HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070174 Ver 2_Stormwater Info_20071005CORPORATE CENTER APARTMENTS Stormwater Wetland Pond #1 -Operation and Maintenance Manual and Budget General Descrivtion Located off of Corporate Center Drive, southeast of the Corporate Center Drive /Conference Drive intersection and west of Nowell Road in Raleigh, North Carolina, is the proposed residential development currently known as the Corporate Center Apartments. Proposed development on this 25.45 acre site will consist of the construction of approximately 370 apartment units, along with associated streets, parking, utilities, and other infrastructure. The proposed development is located within the Neuse River basin and will be subject to the stormwater management requirements set forth in Section 10, Chapter 9 of the City of Raleigh regulations. Per City of Raleigh regulations, stormwater management on this site shall address two primary issues: (1) peak discharge rates and (2) nitrogen export limitations. 1. Stormwater Runoff Controls [Section 10-9023) (a) Runoff limitation The peak stormwater runoff leaving any site for the two year and ten year storms shall be no greater for post-development conditions than pre-development conditions. The same methodologies used to calculate stormwater runoff must be used for both pre- developmentand post-development conditions (~ 10-9023(a)). (b) Exemptions In addition to those activities exempted by X10-9003(b) and X10-9021, the stormwater runoff control requirements of this section shall not apply to one (1) or more of the following. (1) The increase in peak stormwater runoff between pre-development and post- development conditions for the two year and ten year storms is ten (10) percent or less at each point of discharge. (2) The maximum impervious surface coverage of the lot, including any existing impervious surfaces, is no more than fifteen (1 S) per cent and the remaining pervious portions of the lot are utilized to convey and control the stormwater runoff of the lot to the maximum extent practical. Any lot which is exempted from the runoff control requirements by subsection (b) (2) shall comply with all the requirements of subsection (a) whenever: a. The exempted lot is subdivided; or b. The exempted lot size is reduced by recombination; or c. Impervious surfaces on the exempted lot equal or exceed fifteen (1 S) percent. (3) Compliance with the runoff limitations in subsection (a) above would result in greater adverse downstream impact, such as local flooding, as determined by City approved engineering studies. (4) Compliance with the ten year storm runoff limitations in subsection (a) above results in no benefit to current and future downstream development, as determined by City -approved engineering studies. Projects exempted by subsection (b) shall protect all affected lands and receiving watercourses from accelerated erosion as defined in Chapter S, Part 10. 2. Nitrogen Reduction [Section 10-9022) a) Requirements No development nor any expansion of an existing development, use, facility, building, structure, nor any new or expanded vehicular surface area shall contribute a nitrogen export load exceeding three and six tenths (3.6) pounds per acre per year. b) Payment to North Carolina Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund as an offset Developers shall have the option of offsetting their nitrogen export load limitations of subsection (a) above by paying monies to the North Carolina Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund based on the latest adoption payments adopted by the State. For residential development, a one-time offset payment may be paid to the North Carolina Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund to bring the nitrogen export load down from six (6) pounds per acre per year to three and six-tenths (3.6) pounds per acre per year. For all other developments, aone-time offset payment maybe paid to the North Carolina Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund to bring the nitrogen export load down from ten (10) pounds per acre per year to three and six-tenths (3.6) pounds per acre per year. Installation of City approved stormwater control measures or payments or a combination of both may be used. Residential developments which exceed nitrogen export loads of six (6) pounds per acre per year and other developments which exceed nitrogen export loads of ten (10) pounds per acre per year must install City approved stormwater control measures to reduce the nitrogen export load of their development to the applicable six (6) or ten (10) pounds per acre per year limitation to become eligible for payment offsets. All payments are to be paid to the North Carolina Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund at the time of subdivision recordation for those subdivisions with an approved unified off-site • stormwater control facilities plan. For all other developments, payments shall be paid to the North Carolina Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund prior to the issuance of applicable development permits. Please note that residential development is defined in Section 10-9002 as any lot devoted to single family or duplex land use. There are two stormwater management facilities proposed for this development. These facilities will function as "dual-purpose facilities" by providing reduction in TN-export and by providing detention such that the pre-development peak flow rates are no greater than post-development peak flow rates in the 2- and 10-year design storm events. This report contains the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) procedures associated with Stormwater Wetland Pond #1. This facility will be built as part of the overall development of Corporate Center Apartments. The proposed stormwater wetland pond is located off of Corporate Center Drive in the northwest corner of the proposed apartment complex. The bottom elevation of the wetland is 419.00' and the top of berm elevation is 428.25'. Normal pool elevation is 422.00'. The surface area at normal pool is 12,092 square feet. One sediment forebay is present in the wetland pond and has an approximate volume of 5,118 cubic feet. It is located on the southeast side of the wetland pond, adjacent to the apartment buildings. The forebay has a maximum depth of 3.00 feet below normal pool. One micropool is located at the primary spillway and has an approximate volume of 4,849 cubic feet. The micropool has a maximum depth of 3.00 feet below normal pool. The primary outlet structure is a 6' x 6' riser box connected to 84 LF of 42" diameter O-Ring RCP pipe. A secondary outlet structure, a 2" PVC siphon, is also connected to the riser box. A velocity dissipator is located at the outlet of the 42" diameter O-Ring RCP pipe. The dissipator is 28 feet in length and has an average stone size of 14 inches (NCDOT Class " 2" Rip-Rap). Plants to be used in the wetland are as follows: Pickerel Weed, Soft Rush, Pond Weed, Wild Celery, Blue Flag Iris, Soft-stem Bulrush, Wild Rice, and Arrow Arum. Please see planting plan for ~~ locations. For more details about the stormwater wetland pond, please refer to the construction drawings entitled "Corporate Center Apartments", prepared by The John R. McAdams Company, Inc., sealed on 7/23/2007. Operations and Maintenance This manual establishes procedures for operation, maintenance, and inspection of the Corporate Center Apartments Stormwater Wetland Pond #1 in accordance with guidelines established by The John R. McAdams Company, the City of Raleigh, and the North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Division of Water Quality (DWQ). This manual also contains time intervals for these inspections and instructions for addressing any maintenance or repair issues. An inspection checklist has been included that should be used in all routine inspections of the stormwater wetland pond. This Operations and Maintenance Manual should be utilized as a guideline for inspection biannually, monthly, and after each runoff producing event wherein greater than 0.5-inches of rainfall occurs over a 24-hour period. A rain gauge should be kept onsite in order to determine when this rainfall event occurs. This guide should also assist in determining any needs for repair. The Operations and Maintenance Checklist should be utilized to conduct the required inspections. The checklist may then be cross-referenced with the Operations and Maintenance Manual to assist the inspector to determine any repairs or actions needed. This manual should not be used as a replacement for an engineer's evaluation of the facility's condition. Rather, this manual is to be used during cursory, routine inspections of the facility. Actual determinations as to the need for repair and the actual repair to be conducted are to be determined by an engineer qualified for the type of • work involved. • i 1 MAINTENANCE OF EMBANKMENTS 2 SEDIMENT MONITORING 3 MAINTENANCE OF OUTLET STRUCTURES 4 MAINTENANCE OF WETLAND VEGETATION S RODENT /PEST CONTROL 6 PROPER WETLAND WATER BALANCE 7 MAJOR REPAIRS 8 OPERATIONS g ANNUAL BUDGET AND REPLACEMENT FUND 1 O INSPECTION CHECKLIST 11 STORMWATER WETLAND DETAILS 12 • SECTION I MAINTENANCE OF EMBANKMENTS I. MAINTENANCE OF EMBANKMENTS A. Vegetation The primary vegetative ground cover for all berm embankments (excluding inside the wetland facility) is to be tall fescue. Proper maintenance of this cover will serve to prevent erosion while providing optimal access for inspection as well as preventing excessive sediment from entering the facility. Fertilization of this vegetation should be performed bi-annually in October and April with fertilizer (12-12-12) at a minimum rate of 12 to 15 pounds per 1,000 SF. Woody vegetation and trees should not be allowed to propagate on the dam embankments or top of dam. Trees and brush, if desired, are acceptable on embankments other than the dam. Inspection of embankment vegetation condition should be performed monthly or after every rainfall event greater than 0.5 inches of rainfall over a 24-hour period. 1. Seeding: Seeding should be accomplished by the use of a Spiker and large tractor aerifier to ensure proper seed and soil contact along the top of banks. Seeds should be sown evenly at a rate of 3 lb. / 1000 sq. ft. The additional application of lime or other soil amendments may be necessary to establish new growth. Bare spots are to be mulched with straw immediately following seeding. The temporary and permanent seeding schedules are shown on the stormwater wetland pond detail sheet, which has been included within this manual. Reseeding may be necessary in instances where initial seeding failed or existing areas have been compromised. The seeding schedules shown on the original design documents for the stormwater wetland pond should be followed for any necessary reseeding. 2. Mowing: All vegetative cover should be maintained at a height no more than 6" and no less 3". Acceptable methods of mowing turf grass include the use of weed whips (or similar devices) or power brush cutters and mowers, though many areas will be inaccessible to the latter due to excessive slope. Mowing and maintenance should be performed once a month to keep the maximum grass height below 6 inches and to maintain appropriate turf cover and health of turf. B. Erosion Erosion is initiated when vegetative cover is insufficient and/or concentration of runoff destabilizes vegetation. Runoff then tends to concentrate into channel flow, and soils tend to become entrained in the water and be transported downstream. Unsuitable fill material, inadequate compaction, and/or poor stabilization of vegetation can accelerate the erosion process. This has a negative environmental impact on downstream features, and has the potential to undermine the stability of the wetland facility. Erosion can be minimized with the proper care of vegetation and the use of appropriate methods to repair eroded areas and prevent recurrences of eroded areas. Appropriately, compacted soil meeting the berm design requirements will be placed in any gullies or rills, and then reseeded as described above. Re-occurrence of erosive problems should be addressed with appropriate geotextile fabrics that are installed according to manufacturer's instructions and per an engineer's recommendation. Uneven surfaces on the crest of the berm may lead to the formation of rills and/or gullies. It is possible to eliminate this problem by properly filling any depressed areas such that the entire top of berm is flat and level. Addition of fill to the top of berm should be completed by first preparing the existing soil such that a distinct boundary layer does not form beneath existing soil and newly placed soil. New fill should meet all soil requirements (as to material, placement, and compaction) as stated on the original design documents for this structure. Any fill should be followed immediately by seeding according to Section I-A (1). Inspection for erosion should be performed monthly or after every major rainfall event. *Abutment (or toe) areas: The location where the fill of the berm contacts the existing ground is the abutment (or toe). Erosive channels have a tendency to form in these areas. Appropriate geotextile fabrics, as mentioned above, may be necessary to prevent or stop this form of erosion from occurring. An engineer is required if erosion in this area is significant. C. Seepage Soft wet areas and flowing springs are an indication of seepage. Early indicators of seepage include vegetation which is more robust than surrounding vegetation. Vegetation normally associated with wetland areas such as cattails, ferns, reeds and mosses may also indicate the initiation of seepage. The previously described abutment (or toe) area is a common location for seepage to occur. Another common location for seepage problems is the area where the outlet structure exits the berm section. This is especially true in cases where the soil around the barrel is not compacted properly. Another problem related to seepage may be indicated by the occurrence of `boils' below the abutment of the ~, dam. These boils are springs that tend to deposit soils. Locating the occurrence of any boils should be included in the bi-annual inspection of the facility. `Boils' are a possible indication of piping and could lead to berm failure. Piping occurs when a void space is formed within the interior of the berm embankment. These void spaces tend to be preferred paths for water to travel, which will erode the interior of the berm and lead to failure. D. Cracks, Slides, Sloughing and Settlement Cracks: Large, well-defined cracks of greater than'/4" width indicate the potential for serious problems and the inspector of the facility should be alert for their presence. Cracks in the berm generally follow one of two patterns: Transverse cracks appear perpendicular to the length of the berm and may be caused by differential settlement. Transverse cracks increase the likelihood of the formation of piping and seepage. Longitudinal cracks appear horizontally along the berm and could serve as warnings to a future slide event. Longitudinal cracks in newly constructed berms may be an indication of poor compaction techniques and poor foundation preparation. 