HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-00127_Well Construction - GW1_20221219 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Internal Use ONLY: 4 This foroicsn be used farsinea crmnitiple wills 1.Well Contractor Informs. n: A , FROM TO TDEsoumoN WellCounactorName .R 3 fr d-ovue "011h•k 1/ �- a3-iz-A NeW�-3ell6 R R f NCWetlCnu=mrCertificaionNmober 15:OUMCASING t'ormnit-c=Mesdh ORLINER d' R FROM TO DUMErM 1 7MCKNM vu MATERIAL ft S L� 'L R im 1 CompanyNmae 16.MER4ASiNGORTUBDVG - g •PO D7AMETQt 1 TMOCNESS MAMMAL 2.Well Construction Permit#: !-10'I is r/ im —L,f 4 �C Latatl applicable uvBpemdts(Le�Stat4 Varlance,6rfedion,etc) r R S, R �j in,I -17gf 4" /J 3.Well use(checkwell use): 17.SCREEN t Water Supply Wee: Fft TO DIAMETER SLOTS TIM..IO ES.S• 51ATERUL ❑Agricultural ❑Mtmicipal/Public z fl >a �d❑Geothermal(HeatinglCooliug Supply) ❑Residential Water Supply(single) in ❑InduslriallCommenhl �idential Water Supply(shared) IL GROUT _ FROM To TFSiAL ENUnACErAMWMEMOD&AM,0UNr ❑Irri on (� R tie e GVL Non-WsterSupply Well: R R Monitoring ❑Rerovery Injection Well: R ft. ❑Aquif-Recharge ❑GmundwaterRemediation 19.SANDIGRAVELPACIC if ®hie FROM TO MATIHiAL EMP"CEPITENrEIETROD ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Salinity Barrier R / , ❑Aquifer Test ❑StonnwaterDrainage R R ❑Fanperimental Technology ❑Subsidence Control 20.DREUJNG LOG nttaeh2d&UO=315heetsif ❑ cothenmal(ClosedLoop) OTracer FROM TO DFSCRWnONm r.ha,dmaaoilhoelr ru.ete ❑Geothermal(Hea&dCooling Return) ❑Other(explain under#21 Remarks) R 7-6 ft- 4.Date WcH(s)Completed: Z% Well ID# ft R •1 &-ko _ Sa.Wee Location: �� ft. lO d R '/)Y_ 1¢/l�# 4, /Lo 6Ar i+e &-JM�S Z,C.� ��" l(o R ft. Fac7ity/Ow=Wame Fac ty m0(ffappli-Me) M AJ (_ Ili ( '" ��'_ f�i�tru%S PLysied Address,City.andZip 2L REMARKS i r i ) County AucclldeotifrmIIanNa(PlN) is'st 5' urift 5b Latitude and Longitude m degitedminuWseeonds or decimal degrees CertiS n: /- y (fwell field,one b9long is sulSeigd) 1� i! W G�e� U� � /L•-rz--�Z Signtuie efeertilied Well Contractor Date 6.Is(are)the well(s):Zf.,-,manent or ❑Temporary By signing this form,l hereby cedify that tie nzll(s)Was(were)camtmcted in acwrdanea with 15ANCAC 01C.0100 or 15A NCAC 01C.0100 Well Ca=vzetionStwuhrds and time a 7.Is this a repair to an eEisdag well: Oyes or lag. copy oft,u rewrd hm been prmvFed to lbe welt owner. lftiis isa repair,fill oatknownWd1 cv v=von uformarion and erplmn the nature of&e 23. ' repairtmderRMmmantssecdonoron the b=*ofd&fomc YOSitediagramor kofthislweeoprota: 9 You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well &Number of weds constructed: l construction details. You may also attach additional pages'if neressaty. For mdiiple injection or non-irarersmpply wells ONLYwitr thesameovn*Drt m+,you sun SU$Mf1TAL IIVSTUGTIONS sabmil onefonm R Total well depth blow land surface: (ft) 24.For All Wells: Submit this fmin within 30 days of completion of well Forandaple well;fin off de 4z9'differrnt(--ple-3@200'and2@100') construction to thefnllowmg I0.Stff is water level below top of casing: ( (M) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, lfrvater level is above casin,use"+" 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 276994617 •. 11.Borehole diameter / (ia) 24h.For faiection Wells ONLY: In addmon to sending the form to the address in 24aabove,also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of.eompletimn of well 12.Well cosshvcfioa method: construction to the following `[ (Le-anger,mtay,table,ducdposk etc.) Division of WalerResosrces,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 276WI636 Ma.Yield(gpm) �! hiethod of test: 70 Ji*V 24t~For Water Supply&lniection WeLL. ,gyp !/ Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of 136:Disinfection type�/("''� t r` Amount! rJ'T y well construction to the comity health department of the county where constructed FormGW-1 Ninth Cmob=DQ=ummnofEmmmncntavdNamalRewmcm—lhviionofWaterRes1.1 Revised Am 2013 1