HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC230054_Site Plan or Location Map_20230110' d q Ryan Homes _ e � Hrll:res; Ranch �• We Let the Dogs out 4 cmar C!eek ti Middle SCh4C1 0 � QOak Level too y n Chnsfian ChUfCh H, Youngw44e Academy ,,y4tieC rrxMrn4q_ gwu dng Ln LG I liorrres - HaGleigh $� Ca1af Clerk AT13an WV�obrq� �tasa de eflka y vlda 0 � � Non4 Cafolina Turf Care9 Haunted Forest 9 A at Panic Pants u E winKm 5t Provldenf.e Auto Care cedar Creek 9 Larxl5r,1peSupply FreiMlin M M Youn svItle a 'n sr Southern Roars .. s 9 Salon NC. LLC 17 9 DollarterN uses Sewing $lli w States Posial Sta152rrice � " ..Oca A'+inln. Flall A x � Chlklreil5 Ark V ® � T IP 4 4 Rytroae� � r. A earreids auln Sales Inr, < o Splast Pad at HigYllaridS Ins�rariCe V rill! F1111ge Faim5 Vicinity Map - Not to Scale LIUyV„u. Existing Proposed Temporary Diversion Ditch 1D0 Propane LP Roof Drain RD - CON - - Conduit CON Demo / To be Removed -SF - - Silt Fence SF F Guy Wire E Fence x x - FM - - Force Main FM Edge of Pavement - - - - - - - - Storm Drain Pipe --------------- Curb and Gutter Property Line Surveyed Property Line Not Surveyed Woods / Tree Line - - - - - - Right of Way - - - CTV - - Cable CTV Centerline - - OHU - - Overhead Utility(s) (Generic) OHU Underdrain UD - - OHE - - Electric (Overhead) OHE UGE Electric (Underground) UGE Limits of Disturbance - - OHT - - Telephone (Overhead) OHT - - UGT - - Telephone (Underground) UGT - -99- - Contours 100 -..-..-..-..- Ditch - FO - - Fiber Optic FO - GAS - - Gas GAS - - - - - - - Gravel FM Sanitary Sewer S =5 = _--- - - - Striping (Parking Lots) Striping / Road Markings Tree Protection Fence TPF - w - - Water W Railroad Tracks o ° 14 o I Concrete Riprap Site Development Plan CEDAR CREEK APARTMENTS 2468 Cedar Creek Road, City of Youngsville, Franklin County, North Carolina Sheet No C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6 C-7 C-8 C-9 C-10 C-11 C-12 C-13 C-14 C-15 C-16 C-17 C-18 C-19 C-S Sheet Index Revision No. Revision Date Sheet Title Cover Sheet Existing Conditions and Demolition Plan Site Plan Utility Plan Grading and Storm Drainage Plan Landscaping Plan Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan - Phase I Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan - Phase II Sanitary Sewer Plan and Profile Water Plan and Profile Water Quality Pond Details Water Details Sanitary Sewer Details Sedimentation and Erosion Control Details Sedimentation and Erosion Control Details NCG-01 Details General Details Post -Development Drainage Areas BM P Access Easement Plan Boundary and Topographical Survey This set containing plan sheets with the dates listed above are authorized for construction on this the day of , 20 . by (Engineer) General Notes 1. Contact N.C. ONE -CALL (811) to have all underground utilities located at least 48 hours prior to excavating or trenching. 2. Parking lot shall be striped in accordance with plan. Benchmark 3. All dimensions are to back of curb unless otherwise noted. Nail in Power Pole ? ? ? 4. Property is subject to encumbrances found upon a normal title search. Elevation = ??.?? 5. All distances shown are horizontal ground distances unless otherwise noted. 6. The contractor shall be responsible for verifying the minimum building setbacks prior to construction. 7. The surveyor did not visibly see any cemeteries or marked graves in open areas on the site unless otherwise noted. 8. The contractor shall be responsible for all work traffic control in or adjacent to NCDOT or town right-of-ways. All methods shall conform with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and NCDOT standards. 9. An relocation of existing utilities will be at the cost of the developer/owner. er/owner. The Town will not accept responsibility for damages to curb and Y 9 p p p Y 9 gutter or street improvements if installed prior to underground services, nor will the Town absorb the cost for borings to install underground services, pavement patching, or damages to landscaping. These will be the responsibility of the developer/owner. 10. Existing underground utilities shown on this plan are approximate and were provided by others. All contractors are responsible for verifying the location of all underground utilities prior to commencing work. 11. Underground electrical and gas services to be utilized. 12. All materials and construction are to meet the requirements of the Town of Youngsville's manual of specifications, standards and design, latest edition. 