HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0015652_Application_20230109UWK Dena- tment of En►irunmental Quality Division of Water Kewi aft MI-biun of Wacr Resources 15ANICAC92T.0600—SINGLE-FAMILY RUS1DENC£ WASTEWATER IRRIGATION SYSTEM — RENF.WAI. FORM: SFRWWI.'%-It 02-21 I'unuaat to S [ 1. if the applitlli+m t3,x-s nut include all required infurnlalinn and the mmensary sappnr(ing docunteatatiion, ti a applientir,a shall be rrturaed. The applcatinn and altachments shall be prepared in arcurdsmer with 1; % 1L_2MA 1I . lii NC IC li_ l .t_WAM , and 1)i� ilun Vuhcics. For more inform w i„n, ► irii the Water (Quality Permitting 5cenon's Nee-Dimk2rge Broach ti1L'�51t1'. The Applicant %ball xatlnit an vWtrunic cup► of the application and altachrocnts up4cmded as a single Portable Document Format (PDF) file to � ; _rd��t•.�ir,j,ttr.L! ._ l ur,m�, tiugDischat �r-Rr:,n, t� tiulrtn,tlal-furs 4IL,,, or entailed to s a aCdt ji r,gu% if leas than 20 meLabytcs (MRY SECTION I — APPLICANT INFORMATION 1. Applicamt: Bryan T. Biggs 2. Pernik No.: W(,M] 5652 I. 'Signadiev authurity: Hryun T. Biggs 4. Mailing address: 171 Biggs Ln. Ctty- Fhnctown i- Conwel person: Bryan L Btggs Primary phone number. (252) 944-9799 6. Secondary Contact perm. m: Primary phone number I ] Iiii MKI—l'* 11Z Starr: NC lip: 7-1865- i:rnail: stumpylyd+gatricrwntr.c,xr! Secondary ptmme nutOwn [ } Email: Secrwtdary phone numlXrr I } - SZCTION U - FACILITY INFORMATION I. Phy-sicsl adt4rss: 171 13igp Ln. CouIirv: Hcautbrt City: Pinetown State- NC Zip: 27965- SECTION III BILLING INFORMATION 1- Billing address- 117R fiigga Rd. City: Pincwwn Stmc: NC Zip: 2786- 2- Verify the Applicant duck out have any overdue annual fees: Itttps. dt�y.nc_g,i► alx�ut'di�icigti; u ltrr re�►wttir� uslrr-rrsax,rc�5-p<nl�iti �+� epl4 ii,r�,i+ Pwmwt to 1 `rl N(-`%L 02 I .0 12"' , permits fur mmcwing facilities %hall clot be granW if the Applicant or any of eilimikm hm an unpaid annual fee- SECTION iV — OPERATION AND MAFNTFNAW.'F AGREEMENT Hermit No.: WOW1502. County_ 13raufort Perin ittce- Bryan T. Biggs � i.e., all tided property uwners) T1tc Pettnitler ag;rccs to uperdtc acid maintain the single-family' Residence w'astevvatcr treatment and irrigation system as foIlnws: 1. Inspect the septic tank annually. and pump nut solids as needed. !. Inspect arrd clean the septic tank effluent fitter annually. irf(rpjdkuble 3_ inspect the tablet chlorinator weekly_ Add wastewstcr gradc chtlorine tablets (e.g.. c:akium hypuchkwite) as needed. Swimming pool grade chlorine tablets are not acceptable. (ifapplirable] 1. 1nWct the ultraviolet disinfection unit wevKh. Civa i or replaLr the lamps and quart/ %lorvcs as nccded. (if uppiwoble I 5. Inspect all storage tanks, pumps, and alarms monthly. remove the fkm ing scum lar'cr in all pump.'siordge tank~ when pumping the optic tAnk anlids out. 6. Inspect the spray irrigation system monthly to verify, proper operation of the spray heads: that there are no leaks: that veg;rtativc growth does wA obstrucl the T{�ray hcaLLiz that the irtigatcd wastewater is not ponding in or running off the desigmmed irrigation area: and that there are no objectionable orlon. (jup��lic(ibl( I 7_ Inspect the drip irrigation system monthly to verify: proper tVeration of the drip lines; that thlcre arc no leaks: that vegetative gowdi does not obstruct the drip emitters: that the irrigat d wastewater is not Fxmding in or mmning M the designated irrigation area; and that there arc no objectionable odors. (if applic4ibleI 8_ Maintain a rct of Divisi(yn-approved t-mrinccring plans and spc�cifKmttons. 