HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0004685_Wasteload Allocation_19910417NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION PERMIT NO.: NC0004685 PERMITTEE NAME: PPG Industries, Inc. / Shelby Facility Facility Status: Existing Permit Status: Renewal Major y Minor Pipe No.: 001 Design Capacity: 1.3 MGD Domestic (% of Flow): Industrial (% of Flow): Comments: 5% 95 % RECEIVING STREAM: Brushy Creek Class: C Sub -Basin: 03-08-04 Reference USGS Quad: F 12 SE (please attach) County: Cleveland Regional Office: BsheviiWRegionalOffice Previous Exp. Date: 5/31/91 Treatment Plant Class: Class 4 Classification changes within three miles: Requested by: Rosanne Barona D. Prepared. /_., /. Date: Date:Reviewed byO�70L,�_� tOQ4Et. --cdp Modeler Date Rec. # SAA./J t tl 1 9t boob Drainage Area (mil) Avg. Streamflow (cfs): 9, 7Q10 (cfs) ¢, o Winter 7Q10 (cfs) 7. G 30Q2 (cfs) 9_� Toxicity Limits: IWC 33 % Acu nip Instream Monitoring: Upstream Y Location SX/TZ3 Downstream r Location sA /Io Effluent Characteristics Summer Winter BOD5 (m ) ,20 o4 Z/7 �6 NH3-N (mg/1) 6 -'4 6Sil D.O. (mg/1) S TSS (mg/1) (B!1 AW41 i4c 'of F. Col. (/100 ml)� pH (SU)`7 G-9 �l t l9cat// /b !T S PP.7 S. if- 41 FOR APPROPRIATE DISCHARGERS, LIST COMPLETE GUIDELINE LIMITATIONS BELOW NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION PERMIT NO.: Ncoo ModeleEj Date Rec. a FACILIT NAME: Facility Status: FJ(1STIM PROPOSED (circle OM) Permit Status: RENEWAL 14001111F7CATIM LTNPFRDQrrfD NM (circle OM) Major A[Inor Pipe No: Design Capacity (MGD): Domestic (% of Flow) - Industrial (x of Flow): Comments: RECEIVING STREAM:_ Class. Sub -Basin: Reference USGS Quad: County: Regional Office: As (circle one) Requested By: Prepared By: Reviewed By: (please attach) Fa Mo Ra Wa WI WS Date: Date: Date: Drainage Area (ml2 ) Avg. Streamflow (cis): 7Q10 (cfs) Winter 7Q10 (efs) 30Q2 (cis) Toxicity Limits: IWC % (circle one) Acute / Chronic Instream Monitoring: Parameters Upstream Location Downstream — Location Effluent Characteristics Summer Winter BODE (mg/0 NHj N (mg/1) D.O. (mg/1) TSS (mg/1) F. Col. Q100ml) pH (SU) Comments: Facility Name NPDES No. Type of Waste Facility Status Permit Status Receiving Stream Stream Classification Subbasin County Regional Office Requestor Date of Request Topo Quad FACT SHEET FOR WASTELOAD ALLOCATIONS : PPG INDUSTRIES - SHELBY : NC0004685 : 95% INDUSTRIAL / EXISTING RENEWAL BRUSHY CREEK C 030804 CLEVELAND �R6MR� BARONA 1/17/91 F12SE 5% DOMESTIC #N6008 C °fp, 4/S/:N fg91 #C06/11f RfCI NA i Stream Characteristics:�rf/Cf USGS #0215254405 Date'89 Drainage Area: 15.1 sq.mi. Summer 7Q10: 4.0 cfs Winter 7Q10: 7.6 cfs Average Flow: 9.8 cfs 30Q2: cfs Wasteload Allocation Summary FACILITY REQUESTING RENEWAL OF EXISTING PERMIT. REVIEWED COMPLIANCE DATA AND PRIORITY POLLUTANT SCAN. WILL RECOMMEND RENEWAL OF EXISTING LIMITS WITH ADDITIONAL LIMITS FOR NICKEL AND FLUORIDE. NOTE: AFTER DATA REVIEW DETERMINED THAT LEAD LIMIT IS STIL4 NEEDED DUE TO EFFLUENT DATA. R E(34 41 ^ � f�APR (approach taken, correspondence with region, EPA, etc.) 8 1999••1 PFRMITS b FNf.INFFRIN(, WASTELOAD SENT TO EPA?(Major) _Y_ (Y or N) (if yes, then attach schematic, toxics spreadsheet, cope I9� of model, or if not modeled, then old assumptions that were made, and description of how fits into basinwide plan)/n�'' Recommended by: I Date:_3/7/91_ Reviewed by Instream Assessment:�i "eq, Date: �y �Q Regional Supervisor:Z-1:'G/'� '1A , I l�1 Date:T1SIT nn..Q/ Permits s Engineering: G Y, X,:�tl Date.