HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050949 Ver 3_Public Notice_20150209Burdette, Jennifer a From: Thames, Joyce A SAW <Joyce.A.Thames @usace.army.mil> Sent: Monday, February 09, 2015 2:58 PM To: Shaeffer, David L SAW; Thames, Joyce A SAW Cc: Collins, Jocelyn G SAW; Porter, Elizabeth D SAW Subject: US Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice Wilmington District (UNCLASSIFIED) Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE As you requested, you are hereby notified that Wilmington District, United States Army Corps of Engineers has issued a Public Notice. The text of this document can be found on the Public Notices portion of the Regulatory Division Home Page. Each Public Notice is available in ADOBE ACROBAT (.pdf) format for viewing, printing or download at http: / /www.saw.usace.army.mil/ Missions /RegulatoryPermitProgram.aspx. The current notice involves: Corps Action ID #:SAW- 2007 -04137 Issue Date: 09 February 2015 Applicant: Partners Equity Group Expiration Date: 10 March 2015 Point of Contact: David Shaeffer Project Description: The Raleigh Regulatory Field Office, Corps of Engineers (Corps) has received an application from Partners Equity Group, seeking Department of the Army authorization to modify an individual Department of the Army permit issued under the above referenced file number on May 13, 2009. This permit expired on December 31, 2014. The revised project would involve the discharge of filled material in 1.68 acres of wetlands to facilitate the construction of three restaurants in Smithfield, in Johnson County, North Carolina. The applicant has also request that the permit be extended for 5 years. Subscribe /Unsubscribe: This email was sent out as a result of subscribing to the Wilmington District regulatory program public notices. Please email Cindy.M.Corbett(@usace.army.mil with the subject or message "unsubscribe" to remove your address from future mailings. Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE 1 Issue Date: February 09, 2015 Comment Deadline: March 10, 2015 Corps Action ID Number: SAW - 2007 -04137 The Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers (Corps) has received a request from Partners Equity Group to modify an individual Department of the Army permit issued under the above referenced file number on May 13, 2009. This permit expired on December 31, 2014. The revised project would involve the discharge of fill material in 1.68 acres of wetlands to facilitate the construction of three restaurants in Smithfield, in Johnston County, North Carolina. The applicant has also requested that the permit be extended for 5 years. Specific plans and location information are described below and shown on the attached plans. This Public Notice and all attached plans are also available on the Wilmington District Web Site at htlp: / /www.saw.usace.army.mil /Missions /Re u� lato Per n�gram.aspx Applicant: Partners Equity Group Mr. John Shallcross Jr. Post Office Box 1524 Smithfield, NC 27577 Agent: Law Offices of F. Bryan Brice, Jr. Mr. Bryan Brice 5 W. Hargett Street, Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27601 Authority The Corps evaluates this application and decides whether to issue, conditionally issue, or deny the proposed work pursuant to applicable procedures of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344) Location The project site is located north of Industrial Park Drive and east of South Equity Drive, north of the intersection of US Hwy 70 Business and I -95, in Smithfield, in Johnston County, North Carolina. The site's geographical coordinates are 35.5066° N, 78.3215° W. The site is located within a 50.9 acre watershed that drains to Polecat Branch, which is a tributary to a navigable reach of the Neuse River Basin (HUC 03020201) and the Atlantic Ocean. 6 • <-1D ECj� EEE 00& C Existing Site Conditions The 45.3 acre commercial park is comprised of 19 commercial lots and associated transportation /utility infrastructure, configured and developed as originally proposed in the early 1990s. The commercial development originally contained approximately 3.95 acres of pine flat wetlands. General land use in the immediate vicinity is commercial /retail, resulting in approximately 60% of the area being comprised of impervious surface. The project site is currently undeveloped and vegetated with grass, briers, sparsely planted tree saplings and several mature trees along the property boundary. The original wetland type was pine flat but has been substantially altered due to land clearing and the input of storm water from surrounding impervious surfaces. The site drains through a series of ditches constructed throughout the project to Polecat Branch. Applicant's Stated Purpose The applicant's stated purpose is to construct two buildings which would serve three national restaurant venues. Project Description The applicant proposes to discharge fill material in 1.68 acres of the remaining 2.13 acres of wetlands, located on Lots 18 and 19, to facilitate the construction of two buildings (totaling 8,692 square feet) and associated parking (152 spaces) which would house three national restaurant chains. Project History Partners Equity Group has received multiple Department of the Army permits to impact the original 3.95 acres of onsite wetlands including a Nationwide Permit 14 issued on July 15, 1994, for 0.33 acre of fill, an after - the -fact Nationwide Permit 26 issued on February 13, 1995, for 0.25 acre of fill, and a Nationwide Permit 26 issued on September 9, 1997, for 0.66 acre of fill. All wetland fills have been associated with the construction