ground in accordance with the requirements of the National Electrical Code. System grounding is provided by connecting grounding wires from all conduit entries to the steel mounting plate or another point which provides continuity. 2. Water tight “O” ring seals must be used if cable strain-reliefs are used. END VIEW ENCLOSURE MOUNTING HOLES ENCLOSURE COVER Level Transmitter Page 15 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter SENSOR MOUNTING LOCATION SENSOR MOUNTING Each sensor is equipped with a ¾ inch “isolation coupling” which MUST be used in your installation. A threaded nipple or length of conduit may be used to position the sensor at the desired height. The sensor should be hand-tightened (like a light bulb) by turning the sensor stem only. DO NOT use a wrench and do not over tighten. DO NOT clamp the sensor below the isolation coupling. The standard PZ32T Sensor must be mounted 12" / 30.48 cm or more above the maximum liquid level. (Optional PZ12 sensor must be 8" / 20.3 cm above maximum level and optional PZ52T sensor must be 16" / 406 mm above maximum level.) 1 FT HORIZONTAL FROM SIDEWALL FOR EVERY 10 FT VERTICAL NOTE: 2 FT FOR EVERY 10 FT DEPTH ON APPLICATIONS WITH ROUGH SIDEWALLS, LADDERS, REINFORCING RINGS ETC. PREFERRED SENSOR LOCATION 6" SCHEDULE 40 PIPE IF EXTENSION REQUIRED SENSOR FACE MUST BE HORIZONTAL ±1° MAX. LIQUID LEVEL Level Transmitter Page 16 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter SENSOR MOUNTING 4" OR 6" BLIND FLANGE TAPPED ¾" NPT FLEXIBLE CONDUIT JUNCTION BOX (OPTION JB) ISOLATION COUPLING (SUPPLIED) MUST BE USED DO NOT CLAMP IN THIS AREA ¾" NPT NIPPLE FLANGE MOUNT ISOLATION COUPLING (SUPPLIED) MUST BE USED DO NOT CLAMP IN THIS AREA CLAMP 3/4" CONDUIT CROSS BAR MOUNT ISOLATION COUPLING (SUPPLIED) MUST BE USED DO NOT CLAMP IN THIS AREA 3/4" NPT NIPPLE ANGLE MOUNT ISOLATION COUPLING (SUPPLIED) MUST BE USED DO NOT CLAMP IN THIS AREA 3/4" CONDUIT CONDUIT MOUNT Notes: 1. Use the ¾" NPT "Isolation Coupling" supplied and only. Do not clamp sensor body or stem. 2. Locate the sensor 1 ft (30 cm) from the sidewall or obstruction for every 10 ft (3 m) depth. 3. mount in direct sunlight. 4. Extend sensor cable up to 500 ft (150 m) with RG62AU coaxial only. hand tighten Do not GRIND OR FILE PIPE EDGE SMOOTH STAND PIPE MOUNT STANDPIPE LENGTH AS SHORT AS POSSIBLE STANDPIPE DIAMETER AS LARGE AS POSSIBLE TYPICAL STANDPIPE: 4” / 100 mm DIAMETER 12” / 300 mm LENGTH NARROW DIAMETER STANDPIPES (<4” / 100 mm) MAY AFFECT ACCURACY OF READING Level Transmitter Page 17 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter SENSOR MOUNTING/LOCATION - Tank Level/Inventory Applications Each LIT25 Level Transmitter includes a non-contacting ultrasonic sensor. The sensor must be installed in a position to obtain unobstructed echoes from the liquid or material being measured. Mount the sensor away from pipes, ladders, or structural members which might cause continuous false echoes. SENSOR MOUNTED AWAY FROM MATERIAL PATH. COARSE SOLIDS WILL USUALLY RETURN AN ECHO EVEN IF AT AN ANGLE FINE POWDERS MAY NEED SENSOR TILTED NORMAL TO SURFACE TO OBTAIN GOOD ECHOES SOLIDS AND POWDERS 90° BAD GOOD Level Transmitter Page 18 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter ERROR/WARNING MESSAGES Instrument has detected Sensor connections/cable open. Instrument has detected Sensor connections/cable short. No valid echoes for 10 seconds. No valid echoes for 20 seconds. See Troubleshooting (F). Illegal Span. Distance between 20 = and 4 = must be greater than 2" (5 cm) Indicates that the target is above the calibrated maximum level (too close to the Sensor). Indicates target is further than the calibrated Maximum Range. Indicates that the LIT25 has experienced electrical interference strong enough to corrupt the memory. The LIT25 must be reset and recalibrated. : Reset will clear all memory. LIT25 will need recalibration after this procedure: Press and hold Reset Procedure 1 and until the LIT25 displays----. X X Always displayed at power-up (x.x indicates Software version). Otherwise indicates instrument has reset automatically. See Troubleshooting (C,D,E). Level Transmitter Page 19 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter FIELD TROUBLESHOOTING SYMPTOMS CHECK Level Display - full scale - zero - erratic - random - higher than actual - fluctuating A B C D E ECHO LOSS prompt - flashing F Calibration Non-Linear H EEEE - memory corruption I SYMPTOMS FAULTS SOLUTIONS Unit “See’s Wrong Target Due To: A - sensor cover not removed - remove protective cover after installation A,C,D,F - sensor not aimed correctly A,D,F - dust/dirt buildup on sensor - clean carefully (do not scratch sensor face) A,D,F - condensation on sensor - lower sensor - insulate sensor mounting location - wipe sensor face and body with Rain-X A,D - sensor mounting stand pipe - too long/ - too narrow - dirty/ - gasket intruding - lower Sensor below stand pipe intrusion D,E - agitator, strong turbulence - increase Damping C - material filling through sensor beam - increase Damping Unit Picks-Up Acoustic Interference Due To: A,C - noise from high pressure fill - install submerged fill pipe A,D - sensor coupling over tightened - hand tighten only (like a light bulb) A,D - sensor coupling not used - use isolation coupling supplied C - other ultrasonic sensor in close proximity - separate Sensors Electrical Interference: C - sensor cable connections reversed C,D - through Sensor cable - use properly grounded metal conduit C - sensor cable and/or junction not insulated - use metal Junction Box C,D - through 4-20mA output cable - use shield twisted pair (shield to AC ground) Level Transmitter Page 20 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter SYMPTOMS FAULTS SOLUTIONS C,D - wiring or installation close to variable speed drive or inverter - follow VSD manufacturer’s instructions for Drive grounding wiring and shielding C,D,E - AC/Chassis Ground missing on instrument power connections - install adequate Ground I - relay sparking produces EMI interference - use snubber across Relay contacts (option SNUB) - do not exceed 1 ampere load I - instrument installed in the same panel with high voltage/large motor controls - relocate or use metal enclosure Wiring Problems Due to Sensor Cable: C,F - open circuit - check connections/continuity (8850 to 12700 ohms max./-30°C to +70°C ) F - short circuit - check connections/continuity (8850 ohms min.) F - too long (max. 500 ft, 150 m) C - bundled/run in conduit with power cable C - sensor ground shorted to conduit/enclosure - insulate A - extended with wrong type of wire - use only RG62AU coaxial C - close to high voltage/large motors Non-Linearity Due To: H - vapour - calibrate in-situ B,H - zero not set accurately - recalibrate H - full scale not set accurately - Note: Minimum Range must be ≥ 12” (30.5cm) Level Transmitter Page 21 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter PZxx Series Sensors Troubleshooting Resistance measured across the coaxial cable ends (between the shield and center wire) by multimeter indicates ambient temperature. Resistance vs. Temperature Level Transmitter Page 22 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter APPLICATIONS HOTLINE For applications assistance, advice or information on any Greyline Instrument contact your Sales Representative, write to Greyline or phone the Applications Hotline below: United States: Tel: 315-788-9500 Fax: 315-764-0419 Canada: Tel: 613-938-8956 Fax: 613-938-4857 Toll Free: 888-473-9546 Email: Web Site: Greyline Instruments Inc. Canada USA: 16456 Sixsmith Drive 11451 Belcher Road South Long Sault, Ont. K0C 1P0 Largo, FL 33773 PRODUCT RETURN PROCEDURE Instruments may be returned to Greyline for service or warranty repair. 1 Obtain an RMA Number from Greyline - Before shipping a product to the factory please contact Greyline by telephone, fax or email to obtain an RMA number (Returned Merchandise Authorization). This ensures fast service and correct billing or credit. When you contact Greyline please have the following information available: 1. Model number / Software Version 2. Serial number 3. Date of Purchase 4. Reason for return (description of fault or modification required) 5. Your name, company name, address and phone number 2 Clean the Sensor/Product - Important: unclean products will not be serviced and will be returned to the sender at their expense. 1. Rinse sensor and cable to remove debris. 2. If the sensor has been exposed to sewage, immerse both sensor and cable in a solution of 1 part household bleach (Javex, Clorox etc.) to 20 parts water for 5 minutes. Important: do not immerse open end of sensor cable. 3. Dry with paper towels and pack sensor and cable in a sealed plastic bag. 4. Wipe the outside of the enclosure to remove dirt or deposits. 5. Return to Greyline for service. Level Transmitter Page 23 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter LIMITED WARRANTY _____________________________________ Greyline Instruments warrants, to the original purchaser, its products to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one year from date of invoice. Greyline will replace or repair, free of charge, any Greyline product if it has been proven to be defective within the warranty period. This warranty does not cover any expenses incurred in the removal and re-installation of the product. If a product manufactured by Greyline should prove defective within the first year, return it freight prepaid to Greyline Instruments along with a copy of your invoice. This warranty does not cover damages due to improper installation or handling, acts of nature, or unauthorized service. Modifications to or tampering with any part shall void this warranty. This warranty does not cover any equipment used in connection with the product or consequential damages due to a defect in the product. All implied warranties are limited to the duration of this warranty. This is the complete warranty by Greyline and no other warranty is valid against Greyline. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Greyline Instruments Inc. Level Transmitter Page 24 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter APPENDIX A - OPTIONS and ACCESSORIES XC - Extra Sensor Cable up to 500 ft (152 m) length JB - Sensor Cable Junction Box ISB - Intrinsic Safety Barrier for Sensor and Cable installation in hazardous-rated locations (factory-installed option/larger enclosure used) 12-24VDC - 12-24VDC Power Input (factory-installed option) PM2 - Enclosure Panel Mount EXTRA SENSOR CABLE - OPTION XC Each Greyline level instrument includes 25 ft. (7.6 m) RG62AU coaxial cable. Additional RG62AU coaxial cable and Cable Junction Box (Option JB2X) may be installed to extend cable up to 500 ft (152m) as required during installation. No adjustment is required when the sensor cable is extended or shortened. Use only RG62AU (or RG62U) coaxial cable which is available from Greyline Instruments or your local distributor. Nominal impedance of RG62AU cable is 93 ohms. Extended sensor cable maybe installed in metal or plastic conduit. Recommended installation with a junction box is illustrated below: CORE SHIELD CORE SHIELD EXTENDED SENSOR CABLE TO ELECTRONICS ENCLOSURE - MAX.TOTAL CABLE LENGTH 500 ft (152m) RG62AU coaxial - CONDUIT RECOMMENDED FOR MECHANICAL PROTECTION TO SENSOR RG62AU COAXIAL Level Transmitter Page 25 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter JUNCTION BOX - OPTION JB2X NEMA4X (IP66) polycarbonate Junction Box with terminal strips is available from Greyline Instruments. Includes compression fittings for watertight coaxial cable entries. EXTENDED SENSOR CABLE INSTALLATION IN MANHOLE CONDUITTO ELECTRONICS MANHOLE COVER ULTRASONIC SENSOR JBX XC EXTENDED SENSOR CABLE UP TO 500 ft 152 m Wetwell, Sump or Pump Station Level Transmitter Page 26 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter SENSOR INTRINSIC SAFETY - OPTION ISB SENSOR MODELS PZ32T/PZ32TE (with built-in temperature compensation) When connected through an Intrinsic Safety Barrier, the Greyline PZ32T and PZ32TE sensors are CSA certified for installation in a hazardous location rated: Class I, Groups C,D Class II, Groups E,F and G Class III Intrinsic Safety Barriers may be ordered with the Greyline instrument and are supplied mounted in the Greyline instrument enclosure. A larger enclosure is used. Replacement barrier fuses (Part No. ISB-011239) may be purchased separately. Barriers must be installed in the sensor cable between the safe and hazardous locations, and must be mounted in either the safe or Div.2 area. Barriers may be plate, busbar or rail mounted. Intrinsic Safety Barrier Specifications: Certified, rated 17.5V max, 95 ohms min.