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SW3210301_Stormwater Report_20221222
Iq STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REPORT FOR: CRESSWIND WESLEY CHAPEL - PHASE 02 CA fop I,�ii FL y=� 49480 •4 SHE W s frlrhHrii►II"'0% WESLEY CHAPEL, NC PREPARED FOR: KH WESLEY CHAPEL, LLC `►►�►►►►►i irrrr yrrr�i THOMAS 61 HUTTON ENGINEERING No. F-0871 ;•�� A +"►` J - #2 7842.0002 FEBRUARY 16, 2021 LATEST REVISION: NOVEMBER 15, 2022 Prepared by: THOMAS Sc HUTTON STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REPORT Cresswind Wesley Chapel - Phase 02 Project: Cresswind Wesley Chapel - Phase 02 T&H Job Number: J-27842.0002 Location: Potter Road Wesley Chapel, NC 28173 Date Prepared: February 16, 2021 Owner: KH Wesley Chapel, LLC Owner Address: 8913 Silver Springs Court Drive Charlotte, NC 28215 Engineer: Thomas & Hutton Engineer Address: 1020 Euclid Avenue Charlotte, NC 28203 Phone: 980-201-5505 H THOMAS & HUTTON Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1 -Summary of Results....................................................................................................... Page 3 Section 2 - Project Narrative...........................................................................................................Page 4 Section3 - Purpose........................................................................................................................... Page 4 Section 4 - Regulatory Summary .................................................................................................... Page 5 Section5 - Methodology.................................................................................................................Page 5 Section6 - Hydrology....................................................................................................................... Page 6 Section 7 - Runoff Calculations......................................................................................................Page 6 Section 8 - Existing Conditions........................................................................................................ Page 8 Section 9 - Post Development Conditions.....................................................................................Page 8 APPENDICES ProjectMapping...................................................................................................................... Appendix A Aerial Location Map.......................................................................................................... Exhibit A FEMAMap........................................................................................................................... Exhibit B WetlandsMap.................................................................................................................... Exhibit D SoilsMap.............................................................................................................................. Exhibit E Pre Development Drainage Map...........................................................................................Appendix B Pre Development Conditions Drainage Calculations......................................................... Appendix C Post Development Drainage Map........................................................................................ Appendix D Post Development Conditions Drainage Calculations........................................................ Appendix E Water Quality Calculations...................................................................................................... Appendix F H THOMAS & HUTTON Page 2 SECTION 1 - SUMMARY OF RESULTS Table 1 - Pre Development Runoff Rates TABLE 1 Summary of Results - Existing Conditions Storm Event Ouffall 01 Ouffall 02 Combined (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) 2-year 66 14 80 10-Year 134 31 165 25-Year 173 41 214 50-Year 208 51 259 Table 2- Post Development Runoff Rates TABLE 1 Summary of Results - Proposed Conditions Storm Event Ouffall 01 Ouffall 02 Combined cfs cfs cfs 2-year 60 9 69 10-Year 119 19 138 25-Year 164 25 189 50-Year 183 31 215 H THOMAS & HUTTON Page 3 SECTION 2 - PROJECT NARRATIVE Cresswind is a residential subdivision within Wesley Chapel, North Carolina. Phase 2 consists of approximately 76 single family detached units. The site is located in Union County along Potter Road, north of Newtown Road and south of Weddington Road. It should be noted that a portion of Phase 3 lots and impervious area is included in the post development calculations for the proposed pond. The majority of the site is currently wooded with an understory of brush. Pre -development run- off is discharged into an existing wetland system and FEMA Floodplain. The pre -development drainage basins have been delineated and are illustrated on the Pre -Development Drainage Exhibit found at the end of this report. For the purpose of this report we will compare the predevelopment runoff rates to the post development runoff rates as shown in the summary at the beginning of this report. The pre - development basins will be routed through one wet detention pond during post development conditions and outfall into the existing wetlands and floodplain. The post -development sub -basins were delineated and are illustrated on the Post -Development Drainage Exhibit found at the end of this report. All design information for ponds and associated drainage pipes and structures can be found in the appendices of this report. The soils on this site consist of type B, C and D hydrologic soil groups which are shown on the attached NRCS soils map within Appendix A. SECTION 3 - PURPOSE The purposes of this report are: 1. To delineate all pre -development basins that are within this project and determine which drainage basins will be affected by the proposed development. 2. To develop a stormwater model that will: a. Be in compliance with the NCDEQ stormwater regulations. b. Simulate the pre- and post -development conditions for the project. c. Predict water elevations for all proposed ponds. d. Demonstrate that all culverts are of adequate size for drainage under post - development conditions. e. Provide design flows (under future build out conditions) for the major drainage structures that can be used to properly size improvements, if needed. 3. To document that the stormwater management measures and equipment installed on site will be adequate for all existing and proposed development on the site. Two drainage models are included in this report; • Pre -Development: examines the drainage basin prior to any development within the site. • Post -Development: examines the drainage basin after site improvements have been installed. The model may need to be revised and updated as the site plan evolves for each phase that is permitted. H THOMAS & HUTTON Page 4 SECTION 4 - REGULATORY SUMMARY NCDEQ - Stormwater The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) is responsible for administering the storm water management program. Development or re -development activities are required to apply for and receive a stormwater permit from NCDEQ. These permits address water quality and quantity. NCDEQ regulations require that peak post -development discharge rates from the basin shall be at or below pre -development rates for the 10 and 25-year storms events. The regulations also specify the 1-inch volume drawdown shall be released over a time of 48 to 120 hours to minimize hydrologic impacts to the receiving channel. See attached Exhibit E for post -development peak flow control calculations, and Exhibit F for water quality calculations. The stormwater treatment shall be designed to achieve average annual 85% Total Suspended Solids (TSS) removal and must apply to the volume of post -development runoff resulting from the one -inch rainfall. See attached Exhibit E for post -development peak flow control calculations, and Exhibit F for water quality and channel protection calculations. SECTION 5 - METHODOLOGY The pre- and post -development conditions of the site were analyzed using the Storm and Sanitary Analysis (SSA) program developed by Autodesk. The program is used to model rainfall and stormwater runoff and to perform hydraulic routing through the storm drainage system (including existing and proposed storage/detention features such as wetlands, ponds, and lakes) . SSA is an advanced, powerful, and comprehensive modeling package for analyzing and designing drainage systems, stormwater sewers, and sanitary sewers. The software can simultaneously model complex hydrology, hydraulics, and water quality. The SSA program is built on the highly tested and widely utilized SWMM methodologies. For this application of the SSA program, the hydrology was simulated using the NRCS (SCS) TR-55 methodology. The hydraulics was simulated utilizing hydrodynamic routing. Hydrodynamic routing solves the complete St. Venant equations throughout the drainage network and includes modeling of backwater effects, flow reversal, surcharging, looped connections, pressure flow, tidal outfalls, and interconnected ponds. The SSA program graphical user interface (GUI) allows for the input of hydrologic data for each drainage sub -basin. See the appendices for input variables including runoff curve number, rainfall distribution pattern, hydrograph peaking factor, area of each drainage sub -basin, and time of concentration. The SSA program generates runoff hydrographs for each sub -basin based on these user -specified variables. Hydrographs are generated by SSA using the NRCS Unit Hydrograph (TR-55) Method. H THOMAS & HUTTON Page 5 The model's hydraulic input data consists of a system of nodes and links. Nodes represent locations where flows enter or exit the system, pipe or channel characteristics change, or where stage/storage/time relationships are provided. Links represent traditional types of hydraulic conveyance such as pipes, channels, control structures, weirs, etc. The sizes, inverts, lengths, and Manning "n" values for all pipes connecting the ponds or lakes are input into the model. In addition to pipe information, all pond, lake, and detention area stage -area information and the respective control structure information is input into the model. The node and link conditions are analyzed within the model for a given storm, and flow conditions are determined. Hydrographs for each drainage area are merged within the SSA program, and the hydrologic results are then combined with the hydraulic information to model the hydraulic interactions of the entire drainage system. The results include pond area and discharge rates and stage/storage information during the storm events. The storm drainage infrastructure onsite was modelled using the Storm Sewers program developed by Autodesk. This program utilizes the model rainfall and stormwater runoff through the storm drainage infrastructure to provide hydraulic grade line calculations and profiles for analyzing the proposed storm drain network. SECTION 6 - HYDROLOGY ■ SCS TR-55 Method was used. The rainfall distribution used for each storm event was obtained from rainfall data publicly available for Union County, NC. The following design storms are used in the model simulations: - 2-year, 24-hour Design Storm = 3.50 inches - 10-year, 24-hour Design Storm = 5.20 inches - 25-year, 24-hour Design Storm = 6.10 inches - 50-year, 24-hour Design Storm = 6.90 inches - 100-year, 24-hour Design Storm = 7.50 inches SCS Type II Statistical Rainfall Distribution was used. This distribution pattern is determined by the Soil Conservation Service comparing regional rain -gage data. Soils present on site consist of the following: - Badin channery silty clay loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes (BdB2) - HSG C - Chewacla silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes (ChA) - HSG B/D - Goldstone-Badin complex (GsC), 8 to 15 percent slopes - HSG C - Tarrus gravelly silty clay loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes (TbB2) - HSG B SECTION 7 - RUNOFF CALCULATIONS Peak flow rates for the watersheds were calculated by the SSA Program for each design storm. The pre- and post -development drainage basins are shown in appendicies that follow this report. Curve Numbers H THOMAS & HUTTON Page 6 Curve numbers were generated according to procedures set forth in SCS Technical Release 55. The composite curve numbers for each drainage basin were calculated using soils information from the Soil Survey of Union County, NC provided by The United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service. Curve numbers were weighted based on the land use and soil group within each basin. Time of Concentration Times of concentration were calculated according to procedures set forth in SCS technical Release (TR) 55. The travel times (Tt) for overland flow, shallow concentrated flow, and channel flow are added together for the drainage basin to get the time of concentration Tc. Basin information for the area of interest was collected for use in the SSA models. Basins were delineated using surveyed topographic information. Basins were drawn and the longest flow paths were found. The times of concentration were calculated based on the NRCS, three part travel time method documented in TR-55. The three equations used are summarized below: Sheet Flow: (hr) _ 0.007(nL)a.s t1 — P2 0.05 X S 0.4 Shallow Concentrated Flow: (hr) L _ tZ 3600 X V Channel Flow: (hr) L _ t3 3600 X V Time of Concentration: (hr) t, = t1 + tZ + t3 Symbol Dimension Units n Manning's n -- L Length of flow ft P2 2 yr event rainfall in S Slope ft/ft Symbol Dimension Units L Length of flow ft V* Velocity ft/s *Based on TR-55 velocity -slope relationship Symbol Dimension Units L Length of flow ft V* Velocity ft/s *Assumed to be 2 ft/s Appendices C and E with time of concentration information are attached. Mr. THOMAS & HUTTON Page 7 SECTION 8 - EXISTING CONDITIONS The total acreage of the drainage basins analyzed in the stormwater calculations is approximately 81 acres. The existing conditions described in this narrative will refer to the pre - development condition of the site. The pre -development conditions for the site consists predominantly of woods with an understory of brush. Stormwater runoff on the site was delineated according to the existing drainage patterns found at the site and upon the field topographic survey completed within the site. The watershed delineation was conducted to provide a comparison for pre -development and post - development flows. Outfall "01 " and Outfall "02" discharge into an existing wetland (See Pre Development Drainage Map - Appendix B) . SECTION 9 - POST - DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS The post -development drainage basins are shown on the Post -Development conditions watershed map located in Appendix D of this report. The total post -development watershed area analyzed for this project is approximately 82 acres. This site maintains all pre -development discharge points in the post -development condition. Post -development peak flows are less than pre -development conditions for the 2-yr, 10-yr, and 25-yr storm events. See Appendices B through H for pre- and post -development SSA model input and results. See Summary of pre - development versus post -development results at the beginning of report. After development, the site will consist of approximately 76 single family lots in Phase 2 and 96 lots in a future phase, public roads, private driveways, and stormwater management features such as drainage swales and stormwater detention ponds. It should be noted that a portion of Phase 3 lots and impervious area is included in the post development calculations for the proposed pond. Stormwater runoff from site will be conveyed to a proposed wet detention pond. The detention pond will meet NCDEQ pre- and post -development flows and meet freeboard requirements for the ten (10) year, twenty-five (25) year, fifty (50) year and one hundred (100) year storm events. The proposed detention ponds were designed to meet criteria found in the NCDEQ BMP Design Manual. Additionally, the required freeboard has been provided beneath the emergency spillways and the pond embankments for the (50) year storm event. The following tables illustrate the maximum water surface elevation for the two (2) year, ten (10) year, twenty-five (25) year, fifty (50) and one hundred (100) year storm events. H THOMAS & HUTTON Table 3 - Wet Detention Pond 03 Bottom of Pond = 559.00 Crest of Emergency Spillway = 571.00 Top of Embankment = 571.50 Wet Detention Pond 03 Storm Event Max Elevation (ft) 10-Year 568.81 25-Year 569.19 50-Year 569.56 100-Year 569.91 H THOMAS & HUTTON Page 9 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REPORT CRESSWIND WESLEY CHAPEL - PHASE 02 APPENDIX A PROJECT MAPPING 27842.0002 Fq THOMAS Sc HUTTON This map was created using geothinQ I www.geothinQ.com I Mapping Smart Land Decisions This map was created using geothinQ I www.geothinQ.com I Mapping Smart Land Decisions This map was created using geothinQ I www.geothinQ.com I Mapping Smart Land Decisions %REd)vF 141- FL I -LFll x T THOMAS 4HUTTON 27842 Cresswind Phase 02 Soils 02/16/2021 L� 1%Annual Chance Flood Hazard AE Z Regulatory Floodway Special Floodway ElArea of Undetermined Flood Hazard V 0.2%Annual Chance Flood Hazard �a i9 Future Conditions 1%Annual Chance Flood Hazard eArea with Reduced Risk Due to Levee Area of Minimal Flood Hazard El This map was created using geothinQ I www.geothinQ.com I Mapping Smart Land Decisions a 529300 34o 59' 31" N �i g n �i �i M n �i n �i g r n �i ai n �i V � Sc 34o 59' 0" N Hydrologic Soil Group —Union County, North Carolina 529400 529500 529600 529700 529800 529900 530000 530100 530200 530a)D 53NW 530500 529300 529400 529500 529600 529700 529800 529900 530000 530100 in Map Scale: 1:6,760 if printed on A landscape (11" x 8.5") sheet. Meters $ N 0 100 200 400 600 Feet 0 300 600 1200 1800 Map projection: Web Mercator Conermordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: UTM Zone 17N WGS84 USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 40111111 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey a m 530600 530700 J 34o 59' 31" N �i g �i �i M n �i �i g r n �i tb FS 5 M 34o 59' 0" N 530700 a m 2/17/2021 Pagel of 4 Hydrologic Soil Group —Union County, North Carolina MAP LEGEND Area of Interest (AOI) 0 Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Rating Polygons 0 A 0 A/D 0 B 0 B/D C 0 C/D 0 D 0 Not rated or not available Soil Rating Lines r 0 A r 0 A/D B B/D N 0 C r 0 C/D r 0 D r 0 Not rated or not available Soil Rating Points 0 A 0 A/D 0 B 0 B/D ❑ C 0 C/D 0 D ❑ Not rated or not available Water Features Streams and Canals Transportation — Rails 0 Interstate Highways US Routes Major Roads Local Roads Background D6 Aerial Photography MAP INFORMATION The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:24,000. Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: Union County, North Carolina Survey Area Data: Version 20, Jun 3, 2020 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1:50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: Jul 18, 2011—Oct 30, 2018 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. usoA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2/17/2021 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 of 4 Hydrologic Soil Group —Union County, North Carolina Hydrologic Soil Group Map unit symbol Map unit name Rating Acres in AOI Percent of AOI 2mx85 Badin channery silty C 52.7 65.2% clay loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes, moderately eroded 2mx8q Tarrus gravelly silty clay B 3.1 3.9% loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes, moderately eroded 3wOp Chewacla silt loam, 0 to B/D 14.3 17.7% 2 percent slopes, frequently flooded 3w12 Goldston-Badin D 10.7 13.2% complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes Totals for Area of Interest 80.9 100.0% USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2/17/2021 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 4 Hydrologic Soil Group —Union County, North Carolina Description Hydrologic soil groups are based on estimates of runoff potential. Soils are assigned to one of four groups according to the rate of water infiltration when the soils are not protected by vegetation, are thoroughly wet, and receive precipitation from long -duration storms. The soils in the United States are assigned to four groups (A, B, C, and D) and three dual classes (A/D, B/D, and C/D). The groups are defined as follows: Group A. Soils having a high infiltration rate (low runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist mainly of deep, well drained to excessively drained sands or gravelly sands. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. Group B. Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of moderately deep or deep, moderately well drained or well drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. Group C. Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of soils having a layer that impedes the downward movement of water or soils of moderately fine texture or fine texture. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. Group D. Soils having a very slow infiltration rate (high runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of clays that have a high shrink -swell potential, soils that have a high water table, soils that have a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface, and soils that are shallow over nearly impervious material. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. If a soil is assigned to a dual hydrologic group (A/D, B/D, or C/D), the first letter is for drained areas and the second is for undrained areas. Only the soils that in their natural condition are in group D are assigned to dual classes. Rating Options Aggregation Method: Dominant Condition Component Percent Cutoff.- None Specified Tie -break Rule: Higher USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2/17/2021 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 4 of 4 National Flood Hazard Layer FIRMette OFEMA Legend 34°59'33.10"N SEE FIS REPORT FOR DETAILED LEGEND AND INDEX MAP FOR FIRM PANEL LAYOUT — 1.v,vvv 0 250 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 Without Base Flood Elevation (BFE) Zone A. V. A99 SPECIAL FLOOD With BFE or Depth zone AE. AO, AH, VE. AR HAZARD AREAS Regulatory Floodway 0.2% Annual Chance Flood Hazard, Areas of 1% annual chance flood with average depth less than one foot or with drainage areas of less than one square mile zone x Future Conditions 1% Annual Chance Flood Hazard zone x "I Area with Reduced Flood Risk due to )THEIR AREAS OF Levee. See Notes. zone x FLOOD HAZARD Area with Flood Risk due to Leveezone NO SCREEN Area of Minimal Flood Hazard zone x Q Effective LOMRs OTHER AREAS Area of Undetermined Flood Hazard zone D GENERAL ---- Channel, Culvert, or Storm Sewer STRUCTURES i i i i i i i Levee, Dike, or Floodwall e zo.z Cross Sections with 1% Annual Chance 17.5 Water Surface Elevation o- — — Coastal Transect - 513— Base Flood Elevation Line (BFE) Limit of Study Jurisdiction Boundary -- --- Coastal Transect Baseline OTHER _ Profile Baseline FEATURES Hydrographic Feature Digital Data Available N No Digital Data Available MAP PANELS ® Unmapped 9 The pin displayed on the map is an approximate 1r point selected by the user and does not represent an authoritative property location. This map complies with FEMA's standards for the use of digital flood maps if it is not void as described below. The basemap shown complies with FEMA's basemap accuracy standards The flood hazard information is derived directly from the authoritative NFHL web services provided by FEMA. This map was exported on 12/9/2019 at 2:06:16 PM and does not reflect changes or amendments subsequent to this date and time. The NFHL and effective information may change or become superseded by new data over time. This map image is void if the one or more of the following map elements do not appear: basemap imagery, flood zone labels, legend, scale bar, map creation date, community identifiers, FIRM panel number, and FIRM effective date. Map images for unmapped and unmodernized areas cannot be used for regulatory purposes. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REPORT CRESSWIND WESLEY CHAPEL - PHASE 02 APPENDIX B PRE -DEVELOPMENT DRAINAGE MAP 27842.0002 Fq THOMAS Sc HUTTON STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REPORT CRESSWIND WESLEY CHAPEL - PHASE 02 APPENDIX C PRE -DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS 27842.0002 Fq THOMAS Sc HUTTON 277842.0002 CRESSWIND WESLEY CHAPEL - PHASE 02 PRE -DEVELOPMENT BASINS MODEL Pre -Development 002 - Year Page 1 Project Description File Name .................................................... 27842.0002 - Pre Development.SPF Project Options Flow Units --------------------------------------------------- CFS Elevation Type Elevation Hydrology Method . SCS TR-55 Time of Concentration (TOC) Method -------- SCS TR-55 Link Routing Method Hydrodynamic Enable Overflow Ponding at Nodes ------------ YES Skip Steady State Analysis Time Periods --- NO Analysis Options Start Analysis On . Dec 03, 2019 00:00:00 End Analysis On . Dec 04, 2019 00:00:00 Start Reporting On . Dec 03, 2019 00:00:00 Antecedent Dry Days 0 days Runoff (Dry Weather) Time Step ---------------- 0 01:00:00 days hh:mm:ss Runoff (Wet Weather) Time Step --------------- 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Reporting Time Step ----------------------------------- 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Routing Time Step -------------------------------------- 15 seconds Number of Elements Qty Rain Gages 1 Subbasins 2 Nodes 2 Junctions 0 Outfalls 2 Flow Diversions 0 Inlets 0 Storage Nodes 0 Links 0 Channels 0 Pipes 0 Pumps 0 Orifices 0 Weirs 0 Outlets 0 Pollutants 0 Land Uses 0 Rainfall Details SN Rain Gage Data Data Source Rainfall Rain State County Return Rainfall Rainfall ID Source ID Type Units Period Depth Distribution (years) (inches) 1 Time Series TS-002 Intensity inches North Carolina Union 2 3.50 SCS Type II 247hr Pre -Development 002 - Year Page 2 Subbasin Summary SN Subbasin Area Peak Rate Weighted ID Factor Curve Number Total Total Total Peak Time of Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Concentration Volume (ac) (in) (in) (ac-in) (cfs) (days hh:mm:ss) 1 SUB-01 63.74 484.00 75.96 3.50 1.36 86.88 65.63 0 00-36-13 2 SUB-02 17.12 484.00 71.63 3.50 1.10 18.84 13.90 0 00-35-02 Pre -Development 002 - Year Page 3 Node Summary SN Element Element Invert Ground/Rim Initial Surcharge Ponded Peak Max HGL Max Min Time of Total Total Time ID Type Elevation (Max) Water Elevation Area Inflow Elevation Surcharge Freeboard Peak Flooded Flooded Elevation Elevation Attained Depth Attained Flooding Volume Attained Occurrence (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft') (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (days hh:mm) (ac-in) (min) 1 Out-01 Outfall 540.00 0.00 0.00 2 Out-02 Outfall 556.00 0.00 0.00 Pre -Development 002 - Year Subbasin Hydrology Page 4 Subbasin : SUB-01 Input Data Area(ac)------------------------------------------------------------------------ 63.74 Peak Rate Factor----------------------------------------------------------- 484.00 Weighted Curve Number----------------------------------------------- 75.96 Rain Gage ID . Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Woods, Fair 14.32 D 79.00 Woods, Fair 10.68 D 79.00 Pasture, grassland, or range, Good 38.74 C 74.00 Composite Area & Weighted CN 63.74 75.96 Time of Concentration TOC Method : SCS TR-55 Sheet Flow Equation : Tc = (0.007 * ((n * Lf)^0.8)) / ((P^0.5) * (Sf^0.4)) Where : Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) n = Manning's roughness Lf = Flow Length (ft) P = 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (inches) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) Shallow Concentrated Flow Equation : V = 16.1345 * (Sf^0.5) (unpaved surface) V = 20.3282 * (Sf^0.5) (paved surface) V = 15.0 * (Sf^0.5) (grassed waterway surface) V = 10.0 * (Sf^0.5) (nearly bare & untilled surface) V = 9.0 * (Sf^0.5) (cultivated straight rows surface) V = 7.0 * (Sf^0.5) (short grass pasture surface) V = 5.0 * (Sf^0.5) (woodland surface) V = 2.5 * (Sf^0.5) (forest w/heavy litter surface) Tc = (Lf / V) / (3600 sec/hr) Where Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) Lf = Flow Length (ft) V = Velocity (ft/sec) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) Channel Flow Equation: V = (1.49 * (R^(2/3)) * (Sf^0.5)) / n R =Aq/Wp Tc = (Lf / V) / (3600 sec/hr) Where : Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) Lf = Flow Length (ft) R = Hydraulic Radius (ft) Aq = Flow Area (W) Wp = Wetted Perimeter (ft) V = Velocity (ft/sec) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) n = Manning's roughness Pre -Development 002 - Year Page 5 Sheet Flow Computations Manning's Roughness Flow Length (ft) Slope (%) : 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (in) Velocity (ft/sec) : Computed Flow Time (min) : Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations Flow Length (ft) Slope (%) : Surface Type : Velocity (ft/sec) Computed Flow Time (min) : Total TOC (min)------------------36-23 Subbasin Runoff Results Flowpath Flowpath Flowpath A B C 0-4 0-00 0-00 100 0-00 0-00 1 0-00 0-00 3-50 0-00 0-00 0-06 0-00 0-00 27-09 0-00 0-00 Flowpath Flowpath Flowpath A B C 1771 0-00 0-00 4 0-00 0-00 Unpaved Unpaved Unpaved 323 0-00 0-00 9-14 0-00 0-00 Total Rainfall (in)------------------------------------------------------------ 3-50 Total Runoff (in)------------------------------------------------------------- 1-36 Peak Runoff (cfs)----------------------------------------------------------- 65-63 Weighted Curve Number----------------------------------------------- 75-96 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss)------------------------ 0 00-36-14 Pre -Development 002 - Year Page 6 Subbasin : SUB-01 6 4.8 4.6 44 4.2 4 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Rainfall Intensity Graph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time [hrs] Runoff Hydrograph 76 70 66 60 56 60 45 N 40 O � 36 30 26 20 16 10 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time [hrs] Pre -Development 002 - Year Subbasin : SUB-02 Page 7 Input Data Area(ac)------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17-12 Peak Rate Factor----------------------------------------------------------- 484-00 Weighted Curve Number----------------------------------------------- 71-63 Rain Gage ID----------------------------------------------------------------- Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Pasture, grassland, or range, Good 14-00 C 74-00 Pasture, grassland, or range, Good 3-12 B 61-00 Composite Area & Weighted CN 17-12 71-63 Time of Concentration Flowpath Flowpath Flowpath Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness : -4 0-00 0-00 Flow Length (ft) : 100 0-00 0-00 Slope (%) : 1-11 0-00 0-00 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (in) : 3-50 0-00 0-00 Velocity (ft/sec) : 0-06 0-00 0-00 Computed Flow Time (min) : 25-99 0-00 0-00 Flowpath Flowpath Flowpath Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length (ft) : 1531-55 0-00 0-00 Slope (%) : 3-06 0-00 0-00 Surface Type: Unpaved Unpaved Unpaved Velocity (ft/sec) : 2-82 0-00 0-00 Computed Flow Time (min) : 9-05 0-00 0-00 Total TOC (min)------------------35-04 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in)------------------------------------------------------------ 3-50 Total Runoff (in)------------------------------------------------------------- 1-10 Peak Runoff (cfs)----------------------------------------------------------- 13-90 Weighted Curve Number----------------------------------------------- 71-63 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss)------------------------ 0 00-35-02 Pre -Development 002 - Year Page 8 Subbasin : SUB-02 5 4.8 4.6 44 4.2 4 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 14.6 14 13.5 13 12.6 12 11.6 11 10.5 10 9.6 9 _ 8.6 N 8 L 7.6 0 7 6.6 6 5.6 5 4.5 4 3.6 3 2.6 2 1.6 0.6 Rainfall Intensity Graph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time [hrs] Runoff Hydrograph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time [hrs] Pre -Development 010 - Year Page 1 Project Description File Name .................................................... 27842.0002 - Pre Development.SPF Project Options Flow Units --------------------------------------------------- CFS Elevation Type Elevation Hydrology Method . SCS TR-55 Time of Concentration (TOC) Method -------- SCS TR-55 Link Routing Method Hydrodynamic Enable Overflow Ponding at Nodes ------------ YES Skip Steady State Analysis Time Periods --- NO Analysis Options Start Analysis On . Dec 03, 2019 00:00:00 End Analysis On . Dec 04, 2019 00:00:00 Start Reporting On . Dec 03, 2019 00:00:00 Antecedent Dry Days 0 days Runoff (Dry Weather) Time Step ---------------- 0 01:00:00 days hh:mm:ss Runoff (Wet Weather) Time Step --------------- 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Reporting Time Step ----------------------------------- 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Routing Time Step -------------------------------------- 15 seconds Number of Elements Qty Rain Gages 1 Subbasins 2 Nodes 2 Junctions 0 Outfalls 2 Flow Diversions 0 Inlets 0 Storage Nodes 0 Links 0 Channels 0 Pipes 0 Pumps 0 Orifices 0 Weirs 0 Outlets 0 Pollutants 0 Land Uses 0 Rainfall Details SN Rain Gage Data Data Source Rainfall Rain State County Return Rainfall Rainfall ID Source ID Type Units Period Depth Distribution (years) (inches) 1 Time Series TS-010 Intensity inches North Carolina Union 10 520 SCS Type II 247hr Pre -Development 010 - Year Page 2 Subbasin Summary SN Subbasin Area Peak Rate Weighted ID Factor Curve Number Total Total Total Peak Time of Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Concentration Volume (ac) (in) (in) (ac-in) (cfs) (days hh:mm:ss) 1 SUB-01 63.74 484.00 75.96 520 2.70 171.97 134.44 0 00-36-13 2 SUB-02 17.12 484.00 71.63 520 2.32 39.76 31.33 0 00-35-02 Pre -Development 010 - Year Page 3 Node Summary SN Element Element Invert Ground/Rim Initial Surcharge Ponded Peak Max HGL Max Min Time of Total Total Time ID Type Elevation (Max) Water Elevation Area Inflow Elevation Surcharge Freeboard Peak Flooded Flooded Elevation Elevation Attained Depth Attained Flooding Volume Attained Occurrence (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft') (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (days hh:mm) (ac-in) (min) 1 Out-01 Outfall 540.00 0.00 0.00 2 Out-02 Outfall 556.00 0.00 0.00 Pre -Development 010 - Year Subbasin Hydrology Page 4 Subbasin : SUB-01 Input Data Area(ac)------------------------------------------------------------------------ 63.74 Peak Rate Factor----------------------------------------------------------- 484.00 Weighted Curve Number----------------------------------------------- 75.96 Rain Gage ID . Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Woods, Fair 14.32 D 79.00 Woods, Fair 10.68 D 79.00 Pasture, grassland, or range, Good 38.74 C 74.00 Composite Area & Weighted CN 63.74 75.96 Time of Concentration TOC Method : SCS TR-55 Sheet Flow Equation : Tc = (0.007 * ((n * Lf)^0.8)) / ((P^0.5) * (Sf^0.4)) Where : Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) n = Manning's roughness Lf = Flow Length (ft) P = 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (inches) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) Shallow Concentrated Flow Equation : V = 16.1345 * (Sf^0.5) (unpaved surface) V = 20.3282 * (Sf^0.5) (paved surface) V = 15.0 * (Sf^0.5) (grassed waterway surface) V = 10.0 * (Sf^0.5) (nearly bare & untilled surface) V = 9.0 * (Sf^0.5) (cultivated straight rows surface) V = 7.0 * (Sf^0.5) (short grass pasture surface) V = 5.0 * (Sf^0.5) (woodland surface) V = 2.5 * (Sf^0.5) (forest w/heavy litter surface) Tc = (Lf / V) / (3600 sec/hr) Where Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) Lf = Flow Length (ft) V = Velocity (ft/sec) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) Channel Flow Equation: V = (1.49 * (R^(2/3)) * (Sf^0.5)) / n R =Aq/Wp Tc = (Lf / V) / (3600 sec/hr) Where : Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) Lf = Flow Length (ft) R = Hydraulic Radius (ft) Aq = Flow Area (W) Wp = Wetted Perimeter (ft) V = Velocity (ft/sec) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) n = Manning's roughness Pre -Development 010 - Year Page 5 Sheet Flow Computations Manning's Roughness Flow Length (ft) Slope (%) : 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (in) Velocity (ft/sec) : Computed Flow Time (min) : Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations Flow Length (ft) Slope (%) : Surface Type : Velocity (ft/sec) Computed Flow Time (min) : Total TOC (min)------------------36-23 Subbasin Runoff Results Flowpath Flowpath Flowpath A B C 0-4 0-00 0-00 100 0-00 0-00 1 0-00 0-00 3-50 0-00 0-00 0-06 0-00 0-00 27-09 0-00 0-00 Flowpath Flowpath Flowpath A B C 1771 0-00 0-00 4 0-00 0-00 Unpaved Unpaved Unpaved 323 0-00 0-00 9-14 0-00 0-00 Total Rainfall (in)------------------------------------------------------------ 520 Total Runoff (in)------------------------------------------------------------- 2-70 Peak Runoff (cfs)----------------------------------------------------------- 134-44 Weighted Curve Number----------------------------------------------- 75-96 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss)------------------------ 0 0036:14 Pre -Development 010 - Year Page 6 Subbasin : SUB-01 7.6 7 6.6 6 5.6 6 4.6 4 3.6 3 2.6 2 1.6 0.6 140 136 130 126 120 115 110 106 100 96 90 85 N 80 76 w 70 0 65 60 56 60 46 40 35 30 26 20 16 10 6 Rainfall Intensity Graph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time [hrs] Runoff Hydrograph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time [hrs] Pre -Development 010 - Year Subbasin : SUB-02 Page 7 Input Data Area(ac)------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17-12 Peak Rate Factor----------------------------------------------------------- 484-00 Weighted Curve Number----------------------------------------------- 71-63 Rain Gage ID----------------------------------------------------------------- Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Pasture, grassland, or range, Good 14-00 C 74-00 Pasture, grassland, or range, Good 3-12 B 61-00 Composite Area & Weighted CN 17-12 71-63 Time of Concentration Flowpath Flowpath Flowpath Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness : -4 0-00 0-00 Flow Length (ft) : 100 0-00 0-00 Slope (%) : 1-11 0-00 0-00 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (in) : 3-50 0-00 0-00 Velocity (ft/sec) : 0-06 0-00 0-00 Computed Flow Time (min) : 25-99 0-00 0-00 Flowpath Flowpath Flowpath Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length (ft) : 1531-55 0-00 0-00 Slope (%) : 3-06 0-00 0-00 Surface Type: Unpaved Unpaved Unpaved Velocity (ft/sec) : 2-82 0-00 0-00 Computed Flow Time (min) : 9-05 0-00 0-00 Total TOC (min)------------------35-04 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in)------------------------------------------------------------ 520 Total Runoff (in)------------------------------------------------------------- 2-32 Peak Runoff (cfs)----------------------------------------------------------- 31-33 Weighted Curve Number----------------------------------------------- 71-63 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss)------------------------ 0 00-35-02 Pre -Development 010 - Year Page 8 Subbasin : SUB-02 8 7.6 7 6.6 6 66 6 4.6 v 4 3.6 3 2.6 2 1.6 0.6 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 _ 20 N 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 Rainfall Intensity Graph 0 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time [hrs] Runoff Hydrograph 0 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time [hrs] Pre -Development 025 - Year Page 1 Project Description File Name .................................................... 