of road infrastructure and lot fill for restaurants and have resulted in a total loss of 1.24 acres of wetlands for the subdivision. These restaurants and other businesses within this commercial subdivision primarily serve visitors to the Smithfield Outlet Center, which attracts an average of 7 million customers per year. On May 13, 2009, an individual Department of the Army permit was issued to Partners Equity Group authorizing the placement of fill material into 1.53 acres of the remaining 2.13 acres of onsite wetlands. The purpose of the fill was to facilitate the construction of one large commercial building with associated parking. The applicant was required to provide compensatory mitigation at a 2:1 ratio for the 1.53 acres of wetland impacts through payment to the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP). The wetlands to be impacted were previously preserved through a deed restriction as a compensatory mitigation requirement of a Nationwide Permit 26 (AID 1997- 08043). The deed restriction was removed by the property owner in order to develop Lots 18 and 19. In order to satisfy the compensatory mitigation requirement of AID 1997- 08043, the applicant was required to provide an additional 1.53 acres of mitigation at a ratio of 1:1 through payment to NCEEP. On September 25, 2012, the applicant requested modification to the compensatory mitigation requirement due to financial constraints. A Public Notice was issued on November 7, 2012, detailing the applicant's proposal to provide the required mitigation through the preservation of approximately 32 acres of wetlands adjacent to the Rudolph Buffer/Nutrient Offset Mitigation site located approximately 12 miles east of the project site. The applicant also requested that the permit condition, requiring the remaining onsite wetlands to be preserved by restrictive covenant, be removed. This modification was never approved. On November 27, 2013, the applicant submitted an additional request to change the compensatory mitigation requirement. On December 12, 2013, a Public Notice was issued detailing the applicant's proposal to provide compensatory mitigation through the preservation of approximately 32 acres of wetlands adjacent to the Rudolph Buffer/Nutrient Offset Mitigation site located approximately 12 miles east of the project site. The applicant also requested that the permit condition requiring the remaining onsite wetlands to be preserved by restrictive covenant be modified to allow the maintenance of vegetation due to concerns about the integrity of adjacent buildings and line of site for signage. The applicant never finalized plans for onsite mitigation. On May 2, 2014, the applicant submitted revised plans showing two separate buildings rather than one larger building. The applicant was notified during a May 5, 2014, meeting with our office that the revised project plans would require an additional Public Notice and revised information on alternative sites and designs necessary for our office to complete the CWA 404(b)(1) analysis (40 CFR 230) . On November 28, 2014, the applicant submitted a revised compensatory mitigation proposal and project plans for two building. The applicant also requested a five year extension to the time to complete work authorized by the individual permit issued on May 13, 2009. Avoidance and Minimization The applicant originally proposed to fill a112.13 acres of wetlands on Lots 18 and 19. Following pre - application meetings associated with the original permit application, the applicant proposed to reduce their impacts to the minimum necessary to develop the property. They also proposed to preserve the remaining onsite wetlands on the east side of the property that connects with wetlands on the two adjoining properties. Compensatory Mitigation The applicant proposes preservation of 30.925 acres of land adjacent to the Rudolph Buffer/Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site which is located approximately 12.4 miles from the project site in Johnston County and within the Upper Neuse River Basin (USGS HUC 03020201). The proposed preservation site contains a mixture of Headwater Wetlands and Bottomland Hardwood Forest riparian wetlands. Water from the site drains through existing channelized ditches flowing to Moccosin Creek, a tributary of the Neuse River. This proposed preservation area is within a 48.3 acre property that contains stream features and some wetland area that may be proposed to be further enhanced /restored and connected to these wetlands. The areas that may be proposed for future mitigation are not within the applicant's proposed preservation area. The current permit also requires the applicant to preserve the remaining 0.447 acres of onsite wetlands through a restrictive covenant. The applicant is requesting to modify this condition, due to concerns about trees, the integrity of the buildings and adjacent properties, and line of site for signage. The applicant is proposing to plant this area with appropriate lower growing species and to maintain vegetation to a maximum height of 8 feet. Essential Fish Habitat Pursuant to the Magnuson- Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, this Public Notice initiates the Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) consultation requirements. The Corps' initial determination is that the proposed project would not effect EFH or associated fisheries managed by the South Atlantic or Mid Atlantic Fishery Management Councils or the National Marine Fisheries Service. Cultural Resources Pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, Appendix C of 33 CFR Part 