HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071688 Ver 1_401 Application_20071007To: Division of Water Quality Staff Re: St. Johns Wood Dear Staff, PAYMENT RECEIVED 07-1688 Enclosed are the PCN and the accompanying specifications for the proposed stream crossing. The access is set and we have secured the appropriate easements (see map) to properly address the crossing and any associated stormwater issues. The impacts have been minimized as much as possible, including proposed deed restrictions on the lots with NRB rules applicable. The subdivision is under the Johnston County Public Utilities stormwater program and the SWS has been included. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Neal Floy , LSS 205 W. Main St. Clayton, NC 27520 (919) 359-0428 r~z i" c~t~ ~ ~~~ ~! ~ T ~ ~ 2007 f)ENFZ - b1lATER QUALITY JVETIA!dpv~_~r/!;T~}2~A?v'; c~ 9RAtdCH 07-168 Office Use Only: Form Version March OS USACE Action ID No. DWQ No. (If any particular item is not applicable to this project, please enter "Not Applicable" or "N/A".) I. Processing R E ~ t ~ ~f 1. Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: Section 404 Permit ~ Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules ^ Section 10 Permit ^ Isolated Wetland Permit from DWQ [~ 401 Water Quality Certification ^ Express 401 Water Quality Certification 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: N~h~P 3 q 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: ^ 4. If payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts, attach the acceptance letter from NCEEP, complete section VIII, and check here: ^ 5. If your project is located in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal counties (listed on page 4), and the project is within a North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Area of Environmental Concern (see the top of page 2 for further details), check here: ^ II. Applicant Information ~~ Y "fit ~~.:~~. t ~~ ;' ~ j ~- I l . Owner/Applicant Information ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1(1 Q l Name: ~'~~~ R - WA ~Ft C,iU/1UTl' Mailing Address: ~~~ Telephone Number: - D Fax Number: E-mail Address: 2. Agent/Consultant Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: ~~ ~ ~~at~ Company Affiliation: l.-~ vtie_. ~ cri ~ .~ Mailing Address: ZO UJ~5~" YY~~, ~ 5 Telephone Number:~?.~? -Co~45 Fax Number: ~ ~~ -°A ~ E-mail Address: rj~` A~SOi~cs~~ ,~? (,all ~~~ . ~~ Page S of 12 III. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USES Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 11 by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the f nal version is illegible, the applicant will l~ informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name ofproject: ~. S~nY~S 1,J0~ ~ p~~~- 2. T.I.P. Project Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIN): 1 ~'~ 7~ 2° ~ ~ --Cj252 4. Location County: ~a~ ~ S Neazest Town: 1^ ~ ~ _ Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): Sa-•~-~C ~ES~~S, V.~~o ~ Directions to site include road numbers/names, landmarks, etc.): .~ Gh_~ ~ ~ },~ ~ ~s^ ~^.~4..~.._ ~ N~ILk.'e IrYO~~. ~ ~'^~!,, ~vs~ p~r~ri.S ~ St ~-rG 1~ ~ ~L f~ y 5. Site coordinates (For linear projects, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) Decimal Degrees (6 digits minimum): 3s. lOo~~°N X13. ~~ZS °W 6. Property size (acres): 8.~ o.~P-~ 7. Name of nearest receiving body of water: t~'Pt ~st..~l~~. 8. River Basin:_ ~.~~~ (Note -this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/admin/maps/.) 9. Describe the existing conditions on the site and general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this annlication: ~~~ o r ur,~o .~ ~.... - .~~ nr~ at_ l . ~ r~,na r-n 1 Page 6 of 12 10. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: t 11. Explain the purpose of the proposed work: ~ 0.cL¢~~ ~,~' ~'- `~rc~~- w~~ ~. ~~~ C..cb55 t ~ ~ sh a.~,n IV. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules. ~-~~!~n ova ~ ~ V. Future Project Plans Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application. ~ v~ ~e-S S ~C~.,i. ~"t ~~ ~ fb t~ r -~,t - ~ r~urr ~~.. IrL 0 rar3.~.'~-~ ~e~., VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. Each impact must be listed separately in the tables below (e.g., culvert installation should be listed separately from riprap dissipater pads). Be sure to indicate if an impact is temporary. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed, and must be labeled and clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) should be shown on a delineation map, whether or nat impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VID below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. l . Provide a written description of the proposed Page7of12 2. Individually list wetland impacts. Types of impacts include, but are not limited to mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, se arately list im acts due to both structure and floodin . Wetland Impact Site Number (indicate on map) Type of Impact Type of Wetland (e.g., forested, marsh, herbaceous, bog, etc.) Located within 100-year Floodplain es/no) Distance to Nearest Stream (linear feet) Area of Impact (acres) p. D Total Wetland Impact (acres) 4. ,S~ ~< l List the total acreage (estimated) of all existing wetlands on the property: 'C ~~ 040 ~,~ Individually list all intermittent and perennial stream impacts. Be sure to identify temporary impacts. Stream impacts include, but are not limited to placement of fill or culverts, dam construction, flooding, relocation, stabilization activities (e.g., cement walls, rip-rap, crib walls, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. To calculate acrea e, multi 1 len X width, then divide b 43,560. Stream Impact Number indicate on ma Stream Name Type of Impact Perennial or Intermittent? Average Stream Width Before Im act Impact Length (linear feet) Area of Impact acres ~ t ~ cr;~~~ ~.~ - t33 0.03 Total Stream Impact (by length and acreage) 5. Individually list all open water impacts (including lakes, ponds, estuaries, sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other water of the U.S.). Open water impacts include, but are not limited to fill, excavation, dred~in~, flooding, drainaee. bulkheads. etc. Open Water Impact Site Number (indicate on ma) Name of Waterbody (if applicable) Type of Impact Type of Waterbody (lake, pond, estuary, sound, bay, ocean, etc.) Area of Impact (acres) Total Open Water Impact (acres) Page 8 of 12 6. List the cumulative impact to all Waters of the U.S. resulting from the project: Stream Impact (acres): p s0 ~ Wetland Irn act (acres): p Open Water Impact (acres): Total Impact to Waters of the U.S. (acres) (~ .D 3 Total Stream Impact (linear feet): r~ 7. Isolated Waters Do any isolated waters exist on the property? ^ Yes ^ No Describe all impacts to isolated waters, and include the type of water (wetland or stream) and the size of the proposed impact (acres or linear feet). Please note that this section only applies to waters that have specifically been determined to be isolated by the USACE. 8. Pond Creation if construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ^ uplands ^ stream ^ wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of draw-down valve or spillway, etc.): Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): Current land use in the vicinity of the pond: Size of watershed draining to pond: Expected pond surface area: VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construct~o J_,. te~c"~hniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. ~ a ~~f.~"~''° 1c~ p-~.f'~/~~(l~ ~ '~'~IB.D.~/1n ~~ ~ llL~l~2~ Gn,~onr'~ o~C -4,r~ d~ n~ C' O /~.AC~w Cn'~D t'~ VIII. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to l50 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. Page 9 of 12 USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on January 15, 2002, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCEEP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/stnn gide.html. 1. Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP). Please note it is the applicant's responsibility to contact the NCEEP at (919) 715-0476 to determine availability, and written approval from the NCEEP indicating that they are will to accept payment for the mitigation must be attached to this form. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCEEP, check the NCEEP website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/wrp/index.htm. If use of the NCEEP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page five and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount ofNon-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): Page ] 0 of 12 IX. X. Environmental Documentation (required by DWQ) 1. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of public (federaUstate) land? Yes ^ No 2. If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether a NEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ^ No 3. If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes ^ No ^ Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Buffers (required by DWQ) It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (Meuse), l SA NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), l SA NCAC 02B .0243 (Catawba) 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify )? Yes ~ No ^ 2. If "yes", identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. Zone* Impact Multiplier Required ( ware feet) Miti ation 1 (©~( ~-~ ~ 3 (2 for Catawba) 2 ~ ~~ ~~ 1.5 Total ~~ ~ ~. * Zone 1 extends out 30 feet perpendic~ additiona120 feet from the edge of Zone 1. the top of the near extends an 3. If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Riparian Buffer Restoration /Enhancement, or Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0242 or .0244, or .0260. Page 11 of 12 XI. Stormwater (required by DWQ) Describe impervious acreage (existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss Stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. If percent impervious surface exceeds 20%, please provide calculations demonstrating,total proposed impervious level. I ~ "/.~ rUi o~ ~t!~.~M ~~ •~ _ XII. Sewage Disposal (required by DWQ) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity ofthe subject facility. Cov.,n-1t,~ W o~2!° ~ OY1 S~~ o 5..~.f~~~.,. S...t SS `~~'.'~=r~ XIII. Violations (required by DWQ) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (1 SA NCAC 2H .0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ^ No ^ Is this an after-the-fact permit application? Yes ^ No ^ XIV. Cumulative Impacts (required by DWQ) Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in additional development, which could impact neazby downstream water quality? Yes ^ No ^ if yes, please submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent North Carolina Division of Water Quality policy posted on our website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands. If no, please provide a short narrative description: XV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). "' '~ ~~ Applicant/Agent's Signature Date (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Page 12 of 12 ~~~~ Dalton Engineering and Associates, P.A. 5/22/06 To: Johnston County Department of Public Utilities PO Box 2263 Smithfield, North Carolina 27577 SUB: Stormwater Management Statement St. Johns Wood Subdivision-Phase Two Johnston County, North Carolina Owner: Phillip E. Langford et al 2010 Twin Acres Road Clayton, North Carolina 27520 Subject project involves the development of approximately 8.74 acres of land that is located in the Clayton Township of Johnston County. This property is presently zoned AR and is planned for 11 single-family lots with an average lot size of approximately 28,180 sgft. each. The lots will front on a standard NC DOT street, with graded grass-lined ditches and shoulders. Each lot will be served by public water from Johnston County and will have individual septic systems, approved by the Johnston County Environmental Health Department. The project is not located within an area that is defined as an Environmentally Sensitive Area, as shown on current maps provided by Johnston County. The impervious area is below the allowable limit indicated in the Ordinance. The existing drainage patterns will remain, with the overland runoff into an unknown tributary of Little Creek. This tributary is considered a "blue line" stream and will be required to have 50' riparian buffers on each side of the creek. The existing drainage feature downstream, the main stem of Little Creek, is large enough to handle the additional runoff generated from this project. One roadway crossing will be analyzed downstream of the project. The crossing is on SR 1599. Impervious areas, within the project area, will be limited to roadway construction and lot development. The impervious percentage for St. Johns Wood-Phase Two is based on the following assumptions: • Dwellings 1,600 sgft. • Driveway 1,000 sgft. • Storage Building 100 sgft. • Patio, Porch, Walks 519 sgft. 446 East Main Street - P.O. Box 426 --Clayton, NC 27520 -(919) 550-4740/Fax (919) 550-4741 Total 3,219 sgft. per lot Lots: 3,219 sgft. x l l x l /43,560 = 0.81 acre Street: = 0.50 acre Total = 1.31 acres 1.31/8.74= 15.0 % ienpet-vi®us Total nitrogen export calculations have been provided (attached) in accordance with current requirements of the Johnston County Stonmwater Ordinance. Calculations, based on density of housing, management of open space, total anticipated impervious