27842.0002 - Pre Development.SPF Project Options Flow Units --------------------------------------------------- CFS Elevation Type Elevation Hydrology Method . SCS TR-55 Time of Concentration (TOC) Method -------- SCS TR-55 Link Routing Method Hydrodynamic Enable Overflow Ponding at Nodes ------------ YES Skip Steady State Analysis Time Periods --- NO Analysis Options Start Analysis On . Dec 03, 2019 00:00:00 End Analysis On . Dec 04, 2019 00:00:00 Start Reporting On . Dec 03, 2019 00:00:00 Antecedent Dry Days 0 days Runoff (Dry Weather) Time Step ---------------- 0 01:00:00 days hh:mm:ss Runoff (Wet Weather) Time Step --------------- 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Reporting Time Step ----------------------------------- 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Routing Time Step -------------------------------------- 15 seconds Number of Elements Qty Rain Gages 1 Subbasins 2 Nodes 2 Junctions 0 Outfalls 2 Flow Diversions 0 Inlets 0 Storage Nodes 0 Links 0 Channels 0 Pipes 0 Pumps 0 Orifices 0 Weirs 0 Outlets 0 Pollutants 0 Land Uses 0 Rainfall Details SN Rain Gage Data Data Source Rainfall Rain State County Return Rainfall Rainfall ID Source ID Type Units Period Depth Distribution (years) (inches) 1 Time Series TS-025 Intensity inches North Carolina Union 25 6.10 SCS Type II 247hr Pre -Development 025 - Year Page 2 Subbasin Summary SN Subbasin Area Peak Rate Weighted ID Factor Curve Number Total Total Total Peak Time of Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Concentration Volume (ac) (in) (in) (ac-in) (cfs) (days hh:mm:ss) 1 SUB-01 63.74 484.00 75.96 6.10 3.46 220.73 173.39 0 00-36-13 2 SUB-02 17.12 484.00 71.63 6.10 3.04 5206.41.46 0 00-35-02 Pre -Development 025 - Year Page 3 Node Summary SN Element Element Invert Ground/Rim Initial Surcharge Ponded Peak Max HGL Max Min Time of Total Total Time ID Type Elevation (Max) Water Elevation Area Inflow Elevation Surcharge Freeboard Peak Flooded Flooded Elevation Elevation Attained Depth Attained Flooding Volume Attained Occurrence (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft2) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (days hh:mm) (ac-in) (min) 1 Out-01 Outfall 540.00 0.00 0.00 2 Out-02 Outfall 556.00 0.00 0.00 Pre -Development 025 - Year Subbasin Hydrology Page 4 Subbasin : SUB-01 Input Data Area(ac)------------------------------------------------------------------------ 63.74 Peak Rate Factor----------------------------------------------------------- 484.00 Weighted Curve Number----------------------------------------------- 75.96 Rain Gage ID . Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Woods, Fair 14.32 D 79.00 Woods, Fair 10.68 D 79.00 Pasture, grassland, or range, Good 38.74 C 74.00 Composite Area & Weighted CN 63.74 75.96 Time of Concentration TOC Method : SCS TR-55 Sheet Flow Equation : Tc = (0.007 * ((n * Lf)^0.8)) / ((P^0.5) * (Sf^0.4)) Where : Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) n = Manning's roughness Lf = Flow Length (ft) P = 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (inches) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) Shallow Concentrated Flow Equation : V = 16.1345 * (Sf^0.5) (unpaved surface) V = 20.3282 * (Sf^0.5) (paved surface) V = 15.0 * (Sf^0.5) (grassed waterway surface) V = 10.0 * (Sf^0.5) (nearly bare & untilled surface) V = 9.0 * (Sf^0.5) (cultivated straight rows surface) V = 7.0 * (Sf^0.5) (short grass pasture surface) V = 5.0 * (Sf^0.5) (woodland surface) V = 2.5 * (Sf^0.5) (forest w/heavy litter surface) Tc = (Lf / V) / (3600 sec/hr) Where Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) Lf = Flow Length (ft) V = Velocity (ft/sec) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) Channel Flow Equation: V = (1.49 * (R^(2/3)) * (Sf^0.5)) / n R =Aq/Wp Tc = (Lf / V) / (3600 sec/hr) Where : Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) Lf = Flow Length (ft) R = Hydraulic Radius (ft) Aq = Flow Area (W) Wp = Wetted Perimeter (ft) V = Velocity (ft/sec) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) n = Manning's roughness Pre -Development 025 - Year Page 5 Sheet Flow Computations Manning's Roughness Flow Length (ft) Slope (%) : 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (in) Velocity (ft/sec) : Computed Flow Time (min) : Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations Flow Length (ft) Slope (%) : Surface Type : Velocity (ft/sec) Computed Flow Time (min) : Total TOC (min)------------------36-23 Subbasin Runoff Results Flowpath Flowpath Flowpath A B C 0-4 0-00 0-00 100 0-00 0-00 1 0-00 0-00 3-50 0-00 0-00 0-06 0-00 0-00 27-09 0-00 0-00 Flowpath Flowpath Flowpath A B C 1771 0-00 0-00 4 0-00 0-00 Unpaved Unpaved Unpaved 323 0-00 0-00 9-14 0-00 0-00 Total Rainfall (in)------------------------------------------------------------ 6-10 Total Runoff (in)------------------------------------------------------------- 3-46 Peak Runoff (cfs)----------------------------------------------------------- 173-39 Weighted Curve Number----------------------------------------------- 75-96 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss)------------------------ 0 00-36-14 Pre -Development 025 - Year Page 6 Subbasin : SUB-01 s.5 s 7.6 7 65 6 5.6 5 v 4.6 4 3.6 3 2.6 2 1.6 0.6 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 N 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Rainfall Intensity Graph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time [hrs] Runoff Hydrograph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time [hrs] Pre -Development 025 - Year Subbasin : SUB-02 Page 7 Input Data Area(ac)------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17-12 Peak Rate Factor----------------------------------------------------------- 484-00 Weighted Curve Number----------------------------------------------- 71-63 Rain Gage ID----------------------------------------------------------------- Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Pasture, grassland, or range, Good 14-00 C 74-00 Pasture, grassland, or range, Good 3-12 B 61-00 Composite Area & Weighted CN 17-12 71-63 Time of Concentration Flowpath Flowpath Flowpath Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness : -4 0-00 0-00 Flow Length (ft) : 100 0-00 0-00 Slope (%) : 1-11 0-00 0-00 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (in) : 3-50 0-00 0-00 Velocity (ft/sec) : 0-06 0-00 0-00 Computed Flow Time (min) : 25-99 0-00 0-00 Flowpath Flowpath Flowpath Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length (ft) : 1531-55 0-00 0-00 Slope (%) : 3-06 0-00 0-00 Surface Type: Unpaved Unpaved Unpaved Velocity (ft/sec) : 2-82 0-00 0-00 Computed Flow Time (min) : 9-05 0-00 0-00 Total TOC (min)------------------35-04 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in)------------------------------------------------------------ 6-10 Total Runoff (in)------------------------------------------------------------- 3-04 Peak Runoff (cfs)----------------------------------------------------------- 41-46 Weighted Curve Number----------------------------------------------- 71-63 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss)------------------------ 0 00-35-02 Pre -Development 025 - Year Page 8 Subbasin : SUB-02 9 8.5 8 7.6 7 6.6 6 5.6 � 5 4.6 4 Or 3.6 3 2.6 2 1.6 0.6 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 _ 26 N � 24 w 22 O 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 Rainfall Intensity Graph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time [hrs] Runoff Hydrograph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time [hrs] Pre -Development 050 - Year Page 1 Project Description File Name .................................................... 27842.0002 - Pre Development.SPF Project Options Flow Units --------------------------------------------------- CFS Elevation Type Elevation Hydrology Method . SCS TR-55 Time of Concentration (TOC) Method -------- SCS TR-55 Link Routing Method Hydrodynamic Enable Overflow Ponding at Nodes ------------ YES Skip Steady State Analysis Time Periods --- NO Analysis Options Start Analysis On . Dec 03, 2019 00:00:00 End Analysis On . Dec 04, 2019 00:00:00 Start Reporting On . Dec 03, 2019 00:00:00 Antecedent Dry Days 0 days Runoff (Dry Weather) Time Step ---------------- 0 01:00:00 days hh:mm:ss Runoff (Wet Weather) Time Step --------------- 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Reporting Time Step ----------------------------------- 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Routing Time Step -------------------------------------- 15 seconds Number of Elements Qty Rain Gages 1 Subbasins 2 Nodes 2 Junctions 0 Outfalls 2 Flow Diversions 0 Inlets 0 Storage Nodes 0 Links 0 Channels 0 Pipes 0 Pumps 0 Orifices 0 Weirs 0 Outlets 0 Pollutants 0 Land Uses 0 Rainfall Details SN Rain Gage Data Data Source Rainfall Rain State County Return Rainfall Rainfall ID Source ID Type Units Period Depth Distribution (years) (inches) 1 Time Series TS-050 Intensity inches North Carolina Union 50 6.90 SCS Type II 247hr Pre -Development 050 - Year Page 2 Subbasin Summary SN Subbasin Area Peak Rate Weighted ID Factor Curve Number Total Total Total Peak Time of Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Concentration Volume (ac) (in) (in) (ac-in) (cfs) (days hh:mm:ss) 1 SUB-01 63.74 484.00 75.96 6.90 4.16 265.41 208.73 0 00-36-13 2 SUB-02 17.12 484.00 71.63 6.90 3.71 63.44 50.84 0 00-35-02 Pre -Development 050 - Year Page 3 Node Summary SN Element Element Invert Ground/Rim Initial Surcharge Ponded Peak Max HGL Max Min Time of Total Total Time ID Type Elevation (Max) Water Elevation Area Inflow Elevation Surcharge Freeboard Peak Flooded Flooded Elevation Elevation Attained Depth Attained Flooding Volume Attained Occurrence (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft') (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (days hh:mm) (ac-in) (min) 1 Out-01 Outfall 540.00 0.00 0.00 2 Out-02 Outfall 556.00 0.00 0.00 Pre -Development 050 - Year Subbasin Hydrology Page 4 Subbasin : SUB-01 Input Data Area(ac)------------------------------------------------------------------------ 63.74 Peak Rate Factor----------------------------------------------------------- 484.00 Weighted Curve Number----------------------------------------------- 75.96 Rain Gage ID . Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Woods, Fair 14.32 D 79.00 Woods, Fair 10.68 D 79.00 Pasture, grassland, or range, Good 38.74 C 74.00 Composite Area & Weighted CN 63.74 75.96 Time of Concentration TOC Method : SCS TR-55 Sheet Flow Equation : Tc = (0.007 * ((n * Lf)^0.8)) / ((P^0.5) * (Sf^0.4)) Where : Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) n = Manning's roughness Lf = Flow Length (ft) P = 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (inches) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) Shallow Concentrated Flow Equation : V = 16.1345 * (Sf^0.5) (unpaved surface) V = 20.3282 * (Sf^0.5) (paved surface) V = 15.0 * (Sf^0.5) (grassed waterway surface) V = 10.0 * (Sf^0.5) (nearly bare & untilled surface) V = 9.0 * (Sf^0.5) (cultivated straight rows surface) V = 7.0 * (Sf^0.5) (short grass pasture surface) V = 5.0 * (Sf^0.5) (woodland surface) V = 2.5 * (Sf^0.5) (forest w/heavy litter surface) Tc = (Lf / V) / (3600 sec/hr) Where Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) Lf = Flow Length (ft) V = Velocity (ft/sec) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) Channel Flow Equation: V = (1.49 * (R^(2/3)) * (Sf^0.5)) / n R =Aq/Wp Tc = (Lf / V) / (3600 sec/hr) Where : Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) Lf = Flow Length (ft) R = Hydraulic Radius (ft) Aq = Flow Area (W) Wp = Wetted Perimeter (ft) V = Velocity (ft/sec) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) n = Manning's roughness Pre -Development 050 - Year Page 5 Sheet Flow Computations Manning's Roughness Flow Length (ft) Slope (%) : 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (in) Velocity (ft/sec) : Computed Flow Time (min) : Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations Flow Length (ft) Slope (%) : Surface Type : Velocity (ft/sec) Computed Flow Time (min) : Total TOC (min)------------------36-23 Subbasin Runoff Results Flowpath Flowpath Flowpath A B C 0-4 0-00 0-00 100 0-00 0-00 1 0-00 0-00 3-50 0-00 0-00 0-06 0-00 0-00 27-09 0-00 0-00 Flowpath Flowpath Flowpath A B C 1771 0-00 0-00 4 0-00 0-00 Unpaved Unpaved Unpaved 323 0-00 0-00 9-14 0-00 0-00 Total Rainfall (in)------------------------------------------------------------ 6-90 Total Runoff (in)------------------------------------------------------------- 4-16 Peak Runoff (cfs)----------------------------------------------------------- 208-73 Weighted Curve Number----------------------------------------------- 75-96 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss)------------------------ 0 00-36-14 Pre -Development 050 - Year Page 6 Subbasin : SUB-01 9.6 9 8.6 8 7.6 7 6.6 6 5.5 v 5 4.5 4 3.6 3 2.6 2 1.6 0.6 220 210 200 190 100 170 160 150 140 _ 130 N � 120 0 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Rainfall Intensity Graph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time [hrs] Runoff Hydrograph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time [hrs] Pre -Development 050 - Year Subbasin : SUB-02 Page 7 Input Data Area(ac)------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17-12 Peak Rate Factor----------------------------------------------------------- 484-00 Weighted Curve Number----------------------------------------------- 71-63 Rain Gage ID----------------------------------------------------------------- Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Pasture, grassland, or range, Good 14-00 C 74-00 Pasture, grassland, or range, Good 3-12 B 61-00 Composite Area & Weighted CN 17-12 71-63 Time of Concentration Flowpath Flowpath Flowpath Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness : -4 0-00 0-00 Flow Length (ft) : 100 0-00 0-00 Slope (%) : 1-11 0-00 0-00 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (in) : 3-50 0-00 0-00 Velocity (ft/sec) : 0-06 0-00 0-00 Computed Flow Time (min) : 25-99 0-00 0-00 Flowpath Flowpath Flowpath Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length (ft) : 1531-55 0-00 0-00 Slope (%) : 3-06 0-00 0-00 Surface Type: Unpaved Unpaved Unpaved Velocity (ft/sec) : 2-82 0-00 0-00 Computed Flow Time (min) : 9-05 0-00 0-00 Total TOC (min)------------------35-04 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in)------------------------------------------------------------ 6-90 Total Runoff (in)------------------------------------------------------------- 3-71 Peak Runoff (cfs)----------------------------------------------------------- 50-84 Weighted Curve Number----------------------------------------------- 71-63 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss)------------------------ 0 00-35-02 Pre -Development 050 - Year Page 8 Subbasin : SUB-02 10 9.6 9 8.6 8 7.5 7 6.6 6 � 5.5 6 4.6 4 3.5 3 2.6 2 1.6 0.6 54 52 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 _ 32 N 30 28 0 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 Rainfall Intensity Graph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time [hrs] Runoff Hydrograph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time [hrs] STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REPORT CRESSWIND WESLEY CHAPEL - PHASE 02 APPENDIX D POST -DEVELOPMENT DRAINAGE MAP A THOMAS Sc HUTTON STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REPORT CRESSWIND WESLEY CHAPEL - PHASE 02 APPENDIX E POST -DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS 27842.0002 Fq THOMAS Sc HUTTON 27842.0002 CRESSWIND WESLEY CHAPEL - PHASE 02 POST -DEVELOPMENT BASINS MODEL Post -Development 002 - Year Project Description Page 1 File Name ................................................. 27842.0002 - Post Development.SPF Project Options Flow Units ................................................ CFS Elevation Type .......................................... Elevation Hydrology Method ................................... SCS TR-55 Time of Concentration (TOC) Method ....... SCS TR-55 Link Routing Method ................................ Hydrodynamic Enable Overflow Ponding at Nodes .......... YES Skip Steady State Analysis Time Periods ... NO Analysis Options Start Analysis On ...................................... 00:00:00 0:00:00 End Analysis On ........................................ 00:00:00 0:00:00 Start Reporting On ................................... 00:00:00 0:00:00 Antecedent Dry Days ................................ 0 days Runoff (Dry Weather) Time Step .............. 0 01:00:00 days hh:mm:ss Runoff (Wet Weather) Time Step ............. 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Reporting Time Step ................................. 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Routing Time Step .................................... 1 seconds Number of Elements my RainGages ............................................... 1 Subbasins.................................................. 3 Nodes........................................................ 5 Junctions .......................................... 2 Outfalls............................................ 2 Flow Diversions ................................ 0 Inlets................................................ 0 Storage Nodes .................................. 1 Links.......................................................... 6 Channels .......................................... 1 Pipes................................................ 1 Pumps.............................................. 0 Orifices............................................. 2 Weirs................................................ 2 Outlets............................................. 