325, and the 2005 Revised Interim Guidance for Implementing Appendix C, the District Engineer consulted district files and records and the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places and initially determines that historic properties, nor properties eligible for inclusion in the National Register, are present within the Corps' permit area. Should historic properties, or properties eligible for inclusion in the National Register, be present within the Corps' permit area; the proposed activity requiring the DA permit (the undertaking) is a type of activity that will have no potential to cause an effect to historic properties. The District Engineer's final eligibility and effect determination will be based upon coordination with the SHPO and /or THPO, as appropriate and required, and with full consideration given to the proposed undertaking's potential direct and indirect effects on historic properties within the Corps- indentified permit area. Endangered Species Pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973, the Corps reviewed the project area, examined all information provided by the applicant and consulted the latest North Carolina Natural Heritage Database. Based on available information the Corps determines that the proposed project would not affect federally listed endangered or threatened species or their formally designated critical habitat. Other Required Authorizations The Corps forwards this notice and all applicable application materials to the appropriate State agencies for review. North Carolina Division of Water Resources ( NCDWR): The Corps will generally not make a final permit decision until the NCDWR issues, denies, or waives the state Certification as required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act (PL 92 -500). The receipt of the application and this public notice, combined with the appropriate application fee, at the NCDWR Central Office in Raleigh constitutes initial receipt of an application for a 401 Certification. A waiver will be deemed to occur if the NCDWR fails to act on this request for certification within sixty days of receipt of a complete application. Additional information regarding the 401 Certification may be reviewed at the NCDWR Central Office, 401 and Buffer Permitting Unit, 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 -2260. All persons desiring to make comments regarding the application for a 401 Certification should do so, in writing, by March 02, 2015 to: NCDWR Central Office Attention: Ms. Karen Higgins, 401 and Buffer Permitting Unit (LISPS mailing address): 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699 -1617 Or, (physical address): 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 North Carolina Division of Coastal Management (NCDCM): Based upon all available information, the Corps determines that this application for a Department of Army (DA) permit does not involve an activity which would affect the coastal zone, which is defined by the Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Act (16 U.S.C. § 1453). Evaluation The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts including cumulative impacts of the proposed activity on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. The benefit which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal will be considered including the cumulative effects thereof, among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, historic properties, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards, flood plain values (in accordance with Executive Order 11988), land use, navigation, shoreline erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. For activities involving the discharge of dredged or fill materials in waters of the United States, the evaluation of the impact of the activity on the public interest will include application of the Environmental Protection Agency's 404(b)(1) guidelines. Commenting Information The Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State and local agencies and officials, including any consolidated State Viewpoint or written position of the Governor; Indian Tribes and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engineers to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic properties, water quality, general environmental effects and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) and /or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity. Any person may request, in writing, within the comment period specified in this notice, that a public hearing be held to consider the application. Requests for public hearings shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. Requests for a public hearing shall be granted, unless the District Engineer determines that the issues raised are insubstantial or there is otherwise no valid interest to be served by a hearing. The Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District will receive written comments pertinent to the proposed work, as outlined above, until 5pm, March 10, 2015. Comments should be submitted to David L. Shaeffer, Raleigh Regulatory Field Office, 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 , Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587, at (919) 554- 4884 Ext. 31. GENERAL NOTES: 1) The wetland flags located hereon,were post processed to sub —meter accuracy NAD 83, using a Trimble GetoXT, The wetland flags are tied to Raleigh DOT CORS 2) All distances are horizontal ground. 3) All wetland areas computed using coordinate method from measured field data and boundary provided. 