HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW00156/DEH98-21_Correspondence_20020702SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY GROUNDWATER QUALITY -MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM p_ACILITY INFORMATION Please Print Clearly or Type Facility Name: A F_- _DXA V w-m-6 L? ► 4 wi- nEN, + m &-Znti DRr-rNN flc LD Permit Name (if differeno: TwA" of (-NsT NRchv�A Facility Address: i S t t:n sT PAxC."va%ty .q'oAo ell Rle6C-L-%-W—qNCzla%k5(. County sILvConllact Person: Lett\ 6vt- Oflpra Telephone N$:1C.t/l4a D-rrNS1319 Well Location! Site Name: kf(.46NAtse_!�n 87 `N of Wells to be Sampled:- L_ _ Well Identification Number (from Permit): 8\4-\ For GroundivalerTreatment S stems Well Depth: 2-0it. Well Diamelec Z' in. Y Screened Interval: _ to ft. to 7-0 It Check 0ne: ❑ Influent (98) Depth to Water Level: l3 M. below measuring point. ❑ Effluent (99) Measuring Poln((M.P.) is:__Z� It, above land surface. Relative M.P. Elevation in ft.: Gallons of water pumped/bailed before sampling: .3 Date sample collected: Field analysis: pH , Specific Conductance uMhos t Temp. °C, Odor Appearance DEPAR714ENT OF ENVIRONMENT & 14ATUAAL RESOURCES VlATER QUALITY DIVISiON, GROUNDWATER SECTION 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIOM. NC 27699-1636 Phone: 19191 733-301. PERMIT tt: 01- .5 0 EXPIRATION DATE - Non -Discharge 1-11C NPDES . Nth TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Lagoon Remedialion: Infiltration Gallery Spray Feld Remedlatian: Rotary Disldbutor Land Application of Sludge x Other. S f"L TA'ft 9Rrc+nlAtw N' NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and O colloidal concentrations. Date sample analyzed: 9n t5 SAm&L -111102- Pjrc Laboratory Name: QN,J►(L­yt°^ Certificalion No. Vw9 # YA txS tw 37"tLl PARAMETERS (Samples for metals were collected unfiltered YES NO- and field acidified COD mg/l. Nitrite (NO2) as N mg/l Colilorm: MF Fecal 5 /100ml Nitrate (NO3) as N 1, 5 mgA Colilorm: MF Total /100rn1 Phosphorus: Total as P mg/l (mole: Use 1APN method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate mg/I Dissolved Solids: Total 85 mg/I Al - Aluminum mg/I pH (when analyzed) �,'1 units Ba - Barlum mg/I TOC mg/1 ' _ Ca - Calcium m /i Chloride t2.9 mg/i Cd - Cadmium mg/I Arsenic mg/l Chromium:,Total mg/I, Grease and Oils mg/I Cu - Copper mg/I Phenol mg/l Fe - Iron mgA Sulfate mg/I hfg - Mercury rn /l Specific Conductance uMhos K - Potassium_,mg/I Total Ammonia 0.1 mg/l . Mg - Magnesium mgll TKN as N mg/I Mn - Manganese mgA YES NO) Ni - Nickel mg!! Pb - Lead rng/I Zn - Zinc mg/I. Ammonia Nitrogen mC1/j Other (Specify Compounds and Concen( to UHIN) yri ORGANICS: (GC,GC/MS,NPLC) -'` Cn cn (Speciry'lest and. method 9. Attach lab•leortr Report Attached? Yes (1) No—) VOC : method B method 9 malhod n Permitlee (or Authorzed Agent) Name and Tille • Please print or type Slgnalure of Pelmitlee (or Authorized Agonl) (Ogle) SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY GROUNDWATER QUALITY. MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM FACILITY INFORMATION Please Pant Clearly oe Type Facility Name:N06,o1a V\Waro>< LP �REA�M�rut SYS�nr� Aft,��N t=�c�P, Permit Name (if different): EAtT A'2k%x'xA- Fartlity Arlrlroee- I S I to (ZrK"C J>4.A01Ar %%)1-0 County Ql.h >J tot (Stale► (zip)Conlact Person: �O^ 64`4^` o i-- Telephone N;-910 - E5s•`f38g Well Locationl Site Name; Prtalt�V�1t�L W-7 9fV"a� No. of Wells to be Sampled: Well Identification Number (from Permit); e dwalerTreatment5ysteras Well Depth: 0It. Well Diameter: Z ►n. e: ❑ Influent (98) Screened Interval: 1� ft. to * Z° It. ❑ Effluent (99) Depth to Water Level: 14- ff. below measuring point. Measuring Point (M.P.) is: L it. above land surface. Relative M.P. Elevation in ft.: Gallons of water pumped/baifed before sampling: 3o Date sample collected: -1-L-' Field analysis: pH , Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. °C, Odor Appearance DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOURCES WATER OUAUTY DIVISION, GROUNDWATER SECTION 1636 hfAIL SERVICE CENTER PERMIT#. 0 1 - 57 s fo EXPIRATION DATE: Non -Discharge UIC NPDES R TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Lagoon Remedialion: Infiltration Gallery' Spray Feld RemlxllaGon: Rotary Distributor Land Appllcalion of Sludge Other: 54(' 1�t t Anr� �ltrR�N F1t t�fl NOTE: VAIUeS should reliert tilaanlvnrl anel colloidal concentrations.. t �4, Date sample analyzed: PAry ac SMnr�L 7I-L --LL Pmm °�s �zt.P--=,'�1 �11 Laboratory Name: - GN 4%M-04 f^^ n Certification No. t "\A R 'iA--94 DL S W 511-Ly PARAMETERS.(Samples for metals were collected unfiltered YES NO and field acidified COD mg/I . Nitrite (NO2) as N mg/1 Coliform: MF Fecal < Z /100ml Nitrate (NO3) as N 1.35 mgA Colilorm: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I , (Note: Use MPtt method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate mg/.I Dissolved Solids: Total mg/l Al - Aluminum m9/1 pH (when analyzed) 5.t`? units Ba - Barium mg/t TOC mg/I Ca - Calciumrrtg/l, Chloride mg/l Cd - Cadmium mg/I Arsenic mg/[ Chromium: Total mg/l, Grease and Oils mg/i Cu - Copper Mgt) Phenol mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Sulfate mg/I Hg - Mercury m9 /l Specific Conductance uMhos K - Potassium mg/I Total Ammonia moo• mg/l Mg - Magnesium m /l TKN as N mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/l YES, NO) Ni - Nickel mqA Pb -'Lead ® rn I Zn - Zinc l"X:imil Ammonia Nitrogen r— mhlf ' Other (Specify Compounds and Concenlr�rt' 56 n Cj � rn~ rr ORGANICS: (GC,GCIMS,HPLC)co (Speciry•test and method N. Attach lab reporF) Report Attached? Yes (1) No (0) VOC : method N = method pr = : method it = Permittee (o(AuthoRzed Agent) Name and Title r Please print or type Slpnalure of f'ormittee (or Authorized April) (Dale) m co m tJ tJ m m tJ m m ILD - �o 1 �n t m ut 0) co z d m 20: X -D-I rrl ;o O F m m HUC U1 Ue U;zJ: CUa 2]Rl rr MKJ WtL''L 11KLL1110 ,jiuj /1L (tf / P. 1 Environmental Chemists, Inc. .� 6602 Windmil] Way - Wilmington. North Carolina 28405 �. (910) 392-0223 (Lab) • (910) 392-4424 (Fax) . . Echem*VCaol.com CONSULTING CHEMISTS. NCDENR: DWQ CERTIFICATE 464, DLS CERTIFICATE #37729 Customer: SKIPPER'S WELL DRILLING Date of Report: July 12, 2002 P.O. Box 250 Leland, NC 28451-• Purchase Order #: Attn: Charlie Skipper Report Number: 2-3520 REPORT OF ANALYSIS Date Sampled: 07-02-02 Sampled By: Ricky Skipper GROUNDWATER: MONITORMG WFLY 4 Report To: Charlie Skipper Project: East Arcadia MW LAB ID MW 1A # 7862 MW 1B # 7863 pH, Standard Units 5.70 5.14 Chloride as Cl - mg/L 12.9 8.72 Total Dissolved Solids, TDS mg/L 85 46 Nitrate Nitrogen, NO3 - N mg/L .1.85 1.35 Ammonia Nitrogen, N113-N mg1L 0.1 < 0.1 Fecal Coliform, colonies/100 mL 5 < 2 Comments: Reviewed by: , 'y . K - • (/,'� (�?v �+LC =.vwm LEA NCDENR JAMES B. HUNT JR G 0 V SR\OR BILL HOLMAN SECRETARY 11E1N1ORA.:i DU`M To: Through From: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES GROUNDWATER SECTION September 15, 2000 Bill Jeter, Chief On -Site Wastewater Section Ted Bush/ /r l; David Goodrich )7 5 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY MOVED AW 15 2002 =: - F_A qLLE REGIONAL OFtICE KER R,Ty DIRECTOR Subject: Repair Project for the Town of East Arcadia Arcadia Village ' 9,360 GPD Conventional LLP Treatment System B laden County DEH 98-21-R/GW00156 (Steven Berkowitz: DEH SERG.'Review Engineer) -: The Groundwater Section is in receipt of the subject application to install a conventional wastewater treatment system to treat the domestic wastewater stream created by an existing 30-unit apartment•complex. This project was previously reviewed :•. in November of 1998 under DEH 98-21/GW98126 and a new site had to be found " because of legal constraints. Although the system is designed to handle a wastewater loading of 9,360 gallons per day, the.water bills for this apartment complex have indicated an average usage of '- approximately 4,650 gallons per day. The system design includes a septic tank and r; approximately 3,114 linear feet of distribution line (see Figures 1, 2, and 3). A soils %� •1� .; 1 :.......:'�.::� scientist evaluated the suitability of the site, and a number of field tests were performed -- _ :�� .•.� to ascertain the elevation of the seasonal high water table and the E permeability of the subsoils. The seasonal high water table was found to be M- approximately five feet below the surface of the proposed diainfield area .The permeability of the shallow subsoil was measured with a permeameter, and the permeability of the deeper saturated soil was measured by performing slug tests. The permeameter tests and slug tests indicated that the permeability of both the saturated and unsaturated zones was high, and the transmissivity of the saturated zone under seasonal high water table conditions was conservatively estimated to be approximately 390 feet squared per'day. The soil scientist used the Colorado State University Mounding Model to �=1k estimate the mounding which could be expected to take place beneath the drainfield under maximum design flow conditions. The modeling indicated that a maxi MU mound height of approximately 1.6 vertical feet could be expected beneath the cen G GC�ION the drainfield_ after a full year of continuous loading at the design rate of 9,360'gallons per day. The system was also modeled by the Groundwater Section using a similar modeling program and a drainfield configuration that more closely matched the design specifications. The modeling performed by the Groundwater Section indicated a maximum mound height of 1.67 feet after ttivo full years of continuous loading. These modeling results, and the much lower loading rates which are anticipated for this system, suggest that mounding will not be a concern. The function of the system was also simulated by the Groundwater Section to estimate the impact of the drainfield on groundwater quality. The modeling program (FLOTRA-tiS) was used and indicated that the proposed system would have a significant impact on groundwater quality and that attenuation by rainfall dilution and other natural conditions may not be sufficient to achieve the required Groundwater Quality Standards (15A NCAC 2L .0202) before the ground water travels to the Compliance Boundary. In view of these results, the Groundwater Section recommends that monitor wells be installed at upgradient and do,.vngradient locations near the drainfield (see Figure 2). These. two wells (iviW-1 and MW-2) should be sampled every March, July, and November for ,Ammonia Nitrogen. Nitrate Nitrogen, TDS, Chlorides, pH, Fecal Coliforms, and Water Level. The Groundwater Section has reviewed the subject permit application and recommends issuance of the permit with the following conditions: Prior to beginning waste disposal operations, two'monitor wells; one upgradient (1iW-1) and one downgradient (yiW-2), shall be installed to monitor groundwater quality. The well(s) shall be constructed such that the water level in the well is never above or below the screened (open) portion of the well at any time during the year. The general location and name for each well is marked on Figure 2. Each monitoring well shall be located at the review boundary, constructed in accordance with this permit, and approved by the Fayetteville Regional Office. Monitor wells MW-1 and MW-2 shall be sampled initially after construction and thereafter every March, July, and November for the following parameters: Ammonia Nitrogen TDS PH Water Level. Nitrate Nitrogen Chlorides Fecal Coliforms The measurement of water levels must be made prior to sampling for the remaining parameters. The depth to water in each well shall be measured from the surveyed point on the top of the casing. The measuring points (top ofwell casing) of all monitoring wells shall be surveyed to provide the relative elevation'of the measuring point for each monitoring well. The results of the sampling and analysis must be received on Form GW-59 (Groundwater Quality Monitoring: Compliance Report Form) by the Groundwater Section; Permits and Compliance Unit, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1636 on or before the last working day of the month following the sampling month. 