4). Pay the reyuircd annual fix. 10. kcyue%t rrncwal of this pelmet (in Division -approved fi r n% no later than I Nil days prior to cxpiration. I. Sign and prw idc a ; �.sngt ni 3 f�iwaiion to any hmirc owner of the single-tiunihv residciwc wastcwalcr treatment and itrigation system for their completion and submi: 3slon to the Division of Waicr Resource,_ VWe utxlerst,and the atxwe reyuirs;rrlcnt_s and agree w these terms as part of the issued permit, i` 5igttaturc: 13atc; + Oda tirgnatum: Signature: 5 igrurtwve Date, Divr. 1);:ac . nllli' a .. w Ttli't'ilTt"E/,, wwl .w . r ATTAOMENTA—SITE MAP ► 4-, 11w fry ility originally Permitted or had a major mndifrCation issuexl al er September I. 20 ,? Ycs — FurNuant to 1. Vti_ v_ ir' 1 .OW5idl, stout a site map pur5uarrt to the rdyuirrmrnts to 1 ;t.a nequircment�q are A scaled map of the cite with injuT-raphic contour internals not excmditi K 10 fret Ur 'S percent of total site rrlirf and Showing all facility -related structutrs and fences within the wastewater trratn c-K goagc, and irriga;ion ;netts. Sail mapping units shown on all irriepwkvn %rics The location of all wells linxluding usage and constroctirxi details if u►;uiablcl_ streams (ephemeral, intermittent, and peramiaft springs, lakes. ponds, and otf►cr ,urfavr dmwagr features within Yk) feet of all wamewalrr treatment, atnrakr, and irngabon sites. Delinextism of the cUmphwKc and review bowodaries per 1LX_NCAC 021 .010- and , ,.ti, and i 5A'+iC AL' 02T .(i(if?l. Selhacks as rcqu ircd by I , E ',, i_ , li_ i i_— Sitc pr.)perty lxxrrr66r,% w ithin _ W feet of'all wash-warcr treabilent, stir, and irrigation sites. All habitable rrsidenccs or places of public ag mhly within 500 fret of all treat lent. ,tixagr, ,tnd imptivn sites. No %kip Attachm rii A. ATTACHMENT S—SH:NATIFRF AUTHOR11'1' DELEGATION Does the Signature authocily in �'MIFun 1, llrm ; meet the requirement" 1u,rmum1 to .. . '%4 V-2 I .O_L is ? Yes Skip Allacitnwnt B_ No — Submit it _L-lay; pursuant to i authixizing Ifir stgnaturc authority to sign. NI"TACHMENT C — FLOW RF.TNI(-nON Lhxs the existing permit include an approved flaw nAK__lion" Yes Suhntit it copy Uf the flow reduction approval letter, as well :t% the mcmurrd month11 average amount of %4 astrwater flow contributed per unit for the 12 months prior to petmR renewal. If my of these monthly avcrageq Are within 20'* of the apprns ed flow reduction vahw, the Prrmiurr shall provide a reevaluation of the recfmW flow value pursuant to the requirrnierib in NCAC 02T .0I 1ALtj_ No — Skip Attachment C. ATTACHMENT 0 --- lASLMENT, ENCROACHIHFNT, AND LEASE AC: REEMENTS, Does the Ycrmittec own all of the fowl &%*Awiatcci