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NC0086918_Renewal (Application)_20221229
STA1Fo y.l''1st '''''''''N ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S.BISER `• ksr q„M,.."�' Secretary RICHARD E.ROGERS,JR. NORTH CAROLINA Director Environmental Quality January 05, 2023 Eastern Wayne Sanitary District Attn: Larry Bridges PO Box 1583 Goldsboro, NC 27533-1583 Subject: Permit Renewal Application No. NC0086918 Rockford Church Road WTP Wayne County Dear Applicant: The Water Quality Permitting Section acknowledges the December 29, 2022, receipt of your permit renewal application and supporting documentation. Your application will be assigned to a permit writer within the Section's NPDES WW permitting branch. Per G.S. 150B-3 your current permit does not expire until permit decision on the application is made. Continuation of the current permit is contingent on timely and sufficient application for renewal of the current permit. The permit writer will contact you if additional information is required to complete your permit renewal. Please respond in a timely manner to requests for additional information necessary to allow a complete review of the application and renewal of the permit. Information regarding the status of your renewal application can be found online using the Department of Environmental Quality's Environmental Application Tracker at: https://deq.nc.gov/permits-regulations/permit-guidance/environmental-application-tracker If you have any additional questions about the permit, please contact the primary reviewer of the application using the 1 links available within the Application Tracker. Sincerely, ,..,Y,,,1 0,a Wren Thedford Administrative Assistant Water Quality Permitting Section ec: WQPS Laserfiche File w/application D_E WNorthCarolinaDartment ep of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Washington Regional Offke 1943 Washingtm Square Mall Washington North Carolina 27889 n+...ru..o-.....o.m\ /`, 252.946.6481 Wtujh1e Sanitu - Ti:15 P O Box 1583 SAD S6 _1583 NC 2753 3 (919) 731-2310 (Office) (919) 734-5994 (Fax) December 8, 2022 RECEIVED Ms. Wren Thedford DEC 2 9 2022 NC DENR/DWR/NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center NCDEQIDWRINPDES Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 Re: Renewal of Eastern Wayne Sanitary District's NPDES Permit No.NC0086918 EWSD WTP#3 /301 Rockford Church Road Dear Ms. Thedford: Attached please find three complete application packages each including the following items: 1. Our cover letter 2. Application Form 1 NPDES 3. Modified Application Form 2A 4. The Sludge Management Plan 5. The topographic map showing the location of the discharge with latitude and longitude identified 6. The WTP Site Plan and Process Schematic There has been no discharge from this facility since 2006. We must retain this Discharge Permit in the event we are not able to recycle and blend with the raw water. Please consider our request for wavier of monitoring requirements until we actually begin discharging again. There have been no changes at Eastern Wayne Sanitary District's Rockford Church Road WTP since the last NPDES Permit renewal. We hereby request renewal of NPDES Permit No.NC0086918. If you have questions regarding any of these items, please let me know. Sincere , 1 . ` • Larry Bridges District Manager On Tap Our Com &nutment 1B Our Prossion Member North Carolina Rural Water Association EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 NC0086918 Rockford Church Rd WTP OMB No.2040-0004 U.S.Environmental Protection Agency FormEPiek. Application for NPDES Permit to Discharge Wastewater NPDES GENERAL INFORMATION SECTION 1.ACTIVITIES REQUIRING AN NPDES PERMIT(40 CFR 122.21(f)and(f)(1)) 1.1 Applicants Not Required to Submit Form 1 Is the facility a new or existing publicly owned Is the facility a new or existing treatment works 1.1.1 treatment works? 1.1.2 treating domestic sewage? If yes, STOP. Do NOT complete ❑✓ No If yes, STOP. Do NOT ✓❑ No Form 1. Complete Form 2A. complete Form 1. Complete Form 2S. 1.2 Applicants Required to Submit Form 1 1.2.1 Is the facility a concentrated animal feeding 1.2.2 Is the facility an existing manufacturing, operation or a concentrated aquatic animal commercial, mining,or silvicultural facility that is a production facility? currently discharging process wastewater? w ❑ Yes 4 Complete Form 1 E✓ No ❑✓ Yes 4 Complete Form ❑ No a and Form 2B. 1 and Form 2C. R1.2.3 Is the facility a new manufacturing,commercial, 1.2.4 Is the facility a new or existing manufacturing, = mining,or silvicultural facility that has not yet commercial,mining,or silvicultural facility that commenced to discharge? discharges only nonprocess wastewater? ❑ Yes 4 Complete Form 1 ❑✓ No ❑ Yes 4 Complete Form p No ce and Form 2D. 1 and Form 2E. fA Y' 1.2.5 Is the facility a new or existing facility whose ' discharge is composed entirely of stormwater associated with industrial activity or whose discharge is composed of both stormwater and non-stormwater? El Yes 4 Complete Form 1 ❑✓ No and Form 2F unless exempted by 40 CFR 122.26(b)(14)(x)or b 15 . SECTION 2. NAME, MAILING ADDRESS,AND LOCATION (40 CFR 122.21(f)(2)) 2.1 Facility Name Eastern Wayne Sanitary District WTP No.3-Rockford Church Rd.WTP O 2.2 EPA Identification Number 0 J 2.3 Facility Contact d Name(first and last) Title Phone number Larry Bridges District Manager (919)731-2310 Email address R larry@waynewaterdistricts.com 2.4 Facility Mailing Address Street or P.O.box 301 Rockford Church Road City or town State ZIP code LaGrange NC 28551 EPA Form 3510-1(revised 3-19) Page 1 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 NC0086918 Rockford Church Rd WTP OMB No.2040-0004 N 13 2.5 Facility Location a . Street,route number,or other specific identifier Q U 301 Rockford Church Rd WTP is in Wayne Co./Discharge Outfall is in Lenoir Co. c 0 County name County code(if known) Wayne/Lenoir Unknown City or town State ZIP code z LaGrange NC 28551 ECTION 3.SIC AND NAICS CODES(40 CFR 122.21(f)(3)) 3.1 SIC Code(s) Description(optional) 4941 Water Supply-Green Sand Filter N W -o O U U) t,) 3.2 NAICS Code(s) Description(optional) 221300 Water Supply ca U) .ECTION 4.OPERATOR INFORMATION (40 CFR 122.21(f)(4)) 4.1 Name of Operator Joseph H.Threewitts,Jr. 0 4.2 Is the name you listed in Item 4.1 also the owner? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4.3 Operator Status ❑ Public—federal ❑ Public—state ❑✓ Other public(specify) Local Govern mim O. ❑ Private ❑ Other(specify) 4.4 Phone Number of Operator (919)731-2310 4.5 Operator Address Street or P.O. Box 3600 Commercial Dr. o City or town State ZIP code 0 v Goldsboro NC 27534 co Cl) Email address of operator joeyt@waynwaterdistricts.com SECTION 5.IND AN LAND(40 CFR 122.21(f)(5)) c 5.1 Is the facility located on Indian Land? J ❑Yes ❑✓ No EPA Form 3510-1(revised 3-19) Page 2 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 NC0086918 Rockford Church Rd WTP OMB No.2040-0004 •ECTION 6. EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS(40 CFR 122.21(f)(6)) 6.1 Existing Environmental Permits(check all that apply and print or type the corresponding permit number for each) m NPDES(discharges to surface ❑ RCRA(hazardous wastes) ❑ UIC(underground injection of y water) fluids) c . NC0086918 ❑ PSD(air emissions) ❑ Nonattainment program(CM) ❑ NESHAPs(CM) a. ca w ❑ Ocean dumping(MPRSA) ❑ Dredge or fill(CWA Section 404) ❑ Other(specify) .ECTION 7. MAP(40 CFR 122.21(f)(7)) 7.1 Have you attached a topographic map containing all required information to this application?(See instructions for specific requirements.) ❑✓ Yes ❑ No ❑ CAFO—Not Applicable(See requirements in Form 2B.) •ECTION 8.NATURE OF BUSINESS(40 CFR 122.21(f)(8)) 8.1 Describe the nature of your business. The Sanitary District Pumps groundwater wells,filters the water with greensand filters,disinfects the water,and distributes the water to their customers within the district.The waste is the water used to backwash the filters.The waste is directed to holding tanks.solids settle out in the holding tanks.the clarified water is then blended with raw well water,re treated through the greensand filters,disinfected and distributed as drinking water to the coustemers y m in the District. L' The Sanitary District maintains an NPDES Permit in the event the quality of the drinking water suffers from recycling the backwash water.In that case they would advise the regional office and begin discharging.This facility has not dischared since 2006. •ECTION 9.COOLING WATER INTAKE STRUCTURES(40 CFR 122.21(f)(9)) 9.1 Does your facility use cooling water? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Item 10.1. Zu Y 9.2 Identify the source of cooling water.(Note that facilities that use a cooling water intake structure as described at 40 CFR 125, Subparts I and J may have additional application requirements at 40 CFR 122.21(r). Consult with your _ NPDES permitting authority to determine what specific information needs to be submitted and when.) o N/A SECTION 10.VARIANCE REQUESTS(40 CFR 122.21(f)(10)) 10.1 Do you intend to request or renew one or more of the variances authorized at 40 CFR 122.21(m)?(Check all that apply. Consult with your NPDES permitting authority to determine what information needs to be submitted and when.) d ❑ Fundamentally different factors(CWA ❑ Water quality related effluent limitations(CWA Section Section 301(n)) 302(b)(2)) ❑ Non-conventional pollutants(CWA ❑ Thermal discharges(CWA Section 316(a)) Section 301(c)and(g)) ❑✓ Not applicable EPA Form 3510-1(revised 3-19) Page 3 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 NC0086918 Rockford Church Rd WTP OMB No.2040-0004 SECTION 11.CHECKLIST AND CERTIFICATION STATEMENT(40 CFR 122.22(a)and (d)) 11.1 In Column 1 below, mark the sections of Form 1 that you have completed and are submitting with your application. For each section,specify in Column 2 any attachments that you are enclosing to alert the permitting authority. Note that not all applicants are required to provide attachments. Column 1 Column 2 ❑✓ Section 1:Activities Requiring an NPDES Permit ❑ w/attachments ❑✓ Section 2: Name, Mailing Address,and Location ❑ w/attachments ❑✓ Section 3: SIC Codes ❑ w/attachments ✓❑ Section 4:Operator Information ❑ w/attachments ❑✓ Section 5: Indian Land ❑ w/attachments ❑✓ Section 6: Existing Environmental Permits ❑ w/attachments ❑✓ Section 7: Map ❑✓ ma topographic ❑ w/additional attachments ❑✓ Section 8:Nature of Business ❑ w/attachments 1g ❑✓ Section 9:Cooling Water Intake Structures ❑ w/attachments ❑ Section 10:Variance Requests ❑ w/attachments Z. ❑✓ Section 11: Checklist and Certification Statement ❑ w/attachments 11.2 Certification Statement I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted.Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate,and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name(print or type first and last name) Official title Larry Bridges District Manager Signat r Date signed 1 la2— EPA Form 3510-1(revised 3-19) Page 4 NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Modified Application Form 2A No Discharge Since 2006 NC0086918 Rockford Church Rd WTP Modified March 2021 Form NC Department of Environmental Quality-Application for NPDES Permit to Discharge Wastewater NPDES MINOR SEWAGE FACILITIES(Before completing this form,please read the instructions.Failure to follow the instructions ma result in denial of the application.) SECTION 1.BASIC APPLICATION INFORMATION FOR ALL APPLICANTS(40 CFR 122.21(j)(1)and(9)) 1.1 Facility name Eastern Wayne Sanitary District WTP No.3-Rockford Church Rd WTP Mailing address(street or P.O.box) 301 Rockford Church Rd. City or town State ZIP code 0 LaGrange NC 28551 Contact name(first and last) Title Phone number Email address Larry Bridges District Manager (919)731-2310 larry@waynewaterdistricts.coi Location address(street,route number,or other specific identifier) m Same as mailing address R City or town State ZIP code 1.2 Is this application for a facility that has yet to commence discharge? ❑ Yes 4 See instructions on data submission ❑✓ No requirements for new dischargers. 