HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-00166_Well Construction - GW1_20221219 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECO GW-1 For Internal Use Only: . I.Well Conbractor-information: nf • S. , l-eh e q a� 14.WATER TONES WIC-atrachuNm, 11LOM TO DESCAWI9ON 3 s3s 0 C fL � isR R NC Well Coatraesor Caddaadm Numbw � ��)� 15.OUTER CASING formuidaasdwells OR LINER if. Doable I LUA r 'A{ FROM TO .LSIHEfER THICJ0N63 MATvuL Company Name h ft in. D9I 'J 7 , /1 16.INNER CASING ORTURING eoMermal c1m2d400 2.Well Construction Permit K: c7— v" FROM TO DSA ., THICKNESS MAXIMAL ListaOappilwbie wdi wrwhrwlonpstnrlcr Q.a UIC COMM Slate,Var(mc,aIq D. .Sr1 JJ (t ,d/ fo. Ch. ✓Ci 3.Well Use(check well use): ft R -io. Water Supply Well: 7:SCRERN OA cultural FROM TO DIAMETER SLOTSIEI THICKNESS MATaW �' 44MllwicipeUPublic tt fL id OGeothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) widential Water Supply(single) . dd ft. fG � to O m lndustriallComemial Rgid-,W Water Supply(shered) IS.GRODT Okri lion OWells>100000 GPD FROM To v*acrsr nlnutSAmTMElRmkAMOUM' Non-Water Supply Weil: Q hL3 R ea Y� OMonitoring ❑ Injection Well: Recovery R h ;ar OAquiferRech ft ft OGrolmdwater Remedietim OAquifer Storage and Recovery OSalulity Barrier . 19.SANDIGRAYELPACKda tieaMa FROM TO MATERIAL 110IACEMIEWMETHOD OAquifer Test OStormwaler Dminage tt R OExpmimental Technology OSubsideae Control- ft O. OGeothermal(Closed Loop) OTneer 20.DRILLING LOG aroch addi'coal sheeb if necessa ❑Geothermal(Heatin&ACucling Return) OOther lain under k21 Remarks now-R To nE9cnmTON .vier aud. ..a/ — ate. - R 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 1 Z—I—Z Z— Wen 1DN ft .& 52.Well Location: R ft ,lUt ICha e ft. it . Facility/Owner Name Facility IDa(ifoppfieable) ft R. . 42►— Scxr, Ad 13osl�-1�1.I.9 Rd tt h Pbrsical Address.City.ad Tip R� ft . 21.REMARRS C—ty Parcel ldeoti8tationNo.(FIN) 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/rninutestseconds or decimal degrees: (ifwen field one ladloug is sufficient) 22.Certification: W I2-IZ- 2z 6.Is(are)the wen(a):lerenanent or OTemporary � +� / Si fC ' "Well Condor Date B5AA rAC 02C. 2Corm,0 or'75 eerafy rherlM well(i)war(rue)rauoacrrdln aamdonesw(N 7.Is this a repair to an existing well; OYes or j1fNo ISO NCAC 02C:0I00 or IJAhGC 02C.0200 We0 Consf-coon Stands dr and drat a copy Ifahl'lranpa(rA➢oesk"an wflwamacdm Allbrenodon andcgWn th.mtare ofthe of0de .wrdhas bccnprovldedto the well owner. 'rspo r order 021 remarb seeam arm the back ofr(rtrfmn. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: S.For GeoprabHDPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wens having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well conatructlm info construction,only 1 GW-1 is deeded Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells (ace Over'in Remulo Box).You may also of ch additional pages if necessary. drilled: 24.SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: (,A6 t (ft) ' Formalt/ple we0s list all depthr lfdoeredr(erampie_3®700'm d2(r)II00� Sub ak this GW-1 within 30 days of wen completion per the following: 10.Static water level below top of cuing; I (tt) 24s._For All Wells: Original form to Division of Water Rueouroes (DWR), ffwater level Is above wsrng rase•+• Information Processing Unit,1617 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 / 1 11.Borehole diameter. lF 0 ,gym,) 24b.For Injection Wens:Copy to DWR,Underground Injection Control(RUC) Program,1636 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 12.Well construction method:��O"I a FH —/t7 ' (Le.Sager,A— ,cable,d'axt push,M.j 24c.For Water Su 1 and Open-Loop Geothermal Return Wells:Copy to the county environmental health department ofthe county where Ted FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY; 24d For Water Wens roduein over 300 000 GPD:Co Eo D py WR,CCPCUA 13s.Yield(gpm) /L. Method of teak l� Pm°It rogram,1 Il MS Raleigh; 276 9-1 11 H 13b.Disinfection type:, Amooak s✓ Form OW-1 North Carofmt DepMroml offiam mood .Quality-Division of WatarResomwa