2. Slides: Slides and slumps have the potential to critically undermine the integrity of the berm. Arch-shaped cracks that expose soil indicate the initiation of slides. Detection of slides by inspectors should be addressed in a timely manner and a geotechnical engineer should be contacted for consultation. 3. Settlement: Settlement of the soil in the berm reduces freeboard in large storm events and may even lead to overtopping. Differential settlement of the berm can also lead to the concentration of runoff and therefore erosion as mentioned above. For this reason the berm should be maintained uniformly to its original design elevation. Greater than six inches of settlement may be indicative of significant issues within the berm foundation and could lead to catastrophic failure. Indications of this degree of settlement necessitate inspection by a geotechnical engineer. 4. Inspections for cracks, slides, sloughing, and settlement should be performed biannually. Actions to take if any of the above is detected: Any of the problems mentioned above require that a geotechnical or civil engineer be contacted, and that corrective action be taken. s • • SECTION II SEDIMENT MONITORING II. SEDIMENT MONITORING A. Stormwater Wetland Pond Accumulation of sediment within the wetland area should be kept to a minimum by stabilization of the wetland drainage area and proper prevention of erosion. Excess sediment accumulation within the wetland area will cause suffocation of the wetland vegetation, thus crippling the water quality function of the wetland. Inspection for sediment deposition should be performed biannually. 1. Check the depth at various points within the wetland, especially in the upland areas around the inlets to the wetlands. Accumulated sediment will be removed semiannually or when the depth reaches 6 inches or more. A stake shall be set during construction to indicate 6 inches of sediment accumulation. The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. 2. Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall be handled in a manner that will not adversely impact water quality (e.g. stockpiling near the wetland or surrounding streams). 3. If the elevation of the marsh areas exceeds the normal pool elevation, the sediment shall be removed to design levels. This shall be performed by removing the upper 6 inches of soil and stockpiling it. Then, the marsh shall be excavated 6 inches below design elevations. Afterwards, the stockpiled soil should be spread over the marsh surface. The soil shall not be stockpiled for more that 2 weeks. Any dead or damaged wetland plants must be replaced after this process per the approved wetland planting plan. B. Forebay Accumulation of sediment within the forebay area should be kept to a minimum by stabilization of the wetland drainage area and proper prevention of erosion. Excess sediment accumulation within the forebay area will cause sediment transport to wetland area and subsequent suffocation of vegetation. Inspection for sediment deposition should be performed biannually. 1. Check the depth at various points within the forebay, especially in the upland areas around the inlets to the wetlands. Accumulated sediment will be removed semiannually or when the depth reaches 6 inches or more. A stake shall be set during construction to indicate 6 inches of sediment accumulation. The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. 2. Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall be handled in a manner that will not adversely impact water quality (e.g. stockpiling near the pond basin or streams). C. Principal Spillway System If present, remove accumulated sediment from the outlet structure. The principal spillway system should be inspected for sediment accumulation monthly or after every rainfall event greater than 0.5 inches of rainfall over a 24- hour period. D. Storm Drainage System The upstream storm drainage system should be maintained along with the stormwater wetland pond. Trash from the site has a tendency to be washed into the storm drainage system and become lodged in the catch basins or pipes. The catch basins and pipes should be cleaned of debris at the time that maintenance is performed on the stormwater wetland pond. Sediment may accumulate in portions of the storm drainage system where slopes are relatively flat. This sediment may be washed out of the system, or flushed with a garden hose. Sediment should be flushed monthly or after every rainfall event greater than 0.5 inches of rainfall over a 24-hour period. Steps should be taken to trap this "flushed" sediment at the entrance to the wetland to prevent it from being deposited within the wetland. E. Wetland De-watering If the wetland is to be de-watered for sediment removal purposes, it shall be done in a manner that does not drop normal pool elevations more that one (1) • vertical foot per day. A geotechnical engineer shall be present on-site during any wetland de-watering activities. If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, then the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain shall be minimized to the maximum practical extent. Any dead or damaged wetland plants must be replaced after this process per the approved wetland planting plan. • r SECTION III MAINTENANCE OF OUTLET STRUCTURES III. MAINTENANCE OF O UTLET STRUCTURES The stormwater wetland pond is designed to pass stormwater quality storms through the low flow orifice located in the secondary outlet structure and larger storm events through the principal spillway. It is of vital importance that these structures remain unblocked so that the hydraulic functionality is not compromised. The outlet structure system should be inspected to ensure that it is functioning properly. A. Low Flow Siphon The stormwater wetland pond drawdown device for this facility consists of a 2- inch diameter PVC pipe. In addition to maintaining the normal pool elevation of the wetland, this device is responsible for drawing down the 1" water quality volume over a period of 2 to 5 days. However, in the event that the siphon becomes blocked, the water level will rise to the elevation of the principal spillway, which means that the water quality benefits associated with the wetland are lost. The siphon and trash rack should be inspected for blockage monthly or after each major rainfall event. Debris causing the blockage should be promptly removed from the siphon such that drawdown of the temporary pool occurs within 2 to 5 days, as designed. B. Principal Spillway 1. The principal spillway for the stormwater wetland pond consists of a 6' x 6' square weir box structure attached to a 42-inch O-ring RCP barrel. The principal spillway is responsible for safely conveying larger storm events through the facility. The principal spillway- system is expected to remain robust throughout the life of the stormwater wetland pond, but periodic inspection of the system is required. This inspection should occur biannually. The inspector should check for the presence of spalling, scaling, or cracking in the spillway system. Spalling is evident when pieces of concrete fall from the main pipe. It is defined as breaking, chipping, or fraying of concrete slabs that leave an uneven surface or edge, most often at joints or cracks. Scaling occurs when the surface of the concrete begins to flake off. The presence of cracking is indicated by separations in the concrete that are not located in the joints. Cracking can indicate the presence of structural problems and lead to leaks. Cracking can cause loss of the water tightness of the system, which can lead to piping- (i.e. migration of soil particles into the pipe). If piping occurs, the risk of failure of the dam structure is greatly increased. Evidence of any of the above issues requires that an engineer be contacted for additional inspection to determine the need for repairs. 2. If the principal spillway system becomes blocked so that it does not operate at full capacity, the risk of dam overtopping or other uncontrolled releases may result. Therefore, to ensure hydraulic capacity of the spillways, the principal spillway system should be inspected for blockage monthly or after each major rainfall event. Any vegetative growth that occurs. within the principal spillway system should be removed promptly so that the full hydraulic capacity of the system is maintained. • C. Wetland De-watering If the wetland is to be de-watered for principal spillway system maintenance purposes, it shall be done in a manner that does not drop normal pool elevation more that one (1) vertical foot per day. A geotechnical engineer shall be present on-site during any wetland de-watering activities. If the basin must be drained for an emergency, then the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain shall be minimized to the maximum practical extent. i • • s SECTION IV MAINTENANCE OF WETLAND VEGETATION IV. Maintenance of Wetland Vegetation A. Wetland Vegetation Due to the construction process and the near "optimal" conditions required to establish wetland vegetation, it is very likely that a portion of the initial wetland plantings will not survive the first growing season due to factors such as lock of wetland hydrology, variable water levels, wetland plant selection, quality of wetland plants, and sediment accumulations. Therefore, it is likely that additional wetland vegetation will be required during the initial stage of development of the wetland. Over longer periods of time, drought conditions or other factors may cause the wetland vegetation to die off and therefore need replacement. Any wetland vegetation requiring replacement should be in accordance with the original wetland-planting plan, which has been included in this manual. B. Wetland De-watering If the wetland is to be de-watered for wetland vegetation repair/maintenance purposes, it shall be done in a manner that does not drop normal pool elevation more that one (1) vertical foot per day. A geotechnical engineer shall be present on-site during any wetland de-watering activities. If the basin must be drained for an emergency, then the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain shall be minimized to the maximum practical extent. • • • SECTION V • RODENT /PEST CONTROL • Y. RODENT/PEST CONTROL A. Embankments Certain rodents including muskrats, ground hogs, and beavers tend to favor man- made earthen embankments as burrows. Evidence of the presence of such burrows requires the removal of the rodent and repair of any damage created by the presence of the rodent. Inspections for the presence of rodents within the embankment should be performed biannually. B. Mosquitoes Mosquitoes are another common nuisance associated with stormwater wetlands. In order to minimize the mosquito breeding possibilities, B.T.I. (Bacillius Thurningienisis Israelensis) mosquito briquettes shall be inserted periodically into various locations within the wetland. B.T.I. briquettes are pet safe, and are harmless to children and the environment. These briquettes come in 2" floating rings, which when placed into the wetland are consumed by mosquito larvae. Once consumption of the briquettes occurs, the mosquito larvae are killed. The briquettes should be staked down in order to prevent them from exiting the wetland. One B.T.I. briquette should be installed per 100 square feet of wetland surface area. The installation of briquettes should be installed once per month. • • SECTION VI PROPER WETLAND WATER BALANCE • ~ ~,. Crucial to the development of the stormwater wetland pond is the maintainance of a proper water balance. If the wetland is not sustaining an adequate water balance, steps should be taken to reestablish the appropriate wetland hydrology. This may include installation of a well pump. PROPER WETLAND BALANCE A. Due to the relatively small drainage area to the wetland, a well pump may be necessary to "irrigate" the wetland to sustain a normal pool elevation that is conducive to wetland plant growth and water quality functions. The well pump should be equipped with a float switch kit. When the normal pool elevation drops, the float switch would turn on the well pump, which would pump water into the wetland, until the water level returns to normal pool elevation. Once the water level has returned to normal pool elevation, the well pump would automatically turn off. The well pump should also be equipped with an operating switch from which the well pump can be manually turned on or off. B. The normal pool elevation should be inspected during each trip to the wetland facility to ensure that it remains at the design level, and to ensure that the well pump, if installed, is operating properly. If at any time the inspector notices the normal pool elevation lower than design level, a well pump should be installed, or, if a well pump is already in use, it should be inspected to ensure proper operation. In the event that the well pump is not operating properly, either repair or replacement will be necessary. C. Maintaining and preventing the