HomeMy WebLinkAbout#5654_2016_0621_JS_FINALTo be attached to all inspection reports in-house only. Laboratory Cert. #: Laboratory Name: Inspection Type: Inspector Name(s): Inspection Date: Date Report Completed: Date Forwarded to Reviewer: Reviewed by: Date Review Completed: Cover Letter to use: Unit Supervisor/Chemist III: Date Received: Date Forwarded to Admin: Date Mailed: Special Mailing Instructions: 5654 SGL Carbon, LLC Field Industrial Initial Jason Smith June 21, 2016 July 18, 2016 July 18, 2016 Jason Smith Tonia Springer ❑ Insp. Initial ❑ Insp. Reg. ❑ Insp. No Finding ❑ Insp. CP ® Corrected ❑ Insp. Reg. Delay Todd Crawford July 19, 2016 July 21, 2016 July 22, 2016 Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIFY July 22, 2016 5654 Mr. Jeff Woodruff SGL Carbon, LLC 307 Jamestown Rd. Morganton, NC 28655- PAT MCCRORY DONALD R. VAN DER VAART S. JAY ZIMMERMAN iu�es is �. SUBJECT: North Carolina Wastewater/Groundwater Laboratory Certification (NC WW/GW LC) Maintenance Inspection Dear Mr. Woodruff: Enclosed is a report for the inspection performed on June 21, 2016 by Jason Smith. Since the Finding(s) cited during the inspection were all corrected prior to the completion of the enclosed report, a response is not required. The staff is commended for taking the initiative in correcting the Findings in such a timely manner. For Certification maintenance, your laboratory must continue to carry out the requirements set forth in 15A NCAC 2H .0800. Copies of the checklists completed during the inspection may be requested from this office. Thank you for your cooperation during the inspection. If you wish to obtain an electronic copy of this report by electronic mail, or if you have questions or need additional information, please contact me at (919) 733- 3908 ext. 251. Sincerely, Todd Crawford Technical Assistance & Compliance Specialist NC WW/GW Laboratory Certification Branch Attachment cc: Dana Satterwhite, Jason Smith LABORATORY NAME: NPDES PERMIT #: ADDRESS: CERTIFICATE #: DATE OF INSPECTION: TYPE OF INSPECTION: AUDITOR(S): On - Site Inspection Report SGL Carbon, LLC NC0005258 307 Jamestown Road Morganton, NC 28655 5654 June 21, 2016 Field Industrial Initial Jason Smith LOCAL PERSON(S) CONTACTED: Jeff Woodruff INTRODUCTION: This laboratory was inspected by a representative of the North Carolina Wastewater/Groundwater Laboratory Certification (NC WW/GW LC) program to verify its compliance with the requirements of 15A NCAC 2H .0800 for the analysis of environmental samples. II. GENERAL COMMENTS: Although this is considered an initial inspection for Field certification, the laboratory was previously certified as a Non -Field laboratory (#609). The change in certification status was made effective June 2, 2014. The facility has all the equipment necessary to perform the analyses. The system for traceability of standards and reagents is thorough, well maintained and easy to follow. All required Proficiency Testing (PT) samples for the 2016 PT calendar year have not yet been analyzed. The laboratory is reminded that results must be received by this office directly from the vendor by September 30, 2016. Contracted analyses are performed by Blue Ridge Labs (Certification #275). Current Quality Assurance Policies for Field Laboratories and Approved Procedure documents for the analysis of the facility's currently certified methods were provided at the time of the inspection. Additionally, the Approved Procedure for the Analysis of Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) was provided and discussed because the laboratory is expecting TRC to be required to be analyzed when the NPDES permit is renewed. The laboratory is performing preliminary monitoring at this time; however, the meter being used is not approved for low level TRC analysis for reporting. The laboratory is encouraged to seek guidance from our office when purchasing an approved meter and prior to beginning TRC analysis. Page 2 #5654 SGL Carbon, LLC III. FINDINGS, REQUIREMENTS, COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Documentation Comment: Error corrections were not performed properly. Some instances of overwriting were observed and the date of the error correction was not documented. The NC WW/GW LC Quality Assurance Policies for Field Laboratories document states: All documentation errors must be corrected by drawing a single line through the error so that the original entry remains legible. Entries shall not be obliterated by erasures or markings. Wite-Out®, correction tape or similar products designed to obliterate documentation are not to be used. Write the correction adjacent to the error. The correction must be initialed by the responsible individual and the date of change documented. All data and log entries must be written in indelible ink. Pencil entries are not acceptable. Notification of acceptable corrective action (i.e., a statement that beginning 6/21/2016, error corrections are performed properly using a single line to mark through the error and initialing and dating the error) was received by email on 6/22/2016. No further response is necessary for this Finding. Proficiency Testing Comment: The laboratory was not analyzing Proficiency Testing (PT) samples in the same manner as compliance samples. The laboratory's common practice was to analyze a known standard along with the PT sample as additional quality control. The NC WW/GW LC Proficiency Testing Requirements document, February 20, 2012, Revision 1.2 states: All PT samples are to be analyzed and the results reported in a manner consistent with the routine analysis and reporting requirements of compliance samples and any other samples analyzed according' to the requirements of 