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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0002927_Monitoring - 11-2022_20221220Monitoring Report Submittal Permit Number #* Name of Facility:* Month: * December Report Information WQ0002927 Domtar Paper Company, LLC - Bonsai Chip Mill Year:* 2022 Type* Upload Document* NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR 12.22 BCM NDMR.pdf 1.6MB PDF Only Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). Confirmation Email Address:* Name of Submitter: * John T Cecil Signature: pnmrx Date of submittal: 1/12/2023 This will be filled in automatically Initial Review Reviewer: Gerald, Wanda Is the project number correct?* WQ0002927 Is the monitoring report accepted?* Yes No Regional Office* Raleigh Reviewer: _anonymous Review Date: 1/31/2023 FOE . NDMR 03-12 NONDISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT NDMR) Page ' 1 z Permit o.: VV00002927 _.. Facility Name: Domt r Paper Company, L.LC.Gcaunty. Chatham Morrth, December Year: 2022 Y5S'9i r €'!. ♦_. l=lt MeasuringPoint: =i "fluent `SSi �. Effluent 7 �1 tiCJ4Y E�3 rated —Parameter Monitoring Point; .znf U i'' (1G iF Y aC€` —'Groundwater _ m _rtN cu .gate- Parameter Code 0050 00400 50060 00310 00610 00530 31616 00620 .00600 00625 1 00665 I z z :� _ C2 o M C _.. - :.. ° _� 0 3 W 1 (L 2 s r ' rs D su rrrgfL g/L g/L rstg/L /100 t L #L rng/L I mg/L I rn /L 1 34 4 2 34 3 34 4 34 5 12-1 1 �:.42 34 6,04 _ 0.1 3 � x E e 30 3 c 2 3 08 30 i 30 ! ---t-- Hi9i 30 z 30 E]=- l 121 12.00 1 0.313 30 5. 4 0.24 13 .331 S 14 31 ? 1 ' 31 16 E 117 I s 31 16 31 --- -_ 19 14.10 0.42 31 i 6, —9 1 0,23 E gal e 1 r22 1b 13 24 1 26 _ 16_ 26 I18 F2T 14:2D ' 2 1 2 16 301 16 31 _ Average: 26 0 2 Daily Maximum: 34 6,34 0.24 � Daily Minimum: 1 -- 6,04 018 Sampling Tyre: Monthly Avg. Limit: l � [Daily Limit:' � t ample Frequency; 1 FORM: li lu7 0 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT NDMR) Page of Sampling Person(s) Name: Randall Jarrell Name: Eurofins (1) Name: Wastewater ater ar a ement, 1__i_, C. () Does all monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet the requirements in Attachment A of your permit? �Q If tC:e fad =;ty is noncompliant, please ex :>ain in the space below the reasort(S} the facility was not in compliance, Provide in your ex $a; -ti. n the a _'s) f t _.c - h_ _ �' � � ot� .hu ��tefeta .tie t��rt-�,c,�tprlance and describe the corrective a nont's taken A=tach addstionai-heiptc =f n€ r_pe�nnnr Operator in Responsible Charge (OR ) Certification Permittee Certification OR : Randall Jarrell Permittee, Domtar Paper Company, LL.C, li Certification No., 7937- 2 3925 it Signing official: John ell Grade: WW4. I Phone Number.- � 9- 1 � =�tii� iron Official's Title: District Forester Has the t R changed since the previous ND R? i Phone Number: 1-545=4571 Permit Expiration; 7I 1 /2 2 i Signature Date J_. E nat 'a Date By th c signawre,r iy ` rat :his moor,, IS aCcu rare and cow lere _c the best of my kma.v ed e. � ? penally _ or law, hat ; ; s ar_.,,meni and all a lacri 3ents r�: oe prepared ur Eder my df c ion or supervisian in accordance Val€h a System �t sisrea to assure that ail cuai:ped personnel p cper`p ga. e.rea and _va:.ualel the 14ar,R.a110n 3 ubm ttea Based on my inq ry of tre person or ^ rs nn who manage the systerr. 