wetland from reaching a stagnant condition will greatly decrease the probability of mosquito breeding. Therefore, to prevent stagnation from occurring, the well pump, if installed, should be manually turned on at each biannual inspection and remain on until the wetland has been completely "flushed". D. If the wetland is "flushed" at each biannual inspection, stagnation should not become a problem. However, if at any time a "stagnate" condition occurs within the wetland, the well pump, if installed, should be manually turned on and remain on until the pocket wetland is completely "flushed". The wetland is completely "flushed" when all evidence of stagnation has been removed and the water has returned to a "healthy" condition. SECTION VII • MAJOR REPAIRS • VII. MAJOR REPAIRS Major repairs include repair of the embankment to control or fix seepage, cracks, slides, sloughing, and settlement as described in Section I. It also includes repairs to the outlet structures as described in Section III. Any repair, reconstruction, or replacement equal to $TO BE DETERMINED (one-third of the initial construction cost of the stormwater wetland pond) shall be considered a major repair. • • • SECTION VIII OPERATIONS VIII. OPERATIONS The following maintenance and repair records should be maintained: All instances of maintenance and repair should be logged and stored in Section X of this manual. Bi-annual inspection reports: The inspection checklist should be completed at each bi-annual inspection. The completed checklist and any additional comments should be retained in Section X of this manual. Reseeding and fertilizing shall be undertaken in October and April. Monthly and post-rainfall inspection and other observations: Notation should be made of monthly and post-rainfall inspections. Additionally, other instances of noteworthy observation should be recorded. All of this information should be filed in Section X of this manual. Apost-rainfall inspection is required when rainfall exceeds one-half inch (0.5") in a 24-hour period (major rainfall event). Monthly inspections will be completed on the 15th of every month. An annual inspection report will be performed by a registered professional engineer and shall contain all the information required by Raleigh City Code Section 10- 2028. The inspection report shall be on forms supplied by the City of Raleigh. The inspection report is due on the anniversary date the as-built drawings of the stormwater wetland pond were first certified to the City of Raleigh. These reports should be sent to Raleigh City Public Works Department, Stormwater Division, P.O. Box 590, Raleigh, NC 27602. Any discrepancies noted in the inspections shall be corrected within thirty (30) days. • • • SECTION IX ANNUAL B UD GET AND REPLA CEMENT F UND • • IX. ANNUAL B UDGET AND REPLACEMENT FUND A. Opinion of Annual Budget Item Approximate Yearl Cost* Mowin $TBD Seedin $TBD Fertilizer/ Lime $TBD Embankment Re air $TBD Trash Removal $TBD Sediment Removal $TBD Outlet Structure Maintenance (Includes Ri Ra) $TBD Rodent Control $TBD Mos uito Bri uettes $TBD Professionallns ection $TBD Premiums for Liability and Casualty Insurance $TBD Payment of Stormwater Replacement Fund to City of Raleigh $TBD • Total Average Yearly Maintenance Cost = $TBD *Note: Costs presented are approximate and are the design engineer's best estimate based on experience. The design engineer assumes no liability for the costs presented above. The costs are shown only as a general guide. Costs are shown as an average yearly value. Maintenance items such as the spillway structure and embankment may not require extensive maintenance for several years. Maintenance costs have been calculated accordingly. B. Replacement Fund 1. The following is the estimated replacement cost for the stormwater wetland pond. • Earthwork (Dam Embankment) $TBD • Outlet Structure $TBD • Riser /Barrel Assembly, • Siphon Headwall Assembly, • and Installation Costs • Wetland Plantings $TBD Estimated Total Cost $TBD • The design engineer bases all cost opinions upon best available information. Cost and reconstruction opinion may vary significantly from actual costs. The design engineer assumes no responsibility for the cost opinions listed above (annual maintenance and replacement cost). C. Replacement Schedule Replacement Account for Structural Replacement and Major Repairs, the Replacement Account should be funded per the following schedule: Years 1-5 • Year Replacement Amount 1 $TBD* 2-2007 $TBD 3-2008 $TBD 4-2009 $TBD 5-2010 $TBD Years 6-10 Year Replacement Amount 6-2011 $TBD 7-2012 $TBD 8-2013 $TBD 9-2014 $TBD 10-2015 $TBD Total Replacement Amount $TBD All monies shown on this schedule will be paid to the City of Raleigh. Payment of years 2-10 are required to be paid to the City on or before July 1. *The replacement schedule is computed by the following formulae: Years 1-5 = (TBD x 0.85 x (2/3)) / 5 Years 6-10 = (TBD x 0.85 x (1/3)) / 5 **Developer contribution of 15% plus first annual replacement amount. SECTION X INSPECTION CHECKLIST X. INSPECTION CHECKLIST A. Monthly Inspection Items: The following items should be inspected monthly or after any significant rainfall event. Drainage: • Seepage Control • Abutment Contacts • Principal Spillway Outlet Structure • Low Flow Siphon • Embankment Vegetation • Wetland Plants • Soil Erosion • Pond Drawdown Time • Litter/Trash Accumulation • Mosquito Briquettes • Sediment and Outlet Structure • Trash Rack • Misc./Other B. Quarterly Inspection: Any trees, shrubs or other woody vegetation should be removed from the berm. C. Bi-Annual Inspection: • The following items should be inspected bi-annually. The inspection checklist should be completed at each bi-annual inspection. • Top of Berm • Upstream Slope • Downstream Slope • Sediment Depth • Upstream Storm Drainage System • Principal Spillway for cracking, scaling, or spalling • Rodent Control D. Annual Inspection: Once a year, the entire facility shall be inspected by a professional engineer. At this time, an annual inspection report will be completed, and shall contain all the information required by Raleigh City Code Section 10-2028. Refer to Section VIII, Item C for further information. DAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST CORPORATE CENTER APARTMENTS - STORMWATER WETLAND POND #1 DATE OF INSPECTION: To help the dam owner perform periodic safety inspections of the structure, a checklist is provided. Each item of the checklist should be completed. Repair is required when obvious problems are observed. Monitoring is recommended if there is potential for a problem to occur in the future. Investigation is necessary if the reason for the observed problem is not obvious. A brief description should be made of any noted irregularities, needed maintenance, or problems. Abbreviations and short descriptions aze recommended. Space at the bottom of the form should be used for any items not listed. • DAM DATE OWNER WEATHER INSPECTED BY POOL LEVEL ~ O z G ~ ~ a~ f.L O ~ C7 w INSPECTION OF BERM SHOULD INCLUDE INTERIOR BERM BETWEEN WETLAN DS Item Comments 1. CREST a. Visual settlement? b. Misali ent? a Crackin ? 2. UPSTREAM SLOPE a. Erosion? b. Ground cover in ood condition? c. Trees, shrubs, or other wood ve etation? d. Lon 'tudinallVertical cracks? e. Ade uate ri ra rotection? f Stone deterioration? . Settlements, de cessions, or bul es? 3. DOWNSTREAM SLOPE a. Erosion? b. Ground cover in ood condition? c. Trees, shrubs, or other wood ve etation? d. Lon 'tudinaUVertical cracks? e. Ade uate ri ra rotection? f. Settlements, de cessions, or bul es? . Soft s ots or bo azeas? h. Movement at or be and toe? i. Boils at toe? Rodent Burrows? 4. DRAINAGE-SEEPAGE CONTROL a. See a e at toe? Estimated m b. Does see a e contain finesT 5. ABUTMENT CONTACTS a. Erosion? b. Differential movement? c. Cracks? d. See a e? Estimated m e. Ade uate erosion rotection for ditches? 6. INLET STRUCTURE 'sec Concrete Box a. See a e into structure? b. Debris or obstructionsT c. If concrete, do surfaces show: I. S allin ?Chi in , breakin u 2. Crackin T other than hairline cracks 3. Erosion? 4. Scalin 7 flakin off, chi in 5. Ex osed reinforcement? 6. Other? d. If metal, do surfaces show: 1. Corrosion? 2. Protective Coatin deficient? 3. Misali ent ors lit seams? e. Do the 'oints show: 1. Dis lacement or offsetT 2. Loss of'oint material? 3. Leaka e? f. Are the trash racks: 1. Broken or bent? 2. Corroded or rusted? 3. Obstructed? 4. Operational? • • INSPECTION CHECKLIST- PAGE 2 INSPECTED BY DATE ~ a 0 ,°~ ~ a `~ 0 E" ~ w z 7. PRINCIPAL SPILLWAY PIPE Concrete a. See a e into conduit? b. Debris resent? c. Do concrete surfaces show: 1. S allin ? 2. Crackin ? 3. Erosion? 4. Scalin ? 5. Ex osed reinforcement? 6. Other? d. Do the 'oints show? 1. Dis lacement or offset? 2. Loss of'oint material? 3. Leaka e7 8. EMERGENCY SPILLWAY a. Erosion hies or rills b. Ex osed or dams ed eotextile fibers? 9. VELOCITY DISSIPATOR Ri ra a. Outlet channel obstructed? b. Is released water: 1. Undercuttin the outlet? 2. Erodin the embankment? 3. Dis lacin ri ra ? a Tailwater elevation and flow condition? 10. Resevoir a. Hi h water marks? b. Erosion/Slides into wetland area? a Sediment accumulation? d. Floatin debris resent? e. Ade uate ri ra rotection for ditches? 11. IN"I-ERIOR BERM a. Erosion? b. Visual Settling? Reference: 2000 Maryland Stormwater Design Manual- Volume II: Stormwater Design Appendices. Maryland Department of the Environment Water Management Administration. Note this form is adapted and modified from the original version. ~ o~-o»~+ Vz SECTION XI STOR1l IWA TER WETLAND DETAILS • • • • V ! r ~~~ g ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~RR~ ~~ f ~ i ~~ R~~t ~ ~ a~ ~~R~ ~ a~ s~ ~ ~_ ~ ~~ ~~ T~ ~~ . e~ ~~ ~,~B~ s ~~ ~'~~ s s~ : R ~~~~~•~ a ~ ~~a~ ~~ x ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a~ ~~ R s ~se~ 11 ~~ R y ~ ~~ ~ a ~ ~~ a~ a ~~ ~ ~ R R~~ R ~~ ~ ~g ~R ~ ~ ^ ~ ~ ~ P M r M N r ~ ~~~ .. ~ R~~ 4~~ ~ ~x ~ ~ ~~~ ~R~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ a~~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ a ~1~~ ~~ ~R~ ~a~~„ ~ ~a ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ !! ;; R ~~ as Z~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ x ~ a~~~ ~~ : ~ a~~ ~ ~~ ~,~~ s1 ~~Y ~~ r ~ ~R y ~ F~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~R ~a ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~x~ ~ ~ .~ ~~~ ~~ ~a~ ~~ ~g ~$ ~~ ~ ~ >< ~ ~~~~ 4~ ~4 ~ ~ Ra ~~~ R ~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~t ~4~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ , ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~. R 4~ ~ ~ ~ !t ~ a~ ~ ~a ~ ~ ~ x = R t M N ~ A ~ ~~~~~~ ~~~1~ * a~a~ a~ ~a R ~a$p a '~ R ~ ~ R ~R ~~ R as t ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~a ~ *x ~ a ~~ ~ a~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ a ~~ 4 a~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~Q a ~ ~ ~ R~ ~ ~ }~~ ~~ a ~ ~ se~ Il1~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~R~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ a ~~ a q ~ ~ ~ ~~a~^ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ j $ ~ d ~ ~~ ~~a ~ ~,t ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ iIA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J< ~l~~~ ~ ~ ~ a ~~ ~ ~ ~ R ~! w ~~ ~~ ~. ~. r r ~~ ~~~~ ~~ x ;~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ E~ SR~~ ~~a a! a ~~ ~ iER ~~ a R~ a ~~ ~#~ ~~~g Q ~ ~~ sat~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~ QI R ~ P! ~_~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ >E ~~ a ~ s ~ ~ $ ~ ~ R ^ r ! ~ 3 !~ ay ~ R ~. R R ~~ ~s. x $ ~ ~ ~8 ~~ ~ a~€$~~~ ~~~ ~ ~R~ ~ a a~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~s~~ ~ ~~~ ~ x R~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~,~ ~~ ~ r~r ~ a ~ s< ~~g R ~ ~ r r r - r ~ z~ ~x~ ~ ~~ ~~'~ ~~ ~~~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ _~~ s ~ ~~ x~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ R ~ ~~ x ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~~ ~ a~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ E ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~A R ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ Y~~ ~ ~a ~ I ~ R f r r r r ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~R~~ R~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ _~ as ~~It d n ~ E ~ ~ OIINBR: RBV[SIONS: "~~~~~~~°"' THE JOHN R. McADAMS B 3 ~ ~ CORPORATE CENTER FAIRFIELD RESIDENTIAL, LLC ~'•~~~~••~~ :=_ INC COMPANY n ~ ~ 3 ~ 2045 NORTH HIGHNAY 380 : . •_ ~~ ~ . , v ~ ~ ~ CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE GRAND PRAIRIE STx 75050 ~~ ;+ ; ~, ~~ BNCINBERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ NCH , PHONE: (817) 818-9470 ~ , pp ~ y,!;.~'~ ' ' g ~ RBSBARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC 3' ~ Y 2 S Q ~ ; i~......... +,c •' .1 ~, . '~ • P.O. BOX 14005 21P 27709-4005 a " 8 ~ sTOx>~we~x AIL D .~~.g '•,,,~.,..,.,,,.. (919) 381-6900 v w ~~ ~~5 ~~ a ,~ ~~ • • 70P OF HANDWREEL 70 E%fEN0 1-FO07 IHGVE iR~H RAG( TRASH RACK (BEE OETNU 10 R. WIDE MINMW ~ ~ DONCREIE COLWI lTD BE W12PAClEO BERM SECTION \ ~ (BEE RRII SOIL AVD 10P OF D.UI . EL 428.25 iXE CGTTUCIOR SEE DE<A&) CGIPlLTON SPECIFM.I7YJN5 ON R[Ef Po-1A) ~ TOP OF R6FP • EL 426.J0 ~ ~ _ ~ ~ - ~ _ PROPOSED GRADE 2' PVC 9PNON TIN . ¢. 4n.GD MWSq swwN m E%R21D s' moM ~ ~ - ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ 1 M FACE OF THE R6FA IA Fi OF 1 ~ ~ IPPPO%IM17E LOGiKN 1.U ~ ~ EIAWNE PER NCOOT SID. BSS.BO COYEfl (NIN.) T ~ ~ EMISnNG ~~ Cp+FR (MIN.) (SEE OEJNL SNEEf PD-1C) NORYAL PoOL . EL. In.00 ~ I ~ L S' ( 1 MIN.) I 1 ` \ \ VFLOGTY pSSIPATOR NCOOi CUSB 'I' RIPR.N _f 28'L x J2W x 22' TMCN ORAM%IWN DRNN s . _ . I ~ TRASH RN.Tf (ffE ~.. ~ ~ _ _ _ - -- --- -- -- - .- ------ -___ ______ __ - - _ - OETNL BHEEf PO- ) SEE 1C ( DEINI BxEEr PD-IC) ---I-I 11I . ~ 64 lF 42'1 0 RING RCP 0 1185 ~ flOW-_ - - - INVWi Wf . EL 115.30 % 'b' (NIN) ~ '~' ~j.r ^ ~ ' t : '•. ~ ... ... c.. ... ,. .... 4, ..+ ~ ~ _ •~ , ~ , ~ ~ DRAWOOWN DRNN ' ~ ~s_ x CONTRACTOR HVIL PoWA ' ' ~ ' ' . 5VB /DIP00.WX MY - EL 419 00 , ~ • •. 