(Recommended: Stahl Model 9001/02-175-200-10). LIT25 LEVEL INDICATING TRANSMITTER Mounting 6.18“ 157mm 6.89“ 175mm 2.95“ 75mmEND VIEW 6.89“ 175mm Mounting 6.18“ 157mm IS B I N T R I N S I C S A F E T Y BA R R I E R FU S E ELECTRONICS ENCLOSURE GREYLINE INSTRUMENT IN T R I N S I C SA F E T Y BA R R I E R SH I E L D ( G R E E N ) TD R ( W H I T E ) HAZARDOUS LOCATION CLASS I, GROUPS C,D, CLASS II, GROUPS E,F,G CLASS III NOTE MUST BE : BARRIER-EQUIPPED UNITS ARE FACTORY-WIRED WITH GROUND THROUGH THE INSTRUMENT CHASSIS. POWER INPUT GROUND CONNECTED TO A GOOD GROUND (< 1 Ohm) WITH A 12AWG CONDUCTOR REPLACEMENT FUSE ASSEMBLY ORDER PART number ISB-011239 (160mA) SENSOR SEE NOTE NON-HAZARDOUS LOCATION CONNECTIONS (Stahl Model 9001/02-175-200-10) 43 FU S E Level Transmitter Page 27 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter 12-24VDC POWER INPUT OPTION LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitters may be ordered factory-configured for 12-24VDC power input. QUICK BENCH TEST: Connect Sensor as shown below, then Power. When properly connected a soft clicking can be heard from the sensor and figures will show on the LCD display. Test operation of the LIT25 by holding the sensor steadily and aiming at a flat, stable target 12 to 28" (305 to 711 mm) away from the end of the sensor. Allow a few seconds for the LIT25 to lock onto the target before displaying its distance. The LIT25 will now display Range (Distance) in inches or cm. CONNECTIONS: POWER INPUT: Connect only DC power to the + and - terminals. The Power Input GND must be connected to the nearest good Ground pole. Power Consumption is 3.5 W continuous. 14 AWG MAX IMPORTANT: MUST CONNECT TO A GOOD GROUND (<1 Ohm) WITH 14 AWG CONDUCTOR RELAY (1 AMP)SENSOR PR E S S U R E SE N S O R LI N E NE U T R A L GR O U N D 4-20mA GR E E N BR O W N CU R R E N T SO U R C E DO N O T P O W E R L O OP BLUECONNECT SHIELDS TO GROUND Level Transmitter Page 28 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter SENSOR SUNSCREEN - OPTION PZS Level Transmitter Page 29 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter APPENDIX B - APPLICATIONS BACKGROUND Conditions in the tank where the ultrasonic sensor is installed can affect the performance, range and accuracy of the system. The following notes are for general reference. Contact Greyline Instruments or your local representative for specific information on your application. FOAM - Solid or dense surfaces such as a smooth liquid surface will give the best echoes in an ultrasonic level measuring system. Foam acts as a sound insulator and may eliminate, or reduce the strength of an echo. Measurement range may be reduced in a system where foam is present. Ultrasonics are not recommended where thick dense foam is continually present. Intermittent or thin layers of light foam (1/8 in. or less) can generally be disregarded. Use a stilling well in open channel applications. LIQUIDS - The LIT25 is ideal to monitor tank liquid level or inventory. Caustic, corrosive or very viscous liquids can be monitored without contacting the liquid. SOLIDS - The LIT25 will measure most granular material and powders as well as liquids. Powders will not generally provide the same echo strength as liquids. Therefore maximum expected range should be reduced to approximately 20 feet (6 m) for powders. There are many exceptions to this rule and installation of a test system is recommended when in doubt. DUST - Any obstructions to the sound will affect performance of the system. In silo’s where heavy concentrations of dust are expected ultrasonics may not work. Where moderate dust is encountered care should be taken to mount the sensor in a position where dust accumulation will be minimized and where the sensor can be cleaned if necessary. SENSOR TEMPERATURE - The standard sensor model PZ32T supplied with each Level Indicating Transmitter includes a built-in temperature sensor. The LIT25 automatically compensates for temperature fluctuations to retain high accuracy. Note the operating temperature ranges listed in the product specifications section. Do not exceed the sensor temperature ratings or damage may occur. ELECTRONICS TEMPERATURE - Note operating temperature ranges listed in the product specifications. Temperatures higher than the maximum shown can reduce the operating life of the electronics. Moisture condensation from those temperatures below the range shown can also damage electronics components. NOISE - Because the LIT25’s sensor operates at high sound frequency, regular process noise or vibration will not affect the system. Ultrasonic Sensors installed in close proximity to one another in the same tank may “cross-talk” and should be relocated. VAPOUR - May affect operation. Severe vapour stratification can cause false echoes. Variable vapour cannot be compensated. Level Transmitter Page 30 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter CHEMICAL COMPATIBILITY - The LIT25 Sensor is constructed of very durable materials with broad compatibilities. Tank contents should be checked for their compatibility with PVC. An all-teflon sensor is available for corrosive applications. Level Transmitter Page 31 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter CONVERSION GUIDE FROM TO MULTIPLY BY US GALLONS CUBIC FEET 0.1337 US GALLONS IMPERIAL GALS 0.8327 US GALLONS LITRES 3.785 US GALLONS CUBIC METERS 0.003785 LITRES/SEC GPM 15.85 LITRES CUBIC METERS 0.001 BARRELS US GALLONS 42 BARRELS IMPERIAL GALS 34.9726 BARRELS LITRES 158.9886 INCHES MM 25.4 DEGREES F DEGREES C (°F-32) x 0.556 POUNDS KILOGRAMS 0.453 PSI BAR 0.0676 FOOT² METER² 0.0929 VOLUME CALCULATION FOR ROUND TANKS: 3.142 x R² x H R = TANK RADIUS (½ TANK DIAMETER) H = TANK HEIGHT Level Transmitter Page 32 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter SPECIFICATIONS Electronics Enclosure: NEMA4X (IP 66), watertight and dust tight, fiberglass with clear, shatterproof Lexan cover Accuracy: ±0.25% of Range or 2 mm (0.08"), whichever is greater, Repeatability: 0.1%, Linearity: 0.1% Display: ¾" / 19 mm high, 4 digit LCD Programming: 2-button Menu selection. Calibration parameters are permanent when Stored (even through power interruptions) Power Input: 100-130VAC 50/60Hz, (6 W max.) Optional: 200-250VAC 50/60Hz, (6 W max.) Optional: 12-24VDC, (3.5 W max.) Fuse: internal, rated 0.5A Output: Isolated 4-20mA, 1000 ohm load maximum Signal Relay: Qty 1, rated 120/240VAC or 24VDC, 1 ampere Temperature Compensation: Automatic, temperature probe built in to level Sensor Electrical Surge Protection: Sensor, 4-20mA, AC power input Operating Temperature: -13 to 140°F (-25 to 60°C) (Electronics) Standard Sensor PZ32T Maximum Range: 32 ft. (10 m) Deadband (blanking): Programmable, minimum 12” (305 mm) Beam Angle: 8° Operating Frequency: 42 KHz Exposed Materials: PVC and Teflon Operating Temperature: - 40° to 150°F (-40° to 65°C) Operating Pressure: 20 psi (1.35 Bar) maximum Mounting: ¾” NPT (PVC isolation coupling supplied) Sensor Cable: RG62AU coaxial, 25 ft. (7.6 m) standard length Maximum Cable Length: 500 ft. (152 m) RG62AU coaxial Hazardous Rating: with optional Intrinsic Safety Barrier: CSA, Class I,II,III, Div. I,II, Groups C,D,E,F,G LIT25 LEVEL INDICATING TRANSMITTER END VIEW Mounting 4.21" 107 mm Mounting 6.18" 157mm 6.89" 175 mm 4.92" 125 mm 2.95" 75 mm 1-3/4 " 44.5mm 3-7/8 " 98mm 3/4" NPT PVC PVC SIDE VIEW END VIEW 5" (127 mm) OVERALL 3/4" NPT ISOLATION COUPLING (SUPPLIED) TEFLOTEFLON 25' (7.6 m) RG62AU COAXIAL CABLE Level Transmitter Page 33 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter Optional Sensor PZ32TE Maximum Range: 32 ft. (10m) Deadband (blanking): Programmable, minimum 12” (305 mm) Beam Angle: 8° Operating Frequency: 42 KHz Exposed Materials: Teflon Operating Temperature: -40° to 170°F (-40° to 76°C) Operating Pressure: 20 psi (1.35 Bar) maximum Mounting: ¾” NPT (Teflon isolation coupling supplied) Sensor Cable: RG62AU coaxial, 25 ft. (7.6 m) standard length Maximum Cable Length: 500 ft. (152 m) RG62AU coaxial Hazardous Rating: with optional Intrinsic Safety Barrier: CSA, Class I,II,III, Div. I,II, Groups C,D,E,F,G, Optional PZ15 Maximum Range: 15 ft (4.57m) Minimum Range (Deadband): 8" (203.2 mm) Operating Frequency: 92 KHz Beam Angle: 8° Operating Temperature: -40° to 150° (-40° to 65°C) Temperature Compensation: Automatic, continuous Max. Operating Pressure: 20 psi (1.35 bar) Sensor Face: PVC Sensor Body: PVC Mounting: ¾" NPT Cable Length: 25 ft. (7.6 m) continuous RG62AU coaxial. Optional 50 ft. (15 m) continuous Max. Cable Length: 500 ft. (152 m) RG62AU coaxial (splice) Hazardous Rating: CSA rated Intrinsically Safe Class I, Groups C,D, Class II, Groups E,F,G with Optional Intrinsic Safety Barrier. 1-3/4 " 44.5mm 3-7/8 " 98mm 3/4" NPT SIDE VIEW END VIEW 5" (127 mm) OVERALL 3/4" NPT ISOLATION COUPLING (SUPPLIED) TEFLOTEFLON TEFLON TEFLON TEFLON 25' (7.6 m) RG62AU COAXIAL CABLE 25 ft (7.6 m) RG62AU COAXIAL CABLE (50 ft 15 m OR 100 ft 30 m )OPTIONAL 3/4“ NPT ISOLATION COUPLING (SUPPLIED) 3/4" NPT 1.125" (28.6 mm) ~4.25" (108 mm) OVERALL 3.125" 79.4 mm 2.1" (53 mm) Level Transmitter Page 34 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter ~ 4.5" (114 mm) OVERALL 3.25" 82.5 mm 25 ft (7.6 m) RG62AU COAXIAL (50 ft 15 m OPTIONAL) CABLE 3/4“ NPT 3/4¾" NPT 1" (25.4 mm) BOLT CIRCLE DIAMETER TEFLON FACE 0.01" / 0.25mm FLANGE DIAMETER ISOLATION COUPLING (SUPPLIED) Optional PZ12T_F Maximum Range: 12 ft (3.66 m) Minimum Range (Deadband): 8"(203.2 mm) Operating Frequency: 92 KHz Beam Angle: 8° Operating Temperature: -40° to 150° (-40° to 65°C) Temperature Compensation: Automatic, continuous Max. Operating Pressure: 20 psi (1.35 bar) Sensor Face: Teflon Sensor Body: PVC Mounting: ¾" NPT Cable Length: 25 ft. (7.6 m) continuous RG62AU coaxial. Optional 50 ft. (15 m) continuous Max. Cable Length: 500 ft. (152 m) RG62AU coaxial (splice) Hazardous Rating: CSA rated Intrinsically Safe Class I, Groups C,D, Class II, Groups E,F,G with optional Intrinsic Safety Barrier. Level Transmitter Page 35 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter Optional PZ34 Maximum Range: 32 ft. (10 m) Minimum Range (Deadband): 16" (406.4 mm) Operating Frequency: 46 KHz Beam Angle: 8º Temperature Compensation: Automatic, continuous Operating Temperature: -40° to 150ºF (-40° to 65ºC) Maximum Operating Pressure: 20 psi (1.35 Bar) Exposed Materials: PVC Sensor Mounting: ¾” NPT Maximum Cable Length: 500 ft (152 m) Optional Hazardous Rating: CSA rated Intrinsically Safe Class I, Groups C,D, Class II, Groups E,F,G with optional Intrinsic Safety Barrier. Note: Max Range reduced to 25 ft (7.8 m) with ISB option. Optional PZ34T_F Maximum Range: 32 ft. (10 m) Minimum Range (Deadband): 16" (406.4 mm) Operating Frequency: 46 KHz Beam Angle: 8º Temperature Compensation: Automatic, continuous Operating Temperature: -40° to 150ºF (-40° to 65ºC) Maximum Operating Pressure: 20 psi (1.35 Bar) Sensor Face: Teflon Sensor Body: PVC (not exposed to tank contents) Cable Length: 25 ft. (7.6 m) continuous RG62AU coaxial Optional 50 ft. (15 m) continuous Maximum Cable Length: 500 ft (152 m) RG62AU coaxial (splice) Hazardous Rating: CSA rated Intrinsically Safe Class I, Groups C,D, Class II, Groups E,F,G with optional Intrinsic Safety Barrier. 25 ft (7.6 m) RG62AU COAXIAL CABLE (50 ft 15 m OPTIONAL) 3/4“ NPT ISOLATION COUPLING (SUPPLIED) 3/4" NPT 3.5” 89 mm 3.95” 100 mm 1.7” 43.2 mm ~ 4.75" (120 mm) OVERALL ~ 4.75" (120 mm) OVERALL 3.5" 89 mm 25 ft (7.6 m) RG62AU COAXIAL CABLE (50 ft 15 m OPTIONAL) 3/4“ NPT ISOLATION COUPLING (SUPPLIED) 3/4” NPT 1" (25.4 mm) BOLT CIRCLE DIAMETER TEFLON FACE FLANGE DIAMETER Level Transmitter Page 36 LIT25 Level Indicating Transmitter dp10 r oFF r on roc1 20 = 4 = 123.4 CALU 638.6 LEVEL CM PERCENT INCHES CM RANGE CM 23c 3, 5 1, 2, 4 YES? -C .S - OPSL ELC 1 YES NO Sb=n LIT25 Calibration Record SERIAL # _________________ DATE: ____________________ Circle Selected Units and Enter Va lues in the Blank Spaces 23c PERCENT INCHES CM PERCENT INCHES CM Level Transmitter Level Transmitter Ameresco Cherry Point RCW Flow OP OPERATION & MAINTENANCE DATA ASCO Redhat General Service Solenoid Valve Model # 8210G22 160/60 Valve No. C-CV-500, C-CV-501, C-CV-502 Sold by Core & Main, LLC SE Treatment Plant Group 6525 US HWY 301N Tampa, FL 33610 (813)621-1971 Manufacturer Representative CAROTEK PO# 0280099 700 Sam Newell Rd. Matthews, NC 28105 Solenoid Valve ASCO Valves® E267747 - 10/2016 All Rights Reserved I&M V_9810_R2 ©ASCO Valve, Inc. 50 Hanover Road, Florham Park, New Jersey 07932 Page 1 of 4 I&M V_9810_R2 Installation & Maintenance Instructions 2-WAY INTERNAL PILOT-OPERATED SOLENOID VALVES NORMALLY CLOSED OPERATION GENERAL SERVICE - 3/8",1/2" OR 3/4" NPT 3. Remove bonnet screws from valve body. 4. Lift valve bonnet slightly and rotate to desired position. Do not rotate the diaphragm assembly with the valve bonnet. 5. Replace bonnet screws and torque in a crisscross manner to 95 ± 10 in-lbs [10,7 ± 1,1 Nm]. 