13. Street cross-section is to be confirmed or amended by soil testing. 14. Developer to provide soils report with pavement design prior to approval of final street section. 15. Lot dimensions are approximate and are not to be used for conveyance. 16. No wetlands were discovered on this property. See report by John R. Davis, Jr. dated November 12, 2022. Franklin County Utility Notes 1. All fire hydrants & gate valves shall be manufactured by Clow. 2. All brass fittings shall be manufactured by Ford (compression type). 3. All tapping sleeves shall be stainless steel wrap -around. 4. All gate valves shall be located outside of pavement section. 5. Concrete collars required at all valve boxes. 6. All valve boxes shall be screw -type adjustable. 7. All water and sewer materials and construction are to meet the minimum requirements of the Franklin County Utilities Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer. 8. Water services to be 1" taps with "y" to (2) 3/4" services ('meter boxes located at/or near R/W, min. 3' & max. 5' from property corners) 9. All water services shall be Type K soft copper. 10. Standard water meter to be Neptune T-10 disc meter. 11. Water lines shall be DIP or C-900 (Cl 150, DR 18) PVC. 12. Concrete blocks required under all gate valves when installing C-900 PVC water line. 13. Tracer wire and water line tape required when installing C-900 PVC water line. 14. Service saddles are required for all taps on C-900 PVC water line. 15. All water lines crossing under storm drain shall be DIP. 16. All fire hydrant legs shall be DIP. 17. Water line minimum bury depth is 4'. 18. Water line shall not be located under pavement section, curb & gutter, or sidewalk. 19. Minimum spacing between service taps on 8" main shall be 6 feet. 20. An MJ sleeve is required at each joint on water lines when transitioning between dissimilar materials. (i.e., PVC to DIP or DIP to PVC) Site Information Total Area of Site: 11.06 Acres Parcel Identification Number: 1863-12-3651 , 1863-13-8086, 1863-12-8806, 1863-13-6076 Property Address: 2468 Cedar Creek Road, Youngsville, NC Proposed Building Use: Multifamily Apartments Building Building Area: Pro. Building Footprint: (2) Buildings 8,188 SF each - Total 16,376 SF Parking Requirements: 1 space per (2) bedroom units Required: 16 (2) Bedroom Units per Building = Total 32 (2) Bedroom Units 32 Parking Spaces = 32 Parking Spaces Required Provided: 74 spaces Property Zoned as: MU-2 Building Setbacks Front = 16' Side = 0' Rear = 12' Existing Impervious Area: 0.0 acres Proposed Impervious Area: 1.44 acres Total Impervious Area (Post -construction)= 13.02% of the site Total Disturbed Area: 6.67 Acres Governing Agency Approvals Planning Approval: Date: N.C.D.O.T. Driveway Permit No: N.C.D.O.T. Encroachment Permit No: Soils Evaluation Completed: Erosion Control NCDEQ Permit No: Sewer Collection System: NCDEQ Permit No: Water Distribution System: NCDEQ Permit No: Owner: N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Hurt, LLC Michael Hurt PO Box 9038 Rocky Mount, NC 27804 252-714-3710 These plans are for bidding purposes only and are not to be used as Construction drawings unless initialed and dated as approved for Construction below by the Engineer. Approved for Construction: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: CONSTRUCTION SAFETY: These drawings do not contain the requirements for job safety. All provisions for safety shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor. p Y EXISTING CONDITIONS: The contractor shall be responsible for reviewing all existing job conditions. Any adverse existing conditions affecting work shown on these drawings shall be brought to the attention of the engineer for possible clarification and reconciliation. ADA AND LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This document is not represented to comply with all requirements contained in the ADA or other laws. Engineers are not licensed to interpret laws or give advise concerning laws. The owner should have this document reviewed by his attorney to determine legal compliance. 0 c 0 Q U o* 0 o* Q> E< z Cn O A ►\ I � 0 E O O U ICU)U U E LZ O N � c 10 i 0 v N N U X O O � � o •� on 10 Q � v O E N c a i LU U Q Z 3 W F_ L � c •0 a 0 >� a �0 �' C o Z W o -a O W CdU Cr E- (1) L U LL a� Q U W 00 UN ``�ltirtiil a rr!!! i �o�\\ A,RO�/ Q 9 _ SEAL �= 036848 = - R. J 0,( �!!!l7lrrlll111��\` Horz. Scale: n/a Vertical Scale: n/a Date:September 21, 2022 Project No.: P200160 Drawn by: PRJ Checked by: Sheet: C