2' x Y WIICREiE PAD ' KEY 7RFNCH (BEE BEAM SGL § . PLUG VALVE Fpi SUPPORT OF S D]MFVLRON SPEGFICAIONS. CONCRETE CPApE SfRLLWAY FLTFA 1Y 0-PNG RCP CONCRER 8 fWC VN.VE. THE VALVE NON-WUEN GEOIFNIILE FABPoL OETNI SNEEf PO-IA) (SEE DE7NL SMEE7 PD-10J (SEE DETNL M'. OUI • 414A0 NJ11-FIA7AnON SH4L1 BE A NkH 5111E 020 SHLLI BE PIACEO N20UN0 GG1 ' SIkIi PO-1C) BIACI( DJNTRPLidt $IWL FORM 0-RING RCP X-CEIRRIC VN.VE OR JOINT OF THE 42 ENGNFER IPPR012D EWAL BARREL IN 2' WIDE STRIPS NYFRT ~ RBEA ~~ 1X8 VALVE SXVL BE IN CFIKTFRm ON JOINT. ro DPNN PoHRvFLY TO ~ WRN ANY/A INYEAf Qf OJREf BWREL N S R C-504 STG 8.5, I1N SNALL BE OPERARE fAOY TOP Of TX n~~~wt0~ EAYRIKRL~P NT DAM CROS PE S SECiTON USING ON- X IN( GAOUf OUREf STRUCNRF WA A NWDWNEFL V C N.T.i xora: 7. CONCRETE AYTI-FIATA7gN BIAG( i0 BE PRgADW WRH MINIMW IFNPEMNRE NO SHRMLIGE SIER RDAIi. 2. iNSH RACK NOT SXG1W FGt CVRDY Ik! . EL 422.00 (NYISq ~}~' f SIf+11011 ro EKTEIIO R' FRGI ~~`y~ 6' YIN. Tff FACE OF 7XE R6ER TNCNNE55 11.0' tA' 7A' 2.0' aNaulE cowR (ro eE (ANSRNLiDI IN 71K FlELD BY THE CONRiACfOR - SEE DEINL) 2.0' , ~~ PAECJSIEA SWll PROviDE A ROCK DUT FOR THE 42'1 0-PoNG RCP 11.0' 7.0' 12'1 0-RING RCP fLGV~ 2A' CONCRETE CRADIE (SEE DEWL SHEEP Po-ID) CWIRxCfOR SHNL PWR A 4' SND BRIG( 0]NRMLT011 SH111 PROADE 2' x 1' CONCRETE PAD (BF OD[RS) STEPS N ACCO0.0NK:E WRN ipt SUPPORT Qi B' P.UO YALVF NOTE BRIT( SW11 ATTACH NCOOi 510. &O.NI. STEPS ANO UY 7X,Nf AGIdNST SXALL BE PVLm Al 16' QG PREdSf SMUCNRE USING (SEE OEl)L SHEEP PD-IC) BRKK D6 W1N NO VOU SPACE BErMEEN COMRIL70R SNNL FTAONDE STEPS N NIORpNTLE MIN ' xcoor srD. e4o.s6. sTEPs SNYL BE PIART AT IK O.C. (SEE DEAL SHEET Po-IC) roP of TMIOWXEFL ro E77EN0 J 1-FOOT ABOVE iRASN RACK LAxfRILfOR SIU11 PWR A 2' x 2' CONCRETE P/D FOR SUPPORT OF B' PLUG YN.VE lOP aF RISEA . EL /2BJ0 GINOE SIEY-~ z' rA,L sTPHw ~ ~A~cETa6ix¢~N ND NaD Nv - Et 4zzro (rrxsq 'XON ro EYIENO 6' FROM By pP pRIN C4NLREIE Cp1Nt ~ ~ ~ TIE FILE Qi 7NE RISER CONSTRUCTED IN TE FlE1D Bf TIE LgTPACTOIt - SEE DE7NU 4• (~~) PRECASIER SFNLL PA0M10E 42Y O-RING 0.V A RACK OIR FOR 71E 12'R P'RNG AW 4' SOLID BAIL( ~ O ~ ) _ NOTE BPoCK SF WL A R /Ltl ~ ~ - - - - - ANO UY MNf M.VNST \ {2Y 0-IRlG RCP PREfIST STRlC7UREUSING DRANDOW71 DRAM ~ FipV-a ~~~~ I SU6Y GP 00.00( SPNZ BETWEEN NV-441900 1 5. -~{I 1 -0' QiP ) ~ AVFItt OUf - EL l1S.S0 . 7" ~ i Y T . N LRICRETE cRAmE L (SEE GETAE SNEEf PD-10) aNTRILraa slue sEU 7NE PIPE PENETRAnON wMXaTE uRl-FlAUna BALK USNC A RUBRA 8007 1110 STNNLESS STEL 8'I OP ORAN PW'E B' RUG V/1VC ME VALVE Cpl7AILiGt SHNL FG2N NVERf OF RISER SIRUGUAE ro DMN Po50NF1Y ro CONCRETE .VlR flATAnON HIROINIi CONTPACTOR SWLL LORE-pit 714 FKKE iDR SHNL BE A YW SMF B20 X-CENTRIC YAIVE W INVERT OF OUREf B/AREL BL~K 7FE BY GP APE N 7HE ~ ~ USING NON-SHRINK GRQUf FlELD. PRECASIER SHNL N ILCOROWCE SN WHN AWWA L-504 SEC 5 5 WR RENFORCEVENf N T~ NKA . . . 11R1 SNALL BE OPBUBIE FRDN TOP a aJREr PERb fANENf OV17ET S11~UC1URE DEfAQS SIRUCIUfE MR A NWpWXEEL N.T.S. t.oJ' I (2) 14.11 U 0.5' 212'x1/1' A1KiYE 2 0' 075' V A4(RE 4--~P', ,~-- o,----~ ~1 RE&A IRWI PAp( (IBNE) NlCxOR 1RASH AN:N ro MAJOIpE WNL MRI FWR EOIWLY SPACED NOT-0IPPro CN.MNBFD STEEL CUNPS. FACN CWAP A7pWlE0 TU YNJIgIE PoSER EH 2-111/4' CONCRETE ANGWR BOLTS ENXI CVAIP ro BE CA17ED W/ IN FPOKY canla. 1RASH RACK DETAR. N.rs. 3' NJCXGt STRL'CRIRE i;` 3' CIPARWCE ro OJISDE di ~/ REBIR CONCRETE COIIAR DEfAII. N.i.S /' salD BPodf (ar on1ERS) ND2 BRICK SHVL RTACN AND UY nCM AGV16f PRECASR SRBICNRE USND BAIC% 716 MIX ND VTIIO SPNE BETWEEN I. OEPf11 7000 P51 CONCRETE CGLVI ~(IWN 10 DAY BiRTJIGTX) ~-J' GewaxcE ro RRSBE a /4 REBNt ss' cEJRER ro 42.1 o-alxG RcP ~xTER _ `:~` , ~'-1R'?NGpR'.9FPTH ~; ~4 RE&R ANCHORS. CQ'RRALipt SW11 OPoLL IMO PIEAIST BASE AVD SET _ INCXORS USING EPO.CY GRWf CONCRETE /NIT-FlOTA7gN HACK FINAL DRAINNG -NOT RELEAEBD ROR CDNSTRIICTIDN NGFS I. N1 RFEAR TO BE ~4 AEBPR 2. NL REeW ANO NM;LES ro BE CILVNl12FD k0 BE FRONDED WRN AN EPO%T Lnenxc. 3. 7HE IpT-pIPPEB. GLLVANl2Ep z5¢'xl/4' NNIES sW11 BE NflAEO m nE rdBW TRASH RACK. ONCE M1DE0. THE ENTNE ABSEMBLY SNI11 BE PLACID ONTO liE RISER MIX NxilES SRTNG pRECRY ON TOP OF AISEA. uenule~ Inc xaxaa rvu~n ~ iG~F.55 ~~ ~ -- ro BE PRON10E0 Bf 1NE TUSH RACK FN3PoG7pt (~ S7RUCTRB W1ERM1 SPEGFMANXS. NOTE /7) $7 ~~ w" ~o ~~ H~ A~ 8~ ~r €r Nax: ~• ~~ ~ mRlxlNlAlx.rxw,rMp,lgr ~~_ 1=y nxaw: ix.n~ex.~ ~ex.x aw ma. 1"s""a ~!m axaiusix""igl""ix w. `~~~~ :,I~,~,NWalq~.~rFl.mrmm Ix aJx x 1x MO! xx RArI< xaanl ~-,y ~ x _ ,~ ~ ~a qX. aNe,Na. C ,,\ e 1 ~ a ~aNi.q qm ~ U II ~m~Iwum sm wioNin sl nnx ,~o N ~ • ru ea.m nXaaq w xn xm pm. .l~.~Nlmri a~~ 1 ~ I___- xN9x Para Aw I \ ~\ ... I~J- ' 9"wr eA NXxlrrgvl Nmisxal•. "~"~o~l 1.e.lm.l ELEVATION SIDE ~ ~ 1us ~ RRw1""w"i ~ pu~llre'na ~ 4 8 I t€ `TJ~` RAi ENUIEIL4 BDREREIORB xMN~ gX.Bxc. XIX.mA[. qi. RBN. Xm.llxt. gX.IIAN. 1a1 OIA. IAI Nb x11T.1 NIIIT.I 0 In.l x ! t.0 x11' I.bl1•N I.xn.n 1.NI1.A i.Nli.m 1.Nll.w +.m Lx as n' n 11' Leve.x i.wri.n Lxn.N i.xrl.a Lxm.w i.wra.n Lwn.w vxn.m e.wb.n e.wrl.re i.o ! 1 r Lxn.w 1.Nr1ae Lmi.w N.Na.b r.wrw l.! i.9 x 11' x I1^ l.wn.w t.xll.w i.xri.w 1•Nn.N ENli.x 1.wm.w e.ml.x s.bn.n IO.N111.w u.exa.n xer Lbna9 Lwn.m i.Nn.w LN4.m n.o9ni.b 1.1 x11^ Lwn,N I.Nn.w i.bn.w Lwm.n Il.wni.a 1./ x11' a.Nn.w axn.x i.Nn.N zwn.x xewn.m 1.0 x11` 1.10!1.90 I.Nll.w I.bI1.N 7.8111.b Il.rifll.ri e.f e.9 H11' s11' A.w/e.r N,xfl.w s.wre.w axn.w f.bn.r T.blO.n 1.b11.N 7.roLN I4.xix.ri m.nne.n pmI ~g Y~ Yn s4 ss" ENDwAU DErAUs n.r.s. NO[EY o} ALL STEPS SHALL PRGTRUDE /' FROX NSI-E FACE S STRIICTORE VILL ~ TF E U ~ ~ F " S 1 C L R H N O P I- THE ENGINEEA VITN BE LS OF iH E PREPOSEO STEP N0 H4S RE[EIVEO VRIiiEN MPRCVA FFAN TK INEER [A IN SUCN TEPS E USE W S Y tu 5 ~- ~ ~ 1• ~ E o~a=i Wu¢o~ ~~`o~ rc N , sl-p ~. ooy z . T f- ~ I P LAN TT wA PLAN SIDE SIOE ELEVATION ~, ,, ELEVATION V! ~ ~-~-- - -' ~a ~ L L~J ~ 11 ~ CAST IRON ~' h uti A 1-0 CAST IRON ELEVATION j W EVAT ON a ~ YI' ~~ ~, IV4' x BOB UE IH HNt A~ 4 ] ~ yr P GOLV'B Z ¢ vi - i vii Q yr PLAN SIDE VAT PLAN SIDE VAT N ~ ? u toroslrE 13 R (~ (]'T ~~ REOfORtING STEEL w ~ A VI' NOifl LEE NATION SECTION A-A Ir w T i ° rE EVE °~ EErI al s m il r B r R NxmES, 840.66 MAINTENANCE ACCE55 STEPS N.i.S {Y 6' x0E (MIN. Ncoor 838.80 (SEE OI NOD A FlL _.. ---._.._ BEPMFFN THE RPPAP AND SOIL POUNMTION. THE FlL1ER HUNKEf YALL CON815T Of A umluw I' tNlac urea a STONE (NCmr T87) UNOEAWN M1rH YIR1Fl FlLIEA XFA4f 700 OR IPPROvID EWNNENf mPRa° !' INICN !' UYEA OF CUSS '2' RIP-AM FlLTFA RLWNEf BIAAIKEf OTC 42" OU1iEf BARRELVELOCl1Y DISSIPATOR x.rs. CONCfdiE ANO~lOrABON xOCK (SFF OETUL SHIFT PO-1R) 5 1f 8'/ OH { ~ . 0 LLOai I~ . a. xxaG I {sY 0-NIIC RCP ?' ~ ;' now ~ - --- 6' X 8' OVRET RSER 8R81GNRE (SFE OEWL SNEEr Po-1B) +I 1~--6' I II i'1 GR/BE 8 STNNlESS S1EFL CONORFIE IIL SEBEW ~11'K{'N(' BALWNZEO SRA STRAP (/ PER PoSER JOINQ ,} 3.0' R ~ {'M' 6/8 N'f]DED gflE FALeeC (UCH SqE k iCP) T A~1 01P I6 REBV+ PDmIETEB 1 B' FAO P4 pONCRETE RiSERJOINTCONNECTION DETAII. N.r.s. S"DIP DRAWDOwN DRAiN 1RASHRACH DETAIIS N.rs. PINAL DRAl1ING -NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION Q ~U~i ~ o Q'-•i IH-I ~ x e z x~ ~N w N O ~ TsZ, U N xo~E.w~ FUW~om ~ m z w °. w aa~ °"N CARO,. ?2o?SrfSSigy~ ~':, SEAL `~ E i 30018~~pp.. i ,,~pR~A CPNPR', O a aL~ Oh ay nW z ~cF m W VN m G D: .W. UI W y, w a F]~ m z ova wz az O ao za w ~ `~ Gz O I~ U~~x ~~ ~!, U ~ o~~` ~ Ash 0 YJ U ~O V "' FFD-06010 mnulr FFDO6010-PD1 JAA JAA NTS 07-20-2007 "`Rx PD-1C ®McADAMS tC>g5: I. /1L 1W BAR6(U-&RS) ME ~J (AS UBELm) REfl1RICRADE 6D) SPACm Ai •.RR% PIPf caxcRETf CON~AwmmN c%RiplC 10 FT. CENIEA i0 CENTER ADIk 7NE IFNGTH OF THE CRADLE I. If OPfpN A 5 CNOSp fAOM NOTE 9 W ME CdJSIRL'CIgN 1. NAtlVTNN A MIN. COYER di 3" d< CdCAETE D'D 1HE OUTSIDE DF THE SEOUENCC THQ! BPoNG GP.1DE 6 [V1A EIBWNNEM TO SPRWdINE RFAUi) FOR ALL REwFOWMXIIIEllT. Of %PE EIEYA7X)N. E OPININ B 6 CHOSEN %IOM NOTE 9 DF RIE CONSIRUCMN SEWENCE 7HEN CONSTRUCT FORIINOPo( FOX 3. TRENDX TO BE BACMFlUtO W B" L1Fl5 W1AEN mMP/LTION IS BY Hyp. CONCRETE CNAIXE ON E%ISnNG diNE. BV]fF1LL IS IN 8" UFTS WHEN CONOUCiFD 8Y VACHINE MWIMUM Of 4 FEET 4. IF OPIMIN A 5 CHOSEN FROM NOTE 9 Di lHE CONSTRUC110N Cd+ER MUST BE PRESEM ON 46'1 RCP BEFORE ORRNG UER WIW HEMP SEWpCF, 1HEN pCANATE 7RpCH FOR CPAME AND BMLTEL PER Ed11PMENi. dMEN5pN5 ON ORAIRlGS. P OPTION B K CXOSFW iROY NOTE B OF 4, REINFORCm CONCRETE CR~DIE WY 6E REPLAtm PER RmOMNEN0AIXIN 11R CONSTRUCTXM! SEWENCE, PROCEm 70 STEP ] BELdY. F%N 7NE ON-STE CmTECXNILAL ENdNEER, UW DE'M710N FADM 7X15 GRAIL J. PUfF REWfORdNC STEEL 11A JdM FILFA M47ERVL PER SINLL BE SUBMRIm TO AND RFApED 6Y 1HE D61GN ENGWEFA PRpR N DRANHGS. 111 REINFORtlNC STEEL SHLLL INVE A MINWUM OF J• OF YPLENFRTARCN. CONCREE COYER (IN0.UdNG nES). 4. PUCE BMRFL %PE ON CONCRETE BLOCNS TO dW)E CONIPACroR SHILL WRAP JgNR W1TX 4-R WIDE STRIPS Oi FABRIC AT 7X15 S7P, 64.3• MIN. 5. POU0. CONCRETE fOR CAALE FOR F/ON SECIpN %NN ONE SIDE OF THE iRENCN A1dN CONCRETE ro FRL ENINE AREA UNDER %PE /ND PIPE NAUNGIES AS TO IEME NO NOIDS UNDER 7HE %PE CEFGflF POUPoAO ON iNE OPPOSITE 510E OF THE TRENCH PO.A1 ENRRE r 1' 1HICN JOWT CPAgE AS ONE LR (MFRTICWLY) PER DRAWINGS. fi. A11CW' LRAdE i0 CURE idi A 41NNIU4 OF T DAYS BEFdiE ANY /( ~ NBRI7NC COMPACIgN EOUIPMFM 15 USm IN THE NWIIY OF ME ( ~ BARREL PIPE / BARREL PIPE C0.Y'! F LLsTEN~L <_PmIFlC.nONS / \ ~LI~L~ _ _ ~ \ / 1 • COMPRESSNE STRfllGTH Oi ]SOD Pd Ai 18 DAYS • APPROYID MX CESIGN 44"1 0-PoN6 44"1 0-RING 8 ~') {-6S NR ENTMINm RCP OW I 1 VAgMUM MI% ro PWR nME OF 90 LIIMIIES FlpW~ il I FOUR ctLxDERS SFMLL BE PREPARm FOR IEBTNC mA EACH UR. iWO Ai 7B MK, PNO iME ~ ~ 41'0 0-AWG RCP 4Km FOA 546f 0A}$, FTNIRIX SW11 BE I6 ~~ (~~ ~) A MINIMUM 6 ]" OF CUlCRETE CWp ON ALL STEEL 6 REOUIRm (INCUIOING PES). 1 / 1 / ~ ~J REBIk n6 (U-BIBS) CONCRETE 10 BE NBRI7ED VERTICNLY. WR Dd4CAEiE SHUT NOi BE Md.EO NO%ZONTILLY N17H iNE NIREITOR. A. I7.Ifi• \ / SPIGm R 10 R. ON CENTFA S1:EL 48.17" ~ ~ NL STEEL TO BE GRADE 80. ALL STEEL SHALL BE TREE OF RUST OR 07XEA DEBRI$ THAT YIGHT ~ / PAEVFNi BONGING 70 7NE CONCRETE I" THIGH JdNi I" THICK JOWi I ~ ~ / ~ I ~ ~ ALL STEEL AWL BE BEM WIRI A MIWMUM RADIUS OF SOB (I.IJ• Fdi +7) AS SHOWN ON THE DPAWNCS. %~ W1EPW FlUEP Iy,TEAW _ a THE ~fi BARS IN iNE CONCRETE CRIOLE 9ULL BE SPLICED WiIH 1 d: n 18" C/C 1 A MINIMUM OYWUP Di JY. THE SPLICES SINi1 BE SPACED CONCAEE (MIN.) (TYP.j (MIN) SUCH TINT NO 7W0 $WCES OCWR WiMIN THE SAVE LENGTH OF AMR-%D7ARON CONCRETE A ~ PIPE. BLOdf ANTI-F1ATAipN BLOCK ,a n I 'MIN. . 6" FROM BOTIMI OF CRADLE ro CENTER Oc ~6 REPAR u.1a• 70 OUfdOE OF +3 RE BVi (1YP.) RISER BARREL CONNE CIION DETAII. 42" CONCRETE CRADLE DETAII. N.T.S. 10'-4.8• C-4~ 42"1 O-RING RCP e-o' ENOWAll PER NCOOT SID. 878.60 ' (SEE OETAI SHpT PO-IC) N0. P/ WABXm STONE NOTE 4' NEEPFIOIES 10 BE PAOWDm ENGSm N NON-WO.EN WTRN YWtMIM GUAAO ON OOWNSfRFMI FlLIER FANBC (INA 180N SNE AVO GLLVWIQm NMdY1AE CmTX OR EWNAIFNT) ON UP58FAM SIX Q(' WXRIUM OPENINGS) PROPOSm GWOE 1.0 FT Of CWW (MNJ ~J I J~1 I' MN. ENOWALL PER NCDOT 510. 638.80 - - - - . _ (BEE OETNL I SHRT PD-IC) IYI 0-PoNG RCP FLOW-- . M I 76.5• d ° a. ~ . T. MIH -~ - - - 4.1 WmPHq.ES ON EACH N0. 67 WASHED STONE 4Y WEFPNdES ON EN71 SDE OF SPILLWAY SIDE Of SPRLWAT ENG15m W NON-110MB1 FlLTFR FABPoL (YIPM i60N CONCRETE CWOLF N0. S7 WASHm STONE OR mUNALM~ (SEE pRAll) ENLASm N NON-WdrflV FlLTER FAWtlC (MIPM 180N OR fWNAFNn SPIId WAY FII.1ER DETAII. Nr.6 ~i A DUI Fi U N FRF~iz ~ z F-X k x~1 ~ ~.a11 N O ~ Z .1N V W O ~ ~ V h E"IU Z ~om fa O~ ~ W0.'W~ .N, atH C~DCx •~' 2~~~10':.~9 ': • Fa SEAL~•j • i 3oma E ; ••d~frA CANPy`0•• 0 a UO ~m °no m on Sa L".w Z ~~[•' m G `~'~G] 9 rn x~z aiNa m o a ~z az ~"~' ax w~ ~a z rv 0 !~ U~~" ~~ ~ U~ 0 ~~ o ~~ 0 W U N0~ FfD-06010 Rid FfDOfi010-PD1 oolaMO ~': JAA °"'"" rc: JAA NTS 07-20-2007 ®McADAMS • ~ • ~~ ~~~ ~I~~~~ (~f~~~ ~ ~~#~r ~~ ~ e^i ~~ss{I~' ~~ x~ • ~~~~ i ~_~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~i l ~s ~ ~~ ~ !~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~f r~~= ~ ~ ,t~ !~ a ~~s~ ~~~ ~ # ~=i ~ ~ a ; ~ ~ #f ~ ~ _ ~~~ T~ ~~ eA B ~ P d ~~~~~a~~~.~x,~ ~~ F~~~ ~Sj ~~ Pa~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ a a ~ E `^ P + ~~~ a ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ M ~ ~ ~ ~ a y ~ ~ ' VE ~~~ ~Q y O ~ ~ "s ~ ~ C Y ~ ~ F A ~ a ~~~~ ~~ $~ ~~ a~R ~ ~ ~ $ f i Y ~ k ~ t A 7S ~ ~ ~' a ~ ~a 4~~ 4° ~ ~~ ~# ~4 a~A ~ ~ ~~ ~a ~ a y R ~ s u ~s $ R~ i~ [~ ~a R ~ ~ $ J ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ a~~ ~~ IR s ® ® 0 ~ t~ ~y $ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ R ~$ r~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y Y Y Y Y a~ ~ a ~~ a ~~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ 'I I ~~ I , ~ ~ ORNBR: REVISIONS: THE JOHN R. McADAM ~ ~ CORPORATE CENTER FAIRRIELO RESIDENTIAL, LLC INC COMPANY ~ .~ e 3 , 2045 NORTH HIGHIIAY 380 . , 9 ~ ~ '+ 7 CORa VRATFi' CE`I~'FR DRNP` SIIITE 250 CRAND PRAIRIE TX 75050 6NCINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS C 1 j Y s ~ ~ ~ y ~ '~ , S g~g,I~, Npg~ , PHONE: (817) 818-9470 RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARE. NC ~ r ~ o ZIP 2770D-4005 / ' u1 'A V' ~ ~ SPOIiMWA1ER WB,17d1VD it 11~11~1D8cAPE PLAN (C Y) 30l 5000 I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed within. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. I, t`NUY1~ ~~~ a Notary Public for the State of County of ~ ~ r_, do hereby certify that ~1~(U~IA~ ~~ Q.- personallyappeared before me this o23 day of ~~~~ , ~~, and acknowledge the due execution of th~oing stormwater management facility maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, ANNE B. BAKER NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF MARYLAND My Commission Expires May 11.2010 SEAL My commission expires_~(~ ~~ , ZU10 Page 1 of 2 Print name: J~2 yA./ Co,~Di ~. Title: 17F.-r/E ~aPin ~.~.T ,~r4 ` ~ iC Address: 72 0~ 4/ s cam, , ic.