3. All wells that are constructed for purposes of groundwater monitoring shall be constructed in ' accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0108 (Standards of Construction for Wells Other .than Water Supply) and any other state and local laws and regulations pertaining to well construction. .4. The Fayetteville Regional Office, telephone number (910)486-1541, shall be notified at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the construction of any monitoring well so that an inspection can be made of the monitoring well location. Such notification to the regional groundwater supervisor shall be made during the normal office hours from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on tilonday through Friday, excluding state holidays. 5. Within sixty (60). days of completion of all monitoring wells, the permittee shall submit two original copies of a scaled topographic map (scale no greater than 1 ":100') signed and sealed by a professional engineer or a state licensed land surveyor that indicates all of the following information: a. the location and identity of each monitoring well, — b. the location of all components of the waste disposal system, C. the location of all property boundaries, d. the latitude and longitude of the established horizontal control monument, e. the relative elevation of the top of the well casing (which shall be known as the "measuring point"), and f. the depth of water below the measuring point at the time the measuring point is established. This survey shall be conducted using approved practices outlined in North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 89C and the North Carolina Administrative Code Title 21, Chapter 56. The surveyor shall establish a horizontal control monument on the property of the waste disposal system and determine the latitude and longitude of this horizontal control monument to a horizontal positional accuracy of+/-10 feet. All other features listed in a. through e. above shall be surveyed relative to this horizontal control monument. The positional accuracy of features listed in a. through e. above shall have a ratio of precision not to exceed an error of closure of 1 foot per 10,000 feet of perimeter of the survey. Any features located by the radial method will be located from a minimum of two points. Horizontal control monuments shall be installed in such a manner and made of such materials that the monument will not be destroyed due to activities that may take place on the property. The map shall also be surveyed using the North American Datum of 1983 coordinate system and shall indicate the datum on the map. All bearings or azimuths shall be based on either the true or NAD 83 grid meridian. If a Global Positioning System (GPS) is used to determine the latitude and longitude of the horizontal control monument, a GPS receiver that has the capability to perform differential GPS shall be used and all data collected by the GPS receiver will be differentially corrected. The maps and any supporting documentation shall be sent to the Groundwater Section, NC Division of Water Quality, P.O. Box 29578, Raleigh, NC, 29626-0578. 6. Within thirty (30) days of completion of all well construction activities, a certification must be received from a professional engineer or a licensed geologist certifying that the monitoring wells are located and constructed in accordance with the Well Construction Standards (15ANCAC 2C) and this permit. This certification should be submitted with copies of the Well Completion Form (GW-1) for each well. Mail this certification and the associated GW-1 forms to the Permits and Compliance Unit, Groundwater Section, P.O-. Box 29578, Raleigh, NC, 27626-0578. 7. For the initial sampling of the well as specified elsewhere in the permit, the permittee shall submit a copy of the GW-1 Form (Well Completion Form) with the Compliance Monitoring Form (GW- 59) for that well. Compliance Monitoring Forms that do not include copies of the GW-1 form will be returned to the permitted without being processed. Failure to submit these forms as required by this permit may result in the initiation of enforcement activities pursuant to NC General Statutes 143-215.6. The COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY for the disposal system is specified by regulations in 15A NCAC 2L, Groundwater Classifications and Standards. The Compliance Boundary for ground absorption and disposal systems which are permitted under 15ANCAC 18A .1900 are established at the property boundary in accordance with 15A NCAC 2L .0107(i). An exceedance of Groundwater Quality Standards at or beyond the Compliance Boundary is subject to immediate remediation action in addition to the penalty provisions applicable under General Statute 143- 215.6A(a)(1). Page 4 of 5 V In accordance with 15A NCAC 2L, a REVIEW BOUNDARY is established around the disposal systems midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the waste disposal area. Any exceedance of standards at the Review Boundary shall require remediation action on the part of the permittee. 9. Any additional groundwater quality monitoring, as deemed necessary by the Division, shall be provided. If there are any questions please let me know cc: Art Barnhardt Permit Files --GW00156-- Page 5 of 5 - I -% �� ar � �\�.r•. ��:%�'� �� � f•`; , \ \\� ~o`er`. I 1 3h:4 LC 35 � / i • / / � 1! ! i ) \ v 1, �/ ���~ ' `�� � �. -�� X of\�•�w Last . t ArcadiaCh o 17C 6 ,• \r -�ii I `\ �\ '�i�` ` Ott ,��L/' �� �j lin i •\�`a�r^."%,• '� � I J' �`•` � `��• 1 �� . U, 1. cz 4_57 Pf SCALE IN FEET p 1 0 2,000 4,000 ��, y FIGURE 1 J� TOWN OF EAST ARCADIA ARCADIA. VU-JAGE PP SYSTEM 9,360 GPD L Lip 111 IL I%-- - I FIGURE 2 TOWN OF EAST ARCADIA A-RCADIA VII-IAGE 9,360 GPD LPP SYSTEM nT A n'P-?'J (-nTT'1' l Ioo'✓v ,t... I nr cll c_o. ]f _ IYlar K - --...— _ .I..1ol.1Ic - /alaa (.OIIN, '� ]`rt�io�: i+ctirrrvitvr irlui,+aw, _�'lrs$rl r rrvicelllNJIT LA +A _ .c rKnrrw 'c � I lAw r •• ' rwul n Xr }. w'11 nrucfi { .• nnc.r c °.... G)1111.al ] Jrl..... Iw ]Y o •r..Ira;i Ic ]] v FI 3 IAs f z laJlw [I 11JCi •G__—___ i° m [U4'{ {lo'(IfJI IrIrr )',al j•?'�TZ��-T_--1:IVlt'/7atlmAt--- 11 ].A11L--aNlUCNf.•��wwrllDO.>Iowr[ua. IG1--___—_ . IrC(I._..r - I.1/ M to warlA IY: NC ral(Il lrl {4110 r,.,,•, ICI I� / U UGMICf1aR 4 U •� _ \ 1-nw nco'J I � n -- rl (, I uwrrr [Iaw \ OOI.II( ([R l%LV[ W[ arrMov(DI ..sear \ / >ll pMN I II LD fYYLlla GN./U ll lY. lwlN:N ml lw• 4�n NV I lrA / �r A )11 ]ir " vt • 111 lr / ])o 311 C "1 ]I/ w ]21 o )]l ]I) 11{ )!O 1-3' OrU /u 10 aLLa. /[M {fTll[H(YI \ . •wocx)s TO REMAIN M ltV I ■K•rYl_.co vrrwc�xlr vaAdl u•mu' r. mnnuu W0005 TO / \ Iwlliw.0 lac r.ruu.f me m,lYevrwNcwsnn / . a IYo u+1 to •vc r/ Y{ wN REMAIN � -- rINI1...0 of Y.- NI./ GI •.n I YI r11 IV l rIwI11l D pprr.rula i Irwrrou. craw url Kr•o.1 w I.[wCr(1 .) i \ \``, / '• .rrw.+aD Ivwma Ir.a .0.1. 411.... /'..,......Ion / , In , • \// _ )•-•• uw...uw.urwlaalmL.no ..ar1 j I)\ 1 -� / . .r 11111'rINWIlo rt Alll[ lNf ♦1 N) Sl Orf ./ 1 ) 7 11 / 111 1 Y � •. .. I S c4 l e F FIGURE 3 50 l oo f1 'TOWN OF CAST ARCADIA ARCADIA VTLLAGC 9,360 GPD LPP SYS1'CM BLADCN COUNTY DPI -I 98-21-R/G W00156 SI`I'IP, DKI'AIL MAP LAB -. 7 LAWGIBB_ Group Member LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL I TO: FROM: PROJECT / JOB NO: DATE: N G !r K) S-7 . a PROJECT: - co eo UNCw Lo Co3U IM L S IoE C. .SUIT'S 1 a DESCRIPTION: U C zaco-7 ATTN: ATTN: v 1 WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑ ATTACHED ❑ UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: ❑ DRAWINGS ❑ SPECIFICATIONS ❑ PRINTS ❑ SAMPLES ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ BROCHURES / PHOTOS ❑ CORRESPONDENCE ❑ OTHER W— THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: ❑ FOR APPROVAL ❑ APPROVED AS SUBMITTED ❑ FOR YOUR USE ❑ APPROVED AS NOTED ❑ AS REQUESTED ❑ RETURNED FOR CORRECTIONS ❑ FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT ❑ OTHER ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US ❑ FORBIDS DUE: ULrW .7D oo-O — ❑ RESUBMIT COPIES FOR APPROVAL ❑ SUBMIT COPIES FOR DISTRIBUTION ❑ RETURN CORRECTED PRINTS REMARKS: A- T,�IcGNIED BL S C JE1 Iji� cc, T>IeEf> o -1'1-lam —GI-4 6- ND Out: - COPIES TO: ��-� 7 "� L'�yhl �' SIGNED: (9/98) IF ENCILOSUREt RECEYVEO ARE NOT AS LISTED ABOVE, PLEASE NOTIFY US AT ONCE. °+ N 1 JAM; HUNj,JR _ `tu ji. ,ILL.`- LMAN' "SECRETARY KERB T.,`STEVEM3t,,' S DIRECTOR •- ; i t NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY September 13, 2000 M E M O R A N D U M TO: David Goodrich DWQ-GW Section, RCO Parker -Lincoln Bldg. Through: Art Barnhardt, DWQ-GW Section From: Billy Meyer, Hydrogeological Technician II, DWQ-GW Section, FRO SUBJECT: Comments on the'Repair/Alteration of Exist. Disposal System [DEH]: Town of East Arcadia, Arcadia Village (DEH98-21-R, GW00156) As requested, the Fayetteville Regional Office has completed review of the subject facility and it's need for groundwater monitoring in lieu of the repair/alteration of the existing disposal system. According to the submitted information and our field evaluation, the soil area designated is suitable for on -site wastewater disposal. Attachments• Please notice the maps attached to this memo. USGS aerial and topo maps are included. The approximate location of the LPP drainfield is indicated on each map. Discussion• The drainfield is located on a ridge which is situated near a tributary that flows into the Cape Fear a short distance downstream. The gradient between the drainfield and the stream is relatively GROUNDWATER SECTION 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RALEIGH, NC 27699-1636 - 2728 CAPITAL, BLVD., RALEIGH, NC 27604 PHONE 919-733-3221 FAX 919-715-0588 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY / AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED/10% POST -CONSUMER PAPER steep. The soil profile indicates a deep/highly permissive sandy texture. ,.The sandy profile, short distance, & steep gradient (between the stream and drainfield) increases the chance for contaminated. groundwater to threaten surface water quality in the stream. The stream will probably dilute the contamination, but nevertheless discharge its load - into the Cape Fear. The following table compares the proposed LPP system to_a 4 bedroom conventional system with respect to Nitrogen discharged and estimated GW impact. 