1.3 Is applicant different from entity listed under Item 1.1 above? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Item 1.4. Applicant name = Applicant address(street or P.O. box) 0 o City or town State ZIP code Contact name(first and last) Title Phone number Email address 0. 1.4 Is the applicant the facility's owner,operator,or both?(Check only one response.) ❑✓ Owner ❑ Operator ❑ Both 1.5 To which entity should the NPDES permitting authority send correspondence?(Check only one response.) ❑✓ Facility ❑ Applicant 0 Facility and applicant (they are one and the same) 1.6 Indicate below any existing environmental permits.(Check all that apply and print or type the corresponding permit number for each.) Existing Environmental Permits a ✓❑ NPDES(discharges to surface ❑ RCRA(hazardous waste) ❑ UIC(underground injection c water) control) NC0086918 ❑ PSD(air emissions) ❑ Nonattainment program(CM) ❑ NESHAPs(CM) w H ❑ Ocean dumping(MPRSA) ❑ Dredge or fill(CWA Section ❑ Other(specify) 404) Page 1 NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Modified Application Form 2A No Discharge Since 2006 NC0086918 Rockford Church Rd WTP Modified March 2021 1.7 Provide the collection system information requested below for the treatment works. Municipality Population Collection System Type Ownership Status Served Served (indicate percentage) Eastern Wayne 10,500 100 %separate sanitary sewer I] Own 0 Maintain Sanitary District %combined storm and sanitary sewer 0 Own 0 Maintain d ❑ Unknown 0 Own 0 Maintain co %separate sanitary sewer 0 Own 0 Maintain %combined storm and sanitary sewer 0 Own 0 Maintain al 0 Unknown 0 Own 0 Maintain a %separate sanitary sewer 0 Own ❑ Maintain a %combined storm and sanitary sewer 0 Own 0 Maintain co 0 Unknown 0 Own 0 Maintain E %separate sanitary sewer 0 Own 0 Maintain %combined storm and sanitary sewer 0 Own 0 Maintain o 0 Unknown 0 Own 0 Maintain Total °' Population o Served Separate Sanitary Sewer System Combined Storm and Sanitary Sewer Total percentage of each type of 100 Gio 0/0 sewer line(in miles) ?' 1.8 Is the treatment works located in Indian Country? o 0 Yes ❑✓ No cc, c 1.9 Does the facility discharge to a receiving water that flows through Indian Country? c 0 Yes ❑✓ No 1.10 Provide design and actual flow rates in the designated spaces. Design Flow Rate 0.030 mgd 3 Annual Average Flow Rates(Actual) Ml a Two Years Ago Last Year This Year co -cc ce co 0 0.000 mgd 0.000 mgd 0.000 mgd `_ Maximum Daily Flow Rates(Actual) 43 O Two Years Ago Last Year This Year 0.000 mgd 0.000 mgd 0.000 mgd ,,, 1.11 Provide the total number of effluent discharge points to waters of the State of North Carolina by type. Total Number of Effluent Discharge Points by Type a a-I Constructed CD — Treated Effluent Untreated Effluent Combined Sewer Bypasses Emergency t s Overflows Overflows U y 3 one none none none none Page 2 • NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Modified Application Form 2A No Discharge Since 2006 NC0086918 Rockford Church Rd WTP Modified March 2021 Outfalls Other Than to Waters of the State of North Carolina 1.12 Does the POTW discharge wastewater to basins, ponds,or other surface impoundments that do not have outlets for discharge to waters of the State of North Carolina? ❑✓ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Item 1.14. 1.13 Provide the location of each surface impoundment and associated discharge information in the table below. Surface Impoundment Location and Discharge Data Average Daily Volume Continuous or Intermittent Location Discharged to Surface (check one) Impoundment The water is recycled as a source water 0 Continuous and blended with the well water 30,000 gpd 0 Intermittent The blended water is treated,disinfected 0 Continuous and then distributed as drinking water. gpd 0 Intermittent 0 Continuous gpd ❑ Intermittent 2 1.14 Is wastewater applied to land? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Item 1.16. 0 1.15 Provide the land application site and discharge data requested below. Q. Land Application Site and Discharge Data o Continuous or Location Size Average Daily Volume Intermittent a� Applied (check one) N/A N/A acres N/A gp 0 Continuous d 0 Intermittent acres d 0 Continuous gp 0 Intermittent 0 Continuous acres gpd(ti 0 Intermittent 6 1.16 Is effluent transported to another facility for treatment prior to discharge? o ❑ Yes m No 4 SKIP to Item 1.21. 1.17 Describe the means by which the effluent is transported(e.g.,tank truck, pipe). N/A 1.18 Is the effluent transported by a party other than the applicant? ❑ Yes ElNo 4 SKIP to Item 1.20. 1.19 Provide information on the transporter below. Transporter Data Entity name Mailing address(street or P.O. box) N/A City or town State ZIP code Contact name(first and last) Title Phone number Email address Page 3 NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Modified Application Form 2A No Discharge Since 2006 NC0086918 Rockford Church Rd WTP Modified March 2021 1.20 In the table below, indicate the name,address,contact information, NPDES number,and average daily flow rate of the receiving facility. Receiving Facility Data "0 Facility name Mailing address(street or P.O.box) N/A City or town State ZIP code 0 y Contact name(first and last) Title 0 d Phone number Email address NPDES number of receiving facility(if any) ❑ None Average daily flow rate mgd O 1.21 Is the wastewater disposed of in a manner other than those already mentioned in Items 1.14 through 1.21 that do dnot have outlets to waters of the State of North Carolina(e.g., underground percolation, underground injection)? ❑✓ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Item 1.23. 