0 Pollutants ................................................. 0 LandUses ................................................. 0 Rainfall Details SN Rain Gage Data Data Source Rainfall Rain State County Return Rainfall Rainfall ID Source ID Type Units Period Depth Distribution (years) (inches) 49 Time Series TS-002 Intensity inches North Carolina Union 2.00 3.50 SCS Type III 24-hr Post -Development 002 - Year Page 2 Subbasin Summary SN Subbasin Area Peak Rate Weighted Total Total Total Peak Time of ID Factor Curve Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Concentration Number Volume (ac) (in) (in) (ac-in) (cfs) (days hh:mm:ss) 1 SUB-03 43.40 484.00 85.04 3.50 2.02 87.67 91.17 0 00:05:00 2 UNDISTURBED-BASIN-SUB-01 13.14 484.00 70.54 3.50 1.04 13.64 8.32 0 00:31:48 3 UNDISTURBED-BASIN-SUB-02 23.79 484.00 79.00 3.50 1.57 37.26 22.56 0 00:36:57 Post -Development Node Summary SN Element Element ID Type 002 - Year Invert Ground/Rim Initial Surcharge Ponded Peak Max HGL Max Min Time of Total Total Time Elevation (Max) Water Elevation Area Inflow Elevation Surcharge Freeboard Peak Flooded Flooded Elevation Elevation Attained Depth Attained Flooding Volume Attained Occurrence (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft2) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (days hh:mm) (ac-in) (min) 1 CS Junction 555.00 570.20 558.00 999.00 0.00 39.50 558.00 2 3-Jun Junction 559.00 570.20 559.00 999.00 0.00 17.39 559.69 3 Out-01 Outfall 553.30 59.58 553.30 4 Out-02 Outfall 560.00 8.32 560.00 5 Pond-03 Storage Node 559.00 571.50 565.00 0.00 89.63 567.83 0.00 12.20 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.51 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page 3 Post -Development 002 - Year Page 4 Link Summary SN Element Element From To (Outlet) Length Inlet Outlet Average Diameter or Manning's Peak Design Flow Peak Flow/ Peak Flow Peak Flow Peak Flow Total Time Reported ID Type (Inlet) Node Invert Invert Slope Height Roughness Flow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Depth Depth/ Surcharged Condition Node Elevation Elevation Ratio Total Depth Ratio (ft) (ft) (ft) N (in) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/sec) (ft) (min) 1 Outlet-Pipe-03 Pipe 3-Jun CS 65.00 559.00 555.00 6.1500 42.000 0.0130 17.38 249.58 0.07 8.77 1.10 0.43 0.00 Calculated 2 Link-02 Channel CS Out-01 50.00 555.00 554.90 0.2000 24.000 0.0010 59.58 712.92 0.08 15.05 0.90 0.59 0.00 3 CS-Rim-03 Orifice Pond-03 3-Jun 559.00 559.00 60.000 0.00 4 WQ-Orifice-03 Orifice Pond-03 3-Jun 559.00 559.00 4.000 0.70 5 Spillway-03 Weir Pond-03 CS 559.00 555.00 0.00 6 Weir-03A Weir Pond-03 3-Jun 559.00 559.00 16.68 Post -Development 002 - Year Page 5 Subbasin Hydrology Subbasin : SUB-03 Input Data Area(ac)............................................................................... 43.4 Peak Rate Factor.................................................................. 484 Weighted Curve Number ...................................................... 85.04 Rain Gage ID......................................................................... Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil/Surface Description (acres) Paved parking & roofs > 75%grass cover, Good Future -Paved parking & roofs Composite Area & Weighted CN Time of Concentration TOC Method : SCS TR-55 Sheet Flow Equation : Tc = (0.007 * ((n * Lf)^0.8)) / ((P^0.5) * (Sf^0.4)) Where: Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) n = Manning's roughness Lf = Flow Length (ft) P = 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (inches) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) Shallow Concentrated Flow Equation V = 16.1345 * (Sf^0.5) (unpaved surface) V = 20.3282 * (Sf^0.5) (paved surface) V = 15.0 * (Sf^0.5) (grassed waterway surface) V = 10.0 * (Sf^0.5) (nearly bare & untilled surface) V = 9.0 * (Sf^0.5) (cultivated straight rows surface) V = 7.0 * (Sf^0.5) (short grass pasture surface) V = 5.0 * (Sf^0.5) (woodland surface) V = 2.5 * (Sf^0.5) (forest w/heavy litter surface) Tc = (Lf / V) / (3600 sec/hr) Where: Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) Lf = Flow Length (ft) V = Velocity (ft/sec) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) Channel Flow Equation V = (1.49 * (R^(2/3)) * (Sf^0.5)) / n R =Aq/Wp Tc = (Lf / V) / (3600 sec/hr) Where: Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) Lf = Flow Length (ft) R = Hydraulic Radius (ft) Aq = Flow Area (ft2) Wp = Wetted Perimeter (ft) V = Velocity (ft/sec) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) n = Manning's roughness User -Defined TOC override (minutes): 5.00 Soil Curve Group Number 13.69 B 98 15.2 B 61 14.51 B 98 43.4 85.04 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in).................................................................. 3.5 Total Runoff (in)................................................................... 2.02 Peak Runoff (cfs).................................................................. 91.17 Weighted Curve Number ...................................................... 85.04 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) ............................... 0 00:05:00 Post -Development 002 - Year Page 6 Subbasin : SUB-03 3 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2 1.9 1.8 z 1.7 1.6 - 1.5 m `c 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Rainfall Intensity Graph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time (hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time (hrs) Post -Development 002 - Year Subbasin : UNDISTURBED-BASIN-SUB-01 Input Data Area(ac)............................................................................... 13.14 Peak Rate Factor.................................................................. 484 Weighted Curve Number ...................................................... 70.54 Rain Gage ID......................................................................... Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Pasture, grassland, or range, Good 3.13 B 61 9.65 74 0.37 61 Composite Area & Weighted CN 13.15 70.54 Time of Concentration Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.4 0 0 Flow Length (ft) : 100 0 0 Slope (%) : 0.67 0 0 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (in) : 3.5 0 0 Velocity (ft/sec) : 0.05 0 0 Computed Flow Time (min) : 31.8 0 0 Total TOC (min) ..................31.80 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in).................................................................. 3.5 Total Runoff (in)................................................................... 1.04 Peak Runoff (cfs).................................................................. 8.32 Weighted Curve Number ...................................................... 70.54 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) ............................... 0 00:31:48 Page 7 Post -Development 002 - Year Page 8 Subbasin : UNDISTURBED-BASIN-SUB-01 3.1 3 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2 1.9 z 1.8 c 1.7 1.6 m 1.5 `c 14 (If 1.3 1.2 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 6 5.5 N 5 U 4.5 `0 c (if4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 Rainfall Intensity Graph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time (hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time (hrs) Post -Development 002 - Year Subbasin : UNDISTURBED-BASIN-SUB-02 Input Data Area(ac)............................................................................... 23.79 Peak Rate Factor.................................................................. 484 Weighted Curve Number ...................................................... 79 Rain Gage ID......................................................................... Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Woods, Fair 23.79 D 79 Composite Area & Weighted CN 23.79 79 Time of Concentration Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.4 0 0 Flow Length (ft) : 100 0 0 Slope (%) : 9.5 0 0 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (in) : 3.5 0 0 Velocity (ft/sec) : 0.15 0 0 Computed Flow Time (min) : 11.01 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length (ft) : 1370 0 0 Slope (%) : 0.3 0 0 Surface Type: Unpaved Unpaved Unpaved Velocity (ft/sec) : 0.88 0 0 Computed Flow Time (min) : 25.95 0 0 Total TOC (min) ..................36.96 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in).................................................................. 3.5 Total Runoff (in)................................................................... 1.57 Peak Runoff (cfs).................................................................. 22.56 Weighted Curve Number ...................................................... 79 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) ............................... 0 00:36:58 Page 9 Post -Development 002 - Year Page 10 Subbasin : UNDISTURBED-BASIN-SUB-02 3.1 3 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2 1.9 z 1.8 c 1.7 1.6 m 1.5 `c 14 (If 1.3 1.2 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 � 13 12 `0 � 11 (if 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Rainfall Intensity Graph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time (hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time (hrs) Post -Development 002 - Year Page 11 Channel Input SN Element Length Inlet Inlet Outlet Outlet Total Average Shape Height Width Manning's Entrance Exit/Bend Additional Initial Flap ID Invert Invert Invert Invert Drop Slope Roughness Losses Losses Losses Flow Gate Elevation Offset Elevation Offset (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) N (ft) (ft) (cfs) 1 Link-02 50.00 555.00 0.00 554.90 1.60 0.10 0.2000 Rectangular 2.000 5.000 0.0010 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No Post -Development 002 - Year Page 12 Channel Results SN Element Peak Time of Design Flow Peak Flow/ Peak Flow Travel Peak Flow Peak Flow Total Time Froude Reported ID Flow Peak Flow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Time Depth Depth/ Surcharged Number Condition Occurrence Ratio Total Depth Ratio (cfs) (days hh:mm) (cfs) (ft/sec) (min) (ft) (min) 1 Link-02 59.58 0 00:00 712.92 0.08 15.05 0.06 0.90 0.59 0.00 Post -Development 002 - Year Page 13 Pipe Input SN Element Pipe Pipe Manning's Entrance Exit/Bend Additional Initial Flap No. of Diameter or Width Roughness Losses Losses Losses Flow Gate Barrels Height (in) (in) (cfs) 42.000 42.000 0.0130 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 1 Length Inlet Inlet Outlet Outlet Total Average Pipe ID Invert Invert Invert Invert Drop Slope Shape Elevation Offset Elevation Offset (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) N 1 Outlet-Pipe-03 65.00 559.00 0.00 555.00 0.00 4.00 6.1500 CIRCULAR Post -Development 002 - Year Page 14 Pipe Results SN Element Peak Time of Design Flow Peak Flow/ Peak Flow Travel Peak Flow Peak Flow Total Time Froude Reported ID Flow Peak Flow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Time Depth Depth/ Surcharged Number Condition Occurrence Ratio Total Depth Ratio (cfs) (days hh:mm) (cfs) (ft/sec) (min) (ft) (min) 1 Outlet-Pipe-03 17.38 0 12:38 249.58 0.07 8.77 0.12 1.10 0.43 0.00 Calculated Post -Development Storage Nodes Storage Node : Pond-03 Input Data Invert Elevation (ft)....................................................................... 559.00 Max (Rim) Elevation (ft)................................................................ 571.50 Max (Rim) Offset (ft)..................................................................... 12.50 Initial Water Elevation (ft)............................................................ 565.00 Initial Water Depth (ft)................................................................. 6.00 Ponded Area (ft2).......................................................................... 0.00 Evaporation Loss........................................................................... 0.00 Outflow Weirs Outflow Orifices 002 - Year SN Element Weir Flap Crest Crest Length Weir Total Discharge ID Type Gate Elevation Offset Height Coefficient (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 Spillway-03 Trapezoidal No 571.00 12.00 50.00 0.50 3.33 2 Weir-03A Rectangular No 566.80 7.80 5.00 1.20 3.33 SN Element Orifice Orifice Flap Circular Rectangular Rectangular Orifice Orifice ID Type Shape Gate Orifice Orifice Orifice Invert Coefficient Diameter Height Width Elevation (in) (in) (in) (ft) 1 CS-Rim-03 Bottom Rectangular No 2 WQ-Orifice-03 Side CIRCULAR No Output Summary Results Peak Inflow (cfs)........................................................................... 89.63 Peak Lateral Inflow (cfs)................................................................ 89.63 Peak Outflow (cfs)........................................................................ 17.39 Peak Exfiltration Flow Rate (cfm).................................................. 0 Max HGL Elevation Attained (ft)................................................... 567.83 Max HGL Depth Attained (ft)........................................................ 8.83 Average HGL Elevation Attained (ft)............................................. 566.12 Average HGL Depth Attained (ft).................................................. 7.12 Time of Max HGL Occurrence (days hh:mm)................................. 0 12:38 Total Exfiltration Volume (1000-ft3).............................................. 0 Total Flooded Volume (ac-in)........................................................ 0 Total Time Flooded (min).............................................................. 0 Total Retention Time (sec)............................................................ 0 60.00 60.00 568.00 0.63 4.00 565.00 0.61 Page 15 Post -Development 010 - Year Project Description Page 1 File Name ................................................. 27842.0002 - Post Development.SPF Project Options Flow Units ................................................ CFS Elevation Type .......................................... Elevation Hydrology Method ................................... SCS TR-55 Time of Concentration (TOC) Method ....... SCS TR-55 Link Routing Method ................................ Hydrodynamic Enable Overflow Ponding at Nodes .......... YES Skip Steady State Analysis Time Periods ... NO Analysis Options Start Analysis On ...................................... 00:00:00 0:00:00 End Analysis On ........................................ 00:00:00 0:00:00 Start Reporting On ................................... 00:00:00 0:00:00 Antecedent Dry Days ................................ 0 days Runoff (Dry Weather) Time Step .............. 0 01:00:00 days hh:mm:ss Runoff (Wet Weather) Time Step ............. 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Reporting Time Step ................................. 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Routing Time Step .................................... 1 seconds Number of Elements my RainGages ............................................... 1 Subbasins.................................................. 3 Nodes........................................................ 5 Junctions .......................................... 2 Outfalls............................................ 2 Flow Diversions ................................ 0 Inlets................................................ 0 Storage Nodes .................................. 1 Links.......................................................... 6 Channels .......................................... 1 Pipes................................................ 1 Pumps.............................................. 0 Orifices............................................. 2 Weirs................................................ 2 Outlets............................................. 0 Pollutants ................................................. 0 LandUses ................................................. 0 Rainfall Details SN Rain Gage Data Data Source Rainfall Rain State County Return Rainfall Rainfall ID Source ID Type Units Period Depth Distribution (years) (inches) 49 Time Series TS-010 Intensity inches North Carolina Union 10.00 5.20 SCS Type III 24-hr Post -Development 010 - Year Page 2 Subbasin Summary SN Subbasin Area Peak Rate Weighted Total Total Total Peak Time of ID Factor Curve Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Concentration Number Volume (ac) (in) (in) (ac-in) (cfs) (days hh:mm:ss) 1 SUB-03 43.40 484.00 85.04 5.20 3.56 154.37 156.66 0 00:05:00 2 UNDISTURBED-BASIN-SUB-01 13.14 484.00 70.54 5.20 2.23 29.30 18.96 0 00:31:48 3 UNDISTURBED-BASIN-SUB-02 23.79 484.00 79.00 5.20 2.98 70.78 43.39 0 00:36:57 Post -Development Node Summary SN Element Element ID Type 010 - Year Invert Ground/Rim Initial Surcharge Ponded Peak Max HGL Max Min Time of Total Total Time Elevation (Max) Water Elevation Area Inflow Elevation Surcharge Freeboard Peak Flooded Flooded Elevation Elevation Attained Depth Attained Flooding Volume Attained Occurrence (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft2) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (days hh:mm) (ac-in) (min) 1 CS Junction 555.00 570.20 558.00 999.00 0.00 118.79 560.32 2 3-Jun Junction 559.00 570.20 559.00 999.00 0.00 81.67 561.78 3 Out-01 Outfall 553.30 118.79 553.30 4 Out-02 Outfall 560.00 18.85 560.00 5 Pond-03 Storage Node 559.00 571.50 565.00 0.00 154.92 568.81 0.00 9.88 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.42 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page 3 Post -Development 010 - Year Page 4 Link Summary SN Element Element From To (Outlet) Length Inlet Outlet Average Diameter or Manning's Peak Design Flow Peak Flow/ Peak Flow Peak Flow Peak Flow Total Time Reported ID Type (Inlet) Node Invert Invert Slope Height Roughness Flow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Depth Depth/ Surcharged Condition Node Elevation Elevation Ratio Total Depth Ratio (ft) (ft) (ft) N (in) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/sec) (ft) (min) 1 Outlet-Pipe-03 Pipe 3-Jun CS 65.00 559.00 555.00 6.1500 42.000 0.0130 81.57 249.58 0.33 9.41 3.12 0.90 0.00 Calculated 2 Link-02 Channel CS Out-01 50.00 555.00 554.90 0.2000 24.000 0.0010 118.79 712.92 0.17 18.37 1.29 0.65 0.00 3 CS-Rim-03 Orifice Pond-03 3-Jun 559.00 559.00 60.000 48.85 4 WQ-Orifice-03 Orifice Pond-03 3-Jun 559.00 559.00 4.000 0.82 5 Spillway-03 Weir Pond-03 CS 559.00 555.00 0.00 6 Weir-03A Weir Pond-03 3-Jun 559.00 559.00 31.99 Post -Development 010 - Year Page 5 Subbasin Hydrology Subbasin : SUB-03 Input Data Area(ac)............................................................................... 43.4 Peak Rate Factor.................................................................. 484 Weighted Curve Number ...................................................... 85.04 Rain Gage ID......................................................................... Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil/Surface Description (acres) Paved parking & roofs > 75%grass cover, Good Future -Paved parking & roofs Composite Area & Weighted CN Time of Concentration TOC Method : SCS TR-55 Sheet Flow Equation : Tc = (0.007 * ((n * Lf)^0.8)) / ((P^0.5) * (Sf^0.4)) Where: Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) n = Manning's roughness Lf = Flow Length (ft) P = 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (inches) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) Shallow Concentrated Flow Equation V = 16.1345 * (Sf^0.5) (unpaved surface) V = 20.3282 * (Sf^0.5) (paved surface) V = 15.0 * (Sf^0.5) (grassed waterway surface) V = 10.0 * (Sf^0.5) (nearly bare & untilled surface) V = 9.0 * (Sf^0.5) (cultivated straight rows surface) V = 7.0 * (Sf^0.5) (short grass pasture surface) V = 5.0 * (Sf^0.5) (woodland surface) V = 2.5 * (Sf^0.5) (forest w/heavy litter surface) Tc = (Lf / V) / (3600 sec/hr) Where: Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) Lf = Flow Length (ft) V = Velocity (ft/sec) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) Channel Flow Equation V = (1.49 * (R^(2/3)) * (Sf^0.5)) / n R =Aq/Wp Tc = (Lf / V) / (3600 sec/hr) Where: Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) Lf = Flow Length (ft) R = Hydraulic Radius (ft) Aq = Flow Area (ft2) Wp = Wetted Perimeter (ft) V = Velocity (ft/sec) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) n = Manning's roughness User -Defined TOC override (minutes): 5.00 Soil Curve Group Number 13.69 B 98 15.2 B 61 14.51 B 98 43.4 85.04 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in).................................................................. 5.2 Total Runoff (in)................................................................... 3.56 Peak Runoff (cfs).................................................................. 156.66 Weighted Curve Number ...................................................... 85.04 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) ............................... 0 00:05:00 Post -Development 010 - Year Page 6 Subbasin : SUB-03 4.4 4.2 4 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3 2.8 2.6 z c 2.4 m 2.2 `c 2 (If 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 r T, 0 c c i10- 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Rainfall Intensity Graph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time (hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time (hrs) Post -Development 010 - Year Subbasin : UNDISTURBED-BASIN-SUB-01 Input Data Area(ac)............................................................................... 13.14 Peak Rate Factor.................................................................. 484 Weighted Curve Number ...................................................... 70.54 Rain Gage ID......................................................................... Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Pasture, grassland, or range, Good 3.13 B 61 9.65 74 0.37 61 Composite Area & Weighted CN 13.15 70.54 Time of Concentration Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.4 0 0 Flow Length (ft) : 100 0 0 Slope (%) : 0.67 0 0 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (in) : 3.5 0 0 Velocity (ft/sec) : 0.05 0 0 Computed Flow Time (min) : 31.8 0 0 Total TOC (min) ..................31.80 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in).................................................................. 5.2 Total Runoff (in)................................................................... 2.23 Peak Runoff (cfs).................................................................. 18.96 Weighted Curve Number ...................................................... 70.54 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) ............................... 0 00:31:48 Page 7 Post -Development 010 - Year Page 8 Subbasin : UNDISTURBED-BASIN-SUB-01 4.6 4.4 4.2 4 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3 2.8 z 2.6 c ._. 2.4 2.2 `c 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 U 10 O 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Rainfall Intensity Graph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time (hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time (hrs) Post -Development 010 - Year Subbasin : UNDISTURBED-BASIN-SUB-02 Input Data Area(ac)............................................................................... 23.79 Peak Rate Factor.................................................................. 484 Weighted Curve Number ...................................................... 79 Rain Gage ID......................................................................... Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Woods, Fair 23.79 D 79 Composite Area & Weighted CN 23.79 79 Time of Concentration Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.4 0 0 Flow Length (ft) : 100 0 0 Slope (%) : 9.5 0 0 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (in) : 3.5 0 0 Velocity (ft/sec) : 0.15 0 0 Computed Flow Time (min) : 11.01 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length (ft) : 1370 0 0 Slope (%) : 0.3 0 0 Surface Type: Unpaved Unpaved Unpaved Velocity (ft/sec) : 0.88 0 0 Computed Flow Time (min) : 25.95 0 0 Total TOC (min) ..................36.96 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in).................................................................. 5.2 Total Runoff (in)................................................................... 2.98 Peak Runoff (cfs).................................................................. 43.39 Weighted Curve Number ...................................................... 79 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) ............................... 0 00:36:58 Page 9 Post -Development 010 - Year Page 10 Subbasin : UNDISTURBED-BASIN-SUB-02 4.6 4.4 4.2 4 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3 2.8 z 2.6 c ._. 2.4 2.2 `c 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 N 26 24 `0 22 c (If 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 Rainfall Intensity Graph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time (hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time (hrs) Post -Development 010 - Year Page 11 Channel Input SN Element Length Inlet Inlet Outlet Outlet Total Average Shape Height Width Manning's Entrance Exit/Bend Additional Initial Flap ID Invert Invert Invert Invert Drop Slope Roughness Losses Losses Losses Flow Gate Elevation Offset Elevation Offset (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) N (ft) (ft) (cfs) 1 Link-02 50.00 555.00 0.00 554.90 1.60 0.10 0.2000 Rectangular 2.000 5.000 0.0010 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No Post -Development 010 - Year Page 12 Channel Results SN Element Peak Time of Design Flow Peak Flow/ Peak Flow Travel Peak Flow Peak Flow Total Time Froude Reported ID Flow Peak Flow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Time Depth Depth/ Surcharged Number Condition Occurrence Ratio Total Depth Ratio (cfs) (days hh:mm) (cfs) (ft/sec) (min) (ft) (min) 1 Link-02 118.79 0 12:25 712.92 0.17 18.37 0.05 1.29 0.65 0.00 Post -Development 010 - Year Page 13 Pipe Input SN Element Pipe Pipe Manning's Entrance Exit/Bend Additional Initial Flap No. of Diameter or Width Roughness Losses Losses Losses Flow Gate Barrels Height (in) (in) (cfs) 42.000 42.000 0.0130 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 1 Length Inlet Inlet Outlet Outlet Total Average Pipe ID Invert Invert Invert Invert Drop Slope Shape Elevation Offset Elevation Offset (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) N 1 Outlet-Pipe-03 65.00 559.00 0.00 555.00 0.00 4.00 6.1500 CIRCULAR Post -Development 010 - Year Page 14 Pipe Results SN Element Peak Time of Design Flow Peak Flow/ Peak Flow Travel Peak Flow Peak Flow Total Time Froude Reported ID Flow Peak Flow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Time Depth Depth/ Surcharged Number Condition Occurrence Ratio Total Depth Ratio (cfs) (days hh:mm) (cfs) (ft/sec) (min) (ft) (min) 1 Outlet-Pipe-03 81.57 0 12:19 249.58 0.33 9.41 0.12 3.12 0.90 0.00 Calculated Post -Development Storage Nodes Storage Node : Pond-03 Input Data Invert Elevation (ft)....................................................................... 559.00 Max (Rim) Elevation (ft)................................................................ 571.50 Max (Rim) Offset (ft)..................................................................... 12.50 Initial Water Elevation (ft)............................................................ 565.00 Initial Water Depth (ft)................................................................. 6.00 Ponded Area (ft2).......................................................................... 0.00 Evaporation Loss........................................................................... 0.00 Outflow Weirs Outflow Orifices 010 - Year SN Element Weir Flap Crest Crest Length Weir Total Discharge ID Type Gate Elevation Offset Height Coefficient (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 Spillway-03 Trapezoidal No 571.00 12.00 50.00 0.50 3.33 2 Weir-03A Rectangular No 566.80 7.80 5.00 1.20 3.33 SN Element Orifice Orifice Flap Circular Rectangular Rectangular Orifice Orifice ID Type Shape Gate Orifice Orifice Orifice Invert Coefficient Diameter Height Width Elevation (in) (in) (in) (ft) 1 CS-Rim-03 Bottom Rectangular No 2 WQ-Orifice-03 Side CIRCULAR No Output Summary Results Peak Inflow (cfs)........................................................................... 154.92 Peak Lateral Inflow (cfs)................................................................ 154.92 Peak Outflow (cfs)........................................................................ 81.67 Peak Exfiltration Flow Rate (cfm).................................................. 0 Max HGL Elevation Attained (ft)................................................... 568.81 Max HGL Depth Attained (ft)........................................................ 9.81 Average HGL Elevation Attained (ft)............................................. 566.29 Average HGL Depth Attained (ft).................................................. 7.29 Time of Max HGL Occurrence (days hh:mm)................................. 0 12:19 Total Exfiltration Volume (1000-ft3).............................................. 0 Total Flooded Volume (ac-in)........................................................ 0 Total Time Flooded (min).............................................................. 0 Total Retention Time (sec)............................................................ 0 60.00 60.00 568.00 0.63 4.00 565.00 0.61 Page 15 Post -Development 025 - Year Project Description Page 1 File Name ................................................. 27842.0002 - Post Development.SPF Project Options Flow Units ................................................ CFS Elevation Type .......................................... Elevation Hydrology Method ................................... SCS TR-55 Time of Concentration (TOC) Method ....... SCS TR-55 Link Routing Method ................................ Hydrodynamic Enable Overflow Ponding at Nodes .......... YES Skip Steady State Analysis Time Periods ... NO Analysis Options Start Analysis On ...................................... 00:00:00 0:00:00 End Analysis On ........................................ 00:00:00 0:00:00 Start Reporting On ................................... 00:00:00 0:00:00 Antecedent Dry Days ................................ 0 days Runoff (Dry Weather) Time Step .............. 0 01:00:00 days hh:mm:ss Runoff (Wet Weather) Time Step ............. 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Reporting Time Step ................................. 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Routing Time Step .................................... 1 seconds Number of Elements my RainGages ............................................... 1 Subbasins.................................................. 3 Nodes........................................................ 5 Junctions .......................................... 2 Outfalls............................................ 2 Flow Diversions ................................ 0 Inlets................................................ 0 Storage Nodes .................................. 1 Links.......................................................... 6 Channels .......................................... 1 Pipes................................................ 1 Pumps.............................................. 0 Orifices............................................. 2 Weirs................................................ 2 Outlets............................................. 0 Pollutants ................................................. 0 LandUses ................................................. 0 Rainfall Details SN Rain Gage Data Data Source Rainfall Rain State County Return Rainfall Rainfall ID Source ID Type Units Period Depth Distribution (years) (inches) 49 Time Series TS-025 Intensity inches North Carolina Union 25.00 6.10 SCS Type III 24-hr Post -Development 025 - Year Page 2 Subbasin Summary SN Subbasin Area Peak Rate Weighted Total Total Total Peak Time of ID Factor Curve Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Concentration Number Volume (ac) (in) (in) (ac-in) (cfs) (days hh:mm:ss) 1 SUB-03 43.40 484.00 85.04 6.10 4.40 191.00 191.46 0 00:05:00 2 UNDISTURBED-BASIN-SUB-01 13.14 484.00 70.54 6.10 2.94 38.58 25.20 0 00:31:48 3 UNDISTURBED-BASIN-SUB-02 23.79 484.00 79.00 6.10 3.77 89.66 54.85 0 00:36:57 Post -Development Node Summary SN Element Element ID Type 025 - Year Invert Ground/Rim Initial Surcharge Ponded Peak Max HGL Max Min Time of Total Total Time Elevation (Max) Water Elevation Area Inflow Elevation Surcharge Freeboard Peak Flooded Flooded Elevation Elevation Attained Depth Attained Flooding Volume Attained Occurrence (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft2) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (days hh:mm) (ac-in) (min) 1 CS Junction 555.00 570.20 558.00 999.00 0.00 163.82 563.47 2 3-Jun Junction 559.00 570.20 559.00 999.00 0.00 122.65 566.83 3 Out-01 Outfall 553.30 163.78 553.30 4 Out-02 Outfall 560.00 24.96 560.00 5 Pond-03 Storage Node 559.00 571.50 565.00 0.00 189.77 569.19 0.00 6.73 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.37 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page 3 Post -Development 025 - Year Page 4 Link Summary SN Element Element From To (Outlet) Length Inlet Outlet Average Diameter or Manning's Peak Design Flow Peak Flow/ Peak Flow Peak Flow Peak Flow Total Time Reported ID Type (Inlet) Node Invert Invert Slope Height Roughness Flow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Depth Depth/ Surcharged Condition Node Elevation Elevation Ratio Total Depth Ratio (ft) (ft) (ft) N (in) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/sec) (ft) (min) 1 Outlet-Pipe-03 Pipe 3-Jun CS 65.00 559.00 555.00 6.1500 42.000 0.0130 122.48 249.58 0.49 12.73 3.50 1.00 24.00 SURCHARGED 2 Link-02 Channel CS Out-01 50.00 555.00 554.90 0.2000 24.000 0.0010 163.78 712.92 0.23 24.05 1.36 0.68 0.00 3 CS-Rim-03 Orifice Pond-03 3-Jun 559.00 559.00 60.000 86.00 4 WQ-Orifice-03 Orifice Pond-03 3-Jun 559.00 559.00 4.000 0.86 5 Spillway-03 Weir Pond-03 CS 559.00 555.00 0.00 6 Weir-03A Weir Pond-03 3-Jun 559.00 559.00 35.97 Post -Development 025 - Year Page 5 Subbasin Hydrology Subbasin : SUB-03 Input Data Area(ac)............................................................................... 43.4 Peak Rate Factor.................................................................. 484 Weighted Curve Number ...................................................... 85.04 Rain Gage ID......................................................................... Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil/Surface Description (acres) Paved parking & roofs > 75%grass cover, Good Future -Paved parking & roofs Composite Area & Weighted CN Time of Concentration TOC Method : SCS TR-55 Sheet Flow Equation : Tc = (0.007 * ((n * Lf)^0.8)) / ((P^0.5) * (Sf^0.4)) Where: Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) n = Manning's roughness Lf = Flow Length (ft) P = 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (inches) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) Shallow Concentrated Flow Equation V = 16.1345 * (Sf^0.5) (unpaved surface) V = 20.3282 * (Sf^0.5) (paved surface) V = 15.0 * (Sf^0.5) (grassed waterway surface) V = 10.0 * (Sf^0.5) (nearly bare & untilled surface) V = 9.0 * (Sf^0.5) (cultivated straight rows surface) V = 7.0 * (Sf^0.5) (short grass pasture surface) V = 5.0 * (Sf^0.5) (woodland surface) V = 2.5 * (Sf^0.5) (forest w/heavy litter surface) Tc = (Lf / V) / (3600 sec/hr) Where: Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) Lf = Flow Length (ft) V = Velocity (ft/sec) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) Channel Flow Equation V = (1.49 * (R^(2/3)) * (Sf^0.5)) / n R =Aq/Wp Tc = (Lf / V) / (3600 sec/hr) Where: Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) Lf = Flow Length (ft) R = Hydraulic Radius (ft) Aq = Flow Area (ft2) Wp = Wetted Perimeter (ft) V = Velocity (ft/sec) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) n = Manning's roughness User -Defined TOC override (minutes): 5.00 Soil Curve Group Number 13.69 B 98 15.2 B 61 14.51 B 98 43.4 85.04 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in).................................................................. 6.1 Total Runoff (in)................................................................... 4.4 Peak Runoff (cfs).................................................................. 191.46 Weighted Curve Number ...................................................... 85.04 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) ............................... 0 00:05:00 Post -Development 025 - Year Page 6 Subbasin : SUB-03 5.2 5 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 z 3 c 2.8 m 2.6 `c 2.4 of m 2.2 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 T T, O C 110- 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Rainfall Intensity Graph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time (hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time (hrs) Post -Development 025 - Year Subbasin : UNDISTURBED-BASIN-SUB-01 Input Data Area(ac)............................................................................... 13.14 Peak Rate Factor.................................................................. 484 Weighted Curve Number ...................................................... 70.54 Rain Gage ID......................................................................... Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Pasture, grassland, or range, Good 3.13 B 61 9.65 74 0.37 61 Composite Area & Weighted CN 13.15 70.54 Time of Concentration Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.4 0 0 Flow Length (ft) : 100 0 0 Slope (%) : 0.67 0 0 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (in) : 3.5 0 0 Velocity (ft/sec) : 0.05 0 0 Computed Flow Time (min) : 31.8 0 0 Total TOC (min) ..................31.80 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in).................................................................. 6.1 Total Runoff (in)................................................................... 2.94 Peak Runoff (cfs).................................................................. 25.2 Weighted Curve Number ...................................................... 