6. Position and tighten solenoid in place,see separate instructions. WARNING: To prevent the possibility of death, serious injury or property damage, check valve for proper operation before returning to service. AVERTISSEMENT: Afi n d’éviter le risque de mort, de blessure ou de dommage matériel, vérifi er le bon fonctionnement de l’électrovanne avant de la remettre en service. 7. Test operate valve electrically and manually. Be sure valve can be test operated without affecting other equipment. 8. Restore line pressure and electrical power supply to valve. INSTALLATION Check nameplate for correct catalog number, pressure, voltage, frequency, and service. Never apply incompatible fl uids or exceed pressure rating of the valve. Installation and valve maintenance to be performed by qualifi ed personnel. Future Service Considerations Provision should be made for performing seat leakage, external leakage, and operational tests on the valve with a nonhazardous, noncombustible fl uid after disassembly and reassembly. Temperature Limitations For maximum valve ambient and fl uid temperatures, refer to chart below or as limited by solenoid approvals. See solenoid installation and maintenance instructions. Check catalog number and watt rating on nameplate. SERIES 8210G [42] 1.66 .28 dia. 2 mounting holes [Ø7.1] NOTICE: See separate solenoid installation and maintenance instructions for information on: Wiring, Solenoid Temperature, Cause of Improper Operation, Coil or Solenoid Replacement. DESCRIPTION Series 8210 valves are 2-way normally closed internal pilot-operated solenoid valves designed for general service. Valves are made of rugged forged brass. Series 8210 valves are provided with a general purpose solenoid enclosure. Series EF8210 are the same as Series 8210 except they are provided with an explosionproof/watertight solenoid enclosure. Notice: Standard brass valves are not certifi ed as lead-free under the Safe Drinking Water Act SDWA 1417 and are not intended for use on drinking water systems. They are intended for control of water in industrial applications. Consult ASCO for valves rated for use in potable water applications. Notice: Constructions with an “LF” suffi x meet the lead free-brass requirement of SDWA 1417 having 0.25% or less lead (Pb) in brass.Due to the variety of operating conditions and applications of these products, the user, through analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the fi nal selection of the products and assuring that all performance, safety, and warning requirements of the applications are met. OPERATION Normally Closed: Valve is closed when solenoid is de-energized; open when energized. IMPORTANT: Minimum operating pressure differential required is 5 psi. Manual Operator (optional feature) Manual operator allows manual operation when desired or during an electrical power outage. To engage manual operator (open the valve), push in knurled cap and rotate stem clockwise 180°. Valve will now be in the same position as when the solenoid is energized. To disengage manual operator (close the valve), turn stem counterclockwise 180°. Push in and rotate 180° clockwise to operate CAUTION: For valve to operate electrically, manual operator stem must be fully rotated counterclockwise. ATTENTION: Afi n que la vanne fonctionne électriquement, la commande manuelle doit être complètement tournée dans le sens inverse des aiguilles d’une montre. Relocation of Manual Operator Manual operator may be relocated at 90° increments by rotating the valve bonnet as follows: WARNING: To prevent the possibility of death, serious injury or property damage, turn off electrical power, depressurize valve, and vent fl uid to a safe area before relocating manual operator. AVERTISSEMENT: Pour éviter tout risque de décès, de blessure grave ou de dégâts matériels, avant de remettre en place l’opérateur manuel : couper l’alimentation électrique, dépressuriser la vanne et purger le fl uide dans une zone sûre. 1. See separate solenoid installation and maintenance instruction’s and follow instructions to loosen solenoid to allow rotation of enclosure. 2. Be sure manual operator stem is fully rotated counterclockwise. Positioning This valve is designed to perform properly when mounted in any position. However, for optimum life and performance, the solenoid should be mounted vertically and upright to reduce the possibility of foreign matter accumulating in the solenoid base sub-assembly area. Mounting For mounting bracket (optional feature) dimensions, refer to Figure1. Figure 1. Mounting bracket dimensions Piping Connect piping to valve according to markings on valve body. Apply pipe compound sparingly to male pipe threads only. If applied to valve threads, the compound may enter the valve and cause operational diffi culty. Avoid pipe strain by properly supporting and aligning piping. When tightening the pipe, do not use valve or solenoid as a lever. Locate wrenches applied to valve body or piping as close as possible to connection point. Wattage Catalog Number Coil Prefi x CoilClass Max. AmbientTemp.°F Max. FluidTemp.°F 6.1, 10.1 NONE F 125°F 180°F 6.1, 10.1 HT H 140°F 180°F 11.6 NONE OR HT F OR H 104°F 150°F Solenoid Valve Page 2 of 4 I&M No. V_9810_R2 ©ASCO Valve, Inc. 50 Hanover Road, Florham Park, New Jersey 07932 CAUTION: To protect the solenoid valve, install a strainer or fi lter suitable for the service involved in the inlet side as close to the valve as possible. Clean periodically depending on service conditions. See ASCO Series 8600 and 8601 for strainers. ATTENTION : Afi n de protéger l’électrovanne ou l’actionneur, installer une crépine ou un fi ltre adapté le plus proche possible en amont de l’électrovanne ou de l’actionneur. Nettoyer périodiquement le fi ltre en fonction des conditions d’utilisation. Se référer aux séries 8600 et 8601 pour les crépines. MAINTENANCE WARNING: To prevent the possibility of death, serious injury or property damage, turn off electrical power, depressurize valve, and vent fl uid to a safe area before servicing the valve. AVERTISSEMENT: Pour éviter tous danger de mort, de blessure grave ou de dommage matériel, avant d’intervenir sur la vanne, couper le courant, purger la vanne dans une zone sécurisée. NOTE: It is not necessary to remove the valve from the pipeline for repairs. Cleaning All solenoid valves should be cleaned periodically. The time between cleanings will vary depending on the medium and service conditions. In general, if the voltage to the coil is correct, sluggish valve operation, excessive noise or leakage will indicate that cleaning is required. In the extreme case, faulty valve operation will occur and the valve may fail to open or close. Clean strainer or fi lter when cleaning the valve. Preventive Maintenance • Keep the medium fl owing through the valve as free from dirt and foreign material as possible. • While in service, the valve should be operated at least once a month to ensure proper opening and closing. • Depending on the medium and service conditions, periodic inspection of internal valve parts for damage or excessive wear is recommended. Thoroughly clean all parts. If parts are worn or damaged, install a complete ASCO Rebuild Kit. Causes of Improper Operation • Incorrect Pressure: Check valve pressure. Pressure to valve must be within range specifi ed on nameplate. • Excessive Leakage: Disassemble valve and clean all parts. If parts are worn or damaged, install a complete ASCO Rebuild Kit. Valve Disassembly 1. Disassemble valve in an orderly fashion using exploded views for identifi cation and placement of parts. Refer to Figure 2 for AC construction; Figure 3 for DC construction. 2. Remove solenoid enclosure. See separate instructions. • For AC construction (standard or with manual operator), proceed as follows: 3. For standard construction, remove bonnet screws, solenoid base sub-assembly, core spring, core assembly, diaphragm spring, diaphragm assembly and body gasket from valve body. 4. For manual operator constructions, unscrew solenoid base sub-assembly fi rst then follow step 3 for removal of parts. 5. For normal maintenance (cleaning) it is not necessary to disassemble the manual operator unless an ASCO Rebuild Kit is being installed. To disassemble, remove stem pin, manual operator stem, stem spring and stem gaskets (2). • For DC construction (standard or with manual operator), proceed as follows: 6. Unscrew solenoid base sub-assembly fi rst then follow step 3 and 5 for removal of parts. Note: Diaphragm spring is omitted for DC construction. 7. All Parts are now accessible for cleaning or replacement. If parts are worn or damaged, install a complete ASCO Rebuild Kit. Valve Reassembly 1. Lubricate body gasket and solenoid base gasket with Xiameter®PMX 200 Silicone Fluid or an equivalent high-grade silicone fl uid. 2. Lubricate manual operator stem gaskets (2) with Molykote®111 Compound or equivalent high-grade silicone grease. 3. Replace body gasket and diaphragm assembly. Locate bleed hole in diaphragm assembly approximately 45° from valve outlet. • For AC construction (standard or with manual operator), proceed as follows: 4. Position diaphragm spring on diaphragm assembly. Be sure large end of diaphragm spring seats in cup of diaphragm assembly. For manual operator constructions,small end of diaphragm spring seats in cup of diaphragm assembly. 5. Install wide end of core spring in core assembly fi rst, closed end protrudes from top of core assembly. 6. For standard construction, position core assembly with core spring and solenoid base sub-assembly (integral with bonnet) over diaphragm spring and diaphragm assembly. 7. Install bonnet screws and hand thread screws as far as possible, then torque bonnet screws in a crisscross manner to 95 ± 10 in-lbs [10,7 ± 1,1 Nm]. 8. For valve constructions with a manual operator, fi rst install valve bonnet and bonnet screws as described in step 7. 9. Install solenoid base gasket,core assembly with core spring and solenoid base sub-assembly. 10. Torque solenoid base sub-assembly to 175 ± 25 in-lbs [19,8 ± 2,8 Nm]. 11. For valves with a manual operator proceed as follows: A. Install two manual operator stem gaskets on stem. Refer to Step 2 for lubrication instructions. B. Install stem spring and stem assembly with gaskets into valve bonnet. C. Push stem assembly into valve bonnet; align stem pin hole and install stem pin. D. Operate manual operator to be sure there is no misalignment or binding. Then rotate manual operator stem counterclockwise as far as possible. • For DC construction (standard or with manual operator), proceed as follows: 12. For standard or manual operator constructions, replace valve bonnet and follow steps 7, 9 and 10. For manual operator constructions, install core spring in core assembly following step 5. 13. Install solenoid. See separate instructions. WARNING: To prevent the possibility of death, serious injury or property damage, check valve for proper operation before returning to service. Also perform internal seat and external leakage tests with a nonhazardous, noncombustible fl uid. AVERTISSEMENT: Afi n d’éviter le risque de mort, de blessure ou de dommage matériel, vérifi er le bon fonctionnement de l’électrovanne avant de la remettre en service. Contrôler aussi les fuites externe et interne avec un fl uide non dangereux. 14. Restore line pressure and electrical power supply to valve. 15. After maintenance is completed, operate the valve a few times to be sure of proper operation. A metallic click signifi es the solenoid is operating. ORDERING INFORMATION FOR ASCO REBUILD KITS Parts marked with an asterisk (*) in the exploded view are supplied in Rebuild Kits. When Ordering Rebuild Kits for ASCO valves, order the Rebuild Kit number stamped on the valve nameplate. If the number of the kit is not visible, order by indicating the number of kits required, and the Catalog Number and Serial Number of the valve(s) for which they are intended. Solenoid Valve Page 3 of 4 I&M No. V_9810_R2 ©ASCO Valve, Inc. 50 Hanover Road, Florham Park, New Jersey 07932 Part Name Solenoid base sub-assembly Bonnet screws Indicates Parts Supplied In ASCO Rebuild Kits bonnet screw (4) mounting bracket two positions (optional) Torque Chart Torque Value Inch-Pounds 175 ± 25 95 ± 10 solenoid base sub-assembly core spring (see note 2) core assembly diaphragm spring (large end of spring to seat in cup of diaphragm assembly) diaphragm assembly bleed hole (see note1) body gasket valve body AC Construction Standard bonnet screw (4) stem pin bleed hole (see note1) Torque Value Newton-Meters 19,8 ± 2,8 10,7 ± 1,1 solenoid base sub-assembly core spring (see note 2) core assembly solenoid base gasket stem spring stem gaskets (2) stem diaphragm spring (small end of spring to seat in cup of diaphragm assembly) diaphragm assembly AC Construction with Manual Operator Note: 1. Locate bleed hole in diaphragm assembly approximately 45° from valve outlet. 