0 0 1.22 Provide information in the table below on these other disposal methods. Information on Other Disposal Methods o Disposal Location of Size of Annual Average Continuous or Intermittent Method Disposal Site Disposal Site Daily Discharge (check one) Description Volume Water is reused The NPDES Permit 0 Continuous N/A acres 30,000 gpd by Water Plant is a hackun ❑ Intermittent 0 Continuous acres gpd ❑ Intermittent acresgpd ❑ Continuous ❑ Intermittent 1.23 Do you intend to request or renew one or more of the variances authorized at 40 CFR 122.21(n)?(Check all that apply. a) N Consult with your NPDES permitting authority to determine what information needs to be submitted and when.) C ❑ Discharges into marine waters(CWA ❑✓ Water quality related effluent limitation(CWA Section ▪ cr cu Section 301(h)) 302(b)(2)) ❑ Not applicable 1.24 Are any operational or maintenance aspects(related to wastewater treatment and effluent quality)of the treatment works the responsibility of a contractor? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4SKIP to Section 2. 1.25 Provide location and contact information for each contractor in addition to a description of the contractor's operational and maintenance responsibilities. Contractor Information Contractor 1 Contractor 2 Contractor 3 0o Contractor name N/A (company name) Mailing address (street or P.O.box) City,state, and ZIP code o Contact name(first and c� last) Phone number Email address Operational and maintenance responsibilities of contractor Page 4 NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Modified Application Form 2A No Discharge Since 2006 NC0086918 Rockford Church Rd WTP Modified March 2021 SECTION 2.ADDITIONAL INFORMATION(40 CFR 122.21(j)(1)and (2)) 0 Outfalls to Waters of the State of North Carolina = 2.1 Does the treatment works have a design flow greater than or equal to 0.1 mgd? o ElYes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Section 3. = 2.2 Provide the treatment works'current average daily volume of inflow Average Daily Volume of Inflow and Infiltration and infiltration. 0.0 gpd Indicate the steps the facility is taking to minimize inflow and infiltration. c N/A R 0 L 2.3 Have you attached a topographic map to this application that contains all the required information?(See instructions for 0. specific requirements.) 0, 6O o o ✓❑ Yes ❑ No E 2.4 Have you attached a process flow diagram or schematic to this application that contains all the required information? (See instructions for specific requirements.) o a, " o ❑✓ Yes ❑ No 2.5 Are improvements to the facility scheduled? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Section 3. = Briefly list and describe the scheduled improvements. 1.N/A d E m a 2. U) 3. d 0) d U) 4. g 2.6 Provide scheduled or actual dates of completion for improvements. Scheduled or Actual Dates of Completion for Improvements Affected Attainment of Scheduled Begin End Begin Outfalls Operational 2 Improvement Construction Construction Discharge (from above) (list outfall Level (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY) number) (MM/DD/YYYY) 1. N/A d U 2. U) 3. 4. 2.7 Have appropriate permits/clearances concerning other federal/state requirements been obtained?Briefly explain your response. ❑ Yes ❑ No ElNone required or applicable Explanation: N/A Page 5 NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Modified Application Form 2A No Discharge Since 2006 NC0086918 Rockford Church Rd WTP Modified March 2021 SECTION 3.INFORMATION ON EFFLUENT DISCHARGES(40 CFR 122.21(j)(3)to(5)) 3.1 Provide the following information for each outfall.(Attach additional sheets if you have more than three outfalls.) Outfall Number 001 Outfall Number Outfall Number State North Carolina County Lenoir pLaGrange 9- City or town 0 0 Distance from shore on shore ft. ft. ft. a tn Depth below surface 10'Abop ft• ft. ft. w a Average daily flow rate 0.030 mgd mgd mgd Latitude 35' 14 3.18" N „ Longitude 77 49' 386' v " R 3.2 Do any of the outfalls described under Item 3.1 have seasonal or periodic discharges? o ✓❑ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Item 3.4. d R 3.3 If so, provide the following information for each applicable outfall. s y Outfall Number 001 Outfall Number Outfall Number 0 `' Number of times per year o— No Discharge Since 2006 0 discharge occurs a Average duration of each `® discharge(specify units) No Discharge Since 2006 o Average flow of each 0.030 mgd mgd mgd to discharge rzi cn Months in which discharge Occurs No Discharge Since 2006 3.4 Are any of the outfalls listed under Item 3.1 equipped with a diffuser? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Item 3.6. a, 3.5 Briefly describe the diffuser type at each applicable outfall. ,T Outfall Number 001 Outfall Number Outfall Number d to = N/A to r.. O o 0,5 3.6 Does the treatment works discharge or plan to discharge wastewater to waters of the State of North Carolina from w one or more discharge points? Y ElYes 0 No 4SKIP to Section 6. Page 6 NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Modified Application Form 2A No Discharge Since 2006 NC0086918 Rockford Church Rd WTP Modified March 2021 3.7 Provide the receiving water and related information(if known)for each outfall. Outfall Number 001 Outfall Number Outfall Number Receiving water name roamed Tributary to Neuse Rh' Name of watershed, river, 0 or stream system Walnut Creek-Neuse River a U.S. Soil Conservation H Service 14-digit watershed 030202020107 en code L °' Name of state management/river basin Neuse River Basin 1 co U.S. Geological Survey O 8-digit hydrologic 03020202 ce cataloging unit code Critical low flow(acute) ? cfs cfs cfs Critical low flow(chronic) ? cfs cfs cfs Total hardness at critical mg/L of mg/L of mg/L of low flow ? CaCO3 CaCO3 CaCO3 3.8 Provide the following information describing the treatment provided for discharges from each outfall. i Outfall Number 001 Outfall Number Outfall Number Highest