70.54 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) ............................... 0 00:31:48 Page 7 Post -Development 025 - Year Page 8 Subbasin : UNDISTURBED-BASIN-SUB-01 5.4 5.2 5 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 z 3 c 2.8 m 2.6 24 (If 2.2 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 U 14 13 `0 12 (If 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Rainfall Intensity Graph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time (hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time (hrs) Post -Development 025 - Year Subbasin : UNDISTURBED-BASIN-SUB-02 Input Data Area(ac)............................................................................... 23.79 Peak Rate Factor.................................................................. 484 Weighted Curve Number ...................................................... 79 Rain Gage ID......................................................................... Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Woods, Fair 23.79 D 79 Composite Area & Weighted CN 23.79 79 Time of Concentration Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.4 0 0 Flow Length (ft) : 100 0 0 Slope (%) : 9.5 0 0 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (in) : 3.5 0 0 Velocity (ft/sec) : 0.15 0 0 Computed Flow Time (min) : 11.01 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length (ft) : 1370 0 0 Slope (%) : 0.3 0 0 Surface Type: Unpaved Unpaved Unpaved Velocity (ft/sec) : 0.88 0 0 Computed Flow Time (min) : 25.95 0 0 Total TOC (min) ..................36.96 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in).................................................................. 6.1 Total Runoff (in)................................................................... 3.77 Peak Runoff (cfs).................................................................. 54.85 Weighted Curve Number ...................................................... 79 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) ............................... 0 00:36:58 Page 9 Post -Development 025 - Year Page 10 Subbasin : UNDISTURBED-BASIN-SUB-02 5.4 5.2 5 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 z 3 c 2.8 m 2.6 24 (If 2.2 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 58 56 54 52 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 _ 34 32 U 30 `0 28 c c 26 (if 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 Rainfall Intensity Graph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time (hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time (hrs) Post -Development 025 - Year Page 11 Channel Input SN Element Length Inlet Inlet Outlet Outlet Total Average Shape Height Width Manning's Entrance Exit/Bend Additional Initial Flap ID Invert Invert Invert Invert Drop Slope Roughness Losses Losses Losses Flow Gate Elevation Offset Elevation Offset (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) N (ft) (ft) (cfs) 1 Link-02 50.00 555.00 0.00 554.90 1.60 0.10 0.2000 Rectangular 2.000 5.000 0.0010 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No Post -Development 025 - Year Page 12 Channel Results SN Element Peak Time of Design Flow Peak Flow/ Peak Flow Travel Peak Flow Peak Flow Total Time Froude Reported ID Flow Peak Flow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Time Depth Depth/ Surcharged Number Condition Occurrence Ratio Total Depth Ratio (cfs) (days hh:mm) (cfs) (ft/sec) (min) (ft) (min) 1 Link-02 163.78 0 12:19 712.92 0.23 24.05 0.03 1.36 0.68 0.00 Post -Development 025 - Year Page 13 Pipe Input SN Element Pipe Pipe Manning's Entrance Exit/Bend Additional Initial Flap No. of Diameter or Width Roughness Losses Losses Losses Flow Gate Barrels Height (in) (in) (cfs) 42.000 42.000 0.0130 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 1 Length Inlet Inlet Outlet Outlet Total Average Pipe ID Invert Invert Invert Invert Drop Slope Shape Elevation Offset Elevation Offset (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) N 1 Outlet-Pipe-03 65.00 559.00 0.00 555.00 0.00 4.00 6.1500 CIRCULAR Post -Development 025 - Year Page 14 Pipe Results SN Element Peak Time of Design Flow Peak Flow/ Peak Flow Travel Peak Flow Peak Flow Total Time Froude Reported ID Flow Peak Flow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Time Depth Depth/ Surcharged Number Condition Occurrence Ratio Total Depth Ratio (cfs) (days hh:mm) (cfs) (ft/sec) (min) (ft) (min) 1 Outlet-Pipe-03 122.48 0 12:16 249.58 0.49 12.73 0.09 3.50 1.00 24.00 SURCHARGED Post -Development Storage Nodes Storage Node : Pond-03 Input Data Invert Elevation (ft)....................................................................... 559.00 Max (Rim) Elevation (ft)................................................................ 571.50 Max (Rim) Offset (ft)..................................................................... 12.50 Initial Water Elevation (ft)............................................................ 565.00 Initial Water Depth (ft)................................................................. 6.00 Ponded Area (ft2).......................................................................... 0.00 Evaporation Loss........................................................................... 0.00 Outflow Weirs Outflow Orifices 025 - Year SN Element Weir Flap Crest Crest Length Weir Total Discharge ID Type Gate Elevation Offset Height Coefficient (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 Spillway-03 Trapezoidal No 571.00 12.00 50.00 0.50 3.33 2 Weir-03A Rectangular No 566.80 7.80 5.00 1.20 3.33 SN Element Orifice Orifice Flap Circular Rectangular Rectangular Orifice Orifice ID Type Shape Gate Orifice Orifice Orifice Invert Coefficient Diameter Height Width Elevation (in) (in) (in) (ft) 1 CS-Rim-03 Bottom Rectangular No 2 WQ-Orifice-03 Side CIRCULAR No Output Summary Results Peak Inflow (cfs)........................................................................... 189.77 Peak Lateral Inflow (cfs)................................................................ 189.77 Peak Outflow (cfs)........................................................................ 122.65 Peak Exfiltration Flow Rate (cfm).................................................. 0 Max HGL Elevation Attained (ft)................................................... 569.19 Max HGL Depth Attained (ft)........................................................ 10.19 Average HGL Elevation Attained (ft)............................................. 566.37 Average HGL Depth Attained (ft).................................................. 7.37 Time of Max HGL Occurrence (days hh:mm)................................. 0 12:16 Total Exfiltration Volume (1000-ft3).............................................. 0 Total Flooded Volume (ac-in)........................................................ 0 Total Time Flooded (min).............................................................. 0 Total Retention Time (sec)............................................................ 0 60.00 60.00 568.00 0.63 4.00 565.00 0.61 Page 15 Post -Development 050 - Year Project Description Page 1 File Name ................................................. 27842.0002 - Post Development.SPF Project Options Flow Units ................................................ CFS Elevation Type .......................................... Elevation Hydrology Method ................................... SCS TR-55 Time of Concentration (TOC) Method ....... SCS TR-55 Link Routing Method ................................ Hydrodynamic Enable Overflow Ponding at Nodes .......... YES Skip Steady State Analysis Time Periods ... NO Analysis Options Start Analysis On ...................................... 00:00:00 0:00:00 End Analysis On ........................................ 00:00:00 0:00:00 Start Reporting On ................................... 00:00:00 0:00:00 Antecedent Dry Days ................................ 0 days Runoff (Dry Weather) Time Step .............. 0 01:00:00 days hh:mm:ss Runoff (Wet Weather) Time Step ............. 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Reporting Time Step ................................. 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Routing Time Step .................................... 1 seconds Number of Elements my RainGages ............................................... 1 Subbasins.................................................. 3 Nodes........................................................ 5 Junctions .......................................... 2 Outfalls............................................ 2 Flow Diversions ................................ 0 Inlets................................................ 0 Storage Nodes .................................. 1 Links.......................................................... 6 Channels .......................................... 1 Pipes................................................ 1 Pumps.............................................. 0 Orifices............................................. 2 Weirs................................................ 2 Outlets............................................. 0 Pollutants ................................................. 0 LandUses ................................................. 0 Rainfall Details SN Rain Gage Data Data Source Rainfall Rain State County Return Rainfall Rainfall ID Source ID Type Units Period Depth Distribution (years) (inches) 49 Time Series TS-050 Intensity inches North Carolina Union 50.00 6.90 SCS Type III 24-hr Post -Development 050 - Year Page 2 Subbasin Summary SN Subbasin Area Peak Rate Weighted Total Total Total Peak Time of ID Factor Curve Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Concentration Number Volume (ac) (in) (in) (ac-in) (cfs) (days hh:mm:ss) 1 SUB-03 43.40 484.00 85.04 6.90 5.16 223.99 222.36 0 00:05:00 2 UNDISTURBED-BASIN-SUB-01 13.14 484.00 70.54 6.90 3.59 47.19 30.95 0 00:31:48 3 UNDISTURBED-BASIN-SUB-02 23.79 484.00 79.00 6.90 4.49 106.89 65.23 0 00:36:57 Post -Development Node Summary SN Element Element ID Type 050 - Year Invert Ground/Rim Initial Surcharge Ponded Peak Max HGL Max Min Time of Total Total Time Elevation (Max) Water Elevation Area Inflow Elevation Surcharge Freeboard Peak Flooded Flooded Elevation Elevation Attained Depth Attained Flooding Volume Attained Occurrence (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft2) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (days hh:mm) (ac-in) (min) 1 CS Junction 555.00 570.20 558.00 999.00 0.00 182.26 564.90 2 3-Jun Junction 559.00 570.20 559.00 999.00 0.00 135.87 568.26 3 Out-01 Outfall 553.30 182.26 553.30 4 Out-02 Outfall 560.00 30.60 560.00 5 Pond-03 Storage Node 559.00 571.50 565.00 0.00 220.67 569.56 0.00 5.30 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.94 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page 3 Post -Development 050 - Year Page 4 Link Summary SN Element Element From To (Outlet) Length Inlet Outlet Average Diameter or Manning's Peak Design Flow Peak Flow/ Peak Flow Peak Flow Peak Flow Total Time Reported ID Type (Inlet) Node Invert Invert Slope Height Roughness Flow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Depth Depth/ Surcharged Condition Node Elevation Elevation Ratio Total Depth Ratio (ft) (ft) (ft) N (in) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/sec) (ft) (min) 1 Outlet-Pipe-03 Pipe 3-Jun CS 65.00 559.00 555.00 6.1500 42.000 0.0130 135.42 249.58 0.54 14.08 3.50 1.00 35.00 SURCHARGED 2 Link-02 Channel CS Out-01 50.00 555.00 554.90 0.2000 24.000 0.0010 182.26 712.92 0.26 26.25 1.39 0.69 0.00 3 CS-Rim-03 Orifice Pond-03 3-Jun 559.00 559.00 60.000 104.03 4 WQ-Orifice-03 Orifice Pond-03 3-Jun 559.00 559.00 4.000 0.86 5 Spillway-03 Weir Pond-03 CS 559.00 555.00 0.00 6 Weir-03A Weir Pond-03 3-Jun 559.00 559.00 36.94 Post -Development 050 - Year Page 5 Subbasin Hydrology Subbasin : SUB-03 Input Data Area(ac)............................................................................... 43.4 Peak Rate Factor.................................................................. 484 Weighted Curve Number ...................................................... 85.04 Rain Gage ID......................................................................... Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil/Surface Description (acres) Paved parking & roofs > 75%grass cover, Good Future -Paved parking & roofs Composite Area & Weighted CN Time of Concentration TOC Method : SCS TR-55 Sheet Flow Equation : Tc = (0.007 * ((n * Lf)^0.8)) / ((P^0.5) * (Sf^0.4)) Where: Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) n = Manning's roughness Lf = Flow Length (ft) P = 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (inches) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) Shallow Concentrated Flow Equation V = 16.1345 * (Sf^0.5) (unpaved surface) V = 20.3282 * (Sf^0.5) (paved surface) V = 15.0 * (Sf^0.5) (grassed waterway surface) V = 10.0 * (Sf^0.5) (nearly bare & untilled surface) V = 9.0 * (Sf^0.5) (cultivated straight rows surface) V = 7.0 * (Sf^0.5) (short grass pasture surface) V = 5.0 * (Sf^0.5) (woodland surface) V = 2.5 * (Sf^0.5) (forest w/heavy litter surface) Tc = (Lf / V) / (3600 sec/hr) Where: Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) Lf = Flow Length (ft) V = Velocity (ft/sec) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) Channel Flow Equation V = (1.49 * (R^(2/3)) * (Sf^0.5)) / n R =Aq/Wp Tc = (Lf / V) / (3600 sec/hr) Where: Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) Lf = Flow Length (ft) R = Hydraulic Radius (ft) Aq = Flow Area (ft2) Wp = Wetted Perimeter (ft) V = Velocity (ft/sec) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) n = Manning's roughness User -Defined TOC override (minutes): 5.00 Soil Curve Group Number 13.69 B 98 15.2 B 61 14.51 B 98 43.4 85.04 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in).................................................................. 6.9 Total Runoff (in)................................................................... 5.16 Peak Runoff (cfs).................................................................. 222.36 Weighted Curve Number ...................................................... 85.04 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) ............................... 0 00:05:00 Post -Development 050 - Year Page 6 Subbasin : SUB-03 6 5.8 5.6 5.4 5.2 5 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4 3.8 3.6 z 3.4 3.2 — 3 m `c 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 r T, 110- 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Rainfall Intensity Graph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time (hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time (hrs) Post -Development 050 - Year Subbasin : UNDISTURBED-BASIN-SUB-01 Input Data Area(ac)............................................................................... 13.14 Peak Rate Factor.................................................................. 484 Weighted Curve Number ...................................................... 70.54 Rain Gage ID......................................................................... Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Pasture, grassland, or range, Good 3.13 B 61 9.65 74 0.37 61 Composite Area & Weighted CN 13.15 70.54 Time of Concentration Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.4 0 0 Flow Length (ft) : 100 0 0 Slope (%) : 0.67 0 0 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (in) : 3.5 0 0 Velocity (ft/sec) : 0.05 0 0 Computed Flow Time (min) : 31.8 0 0 Total TOC (min) ..................31.80 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in).................................................................. 6.9 Total Runoff (in)................................................................... 3.59 Peak Runoff (cfs).................................................................. 30.95 Weighted Curve Number ...................................................... 70.54 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) ............................... 0 00:31:48 Page 7 Post -Development 050 - Year Page 8 Subbasin : UNDISTURBED-BASIN-SUB-01 6.2 6 5.8 5.6 5.4 5.2 5 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4 3.8 z 3.6 � 3.4 3.2 m 3 `c 28 (If 2.6 2.4 2.2 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Rainfall Intensity Graph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time (hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 0 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time (hrs) Post -Development 050 - Year Subbasin : UNDISTURBED-BASIN-SUB-02 Input Data Area(ac)............................................................................... 23.79 Peak Rate Factor.................................................................. 484 Weighted Curve Number ...................................................... 79 Rain Gage ID......................................................................... Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Woods, Fair 23.79 D 79 Composite Area & Weighted CN 23.79 79 Time of Concentration Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.4 0 0 Flow Length (ft) : 100 0 0 Slope (%) : 9.5 0 0 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (in) : 3.5 0 0 Velocity (ft/sec) : 0.15 0 0 Computed Flow Time (min) : 11.01 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length (ft) : 1370 0 0 Slope (%) : 0.3 0 0 Surface Type: Unpaved Unpaved Unpaved Velocity (ft/sec) : 0.88 0 0 Computed Flow Time (min) : 25.95 0 0 Total TOC (min) ..................36.96 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in).................................................................. 6.9 Total Runoff (in)................................................................... 4.49 Peak Runoff (cfs).................................................................. 65.23 Weighted Curve Number ...................................................... 79 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) ............................... 