2. Wide end of core spring in core fi rst, closed end protrudes from top of core. Figure 2. Series 8210 - AC construction without solenoid. Note: Constructions with “LF” suffi x will be identifi ed with “LF” mark on body and bonnet. Solenoid Valve Page 4 of 4 I&M No. V_9810_R2 ©ASCO Valve, Inc. 50 Hanover Road, Florham Park, New Jersey 07932 Part Name Solenoid base sub-assembly Bonnet screws base Indicates Parts Supplied In ASCO Rebuild Kits core assembly core spring solenoid gasket valve bonnet bleed hole (see note) Torque Value Inch-Pounds 175 ± 25 95 ± 10 solenoid base sub-assembly bonnet screw (4) mounting bracket two positions (optional) diaphragm assembly body gasket valve body DC Construction Standard bonnet screw (4) stem pin Torque Value Newton-Meters 19,8 ± 2,8 10,7 ± 1,1 core spring ( wide end in core fi rst, closed end protrudes from top of core) core assembly solenoid base gasket stem spring stem gaskets (2) stem diaphragm assembly DC Construction with Manual Operator Note: Locate bleed hole in diaphragm assembly approximately 45° from valve outlet. Figure 3. Series 8210 - DC construction without solenoid. bleed hole (see note) Note: Constructions with “LF” suffi x will be identifi ed with “LF” mark on body and bonnet. Solenoid Valve Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets, Inc. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 SUBMITTAL & Installation and Operation Manual (IOM) Presents to Cherry Point Marine Corps Air Station WWTP Ameresco Cherry Point RCW Flow OP Automated Spray Cleaning System for Circular Tank Launders, Inc. 1-866-447-2496 Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets GillTeq, LLC. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 Table of Contents A.Automated Spray Cleaning System 1. Identification 2. Critical Components 1.Utility Requirements B.Shop Drawings and Engineering Data 1.Spray Apparatus Drawings WWR-0253 2.Drawing 0252 Center Unit 3.Tank Drawing 0259 4.Master Parts List C.Installation, Operations and Maintenance Manual D.Warranty E.Proposed Testing and Start Up 1.Training Lesson Plan 2.Certificates of Installation, Training F.Component Data from Suppliers 1.T-strainer/Nozzles 2.Rotating Joints/Bearing Assembly Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets, Inc. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 A.Automated Spray Cleaning System 1.Identification The WeirWasher Automated Cleaning System consists of a spray header attachment(WWR-0253) mounted to the circular scum arm as provided by the tank mechanism manufacturer, a center pier mounted assembly(WWR-0252) to connect the fixed water piping system to the rotating water piping system(WWR-0259). A series of spray nozzles are mounted to the fixed spray attachment and directed to the baffle, weir, spillway and walls of the effluent flow channel. The spray attachment will pass over obstructions such as radical effluent, scum troughs and float solids troughs, without any contact. The Spray Systems are provided, as specified in the purchase order. The Spray System is designed to clean the following surface without any physical contact to the cleaned surfaces of the tank. The spray assembly will allow for +/- 6” of launder variance and wall/floor porosity. The cleaning surfaces include: outer tank walls, both sides of the scum baffles, both sides of the inner and outer launder weirs, both sides of the inner launder walls, the launder floor and the outer launder wall, bolting, supports, obstructions and framing. The system shall be designed to operate off the power of the clarifier mechanism’s drive motor and constructed to avoid any noticeable torque increases on the tank mechanism drive. The unit shall be capable of encountering an indefinite stall without incurring damage, binding or uneven operation. The water source for the automated spray systems shall come from the non-potable or process water supply line connection at the base of the tank. It should allow for draining of the supply water by use of an auto drain valve so as to prevent water from remaining in the pipe while the system is depressurized or off. The auto drain valves are a component of the automated cleaning system. A 1 1/4” HDPE is provided and will be supported utilizing common fasteners. The piping will need to be run under the bridge along the I-beam for maximum support. A 120 volt operated Hunter controller and 1 ½” Hunter solenoid valve will be supplied. SCADA or PLC controls may also be utilized based on the requirements and availability to the facility. MSDS will be sent with shipment. Delivery and storage will be in accordance with contract documents and requirements of manufacturer., Inc. will send the WeirWasher, ACS materials so that they may be stored for long term such that other materials are not placed on top of or leak onto the WeirWasher, ACS product. The delivered items must be verified free of defects which may have occurred in transit and would appear obvious from the condition of the shipping box or protective materials. Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets GillTeq, LLC. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 2.Critical Components Center Pier Mounted Assembly (WWR-0252), also referred to as the center unit is manufactured to attach to and around the circumference of the center pier such that it has a fixed(UHMW) and rotating portion (316SST). This allows for the water supply to be provided from the fixed piping(HDPE) along the walkway to the center unit and from the center unit to the piping(HDPE) that rotates with the clarifier’ rake or scum arm. Controlled leakage in required to provided lubrication but will provide adequate flow and pressure to the spray assembly. The center unit is rotated by the clarifier rotating mechanism by 316SST chain attached to the rotating cage. This pier/column must be field verified. The Spray Assembly (WWR-0253) is designed to be compatible with the launder and follow with the scum arm around the entirety of the clarifier so that at no time do the cleaning components contact the launder walls . The main frame is attached with U-bolt fasteners to the scum arm. The assembly is constructed of copper, brass fittings, carbon fiber tubing, brass nozzles, PVC elbows and brass rotary bearings. The as built dimensions of the launder, weir, scum baffle and other cleaning surfaces must be field verified. 3.Utility Requirements The facility requirements will include pressurized strained plant water to be supplied to a 2” isolation valve. These must be available at each tank prior to installation and supply at least 60 psi at 20 gpm. Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets, Inc. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets GillTeq, LLC. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets, Inc. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets GillTeq, LLC. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 This page intentionally left blank Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets, Inc. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 WeirWasher, ACS parts list Model WWR- FSI- Master Parts list Clarifier Part number Part description Qua ntity Material DWG # SPRAY APPA- RATUS WWR- 0253- FSE-SA-001UT Piping, fixed arm, upper 1 ea 1” Stainless steel, 316 1U FSE-SA-002 Bearing, rotary 3 ea Rainbird size 30, .375 x .75" 2 FSE-SA-003UI Pipe, rotating spray bars 1 ea Stainless steel, 316 3U FSE-SA-003L Pipe, rotating spray bars 1 ea Stainless steel, 316 3L FSE-SA-004 Nozzles 4 ea nozzles, 0020, 316 4 FSE-SA-006 Elbow, .25”6 ea Stainless steel, 316 6 FSE-SA-008 Mount, spray apparatus 2 ea Unistrut, stainless steel, 316 6" long, 316 11 FSE-SA-009 U-bolts, spray apparatus 2 ea 2" Stainless steel, 316 U-bolts, 4" long 10 FSE-SA-010 pipe clamps, unistrut 2 ea Stainless Steel, 316 12, 13 FSE-SA-015 Clamps, hose 2 ea Stainless steel, 316 16 CENTER UNIT Ring Assembly WWR- 0252- WWR-CU- 001AR Center Unit, inner ring right 1 ea UHMW inner, right 1AR WWR-CU- 001AL Center Unit, inner ring left 1 ea UHMW inner, left 1AL WWR-CU- 001BR Center Unit, outer right 1 ea Stainless steel, 316 outer, right 1BR WWR-CU- 001BL Center Unit, outer left 1 ea Stainless steel, 316 outer, left 1BL WWR-CU-001C Tee nut 2 ea Stainless steel, 316, 3/8”1C WWR-CU-001D Bracket, mounting 2 ea Stainless steel, .5” bolt x 4” long 1D WWR-CU-001E Bolt, mounting bracket 2 ea Stainless steel, 316, 3/8” x 5/8” long 1E WWR-CU-001F Washer, mounting bracket 2 ea Stainless steel, 316, .5”1F WWR-CU-001G Nut, mounting bracket 4 ea Stainless steel, 316, .5”1G WWR-CU-001H Gasket, center unit, outer 2 ea Rubber, nylon reinforced 1H WWR-CU-001J Shim, center unit, inner 4 ea Vinyl rubber 1J Chain Drive Assembly WWR-CU-002 Eye bolt, drive 2 ea 3/8” eyebolt, stainless steel, 316 1K Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets GillTeq, LLC. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 WWR-CU-003 Quick link 2 ea 5/16” quick link, stainless steel, 316 1L WWR-CU-004 Bolt, center unit, outer, flange 4 ea 1/4” x 1.5” hex head bolt, stainless steel, 316 1N WWR-CU-005 Nut, center unit, outer flange 16 ea 1/4” nylock nut, stainless steel, 316 1Q WWR-CU-006 Washer, chain drive 12 ea 3/8" washer, fender, SS-, 316 1T WWR-CU-007 Nut, chain drive 12 ea 3/8" nylock nut ss, 316 1P,1U WWR-CU-008 Chain, Drive 3 ft Chain, SS, 316 5/16"1M WWR-CU-009 Bolt, chain drive to trq. Cage 5 ea 3/8" bolt, SS, 316 2" (3/8-16 cap)1S WWR-CU-024 Chain, drive reversing 5 ft Chain, SS, 316 5/16"1R Inlet/Outlet Assembly WWR-CU-020 Pipe, Inlet 2 ea 3/4" npt brass nipple 2" long 1AR WWR-CU-021 Bushing, pipe 2 ea Bushing 1.5” x .75”, , 316SS 1V WWR-CU-026 Elbow, 1.5"3 ea 1.5" , 316SS elbow 1W WWR-CU-025 Adhesive, joint 1 ea 1 tube WWR-CU-027 Adapter, fitting 2 ea 1.5” mpt to 1.5” barb fitting, , 316SS 1X WWR-CU-028 Clamps, clamps 4 ea Stainless steel, 316 hose clamps 1Y MISCELLA- NEOUS WWR- 0259 Strainer Assembly WWR-M-001 Strainer, inlet (150 psi/ 20m) 1 ea 1.25" poly pro "Y" strainer M2 WWR-M-011 Valve, Strainer cleanout 1 ea 1" , 316SS ball valve M3 Auto Drain Assembly WWR-M-008 Valve, auto drain 316 SS 1 ea 1" 316 SS. (up to 4ea per clairfier)M5 WWR-M-013 Tee 1-1/2" 316SS 4 ea for auto drain valves (M-008)M5 WWR-M-014 Bushing 316SS 4 ea 1.5" to 1.0" (for M-008)M5 WWR-M-010 Strapping"15ea 316ss 8" long M9 Pipe Assembly WWR-M-003 Pipe, water supply 60 ft HDPE, 1”M4 WWR-M-005 union, supply 2 ea 1.5" fpt-fpt union M4 WWR-M-012 Bushing, strainer outlet 1 ea 2" mpt to 1 1/2" Fslip pvc WWR-M-018 Pipe 316SS.1 ea 2" 316SS. Nipple 1-1/2" long M2 Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets, Inc. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 This page intentionally left blank Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets GillTeq, LLC. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 1.Summary Page 2.Parts Lists and Drawings A.Spray Apparatus B.WWR Center Unit C.WWR-Tank D.Master Parts List 3.General Description a.Installation Procedures b.General Description c.Center unit inner ring d.Center unit outer ring and rake arm flex piping e.Fixed Spray Apparatus f.Water supply piping g.Spray Bar field adjustment 5.Operating Instructions 1.Safety Precautions 2.Operator Pre-start 3.Start-up 4.Shutdown 5.Post shutdown 6.Normal operations 7.Emergency operations 8.Operator Service Requirements 9.Environmental Conditions 6.Preventative Maintenance 1.Lubrication Data 2.Preventative Maintenance Plan and Schedule 7.Corrective Maintenance 1.Troubleshooting Guides and Diagnostic Techniques 2.Wiring Diagrams and Control Diagrams 3.Maintenance and Repair Procedures 4.Removal and Replacement Instructions 5.Corrective Maintenance Man-hours 6.Spare Parts and Supply Lists 7.Corrective Maintenance Man Hours 8. Spare Parts/Wear Parts/Replacement Parts 1.Component Data 9.Warranty Information 10.Installation Documentation 1.Installation Checklist 2.Certificate of Training 3.Certificate of Proper Installation 4.Install Photos Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets, Inc. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 1.Summary Page A.Model Number WWR-FSE-7524 B.Serial Number WWR17082402R1908 C.Location Cherry Point Marine Corps Air Station WWTP Ameresco Cherry Point RCW Flow OP C/O Bower Engineering 100 Roosevelt Bldg (Bldg 1005) Havelock, NC 28532 D.Equipment Description WeirWasher Automated Cleaning Systems are supplied for algae and material control. The WeirWasher, ACS uses plant non-potable water to control the growth and collection areas. E.Manufacturer and Supplier, Inc. 23781 US-27 ste. 109 Lake Wales, FL 33859 Phone: 1-866-447-2496 Fax: 1-503-646-9293 F.Design Criteria-SEE GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.Spray head rotation range of 20-40 rpm. 2.Water pressure may not exceed 120 psi. 3.At no time will the spray heads come in contact with the cleaning surfaces. 