~:/ f}-r/~ .sue, ~c ~/d S ,t~-f~s c~~ /It ~ .2c~ S I `~ ~~ ~ o~-t ~4 v ~ Since 1979 THE JOHN R. McADAMS COMPANY, INC. CORPORATE CENTER APARTMENTS RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA STORMWATER WETLAND POND #2 OPERATIONAND MAINTENANCE MANUAL AND BUDGET FFD-06010 Q~~~ad~~ OCT 0 5 2007 July 2007 ~ ~D ST Ep~RNATfiR ~ Research Triangle Park, NC host Office box 14005 Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, North Carolina 27713 800-733-5646 919-361-5000 919-361-2269 Fax Charlotte, NC 5311 Seventy-Seven Center Drive, Suite 66 Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 800-733-5646 704-527-0800 704-527-2003 Fax www.johnrmcadams.com PRELIMINARY Designed by: Corey Cavalier, PE Project Engineer Stormwater and Environmental Department Comprehensive Land Development Design Services We help our clients succeed. CORPORATE CENTER APARTMENTS . Stormwater Wetland Pond #2 -Operation and Maintenance Manual and Budget General Description Located off of Corporate Center Drive, southeast of the Corporate Center Drive /Conference Drive intersection and west of Nowell Road in Raleigh, North Carolina, is the proposed residential development currently known as the Corporate Center Apartments. Proposed development on this 25.45 acre site will consist of the construction of approximately 370 apartment units, along with associated streets, parking, utilities, and other infrastructure. The proposed development is located within the Neuse River basin and will be subject to the stormwater management requirements set forth in Section 10, Chapter 9 of the City of Raleigh regulations. Per City of Raleigh regulations, Stormwater management on this site shall address two primary issues: (1) peak discharge rates and (2) nitrogen export limitations. 1. Stormwater Runoff Controls [Section 10-9023] (a) Runoff limitation The peak Stormwater runoff leaving any site for the two year and ten year storms shall be no greater for post-development conditions than pre-development conditions. The same methodologies used to calculate Stormwater runoff must be used for both pre- development and post-development conditions (~ 10-9023(a)). (b) Exemptions In addition to those activities exempted by X10-9003(b) and X10-9021, the Stormwater runoff control requirements of this section shall not apply to one (1) or more of ~' ~ the following: (1) The increase in peak stormwater runoff between pre-development and post- development conditions for the two year and ten year storms is ten (10) percent or less at each point of discharge. (2) The maximum impervious surface coverage of the lot, including any existing impervious surfaces, is no more than fifteen (1 S) per cent and the remaining pervious portions of the lot are utilized to convey and control .the stormwater runoff of the lot to the maximum extent practical. Any lot which is exempted from the runoff control requirements by subsection (b) (2) shall comply with all the requirements of subsection (a) whenever: a. The exempted lot is subdivided; or b. The exempted lot size is reduced by recombination; or c. Impervious surfaces on the exempted lot equal or exceed fifteen (1 S) percent. (3) Compliance with the runoff limitations in subsection (a) above would result in greater adverse downstream impact, such as local flooding, as determined by City approved engineering studies. (4) Compliance with the ten year storm runoff limitations in subsection (a) above results in no benefit to current and future downstream development, as determined by City -approved engineering studies. (• Projects exempted by subsection (b) shall protect all affected lands and receiving watercourses from accelerated erosion as defined in Chapter S, Part 10. ~ • 2. Nitrogen Reduction [Section 10-9022) a) Requirements No development nor any expansion of an existing development, use, facility, building, structure, nor any new or expanded vehicular surface area shall contribute a nitrogen export load exceeding three and six tenths (3.6) pounds per acre per year. b) Payment to North Carolina Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund as an offset Developers shall have the option of offsetting their nitrogen export load limitations of subsection (a) above by paying monies to the North Carolina Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund based on the latest adoption payments adopted by the State. For residential development, a one-time offset payment may be paid to the North Carolina Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund to bring the nitrogen export load down from six (6) pounds per acre per year to three and six-tenths (3.6) pounds per acre per year. For all other developments, aone-time offset payment may be paid to the North Carolina Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund to bring the nitrogen export load down from ten (10) pounds per acre per year to three and six-tenths (3.6) pounds per acre per year. Installation of City approved stormwater control measures or payments or a combination of both may be used. Residential developments which exceed nitrogen export loads of six (6) pounds per acre per year and other developments which exceed nitrogen export loads of ten (1 D) pounds per acre per year must install City approved stormwater control measures to reduce the nitrogen export load of their development to the applicable six (6) or ten (10) pounds per acre per year limitation to become eligible for payment offsets. All payments are to be paid to the North Carolina Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund at the time of subdivision recordation for those subdivisions with an approved unified off-site • stormwater control facilities plan. For all other developments, payments shall be paid to the North Carolina Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund prior to the issuance of applicable development permits. Please note that residential development is defined in Section 10-9002 as any lot devoted to single family or duplex land use. There are two stormwater management facilities proposed for this development. These facilities will function as "dual-purpose facilities" by providing reduction in TN-export and by providing detention such that the pre-development peak flow rates are no greater than post-development peak flow rates in the 2- and 10-year design storm events. This report contains the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) procedures associated with Stormwater Wetland Pond #2. This facility will be built as part of the overall development of Corporate Center Apartments. The proposed stormwater wetland pond is located off of Corporate Center Drive in the northwest corner of the proposed apartment complex. The bottom elevation of the wetland is 409.00' and the top of berm elevation is 428.25'. Normal pool elevation is 418.00'. The surface area at normal pool is 5,670 square feet. One sediment forebay is present in the wetland pond and has an approximate volume of 2,273 cubic feet. It is located on the southeast side of the wetland pond, adjacent to the apartment buildings. The forebay has a maximum depth of 3.00 feet below normal pool. One micropool is located at the primary spillway and has an approximate volume of 1,961 cubic feet. The micropool has a maximum depth of 3.00 feet below normal pool. The primary outlet structure is a 4' x 4' riser box connected to 74 LF of 24" diameter O-Ring RCP pipe. A secondary outlet structure, a 1.5" PVC siphon, is also connected to the riser box. A velocity dissipator is located at the outlet of the 24" diameter O-Ring RCP pipe. The dissipator is 12 feet in length and has an average stone size of 8 inches (NCDOT Class "B" Rip-Rap). Plants i, • to be used in the wetland are as follows: Pickerel Weed, Soft Rush, Pond Weed, Wild Celery, Blue Flag Iris, Soft-stem Bulrush, Wild Rice, and Arrow Arum. Please see planting plan for ~, • locations. For more details about the stormwater wetland pond, please refer to the construction drawings entitled "Corporate Center Apartments", prepared by The John R. McAdams Company, Inc., sealed on 7/23/2007. Operations and Maintenance This manual establishes procedures for operation, maintenance, and inspection of the Corporate Center Apartments Stormwater Wetland Pond # 1 in accordance with guidelines established by The John R. McAdams Company, the City of Raleigh, and the North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Division of Water Quality (DWQ). This manual also contains time intervals for these inspections and instructions for addressing any maintenance or repair issues. An inspection checklist has been included that should be used in all routine inspections of the stormwater wetland pond. This Operations and Maintenance Manual should be utilized as a guideline for inspection biannually, monthly, and after each runoff producing event wherein greater than 0.5-inches of rainfall occurs over a 24-hour period. A rain gauge should be kept onsite in order to determine when this rainfall event occurs. This guide should also assist in determining any needs for repair. The Operations and Maintenance Checklist should be utilized to conduct the required inspections. The checklist may then be cross-referenced with the Operations and Maintenance Manual to assist the inspector to determine any repairs or actions needed. This manual should not be used as a replacement for an engineer's evaluation of the facility's condition. Rather, this manual is to be used during cursory, routine inspections of the facility. Actual determinations as to the need for repair and the actual repair to be conducted are to be determined by an engineer qualified for the type of • work involved. • • • • 1 MAINTENANCE OF EMBANKMENTS 2 SEDIMENT MONITORING 3 MAINTENANCE OF OUTLET STRUCTURES 4 MAINTENANCE OF WETLAND VEGETATION 5 RODENT/PEST CONTROL 6 PROPER WETLAND WATER BALANCE 7 MAJOR REPAIRS 8 OPERATIONS 9 ANNUAL BUDGET AND REPLACEMENT FUND 1 O INSPECTION CHECKLIST 11 STORMWATER WETLAND DETAILS 12 D~-o~~~}V2, `~ SECTION I MAINTENANCE OF EMBANKMENTS • I. MAINTENANCE OF EMBANKMENTS A. Vegetation The primary vegetative ground cover for all berm/embankments (excluding inside the wetland facility) is to be tall fescue. Proper maintenance of this cover will serve to prevent erosion while providing optimal access for inspection as well as preventing excessive sediment from entering the facility. Fertilization of this vegetation should be performed bi-annually in October and April with fertilizer (12-12-12) at a minimum rate of 12 to 15 pounds per 1,000 SF. Woody vegetation and trees should not be allowed to propagate on the dam embankments or top of dam. Trees and brush, if desired, are acceptable on embankments other than the dam. Inspection of embankment vegetation condition should be performed monthly or after every rainfall event greater than 0.5 inches of rainfall over a 24-hour period. • Seeding: Seeding should be accomplished by the use of a spiker and large tractor aerifier to ensure proper seed and soil contact along the top of banks. Seeds should be sown evenly at a rate of 3 lb. / 1000 sq. ft. The additional application of lime or other soil amendments may be necessary to establish new growth. Bare spots are to be mulched with straw immediately following seeding. The temporary and permanent seeding schedules are shown on the stormwater wetland pond detail sheet, which has been included within this manual. Reseeding may be necessary in instances where initial seeding failed or existing areas have been compromised. The seeding schedules shown on the original design documents for the stormwater wetland pond should be followed for any necessary reseeding. 2. Mowing: All vegetative cover should be maintained at a height no more than 6" and no less 3". Acceptable methods of mowing turf grass include the use of weed whips (or similar devices) or power brush cutters and mowers, though many areas will be inaccessible to the latter due to excessive slope. Mowing and maintenance should be performed once a month to keep the maximum grass height below 6 inches and to maintain appropriate turf cover and health of turf. B. Erosion • Erosion is initiated when vegetative cover is insufficient and/or concentration of runoff destabilizes vegetation. Runoff then tends to concentrate into channel flow, and soils tend to become entrained in the water and be transported downstream. Unsuitable fill material, inadequate compaction, and/or poor stabilization of vegetation can accelerate the erosion process. This has a negative environmental impact on downstream features, and has the potential to undermine the stability of the wetland facility. Erosion can be minimized with the proper care of vegetation and the use of appropriate methods to repair eroded areas and prevent recurrences of eroded areas. Appropriately, compacted soil meeting the berm design requirements will be placed in any gullies or rills, and then reseeded as described above. Re-occurrence of erosive problems should be addressed with appropriate geotextile fabrics that are installed according to manufacturer's instructions and per an engineer's recommendation. Uneven surfaces on the crest of the berm may lead to the formation of rills and/or gullies. It is possible to eliminate this problem by properly filling any depressed areas • such that the entire top of berm is flat and level. Addition of fill to the top of berm should be completed by first preparing the existing soil such that a distinct boundary layer does not form beneath existing soil and newly placed soil. New fill should meet all soil requirements (as to material, placement, and compaction) as stated on the original design documents for this structure. Any fill should be followed immediately by seeding according to Section I-A (1). Inspection for erosion should be performed monthly or after every major rainfall event. *Abutment (or toe) areas: The location where the fill of the berm contacts the existing ground is the abutment (or toe). Erosive channels have a tendency to form in these areas. Appropriate geotextile fabrics, as mentioned above, may be necessary to prevent or stop this form of erosion from occurring. An engineer is required if erosion in this area is significant. C. Seepage Soft wet areas and flowing springs are an indication of seepage. Early indicators of seepage include vegetation which is more robust than surrounding vegetation. Vegetation normally associated with wetland areas such as cattails, ferns, reeds and mosses may also indicate the initiation of seepage. The previously described abutment (or toe) area is a common location for seepage to occur. Another common location for seepage problems is the area where the outlet structure exits the berm section. This is especially true in cases where the soil around the barrel is not compacted properly. Another problem related to seepage may be indicated by the occurrence of `boils' below the abutment of the dam. These boils are springs that tend to deposit soils. Locating the occurrence of any boils should be included in the bi-annual inspection of the facility. `Boils' are a possible indication of piping and could lead to berm failure. Piping occurs when a void space is formed within the interior of the berm embankment. These void spaces tend to be preferred paths for water to travel, which will erode the interior of the berm and lead to failure. D. Cracks, Slides, Sloughing and Settlement 1. Cracks: Large, well-defined cracks of greater than 1/4" width indicate the potential for serious problems and the inspector of the facility should be alert for their presence. Cracks in the berm generally follow one of two patterns: Transverse cracks appear perpendicular to the length of the berm and may be caused by differential settlement. Transverse cracks increase the likelihood of the formation of piping and seepage. Longitudinal cracks appear horizontally along the berm and could serve as warnings to a future slide event. Longitudinal cracks in newly constructed berms may be an indication of poor compaction techniques and poor foundation preparation. 