0 00:36:58 Page 9 Post -Development 050 - Year Page 10 Subbasin : UNDISTURBED-BASIN-SUB-02 6.2 6 5.8 5.6 5.4 5.2 5 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4 3.8 z 3.6 � 3.4 3.2 m 3 `c 28 (If 2.6 2.4 2.2 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 `0 40 c 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Rainfall Intensity Graph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time (hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time (hrs) Post -Development 050 - Year Page 11 Channel Input SN Element Length Inlet Inlet Outlet Outlet Total Average Shape Height Width Manning's Entrance Exit/Bend Additional Initial Flap ID Invert Invert Invert Invert Drop Slope Roughness Losses Losses Losses Flow Gate Elevation Offset Elevation Offset (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) N (ft) (ft) (cfs) 1 Link-02 50.00 555.00 0.00 554.90 1.60 0.10 0.2000 Rectangular 2.000 5.000 0.0010 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No Post -Development 050 - Year Page 12 Channel Results SN Element Peak Time of Design Flow Peak Flow/ Peak Flow Travel Peak Flow Peak Flow Total Time Froude Reported ID Flow Peak Flow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Time Depth Depth/ Surcharged Number Condition Occurrence Ratio Total Depth Ratio (cfs) (days hh:mm) (cfs) (ft/sec) (min) (ft) (min) 1 Link-02 182.26 0 12:29 712.92 0.26 26.25 0.03 1.39 0.69 0.00 Post -Development 050 - Year Page 13 Pipe Input SN Element Pipe Pipe Manning's Entrance Exit/Bend Additional Initial Flap No. of Diameter or Width Roughness Losses Losses Losses Flow Gate Barrels Height (in) (in) (cfs) 42.000 42.000 0.0130 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 1 Length Inlet Inlet Outlet Outlet Total Average Pipe ID Invert Invert Invert Invert Drop Slope Shape Elevation Offset Elevation Offset (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) N 1 Outlet-Pipe-03 65.00 559.00 0.00 555.00 0.00 4.00 6.1500 CIRCULAR Post -Development 050 - Year Page 14 Pipe Results SN Element Peak Time of Design Flow Peak Flow/ Peak Flow Travel Peak Flow Peak Flow Total Time Froude Reported ID Flow Peak Flow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Time Depth Depth/ Surcharged Number Condition Occurrence Ratio Total Depth Ratio (cfs) (days hh:mm) (cfs) (ft/sec) (min) (ft) (min) 1 Outlet-Pipe-03 135.42 0 12:11 249.58 0.54 14.08 0.08 3.50 1.00 35.00 SURCHARGED Post -Development Storage Nodes Storage Node : Pond-03 Input Data Invert Elevation (ft)....................................................................... 559.00 Max (Rim) Elevation (ft)................................................................ 571.50 Max (Rim) Offset (ft)..................................................................... 12.50 Initial Water Elevation (ft)............................................................ 565.00 Initial Water Depth (ft)................................................................. 6.00 Ponded Area (ft2).......................................................................... 0.00 Evaporation Loss........................................................................... 0.00 Outflow Weirs Outflow Orifices 050 - Year SN Element Weir Flap Crest Crest Length Weir Total Discharge ID Type Gate Elevation Offset Height Coefficient (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 Spillway-03 Trapezoidal No 571.00 12.00 50.00 0.50 3.33 2 Weir-03A Rectangular No 566.80 7.80 5.00 1.20 3.33 SN Element Orifice Orifice Flap Circular Rectangular Rectangular Orifice Orifice ID Type Shape Gate Orifice Orifice Orifice Invert Coefficient Diameter Height Width Elevation (in) (in) (in) (ft) 1 CS-Rim-03 Bottom Rectangular No 2 WQ-Orifice-03 Side CIRCULAR No Output Summary Results Peak Inflow (cfs)........................................................................... 220.67 Peak Lateral Inflow (cfs)................................................................ 220.67 Peak Outflow (cfs)........................................................................ 135.87 Peak Exfiltration Flow Rate (cfm).................................................. 0 Max HGL Elevation Attained (ft)................................................... 569.56 Max HGL Depth Attained (ft)........................................................ 10.56 Average HGL Elevation Attained (ft)............................................. 566.45 Average HGL Depth Attained (ft).................................................. 7.45 Time of Max HGL Occurrence (days hh:mm)................................. 0 12:18 Total Exfiltration Volume (1000-ft3).............................................. 0 Total Flooded Volume (ac-in)........................................................ 0 Total Time Flooded (min).............................................................. 0 Total Retention Time (sec)............................................................ 0 60.00 60.00 568.00 0.63 4.00 565.00 0.61 Page 15 Post -Development 100 - Year Project Description Page 1 File Name ................................................. 27842.0002 - Post Development.SPF Project Options Flow Units ................................................ CFS Elevation Type .......................................... Elevation Hydrology Method ................................... SCS TR-55 Time of Concentration (TOC) Method ....... SCS TR-55 Link Routing Method ................................ Hydrodynamic Enable Overflow Ponding at Nodes .......... YES Skip Steady State Analysis Time Periods ... NO Analysis Options Start Analysis On ...................................... 00:00:00 0:00:00 End Analysis On ........................................ 00:00:00 0:00:00 Start Reporting On ................................... 00:00:00 0:00:00 Antecedent Dry Days ................................ 0 days Runoff (Dry Weather) Time Step .............. 0 01:00:00 days hh:mm:ss Runoff (Wet Weather) Time Step ............. 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Reporting Time Step ................................. 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Routing Time Step .................................... 1 seconds Number of Elements my RainGages ............................................... 1 Subbasins.................................................. 3 Nodes........................................................ 5 Junctions .......................................... 2 Outfalls............................................ 2 Flow Diversions ................................ 0 Inlets................................................ 0 Storage Nodes .................................. 1 Links.......................................................... 6 Channels .......................................... 1 Pipes................................................ 1 Pumps.............................................. 0 Orifices............................................. 2 Weirs................................................ 2 Outlets............................................. 0 Pollutants ................................................. 0 LandUses ................................................. 0 Rainfall Details SN Rain Gage Data Data Source Rainfall Rain State County Return Rainfall Rainfall ID Source ID Type Units Period Depth Distribution (years) (inches) 49 Time Series TS-100 Intensity inches North Carolina Union 100.00 7.50 SCS Type III 24-hr Post -Development 100 - Year Page 2 Subbasin Summary SN Subbasin Area Peak Rate Weighted Total Total Total Peak Time of ID Factor Curve Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Concentration Number Volume (ac) (in) (in) (ac-in) (cfs) (days hh:mm:ss) 1 SUB-03 43.40 484.00 85.04 7.50 5.74 248.94 245.53 0 00:05:00 2 UNDISTURBED-BASIN-SUB-01 13.14 484.00 70.54 7.50 4.10 53.83 35.31 0 00:31:48 3 UNDISTURBED-BASIN-SUB-02 23.79 484.00 79.00 7.50 5.04 120.00 73.04 0 00:36:57 Post -Development Node Summary SN Element Element ID Type 100 - Year Invert Ground/Rim Initial Surcharge Ponded Peak Max HGL Max Min Time of Total Total Time Elevation (Max) Water Elevation Area Inflow Elevation Surcharge Freeboard Peak Flooded Flooded Elevation Elevation Attained Depth Attained Flooding Volume Attained Occurrence (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft2) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (days hh:mm) (ac-in) (min) 1 CS Junction 555.00 570.20 558.00 999.00 0.00 188.57 565.41 2 3-Jun Junction 559.00 570.20 559.00 999.00 0.00 136.81 568.61 3 Out-01 Outfall 553.30 188.54 553.30 4 Out-02 Outfall 560.00 34.89 560.00 5 Pond-03 Storage Node 559.00 571.50 565.00 0.00 243.84 569.91 0.00 4.79 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.59 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page 3 Post -Development 100 - Year Page 4 Link Summary SN Element Element From To (Outlet) Length Inlet Outlet Average Diameter or Manning's Peak Design Flow Peak Flow/ Peak Flow Peak Flow Peak Flow Total Time Reported ID Type (Inlet) Node Invert Invert Slope Height Roughness Flow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Depth Depth/ Surcharged Condition Node Elevation Elevation Ratio Total Depth Ratio (ft) (ft) (ft) N (in) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/sec) (ft) (min) 1 Outlet-Pipe-03 Pipe 3-Jun CS 65.00 559.00 555.00 6.1500 42.000 0.0130 136.23 249.58 0.55 14.16 3.50 1.00 43.00 SURCHARGED 2 Link-02 Channel CS Out-01 50.00 555.00 554.90 0.2000 24.000 0.0010 188.54 712.92 0.26 26.98 1.40 0.70 0.00 3 CS-Rim-03 Orifice Pond-03 3-Jun 559.00 559.00 60.000 104.87 4 WQ-Orifice-03 Orifice Pond-03 3-Jun 559.00 559.00 4.000 0.86 5 Spillway-03 Weir Pond-03 CS 559.00 555.00 0.00 6 Weir-03A Weir Pond-03 3-Jun 559.00 559.00 36.99 Post -Development 100 - Year Page 5 Subbasin Hydrology Subbasin : SUB-03 Input Data Area(ac)............................................................................... 43.4 Peak Rate Factor.................................................................. 484 Weighted Curve Number ...................................................... 85.04 Rain Gage ID......................................................................... Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil/Surface Description (acres) Paved parking & roofs > 75%grass cover, Good Future -Paved parking & roofs Composite Area & Weighted CN Time of Concentration TOC Method : SCS TR-55 Sheet Flow Equation : Tc = (0.007 * ((n * Lf)^0.8)) / ((P^0.5) * (Sf^0.4)) Where: Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) n = Manning's roughness Lf = Flow Length (ft) P = 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (inches) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) Shallow Concentrated Flow Equation V = 16.1345 * (Sf^0.5) (unpaved surface) V = 20.3282 * (Sf^0.5) (paved surface) V = 15.0 * (Sf^0.5) (grassed waterway surface) V = 10.0 * (Sf^0.5) (nearly bare & untilled surface) V = 9.0 * (Sf^0.5) (cultivated straight rows surface) V = 7.0 * (Sf^0.5) (short grass pasture surface) V = 5.0 * (Sf^0.5) (woodland surface) V = 2.5 * (Sf^0.5) (forest w/heavy litter surface) Tc = (Lf / V) / (3600 sec/hr) Where: Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) Lf = Flow Length (ft) V = Velocity (ft/sec) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) Channel Flow Equation V = (1.49 * (R^(2/3)) * (Sf^0.5)) / n R =Aq/Wp Tc = (Lf / V) / (3600 sec/hr) Where: Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) Lf = Flow Length (ft) R = Hydraulic Radius (ft) Aq = Flow Area (ft2) Wp = Wetted Perimeter (ft) V = Velocity (ft/sec) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) n = Manning's roughness User -Defined TOC override (minutes): 5.00 Soil Curve Group Number 13.69 B 98 15.2 B 61 14.51 B 98 43.4 85.04 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in).................................................................. 7.5 Total Runoff (in)................................................................... 5.74 Peak Runoff (cfs).................................................................. 245.53 Weighted Curve Number ...................................................... 85.04 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) ............................... 0 00:05:00 Post -Development 100 - Year Page 6 Subbasin : SUB-03 6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 z c 3.5 m `c 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 r T, 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Rainfall Intensity Graph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time (hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time (hrs) Post -Development 100 - Year Subbasin : UNDISTURBED-BASIN-SUB-01 Input Data Area(ac)............................................................................... 13.14 Peak Rate Factor.................................................................. 484 Weighted Curve Number ...................................................... 70.54 Rain Gage ID......................................................................... Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Pasture, grassland, or range, Good 3.13 B 61 9.65 74 0.37 61 Composite Area & Weighted CN 13.15 70.54 Time of Concentration Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.4 0 0 Flow Length (ft) : 100 0 0 Slope (%) : 0.67 0 0 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (in) : 3.5 0 0 Velocity (ft/sec) : 0.05 0 0 Computed Flow Time (min) : 31.8 0 0 Total TOC (min) ..................31.80 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in).................................................................. 7.5 Total Runoff (in)................................................................... 4.1 Peak Runoff (cfs).................................................................. 35.31 Weighted Curve Number ...................................................... 70.54 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) ............................... 0 00:31:48 Page 7 Post -Development 100 - Year Page 8 Subbasin : UNDISTURBED-BASIN-SUB-01 7 6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5 z 4 c m 3.5 `c (if3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 c 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 Rainfall Intensity Graph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time (hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time (hrs) Post -Development 100 - Year Subbasin : UNDISTURBED-BASIN-SUB-02 Input Data Area(ac)............................................................................... 23.79 Peak Rate Factor.................................................................. 484 Weighted Curve Number ...................................................... 79 Rain Gage ID......................................................................... Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Woods, Fair 23.79 D 79 Composite Area & Weighted CN 23.79 79 Time of Concentration Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.4 0 0 Flow Length (ft) : 100 0 0 Slope (%) : 9.5 0 0 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (in) : 3.5 0 0 Velocity (ft/sec) : 0.15 0 0 Computed Flow Time (min) : 11.01 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length (ft) : 1370 0 0 Slope (%) : 0.3 0 0 Surface Type: Unpaved Unpaved Unpaved Velocity (ft/sec) : 0.88 0 0 Computed Flow Time (min) : 25.95 0 0 Total TOC (min) ..................36.96 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in).................................................................. 7.5 Total Runoff (in)................................................................... 5.04 Peak Runoff (cfs).................................................................. 73.04 Weighted Curve Number ...................................................... 79 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) ............................... 0 00:36:58 Page 9 Post -Development 100 - Year Page 10 Subbasin : UNDISTURBED-BASIN-SUB-02 7 6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5 z 4 c m 3.5 `c (if3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 n 45 U 40 O C (If 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Rainfall Intensity Graph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time (hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time (hrs) Post -Development 100 - Year Page 11 Channel Input SN Element Length Inlet Inlet Outlet Outlet Total Average Shape Height Width Manning's Entrance Exit/Bend Additional Initial Flap ID Invert Invert Invert Invert Drop Slope Roughness Losses Losses Losses Flow Gate Elevation Offset Elevation Offset (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) N (ft) (ft) (cfs) 1 Link-02 50.00 555.00 0.00 554.90 1.60 0.10 0.2000 Rectangular 2.000 5.000 0.0010 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No Post -Development 100 - Year Page 12 Channel Results SN Element Peak Time of Design Flow Peak Flow/ Peak Flow Travel Peak Flow Peak Flow Total Time Froude Reported ID Flow Peak Flow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Time Depth Depth/ Surcharged Number Condition Occurrence Ratio Total Depth Ratio (cfs) (days hh:mm) (cfs) (ft/sec) (min) (ft) (min) 1 Link-02 188.54 0 12:30 712.92 0.26 26.98 0.03 1.40 0.70 0.00 Post -Development 100 - Year Page 13 Pipe Input SN Element Pipe Pipe Manning's Entrance Exit/Bend Additional Initial Flap No. of Diameter or Width Roughness Losses Losses Losses Flow Gate Barrels Height (in) (in) (cfs) 42.000 42.000 0.0130 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 1 Length Inlet Inlet Outlet Outlet Total Average Pipe ID Invert Invert Invert Invert Drop Slope Shape Elevation Offset Elevation Offset (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) N 1 Outlet-Pipe-03 65.00 559.00 0.00 555.00 0.00 4.00 6.1500 CIRCULAR Post -Development 100 - Year Page 14 Pipe Results SN Element Peak Time of Design Flow Peak Flow/ Peak Flow Travel Peak Flow Peak Flow Total Time Froude Reported ID Flow Peak Flow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Time Depth Depth/ Surcharged Number Condition Occurrence Ratio Total Depth Ratio (cfs) (days hh:mm) (cfs) (ft/sec) (min) (ft) (min) 1 Outlet-Pipe-03 136.23 0 12:08 249.58 0.55 14.16 0.08 3.50 1.00 43.00 SURCHARGED Post -Development Storage Nodes Storage Node : Pond-03 Input Data Invert Elevation (ft)....................................................................... 559.00 Max (Rim) Elevation (ft)................................................................ 571.50 Max (Rim) Offset (ft)..................................................................... 12.50 Initial Water Elevation (ft)............................................................ 565.00 Initial Water Depth (ft)................................................................. 6.00 Ponded Area (ft2).......................................................................... 0.00 Evaporation Loss........................................................................... 0.00 Outflow Weirs Outflow Orifices 100 - Year SN Element Weir Flap Crest Crest Length Weir Total Discharge ID Type Gate Elevation Offset Height Coefficient (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 Spillway-03 Trapezoidal No 571.00 12.00 50.00 0.50 3.33 2 Weir-03A Rectangular No 566.80 7.80 5.00 1.20 3.33 SN Element Orifice Orifice Flap Circular Rectangular Rectangular Orifice Orifice ID Type Shape Gate Orifice Orifice Orifice Invert Coefficient Diameter Height Width Elevation (in) (in) (in) (ft) 1 CS-Rim-03 Bottom Rectangular No 2 WQ-Orifice-03 Side CIRCULAR No Output Summary Results Peak Inflow (cfs)........................................................................... 243.84 Peak Lateral Inflow (cfs)................................................................ 243.84 Peak Outflow (cfs)........................................................................ 136.81 Peak Exfiltration Flow Rate (cfm).................................................. 0 Max HGL Elevation Attained (ft)................................................... 569.91 Max HGL Depth Attained (ft)........................................................ 10.91 Average HGL Elevation Attained (ft)............................................. 566.51 Average HGL Depth Attained (ft).................................................. 7.51 Time of Max HGL Occurrence (days hh:mm)................................. 0 12:19 Total Exfiltration Volume (1000-ft3).............................................. 0 Total Flooded Volume (ac-in)........................................................ 