HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-00129_Well Construction - GW1_20221219 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD lbrrmanal u9eoxr.Y_ M&faammnim used farsmglo"nm tipl =%; ` 1.Well Contractor Information: FROM 'N DE5CRIP7'ION I i NC well Co�meorCatifica6caN®her L4�'01171'FRGISQIG(fir®)ti wblls ORIB� 1?ROM 7P0 DTAMML TE11CO M MATERIAL c�y� 16.1NNBRCASII�iGtrxTtlsn�lc -- i ": _ � FROM I I DINMEM I ?IrICEPWESS I MATERIAL 2.Well ClIft,etion Pumitk- l z r1/l UII C:. r` tt "Z2,1441,3I P <:i_ Lwaffappl mme wftpaoau Comup Varfmna brJedi=eta) rr ;n. S 16 rVe 3 wen Use(eherlcwell ese} 17 SC M WatersupplyWen: IBM TO 'tHINCOMS MATERIAL OAfic huml OmuuwipaUPablic $.J 7 >z bg 13Geothenaal(HeafiWJCooli%Supply) CResid®tial WataSvpply(sing[e) R i i3IndusttiaVComnercial Aideatial watersupply(shared) IA GBOUT tBOM TO MATERIAL EMPIACENEW EIHOD&AMOIINr Owntion 0,0 t� Non-Water Supply Well: O eaftormg Eatecovely Injection well: 8 S OCnomndwaWltwInediation 19 SAND/GRAVELPACK tf FROM TO FMMEIHOD OAquif-Stomp-dRecovery CSdhAyBurier OAquiferTest t]Stora wrtaDrubmge tt I. OBxpedntowl Technology OSabsidem Coulml 2&DRU=GLOG atta&adffdio=lahsetsif (Closed Loop) OTlacer mom TO nM�Dnlorr mrortatdom.ml►neit smt.era munfficanA(ffcsigdCoo' Rrfnm) aOffiw(eKplamrmda#2lReamft) i:. 17 s 54\ fL /C3 -vn 4.Date Wells)Completed: p well 1 ,` ft. fti Sa.weRLoratiom gv fL Z<(jhl-i 41��. ices L�-�_ s z g �j firms., �c If-- Faorwowtr %= & fr �� ��omty7072 f- C 1'moel ldmti&®a"a 56:IatitadoaadLangitndeiudcgmes/minates(seeondsordcdmaldrgm= 2Z cpp,.dm 3�Z- •� :^:�,., ; r-gta (tfivelltield.one lffi!lang�wffieimu) r� �` ( / �j"j ` N C 3� t' T F t W 17 Date SigoawvofCatifrnd WcH 6.Is(aM)the wa(S): ffi-m—'Meet or OTempormy gy g&&fans.,r Hereby cage&w dx,relt(s)ma&=4 evrutrr eted w aaordm w with ISA NCACOIC_oleo or ISANCACWC-089 Nell Com&=Umrb7armw&and dun a 7_Is this arepairtoaneAstingwel@ OYes or DP;w— ovpyofLwsrecordh-bwapmmdedtothewellowner. If th[s rs a rrpanr,fell out f amm weg emrmruuLon ioforaratton and apLrfa the rranrrr ojthe mpairwader Zl ramuirse rma aron&eboctofd&form_ ZL Site diagram or addi6vmd well derails: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site det uls or well L Nunber of wens constructed: construction details You may also attach additional pages ifDeotssmy. FormallJpkfrJteNaaarnoa-natQsrrpplyvei/sONLYwilhdresnmea�aa.}mrramr �� � . submit�rfam SMbff PAL IN WCPIONS I' 9.Total well depth belowlaad..dare: 54 (ft:) 24a.For All Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well I%ormd plew&lista9depda(fdffaau(c=p1e'3PIQ0'mrd2@1M const udiontothefollowing - 10 Statiewater level below top afeasmg: ( ) Division of Water nProcessiriguniti Ijwaterkvd&abvw costa&roe'+� 161T Matt Service Centers Rtdeigh,NC 27699-1617 1L Borehole dmmeter_ y l (n.) 246 Far Injection Wells ONLY: In alddition to sending the form to the address is 24aaboM also submit a copy of this(faun within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction mdhod: ML.' - IZ - oonstcuctiontoft"owing (i_a 8.totm5:eabyr-r., tpask en) Division of Wabv s,Resoass� IIa I aground Iajee6(n ContialPmgram, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: I636 DW Service Cent_(t ReleW4NC27699-1636 13a.Yield(gpm) buthod of test CCr� 24c.For Water Supply&Inieection Welts: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 daysofcompletionof 13b.Disinfection tywIA Lr°u Amount: .( " well conshuc ion to the county heaUit deipmtmeut of the ootmiy where eructed. FwMGw-1, WeithCmuU-Depat—ofFnvnu=c tmmdN==IRewmoes—Divi mof'W=WRCSMUDCS RevisedAog}ut2013