Level of 0 Primary 0 Primary ❑ Primary Treatment(check all that 0 Equivalent to 0 Equivalent to 0 Equivalent to apply per outfall) secondary secondary secondary ❑ Secondary 0 Secondary 0 Secondary ❑ Advanced 0 Advanced 0 Advanced O Other(specify) 0 Other(specify) 0 Other(specify) a Settling o fl. Design Removal Rates by u Outfall d BOD5 or CBOD5 85 % % c to '2 TSS 85 % % I- © Not applicable 0 Not applicable 0 Not applicable Phosphorus m Not applicable 0 Not applicable 0 Not applicable PPPPpP Nitrogen Other(specify)sP eci m Not applicable 0 Not applicable 0 Not applicable Page 7 NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Modified Application Form 2A No Discharge Since 2006 NC0086918 Rockford Church Rd WTP Modified March 2021 3.9 Describe the type of disinfection used for the effluent from each outfall in the table below. If disinfection varies by season,describe below. CD None a> O O Outfall Number 001 Outfall Number Outfall Number a Disinfection type None 0 = Seasons used None d Dechlorination used? ❑✓ Not applicable ❑ Not applicable ❑ Not applicable ❑ Yes ❑ Yes ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No 3.10 Have you completed monitoring for all Table A parameters and attached the results to the application package? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 3.11 Have you conducted any WET tests during the 4.5 years prior to the date of the application on any of the facility's discharges or on any receiving water near the discharge points? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Item 3.13. 3.12 Indicate the number of acute and chronic WET tests conducted since the last permit reissuance of the facility's discharges by outfall number or of the receiving water near the discharge points. Outfall Number 001 Outfall Number Outfall Number Acute Chronic Acute Chronic Acute Chronic Number of tests of discharge N/A N/A water Number of tests of receiving N/A N/A water 3.14 Does the POTW use chlorine for disinfection, use chlorine elsewhere in the treatment process,or otherwise have reasonable potential to discharge chlorine in its effluent? ✓❑ Yes 4 Complete Table B,including chlorine. ❑ No 4 Complete Table B,omitting chlorine. 3.15 Have you completed monitoring for all applicable Table B pollutants and attached the results to this application package? ❑ Yes ✓❑ No Have you completed monitoring for all applicable Table D pollutants required by your NPDES permitting authority and 3.18 attached the results to this application package? El Yes ✓❑ No additional sampling required by NPDES permitting authority. Page 8 NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Modified Application Form 2A No Discharge Since 2006 NC0086918 Rockford Church Rd WTP Modified March 2021 3.19 Has the POTW conducted either(1)minimum of four quarterly WET tests for one year preceding this permit application or(2)at least four annual WET tests in the past 4.5 years? El Yes ❑✓ No 4 Complete tests and Table E and SKIP to Item 3.26. 3.20 Have you previously submitted the results of the above tests to your NPDES permitting authority? El Yes ❑✓ No—I Provide results in Table E and SKIP to Item 3.26. 3.21 Indicate the dates the data were submitted to your NPDES permitting authority and provide a summary of the results. Date(s)Submitted Summary of Results {MMlDDNYYY} The Water Plant has not discharged since 2006.No monitoring is done because there has been no discharge. All wastewater is recycled and is d blended with the raw well water and treated prior to being distributed to the District's Customers as drinking water. r 3.22 Regardless of how you provided your WET testing data to the NPDES permitting authority,did any of the tests result in o toxicity? c ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Item 3.26. 13 3.23 Describe the cause(s)of the toxicity: The Water Plant has not discharged since 2006.No monitoring is done because there has been no discharge. All wastewater is recycled and is blended with the raw well water and treated prior to being distributed to the District's Customers as drinking water. 3.24 Has the treatment works conducted a toxicity reduction evaluation? ❑ Yes ✓❑ No 4 SKIP to Item 3.26. 3.25 Provide details of any toxicity reduction evaluations conducted. The Water Plant has not discharged since 2006.No monitoring is done because there has been no discharge. All wastewater is recycled and is blended with the raw well water and treated prior to being distributed to the District's Customers as drinking water. 3.26 Have you completed Table E for all applicable outfalls and attached the results to the application package? El Yes ❑✓ Not applicable because previously submitted information to the NPDES •ermittin• authorit . Page 9 NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Modified Application Form 2A No Discharge Since 2006 NC0086918 Rockford Church Rd WTP Modified March 2021 SECTION 6.CHECKLIST AND CERTIFICATION STATEMENT(40 CFR 122.22(a)and(d)) 6.1 In Column 1 below,mark the sections of Form 2A that you have completed and are submitting with your application. For each section,specify in Column 2 any attachments that you are enclosing to alert the permitting authority. Note that not all applicants are required to provide attachments. Column 1 Column 2 ❑✓ Section 1: Basic Application 0 w/variance request(s) ❑ w/additional attachments Information for All Applicants ❑✓ Section 2:Additional ✓❑ w/topographic map ❑✓ w/process flow diagram Information ✓❑ w/additional attachments ❑ w/Table A ❑ w/Table D ❑ Section 3: Information on ❑ w/Table B ❑ w/additional attachments c Effluent Discharges E 0 w/Table C N Section 4: Not Applicable 0 " Section 5: Not Applicable 40 " Section 6:Checklist and c ❑ El attachments Certification Statement 6.2 Certification Statement vI certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate,and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name(print or type first and last