--!F RETURN TO TECHNICAL SERVICES BY: APR 13 1991 CONVENTIONAL PARAMETERS Existing Limits Monthly Average Daily Maximum Summer/Winter Wasteflow (MGD): 1.3 BOD5 (mg/1): 20 and 217 lbs/day NH3N (mg/1): 6 and 65 lbs/day DO (mg/1): 5 TSS (mg/1): 20 (BPJ) 146 (BPJ) Fecal Coliform (/100 ml): monitor pH (SU): 6-9 (WQ) Oil & Grease (mg/1): 10 (BPJ) 15 (BPJ) TP (mg/1) : TN (mg/1): Recommended Limits Monthly Average Daily Maximum Summer/Winter Wasteflow (MGD): 1.3 BOD5 (mg/1): 20 and 217 lbs/day NH3N (mg/1): 6 and 65 lbs/day DO (mg/1): 5 TSS (mg/1): 20 (BPJ) 146 (BPJ) Fecal Coliform (/100 ml): monitor pH (SU): 6-9 (WQ) Oil & Grease (mg/1): 10 (BPJ) 15 (BPJ) TP (mg/1): TN (mg/1): Limits Chances Due To: Instream Data Ammonia Toxicity Chlorine Nutrient Sensitive Waters HOW New 7Q10 flow data Special Modeling Studies New facility information Other Parameter(s) Affected (explanation of any modifications to past modeling analysis includidng new flows, rates, field data, interacting discharges, etc.) (See page 4 for Miscellaneous and special conditions if apply) Toxicity Limit TOXICS Monitoring Schedule Existing Limit: 33% CHRONIC/CERIODAPHNIA/QRTRLY Recommended Limit: 33% CHRONIC/CERIODAPHNIA/QRTRLY Existina Limits Daily Maximum Cadmium (ug/1): N p' Chromium (ug/1): 149.3 Copper (ug/1): monitor Nickel (ug/1): N R Lead (ug/1): 74.6 Zinc (ug/1): monitor Cyanide (ug/1): Phenols (ug/1): Mercury (ug/1): Silver (ug/1): Chlorine (ug/1): Recommended Limits Daily Maximum Cadmium (ug/1): n)R Chromium (ug/1): 149 Copper (ug/1): monitor Nickel (ug/1): 263 Lead (ug/1): 75 Zinc (ug/1): monitor Cyanide (ug/1): Phenols (ug/1): Mercury (ug/1): Silver (ug/1): Chlorine (ug/1): Chloride (mg/1): monitor Fluoride (mg/1) 5.4 Limits Changes Due to: Change in 7Q10 data Change in stream classification Relocation of discharge Change in wasteflow New pretreatment information Failing toxicity test Other PP scan Parameter(s) Affected Chlorides, Fluoride (onsite toxicity study, interaction, etc.) MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION & SPECIAL CONDITIONS Miscellaneous information pertinent to the renewal or new permit for this discharge. Include relationship to the Basinwide management plan. INSTREAM MONITORING REQUIRMENTS: Upstream: y Location: at SR1323 Donwstream: y Location: at SR1305 0,,L e4v6 --lu p-vaiuhj, Do, Fccc�➢CaU�vvaw, CoV00(fiV%A"T) Special Instream monitoring locations or monitoring frequencies: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR CONDITIONS SCHEDULE REQUIREMENTS: (for P&E or region to recommend time frame for implementing new limits) ADDITIONAL "REVIEWER" COMMENTS: Additional Information attached? (yes or no) If yes, explain attachments. 10/89 Q/y Facility Name Y/ (T- 1S &4 1 Pcrmit ii /yGoiO 9i,�J� CHRONIC TOXICITY TESTING REQUIREMENT (QRTRLY) The effluent discharge shall at no time exhibit chronic toxicity in any two consecutive toxicity tests, using test procedures outlined in: 1.) The North Carolina Ceriodaphnia chronic effluent bioassay procedure (North Carolina Chronic Bioassay Procedure - Revised *September 1989) or subsequent versions. The effluent concentration at which there may be no observable inhibition of reproduction or significant mortality is , 3 gb (defined as treatment two in the North Carolina procedure document). The permit holder shall perform quarterly monitoring using this procedure to establish compliance with the permit condition. The fast test will be performed after thirty days from issuance of this permit during the months of � h°ti JvL o r—� . Effluent sampling for this testing shall be performed at the NPDES permitted final effluent discharge below all treatment processes. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Monitoring Form (MR-1) for the month in which it was performed, using the parameter code TGP3B. Additionally, DEM Form AT-1 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: Environmental Sciences Branca North Carolina Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N.C. 27611 Test data shall be complete and accurate and include all supporting clnemical/physical measurements performed in association with the toxicity tests, as well as all dose/response data. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should any single quarterly monitoring indicate a failure to meet specified limits, then monthly monitoring will begin immediately until such time that a single test is passed. Upon passing, this monthly test requirement will revert to quarterly in the months specified above. Should any test data from this monitoring requirement or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management indicate potential impacts to die receiving stream, this permit may be re -opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and will require immediate retesting(within 30 days of initial monitoring event). Failure to submit suitable test results will constitute noncompliance with monitoring requirements. 7Q10 .9 cfs Pemtited Flow /._ IWC% Basin & Sub -basin Receiving Strr�am County �(E✓G/w MGD Recommended by: to **Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia) P/F at 31_'f,_ f AA�F�� aaT See I'a:t Condition ' 03/07/91 ver 3.1 T O X I C 5 R E V I E W Facility: PPG IND. - SHELBY NPDES Permit No.: NCO04685 Status (E, P, or M): E Permitted Flow: 1.3 mgd Actual Average Flow: 0.7 mod Subbasln: '030804 Receiving Stream: BRUSHY CREEK ---------PRETREATMENT DATA -------------- I ---- EFLLUENT DATA---- 1 Stream Classification: C I ACTUAL PERMITTEDI 1 7010: 4.0 CIS I Ind. ♦ Ind, a I FREQUENCY I INC: 33.50 4 I Domestic PERMITTED Domestic I OBSERVED of Chronicl Stn'd / Bkg I Removal Domestic Act.Ind. Total Industrial Total I Eflluent Criteria I Pollutant AL Conc. I Eff. Load Load Load Load Load I Conc. Vlolatlonal -------- -- jug/1) fug/1) ---------------- I 4 I -------- (4/d) ------- (4/d) -------- (4/d) (4/d) (s/d) I (ug/1) (Ivio/saam)I Cadmium S 2.0 1 04 -------- --------- -------- 1 I -------- --------- 1 I Chromium S 50.0 1 04 I I I Copper AL 7.0 I 04 1 170.0 1 N Nickel S 88.0 04 1 59.0 1 P Lead S 25.0 1 Oa 1 1 U Zinc AL 50.0 1 04 1 74.0 1 T Cyanide S 5.0 1 04 I I Mercury S 0.012 I 04 I I S Silver AL 0.06 I 04 I E Selenium S 5.00 1 04 I 1 C Arsenic S 50.00 1 04 I 1 T Phenols S NA 1 04 I I I NH3-N C 1 04 1 0 T.R.Chlor.AL 17.0 1 Oa I N Chlorides AL 230,000.0 1 1 360,000.0 1 Fluoride S 1,800.0 1 1 1 15,000.0 1 1--------------- ALLOWABLE PRDCT'D PRDCT'D PRDCT'D I --------- MONITOR/LIMIT ----- --- I 1--ADTN'L RECMMDTN'S-- 1 I Effluent Effluent Effluent Inatream I Recomm'd 1 I Conc. using using Conc. Based on Based on Based on I FREQUENCY INSTREAM 1 I Allowable CHRONIC ACTUAL PERMIT using ACTUAL PERMITTED OBSERVED I Eff. Mon. Monitor. Pollutant I Load Criteria Influent Influent OBSERVED Influent Influent Effluent I based on Recomm'd 7 --------- -- I (4/d) I-------- (ug/1) ----------------- (ug/1) (ug/1) -------- (ug/1) -------- Loading Loading Data I OBSERVED (YES/NO) 1 Cadmium S I 0.06 5.970 0.000 0.000 0.00 -------- -------- ---------1 ----------------- 1 I 1 A Chromium S I 1.36 149.256 0.000 0.000 0.00 1 N Copper AL I 0.19 20.896 0.000 0.000 56.95 Monitor I Weekly YES I A Nickel S I 2.42 262.690 0.000 0.000 19.76 Limit I NCAC NO I L Lead S 1 0.69 74.620 0.000 0.000 0.00 I 1 Y Zinc AL 1 1.30 149.256 0.000 0.000 24.79 Monitor I Monthly NO I S Cyanide S 1 0.14 14.926 0.000 0.000 0.00 I 1 1 Mercury S 1 0.00 0.036 0.000 0.000 0.00 1 S Silver AL 1 0.00 0.179 0.000 0.000 0.00 1 Selenium S 1 0.14 1lf.926 0.000 0.000 0.00 I 1 R Arsenic S 1 1.38 149.256 0.000 0.000 0.00 I 1 E Phenols S I 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 I 1 S NH3-N C I 0.000 0.00 1 U T.R.Chlor.AL I 50.747 0.00 1 L Chlorides AL I ......•... 120590.50 Monitor I Monthly NO T Fluoride S I 5373.201 5024.94 Limit I NCAC YES I S 9w; 43 Ad 76 369t • 4.7 41-0 r� OR /s� -- Ls-. izT Opt. ?f, /M- LPA-46 �S 7pa � isJ, . 64 Z . 11 ch I 1 O/?