0= those persons dare=u y responsiblefor Ijga3 Bung r t ma ie the ' €. ait sub ed _ o� r F y know edde and belief, true a curd -2 and e nr a are that there are gntricar , enal "s fer subrn,lbrig false.rformation, including the possibility of firics and irnpnscnrni, l for Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources Information Processing unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27 g-1 17 FORM NDAR-1 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT JNDAR-1) Page 3 of Permit No.: WQ0002927 Facility Name: Dorm ar Paper Company, L.L.C. County: Chatham Month: December Year: 2022 Did irrigation occur Field Name: 1 Field Name: Field Marne: Field Nam e-, at this facility? Area (acres): 0.42 Area (acres): Area (acres): Area (acres): Cover Crop- Grass I Cover Crop: Cover Crop: Cover Crop - YES Hourly Rate (in). 0.25 Hourly Rate (in): Hourly Rate (in): Hourly Rate (im.' i Annual Rate (in): 25 Annual Rate (in): I Annual Rate (in): Annual Rate (m): Weather ...F....r..e...e....b.oardField Irrigated A Field Irrigated? myS O Field Irrigated? YES NO Field Irrigated? �NO E 2 aS = E 32 E2 E _ = 0 E 0 CL 0 CL 0 M 0 0 M 0 CL E 0 M 3 70 E 0 M E > > < 0 > < 0 > < 0 _j .F in it ft gal min in in gal min in in gal min In in gal min in in 34 2,8 0,00 000 2 34 28 000 0-00 3 34 2,8 0.00 aw 41 34 28 0.00 000 5 PC 50 0.83 34 28 0.00 000 6 30 25 000 000 7 1 1 30 2-5 0-00 000 _00 8 2.5 0.00 9i i3oI 5 0.00 0.00 10 30 2,5 000 0.00 11 30 2.5 0.00 0.00 12 PC 51 039 1 30 2;5 0.00 0_00 13 31 26 0,00 0.00 14 31 26 0.00 000 15 31 2,6 0.00 000 161 1 31 26 0.00 000 117 7 31 26 0, 0, 66 0(),3 18 r20 31 2�6 f2) 6, ()0 0C)o 000 19 9 P C 49 .48 1 31 2.6 0-00 0.00 0 18 1.5 000 0,00 21 18 1.5 0.00 0.00 22 18 1,5 0-00 000 231 18 15 0,00 0.00 24 18 1.5 0.00 000 25 18 1,5 0.00 U0 26 18 1.5 0-00 0.00 27 C 47 095 18 1 5 0,00 0.00 28 16 1-3 0.00 &00 16 1,3 0.00 _aoo I29 30 1 16 1,3 0.00 =0-00 31 13 3] 6 0.00 0;00 Monthly Loading:,E7j 9E 0,07 0 aoo 12 Month Floating Total (in); ;_1 1 FORK NDAR-f 10-=3 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT NL AH-1) Page �- of� - co .pliant Non- ainipfi nt Were adequate measures taken to prevent effluent ponding in or runoff from the sites? 21 comotant _ of -Comic ant Was a suitable vegetative ever maintained on all sites as specified in your permit? CoE; phart J Non-Go,np.ant Were all setbacks listed in your permit maintained for every application to each permitted site t Non -Compliant Were all freeboards maintained in accordance with the specified freeboard heights in your permit? v. milli nt n-Eompiant If the fadlity is non -compliant, please explain in the space oelow 'he reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date{si of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach add tionai sheets if necessary Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Per ttttee Certification cation RC: Randall Jarrell Permittee: Dornt r Paper Company, L.L.C. Certification No.: 7937, 23925 t Signing Official: Jahn Cecil t � Grade: WW4, Sl Phone Number- 919-210-2500 Signing Official's Title: District Forester Has the ORC changed since the previous N AR-1? ` ee No i Phone Nurnbar: 919® I5-45ti Permit xp-: 71 1/28 Signature Date Signature late By this s= mtUre i u_2_ that this re o . is ac; ur, a,_ and com Sere to the tes-s of my � -C'Med i` � !