name) Official title Larry Bridges District Manager Signatur Date signed I Z q 20Z2 Page 10 NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Modified Application Form 2A No Discharge Since 2006 NC0086918 Rockford Church Rd WTP 001 Modified March 2021 • TABLE A.EFFLUENT PARAMETERS FOR ALL POTWS Maximum Daily Discharge Average Daily Discharge Pollutant Number of Analytical ML or MDL Value Units Value Units Method (include units) Sam•les Biochemical oxygen demand ❑BOD5 or❑CBOD5 No Discharge Since 2006 ❑ML ❑MDL report one Fecal coliform No Discharge Since 2006 ❑ML ❑MDL Design flow rate No Discharge Since 2006 _. pH(minimum) No Discharge Since 2006 pH(maximum) No Discharge Since 2006 Temperature(winter) No Discharge Since 2006 Temperature(summer) No Discharge Since 2006 0 ML Total suspended solids(TSS) No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL 1 Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures(i.e., methods)approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I,subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). Page 11 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Modified Application Form 2A Rockford Church Rd WTP Modified March 2021 No Discharge Since 2006 NC0086918 001 TABLE B. EFFLUENT PARAMETERS FOR ALL POTWS WITH A FLOW EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 0.1 MGD Maximum Daily Discharge Average Daily Discharge Pollutant Number of Analytical ML or MDL Value Units Value Units Method (include units) Samples Ammonia(as N) No Discharge Since 2006 ❑ML ❑MDL Chlorine ❑ML (total residual,TRC)2 No Discharge Since 2006 ❑MDL Dissolved oxygen No Discharge Since 2006 ❑ML ❑MDL ❑ML Nitrate/nitrite No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL 0 ML Kjeldahl nitrogen No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL Oil and grease No Discharge Since 2006 ❑ML ❑MDL Phosphorus No Discharge Since 2006 El ML ❑MDL Total dissolved solids No Discharge Since 2006 ID ML ❑MDL 1 Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures(i.e., methods)approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I,subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). 2 Facilities that do not use chlorine for disinfection,do not use chlorine elsewhere in the treatment process, and have no reasonable potential to discharge chlorine in their effluent are not required to report data for chlorine. EPA Form 3510-2A(Revised 3-19) Page 12 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Modified Application Form 2A Rockford Church Rd WTP Modified March 2021 No Discharge Since 2006 NC0086918 001 TABLE C. EFFLUENT PARAMETERS FOR SELECTED POTWS Maximum Daily Discharge Average Daily Discharge Pollutant Analytical ML or MDL Value Units Value Units Number of Method' (include units) Samples Metals,Cyanide,and Total Phenols Hardness(as CaCO3) No Discharge Since 2006 ❑ML ❑MDL 0 ML Antimony,total recoverable No Discharge Since 2006 ❑MDL 0 ML Arsenic,total recoverable No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL 0 ML Beryllium,total recoverable No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL 0 ML Cadmium,total recoverable No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL ❑ML Chromium,total recoverable No Discharge Since 2006 ❑MDL 0 ML Copper,total recoverable No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL Lead,total recoverable No Discharge Since 2006 ❑ML ❑MDL 0 ML Mercury,total recoverable No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL 0 ML Nickel,total recoverable No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL 0 ML Selenium,total recoverable No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL Silver,total recoverable No Discharge Since 2006 ❑ML ❑MDL ID ML Thallium,total recoverable No Discharge Since 2006 ❑MDL 0 ML Zinc,total recoverable No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL 0 ML Cyanide No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL 0 ML Total phenolic compounds No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL Volatile Organic Compounds ❑ML Acrolein No Discharge Since 2006 ❑MDL ❑ML Acrylonitrile No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL 0 ML Benzene No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL 0 ML Bromoform No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL EPA Form 3510-2A(Revised 3-19) Page 13 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Modified Application Form 2A No Discharge Since 2006 NC0086918 Rockford Church Rd WTP 001 Modified March 2021 • TABLE C. EFFLUENT PARAMETERS FOR SELECTED POTWS Maximum Daily Discharge Average Daily Discharge Pollutant — Analytical ML or MDL Number of Value Units Value Units Methods (include units) Samples ❑ML Carbon tetrachloride No Discharge Since 2006 ❑MDL ❑ML Chlorobenzene No Discharge Since 2006 ❑MDL ❑ML Chlorodibromomethane No Discharge Since 2006 ❑MDL ❑ML Chloroethane No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL ❑ML 2-chloroethylvinyl ether No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL ❑ML Chloroform No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL ❑ML Dichlorobromomethane No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL ❑ML 1,1-dichloroethane No Discharge Since 2006 ❑MDL ❑ML 1,2-dichloroethane No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL ❑ML trans-1,2-dichloroethylene No Discharge Since 2006 ❑MDL ❑ML 1,1-dichloroethylene No Discharge Since 2006 ❑MDL ❑ML 1,2-dichloropropane No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL ❑ML 1,3-dichloropropylene No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL ❑ML Ethylbenzene No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL ❑ML Methyl bromide No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL ❑ML Methyl chloride No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL ❑ML Methylene chloride No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL ❑ML 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL ❑ML Tetrachloroethylene No Discharge Since 2006 ❑MDL ❑ML Toluene No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL 0 ML 1,1,1-trichloroethane No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL ❑ML 1,1,2-trichloroethane No Discharge Since 2006 ❑MDL EPA Form 3510-2A(Revised 3-19) Page 14 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Modified Application Form 2A No Discharge Since 2006 NC0086918 Rockford Church Rd WTP 001 Modified March 2021 TABLE C. EFFLUENT PARAMETERS FOR SELECTED POTWS Maximum Daily Discharge Average Daily Discharge Pollutant Analytical ML or MDL Value Units Value Units Number of Methods (include units) Samples ❑ML Trichloroethylene No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL 0 ML Vinyl chloride No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL Acid-Extractable Compounds p-chloro-m-cresol No Discharge Since 2006 ❑ML ❑MDL 2-chlorophenol No Discharge Since 2006 ❑ML ❑MDL ❑ML 2,4-dichlorophenol No Discharge Since 2006 ❑MDL 2,4-dimethylphenol No Discharge Since 2006 ❑ML ❑MDL 4,6-dinitro-o-cresol No Discharge Since 2006 ❑ML ❑MDL ❑ML 2,4-dinitrophenol No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL El ML 2-nitrophenol No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL 4-nitrophenol No Discharge Since 2006 ❑ML ❑MDL 0 ML Pentachlorophenol No Discharge Since 2006 ❑MDL Phenol No Discharge Since 2006 ❑ML ❑MDL 0 ML 2,4,6-trichlorophenol No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL Base-Neutral Compounds 0 ML Acenaphthene No Discharge Since 2006 ❑MDL Acenaphthylene No Discharge Since 2006 ❑ML ❑MDL 0 ML Anthracene No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL 0 ML Benzidine No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL 0 ML Benzo(a)anthracene No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL ❑ML Benzo(a)pyrene No Discharge Since 2006 ❑MDL 0 ML 3,4-benzofluoranthene No Discharge Since 2006 ❑MDL EPA Form 3510-2A(Revised 3-19) Page 15 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Modified Application Form 2A No Discharge Since 2006 NC0086918 Rockford Church Rd WTP 001 Modified March 2021 • TABLE C.EFFLUENT PARAMETERS FOR SELECTED POTWS Maximum Daily Discharge Average Daily Discharge Analytical ML or MDL Pollutant Number of Method' (include units) Value Units Value Units Samples ❑ML Benzo(ghi)perylene Since 2006 ❑MDL 0 ML Benzo(k)fluoranthene Since 2006 0 MDL Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane Since 2006 ❑ML ❑MDL ID ML Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether Since 2006 0 MDL Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether Since 2006 ❑ML ❑MDL El ML Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate Since 2006 0 MDL 4-bromophenyl phenyl ether Since 2006 ❑ML ❑MDL 0 ML Butyl benzyl phthalate Since 2006 0 MDL 2-chloronaphthalene Since 2006 ❑ML ❑MDL 0 ML 4-chlorophenyl phenyl ether Since 2006 ❑MDL 0 ML Chrysene Since 2006 0 MDL 0 ML di-n-butyl phthalate Since 2006 ❑MDL di-n-octyl phthalate Since 2006 ❑ML ❑MDL 0 ML Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene Since 2006 0 MDL 1,2-dichlorobenzene Since 2006 El ML ❑MDL 1,3-dichlorobenzene Since 2006 ❑ML ❑MDL 1,4-dichlorobenzene Since 2006 El ML ❑MDL 3,3-dichlorobenzidine Since 2006 ❑ML ❑MDL 0 ML Diethyl phthalate Since 2006 0 MDL 0 ML Dimethyl phthalate Since 2006 ❑MDL ❑ML 2,4-dinitrotoluene Since 2006 ❑MDL 2,6-dinitrotoluene Since 2006 El ML ❑MDL EPA Form 3510-2A(Revised 3-19) Page 16 • EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Modified Application Form 2A Rockford Church Rd WTP Modified March 2021 • No Discharge Since 2006 NC0086918 001 TABLE C. EFFLUENT PARAMETERS FOR SELECTED POTWS Maximum Daily Discharge Average Daily Discharge _ Analytical ML or MDL Pollutant Number of Method1 (include units) Value Units Value Units Samples ❑ML 1,2-diphenylhydrazine No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL Fluoranthene No Discharge Since 2006 ❑ML ❑MDL Fluorene No Discharge Since 2006 ❑ML ❑MDL Hexachlorobenzene No Discharge Since 2006 ❑ML ❑MDL 0 ML Hexachlorobutadiene No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL 0 ML Hexachlorocyclo-pentadiene No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL Hexachloroethane No Discharge Since 2006 ❑ML ❑MDL 0 ML Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL 0 ML Isophorone No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL 0 ML Naphthalene No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL Nitrobenzene No Discharge Since 2006 ❑ML ❑MDL 0 ML N-nitrosodi-n-propylamine No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL 0 ML N-nitrosodimethylamine No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL ❑ML N-nitrosodiphenylamine No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL Phenanthrene No Discharge Since 2006 ❑ML ❑MDL 0 ML Pyrene No Discharge Since 2006 0 MDL 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene No Discharge Since 2006 ❑ML ❑MDL 1 Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures(i.e., methods)approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR Chapter I,Subchapter N or 0.See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2A(Revised 3-19) Page 17 NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Modified Application Form 2A No Discharge Since 2006 NC0086918 Rockford Church Rd WTP Modified March 2021 TABLE D.ADDITIONAL POLLUTANTS AS REQUIRED BY NPDES PERMITTING AUTHORITY Pollutant Maximum Daily Discharge Average Daily Dischar e Analytical ML or MDL (list) Value Units Value Units Number of Method' (include units) Samples ❑✓ No additional sampling is required by NPDES permitting authority. ❑ML No Discharge Since 2006 ❑MDL ❑ML ❑MDL ❑ML ❑MDL ❑ML ❑MDL ❑ML ❑MDL ❑ML ❑MDL ❑ML ❑MDL ❑ML ❑MDL ❑ML ❑MDL ❑ML ❑MDL ❑ML ❑MDL ❑ML ❑MDL ❑ML ❑MDL ❑ML ❑MDL ❑ML ❑MDL ❑ML ❑MDL ❑ML ❑MDL 1 Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures(i.e., methods)approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I,subchapter