► M/LL Qu . .OL Mrp 36/34 C.. "3 MODLL REl-ULT Discharger : PPG-SHELBY Receiving Stream : BRUSHY CREEK ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The End D.O. is 6.59 mg/l. The End CBOD is 19.84 mg/l. The End NBOD ---------------------------------------------------------------------- is 4.88 mg/l. WLA WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste Fl (mg/1) Milepoint Reach # (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mgd) Segment 1 5.27 2.10 2 Reach 1 160.00 26.00 5.00 1.3000 Reach 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000 Reach 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000 Reach 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000 Reach 5 210.00 90.00 0.00 0.060C Discharge;- PF<,-SH�_� Recei vi ng Stream : BRUSHY r.=t:_ r. Summer• 7G10 : 4. Ciesign Temperature: 25. '.. LIb Fi.S Wintez ? 10 . ILENGTH1 SLOPEI VELOCITY I OEPTHI Kd I Kd I Ka I Ka I KN I KN I KNR I OR I ------------------ I mile I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ft/mi1 fps I ft Idesignl #201 Idesignl @20' Idesignl �20° Idesignl i20° 1 Segment I I 1 1 1.801 I 15.101 0.880 I I 1 0.45 1 I 0.15 1 0.60 I I 111.15 1 I 10.001 I 0.44 1 0.30 I I 1 0.44 1 I 0.00 1 Reach ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I I I I ------------------------------ I I I I Segment I I' I 1 1.301 I 15.101 0.560 I I 10.45 1 I 0.75 1 0.80 I 111.15 I I 1 10.001 I 0.44 1 0.30 I I 1 0.44 1 I 0.00 1 Peach ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Segment I I 1 1 1.501 I 15.101 0.950 I I 1 0.45 1 I 0.15 1 0.60 I 111-15 I I 1 10.001 I 0.44 1 0.30 I I 1 0.44 1 I 0.00 1 Reach --------- 3 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ------- Segment I I 1 1 0.301 I 15.101 0.610 I I j 0.45 1 I 0.15 1 0.60 I 111.15 I I 1 10.001 I 0.44 1 0,30 I I 1 0.44 1 I 0.00 1 Reach ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Segment I 1 I 4.101 15.101 0.690 1 6.45 10.75 1 0.60 111,15 1 10.001 0.44 1 0.30 1 0.44 16.00 I Reach --------------------- 5 I I I --------------------------------------------- I I I ! ----------------------------------- I I 1 Flow I CE3OD I NBOD I D.O. 1 cfs I mg/1 I mg/l I Rig/1 I Segment 1 Reach 1 Waste 1 2.015 1160.000 126.000 1 S-000 Headwater -Li 4.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 I .440 Tributary 0.000 i 2.000 1 1.000 I 7.440 * Runoff I 0.490 I 2.000 I 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 1 Reach 2 waste J.000 I 0.000 1 0.000 I 0.000 T i 000 00 I 1.000 1 7.440 * r 0.491) Ou0 1 1.000 7.46") Segment 1 Reach 3 waste 1 0.000 1 0.000 I 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary I 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 I 7.440 * Runoff I 0.490 2.000 I 1.000 I .t40 j'T' =' ::milt j I 10 J 0 * Runoff flow is in efs/mile :cg # Feaul, I c-g Mi uw j 1 0.00 6.132 54.93 9.37 6.02 1 1 0.10 6.45 54.22 9.28 6.06 1 0.20 6.29 53.52 9.18 6.11 1 1 0.30 6.15 52.83 9.09 6.16 1 1 0.40 6.03 52.15 9.00 6.21 1 1 0.50 5.92 51.49 8.91 6.26 1 0.60 5.82 50.84 8.82 6.31 t 1 0.70 5.74 50.20 8.73 6.36 1 1 0.80 5.66 49.57 8.65 6.41 1 1 0.90 5.59 48.95 8.56 6.46 1 1 1.00 5.54 48.34 8.48 6.51 i 1 1.10 5.49 47.75 8.40 6.55 i 1 1.20 5.44 47.16 8.32 6.60 1 1 1.30 5.41 46.58 8.24 6.65 1 1 1.40 5.38 46.01 8.16 6.70 1 1.50 5.35 45.46 8.09 6.75 1 1 1.60 5.33 44.91 8.01 6.80 1 1 1.70 5.31 44.37 7.94 6.65 1 1 1.80 5.30 43.83 7.86 6.90 1 2 1.80 5.30 43.83 7.86 6.90 1 2 1.90 5.28 43.18 7.78 6.95 1 2 2.00 5.27 42.54 7.69 7.00 1 2 2.10 5.27 41.91 7.61 7.04 1 2 2.20 5.27 41.30 7.53 7.09 1 2 2.30 5.27 40.69 7.45 7.14 1 2 2.40 5.28 40.09 7.3/ 7.19 2 2.50 5.30 39.51 7.29 7.24 2 2.60 5.31 38.94 7.2'i i.29 1 2 2.70 5.33 38.37 7.14 7.34 1 2 2.80 5.35 37.82 7.06 7.39 1 2 2.90 5.36 i7.27 5.99 7.44 1 2 3.00 5.40 36.74 6.91 7.49 1 2 3.10 5.43 36.21 6.84 7.53 1 3 3.10 5.43 36.21 6.84 7.53 1 3 3.20 5.45 35.82 6.79 7.58 1 3 3.30 5.47 35.43 6.73 7.63 1 3 3.40 5.49 35.04 6.67 7.68 i 3 3.50 5.51 34.67 6.62 7.73 1 3 3.60 5.54 34.29 6.57 7.78 1 3 3.70 5.56 33.93 6.51 7.83 t 3.80 5.58 33.56 6.46 7.88 3.90 5.60 33.21 6.41 7.93 1 .. 