HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW1170501_Supplement-EZ Form_20221223 (2)NUMBER AND TYPE OF SCMs: I 12 13 Infiltration System _-_ --._ _ ._... ..... ... . ...... ....._. ._. Bloretention Cell Wet Pond 0 �_ _ � 0 _ 14 Stormwater Wetland 0 15 Permeable Pavement 0 16 Sand Filter 0 17 Rainwater Harvesting �i2WH) _. _. _.... ._._.__ ---- _, -W, � _ _ 0 18 19 20 Green Roof _-- .� Level Spreader -Filter Strip (LS F, — _ _ Disconnected Impervious Surface (DIS) ....,_., .._. ...,..... _,..., . ....__.._ Treatment S%vafe _ 0 0 ._______._ 0-- 0 21 22 Dry Pond 0 23 StormRiter 0 24 Silva Cell 0 25 Ba Alter 0 26 Filterra 0 LOAD SUPPLEMENT FORMS DESIGNER CERTIFICATION �-� Eric J. Hutchison H!, PE 27 W Name and Title: 28 Or anlzation: _ ssociates Brooks EngineeringAssociates 29 Street address: 15 Arlin ton Sf 30 City, State, Zip: Ashevilfe, NC 28801 31 Phone numbers : J (828) 232-4700 32 - Email: ehutchison@brooksea.com `ati11Ai����Arllt��z r SFA 051824 ����r11f1lllfiiltll��� i �i Signature of esigner Date LOW DENSITY _ 1 _ is this a high density pro ect? — — —� No 2 if so, number of drains a areaslSCMs 0 3 Does thisproject have low density areas? Yes 4, If so, number of low density drainage areas 1 _ __ __. __ — -- Is all/part of this project subject to previous rule 5 versions? No EORkIS LOADED DRAINAGE AREA INFORMATION m.. Entire Site _ 4 —lype of SCM NIA LD 1 NIA 5 Total drainage areas ft 50.5a0 50.5ac 6 Onsite drainage area (sq ft 50- 50.5ac 7 Oifsite drainage area sq ft) Oao Oac 8 Total BUA in project (sq ft) T — - - _. _ 202,870sf 202,870s# mm 9 New BUA on subdivided lots (subject to erp miffing) (sq ftJ_ NIA NIA 10 New BUA not on subdivided lots (subject to pemKITng) ()sf 202,870s( 202,870sf 11 Offsite BUA (sq ft) — Osf Osf 12 Breakdown of new BUA not on s.. _... - Parkin s ft 50,239sf -- -- 50,239sf Sidewalk (sq ft Osf Osf Roof (sEc f t) 50,957sf 50,957sf Roadway (sq ft) 100,553sf _ 100,553sf Future (sq ft) Osf Osf Other, please specify In the comment box below (sq it) 1121sf 1121sf 13 Now Infiltrating permeable pavement on subdivided lots (sq_ft) Osf Osf 14 Netiv infiltrating permeable pavement not on subdivided lots (sq ft_ Osf Osf 15 Existing BUA that will remain (not subject to permiiiingEsq ft) _...___._._ 0sf Osf 16 ExistingBUA that is already permitted (sq 17 Existing BUA that will be removed (sq ft) _ Osf Os# 18 Percent BUA 19 Design storm inches NIA NIA 20 _ Design volume of SCM cu ft) NIA NIA 21 1 ADDITIONAL Calculation method for design volume NIA INFORMATION NIA 22 Please use this space to provide any additional information about the drainage area(s): _ Other BUA is common space amenities (eg. fire ring and pavers).