4 BR (convention'1) LPP Drainfield area (sf) 1,440 28,917, Vol WW (GPY) 175,200 3,504,000 N prod. (Lb/yr)(Z) 58.4 1,167 N discharged (lb/acre/yr) 1,765 1,758 -N conc. in GW(PPm)«� 35.7 35.7 j' GW concentration assumed vol WW discharged in drainfield and 2' of annual GW recharge. All of the N was assumed to move to GW (sandy profile and no plant removal). (z) Assumed N conc of domestic waste --40 ppm. The nitrification lines in the drainfield are installed below the rootzone, therefore not much of the Nitrogen discharged in WW will be,removed by plants. Remarks/Recommenadations : The proposed LPP system is suitable with respect to the section .1900 rules (DEH). However this system will probably create exceedances in 2L groundwater standards and possibly .0200 surface water standards. The proposed system will probably not contaminate groundwater any more than -a conventional system on an equivalent basis, but the LPP system discharges more wastewater and covers a larger area. Therefore given the site conditions described earlier, this system poses a potential threat to groundwater and surface water quality. The GW Section (FRO) recommends issuing the permit with groundwater monitoring.,See the attached topo map for the approximate' location of monitoring wells. *Sample Parameters: NO3-N, NH4-N, pH, TDS, FC & Cl. *Sampling Schedule: Mar, July, & Nov. GROUNDWATER SECTION (FRO) GW#:00156 DEH#:_ 98-21-R Review by: Billy Meyer Date: September 13, 2000 Field Investigation? (Y/N):—Y-Qs County:_Bladen Facility Name: Town of East Arcadia, Arcadia Village Location: off NC Highway 87 South in Southeastern Bladen County Disposal •Systemlow Pressure Pipe System Design Cap. (GPD):9600 Description of.Facility:3_.5 mile force main, septic tank, drain field w/LPP distribution 9' center-, with ' trench Size of Impoundment (Ft. Sq.) &/or Size of Application Area: — 81' x 357' Waste Source: Mun. Sludge ; Mun. W.Water Ind. Sludge ; Ind. W. Water Distance from Waste Source to nearest: Stream: —52517t. Well:-350-400 Ft For Well: Type of use: Private Primary Secondary Tertiary Others: Domestic(Primary) Depth: Pump Rate (Est): What design conditions will reduce/increase chance ofgw contamination?: (increase) Using the proposed hydraulic loading rate of 1.0 gpd/ft2 and the drain field area (-30,000 fe), approximately 1,719 IN; ofN are an 1p ed per acre (annually). The waste is applied below the root zone and therefore most of mobile nutrients will leach to groundwater. 1 . el! • .1 1 . • ••e• /lel - 1NOW 1 1• 1� ! • • 1l.e 1•"•1'. 1 1" • 1 • .. . , 1 - , •� • 1" .•- ♦. \. •1 ell. !• -10 •.11 .: - !• • •- •11" • -- .1 Depth to: Bedrock--92Ft., Seasonal High W.T.-4.5Ft,, Annual W.T. Flux — Surficial Aquifer: Bedrock/ Confined Aquifer: Gen. Lithology: Sandy -loamy sand Gen. Lithology: sand/limestone Hyd. Cond.: 2-20 Ft./Day Hyd. Cond.: —33 Ft./Day ❑Measured X Estimated ❑Measured X Estimated Thickness: —50 Ft. Legrand: Site Numerical Description=19 - 4 Z -2 - A Y T 1 2 3 4 5 6 6A 6B Hydrogeologic Site Grade: E Situation Grade: 4A No. of Monitoring Wells: Proposed: Up1 Down -I � Existing: Up-0- Down 0 Proposed Sampling Schedule & Parameter(s):NO3-N, NH4-N, pH, TD , C, & Cl. Sample every Mar, Jtil�&& Nov. Have there been any exceedences of the groundwater standards? Yes_NoIWA- Has any enforcement action been taken? Yes_ NO N/A Date of Action: Summary of enforcement action taken:NLA Remarks/Recommendations ( Continue on Reverse, if necessary): SEE ATTACHED MEMO Hyd. Regional Supervisor T, BILL:.kOLMAN ' .n. .'SECRETARY �' .. �.� NORTH CAROLINA-DEPARTME-N-T-OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES GROUNDWATER SECTION September 15, 2000 MEMORANDUM To: Bill Jeter, Chief On -Site Wastewater Section Through: Ted Bush(4 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY �c 8 E P 2 n 2000 CW;�:Yi=-t T EML im REG. OFFICE From: David Goodrich Subject: Repair Project for the Town of East Arcadia Arcadia Village _9,360_GP_D Conventional LLP Treatment System Bladen Courrty___ DEH9.8-2.1-R/_GWOO 15-6 (Steven Berkowitz: DEH SERG Review Engineer) The Groundwater Section is in receipt of the subject application to install a conventional wastewater treatment system to treat the domestic wastewater stream created by an existing 30-unit apartment complex. This project was previously revie«-ed in November of 1998 under DEH 98-21/GW98126 and a new site had to be found because of legal constraints. Although the system is designed to handle a wastewater loading of 9,360 gallons per day, the water bills for this apartment complex have indicated an average usage of approximately 4,650 gallons per day. The system design includes a septic tank and approximately 3,114 linear feet of distribution line (see Figures 1, 2, and 3). A soils. scientist evaluated the suitability of the site, and a number of field tests were performed to ascertain the elevation of the seasonal high water table and the permeability of the subsoils. The seasonal high water table was found to be approximately five feet below the surface of the proposed drainfield area .The permeability of the shallow subsoil was measured with a permeameter, and the permeability of the deeper (saturated) soil was measured by performing slug tests. The permeameter tests and slug tests indicated that the permeability of both the saturated and unsaturated zones was high, and the transmissivity of the saturated zone under seasonal high water table conditions was conservatively estimated to be approximately 390 feet squared per day. The soil scientist used the Colorado State University Mounding Model to estimate the mounding which could be expected to take place beneath the drainfield under maximum design flow conditions. The modeling indicated that a maxi ` mound height of approximately 1.6 vertical feet could be expected beneath the cent GR.OUNDN•ATER• SECTION 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RALEIGH, NC 27699-1036 - 2726 CAPITAL, BLVD., RALEIGH, NNC 27CO4 PHONE 519-733.3224 FAX 919 y16-OS88 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY / AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED/10% POST-CON'SUMI£R TAPER the drainfield after a full year of continuous loading at the design rate of 9,360 gallons per day. The system was also modeled by the Groundwater Section using a similar modeling program and a drainfield configuration that more closely matched the design specifications. The modeling performed by the Groundwater Section indicated a maximum mound height of 1.67 feet after two full years of continuous loading. These modeling results, and the much lower loading rates which are anticipated for this system, suggest that mounding will not be a concern. The function of the system was also simulated by the Groundwater Section to estimate the impact of the drainfield on groundwater quality. The modeling program (FLOTRANS) was used and indicated that the proposed system would have a significant impact on groundwater quality and that attenuation by rainfall dilution and other natural conditions may not be sufficient to achieve the required Groundwater Quality Standards (15A NCAC 2L .0202) before the ground water travels to the Compliance Boundary. In view of these results, the Groundwater Section recommends that monitor wells be installed at .upgradient and downgradient locations near the drainfield (see Figure 2). These two wells (MW-1 and MW-2) should be sampled every March, July, and November for Ammonia Nitrogen, Nitrate Nitrogen, TDS, Chlorides, pH, Fecal Coliforms, and Water Level. The Groundwater Section has reviewed the subject permit application and recommends issuance of the permit with the following conditions: 1. Prior to beginning waste disposal operations, two monitor wells; one upgradient (MW-1) and one downgradient (MW-2); shall be installed to monitor groundwater quality. The well(s) shall be constructed such that the water level in the well is never above or below -the screened (open) portion of the well at any time during the year. The general location and name for each well is marked on Figure 2. Each monitoring well shall be located at the review boundary, constructed in accordance with this permit, and approved by the Fayetteville Regional Office. 2. Monitor wells MW-1 and MW-2 shall be sampled initially after construction and thereafter every March, July, and November for the following parameters: Ammonia Nitrogen Nitrate Nitrogen TDS Chlorides PH Fecal Coliforms Water Level. The measurement of water levels must be made prior to sampling for the remaining parameters. The depth to water in each well shall be measured from the surveyed point on the top of the casing. The measuring points (top of well casing) of all monitoring wells shall be surveyed to provide the relative elevation of the measuring point for each monitoring well. The results of the sampling and analysis must be received on Form GW-59 (Groundwater Quality Monitoring: Compliance Report Form) by the Groundwater Section, Permits and Compliance Unit,1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1636 on or before the last working day of the month following the sampling month. 3. All wells that are constructed for purposes of groundwater monitoring shall be constructed in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0108 (Standards of Construction for Wells Other than Water Supply) and any other state and local laws and regulations pertaining to well construction. 4. The Fayetteville Regional Office, telephone number (910)486-1541, shall be notified at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the construction of any monitoring well so that an inspection can be made of the monitoring well location. Such notification to the regional groundwater supervisor shall be made during the normal office hours from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday, excluding state holidays. 5. Within sixty (60) days of completion of all monitoring wells, the permittee shall submit two original copies of a scaled topographic map (scale no greater than 1 ":100') signed and sealed by a professional engineer or a state licensed land surveyor that indicates all of the following information: a. the location and identity of each monitoring well, b. the location of all components of the waste disposal system, c. the location of all property boundaries, d. the latitude and longitude of the established horizontal control monument, e. the relative elevation of the top of the well casing (which shall be lmown as the "measuring point"), and f. the depth of water below the measuring point at the time the measuring point is established. This survey shall be conducted using approved practices outlined in North Carolina General. Statutes Chapter 89C and the North Carolina Administrative Code Title 21, Chapter 56. The surveyor shall establish a horizontal control monument on the property of the ,%vaste disposal. system and determine the latitude and longitude of this horizontal control monument to a horizontal positional accuracy of+/-10 feet. All other features listed in a. through e. above shall. be surveyed relative to this horizontal control monument. The positional accuracy of features listed in a.. through e. above shall have a ratio of precision not to exceed an error of closure of 1 foot per 10,000 feet of perimeter of the survey. Any features located by the radial method will be located from a minimum of two points. Horizontal control monuments shall be installed in such a manner and made of such materials that the monument will not be destroyed due to activities that may take place on the property. The map shall also be surveyed using the North American Datum of 1983 coordinate system and shall indicate the datum on the map. All bearings or azimuths shall be based on either the true or NAD 83 grid meridian. If a Global Positioning System (GPS) is used to determine the latitude and longitude of the horizontal control monument, a GPS receiver that has the capability to perform differential GPS shall be used and all data collected by the GPS receiver will be differentially corrected. The maps and any supporting documentation shall be sent to the Groundwater Section, NC Division of Water Quality, P.O. Box 29578, Raleigh, NC, 29626-0578. 