14.00 5.63 32.66 6.36 7.98 1 s a.10 5.65 32.51 6.31 6.02 t .20 5.67 32.11 6.2b 3.137 1 30 5.69 :1.8j 6.21 i,.IZ 1 a,40 5.;. ;1.50 13.15 8.17 1 3 4.50 5.?4 31.17 6.11 8.22 1 3 4.60 5.7G 30.85 6.06,1 8.2? 1 4 4.60 5./6 30.85 6.0G 8.2i 1 4 4 . ; 0 5 30.47 8.1)1 3_ i 4 4,stU 5.Ei 30.10 5.t,6 :7 r. __.... _..33 3.. -.-. 5 0. IG b.C, 2, 5 6.20 04 1,.3 U 16 5 6.30 6.06 26 87 6.05 20 I 5 6.40 6.08 26.56 6.00 0.24 1 5 6.50 6.10 26.25 5.95 9.29 i 5 6.60 6.12 25.95 5.90 9.34 1 5 6.70 6.15 25.65 5.85 9.39 1 5 6.80 6.17 25.36 5.81 9.44 1 5 6.90 6.19 25.07 5.76 9.49 1 5 7.00 6.21 24.78 5.71 9.54 1 5 7.10 6.23 24.50 5.66 9.59 1 5 7.20 6.25 24.23 5.62 9.64 1 5 7.30 6.27 23.95 5.57 9.68 1 5 7.40 6.29 23.68 5.53 9.73 1 5 7.50 6.31 23.42 5.49 9.78 1 5 7.60 6.33 23.16 5.44 9.83 1 5 7.70 6.35 22.90 5.40 9.88 1 5 7.80 6.37 22.64 5.36 9.93 1 5 7.90 6.39 22.39 5.31 9.98 1 5 8.00 6.41 22.14 5.27 10.03 1 5 8.10 6.43 21.90 5.23 10.08 1 5 8.20 6.45 21.66 5.19 10.1" 1 5 8.30 6.47 21.42 5.15 10.17 1 5 8.40 6.49 21.18 5.11 10.22 1 5 8.50 6.50 20.95 5.07 10.27 1 5 8.60 6.52 20.72 5.03 10-- 2 1 5 8.70 6.54 20.50 4.99 10.3r 1 5 8.80 6.56 20.27 4.95 10.4 1 5 8.90 6.57 20.05 4.92 10.47 1 5 9.00 6.59 19.84 4.68 10.52 I -'e9 # ( Reach # ( Seg Mi ( D.O. I CE3D I NBOL. I Flaw -03/07/91 vet 3.1 Facility: NPDES Permit No.: Status (E, P, or M): Permitted Flow: Actual Average Flow: Subbasin: Receiving Stream: Stream Classification: 7010: INC: Stn'd / Bkg Pollutant AL Cone. (ug/1) (ug/1) --------- -- -------- Cadmium S 2.0 Chromium S 50.0 Copper AL 7.0 Nickel S 88.0 Lead S 25.0 Zinc AL 50.0 Cyanide S 5.0 Mercury S 0.012 Silver AL 0.06 Selenium S 5.00 Arsenic S 50.00 Phenols S NA NH3-N C T.R.Chlor.AL 17.0 Chlorides AL 230,000.0 Fluoride S 1,800.0 Pollutant Cadmium S Chromium S Copper AL Nickel S Lead S Zinc AL Cyanide S Mercury S Silver AL Selenium S Arsenic S Phenols 8 NH3-N C T.R.Chlor.AL Chlorides AL Fluoride S Allowable Load (#/d) 0.06 1.38 0.19 2.42 0.69 1.38 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.14 1.38 T 0 x I C S R E V I E W PPG IND. - SHELBY NCO04685 E 1.3 mgd 0.7 mgd '030804 BRUSHY CREEK I--------- PRETREATMENT DATA -------------- I ---- EFLLUENT DATA---- I C ACTUAL PERMITTEDI 1 4.0 cfs I Ind. + Ind. + I FREQUENCY 1 33.50 I Domestic PERMITTED Domestic I OBSERVED of Chronicl Removal Domestic Act.Ind. Total Industrial Total I Effluent Criteria I Eff. Load Load Load Load Load I Conc. Violatlonsl t (#/d) (#/d) (#/d) (#/d) (#/d) I -------- (ug/1) -------- (#v1o/#sam)1 --------- I -------- Ot -------- -------- -------- --------- I I Ot I I I 01 I 170.0 1 N 0+ I 59.0 1 P of I 1 U 04 1 74.0 1 T 0% I 0% I S 0% I 1 E 04 I 1 C Ot I T of I I 0% I 1 0 04 I N 1 360,000.0 I 115,000.0 ALLOWABLE PRDCT'D PRDCT'D I PRDCT'D--------- MONITOR/LIMIT--------- I 1--ADTN'L REC684DTN'S-- I Effluent Effluent Effluent Instream I Recomm'd Conc. using using Conc. Based on Based on Based on I FREQUENCY INSTREAM I CHRONIC ACTUAL PERMIT using ACTUAL PERMITTED OBSERVED I Eff. Mon. Monitor. I Criteria Influent Influent OBSERVED Influent Influent Effluent I based on Recomm'd 7 I (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) -------- (ug/1) -------- Loading -------- Loading -------- Data ---------I OBSERVED (YES/NO) I ----------------- 1 ----------------- 5.970 0.000 0.000 0.00 I A 149.256 0.000 0.000 0.00 1 1 N 20.896 0.000 0.000 56.95 Monitor I Weekly YES I A 262.690 0.000 0.000 19.76 Limit NCAC NO I L 74.628 0.000 0.000 0.00 1 Y 149.256 0.000 0.000 24.79 Monitor I Monthly NO I S 14.926 0.000 0.000 0.00 1 1 1 0.036 0.000 0.000 0.00 1 I S 0.179 0.000 0.000 0.00 I 14.926 0.000 0.000 0.00 I R 149.256 0.000 0.000 0.00 I 1 E 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 