15A NCAC 2H .0800. Notification of acceptable corrective action (i.e., a statement that beginning with the 2016 PT samples, known standards will not be analyzed with PT samples) was received by email 6/22/2016. No further response is necessary for this Finding. pH — Standard Methods, 4500 H+ B-2000 Comment: The laboratory was analyzing duplicate samples for pH. This could lead to difficulty meeting the requirement of reporting all effluent data; however, all pH data was reviewed for 2015 and 2016 and all results were reported because all duplicate results were identical to the sample results during this time period. Duplicate analyses are not required for Field parameters and the laboratory stated that they implemented the recommendation to no longer analyze duplicate samples in an email received on 6/22/2016. Temperature — Standard Methods, 2550 B-2000 Comment: The analysis times were not being properly documented. One time was documented for effluent, upstream and downstream analyses. The North Carolina Administrative Code, 15A NCAC 2H .0805 (g) (1) states: Certified Data must consist of date collected, time collected, sample site, sample collector, and sample analysis time. Notification of acceptable corrective action (i.e., an updated benchsheet with individual analysis times for each sample put into use on 6/22/2016) was received by email on 6/22/2016. No further response is necessary for this Finding. Comment: The NIST traceable thermometer was last recalibrated in 2009. The NC WW/GW LC Approved Procedure for Analysis of Temperature document states: NIST traceable temperature measuring devices used only to verify the calibration of other thermometers or temperature sensors (i.e., limited use only) must be recalibrated in accordance with the manufacturer's recalibration date and the process documented. If no recalibration date is given, the NIST traceable temperature measuring device must be recalibrated every 5 years. Notification of acceptable corrective action (i.e., the NIST thermometer was recalibrated on 6/28/16, all Page 3 #5654 SGL Carbon, LLC thermometers in use were verified on 6/29/16 and a statement that the NIST thermometer will be recalibrated every five years in the future) was received by email on 6/29/16 and 7/15/16. No further response is necessary for this Finding. Comment: The thermometer used for upstream Temperature measurements was 0.6 °C below the NIST traceable value when verification was last performed. This verification was performed prior to the following new requirement and was acceptable at the time it was performed. The NC WW/GW LC Approved Procedure for Analysis of Temperature document states: All thermometers and temperature measuring devices used for compliance monitoring must be checked every 12 months against a NIST traceable temperature measuring device and the process documented. The thermometer/ meter readings must be less than or equal to 0.5 °C from the NIST traceable temperature measuring device reading. If it is, no correction factor would be applied. If it is not, the thermometer/meter may not be used for compliance monitoring. Notification of acceptable corrective action (i.e., verification was performed on 6/29/2016 after NIST traceable thermometer calibration and the temperature correction was -0.4 °C) was received by email on 6129/2016. No further response is necessary for this Finding. Recommendation: It is recommended that all temperatures reported for compliance monitoring, be reported in whole numbers as recommended by the Precision in Discharge Monitoring Reports document. pH — Standard Methods, 4500 H+ B-2000 Temperature —Standard Methods, 2550 B-2000 Comment: Identification of instruments was not documented on the benchsheet. The NC WW/GW LC Approved Procedure for the Analysis of pH and Approved Procedure for the Analysis of Temperature documents state: The following must be documented in indelible ink whenever sample analysis is performed: Instrument/Thermometer Identification. Notification of acceptable corrective action (i.e., updated benchsheets with instrument and thermometer identification documented which were put into use on 6/22/2016) was received by email on 6/22/2016. No further response is necessary for this Finding. Comment: The name of the facility was not documented on the benchsheets. The NC WW/GW LC Approved Procedure for the Analysis of pH and Approved Procedure for the Analysis of Temperature state: The following must be documented in indelible ink whenever sample analysis is performed: Sampling site including facility name and location, ID, etc. Notification of acceptable corrective action (i.e., updated benchsheets documenting the facility name and location which were put into use on 6/22/2016) was received by email on 6/22/2016. No further response is necessary for this Finding. IV. PAPER TRAIL INVESTIGATION: The paper trail consisted of comparing original records (e.g., laboratory benchsheets, logbooks, etc.) and contract lab reports to Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) submitted to the North Carolina Division of Water Resources. Data were reviewed for SGL Carbon, LLC (NPDES permit # NC0005258) for June, September and November 2015. No transcription errors were detected. The facility appears to be doing a good job of accurately transcribing data. V. CONCLUSIONS: All Findings noted during the inspection were adequately addressed prior to the completion of this report. The inspector would like to thank the staff for its assistance during the inspection and data review process. No response is required. Page 4 #5654 SGL Carbon, LLC Report prepared by: Jason Smith Date: July 18, 2016 Report reviewed by: Tonja Springer Date: July 19, 2016