� ���. .. .. € --.. This .: : �a 1 _ _ _..4. ' � Cc�rt!ty, under �ar;rlitlJ €,t ,a6r, :3:3�I -hi_ ��>J--...ri. 3�� �_.;'=,U�rits SYPC� �`@���@� E3f<.";far ;s-y �ifeGJ..i`. �f supervision _ ce :. � a[„27�aI?�_= with a vs -erg s c ed < s h ail cua t ed a rsc mel proveriv cgath andeva ua P 4.� ti m 4 n st€t? stt d Based rp , G g 34 (3 § F or persons4nr, ,n.a age -. sy �`F' thosr Pergonsdireefly ieslporrsiNe Tor gather g the in € C ni more, sutimmed rs, To .'he best or iny?r E oe a 3 of :True accurate ana ce T' see , aware t a' hem are a gniffi_ant gait es :or aunmsng falser information induct rc 'the possibilitv of fi es and trnphsonrnent for knowng violations OriginalMail and Two Copies to Divisionof • Information• 1617 Mail Service Center Xaleigh- North Carolina 27699-1617 21-Dec 0-06 1,09 222an 008 1.08 22- Reb E 08 t 04 22 7 E O7 £ Ea 22-Apr 0.1 1.03 25May E26 1i9 22« un C 08 tla 22d m E 08 149 22 ug 0,07 116 22 ep 013 148 22-Oct C Da 115 - ov 009 1 !8 -Dec &07 1,17 Monitoring Report Submittal Permit Number #* Name of Facility:* Month: * November Report Information WQ0002927 Domtar Paper Company, LLC - Bonsai Chip Mill Year:* 2022 Type* Upload Document* NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR 11.22 BCM NDMR.pdf 1.9MB PDF Only Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). Confirmation Email Address:* Name of Submitter: * John Cecil Signature: Date of submittal: 12/20/2022 This will be filled in automatically Initial Review Reviewer: Gerald, Wanda Is the project number correct?* WQ0002927 Is the monitoring report accepted?* Yes No Regional Office* Raleigh Reviewer: _anonymous Review Date: 1/9/2023 FORM NDMR 0 ­ 12 NON -DISCHARGE MONIT RI REPORT R Page of Permit No-: ' # 1 7 Facility tar e: D-Qtalr Paper Company, L_ . . Coax ChathamMonth: No e.r Year. 9 022 1: Flow Measuring Point: h uent ct .uenr Wi float genera led Parameter Monitoring =zx �E 1i C;t :_.� �';.-=1eC`:e •^ui d�c.€ :v�r, t.�<u ;iIT3€.e Y `�'t_,. J l r meter Code 6666 00 066 310 61t1 536 31616 0626 6 0 625 �00665- E x <.» a � E E ] # jE---- Pjj 24 r FirsGPD spa mg1L mg1L :€ g/L mg/L 141100 mL iL mg1L mg1L € { ( mg/L ' < 5 - 2 56 ; 3 56 5 6 56 € : a4 5 01r3 ` _ i is p i {5 23 23 s 10 23 12 23 g 9 23 14 1V.31 002 23 6.1 03 ; L a 1630x x `f 1 3 30 q 30 'e 20 36 I 21 09. C, , 0,42 30 & 24 1 9. 221 21 < z f x x 3 231 21 1 24 v a 6 21 22 2 28 : - 1 L,a _ 571 38 2 = 3e 30 31 = x < i Average: 33 0 39 53 00 1 24. ,(ij 2. 1. 92. Daily Maximum- &5 .43 53 00 24.�9 2G 0 2,00 6`.60 8 � 40 29 � 6,7 Daily Minimum: 5.71.33.CG 24.00 29.60 2.00 51,00 32.40 22,29 006,70 Sampling Type: Monthly Avg. Limit: Daily Limit: Li%t. 29� Sample Frequency- Yr FORM NDMR 3_12 Sampling ersonis Name_ Ranch'! jarreIl Certified Laboratories Name: -Ercifin (911, Name: Wastewater a ment. 1 ,LC. (0038i Does all monitoringdata are sampling frequencies t the r uir r t i tta h nt f your p rrr it -Copan', Non Low,. of t if she facility is , on-c,O pliant, =lease expla;n In the space below the -feason(s) the facility was not in compliance P;mvide in your explanation thedate(s) .,f *n;< non-comp:iance any describe the corrective acho s) taken. Attach addiiionai sleets if necessary Operator in Responsible Charge ( R ) Certification V permittee Certification Rc-, Randall Jarrell ermittee: ertif c t€ors No-: 79 37, 23925 Signing fficral; -ohn Cecil Grade: WV , S1 Phone Number- l`9_2iJ-25� 11 Signing Official's title: CiStrt Forester Has the ORC changed sine the previous NDMRA F s No � hone e Number: F Permit Expiration: 7.