I 1 S 0.000 0.00 I 1 U 50.747 0.00 I I L +•••••••*• 120598.50 Monitor I Monthly NO I T 5373.201 5024.94 Limit NCAC YES S �. WHOIF. I:F7-1' 'FOXICfTY lES1'BVG 01SFYFMONITORAIG SUMMARY[ TBu, ftB ld, 1991 . I HILLIPS RATING CO. PERMIT ACUTE LIMTT:NO SIGN IF MORT(b7HR FTHD) v- - - - - - - NONEf NONEf NONEI NOW NR IPDFSB: N=1891 Beglm 1111/89 Fmqumry: Q RIF d 19 NR NR NR NR NR NR - PASSf - - PA.SSf - Coump CRAVEN Region: WARD MonNa: APR )UN SEP DEC 19 - NR - - NR - - NR PASS( - - F'AI1l PF:0.10 SOCIOC R.q: 90 NR NR FAII.r NX - PASS( -- PASSE - ... PASSE 7QIO:TMAL MC(%):NA 91 ILOT MOUNTAIN WWTP PERMIT CHRONIC LOdII': 96% Y'8763S FAIT. - (6t) NR - (FAIL) FAIL - !PAIL) IPDFSI: NCO26616 B.gim 6'U87 Fmq,vcy Q P/F '88 - - (FAIL) - - (-) NR NR NN PASS NN NR County: SURRY RnBim: WSRO Mmdu: AIL OCTJAN APR '99 FAIL NR FAIL FAO. NR FAR. FAIL,F FAIL NR FAR. FALL FAL PF: IS SOCIOC Rep: '90 F,F PAR. FAIT. FAO. FAIL NR FALL. FAO, FAIL FAR. FAR. FAIT. 7QIO 0.153 IWC(%):93.82 JOC69B3/91 CHR M P/F 94%MGT 91 'INETOPS WWTP LBTTFR ACUTE TARGET:61% '97 rPDESe: NCDO20435 Begm: 8129AO m"ft y. M 18 County: EDGECOMBE Ruei n: KRO MmNa: 19 PF: 0.3 SOC)OC R^a: 90 - - >9O• [Ant 82.8 7QIO: OJ IWC(%):60.78 11 1. KTATION PIPELINE CO. PERMIT:VB HR AC MONIT EPISODIC '97 NPDESB:NW051161 B.gb. BARB papa,: SGWD 19- - - - - - - NONE-2 NONE-2 - - County: GUILFORD R.gion: WSRO M.tJu: 19 _ PF: SOC/IOC Rap: '90 ._ 7QIO: 0OD IWCO9t 91 'OPE INDUSTRIAL PARK PERMIT CHRONIC LIMM99%(GRAB) '97 .WESe: NCO0605M B.gm7/INO Ra try. Q P/F A '83 County: WAKE R.gdm: RRO MmJu: MO MAY AUG NOV '89 PF:0.008 SOC)OC Rcq: '90 - NR NR NR NR NN 7Q10: 0.0 I%'C(%):IN.0 91 R)YNER OIL PERMIrOA 1D2 ACUTE MONK FPLS PTSD) (GRAB) 17 TDESe: NCOD46370 B.gm 7/1/90 Pm".y: 5OWD w8 County. CURRTTUCK Roeim: WARD MmWa: 19 PF:.0005 SOCDOC Rap: .90 - - - - 7Q10:0.0 IN'C(%):100.0 91 'PG INDUSTRIES PERMIT CHRONIC LINIM OB% '87 VPDESN NCOOD4626 Both, BA/89 Pnpa,: Q PIF A 'a8 County: DAVIDSON Reglal: WSRO Mmttlu: FEB MAY AUG NOV '89- - - - - -- - - - NR - PF: 0.6 SOCIOC Rap: '90 - PASS - PASS NN Hilt NR PASS - - PASS - 7QI0:1.0 IWC(%):".19 91 PPG-SHEL11Y-001 PERMIT CHRONIC LIMIT:20133% at> O875 in - - -- - NONE - (PASS) - - (PASS) - - VPOESa: NCDOO4685 B.gb.: 71109 Fmq y: Q P/F 6 1B (PASS) - (PASS) - - (PASS) - - PASS - - Caunty:CLEVEIAND Raym: MRO Month.: )AN APR JUL DLT 'S9 PASS - - PAIL PASS - PASS - - FAO, NN NR PF:0.1175 SOCBOC Ra, 90 PASS - - PASS - - PASS - - M NR - 7Q10:5.60 IWC(%):M.N 91 PASS 'RECISION SEALS, INC. PERMIT CHRONIC ]T:7.096 17 VPDESe: NCOOD4260 Begun M/98 Fmgaa : Q PM '88 - - PASS PASS PASS PASS - - - PASS - C.1y:GASTON Region: MRO MoatRa: FEB MAY AUG NOV 19- PASS - - PASS - - PASS - - PASS - PF:0.1ee SOCIJOC Roq: 90 - NR - - bt - PASS FAILP - - NR 7QIO: 3.0 IWC(%k7.10 91 PRINCESS GULP STATION PERMIT CHRONIC LIMIT: 2.9% 17 KPDESc NCOM4197 Rogbe IM7/88 pagomcy: Q PR County: NEW WWOVER Region: WIRO Months; ]AN APR)UL OCT '99 NIS ... _. NR - - NR - _ NR PF:0.0014 SOC)OC Rea: .90- 0 2conacmlvef.duaa.aigrdGlat.. 11unm V Rn1987dtuavulabk IEGEMP W.Rtndted Dew (MOD). 7QIO.R.mi ing ao.en law Dow alemm (A), IN'C%.Imwao waft cmmo inum, Begin.Fu.t mood) aquimd, Fmqu.teydMmiaring !aqua,): IQ-Queftdy M-Mood! , SM-BunmNdy; SA-Semmulola ly: A -Annually: OWD Dolly wive dbcbvgmg;D-Diacondnw-0 tmtdtonug mqunareno IS.Cmdaag mdcpendcnt.mdyl. PJF.P../F.D damlc Mona..y, Ac=Acuff, C�rmic, Aft ooiy mmiuoing.... m onmNy upon anelc failum, ID.m Na.1.I: I Wlui,oad Minnow,-.G.,6e6pinb q., my=M,. W mop. aV.O.rmic v u.. NMmality o(.uud perznup m Ngkn cmr<nonim,.whcfoomA by OEM Aq Tm Group, M=BW atl, I Hgvnmp Nn.u,o l: i-.