0 Total Time Flooded (min).............................................................. 0 Total Retention Time (sec)............................................................ 0 60.00 60.00 568.00 0.63 4.00 565.00 0.61 Page 15 25-YR CAPACITY HEC-22 Energy Grade Line Computations Struct. ID Q (cfs) EGLo (ft) HGLo (ft) Total Pipe Loss (ft) EGU (ft) HGU (ft) Ea (ft) EGLa (ft) Surface Elev. (ft) 2 569.31 569.31 0.37 569.92 1 141.9 572.38 570.86 572.75 571.20 7.5 573.37 580.59 3 133.1 573.80 572.71 0.70 574.50 573.41 8.6 575.25 580.87 4 78.2 575.49 574.89 0.18 575.67 575.06 9.2 576.17 580.61 5 77.9 576.41 575.81 0.08 576.49 575.89 9.9 576.99 580.63 6 78.2 577.23 576.63 0.29 577.52 576.92 10.1 577.71 579.77 7 64.3 577.87 577.46 0.32 578.19 577.78 10.0 578.38 580.96 8 64.3 578.54 578.14 0.06 578.60 578.19 10.3 578.84 581.33 20 8.4 578.98 578.63 0.23 579.21 578.86 9.3 579.39 581.33 21 7.9 579.51 579.20 0.14 579.66 579.34 9.5 579.80 581.61 22 5.1 579.86 579.72 0.24 580.09 579.96 2.5 580.13 582.44 23 4.2 580.16 580.07 0.16 580.32 580.23 1.8 580.38 583.28 24 2.0 580.38 580.36 0.01 580.40 580.38 1.4 580.41 583.42 25 1.9 579.81 579.79 0.01 579.82 579.80 9.3 579.83 581.76 9 55.8 578.96 578.66 0.16 579.12 578.82 6.7 579.23 584.35 10 41.1 579.34 579.06 581.83 578.61 4.4 581.83 593.38 11 40.1 581.93 581.66 585.07 581.89 4.4 585.07 597.70 12 40.0 585.27 584.77 0.85 586.12 585.621 3.8 586.30 596.59 13 36.9 586.47 586.05 588.17 586.37 3.3 588.17 595.03 14 31.4 588.29 587.98 0.23 588.52 588.21 3.2 589.08 595.95 15 16.0 589.15 588.96 591.22 590.29 1.9 591.22 600.79 16 15.9 591.32 591.08 592.03 591.08 2.0 592.03 602.46 17 6.0 594.39 593.12 599.47 598.20 1.8 599.47 606.49 18 4.9 599.48 599.44 600.68 600.00 1.3 600.68 609.27 19 1.6 600.69 600.67 601.41 600.80 0.9 601.41 609.26 38 8.2 592.09 591.94 592.76 592.35 1.8 593.09 596.81 39 7.0 593.12 593.03 593.12 592.75 1.6 593.12 596.81 14 13.8 589.20 588.90 0.14 589.34 589.03 3.2 589.49 596.11 34 9.1 589.54 589.41 0.25 589.79 589.66 2.1 589.90 595.08 49 4.8 590.00 589.76 0.73 590.73 590.49 1.9 590.84 593.03 33 1.8 590.85 590.82 591.24 590.99 0.8 591.26 595.11 35 4.0 591.24 589.99 593.79 592.54 1.7 593.79 596.73 36 2.9 593.83 593.74 597.72 596.68 1.5 597.72 600.70 50 3.1 588.20 588.12 588.39 588.00 1.0 588.39 595.03 53 1.8 586.31 586.29 0.01 586.32 586.30 3.5 586.35 596.60 9 13.9 579.25 579.19 0.02 579.27 579.211 6.0 579.31 585.71 26 10.7 579.32 579.28 0.04 579.36 579.32 4.5 579.37 580.63 28 4.6 579.391 579.35 0.05 579.43 579.40 3.8 579.44 581.28 29 3.2 579.46 579.41 0.10 579.56 579.51 3.3 579.59 582.90 30 1.6 579.60 579.58 0.03 579.63 579.62 2.6 579.63 581.49 31 1.8 579.38 579.36 587.64 586.68 1.2 587.64 593.45 51 10.2 577.77 577.61 0.14 577.92 577.75 4.4 577.97 579.46 52 7.1 578.01 577.93 0.17 578.18 578.10 3.7 578.22 581.50 48 3.3 577.73 577.68 0.03 577.76 577.70 6.0 577.78 579.77 43 6.4 573.45 573.24 0.41 573.86 573.65 3.4 573.93 577.47 44 4.5 573.97 573.87 0.27 574.24 574.14 2.2 574.28 578.97 45 3.3 574.33 574.21 0.40 574.72 574.61 1.2 574.77 580.47 46 2.5 574.80 574.73 575.96 575.581 1.0 576.02 579.58 47 0.8 576.021 576.01 577.24 577.05 0.5 577.24 581.33 40 3.4 573.39 573.33 0.10 573.49 573.43 6.4 573.52 581.89 41 1 2.7 573.55 573.47 0.271 573.82 573.74 5.2 573.89 584.30 42 1 1.3 573.89 573.88 0.051 573.95 573.93 4.0 573.97 586.29 Pi THOMAS s HUTTON Z: 127842127842.0002JEngineeringICalculations and ReportsI5torm WaterlHEC-2212021-06-01lCopy of HEC-22 Reporting HEC-22 Storm Drain Computations Structure ID Length (ft) Drainage Area (ac) Runoff Coeff "C" Tc (min) Rain "I" (in/hr) Runoff "Q" (cfs) Known Q (cfs) Total Q (cfs) Pipe Dia. (in) Velocity Design (ft/s) Invert Elevation Slope From To U/S I D/S 2 1 74 0.01 0.55 5 7.32 3 12 152 0.04 0.55 51 7.381 75.5 141.9 54 66.8 55.0 133.1 54 66.8 78.2 48 10.0 565.87 565.50 10.0 566.64 565.87 0.50% 0.50% 4 13 1 60 0.09 0.55 5 7.411 8.9 566.94 566.64 0.50% 5 4 28 0.02 0.55 5 7.42 66.6 77.9 48 8.9 567.08 566.94 0.50% 6 5 97 0.37 0.55 5 7.46 66.9 78.2 48 8.9 567.56 567.08 0.50% 7 6 158 0.04 0.55 5 7.53 59.2 64.3 48 8.6 568.36 567.56 0.50% 8 7 28 0.201 0.55 5 7.54 59.1 64.3 48 8.9 568.51 568.36 0.55% 20 8 36 0.10 0.55 5 8.08 8.4 8.4 18 6.6 570.09 569.73 1.00% 21 120 1 25 0.22 0.55 5 8.09 7.9 7.9 18 6.3 570.31 570.08 0.93% 22 21 100 0.21 0.55 5 8.16 5.1 5.1 18 5.8 577.62 576.68 0.94% 23 22 100 0.48 0.55 5 8.23 4.2 4.2 18 5.6 578.62 577.62 1.00% 24 23 33 0.44 0.55 5 8.25 2.0 2.0 18 4.8 578.99 578.62 1.10% 25 21 33 0.421 0.55 5 8.25 1.9 1.9 18 3.5 570.53 570.36 0.50% 9 8 105 0.38 0.55 5 7.58 50.7 55.8 48 11.2 572.50 571.31 1.14% 10 9 178 0.26 0.55 5 7.62 35.9 41.1 42 14.4 577.43 572.50 2.77% 11 10 119 0.13 0.55 5 7.65 35.0 40.1 42 14.3 580.72 577.43 2.78% 12 11 236 0.38 0.55 5 7.76 34.9 40.0 36 8.8 582.50 580.72 0.75% 13 12 181 0.61 0.55 5 7.82 31.8 36.9 36 10.8 584.90 582.50 1.33% 14 13 102 0.45 0.55 5 7.86 26.3 31.4 36 9.3 585.92 584.90 1.00% 15 14 205 0.03 0.55 51 8.06 10.8 1 16.0 36 7.7 589.29 587.24 1.00% 16 15 71 0.39 0.55 5 8.09 10.7 15.9 30 7.8 590.00 589.29 1.00% 17 16 169 0.27 0.55 5 8.17 6.0 6.0 24 9.0 597.67 592.59 3.00% 18 17 117 0.72 0.55 5 8.23 4.9 4.9 24 6.6 599.43 597.67 1.50% 19 18 36 0.35 0.55 5 8.25 1.6 1.6 18 6.3 600.50 599.43 2.97% 38 16 174 0.26 0.55 5 8.23 3.0 8.2 24 5.1 591.34 590.47 0.50% 39 38 36 0.40 0.55 51 8.25 1.8 5.11 7.0 24 4.9 591.52 591.34 0.50% 34 14 37 1.09 0.55 5 7.88 13.8 13.8 24 7.6 586.29 585.92 1.00% 35 34 154 0.12 0.55 5 7.96 9.1 9.1 24 6.8 587.83 586.29 1.00% 49 35 134 0.68 0.55 5 8.06 4.8 4.8 15 5.1 588.94 587.92 0.76% 33 49 206 0.39 0.55 5 8.25 1.8 1.8 15 4.1 590.50 588.94 0.76% 36 35 71 0.25 0.55 5 8.20 4.0 4.0 15 9.0 592.05 589.50 3.62% 37 36 117 0.64 0.55 51 8.25 2.9 2.9 15 8.2 596.26 592.05 3.62% 50 13 36 0.69 0.55 5 8.25 3.1 3.1 18 5.0 587.42 587.10 0.89% 53 12 36 0.40 0.55 5 8.25 1.8 1.8 18 4.5 582.86 582.50 1.00% 26 9 46 0.76 0.55 5 7.84 13.9 13.9 36 7.3 573.31 572.87 0.96% 27 26 156 1.00 0.55 5 7.93 10.7 10.7 36 6.9 574.89 573.31 1.01% 28 27 110 0.32 0.55 5 8.01 4.6 4.6 24 4.6 575.62 575.00 0.57% 29 28 109 0.35 0.55 51 8.11 3.2 1 3.2 18 4.21 576.25 575.62 0.57% 30 129 1 132 0.35 0.55 5 8.25 1.6 1.6 18 3.5 577.00 576.25 0.57% 31 27 224 0.39 0.55 5 8.25 1.8 1.8 18 7.9 586.40 575.14 5.04% 51 6 70 0.70 0.55 5 8.12 4.0 10.2 24 5.4 573.62 573.27 0.50% 52 51 176 0.19 0.55 5 8.25 0.9 6.3 7.1 24 4.9 574.50 573.62 0.50% 48 6 28 0.73 0.55 5 8.25 3.3 3.3 181 5.1 571.74 571.48 0.93% 43 2 110 0.46 0.55 5 7.75 6.4 1 6.4 18 6.2 570.54 569.44 1.00% 44 43 1 150 0.28 0.55 5 7.85 4.5 4.5 18 5.7 572.04 570.54 1.00% 45 44 150 0.18 0.55 5 7.96 3.3 3.3 15 5.3 573.54 572.04 1.00% 46 45 149 0.40 0.55 5 8.07 2.5 2.5 15 5.0 575.03 573.54 1.00% 47 46 1721 0.17 0.551 5 8.25 0.8 0.8 15 3.6 576.751 575.03 1.00% 40 2 901 0.171 0.55 51 8.01 3.4 3.41 181 5.31 567.10 566.20 1.00% 41 40 1541 0.321 0.551 5 8.13 2.71 1 2.71 151 5.01 568.65 567.101 1.0051. 42 141 1 1351 0.281 0.551 51 8.25 1.31 1 1.31 151 4.11 570.00 568.651 1.00. Pi THOMAS a HUTTON Z: 127842127842.0002JEngineeringICalculations and ReportsI5torm WaterlHEC-2212021-06-01lCopy of HEC-22 Reporting 4 IN/HR INLET SPREAD HEC-22 Inlet Capacity Results Structure Q=CIA/Kc (cfs) Known Q (cfs) Longitudinal Slope SL (ft/ft) Cross Slope Sx (ft/ft) Cross Slope SW (ft/ft) Prev. Bypass Flow (cfs) Total Gutter Flow (cfs) Depth d (ft) Gutter Width (ft) Spread T (ft) Inlet Type Grate Length (in) Grate Width (in) Intercept Flow Qi (cfs) Bypass Flow Qb (cfs) Bypass Structure Remark 30 0.8 0.01 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.7 0.8 0.4 0.0 1.1 Grate inlet 23.8 23.8 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.9 29 28 0.7 0.01 1.5 0.41 0.0 1.3 Grate inlet 23.8 23.8 27 27 2.3 N/A 1.4 3.7 0.71 0.0 2.1 Grate inlet 23.8 23.8 3.7 33 0.9 0.01 0.33 0.9 0.4 0.0 1.1 Grate inlet 23.8 23.8 0.4 0.5 49 31 0.9 0.01 0.33 0.9 0.4 0.0 1.1 Grate inlet 23.8 23.8 0.4 0.5 27 49 1.5 0.01 0.33 0.5 2.0 0.5 0.0 1.5 Grate inlet 23.8 23.8 0.7 1.3 35 35 1 0.3 N/A 0.33 2.2 2.5 0.5 0.0 1.6 Grate inlet 23.8 23.8 2.5 36 0.6 0.01 0.33 0.9 1.4 0.4 0.0 1.3 Grate inlet 23.8 23.8 0.6 0.9 35 37 1.4 0.01 0.33 1.4 0.4 0.0 1.3 Grate inlet 23.8 23.8 0.61 0.9 36 47 0.4 0.01 0.33 0.4 0.3 0.0 0.8 Grate inlet 23.8 23.8 0.2 0.2 46 46 0.9 0.01 0.33 0.2 1.1 0.4 0.0 1.2 Grate inlet 23.8 23.8 0.4 0.6 45 45 0.4 0.011 0.33 0.6 1.01 0.4 0.0 1.2 Grate inlet 23.81 23.8 0.4 0.6 44 44 1 0.6 0.01 0.33 0.6 1.2 0.4 0.01 1.3 Grate inlet 23.8 23.8 0.5 0.7 43 43 1.0 0.01 0.33 0.7 1.8 0.5 0.0 1.4 Grate inlet 23.8 23.8 0.6 1.1 2 42 0.6 N/A 0.33 0.5 1.1 0.3 0.0 1.0 Grate inlet 23.8 23.8 1.1 41 0.7 0.01 0.33 0.2 0.9 0.4 0.0 1.1 Grate inlet 23.8 23.8 0.4 0.5 42 40 0.4 0.01 0.33 0.4 0.3 0.0 0.8 Grate inlet 23.8 23.8 0.2 0.2 41 39 0.9 0.011 0.02 0.04 0.91 0.2 2.0 5.7 Combination 35.5 23.6 0.7 0.2 38 1 0.6 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.2 0.8 0.2 2.01 5.4 Combination 35.5 23.6 0.6 0.1 19 0.8 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.8 0.1 2.0 4.4 Combination 35.5 23.6 0.7 0.1 55 18 1.6 0.02 0.02 0.041 1.6 0.2 2.0 6.1 Combination 35.5 23.6 1.2 0.4 17 17 0.6 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.4 1.0 0.2 2.0 5.3 Combination 35.5 23.6 0.8 0.2 16 16 0.9 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.2 1.1 0.1 2.0 5.0 Combination 35.5 23.6 0.9 0.2 38 14 1.0 0.021 0.02 0.04 1.01 0.2 2.0 5.3 Combination 35.51 23.6 0.8 0.2 13 34 1 0.9 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.4 1.3 0.2 2.0 6.0 Combination 35.5 23.6 1.0 0.3 50 13 1.4 N/A 0.02 0.04 0.3 1.7 0.2 2.0 5.3 Combination 71.0 23.6 1.7 12 0.9 0.01 0.02 0.041 0.9 0.2 2.0 5.4 Combination 35.5 23.6 0.7 0.2 13 11 0.3 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.3 0.1 2.0 2.9 Combination 35.5 23.6 0.3 0.0 10 10 0.6 0.05 0.02 0.04 0.0 0.6 0.1 2.0 3.1 Combination 35.5 23.6 0.6 0.019 9 0.9 0.051 0.02 0.04 0.0 0.91 0.1 2.0 4.0 Combination 35.51 23.6 0.8 0.1 8 26 1 1.7 0.05 0.02 0.04 1.7 0.2 2.0 5.3 Combination 35.5 23.6 1.3 0.4 20 24 1.0 0.01 0.02 0.04 1.0 0.2 2.0 6.2 Combination 35.5 23.61 0.8 0.2 25 23 1.1 0.01 0.02 0.041 1.1 0.2 2.01 6.5 Combination 35.5 23.6 0.8 0.3 22 22 0.5 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.3 0.7 0.2 2.0 5.4 Combination 35.5 23.6 0.6 0.1 21 21 0.5 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.1 0.6 0.1 2.0 5.0 Combination 35.5 23.6 0.5 0.1 20 20 0.2 N/Al 0.02 0.04 0.4 0.71 0.1 2.0 3.1 Combination 35.5 23.6 0.7 8 1 0.5 N/A 0.02 0.04 0.1 0.51 0.1 2.0 2.4 Combination 35.51 23.6 0.5 7 0.1 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.1 0.1 2.0 1.8 Combination 35.5 23.6 0.1 6 6 0.8 N/A 0.02 0.04 0.9 1.7 0.2 2.0 5.4 Combination 71.0 23.6 1.7 5 0.0 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.0 0.1 2.0 1.4 Combination 35.51 23.61 0.01 16 0i THOMAS - HUTTON Z:127842127842.00021EngineeringlCalculations and ReportslStorm WaterIHEC-2212021-09-141Copy of HEC-22 Reporting HEC-22 Inlet Capacity Results Structure Q=CIA/Kc (cfs) Known Q (cfs) Longitudinal Slope SL (ft/ft) Cross Slope Sx (ft/ft) Cross Slope SW (ft/ft) Prev. Bypass Flow (cfs) Total Gutter Flow (cfs) Depth d (ft) Gutter Width (ft) Spread T (ft) Inlet Type Grate Length (in) Grate Width (in) Intercept Flow Qi (cfs) Bypass Flow Qb (cfs) Bypass Structure Remark 4 0.2 F 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.2 0.1 2.0 3.0 Combination 35.5 23.6 0.2 0.0 48 3 0.1 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.1 0.1 2.0 1.5 Combination 35.5 23.6 0.1 25 0.9 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.2 1.2 0.2 2.0 6.7 Combination 35.5 23.6 0.9 0.3 48 50 1.5 N/A 0.02 0.04 0.5 2.0 0.2 2.0 6.2 Combination 71.0 23.6 2.0 2 0.0 N/A 0.33 1.1 1.1 0.3 0.0 1.0 Grate inlet 23.8 23.8 1.1 48 1.6 N/Al 0.02 0.041 0.3 1.91 0.2 2.01 5.9 Combination 71.0 23.61 1.9 29 0.8 0.01 0.33 0.4 1.2 0.4 0.0 1.3 Grate inlet 23.8 23.8 0.5 0.7 28 15 0.1 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.1 0.1 2.0 1.4 Combination 28.0 18.0 0.1 14 52 0.4 0.01 0.33 0.4 0.3 0.0 0.8 Grate inlet 23.8 23.8 0.2 0.2 51 51 1.0 0.01 0.33 0.5 1.5 0.4 0.0 1.3 Grate inlet 23.8 23.8 0.6 0.9 6 53 0.9 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.9 0.2 2.0 5.7 Combination 1 35.51 23.6 0.7 0.2 50 54 0.61 1 0.011 0.33 0.6 0.3 0.0 0.9 Grate inlet 1 23.81 23.8 0.3 0.3 51 55 1.51 1 0.031 0.021 0.041 0.11 1.61 0.21 2.01 6.1 Combination 1 35.51 23.61 1.21 0.4134 0i THOMAS - HUTTON Z:127842127842.00021EngineeringlCalculations and ReportslStorm WaterIHEC-2212021-09-141Copy of HEC-22 Reporting APPENDIX I ITEM 6 STORM DRAIN PIPE MAXIMUM CAPACITY TABLE (1) PIPE SIZE (2) MAXIMUM CAPACITY 12" 6 15" 9 18" 13 24" 25 30" 43 36" 4 42" 90 48" 120 54" 160 60" 200 66" 250 (1) CONCRETE PIPE (2) CAPACITY (c.f...) BASED ON INLET CONTROL FOR MAXIMUM DEPTH IN STANDARD CATCH BASIN 6/90 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REPORT CRESSWIND WESLEY CHAPEL - PHASE 02 APPENDIX F WATER QUALITY CALCULATIONS 27842.0002 Fq THOMAS Sc HUTTON Water Quality Calculatio Cresswind - Wesley Chal Proiect No. 27842.002 WET POND 03 Project/Drainage Area: 43.40 Acres Required Water Quality Volume: 1 100,007 Cubic Feet Impervious Area: 28.20 Acres (Project Area (Acres) X 43,560 SF X 1"/12 = Required Cubic Feet Volume) 65.0% Percent Impervious Runoff Coeifficient: R-05+0.9 (1) = 0.63 (Required Collection of First 1" of Rainfall from the Project Site and Release over a Minimum 48 Hour (Maximum 120 Hours) in Cubic Feet Per Second) Min. 48-Hour Release Rate: 0.579 CFS Required Orifice Size: 4.00 Drawdown Time (Hours): 64.85 Water Quality Elevation Elev. Area Storage (ft) (sf) (cu. ft) 565.00 48,889.00 0.00 571.00 72,687.00 364,728.00 Elevation Pond Depth Storage (ft) (ft) (cu. ft) 566.95 1.95 100, 007.00 Average Depth Calculation Vpp Designed @ Elevation 1565.00 177,334.00 Permanent Pool SA Designed @ Elev 1565.00 39,712.00 Area of wet pond at the bottom of the shelf 36,949.00 Dmax over shelf 0.50 Perimeter of Permanent Pool 1,055.00 Width of submerged part of shelf 3.00 Volume over the shelf only 791.25 Average Depth 4.78 SA/DA Method Drainage Area 43.40 1 acres Table value 1.73 Surface Area Required 1 32,705.72 Isquare feet Orifice Flow Calculation Q=C,A*sgrt(2gh) C,= 0.62 (Sharp Orifice) A = 0.087 sf g= 32.174 ft/s, h = 1.95 ft Q= 0.428 cfs Calculated from Stage -Storage Table VPP-y,helf AbotCnmofshelf Yawn: a,„ - A—M.d I in.1 v,e = Totalvdumea partrenent pool ilaen] - M1eR ONy SIBBItI-lee below ov.""..,,e.,,.� Are.a�t w�aextna wnomatre9bex nevY� ,,,,,,= oa•mptrc„,�.....e•�n.at.,o..�..a'vmm�.....a..,....Mt wawa: o....�.,.� = oepmawam, etmaaaep eieemme snares owi iraai Yaemma...w. e" m iattna banw"art anau ire�gm watr�..,�„ti,...• am rr«n meoeap siaemma orr ueeame ® �n�aau a wai lraar) Tie r_ ,�a�r a� Mo.,.,re,. sa,oa rarue w�amed r..m o„e.wr, rps Stage Storage Calculations Cresswind - Wesley Chapel Project No. 27842.0002 WET POND 03 FOREBAY 01 VOLUME CONTOUR AREA INC. AVG. CUM. VOL. AVG. END CONTOUR ELEV (SF) DEPTH (FT) (CU END (CU. FT.) (CU. FT.) 559.5 1,928 N/A N/A 0 560 2,102 0.5 1,008 1,008 561 2,474 1 2,288 3,296 562 2,875 1 2,674 5,970 563 3,306 1 3,090 9,060 564 3,766 1 3,536 12,596 564.5 4,128 0.5 1,973 14,569 565 4,647 0.5 2,194 16,763 FOREBAY 02 VOLUME CONTOUR AREA INC. AVG. CUM. VOL. AVG. END CONTOUR ELEV (SF) DEPTH (FT) (CU END (CU. FT.) (CU. FT.) 559.5 1,218 N/A N/A 0 560 1,368 0.50 647 647 561 1,692 1.00 1,530 2,177 562 2,045 1.00 1,869 4,046 563 2,428 1.00 2,237 6,283 564 2,840 1.00 2,634 8,917 564.5 3,137 0.50 1,494 10,411 565 3,667 0.50 1,701 12,112 TOTAL FOREBAY VOLUME: 28,875 ICU. FT. PERCENTAGE OF PERMANENT POOL VOLUME: 16.28 PERMANENT POOL VOLUME CONTOUR ELEV CONTOUR AREA DEPTH (FT) INC. VOL. AVG. CUM. VOL. AVG. END (SF) END (CU. FT.) (CU. FT.) 559.5 26662 N/A N/A 0 560 27625 0.5 13,572 13,572 561 29,582 1 28,603 42,175 562 31,581 1 30,582 72,757 563 33,618 1 32,599 105,356 564 35,690 1 34,654 140,010 564.5 36,949 0.5 18,159 158,169 565 39,712 0.5 19,165 177,334 PERMANENT POOL VOLUME: 177,334 CU.FT TEMPORARY PONDING ZONE CONTOUR ELEV CONTOUR AREA DEPTH (FT) INC. VOL. AVG. CUM. VOL. AVG. END (SF) END (CU. FT.) (CU. FT.) 565 48,889 N/A N/A 0 565.5 52,395 0.5 25,321 25,321 566 54,139 0.5 26,634 51,955 567 57,738 1 55,939 107,894 568 61,391 1 59,565 167,458 569 65,091 1 63,241 230,699 570 68,845 1 66,968 297,667 571 72,687 1 70,766 368,433 TEMPORARY PONDING ZONE VOLUME: 368,433 ICU. FT. Cresswind Wesley Chapel - Phase 02 Job: J-27842.0002 T z KH Wesley Chapel, LLC Date: 2/18/21 HP Thomas & Hutton Engineering Co. Revised: ~FEaµ Anti -Flotation Design Considerations By: MSK ANTI -FLOTATION DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR: Wet Pond 02 CONTROL STUCTURE ELEVATIONS Top Structure Elevation: 570.20 Bottom Structure Elevation: 558.80 CONTROL STRUCTURE FLOTATION Buoyant Force Calculate submerged volume: Vs = (As x H,$) Where: VS = Submerged volume (cf) L,s = Length of control structure (ft) = 6.00 ft W,s = Width of Control structure (ft) = 6.00 ft A,s- Cross -sectional area of control structure (ft) = 36.00 ft H,s = Height of control structure (ft) = 11.40 ft Solve equation for Vs: VS = (A,s x H,$) = 410.40 cf Calculate buoyant force: Fb = Vs x 7w.W, Where: Fb = buoyant force (lbf) y,,,, = Specific weight of water = 62.40 lbf/cf Fb = 25,609 lbf Z:\27842\27842.0002\Engineering\Calculations and Reports\Storm Water\Anti Flotation\27842.0002 - Wet Pond 03 - Anti Flotation Design Calculations Pagel of 3 Cresswind Wesley Chapel - Phase 02 Job: J-27842.0002 T z KH Wesley Chapel, LLC Date: 2/18/21 HP Thomas & Hutton Engineering Co. Revised: ~FEaµ Anti -Flotation Design Considerations By: MSK Downward Force Calculate Downward Force of Control Structure Fdcs = (• cs - Vw& - Vorj&c) X Yconcrete Where: WteS = Weight of control structure (lbs) Yconcrete = Specific weight of concrete = 140.00 lbf/cf Acs = Cross -sectional area of control structure (ft) = 36.00 ft Hcs = Height of control structure (ft) = 11.40 ft Tcs = Wall thickness of control structure (ft) = 0.50 ft Vcs = Volume of control structure (cf) = 125.40 cf Wu,eu = Width of weir (ft) = 5.00 ft Hu,eu = Height of weir opening (ft) = 1.20 ft Au,eu = Area of weir opening(ft) = 6.00 sf Vu,e;r = Volume of weir = 3.00 cf DIAorifice = Diameter of orifice opening (in) = 5.00 in Aorifice = Area of orifice opening (sf) = 0.136 sf Vorifice = Volume of orifice opening (sf) = 0.068 cf FdC3 = 17,126 lbf Size Anti -Flotation Footing to Resist Bouyant Force FdeS + Fdft > Fb Fdft = (Lb X Wb X Db) X Yconcrete Where: FdeS = downward force of control structure (lbf) = 17126 lbf Fb = buoyant force (lbf) = 25609 lbf Yconcrete = Specific weight of concrete = 77.60 lbf/cf Lb = Length of Concrete Block = 12.00 ft Wb = Width of Concrete Block = 12.00 ft Db = Depth of Concrete Block = 12.00 in Fdft = downward force of anti -flotation footing (lbf) = 11174 lbf Z:\27842\27842.0002\Engineering\Calculations and Reports\Storm Water\Anti Flotation\27842.0002 - Wet Pond 03 - Anti Flotation Design Calculations Page 2 of 3 Cresswind Wesley Chapel - Phase 02 KH Wesley Chapel, LLC Thomas & Hutton Engineering Co. Job: J-27842.0002 Date: 2/18/21 Revised: Anti -Flotation Design Considerations By: MSK Fd, + Fdtt = 28301 lbf > Fb = 25609 lbf _ Factor of Safety Confirm anti -flotation block is sized for minimum factor of safety (F,) of 1.10. Fs = (Fdcs + Fdrt)/Fb 1.11 > 1.10 - Z:\27842\27842.0002\Engineering\Calculations and Reports\Storm Water\Anti Flotation\27842.0002 - Wet Pond 03 - Anti Flotation Design Calculations Page 3 of 3