` 11 i 3 2 I I x { 6 r bata _ ! date Y at ure vy .:^ 5 � �,(;a_�ir7 >'i`��' .3 E.... , ca.� � u=_._J f==.e ��:c. i,�'Fi;Yle_� fi•', .t� ts�cz `.�? ! ,r.C4v�`� �c. ] 4E € tr'#ci� �t -[`v :�f 4 t�h� iy�V - - . 4 F"dc..El #iC ,:5 :[ LI"* j i err; prepared L - mirecwn or superosion°n :€,Yi F`C£.' wilh a system dE` 1{j. `#£'C 1,o assurei 1halqua4fied oefscinnelope iy gathereaang evaivat i1 .h f r rm- ivji 5')q ss Si es-ansibler the f,rma the miomaoon sutanifted is J i - c f'`} tflt,`iv "c`7 C 3E� (: 3C ur t and 5-:'.[}e {C -�gathenag aware Mt 'here 3 s,y 3ttcarit per ll as fy, _ub .i; r wse n for a C.R R_ Lisi .g the _3_ b° av fi iel c'aii ] phsort _ena lo. _ xro a€ g t o rdboi=b. Mail Original inal and Two Copies to, Division of Water Resources Information o Processing Unit 117 Mail Service Center Raleigh. [forth aroli a 7 -1 17 Fret: I DA -3 1013 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT DAR-1 Page of = PermitNo.: 'i� l�002 2t Facility Name: Haar Pape_11r Company, L. , . County: �a h Month: Year; 22 Did rr = Field tar. Field game:! a; lel ' facility?at this Area (acres)_ ` 0 42 ,E Area acres ( ��. Area (acres= If Name: Area (acres):'€ Cover r p- Grass Craver tire:; Cover Crap:' aver fro i _`£ _ 1 =Hourly Rate in). O25 �ri �at� ( # Hourly at (ir: Hourly Rate (€ni:3 iAnnual Rate (in)25 Annual Rate (€n); i Annual Rate (in): Annual Rate (€n). I Weather Freeboard ;. Frey Irr# at ? `i — a Field Irrlgate7, v. No Meld Irrigated? l Ys ,. ` g; •, 4 G T CL i _ �CL �i7 83 _` rI #T3 ! .� a r.3? _ __ —# 1 > 0 5 in it it gal min in �nL 1 i rr� a# min in min in r€1 al � trait in � in 56 4.7 .00 t! 56 t # 0,00 a o,o8 < t F 4.7 0.00 1 000a i ; ] 56 47 1000 000! # c ` 56 4 7 { 0 F � I r rs 1 ' 56 4.7 # s 23 1_9 8 ,QQ r0,v � s 3 18 23 1.9 0.00 0.0-0 g t t € 13 j q = ? i. 0 V �q { ;i vV _. - I 1erg 1S 3 i < a v 11qi000 0 on 1 s F � I 14 . PC 45 1 54 1 1 i 310' 0.5 8.17O ,88 :€ 16 1 7 i 0 25 808 i 0.00 I I 118 1 r 0 25 0.00 8.88 i 19 0 0 25 00 i Z 30 2.5 0,00 000 s 21 '.8 i ; 23 21 I 1=8 07 00 0_00 t 2 1 21 1,8 8,00 8.00 � 26 21 1.8 8 !�00 r s 27 11 21 18 000 000 3 2 G 6,4 1 1. 3 2' 18 00 0 s s 31 ; Morttfily Loading-' 978 0.09 12Month Floating Total (in),' 1 !� 8.00 . N DA R - 1 , NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT -1 i Pane f _ Did the application rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? Were measures taken to.; nt effluent ponding in or runoff from the sites? _Corrohant Not oMphant _ 0 ant _Non -Comp om Was a suitable vegetative cover maintained taine n all sites as specified in your permit? it Were all setbacks listed in your permit maintained for every application to each permitted site? Were all freeboards int in In accordance with the specified freeboard heights in your permit? comof the aci itv is =on -complies t, phease explain in the space bel�'d`:t� the reason(s) the `aril-L.