-N. not r.quued. NR=Not mpmted, I ).9egmning of Quutal, (Fad oy Aamny Sum. Pi I Wontiv., N.N.wly b.u.drl'u mmuua). I $.All iw bul non dodw8ingl 13 PPG INDUSTRIES/SHELBY FACILITY AMMONIA ANALYSIS 7Q10: 4.0000 cfs NH3 Effl. Conc: 41.0000 mg/l AL (1/1.8 mg/1): 1000.00 ug/l Upstream NH3 Conc.: 220.0000 ug/l Design Flow: 1.3000 MGD Predicted NH3 Downstream: 13881.13 ug/l 13.88113 mg/l NH3 Limit: 2548.387 ug/l 2.548387 mg/l AMMONIA ANALYSIS 7Q10: 7.6000 cfs NH3 Effl. Conc: 41.0000 mg/l AL (1/1.8 mg/1): 1800.00 ug/l Upstream NH3 Conc.: 220.0000 ug/l Design Flow: 1.3000 MGD Predicted NH3 Downstream: 8766.20 ug/l 8.766198 mg/1 NH3 Limit: 7759.305 ug/1 7.759305 mg/l (WINTER) 4- Sae, AM 6444- /. 3 --,.a 4 L:, /Q _ /.?i'o � '. ..�/-e 41 5x T/v� L c{3 E CKT ��✓,�., v,- -_ 9 -F L �S � (-sue/i� � - /.fo Ze6 yc7al Moog 3/7�f 6 90 4'/v STREAM DATA Ohs oaZ 3/7//9/ INSTREAM SELF -MONITORING DATA MONTHLYAVERAGES Discharger: ;7//" Receiving Stream: Upstream Location: A4 DATE Dec-91 Nov-91 Oct-91 Sep-91 Aug-91 Jul-91 Jun-91 May-91 Apr-91 Mar-91 Feb-91 Jan-91 Dec-90 Nov-90 Oct-90 Sep-90 Aug-90 Jul-90 Jun-90 May-90 Apr-90 Mar-90 Feb-90 Jan-90 Dec-89 Nov-89 Oct-89 Sep-89 Aug-89 Jul-89 Jun-89 May-89 Apr-89 Mar-89 Feb-89 Jan-89 RA Permit No. `VG 0 0 0 Y6aS Sub -basin: S?ar?d Downstream Location: /210 /3z Z Page 1 TEMP D.O. COND. FECAL CO /J 71a,-t State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and,Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina d (� / j James G. Martin, Governor ��-05d6�e9j9 Everett, Ph.D. William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Director June 28, 1991 JUL 1 91991 Mr. Lacy Ballard TECHNICAL SUppORT g PPG Industries, Inc. RANCH Route No. 4 Shelby, NC 28150 Subject: NPDES Permit No. NC0004685 PPG Industries, Inc. Cleveland County Dear Mr. Ballard: The Division of Environmental Management has reviewed your letter of May 29, 1991 requesting modifications to draft Permit No. NC0004685 for PPG Industries, Inc. The items are addressed in the following: (1) Monitoring only for fluoride and nickel will be required from the effective date of the permit until July 31, 1992. The limits for fluoride and nickel will then become effective August 1, 1992. (2) The data for lead indicate five monthly values from April through August 1990 that exceed the limit of 75.0 µg/1. In addition, the detection levels of < 0.1 mg/1(September 1990, February and March 1991) and < 0.2 mg/I (November 1990) used for lead are higher than the limit and give no clear indication of whether the limit was met during those months. Consequently, lead monitoring will remain weekly. Regarding nickel, as this is the initial period for monitoring/limitation, weekly monitoring will provide more data to establish discharge levels as noted by PPG in Item I of your request. Chromium has been left at weekly monitoring to maintain consistency. After twelve months of monitoring that shows constant compliance, we would be willing to reconsider your request for reduced monitoring. Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 27687. Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer If you have any questions concerning this project, please call Ms. Rosanne Barona at 919j733-5083 ext. 548. Sincerely, Steve W. Tedder, Chief Water Quality Section cc: ;sWm%uff!Si pport Braneh Asheville Regional Office Pemut File DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT June 15, 1991 TO: Dale Overcash THRU: Trevor Clements Ruth Swanek QC5 Carla Sanderson' FROM: Jacquelyn M. Nowell40(V SUBJECT: Modification of Draft Permit for PPG Industries Inc.