4) The Boundary Survey, all easements and other matters of record other than 1 than wetland flag location, shown hereon was reference Johnston County PB 50 page 420 1 5) Wetlands delineation performed by Scott J. Frederick, El. NCLSS, on 10- 03 -06, of the Soil, Water & Enviromental Group (SWE), Raleigh, NC. 6) The Wetlands Delineation Exhibit shown hereon is NOT FOR RECORDATION except for JD purposes. 7) Wetland flag locations are to be considered preliminary until CORPS JD sign off. 1 I, Brian E. Justice, certify that this project was completed under my direct responsible charge from an actual ground survey made under my supervision; that the original data wetland data was obtained on 10 -3 -07; and that all coordinates are based on NC Grid. 1 NAD 83 (2007) post processed using COBS Raleigh DOT, NC. Brian E. Justice, NCPLS L -4638 l Date This certifies that this copy of this plat identifies as wetlands all areas of wetlands regulated pursuant to Section 404 of the I Clean Water Act as determined by the undersigned on this date. i Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination of Section 404 jurisdiction may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from this date. This determination was made utilizing the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Determination Manual. Regulatory Official USACE Action ID 4 This document originally issued and sealed by Brian E. Justice, NCPLS L -4638, on . This electronic media shall not be considered a certified document. Soil Water & Environment Group Research Building I, Centennial Campus 1001 Capability Drive, Suite 312 Raleigh, NC 27604 -- Ph. (919) 831 -1234 Cell (919) R�W 368 -2029 Fax (919) 831 -1121 JUSTICE LAND SURVEYING & ENGINEERING PLLC i " iii 12 R= 00 L 9.27 4 T =25.00 CH =N47 °34'35 "W 35.36 RALEIGH, NC—D 919 -821 -1951 NOW OR FORMERLY SOUTH EQUITY DRIVE PLAZA � r � r � % i ,-% , ■ ilk Y r- r1 r-. s . .-% 0-% -% -k 1 t T 1 !l w 1 IIVUv (RAW VARIES - PUBLIC) iii NOW OR FORMERLY MARKET STREET INVESTMENTS EP D.B. 9, PG. 485 P. 5 , PG. 420 PIN: 6 4 -20 -0263 Fn Co an N a Z C7 0 o. _ a to m v a 1 I NOW OR FORMERLY PARTNERS EQUITY GROUP ` D.B. 1295, PG. 911 1 P.B. 50, PG. 420 PIN: 2604 -20 -0065 61 gAX f uboet Fbt f n f ou 10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT TYPICAL — ALL INTERIOR LOT LINES (P.B. 50, PG. 420) 0 NOW OR FORMERLY DUPREE & DAVID D.B. 1741, PG. 872 P.B. 50, PG. 420 PIN: 2603 -29 -0880 EXFSTlNG WETLANDS BOUNDARY (TYP.) m W. DUPREE VICINITY MAP WETLAND DELINAETION SURVEY FOR: PARTNERS EQUITY GROUP LOTS 18 &19 OWNER: PARTNERS EQUITY GOUP REF: PB 50 PG 420 SMITHFIELD TOWNSHIP JOHNSTON COUNTY COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 30 15 0 30 60 SCALE 1 op=30 ' DATE 10 -24 -07 REVISED 10 -31 -07 LOT 18 PIN # 2604 -10 -8014 LOT 19 PIN # 2603 -19 -8739 .•i 1. ALL WETLAND WORK IS TO BE COMPLETED PER DWQ PERMIT #SAW- 2007 - 04137, DWQ #2005 -0949 DATED NOVEMBER 26, 2014. 2. REMOVE ALL TRASH AND DEBRIS FROM EXISTING WETLANDS AND DISPOSE OFFSITE AS PER PROJECT MANUAL. Ll 2 EXIC 4 7 14 ► III Mi W3 ► 1. THE 50' WETLANDS EASEMENT MAY BE MAINTAINED IN A PRUDENT MANNER WITHOUT MECHANIZED EQUIPMENT TO: ALLOW SIGHT LINES, PROTECT THE HEALTH AND SAFETY OF EMPLOYEES AND CUSTOMERS, MAINTAIN THE STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY OF PERMITTED BUILDINGS AND TO CONTROL PESTS AND VERMIN. SPECIFICALLY, THE OWNER MAY: • MAINTAIN CLEAR SIGHT LINES FROM THE STREET, PARKING AREAS, AND SIGNS TO THE BUILDING BY TRIMMING SHRUBS AT A HEIGHT NOT TO EXCEED 4 -5 FEET AND TRIMMING AND LIMBING OF EXISTING AND NEWLY PLANTED TREES HAVING A HEIGHT GREATER THAN 8 FEET: • PERFORM HAND REMOVAL OF DEBRIS, INCLUDING REMOVAL OF OVER — GROWTH, DEAD OR DYING VEGETATION, TREES AND SHRUBS; • USE HANDHELD TOOLS (SUCH AS wEED— EATERS) FOR MINIMAL TRIMMING ON THE PERIMETER OF THE WETLAND EASEMENT; • KEEP THE AREA FREE OF VERMIN, FERAL CATS, BUGS AND PESTS; • PROTECT THE STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY OF ANY PERMITTED BUILDING. THE OWNER MAY NOT: • MOW THE WETLAND AREA; • INSTALL PLANTINGS WITHIN THE WETLAND AREA WITHOUT APPROVAL BY THE USACOE; • MAKE OTHER MODIFICATION WITHIN THE WETLANDS AREA WITHOUT EXPRESS APPROVAL BY THE USACOE. 2. THE LANDOWNER OR ITS ASSIGNS WILL CONDUCT AT LEAST ANNUAL INSPECTIONS, PREPARE A REPORT AND WORK WITH USACOE TO ENSURE THAT THE CONSERVATION PURPOSES ARE SAFEGUARDED. �*Ai--Ilimwcf . Ilk 1 •. Fy/ 6 X f uhoe Qrhoyoh Qrho SEAL D � D � SEAL 18" RCP INV= 147.53 3C= 151.29' (E)= 147.65' (W)= 147.60' JT(N)= 147.45' �I l I( II 0 C CJi O -o C Xr C !1 00 C r m F.oJER.TCE iry I 4S AK EP 6" OAK — — -- ,�- 7" OAK _ _ �—_ rl II I Im I I �\ MCE PROJ. ## 06810 -0001 IIc�II DJB DESIGNED DJB CHECKED GML PROJ. MGR. GML I I \LP / \ I J \J \I I I II I II \\ \ I I II \\ II I \\ I III�I I I �O II I III I II I III I I I I I I I I I II I I I I II I I III I P II II I I � I I I II I I III I I I PERIMETER PLANTING AS PER TOWN OF SMITHFIELD UDO I I \ \ USING USACOE APPROVED PLANTS INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING: SWAMP TITI, DOG HOBBLE, ILEX SP., MARSH HIBISCUS, SWAMP IRIS, OR BUTTON BUSH, • FOR VERY WET \ I \ AREAS. MARSH MALLOW, HIBISCUS, LIZARD TAIL, OR II \ \ RUSHES. ALL PLANTS WILL BE NATIVE TO NORTH II CAROLINA AND TO THE REGION. PLANTS WILL BE I I \ INSTALLED BY PROFESSIONAL CONTRACTORS AND I I \MAINTAINED FOR LONG TERM SURVIVABILITY GREATER THAN 857 SHOULD MORTALITY FALL BELOW 85% fMILAR PLANTS WILL BE INSTALLED UNTIL SUFFICIENT I URVI VAL IS ACHIEVED. IN ADDITION TO SURVIVABILITY, I' (COMPETITION FROM PIONEER SPECIES SUCH AS RED MAPLE, LOBLOLLY PINE, AND SWEET GUM WILL BE $ CONTROLLED TO ALLOW PLANTED SPECIES TO THRIVE. III OTHER COMPETING SPECIES SUCH AS NON — NATIVE REED (PHRAGMITES SP.) AND CATTAILS IF NECESSARY WILL BE I I CONTROLLED BY HAND MECHANIZED EQUIPMENT. I OAK ��- - T —� I — . II I . . . . . 