6. Within thirty (30) days of completion of all well construction activities, a certification must be received from a professional engineer or a licensed geologist certifying that the monitoring wells are located and constructed in accordance with the Well Construction Standards (15A NCAC 2C) and this permit. This certification should be submitted with copies of the Well Completion Form (GW-1) for each well. Mail this certification and the associated GW-1 forms to the Permits and Compliance Unit, Groundwater Section, P.O. Box 29578, Raleigh, NC, 27626-0578. 7. For the initial sampling of the well as specified elsewhere in the permit, the permittee shall submit a copy of the GW-1 Form (Well Completion Form) with the Compliance Monitoring Form (GW- 59) for that well. Compliance Monitoring Forms that do not include copies of the GW-1 form will be returned to the permittee without being processed. Failure to submit these forms as required by this permit may result in the initiation of enforcement activities pursuant to NC General Statutes 143-215.6. 8. The COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY for the disposal system is specified by regulations in 15A NCAC 2L, Groundwater Classifications and Standards. The Compliance Boundary for ground absorption and disposal systems which are permitted under 15ANCAC 18A .1900 are established at the property boundary in accordance with 15A NCAC 2L .0107(i). An exceedance of Groundwater Quality Standards at or beyond the Compliance Boundary is subject to immediate remediation action in addition to the penalty provisions applicable under General Statute 143- 215.6A(a)(1). Page 4 of 5 4 In accordance with 15A NCAC 2L, a REVIEW BOUNDARY is established around the disposal systems midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the waste disposal area. Any exceedance of standards at the Review Boundary shall require remediation action on the part of the permittee. 9. Any additional groundwater quality monitoring, as deemed necessary by'the Division,.shall be provided. If there are any questions please let me know. cc: Art Barnhardt Permit Files --GW00156-- Page 5 of 5 ,� 1 f: ',Cem East onio'n Arcadia .. / Ch UrK CIP <C1,,,,V idia 1867 rL JA 57 /J� X ` S yr }]Z,,•�:.. :cl.ty�;_ - �Yi \ \ � � � .:. � . — 1,,, i \ Xj>`l SCALE IN FEET 0 2,000 4,000 /60 FIGURE 1 TOWN OF EAST ARCADIA ARCADIA VII.LAGE 9,360 GPD LPP SYSTEM BLADEN COUNTY DEH 98-21-R/GW00156 - ... -. SITE LOCATION MAP Z. rl ILI AMOLI& 00 ON L mw- 11 IF 1, mw-1 40 Seal e FIGURE 2 loo 200 TOWN OF EAST ARCADIA ARCADIA VILLAGE 9,360 GPD LPP SYSTEM BLADEN COUNTY DEH 98-21-R/GW00156 PROPOSED WELL LOCATION MAP too, RfW Ir z3• I 34.4 2S TYPICAL FM I o. GA . Go. x I A erM FITA ELDC iuR• Y•nY Mu IPuI Y�Y 6C 9 LINE! B6A' EACH 2A FIELD A 7C A 9 3' A BA JC EW EACAC ENIPSD 77Bb TOTAL BC NI c I 23 LF IA FROM t TYPICAL SA 1. TYPICAL • 3' R GO.aD IC D TURNUIPS AT EACH ETD I� 3 EAS.1. EMENT ALL C.O. YOlilpww FROM FI it x lorto.Y 69 zD 6p g Flu �1•M 9� Jp �IrM RAYY1l1 FELDD TItEACH - ' PVC MAIN.D3 II 39 /0 BD IWCP 90 Ty..'.� �` 9D I l7.9 J7.]6 II G0. INFLUENT1' SOR 2l 200 P51 FORCE MAW PR 1 CA J" WG SON Ip Co. �� — _— J —FM FORCE MAWS w �PVC SCH 10 61, W I Vi PVC WATER LINE SCN 10 EWAL17ATION TAfif CLEARANCE LORT 0. CL 3827 • 7.61 35.0 JS7 TD WATER PETER \� aFV'+yE IPIAW 0. CLWSTRIICTUN SCHEOU. /' PLUG / paoPo5E0 \ � VALVE C WATER TAP i \ \ OpFN \ CL CL / LfR Ew I SERVICE AM \ I DOL6LE CHECK VALVE 111C APPROVEDI \ / ASSEMBLY \ / N� \ 9' FORCE I Vi DRAW FINISHED TRENCH YAW LUTES FIELD GROLPD ELEV. M. SLWPLY WV. WV. A a 34.4 J2.7 J10 JJ2 B 31.1 377 3W 1 332 C JJ.6 31.9 322 321 D J32 ]I.S SIA J20 I 33.1 \ \ \ \ / 1 2.3- OVER FILL TO ALLOW FOR SETTLEMENT \ \ / WQQDS TO I a REMAIN UilES UHWIM NATURAL 9ACKfLLL / � WFWIY nTn n ! • I! i INV.a 1' PERFORATED LINE VARIES12• TO IB• / \ I WO STONE F • 4.52• •, �� • L•OYUUTto .. } S, \ \ J t/ t 1. B F t<o �•j� 9• _- - / \ / jI j �STRRATA low PRESSURE TYPE p6TRIBU110N CONSISTS SCH 10 PVC W/ VB FT DF I HOLES of MOLES POINTED UPWARD S ET ONCENTER WOODS TO REMAIN AND ONE VB INCH ONI. EPOYFTFD pOMT1WARO 1 R f.ON EACH END. SUIVACC OVCR TRENCHES AS 31 / L RECOlfOUl1 OROUID REWIRED TO PROVIDE FINAL COVER WITHIN6' TO IY YAKOY REQUIREMENT AS ILLUSTRATED ABOVE. / / \ \ L IWALL 1' PERFORATED PLASM LINE AT NO SLOPE. / .1 •te : 3 33.6 JI.B no SO! �a I L FIGURE 3 0 5o ioo ff TOWN OF EAST ARCADIA ARCADIA VILLAGE 9,360 GPD LPP SYSTEM BLADEN COUNTY DEH 98-21-R/GW00156 I SITE DETAIL MAP , DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GROUNDWATER SECTION A MEMORANDUM TO: /7 r (dL2 h "GC✓GL f r/t y'e, -; 0 a Regional Office FROM: SUBJECT: Application for Permit Renewal, New Permit COMMENTS Permit Amendment — Repair/Aheration of Exist Disposal System IDEHJ Facility Name: Tgoy P ��s �C�G/G<<� �rGleGei o VI�G�Gf fG e County: CCLCC eh Type of Project: L ! 7,fyt eoi APPLICABLE PERMIT NO.s: WQ GW 00 l G DEH ./ V 2-"� A to C EPA (CONST. GRANTS) UIC The Groundwater Section has received ONLY ONE (1) copy of the referenced permit application. A copy of the application should have been sent to your Regional Water Quality Supervisor, so please use that copy for your review - IF A COPY HAS NOT BEEN RECEIVED IN THE REGIONAL OFFICE, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. The Groundwater Section has received ONLY ONE (11 copy of the referenced permit application. A copy of the application should have been sent to , DEH's Regional Soil Specialist, so please use that copy for your review - IF A COPY HAS NOT BEEN RECEIVED IN THE REGIONAL OFFICE, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. XThe Groundwater Section received two (2) copies of the referenced permit application. One copy of the application documents we .received is attached. Please review the application materials for completeness. If you feel additional information is necessary, please let me know no later than Xjcf ,ci 2 z. 2a0A A copy of any formal request for additional information will be forwarded to you. If you do not need any additional information to complete your review, please provide your final comments by ,42rgce.f 9' 2 OUD . If you request and/or receive additional information, y ur f nal comments are due no later than ld days after You receive the additional information. \P8Tl2AN.SHL (rev. 6/22/99) i State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Health James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Linda C. Sewall, Director NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES August 7, 2000 MEMORANDUM TO: Ted Bush, Assistant Section Chief Permits and Compliance Unit Groundwater Section Division of Water Quality CD FROM: Steven Berkowitz; Project Engineer c C On -Site Wastewater Engineering c� -: r_, On -Site Wastewater Section Division of Environmental Health Phone:715-3271 1,0 Fax:715-3227 v o SUBJECT: - Groundwater Section Review OSWS Project No: 98-21-R County: Bladen ;Facility Name: Town of East. Arcadia, Arcadia Village Type of Facility: 30-unit apartment complex (existing) Type of System: Repair Wastewater System, 3-1/2 mile force main, septic-4ank/drainfield With LPP distribution in conventional trenches Design Flow: 9360 gallons per day Regional Soil Specialist: Dr. David McCloy Located at: 130 Williams Road Southern Pines, NC 28387 Phone: 910-6924 118 E-Mail: David.McCloy@ncmail.net Attached you will find plans, specifications, and supporting information for the above project, for the Groundwater Section0s review, in accordance with our Memorandum of Agreement. If we can provide any additional information, please don't hesitate to contact us. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. PROJECT/SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS/COMMENTS: Repair project previously reviewed by David Goodrich, memo date November 9, 1998, GW Project GW98126, OSWS Project 98-21. New site had to be found because Town could not get legal access to previously -proposed site in adjoining Columbus County. The newly proposed site is being condemned for this project, and has improved soil characteristics,' compared to the previous site. Please review/comment ASAP, as there is pending legal action against the Town, and fairly tight timelines that must be met., Cc: Project File ON -SITE WASTEWATER SECTION 1642 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1642 Telephone.919-733-2895 . FAX 919-715-3227 M ' DAVID Ass0CUT-ESJNC._ INC. Engineers • Planners 'Land Surveyors . CORPORATE OFFICE GOLDSBORO OFFICE (252) 753-2139 • Fax (252) 753-7220 (919) 736-7630 • Fax (919) 73577351 120 N. Main Street • P.O. Drawer 49 109 E. Walnut Street • P.O. Box 1776 Farraville, NC 27828 Goldsboro, NC 27533 June 16, 2000 L, RECEIVED. Mr. Steven Berkowitz R On -Site Wastewater Section ^w ` Division of Environmental Health JUN 20 1642 Mail Service Center, DEHNR;DEH Raleigh, -.NC 27699-1642 8 WT4ftyaiar Section SUBJECT: Soil Evaluation Report - Carter Site* Arcadia Village Town of East Arcadia Blades County, NC .Dear Mr. Berkowitz: Attached please find.one.copy of subject Soil Evaluation Report for. the, Carter property. Plans are being prepared for proposed op -site wastewater disposal improvements and•will be forwarded to you upon completion. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, McDAVID ASSOCIATES, INC. F. Tyn ll Lewis, PE -Goldsboro Office . FTL: Attachments -cc:- Town of East Arcadia Reuben Moore - Chris Harrelson (w/attach) \\G-PC1\D805\FTL\2000\EAVSERCS.PMT 1 EAST ARCADIA-VILLAGE-SOIL EVALTMT 000616 � 1 ti SOIL AND SITE`EVALUATION MOUNDING ANALYSIS REPORT _ _East Arcadia Apartments Complex -Repair = Highway 87(Carter) Site- East Arcadia, North Carolina Bladen County PREPARED FOR: TOWN OF EAST ARCADIA, NORTH CAROLINA - PREPARED BY: DWAYNE A. GRAHAM, R.S., L.S.S. N. C. LICENSED SOIL SCIENTIST # 1022 GRAHAM ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING, INC. June 11, 2000 "p SOIL SC�F Q :: •� N Graham Environmental Consulting, Inc. June.11, 2000 P.O. Box 799N Clinton, North Carolina 28329 Phone/Fax: 910-529-6868 INTRODUCTION F - Graham Environmental Consulting, Inc:(GECI) has performed a detailed site/soils evaluation and mounding analysis on the proposed repair system site for the Apartment Complex -Town of East Arcadia, NC-Bladen County. The purpose of this evaluation and analysis was to evaluate the site's potential for use as a repair area to serve the existing complex Design Flow for the facility is 9600 gpd. The wastewater is expected to be of typical domestic.nature. Site and soil parameters evaluated included soil texture, structure, horizonation, soil wetness, consistency, soil depth, and depth to impermeable layer. Soil testing included hydraulic conductivity's of both the unsaturated and saturated zone. Finding's of the soils evaluation and testing were used to determine both a.recommended long- term -acceptance rate and mounding potential. The most current laws and rules governing subsurface wastewater systems in North Carolina and the Procedures and Information Required for Approval of Large Subsurface Wastewater Systems document was used as guides during the evaluation and report preparation. The system design and engineering are being provided by Mr. Tyndall Lewis, P.E. of McDavid Associates, Inc. SITE AND SOILS EVALUATION The proposed site is located off N. C. Highway 87 North in Southeastern Bladen County. The specific location should be shown on plans submitted by Mc David Associates, Inc. The site is located on a linear -slope upland with surface slopes ranging from 0-2 percent The dominant soils revealed are well drained having a typical profile with a G- 60 inch thick loamy sand A, E and C horizon, with inclusions of a coarse sandy loam, typically less than 6 inches thick, at 40 to 46 ,inches -where encountered. The deep C horizon was a coarse to medium sand to depths of 18 feet. Deep borings were ceased at 18 feet and no confining layer was encountered. SOIL / SITE EVALUATIONS • WETLAND DELINEATION S MITIGATION • SOIL HYDRAULIC TESTING S DRAINAGE ANIMAL / DOMESTIC WASTEWATER SYSTEMS EVALUATIONS' SUBDIVISION EVALUATION & PLANNING GROUNDWATER MOUNDING ANALYSIS' GPS MAPPING' SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN S PERMIT ACQUISITION Graham Environmental Consulting, Inc. . East Arcadia Apartment Complex Repair -Mounding Analysis Report -Carter Site Town of East Arcadia, North Carolina Page Three of Six June 11, 2000 The location of each test is referenced by CCHP # below. The location of each test is show_ n on the Site Map -Soil Boring and Testing Locations Map, Figure 1, Page 1, -Appendix Data sheets for each testis- in on pages 5-7 of the appendix The following are the results of those measurements. _ COMPACT-CONSTANT-HEAD-PERMEAMETER _ GLOVER SOLUTION Test# Depth(cm) Rate(cm/hr) CCHP 1-6 90-120 *(C) CCHP 7 122 3.16(Bt) CCHP 8 137 5.06(Bt) * Could Not Maintain Constant Head Conductivity measurements were taken in the lower A/E, Bt, and deeper C horizons above static water. The individual readings reveal conductivity's which would be considered within the expected range for the sandy materials encountered across the site. Water levels during our study were typically from 7 to 8 feet below ground surface. The range of long -term -acceptance rates were previously mentioned. Using the lowest rate of the Bt inclusion(sandy loam Bt), 3.06 cm/hr, we calculate an equivalent rate of 37.30 gpd/sf . This rate is equivalent to 2.70% of Ksat. Therefore, the proposed 1.0 gpd/sf loading would not hydraulically overload this sites upper soils material. -HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY OF THE SATURATED ZONE - The thickness and conductivity of the saturated zone must be known to calculate its transmissivity. The transmissivity is the product of it's thickness and the conductivity in units of length squared per unit time such as square feet per day. Measurements of saturated hydraulic conductivity of saturated material can be accomplished by several methods._ The method chosen for this site was the Slug Test Method. This method was conducted in. accordance with procedures in Applied Hydrology, 3rd Edition, Chapter 7, 7.5.1-7.5.3. Graham Environmental Consulting, Inc: East Arcadia -Apartment Complex Repair- Mounding -Analysis Report -Carter Site Town of EastAicadia;-North Carolina Page Four of Six June 11;*2000`- - Measurement of the saturated zones conductivity was performed at 3 locations. The test were performed at DB 1-3. _Pages 8-14 contain the graph's_and data for each - - tests. .Each- graph is followed-by.the corresponding -data set s.= The order of the graphs- - would slug tests 1-3. In review of the data, it is apparent that even withsome variability of the'data that the majority of the numbers indicated rapid permeability within this _ layer. Based -on the results we calculated an average of the values at 29.60 ft/day K- sat: - These"values-also compare to the 6 cchp's which would -exceed 1045 inches per hour with a no head condition from cchp testing. Having collected K-sat data from all layers and having field topo data, we had sufficient data to perform our modeling approach. We used the Colorado State Model to predict the rise above the estimated soil wetness condition over the site. The following sections of this report describes our approach, inputs and program outputs. MOUNDING ANALYSIS Colorado State Model Simulation 1- Wastewater Applicati6n(9360 GPD) The computer model Colorado State Recharge was used to simulate the mounding expected. Soil boring data presented earlier in this report revealed an average depth to soil wetness of greater than 60 inches or using 60 inches, we would have` a saturated zone of 5 to 18 feet minimum or 13 feet. Therefore, the. transmissivity would equal 29.60 ft/day times 13 feet or 390.00 sf/d. Using -a flow of 9600 gpd at an Itar of 1.0 gpd/sf with conventional lines, we set our basin width at 158 feet and our length at 200 feet. This simulation was based on 16-200 foot lines or 9600_sf of trench bottom area or 1.0 gpd/sf-at 9600 gpd.. Page 15, of the appendix, presents the input data for the addition of 9600 gpd over this basin area. Page 16 indicates the output or mound height predicted with Page 17 presenting a,graphical representation of the mound: The predicted rise of water would equal 1.626 feet at the center of the field at 360 days. ,Therefore, based on this output, it appears that the mound development under this field would allow for installation of conventional fields at shallow depths. MOUNDING=ANAL EPAIR SYSTEM --- o , too ,�4 �0 Woodsland , SRO SOIL SC� _•_. � `_.;_`i_ �0�::: __ �_ -. - _ - - - - - - - : - . - -. -JIAE A. G'Q9 F��i1'�► .00 feet r±: :1200 1022 - y. NORTH = mental Consulting,. Inc. 'arolina 28329 _- -6868 --Graham Environmental Consulting, Inc. — Soil Borings'Descriptions East Arcadia Repair System--Carter--.Hwy 87 Site :.. t Page'2, Appendix Soil Morphology Profile# Landscape orizon Bottom De th in Texture Structure Mineralogy Consistence Soil Matrix Color Soil Mottle Color Pos: Sloe % SB 1 0-2 at D61 --A 12 LS WGR VFR 10yr4/2 C1 44 -- LS/S SG VFR 10yr7/8 C2 60 S SG VFR 10YR7/6 shwt>60" SB 2 0-2 at DB2 A 6 LS GR-SG VFR 10YR4/2 E 40 S SG VFR 2.5y6/4 Bt 46 CSL WSBK VFR 10YR6/8 C 60 IS SG VFR 10YR6/5 shwt>60" SB 3 0-2 at DB3 A 6 LS GR-SG VFR 10YR4/2 E 48 S SG VFR 2.5y6/4 Bt 54 CSL WSBK VFR 10YR6/8 4/1 soft mass C 65 S SG VFR 10YR6/5 shwt>60" . SB 4 0-2 A 4 S GR-SG VFR 10YR4/3 C 48 ILS GR VFR 2.5y6/4 C 54 LS/S IGR VFR 10yr6/8 C 60 LS GR VFR 10yr7/1 Fe streaks shwt>+/- 54" SB 5 0-2 A 4 LS GR VFR 10yr4/2 C 48 LS/S GR VFR 10YR5/6 - Graham Environmental Consulting, Inc. Soil Borings Descriptions . East Arcadia Repair System -Carter -Hwy 87 Site _=Page 3`Appendiz Soil Morphology Profile# Landscape onzon Bottom Pgpffi-(inj Texture Structure Mineralogy Consistence Soil Matrix Color- Soil Mottle Color Pos. Sloe % C 54 LS - GR VFR 10yr8/3 -C 60. LS/S GR VFR 10yr8/1,8/210yr4/3 Ishwt>+/- 54" - -- SB 6 0-2 I A 4 LS GR-SG VFR 10YR4/2 I E 44 S SG VFR 2.5y6/4 Bt 50 CSL WSBK VFR 10YR6/8 C 60 S SG jVFR 10YR6/4 shwt>60" I SB 7 I A 4 S GR-SG VFR 10yr4/2 E 44 LS GR VFR 10yr6/4 Bt 48 CSL GR VFR 10yr6/8 C 55 LS GR VFR 7.5YR6/5 C 60 LS GR VFR 10yr6/4 shwt>60" SIB s-10 0-2 - A 4 - - S GR-SG - VFR 10yr4/3 C 42 S SG VFR 10yr5/6 .0 60 S SG VFR 2.5Y6/4 shwt>60" SB 11 0-2 A 6 LS GR VFR 10yr4/4 E 48 LFS/S GR VFR 10YR5/4 Bt 60 SUSCL GR VFR 10YR5/4 10yr5/2 shwt,48" - Graham Environmental Consulting, Inc. - _ Soil Borings Descriptions East Arcadia Repair System -Carter -Hwy 87 Site Page 4; Appendix :. Soil Morphology Profile# Landscape orizon Bottom Depth in Texture Structure Mineralogy Consistence Soil Matrix Color Soil Mottle Color Pos. Sloe .- % - _ SB 12 ' 0-2 A 6 LS GR VFR 10YR3/3 E 44 S/LCS GR VFR 10yr5/6 Bt 48 S GR-SG VFR 10yr6/8 C 54 LFSNCSL GR VFR 10yr5/6 C 60 LCS GR VFR 10yr6/4 Fe streaks shwt +/- 54" DB 1 0-2 C1 6-8" M-CS SG VFR 2.5y8/4 C2 8-10, M-CS SG-M VFR 10yr7/6 C3 10-12' M-CS SG-M FI/FR 10yr7/6 10yr7/2 C3 12-18' M-CS SG-M FI/FR 2.5yr7/2 2.5yr5/8 STATIC AT 8.18' DB 2 0-2 C1 - 6-8' LFS-S. - SG VFR 2.5y7/4 62 10-14' M-CS SG-M VFR 2.5y7/4 C3 14-18' M-CS SG-M FI/FR 2.5y7/2,7/3 STATIC AT 6.98' DB 3 C1 .3.5-5.5' M-CS SG VFR 2.5y6/5 C2 6-10' M-CS,wsl SG-M VFR 10yr5/2 10yr5/6 C3 10-18' M-CS SG-M FI/FR 10yr7/6 10yr6/1 STATIC AT 7.50' GRAHAM ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING, INC. SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY COMPACT CONSTANT HEAD PERMEAMETER DATA SHEET East Arcadia Repair-CarterMwy 87 Site Page 5 - Appendix Measurement No. CCHP1-6 Conducted By Dwayne Graham Location East Arcadia Repair Carter/Hwy 87-Site Date 617/00 Weather Condition clear Temperature 90 - ---- Horizon -- - - - C Source of Water --Tap - — - Hole Depth 101 cm Measured (Actual) water level in hole Distance between reference Inital na cm level and soil surface + 11 cm Final na cm Distance from the hole bottom Clock Time to the reference level (D) = 112 cm Start saturation Desired water depth in hole (H) - 15 cm Steady-state reading Constant -head tube setting (d) = 97 cm • Reservoirs Used for Measurement of the Steady -State Flow Rate Flow Measuring Reservoir Only Conversion Factor (C.F.)=20 cm112 Both Flow Measuring and Main Reservoirs X Conversion Factor (C.F.)=105 cm"2 (To obtain flow volume multiply change in water level by the appropriate C.F. from above) Change in Change in Flow ClockTime Reservoir time Water Volume Q Q Ksat Wmin) Reading (cm) ( min) Level (cm) (cm^3) (cm"3/min) (cm^3/h) (cm/h) Average of last three measurements : Ksat= cm/h (other units) COMMENTS: K=QA(Table) Could not maintain constant head - GRAHAM ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING, INC. " . SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY COMPACT CONSTANT HEAD PERMEAMETER DATA SHEET East Anima Repair Repo t-CarterMwy 87 Site Page 6 - Appendix Measurement No. CCHP7-SB 6 Conducted By Dwayne Graham Location East Arcajdia Repair, Carter/Hwy 87Site Date 6f7100 Weather Condition clear Temperature 90 Horizon Bt Source of Water Tap-- -` Hole Depth 113 cm Measured (Actual) water level in hole Distance between reference Inital 15 cm level and soil surface + 11 cm Final 17 cm Distance from the hole bottom Clock Time to the reference level (D) = 124 cm Start saturation Desired water depth in hole (H) - 20 cm Steady-state reading Constant -head tube setting (d) = 104 cm Reservoirs Used for Measurement of the Steady -State Flow Rate Flow Measuring Reservoir Only Conversion Factor (C.F.)=20 cmA2 Both Flow Measuring and Main Reservoirs X Conversion Factor (C.F.)