area, etc., indicated that the nitrogen export (4.20 Ib/ac/yr) exceeds 3.60 lb/ac/yr and will require payment to the ~Ietlands Restoration Program. The riparian buffer shall be utilized to filter the runoff before discharging off property. The stormwater runoff will be allowed to sheet flow through the buffer to maximize filtration and minimize the rate of runoff. Measures will be applied that extend the time of concentration and reduce the peak outflow from the project. The drainage area and potential runoff will Ise analyzed during the design phase, relative to detrimental effects of increased runoff, from post-development conditions. This includes analyzing effects to adjacent and offsite properties and proposed onsite structures, such as driveway culverts. The construction process shall fully utilize a Sediment & Erosion Control Plan that will be approved by NC-DENR. The purpose of the plan is to insure that erosion stays at a minimum and that sediment stays out of the streams and /or drainageways and on the project site. The plan will utilize management practices such as diversions, silt fence, level spreaders, sediment traps and an aggressive vegetation plan to minimize and control erosion. The plan will be provided to the Contractor as a part of the Construction Plans. If you have any questions or additional comments, please call. Thank you. / -~- J nathan Barnes o~ m n w rn ~- 0 0 rn (D t~ ct d w rt rn m rn 0 0 0 C'1 0 w 0 ~ ~ ?= ~ b ~ ~. 'ts v~ o n r o ~ •, -~ 0 m o' -: -, i a i S'd'. J®I-INS W®®I) S~DIVISION - PII.2 SCEILE: 1" = 1000' SOILS SI112VEY OF JO~INSTON COUN'T'Y, N.C. ~I .. ST. JOHNS WOOD SUBDIVISION - PH. Z ~~ , ~ ~ =- ?..- ..~ . II _- __. SCALE: 1" =1000' II ; _ _ _ _ __ ; , d U.S.G.S. QUADRANGLE: POWHATAN, N.C. - -- \\• 11 ~~ -_~_ _ '' m 11 r . r- - ~ , , `, '~ i• . ~ ) i :. _ _` _' e -. , s c ~ ... _ } ~ ~ ^ ~ e'\~~ (~ ~ ~ _ 9e 'O ~ _ f, ~ ~ ° _ -- ~ 9` ~~ - r ~ t 279 ~ C, ~ ,; - _. -- - -=_ -_-_ i ~ __ -_ ~_ ' ~ ~ __ - AC` - - - _ _ _ . SR /~99 . -~'-o o~l a -.~~ .~ ~~ z~ ~l :~ ~ ®e- ~, h ~ - -III --~~ _ ~-C e.m= _ // ~ - ~ _ -- ~+,, ~ ~ o - ~~_ r~ _ O II - - ~ Q ,, ____ _ \ 1` J ® ,: __.~ J ~ I .. , _~, ! I ~ ~/ 'ems'. ___ - ---~ " ~ . " .. 08 - - _ _ _ 1 _ _ - ,~ - ~ _ r -- ~ ;~ 1557 . , `' \ L (~_, ' ~\s) - \~1 ~ ~ ~ . ' ~, e +.~ ..~ _ _ "Center '.o ~~ ~ \ _ ~~ 1 ~_ _._.. i 1560 " <, i, 1 V~JVL,VIIC - V.~IJJ t"UWIlc1.I~lI1 (1VL) lOpO 1VLap rage i of i ta~ozone~. ~'~.~ca r~ a ~ cane Nc .. ~ ~ '~ ~1~~ ~ti ~,. ~~ ~ ~ .4 it ~° ~ 'r ^ ^ 1S .~ 'll ,. ~~ r ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~'~. ~r-. ~ ~' s yi r! .~~ r dt ~, ! ^ I~ r ^M 05 . e-. +-.a~~ . , G y I'~ d 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 km G 0 0.49 0.1$ 0.27 4.~ 0.45 mi 35.6075°N, 78.4725°W (NAD83/WGS84) USGS Powhatan (NC) Quadrangle hZ-_g , 532 Projection is UTM Zone 17 NAD83 Datum ~ _~ ;~-.;; http://www.topozone. com/print. asp?lat=3 5.60753 &lon=-78.47247&s=25&u=5&laver=DR... 10/4/2007 ~1 ~~ . ~ ~~ ~. Permit No: (to be assigned by DWQ) ~m o~~F W ATF,gQy ~T ~ r NCDENR P Y STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM LEVEL SPREADER, FILTER STRIP AND RESTORED RIPARIAN BUFFER SUPPLEMENT This form must be filled out, printed and submitted. The Required Ifems Checklist (Part 111) must be printed, filled out and submitted along INdh all of the required information. I. PROJECT INFORMATION Project name St. Johns Woods Contact name Sabrina Davis Phone number 919-550740 Date Drainage area number Qctober4, 2007 II. DESIGN.INFORMATION.: For Level Spreaders Receiving Flow From a BMP Type of BMP Drawdown flow from the BMP ft3/sec For Level Spreaders Receiving Flow from the Drainage Area Drainage area Impervious surface area Percent impervious Rational C coefficient Peak flow from the 1 in/hr storm Rainfall intensity, 10-yr, 24-hr storm Peak flow from the 10-yr, 24-hr storm Where Does the Level Spreader Discharge? To a bioretention cell? To a wetland? To a filter strip or riparian buffer? Other (specify) Finer Strip or Riparian Buffer Characterization (if applicable) Width of grass Width of dense ground cover Width of wooded vegetation Total width Slope (from level lip to to top of bank) Are any draws present? Level Spreader Design Forebay surface area Feet of level lip needed per cfs Length based on the 1 in/tlr storm? Length based on the 10-yr, 24-hr storm? Length based on the BMP discharge rate? Design flow Is a bypass device provided? Are level spreaders in series? Length of the level lip 0.47 ft 0.2 ft2 0.43 0.45 #VALUE! ft3/sec 5.48 inmr 0.096585 ft3lsec (Y or N) (Y or N) y (Y or N) 50 Please complete filter strip characterization below. 