50. D' •WETLAND I BUFFER • (TYP) • .I. I •�•-j • rr• •- • I , I 10.0' DRAINAGE EASEMENT SURVIVAL MONITORING WILL OCCUR ON AN ANNUAL BASIS i \ I AND THROUGHOUT THE YEAR FOR A PERIOD NO LESS l I I THAN 7 YEARS FROM IMPLEMENTATION. \ , II \ \ II II \\ \ \1 FT]I \ VF I \ \ 1 I \ I I I / r\ � .......... II I LqL II�P e� \ \L�A A\ \ ,14_-V =147.6 -- _13 V - P-i nW —___ _- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - -- - -- EP C I ____ °A TOP @BC = 151.15' INV IN(S)= 147.61' INV IN(W)= 147.73' INV OUT(E)= 147.46' v .je.o.,,N4cM4&0ZEED 1730 Varsity Drive, Suite 500 Raleigh, North Carolina 27606 Phone: (919)233 -8091, Fax: (919)233 -8031 F -1222 DESCRIPTIONS www.mckim creed. corn OUTLET CENT-ER-DRIVE (S.R. 2398) OW (VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC R /W) CONCRETE MEDIAN PYLON SIGN (TYP) SMITHFIELD CROSSINGS LEGEND WETLAND BUFFER PLANTING PLAN ROADWAY CENTERLINE ROW LOT LINE DRAINAGE EASEMENT 50' WETLAND EASEMENT 4 '006�h,6' 0 NORTH 30' 0 30' 60' loom SCALE: 1"=30' (Horiz.) DATE: DECEMBER 5, 2014 MCE PROJ. ## 06810 -0001 DRAWN DJB DESIGNED DJB CHECKED GML PROJ. MGR. GML SCALE HORIZONTAL: 1 " =30' VERTICAL: NA M &C FILE NUMBER C5.X DRAWING NUMBER C5.1 STATUS: Preliminary Design REVISION FPZi31 1, , REVIEW OFFICER OF 2372 JOHNSTON COUNTY, CERTIFY THAT THE MAP OR PLAT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATION IS AFFIXED MEETS ALL STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS FOR RECORDING. 1007\ ( /\ I I REVIEW OFFICER 2541 / Go. �O �P VICINITY MAP (NOT TO SCALE) \n\ I � � I I Of IO Ill ICU IIIN I;k I - - - -R /W I EMN _ - -R /W o I�Io Ill2 � la I' I Iz Illy I I� I I °o V SITE nTrra FILED FOR REGISTRATION 2012. _ M PLAT BOOK PAGE DONNIE G. ALLEN DB 3686, PG 583 MB 14, PG 101 REGISTER OF DEEDS JOHNSTON COUNTY "EIP - - (CC) S 23'5739 " E r200.6 1 ' 7 / / %, ACREAGE DATA LINE ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNER INFO LENGTH FARM PATH 1640.94 (TL) R /W- -� �EIP (BY COMPUTER) g`i� �� /6I S 81'11'57" W L -4 B (B1 1 -49A EPK OVER 1, CHRISTOPHER K. PADERICK, PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 1 = 36.687 ACt L -4 O = COUNTY OF JOHNSTON 60" CMP L -5 NO. 4189, CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY IS OF ANOTHER CATEGORY. TO WIT- A CONSERVATION EASEMENT SURVEY. CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 2 = 9.741 ACf v% p DB 1935, PG 420 94��. L -7 S 23'4648" E CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 3 = 1.286 ACf L -8 B EBX NEUSE 1, LLC. 102.32 v L -47' VARIOUS LINES VARIOUS LINES (CONTINUED) CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 4 = 0.640 ACf \ \L 2 �� ���p DB 3864, PG 100.06 L -11 S 31'15'45" E CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 5 = 13.911 ACf L -12 PB 75, PG 1775 5 86.25 S 08' 1244 " E CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 6 = 15.088 ACf L- 14A S 16'41 '40" E 48.40 L- 14B L -4189 TOTAL CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA = 77.353 ACf L -15 OC =EBX NEUSE 1, LLC. OB 3943, PG 242 148.52 L -16 S 04'4953" E EASEMENT AREA'S 1 & 2 = 46.428 ACf L -17 S 06'31 28" E 4712 L -18 S 632536" W EASEMENT AREA'S 3, 4, 5 & 6 = 30.925 ACf L -19 N 05'32'14" W 119.66 L -20 N 05'2322" W 164.21 L -21 N 20'59'14" W 96.69 L -22 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA JOHNSTON COUNTY 139.75 L -23 N 79'15'33" W 10.00 L -24 CHRISTOPHER K. PADERICK CERTIFY THAT THIS 116.90 L -25 N 00'4459" E 96.84 L -26 PLAT WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM AN ACTUAL 180.58 L -27 N 11-00 22" W 10728 L -28 SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION; (DEED DESCRIPTION 79.86 L -29 N 21-15'48" W 218.95 L -30 RECORDED IN MAP & DEED BOOKS NOTED), THAT THE NOTES: L -31 S 05'35'30" E 144.72 L -32 BOUNDARIES NOT SURVEYED ARE CLEARLY INDICATED AS DRAWN 1. NO NC GRID MONUMENTS WERE LOCATED WITHIN L -33 S 02'3331 " E 139.80 L -34 FROM INFORMATION REFERENCED HEREON; THAT THE RATIO 2000' OF THIS PROPERTY. L -35 S 33'45'30" E 87.22 L -36 OF PRECISION AS CALCULATED IS 1: 10,000+ THAT THIS PLAT 2. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND L -37 S 13'03 25" E 68.79 L -38A WAS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH G.S. 47 -30 AS MEASUREMENTS IN FEET & DECIMALS THEREOF, L -38B S 06'5338" E 74.94 L -39 AMENDED. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. L -40 S 04'0727" W 103.82 L -41 NUMBER AND SEAL THIS 21ST DAY OF NOVEMBER A.D., J. NO UTILITIES OR IMPROVEMENTS ARE SHOWN ON L -42 S 245543" W 63.81 L -43 2012 THIS SURVEY. L -44 N 11'2954" W 25.39 L -45 N 03'1927" E "PREL I MI N,4 R Y PLA T " �'�� N 04'48'21 " W 210.01' L -47 N 11-44 21 " W 209.27' B3 N 02'14'04" E 148.25' NOT FOR SALES, CONVEYANCES., L -49B Lo K L -4189 OR RECORDA TION. S 76'28'59" W m --I m 0 N/F NAOMI A. ALLEN S 31-2431 " W 84.86' = DB 2764, PG 286 r DB 3086, PG 192 N Z MB 14, PG 101 PB 68, PG 29 N m ° - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- S 23'5739" E -- - - - -1 - - - - '- S 2334 51 " E (�/ 642. 13' rn°o m _ -- -- - - 2 8 L�� 7" L -9 °43' 10 S 3 / _ S 1728 36" E 1 1 / 07.73' L -120 \� L -119 72 L 13 1,130.32' - L] �\ FARM PATH L- 14A FARM PATH \ \\ N/F C) NAOMI A. ALLEN ElP L -29 L -28 L p7 Lam` L -133 L -21 2p L ?�j DB 2764, PG 286 DB 3086, PG 192 (CC) < 26 �3 L` MB 14, PG 101 �J7 DITCH � 1 4!\ L -131 PB 68, PG 29 3W (B j ?S C �� L -132 _\° �1�" ��O ryryE /P ElP FARM PATH CONSERVATION S �1 °� 1 ? (t�) ¢ �- L_36 L 3 L -23 L -53 �-- -/10 8/ EASEMENT 00 25 / L_35 L -54 B L 107 AREA 1 .A p� s os. Spas 129 / I � EIP� L -38A °¢:3g,. 