=105 cmA2 (To obtain flow volume multiply change in water level by the appropriate C.F. from above) Change in Change in Flow ClockTime Reservoir time Water Volume Q Q Ksat th•minl Raadinn leml / min 1 Level (cm) (cmA31 (cmA3/minl (cmA3/h) (cm/h) Average of last three measurements : Ksat= 3.16 cm/h (other units) COMMENTS: K=QA(Table), =3600(0.000879) 3.16 0 GRAHAM -ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING, INC. SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY: COMPACT CONSTANT H-P*ERMEAMETER DATA SHEET East Arcadia Repair Report-Carter/H" 87 Site Page 7 - Appendix Measurement No. CCHP8-DB 3 Conducted By Dwayne Graham Location East Arcadia Repair, Carter/Hwy 87-Site Date 6/7/00 Weather Condition clear Temperature 90 Horizon -` Bt - Source of Water Tap Hole Depth 137 cm Measured (Actual) water level in hole Distance between reference Inital 15 cm level and soil surface + 11 cm Final 15 cm Distance from the hole bottom Clock Time to the reference level (D) = 148 cm Start saturation Desired water depth in hole (H) - 20 cm. Steady-state reading Constant -head tube setting (d) = 128 cm • Reservoirs Used for Measurement of the Steady -State Flow Rate Flow Measuring Reservoir Only X Conversion Factor (C.F.)=20 cm^2 Both Flow Measuring and Main Reservoirs Conversion Factor- (C.F.)=105 cm^2 (To obtain flow volume multiply change in water level by the appropriate C.F. from above) Change in Change in Flow ClockTime Reservoir time Water Volume Q Q Ksat Wmin) Readina (cm) ( min) Level (cm) (cm^31 (cm"3/min) (cm^3/hl (cm/h) Average of last three measurements : Ksat= 5.06 cm/h (other units) COMMENTS: K=QA(Table) 4800(0.001056) 5.06 Graham Environmental Consulting, Inc. EasYArcadia Repair System Report -Carter Site Page 8-Appendix Slug Test -at DB 1 6107100 -East Arcadia Repair System Carter Site 1. 0.1 Bouwer and Rice Graph DB 1 Bouwer and Rice parameter C = 3.245 In(Re/Rw) = 3.417393e+000 Analysis starts at time 0. seconds Analysis ends at time 0.5315 minutes 20 Measurements analyzed from 1 to 20 2 Points not plotted because head ratio — 0.0 These points are not included in the analysis l I Hydraulic Conductivity = 31. feetiday ' Transmissivity = 240.3 ft2/day 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Adjusted'r— (-c-ds) Client: Town of East Arcadia, North Carolina Ho is1.8Wfestat0.seconds Analysis by Dwayne A. Graham, RS, LSS of Graham Environmental Consulting, Inc. - -,- A".Graham Environmenta(ConsuitingjJnc -: - East Arcadia Repair, System Report=Carter Site Page. 9-Appendix - Slug Test aiLDB 1. _ Site Name: East Arcadia Repair System - - Location: Carter Site Test Date: 6107/00 Client Town of East Arcadia, North Carolina Import File: Aleastrdblxbct Well Label: DB 1 Aquifer Thickness: 7.75 feet Screen Length: 7. feet Casing Radius: 9.375e-002 feet • " Effective Radius: 9.375e-002 feet Static Water Level: 7.75 feet Water Table to Screen Bottom: 7.75 feet Anisotropy Ratio: " 1. Time Adjustment 0. Seconds Test starts with trial 0 There are 20 time and drawdown measurements Ma)amum head is 1.893 feet Minimum head is 0. feet ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Trial Time Adjusted Time Drawdown Head Head Ratio (minutes) (minutes) (feet) (feet) 1 0. 0. 5.857 1.893 1. 2 1.1 e-002 1.1 e-002 6.33 1.42 0.7501 3 3.3e-002 3.3e-002 6.95 0.8 0.4226 4 5.5e-002 5.5e-002 7.437 0.313 0.1653 5 7.7e-002 7.7e-002 7.581 0.169 8.928e-002 _ _ - 6 - - _ . _ 9.9e-002 _ 9.9e-002 _ - 7.62 = _ - 0.13 :, . - 6.867e-002 _ - 7 0.121 0.121 7.637 0.113 5.'969e-002 8 0.143 - 0.143 . 7.652 9.8e-002 5.177e-002 9 0.165 0.165 7.661 8.9e-002 4.702e-002 10 0.187 0.187 7.671 7.9e-002 4.173e-002 11 0.209 0.209 7.678 7.2e-002 3.803e-002 12 06231 0231 7;684 6.6e-002 '3.487e-002 13 " 02552 02552 7.691, 5.9e-0.02 3.117e-002 14 0.2823 0.2823 7.699 5.1 e-002 2.694e-002 15 0.3128 0.3128 7:708 4.2e-002 2.219e-002 " 16 0.3472 0.3472 7.714 : 3.6e-002 1.902e-002 17 0.3857 0.3857 7.727 2.3e-002 1.215e-002 18 0.4288 0.4288 7.736 1.4e-002 7.396e-003 19 0.4772 0:4772 7.745 5.e-003. 2.641e-003 20 0.5315 0.5315 7.75 -0. 0. Graham Environmental Consulting; Inc. East`Arcadia'Repair System Report -Carter Site Slug Test -at DB 2 06/07100 East Arcadia Repair System Carter Site Bouwer and Rice Graph =- - - DB2 I Bouwer and Rice parameter C = 4—n9 ln(Re/Rw) = 3.701650e+000 - Analysis starts at time 0. seconds Analysis ends at time 0.4288 minutes 34 Measurements analyzed from 1 to 34 1 Points not plotted because head ratio — 0.0 These points are not included in the analysis \o 1.e-002 Hydraulic Conductivity = 25.92 feet/day Transmissivity = 287.7 tt2/day 0 5 10 15 20 25 Adjusted Time (seconds) Client: Town of East Arcadia, North Carolina Hois6.9281eetat0..se=x% Analysis by Dwayne A. Graham, RS, LSS of Graham Environmental Consulting, Inc. Graham Environmental Consulting, Inc. - East Arcadia Repair System Report -Carter Site - Page 11 Appendix = Slug Test at DB 2 Site Name: East Arcada Repair System Location: Carter Site - Test Date: 06/07/00 Client: Town of East Arcada, North Carolina Import File: A:leastrdb2x.bd Well Label: DB 2 Aquifer Thickness: 11.1 feet Screen Length: 10. feet Casing Radius: 9.375e-002 feet Radius:: 9.375e-002 feet _Effective - - - Static Water Level' I IIA feet Water Table to Screen. Bottom: 11.1 feet Anisotropy Ratio: 1. Time Adjustment 0. Seconds - Test starts with trial 0 - - - - There are 34 time and drawdown measurements Mwdmum head is 6.328 feet Minimum head is 0. feet Trial Time Adjusted Time Drawdown Head Head Ratio (minutes) (minutes) (feet) (feet) 1 0. 0. 4.772 6.328 1. 2 1.1 e-002 1.1 e-002 5.708 5.392 0.8521 3 2.2e-002 2.2e-002 6.408 4.692 0.7415 4 3.3e-002 3.3e-002 6993 4.107 0.649 5 4.4e-002 4.4e-002 7.491 3.609 0.5703 6 5.5e-002 5.5e-002 7.921 3.179 0.5024 7 6.6e-002 6.6e-002 8.296 2.804 0.4431 8 7.7e-002 7.7e-002 8.61 2.49 0.3935 9 8.8e-002 8.8e-002 8.89 2.21 0.3492 10 9.9e-002 9.9e-002 9.127 1.973 0.3118 11 0.11 0.11 9.343 1.757 0.2TTT 12 0.121 0.121 9.521 1.579 0.2495 13 0.132 0.132 9.683 1.417 0.2239 14 0.143 0.143 9.832 1.268 0.2004 15 0.154 0.154 9.954 1.146 0.1811 16 0.165 0.165 10.07 1:031 0.1629 17 0.176 0.176 10.17 0.926 0.1463 18 0.187 '0. 187 10.26 0.838 0.1324 19 0.198 0.198 10.35 0.753 0.119 20 _: - 0.209 _ 0.209 _: 10.42 -- .0.678 - 0.1071 21 0.22 0.22 10.49 0.613 9.687e-002 22 0.231 0.231 10.55 0.549 8.676e-002 23 0.2427 0.2427 10.61 0.486 7.68e-002 24 0.2552 0.2552 10.66 0.435 6.874e-002 25 0.2683 0.2683 .10.72 0.381 6.0216-002 26 0.2823 0.2823 10.76 0.338 5.341 e-002 27 0.2972 0.2972 10.81 0.286. 4.52e-002 28 6.3128 .0.3128 10.87 0.232 3.666e-002 29 0.3295 0.3295 10.91 0.189 2.987e-002 30 0.3472 0.3472 10.95 0.148 2.339e-002 31 0.3658 0.3658 11. 0.103 1.628e-002 32 0.3857 0.3857 11.03 6.8e-002 1.075e-002 33 0.4067 0.4067 11.06 3.6e-002 5.689e-003 34 ................. .. 0.4288 ................................................. 0.4288 :....... .................................................................................. 11.1 0. ............................................. 0. Slug Test.at DB 3 06/07100 Bouwer and Rice Graph East Arcadia Repair System -Carter Site_ . _ _ _ "_ . _ DB 3 ® Bouwer and Rice parameter C = 2.674 ln(Re/Rw) = 3.351323e+000 Analysis starts at time 0. seconds Analysis ends at time 0.6608 minutes 42 Measurements analyzed from 1 to 42 1 Points not plotted because head ratio — 0.0 These points are not included in the analysis 0.1 ! ix 49 v 1.e-002 Hydraulic Conductivity = 35.49 feet/day Transmissiv'ity = 279.5 ft2fday 1 0 5 10 15 20. 25 30 35 Adjusted Time (sscorws) Client: Town of East Arcadia, North Carolina Ho Is3.953Wat0.se"ds Analysis by Dwayne A. Graham, RS, LSS of Graham Environmental Consulting, Inc. 0 Graham- Environmental Consulting; Inc: East Arcadia Repair System Report -Carter Site Page 13-Appendix Slug Test at DB 3 _ Site Name: East Arcadia Repair System Location: - `- -- -- - - Carter Site - Test Date: 06/07/00 Client Town of East Arcadia, North Carolina Import File: C:Wy DocumehtAeastrdb1bd Well Labet DB 3 Aquifer Thickness: 7.876 feet Screen Length: 5. feet Casing Radius: 9.375e-002 feet • Effective Radius: 9.375e-002 feet Static Water Level: 7.876 feet Water Table to Screen Bottom: 7.876 feet , Anisotropy Ratio: 1. Time Adjustment 0. Seconds Test starts with trial 0 There are 42 time and drawdown measurements Ma)amum head is 3.953 feet Minimum head is 0. feet ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Trial Time Adjusted Time Drawdown Head Head Ratio (minutes) (minutes) (feet) (feet) 1 0. 0. 3.923 3.953 1. 2 1.1 e-002 1.1 e-002 4.445 3.431 0.8679 3, 2.2e-002 22e-002 4.587 3289 0.832 4 3.3e-002 3.3e-002 4.,805 3.071 0.7769 5 4.4e_-002 4.4e-002 5.134 2.742 0.6937-_ - - 6 - 5.5e-002 5.5e-002 _ 5.351 .-- .. 2.525 _ _ 0.6388 7 6.6e-002 6.6e-002 5.569 2.307 0.5836 8 7.7e-002 7.7e-002 5.674 2.202 0.557 9 - 8.8e-002 - 8.8e-002 5.868 2.008 0.508 10 9.9e-002 9.9e-002 6.031 1.845 0.4667 11 0.11 0.11 6.195 1.681 0.4252 12 0.121 0.121 6.348 1.528 0.3865 13 0.132 0.132 6.498 1.378 14 0.143 0.143 6.632 1.244 0.3147 15 0.154 0.154 6.795 1.081 0.2735 16 0.165 0.165 6.922 0.954 0.2413 17 0.176 0.176 6.995 0.881 0.2229 18 0.187 0.187 7.069 0.807 0.2041 " 19 0.198 0.198 7.129' 0.747 0.189 20 - 0.209 0209 7.185 0.691 0.1748 21 0.22 0.22 7.241 0.635 '0.1606 Graham Environmental Consulting, Inc. East Arcadia Repair System Report -Carter Site Page 14-Appendix 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 0.231 0.231 7293 0.583 0.1475 62427 0.2427 7.336 0.54 0.1366 0.2552 0.2552 7.379 - 0.497 - 0.1257 0.2683 0.2683 7.424 0.452 0.1143 0.2823 0.2823 7.463 0.413 0.1045 0.2972 0.2972 7.504 0.372 9.411 e-002 0.3128 •0.3128 7.544 0.332 8.399e-002 0.3295 0.3295 7.581 0.295 7.463e-002 0.3472 0.3472 7.618 0.258 6.527e-002 0.3658 0.3658 7.65 0.226 5.717e-002 0.3857 0.3857 7.68 0.196 4.958e-002 0.4067 0.4067 7.708 0.168 4.25"02 0.4288 0.4288 7.738 0.138 3.491 e-002 0.4523 0.4523 7.762 0.114 2.884e-002 0.4772 0.4772 7.786 9.e-002 2.277e-002 0.5035 0.5035 7.796 8.e-002 2.024e-002 0.5315 0.5315 7.826 5.e-002 1.265e-002 0.5612 0.5612 7.844 3.2e-002 8.095e-003 0.5925 0.5925 7.857 1.9e-002 4.806e-003 0.6257 0.6257 7.867 9.e-003 2.277e-003 0.6608 0.6608 7.876 0. 0. QPprm2-11aaaVo—ll.nd2.pla 00-12-2000 COLORADO STATE MODEL SIMULATION 1-INPUT DATAw MOUNDING ANALYSIS STUDY REPORT -CARTER SITE -EAST ARCADIA REPAIR SYSTEM East Arcata, North Carolina-Bladen County Page 95-Appendnc HECHAHHE HATE--= .04 FTIDAY THANSMISN IU ITY _ 390 SQ . FTIDAY SPECIFIC 'MELD = .15 BEGINNING TIME _ 30 DAYS FINAL TIME _ 360, a0Y0 . TIME INCREMENT = 30 DAYS TIME OF COT OFF = 360 DAY0 BEGINNING DISTANCE' = O FT FINAL DISTANCE _ 409 FT DISTANCE INCREMENT = 100 FT DEPTH = 5 FT ti)10TH = 150 FT LENGTH = 200 FT ANGLE = 0 DEGREES -:WPWc2-11M40-l%cMMd3.p4R 0e-12-20M COLORADO STATE MODEL SIMULATION 1-OUTPUT DATA MOUNDING ANALYSIS STUDY REPORT -CARTER SITE -EAST ARCADIA REPAIR SYSTEM East Arcadia, North Carolina-Bladen-County - Paye 16-Appendoi Time if Simulation 360 360 9360 360 9360 Distance From Basin Center 209 300 400 Mound Height ..626 ' 1. 392 ,1.032 0.823. 0.678 7PWc2-1tMstra-l%crvmdl.pls 06-12-2000 COLORADO STATE MODEL SIMULATION 9-MOUND GRAPHIC MOUNDING ANALYSIS STUDY REPORT -CARTER SITE -EAST ARCADIA REPAIR SYSTEM East Arcadia, North Carolina-Bladen County - Pafle 17-Appendoc x r 0 0 c 0 llq I Center of Basin 7av�2"11asVo-t bia„nda.p+. 