` was € of !n compliance -P - - � � �i'De i• ,c 1 Non t r s Prowde in ��ti, �k�ii ticf �i,i the �`�tei �l �: `tie nc� Gc�iTl �} €c"�,i`„e and €au��t€�< is�'.� correct, cf,vsa action(s� taken. Attach additiona' sheets f necessary Operator inResponsible charge ( ) Certification € PeCni#ttee Certification andall la ' rntar Paper Company, L.' �. Certification o,: �9; i t 23 _ Signing ffic€ l; John Cecil Grade. •� � , l Phone Number- '2 � -2500 � Signing Official's Title; ricT+Tg t$�-s Has the R changed since the previous D -1? Yes — : Phone ben: - �ef€tiFt Epp.,: 7r=31t sd....f z f s € cure Rafe�S'orature 3 , L I:{`5 31, �r7,'€3r Ce : f•- E FEt� f £i=•01. _ - - -_ - a_-Cu €, F c d -. c m ,_ w the t si of fry knowledge f fit - pe a s.' S la ihat thisdocument a iE., a � a I,3tzhrnc-m , Y _parEu ;° EfSWeiT, WeiC#= tQne'd to assure thal all quafified€ rr! F -, :k gaffiereu and evaivated - !re f t t III t 3 attend Basea o °Y f r -j It` } ;fit?:: L tE� l 1 ,.,.'3'* tl i.-, submit -red t' - 4t t. my Knowledge' if �YSI ,.. andOtt`# Z'iz ..L�" iC 3 d orn ! i`i aware €hal " 2 are sigmifscant ne al ies tr. 5 b till€-_g take E .7ornat o .,2nduding ihe+S=eC E.,. ➢ 0 fines and .rnpl-I sonrnew far kmcming- Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of dilater Resources Information at€ors Processing Unit 117 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 7 g ®1 17 0 Cf) 3> E � I 0 < (o cx a) C)o G) ",I M 03 0) co 000 o (D 03 (D Co w 1�co co rj Description: D(Olf& Chip Mill Eff Matrix: Waste Watei Projecc -)urnte,fl (-jilip Mq1I Biochemical Oxygen Demand Nitrate as N [14797-55-8] Nitrate./Nitrite as N - Nitrate as N [14797--65-0]- Total Suspended Solids Microbiological Parameters ARatY!Le-LqAS n j!jKr3 Cofiforni, Fecal^ ANALYTICAL RESULTS Lab Sart plelll):CFJSZI"2-Cl� . ..... Sarlipled;aA/02/z2 K)50 Sas plod AyPAN)A8L. JARRELL war ww.encolabs.coni ReceNed: WN/22 14�00 Work Order� CF15402 ftamb EAQ vwu P-E ML L. PAW, maftrao &ftml "Ad @�Y N910 53 /L 2.0 LIG 2KG9005 S1,1 52W 8201 1 1, V09/22! )9"57 JOC 51 2.0 '1'8 I-CALCI f-PA 35j,? 11/y8/22 12�.36 MSE 54 D mg/l, 4P 2,01 4A3 , Ktart1r) FPA 35:U I � 11 8/2"r 12 36 MSF 2,4 6rng/I 11 U. (M'Ifli 2KI08022 EPA 353.2 1 l/08/22 1),16 MCIE 713 1 ing/L 144 6.l U.,d 208017 SN1254UIrl)-201`,, 11/08/22 14�01 1 Oc R99.0tu E[@g Val DF MDI., PQL 440 M-et- LIQ01 A-ngjjy.g@d PY k0jo 2.0 WIN) [(I 1�0 IKOBO 16 c6flmt l8 11/08/22 11:4] CB nil, FI Nk. "ih's , ePwt , Oatm i'l Ily to fire Sarn* as , eLoved by tie Wbu*QTY' al id may cx*/ be (cilrOd"He'd n 1`1111 Client: Et*ronmertai Conservation Laboratories Projecti&te: CF115402 CHeint SairnpID: Diorriter Chip Mill Eff Date COec'te11/07 r 122 H)!Sili) Date lieceivetP IV09/22 OBA16 Generah Chiernwslry Job 0: 680-224918-1 I ab Sarnpe ID1 680-224918 1 blatHx� Wwstmpvate� n a y e Arnmono,,4, �MCAWW 350A l wl, Re suilt QualiVer RL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dd Fac 2,io, 5 0 2A) mqA, '11/14/22 16:1 9 2 0 WrogerT, KjOdW pMCAWW 29 351.2-1993 R2,O) 2.0 1 G rrig"L I 14 IVW943 10 Flhosq�horus EIPA 365,4-1974 8,7 1,0 G 4 nig;[- 11/10/22 1'14 M15/2�,IDBE 'U 10 Eurofins Savannah Page 7 of 18 11/15/2022