3po `35,4„ R /W- - S 23'43'44" E n >>> /,� LINE L -98 (Bj LENGTH FARM PATH 1640.94 (TL) R /W- -� �EIP 28.80 g`i� �� /6I S 81'11'57" W L -4 B (B1 1 -49A EPK OVER N 82'38'59" W �yti r�6/ �i9 11- H L -4 / 60" CMP L -5 S 74'55 21 " E 140.23 v% p °1�G�1 0 94��. L -7 S 23'4648" E 159.75 L -8 L 102.32 v L -47' VARIOUS LINES VARIOUS LINES (CONTINUED) 79.16 \ \L 2 �� ���p S 12'00'36" E 100.06 LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH L -1 S 65'02'52" W 28.80 L -2 S 81'11'57" W 57.61 L -3 N 82'38'59" W 172.77 L -4 S 20'14'28" W 29.85 L -5 S 74'55 21 " E 140.23 L -6 S 54'3748" E 130.02 L -7 S 23'4648" E 159.75 L -8 S 08'4247" E 102.32 L -9 S 26'42'19" E 79.16 L -10 S 12'00'36" E 100.06 L -11 S 31'15'45" E 95.34 L -12 S 00'04'59" W 86.25 L -13 S 08' 1244 " E 80.57 L- 14A S 16'41 '40" E 48.40 L- 14B S 16'41 '40" E 9.40 L -15 S 28'01 '36" E 148.52 L -16 S 04'4953" E 162.76 L -17 S 06'31 28" E 4712 L -18 S 632536" W 68.06 L -19 N 05'32'14" W 119.66 L -20 N 05'2322" W 164.21 L -21 N 20'59'14" W 96.69 L -22 N 79' 15'33" W 139.75 L -23 N 79'15'33" W 10.00 L -24 N 06'57'51 " W 116.90 L -25 N 00'4459" E 96.84 L -26 N 09'48'43" W 180.58 L -27 N 11-00 22" W 10728 L -28 N 23'50'06" W 79.86 L -29 N 21-15'48" W 218.95 L -30 N 38'3349" W 3742 L -31 S 05'35'30" E 144.72 L -32 S 01'30 24" W 10733 L -33 S 02'3331 " E 139.80 L -34 S 02'21 '16" E 16707 L -35 S 33'45'30" E 87.22 L -36 S 28'29'17" E 110.40 L -37 S 13'03 25" E 68.79 L -38A S 06'5338" E 80.13 L -38B S 06'5338" E 74.94 L -39 S 01'49'07" W 172.29 L -40 S 04'0727" W 103.82 L -41 S 08'20'20" W 114.53 L -42 S 245543" W 63.81 L -43 S 78'30'06" W 80.26 L -44 N 11'2954" W 25.39 L -45 N 03'1927" E 53.41 L -46 N 04'48'21 " W 210.01' L -47 N 11-44 21 " W 209.27' L -48 N 02'14'04" E 148.25' L -49A N 12'11'39" W 38.51 L -49B N 12'1 1'39" W 40.05 L -50 S 76'28'59" W 191.02' L -51 S 31-2431 " W 84.86' LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH L -52 N 74'58'59" E 19.27' L -53 S 19'03'54" E 53.18' L -54 S 26'06 27" E 129.58' L -55 S 40'542J" W 90.58' L -56 S 37'2431 " W 23.47' L -57 S 20'56'00" E 59.28 L -58 S 13'1829" E 73.16 L -59 S 11'04'40" E 161.26 L -60 S 06'51'53" E 12764 L -61 S 03'55 22" W 126.97 L -62 S 08'02'56" W 135.17 L -63 S 10'10'48" W 272.98 L -64 S 41-J459" W 37.34 L -67 N 86'40'44" W 54.24 L -68 N 86'40'44" W 25.82 L -69 N 11-02 30" W 91.11 L -70 N 21'45'19" W 129.07 L -71 N 11-5747" W 162.04 L -72 N 51'4743" W 86.73 L -73 N 24'21 '02" E 38.19 L -74 N 22'0955" E 98.62 L -75 N 15'16'00" E 9.46 L -76 N 45'16'00" E 100.00 L -77 N 14'44'00" W 145.79 L -78 N 03'2430" W 84.09 L -79 N 06'44'11" W 61.19 L -80 N 87' 17' 19" E 53.89 L -81 S 62'3256" E 107.79 L -82 N 81'41'55" E 21.99 L -83 N 08'18'05" W 5.31 L -84 N 21'04'46" W 55.94 L -85 N 44'4646" W 108.50 L -86 N 4959'02" W 111.65 L -87 N 01-24'10" W 76.26 L -88 N 01-14;34" W 66.27 L -89 N 23'02'13" E 99.68 L -90 N 365747" W 100.55 L -91 N 01-1737" W 44.04 L -92 N 01-1933" W 92.99 L -93 N 01-2841 " W 19.51 L -94 N 82'40 24" E 28.94 L -95 S 80'51'40" E 57.87 L -96 S 64'2344" E 131.03 L -97 S 54'5636" E 55.41 L -98 N 66'40'15" E 20.00 L -99 N 2J'19'45" W 181.50 L -100 N 06'50'43" W 85.23 L -101 N 06'2739" W 8732 L- 102 N 06'5727" W 81.25 L -103 N 01-11 28" W 55.13 L -104 N 01-0937" W 55.53 L -105 N 01-06 33" W 4.40 L -106 N 84'03'00" E 112.76 L -107 N 05'57'00" W 63.27 o f5 L -84 11 1 \L\ 66 (B � 0818 S„ L -83 FARM PATH �\ L -115 60BFRRY Rp�e\ - -�/ -- -- 501.25, L -- - VARIOUS LINES (CONTINUED) p(/e�� \ �� \ N 23'1420" W L-58 LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH L -108 N 84'00'45" E 37.00 L -109 N 10'1852" W 102.54 L -110 S 75'4942" W 138.48 L -111 N 12'48J 1 " E 90.84 L -112 S 70'48'06" W 14.83' L -113 N 19'46'02" W 37.23' L -114 N 20'12'02" W 195.56' L -115 N 19'4949" W 169.00' L -116 N 15'36 21 " W 162.86' L -117 N 10'06'12" W 84.72' L -118 N 745859 " E 134.10' L -119 N 74'17'46" E 45.38' L -120 N 58'00'55" E 79.85' L -121 S 23'2233" W 81.96' L -122 S 68'1235" W 140.13' L -123 S 82'20'57" W 103.96' L -124 S 31'1025" W 111.62' L -125 S 51'28'14" W 153.55' L -126 N 20'41 '18" W 163.83' L -127 N 21'43'18" E 71.08' L -128 N 12'06'51 " E 169.85' L -129 N 06'31 28" W 44.64' L -130 N 04'4953" W 116.80' L -131 N 28'30'06" W 127.77' L -132 N 16'41 '40" W 37. 10' L -133 N 73'07 33" E 67.65' L -134 N 30'35 30" E 99.04' L -135 N 14'48 30" E 142.77' L -136 N 25'4334" E 115.44' L -137 N 52-1j'28" E 154.43' C R (C L -Sg \ DITCH 8� CONSERVATION BA FROM "A'; CLOCKWISE EASEMENT/ AND BACK TO NlS "A" \ \ \ L -75 AREA 2 LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH L -146 S 27'0256" E 100.22 L -147 S 18'04'16" E 70.40 L -148 S 09'57'06" E 161.97 L -149 S 00'50'09" W 114.15 L -150 S 08'5757" E 136.40 L -151 S 14'19'13" E 123.48 L -152 S 26'29'41 " E 123.52 L -153 S 08'58'58" W 89.73 L -154 S 03'24' 11 " W 67.61 L -155 N 86'3549" W 20.00 L -156 N 2436'18" W 20.35 L -157 N 12'3726" W 301.43 L -158 N 13'42'12" W 163.06 L -159 N 08'13'19" W 30731 L -160 N 08'2728" W 173.45 L -161 N 81'3232" E 20.00 CONSERVATION EASEMENT - SURVEY OF \ NEUSE I, \ \ BOON HILL TOWNSHIP NOVEMBER 21, 2012 L -73 / 1 " = 200' /V 0246.ytg. 200' 400' �0,37 GRAPHIC SCALE W _ 187. \ - - L- 71 =82C LEGEND \ \ DITCH R/W = RIGHT OF WAY \ C/L = CENTERLINE = EXISTING IRON STAKE \ N/F \ ROCHELLE YVONNIE EVERETT Qi = NEW IRON STAKE \ DB 984, PG 694 O = NO POINT SET NPS = NO POINT SET \ \ EIP = EXISTING IRON PIPE \ EMN = EXISTING MAG NAIL \ \ EPK = EXISTING PK NAIL CMP = CORRUGATED METAL PIPE (TL) = TIE LINE (CC) = CONTROL CORNER THE R UD OL PH SITE rifoJ:>f EBX NEUSE I, L L Co BOON HILL TOWNSHIP NOVEMBER 21, 2012 JOHNSTON COUNTY, NC 1 " = 200' 200' 100' 0 200' 400' GRAPHIC SCALE \CONSERVATION \ 55�"o � 'Roi�.