06.12-2000 COLORADO STATE MODEL SIMULATION 24NPUT DATA MOUNDING ANALYSIS STUDY REPORT -CARTER SITE -EAST ARCADIA REPAIR SYSTEM East Arcadia, North, Carolina-Bladen County Page 18-Append'a ...................................... RECHARGE RATE _ ... ...,...... ...... .. I ...... _ '@:Z5 F T/DA Y TRANSM I SS IV I T Y _ 390 SQ . F T/DA Y SPECIFIC YIELD _ .15 BEGINNING TIME _ 30 DAYS FINAL TIME _ 3E0 YS DAYS TIME INCREMENT = 30 DAYS TIME OF CUT OFF = 3E0 DAYS BEGINNING DISTANCE _ @ FT' FINAL DISTANCE _ 400 FT DISTANCE INCREMENT = 100 FT DEPTH = 5 FT WIDTH = 15E FT LENGTH TH = 200 FT ANGLE _ 0 DEGREES i�pro2-tuasVo-t�crhix+tl3.p�a 06.12-2000 COLORADO STATE MODEL SIMULATION 2-OUTPUT DATA MOUNDING ANALYSIS STUDY REPORT -CARTER SITE -EAST ARCADIA REPAIR SYSTEM East Arcadia, North Carolina-Bladen County Page 19 Appendbc Time of Simulation Z360 Z360 Z360 Z360 Z360 Distance From Basin Center 0 100 200 300 400 Mound Height 1:01 0.87 0.64 0.51 0.42 ,PPrc2-11w4Wc-1%ottmnd0.pla 0E-12-2000 COLORADO STATE MODEL SIMULATION 2-MOUND GRAPHIC MOUNDING ANALYSIS STUDY REPORT -CARTER SITE -EAST ARCADIA REPAIR SYSTEM EastAroadia, North Carolina-Bladen County' Page 20-Appendbc Basin r t, O .5 L 3 o . DLEL-10 Center of Basin T IME DISTANCE HEIGHT (DAYS.) ��� ) (FT)4 F, Graham Environmental Consulting, Inc. East Arcadia Apartment Complex.Repair-Mounding Analysis Report -Carter Site Town of East Arcadia, North Carolina Page Two of Six June 11, 2000 The A and E horizons were very friable with weak granular to single grained structure. The B horizon, where encountered, was a sandy loam with weak subangular blocky structure. The lower C1 material was a medium to, coarse sand and was single grained and very friable to loose. The estimated soil wetness as per soil color was typically greater than 60 inches. The location of each boring is shown on our Site and Testing Locations Map, Figure 1, Page 1, Appendix Soil boring descriptions are included on pages 2-4 of the Appendix Not all soil boring's are included due the volume, however, we consider the descriptions provided to adequately describe the site conditions. Based on these finding's, .the site would be classified as suitable. The long- term -acceptance rate for sandy soils would range from 1.20 to 0.80 gpd/sf(conv.). Based on our finding's' an initial loading rate of 1.0 gpd/sf will be. used. CONFINING LAYER DEPTH AND SATURATED THICKNESS Deep borings were performed at DB# 1-3 for the purpose of identifying the deeper materials and depth to confining layer. In review of the soil descriptions for these borings, it can be seen that the saturated zone is composed of a medium to coarse sand. Again, borings were ceased at 18 feet at each boring and no confining layer was encountered. Therefore, we will use a bottom depth of 18 feet for mounding and or transmissivity calculations. The saturated thickness was determined to be from averaged seasonal high estimations to 18 feet or 13 feet thick. HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY OF THE UNSATURATED ZONE The compact constant head permeameter was -used to measure the hydraulic conductivity of the unsaturated zone. The Glover solution was used to calculate the specific rates from the data collected. The method used was similar to those described' in Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 1., Chapter 29-Hydraulic Conductivity of Saturated Soils: Field Methods, 29-3.2.Shallow Well Pump in Method, pp. 758-763 and in the Soil, Science Journal, Vol. 53, no. 5, Sept=Oct 1989, " A Constant-Head-Permeameter for Measuring Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of the Vadose Zone" and Comparison of the Glover Solution with the Simultaneous -Equations Approach for Measuring Hydraulic Conductivity'. ,�, - e� ! � / L !� it •`� V / `� � J f .• _ as _�-�...._.,`-�.:� � �_ 4�_ •Fm � \` _ I I 1 �/ \. A'. ,d{l(/j i ' � (/" � i fir :} I1I F I i�� •RsV. c, f �j `� 1 (i1( `-----�-�-"> >�; %;�' � A � .� � x � ✓ �—. .---�{ ,A � �!'• L'-�/der I F J i1 J � I..\ ... f t^y � . ' ,/�j(�•p .l' (} 1 . (C ❑ �`� t' \�Gt,v � 77N� } ICI � I l � �. '� �_I n Ar l L G,w fq,- gt ✓'1 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GROUNDWATER SECTION November 9, 1998 MEMORANDUM To: Steven Berkowitz On -Site Wastewater Section ncuBVED Division of Environmental Health �2 FiffETTEVILL E From: David Goodrich ems% REG. OFFICE Subject: Arcadia-_VillageP Repair of 9,360 GPD Wastewater Treatment System Bladen County DEH 98-21/GW98126 (Steven Berkowitz: DEH SERG Review Engineer) The Groundwater Section is in receipt of the subject application to permit the repair of a domestic wastewater treatment system in Bladen County (see Figures 1 and 2) . The existing system serves to treat the wastewater generated by the Arcadia Village Apartments in the town of East Arcadia, North Carolina. The construction of the apartments and existing conventional treatment system were completed in 1983 and problems have been experienced with the treatment system due to seasonal high water table conditions. The proposed repairs will consist. of installing an LPP drain system which will consist of extensive sand -lined trenches in an area where a soils investigation revealed typical water table levels on the order of 70 to 90 inches below ground surface. The soil coloration in this area suggested a seasonal high water table which is approximately 34 inches below ground surface. The distribution lines will be run in the center of trenches three feet wide and will be on nine -foot centers. The design flowrate of the system will be 9,360 gallons per day, although the water bills have reportedly indicated an average usage of approximately 4,650 gallons per day. The receiving area of the sand -lined trenches will be approximately 9,300 square feet and result in a trench application rate of approximately one gallon per day per square foot, or 1.6 inches per day. Because the trenches are six feet apart, the application rate to the subsoil will be approximately one-third of this figure, or 0.53 inches per day. The Applicant's consultant utilized two groundwater simulation programs, DRAINMOD and the Colorado State University Mounding Model, to simulate the impact of the GROUNDWATER SECTION P.O BOX 29578, RALEIGH, NC 27626-OS78 - 2728 CAPITAL BLVD., RALEIGH, NC, 27604 PHONE 919-733-3221 FAX 919-715-0588 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED/1 Oq POST -CONSUMER PAPER 0 drainfield on the underlying water table. Both models were run using a maximum amount of surface application area which minimized the concentration of hydraulic loading. The model outputs indicated that the drainfield could accommodate an application rate of 10,000 gallons per day. The response of the water _table to drainfield operation was also simulated by the Groundwater Section using the Colorado State University Mounding Model (CSUPAWE), and the results were very close to those given by the consultant's model. In view of these results and the fact that the models used a flowrate which was above the design rate of the system and more than twice the average reported flowrate of actual water usage by the apartment complex, the Groundwater Section believes that the system should function as intended. The new system will reportedly include a sand filter which will improve the quality of the water which is discharged - -- - - - _to the drainfield _distribution system.- It is the understanding of the Groundwater Section that the applicant intends to excavate much of the shallow (less permeable) sandy clay soils and backfill the trench areas with sand to enhance hydraulic permeability. It is also the understanding of the Groundwater Section that a groundwater drain will be installed on the south side of the application area. The Groundwater Section is concerned about the quality of the ground water being intercepted by the groundwater drain and ultimately discharged into the trihutary known as Turkeypen Branch. The Groundwater Section recommends that water samples be collected from the groundwater drain discharge on an annual basis and analyzed for Ammonia Nitrogen, Nitrate Nitrogen, TDS, Cl, pH, and Fecal Coliform. The Groundwater Section understands that the Division of Environmental Health would like to have a non potable water supply well installed- at the site for utility and maintenance purposes. The construction of a water supply well inside of a Compliance Boundary would constitute a violation of 15A NCAC 2L .0107 (d). The best solution to this situation may be to allow a variance for the well's construction under the condition that the well not be used for drinking purposes, he permanently laheled as "non potable'; and be secured against unauthorized access. The Groundwater Section has reviewed the subject permit application and recommends issuance of the permit with the following conditions: *1. The groundwater drain discharge shall be sampled every March and analyzed for the following parameters: Ammonia Nitrogen TDS pH Nitrate Nitrogen Cl Fecal Coliform. 2. Any groundwater quality monitoring, as deemed necessary by the Division; shall be provided. *This language differs from that of • the shell document. 2 *3. The COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY for the disposal system is specified by regulations in 15A NCAC 2L, Groundwater Classifications and Standards. The Compliance Boundary is for the disposal system individually permitted after December 31, 1983 is established at either (1) 250 feet from the waste disposal area, or (2) 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closest to the waste disposal area. For a subsurface system such as this, the Compliance Boundary is established at the property boundary. An exceedance of Groundwater Quality Standards at or beyond the Compliance Boundary is subject to immediate remediation action in addition to the penalty provisions applicable under General -._Statute 143-215. 6A a) (I). - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2L, a REVIEW BOUNDARY is established around the disposal systems midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the waste disposal area. Any exceedance of standards at the Review Boundary shall require remediation action on the part of the permittee. If there are any questions please let me know. cc: Art Barnhardt Permit Files ARCADIAV-- *This language differs from that of the shell document. rl va \�. M-3o - • / 5 O Y t � /e . / 1 BM48 l� �Cem East P • ' utoArcadia -\\\. _ i r . :/t _ - • �00 \ \\ - fir. Mt Zion 81 p o nC GO Ce 1d a = \ 1809 - \ 180 - . 57 1740 SCALE IN FEET- 0 2,000 4,000 so— '': FIGURE 1 ARCADIA VILLAGE - 62 REPAIR OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM BLADEN COUNTY DEH SITE 98-21/GW98126 _ LOCATION MAP KA�(- .... �� LINE 0.00 'Ropos EA. 4- 45- BENDS. ;VC 422 70, J1.2 -CE Fu I EA a3- SEND. pcl SCALE 0 so looft 7..372 0 -T 6' PERFORATED CP- UNCERGRAW W' SOCK NSTALLED,N NATURAL SANG SUBSTRATA 39 /i 'uoE SAND FILTER jj PROPOSED 7 'PVC SDR 21. 200 PSI FORCE MAIN-/v`^rWyVy 29.9 T 69 70 EIP -36.6 31.0 34.7. 35.0 CEMETERY AVT 4e ti "EAR,6RUS 8 REMOVE EES 0 LF EACH SIDE 36,4 It OF DITCH Q 36.9 68 ^ rip Elp/ 37.0.. ]6.9 36 J3.S It mV.i 0 JI —36, (F) ' PIT 13 is PIT 12 IIPIT 4 10 q / / \ \ PTi � 4e / � / / / � Ss Is 40 (g)PIT 10 38 OPIT:4 I C FIELD 3 I PIT 51 CART ol AXLE PIT I If PIT 11 1) PIT 2 Z ;,j 4c 40- III PIT113 / // / / L / _ PIT 9 / //I I 1 1 / 4p 1 \f 350 It 37 WOOL "/j, PIT FIELD 1 39 PIT 7 FIELD 2/ D A", 20 as 4111 If PIT 17 PIT Is 4 3,5 --POSED 1 2 EA. .- 43- BENDS. "C OLD 309POW P'7 PATH TS. -3 "S &V,-410XYE— CL 30.3 TOE 298"CE • 38.6 Top .23.8 TOE 30'ELECTRIC CASEMENT .-IOOD 5 FIGURE 2 ARCADIA VILLAGE REPAIR OF WASTEWATER -TREATMENT SYSTEM BLADEN COUNTY DEH-98-21LGW98126.. SITE DETAIL MAP �q L� DMSION OIL EN VIlROYMENTAL MANAGEMENT Groundwater Section MEMORANDUM Date: Review Engineer Peflnits"&-Englneel i1 U— nit - From: r�.)