- Shelby NPDES Permit No. NC0004685 Cleveland County The Technical Support Branch has reviewed the May 29th letter from Mr. Lacy Ballard of PPG Industries requesting modifications to the draft permit. Our rec- ommendations concerning the modifications are as follows: Item 1. The facility requests that the effluent limitations for fluoride and nickel be reduced to monitoring only for the duration of the permit. Technical Support concurs with the request for effluent monitoring for these newly per- mitted parameters, however to continue monitoring until the permit expires in December 1993 would be longer than we consider necessary. Mr. Ballard states that "there is no data to establish the actual discharge levels for these two chemi- cals ...", however an annual pollutant analysis run on PPG's effluent in December 1990 did indicate effluent concentrations for both. we recommend effluent monitoring for fluoride and nickel for twelve (12) months only, after which the effluent limita- tions of 5.4 mg/1 of fluoride and 263 ug/1 of nickel would become effective. Item 2. The facility requests modifying the monitoring frequency for chromium, lead, and nickel from weekly to monthly monitoring. A review of daily monitoring reports for PPG industries indicates that chromium has been consistently reported from <0.01 - <0.05 mg/1 since March 1990. It appears that PPG is in compliance with the chromium limit of 149 ug/l. The data for lead indicate five monthly values from April through August 1990 that exceed the limit of 75 ug/l. In addition, the detec- tion levels of <0.1 mg/l (September 1990, February and March 1991) and <0.2 mg/1 (November 1990) used for lead are higher than the limit and gives no clear indication of whether the limit was met during those months. Regarding nickel, since this is the initial permit period for that limit/monitoring, it would appear that weekly monitoring would give PPG more data based on the request in Item 1. Based on this information, it is Technical Support's recommendation that PPG Industries continue weekly monitoring of lead and nickel. To maintain consistency, we recommend that chromium also he monitored on a weekly basis. If there are additional questions, please feel free to contact me. cc: Rex Gleason Central Files WLA File PPG Industries, Inc. Route No. 4 Shelby, North Carolina 28150 (704) 434-2261 T' Works No. 52 ' Glass Group May 29, 1991 Mr. Dale Overcash NPDES Permits Group 7(FI NFn i N. C. DEHNR P.O. sox 27687 JUN 0 3 1991 Raleigh, N. C. 27611-7687 .• TECHNIC,�L SUPPORT BRANCH Dear Mr. Overcash: Reference: NPDES Draft Permit NC0004685 PPG Industries, Shelby, Cleveland County we have reviewed the draft NPDES permit for the Shelby facility and find it to be acceptable with the following exceptions: 1. PPG Industries request that the permit discharge limitations for fluoride and nickel be changed to monitoring only for the duration of this permit in order to determine discharge concentrations and, if necessary, determine the course of action required to reduce concentrations to acceptable levels. At this point, there is no data to establish the actual discharge levels for these two chemicals and PPG Industries could be placed in immediate violation of the permit conditions, without opportunity to address the problem, should these limitations be included in this permit. PPG Industries past compliance record and the absence of chronic toxicity, as indicated by the bioassay test, should support the request for a delay in establishing limitations for these two parameters. 2. PPG Industries requests that the measurement frequency for chrome, lead, and nickel be reduced to a more cost effective level. Data from many years of monitoring for chrome and lead do not indicate a need for the frequent monitoring of these parameters. Given the continuous nature of the manufacturing process, weekly monitoring is not warranted and it is requested that these measurements be reduced to monthly. Thank you for your consideration in the permitting process. If additional information is needed, please give me a call. Sincerely z�r acy BALlard, Supv.-- Env./Chem. Technology t, /o -- //�L�/- 07W <- 2/190 t o/ <.05 L1f1�70 e03 so��/9a e., t.o/ 03 — 7Z 1 � �, 0S p1/7-0tv GAS 7�3%la o./o --- �'�%lsJ L,os '0.017 t •f/3/Se <.oS O,os - 9/g/9a-L,oS pgtyW/