��. L -44 Rr' L�46 la L- 112 CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 3 EBX NEUSE 1, LLC. �6 DB 3943, PG 242 W l X55 L -70- L-69 ul N_ N/F " CLAYVON EVERETT DB 3764, PG 620 MB 74, PG 207 N/F = NOW OR FORMERLY m D --ZZ- = NOT TO SCALE m --I - - - - = ADJOINING PROPERTY LINE m 2 FLOOD STATEMENT THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN ZONE " AE " N Z AND IS LOCATED WITHIN A SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD m AREA, AS DETERMINED BY NFIP RATE MAP SOURCES OF TITLE DB 3218, PG 482 DB 3864, PG 969 DB 3943, PG 242 PB 75, PG 175 PAGE 1 OF 2 DATED DECEMBER 2, 2005 COMMUNITY PANEL NUMBER 370138 - 2548 -J . MATRIX EAST, PLLC PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS i N. QUEEN ST., SUITE A KINSTON, NC 28501 rEL: 252 - 522 -2500 FAX: 252 - 522 -4747 FIRM LIC. # P -0221 EMAIL: surveyor@matrixeast.net DRAWN BY: CKP PROJECT NO.: 20100039 SURVEYED BY: ALL DATE: 11/21/12 SCALE: 1" = 200' DRAWING NAME: ADDSOUTHERN 1, , REVIEW OFFICER OF JOHNSTON COUNTY, CERTIFY THAT THE MAP OR PLAT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATION IS AFFIXED MEETS ALL STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS FOR RECORDING. REVIEW OFFICER FILED FOR REGISTRATION 2012. _ M PLAT BOOK L -7 L DATE PAGE REGISTER OF DEEDS JOHNSTON COUNTY (1I � = D m0 �_ N Z m S 1728 36" E X111 207.73' ACREAGE DATA (BY COMPUTER) CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 1 = 36.687 ACt CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 2 = 9.741 ACf CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 3 = 1.286 ACf CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 4 = 0.640 ACf CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 5 = 13.911 ACf CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 6 = 15.088 ACf TOTAL CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA = 77353 ACt EASEMENT AREAS 1 & 2 = 46.428 ACt EASEMENT AREAS 3,4,5 & 6 = 30.925 ACf L -120 - --�L -119 L- 14A DB 3086, PG 192 MB 14, PG 101 PB 68, PG 29 ffi S 235739 " E 1,130.32'_ L -29 L -28 L -27 L 6 L -133 4 -21 4 ti L -131 4- ��? G B j 2S L ` �� L -132 _�O N 22 N O¢ O9 82 • �_ 24 L -23 06, s`68 04it8.. 1- - �_ L -53 ?83 S p 25 (TL) 34 35 L -36 L -37 L -54 / 10 • / L- / // aA "/� SOS s OAS \ 129 L -38A / 04 38,. 30B 358„ L -38B 883/ F \3R, At- FA RM PATH l�39 L -4 B B j L- L -84 _ 49p j / i B N 08 1\OS.. L -83 FARM PATH L -56 L 501.25' _ N 23' 14'20 W 4-,5(9 L -82 L -57 4-,59 \ DITCH CONSERVATION EASEMENT/ \ L -75 AREA 2 L -73 /V 16 j., w - - L -71 N \ DITCH \ N/F \ \ ROCHELLE YVONNIE EVERETT \ DB 984, PG 694 1, CHRISTOPHER K. PADERICK, PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR NO. 4189, CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY IS OF ANOTHER N CATEGORY. TO WIT- A CONSERVATION EASEMENT SURVEY. = y m0 L -4189 N Z m ��rrrr�i 7���1/L'ir:L/l►:7/7� /��G I/I:I��iC7TC�l��LK�I►L�r�I CHRISTOPHER K. PADERICK CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION; (DEED DESCRIPTION RECORDED IN MAP & DEED BOOKS NOTED), THAT THE BOUNDARIES NOT SURVEYED ARE CLEARLY INDICATED AS DRAWN FROM INFORMATION REFERENCED HEREON, • THAT THE RATIO OF PRECISION AS CALCULATED IS 1: 10,000+ THAT THIS PLAT WAS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH G.S. 47 -30 AS AMENDED. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER AND SEAL THIS 21ST DAY OF NOVEMBER , A.D., 2012 L -4189 F L L -45- f X46 115 - -1 L -112 L&OWSi#V466W EASEMENT o AREA 3 EBX NEUSE 1, LLC. 6 DB 3943, PG 242 - X 'ONSERVATIOA \EASEMENT s� l 'A7 EN 'o- w LEGEND R/W = RIGHT OF WAY CIL = CENTERLINE 0 = EXISTING IRON STAKE Qi = NEW IRON STAKE O = NO POINT SET NPS = NO POINT SET EIP = EXISTING IRON PIPE EMN = EXISTING MAG NAIL EPK = EXISTING PK NAIL CMP = CORRUGATED METAL PIPE (TL) = TIE LINE (CC) = CONTROL CORNER N/F = NOW OR FORMERLY --ZZ- = NOT TO SCALE - - - - = ADJOINING PROPERTY LINE SOURCES OF TITLE DB 3218, PG 482 DB 3864, PG 969 DB 3943, PG 242 PB 75, PG 175 VARIOUS LINES LINE TABLE LINE L -64 7.94' L -1 L -67 ?0:30" ry L -2 S 81'11'57" W 57.61 L -3 _L -68 z _ L -70- L -69 - rn N_ N/F S 74'55 21 " E a, ", CLAYVON EVERETT S 54'3748" E �DB 3764, PG 620 S 23'4648" E 159.75 MB 74, PG 207 S 08'4247" E LEGEND R/W = RIGHT OF WAY CIL = CENTERLINE 0 = EXISTING IRON STAKE Qi = NEW IRON STAKE O = NO POINT SET NPS = NO POINT SET EIP = EXISTING IRON PIPE EMN = EXISTING MAG NAIL EPK = EXISTING PK NAIL CMP = CORRUGATED METAL PIPE (TL) = TIE LINE (CC) = CONTROL CORNER N/F = NOW OR FORMERLY --ZZ- = NOT TO SCALE - - - - = ADJOINING PROPERTY LINE SOURCES OF TITLE DB 3218, PG 482 DB 3864, PG 969 DB 3943, PG 242 PB 75, PG 175 VARIOUS LINES LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH L -1 S 65'02'52" W 28.80 L -2 S 81'11'57" W 57.61 L -3 N 823859" W 172.77 L -4 S 20'1428" W 29.85 L -5 S 74'55 21 " E 140.23 L -6 S 54'3748" E 130.02 L -7 S 23'4648" E 159.75 L -8 S 08'4247" E 102.32 L -9 S 26'42'19" E 79.16 L -10 S 12'00 36" E 100.06 L -11 S 31' 15'45" E 95.34 L -12 S 00'04'59" W 86.25 L -13 S 08'12'44" E 80.57 L- 14A S 16'41 '40" E 48.40 L- 14B S 16'41 '40" E 9.40 L -15 S 28'01 ;36" E 148.52 L -16 S 04'495J" E 162.76 L -17 S 06'J1'28" E 47.12 L -18 S 63'25'36" W 68.06 L -19 N 05'32'14" W 119.66 L -20 N 05'23 22" W 164.21 L -21 N 20'59'14" W 96.69 L -22 N 79'1533" W 139.75 \w � NI � B ;n -,- / � N\ N ' vJ ,t o ct�c c t� c o� rn \ N 1 m 31 / 5 CONSERVATION EASEMENT SURVEY OF EBX NEUSE 1, LLC. DB 3943, PG 242 N/F CLAYVON EVERETT DB 3764, PG 620 MB 74, PG 207 THE R UD OL PH SITE o z' EBX NEUSE I, LLC. BOON HILL TOWNSHIP NOVEMBER 21, 2012 JOHNSTON COUNTY, NC 