with the waslrwateT collection. treatment, con %-q wrx mid irrigation w4. cm? Yes - Skip Attachment l). No — Pmivant to 1 {A NCAC 021 .Q11&L . pnrvtde a copy of all casements, leaw ;tpv"urn(s_ toad encroachment agretinrnls allowing thr Yrfmittex to upc:aae sold maintain the waete 'i-Ocr vollectrun. treatment conveyance, and irrigation system on prupem not owned by the 1'crrnitlee. ATTACHMENT E—AFFILIATI NiS Arr the F rrmillec's affiliations of record correct' Yes - Skip Anachnient F. No Yruvidr the corrected atiiliatioru, and their contac;l infurmartion. ATTACHMFNT iF - COMPLIANCE SCHEDULES Boos the exictiny permit include any Compliance Scheduk•A, ISee Ssz:lKn I of the most rmentl}' issued peffnit) Yes — Submit documentation that the co mphowe %hrdulrs have been met. No Skip Auathmeatl 1. ATTACHMENT G - CIVIL PEKALTIFS AND OUTSTANDING VKK ATKM Does the Permittec have any cx1sting civil penalties or outmandinp 41rilations'' Yes I civil penalttesI - Submit payment for the c i v i I Iv"Ily, ur prm)f of remission request Yes (violations) - Sulwntt a copy of your rciponac to the Notiec of Viulation. No - Skip AusO- inicnt i;, ATTACHMEN'TN-SETBACK WAiVEW; Does the existing permit include-wttmwk waive" Ycs Furanatul to I ;�.N ',�t;N( t :oi,iir..;cf. provide wthack,, waiver% that have {seen wrItien. not arkmi si&scd by all parties involved and recorded with the county Register of Deed%, Waivers involving the compliancc boundary shall 1w in aecordwx-r with 1 m N( _yL UAL -ow.. No - Skip Attachment H. API'LICA N T'S i'F. RTI FICATION attest that this a{�sl iu+1 ion (Signature authority's name as notch in Section 1, Itevs, 1) has been reviewed Iry me and is accurate and cunil 4rir to the Ivn! of my knowledge- I undLTstand that if all required pun. of this application package are not completed, quid that it ail required supporting infortuatim ;vxl atim-hunents err not included. this application packagc will he mTarncd as incomplete. I ftirthrr crrtif► pursuant to I _ 1 ,,i Al 02T .0 1_,t)jtj tiler the applirrnl, or any parent. sut�,idiarr. or other affiliatc of the applicant has: not been convicted of envirmMeMatl crimes tutckr_ not prL-vtous>h' abandoned a wastcw•atcr treatment facility withnul pr(jwfy closing the facility; not paid a civil penalty_ not horn compliant with an) ccrttipii.Vtcr whrxlulr in a permiL srttkx ww agrrer mast. or order. not paid an annual fee- Notr: The Applicam's Certit idion shall he signed pursuant to ; S_ i NCAC 071 _i � i �?±iF An altcmate person may be dcicgtert a% the muting official if x I0c, is pruvicird pumumil to I = 1 1( 1-12T .0ifH�i i. Pursuant to § I t_ ' I ` t _1 aiuj § 1 r I3, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, represcntation, or cetiifiaition in any application package shall be guilty of a Clams 2 misdemeanor, which may' include a fir ncx [u rx4vvd $10,l1M as well as civil perutltirs up bn $25A00 tsar vioilatirmi. 0l l Signaiturc- L1 - Date: o `C' THE COMPLETED APPLICATION AND ATTACHMENTS SHALL OF tililiMIT ED AS ASINCLIE PDF FILF ► I V LM": Lows -fiche Upkmd: Mitts:: edooAt"C.r-o► Eotros'�uitUtscharLr-flranch- c Submittal-I'SiiII1-",