2. Slides: Slides and slumps have the potential to critically undermine the integrity of the berm. Arch-shaped cracks that expose soil indicate the initiation of slides. Detection of slides by inspectors should be • addressed in a timely manner and a geotechnical engineer should be contacted for consultation. . 3. Settlement: Settlement of the soil in the berm reduces freeboard in large storm events and may even lead to overtopping. Differential settlement of the berm can also lead to the concentration of runoff and therefore erosion as mentioned above. For this reason the berm should be maintained uniformly to its original design elevation. Greater than six inches of settlement may be indicative of significant issues within the berm foundation and could lead to catastrophic failure. Indications of this degree of settlement necessitate inspection by a geotechnical engineer. 4. Inspections for cracks, slides, sloughing, and settlement should be performed biannually. Actions to take if any of the above is detected: Any of the problems mentioned above require that a geotechnical or civil engineer be contacted, and that corrective action be taken. • • -~ SECTION II SEDIMENT MONITORING II. SEDIMENT MONITORING A. Stormwater Wetland Pond Accumulation of sediment within the wetland area should be kept to a minimum by stabilization of the wetland drainage area and proper prevention of erosion. Excess sediment accumulation within the wetland area will cause suffocation of the wetland vegetation, thus crippling the water quality function of the wetland. Inspection for sediment deposition should be performed biannually. 1. Check the depth at various points within the wetland, especially in the upland areas around the inlets to the wetlands. Accumulated sediment will be removed semiannually or when the depth reaches 6 inches or more. A stake shall be set during construction to indicate 6 inches of sediment accumulation. The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. 2. Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall be handled in a manner that will not adversely impact water quality (e.g. stockpiling near the wetland or surrounding streams). 3. If the elevation of the marsh areas exceeds the normal pool elevation, the sediment shall be removed to design levels. This shall be performed by removing the upper 6 inches of soil and stockpiling it. Then, the marsh shall be excavated 6 inches below design elevations. Afterwards, the • stockpiled soil should be spread over the marsh surface. The soil shall not be stockpiled for more that 2 weeks. Any dead or damaged wetland plants must be replaced after this process per the approved wetland planting plan. B. Forebay Accumulation of sediment within the forebay area should be kept to a minimum by stabilization of the wetland drainage area and proper prevention of erosion. Excess sediment accumulation within the forebay area will cause sediment transport to wetland area and subsequent suffocation of vegetation. Inspection for sediment deposition should be performed biannually. 1. Check the depth at various points within the forebay, especially in the upland areas around the inlets to the wetlands. Accumulated sediment will be removed semiannually or when the depth reaches 6 inches or more. A stake shall be set during construction to indicate 6 inches of sediment accumulation. The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. 2. Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall be handled in a manner that will not adversely impact water quality (e.g. stockpiling near the pond basin or streams). • • C. Principal Spillway System If present, remove accumulated sediment from the outlet structure. The principal spillway system should be inspected for sediment accumulation monthly or after every rainfall event greater than 0.5 inches of rainfall over a 24- hourperiod. D. Storm Drainage System The upstream storm drainage system should be maintained along with the stormwater wetland pond. Trash from the site has a tendency to be washed into the storm drainage system and become lodged in the catch basins or pipes. The catch basins and pipes should be cleaned of debris at the time that maintenance is performed on the stormwater wetland pond. Sediment may accumulate in portions of the storm drainage system where slopes are relatively flat. This sediment may be washed out of the system, or flushed with a garden hose. Sediment should be flushed monthly or after every rainfall event greater than 0.5 inches of rainfall over a 24-hour period. Steps should be taken to trap this "flushed" sediment at the entrance to the wetland to prevent it from being deposited within the wetland. E. Wetland De-watering If the wetland is to be de-watered for sediment removal purposes, it shall be done in a manner that does not drop normal pool elevations more that one (1) • vertical foot per day. A geotechnical engineer shall be present on-site during any wetland de-watering activities. If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, then the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain shall be minimized to the maximum practical extent. Any dead or damaged wetland plants must be replaced after this process per the approved wetland planting plan. • ~~ SECTION III MAINTENANCE OF O UTLET STRUCTURES III. MAINTENANCE OF OUTLET STRUCTURES • The stormwater wetland pond is designed to pass stormwater quality storms through the low flow orifice located in the secondary outlet structure and larger storm events through the principal spillway. It is of vital importance that these structures remain unblocked so that the hydraulic functionality is not compromised. The outlet structure system should be inspected to ensure that it is functioning properly. A. Low Flow Siphon The stormwater wetland pond drawdown device for this facility consists of a 1.5-inch diameter PVC pipe. In addition to maintaining the normal pool elevation of the wetland, this device is responsible for drawing down the 1" water quality volume over a period of 2 to 5 days. However, in the event that the siphon becomes blocked, the water level will rise to the elevation of the principal spillway, which means that the water quality benefits associated with the wetland are lost. The siphon and trash rack should be inspected for blockage monthly or after each major rainfall event. Debris causing the blockage should be promptly removed from the siphon such that drawdown of the temporary pool occurs within 2 to 5 days, as designed. B. Principal Spillway 1. The principal spillway for the stormwater wetland pond consists of a 4' x 4' square weir box structure attached to a 24-inch O-ring RCP barrel. The principal spillway is responsible for safely conveying larger storm • events through the facility. The principal spillway system is expected to remain robust throughout the life of the stormwater wetland pond, but periodic inspection of the system is required. This inspection should occur biannually. The inspector should check for the presence of spalling, scaling, or cracking in the spillway system. Spalling is evident when pieces of concrete fall from the main pipe. It is defined as breaking, chipping, or fraying of concrete slabs that leave an uneven surface or edge, most often at joints or cracks. Scaling occurs when the surface of the concrete begins to flake off. The presence of cracking is indicated by separations in the concrete that are not located in the joints. Cracking can indicate the presence of structural problems and lead to leaks. Cracking can cause loss of the water tightness of the system, which can lead to piping (i.e. migration of soil particles into the pipe). If piping occurs, the risk of failure of the dam structure is greatly increased. Evidence of any of the above issues requires that an engineer be contacted for additional inspection to determine the need for repairs. 2. If the principal spillway system becomes blocked so that it does not operate at full capacity, the risk of dam overtopping or other uncontrolled releases may result. Therefore, to ensure hydraulic capacity of the spillways, the principal spillway system should be inspected for blockage monthly or after each major rainfall event. Any vegetative growth that occurs within the principal spillway system should be removed promptly so that the full hydraulic capacity of the system is maintained. • • C. Wetland De-watering If the wetland is to be de-watered for principal spillway system maintenance purposes, it shall be done in a manner that does not drop normal pool elevation more that one (1) vertical foot per day. A geotechnical engineer shall be present on-site during any wetland de-watering activities. If the basin must be drained for an emergency, then the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain shall be minimized to the maximum practical extent. • • ~`1-o~~y V'2. • SECTION IV MAINTENANCE OF WETLAND VEGETATION • IY. Maintenance of Wetland Ye~etation A. Wetland Vegetation Due to the construction process and the near "optimal" conditions required to establish wetland vegetation, it is very likely that a portion of the initial wetland plantings will not survive the first growing season due to factors such as lock of wetland hydrology, variable water levels, wetland plant selection, quality of wetland plants, and sediment accumulations. Therefore, it is likely that additional wetland vegetation will be required during the initial stage of development of the wetland. Over longer periods of time, drought conditions or other factors may cause the wetland vegetation to die off and therefore need replacement. Any wetland vegetation requiring replacement should be in accordance with the original wetland-planting plan, which has been included in this manual B. Wetland De-watering If the wetland is to be de-watered for wetland vegetation repair/maintenance purposes, it shall be done in a manner that does not drop normal pool elevation more that one (1) vertical foot per day. A geotechnical engineer shall be present on-site during any wetland de-watering activities. If the basin must be drained for an emergency, then the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain shall be minimized to the maximum practical extent. • • o~1-~i ~y~ VZ SECTION V RODENT /PEST CONTROL Y. RODENT /PEST CONTROL • A. Embankments Certain rodents including muskrats, ground hogs, and beavers tend to favor man- made earthen embankments as burrows. Evidence of the presence of such burrows requires the removal of the rodent and repair of any damage created by the presence of the rodent. Inspections for the presence of rodents within the embankment should be performed biannually. B. Mosquitoes Mosquitoes are another common nuisance associated with stormwater wetlands. In order to minimize the mosquito breeding possibilities, B.T.I. (Bacillius Thurningienisis Israelensis) mosquito briquettes shall be inserted periodically into various locations within the wetland. B.T.I. briquettes are pet safe, and are harmless to children and the environment. These briquettes come in 2" floating rings, which when placed into the wetland are consumed by mosquito larvae. Once consumption of the briquettes occurs, the mosquito larvae are killed. The briquettes should be staked down in order to prevent them from exiting the wetland. One B.T.I. briquette should be installed per 100 square feet of wetland surface area. The installation of briquettes should be installed once per month. \ • • o~-o-~~ V2 • SECTION VI PROPER WETLAND WATER BALANCE VI. PROPER WETLAND BALANCE • Crucial to the development of the stormwater wetland pond is the maintainance of a proper water balance. If the wetland is not sustaining an adequate water balance, steps should be taken to reestablish the appropriate wetland hydrology. This may include installation of a well pump. A. Due to the relatively small drainage area to the wetland, a well pump may be necessary to "irrigate" the wetland to sustain a normal pool elevation that is conducive to wetland plant growth and water quality functions. The well pump should be equipped with a float switch kit. When the normal pool elevation drops, the float switch would turn on the well pump, which would pump water into the wetland, until the water level returns to normal pool elevation. Once the water level has returned to normal pool elevation, the well pump would automatically turn off. The well pump should also be equipped with an operating switch from which the well pump can be manually turned on or off. B. The normal pool elevation should be inspected during each trip to the wetland facility to ensure that it remains at the design level, and to ensure that the well pump, if installed, is operating properly. If