116.90 1 " = 200' 200' 100' 0 200' 400' N 09'4843" W GRAPHIC SCALE L -27 VARIOUS LINES (CONTINUED) LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH L -23 N 79'15'33" W 10.00 L -24 N 06'57'51 " W 116.90 L -25 N 00'44 59" E 96.84 L -26 N 09'4843" W 180.58 L -27 N 17'00'22" W 107.28 L -28 N 23'50'06" W 79.86 L -29 N 27'15'48" W 218.95 L -30 N 383349" W 37.42 L -31 S 05'35 30" E 144.72 L -32 S 01'30 24" W 10733 L -33 S 02'33'31 " E 139.80 L -34 S 02'21'16" E 167.07 L -35 S 33'45 30" E 8722 L -36 S 28'29'17" E 110.40 L -37 S 13'03'25" E 68.79 L -38A S 06'5338" E 80.13 L -38B S 06'5338" E 74.94 L -39 S 01'49'07" W 172.29 L -40 S 04'07 27" W 103.82 L -41 S 08'20 20" W 114.53 L -42 S 24'5543" W 63.81 L -43 S 78'30'06" W 80.26 L -44 N 11'2954 W 25.39 3'5739" VARIOUS LINES (CONTINUED) LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH L -45 N 03' 19 27" E 53.41 L -46 N 04'48'21 " W 210.01' L -47 N 17'44'21 " W 209.27' L -48 N 02'14'04" E 148.25' L -49A N 12'11'39" W 38.51 L -49B N 12'11'39" W 40.05 L -50 S 762859" W 191.02' L -51 S 371 " W 84.86' L -52 N 74'58 59" E 19.27' L -53 S 19'03 54" E 53. 18' L -54 S 26'06 27" E 129.58' L -55 S 40'54'2j" W 90.58' L -56 S 371 " W 23.47' L -57 S 20'56'00" E 59.28 L -58 S 13'1829" E 73.16 L -59 S 11'04'40" E 161.26 L -60 S 06'51'5J" E 127.64 L -61 S 03'55 22" W 126.97 L -62 S 08'0256" W 135.17 L -63 S 10'10'48" W 272.98 L -64 S 47'3459" W 3734 L -67 N 86'40'44" W 54.24 L -68 N 86'40'44" W 25.82 \ �W '55 a� °2 0' 5 App 0 FROM EAX "B'; ALONG CIL OF opi h MOCCASIN SWAMP, TO NPS "C" \� NIpi r co \O �\ I U) N 0 LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH L -138 N 53'30 52" E 57.09' L -139 N 59'0849" E 78.67' L -140 N 87'30'10" E 59.78' L -141 N 5709'00" E 49.58' L -142 N 482228" E 33.08' L -143 N 4626'40" E 113.41 ' L -144 N 3707'41 " E 34.26' L -145 N 3832 38" E 128.64' z = COUNTY OF JOHNSTON BEARING DB 1935, PG 420 \= EBX NEUSE 1, LLC. 91.11 �°m-'oLn \z� ° �cnzm cn c" \ r \vi14 1 moor \ 1 DB 3943, PG 242 N 51'4743" W 86.73 N 23'1420" W ss^ Z3 ✓PS C) "PRELIMINARY PLAT" NOT FOR SALES, CONVEYANCES, OR RECORDA TION. ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNER INFO O = COUNTY OF JOHNSTON BEARING DB 1935, PG 420 \= EBX NEUSE 1, LLC. 91.11 DB 3864, PG 969 N 21'45'19" W PB 75, PG 175 OC = EBX NEUSE 1, LLC. 162.04 DB 3943, PG 242 PAGE 2 OF 2 VARIOUS LINES (CONTINUED) LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH L -69 N 17'02'30" W 91.11 L -70 N 21'45'19" W 129.07 L -71 N 17'5747" W 162.04 L -72 N 51'4743" W 86.73 L -73 N 24'21 '02" E 38.19 L -74 N 22'09'55" E 98.62 L -75 N 15'16'00" E 9.46 L -76 N 45'16'00" E 100.00 L -77 N 14'44'00" W 145.79 L -78 N 03'24'30" W 84.09 L -79 N 06'44'11 " W 61.19 L -80 N 87'17'19" E 53.89 L -81 S 62'3256" E 107.79 L -82 N 81'41'55" E 21.99 L -83 N 08'18'05" W 5.31 L -84 N 21'04'46" W 55.94 L -85 N 44'4646" W 108.50 L -86 N 49'59'02" W 111.65 L -87 N 07'1 W 76.26 L -88 N 07'14'34" W 66.27 L -89 N 23'02'13" E 99.68 L -90 N 36'5747" W 100.55 L -91 N 07'1737" W 44.04 L -92 N 07'1933" W 92.99 L -93 N 07'1 " W 19.51 L -94 N 82'40'24 " E 28.94 L -95 S 80'51'40" E 5787 L -96 S 642344" E 131.03 L -97 S 545636" E 55.41 L -98 N 66'40'15" E 20.00 L -99 N 23'19'45" W 181.50 L -100 N 06'50'43" W 85.23 L -101 N 06'27'39" W 8732 L -102 N 06'57 27" W 81.25 L -103 N 07'1128" W 55.13 L -104 N 07'09'37" W 55.53 L -105 N 07'0633" W 4.40 L -106 N 84'03'00" E 112.76 L -107 N 05'57'00" W 63.27 L -108 N 84'00'45" E 3700 L -109 N 10'1852" W 102.54 L -110 S 75'4942" W 138.48 L -111 N 12'4831 " E 90.84 L -112 S 70'48'06" W 14.83' L -113 N 19'46'02" W 37.23' L -114 N 20'12'02" W 195.56' L -115 N 19'4949" W 169.00' L -116 N 15'j6'21 " W 162.86' L -117 N 10'06'12" W 84.72' L -118 N 745859" E 134.10' L -119 N 74'17'46" E 45.38' L -120 N 58'00'55" E 79.85' L -121 S 23'22'33" W 81.96' L -122 S 68'1235" W 140.13' L -123 S 82'1 W 103.96' L- 124 S 31'1025" W 111.62' L -125 S 51'28'14" W 153.55' L -126 N 20'41 '18" W 163.83' L -127 N 21'43'18" E 71.08' L -128 N 12'06'51 " E 169.85' L -129 N 06'31 28" W 44.64' L -130 N 04'4953" W 116.80' L -131 N 28'30'06" W 127.77' L -132 N 16'41 '40" W 37. 10' L -133 N 73'07'33" E 67.65' L -134 N 30'35'30" E 99.04' L -135 N 14'48'30" E 142.77' L -136 N 25'4334" E 115.44' L -137 N 52-1J'28" E 154.43' FROM NIS "A" CLOCKWISE AND BACK TO NIS A" LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH L -146 S 270256" E 100.22 L -147 S 18'04'16" E 70.40 L -148 S 09'57'06" E 161.97 L -149 S 00'50'09" W 114.15 L -150 S 08'5757" E 136.40 L -151 S 14'19'13" E 123.48 L -152 S 26'29'41 " E 123.52 L -153 S 08'5858" W 89.73 L -154 S 03'24'11 " W 6761 L -155 N 863549" W 20.00 L -156 N 24'36'18" W 20.35 L -157 N 12'J726" W 301.43 L -158 N 13'42'12" W 163.06 L -159 N 08'13'19" W 30731 L -160 N 08 27 28" W 173.45 L -161 N 81'3232 E 20.00 MA TRIX EAST, PLLC PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS i N. QUEEN ST., SUITE A KINSTON, NC 28501 ri 252 - 522 -2500 FAX: 252 - 522 -4747 FIRM LIC. # P -0221 EMAIL: surveyor@matrixeast.net DRAWN BY: CKP PROJECT NO.: 20100039 SURVEYED BY: ALL DATE: 11/21/12 SCALE: 1" = 200' DRAWING NAME: ADDSOUTHERN Neuse 01 Wetland Preservation Site V 2ft contours_NCDOT Preservation Site t t \ •/' TL u � ` _ s - Iri •aqq� EAST S7 It M if cn Zi al cl All 73 rn �` � ♦ _`'� �-1 is ■ a I s I r - ✓ it � I ' 3 ■ 1 , s CD U) C> w CD N O O w O O C N O O -a Q- 0 � w c m a 1 o O II O N 7 w °w PO X N m w CD CD c 0 0 w w 0 O n 0 I? (D N N O L ` \ � t ` \..� � 4 it °.; •+" ;.a �i'� ' 1 's yj _ .r. •r ea:1 C '� 4op a cn ` CD 4�-. ' i_ 44 JM OK qc t �4 3 :.�. 11000—' 1 a �.• C- 0 S- D O 0 0 c w c CD O ID O * N � O 6 D m o m 3 w 0 m CD 0 O_ 3 (D (D