N or 0.See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). Page 18 Eastern Wayne Sanitary District WTP No. 3—301 Rockford Church Road Sludge Management Plan The WTP treats well water via aeriation and filtration,using three 10' diameter greensand filters. The primary function of the aeriation is to oxidize the iron and manganese,which makes them easier to remove from the water. The greensand filters remove the oxidized iron and manganese. These components are backwashed from the filters,and directed to the waste holding tanks. The waste holding tank is divided into two sides. Each side holds 47,695 gallons in a baffled tank. There is an additional foot of freeboard above the normal high water level. Backwash of one filter includes 10 minutes of backwash at 945 gpm,and 5 minutes of rinse at 250 gpm. The total wash per filter is 9,575 gallons/cycle/filter or 28,725 gallons/cycle for three filters.Typically, the design assumes backwashing each filter one time per day. Therefore,the discharge would be 28,725 gallons per day, say 30,000 gpd. The backwash containing iron and manganese is allowed to settle in the backwash tanks. Typically, decant from the waste tank is recycled,blended with raw well water, is treated again,and sent out into the distribution system. The District must retain the NPDES Permit in case there becomes an issue regarding recycling of the decanted backwash. After decanting,the remaining iron and manganese settle in the tank. These residuals are hauled away, and land applied by Granville Farms, Inc. every other year. Granville Farms has amended their permit to accommodate sludge from Eastern Wayne Water District's Water Treatment Plant No. 3. 144;) Larry Bridges District Manage December 8,2022 W:\DIOXX_GEN\DIOOX_MSW�D1005_CORRES_MSW\CGM\2022\EASTERN WAYNE SANITARY DISTRICT\SLUDGE MANAGEMENT PLAN.DOCX z.--...))7'h,c/7 ~` 1 t 1 c AIKE 1013-- it ID 1 ~ *\\k,?. ,/,_ :r _ I _ i k 0 Rockford Church Road I N, Rater Treatment Plant `� I IOW a pr„...Q......... ) C:' cll.;=, .p _- I- ,s.,---___z____ji..., ,1- 2 _ a 'fDL'Re�j 1,, c4emc so '�-�� C'-`-` .. Old �+_�...�,f.-�� • �� Irr _. . •-_�, -v. a � . tit . 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'�"/ ,,.7:'-/(7 ,.-_ . / .00 Lz or 4 ,,,. r� nn- -1rj 1 ,' / •Z , iv §:,Ir. .:....or r. .,l - s ti 4" V,I J I -el) ,` .tr I ',1 40" }ly 4 l(t(- \5: .,► r-17 /'—' Rockford Church Road WTP NPDES Permit No. NC0086918 Eastern Wayne Sanitary District Latitude: 35° 14' 03"N State Grid/Quad: G 27 NE/Seven Springs Longitude: 77°49' 43"W Permitted Flow: Not Limited Receiving Stream: UT of Neuse River Drainage Basin: Neuse River W:\DI0XX GEN\DI00X MSW\D1005 CORRES MSW\CGM\2022\EASTERN WAYNE SANITARY DISTRICT\NPDES MAP.DOCX • N;\ - r P•1•l4 1°1 11 1•0 ro 49e Ilw.d 41 P•Pr.,•1.t.P•.•11....11 11.o..•1 sm ' p - 9rL _ LLtil _- burp.P••R•a iW S 11(•+wa w`n•••r)111.911 Y n•U P• pw 1 U , =U. 1Y35 n-• u.4 Pue•bupP••PI•iN•IW S•1 6u1PPs•1.110 Y w0•.ap.0U poppy moan )u°..N P•1 Mwe•y n _ k/V.I. 4c Ti.X., 0n;,•0 Iwl.w•Inv plot..wv•y•al^p••Y•Iw q••a•p 11 Lev lace 091 7doN 1 ,0-,l-.r/C o-3-.r/c A n +.0/.�j�:.r 'J``•.�YOd�:•c�:� mop», a°-pp>+P1•1°s w.e..,d • r. - e�o n ..`1,,_ rs� I P.P.Pmw,•Y,11...4 1.1 .......P. 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Built\5015procAB.dwg La you l: -GO) Plolted: Wedn..dny, Aug.( 1, 2007, 11:57:28om M A.IWeI KM AmI - a pp N-- ; Q IN `A , / o • • ,gg 9® Oil m m 11 -00`•• i ., 1 e 1 rl - E %ice-- a ; �"— 8 lit FYI' i °� • P $ F X " g ` g oa oa pp'{{1 . Ro RUM . X X % ..CRMW an, - r"Fl IP MDIIr.W WPM T �_. I Iii • ` o il Z Al- . _ — ©?1 -, ij-a 5,_ #� a A " r • IIP3 A 1 A i e pd i I-----6a Ea11 1;4O 0 PI j - D4 i . 0 R 17 VC'S 17 clEI i . EA. j' e --.-.,,V,... 1 • Z•. 14- o 1 il .i,„ ii_rl , • • yt s� f 1 T Ytl` 1 i D4 Age . i . pd • r " - a 1 1 7 -11 mI[I— 0 r- • ll • • z LA t (y(5I " . e PT I 1 w e r . • 2xi i ° A -. a ik mFOI AA P a T �o$0 a $7 a� 7 IA 6 I I^ I D o �� O BN-In INFLUENT D D !�!� O BFV-1f1 INFLUENT ly1 1RI 1 0! !!!0 ! !!!!!0 !! BN-IFl. EFFLUENT � BFV-IF2 EFFLUENT T •!!!«! !• BFV-IFS BACKWASH SUPPLY .!.!.! !.!.!. BFV-IFS BACKWASH SUPPLY !.!.!.! - !.! BFV-IFA BACKWASH WASTE !.!.!.! !.!.! BFV-If1 BACKWASH WASTE WI,II HIN,,,1 !•.•••••! BFV-1F5 DRAIN DOWN !.!.!!!.! !! 0EV-IFS DRAW GOWN �i.uao�. !!!!!!! !!!!!! !! „.•.( !�!�!� BFV-1E6 MR PRESSURIZATION 00.l• .. WV-IFS AN PRESSURIZATION h e e e !!!!!!! !!!!! !♦ o':. R !!!!!!!!!!!�! NI. AIR WASH SUPPLY !W!!!!!ir frl�! 0EV-1F7 MR WASH SUPPLY S AFI-�_ VA PO�N_ A g g !•!!!! BfV-1Fe SLOW REFILL •!!! !! BN-/Fe stow REFILL 7n1 00_ R R A yyi, (f !.! !.!.!.. BFV-IFS RINSE WASTE !.! Ir..l•l.! BEV-IFS RPISE WASTE N� � . F F ! !!! D! !!!.! %Zq J: y A A �� o HSP-1 HIGH SERVICE PUMP •••♦ o HSP-1 HIGH SEANCE PWP •Pi 's Q•"•,••.,,:OM•S9~c' - !!!.!.!.!. AS AIR BLOWER !!��1�•a •.!• P! AO AIR BLOWER ,,,,,,,,,I1l31111pH" - :P F I i I I Hsp-1 HIGH SERVIC`PUMP �li i 1 i I i i l� H�-1 )� E P1 P Ff I 1 I I ROW RATE GPM ROW RAZE(GPM „' C p I I BACKWASH pBACKWASH ` y PA 11 u I 1 FLOW RATE(CPU) Pi i I I I u u I i i FLOW PATE(CPU) ,ss�,Y r':,,,., y....', )I i I 1 I i 1 1 AB AIR FLOW RATER(BGFW) 1 1 I I I 1 Cn ri, 1 1 AB MR SLOWER FLOW R ( � N figI ® ii E;o_ i WEEP' i = CAD FRL DIRECTORY: \\G-PCI\OB4S\BB-B015\4757 REWNON5 AS BUILT PROCESS SCHEMATIC ICAD DM FILL NAME: Ro1OPROCAe.OWG McDAVID ASSOCIATES,INC. Me "W -.L>DIPMI - . — 1 o.eeK •.rn q M P.,.Iw CONTRACT 57-WATER TREATMENT PLANT-GENERAL CAD PLOT FILE NAME RO%KAB-cW PLT INC Engin.... • Planner. • LA7d SUIwyr• CA WATER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT MAP FILE REFERENCE: PROJECT NO.: 2-B9-6015-4757 SURVEYED BY: CORPORATE OFFICE BRANCHOPFICE 0 no NuW Mr,e..r 11e Pool W4,4 eNr 71 EASTERN WAYNE SANITARY DISTRICT DRAWING NO.: COMPUTED DY: P.O.Omar All P.O..M NU CAI SCALE:NONE DRAWN BY: ERR Panne.,NO MAI OEA.ml.,NO POW WAYNE COUNTY - mem CARaBJA7r.0s.c asrl751-217B Tr.nno Pip nis-n. co DATE1 JULY I,2003 APPROVED BY: Fue1wAm DOM7.s77Ae Fw.WHW I.1.172a.7Al1