4.Controlled by timer. 5.Coordination with the clarifier mechanism manufacturer will occur as necessary. G. Performance Data Water pressure spray to control growth and accumulation on the launder surfaces, weirs, scum baffle and brackets. H.Normal Operating Characteristics- SEE OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 1.Operational times of 3-10 hours as determined by the amount of growth or debris accumulation. 2.Supply water must be at least 20 gpm at 60 psi. I.Limiting Conditions 1.Water pressure or flow below operational requirements of 60 psi or 20 gpm. 2.Freezing on the surfaces of the clarifier launder, baffle, scum arm, scum beach or any surface that can hinder the movement of any spray head or the scum arm. 3.Items left in the clarifier that would become entangled or break any spray head, main frame, center unit assembly or supply piping. Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets GillTeq, LLC. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 General Description of WeirWasher, ACS Description of Operation WeirWasher, Automated Cleaning Systems (ACS) use pressurized water to remove algae, scum and other material from the weir, scum ring, launder and other areas of the tank. WeirWasher, ACS model WWR uses the in plant service water of nominally 60 psi at 20 gpm depending upon surface area covered. HOW IT WORKS Water is supplied to piping that runs under the walkway out to the center column. The piping then enters the center of the column running through the center of the drive unit. The piping proceeds down the middle of the center column and to the location of the WeirWasher, ACS center unit. The pipe is then connected to the center stationary unit, which allows the water to enter the center unit. The water flows between the stationary and rotating components of the center unit. The piping is then connected to the rotating component of the center unit. The clarifier drive unit drives the center unit with the rest of the rotating structure. The piping is then routed along the scum arm or along the bottom structure of the rotating structure of the tank or clarifier. The piping then is connected to the spray apparatus, which sprays the areas needing cleaning. The areas that can be cleaned are as follows: Scum Ring (Inside and outside) Weir (Inside and Outside) Launder (overflow, side wall, and bottom) Outer wall (center mounted launder designs) The center unit, during operation, is designed to have a small amount of leakage. This leakage allows the center unit to ride on a small water film between the stationary and rotating components of the center unit minimizing the horsepower necessary to rotate the rotating component of the center unit. Note: The Center unit must always have water running through it or be submerged while it is being rotated. Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets, Inc. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 Spray Apparatus The spray apparatus is engineered for each application based on the following parameters: Water Pressure Surface Area Geometry Frequency of Cleaning Nozzle Quantity Nozzle Size Fowling Rate Geographic Location System Type The spray apparatus is designed to optimize the impingement force of the water while ensuring the most efficient use of water quantity. Impingement force is the force measured and calculated necessary to provide enough cleaning force to remove the algae and foreign material. The spray apparatus design in many applications only needs to be at the surface level of the weirs and does not need to enter into the trough area. Attachments The use of water to remove the fouling material allows for the use of standard products available on the open market to negotiate around obstructions mounted in the path of the spray apparatus. We have attachments that can address the following designs: Cement Bridge supports mounted on the Trough Articulated (rotating) Scum Pipes Radial Effluent Troughs Internal Launders and Weirs Dual Internal Launders and Weirs Ladders, pipes or probes Our attachments allow for the spray apparatus to fold back or retract from the fouled surfaces, pass the obstruction or component of concern, and then return back to position when clear of the obstruction. This is achieved by the use of standard water rotating joints installed in the supply piping prior to the obstruction. These joints allow for the water to transfer through them and yet still rotate upon an axis. Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets GillTeq, LLC. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 DESIGN PARAMETERS The following items are required to design a WeirWasher, ACS Model WWR: 1.Type of tank or clarifier 2.Diameter of unit or clarifier 3.Diameter of center column 4.System water pressure at tank or clarifier 5.Supply water maximum capacity 6.Type of scum removal equipment 7.Type and size of obstructions Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets, Inc. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION The materials for each component have been evaluated and chosen to ensure longevity of operation and life. The standard materials are as follows: Description Material Piping (above water)HDPE, Insulation, heat tracing and aluminum tape Spray Apparatus Stainless Steel, Brass, Piping (below water)HDPE SIDR 9 160psi rated Center Unit (inner & outer rings)UHMW & SS Center unit structural components 316SS Driving chain/bar 304SS Pipe unions 304SS or Brass Flexible Piping HDPE SIDR 9 160psi rated Spray Nozzles Brass Fasteners (under water)Stainless steel Fasteners (above water)Steel, Hot Dip Galvanized Y-strainer Brass or plastic Disconnecting the strainer, removal of the strainer mesh or rerouting of any piping around the strainer without written approval of the manufacturer may void any warranty. 1.. Installation Procedures Center Unit Inner Ring 1.Locate the installation location for the center unit anywhere on the column where there is enough clearance between the column and the rotating vertical torque tube/truss of the skimmer/scraper mechanism. IMPORTANT WARNING: DO NOT PLACE THE CENTER UNIT OR THE STRAP OVER THE CENTER COL - UMN INLET OPENINGS OF THE TANK WHICH WOULD RESTRICT FLOW OF LIQUID INTO THE TANK! THIS WILL VOID WARRANTY AND DESTROY THE CENTER UNIT AND WILL REDUCE TOTAL TANK FLOW CAPACITY AS WELL AS CREATE A SURFACE FOR ENTRAINED SOLIDS TO COLLECT! 2.Wrap the mounting strap around the column and position the flanges and bolt in the same radial place as the supply water piping from the bridge. Ensure the column weld seam is place between the mounting strap flanges as this is a critical anti-rotation design require- ment. 3. Coordinate the placement of the strap with the alignment of the inlet hole into the top of the inner ring with the bridge water supply hole in the column or run the water supply out of the existing column outlet holes down into the top of the inner ring. 4.Align mounting strap and ensure strap is level and flat to the column. Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets GillTeq, LLC. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 5.Apply thread anti-seize/lubricant to all threads and Tighten the mounting strap bolt to 80 ft-lbs. Ensure that the mounting strap lies flat and even around the column and it’s place- ment is coordinated with the water supply. 6.Drill a 3/8” hole through the chain of the strap end and insert an anti- rotation bolt as a secondary means of anti-rotation through the chain and column and put a nut on the inside . VERY IMPORTANT--- ENSURE THE MOUNTING STRAP STRADDLES THE COLUMN WELD SEAM IF POSSIBLE AND THE ANTI-ROTATION BOLT MUST BE INSTALLED. ENSURE THAT THE MOUNTING STRAP LAYS FLAT AGAINST THE COLUMN ALL THE WAY AROUND THE COLUMN AND THE STRAP TENSIONING BOLT IS TORQUED TO 80 FT-LBS. DO NOT PLACE ANY COMPONENTS OVER THE CENTER COLUMN INLET OPENINGS! VERY IMPORTANT 7.Whenever possible install the outer ring halves onto the inner ring halves prior to in - stallation on column. Ensure the inner ring is protruding past the end of the outer ring ends to allow for the inner ring.Caution: Do not initially pull the center unit outer ring halves together with any clamps or bolting. The center unit outer ring must be seated manually to ensure that the inner ring fits into the outer ring without being cut by the out ring during fitting until the inner ring is completely inside the outer ring. Failure to perform this step will result in failure of the center unit inner ring. DO NOT OVER COMPRESS THE INNER RING SPRING FINGERS TO AID IN THE IN - STALLATION OF THE OUTER RING. THIS WILL VOID THE WARRANTY and will lead to the center unit not operating properly. The outer ring must fit snugly into the I.D. of the outer ring. 8.To assemble the inner ring hook joints, place the male hook over or under the female joint and guide the male hook into the female joint (from above or below) with a “C” clamp or light hammering of the joint until the surfaces of both halves of the ring are aligned to each other as they have previously been assembled and tested. 9.The outer ring flanges are socketed and will only assemble one way properly so en - sure that the flanges will assemble properly with male and female ends matching. 10.The ring halves can be assembled on the column by putting the first half over the ubolt studs but slightly mis-aligned and then the second half hook/slot joints can be hammered together. Ensure the halves are perfectly parallel to each other. After the halves are to- gether place them over the ubolts. 11.Another method of assembly is to place the inner ring halves with previously installed outer ring halves are now placed onto the mounting strap u-bolts and then assemble the hook joints. 12.Apply adhesive sealant to all end faces prior to completely seating the inner ring compo- nents. Apply adhesive inside the inner ring on the inside of the joints to ensure that all joint gaps are filled with adhesive from inside the channel. Note: Ensure the inner ring joints are sealed from the inside of the water channel to create Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets, Inc. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 a seal. 13.Align the mounting holes in the inner ring with the u-bolts welded to the mounting strap and install the mounting nuts onto the ubolts and torque to 35-45 ft-lbs. 14.Push outer ring onto inner ring if it was not possible to pre-assemble prior to installation of the inner ring. 15. Align the flanges so that the chain that attaches to the vertical torque tube will be tangent to the diameter of the outer ring. This may require rotating the outer torque tube to align the chain mounting holes. Ensure the rotating chain does not touch the stationary column and is incapable of touching the stationary column/center pier or any other stationary objects based on the design. 16.The chains cannot be excessively longer than 6’ past tangent. 17.Apply adhesive sealant to the metal flange mating faces 18.All drive chains must be installed in the center holes of the drive flanges and not on the top or bottom holes or the ring will be damaged/pulled sideways and the war- ranty will be voided. 19.Apply thread anti-seize/lubricant to all threads and then bolt the flanges together, tighten- ing the1/2” bolts/nuts to 45-55 ft-lbs of torque. 20.Double nut all bolts and tighten the second nut against the first nut on all bolting hard- ware. 21.Attach the drive chains to the flanges and adjust the chains so that they are pulling tan- gent to the OD of the outer ring to ensure ring distortion cannot occur. Attach the other end of the chains to the beam clamp in a position that is on the same level plane as the top of the outer ring. Again, ensure the chains are tangent to the OD of the outer ring and that the tension of both drive chains is identical. Adjust the drive chain bolts along their lengths to provide proper identical tension. Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets GillTeq, LLC. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 Note: The drive/outer ring pulling chains need to be level with the top of the outer ring. The outer ring flanges need to be pulled at tangent or 2”-3” beyond tangent to allow for the chain to push in slightly on the side of the outer ring. This is imperative to ensure the outer ring maintains it's roundness as well as ensuring vertical twisting forces are not placed on the outer ring. 22.Connect the inlet piping and outlet piping to the center unit using adhesive on the HDPE fitting to ensure a proper seal. 23.Caution: The center unit inner ring adhesive must be allowed 6 hours to cure prior to pressurization to allow for adhesive to cure 24.Ensure the eye bolts eyes are on the drive side of the flange so that the chain will pull the outer ring in the correct direction. Connect the drive chain to the center unit eye bolts using the provided quick link. The chain is then pulled tight on a tangent to the outside diameter of the center unit. The chain is held level and a hole is marked using the location of the holes in the chain. A 3/8” hole is then drilled on the marked position. This process is repeated on the other side. All efforts need to be made to ensure the chains are relatively the same tension, level, pulling on a tangent and pulling on the same plane as the center line of the center unit. 25.Attach the HDPE SIDR 9, 160 psi rated flexible pipe only (DO NOT ATTACH RIGID PIPING TO THE OUTLET OF THE CENTER UNIT) between the center unit and the piping going to the (spray apparatus external trough) FSE using supplied piping compression clamps and apply adhesive to male barb prior to insertion on both ends. Heating of HDPE piping prior to assembly of joint is allowed to aid in the assembly. 26.Route the piping along the upper truss member of the rake arm or along the skimmer arm per the customer’s preference. 27.Bind the flexible piping to the rake arm using stainless steel strapping and pipe saddle. The piping on the rake arm must be allowed to freely slide in the mounting system to allow for the normal movement of the truss due to hydraulic load deflection/deviation and normal torques associated with such long trusses. NOTE:Use of adhesive on the fittings between the piping is mandatory for proper installation, and is critical for ensuring integrity of the WeirWasher piping system. 28.Inspect all mechanical joints for integrity and proper assembly. 29.Allow the center unit joint adhesive to cure for 6 hours prior to pressurization. Turn on the WeirWasher, ACS system and inspect for acceptable spray pressure and flow out of the spray apparatus. The center unit is designed to have water leaking between the sealing faces of the inner and outer ring. Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets, Inc. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 WeirWasher, ACS sample installation photos----- Valve & tie into existing water supply Stationary bridge piping Piping from center unit to spray apparatus Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets GillTeq, LLC. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 Sample Center unit mounting locations .Rake arm piping mounting Spray apparatus mounting Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets, Inc. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 Spray Apparatus Installation Spray Apparatus 1.Install the spray apparatus on the skimmer arm. 2.It may be necessary to elevate the spray apparatus frame using structural materials to compensate for the skimmer blade mounting components and to allow for all weather operations. Connect the HDPE supply piping to the fixed spray apparatus inlet pipe. 3.Adjust the rotational speed of the rotating spray bar by gimballing the nozzles in such a way as to achieve 20-40 rpm (3 seconds per each full revolution of the spray bar) 4.Do not rotate the spray bar any faster. Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets GillTeq, LLC. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 5.Each independent spray nozzle will have its own specific area of cleaning and will have secondary cleaning impact on all other surfaces. Each specific nozzle will be concentrating its configuration on the following four areas: 6.outer wall and outer trough bottom 7.inner trough bottom and inner trough wall upper inner trough wall, weir and scum ring angular impingementscum ring, effluent zone and scum ring mounting brackets 8. 9.Verify successful traversing around the clarifier without the spray apparatus contacting any surface and make adjustments to the spray nozzles to provide thorough coverage on all surfaces (the articulating spray apparatus cover can be Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets, Inc. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 installed). Water supply piping 1.Connect supplied automated control valve, 1.5” strainer with associated automated freeze protection and manual flush valve to the water supply line provided to the customer. The strainer should be downstream of the isolation valve to ensure strainer is drained when not in service. Disconnecting the strainer, removal of the strainer mesh or rerouting of any piping around the strainer without written approval of the manufacturer may void any warrant y. 2.Install the bridge water supply piping. Connect the water piping (1.5” pvc/cpvc/1” hdpe) across the bridge on existing pipe strut supports or plumb the piping under the bridge “I” beam structure and attach using clamps. Cut a 2” hole in the high flow deflector plate mounted below the clarifier drive mechanism for the water supply piping to pass through the clarifier drive mechanism and into the feed column, thereby allowing the water supply piping to connect to the inlet of the center unit inner ring. Removal of any auto drain valve, disconnection of heat tracing and/or removal of any insulation may allow freezing of the supply piping 1.Field adjustment of spray bars Rotate the elbows on both ends to achieve 4-40 rpm. Only a few degrees of movement creates a thrusting motion. If possible always rotate the elbow in a tightening direction so as to keep optimum water seal. Manufacture’s recommendation on rotation speed for all spray bars is 1 revolution per 2 seconds (30 rpm) for spray bars 30” and smaller. Spray bars 36” and larger should rotate at 2-4 rpm Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets GillTeq, LLC. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 or 20-30 seconds per revolution . Ensure also that the spray bar rotate counter clockwise that hang below the rotary bearing and clockwise rotation for spray bars that are above the rotary bearing. Rotational speed is critical to ensure the threaded joints on the rotary bearing are being tightened while rotation is occurring. Fast rotation does not optimize cleaning! Slow is the way to go. The slower the better. If your water pressures in the plant fluctuate greatly to low pressures this will affect the motion of the spray bar. If needed, rotational speed can be adjusted a little faster at peak pressures than recommended to accommodate for low fluctuating pressures. Also, check the nozzles at each elbow to ensure they are unclogged because they can be a factor for non rotating spray bars. Each independent spray nozzle will have its own specific area of cleaning and will have secondary cleaning impact on all other surfaces. Each specific nozzle will be concentrating its configuration on the following four areas: Fast rotation does not optimize cleaning! Slow is the way to go: optimal 20 to 40 rpm The slower the better. If your water pressures in the plant fluctuate greatly to low pressures this will affect the motion of the spray bar. If needed, rotational speed can be adjusted a little faster at peak pressures than recommended to accommodate for low fluctuating pressures. Also, check the nozzles at each elbow to ensure they are unclogged because they can be a factor for non rotating bars. Each independent spray nozzle will have its own specific area of cleaning and will have secondary cleaning impact on all other Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets, Inc. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 surfaces. Each specific nozzle will be concentrating its configuration on the following four areas: Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets GillTeq, LLC. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 5.Operating Instructions 1.Safety Precautions : During operation do not stand in trough. Take standard safety precautions required for working in a Wastewater facility. 2.Operator Pre-start : Ensure the water isolation supply valve is open and the bypass valve is shut. 3.Start-up : Open the bypass valve. 4.Shutdown : Isolate the system locally with manual isolation valve. 5.Post shutdown : Ensure water turns off. The remaining water in the piping will drain out of the nozzles. 6.Normal Operations : WeirWasher, ACS is designed to operate for 4-10 revolutions around the clarifier per day and maintain the sprayed areas clean of algae and other fouling materials. To operate the WeirWasher, ACS you must pressurize the piping with water. The inlet supply valve can be manually controlled or attached to the plant operating system through solenoid control valves. Facilities with more than one clarifier can alternate the operation of the WeirWasher, ACS. WeirWasher, ACS can operate in sequential timing so as to minimize the use of water on the plant system. Bi-weekly chlorine dosage might be considered to kill and remove thin Black algae and other very aggressive forms of algae that can build up over time in the porosities of the material. 7.Emergency Operations : In the event that a problem is noticed, the system can be shut down by closing the system isolation valve. If WeirWasher, ACS must be operated while the tank is out of service, 1 gallon per minute flow must pass through the system to provide center unit lubrication. 8.Operator Service Requirements : Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets, Inc. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 Inspect the nozzles for proper spray patterns and coverage. 9.Environmental Conditions : Normal operation>32deg. Fahrenheit with clarifier in service: WeirWasher, ACS will operate normally. Normal operation <32 deg. Fahrenheit with clarifier in service: WeirWasher, ACS will operate normally and maintain ice free by the following methods. The supply piping and the spray apparatus mounted on the bridge will automatically drain when depressurized. The submerged components will be the temperature of the liquid in the tank. Clarifier drained all temperatures The WeirWasher, ACS should be drained at the low point drain plug or blown dry with 100 pound air to remove the water from the WeirWasher, ACS. 6.Preventative Maintenance 1. Lubrication Data The WeirWasher, ACS center unit must have water inside the center unit or the tank water level must be above the center unit during rotation to provide lubrication. The rotating joints on the spray apparatus need yearly greasing and inspection. 1.Preventative Maintenance Plan and Schedule No special tools are required for maintenance. Weekly Inspect nozzles for clogging and fouling and unclog if necessary. Cylinder for articulating spray apparatus should have minimal leakage at valve, unless articulating when water is mechanically forced out. Inspect strainer for clogging-diminished pressure flow to nozzles will be notable if necessary. Quarterly Inspect the visible sections of the WeirWasher, ACS system for any mechanical or electrical problems. Yearly Replace rotating joints and nozzles (clean and save for next replacement) during normal clarifier inspection. Ensure spray bars rotate at 20-40 rpm for maximized coverage. Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets GillTeq, LLC. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 Inspect center-rotating joint for: excessive leakage at gaskets or around perimeter and excessive movement of outer ring, which may require tightening of bolts at connection points at gasket. Inspect chains at connection points to ensure secure attachment. Inspect all piping joints for leakage PART LO CA TI ON ACTION FREQUENCY SUPPLIER TIME/ JOB STRAINER Foot of Bridge CHECK/FLUSH Weekly/Quarterly/ Yearly BANJO 10 MINS TIMER/ SOLENOID VALVE Foot of Bridge Check for Leakage Replace Battery Yearly HUNTER 10 Mins NOZZLES Spray Apparatus Check for clogging/lower flow Weekly/Quarterly/ Yearly McMasterCarr 30 mins ROTATING JOINTS Spray Apparatus 20-40 rpm for maximized coverage, Leakage Quarterly/Yearly RainBird 30 mins. CENTER ROTATING UNIT Center Pier Underwater Check for excessive leakage at gaskets or around perimeter and excessive movement of outer ring which may require tightening of bolts at connection points at gasket Yearly Should coincide With normal tank maintenance GTC, Inc.1hour CHAINS Connected to Center Rotating Unit Inspect chains at connection points to ensure secure attachment. Yearly GTC, Inc.10 mins. PIPING Rake Arm Check for cracks, Leakage Yearly Lowes 10 mins. DRAIN VALVES Piping along Bridge Check for leakage when system pressurized Yearly May Need Scaffolding/ Ladder Mc MasterCarr 10 mins-2 hours INSULATION /HEAT TRACING Foot of Bridge Inspect for tears, cracks Leaking points Yearly Lowes Inspect With Drain valves Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets, Inc. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 No special tools are required for maintenance. 7.Corrective Maintenance 1.Troubleshooting Guides and Diagnostic Techniques a.Spray pressure too low 1.Blow down and unclog the supply strainer. 2.Ensure that the supply valve is fully open and not clogged. 3.Verify that system pressure is adequate on the supply system. There should be a gauge at the inlet side of the system and an outlet port for a gauge, to test end-of-system pressure. 4.Note the Pressure difference between inlet pressure and end of system pressure 5.Check to see if other systems have been started that require the use of the plant water system. 6.Supply piping or WeirWasher, ACS system maybe clogged. 7.Nozzle(s) clogged. De-pressurize the WeirWasher system. Remove the nut spray nozzle. Clean out the spray nozzle and reassemble 8.If problems continue to exist, call the manufacturer. No special tools are required for maintenance. 2.Wiring Diagrams and Control Diagrams See Timer information in Spare Parts, Component Data. Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets GillTeq, LLC. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 PART LO CA TIO N CONCERN ACTION SUPP TIME STRAINER CLOGGED CHECK/FLUSH WATT S 10 mins NOZZLES Spray apparatus CLOGGED/LOW FLOW Clogged Nozzle: remove and hit against ground to dislodge material or clean replace if scale McMa ster Carr 30 mins. ROTATING JOINTS Spray apparatus ROTATING TOO FAST OR SLOW All rotating joints should not rotate more than 20-30 rpm Gimble the nozzles to change rpm RainBi rd 30 mins ROTATING JOINTS Not Rotating at all Gasket may be scaled Remove and replace with new unit Check Battery in Timer RainBi rd 30 mins PRESSURE TOO LOW Not Cleaning Normally Supply Strainer Clogged, Supply valve is closed, Water usage in Plant taxing supply, Clogged supply line Clean Strainer, Open supply valve fully, Check Water pressure, Check/clean supply line, Mc Master Carr GTC, Inc. 1-2 hours PRESSURE TOO LOW Loss of System Pressure Inspect Chain, Outer ring, Inner ring and gaskets Tighten loose bolts, replace gaskets if they are damaged GTC, Inc.. 1 day 3. Maintenance and Repair Procedures Unit This component is designed for years of operation and service. During normal clarifier or tank inspections when drained, pressurize the WeirWasher, ACS and inspect for normal leakage from the center unit. Inspect all joints and connections for leakage. Check the Outer ring driving chain and chain links for wear and/or damage and replace if necessary. Inspect flexible hose for separation from pressure fittings and for physical deterioration. B. Nozzles Inspect for nozzle erosion by viewing spray patterns and replace nozzles when necessary to maintain proper cleaning force. When nozzle becomes clogged, remove the nozzle, clean it out and reinstall. Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets, Inc. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 C.Piping Inspect for normal corrosion and mechanical failure. When possible, inspect all joints under the water line for any signs of failure. 4. Removal and Replacement Instructions A. Center unit i.Safety and Tag out ii.All electric and or electronic systems must be de-energized that are associated with the tank drive mechanism and any other systems associated with the operation or monitoring of the tank. iii.Provisions must be made to allow for independent inspection and tag out of system. iv.Center unit Outer ring removal a.Drain the tank/clarifier b.Remove the bridge decking which provides access under the clarifier drive mechanism, if necessary. c.Remove the flexible hose from the outlet of the outer ring. d.Undo the bolts on the outer ring of the center rotating joint. e..Remove the split compression bolts on each joint on the outer rotating ring. f. Remove the outer rotating ring g. Inspect the outer rotating ring for wear or mechanical damage. Inspect the flow channel for blockage or obstructions. h. Inspect the flow channel for blockage or obstructions v.Inner ring removal a.Follow steps for the removal of the outer rotating ring b.Disconnect the inlet piping from the inner ring. c.Remove the mounting bolts of the center unit inner ring mounting brackets. d. Remove the mounting brackets from the center column. e.Remove the inner ring and associated shims that are between the column and center unit inner ring. B.Spray Apparatus Removal ASE i.Disconnect inlet union from supply piping ii.Remove the fasteners that clamp the spray apparatus in place ensuring support to the spray apparatus. 5.Spare Parts and Supply Lists Spare parts to be supplied will be a complete set of nozzles, and rotating joints. This will include nozzles and rotating bearing. Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets GillTeq, LLC. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 6.Corrective Maintenance man-hours Corrective maintenance to perform complete removal and re-installation of the Center Unit should be approximately 16 man-hours. No special tools are required for maintenance. Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets, Inc. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 7. Spare Parts/Wear Parts/Replacement Parts Nozzles/Brass Hose Fittings 3 Year Usage McMaster Carr Part no. 5346K12 (404) 346-7000 or (404) 629-6500 Rotating Joints/Bearing Assembly 1 Year Usage Rain Bird Part no. 104152 (877)727-8772 Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets GillTeq, LLC. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 WeirWasher Automated Cleaning Systems Warranty Manufacturer, Inc. 23781 US-27 ste. # 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 Phone: 1-866-447-2496 Fax: 1-503-646-9293 GILLTRADING.COM, INC. will warranty the (1) WeirWasher, ACS system for one (1) year from substantial completion of the installation of the WeirWasher, ACS components or 1 ½ years after delivery depending upon which ever date occurs first.. Warranted items include only if supplied by, Inc.: Spray Apparatus Piping and Fittings Strainer Valves Nozzles Rotary Bearing Pipe Mounting Devices Fasteners and other common components WeirWasher, ACS center unit This warranty requires proper installation, regular operational status inspections and certification of proper installation. The installing contractor must be approved and certifed by GILLTRADING.COM, INC and must sign Intellectual Property(I.P.) protection document before being allowed to receive GILLTRADING.COM, INC’S. approval for a warranted installation. All governmental employees are by Federal law and statute inherently bound to protect and uphold the I.P. laws of the United States of America and the associated/applicable state I.P. laws as well as per the Facility, City, County, State and Federal laws which apply to governmental employees and their fiduciary responsibilities to protect, enforce and uphold all of the laws of the United States of America. Use of the WeirWasher, ACS must be in compliance with supplied "Operation and Maintenance Manual". GILLTRADING.COM, INC. will have no obligation for any items that have been operated outside of recommended operational parameters or not maintained in accordance with the Operations and Maintenance manual’s instruction., Inc. must be given notice in writing within 15 days of event that could be construed as a warranted event and GILLTRADING.COM, INC. must be given a reasonable amount of time to schedule for the investigation and resolution of the warranted event. GILLTRADING.COM, INC. will repair or replace the WeirWasher, ACS components only that are in question at GILLTRADING.COM, INC.'S discretion. In the event of any issue or concern any associated secondary repairs or maintenance that is required is the responsibility of the installer of the WeirWasher, ACS. The installation must be installed by a certified mechanical contractor and/or the facility staff. The installer takes full responsibility and full accountability for any and all future events or situations that may result from any issue associated with the operational, mechanical, fines, penalties, etc. in regards to the impact of installing the WeirWasher, ACS onto the facilities equipment. Any and all Labor and secondary materials are the responsibility of the owner, installation contractor or others. GILLTRADING.COM, INC is not responsible for any associated operational impacts, penalties, fines or mechanical repairs, labor, shipping as a result of any event or situation. Shipping, handling and packaging to and from GILLTRADING.COM, INC. factory on all warranted items are the responsibility of the installer/owner. GILLTRADING.COM, INC will package WeirWasher, ACS components for extended storage. GILLTRADING.COM, INC will not be responsible for damage that occurs after delivery while in storage. No additional warranties are implied or expressed unless otherwise provided for in writing from GILLTRADING.COM, INC., Inc., Makers of WeirWasher, ACS Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets, Inc. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 Installation Checklist Tank#_________ This document is to certify that proper installation was performed prior to placing a WeirWasher, ACS into operation: Inner ring Initial 1.Inner ring joints flush and mounting bolts tightened ______ 2.Inner ring mounted parallel ______ 3.Gap between ring and inner shim ______ 4.Inner piping union tight ______ 5.Inner ring joint bolts tight ______ 6.Joint sealant cured ______ Outer ring 7.Outer ring joints flush and mounting bolts tightened ______ 8.Outer piping union tight ______ 9.Outer ring joint bolts tight ______ 10.Required leakage in all areas,______ 11.Drive chain positioned to 2” past tangent on 1st bolt ______ 12.Chain to outer ring drive bolts tight ______ 13.Leakage provides adequate pressure to spray apparatus ______ Spray Apparatus, Piping & System 14.Clarifier components are per specification and drawings ______ 15.Supply water flow (20 gpm) and pressure per specification (60 psi)______ 16.All lines flushed thoroughly ______ 17.Piping supported every 5’-7'______ 18.Strainer-leak tested, valve timer assembly-tested and set ______ 19.Piping & auto drain valves installed & leak tested-contractor ______ 20.Heat tracing, insulation, aluminum tape-contractor ______ 21.Spray apparatus adjusted and tested-2 complete revolutions ______ 22.Spray apparatus passes under bridge with clearance ______ 23.Spray Bar Rotational speed 1 rev. per 3-4 seconds ______ 24.Nozzles unclogged ______ 25.Spray zone includes scum baffle, weirs, launder walls and floor ______ 26.48 hours of operation at design pressure onsite contractor ______ 27.Test for uneven operation on depressurization/re-pressurization ______ 28.Photos and video taken of installation and working system ______, Inc. Onsite Representative_____________ By signing this form the Facility Representative agrees that the installation is acceptable and the unit is installed acceptably to their standards and is operating per the manufacturers design standards. Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets GillTeq, LLC. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 Certificate of Proper Installation This document is to certify that a WeirWasher, Automated Cleaning System has been installed, inspected, tested & certified at the following location: Clarifier #__________________ For Model#__ WWR-FSE-11536 __ Certified installation completion date is _ ___________________ . The certification was witnessed by and authorized by a representative of, Inc. and who is declared to be capable of specified operation as per manufactures recommended operating procedures. Warranty period of one year shall commence as of the above stated date of certified installation completion _______________________________ GTC, Inc. Representative Date Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets, Inc. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 WeirWasher, ACS Training Outline Submittal Training Schedule: Training is to be held on TBD for Maintenance and TBD for Operations. Lesson Plan Format and Content Ops Maint length 1.Familiarization X X 2.Safety X X 3.Operation X X 4.Electrical and Mechanical troubleshooting X X 5.Preventative Maintenance X X 6.Corrective Maintenance & overhaul X 1.Familiarization A.History B.How it works C.Materials D.Nozzles and Impingement force E.Spray apparatus design 2.Safety A.Spray apparatus B.Center ring C.Piping 3.Operation A.Start up B.Normal Operation C.Infrequent operation 4.Electrical and Mechanical Troubleshooting A.Nozzles B.Fixed Spray apparatus C.Center Unit 5.Preventative Maintenance A.Fixed Spray Apparatus B.Nozzles C.Center Unit D.Piping 6.Corrective Maintenance & Overhaul A.Fixed Spray Apparatus B.Nozzles C.Center Unit D.Piping Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets GillTeq, LLC. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 Certificate of Training This document is to certify that _____________________________ And all required personnel have received instruction on the design, the operation, preventative and corrective maintenance of the WeirWasher, ACS unit per the specified training schedule at the following location: Certified Training date was ______________7. The certification was witnessed by and authorized by, Inc. a representative of, Inc. and is hereby declared to be capable of specified training, installation supervision and start up as per manufactures recommended operating procedures. Warranty period of one year shall commence as of the above stated date of certified installation completion. ______________________ _________ _, Inc.Date8. Representative Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets, Inc. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 COMPONENT DATA FOR WEIRWASHER, ACS Barbed Hose Fittings/Nozzles Maximum Pressure: 250 psi @ 72° F, except the hose-to- pipe 45° and 90° elbows which are rated 150 psi @ 72° F Temperature Range: Not rated, unless indicated otherwise Use with air and water Vacuum: Not rated Hose: Use with reinforced rubber hose Clamps: Use worm-drive clamps (see pages 248-252) or hose ferrules (see page 262) These fittings are brass, which offers good corrosion resistance and fair strength. They are made of forged or bar stock CA360 or CDA377 brass. The adapters are also known as hose nipples. NPTF (Dry seal) threads are compatible with NPT threads. Hose-to-pipe 45° and 90° elbow adapters are rated NSF 61 for drinking water. Temperature range is -40° to +160° F. Hose-to-flared tube adapters let you connect 45° flared tubing to hose. Temperature range is -40° to +160° F. Hose-to-hose fittings are also called hose menders and splices. Use to repair damaged hose and to connect two pieces of hose. Fittings with BSPT (British Standard Pipe Taper) pipe connections where indicated with a †. Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets GillTeq, LLC. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 Rotating Spray Bar Brass Bearing Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets, Inc. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 High-Capacity Polypropylene T-Strainers With an extra-long bowl and screen, these durable strainers catch more debris and are better suited for high-flow applications than our other T-strainers. They're made of thick-walled, glass-rein- forced black polypropylene for corrosion and chemical resistance. They have a Type 316 stainless steel screen, an EPDM seal, and an easy-access bottom blow-off port with plug. Use with water, ethylene gly- col, and sodium nitrate. Max. temperature is 150° F; max. pressure is 150 psi. 3/4" and 1" pipe sizes have two mounting tubes on the top for extra stability. Connections: NPT female. Pipe Port-to- O'all Blow-Off Strainers Repl. Screens Size Port Lg. Ht. Port Size 1 1/2"5 1/4" 11 7/16"1" 98805K46 98805K6 Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets GillTeq, LLC. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 Rigid Non-Metallic Conduit Fittings & Accessories Description:1-1/4" Non-metallic double mount conduit support strap. Features High strength, non-metallic clamp allows conduit to expand and contract freely, eliminating the bowing commonly seen from the expansion and contraction of conduit caused by varying temperature changes. Conduit support strap offers a unique support strap designed especially for the installation of PVC conduit. Also usable for installations of rigid steel. Finished installations have a neat, attractive appearance on exposed applications. General Material Non-Metallic Dimension Information Size (inches)1 1/4 A (mm)42.16 B (mm)69.9 C (mm)82 D (mm)25.4 F (mm)24.1 A (inches)1.66 B (inches)2.75 C (inches)3.23 D (inches)1 F (inches)0.95 G (inches)1.78 H (inches)2.15 J (inches)0.218 R (inches)3.28 Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets, Inc. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 Banding, SS Self-locking These cable ties are exceptionally strong, durable, and environmentally flexible cable tie. The stainless steel cable ties have an environmental operating temperature range of - 112°F (-80°C) to 1000°F (538°C) and also have corrosive and vibration resistance. Many people use these cable ties in the food processing, medical, and industrial environments. Type 304 Stainless Steel: Type 304 is an all purpose austenitic, low carbon18-8 chromium-nickel stainless steel. It as good corrosion resistance weldability. Type 304 is the most widely used stainless steel. It is found in chemical and food processing equipment, hospital and paper mill equipment, heat exchangers, etc. Some of the features are as follows: Material: Stainless Steel •High quality, UV resistant 304 Grade Stainless Steel cable ties •Anti-corrosive, Extreme temperatures Antioxidative, anticaustic, uviofast, high temperature resistant, cold resistant, high strength and easy to use. •Self Locking, Easy fitting, Outstanding chemical resistance, Non-burning, Can't be separated after button up •Application Range: mine, ship, Petroleum, electricity, computer ,wire harness, etc. •ASIN B00CTKBTH2 Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets GillTeq, LLC. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 Flexible piping 1 in. x 600 ft. IPS 200 psi NSF Poly Pipe is easy to install on uneven terrain. Its strong construction helps withstand weather and human elements. It is compliant with NSF 14/61 specifications. Flexible construction installs with ease in uneven terrain Strong construction helps withstand weather and human elements Underground use Withstands weather and does not become brittle over time Durable plastic material helps it to be chemically resistant Certified to meet the NSF 14/61 specification, ASTM D2239 Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets, Inc. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 Subject:Multi-nationally multi-patented & over 50 Trade Secret s from, Inc. & GillTeQ, LLC Thank you for the opportunity to provide our services. Our WeirWasher, ACS and other associated products have been in operation for over 25 years with over 1000 units sold and to date there is nothing on the market in any country similar to the WeirWasher, ACS or any of the other GTC products . Multiple patents, +50 trade secrets, proprietary manufacturing processes and trademarks apply and are used in conjunction to engineer, design and specfically achieve the unique processes offered by, Inc. and will be aggressively defended as per the Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016, Economic Espionage Act of 1996, Uniform Trade Secrets Act, 1985 and The Lanham (Trademark) Act of 1946 just to name a few. We specifically design unique engineered systems that work on all existing clarifier types using only water and no chemicals. The patented components of WeirWasher, ACS are the only multi-decade proven system s that clean tanks/clarifiers using water spray and are patented and in use in other many countries as well. The penalties for violation of the above listed Acts is upto 15 years in federal prison and $500,000 fine per violation specifically against each guilty person, manager & employee in the organization. Each person individually as well as the organization are responsible and will have to have their own legal defense regardless of the outcome which can be easily over $50,000/person-entity and can take years to defend. Total damages sought will be the potential lost income over a ten year to eternity period which could easily exceed $50 million! Case #1- July 11, 2014 Walter Lian-Heen Liew (aka Liu Yuanxuan) was sentenced to serve 15 years in prison, forfeit $27.8 million in illegal profits, and pay $511,667.82 in restitution for what the sentencing judge described as a “white collar crime spree” Case #: CR-11-0573 JSW Case #2- May 23 2007,Two former Coca-Cola employees were sentenced Wednesday to serve federal prison terms for conspiring to steal and sell trade secrets to rival Pepsi. Joya Williams, 42, of Norcross, Ga., received an eight-year prison term, while Ibrahim Dimson, 31, got a five-year term. Case#3- March 8, 2017, The San Antonio Court of Appeals recently held that having a position to use trade secrets is sufficient to grant temporary injunctions. Under the Texas Uniform Trade Secrets Act, an applicant for a temporary injunction is not required to present evidence of trade-secret use; mere possession and opportunity to use is sufficient (for ex-parte seizure). . Case#4-May, 2019, SCOTUS-Holding: In the case of a multi-component product, the relevant article of manufacture for arriving at a damages award under Section 289 of the Patent Act need not be the end product sold to the consumer but may be only a component of that product. Samsung v. Apple, Jury granted Apple $539 million in damages from Samsung for design patent violation. The Trade secret & patented WeirWasher (ACS) & Weir Rover (TCS) removes the algae and scum down to the porosity level of the weirs/trough material. The pressurized water cleans all of the surface areas including nuts, bolts, support bars and any other type of obtrusion that protrudes from the surface as well as submerged surfaces. There are no other systems that accomplish what WeirWasher, ACS can achieve. The Trade secret & patented Eco-Blaster, Biological Control System control fats, oils, grease, froth, foam and other materials using water or any other liquid to control various types of material over inaccessible confined spaces to thousands of square feet suppression/control on large tank surfaces. All systems are driven by the liquid themselves. The Trade secret & patented Belt Blaster cleans the fabric of thickening belt machines with 100 times the force and under ½ the water flow and pressure and no other system exists that in anyway resembles it. The quotations for our products are from, Inc. and purchase orders are placed directly with, Inc. and, Inc. is the sole supplier of its equipment. Our representatives are exclusive sales representatives for, Inc. in their territory. If you have any further questions please call us at 1-877-447-2496 or one of our patent attorneys Mr. Michael Greenberg at A+ Legal Services, 314 Philadelphia Ave., Takoma Park, Maryland, 20912, telephone number of 1-888- 275-2757. Thank you again for this opportunity. Sincerely, Mr. Brent R. Gill, Multi-National Multi-Patented, 50+ Trade Secret holder, CEO, President, Board Director GillTeQ, LLC &, Inc. O:1-866-447-2496 F:1-503-646-9293 Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496 Multi-Nationally, multi-patented with +50 legally recorded and protect trade secrets GillTeq, LLC. terms supersede other parties terms 07/25/19 Banding, SS Self-locking These cable ties are exceptionally strong, durable, and environmentally flexible cable tie. The stainless steel cable ties have an environmental operating temperature range of - 112°F (-80°C) to 1000°F (538°C) and also have corrosive and vibration resistance. Many people use these cable ties in the food processing, medical, and industrial environments. Type 304 Stainless Steel: Type 304 is an all purpose austenitic, low carbon18-8 chromium-nickel stainless steel. It as good corrosion resistance weldability. Type 304 is the most widely used stainless steel. It is found in chemical and food processing equipment, hospital and paper mill equipment, heat exchangers, etc. Some of the features are as follows: Material: Stainless Steel •High quality, UV resistant 304 Grade Stainless Steel cable ties •Anti-corrosive, Extreme temperatures Antioxidative, anticaustic, uviofast, high temperature resistant, cold resistant, high strength and easy to use. •Self Locking, Easy fitting, Outstanding chemical resistance, Non-burning, Can't be separated after button up •Application Range: mine, ship, Petroleum, electricity, computer ,wire harness, etc. •ASIN B00CTKBTH2 Proprietary Information- GT C 0 6/19 The design, application and use of the various items necessary to achieve the above said claims is a Trade secret and are protected under Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Defend Trade Secret Act. Trademark act of 2016 & Economic Espionage Act, 18 USC 1831 et seq. EU Trade Secrets Directive, WTO TRAIPRA The discussion, dissemination and/or use of the above philosophy’s, designs, or equipment can not be used without formal written approval and authorization from, Inc. This information is the intellectual property of, Inc. 23781 Hwy 27 ste. 109, Lake Wales, FL 33859 1-866-447-2496