5U tt 6.5 n (Y or N) Level spreader cannot be located upslope of a draw. 41 ftz 13 ft/(ft3/sec) n (Y or N} y (Y or N} n (Y or N) 1.59 fts/sec n (Y or N) n (Y or N) 21 ft OK A bypass device is needed. Level spreader length OK. #VALUE! Form SW401-Level Spreader, Filter Strip, Restored Riparian Buffer-Rev.1 Parts I. and II. Design Summary, page 1 of 2 Permit No: (to be assigned by DW(y Bypass Channel Design (if applicable) Does the bypass discharge through a wetland? (Y or N) Does the channel enter the stream at an angle (if applicable)? Dimensions of the channel (see diagram below): M ft e ft W ft Peak velocity in the channel during the 10-yr, 24-hr storm Channel lining material ft ft'Isec • ~• w ~~ , , I ~----------- M B //---i I M Form SW401-Level Spreader, Filter Strip, Restored Riparian 8ufrer-Rev.1 Parts I. and II. Design Summary, page 2 of 2 Filter Strip, Restored Riparian Buffer and Level Spreader Inspection and Maintenance Agreement I will keep a maintenance record on this BMP. This maintenance record will be kept in a log in a known set location. Any deficient BMP elements noted in the inspection will be corrected, repaired or replaced immediately. These deficiencies can affect the integrity of structures, safety of the public, and the removal efficiency of the BMI'. Important maintenance procedures: - Immediately after the filter strip is established, any newly planted vegetation will be watered twice weekly if needed until the plants become established (commonly six weeks). - Once a year, the filter strip will be reseeded to maintain a dense growth of vegetation - Stable groundcover will be maintained in the drainage area to reduce the sediment load to the vegetation. - Two to three times a year, grass filter strips will be mowed and the clippings harvested to promote the growth of thick vegetation with optimum pollutant removal efficiency. Turf grass should not be cut shorter than 3 to 5 inches and may be allowed to grow as tall as 12 inches depending on aesthetic requirements (NIPC,1993). Forested filter strips do not require this type of maintenance. - Once a year, the soil will be aerated if necessary. - Once a year, soil pH will be tested and lime will be added if necessary. After the filter strip is established, it will be inspected quarterly and within 24 hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inch (or 1.5 inches if in a Coastal County). Records of inspection and maintenance will be kept in a known set location and will be available upon request. Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall be repaired immediately. BMP element: Potential roblem: How I will remediate the roblern: The entire filter strip Trash/ debris is present. Remove the trash/ debris. s stem The flow splitter device The flow sputter device is Unclog the conveyance and dispose (if applicable) clo ed. of an sediment off-site. The flow sputter device is Make any necessary repairs or damaged. replace if damage is too large for re air. BMP element: Potential roblem: How I will remediate the roblem: The Swale and the level The Swale is clogged with Remove the sediment and dispose lip sediment. of it off-site. The level lip is cracked, Repair or replace lip. settled, undercut, eroded or otherwise dama ed. There is erosion around the Regrade the soil to create a berm end of the level spreader that that is higher than the level lip, and shows stormwater has then plant a ground cover and bypassed it. water until it is established. Provide lime and aone-time fertilizer a lication. Trees or shrubs have begun Remove them. to grow on the swale or just downslo a of the level li . The bypass channel Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to erosive gullies have formed. remove the gully, and then reestablish ro er erosion control. Turf reinforcement is Study the site to see if a larger damaged or ripap is rolling bypass channel is needed (enlarge if downhill. necessary). After this, reestablish the erosion control material. The filter strip Grass is too short or too long Maintain grass at a height of if a licable . a roximatel three to six inches. Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to erosive gullies have formed. remove the gully, and then plant a ground cover and water until it is established. Provide lime and a one-time fertilizer a lication. Sediment is building up on Remove the sediment and the filter strip. restabilize the soil with vegetation if necessary. Provide lime and a one- time fertilizer a lication. Plants are desiccated. Provide additional irrigation and fertilizer as needed. Plants are dead, diseased or Determine the source of the dying. problem: soils, hydrology, disease, etc. Remedy the problem and replace plants. Provide aone-time fertilizer a lication. Nuisance vegetation is Remove vegetation by hand if choking out desirable species. possible. If pesticide is used, do not allow it to get into the receiving water. The receiving water Erosion or other signs of Contact the NC Division of Water damage have occurred at the Quality local Regional Office, or the outlet. 401 Oversi ht Unit at 919-733-1786. I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Print name: ,(~ ~~~ y (,~ QR Title: fl~ J~l-1? ~~~ Address: O'13.>U ~~ l~ }~ ~5 1Q~; ~~-I~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~~~-~ Phone: ~/~";;~~~~~°" °f`J~ Signature: ~~~II(~' ~~ 1 Date: %~`"T ~~ Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. I, ~~~~~ ~. ~~,,,, , a Notary Public for the State of ~~~1 (~~~,~ ~ ~ ,County of ~~~ ~(1tn 5 , do hereby certify that ~~lf ~~~ ~C~S personally appeared before me this y~~ day of ~G~'0~' , and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing wet detention basin maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal_ _,.oiea~u.. ~• ••'~ ~~ ~. • .•~pTAgy . .. Comm. Expires • i- -~ •. , 'vim •'•'°UBL~C'••' •~V . ''d~•~~~o~..... SEAL My commission expires ~ i r ~ ' lY 1 Permit No: (to be assigned by DWQ) ~°~ wa~e9o ~~~ °'~ NCDENR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM LEVEL SPREADER, FILTER STRIP AND RESTORED RIPARIAN BUFFER SUPPLEMENT This form must be filled out, printed and submitted. The Required Items Checklist (Part lll) must be printed, filled out and submitted along with all of the required information. 1. PROJECT INFORMATION Project name St. Johns Woods Contact name Sabrina Davis Phone number 919-550-4740 Date October 4, 2007 Drainage area number 2 II. DESIGNiNFORMATION For Level Spreaders Receiving Flow From a BMP Type of BMP Drawdown flow from the BMP ft3lsec For Level Spreaders Receiving Flow from the Drainage Area Drainage area 0.45 ft Impervious surface area 0.2 ftz Percent impervious 0.44 Rational C coefficient 0.45 Peak flow from the 1 in/hr storm #VALUE! ft3/sec Rainfall intensity, 10-yr, 24-hr storm 5.48 in/hr Peak flow from the 10-yr, 24-hr storm 0.092475 ft3lsec Where Dces the Level Spreader DischarBeT To a bioretention cell? (Y or N) To a wetland? (Y or N) To a filter strip or riparian buffer? y (Y or N) Please complete filter strip characterization below. Other (specify) Filter Strip or Riparian Buffer Characterization (if applicable) Width of grass Width of dense ground cover Width of wooded vegetation Total width Slope (from level lip to to top of bank) Are any draws present? Level Spreader Design Forebay surface area Feet of level lip needed per cfs Length based on the 1 in/hr storm? Length based on the 10-yr, 24-hr storm? Length based on the BMP discharge rate? Design flow Is a bypass device provided? Are level spreaders in series? Length of the level lip 50 50 ft 6.5 n (Y or N) Level spreader cannot be located upslope of a draw. 40 ftz 13 ff!(ft3/sec) n (Y or N) y (Y or N) n (Y or N) 1.52 ft3lsec n (Y or N) n (Y or N) 20 ft OK A bypass device is needed. Level spreader length OK. #VALUE! Form SW401-Level Spreader, Fiker Strip, Restored Riparian Buffer-Rev.1 Parts I. and II. Design Summary, page 1 of 2 Permit No: (to be assigned by DWQ) Bypass Channel Design (if applicable) Does the bypass discharge through a wetland? (Y or N) Does the channel enter the stream at an angle ('rf applicable)? Dimensions of the channel (see diagram below): M ft B ft W ft y ft Peak velocity in the channel during the 10-yr, 24-hr storm ft3lsec Channel lining material w • .; ~ ' i------------- Y --------------+ 1 M M B Form SW401-Level Spreader, Finer Strip, Restored Riparian Buffer-Rev.1 Parts I. and II. Design Summary, page 2 of 2 Filter Strip, Restored Riparian Buffer and Level Spreader Inspection and Maintenance Agreement I will keep a maintenance record on this BMP. This maintenance record will be kept in a log in a known set location. Any deficient BMP elements noted in the inspection will be corxected, repaired or replaced immediately. These deficiencies can affect the integrity of structures, safety of the public, and the removal efficiency of the BNIl'. Important