�rf ; r cf?®C��✓'!' , c �1 Groundwater Section Subject: ?� , ' z�� i1 %` GZ t1 < Request for Additional Information WQ'000 DI.) i �> / GW County The Groundwater Section has conducted a preliminary review of the subject application and request that the following items, as indicated in the list of additional information items dated July 15, 1990 to be included in the request for additional information to the applicant: Item 1 Item 7 Item 13 Item 18 Item 2 Item 8 Item 14 Item 19 Item 3 Item 9 Item 15 Item 20 Item 4 Item 10 Item 16 Item 21 Item 5 Item 11 Item 17 Item 23 Item 6 Item 12 Other Items (See attachment) For Item 22 fill in blanks: , For Items 15 and 21 lisrt- parameters: j N' C L' " UyJi.'✓t �� �tr, �j��' ji %Sf,> �.'��yl G�r 'L',� ,, r j �lj �� ✓l6.,� ,'✓ �] �%Llit ,."r/����r�G7�l�. < t2r�;r„1 If you have any questions, please advise. NOTE: See Reverse For Additional Information Items. cc: 7,P% r r . irj Regional Groundwater Supervisor White Copy - Water Quality Section Yellow Copy - Groundwater section Pink Copy - Regional Office ust. of Additional Information Items Groundwater Section July is, 1990 Item 1. A general location map, showing orientation of the facility with reference to at least two (2) geographic references (numbered roads, named sumtrs/rives,etc.). Item 2. A site -sped& map, with topographic contour; (contour Interval should not exceed 10 feet or 25 percent of total site relic( whichever is less), showing all facility - related structures within the property boundary and the location of all wells, springs, lakes, ponds, or other surface drainage features within 500 feet of the waste treatment/disposal dtc(s)• Wells should be Iabded as to their primary usage (drinking water; process water, monitoring, etc.) term 3. A soil evaluation of the application site by a coils scientist, to verify the accuracy of the SCS soils map regarding the presence or absence of a seasonally high water table or bedrock within three vertical feet of the deepest point of sludge application, and to dete nine the cation exchange capacity of the soils. Item 4. A soil evaluation of the disposal site by a soils scientist down to a depth of seven feet or the 'C' horizon, whichever is lei, to develop a soil map through field evaluation of soil texture, color, the depth, thickness and type of restrictive horfzon(s), the presence or absence of a seasonal high water table or bedrock within flume vertical fiat of the deepest point of sludge application, and cation exchange capacity. Item 5. A soil evaluation of the disposal site conducted by a soils scientist to adequately evaluate the soils to be utilized Orr treatment and disposal down to a depth of seven feet to include field descriptions of texture, color, structue.sn-gmcnue, the depth, thickness and type of restrictive horizons, the presence or absence and depth of evidence of any seasonal high water table and recommendations concerning application rotes of the waste constituents The Investigation should also include field estlrates or measurements of saturated hydraulic conductivity in the most restrictive horizon, and cation exchange capacity. Excavation of test pits may be necessary for proper evaluation of the soils at the site.) Item B. Proposed location and construction details of a groundwater monitoring well network as specified in Rule .0205(d) of the Regulations (15 NCAC 211. 0200) Item 7. As per the conditions of your current permit; you were required to install groundwater ronitoring wells. These wells were to be sampled and analyzed according to a schedule and for those parameters as specified in the permit. A search of our records Indicates that. as of the date of the letter, no groundwater monitoring data have been received. Please submit all results of groundwater sampling and analysis which have been obtained to date If no sampling and/or analyses have been conducted, you are requested to sample the wells and report the results of the analyses as specified in the current permit Item & Information as to the presence or absence of any wells located within 500 feet of the waste trvatment/disposal facility. Any such wells should be accurately located on the site map, and labeled as to their primary visage (be. drinking water, monitoring, etc.). Item 9. A hydrogeologtc description of the subsurface, to a depth of 20 feet or bedrock, whichever is less The number of borings shall be sufficient to define the following for the area underlying each major soil type at the disposal site: (0 significant changes in Ifthology underlying the site (il) the vertical permeability of the unsaturated zone and the hydraulic conductivity of the saturated arm; and pit) depth in the mean seasonal high water table (if deilable from soil morphology or from evaluation of other appliccable available data) Item 10. A hydrogeologic description of the subsurface, to a depth of 20 feet or bedmck, whichever is less. The number of borings shall be sufficient to define the following for the area underlying each major soil type at the disposal site: (i) significant changes In Ethology underlying the site (fi) the vertical permeability of the unsaturated zone and the hydraulic conductivity of the saturated zone (ili) depth to the mean seasonal high water table (if definable from soil morphology or from evaluation of other applicable available data); and (iv) a determination of trsnsmLsmivity and specific yield of the unconfined aquifer based on a withdrawal or recharge test Item 11. A hydrogeologic description of the subsurface, which should include information on the vertical and horizontal event, and the lithologic character of the unconfined aquifer. The hydraulic relationship between the unconfined aquifer and the first confined aquifer beneath the site should be determined, Including the thickness, lithologic character, and vertical permeability of the confining bed. The information must also include a determination of the tansmistvity and specific yield of the unconfined aquifer, determined by either a withdrawal or recharge test. Item 12. A hydrologic evaluation in the area of the proposed waste disposal facility waste disposal facility, which should include the depth to water, direction of movement and quality of groundwater in the shallow groundwater system, as well as an evaluation of the potential impacts the proposed system may have on groundwater levels, movement and quality. Item 13, In order to be in compliance with 15 NCAC 2H .0219 (Q. any lagoon or pond used for treatment, storage or disposal of waste shall have either a liner of natural material at least one foot in thickness and having a hydraulic conductivity of no greater than 1 x 10 -6 centimeters per second when compacted, or a synthetic liner of sufficient thickness to exhibit 1) structural Integrity, and 2) an effective hydraulic conductivity no greater than that of the natural material liner. Please provide a derail description of the materials used for liners. Item 14, 15 NCAC 2H .0219 (e) specifies that waste shall of be applied or discharged onto or below the land surface when the vertical separation between the waste and the seasonal high water table is less than ONE tU FWr if any of the area to be utilized has a separation of less than 1TUW [3) THRW, E. a demonstration must be made using predictive calculations or modeling methods, acceptable to the Director, that such placement will not result in contravention of classified groundwater standards. Please provide information describing the depth to rran seasonal hdgdnwater table and supportive Information for sites with depths less than Ti-IREE M IT T separation Item IS A recent. complete chemical analysts of the typical waste to be discharged, which should include the following parameters (lAst parameters) Itran 16. Is the waste which is to be discharged comprised solely of domestic waste, or arm there other sources which will contribute to the wastewater? If so, please provide information as to the type(s) of waste involved, as well as the anticipated quantity. dtemn 17. Boring logs and well construction details for all existing monitoring wells. Such information should include ground surface elevations at each well location and static water level measure- ments. Item 18. Please note that in order to be in compliance with 15 NCAC 211 .0219 (d), the bottom of earthen impoundments, trvrches or other similar excavations shall be at least four feet above the bedrock surface. If the bottom of the excavation is lees than four feet above the bedrock surface, a liner of natural or synthetic material ial having a hydraulic conductivity no greater than 1 x 10-7 centimeters per second will be required. Please provide Information confir-Ang compliance with this requirement Item 19. The information submitted indicates that hand auger borings were advanced at the site. Please indicate the locations of these borings on a site map. In addition, you are requested to submit complete lithologic descriptions of the boring3 along with any evidence which may indicate the presence or absence of a seasonal high water tabs Item 20. Dcrn the soils maps which wee submitted, it is difficult in some cases to positively identify what sell types) are found on various fields. You are requested to submit revised maps which clearly show the distribution of the various soil types on each proposed land application site. Item 2L A characterization of groundwater quality in the vicinity of the lagoons. This characterization should be accomplished by the Installation of monitoring wells for the purpose of describing the ]h.mology in the area, and for collecting groundwater quality samples from the water table aquifer. The locations for these wells are shown on the enclosed map. the well constnedfon details and sampling methods should be by approval of the Regional office, from which a well construction permit must be obtained Groundwater samples shall be obtained from each monitoring well and analyced br the following pamametes (List parameters) The measurement of water level should be taken prior to sampling for the other pamarreters. Dlthologc logs, well construction details and the analytical results of the sampling should be submitted to the Groundwater Section, Division of Environmental Management Ilan 2Z In order to be in compliance with IS NCAC 2H .0219 ( I ) (5) M (_), a buffer zone of at least — feet must be maintained between the perimeter of the disposal field and any property boundary. it Is rated five the submitted plans that portions of the proposed facility lie within_ feet of the property boundary. Please submit revised plans which demonstrate compliance with buffer zone requirements .01 1 ^' :� /�• i \_ I ..�1 \ � off♦ y� '� 1: C' n •I•'-_FI v �Ilj^i♦" �' j 1I ` ♦ c :1i�5''i I :j i' e % i ass 1 1 c V ! / \ • � • , �4/ 1, '� o � - � ; - -, -v (�\ ` ,,may ':; '. - i .. v Ir ♦ _ v �� , � '. � �{r- :; • Q/ PIT✓' East P\feasarrt Union Arcadia "� �� r �mCh '♦, \ 8� TT:�l 42" 58 `^ Qj +1\l - • '- _.�� Ivry � � '� - � �' • l ,^` �, ;•, �=: ` Imo_ .♦ ;\ � ,� r' •a N SCALE IN FEET 0 2,000 4,000 /0 r l J FIGURE 1 ARCADIA VILLAGE 2 REPAIR OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM BLADEN COUNTY. DEH 98-21/GW98126 _ l\ SITE LOCATION MAP p AUG 18 2000 REG. OFFIC-