at any time the inspector notices the normal pool elevation lower than design level, a well pump should be installed, or, if a well pump is already in use, it should be inspected to ensure proper operation. In the event that the well pump is not operating properly, either repair or replacement will be necessary. C. Maintaining and preventing the wetland from reaching a stagnant condition will • greatly decrease the probability of mosquito breeding. Therefore, to prevent stagnation from occurring, the well pump, if installed, should be manually turned on at each biannual inspection and remain on until the wetland has been completely "flushed". D. If the wetland is "flushed" at each biannual inspection, stagnation should not become a problem. However, if at any time a "stagnate" condition occurs within the wetland, the well pump, if installed, should be manually turned on and remain on until the pocket wetland is completely "flushed". The wetland is completely "flushed" when all evidence of stagnation has been removed and the water has returned to a "healthy" condition. • SECTION VII MAJOR REPAIRS VII. MAJOR REPAIRS • Major repairs include repair of the embankment to control or fix seepage, cracks, slides, sloughing, and settlement as described in Section I. It also includes repairs to the outlet structures as described in Section III. Any repair, reconstruction, or replacement equal to $TO BE DETERMINED (one-third of the initial construction cost of the stormwater wetland pond) shall be considered a mayor repair. • • SECTION VIII OPERATIONS VIII. OPERATIONS • The following maintenance and repair records should be maintained: All instances of maintenance and repair should be logged and stored in Section X of this manual. • Bi-annual inspection reports: The inspection checklist should be completed at each bi-annual inspection. The completed checklist and any additional comments should be retained in Section X of this manual. Reseeding and fertilizing shall be undertaken in October and April. • Monthly and post-rainfall inspection and other observations: Notation should be made of monthly and post-rainfall inspections. Additionally, other instances of noteworthy observation should be recorded. All of this information should be filed in Section X of this manual. Apost-rainfall inspection is required when rainfall exceeds one-half inch (0.5") in a 24-hour period (major rainfall event). Monthly inspections will be completed on the 15~' of every month. • An annual inspection report will be performed by a registered professional engineer and shall contain all the information required by Raleigh City Code Section 10- 2028. The inspection report shall be on forms supplied by the City of Raleigh. The inspection report is due on the anniversary date the as-built drawings of the stormwater wetland pond were first certified to the City of Raleigh. These reports should be sent to Raleigh City Public Works Department, Stormwater Division, P.O. Box 590, Raleigh, NC 27602. Any discrepancies noted in the inspections shall be corrected within thirty (30) days. • o~ - o ~ ~ ~ V2 • SECTION IX ANNUAL B UDGET AND REPLACEMENT FUND • • IX. ANNUAL BUDGETAND REPLACEMENT FUND A. Opinion of Annual Budget Item Approximate Yearly Cost* Mowin $TBD Seedin $TBD Fertilizer/ Lime $TBD Embankment Re air $TBD Trash Removal $TBD Sediment Removal $TBD Outlet Structure Maintenance Includes Ri Ra $TBD Rodent Control $TBD Mos uito Bri uettes $TBD Professional Ins ection $TBD Premiums for Liability and Casualty Insurance $TBD Payment of Stormwater Replacement Fund to City of Raleigh $TBD Total Average Yearly Maintenance Cost = $TBD *Note: Costs presented are approximate and are the design engineer's best estimate based on experience. The design engineer assumes no liability for the costs presented above. The costs are shown only as a general guide. Costs are shown as an average yearly value. Maintenance items such as the spillway structure and embankment may not require extensive maintenance for several years. Maintenance costs have been calculated accordingly. B. Replacement Fund 1. The following is the estimated replacement cost for the Stormwater wetland pond. • Earthwork (Dam Embankment) $TBD • Outlet Structure $TBD • Riser /Barrel Assembly, • Siphon Headwall Assembly, • and Installation Costs • Wetland Plantings $TBD • Estimated Total Cost $TBD The design engineer bases all cost opinions upon best available information. Cost and reconstruction opinion may vary significantly from actual costs. The design engineer assumes no responsibility for the cost opinions listed above (annual maintenance and replacement cost). C. Replacement Schedule Replacement Account for Structural Replacement and Major Repairs, the Replacement Account should be funded per the following schedule: Years 1-5 • Year Replacement Amount 1 $TBD** 2-2007 $TBD 3-2008 $TBD 4-2009 $TBD 5-2010 $TBD Years 6-10 Year Replacement Amount 6-2011 $TBD 7-2012 $TBD 8-2013 $TBD 9-2014 $TBD 10-2015 $TBD Total Replacement Amount $TBD All monies shown on this schedule will be paid to the City of Raleigh. Payment of years 2-10 are required to be paid to the City on or before July 1. *The replacement schedule is computed by the following formulae: Years 1-5 = (TBD x 0.85 x (2/3)) / 5 Years 6-10 = (TBD x 0.85 x (1/3)) / 5 **Developer contribution of 15% plus first annual replacement amount. • ~ 2 SECTION X INSPECTION CHECKLIST X. INSPECTION CHECKLIST • A. Monthly Inspection Items: The following items should be inspected monthly or after any significant rainfall event. Drainage: • Seepage Control • Abutment Contacts • Principal Spillway Outlet Structure • Low Flow Siphon • Embankment Vegetation • Wetland Plants • Soil Erosion • Pond Drawdown Time • Litter/Trash Accumulation • Mosquito Briquettes • Sediment and Outlet Structure • Trash Rack • Misc./Other B. Quarterly Inspection: Any trees, shrubs or other woody vegetation should be removed from the berm. C. Bi-Annual Inspection: • The following items should be inspected bi-annually. The inspection checklist should be completed at each bi-annual inspection. • Top of Berm • Upstream Slope • Downstream Slope • Sediment Depth • Upstream Storm Drainage System • Principal Spillway for cracking, scaling, or spalling • Rodent Control D. Annual Inspection: Once a year, the entire facility shall be inspected by a professional engineer. At this time, an annual inspection report will be completed, and shall contain all the information required by Raleigh City Code Section 10-2028. Refer to Section VIII, Item C for further information. • DAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST CORPORATE CENTER APARTMENTS - 5TORMWATER WETLAND POND #2 DATE OF INSPECTION: To help [he dam owner perform periodic safety inspections of the structure, a checklist is provided. Each item of the checklist should be completed. Repair is required when obvious problems aze observed. Monitoring is recommended if there is potential for a problem to occur in the future. Investigation is necessary if the reason for the observed problem is not obvious. • A brief description should be made of any noted irregularities, needed maintenance, or problems. Abbreviations and short descriptions are recommended. Space a[ the bottom of the form should be used for any items not listed. • DAM DATE OWNER WEATHER INSPECTED BY POOL LEVEL ~ O ~ O ~ ~ WaW a O Fd ~ W INSPECTION OF BERM SHOULD INCLUDE INTERIOR BERM BETWEEN WETLAN DS Item Comments 1. CREST a. Visual settlement? b. Misali ent? c. Crackin ? 2. UPSTREAM SLOPE a. Erosion? b. Ground cover in ood condition? c. Trees, shrubs, or other wood ve elation? d. Lon 'tudinaUVertical cracks? e. Ade uate ri ra rotection? f Stone deterioration? . Settlements de ressions, or bul es? 3. DOWNSTREAM SLOPE a. Erosion? b. Ground cover in ood condition? c. Trees, shrubs or other wood ve elation? d. Lon 'tudinaWertical cracks? e. Ade uate ri ra rotection? f Settlements, de ressions, or bul es? Soft s ots or bo areas? h. Movement at or be and toe? i. Boils at toe? ~. Rodent Burrows? 4. DRAINAGE-SEEPAGE CONTROL a. See a e at toe? Estimated m b. Does see a e contain fines? 5. ABUTMENT CONTACTS a. Erosion? b. Differential movement? c. Cracks? d. See a e? Estimated m e. Ade uate erosion rotection for ditches? 6. INLET STRUCTURE ser Concrete Box a. See a e into structure? b. Debris or obstructions? c. If concrete, do surfaces show: 1. S allin ?Chi in , breakin u 2. Crackin ?other than hairline cracks 3. Erosion? 4. Scalin ? flakin off, chi m 5. Ex used reinforcement? 6. Other? d. If metal, do surfaces show: 1. Corrosion? 2. Protective Coatin deficient? 3. Misali ent ors lit seams? e. Do the 'oints show: 1. Dis ]acement or offset? 2. Loss of'oint material? 3. Leaka e? f Are the trash racks: 1. Broken or bent? 2. Corroded or rusted? 3. Obstructed? 4. Operational? • • • INSPECTION CHECKLIST- PAGE 2 NSPECTED BY DATE ~ O F z ~ d~ a 0 Q ~ E• 7. PRINCIPAL SPILLWAY PIPE Concrete a. See a e into conduit? b. Debris resent? c. Do concrete surfaces show: 1. S allin ? 2. Crackin ? 3. Erosion? 4. Scalin 7 5. Ex osed reinforcement? 6. OtherT d. Do the 'oints show? I. Dis lacement or offset? 2. Loss of'oint material? 3. Leaka e? 8. EMERGENCY SPILLWAY a. Erosion lies or rills b. Ex osed or dama ed eotextile fibers? 9. VELOCITY DISSIPATOR Ri ra a. Outlet channel obstructed? b. Is released water: 1. Undercuttin the outlet? 2. Erodin the embankment? 3. Dis lacin ri ra ? c. Tailwater elevation and flow condition? 10. Resevoir a. Hi water mazks? b. Erosion/Slides into wetland azea? c. Sediment accumulation? d. Floatin debris resent? e. Ade uate ri ra rotection for ditches? 11. INTERIOR BERM a. Erosion? b. Visual Settling? Reference: 2000 Maryland Stormwater Design Manual- Volume II: Stormwater Design Appendices. Maryland Department of the Environment: Water Management Administration. Note this form is adapted and modified from the original version. • 0`1-oi~~- v~, SECTION XI STOR1~ IWA TER WETLAND DETAILS • ~~ o r r ~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ ~~ ~~ • ~ ~ ~~~~ ' ~ ~ ~~;~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~a~ s ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ a # r v r ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ s s~ a a ct ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ a ~ ~a x ~~~a ~ ~ R ~ ~~ ~ a ~~ a~ a ~~ ~ ~ s aRI Y ~~~ ~fi ~a :~ ~ ~a x sR w r ! Y Y ~~~ ~R~~d ~ ~~ ~~~ I~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ a ~ ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~a t ~~~ ~~i a ~a~ ~ ~~ aaa ~~ ~~~ a ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ x ~ ~a~~>e ~~ ' ~ ~~~ ~~~ sR~ ~~Y ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Y - ~~y y~F l ,~ ~ _ ~ ,, ~,----- i ~; ,_ _------ ,. -- _,.- .-~ ,~ ~ ~v ~~ i~ ~~ _ , x I ~,' .L • ;, _ ~ r r r w r ~ ~ ~ ~x~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~a~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ a ~~ a ~~~~ ~ 4 a~ ~ ~ ~ a a ~~ a Eat ~M ~ ,.~~ ~ ~a a ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ y 4~ ~~~ ~t ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~ #~~g ~ ~ ~~ a~ :~ !! ' '~~ ~ .axe ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ alsl~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ a ~~ ~ Q ~.~ ~Q ~ ~ a 9 ~ a ,~~ ~ a~A~ ~ ~ $ ~ a F v r. S r w r r ~ ~ ~ a . ~ a - a a $ ~ a ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ a t ~ ~ r E ~~ s~ ~ ~ E~~ ~ " ~ se ~ ~ a a~ : ~ ~ ~ ~~ +~ „<4 ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~a~ ~ x ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ €~ ~~~~ ~ g~ ~ ~ ~ ~ x~ 7Ep~p set l ~ a ~ ~~a ~~1~ pp~ f ~~ ^ ~ ~~ a ~ E ~ a a~~ +'a ~ A ~ ,- '%~- I 1~ ~, y~ \`.,` ~_ 3 ~ o~HeR: sevlslul+s: °""""'~ THE JOHN R. McADAMS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CORPORATE CENTER FAIRFIELO RESIDENTIAL, LLC ` ,gyp `~=~ „~ '~s INC COMPANY ~ ~ 3 ~ 2045 No R T~E 5o~AY 380 ;, '~ ~~ ~ , . ~ ~ ~ CORPORATE CENIFR DRIVE S U 2 TX 75050 PRAlR1E - ~ ~ =t-''' s~ ~ ~ t~ICINeeBS/PLAr~NeRS/suRVeroBs 9 I .,x{ T ~ ~ ff ~ AItOLDYA NOR11;iC RAIBIOH , GRAND (917) BIB-9470 PHONE : .,f~} ' '~ * ~ ~ ~ RBBBARCR TRtANG1E PARK, NC ~ N ~ S 4 g $ . . : i~ ,.„„ ,. ., .Q~,. P.O. BOX 14006 ZIP Y7700-4006 oon ~ ~ ~ 8 ~ SPORMwA1ERwElLAND IfZ DL~'1'AIIS I,,,""", (Ylla) sal-s • ~~ ~~ ~ia~ ~ ~~ o,~ ~~ ~~ ~~a ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ l ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ x ~~ ~ ~ ~$g ~A >e ~~5 ~~¢~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ia a r Y N ~~~ ~~ ~$~ ~~~; RI ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ x t } ~a ~' ~ ~ ~a{ ~ . ~~ x.a# i i i ~~ ~ i i • • • TOP a NwowxEa ro EKTEKO t-EDOT AENM12 7RlW R1CN TaP of pIN - EL ae.oD TOP a R5ER . EL 416.D0 ~ 1.5' P.C 9PNON IN • EL 412.00 (NWSE) SPFXIN TO EXTFNO 6' iPW iNE flGE a lEE RISER NORN.LL POOL - EL 412.00 OPAWDOWN GRAN TRlSN RACK (SEE Fit OEFNI SHEET PD-1C) m=rnlFE1}~]i IMIEAT OUF . EL 109.00 CONCRETE INiI-iLOTAN7N gocK NOTES: I. CONCRETE ANTI-PLOTADq BLDG( TO BE PROADED WRN MINNUM 1EMPEMNRE AND SNRNNAGE SiEELL RE98DRCENElE 2. TRASH RAIX NOT 910WN FOR CLARRr 81RRET. GROUT 7RASX PACK (sEE DEruy caNaRTE caGAR (ro aE Cgb'iMIC1EU IN iXE TF1D Bf iFE CaRRWTgE, SEE OETNL) told rt. M~ Ca1PACTED BEAM SECRON (sEE BEMA soa ANo COAIPAC11EX1 SPECNTGOpN4 oN SHEET Po-2A) PROPOSED CPAOE N'PRO%WTE LOGiMN G a EpsrNC aROUxo I ~- _ ~ ~ ~=1 I I I ~_ ~ ~~ L-~=~ ~_~ ~ ~~ ~ ~-~ ~~ ~~ I ~ -~~ - ~ ~ ~~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ to Fr a ENDwu PER rxoor sro. ve.eo ID Fr a _ - ~ ~-_~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~-~ ~ L-I ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~_~ ~ ~_ __ I I 1= CPAt (MN.) (SEE OEfNL SHEET Po-2C) _ COYFA (M1-.) ~ .. ~ ~ - I _-III-III-III -III- ~ -III-III-III-III-II 1 I~ T 1~ ~ ~ ~ I- ~ I-III-III-III-II I I TF -Ih I I I I i I I I I~III ~nr D~PA~R _ _ _ ~ _ _~ - 4r--~I~ =I 11~1~=III=II I~ I ~I I= - I - ~ I - I - I = =_-_ __ __ - - NCOOT CL~ I RIPR~P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - H~ I- ~ Ii _ I - I I I-III III II I I i I I I I I I I_ I~II III III I I III III _ 12'L ~ 14 s 2Y hINX - - - - _ - - _ _ - - - - - - - n ~ _ - ]4 V 241 0-PoNG RCP 0 1 SS1I - " - T. ~ - - - - - _ _ _ _ ~ I SHEET PD-2C S EF OE L ~ a' PIRG aLVE. THE vALYE Nox-rq.EN aoTE%TAE FABRp sHUL aE A uax smE eso %-CEMRIC vNIE ql sHNL ~ P1ACE0 ARDUnD EACH JdNf a TiE 42' o-RING ACP ' Kfl' rRENCx (SEE BkAI 90l ! CgICRETE cRA1NE sPILLRMr TILER n' agNG RCP ENGNEER NRMON:D EOLL'L B/PJRL N 2' WCF STRIPS INN.) S COIIPACTNIN SPECPICMWNS, OETNL sHEEr w-aA) (SEE OEDL SHEET PO-wI (SEE aTNL ItN. OUT - 408.W Txs vAAYE swL EE N AGCOROWCE WOX AWMA cwrt~ aN /aM. stEr Po-2cl C-504 SEG 5.5, NN SHML BE aERF$E TRW TOP a OUTIET STRUCTURE NA A "'~""m' PERMAN ENT DAM CROSS SECTION N.TS 8.0' I.5' fi.0' 1'.6' CONCRETE WUM (10 BE INSTRUCTED IN TR TIRO T Bf THE CONIRACfOA - } SEE OETNL) 1.5' MIECISTER SHUL PRONG A KICK OUi fqE THE 244 0-PoNG RC- T. 5.0' _d ~ ~ 2Cf o-AyNG RCP PLOW E. , CONCRLIE GRADIE Ji''- (SEE OEVA SHEET PO-m) 4' SOUO BPoIX CONTMCTOR SH'11 PRUADE (BY O7FER5) SIFPS N ACCOAONICE WIIX NOTE BAIIX LEA1L ATTAGI NCOOi 510. 