maintenance procedures: - Immediately after the filter strip is established, any newly planted vegetation will be watered twice weekly if needed until the plants become established (commonly six weeks). - Once a year, the filter strip will be reseeded to maintain a dense growth of vegetation - Stable groundcover will be maintained in the drainage area to reduce the sediment load to the vegetation. - Two to three times a year, grass filter strips will be mowed and the clippings harvested to promote the growth of thick vegetation with optimum pollutant removal efficiency. Turf grass should not be cut shorter than 3 to 5 inches and may be allowed to grow as tall as 12 inches depending on aesthetic requirements (NIPC,1993). Forested filter strips do not require this type of maintenance. - Once a year, the soil will be aerated if necessary. - Once a year, soil pH will be tested and lime will be added if necessary. After the filter strip is established, it will be inspected quarterly and within 24 hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inch (or 1.5 inches if in a Coastal County). Records of inspection and maintenance will be kept in a known set location and will be available upon request. Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall be repaired immediately. BMP element: Potential roblem: How I will remediate the roblem: The entire filter strip Trash/debris is present. Remove the trash/debris. s stem The flow splitter device The flow sputter device is Unclog the conveyance and dispose (if applicable) clo ed. of an sediment off-site. The flow splitter device is Make any necessary repairs or damaged. replace if damage is too large for re air. BMP element: Potential roblem: How I will remediate the roblem: The Swale and the level The swale is clogged with Remove the sediment and dispose lip sediment. of it off-site. The level lip is cracked, Repair or replace lip. settled, undercut, eroded or otherwise dama ed. There is erosion around the Regrade the soil to create a berm end of the level spreader that that is higher than the level lip, and shows stormwater has then plant a ground cover and bypassed it. water until it is established. Provide lime and aone-time fertilizer a lication. Trees or shrubs have begun Remove them. to grow on the Swale or just downslo a of the level li . The bypass channel Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to erosive gullies have formed. remove the gully, and then reestablish ro er erosion control. Turf reinforcement is Study the site to see if a larger damaged or ripap is rolling bypass channel is needed (enlarge if downhill. necessary). After this, reestablish the erosion control material. The filter strip Grass is too short or too long Maintain grass at a height of if a licable . a roximatel three to six inches. Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to erosive gullies have formed. remove the gully, and then plant a ground cover and water until it is established. Provide lime and a one-tune fertilizer a lication. Sediment is building up on Remove the sediment and the filter strip. restabilize the soil with vegetation if necessary. Provide lime and a one- time fertilizer a lication. Plants are desiccated. Provide additional irrigation and fertilizer as needed. Plants are dead, diseased or Determine the source of the dying. problem: soils, hydrology, disease, etc. Remedy the problem and replace plants. Provide aone-time fertilizer a lication. Nuisance vegetation is Remove vegetation by hand if choking out desirable species. possible. If pesticide is used, do not allow it to get into the receiving water. The receiving water Erosion or other signs of Contact the NC Division of Water damage have occurred at the Quality local Regional Office, or the outlet. 401 Oversi ht Unit at 919-733-1786. I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Print name: /~ ~~~ ~ ~~R ~- Title: ~~~~~V~ ~~ Address: ~-.~~1~ ~~1~ 1 ~ /~-~R~S ~ L.~/'~' ~~1~ , ~6 ~ ~ ~-~~~ P. S Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. I, ~ O~ ~vt ~ ~ ~ , a Notary Public for the State of ®~(~ ~~~ ~ 1Yl~il, ,County of ~~jh~1S"~1~lrl , do hereby certify that ~7~~ ~ c~Y Ic~S personally appeared before me this ~`~`~' day of ~(°~~' , ~, and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing wet detention basin maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, +~n~ o~ '. MY Co~mm.,Fa~cp;r~es •; v "- ~ w i •~ ~ =, by :°~suc .-• ~ ,, ON C ~~. SEAL My commission expires ~ ~ ~ ~ " ®~ Date: ~~" ~"~ ~~