840.66. STEPS AND UY 7MNT /OAD1Sf SH4LL BE PLACED AT 16' 0.C. PRECAST STRUCTURE USMp (SEE DETNL SHEET PD-2C) BRIIX D6 M0H NO N7p SPACE BETWEEN S.o' TOP OF HAMWHEEL i0 EXTEND 1-Poor ABOVE TRASH RACK I ~.~4O~~{ WIDE SIEN RX+ a RISER EL 118.00 T5• PND sIPwN ' 15' PrC GIPNON IM' . a I1z.ao (NwsE) NV = EL 41200 (VASE) fi MIN. WNL SIPHON TO EYIFND 8' flroH SIPHON TO E%IQA B' FROM THE FACE a iNE RISER DIKKNE55 (1YP.) THE FAa OF 7XE R5ER 24'1 0-RING RCP ' ' 4 qP OR/IN 8 7.0 0 4' SOW BMCI( NOR BRICK S(HNL ATTACH ~ ~ 9. W AND ur TIGHr e,±NNSr PREAST 5TRUC7URE USING / ~ BMCN RFS WIM NO Vq0 SW,CE BETWEEN I -2' IN4FAT Oa EL 109 00 (ryp) ' 0.50 T ~ ORAWDOWN DRAN IA 10• 2 If 8Y qP 0 0.0014 yL IN+ = a +o9m CANDVCRN SNNl NAM NVERT OF RSFR STHUCiIME ro DRAN POSITNELY TO IN/FRT a aunEr awREi USNG NON-SNPoNK GROUT CONTRACTOR SHALL SUL J / 1XE MPE PENEIRAIMN USING A RUBBER BOOT NID STNNU35 STEEL WRONAAE CONCRETE AN0-ROTADaI SLOG( PERMANENT OUTIEI' STRUCTURE DETAILS N.T.S. S' ANCMgi DFRM I4 RE8A9 ANCHORS CdiTHAC10R SHN1 GALL N/IO PRECAST smucT-RE ww. AND SE7 NICHORS USING EPO%1' GROUT Y CIFARANCE i0 WTSPE a I4 flEB1R CONCRETE COLLAR DETAII. N.T.s. 4' SgID BRIq( (Bf OMERS) NOR SICK SHNL ATTAGI AxD ur Tpxr AGVUSr PREGASR SDNCNRE USMG BRIG( DES WITH NO VOp SPACE BETWEEN F~1' OFPTH Sap PSI CONCRETE COWR (Mln. u wr SmENBIx) 3' Ct&RANCF ro - - - OUf51a a II REBNt 5.5' DENTEA i0 21' 0-RING CENTFA RCP 18' ANGIOR OEPM I/ RETi4E ANGICRS. CONIW/;TOR 6HM1 ORLL IMO PAEG45i B15E N.'0 SET ANCHORS USNG EPOXY GAWi CONCRETE MT-fIDTATNIN gDCk FINAL DRAl1ING -NOT RELEASE- FOR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR SHNL PAONa 51FP5 N ACCCROVlCE YBIH NCDOT 510. Bb.66. STEPS SHAJ1 BE PULED Ai 16' O.C. (SEE DETNL SHEET Po-2C) /' S01~ BRICK (Br orHEHS) NOR BRICK SIW1 ATACH AND UT TIGHT ACNNST PRECAST STRUCTURE USING eRIGC TES wRH xo wlD sPAa BETWEEN OgICRETE CHUM (70 RE CgI51PlICIED N THE EIELD ~ Bf ME COMRAG70R - SEE DEENL) PREf1SIER SIUU. PRGAa ° A a0d( OUT Fqt ME ti 21'4 0-MNG RCP 24 f 0 RING RCP ROW 0 CONCRETE CR40LE (SFE aTNL SHEET Po-20J L BY qP OP,VN PPE B' PLUG VILYE llf YNYE COMRALroR SHALL SLLLL BE A MdN Stt1E 820 CORE-DRILL THE HOLE FOR %-CENIPoC VN.VE OA THE 8'o pP PPE IN 1HE APPROVED EQUAL /HI5 V/LYE iR10. PRFCISIEA SW11 SWlL & IN ACCAROlNCE 0418 RENFORCEMENT IN ~ SXNL ~ a~LL4.5, X15 OAU FAOY TOP a OUiIET STPUCTME YA A HWONIR:EL NOIFS: 1. ALL REBNE TO BE iI fh9AR. 2. N1 REBNI /ND AVWFS ro fiE CILVAMIID AND BE PRONGED 'MIX Ni EPOXY CMTYlG. b. DN: Iqi-0PPED, GALVNQm 2'x2'x1//' ANGILS SHIi1 BE NE1DE0 TO THE REBNi iRA211 PACk. ONCE Wfl0E0, 7XE ENTIRE AiSEYBLY SHNL BE PULm OMO 1HE RISER WRX NK.IES SRIW:G DIFECTLY ON TOP a RISER ].0' 2''. II RETUR TR/SX RALN (ABDK) ANGX)P RASH PN](ro MANHOLE WILL WIM FOM EOW1Y SPACED HOT-dPPEO GN.VAMZEO SRFL CWIPS. EALN CLWP ATTN:NEO TO MWNIXE R5ER BY 2-4'x1/1' CONCRETE ANCHgt BOL15 E1CH CLUIP TO BE COATED W/ IN EPOXY CMTNG. TRASH RACE DETAIL N.iS. NOR I. NL AEBNi ro R N REDW. 2. GROUT SHALL BE 15ED i0 FlLL NL VC815 NSIOE 7HE SDNCNAE AAWNO ME P PE. 50' 5' cTEAPa+ce To 5' GFARANCE ro OUTSIDE OF I4 f3&Vt gllSla OF I4 REBAR S aFNWILE TO ,. '• '~ , N~1 aY+~~~. , / \ 5.1' I24' 0-RING S SA' RCP ~ , _~/_ OS' CONCRETE ANTFftDAOON BLOCN 1.2' A Qi ~Ua o raP-~Z~~za I~C{I ~ p kk~j' n T'A'I N `N O ~ z L~5" WHi ^ ~ ~Oo X+k" O ~ ". I FU~~Pkm amA V NO~ w ~aa~ z O a .7m I~00 M on ar na dd I z~x~Fm W U' N !D a x .w. m wa n a ~~~ o °i wz az 0 ~o aiy W a r, z w O W ~ RI Wa~Q U~~~ EW-~ U °z C' o ~~ O U ~O V NTS 07-20-2007 '"°F"° PD-2B "•TO f[ PAOAaO B/ THE ACCFSS IUTCH IPASX PN7( FABAICAiOR (SEE SHEET CO-SA glflET SiRUC1URE WTfRVL SPECIFlG1pN5, NOTE I7) • • • O~ T S9 ~_ )~ 8~~ r W~ ELEVATIAN ~4 e \T XX` PLAE I'~ cww~n w w:x~ ~~~~ xe ®"" N1 xMaNxa WY! Ra fl'Tlx NW R n.M1 AA NIM xYxXXN! Na YIWaM x1 - r awl . a{uwa. xwtP ®r PwM x AIEYYII[[ iltll " Aw aNYMxlM MAOw MxI Nllx X IIwMIr ' Y TNfNI aC I n M9I.VN aN. •NIM 1NA1 IMY M YxMITImIN IP ____ NNYml YN WG Rit RMVV'IIN. I- • awrx Mi p.w r x xMi A wRn s r. r o.e~'wadn ~ YW t@ SIEE m enl ,Ixwxa""~~iia°.a ~m eF~rlx EXEYXLL EDE1163EN/f R. rXW NX.IINX. fx.SMK, IDI IWI. rnlxA. Ym.IIY. AIL[ N.l. iw rN wlR.l Xt(R.7 B Im.l a B 1.A r IY I.rltr axN.n 1,NIt.m i 1xi.m I.bll.b I.r Lx w 1 { r n .we.w acln m 1 mN w nix a I.rleJl nxn.n 1 YN.w i wn 1 e.wll.ri nwn.m to au IxRq +.W+m Im/e.w +rl a nxN.u nl t.l a 11 a 11 a xl1.N +.YII a > all Y f.bll W Lxe1.Y 1 xN b t.mN:N { rIR m N.wlTx.l/ il.xlU.m n! NII Ir/nr I.allr I.ra~x /NN i1 a,N/Tl.r nl a 1 { 1 Nrnw Lwi a LuN•N 1 Yn.n ra.wnnee 1.1 Y 11 .aH.N LxTl.w Lex+•x .aN.w x.xns.m Li a11^ nwn.a nwl.w arena arn.u x.nnnm id 1.1 M 11" a 11' I. MAI.Y l.Yll.b I.N/6.N I.NII.x I. PDI1.a T.rrl.b i.rll.x l.ml1.Y N,YIII.n I+.m111.m ~J~ ~_. W~g' ~€ 8. ~~ aE as" ErrowALLDETAUs N.T.S Ncom sro. mT cuss a• RNRAP va.eo HFMWALL Iz'l IIw X 33• THCK (SEE OETNLJ 3+' RCP A A L 11' /' WaE (NN. NCODL SID, IT 878.E XEIUrN1 (SEE DET/IL) P16N 34' RCP , _ 32' DYER OF CLl6 'B' AIP-RIP C FLTER BVNNET TI~I ,'~„ 1 I 5EG'RW A-A 1XIIL LTEA 9MNET A FILTER BVNN¢ S TO r INSTALLED (SEE NOTE) BEI'NEEN THE RIPINP IND AIL FOIINDARON. THE RLTER BVNKEf wLL CONSIST Of A MINIMUM 1' iXXD( DYER Of STONE (NVLOT X57) UNDERWN WITH YIAM FlITFR WFAIE 100 OR IPPR014D EWNAIEM Mores oN ALL STEPS SHALL PROTRU~ V' FRTx NSIOE FACE m' STRUCTURE VALL " THEPENGNEERI VITH DETAILS [f~T1E IPRWDSEDNSTEPSATAND ANAS rkCEIVCO YpIMTTEN APPROVAL FRON¢TNE ENGINEERTFORC~HERUSE ¢HSU[H~STEPSD y~=U a t• oo°aiz r ~ ~ Fup''~ ~ ~x~z~ ~ ~rcLLNrc LB i' ~~ i ~ w~ PLAN PLAN SI-E ~,,'---~I(',,~~ SIDE ~ ELEVATIDIJ ~N ELEVATION y o¢ ^~~ ~ t1 yr ~ CAST IRON ~` ~ u (~ r-0' I CAST IRON ELEVATION ~ W ELEVATION a~ ~, >- I Yl, Y6 wR OR IYI' ~ ; 18 NfR q~ yr GALwD, z r- p F N r ~l ~ W T ~ ~a Z IR' SIDE vX• I~ N ` ELEVATION PLAN ELEVATION u a CwvsirE (~~ (ry~ w [e t F R ll_ll~ n ~NNRC[NG Si¢L Q Y+• 1 ELEVATION SECTION A-A Ir NN°Die~TD eE unD a EETI mI AT N soNlrAer s6vER xAxHDUS g40~66 +' san eA1cN (Br onlERS) rNOre BNCN sHAU ur ncxr AcaNSr PRErwsr snrucnRE MAIIVTENANCE ACCESS STEPS USING BRICK nES vmx ND +6 RERAR PERIMETER FRAYE~ Vq0 SPICE BEmEFN N.T.S. y ~6. 1Y GRa1E 8 maaESS sr¢L CaxRE1E uG SCAEW •~ ~t3'XI'x}' Gl1VANIZED 51E¢ SOUP (1 PEA RISER JdNf) ao' RISER JOINT CONNECI]ON DETAQ. N.T.S. O.B6' (CEHRR TO CENTER) 1' r /' 6/6 W¢OEO aRE 6' WIN. WILL FIBRIC (FACN SN)E t RIP OF /' r 4' 6/fi WELDED W1R C1GE) CONTP/GTCR SHALL SE/L R1E PIPE FIBRIC (EACH SIDE Y TOP OF PENETRAnON USINC A RUBBER BOOT CAGE) AND maN1ESS STEEL HARgNARE ' ' 3.03 3 (7rP) ~ 3 ~ ~ 3.80 8'I qP . 9 e ~8. 1' ANCHOR OEPN ~ B' PLUG VALVE THE YALVE CONTRACTOR SHALL SH41 BEAM§H SfttE 830 X-CENOiIC VALK OR DNLL N10 PRECAST ENCINEEA /PPROYEO EQUAL + E1(fENOED fNSE N!D THIS VALVE SHALL BE N ' I DIP OPIN! PIPE SET ANCHORS USING 8 'kCORDAN~ mfH ANWA EPO%Y GAWT ~ CONTACTOR SHALL CORE-DRILL C-504 SEC. 5.5, ANO SWLLL ' ' ~8 RE81R PERIYEIFA iRAIAE 0.86 0 DID IN 1HE HOIf fOR THE 8 (CEMEA i0 CENTER) THE HEIR. PFECASTER SIULL BE OPEPABLE FROM rOP OF ~~ SNUCfUAE ~ A ONR RFINFCfltEMENi IN THIS N.WOWXEEL. MU /' SOIL BAICN (BY OTHER NOTE: BRICK SITYL UY TIG /GNNST PRECAST STRJCM USNG RRX;K TES WIi11 ND `Pop SPACE BETWEEN 8" DIP DRAIN TRAXSHRACH DEI'AIIS N.i.S. 24" OUIiEf BARREL VEI.OCIIY DISSIPATOR N.ES. aa. e'1 Dn DRad PPE CONTRACTOR SHALL CORE-GRILL M XOIE FOR M eY qP N M FlElO. PAECASIER SH11L OMR RPNFORCELI¢IT N 7X15 AAU 6' YIN. NP11 8' PUIC VALVL ME YALYE KJ(N B SNW. BE A YhX SIYIE 830 X-CENDBC YILVE OR /PPAOVED EOUa. 1X15 VALVE SHALL EE IN ACCgiDWCE NRI AWNA C-50{ SEC. 5.5, A'q SHALL BE OPEWHIE FROM TOP OF OllilEi STRUmUAE VA A NWDVMEEL 0 Z U 8'1 DIP CONTRACTOR SHAL SEAL THE PF'E PENETRATION USING A AUBBER BOm AND mANLE55 STEEL HAPgXANE FINAL ORAAING -NOT RELEASER ROR CONSTRUCTION d A ~zrzw W Z a~C~~ ° W "/ \ dhN F~-1I w p~ O ~ Z .]N v WN~y~~~oo W Q ~ Fyb FU ~ ~a~ w x pwp77o~ N D:0. ~ z O C~7 O ~ H¢ nw Z ~.oX. m W C7n m G ~NW vI Wa w a F~~ W p W'Na ~x az ao aw wN ~ C 0 F~1 Ua~# ~j U z ~~ o ~ O YI U O U JAA m er. JAA ~P'~PD-2C ~McADAMS • • dDffs: L ALL nE B/RS(U-BARS) AAf ~7 (AS IABELFDJ aEBAxIGaWE fio) SPACm AT 10 FT. CFMFR TO CENTER ALONG THE LE1&1N OF THE CRNLE Z. NARIWN A MIN. COKR OF J' ~ WNCRETE DO 1NE OIfISOE Di 71E REEVR) FOR ALL REWFORCENFNE. 3. TRENCH TO BE BACKFlLIID IN S' tF6 WHm COIAPACTpN 6 B/ HWD. BIONFlLL 6 M B' UFR WNm CONdICTm BY YN.IXNE WNIMUY OF A FEET COYW NUST BE PR6ENF ON Z4'/ RCP BEFOR ORMNC O1ER WIIX HFAW EWIPNFNf. !. RENfOPCm CONCRETE CWNIE VAY BE REPVLm PER RECOMwENOATN)N FAdR TIIE gFSRE GEOTECHNK.U. ENGINEER ANY OEYATIUN IRON T115 OEWI SWl1 BE SUH.INim 70 IND AE4RWE0 Bf 7XE DFSKN ENGINEER PRpR 70 IMPLFMFNPTgN. 1 t kRl-FLOTAOMI BLOCK I' THICK .pINF Po.1FR NMFNYL 14'1 0-RING RCP FLOWS / H-••-~ ~- 1' THICK JOIM FILLER NRERAL CONCRETE M1O-fLOTA1gN BLOCK R[SER BARREL CONNECTION DEfAB. N.T.s. 24" CONCRETE CRADLE DETAIL N.T.S mOWN1 PFA NCOOT STD. BN.A (s¢ DrrNL sHEn PD-r NOTE 4' WFFPNIXES TO BE PROAOE WfM VAR1fiM GVAAO qI OONNSTFFA SIDE AND CMYNII2m HMOWARE CLOT DN UPBIRFAN SIDE Qi' W%XIU OPEI/fIG! PAAA"i PIPE-gyp gElCv[MIME ~FlSE 1. f OPIM7N A 6 CNOSFN FROM NOTE B OE THE CONSIRUCOQq SEWENQ, 7HEN BPoNG CAIDE OF 0.W EYBNgI(MQlT TO SPRINCINE OF PIPE EIEYATpN. f OPnON B 5 CHOSEN iR011 NOR B OF 1NE CONSIPLCIION SEOOENCE DRN CONSTRUCT m1B1FpRN FOR CONCRETE CRACdf ON E%ISIING GPAOE. Z. P OPAON A B CHOSEN FADII NOTE 9 OF 11E CONSIRUCitlN SEWENCE, DP71 EYCAYATF 7RENCX FM CA/dE NO BAARIl PER DINENSNINS ON ORAYANGS. P OPOON B 6 CHOSEN FROLI NOTE A OF THE CONSIHUCnON SEOUENCf, PROCEm TO STEP 7 BELOW. J. PVCE REINFORCNO STEEL MID J06NT Fll1FR W1ERV1 PFA DAANIN(S. NL REINPORCINO STEEL SHML WYE A NINIMUw a Y OF CONCRETE COYER (NLLUNNG 71E5). 4. FLACE BWREL PIPE ql CONCRETE BLOCKS 70 fRfDE CONRACTOR SWLL WRM JpN15 WIIN t-PF WIDE STRIPS OF FABRIC Ai 116 STEP. 5. POUR WINREIE TOR CAAOIE F'OR FAOX SECIKIN FROM ONE SCE OF 1HE TRENCH. ADOW CONCRER: ro FlLL ELAINE AAE1 UNDER PPE MD PIPE NWNCXES AS TO IFAYF NO VOIDS UNDER 7HE PPE BEFORE PWANC ON DIE aPwsnE SOE OF n[ iPFNCX. PWR DIME cRwIE As OIgE IJR (YERNf/11» PEA DRAWTNa. 475' MIN. 8. NIAW FAADIF 10 CURE FOR A NINNUY Of 1 B1T5 BEFDIN Ilff NBRAONO COMP/CIpN EWIPYQn 6 IISm N TXE NCWM OF 7ME BNBIEl PPE BARREL PIPE CR/OTF IYIFAML SPECIFlGTNINS ~ / - \ ~ - - / ~ 8, ~,) ~~ ~SRENCTH OF JSOO P51 AT 18 8415 At'f 0-RING 1-fiS NR EIOPNR9 RCP / \ YA%NUM INK 70 POUR 181E OF 90 NINJIFS ~,~ I I is F£BA4 (CRME g0) fdM LSLNOEIgS SNVL BE PREDMm FOR 7ESTINC FOR Udl UR. 14'/ 0-RNG ACP q1E SHLLL BE 1ESTFD AT SEhN MYB. 7NO AT z8 DAYS, ANO THE 1 7 AEHAN T6 (u- FOUR01 sW11 BE xEIL PoR SI OA12. 1 J ~ A WIWJw OF Y W CONCRETE COrFN ON ALL STEEL B REOURm SPACm AT 10 R. A.7Y' \ (INCWDNl01ESj. 15.84' _ ' I ~ fANCAETE i0 BE VBRAm YERIICNLY. WEI CONCPETE SW1L NOT BE M01ED NORRONDd1Y WiIX 711E NBR170xL T ~ ~ I $REL (Nix.) • ~ ~~ c (ui+.) Amu s m Tsow~i BE ~E a Ausr oa oncR AEBRB TWT uIE~T t ., PREYFM BDNONO i0 7ME CRlCREIE \ NL SRR SHNl BE BEM WTM A MINIMUM RVNUS OF 3O8 (I.IJ' I' 1HCI( JqM I ' wN. FOR +3) AS SHgWJ ON THE OMWINGS. FlLIEA W7ERW. 6' iROM B7ROY OF CRAOUE iXE +8 BRAS IN ME CONCRETE Cfl001£ SHNL BE SRLm WIIX 70 CENTER OF ~S REBW A wINIWM OYFAIM Oi 7Y. TIE SPLICES SWiL BE SPACED SUCH 1Wi NO iN0 SFlICES OCCUR WTA11N THE SANE IFNGIH Di PIPE L/L IiYP, ~ ~ J' CODER (EIIN) TO OUROE OF ~J nE flAA DYP.) m A d D1~UII F. U IN b ~,'I z ~ x w m x n xz,aN O ~ Z UN W~~~oB xO~T.~a E"I U ~ U x m z~mlo m z w°" W C0.W w IN a Up '~~, t0 N~j O C7 O >` ~a z`~ z xaF `~ W CDN m A~ W v, w a r ~a~am o a wz az ao aw w a cJ IC rY z s 0 1'~I W~..II kl U x~ W~ ~U~ ~~ 0~~~ ~o ~ U O E..°,e~ "° FED-DemD E • FlLTEA FABRIC (wIRAFl 1~N aR EOUNMEIIh WEFAIIXfS ON E4CH OF SPILLWAY ENDWILL PER NCDOT STD. BJ8.80 (BEE CE7Nl SHEET PD-7C) SPILLWAY I'II.TER DI:fAII. x.T.s. SHED STONE I NON-WOVEN qIC (MIRAFl IRON ENT) FINAL DRAAING -NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION 07-20-2007 ~McADAMS ENCASm IN NON-NOVQI 510E OF SPILLWAY FlL1ER FABRIC (NIAM 180N OR EWNNfNT) • • • ~ ~ ~ test ~ ~ ~ ~~ a ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t '~ ~ A E G ~~ at~ s~.s€t s a3ga~~sa k ~ ~~ ~~{(~.. ~}~~if~f l~b .ggt~..~._q. ft 1 ~fa~ ~ f~ q%R 3 3 ~ ~ s f ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ a~A s3 a Is ~ } ~~~~~ _ ;fir:= ~~~ ~~ ~. ~~~g: a ~ ~ ~ ._ E~ ~ ~ ~~ s ~~ i~~ f ~~ s~ ~ ~ A x~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i ~ ~ ~$~ ~ trf~t ~ ~ ~t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ! 1s~ ~ !t ~ f ~~ tai .. ~ ~ ; ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~• ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~;~ ~ i ~i ~ E a~~ aft a . ~_ ~ ! ~ ~ s ¢ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s a ~~ r t~ ~~ y( ~ Y Y Y Y Y ~ ~ ~ ~ a a ~f ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ Y } ~~ ~s ~ is ~ ~ fy ~ ~ ~ ~~ C V x ;~ B ~ a ~ a / ~ / /~ // // / / ~ J ~ /, ~/ /' / / / ~~ (/ / ~ / ^ -~ ~~ r i~ ~, , Y~ ~-_. . ~ . - ~~_ aD ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ °*NER: REV~I°"$' THE JOHN R. McADAMS ~ ~ CORPORATE CENTER FAIRFIELD RESIDENTIAL, LLC COMPANY, INC ~ ~ 0 a ~ , 2045 NORTH HIGHMAY 380 . C ~ ,~,~ CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE SUITE 250 GRAND PRAIRIE TX 75050 BNGIN66RS/PUNNBRS/SURVEYORS a N Y = ~ ~ .. Q ~ RAtffiOH. NORTH C.AROIaiA , PHONE: (a l7) 818-9470 RBSBARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC ~ r ~ $ $ l~~ ZIP 27709-4006 ` OQ [~x N 3P012MWA1ER WETLAND #Z UN!)SCAPE PUN , l I \ 1 I \ ,~` ~ \ \\ I \ I \